Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I...


Transcript of Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I...

Page 1: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping
Page 2: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping






Page 3: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

Entered, acoording to act ofCongress , in the year 1869, by

A R a A K E R

[A the Clerk’s Office of the D istrictumrt for the D istrict of Massachusetts.

Page 4: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

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Page 6: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


C H A P T E R I .

Let me l ive amongst high thoughts and smiles,As beautiful as love ; w ith grasping hands



A nd a heart that flutters w ith diviner life

When e’er my step is heard.

” —P roctor.

ON a slight eminence, i n front of which lay a smooth

lawn,uninterrupted except by rows of aged efm s that met

over the avenue i n a lovi ng embrace, stood a large stone

mansion . D irectly opposite the front en trance,and

about three rods di stant,was a spacious gateway with

immense stone posts,and an arch over i t from which

hung a ponderous lamp . Advancing up the avenue,be

fore named , about two thirds of the distance to the

house,were carriage drives turni ng to th e right and left


and winding around to the rear of the building. The

house itself was an i rregular.

structure , w i th here a wing,and there a luthern , or a bow window ; but altogether

i t formed a pleasing scene,and was not without some

claims even to arti stic beauty.

The owner of th is mansion was Mr. Hugh Stanley,

who had accompanied h is father from the North of

England to the United States when a lad of te n years

of age . Mr. Stanley the elder,purchased a large tract

1’ 5

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Of land in Queenstown on the banks Of the Hudson.

w here he erected this noble dwelling, which at his death

fel l i nto the possession Of h is son and only heir. From

a large and beautiful grove Of Li nden trees i n the rearof the house , the esta te had early been called Li ndenwood . By its elevation , i t commanded an extensive

view of the surrounding country ; and by its rare natu

ral scenery and numerous embelli shments, del ighted the

eye Of the many travel lers along that majestic river.

Mr. Hugh Stanley was educated for the bar, but hadnever practi sed law except as a justice Of the peace, and

in cases Of minor importance in h is ow n neighborhood.

Being Of a reserved and quiet temperament,and pos

sessed Of a handsome fortune, he had heretofore occupied

himself with the care Of h is estate . H is family consi sted Of three daughters, Gertrude , Emma and Edith ; andone son

,a feeble child n ine years Of age . There was

also a young girl named Al ice, a foster-s ister of Edith ,who spent most Of her time at the Hall ; her widowedmother living at the end Of the park .

An addition had lately been made to the family i n the

persons of Stephen Forsyth,Esquire

,and his ward


Clarence Sydney. Mrs . Stanley had been deceased

about five years, during which time her husband hadbeen unfortunate in some of h is moneyed transactions


so that when Uncle Stephen returned from India with

nume rous bags Of gold,Mr. Stanley’s daughters were

very earnest that he should fulfil a promise,he had made

to their mother more than sixteen years before,that he

w ould some day come home rich as a Jew,and settle

wi th them for life.

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Mr. Forsyth landed i n New York . In answer to a

letter i nforming his nephew Of hi s return , he had received an urgent invi tation to hasten at once to Li ndenwood . He wrote

,i n reply I am prematurely Old, and

people call me Odd, or eccentric i s , I believe , their word.

Unless your daughters are sweet tempered, l i ke their

sainted mother, I do n’t think they would find my society

agreeable,for I have lived so long among Hindoos , l

scarce know how to behave among civil ized people .

Then I have a ward who wi ll live with me while he

finishes hi s studies i n preparation for the bar. SO weigh

the subject well,and let me know whether you are wi ll

ing to devote yourselves to the whims Of a petul ant Old

man .


P . S . How could I forget to tell you that I am con

fined to the use of a speaking-trumpet, and that I keen

two monkeys .“ If

,after knowing the above , you should conclude to

conti nue your invi tation , I shall start at once for L i ndenwood

,for there are no words i n the Engli sh language

strong enough to express my disgust Of this ci ty, which

i s a perfect Babel ; and the cold bends me almost

double .”

After many discuss ions i n the family,Mr. Stanley

commis sioned his daughter Gertrude, a young lady Of

eighteen , to write to her uncle to come ;” and i n ten

days after the receipt of the letter,he arrived

,bag and

baggage , ward and monkeys , at L indenwood Hall .I do not intend any disparagement to IVIr.



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Sydney by placing his name in such close proxim i ty to

the animals of a lower order, for he was considered bythe family a great acqu isition , affording as he did a

pleasing contrast with the grotesque appearance of

Uncle Stephen .

The young ladies had been easily persuaded by their

father that the Old gentleman , i n h is letter, had on ly

W i shed to try them by representing himself i n as anfa

vorable a light as possible ; but when they saw him

descending from the . carriage, assisted by his ward and

the coachman,i t was with difficul ty that they could

suppress a scream Of horror, that such a man was hence

forth to be an i nmate of their home .

Uncle Stephen Was naturally small of stature,but now

he w as so bent down - and shrivelled with the cold,that


w as difficult to tell how he woul d look if he stood

upright. He was so bundled up that but l ittle could beseen Of his face, except a huge pair of goggles . He

made no reply to the Offers Of assistance from Mr. Stan

ley or from his n ieces,when he had ascended the steps


but pushed them aside,motioning to h is ward to lead

him to the parlor,where he saw a fire blazing on the

hearth . When he was seated i n the~

large arm -chair,he

poi nted to Gertrude to place a cricket under hi s feet ;then , In a low, grum voice, asked Clarence for hi s trum

pet, who took from one Of his outer pockets a large

horn , with a long coi l attached to it, surmounted by an

ivory mouth-piece. The leaf man immediately placed

the tube against h is ear passing the other end to h is

nephew, w ho stood by looki ng on with amazement.

But he instantly put it to hi s mouth,and said i n a loud

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'N D I SG U I SE . 9

voice,We are happy to see you back agai n i n your

nat ive country .

Glad of it,” repl ied Uncle Stephen

, gruflly,“ though

you appeared rather glum ; and the girls there look at

thei r Old‘

uncle as i f they took me for an ogre .”

Speaking through the tube,their father assured him

that they had been very impatient for his arri val .“ Well

,perhaps so , said he, looki ng from one to

another as they stood near ; but they don’t altogether

make up to me for the loss of Emma, their. mother.She ’d have had her arms about my neck before I had

time to step my foot upon the ground ; but it’s no mat


” he continued,as i f speaking to h imself, while he


the goggles suffici ently to wipe away a tear

which had gathered at the mention Of the deceased .

This, I suppose, is Mr. Sydney,” resumed the host


endeavori ng to gi ve a more lively turn to the conversa

tion . He i s so much altered that I should not recognize him .

’T an’t any body else .

Mr . Stanley co rdially shook hands with hi s guest, and

i ntroduced him to the different members Of the fam ily,when the conversation became more general . In the

midst of i t,Alice came i n from the nursery accompanied

by Louis,Of whom she went i n search

,after witnessing

with much curiosity the appearance of th e Uncle , Of

whom she had heard so much . “ He loved aunty.dearly,

” she whi spered , as they advanced through the

hall, aird I want him to see that we love him for her

sake .” But when Loui s saw the Odd figure,almos t

buried in shawls and outer garments,he started back ;

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but she whispered again , and he permitted her to lead

him up to his uncle’s chair, where he said , timidly, as he

held out hi s small, white hand, “ I am glad you have

come,because Alice says you knew my mother and

“oved her.

Uncle Stephen eagerly caught the l i ttle hand , and

kissed it ; but laying it quickly down , as if a shamed Of

betraying so much emotion , he passed h im the tube, in

quiring,as he put i t to hi s ear

,What did you say

With a deep blush overspreadi ng h is pale countenance

the boy tried to speak,but was unable to articulate .

Taking the trumpet from him and giving i t to Alice,he asked

,W ho i s he

,and who are you

,and what does

he want

Though her li p quivered,the chi ld replied

,“ He is

Louis, and I am Alice Carey. He says he loves you,and he ’s glad you ’ve come .”

With a softened voice and manner,Uncle Stephen

repl ied, And are you glad, too ?”

Yes, s ir, I am always glad when Louis is .Honest well, I like that. DO

‘ you l ive here ? ’

I live here part Of the time . My mother lives i n the

cottage at the end Of the park .”

What is her name ? ”

Susan Carey,s ir.

Was her name Susan Brown,and did she live at

the Hall once, as nurse to Mrs . Stanley9Yes

, sir.”

Well, you may tell her she’s got the best behaved,and most civil li ttle gi rl I ’ve seen since I arrived inAmerica.”

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IN D l SGUl SE . 1 ]

The chi ld blushed, courte sied, and taking Loui s by thehand retired to a seat i n the window. Al l this time , Mr.

Forsyth had sat with h is outer garments on , j ust as he

entered ; but now he motioned to Clarence to remove

one Of h is coats . When he took Off hi s hat he retained

not only hi s wig, but velvet cap with a long tassel fall ingover his shoulder, which added not a l ittle to his gro~

tesque appearance .

Clarence Sydney deserves more than the passing

notice we have given him . He was tall , of a ni oble

figure,and uncommon ly erect. His face was serious,

even sad, when in rep ose ; but there was a vei n Of mirth

in his composition,as was seen from an ar ch tw i nkle Of

the eye,and a rogueish curl of the lip, on witnessing the

astonishment of the family at the appearance and con

duct Of his guardian . His eyes were large , and Of a

deep blue . Hi s hair w as chestnut, and was pushed back

from his forehead,disclosing a broad , noble brow. H is

nose was decidedly large but his mouth was small and

finely formed,giving evidence not only Of great sweet

ness Of temper,but Of firmness and resolution . Of the

relation in which he stood to Mr. Forsyth , we shal l

speak hereafter.

Mr . Stanley,after directi ng the servants where to

place the baggage, called Mr. Sydney from the room to

consult about future arrangements . Emma ,” said Gertrude

,when he had retired , “ what an Old barbarian

Uncle Stephen i s . If i t were not for the young man , I

would persuade father to sh ip him , and his disgusting

monkeys back to India,i n very short notice .”

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" said Edi th , eagerly, “ if he wen t, he’d carry hismoney with him .

“ Oh,

” exclaimed Alice, “ how c an you speak so,when he says he loved your mother so cl early ? I’m

sure I shall always love him .

“ I should l ike to know, Miss Alice, retorted Edi thangrily

,who asked your Opin ion ? I’d have you to

remember that you are only a servant.“ Hush



” whi spered Emma, looki ng at the oldgentleman

,who was gazing abstractedly into the fire,

“ don’t speak so loud

N O fear of him , said Gertrude ; he i s deaf as an

adder, and it i s fortunate for us that he i s so .

A few weeks later,when the family had become some

w hat accustomed to the whims and caprices of Uncle

Stephen , Mr. Stanley started for N

place he was to bri ng home a lady to preside over his

establishment, in place of the w ife he had so tenderly


from which

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C H A P T E R 1 1 .

Beauty and worth in her alike contend,TO charm the fancy, and to fix the mind ;

In her, my Wife, my mistress, and my friend,

I tas te thejoys of sense and reasonjoined.


M ARION THURs 'r ON was the daughter Of a clergyman,by whose suddendeath she had been left an orphan , and

desti tute Of any near relatives . She was alone , and her

heart yearned for the sympathy and love fl) which she

had bee n accustomed in the society and affection Of her

beloved parent. He had filled to her the places Of father,

mother and fri end . He had been her teacher as well ascompan ion ; had watched with fond riride her expanding

i ntellect ; had directed her studies and her reading ; and

as she had grown Older , consulted her i n all hi s plans for

the welfare Of his pari sh , and associated her with himself

in his vis its to the poor and afflicted.

Marion had a face, which , though not handsome i n

the strictest sense of the word , yet awakened feelings of

i nterest i n the most casual Observer. There was a purity

i n the low,broad brow, from which her soft hair was

s imply parted ; a clear, truthful expression in her deep

blue eye ; and when animated, such a sun light spreading

over her whole countenance,that one turned i ns ti nctively

to look again . Brought up in i ntimate associati on with

a gentleman of truly refined tastes , and )f a high orde r

Of intel lect ; shielded as far as possi ble from al l per

2 Is

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n icious influences , she was now,at twen ty-five, a young

lady gi fted with rare endowments of mind and person ,and wi th a heart peculi arly susceptible to kindness and

love ; She had received Offers ofmarriage, but had never

been sufficiently i nterested i n thos e who sought her hand

to wave’r for a moment i n the determination she had

formed not to leave her father. Such was her character

at his death,which was the occasion of her first heart

sorrow. Her mother died before her remembrance,and

from that time her l ife had flowed or. i n un interrupted

peace and quietnes s . But the loss of her only survivingparent crush

gd her

,and for a long time she was no t able

to leave her bed . After the expiration of several months,she was urged by dear fri ends to Shut up the cottage


and Spend the summer with them . This she at length

consented to do, though i t cost her a dreadful struggle to

leave,even for so short a time

,the home rendered sacred

by the memory Of her beloved parent. It was in the

family of her dearest friends,Mr. and Mrs . Churchill,

that she met Mr. Stanley, who V i s ited them on h is way

to the East . He was much pleased with her appearance,

though her countenance was rather pensive,and her

manner i n the presence of a stranger very retiring . Hecontinued hi s j ourney, but, wherever he went, a pa ir ofdeep blue eyes seemed ever appealing to himfor kindness and sympath y . He cut short his stay i n Band returned to N where he Obtained rooms at the

public house, but spent most of his time i n the family

of Mr. Church ill . He gradually w on the confidence of

“ani on, encouraged her to talk Of her father, and at

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length offered to fi ll the place i n her heart rendered deso

late by that fathe r’s sudden death .

Miss Thurs ton was at firs t startled at his abrupt pro

posal,as She had never thou

ght Of him in the character

of a lover, and especially as he wished to take her with

him on his return to Lindenwood . But her friends were

enthusiastic in hi s praise ; and Mari on at length yielded

herself to the de light of being once more the dearest

object of affection to a true manly heart, though she

posi tively declined accompanying him to Li ndenwoodunti l he had made his in tentions known to his family.

She urged him to consent that their marriage should be

postponed unti l the next summer ; but to th is he would

by no means agree, and at length the twentieth of N O

vember was decided upon for the celebration of the

nuptials .

When Mr. Stanley communicated to h i s family his

" e nded marriage , he met with no sym pathy from hisdaughters, who were very unwilling to give up the free

dom they had so long enj oyed of acti ng out the impulses

of thei r ow n free will . Louis,however

,w as charmed

Wi th the description Of his n ew mother ; and many were

the conversations he held with Alice upon th i s in teres ti ngtherrie. But Edith more than either of her sisters openlye xpressed her displeasure

,and her determination


e ver Gertrude and Emma might do,to show Miss

Thurston that her i nclination s and pleasures were not

to be restrained .

