Houston On Wheels

Houston On Wheels Eli Aaron,Mitesh,Shamsuddin,Swetha, Harshit


Houston On Wheels . Eli Aaron,Mitesh,Shamsuddin,Swetha , Harshit. Houston On Wheels Background. Privately owned taxi business since 2005. Currently the company employs 25 people. Provide service within Houston limits. Employees are hired on contract basis. Business Predicament. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Houston On Wheels

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Houston On Wheels Eli Aaron,Mitesh,Shamsuddin,Swetha, Harshit

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Houston On Wheels Background

• Privately owned taxi business since 2005.

• Currently the company employs 25 people.

• Provide service within Houston limits.

• Employees are hired on contract basis.

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Business Predicament Currently all orders are taken over the phone utilizing hardcopy order forms and receipts.

As the business grew manual labor has become cumbersome.

We do not have a database to store orders or customer information, employee information.

Our invoices and reports are generated manually.

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Increase and manage sales.

Need an automated system to prove to be more efficient than the current process.

Tracking system to manage employee registration, employee schedule, customer information, order information, employee payroll.

Generate reports (sales reports, invoices, etc)

Business Solution1




5 Maintenance of Vehicle information

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Automated employee registration.

Registration of orders.

Managing the available drivers for servicing the customer.

Fare Calculation

Vehicle Maintenance

Managing the sales.

Keeping the track for the performance of the company.

Generating all types of reports.

Maintenance of the payroll.

Business Functionalities

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Inputs and Outputs

Inputs Employee Information Customer Information Order Information

Outputs Order confirmation Invoice Reports Payroll information

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Houston On Wheels Application

•14 Forms

•2 Reports- Sales Report- Vehicle Report

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This Form is used by the employees and Manager to Log into the main application

Login Form

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This Form is used by Manager to select different functions which he intends to perform

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This Form is used by Employee to perform different activitiesLogin Form

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This form collects the information about the driver before hiring and signing the contract

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Employee Confirmation List

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This form is used by the manager to check the drivers details and confirm the driver

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This form is used to take order from the customers(scrnshot problm)

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Customer Details

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This form is used to get information about the vehicle; add new vehicle or search old vehicle details

WE should delete this slide

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This form is used by the employee to enter the new vehicle details and add the vehicle to the


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This Form is visible to Manager for Vehicle Confirmation

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This form is used by the manager and employees to check details of any vehicle (need scrnshot after

running the code)

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This form is used by the employees to enter and store the invoice details

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This form is used by the manager to select the type of report

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Vehicle Reports

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Sales Report

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