HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp....

Estate, Ambal a (Ci ty) al ongwi t h const rudi on thereon both present and future reqi ster ed i n f avour Smt . Manisha W/o Sh. Jaswant Lai S/ o Sh. Bachna Ram vide Sal e Deed/Vasika no 19 dt 03.04.2017.The sai d property is bounded as under as per sale deed: EAST Boundary of BawaVi har, WEST Road, NORTH Pl ot no. 2357, SOUTH Pl ot no.2355 16. 09. 2019 I 24BO0O0/ - I 248D0Q/- |at 12: 30 PM Urban ( 7. 6 rrr t X 18 mt ) , Plot no. 2356 measur i ng 136.8Sqmt Physi cal Rs. Rs. Rs. 2660216/ - Smt Mani sha W/o Sh. Jaswant La! ( Borrower) and Sh. Jaswant Lai S/ o Sh. Bachna Ram ( Co- Borrower). Bot h R/o: House No. 158, HUDA, Sect or 9, Ambai a- 133001 And Sh, Jogi nder Si ngh ( Guarantor ) , # 606, Dur ga Nagar, Hi sar Road, Near Gur^dwar a Sahi b, Amba!a-134003 341/ 3( 0- 1), 342/ 1(3- 0) , 341/ 1(3- 6) kitte 6 measur ing 0-0-6/10 Bi swa (28.33 _. ,__. area as per the sale deed= 1022 Sq. Ft ) which i s 30/ 13300 shar e out of t ot al land admeasunnn 13 Bi qha 6 Biswas sit i at ed in Village-Khan pur, Hadbast no.183, Tehsi i Khar ar, Di st r i ct SAS NAGAR regist ered i n t he name of Kul vinder Si ngh St o Diwan Singh vi de sal e deed/vasika no. 4495 dated 21/10/14. The sai d pr operty can be l ocated at Graci a Apart ment. Bhaxii and G. a.M Coi omzet s, li er i ind Shiva Apartment , Village Khanpur . AMSALf l T khewat/khatoni no. 130/ 133, khasr a no.339/1 ( 3-10), 339/ 3( 0- 2), 340/ 2( 3-7) , g 0-0-6/10 Bi swa (28.33 Square Yar ds- cover ed 0/ 13300 he ot of t ot al land admeasunnn 13 Fl at No. 827{3SHK),3rdFi oor , (Graci a Physi cal Rs. Rs. 10.09.2019 Apar t ment ) compr i sed In19QQQQ0/- 119OOO0/ - j at 1145 AM 31.01. 2018* Sh. Kulvi nder Singh S/o Sh. Di wan Si ngh (Borrower) and Smt . Manjeet Kaur W/o Sh. Kul vinder Singh ( Co- Borrower) Bath R/o: 605- L Model Town, War d No- 30, Panipat , Hgr yana- 132103 A/cNos:614501927and620057610- - KHA^PUR/KHARAR REGION and Sh Daya Nand Sai ni ( Guarant or) , R/o (House No 1. Om Encl ave, Opp Sector-9 & Sect or-11, Hi sar , Haryana A/ c No. 603287843_____ jtno.1075,GroundFl oor, Cat egory- Physi cal Rs. Rs. 10.08.2019 A, Super Luxury, Sil ver Ci t y Greens, j 12300000/ -! 2300001- | at 11:MAM Bisanpura M. C. Zirakpur, i n favour of Sh. Sat Paul Saini S/ o Sh. Kanwar Si ngh, Sal e Deed Dated 23.01.2012, Bear ing Vasi ka No.16270 Sh. Sat Paul Saini S/ o Sh. Kanwar Singh (Borr ower) Sml. Paramj i t Kaur W/ o Sh. Sat Paul Saini ( Co-Borr ower ) Bot h R/o: House No # 590, Ward No -12, Sai ni Mohall a, Ji nd-126102, Hi ssar Sli ar e out of Iota^ i and measug 2 Bg sut t o 8 ^^wasi, fi adbasi no. 12, wakt a Matija Wdhe fvi aj ni, t ehsi i D, regi stered i n t he name of Sh. Gopai BansaJ S/o Sh. Ramesh Chandra Bansal vi de sal e deed dated 03. 01.2014 bear ing vasika no. 8923. The property 1 : at ed in Gul mohar Ci ty Extensi on, Hebet pur Road, Near Kaml a Di al s Factory, Derabassi . npDOi = o; ^^quarer tsei; compuseu i nr\ i mi cnvu. ^i \ cu, iMi nsi tni ^o. ^it ^-iy, ^w 11j - it ,Tui^o| t -u/ ,^j u( t - u;,^u^un^- 5) 52( 4- 0) 53( 4-0) 61( 4-0) 62( 4-0) 63( 4- 0) , 64( 4- 0) , 488/ 65( 2-0), 67(2- 0), 68(4- 0), 69(2- 0). 70( 6- 2) , 71(4- 0), 424/186( 0- 5), 406/22( 0-1), 408/26( 0-14), 410/29( 1- 5), 37( 4-0), 30( 2- 2), 483/49( 2- 0), 485/50( 2- 0), 487/51(2- 0) , 54( 4-0), 60( 4-0) , 489/65( 2-0), 72/1( 4- 8), 38( 4- 0), 39( 4-0) . Ki tt e 32, whi ch i s 8/37140 Shar e out of total land admeasur ing 92 Bi ghe 17 Si swa whi chcomes out t o 8 Bi swasi, hadbasl no. 12, wat ea Matija Sandhe Maj ra, Tehsi i Derabassi, Hunjr^ Floor, Gulmohar Cit y Ext ensi on, Ragl an I nf rast ructur e Li mi ted, Sandhemaj ra, Muni cipal Counci l _.. pr oportionate l and admeasur i ng 8 blswasi ( 19. 05 Square Yards- Covered ar ea as || 3ODOOD,-| 130000. ' - | at 10^0AM Apar tmenl No. 93 ( M.I. G) , C-4, 5f o] Physi cal? Rs. Rs. 1725528/- Sh. Gopal Bansaf S/ o Sh. Ramesh Chandra Bansal (Borrower ). R/o: House No. 4739 Sect or- 70, Mohali, Punjab-160071 A/cNo: 610509213 TENDER SALE NOTICE I Tender Sal e Noti ce f or Sat e of I mmovabl e Assets under t he Secur it i sat ion and Reconstr uct i on of Financi al Asset s and Enf orcement of Secur ity I t nt erest Act .2002 read wi t h provi sot o Rule8( 6) of f oe Secur ity I nter est ( Enf orcement ) Rul es,2002. I Notice i s hereby gi ven to f oe public in general and i n parti cular to t he Borrowe^s) and Guarant or(s) i ndicated i n Col umn (A) that t he bel