How do I Help My Pet when they are suffering Extreme...

How do I Help My Pet when they are suffering Extreme Anxiety E Book By Sui Goodwin from Ancient Animal Wisdom

Transcript of How do I Help My Pet when they are suffering Extreme...

Page 1: How do I Help My Pet when they are suffering Extreme · the vet/health practitioner or boarding kennel. As soon as youve

How do I Help My Pet

when they are suffering

Extreme Anxiety

E Book By Sui Goodwin from Ancient Animal Wisdom

Page 2: How do I Help My Pet when they are suffering Extreme · the vet/health practitioner or boarding kennel. As soon as youve

Common Signs of Anxiety in a Pet

Vocalizing ie barking, distressed meowing, feather pulling, in the case of horses it may manifest as

standing at a fence/stall and weaving with their heads. Most humans know their pets well enough to

know their particular signs of distress. Where it can get tricky is with a new pet or a new situation (on

holidays or you’ve moved house). Rex the large St Bernard suddenly wants to get onto your lap, under your bed or in our

case Padamai the Manx Rescue Cat literally crawls inside a pillowslip of one of the pillows on my son’s


Unusual Behavior – running along fence lines (dogs and horses), trying to get up to the

highest shelf in the bookcase etc

Panting – particularly in cats, severe stress may lead them to pant like a dog. Any animal that is

displaying rapid panting with physical exertion may be showing signs of anxiety.

Vomiting or Voiding. Often the case with visits anywhere in the car.

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Animal Communication

If your best friend seemed troubled, what would you do? You’d ask them what’s up of course!

You can do this with your pet as well. Just try it..You’ll be amazed at the outcomes.


Sit quietly for a moment and take a few full breaths (settles the mind and body energy)

Now just picture the pet in your mind’s eye.

In your mind say hi and ask it it’s ok to talk them now. If you don’t sense a NO! keep going.

Simply ask them what is troubling them and sit quietly with that question for a while.

Take note of anything that comes into your head…images, words, experiences or anything you may feel in your body.

Then ask what can you do to help..again sit quietly with this for awhile noting images, feelings and body sensations..

Thank you pet for letting you know and send them love.

Did ya hear/sense/feel anything..

Yes! Great now you are armed with great info to help you animal friend

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If you think this is weird, crazy freaky and a load of BS, don’t worry we’ve all felt that somewhere along the way…humans soooo need to get over themselves. Permission to

freak out! It still freaks me out sometimes as to the amazing things I get in animal communication…

Communicating with your animal friend in this way is also really helpful if you’ve made an appointment with

the vet/health practitioner or boarding kennel.

As soon as you’ve made the booking sit quietly and let your pet friend know what you’ve just booked and

visualize the day. Lovely preparing the cage/carry basket and finding your pet and putting them in (after lots

of cuddles of course), popping them in the car and driving them to the booking, arriving at the place and what

happens there, coming home and the most important visualization is the being taken out of the carry case and

cuddled and returned to their favorite place at home and knowing everything is ok and they are totally safe.

Do this everyday until the booking and notice if it makes any difference to the pet’s experience.


My philosophy for most things is PREVENTION, PREVENTION, PREVENTION!!

If goes with alleviating degenerative condition by providing great nutrition…

And Anxiety states with being aware of your pet friend’s behavior and the warning signs of them feeling stress

or stressful situations coming up.

If you can be preemptive in these situations on your pet friends behalf..image the outcome you can achieve!

Prevention = immensely reduced anxiety levels. Why try to manage something that doesn’t have to happen in

the first place…Ease for you..Ease for your pet friend! Sounds excellent to me!

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TREAT your pet with a RETREAT!

Just as we disappear into our homes, bedrooms, a bar of chocolate or a good glass of wine…our pet friends

may benefit from a place to retreat with their fav blankets, toys or foods (neither chocolate or wine are

suggested here for’s toxic to them!)

So..notice where you pet friend escapes to when they want solace and place to hide.

Expand it…you can ask them of course when you communicate with them or you can just make sure it’s

available when they experience anxiety. If you know a storm is coming (they usually know long before we do,

so beware of their behavior), let them retreat where they need to, to feel safe.

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Calming Techniques

Again I say, Prevention, Prevention, Prevention.

Before the anxiety begins…experiment with different calming techniques.

You may wish to try:

Meditations – can be done with yourself and your pet..