On one occasion , when she was unusual ly earnest in

asserti ng her own rights i n Oppos ition to those of a mere

s tranger, Alice ventured to exuostulate with her, aski ng,

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Why should you suppose she will wish to tyrannize

over you

Even Louis undertook her defence,and

,with a flush

upon his sick ly countenance,said

, You ought not to

talk so,Edith

,when you’ve never seen her. I think she

wil l be very kind ; and I mean to love her with all my

might.” Exhausted by/ his emotion , he put his handfeebly into that of Al ice, when , looki ng up, he beheld his

father standing behi nd him .

Mr. Stanley drew a chair near the group,and sat

down,taking Louis upon hi s knee . For a m oment he

pressed the artless boy to h is heart,when he turned to

Edith , w ho, with a heigh tened color, stood before himw i th a seeming determination

, now that he had heard

her passionate words, to brave i t out, -and said, gravely,I shall give you no opportunity

,my daughter

,to make

your new mother unhappy by your undutiful conduct.

Youwill leave for school, and continue there unti l you

can command your temper,and can learn to treat her

with the respect and courtesy which are her due .”

Edith’s only reply was an ugly pout.Leave the room ! ” commanded her fath er


When she had gone,Louis whispe red, “ You wouldn’t

send Al ice away from me,father ? ”

“ No, my dear, Alice shall not leave you . She is a

good chi ld . I wish Edith were more l ike and

Mr. Stan ley sighed as he thought how much more like

his departed Emma was the tearful girl w ho stood clasping the hand of his li ttle son

,than either of hi s ow n

chi ldren . Alice,

” he resumed,after a short pause

,“ i f I

am not very much mistaken, you wi ll have cause to

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been an emgma to her parents . They could not di scern

a s i ngle trai t l ike her sister’s . Though the younger,yet

by her proud , imperious will , she had , even before the

death of her mother, exercised control over her elde r s is

tors, especially over Gertrude , who was natural ly i nde x

lent, and would yield rather than defend her righ ts . Per

haps there was no one i n the family who could influence

Edith,and calm her passionate bursts of temper


quickly as Alice . Though v ery unobtrus ive and unpre

tending, yet she was bold i n her defence of righ t,espec

ially when Louis was assai led . Mrs . Stanley had hoped

much from the i nfluence of th i s lovely ch ild , and had

obtained a promise from her husband,on her death bed,

that she should remain i n the family,and be educated

wi th her ow n,children .

In the course of the week following Mr . Stanley’s con

versation with Edi th,he completed h is arrangements for

her and Emma to go to the boarding-school, i n Tfrom which Gertrude had graduated the previous sum

mer. He was only persuaded to pos tpone it anotherquarter

,after hearing of the arrival of Uncle Stephen


and their strong desire to see h im before they left home .

l rripelled by this curiosity, they gave their father a pledge

o f good conduct,and were to leave a short time after the

i n troduction of their new mother to Li ndenwood ‘Hall .This w as the si tuation of the family when Mr. Stanley

s tarted for N Often during hi s j ourney he askedhims’elf, Can I make her happy ? Can I return hei

warm and tender affection , as breathed through everyline of her letters ? Is it a fair return of such love , to

offer her a heart whose first,best affections, are buri ed

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(N mseurs s . 19

w i th my Emma ? Am I not too mature , too reserved, tc

be a companion for one so artless and impulsive in her

temperament ? ” But these momentary thoughts were

entirely diss i pated as he approached the place of his des ~

tination , and looked forward with deligh t to meeti ng

agai n his dear Marion .

At the press ing i nvitation of her friends, Miss Thurs

and to have theton had consented to rem ain in N

wedding take place at their house . By her des ire Mr.

Churchil l rented the cottage,where she had li ved so

happily with her lamented father, to the new clergyman

w ho had come to take hi s p lace . By the ki ndnes s of the

same friend the res t of her property had been co nverted

into money, and placed at i nterest. She had dwelt upon

the image and character of her betrothed until he had

become her ideal of al l that was true,noble

,and good .

With eyes streaming with tears of joy and gratitude , she

thanked her Father i n heaven for providi ng her a friend

and companion to take the place of the one she had

lost. This w as Marion’s first love , and she poured out

free ly her best and warmest affections,the whole wealth

of her generous heart.

Mr. and Mrs . Churchill witnessed her devotion to him,

and , though much pleased at her prospects , yet they

warned her that there might be many circumstances con

nected with the relation of step-mother which would be.

wounding to her feelings . But Marion answered , W i th

a husband’s love I can endure any thing . And I mean to

show them,

” she added,her eye brightening

,and he r

whole countenance glowing with the generous resolve“ that I love them for his sake, and that I hope to win

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their respect and affection . I feel sure that I shall sue.


Her friends said no more, believi ng that the heart mustbe i ndeed cold which responds not to such a sentiment.

Now Marion Stanley was to test the character andfeel ings of her new frie nds , and certai n misgivings, ari s

ing from remarks of her husband as they drew near Lin

denwood,made her breast heave

,and her eyes fil l with

tears . They had been talking of Edith,and her father

had expressed his determination to keep her at school

unti l she coul d o vercome her passionate temper, and her

unreasonable prej udices .

How, then , can I w in her confidence ?” asked Mrs .

Stanley, smil ing through her tears . I wish she were to

be at home, certain ly for a time.”

But her husband shook hi s head , and began to talk of

hi s gentle Loui s, whose arms were open to receive her.

N or did he fai l to speak of Alice , w ho . w as as dear to

him as hi s own ch ildren . With slight embarrassment

ne continued Her mother was brought up i n thefamily with my deceased Emma


,from our marriage

to her own , lived with her as companion and nurse.

Edith i s on ly a few days older than Alice , and my Emma’s health was then so feeble

,that Susan

,her mother


took our l i ttle one and kept her unti l she w as nearly two

yeal s old. I thi nk Edith retain s some of the affection shethen exh ibited for her foster sister

,though she often makes

remarks which bring a tear to the eye of the sensi tive

ch ild. When first separated from her compan ion she

screamed so violently that her mother feared she would

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IN Drs eursn . 2]

have convuls ions . And thus it came to be the habi t for

Alice to live almost entirely at the Hall . I tried to prevail upon Mrs . Carey to live with us ; but she prefers to

be al one at the cottage , except when she i s needed for

Louis, who is as dear to her as her ow n child . Since

the decease of Mrs . Stanley she has been subj ect to fits

of despondence ; and at such times , even the presence

of her child adds to her melancholy ; but generally she i s

cheerful and very efficient.

l\Ir. Stanley related to his wife hi s conversation with

Al ice and Loui s in regard to her, and the young bridewas comforted with the thought that she cou ld i nfluence

these dear children for good ; and , perhaps through them ,

win her way to the hearts of the‘

others . She asked

many questi ons concerning the uncle, of whose arrival

she had been at once informed , and was quite amused

at the graphic account her husband gave her of the old

gentleman and h is oddities

For a number of weeks Uncle Stephen had confined

himself almost entirely to his ow n suite of apartments,where

,i n the company of h is ward, he passed his time ;

though,whether i n reading, writi ng, amusing himself

wi th the trick s of Sally and Pollo, or whatever w ay .

could not be ascertai ned, as no one ven tured , uncal led,i nto the presence of the deaf nabob, as he was styled by

the servants . But on the day of the expected arri val of

Mr. Stanley and h is bride , he appeared at din ner, ar

rayed i n a new sui t,consisting of a g ayly embroidered

smoki ng cap over h is wig (though smoking was the old

gentleman’s abhorrence), with the long gil t tassel fall ingas usual over his shoul ders and with slippers, em

boss ed with gold bullion .

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When he en tered the di ning-h ail, Gertrude and he rs isters were at no loss to account for the perfect roar of

laughter which they had heard from his room,at several

differen t times duri ng the forenoon , and which , indeed ,was no unusual sound from that quarter. Their i llyconcealed mirth did not by any

'means escape his notice .

Indeed,his eyes

,though shaded by the huge goggles


a llowed nothing to pass without attention . The young

ladies Often remarked, that if h is heari ng were as perfect

as h i s sight, they would not be able to' l ive i n the house

with him ; but on th is occasion the only perceptible

result of their rude conduct was an incessant demand,on his part, for attention . He was continually mumbli ng to himself, only now and then a sentence being

spoken i ntelligibly : “ In my dotage when I left India ;Heathen Hi ndoos more civilized than some Christiansbut ’twa’n’t always so.

After dinner,Clarence Sydney having learned that

Uncle Stephen would remain i n the parlor unti l the ex

pected arrival of Mr . Stanley with h is lady,went out for

a walk to the village .

After hi s departure,Gertrude and her sisters

, unre

strai ned by his presence, began to discuss various items

of family matters . “ I wonder,

” commenced Emma,“ hat Uncle Stephen th inks of our new relative

“ The great Mogul h as condescended to give no

opin ion upon the subject,

” replied Edith .

I suppose,remarked Gertrude


“ that he iS '

w aiting

until he has seen her before he gives his Opinion . She

must feel flattered at her new connection . How ridicu

lously he looks, decked out like a peacock . I saw Clar

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m D I SG UI SE . 23

ence had as much as he could do to retai n hi s digni ty.

I noti ced that he never once glanced at hi s guardi an all

the time we sat a t the table.”

A 11 expressive cough from the subj ect of thei r remarks,

startled the eager group i nto an awkward si lence , during,

which Alice , who had occupied her favori te seat i n the

wi ndow with Loui s,advanced to the old gentleman


quietly placed a cricket under his feet. He started as iffrom sleep

,and something li ke a smile fiitfed for a mo

ment across h is features .

How the old fel low frightened me,said Edi th

, in a

low voice , and drawing a long breath .

Nonsense,ch ild 1” excla imed Gertrude

,shr ugging

her shoulders as she left the room . He was snoring.

How Clarence can be so devoted to him i s a mys

tery to me ,” said Emma

,as sh e and Edi th j oi ned their

s i ster.

On th e verge of evening - a cheerful fire was blazing

on the hearth,throwing out i ts fitful gleams Of ligh t to

the farthest end Of the apartment. It was truly a pleas

ant scene to look upon . Ally and Louis were si tti ng i ngraceful attitudes upon the rug near a large globe


they had drawn up to the light ; whi le Clarence , W ilu

appeared inspired wi th animati on by the rapt attention

of his hearers, was pointing out places Of interest which

he had vi si ted . Uncle Stephen had so far lost hi s prcs~

ence of mind as to push back the goggles from hi

eyes,and di sclosed a pair of bri lli a nt orbs, w hos e mild ,

loving glances were resting upon the group before him .

“ And did you li ve there too ? ” i nquired Louis ofCl arence

,pointi ng to the southern part of Hmdoostan ,

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while the heat and reflection from the fire gave an almost

unearthly beauty to hi s usually pale countenance.

Yes,my little cousi n , I l ived there with Uncle S te

phen,amids t the elephants and tigers youwere reading

about this morning.

“ What a pity Uncle Stephen can’t hear,murmured

Alice, looking tenderly in his face . I always feel as if

I wanted to tell him what we’re talking about.”

He wouldn’t always be edified by the conversation, "responded Clarence, with an arch smi le.

N O,

” said Alice, blush ing pai nfully , “ but when,as

now ,he’d like to hear i t.”

Tell him so,then .

Uncle Stephen moved uneasi ly i n his chair,as the

child put the trumpet to her mouth ; but he placed the

tube to hi s ear, and said, kindly, “ I know,li ttl e girl


you’ve been talki ng about the old man . I’ve seen the

pitying glances you cast up here”

I told Clar Mr . Sydney,sa id the child


tati ng, “ that I wanted you to hear too , because we’re

having such a beauti ful time .”

Ahem ahem said the Old gentleman,clearing hi s

throat ; so you can’t enjoy yourself unles s I enjoy i t

too ? D id anybody ever tell you,Alice


” he said,ah

m ptly, after she had returned to


her seat on the rug,

“ that you w ere like Mrs . Stanley ? ”

Alice shook her head as she repli ed,No

, sir.

Got no eyes then ,” grumbled he

,i n hi s old tone .

My li ttle cousin Ally ,” s’aid Clarence

,laying hi s hand

on‘her arm ,

“ do you wish to please me

O , yes, s ir !

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vigorous use of h is bandann a , and Mr. Stanley intro

duced to him his wife .

Marion caught the glance of k i nd interest with wh ichUncle Stephen regarded her, entirely forgetful that. his

goggles were lying useless upon the top Of his head , and

w i thout ceremony sh e took the Old gentleman’s hand.

She was agreeably surpri sed at the warmth with which

it was returned,and from that time knew ,


Uncle Stephen might appear,there was a warm heart

beating beneath all the seeming coldness of his manner.

Where are the girls ?” asked Mr. Stanley of A lice .

“ I wi ll call them ,sir


” she replied : “ we did not hear

the carriage drive up ; and they do not know you have

arrived .

” They immediately made their appearance,and greeted their father with affection , and their mother

at least with politeness . Mr . Stanley spoke i n a low

tone to Al ice, when she went toward the stranger, say

ing,Will you please come with me to your room

The lady immediately arose, and Louis put h is handin hers, asking, May I go too

The even ing passed pleasantly away . Even UncleStephen

,as he turned to watch the countenance of . one

and another,seemed unconscious of the lateness of the

hour. But the young bride felt sad as the family sepa

rated without havi ng first thanked God for the favors of

the day ; and she repressed a sigh as she asked hers elf,Have I come into a prayerless family ?

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“ Perfumes, the more they’re chaf

’d the more they render

Their pleasant scents ; and so affliction

Expresseth virtue fully , whether true

Or else adulterate.

” J . Webster .

Two weeks passed away, during W hich time Mrs

Stanley had so endeared herself to Ally and Loui s , thatthey were never so happy as when si tting by her side


and listen i ng to her pleasant i nstructions . The prepara

tioii s were completed for Emma’s and Edith’s departureand they were to leave for T the next morning. The

ki nd interest her new mother had manifested for her,touched Emma’s heart, and she would have thrown awayher reserve

,and treated her with affecti on

,had i t not been

for the i nfluence of her younger sister, w ho found some

thing to ridicule or sn eer at in every action , though she

to ok good care not to do so in the presence of her father .

She ascribed her mother’s kindness to the worst motives,

whil e Gertrude,though ceremoniously polite, took no

pains to conceal the fact that she considered Mrs . Stan

ley as an i ntruder. The word mother had never passed

her li ps,and she had made a solemn promise not to call

Mrs . Stanley by that sacred name .