ow descr ibed 1 i mmovabl e proper t y( t i es) descri bed in Col umn ( C) mort gaged/charged to f oe Secur ed Credi tor , t he const ruct i ve / physical possessi on of whi ch has I been taken as descr i bed i n column ( D) by t he Aut hor i sed Offi cer of Housi ng Devel opment Finance Corporat i on Li mi ted ( HDFC Lt d) Secured | Creditor, wil l be sol d cm "As is where I s", "As i s what i s", and " Whatever t her e is" as perf oe detai ls ment ioned bel ow: Not i ce i s hereby gi ven t o Borr owe^s) / Mortgago^s) / l egal hei rs, l egal representatives (whether known or unknown), executor( s) , admi nistrat o^s) , successor ( s) and assi gn( s) of f oe respect ive Borrowe^s) / Mor t gagor(s)( si nce deceased) , as t he case may be, i ndi cat ed i n Col umn ( A) under Rul e 8( 6) of the Secur ity Interest ( Enf orcement ) Rul es 2002. HOUSI NG DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATI ON LTD. BRANCH: SC0153- 155, SECTOR 8-C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH-160008 Tel : ^)172-6761000 CIN L70100MH1977PLC019916 WEBSITE: www.hdfc. com PEPL, "as joi nt operator , on behal f of consor tium compr i si ng wit h PEPL, ONGCL and IOCL, i nvites tender fr om r eputed and exper i enced I ndian and i nter national contractors/ supplier s for supply of mater i al and services for Nor th Kar anpur a CBM Block, Jharkhand For El i gi bi li ty Cr iter i a and other det ail s, pt ease vi sit www. prabhaenergy. com or l ogi n at https: /' pepl. etender s. i n E-mail ID - pncamd@prabhaenergy.com and eoi .nkcbm@prabhaenergy. com 19t h August 2019 Pr ovisi on of Hi r i ng of Gas Compressi on and Gas Dehydr ati on Servi ces. PEPL/CBM/1NTR/LC/GCGDU/06- R/2019 16thAugust2019 Pr ovision of GGS Cortstuction f or Nor th Kar anpura (Jharkhand) CBM Bl ock NK-CBM-2001/ 1 PEPL/CBM/ INTR/ LC/GGS/05-R/2019 . ' J^tli L^Ji ^^ Last date of submi ssi on of bid Descr i ption of Work Tender No. l D- 90 Last date of submi ssi on of bid Descr i pti on of Work Tender No. l D-89 ^i^i B A PRABHA ENERGY PRI VATE LI MI TED 12A, Abhishree Corporate Par k, Opp. Swagat Bungl ow BRTS Bus Stop, Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli , Ahmedabad- 360058, Guj arat . Tel No. +912717 298510 GmnE^nH^ DIPR/ 2720/Tender / 2019 dated 18.07.2019 published in The New Indi an Expr ess ( All) ana i ne Hindu ( All ) dated 24.07. 2019 f or t he procurement of coal wi th du< dat e of submission/ opening at 14.00 Hrs /15. 30 Hr s on 09. 08.2019 i ext ended upt o 14.00 Hrs / 15.30 Hrs on 20.08.2019. All other t er m and condi ti ons remain unal t er ed. CHIEF ENGINEER/ MECH/COAL Vi ewi ng and Downl oadi ng of documents: www. tanEedco.gov.in, www. t 3nt ransco.eov.in. www.t enders. t n. eov.ln. www. t nt enders. eov. i n/ niceen/apn For and on behalf of t he Chai r man, Shr i Mat a Vai shno Devi Shr ine Board, seal ed tenders are i nvit ed on the pr escr i bed for mat, dul y aff i xed wi t h Revenue Stamps worth Rupees Si x onl y for t he Suppl y of "Food Plat es and Food Bowl s" from t he Manuf acturers/ Suppliers for a peri od of One Year F.O.R. at Non- Engineer ing Store, Baoganga, Kat ra. The tenders shoul d reach thi s Offi ce by or bef ore 28.08.2019 upt o 3.00 P.M. 1ST. The Tender Documents contai ni ng detai led ter ms and conditi ons and Tender For mat can be had from the Cent ral Off i ce of the Shr ine Board Kat ra agai nst Cash pay ment of Rs. 300/ - ( Non-t ransferabl e and non-ref und able) on any wor ki ng day and same can be down loaded f rom our website: www.maavai shnodevi.org. Sd/ - (Amit Vermani ) KAS, No. COTur i NB3i&siDy. Chief Execut i ve Off i cer, Dated 0B 08 2C19 Shn Mata Vt ahno D^i Shri ne Board, Katra. i r s are i nvit ed i n prescr i bed for mat f or i nt er i or fur ni shi ng wor^ m G+3 f loor, ai Canar a bank Offi ce Bui ! ding,pl ot no. 38, i TPark, SI DCUL, Der iradun. Uttarakhand. For more detail s pt ease visi t www. canarabank. comf announcemenf. The duly f il l ed in lenders are lo be submi tled t o the above off ice on or befor e 27.08, 2019 up to 3.00 pm. Tender document can al so be col lected from Pr emi ss* Section, Canara Bank Ci r cl e Off i ce at 38,7th f l oor, AnsalTower, Nehru Pl ace, New Del hi The bank r eserves the r ight t o accept or r ej ect any or all t oe appli cat ors without assigni ng any r easons ther eof. Race: New Del hi Date: 07, 08. 2019SdZ- Assist ant General Manager OFnCE BUILDING At PLOI m). M. II MM, SI BCUL DEHBADUN. I I I TBAHAD