Music – try different forms of music and watch your pet friends they settle and sleep near the

music, do they walk away and hid, does the dog start howling (funny story…when I was a teenager I studied the clarinet and my

mother was my accompanist for my exams. We used to go to a friend’s house to practice and they had the most gorgeous spaniel…he loved the sound of the

piano and his masters voice and would often plonk himself right in the middle of their band rehearsals…but my clarinet was another thing..he would get right

down on the floor and look up at me with those big molten eyes begging me to stop and when I didn’t, he put his long soft muzzle up the end of my clarinet, yes

while I was playing, and howl…long soulfully mournful howls….was he telling me or what!..I always stopped then and went home


Essential Oil Blends please note essential oils need to be used with great care. It’s best practice to buy your oil

blends from someone who has reliable knowledge of essential oils with animal or you can make your pet

friends very sick. The quality of the oils is paramount here. Most essential oils sold are not fit for consumption

and as most animals lick themselves, this is of concern. You are welcome to contact me to discuss this further.

If you need to source safe oils for your pet friends please see my links page.

Third Eye Pictures..Oh no I hear you she goes again with the crazy talk!

Actually this is a recent discovery of mine via a long time animal communicator (40+ years).

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It’s a really big subject best left for another time but the essence is something you probably already get.

Your pet friend reads you..your tone, your body language etc.

So, a great technique is to picture what you’d like your pet friend to do. You can picture the situation coming

up and then picture you pet friends responding in a calm and relaxed way. Really feel this as you picture it in

your minds eye (your third eye) and do this repeatedly before the event. Notice the response of you pet.

Can you feel a story coming on…Padamai (previously mentioned Manx Rescue Cat) has clawed every piece of furniture in my home. She has the most razor

sharp claws I’ve ever experienced in a cat but this is possibly what saved her when she was put into a bag and thrown into a river with her babies when she was

only twelve months old. She managed to claw her way out and was rescued by a boy who saw here in the river. So you see I turn a blind eye to this behavior

even though it drives me nuts. My furniture was old n comfy so no big deal, but I’d wanted to buy something new and was just not game to.

Enter this amazing long time animal communicator the amazing THIRD EYE PICTURES.

Padamai saunters over to the chaise lounge, stretches up and starts to pull her claws. I remain calm and picture her simply sitting back and gazing up at the

couch. GUESS WHAT!! It’s exactly what she did…ok so it’s only one time right, but everytime she did it I did the same thing….and she stopped! Years of pulling

her claws on my furniture and that’s the SIMPLE!

So I tried it with many, many things over time and found it to work. You see when they display inappropriate

behavior we usually tense up and think ‘oh now they’re going to…….insert behavior your don’t like here….again!’ and in

our minds’ eye this what we picture them doing..and that’s exactly what they do. As they read our ‘mind’s

picture’ as it were we are reinforcing the exact behavior we want to stop. Picture instead what you want

them to do and they follow the picture.

Give it a may take awhile but it’s such a simple effective technique to add to your pets anxiety free


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If you’ve worked with crystals before you will know and understand how cool they are.

If your new to crystals I encourage you to start playing with them.

Choosing Crystals

Simple pick those that feel right for you. It’s that simple.

If you want something more indepth to work with, purchase on of the great books available about the healing

properties of individual crystals. For this exercise thought, which ever crystals you pick will be perfect.

How to Use Crystals

Again let’s keep it simple here. You can create a crystal grid around your backyard for your pets safety and

well being by burying the crystals in a grid formation. You can use as many crystals as you wish or just enough

to cover grid. Use your own intuition







Make a drawing of where

you buried the crystals.

They come from t he earth

and often move once


You may have to go

searching for them f you are

moving home but a map

will give you a good starting


Page 9: How do I Help My Pet when they are suffering Extreme · the vet/health practitioner or boarding kennel. As soon as youve

This use of crystals can be useful when any activity beyond your fence causes you pets stress. Ie passing foot

traffic, kids or neigbhouring animals.

Crystals don’t need to be expensive, I have brought most of mine for under $5.

Give it a go and notice the response by your pet friends.

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There will be times and individual pet friends who need extra help dealing with anxiety.

The Homeobotanical Drops I offer will support and nurture the pets nervous system, calming it and them by


Over the years we have seen great results with these drops in the case of animals left at home with impending

thunderstorms ( you can pop it in their water), vet visits, grief resulting from loss of other pet friends in the

family or humans and emergency situations like injury, sickness and fright.

If you feel drawn to these drops please click the link below to take you to the check out page.

These drops are human grade and completely non toxic to children and pets.

As they are human grade you can use them on yourself or your family as well as all your pet friends.

One 25ml bottle would usually last you thru the storm season and they have a three year self life.

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I wish you well on your quest to help your animal friends….

It’s an exciting journey……

You will learn much…..They have such wisdom…..

Please try these suggestions even if they feel strange and weird at


The results will be worth it….

Our animal friends are worth it…..

If you have a question or query please submit it on the contact page

and I will answer it on the Q & A page for all to benefit from.

Have fun with your furry, feathery or scaly friends.

Much love…