Poor Marion ! It needed all the attention of her hus

band, all the confiding love of the younger chi ldren , all

the sympathy expressed in the countenance of Uncle

Stephen , to enable her to endure this chi lling indifference27

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on the part of those whom she longed to be able to regard

as her own chi ldren . She had always been so beloved byher friends

,had lived i n such an atmosphere of peaceful

affection , that she was often obliged to retire to her room

to give vent,i n tears

,to her grief and disappointment.

L ittle did her husband imagine the constant annoyances to which she was subjected, for i n his presence

Gertrude,and even Edith , restrained any outward m



festation of the feeling of di slike which i ncreased with

every fresh i ndulgence ofunki ndness toward their gentle,unassuming mother. Indeed

,he i nwardly congratulated

himself that hi s daughters conducted themselves toward

her much better than he had dared to expect ; but they

had seen her quietly submit to insulting language, and

they began to feel contempt for her as a tam e character.

They never dreamed of the severe conflict which was go

i ng on i n her soul . They could not understand, or appre

ciate, the agony of spiri t with which , night and morning,she plead wi th her God

,and her fatherjs God

,for wisdom

so to conduct herself as to win all the dear members of

this beloved family to her Saviour. Sometimes,i ndeed


she was tried beyond endurance ; and, though a sudden

flashing of her eye,which was dai ly growi ng more seri

ous i n its expression , and a flush upon her cheek, migh t

have convinced her daughters that she fel t,keenly felt


their unkindness ; yet she would qui ckly retire to her

closet,and there give way to a passionate burst of gri ef.

Oh ! why, why will they be so cruel, so unjust, to

me ” Why will they persist i n ascribi ng all my words

of love, all my in terest in them ,to the worst of motives ! ”

Thi s question she often asked,while tears were stream

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IN n i sours s . 29

ing down her cheeks . How can my husband be so

bli nd as not to see this ? He has spoken of my depress ion of spirits, and feared I was disappointed either l l .

him or i n my home . I assured him truly th is was not

the case ; but oh ! I could not speak of the cruel unladt

li ke taunts I constan tly received from h is ch ildren , when

not restrained by hi s presence, or th at of Mr. Sydney .

No,I wil l not make him unhappy. I will try first to con

quer myself,for oh ! how hard my heart must be, when I

find it. so difficult to love them ; and then to conquer

them by ki ndness.”

Duri ng the evening previous to the departure of Emmaand Edith , Mrs Stanley went to her room for the pur

pose of writn a note to them , begging their acceptance

of some bracelets which she had ordered for them, of

beauti ful and chaste workmanship. A stone of rare value

was set in each , and underneath i t the in i ti als of their

n ames . To E . S ., from their mother. Mr. Sydney had

returned from N ew York that evening, and had just

given them to her. On advancing toward her dressi ngtable, she perceived i t had been removed , while al l the

contents of the drawers were thrown carelessly upon thcbed . She stood for one moment in amazement. Thi~

w as but a fresh i nstance of the annoyances to which s ln

had every day been exposed,and she doubted whether

she ought not to resist such treatment ; but she shrank

from the thought of a contest with Edith , w ho, she.

doubted not, was the principal i n th is offence. Alreadyshe had seen i n her such a disposi tion to tyran nize over al l

around her,she w as sure the proud girl would not yield

to her authori ty without a struggle . After a few moments


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30 r un l l O l l S r . fl O l .D ANG EL

she knocked at (icrtrude’s docr, and w as i nstantly admi t

ted. Indeed, she seemed to be expected by the young

ladies,who were making themselves very merry upon

some subj ect ofwhich they had been conversing. Ed ithwas standing i n fron t of the miss i ng table, the to p of

which was strew n with combs,brushes

,and hair-pi ns


while she had unbound her hair, and was deliberately

proceeding to dress i t for the eveni ng, havi ng just heard

o f the arrival of Mr . S vdney.

I th i nk you have appropriated my dressing-table,said the young mother i n a voi ce which slightly trembled


notwithstanding all her efforts to appear perfectly calm .

I found my laces and other articles i n rather a confused


No one answered .

“ I hardly expected young ladies would h ave treated

one so much of a stranger with so li ttle courtesy,she

conti nued,brush ing away a tear which fil led her eye .

You needn’t look so w oe-begone at Gertrude,


plied Edith,with a coarse laugh .

“ She wanted the

table,but she never would have had the spunk to take i t


so I t’

ook it for her ; not doubting your wi lli ngness to

oblige,” she added

,with a low courtesy of mock respect.

Mrs . Stanley was so indignant at the tone and manner

of this rude speech,that i t was with d ifficulty she re

strai ned herself from a sharp reply. She turned i n stantly

to leave the room,but had not shut the door, when she

heard Edith exclaim,i n a triumphant tone

,“ There !

didn’t I tell you so ! She’s a mean,craven-spiri ted

woman ! . She dared not speak a word i n her ow n de

fence ! I’d li ke to have anybody try that game on me

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IN D I SG U I SE . 31

I’d storm and rave ti ll I raised the roof, before I’d submit

to i t.”

I never was so thoroughlyl

mortified i n my l ife ,” said

Emma .

“ If she had staid one moment more , I s hould

have told her so .

Mrs . Stanley retired to her own room ; but i t was

som e time before she could compose herself to the taskbefore her. Agai n and agai n did she throw herself upon

her knees,in prayer for strength to endure all the trials

which her heaven ly Father thought needful for her.

When she arose,th e memory of the past — the quiet

and happy li fe she had led with her sain ted father stood

out i n such bold contrast with the insu lting abuse— the

petty annoyances which,by their constant recurrence so

embittered her present li fe , that she could only weep

afresh . She felt herself alone,and unprotected and

for the first time hard thoughts of her husband began to

ari se i n her heart . She felt that she had been deceived .

Not for worlds woul d she have left her pleasant home,to

live a life of such wretchedness as she now saw before

her. Then the questions agai n arose,whether she ought

to submit to i t ; whether i t were not a si n toward those,

w ho, however they might regard her, stood in the tender

relation of children . She wrung her hands i n agony .

Oh ! what can I do ? I am altogether unfit fo r sucha. responsibi l ity . Naturally timid and wanting i n decision, with my whole heart, I shrink from these tria ls .

But Marion S tanley was not alone . The good Spirit

whispered, I am with thee . As thy day i s, so shall thy .

s trength be . She aga ii i bowed her head , not i n prayer,but i n praise. Yes

,Marion w as comforted . An Al

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mighty arm was underneath her, and though cloudsovercast her sky

,yet she was


enabled by faith to look

forward to the time when these precursors of storm

should pass away,and the sun shine forth unclouded in

h is brightness . A glorious future rose too

her vision, in

which she saw husband and chi ldren bowed with her

around the fami ly altar, blessing God for her presence,who had led them to happi ness and peace. The thought

of Al ly and Loui s, also, came to cheer her, and sherealized that she had stil l many mercies . Her husbandno longer appeared unsympathizi ng, and she rej oiced

that h is heart was spared the pang he would feel if ao

quainted with the conduct of his daughters . She re


,the respectful manner of Mr. Sydney


w ho had from the first treated her with the affection of

a brother ; and also the appreciati ng glances of k indness

and sympathy from Uncle Stephen . She laid these

th ings up i n her heart, as preventives to the recurrence

of the overwhelmi ng despondence she . had heretofore ex

perienced ; and seated herself at her desk to wri te to

her daughters. The two small cases,containing the

valuable gifts,lay before her. She Opened one, and

taking out the bracelet, touched a spri ng and disclosed

to V i ew a min iature of herself,exquis i tely painted on

ivory. Though very minute,yet th e features were per

feet, and the expression , which met her own , was full of

earnest affection .

Mrs . Stanley was an arti st, though the knowledge of

her skil l was as yet a profound secret i n her family . She

had Copied these from her mi niature executed by a ski lful arti st. She again compared them

,and w as more

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in .the parlor, with a countenance so full of peace a nd

tranquill i ty that some of them at least looked upon herwi th amazemen t ; and, when she repli ed to a casual

remark of Emma’s, her ton e was so full of motherlytenderness that th e eyes of the young lady were suffused

w ith tears . At the close of the even ing, when her sisters

left the room ,she remained behind, and, putting her

arms for one moment about her mother, k issed her good


0, what a thrill of j oy and gratitude that affectionat e

embrace sent through the lovin g heart of the youngparent ! What an earnest did she consider i t of her

success in the great work she had undertaken

There was one presen t who rej oiced with her i n th is

token of chi ldlike affection . Quick as thought, Uncle

Stephen pushed hi s goggles to th e top of h is head , that

he might see more di stinctly ; and when she turned to

leave the room,wi th his usual expressive cough he

called “ Emma ! ” i n a tone so different from any shehad ever heard from him , that she could scarce beli eve

the sound came from his li ps ; but, on her approaching,he said, with emotion , God bless you, ch ild ! youmay

yet be worthy of the name of your sai nted mother.

There, go !” he added, impatiently, seeing

“her stand

gazing at him i n wonder ;“ what are you stoppi ng for ?

With an impul sive motion , the young girl caught

Uncle Stephen’s hand, pressed i t to her l ips , and darted

from the room . She did not wai t to see the effect of

her action .

“What an old fool I am,grumbled Ur cle Stephen,

fumbling imp atiently for his handkerch ief. One would

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m D I SG U I SE .

think I had never been ki ssed before . But I should l ike

to know who there i s to feel for her, i f I dou’t ;

” and,

with thi s apology, he allowed his tears to flow unre

strai ned until he had overcome his sudden emotion .

When Mrs . Stanley at length advanced to bid hi n

good night, havi ng taken care to keep out of his sight ,he muttered

,“ Bad girls, very ; what

’s to become of


0 ,no ! she exclaimed , eagerly putting the trumpet

to her mouth .

“ Emma has a warm heart. She willmake a fine character yet.”

Humph Edith,too

,perhaps ? ”

A shade passed over the an imated countenance of the

lady as she answered, slowly, “ Edith i s higho tempered ;

but she is sti ll young, and, with proper trai ning, may yet

do well . She has a great deal of energy .

Chari ty covers a mul ti tude of si ns,

” muttered the old

gentleman i n a low tone . Then , speaking aloud, Ali ce

is worth the w hole troop . She’s honest - well, good

night, ma’am .

She held out her hand,which he at first appeared not

to notice, when he suddenly turned again , saying, Doyou know how to pray ? ”

Marion’s cheek flushed as sh e bowed assen t.“ Pray, then ; pray for them all . They need it.

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Tho’ losses and crosses

Be lessons right severe,There

’s wi t there, ye’ll get there

Ye’ll find nae other where.

” Burns .

UNCLE ST EPHEN and Mari a Forsyth w ere the onlychildren of their parents . Their


father died before Ste

phen’s remembrance

,leaving them to be the comfort and

support of thei r widowed mother. Maria was five years

older than her brother,and dearly did he love h is s ister,

whose whole affection s were lavished upon her affl icted

paren t and the li ttle pet of the household . E ight yearsafter the death of their father, these orphan chi ldren were

called tofo llow the remains of their mother to the house

appoi nted for all l iving. And now Stephen would have

been disconsolate indeed,had i t not been for h is bel oved

si ster, w ho watched over h im with almost a mother’s

solicitude and tenderness . To her teachings, warning

and entrea‘ay, he was i ndebted, under the care of his

heavenly Father, for preservation from many of the follies

and vices of youth . Her finger poi nted to the paths ofvi rtue and holi ness as the only paths of peace. Herprayers ever as cended to God that the good Spirit might

i ncli ne himto walk i n them .

At the age of twenty,he left the shores of hi s native

land for a lucrative si tuation in India . Hi s si ster h adbeen married for several years

,and had tw o chi ldren


Page 38: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


Emma , who afterwards became Mrs . Stanley,and S te

phen,named for h imself. It w as a dreadful affliction for

her to part with her brother, for he had no expectation

of return ing for many years, until h e had made a fortune

sufficiently large to secure hi s i ndependence . The strong

est hOpe of hi s si ster for his speedy return cen tred upon

the tearful girl w ho clung so convulsively to h im at part

i ng,begging him in heart-rendi ng terms not to leave her.

Keep up good courage, Is abel,” said the young man,

as he tried to force back the tears he considered it un

manly to shed “ I shall soon make a fortune, and thenwe will have a beautiful home, and I will never leave


Al as, alas, for human calcul ations ! Before s ix years,

he had heard firs t of the death of his sis ter and of her

on ly son, and then of the marriage of h i s Isabel . The

latter even t threw him into a state of such gloom and

despondence that he lost more than half of the fortune

he had accumulated ; and, after livi ng on a year or two

in melancholy amounting almost to i nsan ity, he returned

to hi s native country, hardly thirty years old, but bent

and wri nkled li ke an old man . H i s whole character hadundergone a change . From being light of heart


i ng and hopeful,he was morose, distrustful, and despair

ing. About six months after hi s return , he was called

to the bedside of the one whom he believed had violated

her solemn vows to h im , but who was now a widow and

dyi ng. She revealed to him a plot of vi llany by which

sh e had been led to believe him married i n India, and

that,shocked by his want of fidelity, and hopeless of th e

future, she had given her hand to Mr. Sydney, a ma n


Page 39: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

38 run HO USE HOLb A NGE L

whom she soon found had deceived her, not only with

regard to her beloved fri end, but as to his own character.

He had taken delight i n her distress, w hen he boasted to

her of the forged account of Mr. Forsyth’s marriage ,which he had caused to be i nserted i n the papers . She

confessed her si n i n having married a man whom she did

not love,and

,with panting breath

,begged his forgiveness

for the injury she had done him .

It would be impossible to describe the nature of Mr.

Forsyth’s feelings as he sat by the couch of the dying

woman,and heard her confession

,i nterrupted as i t was

by groans and tears as she w i tnessed the agitation of

the bowed man sitting before her,and learned from it

that h is gri ef had even surpassed her ow n .

Isabel,my own Isabel ! ” he exclaimed

,hi s voice

choking with emotion , “

you must not di e. We may

yet be happy . God forgive me for having doubted you ;nay, for having distrusted h is goodness . 0 ,

my Isabel,l ive for me


” he continued,grasping her pale

,emaci ated

hand tightly in his own .

“ I cannot give you up .

The dying woman lay gasping for breath , almost terri

fied at the wi ldness Of hi s manner. At length she spoke


“ It i s too late ; I am even now dying . But

you can grant me one favor ; then I can lay my bodyin the grave in peace?“

Overpowered with grief,Mr. Forsyth could onlybow

his assent.“ Take, then , my boy, my on ly , child. I give h im to

you . He wi ll be the heir to considerable property. I

wish you to be hi s guardian,hi s fath er. Clarence, my

chi ld , come here ‘

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xN D I S G UI SE . 39

The boy advanced from the farther end of the apar t

ment, where, unobserved, he had witnessed all that had

passed . Hi s countenance bore the marks of violen t agitation , but with a matur ity beyond h is years he restrain ed

hi s feelings,and put his hand into his mother’s . Th is,

Stephen ,” sh e faltered, “ has been my daily prayer, that

God would spare my life unti l I could tell you how

truly, faithfully I have loved you, and give into your care

my best earthly treasur e . Will you take him

Mr. Forsyth opened h i s arms, and , at a motion from

his mother, Clarence advanced, and was clasped tightly

to the heart of her early friend. Isabel,

” said he,after

a pause of i ntense emotion to both of them Clarence

is henceforth my own son . Why will you not give me alegal right to the name ?