Transcript of HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp....

Page 1: HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp. Swagat Bunglow BRTS Bus Stop, Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli, Ahmedabad-360058, Gujarat. Tel

Estate, Ambala (City) alongwith construdion thereon both present and futurereqistered in favour Smt. Manisha W/o Sh. Jaswant Lai S/o Sh. Bachna Ram vide Sale Deed/Vasikano 19 dt 03.04.2017.The said property is bounded as under as per sale deed: EAST Boundary ofBawaVihar, WEST Road, NORTH Plot no.2357, SOUTH Plotno.2355

16.09.2019I24BO0O0/-I 248D0Q/- |at12:30 PMUrban(7.6 rrrt X 18 mt),

Plot no.2356 measuring 136.8Sqmt Physical Rs.Rs.Rs. 2660216/-Smt Manisha W/o Sh. Jaswant La! (Borrower) andSh. Jaswant Lai S/o Sh. Bachna Ram(Co-Borrower). Both R/o: House No. 158, HUDA,Sector 9, Ambaia-133001 And Sh, Joginder Singh(Guarantor), # 606, Durga Nagar, Hisar Road,Near Gur^dwara Sahib, Amba!a-134003

341/3(0-1), 342/1(3-0), 341/1(3-6) kitte 6 measuring 0-0-6/10 Biswa (28.33 _.,__.area as per the sale deed= 1022 Sq. Ft) which is 30/13300 share out of total land admeasunnn 13Biqha 6 Biswas sitiated in Village-Khan pur, Hadbast no.183, Tehsii Kharar, District SAS NAGARregistered in the name of Kulvinder Singh Sto Diwan Singh vide sale deed/vasika no. 4495 dated

21/10/14. The said property can be located at Graci a Apartment. Bhaxii and G.a.M Coiomzets, lieriind Shiva Apartment, Village Khanpur.AMSALflT

khewat/khatoni no. 130/133, khasra no.339/1 (3-10), 339/3(0-2), 340/2(3-7),g 0-0-6/10 Biswa (28.33 Square Yards-covered0/13300 he ot of total land admeasunnn 13

FlatNo.827{3SHK),3rdFioor,(Gracia Physical Rs.Rs. 10.09.2019Apartment) comprised In19QQQQ0/-119OOO0/- j at 1145 AM


Sh. Kulvinder Singh S/o Sh. Diwan Singh(Borrower) and Smt. Manjeet Kaur W/o Sh.Kulvinder Singh (Co-Borrower) Bath R/o: 605-LModel Town, Ward No-30, Panipat, Hgryana-132103A/cNos:614501927and620057610--


and Sh Daya Nand Saini (Guarantor), R/o (House No 1. Om Enclave, Opp Sector-9 & Sector-11, Hisar, HaryanaA/c No. 603287843_____

jtno.1075,GroundFloor,Category- Physical Rs.Rs. 10.08.2019A, Super Luxury, Silver City Greens, j12300000/-! 2300001- |at11:MAMBisanpura M.C. Zirakpur, in favour of Sh. Sat Paul Saini S/o Sh. Kanwar Singh,Sale Deed Dated 23.01.2012, Bearing Vasika No.16270

