How can I start my Life in Australia?

GMS e News 1 How can I start my life in AUSTRALIA? Mr.Tan’s questions might be your question too... Dear Global Migration Solutions: Thank you for your professional and informative consultation last Saturday. My spouse and I are in great favor about the Australian PR application, but this is a very big leap that we are taking in our lives and is no easy decision. We both are working adults earning an average income, we would greatly appreciate if you could help us overcome our fear to make the first step towards towards our PR application? Thanks and love, Tan Lxxx Hxx 27/12/2011 Global Migration JANUARY 2012 WWW.PRFORAUSTRALIA.COM GMS E NEWS Migration Agents Registration No. : 0428740


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Transcript of How can I start my Life in Australia?

Page 1: How can I start my Life in Australia?

! GMS e News 1

How can I start my life in AUSTRALIA?

Mr.Tan’s questions might be your question too...

Dear Global Migration Solutions:

Thank you for your professional and informative consultation last Saturday. My

spouse and I are in great favor about the Australian PR application, but this is a

very big leap that we are taking in our lives and is no easy decision. We both are

working adults earning an average income, we would greatly appreciate if you

could help us overcome our fear to make the first step towards towards our PR


Thanks and love,

Tan Lxxx Hxx



Migration Agents Registration No. : 0428740

Page 2: How can I start my Life in Australia?

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Reply om Global Migration Solutions on 3 January ’12 by Ms.C.Y. Cheong:

Dear Mr. Tan:

We are so glad to hear om you. A good understanding of the migration preparation wi �GHÀQLWHO\�UHGXF

your worries. I hope the pointers below wi �SDLQW�D�EHWWHU�SLFWXUH�IRU�you to initialize your migration plans.

� Start this basic planner from around 6 weeks to go and counting until the big day.� This list is NOT exhaustive and you should allow for your own particular

circumstances and position.� The general idea is to plan your move well plan for contingencies, possible

delays and for all possible scenarios.� We are there to assist and you are more than welcome to contact us if you


Some migrants feel settled quite quickly, perhaps within six to 12 months. For others it may take some years. How quickly you settle into your new environment may depend on a range of factors, such as your English ability and your level of health, and whether you came as a skilled or family migrant or as a refugee. If you have visited Australia in the past and you are familiar with this country and society or if you join the work force quickly, you may settle quite quickly.

Most of you will need some help to settle successfully. As soon as you arrive, you will need somewhere to live, money to live on and information on services available to help you get started, such as schools, transport and health services. Shortly after you arrive, you will also need access to employment and education. You may also need access to English language classes and help to form individual and family social networks.

You wilO�¿QG�WKH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�\RX�QHHG�to settle successfully in Australia in this area.

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From Global Migration Solutions past experience, it takes our client usually between 2 weeks to 4 months to get a decent job.Whatever job you are applying for, the key to success is being prepared.

Ensure that you have an update resume describing your skills and experience. It is important that your resume is in an appropriate format that will appeal to Australian employers. If you are approaching employers directly, you will need to be prepared to sell yourself and your skills in a way that convinces the employer of your suitability for a role or position within their organization.

You may need to have your skills assessed against requirements in the job market, and may want to upgrade your skills or knowledge through undertaking further training or education.

For many jobs, you will need to submit a formal written application. This will generally included a cover letter and your resume. It may be submitted online or delivered in the more traditional way by mail or in person.

Your application should demonstrate that you have:

� understand the job advertisement

� the skilOV��TXDOL¿FDWLRQV�DQG�H[SHULHQce needed to do the job

� the attitude and attributes valued by the company

� an understanding of the terms used in the workplace

� The average salary in Australia as below: currency : AUD, per annual

1. Accountant : 85,944

2. Engineering : 128,589

3. IT & Telecommunication : 100,572

4. Marketing : 89,904

5. Admin / O ce Support : 54,037

6. Mining, Oil & Gas : 155,860

7. Human Resources & Recruitment : 89,386

8. Manufacturing : 84,712

9. Construction, Building & Architecture : 122,055

10. Education & Training : 64,824

You may refer to the websites below to find out your jobsopportunity in Australia.


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You might need to prepare 34,056 AUD IRU�WKH�¿UVW�VL[�PRQWKV�RI�VHWWOHPHQW�� �%HIRUH�\RX�¿QG�\RXU�MRE�ZLWK�VWDEOH�LQcome ��IW�LQFOXGHV�Mortgage, Other housing costs, HHDOWKFDUH��Pet Care, 6FKRROLQJ PrivatH�6FKRRO��Cars, Food shopping, Drinks & Eating Out, Sport & RHFUHDWLRQ� This ¿JXUH�LV�YHr\�PXFK�VXEMHFWLYH�RQ�\RXU�LQGLYLGXDO�OLIH�VW\OH��This is just under 74,000 per year, ZKLFK�UHTXLUHV�D�JURVV�VDODry of about 100,000 one earner or 45,000 each two earners to proYLGH�

RHPHPEHU�WKLV�LV�MXVW�DQ�H[DPSOH�IRU�RXU�IDPLOy in some areas your own costs wiOO�EH�VLPLODU� eg ratHV�DQG�XWLOLW\�ELOOV�SUREDEOy don't vary that much betwHHQ�IDPLOLHV�DQG�JURceries won't be hugeOy di HUHQW��XQOHVV�\RX�Kave ver\�H[SHQVLYH�WastHV� You can estimate the size of mortgage you wiOO�Kave DQG�FDOFXODtH�\RXU�UHSD\PHQWV�

But the other categories can be very di erent depending on how many cars you run and their age DQG�PRGHO��ZKHWKHU�\RXU�NLGV�JR�to state or privatH�VFKRRO��KRZ�RItHQ�\RX�HDW�RXW�DQG�VR�RQ�

$OVR��SOHase note that this onO\�UHSUHVHQWV�RXU��¿[HG�costs" each wHHN��WKHUH�DUH�SOHQW\�RI�RWKHU�H[SHQVHV��VRPH�DUH�OX[XULHV�DQG�WKH\�ZLOO�YDry enormousOy according to your income and tastes, so we haven't tried to quantify their doOODU�YDOXH��EXW�consider the foOORZLQJ�



� New furniture� (OHFWULFDO�JRRGV

� Home ImprovementsIn AXVWUDOLD��PRVW�EDQNV¶�),;('�'(326,T rate from 5��� tR����� 10,000 for one year term baVHV�



Stay Tuned for our next newsletter -- “ How can I start m\�OLfe in AUSTR$/,$"�ĪParW��ī”