How an Excellent Teacher Can Convert a Student into a Powerful Communicator

How an Excellent Teacher Can Convert a Student into a Powerful Communicator Presented by

Transcript of How an Excellent Teacher Can Convert a Student into a Powerful Communicator

How an Excellent Teacher Can Convert a Student into a

Powerful Communicator

Presented by

Effective communication is necessary so that one can keep abreast with the world. Students must be taught and trained how to communicate well so that they will not be left behind in the competitive world that they will enter in the future. More so, it is better that they excel in it and powerful communication is necessary to do so.

To prepare for the future, students need to have interpersonal and collaborative skills. These involve, to a great extent, communication skills. Good communication skills involve the abilities to express thoughts clearly, articulate opinions crisply, communicate coherent actions and motivate others with powerful speech. These are highly valuable in work and social life.

Communication has been emphasised on reading, writing and listening. However, the time has come when speaking should be given much more emphasis. Speech is arguably the most powerful aspect of communication. Gone are the days when only a limited few are given the privilege to speak. It is now open to all. Its necessity has started to emerge. In the workplace, teams are being mobilised and each member is urged to speak out to be able to contribute.

Teachers need to convert their students into powerful communicators. Here are what excellent educators do to achieve this goal.

Start with What Are Important

Excellent teachers identify what are the areas in speaking in which students need to know, in the first place. These are what educators need to teach and here is where they start. Before speaking in public, in front of an audience or in smaller groups, these are what people need to know how as individuals.

1. Introducing oneself properly.2. Making meaningful eye contact.3. Starting, maintaining and closing conversations.4. Interacting with different kinds of people.5. Giving a successful interview6. Managing relationships.

After these basic speaking skills, teachers can proceed with training students how to stand up and speak to an audience confidently and with authority. Side by side teaching these skills, educators also teach students how to create rapport, trust and respect which are the essential elements of positive human interaction.

To convert their students to effective communicators at this level, excellent teachers start with informal and low-risk but highly interactive settings. To be effective at this, educators take the roles of being mentors and role models. Teachers facilitate the learning activities as a participant and show how things are done through good examples.

Introducing One’s Self

Educators should teach students proper ways of shaking hands with others, making eye contact and behaving appropriately. They should inculcate in the minds of the learners that first impressions are important because it leads to conversations, opens a meeting or can be a start of professional and personal connections.

Elevator Speaking

Teachers can use the elevator speech training method. It is not necessarily done in an elevator. It is done within the same amount of time duration while going up down in an elevator. The task is to tell a friend, client, collaborator or boss about himself and what he does.


Brilliant educators train in their students in vocabulary. They teach them new words and instruct them to use the words in conversations so that they will be able to overcome awkwardness and shyness in using new and fluent sounding words. It should not be that only students of English literature expand their vocabulary because they read a lot. All students should have at least a good amount of words they know and use.


Teachers should also train their students on how to listen properly. They pair learners, let them converse and practice the proper ways of listening. While doing this, they take note of the information each student gives in the conversation and ask each about the information that the other gave. They also take note of the gestures of the listeners.

Speaking Etiquette and Courtesies

The basics to start with are the “Thank you,” “You’re welcome,” “Please,” “I’m sorry,” and “It’s okay.” Teachers proceed with rules of etiquette involving situations and devices next.

How to Overcome Fear

Students are not able to develop their speaking skills because of fear or shyness. They even fail at carrying out a good conversation with newly introduced acquaintances because of shyness. Much more with standing up in front of an audience or in a group. Smart educators teach their students techniques in overcoming fear which include relaxation exercises, visualisation techniques and being prepared with that they will talk about.

Requesting and Asking

Communicating what we need and ask from other people is important. The best teachers of speech should be able to train their students on the proper delivery of requests and inquiries.


Teachers should train their students on how to conduct themselves in interviews when applying for a job or admission to a school. Other situations that they can teach is that of conducting interviews with prospective landlords, tenants, suppliers or contractors.