Sh. Sat Paul Saini S/o Sh. Kanwar Singh(Borrower) Sml. Paramjit Kaur W/o Sh. Sat PaulSaini (Co-Borrower) Both R/o: House No # 590,Ward No -12, Saini Mohalla, Jind-126102, Hissar

Sliare out of Iota^ iand measug 2 Bg sut to 8 ^^wasi, fiadbasi no. 12, wakta Matija Wdhe fviajni, tehsii D,registered in the name of Sh. Gopai BansaJ S/o Sh. Ramesh Chandra Bansal vide sale deed dated 03.01.2014 bearing vasika no. 8923. The property1 :ated in Gulmohar City Extension, HebetpurRoad, Near Kamla Dials Factory, Derabassi.

npDOi = o;^^quarertsei; compuseu inr\imicnvu.^i \cu, iMinsitni^o. ^it^-iy,^w 11j-it ,Tui^o|t-u/,^™ju(t-u;,^u^un^-5) 52(4-0) 53(4-0) 61(4-0) 62(4-0) 63(4-0), 64(4-0), 488/65(2-0), 67(2-0), 68(4-0), 69(2-0). 70(6-2), 71(4-0), 424/186(0-5), 406/22(0-1), 408/26(0-14),410/29(1-5), 37(4-0), 30(2-2), 483/49(2-0), 485/50(2-0), 487/51(2-0), 54(4-0), 60(4-0), 489/65(2-0), 72/1(4-8), 38(4-0), 39(4-0). Kitte 32, which is 8/37140Share out of total land admeasuring 92 Bighe 17 Siswa whichcomes out to 8 Biswasi, hadbasl no. 12, watea Matija Sandhe Majra, Tehsii Derabassi, Hunjr^

Floor, Gulmohar City Extension,Raglan Infrastructure Limited, Sandhemajra, Municipal Council_..proportionate land admeasuring 8 blswasi (19.05 Square Yards-Covered area as

||3ODOOD,-| 130000.'- |at10^0AMApartmenl No. 93 (M.I.G) , C-4, 5fo] Physical? Rs.Rs. 1725528/-Sh. Gopal Bansaf S/o Sh. Ramesh Chandra

Bansal (Borrower). R/o: House No. 4739Sector-70, Mohali, Punjab-160071A/cNo:610509213

TENDER SALE NOTICEI Tender Sale Notice for Sate of Immovable Assets under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of SecurityI tnterestAct.2002 read with provisoto Rule8(6)of foe Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules,2002.I Notice is hereby given to foe public in general and in particular to the Borrowe^s) and Guarantor(s) indicated in Column (A) that the below described1 immovable property(ties) described in Column (C) mortgaged/charged to foe Secured Creditor, the constructive / physical possession of which hasI been taken as described in column (D) by the Authorised Officer of Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC Ltd) Secured| Creditor, will be sold cm "As is where Is", "As is what is", and " Whatever there is" as perfoe details mentioned below:

Notice is hereby given to Borrowe^s) / Mortgago^s) / legal heirs, legal representatives (whether known or unknown), executor(s), administrato^s),successor(s) and assign(s) of foe respective Borrowe^s) / Mortgagor(s)(since deceased), as the case may be, indicated in Column (A) under Rule8(6) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules 2002.


PEPL,"as joint operator, on behalf of consortium comprising with PEPL, ONGCL andIOCL, invites tender from reputed and experienced Indian and international contractors/suppliers for supply of material and services for North Karanpura CBM Block, Jharkhand

For Eligibility Criteria and other details, ptease visitwww.prabhaenergy.com or login at https:/'pepl.etenders.in

E-mail ID - [email protected] and [email protected]

19th August 2019

Provision of Hiring of Gas Compression and GasDehydration Services.


Provision of GGS Cortstuction for North Karanpura(Jharkhand) CBM Block NK-CBM-2001/1


Last date of submission of bid

Description of WorkTender No.lD-90Last date of submission of bid

Description of WorkTender No.lD-89




PRABHA ENERGY PRIVATE LIMITED12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp. Swagat Bunglow BRTS Bus Stop,

Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli, Ahmedabad-360058, Gujarat. Tel No. +912717 298510



dated 18.07.2019 published in The New Indian Express (All) ana i neHindu (All) dated 24.07.2019 for the procurement of coal with du<date of submission/opening at 14.00 Hrs /15.30 Hrs on 09.08.2019 iextended upto 14.00 Hrs /15.30 Hrs on 20.08.2019. All other termand conditions remain unaltered.

CHIEF ENGINEER/MECH/COALViewing and Downloading of documents: www.tanEedco.gov.in,www.t3ntransco.eov.in.www.tenders.tn.eov.ln.www.tntenders.eov.in/niceen/apn

For and on behalf of the Chairman, Shri MataVaishno Devi Shrine Board, sealed tenders are invited on the prescribed format, duly affixed withRevenue Stamps worth Rupees Six only for theSupply of "Food Plates and Food Bowls" from theManufacturers/ Suppliers for a period of One YearF.O.R. at Non-Engineering Store, Baoganga, Katra.The tenders should reach this Office by or before28.08.2019 upto 3.00 P.M. 1ST. The TenderDocuments containing detailed terms and conditionsand Tender Format can be had from the CentralOffice of the Shrine Board Katra against Cash payment of Rs. 300/- (Non-transferable and non-refundable) on any working day and same can be downloaded from our website: www.maavaishnodevi.org.