Isabel started .

Why not give me the bliss of call ing you mine, for

the brief remainder of your life . Even now God has

power to send health through your enfeebled frame. Oh,

God ! ” he added, throwing himself upon his knees, “ I

will bless thee all my days !

A beautiful sm ile of affection played about the mouth

of Mrs. Sydney, as she put her hand i n his .“ Youwil l ! you do consent ! ” he exclaimed

,joyfully ,

you w i l l yet be my ow n bride, my w i fe and he

warmly pressed the cold hand to hi s lips,while hi s frame

s hook with struggling emotion .

Yes, Stephen, i f my life is spared unti l morning, I

will be your wife . I wil l not try to conceal from you that

it wil l give me a pleasure I never looked for i n thi s world

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Ther. Jlarence will be your ow n your ow n .

” She

repeated the words fai ntly, as i f falling asleep .

Isabel Isabel ! ” he almost shouted, as she sank back

fain ting ; You will not leave me thus.” He pulled the

bell violently,when the nurse entered from an adjoi ning

chamber. Mrs . Sydney’s countenance so nearly resem

bled deathjthat Mr . Forsyth rushed wild ly from the room ,

utterly unable to restrai n his grief.

By the application , however, of powerful stimul ants,she soon revived, and looked anxiously around. A shiver

seized her, and she put her hand to her head as i f fearful

she had been dreaming.

He has gone below,sa id the k ind nurs e , Observ i ng

her look of distress . I will cal l him .

Clarence, who had been weeping bitterly, advanced to

the bed-side,while she hastened to th e parlor

,where she

found the afflicted man leamng on the table, with his face

buried in his hands .‘He started up as she en tered


gazed at her wi th horror, as i f he shrank from the tidings

he feared she had come to impart~ Mrs . Sydney has re

vived,” sh e said , and seems anxiou s to see you .

He started forward, when she detained him . It i s

necessary to be more calm . It woul d not do for you to

see her thus. Can you command your feeli ngs ? ”

I can , I wil l, I must be calm he answered, impa


tient at the momentary delay.

During the hight the pul se became more feeble . The

last sands Of life were ebbing fast away ; but her mind

remained clear, and the dying woman besought her fri end

to look to the Savi our,i n whom she trusted for support

under this trial. Again and agai n she thanked her beav

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was succeeded by a perfect torrent of s elf- reproach , i n

which he humbly begged forgiven ess . 'Under the judic

ious management of Uncle Stephen who never for a

moment forgot,i n hi s care of the boy , his mother

’s dying

w ords, “ bring him up i n the fear of the Lord,” Clarencebecame all that the fondest parent could wish .

At the expiration of that time , havmg become restless

at so long a period of inactivi ty,Uncle Stephen con

cluded once more to go to Indi a, and did so, taking Clar

ence with h im,havi ng remained i n the family of his

ni ece,Mrs . Stanley

,for the last six months of his stay in

the country . In that period he tran sferred al l the devoted

affection he had felt for hi s sister, to her child ; and when

he left her,his grief nearly equalled that he had experi

enced i n leaving hi s dear Mari a . She exhibited a tender

affection f:fr Clarence, and begged her uncle to leave the

boy under her care ; while she l istened with pleased in

terest to her uncle,when he prophes i ed that h is ward

would some day become a disti nguished man,and claim

a relation with the li ttle mi ss who w as now clapping her

hands in ecstasy at the sight of the high house he had

made with her blocks .

At that time Gertrude was only tw o years old, so that

she remembered nothing of th e bri llia nt future prophe

si ed for her. But Clarence was a tall,mature boy of

eight, and w hi le he seemed only inten t upon amusing his

little companion,he heard and rem embered all that was

said . In the years which had in tervened, he had often

called to mind the li ttle,fairy-like figure enti cing him to

play, and rewarding him with a svscet kis s from her coral

lips, until she was associated i n h is mind with all that

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m D I SG UI SE . 12}

w as lovable and lovely . After h is return to Ame rica

six years before Uncle Stephen , he often longed to vi sit

Li ndenwood Hall, and renew his acquaintan ce w ith hi syoung compan ion , of whom he could never think , except

a bright, laughing ch ild . But hi s time had passed so

rapidly in college, and at the law school , that he had

never done so . When Uncle Stephen an nounced his

in tention to return , and spend the remainder of hi s days

in hi s native land,and added, tha t if it was agreeable to

the family of h is nephew, i t was h is wish to iive with

them it is not strange that the opportunity thus afforded

of seeing once more one w ho had been a part of his daily

as well as nightly dreams, should quicken the blood in

his veins .

Afte r the letter of his guardian to Mr. Stanley,h e

waited impatiently for the answer ; and when i t came,written by Gertrude, he evinced so much pleasure that

Uncle Stephen looked upon him with aston ishment .“ Don’t you remember, s ir, said the young man , archly,you assigned this young lady to me

Humph ! ” exclaimed Uncle Stephen,at the same

time chuckling to himself ; “ so,young man

,that’s the

way the land lies . Well, we shal l see ; we shall see.

Though he would by no mean s have acknowledged it,

yet the i nterest displayed by Clarence was very pleasing

to his guardian . But be determined to test w ell her

character before he trusted her with the happiness of one

so dear to him as his adopted son . Of som e of the measures he adopted to attain that end we will speak more

hereafter. To tel l the truth, the thought that h is res idence

wi th h is ward in the fami ly of his nephew, might result

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44 THE n ouseuohn A NGEL.

i n the fulfi lment of the old prophecy, had been no slight

inducement to h im to make such an arrangement. So

far i t had proved satisfactory.

From their firs t introduction Gertrude had been mu: h

pleased with Mr. Sydney, and i n his presence appeared

al l th at was amiable. We have seen he was much pre

possessed in her favor, so that there appeared every prob

ability that he would soon be deeply in love. Whatever

Uncle Stephen thought of her, he kept hi s opi nion , as

yet, strictly to himself.

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The seeds offirst instructions are dropped into the deepest furrows.

h was now mid winter. After the departure of Em

ma and Edith , the family spent more of their time in

the large sunny parlor . The Hall was warmed throughout by a


furnace ; but in th is apartment there was

always a cheerful fire blazing on the marble hearth . Onone side

,close i n the corner, stood the easy-chair


w hich

had been assigned to Uncle Stephen . Here he read,

w rote or slept, j ust as he felt i ncli ned . Here, too , after

din ner,he submitted to th e tr icks of his favori te ani

mals,allowing them to take liberties which he would

have h ighly resented from any human bei ng.

In the recess,formed


by the bow-window,could be

seen at almost any hour of the day, Louis with hisyoung companion . The window was large

,and afford

ed ample room for the small table which stood partially

lil front of the low divan occupying the space . Heavycurtains fell in rich folds from the arch above, which

were usually 100ped aside to admit the cheerful rays of

th e sun ; but by allowing them to fal l to the floor,the

young people could be enti rely secluded from observa

tion . A table stood i n the middle of the room near

which Mr. Stanley usually sat, when not i n h is study.

Here also his wife occupied herself wi th her readingor sewi ng.

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46 m s aous s now ANGEL

The greater part of every day Clarence remained in

hi s ow n apartment, busy i n hi s studies ; but whenever'

he appeared below,h is presence was hai led with j oy not

on ly by the chi ldren , but by the . older members of the

fami ly . During his lei sure hours Gertrude was as usualin the parlor

,engaged with her drawing or embroidery .

Though Alice was within a few days of the age of

Edi th,yet both in person and mann er she appeared

several years younger, and could hardly have be en sup

posed to be much older than Loui s . Her form w as

sligh t, and her motions as graceful as those of a young

fawn . Her hair was dark auburn , and being p arted

smoothly on her brow,hung in rich curls upon her neck

and shoulders . Her complexion was of transparen t

whiteness, the blue veins bei ng disti nctly visi ble , whi le

the changi ng color was ever mantli ng her cheek . Hereyes

,when she was quiet

,were hazel

,and had a soft,

dreamy expressi on , though when she was an imated , they

kindled an l dazzled by thei r dark bri ll iancy. But the

greatest charm i n the face of Alice was her earnes t

truthfulness , the calm purity of expression . And her

countenance was a true index of her character ; for though.

a simple,artle ss ch ild of thirtee n years

,sh e was striving

after holi ness . Every morning, in her room ,which opened

out of the nursery occupied by Loui s, sh e asked herFather i n Heaven to guide all her thoughts, words andaction s thrbugh the day, and to keep

her from all evi l.

When tempted to i ndulge in unkind feeli ngs, she remem

bered that an omniscient Eye was watching over her,and she looked up for strength to overcome. She w as

naturally quick to feel when wronged, and sometimes

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m D i scuse 47

her eye flashedfand bi tter words of retaliation rose toher l ips

,but she suppres sed them, and i n one moment her

passion subsided,and she was able to speak calmly and

peaceably . Her companions often wondered at her sel f.control , not realizi ng the source to which she looked fo

s trength . Louis considered her the impersonation of a l.

goodness,and her word as sacred . N or w as he alone

i n th is. If, as was often the case, any di fficul ty arose

between the sisters,she was often referred to by one or

another,and her statement was received with perfecf

confidence .

Mr. Stanley had kept hi s promise to h is first wi fe,and

so far Alice had received equal advan tages wi th his ow n

ch ildren . She had regularly attended the Academy in

the vi llage with Emma and Edith . In their absenceLouis was so dependent upon his little friend for com

pany, that h is father was puzzled to know what to do

with her . Mrs . Stanley proposed laying out a simple

course of study for them through the wi nter, to be pur

sued under her i nstruction ; but her husband obj ected

entirely to the confinement th is would cause her,and she

yi elded to his argument that lessons i n order to be of

use, ought to be regular. As her time was not at he r

ow n command,th i s -regularity could not be obtained

She then proposed that Gertrude should attend to them ,

but when asked by her father to undertake the task, she

at once decli ned,saying she had neither talent nor in

clination for school-keeping. But at length arrange

ments were made which proved i n the highest degree

satisfactory to both parents and scholars .

Happening to be si tting i n the parlor one day w i th

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Uncle Stephen and Mrs . Stanley, Clarence , who sa t read-

ymg the dai ly paper

,while the old gentleman w as takin


his siesta i n hi s chair, had his attention arrested b y amonotonous sound from beh ind the curta in . Hi s earnesttook of inqui ry as he started from his paper, and leaned

forward to l is ten , brought a smi le to the mouth of Ma

rion, w ho said i n a low voice, “ It i s Ally reciting her

h istory lesson to Louis . The chi ld i s very fond of s tudy.”

She advanced to the wi ndow, and putting as ide the heavy

folds,peeped cautiously i nto the recess

,then motioned

Clarence to her side .

Sitting near each other on the divan , the chi ldren were

so i n tently occupied they did not perceive the observers.

Al ice was repeating a page of h istory, which she did

with such purity of‘ language

,and such an enti re appro

el ation of the subj ect, that Clarence was delighted . Hercompanion sat with h is eyes intent on th e page, his thi n

fingers followi ng line after li ne, as she went on with the

recitation . But h is face was flushed with excitement,and hi s brow was kni t as if weary with the close at

tention .

Mr . Sydney returned to h is seat,and continued for a

long time to gaze abstractedly i nto the fire . At length

be asked , Has she no other teacher ?-Mrs . Stanley shook her head

,and then related to him

rer ow n wish with regard to them ,.to which her husband

obj ected.

“ Would not Gertrude 7 he asked .

She did not feel i ncl in ed,

” was the serious rep ly.


,for want of a better, I will offer my

unvk es ”

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,advancing to the s ide of her new teacher 7

said,Will you please to let Louis recite too ? ”

Yes,Louis too


” he answered,for one i n stant detain

ing her to gaze into her bright face . He had neverbefore thought her so beautiful

,and i t was a pleasant

sight to look upon .

Louis was exceedingly pleased with the idea of goingto school to Clarence, and sat quietly by while Ally ran

for her books to show h im how far she had advanced.

He proposed to her to take a rapid review of her studies,that he might better judge what course she ought to

pursue . He then took Loui s on his knee, and asked

what he wished to study .

“ I suppose I must go on with geography and arith


” the chi ld answered,with a sigh ; “ but i t makes

my head ache to study much , and I don’t th ink anybody

but All y could make me understand the sums .

What study do you li ke best 7

O,I l ike to hear Ally read the Bible stories

,and then

she asks me questions , just as if i t was geography or

spell ing. I can answer all those questions .

Clarence glanced quickly at the young mother,as the

boy, having answered the i nquiry, lay back agai nst n is

breast. “Well,Louis


” he resumed,trying not to betray

his emotion,“ i f Ally will let me j oin her clas s , you and

I will study the stories i n the Bible .”

L ouis started from the kind arm thrown around Inm,

and looked eagerly i n Clarence’s face ; but, firrding that

he was seri ous,lay back agai n wi th a calm expression

of happiness upon every feature .

While thi s conversation was goi ng on , Uncle Stephen

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IN D I SG UI SE . 51

awoke , and was gaz ing from one to another to ascertai n,if possible , the subject which so much i nterested them

As soon as Al ice perceived it, she sprang to his side.

O,Uncle Stephen ! ” she exclaimed through the tube


Clarence i s going to be my teacher. I’m so happy ! ”

Ahem ’ happy, are you? Well , were you ever other

wi se ? tell me that,” he added, catching her hand as she

was dancing away .

What, sir ?

Are you ever unhappy ?

Alice cast down her eyes, while a rosy blush spread

over her cheek ; but as Uncle Stephen was i ntent upon

hearing her reply, she reluctantly placed the ivory to her

mouth,and, in a low voice . answered, Yes, sir.



’ he repeated “ and I should like to know

what cause you have to be unhappy.

The chi ld cast a hurried glance of embarrassment

around the room,and then added, “ Please

,Uncle Ste

phen , I had rather not tel l now .

“ But I wish to know'

now . You needn’t fear to speak

before your friends .”

She looked beseechingly at Clarence , who arose and

went to the farther end of the apartment, but not beyond

the sound of her voice . He was evidently anxious tohear what she would say .

“Well,Ally ,

” urged the old gentleman , impatiently.

