How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

Transcript of How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

2 | How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

Never Underestimatethe Power of Music

All of us have heard a song at thegrocery store or a party that upgraded our mood

from good to great. And some experts say that music can truly rewire your brain and may even someday help humans

overcome certain illnesses. So of course, it makes perfect sense that brands and businesses have a long history

of harnessing the power of music through thecommercial advertising jingle.

3 | How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

The Lasting Power of JinglesMost cultural historians agree that the first commercial jingle was created in 1923 for General Mills’ Wheaties cereal. This ditty. “Have You Tried Wheaties?”, marked the birth of the form. Some of the most popular jingles of all time include “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” (Coca-Cola), “I Wish I Were an Oscar Mayer Weiner” (Oscar-Mayer), and “You Deserve a Break Today” (McDonald’s).

The fact that we’re even talking about these jingles decades later only proves their lasting power. A well-crafted jingle can do more than simply sell a product - it can lodge itself deep into the cultural consciousness, taking the associated brand along for the ride.

In this eBook, we’ll talk about the power of the commercial advertising jingle, and how it’s a marketing tool that a business of any size can use to their benefit.

4 | How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

Make an IntroductionAs a business owner, your most precious moments are the ones where you’re connecting with a potential consumer for the first time. Whether they’re visiting your website or hearing your commercial on the radio, you only have a few seconds to make a meaningful connection with them. While it may be a sobering thing to consider, the last thing they want to hear is another commercial. You need to set yourself apart and this is exactly what a jingle can do.

As with any blind introduction, put all the pertinent information up front - your business name, maybe even your slogan. You also don’t want to be stiff. Have a lively jingle, one that makes people happy, or at least hopeful. It’ll make them want to think of you.

5 | Fiverr Seller Best Practices

Show Your PersonalityYour jingle should show off your brand’s personality. Is your brand funny? Hopeful? Inspiring? Dependable? As we mentioned earlier, it should make people happy - but if you deal in a more serious arena (e.g., life insurance, an organization that assists the homeless), then hopeful or optimistic are better than happy or upbeat.

But no matter the specific mood of your jingle, it’s important that it has something about it that is unique to your brand. Call it a spark of personality, or even the musical essence of what your brand really, truly is.

6 | How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

Instant RebrandThere comes a time for many businesses when they need to rethink their marketing strategy. Maybe they’re looking to expand their clientele, introduce a new product, or even use a rebrand to better convey their values and purpose. Whatever the case may be, a jingle can help you reset and reshape your potential customers’ overall impression of your brand.

For example, take Chili’s jingle about their baby back ribs. The purpose of this was to promote a specific item on their menu. All these years later, it’s still considered one of the catchiest jingles in marketing history.

7 | How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

Instant RebrandIn 2003, McDonald’s struck up a sponsorship deal with music star Justin Timberlake. The result was a pop jingle called “I’m Lovin’ It,” which became the basis for their new slogan and theme song. It quickly repositioned the brand as young and hip, while also giving them a new emotional angle.

If you’re looking to make people think about your business differently, a jingle may be the way to go. When strategizing exactly how a jingle can help you connect with a wider audience, think about what exactly you’re trying to achieve. What new information do you want customers to know? Do you want to reach a different demographic? What are the opportunities out there for you and your business? Once you have the answers to these questions, you get craft a jingle that helps you accomplish your goals.

8 | How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

Follow People AroundJingles have a funny way of getting into people’s heads. There’s not a lot of scientific data out there about how or why this works, but it’s clearly the case. After all, who hasn’t suddenly had a jingle that they hadn’t heard in years, maybe even since their childhood, stuck in their head during a random elevator ride up to the office?

A jingle can make your business memorable by wrapping it up in a song. We hear so many slogans, phone numbers, and business names on a daily basis that it can be easy to forget them within a few seconds. But a jingle gives them staying power by harnessing the power of music and melody. A perfect non-marketing example of this would be the alphabet song; we use music to help young people remember these 26 letters that make up the foundation of human language.

Given this, you need to use your jingle wisely. Terrible lyrics or a saccharine melody might push your jingle into the realm of annoyance or even parody, and that’s not something you want stuck in your customers’ heads.

9 | How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

So How Do I Make a Jingle?Now that you know how jingles can make your business memorable and connect you with new customers, how do you make one for yourself?

For starters, no matter how musically talented you are, it’s probably a good idea to hire a musical collaborator. They can help you land the music and lyrics that fit with your business. They can also help you figure out a format that works best for you. For instance, you may be thinking you want an epic song like “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke,” when all you really need is a four-second jingle like the one that closes some of McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It”-themed commercials.

10 | How a Jingle Can Make Your Business Memorable

So How Do I Make a Jingle?

Once you have a jingle that you think works, talk to your core group of associates, friends, and family members to see what they think of it. Get their initial reactions, but also come back to them a day or two later. Did the jingle get stuck in their head? Did they like the song more and more as time went by? These later reactions are as valuable, if not more valuable, than their initial reactions.

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