Sd/- (Amit Vermani) KAS,No. COTuriNB3i&siDy. Chief Executive Officer,Dated 0B 08 2C19 Shn Mata Vtahno D^i Shrine Board, Katra.

i rs are invited in prescribed format for interior furnishing wor^ m G+3 f loor, ai Canarabank Office Bui !ding,plot no. 38, iTPark, SIDCUL, Deriradun.Uttarakhand.For more detai ls ptease visit www.canarabank.comfannouncemenf. The duly fil led inlenders are lo be submitled to the above off ice on or before 27.08,2019 up to 3.00 pm.Tender document can also be collected from Premiss* Section, Canara Bank CircleOffice at 38,7th floor, AnsalTower, Nehru Place, New DelhiThe bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all toe appl icators without assigningany reasons thereof.Race: New Delhi Date: 07,08.2019SdZ-Assistant General Manager


Page 2: HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp. Swagat Bunglow BRTS Bus Stop, Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli, Ahmedabad-360058, Gujarat. Tel

with further interest® 18% p.a. as appiica We. incidental expenses, costs, charges etc. incurred up to toe date of payment and/or realisation thereof.To the best Df knowledge and information of the Authorized Officer of HDFC Ltd, there are no encumbrances in respect of toe above immovable properties /Secured Assets save and except for the property/loan account mentioned at S.No. 2 above, wherein toe borrower has illegally /fraudulenly sold toeproperty/secured asset to a third party without clearing HDFC Ltd's loan. This is a fraudulent transaction as per the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. PhysicalPossession of the said property was taken over as per orders passed by the Hon'ble District Magistrate. Mohali.

oroperty mentioned at S.No.4 above, a sum of Rs. 1,42,000/- (approximately) is payable to HSVP and the same (along with any further dues/charges- to befirmed from HSVP) shall be pa id by the Tenderor/Offeror/purchaser under thesaie notice, (overand above the sale consideration).For property/loan account mentioned at fLNgJS above, the borrowers have filed a Securit ization Application against HDFC Ltd in the Debt Recovery Tribunal-!,Chandigarh (Minakshi Khipai Samp; Others vs HDFC Bank Ltd, DRT-1. SA No. 472 of 2017). The Sale herein shall be subject to final outcome arc/or orders /directions etc as may be passed by the Hon'bie DRT-1, Chandigarh, As on date there is no order restraining HDFC Ltd or its Authorized Officer fromself ing/alienating the pertinent property.Last date for submission of Sealed Tenders Is 09.09.2019 on /before 05:15 PM.

queries, Interested buyers may contact Mr. Vaibhav Singh Tara at 0172-6761040 orMob. No. 9780516300For Housing Development Finance Corpora' on Ltd.Date: 09.08.2019Sd/-

East: Gali 39'-0" West: House of Lakhwinder Singh 39'-0", North: Nishan Singh 49'-0*\ Souto: Hou:of Navinder Singh 49'-0"

thereon, both present and future) situated in Ward No. 3, Hadbast No, 47,Munak Gali, Mohalla Lahorian, Urmur Tanda , Tehsil Dasua , District Hoshiarpur, registered in the

, Qh \ZilAV Kl IFYV *—J— r *- n- - ^-^ iu.ii.i.. ! j ^ .. ..I.. A a^... ^/ta 4f\ a rtr\n ^^aa aA..:,..._..

Sh, Kush Sethi S/o Late Sh. Vijay Kumar Arora,Sh. Love Sethi S/o Late Sh. Vijay Kumar Arora,Smt. Poonam Sethi Wd/o Late Sh. Vijay KumarArora, Smt. Ritika Sethi D/o Late Sh. Vijay KumarArora and Smt. Megha Sethi D/o Late Sh. VijayKumar Arora. C/o M/s Arora Bartan Store GaliThakur Dwara Urmar Tanda Ditt. Hoshiarpur,Punjab-146001. (Co-borrower/Legal Heir/Representative of deceased borrower; LateSh. Vijay Kumar Arora) and Sh. Gurdial Singh S/o Sh. Baldev Singh (Guarantor) R/o: House No-190, Ward No-9,Tanda, Distt. Hoshiarpur,Punjab-146001A/c No: 563127376

1 1199.2019I at 01:00 PM

iicallistHouse No. 194, on plot admeasuring 7 Physi|L ft t d .^.. /-Inn- ••jtttk -^ftpfm-li^n I


Hadbast No. 178, Ahluwafia Colony, Chandigarh Road, Tehsil and Distt. Ludhiana-141008 andconstruction thereon both present and future registered in favour of Mr. Yogesh Saini, S/o Sh. Pawan

-ide Sale Deedbearing Vasika No. 16167 dated 28.11.2017. The saidpraperty is bounded as under: East: Plot No. 148 Min measuring30' West: 147measuring 30' North: 147 measuring 30'South: Street 24' wide measuri ng 30'^

1.09.2019 a2:00 NOON

16, Khata No. 30i/302asper Jamabandi2006-2007, Village Kuliewal.