Though the tears trembled in her eyes, she answered,I can’t help being sorry when I have don e wrong.

This reply,so different from what had been expected


caused a momentary s ilence i n the room .

A nd pray, then ,” continued the in terrogator, “ why

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don’t you leave off? Precious li ttle need you have of


” he murmured.“ I do try to ,” was the almost inarticulate response,while a tear tri ckled down her cheek ; but I often get

angry , or feel wrong in here,” and she laid her hand upon

her heart.

And what do you do then“ I ask God to take away my naughty fee li ngs, and to

forgive me for the sake of Jesus Christ.”

What then

Then I feel happier .How often do you feel angry ? every day ? ”

0 , no ! not every day, not as often as I used to.

Why is that ? ”

I th ink God helps me to keep my resolutions .

Al i ce, i nquired Uncle Stephen , wiping his eyes,who taught you to pray ?

My mother,s ir, and my father, before he died .

“When you pray again , ask God to bless Uncle Ste

phen ,” and the old gentleman , whose fountain of tears

seemed ever ful l, no longer able to repress h is emotion ,wept without restrain t.

Mrs . Stanley was much affected at the ch ild , who had

unco n sciously let her friends i nto the secret of her hope

and trust i n her Maker,and revealed the struggles she

had with her own si nful nature, and her entire confidence

i n her Saviour to wash away her gui l t. She had no

opportuni ty of as certai ning the effect th is had upon

Clarence, for he had wa lked into the recess, and was

completely hidden from her vi ew. Alice immediately

teft the room, and w as j oined by Loui s, who returned,

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IN D I SG UI SE . 53

however,i n a few moments, and w hispered to Clarence,

asking him if he would please tell Uncle Stepheni t

made Ally cry to ask her so many questions .

Is she crying nowYes

,and I can’t get her to speak , she sobs so much .

Tell your mother,and ask her to go to Alice .

It had, i ndeed, been painfully embarrassing to the child

to be obliged , as i t were, to proclaim the i nward conflicts

which had only before been known to her God. But

from this time the dear chi ld found great comfort and

support i n the sympathy of Mrs . Stanley. A holy ti e

bound their hearts together.

The next day lessons were commenced i n earnest,and

Alice applied herself diligently, determined to show her

teacher how much she prized hi s k indn ess .

Mr . Stanley was delighted with any plan whereby

the child could be kept with Louis without injury toherself.

After dinner, Clarence asked Alice to come“ to hi s

s tudy w i th her books, and Loui s to accompany her, andbring his marbles.

The boy—

looked in amazement. “ Shall I n eed them

in the school ?

“ I’ll have a game with you at recess, replied Clarence

,laughing. 3

‘Will you be my scholar too ? ” he

whispered to Gertrude .

The young lady smiled , and her father looked much

pleased, as he always did at any attention to his daughter from Clarence . In what branch she asked .

In anythi ng you please . ’In drawing

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I fear I should make but a poor teacher of draw ing

I am but a four th-rate artist.”And I am but a begi nner.

“ I shal l be but too happy to be of use ; and so says

i ng he followed the chi ldren,where he was equally aston

ished and delighted at the progress Alice had made,and

her great thirst for knowledge . He questioned her closelyto be sure that she ful ly understood the subj ects of her

s tudies, and came to the conclusion that h is first pupil

was possessed of a mind of uncommon force and clear

ness . Now, Louis ,” he said gayly, after he had givenAl ly her lesson for the next day, let us have a game.

How many marbles have you

A whole bag full .”

“Well,don’t be partial ; divide them into three parts .

Ali ce put out her hand to assist h im ,but was re

strained by a glance from her teacher,who said


antly,“ Be fair now, Louis, and give me as many as you

do Alice .”

I’l l divide them equally .

These three parts proving too many for the game

3larence wished to play,Louis divided them i nto four,

six , eight, twenty, multiplyi ng and dividing until he

began to think hi s teacher was very diffi cult to please.

At length Clarence appeared sati sfied,and the game

commenced, when the teacher became the pupil , and

begged Louis to impart some of his ski ll . The three

were laughing very heartily,when Uncle Stephen ap

peared at the door.

Hoity, toity ! fine school this,” he muttered, as

he step p ed cautiously over the ring in to the room.

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IN D I SG U I SE . 56

Pre tty w ork for a young lawyer . Who’s scholar now,

prav“ We have had a good game

,sa id Clarence

,ri sing

from hi s humble position on the floor. Come,Alice


now i t’s your turn to be teacher.”

She don’t know anything about i t,exclaimed Louis,

eagerly ; but if you w ant her to hear you just as she

does me,I know she will

,because she says she l i kes you

the best of any

Alice put her hand across hi s mon th, so that he could

say no more . Clarence gently took her hand , sayi ng,Wil l you take me into

your Bible-class,Ally ? ”

I don’t know what you mean,sir.”

“ Loui s says you hear him recite,after tel ling the

s to ries, and I think you could also instruct me .”

Hi s manner was very serious,and the poor chi ld did

not know what to say . She looked so much embar

rassed that he continued : “ Perhaps we w i ll postpone

our Bible lesson u nti l Sabbath afternoon ,” and she left

the room .

“ Rather think,

” said Uncle Stephen , when they were

a lone, you’ll get as much as you’ll give .”

“ I feel that I shall be wel l repaid,” repli ed Clarence ;

she has a very bright mind .

And a very pure heart,

” added hi s companion .

Strange,how often she reminds me of my si ster.”

What kind of a woman i s her mother ? I can’t

make much of her. She came to thank me for the in o

terest I took i n her child ; but she did it in such a strange

way, that I could hardly unders tand her.”

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She was formerly a very good woman . 1 have

hardly seen her since we have been here .”

“ Mrs . Stanley told me she thought her parti ally in

sane . She was very anxious fO‘

I‘ Edith to go away


ing she ought to be under restraint, as she never was at

home ; and now she is constantly fretting that Alice

didn’t go too . She told Mrs . Stanley yesterday,that the

first wife promised that ‘Al ice should have as good an

education as her own daughters . However,she seemed

grateful that I would teach her. Poor Alice ! Her fatewill be a hard one i f she should be deprived of her

friends . She has been educated like a lady, i s refined

and cultivated i n her tastes,and therefore but ill -pre

pared to struggle with the world .

Ahem ! we’l l see to that,

” said Uncle Stephen,em


Weeks flew rapidly by . Alice pursued her studies

with great ardor,while Lou is took lessons i n ari thmetic


geography, and grammar, never complai ning of weari

ness, but th inking al l the time that he was only enjoyi ng

some new game . Gertrude had commenced her lessons

in drawing, but found no interest i n them unless Mr.

Clarence Sydney were sitti ng by her side and , i n truth,he appeared nothing loth to do so . He patiently taughther the same lessons day after day , i n structing her to

shade a little heavier here,and a l ittle lighter there.

He praised her success,and where he pointed out a fault,

he did i t so te nderly,that she was almost incli ned to

commit the error agai n . On the whole, Clarence hadnever passed so happy a winter, and he loved to bri ng

the blushes to the cheeks Of Gertrude by telli ng her so.

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To what trial s do you refer ? ” asked her mother, her

face growing very pal

The trial of finding out th at he has married a mere

nobody ! ” retorted She, angri ly. The moment She had

Spoken,the young girl keenly regretted her hasty words,

and would gladly have recalled them ; for she was really

frightened at the result.

Mrs . Stan ley tried to speak , but was un able, and fell

back faint and trembli ng i n her chair.

Uncle Stephen started from his seat exclaiming an

grily, Begone,girl ! What have you been doing to

your mother ? Begone, l say !” He rang the bell fur i

ously. Mrs . Carey happened to be i n the house , and

when she heard what had occurred,came directly with

sal-volati le and stimulants, by means of wh ich the un

happy lady soon recovered her consciousness, and was

assisted to her chamber ; and the old gentleman retired

to his room in great excitement, muttering as he went,“What fools we make of ourselves . I’l l have my eyes

Open, if I can

’t hear. Yes, and I

’l l make good use Of

them after thi s . Begone, si r !” he said

,to one of the

monkeys that had escaped from his confinement, “ I’ve

no time for fooling.

Clarence thought h is guardian must be more than

commonly absorbed i n business,when he stopped from

hi s walk a 3ross the room,and encountered the expression

of the angry man .

“ I wanted to talk with you,” he

began , “ upon a subj ect intimately connected

Can’t attend to i t,sir


” i nterrupted Uncle Stephen .

O ther business on hand .

” He jerked a chair from theJvall, and threw himself in to it, where he sat muttering

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IN mso UISE . 59

unintelligibly for ten minutes . Though his compan ion

l istened eagerly,he could get no clue to the cause of thi s

sudden anger. He left h im read ing quietly i n the parlor,

and now he was more excited than he ever remembered

to have seen h im . At length Uncle Stephen said,in a

subdued voice, Call Alice ; I want Al ice .”

Cannot [ do what you wish ? ” asked Clarence, te


“ I feel angry,and I want her to come and pray for

Dear Uncle Stephen , replied the young man, bowing reverently before him ; you taught me to pray.

Can’t you pray now ?

Uncle Stephen made an effort to control him self,and


covering hi s face with his hands,sat thus for a time in

S ilence . At length he motioned his ward to si t by him,

and asked,Did you want my advice on any important



,replied Clarence

,though somewhat embar


Well,wai t unti l to-morrow. I’l l talk with you then ..

One piece of advice you need,and I’ll give i t now

Keep your eyes open

The following day the young man again introduced

the subject,and wished Uncle Stephen’s approbation of

his choice of a companion,telling him he lov ed Gertrude,

and believed her pos sessed of al l th e qualifications he

could ask to make him happy.

What quali ti es do you donsider necessary, youngman ? ” asked Uncle Stephen

,rather gruffly .

Why, she i s wel l educated, of a good mi nd, has an

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amiable di sposi tion , and — well, she is very handsome

and very lovely .

Handsome is that handsome does,muttered Uiiclc

Stephen,i n an under tone ; then , speaki ng aloud , be con

ti nned,Well

, if she is all that , I’l l settle a cool hundred

thousand upon her the day you’re married ! ” and,the

goggles bei ng off, di sclosed his eyes twinkling with sup

pressed mirth .

Clarence arose, stood before hrs guardian , and began

w armly to express his gratitude ; but Uncle Stephen cut

him Short. You’ve got first to p rove to me that she hasthese qualifications .”

That will not be difficult, I think . You are an excel

lent judge of character. How long wi ll i t take to prove

this to you

Three years,replied the Old gentleman


T hree years repeated Clarence,with dismay de

picted on every feature .“ Not a day less . You know nothing at all Of her

character. Try her,prove her well . If she comes out

scath less from the trial, I

’ll giv e her to you, with my


It required many arguments, however, to persuadeClarence that he was not perfectly acquai nted with the

character of the one he loved . But at length he eon

sented to say nothing Of h is affecti on to the object of i t,but to do as his uncle wished

,and watch her closely


fully assured that he should find her i n reali ty al l that she

was in appearance,and believi ng, when he did so, that

he should be spared so long a term of probation .

Uncle Stephen w as perfectly satisfied , and gave Clar

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m D I SG U I SE . 61

ence his hand , saying, That i s enough . I can depend

upon your honor. It has been the favorite wi sh of my

life, si nce I adopted you, to unite you with one of my

nieces .”


” in terrupted hi s ward, there can be no com

parison between Gertrude and her sisters .”

I acknowledge Emma is not so prepossessi ng i n herappearance ; but she may have a good heart, and Edith18

A very shrew. Del iver me from the taming of her.

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C H A P T E R V I .

None but an author knows an author’s cares,

Or fancy’s fondness for the child she bears .



Mas . STANLEY did not leave her room for several days ,but A lice and her mother were unweari ed i n their attentions . Mr. Stanley really loved his wife

,and he went

often to her room to sit by her,as sh e lay weary and

fai nt upon her couch but every time he did so,his pres

ence seemed to add greatly to her distress, and caused

her tears to flow more freely . He knew not what to

think . If Edi th had been at home,he wou ld have sup

posed she had wounded her mother’s feelings . It could

be noth ing connected with h is children,for only the day

before she was taken sick, she had shown him , with apparent pleasure

,a l etter from Emma

,with whom she

kept up a regul ar correspondence ; and in it the young

girl expressed much affection for her mother. Al ice and

Loui s were, as she had often told him ,a real comfort to

nor. He would as soon suspect himself of i n ten tionallywounding the feelings of his wife, as of believing Ger

trude capable of i t ; for, i n her father’s presence, she was

i nvariably polite to her mother. As day after day passe d

without abating the di stress of his wife, he at length

became seriously alarmed,and retired' to his study to

consider what he had better do . He walked back andforth

,reviewing h is married l i fe . First he called to mind


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the years he had lived with his Emma his first love ;then his meeting with Marion . How lovely she had

appeared to him . He could disti nctly see her as shelooked when he went to bring her to Li ndenwood . How

bright and happy her face how warm and impul sive ht r

manner ! But all was now changed . Some great sorrow

appeared to have fallen upon her, and he became con

vineed i t was connected with himse lf. Could he have

misunderstood her character? Had he not been too

much absorbed in hi s cares,and too l ittle attentive to

her,w ho had left beloved friends and delightful society

Ah ! he li ttle realized how cold and reserved he appeared

to Marion , w ho had lived i n the closest companionship

and confidence of her father, had been accustomed to

receive hi s morn ing and eveni ng caresses,to share with

him every joy and sorrow which fil led her heart, or that

this coldness , for which Gertrude had so unfeelingly ac

counted, was breaking her heart.

Havi ng i n vai n sought,by him self

,a sufficient cause

for the sadness and depressi on of his Wi fe,he determined

to seek her once more , and endeavor to regain her confi

dence . He wondered he had not before done thi s,and

immediately ascended to her chamber. As he si lentlyentered he saw her si tting i n an easy-chair, the back of

which was toward the door. He had taken but one stepi nto the room , when hi s atten tion was arrested by her

violent sobs . He advanced toward her ; but her wordsleft him powerless . She was holding a miniature


he could see was rich ly set,to her li ps ; then her tears

rained upon i t as she exclaimed,i n heart-broken accents


Oh ! what shal l I what can I , do ? Oh t hat my dear

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father were alive to advi se me ! ” Then , again and again

kiss i ng the miniature , she sobbed out, And I loved him:

so dearly when , starti ng as if she heard a sound, she

thrust the precious treasure i nto her bosom .

He had heard enough . The mystery was revealed.

Mari on loved another. He returned si lently to h is studywhere he sat for a time w i th h is face buried in hi s hands .

