How did you attract your audience

5: How did you attract/address your audience? AS Level Media

Transcript of How did you attract your audience

  1. 1. 5: How did you attract/address your audience? AS Level Media
  2. 2. Film Inspiration The film that inspire us to produce this opening sequence is SE7EN, SE7EN in a very successful film and is in top 50 of the IMDb rating. People who have watched this film and are willing to look for a film that has similar theme will be attracted to our opening sequence was produced and opening sequence that is quite similar to SE7EN. SE7EN has an age rating of 18 according to BBFC, in IMDb it is rated the highest among people under 18 scoring it a 8.9 out of 10. We did not want to limit our potential audience therefore we decided to make our opening sequence and age rating of 15 in order to address our opening sequence and to also attract more audience. Compared to SE7EN our opening sequence is less in sinister, for instance in the SE7EN opening sequence the antagonist was shown cutting off his finger prints to hide his identity, with our opening sequence we did a similar thing however we instead used face paint to cover up the identity of our antagonist.
  3. 3. Our theme The theme of our opening sequence is very dark and intense hence you would expect it to be disturbing, this will attract people who are willing to see a movie in the mind of the antagonist therefore not appropriate for the light hearted. The majority of the scenes in the opening sequence are low lit creating an enigma which illustrates that the film will also have a mystery. Our opening sequence is also confusing due to our use of editing, this was intentional as wanted to enforce our psychological genre and our antagonist mind state. Our opening sequence involves many suggestions, conventions, hints, and meaning to inform the audience that the film will have a complex narrative. This will attract audiences that want to get themselves thinking; due to the complex narrative, or are into mystery and the psychological genre; as the film will be of this genre, or want a movie that is ready for discussion; as the opening sequence involves more inner depth meanings.
  4. 4. Camerawork We have used a variety of camera shots in our opening sequence, we used an establishing shot, close-ups, extreme close-ups, mid- shot, point of view shot, etc. We have also work on our camera movement such as our panning, zoom, and stedicam. The reason we did this was to play with our audiences view point making, we wanted to manipulate the perspective of our audience and put them in to a position that would seem unusual or uncomfortable. The reason this proved effective is because it gives the audience an interesting angle and shot for them to look at. Our use of camerawork also has certain meanings of why filmed it the way we did, this would make our audience interact with each scene and question and think about our use of camera.
  5. 5. Editing We have edited our opening sequence our opening sequence to give eerie and strange effect. We did this by manipulating the colour of the footage, layering footages together, and distorting certain imagery, we have also used transition effects and changed the pace of certain footages. The use of our editing creates a dark and intense atmosphere that may attract more to male audience then female audience. The use of colour attracts the viewer as it makes the footage eye catching and draws the attention to a specific object/ item on screen creating significant. For our opening sequence we have not used any continuity editing due to the nature of our opening sequence, continuity editing is often referred to as invisible editing meaning the techniques does not draw attention to the editing process, we did not want this as wanted our audience to capture and take note of our use of editing. Therefore you will notice there are a lot of irregular cut which makes the viewer disorientated which could also attract my audience.
  6. 6. Key Moments that would attract our audience I would say that this scene in my favourite in our opening sequence the reason for this is because of the layered footage, there is a vague shape of a crucifix and below that layer there is a footage of the antagonist walking. There is also connotations of danger and mystery from the use of red grain and the shadow that from the antagonist. Other people in the class have also mentioned that this is their favourite scene in our opening sequence. I feel that this attract people due to the quick pace and sharp movement, strong colour, and effects.
  7. 7. Key Moments that would attract our audience This footage shows a crucifix, this scene has been edited to look distorted, the use of the extreme close up suggest makes the item less obvious creating an enigma. The reason this would attract our audience is because the scene is shown in an almost evil tormented way, this will interest the audience as they will be curious as to why we decided to ruin the footage of the crucifix. The scene also describe what the film will be about and indicates that religion will be an aspect of the film
  8. 8. Key Moments that would attract our audience This scene is very important as it is what the opening sequence is leading the climax towards; the mask of the antagonist. There were several extreme close ups of this mask throughout the opening sequence however the entire mask is only shown at the end of the opening sequence to tease the audience, as soon as this is revealed they will finally know the purpose of our opening sequence. This will attract the audience as the mask of the antagonist will be revealed to them therefore satisfying them.
  9. 9. Key Moments that would attract our audience This scene is the title of the opening sequence, this will attract the audience as this scene creates a dramatic introduction for the title of the film, it is shown at the end of the opening sequence after the mask is revealed. We edited this title to look as if it is falling apart which contribute to the graphical aspects of our opening sequence, I would say that this is the most eye catching scene in our opening sequence due to the glowing font and transition effect, this scene would surely attract our audience.
  10. 10. Sound The sound of our opening sequence seems to have caught a lot of attention, our soundtrack shifts from different pitch and amplifies as the actions on screen becomes more intense. As the soundtrack is in sync with the actions on screen it improves the quality and experience when viewing each scene. Our soundtrack is very up beat similar to SE7EN however more electronic which would appeal to people thatlisten to dub step or electronic music. Towards the climax of the sequence the soundtrack become louder and the beat become harsher enticing the viewer to whats on screen. As the music approaches the climax the tune distort intensifying the experience for our viewer
  11. 11. Communicating to our audience Location Props
  12. 12. Communicating to our audience Costumes Characters
  13. 13. What to write about 5: How did you attract/address your audience? Our Theme Film Inspiration Camerawork Editing Sound Our Communication Location Props Costumes Character
  14. 14. What to consider Evaluation question example doc Analyse your opening and say what you have included that will attract your audience e.g. narrative, camera, gore etc Evaluation Year 12 doc Does your film use themes from other successful films that might help attract an audience? Or is your films selling point its originality? Did you choose settings, locations, props, costumes or characters and costumes in order to communicate particular things to your audience? Did you choose to explore particular themes to address or target the film at a particular audience?