House No. 148 Min comprised in I Physical! RsRsKhasra Nos. 74//11-20/2-75//7-14-15-1 * |t776obo/-| 177600/-10 Sh. Yogesh Saini S/O Sh. Pawan Kumai

(Borrower) Smt. Jyoti Saini W/o Sh. Yogesh SainiCo-Borrower) Both R/o: House No 3110, Sector

32A, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141010A/c Nos: 626743245,626866538

Kanal 3 Marias which is 3/160 share out of total land admeasuring 8 Kanal 0 Mariascomprised in Khewat No. 522, Khatoni No. 882, Mushtl! No. 87, Killa No. 19(8-0), as per Jamabandifor the year 2006-2007 sitauted at Fateh Colony, Machiwaara -II, Tehsif Samrala .District Ludhianaregistered in the name of Sh. Shiv Kumar Sharma S/O Sh, Kidar Nath Sharma vide sale deed dated05.02.2014 bearing vasika no. 1891

Rs.650000/- 65000/- }

rslcall rTI 6500QIi ring 0both present and future,

Plot along with construction thereon, j PhysiSh. Shiv Kumar Sharma S/o Sh. Kidar NathSharma (Borrower) and Smt. Navita Sharma WASh. Shiv Kumar Sharma (Co-Borrower) R/oVillage Ojitoo, Tehsil Chirawa, District JhunjunooRajasthan-333026A/cNos:610964315


281/327, Village Naushera, Abadi Karan Vihar, Street No. 6, Majilha RoadDistt Amritsar-143001. measuring 150 Sq. Yards. East: Gali20', West: Plot No. 105, North: Plot No.186, South: Plot No. 102-103 alongwith construction thereon both present and future registered in

^Sh. Puneet Mujral. S/o Sh. Kewal Krishan vide Sale Deed dated 21.04.2010, beanng Vasika

j207P0OO/-| 707000/- j at 03:30 PMPhysical Rs.Rs.2384115/-


Sh. Puneet Mujral S/o Sh. Kewal Krtshan(Borrower) Smt. Mandeep Mujral W/o Sh. PuneetMujral (Co-Borrower) Both R/o : Root Tower, 9thFloor, Laxmi Nagar, NearNirman Vihar, New Delhi-110092A/c Nos:616017776,616018375 and 616018162

Private Plot No. 138, measuring 35.7 feet X 28.6 feet, total area 113 Squareising out of khasra no. 309,30//28/2 min, khata khatoni no. 35/49, 97/178 vide jamanbandiiar 2007-08, hadbast no. 369, situated in Mahal Sub Urban, Abadi Village Mahal Amritsard in the name of Smt. Paiakpreet Kaur W/o Sh. Dilbag Singh vide sale deed dated

24.06.2013 bearing vasika no. 5205

Naik Dilbagh Singh S/o Sh. Jagir Singh (Army No.0447705211) (Borrower) C/0:16-S!KH LI, C/O 99APO, Nagaland, Kohima-797001 and Smt.Paiakpreet Kaur W/o Sh. Dilbag Singh(Co-Borrower). Last known address- House No.138, Beauty Avenue Colony, Village Mahal, MahalSub-Urban Abadi, Ram Tirath Road, Amritsar143001 And Sh. RanbirSingh S/o Sh.Ajit Singh (Guarantor) R/o: V.P.O. Fatehpur, Rajputan.Amritsar, Punjab-143001A/cNo:608618440

construction thereon, j Physical! rZ. I rZ 110.09.20d future identified as|JHOOOOO/-! 110000/- |atO245


63 Square Yards (along with construction thereon both present and future),situated in Prem Pradhan Market (Bamaia Improvement trust), Tfehsil and District Bamala registeredin toe name of Smt. Minakshi KhipaE W/o Sh. Ashok Khipal vide sale, deed dated 02.08.2012 bearingvasika no. 2061

Rs. 10.992019[51fl0000/-l.510000/- | at2:30 PM

No. 13 having size of 12 Ft 4.5 { Physical!X 46 Ft, cm an area admeasunng |j.

6. Smt. Minakshi Khipal W/o Sh. Ashok Khipa Rs. 4472289/-(Borrower) and Sh. Ashok Khipal S/o Sh. Rakesh asChand Khipal (Co-Borrower) Both R/o: House No.BX1/3022A, Near Bus Stand Barnala, Punjab -' "1101A/c No: 612976071


Land measuring East to West: 21' amNorth to South 39* = 91 Sq yards o3 Marias, 3/96 share of total land measuring 4 Kanal 16 Marias, Khewat No. -48,

Kite 2, Hadbast No.-391. Waka Darra Khurd, Bishangarti Tehsil Thanesar, Distt. Kurukshetra-136118, alongwith construction thereon both present and future and bounded as under East: Plot ofother owner, West. House of Lakhwinder Singh, North: Plot of other owner. South: Street 16' wideregistered in favour of Sh. Rakesh Verma, S/o Sh. Suresh Venma vide Sale Deed dated 04 01.2013bearing Vasika No. 9696

Rs.Rs. 110.09.201!15B4000/-| 158400/-lat01:45.