He,too, asked himself agai n and again , “ What can I

do "” There was but one person i n the fami ly who

could answer,and that one was Al ice . Young as she

was,she had watched

,with sympathizing tears

,the sor

row of the gentle wife, w ho had been so true a friend to

her. ' She had heard the cruel taunts of Gertrudfi


seen their with ering effect: She had observed the slight

m isunderstandings between the husband and wife,

through the influence of the same person . She knew,

too , how tenderly, how truly Marion loved him ,and how

wounding to her feelings had been many occurrences

unnoticed by others . But Alice could say nothing ; she

could only,by her winning gentleness, her arden t affec

tion,soothe the grief which she could not remove.

When Mr. Stan ley was called to tea, hi s anger had

enti rely subsided . Hi s love and pity for his wife determined h im to try, at least, to make her happy, even

though she loved another.

Tw o days later, Marion appeared below. Though

ex tremely pale,yet there was a light i n her eye

,and a

look of firm resolve,which had not shone there for many

weeks . The family gazed upon her with wonder. From

this time she gradually gained her strength and, though

never gay,she went resolutely on in the performance of

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young wife found a true friend i n Uncle Stephen . Man)a time

,when weary and fain t i n well-doing, did she seek

hi s room,and never fai led to receive the encouragement

and sympathy which she needed . Her li terary laborsw ere of benefit to her, by allowi ng her no time to brood

over her ow n trial s, for Gertrude , though more cautious

than before, yet often , by her unkindness, brought tears

to her mother’s eyes .

Mrs . Stanley was often at a loss to understand her

husband . She frequently looked up to meet hi s eye

fixed upon her with sadness,and sometimes as if he

read her very soul ; and at such times she was con scious

of appeari ng much embarrassed .

She had an Obj ect,and was determined to win back

the love she supposed she had lost .

Early i n the spri ng,the whole family were startled by

Uncle Stephen,who

,after receiving h is daily packet of

letters,opened one containing intelligence w hich greatly

exci ted him . He sprang from his chair, threw down hisspeaking trumpet

,overset everything which stood i n h is

way to the door,then ran up stairs, calling, Claren t e !


It was not more than fifteen minutes before Clarence

came down,equipped for a tri p to New York



Uncle Stephen i ntended to go,but he has at length

allowed me to take h is place .” He merely stopped tosay good bye, and a few whispered words to Gertrude,before he hastened away in order to reach the boat.

Nothing could be ascertai ned from Uncle Stephen asto the cause of Clarence’s sudden departure , o r the time

when he might be expected to return . Gertrude, in her

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(N D I SG U ISE . 67

anxiety,even condescended to employ her mother to

obta in fo r her the des ired i nformation , but in vain . Thc

old gentleman w as res tless and excitable unti l the third

day after his ward’s departure , when a letter was received

from him which appeared greatly to r elieve his anxiety.though he said not a word of i ts contents . A fter thi s, a

letter came from Clarence every day for more than two

weeks,unti l one morning Uncle Stephen announced to

Mrs . Stanley that Clarence would soon return,i f i t

would be convenient for them to receive a young man

with him . Assured that i t would , he then told her that

the firs t letter he received w as from a physician i n NewYork

,contai n ing intelligence of the dangerous i llness of

a young man whom he had known in India . He hadnow recovered sufficiently to be removed, and Clarence,impatient to return , had asked permission to bri ng him

to Li ndenwood.

Mr. Stanley answered the letter,urging them to come

at once . He also asked Clarence to take the care of hisdaughters

,who were to return from school

,directi ng him

where they would meet him . In three days after thi s,

the party arrived,consi s ti ng of Emma, Edith , Mr. Syd

ney,and Mr . Huntington

,who was sti ll an invalid.

Uncle Stephen received the latter with the - affection of a


The young girls could hardly express their pleasure at

being once more at home . Emma w as really warm in

h er embrace of her mother ; and Edi th , who had grownto be taller than her sister, appeared much improved.

Her father and mother gazed at her i n surprise . She no

longer seemed a ch ild . Her hair which she had formerly

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worn braided i n her neck,was now twi sted in to a kl ot


and fastened with a comb,making her appear li ke a

young lady of seventeen . While at school,she had

been much praised for her beauty ; and , i ndeed, her luxu

ria nt hair and brill iant color gave her some claims to be

considered handsome . She kissed Alice as She would

have petted a chi ld, saying, I do bel i eve youwi ll never

outgrow that baby look .”

Marion smiled,and hoped not. Louis was delighted

to see his sisters,and

,while Alfred Huntington remained,

the time passed pleasantly.

Alice went on with her lessons ; and her teacher,wi l ling to ascertai n whether she had advanced as far as

Edith , playful ly proposed to examine the latter i n thebranches She had pursued at school . There was no

shade of diffidence i n the character of Edi th,and she

willi ngly consented that either he or his friend should do

so . Young Huntington had from the firs t looked withan admiring eye upon Edith

,so free

,Open and frank she

appeared . He compared her with others whom he hadmet, and thought her very superior to them . Clarence

found she had pursued a great variety of studies , and

that she had a ski lful way of coveri ng her deficiencies

by aski ng questions connected with the subj ect. To an

interested obs erver like Mr. Huntington , this appearedto Show a great desire for knowledge ; and he did nothesitate to express hi s admirati on in looks, if not in

words . But upon Mr. Sydney the impression was dif

ferent. He perceived at once that some faculti es of hermind were very mature

,that she had a smatteri ng of

many subj ects,but i n force and thoroughness could not

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rN D ISGU I SE . 69

be compared with A l ice . Ed ith was far i n advance ofhi s pupil i n her know ledge of the world, and in the

variety of her accomplishments ; yet Al ice had incom

parably the advantage i n the ease of her manners, and

m the winning grace and modes ty of her expres sion .

Mr. Huntington regarded her as a lovely chi ld,but as

yet he had found no opportunity of comparing their

dispositions .

In the meantime,Mrs . Stan ley progressed rapidly with

her tale . She lived i n it,and wove into it many scenes

i n her ow n life ; and so ful l was i t of thrilli ng pathos,so entire ly did she identify herself with the characters of

her story, that many pages were blotted with her sympa

thiz ing tears, while, as She read, Uncle Stephen laughed

and wept. So i nterested did he become in th is tale that

he could allow her to w rite but a few pages before she

read to him . Hi s approbation stimulated her efforts,and rendered her more hopeful of success .

After remaining at home a month , Emma and hersister returned to school . During this visit, Mrs . Stanleytook great delight i n the society of Emma

,and parted

from her with regret. This dear chi ld confessed that

Upon her firs t receivi ng the affectionate note Of her

mother,which accompanied the valuable bracelet, she

was overcome with Shame and mortification at her un

kindness,and that she then determined to become at

affectionate and dutiful daughter. While at home, she

listened with unaffected delight to nurse Carey’s at count

of the goodness of her mother. “ I am sure, Se id the

nurse,as she was in Emma’s room preparing her dresse s

for her return , “ I never can be grateful enough for the

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kindness she has shown Alice,who loves her more nan

any other person livi ng, unles s i t be Louis .”Not more than she does her ow n mother, urged

Emma , l augh ing.

Putting her apron to her eyes, Mrs . Carey answered ,You know she would have felt differently i f I’d brought

her up . She takes n aturally to the fami ly where She’salways been treated like a , hild . If your ow n mother,who was so fond of her

,had lived

,she couldn’t have

been more kindly cared for.

Emma asked her mother if there was an engagementbetween Clarence and Gertrude


,“ She will tel l

me noth ing, but it’s easy to see that she loves h im .

I th ink ,” repli ed Marion

,there is an understanding

between them , though there may not be any positive

engagemen t.”

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This is some token from a newer friend

As the warm weather came on, Louis failed i n strengt h .Hi s lessons were disconti nued, and he was encouraged

to be out i n the open air» Hi s father purchased a smallpony for his exclusive use but the boy could hardly be

persuaded to ride, because Al ice could not accompany

It was a mild, pleasant. morning in the latter part of

May. The physician on the previous day had expressed

his wi sh for Louis to be on horseback as much as poss ible ; and Mrs . Stan ley was trying to persuade him to

overcome his languor,ri se from the sdfa, and go out i nto

the clear air.“ If Al ice could go too,

” he began as usual,when

with a perfect shout of delight,the person named came

bounding i nto the room . She was breath less with her

haste and joy, and catch ing the hand of the sick boy,pulled him quickly to the wi ndow. There stood the

Shetl and pony,and by its Side a beautiful wh ite horse


saddled and bridled,pawing and stamping with impa

tience at the delay .

Louis gazed at the horse, and Al ice gazed at Louis .when ,with a spring from the floor, she exclaimed , that


mine , dear, dear Louis ! Now ,won’t we have a fine

time ? Oh ! how very glad I am ! ”

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“ But where did i t come from ? ” asked Mrs . Stanley,

who, with the whole group, had ap proached the front


A likely story exclaimed Gertrude , scornful ly.

What makes ‘

you think i t i s yours she added,

qui ckly changing her tone. as she saw the eyes of Clar

ence fixed upon her i n astoni shment.“ Because a man brought i t, and the letter said so,

ep ried Al ice , her w he lc countenance beaming with ani

mation .

“What’s all th is about ? ” i nquired Uncle Stephen,f

o oking at Clarence for an explanation .

The young man smiled as he pointed to Al ice , who

eagerly took the trumpet and said , j oyful ly, Oh , UncleStephen ! somebody has given me a beautiful white

horse ! and we can’t find out who i t i s .”

Humph ! what can you do with a horse, I should-ike to know ? You never were on a horse in your life .

Oh yes,sir ! ” replied Al ice, i n her enthusiasm speak

ing very loud, I have rode on Louis’s pony .

“ But Clarence led you,

” suggested the boy.

Well, now I can learn to ride myself, and you’l l like

to ride a great deal , now you’ll have me for company

and she joyfully kissed his pale brow again and again .

When they turned from the window,they saw Mr .

Stanley beh ind them w i th an Open letter i n hi s hand,

from which he had taken a bank -bil l . He had a mostmysterious air, and waited, without speaki ng, until Gertrude said, Is it so, papa ? i s the horse sent to Al i ce ? ”

“ Yes ; Alice has strong friends somewhere , certainly

weal thy ones. A man came this morning,leading this

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the attention of all present : “ Alice ought to be very

thankful for your valuable gift. Perhaps , as She g row s

Older She may appreciate the kindness which has singled

her out as the receiver of your bounty.

Uncle Stephen was very angry ; at lea s t his h eigh t~

ened color,and the impatien t stamp of hi s foot made

him appear so . He started to h is feet,and giving the

cricket before h im a violent push , exclaimed, Who said

I had bestowed any bounty upon her,or any one else

Gertrude was about to make an angry reply ; but she

saw Clarence,whom she thought had left the room


standing by Alice i n the door-way, and she turned

haughti ly to the window.

“ Could i t be Uncle Stephen ,” thought Al ice

,“ who

gave i t to me ? ” She started forw ard,then checked

hers elf, and finally fol lowed her teacher to the door,

where Louis was impatiently call ing her to come andtry her new pony.

Gertrude retired to her ow n room ; but the sight from

her windows did not by any means dimin ish the angershe felt toward Alice .

Clarence mounted the horse,rode h im gently around

the yard, trotted and cantered him ,and finding him to

be perfectly gentle,placed Alice upo n his back . Louis

followed , laugh ing gayly at her fear, for the horse, though

not a large one,was so much higher than the Shetland

pony, that she trembled exces sively. Clarence, however,encouraged her

,walked by her side back and forth


she became used to the height. He then asked if she

w ould venture to have the animal trot,saying he would

s till hold the rei n.

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i N D ISGUISL . 75

Though very pale, Alice said, Yes ; and after a few

moments,thought she could go alone . He showed her

how to hold the rei n , made her si t erect, bearing upon

the stirrup, and then let her go, following closely beh ind

her. She rode down to the gate and then s topped, but

her k ind teacher soon came up and taught her to turn

about, when she trotted bri skly up to the door. She then

begged Clarence to si t upon the step while She rode

alone , and this time she and Louis trotted side by s ide

down the grayelled road , turned, and trotted up to the

door,when the young gentleman told her she had done

bravely, and Mrs. Stanley from the window nodded her

approval .

I wish Uncle Stephen could see me , said the happy


and looking up to his window she saw him , laugh

ing hearti ly at her success .

The more she thought of it,the more was Alice con

v inced that Uncle Stephen was the donor ; but she w as

sorely puzzled i n what way to express her thanks wi th

out giving offence. At length , after revolving the subject

unti l a very late hour at n ight, she resolved upon a method

by which She .might do so. She was i n the habit of

writi ng tw o compositions every week ; sometimes it w as

an abstract of her lesson,sometimes a simple tale, and

often a Bible character. Her next,she resolved


be a letter addressed To my unknown benefactor.

This she did i n a neatly-written note of tw o pages,and


hav i ng shown it to Mrs. Stanley,and received her kind

approval,she carried it to the parlor


,watching her

Opportunity when she found Uncle Stephen alone,she

to ld him she had a letter which she wished to show him ,

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before she gave it to her teacher for a theme. The old

gentleman pushed back his glasses, and took the envel

ope, l ittle thi nking it was addressed to him self. Heopened it

,commenced readi ng, then gave a start of

pris e ; but, seeing Alice standing anxiously before him,

he read it through with no other comment than by fro

quently wipi ng his eyes . He then careful ly folded it, and

returned i t to her,saying


" Good child, good c/til i n

such a tone of tenderness , that she kn ew her humble

thanks had been accepted . When she presented the com

position to h er teacher,he did not

,as was usually the

case, return it to her with corrections ; and, when she

asked for it,told her he had forwarded it according to the

address .

