How does your media product represent particular social groups?


Transcript of How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Page 1: How does your media product represent particular social groups?



Page 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The empty photo frame may represent the fact her family is not always there for her. This signifies the emptiness she may feel as her family are never around to support her.

This shot makes the point of showing all the dressing table in the girls bedroom. We done this in order to show the typical things/objects a teenage girl may have – hinting at what character she may be. The dressing table looks messy with the objects scattered around – showing the teenage girl may not care about her things. The booklet shown above with ‘Respect Yourself’ on it may signal to the audience that the character struggles with their appearance/confidence.

Page 3: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This shot shows the posters on the plain walls of the teenage girls bedroom. These posters are of popular things a ‘typical’ teenager would be expected to like. One being of Chipmunk – a popular, well-known artist and the other being of a very popular film called Twilight which is very well-known with teenagers. The posters help show which era the film is and what sort of character the girl is.

Page 4: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This shot of the main character is positioned outside of the room which may signify the rest of the world looking in on her or her feeling isolated and lonely in her own home.

This shot also shows the room in which she is, with the plain white walls and furniture – this may connote to the audience that the character hasn't got enough money to decorate or that she may not be bothered.

Page 5: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This set of shots goes from the teenage girl to the two teenage boys who are also main characters within the film.

The shot of the boys shows them walking into the shot which may indicate their strong presence and their high levels of confidence within the film. It features them standing at the bus stop which is a typical day-to-day activity for teenagers which may make the film more relatable.

The clothing of the boys are in contrast to the girl as they seem to take pride in what they look like and have no confidence issues – this being opposite to the girl character.

Page 6: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This shot shows the house in which she lives – being similar to her bedroom the house is very plain with no decoration. This may show the lack of money within the family or the not caring of the family.

This shot also shows the girl in what she would wear daily – this being a grey tracksuit. Dressing like this will indicate to the audience that she doesn't take pride in what she looks like/doesn’t have the confidence.

Page 7: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This close up of the teenage boys face helps show his personality and what he is like/going to be like within the film. The intensity of the shot along with the dialogue he is saying helps the audience see him as a mean and unsympathetic character towards the girl.

Page 8: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This shot shows the character entering the shot walking down the stairs towards the door. This creates an enigma code for the audience; where is she going?

The cabinet at the side of this shot has some objects in them which may represent the family do take pride in some possessions – these may be for ‘keep-sake’.

This shot shows the character entering and leaving the shot. Within this shot the character leaves but doesn’t lock the door – this may signify her careless attitudes and not thinking of the consequences.

Page 9: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This long shot shows the character leaving the house. It shows the empty driveway which can again signify the emptiness in her life/ lack of money to buy a car.

Shot also shows what the character is wearing – this being in contrast to her boyfriend shown before.

The last shot shows the character answering her phone. This creates another enigma code; who is on the phone? This will make the audience think about who it could be, did her boyfriend ring her back?