Sh. Rakesh Kumar S/o Sh. Suresh Kumai(Borrowor) and Smt. Santosh Devi W/o Sh.Rakesh Kumar Verma (Co- borrower) Lastknown to be residing at: House in Colony DarraKhurd,Tehsil Thanesar, Dist Kurukshetra,Haryana-136118 Also at: House No. 80, Gaii No.2, Anand Garden, Rajindra Park, Gurgaon,Haryana-122001.A/cNos :617645839 and 617645712


Page 3: HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp. Swagat Bunglow BRTS Bus Stop, Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli, Ahmedabad-360058, Gujarat. Tel


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Page 4: HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp. Swagat Bunglow BRTS Bus Stop, Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli, Ahmedabad-360058, Gujarat. Tel

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Page 5: HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp. Swagat Bunglow BRTS Bus Stop, Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli, Ahmedabad-360058, Gujarat. Tel

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 6761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgatc, Mumbai 400 020.Cotpocate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916



1.The particulars in respect of the Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) specified hereinabove have beenstated to the best of the information and knowledge of the Authorised Officer/ HDFC Ltd.

2.However, the Authorised Officer / HDFC Ltd shall not be responsible for any error, misstatement oromission in the said particulars. The Bidders are therefore requested in their own interest, to satisfythemselves with regard to the above and all other relevant details / material information pertaining to theabovementioned Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s), before submitting the bids.

3.Statutory dues like property taxes / cess and transfer charges, arrears of electricity dues, arrears of watercharges and other charges known and unknown in respect to the secured assests being sold, shall beascertained by the Bidder beforehand and the payment of the same shall be the responsibility of the buyerof Secured Assets.

4.Wherever applicable, it is the responsibility of buyer of Secured Assets to deduct tax at source (TDS) (S> of 1%of the total sale consideration on behalf of the resident owner (seller) on the transfer of immovable propertyhaving consideration equal to Rs.50 Lakh and above and deposit the same with appropriate authority u/s194 I/A of Income Tax Act.

5.Sale is strictly subject to the Terms, Conditions and Disclaimers stipulated in the prescribed TendorDocument, Offer Acceptance Letter, Public Notice , terms and conditions mentioned hereinbelow and anyother related documents.

6.The Tender Document can be collected / obtained from the Authorized Officer of Housing DevelopmentFinance Corporation Limited (HDFC Ltd) having his office at SCO No. 143-144, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg,Chandigarh on any working day during office hours.

7.The Tender Document will also be available at site on the respective date fixed for inspection of theImmovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s).

8.Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) shall be available for inspection on 03.09.2019 between 11: 00 A.M and05:00 P.M.

9.For any assistance related to inspection of the property, or for obtaining the Tender Document and for anyother queries, please get in touch with Mr. Vaibhav Singh Tara at 0172-6761040 or 9780516300.

10.Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amount as mentioned above shall be deposited by the Tenderer throughDemand Draft / Pay Order in Favour of "HDFC Limited" payable at par in sealed envelope along with theTender Document and shall be submitted at SCO No. 143-144, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.


Page 6: HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp. Swagat Bunglow BRTS Bus Stop, Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli, Ahmedabad-360058, Gujarat. Tel

16.The Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) shall not be sold below the Reserve Price.

17.On sale of the property, the purchaser shall not have any claim of whatsoever nature against HDFC Ltd or itsAuthorised Officer.

18.It shall be at the discretion of the Authorised officer to cancel the Tender proceedings for any reason andreturn the EMD submitted and HDFC Ltd will not entertain any claim or representation in that regard fromthe bidders.

19.The Authorized officer has the absolute right to accept or reject the highest and / or all Bid(s) or postponeor cancel the sale, as the case may be without assigning any reasons thereof and also to modify any of theterms and condition of this sale without prior notice.

20.The sale shall be conferred on the highest bidder subject to confirmation by Secured Creditor i.e. HDFC Ltd.

21.EMD of successful tenderer shall be adjusted and for all other unsuccessful tenderers , the same shall berefunded within 10 days from Tender opening date. The Earnest money deposit will not carry any interest.

22.Along with Tender Document the Bidder(s) should also attach his/her photo identity proof such as copy ofthe Aadhar Card (UID), passport, election commission card, ration card, driving license, copy of the PANcard issued by the Income Tax department etc. and the proof of residence countersigned by the bidderherself/himself.

23.The successful bidder shall be required to pay 25% of the offer amount (including the amount of EMD)immediately i.e. on the same day or not later than next working day, as the case may be (as per theamended provisions of Rule 9(3) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002) on confirmation of

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-tC, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 140 008.Tel.: 4761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Rcgd. Office: Ramon House, H T Farekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.Ceiporate Identity Number: L701IX1MH1977PLC0199I6


11.The offer amount (to be mentioned in Tender Document) shall be above Reserve Price.

12.The last date of submission of Tender in prescribed Tender Document with all necessary documents andEMD in stipulated manner is 09.09.2019 on/before 05:15 PM.