During the weeks following, the children, as they werecalled in the family

,improv ed the fine weather unti l

Alice became qui te an accomplished equestrian , Clar

ence often obtaini ng another horse,and accompanyi ng

them to the village . But whi le th is exercise was of great

service to the young girl,Louis appeared more and more

exhausted,unti l at length even h i s physician became con

vinced he could not endure the fatigue . Dr. Jenks thenrecommended a change of air, and Mrs. Stanley pro

posed starti ng with him and Al ice on a j ourney to

Her husband accompanied her,and after wai ting a few

days, and finding the change likely to prove beneficial, he

returned home,leaving her to prolong her visi t wh ile the

poor boy continu ed better. It was his firs t j ourney, and

Loui s was not soon weary of talking with Alice, aboutplace s of interest they had passed. He gained rapidlyin s trength, and Was able to ride almost every day. His

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IN D I SG UI SE . 77

mother went with him to C her n ati ve place,vis ited

the house where she was born,poi nted out to him and

his companion w e study where her father wrote his ser

mons,received the call s of h is people

,and heard her re

citation s .‘

She showed them the garden,and arbor

, w i th

i ts clusteri ng vi nes trai ned by her ow n hand . Nor d idshe fail to visi t with them the graves of her father and

mother. 1

Seated on a low mound, Mrs . Stan ley called to m indthe early teachings of her beloved father

,the only parent

she had known,and repeated them to her attentive li sten

ers . She reminded them of the home, the Sav iour has prov ided for all those w ho humbly believe on him

,w ho love

him, and try to do h is will . Pointing to the grave before

her,she told them how she had longed to lie down there

by his side . But,” she added

,that des ire was a mur

mur agai nst the kind hand that had for so many years

given me a teacher,guide

,and friend . Long ago I

learned to thank Him th at my prayer was not answered.I have now many dear ones for whom I des ire to live and

labor and she drew the children nearer to her side . “ I

want you, my dear Al ice ,” she conti nued, “ to remember

tha t God sends no more tri als than he sees to be needful

for us,and no more than he wi l l give us strength to en

dure,if we call upon him . Sometimes he takes away

our fri ends,sometimes deprives us of the affections we

most nighly priz e,lest we should make idols of them ,

and forget him ,the author of all our blessings . Let us

trust him,feeling sure that he doeth all things well and

let us prepare for that mansion above the skies, where

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there wil l be no more sorrow, no more tears, but when

all wi ll be free from si n .


” said Louis,gazing for one moment i nto her

face, and then letting his eye rest upon the graves“ I

shall go there very soon . I often dream about i t.”

lVIrs . Stanley pressed the dear child to her heart, and

fel t that it would i ndeed be a trial to part with him,whil e

Al ice caught hi s hand, her eyes fil li ng with tears . Don’t,

Louis,don’t say so ! You know I couldn’t do without

you ; and you are a great deal better.”

“ Yes,

” replied Louis,I’m better ; but i t won t last

long. I lie awake at night, and th ink about it ; and

sometimes I’m glad,because then I shall n ever do w rong

any more . And now it’s so hard not to feel impatient

when my head aches ; but,” and he drew a long sigh ,

sometimes I feel afraid to d ie and li e in the cold

grave .”

My ow n dear Louis ! ” exclaimed his mother, whileher tears fell thick and fast

, youwill not l ie there . You

will be with God,with your Saviour

,with your dear

mother. It i s on ly th is poor feeble body which will be

put in the grave to rest until the morning of the resur‘

rection .

“ Alice reads to me about heaven,’ repl ied the boy,

rai sing his eyes to the clear azure Sky above them . I

love to hear about it.”

Oh,Louis ! ” exclaimed the weepi ng girl , “ I never

knew why you wante d me to read those chapters i n the

Revelation so many times . You didn’t tell me you were

going there so soon .

Mrs . Stanley w as received with great j oy by her old

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fri ends, and she passed nearly t wo weeks among them ,

going from house to house with her chi ldren . On the,she once more ben teven ing before she returned to N

her steps to the quiet cemetery, and there alone, on her

knees,at the side of her dear father’s grave, She implored

wisdom to guide her i n all her efforts to do good . She

prayed that her fai th and pati ence might n ever fai l, but

that all her affl i ctions might be so improved,as to become

blessings to her soul . She besought her heavenly Father

to grant unto her the unspeakable sati sfaction of seeing

her dear husband a ch ild of God, and all the chi ldren

following the example of their brother,and looking for

ward to an inheri tance in the ski es.

Louis seemed so much benefited by the journey,and

his constant exercise in the open air,that Mrs . Stanley

postponed,from time to time

,her intended departure . It

was the las t w eek i n August when she wrote her hus

band that she should return i n a few days . She had not

yet sent the letter to the office, when she was summoned

to the parlor by her kind friend,Mrs . Churchil l

,and there

found Louis tightly clasped in the arms of Mr. Sydney.He had been absent from Li ndenwood for six weeks


travelling with Uncle Stephen .

“ And where is the good man, now ? ” asked Marion,


He i s at the public house, but a few rods dis tant.That i s

,i ndeed

,good news ! Wil l he return d irectly

home , from here ?”

He says he cannot decide unti l he has Seen you.

Mrs . Stanley started .

“ I wil l go to him at once. Ihave a letter written to my husband

,i nforming him of

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my i nten tion to leave here in a few days . Perhaps i twil l

not be neces sary to s end i t.”

Is Alice well ? ” asked Clarence,when she had re

turned to the room , equipped for the walk .“ Perfectly so , here She comes, up the yard .

The young man started toward the window . Ali ce

had thrown off her sun-bonnet as she came through the

gate,and was singing gayly

,when her atten tion was at

trac ted by a sound i n the street. Wi th her neck and

arms bare,her small head bent sl ightly forward as she

li stened, her lips parted, disclosing two beautiful rows of

pea rly teeth,Alice stood for one moment unconscious of

the eyes gazing upon her with pride and affection . But

turn ing to enter th e house she saw Clarence,stopped sud

denly for one earnest glance, to assure herself it were

really be,then

,with a light bound

,sprang forward in to

the room,her eyes sparkling, and her whole countenance

lighted with joy.

Clarence ! Oh , Clarence ! ” she exclaimed with del ight, as he grasped both her hands and impri nted a ki ss

upon her willing li ps,I’m so happy to see you .

The young man said nothing i n words , but the com

placency with which he regarded hi s enthusi astic pupi

told h is pleasure at the meeti ng.

Uncle Stephen i s at the Hote l,

” remarked Mrs . Stan

ley to the child. You and Louis may go with me tosee him . As I Should like to have some pri vate conversation w i th h im


” she con tinued,turn i ng to Mr. Sydney,

I will entrust you to the care of the young people for

half an hour.”

“ I am well convinced there i s some plot going on ,”

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82 THE Housn now A N GEL

once to New York,and make arrangenn n ts for its pub»

. icatio n . Wi ll you leave the bus i ness with me ? ”

“ Certainly, cc-rtai'nly ,

— I am entirely ignorant how

such thi ngs are managed .

I have an acquai ntance with a publisher, who w ill, l

think,be glad to take it upon my recommendation .

” II

didn’t con s ider it neces sary to say to her . that he w ould

furni sh the requ i s ite funds .

Mrs . Stan ley then presen ted her kind friénd with a

small case,con tai ni ng the miniatures of herself and the

ch ildren ; and he had not done admiring i t when they

returned .

Mrs . Churchi l l cordially i nvited Mr. Forsyth,and his

ward,to spend the n ight at her house ; but th e old gen

tleman preferred remaining at the hotel,as they were to

start for New York early the next morning.

Mrs . Stanley parted from her friends with regret,after

receiving from them a promise of a speedy return of her

long visi t ; and arrived at home greatly improved i n

strength and Spiri ts . The children were delighted to beagain at home

,and resume their wonted occupati ons.

They vis i ted th e stables to see Felix and Dobbin , then ames they had given to their favori te animals, and found

them i n good condition,having by order of Mr. S tanley

been exercised every day .

When Uncle Stephen returned , he i nformed Marion

that he had been able to make satisfactory arrangements

i n regard to the publ ication of her tale,°

which would

soon be i ssued from the press .

As the time approached for the work to appear, the

author began to tremble for its success ; and, though

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m D l SGUISE . 83

it was entirely anonymous,she almost wished she had

never undertaken it . These fears,however

,she was

obliged to keep to herself, for Uncle Stephen was indignant at the first doubt she expres sed

,and took i t as a

g, when she said,timidly, The public will not receive my li ttle work as

reflect ion upon his power of judgin

ki ndly as you have done .

The next few weeks passed rapidly away. Mr. Stan

ley was i n unusual spirits at the return of hi s wife,and

the apparent improvement i n Louis . Gertrude was occupied with Clarence, who gave himself up to thepleasure he experi enced i n h er society

,though as yet he

had kept“

hi s promise to his guardian,and had not dis

closed to her his love . He had , i ndeed , experi enced asudden pang

,when he observed any appearance of

asperi ty i n her temper ; but love is proverbia lly blind , so

that many events prejudici al to her passed before his

eyes without hi s'

notice,or i f he observed them

,he w as

ever ready to i nvent excuses for what appeared unlovely

in her conduct .

Gertrude loved Clarence as much as with her cold ,proud temperament she was capable of loving. But she

was vexed at his delay to ask her hand,and ascribed i t

to the influence of her step-mother. She was also dis

trus tful of Alice,and determined that the child should

be made to feel that she was too familiar, and that she

must learn to keep her appropriate place . She begged

her father to s end the ch ild to school , as Louis was somuch better ; but when he mentioned the propos i tion i n

the presence of Clarence , the young man would by no

means consent to give up his pupil ; and said, with

Page 85: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


warmth It wi ll be quite time for her to attend school

and learn accomplishments, when I leave here ; that i s,if you are satisfied with her progress .”

So Alice went on , qu ietly laying the foundation for a

thorough education ; though her i nstructor sighed , as he

thought of what might be her futur e des tiny. And

Louis,who was always present, at her recitations, and

who of late had li stened very att entively, became fond

of study, and progressed rapidly.

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C H A P T E R V I I I .

To meditate, to plan , resolve, perform,

Which in itself is good, as surely brings

Reward of good, no matter what he done.

ABOLT the middle of October, the fami ly at Li ndenwood Hall were seated at their evening repast. UncleStephen

,having finished h is meal

,requested Alice to

pass him the New York Journal of Commerce. He wasan inveterate reader of newspapers ; and, after reading

to himself several columns of sh ipping, and matters

connected w ith trade, he came upon the following notice,which he read aloud : Works in Press — A Simple

Tale of Home Li fe , publi shed by S . D . 85 Co. This

work,from an anonymous author, i s now before the

public . With an unostentatious title, i t makes i ts way

to the heart,stirri ng our very souls to purer



nobler purposes . It i s full of pathos and simple beauty,

and the style is chaste and clear. We prophesy for i t a

wide circulation .

“ Then follows a score - or more of similar notices of

the same book,

” conti nued Uncle Stephen , as i f he were

about to pass on to something else .“What is the title ? ” i nqui red Gertrude, eagerly.

Clarence looked over Uncle Stephen’s shoulder,and

repeated it.“W ill you send for i t

,father ? [ should li ke to read it ’

8 85

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Yes,my daughter, though probably we should be

able to Obtain it from the bookstore i n the village .”

During the reading of the notice,Mrs . Stanley grew

very pale,but the fami ly were so in tently lis ten ing that

they did not notice her agitation .

The next morning, Gertrude borrowed Felix from

A l ice, and, accepting Clarence as an escort, w as just

starti ng for the vil lage, when a bundle was brought to

Uncle Stephen . He untied the wrapper,disclos ing a

pile of books elegantly bound .

Pshaw ! ” said he, im patiently, as he saw several

p airs of eyes earnestly watching him . He took up aletter lying at the to p of the bundle


,having hasti ly

read i t,muttered, “ A pretty piece of impos ition

,truly !

Send me a doz en books to give away for Christmas

presen ts ! Wonder what will be don e next ? Turn au

thor myself,most likely.

” Then,taking one volume from

the pile,“ there



” he said, “ no need of going

to the bookstore , unless youwant to take these and sell

them there . Here are a dozen copies of the very bookyou were i n search of.”

Gertru\ de advanced eagerly, and took i t from his hand“Well ,

” he resumed,“ suppose can’t send ’em back ,

so you may keep that one, if you’l l promise to read i t,

and profit by it.”

Thank you,

” she replied,gayly, I

’ll certain ly prom

ise to do the first.”

He then placed a volume in the trembling hands ofMrs . Stanley

,and also of Alice

,and of Louis, who were


With a flushed face,the authoress retired from the

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IN nrsomse . 87

room , while Clarence proposed to Gertrude a l‘ l(I( i n

another direction .

In the eveni ng, when the family drew around the fire,Mr. Stanley proposed reading aloud

,while the ladies

employed themselves wi th their needles . This propos i

tion was joyfully received ; and Uncle Stephen , find ing

he could hear di stinctly when hi s nephew held the tube

a short distance from his mouth,raised the horn to his

ear, and sat back i n h is chair with an appearance of

perfect content. Al ice nestled herself close to Mrs .

Stanley,who had turned a l i ttle from the light


Louis, w ho begged to be allowed to si t up an hour, and

hear the new book , laid his head i n his mother’s lap .

Be fore her father had read many pages,Gertrude dropped

her work,and , leani ng her head upon her hand , gave

herself up to the enjoyment. of l isteni ng. As the work

progressed,no one was more i nterested than Uncle Ste

phen,who clapped his hands

,then , as i f fearful o f los ing

a word,he caught up his tube , and as suddenly shed

tears . And, indeed, Mr. Stanley, who was a fine reader,was often obliged to stop and clear hi s throat . At

length they came to the death of the heroi ne, whose

touching story had come home to every heart, who was

represented as a young bride yearni ng for the affection

of her husband . He had mis taken her character, andfound

,when too late to atone for his neglect, her diary,

where she had poured out freely all her sorrows . HereMr. Stanley was unable to proceed , and pas sed the book

to Clarence,while Uncle Stephen wept aloud , wholly

unmi ndful that the trumpet had for some time been

lying unused upon the table . Mrs . Stanley also wept,

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but hers were tears°

of j oy and grati tude . Her agita tionattracted the atten ti on of her husband, who , ascribi ng it

to a w rong cause , made many noble resolutions sug

gested by the subj ect of the tale .

At a late hour the book was reluctantly laid aside, to

be fini shed the following eveni ng,when Uncle Stephen

said, I forgive the Old fellow for sending me the books .

If i t ends well , I’l l order a dozen or tw o more .

It was with great di fficulty that Gertrude restrain ed

herself from readi ng in advance ; but C larence put hi s

h ands over her book,telli ng her i t was not fair. Through

that day,nothi ng else was talked of.

Marion ! ” exclaimed her husband,“ I have not yet

heard your Opi nion . Are you not i n terested“ The characters are dear to me as personal fri ends


she replied, while her l ips quivered from suppressed emo

tion .

There was something inexplicable i n her manner,and


addressing her with unwonted tenderness,he said


dear wi fe, you take i t too much to heart.~ Early in the evening the family assembled

,eager for

the reading to begi n . ' Clarence sugges ted that Uncle

Stephen should take a Oopy of the work,and read to

h imself,which he willi ngly agreed to do

,and Mr. Sta n

ley commenced.

As the story progressed,the hero

,rendered de solate by

the death of his wife,gave himself up to bi tter remorse ,

and then,through the i nstrumentality of the earnest

prayers i n hi s behalf,which he found interspersed through

the pages of her private j ournal,became a humble , con .

s istent Christian . There were no unheard Of escapes

Page 91: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


how to move the hearts of others . The book i s above

praise . I am willi ng to confess that I ow e to it many

new resolutions ; many desires after the peace experi

enced by that desolate husband,as described i n the clos~

i ng chapter .