13.Incomplete Tender Document or inadequate EMD amount or Tenders received after the date indicated atSr. No 12 hereinabove shall be treated as invalid.

14.Conditional offers shall also be treated as invalid.

15.The Tenders will be opened on the date and time mentioned hereinabove in column (g) in the presence ofthe Authorised Officer at HDFC Ltd. SCO No. 143-144, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.

.-. HDFC

Page 7: HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp. Swagat Bunglow BRTS Bus Stop, Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli, Ahmedabad-360058, Gujarat. Tel

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-SC, Mudhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 6761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916

The sale shall be subject to the final outcome of and/or orders, directions etc. as may be passed bythe Hon'ble Court/DRT from time to time in the above proceedings. The successful bidder /purchaser shall be required to discharge all the encumbrance to which the above immovableproperties / secured assets are subject to including the above encumbrances and comply with thedecree / orders / directions of the Hon'ble Court/DRT.

HDFC Ltd. has not admitted the claim of the Applicants in the above case and the proposed sale inexercise of powers under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcementof Security Interest Act, 2002, as envisaged hereunder shall be without prejudice to the rights of andremedies available to HDFC Ltd,

As on date there is no order restraining and/or injuncting HDFC Ltd / the Authorised Officer of HDFCLtd from selling, alienating and/or disposing off the above immovable properties / secured assets.

HDFC Ltd. does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in thedocuments that are relied upon in the above proceedings (that is pending adjudication) or as to theexistence of any other fact alleged or representations made by Applicants whether in the pleadingsor otherwise.

The prospective purchasers / bidders and interested parties may independently take inspection ofthe pleadings filed in the above proceedings/orders passed etc. Including but not limited to the

Minakshi Khipal & Others vs HDFC Bank Ltd.

Title of the suit

Debt Recovery Tribunal -1, Chandigarh - SA No.472 of 2017

Court / Suit No.



Sr. No.

For the property mentioned at S.No. 6 (Indian Express) & S.No. 4 (Rozana Spokesman) above ,the borrowers have initiated litigation against HDFC Ltd details of which are as under.


offer acceptance by HDFC Ltd, failing which the EMD amount remitted will stand forfeited. The balance75^ of offer amount shall be paid within 15 days of confirmation of sale by the Authorised officer. If thebalance amount is not remitted within stipulated time the amount of 25% will stand forfeited as per theamended provisions of Rule 9(4) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.

DISCLOSURE OF ENCUMBRANCES/CLAIMSTo the best of knowledge and information of the Authorized Officer of HDFC Ltd, there are no otherencumbrances / claims in respect of the above immovable property / Secured Asset save and exceptwhat is disclosed hereinbelow.



Page 8: HOUSINGDEVELOPMENTFINANCECORPORATION LTD. · 2019-08-16 · 12A, Abhishree Corporate Park, Opp. Swagat Bunglow BRTS Bus Stop, Bopal Ambll Road, Ambli, Ahmedabad-360058, Gujarat. Tel



^MM^^^ance Corporation Ltd


For Housing Devel^p

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 3989123,3011300. Fax: 0172-2724860.Corporate Idendty Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.

Date: 09.08.2019Place: Chandigarh

documents of title pertaining thereto available with HDFC Ltd. and satisfy themselves in all respectprior to submitting tenders or making offers.

HDFC Ltd. / the Authorised Officer of HDFC Ltd. does not accept any responsibility or liabilitywhatsoever for loss that may be incurred by the successful bidders / purchasers at a later datewhether on account of non availability of information or otherwise.

Successful bidders / purchasers shall not have any recourse against HDFC Ltd. on any groundwhatsoever including but not limited to the above. Hence, it will be in the interest of the prospectivepurchasers / bidders to apprise themselves of all material facts which may influence their decisionbefore submitting tenders and/or making offers.

2.For property/loan account, mentioned at S.No. 2 (Indian Express & Rozana Spokesman)t theborrower has fraudulently sold/transferred the secured asset /property to a third party withoutclearing HDFC Ltd's loan amount. The said transfer is fraudulent in terms of the Transfer ofProperty Act, 1882. Possession of the secured asset/property herein was taken as per orderspassed by the Hon'ble District Magistrate, Mohali (under SARFAESI Act, 2002).

Successful bidders / purchasers shall not have any recourse against HDFC Ltd. on any groundwhatsoever including but not limited to the above. Hence, it will be in the interest of theprospective purchasers / bidders to apprise themselves of all material facts which mayinfluence their decision before submitting tenders and/or making offers.

3.For property/loan account mentioned at S.No.4 (Indian Express) and S.No. 1 (Amar Ujala) above, asum of Rs. 1,42,000/- (approximately) is payable to HSVP and the same (along with any furtherdues/charges- to be confirmed from HSVP) shall be paid by the Tenderor/Offeror/Purchaser underthe sale notice.fover and above the sale consideration)


Prospective Purchasers at large are hereby informed that HDFC Ltd and its Authorized Officer does not deal incash transaction with respect to Immovable Properties mentioned in the Tender Sale Notice.

The name and contact details of the agency / broker, if any, authorized by HDFC Ltd to deal with sale ofImmovable property can be obtained only from the office of HDFC Ltd at the address mentioned above.