Mrs . Stanley left the room hurriedly,to conceal the tears

of grati tude which were well ing up from the deepest

fountain s of her heart.

For a number of days the characters described in th e

new book were the all-engrossing themes of conversa

tion . Favorite chapters were read again and agai n,and

each time some new beauty was discovered . Gertrude

was exceedingly anxious to ascertai n the name of the

author, who, she said, “ must be a lady of the keenest

susceptibi lities , as well as the most refined tas te , for there

is not a low expression in the wh’

ole book .

N or was Gertrude the only one who was curious to

know the wri ter of thi s popular tale,the most flattering

notices of which were daily coming from the press . Mrs.

Stanley saw one day an extract from a New York paper,

which pained her exceedingly. It was as follows The

question has repeatedly been asked,who i s the author of

‘A Simple Tale of Home Life .’ She is,as w e under

stand upon good authori ty,a lady residi ng not a hundred

miles from thi s c ity, who lives a very sad life with a

cruel, tyrann ical husband . The story i s said to be a h is

tory of her ow n trials,embelli shed with some fiction .

Marion took the paper to her ow n room , and tore i t to

pieces , wondern w ho could have thought of such an

explanation . But the next day the mistake was rectified,and the author was said to be a young lady residing at

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rN D l SGUISE . 91

the south , - name unknown . After reading the latter,

the author breathed more freely.

Uncle Stephen conducted h imself i n a most mysteri

ous manner. He had ordered bundle after bundle of

them from the publi sher,and sent them to hi s friends in

every direction . Louis watched him o ne day,as he sat

reading selections from the Simple tale,

” while he

chuckled to himself, as if very merry at h is own thoughts.

Al ice,” he whispered , “ I shoul dn’t wonder if Uncle

Stephen w rote that book .

N O,he didn’t,

” sh e repl ied , decidedly.

Well,he can say it all by heart. He has read noth

ing else s i nce i t came out, except the notices i n the

papers .”

And indeed Uncle Stephen might well be i nterested

i n Marion’s complete success . I prophesied i t from the

first,” he repeated to her agai n and again . He had been

the only one i n her confidence had heard i t as soon as

written ; nay, had talked over and over the plan w ith

her,and she had realized much assi stance from his h ints.

Now,he thought, was the time for her to make herself

known . But she said,“ Not qui te yet .” She shrank

from the denouement, even i n her own family.

In less than tw o months the publisher w rote to Uncle

Stephen that the first edi tion was exhausted , and that he

had many orders for the book yet unanswered . He w as

ready to make his first payment of one thousand dollars,and he should immediately put to press a second edition

of ten thousand copies .

When asked what she would have done with the

Page 93: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


money,Mrs . Stanley answered ,“Please direct them to

deposit it i n a New York bank , subj ect to your order .”But what shall I do with it ?

I wish to use it here ,” she answered, laughi ng.

I wont promise to keep your secret much longer,he said to her one day, when they were alone . I

wouldn’t, on any account, fai l of being present when the

family discover the author ”

“ I shall tell my husband,” said Mrs . Stanley ; butyou shall h ave the pleasure of revealing the secret to the

others,though I am far from wishing it known

,except to

the immediate members of our ow n family .

It was a joyful,merry Christmas, that year at Li nden

wood . The trees, bushes, and ground, as far as the eye

could see, were covered with pure, white snow . Emmaand her si ster had returned for the holidays

,and wi th

them also,by especi al i nvitation , Alfred Huntington . So

that,with the family already at home , they made qui te a

large and pleasant circle .

Louis,whose health had not been so firm for years ,

ran from room to room,wish ing h is fri ends a “ merry

Chri stm as .” The choice of suitable gifts had been a

grave question of di scuss ion between him and Alice,

especially as on the previous week,each received


an unknown friend,five dollars to be appropri ated i n that

way. But at length they took Mrs . Stanley i n to their

confidence,and she at once rel i eved them ; Alice had


during the summer and fall,employed her le isure in

worki ng a pair of sl ippers for Uncle Stephen,as a small

toke n of her grati tude for hi s kindness . She also wished

to make something for her teacher ; but had been unable

Page 94: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

lN D i s e UISE 93

to decide upon any article,unti l her kind friend suggested

a purse .

After breakfast there was a general distribution of

gifts, followed by joyful exclamations of delight ; none,however

,w ere received with more pleasure than that of

Ali ce to Uncle Stephen,who immediately threw off his

richly;braided India slippers , substituting hers i n their

place . Mr . Stanley threw over the neck of hi s wife a

heavy gold chain,from which was suspended a valua

ble watch . In return,She gave him a quaint old

fashioned ring, of great worth , begging him to wear i t

for her sake . Clarence and Gertrude exchanged books,

whil e Ally and Louis were perfectly delighted by apresent, from his father, of a bright-yellow Canary bird,i n a handsome cage .

When the confusion arising from the pleasant scene

nad somewhat subsided,Marion took her husband by the

hand, and led him to the small room she had used for a

study . Inviting him to be seated,she presented him

with an envelope contain ing bills to th e amount of one

thousand dollars . He took them out— one,two, three,

four,and so on , until he had counted ten one-hundred

dollar-bills . He looked at hi s wife i n surpri se,but She

only blushed and laughed .

What do you i ntend to do with all this ? he asked .

It i s your Chri stmas present.”

From whom

From your wife,i f you will accept i t.

“ But where did you get i t ?” and for one i nstant a

pang shot through his heart,as he thought of the origi

nal o f the mi n iature she prized so highly. But she Sat

Page 95: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


the re , loo ring i n his face wi th her calm ,truthful eyes

and he spurned the idea as unworthy of her.

Will you forgive me,i f I tel l you all

Certain ly,my dear


” he repli ed,unco nsciously laying

the notes upon the table, and growing pale about the

mouth . He evidently shrank from the disclosure .You are ill,

” said Marion,ki ndly

,though with a

m ade of sadness passing across her features,as she

saw the contraction of her husband’s brow,and little

dreamed the cause . Some other time will do as well .”

No ! no ! ” he replied,I am quite well. It has been

a lready too long delayed .

You know it then,and are displeased

,and Ma

rion brushed away a tear,that her surprise should have

resulted so differently from what she had an tici pated.

Go on , Marion , I know nothing. At leas t,noth ing

defin itely,I only had my suspicions .”

Oh ! ” said the young wife,l aying her head on h is

shoulder,and weeping bitterly, “ I had hoped so much

from th is,I did not imagi ne th at

you would be dis

pleased, or I would never have undertaken it .

Undertaken what,my dear wife ? 1 do not under

s tand you,

” and he put his arm about her.

To write the book,

” she answ ered , sobbing.

What book,Marion he asked, starting to hi s feet.

Why,the one Uncle Stephen gave you.

For a full mi nute Mr. Stanley stood gazing at his

w ife, as if he could hardly beli eve his senses . Then he

caught her i n h is arms,and held her tigh tly to hi s breast.

My own Marion he wh ispered , “ can you forgive me,

who have so misjudged you ? ”

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IN D ISG018 8 . 95

Oh ! ” exclaimed the loving wife , if you will onlylove me

,I shall be so happy.

At that moment, a servant knocked at the door, and

requested her mistres s to go below. There was to be a

great dinner at the Hall, to which Mr. Badger, their goodrector

,and his family , together with other friends from

the village,had been invited . Mrs . Carey had the super

vis i on of the whole , and had sen t for Mrs. Stanley toadvise . Al ice could set the tables , and adorn them w i th

flowers,but she wished for her mistress’s approbation of

the general arrangements . Mrs . Stanley accompanied

the servan t to the pantry, though keenly di sappointed at

the interruption .

In the meantime, Mr. Stanley replaced the bi lls i n the

envelope,returned them to Marion’s desk

,and com

menced a vigorous walk across the room,as he impa

tiently awaited her return . He was filled with remorsethat he had given her pain , and caused her to utter an

exclamation expressing a fear that she did not possess

h is love . “ If she had remained,” he soliloquized

,“ I

would have asked her to have explai ned all— could i t

not have been her father’s picture ? ” he exclaimed,stop

ping short in his walk . “ But then , why should she

conceal it ? Yet,I am sure she i s i nnocent of wrong .

Then hi s mind reverted to her late disclosure,and he

thought of her with pride,as the author of a book which

had found such great favor with the publ ic. “ Howcould she have accomplis hed it wi thout hi s knowledge ? ”

Then he became. convi nced that Uncle Stephen had been

i n her confidence . But w hat would his daughters say

Would she be wil ling they s hould know i t ? Or was

Page 97: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


she determined to remain the wnknown author ”7 Pride

at the thought of the rare talents of his wife, and regret

that he had not better appreciated her, by turns swelled

his breast,unti l at l ength he became tired of waiting,

and determined to seek her below. But nei ther i n the

parlor nor di ni ng-room could he find her,and he reluc

tautly j oined the family.

Mrs . Stan ley w as by thi s time deep in the mysteri es

of the kitchen . D ifferent k inds of soup, game , and othermeats, by turn s, engaged her attention . There was, in

deed,much to be done

,and She saw no way but for

her to spend the forenoon i n its accomplishment. She

ran for one moment to her room to put on a large apron,hoping to find her husband still there ; but he had just

gone below,and She returned to her work .

Alice flew about here and there, beating eggs, grati ng

lemon and nutmeg,while Louis was busi ly engaged i n

picking raisi ns and sultannas . When the puddings

were prepared for the oven , Al ice ran gayly to the

dining-room,and Mrs . Stan ley having unlocked the

side-board,proceeded to take from thence plate and

gass . Ever and anon shouts of l aughter came fromthe parlor, i n which the young girl most hearti ly j oined ,though without knowing the cause. She had carried all

the dishes to the table,and was singing gayly

,as she

placed them i n order,when Clarence

,attracted by her

fu ll melodious voice,came to find her .

I have been wondering for the last five mi nutes,” he

said,as he stood i n the door-way

,“ who could have im

porte d that nightingale . Really, Alice, you are a famous

Page 99: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


had directed,stopping occasionally to watch the tas te

with which h is young compan ion assorted colors,and

the despatch with which she formed the flowers i nto

cones,tying the stems of the roses and camellias upon

short pieces ofwire . She was using up her las t flowers,

when they heard a sound of suppressed mirth,and


turn ing quickly,saw Emma and Edith standing at the


The girls laughed merrily as they entered,and Emma


“ I woul d gladly have assis ted

you, Alice, though I doubt whether I could have been

so successful .”

“ There has been great i nquiry about you i n the par

lor,” said Edith .

“ One young lady has been exceedingly anxious concern ing your welfare .

Young Sydney started up i n haste,and

,taking two

of the vases from the table, fol lowed Al ice to the dining

room,and then returned to the parlor. Soon after

,Mrs .

Stanley,having finished her preparations, and dressed

for dinner, entered in season to receive her guests .

Gertrude cast a reproachful glance upon her lover,and

a haughty one upon her mother, supposing her to be the

cause of his absence . But he made no explanation ;and

,as Mr. Badger, the aged clergyman , and his family,

were soon announced , the conversation became general .

Mr. Stanley took an opportunity, how ever, to speak in

a low voice to his wife, saying, “ My love, where have

you hid yourself ? I looked i n vain for you to return to

the chamber.

Marion had only time to give?

him a glance Of affec

tio n 7 before she was addres sed by one of the company .

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m DISGUl SE . 99

When the more substantial viands had been di sposed

of, and the des sert brought in , Mrs . Warren, one of the

company,remarked that the flowers were exceedi ngly

fresh,supposi ng they had been brought from the city .

With a smile,Mrs . Stanley replied


“ I have :a fai rywho arranges my flowers for me , and , look ing around

the table , for the first time noticed that Alice was no t

present. “ Where has the child vanished ? ” she asked,quickly.

She did not come to dinner,mamma, replied EmmaGo to her room , Sarah ,

” said Mrs . Stanley,address

ing a servant, and tell her I cannot excuse her.” - From

the expression on Gertrude’s face,sh e feared the chi ld

had been‘

purposely kept away .

Sarah soon returned,and whispered to her mistress

that Al ice was weeping bitterly .

A shade passed over the bright countenance of the

hoste ss , but she said no more . She noticed, however,that Gertrude was talking in an excited manner to agentleman opposi te , and that Uncle Stephen , w ho was

the first to miss h i s little favorite , and to suspect some

thing wrong,scarcely moved h is eyes from her face .

The very first moment Mrs . Stanley was at l iberty,

she hastened to Alice,but found Lou i s had preceded

her . The poor child had wept herself s ick , and was

leaning her aching head upon her arms,which were

lying on a table . It was a long time before her ki nd

friend could obtain any satis factory account of the cause

of her grief. She at length told her, however unpleasant

i t might be to complai n o f anoth er, i t was plain ly herduty to confide i t to her.

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l know ,said the child

,with an affecting appearant c

of humility,

“ I know that I ought not to feel so badlyI do forget that I have no right to be treated like theothers

,for I am only a

Al ice ! ” said Mr s . Stan ley, wi th decision , “ tell me

instan t ly what has happened . You are as dear to me

as any of my children .

The young girl tried to suppress her sobs, as she said,After I had finished arranging the table

,I came to my

room to prepare for dinner. I had just curled my hair,

and mother had been up to assist me to dress,when

Gertrude came in,and told me that my conduct had

been so improper that I could not go to the table ; that

the whole family were ashamed ofme for forcing myself

upon them as if I were a daughter, or any thing but a

servan t.”

“What had you been doing that sh e considered so

improper ? ”

“ I think it was that Clarence helped make the bou

quets ; but I did not ask h im to do so . I told him he

had better return to the parlor .”

“ Yes,I understand,

” said Mrs . Stanley, sighing beav

i ly.

“ Now,A lice, I am sure you have no wish to

render me unhappy .

No,i ndeed , ma

’am .

Then bathe your eyes, go down and eat your dinner.

Your mother i s at the table now. Then I w il l come upand dress you

,for Lmust have mv li ttle girl look her

best to-night.”

“ I h ad rather not go i nto the parlor, murmuret

Alice. “ I could not keep from cryi ng.

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there was a s l ight diffidence, arisi ng from the reflections

called up by Gertrude’s unkindness , which deepened the

color i n her cheeks,and added greatly to her beauty.

The young people pressed forward to speak with her,

and to interest her i n some games they were plann ing

for the evening. But during the whole afternoon she

kept her place at Mrs . Stanley’s s ide,w ith Uncle Stephen

near her .

At length Clarence approached,and

,i n a grave tone


asked her i f she were doing penance,that she sat so

quietly while her companions i n the recess were in such

a frolic.“ She i s not doing penance for her ow n si n s


Mari on,quickly

,seeing Al ice was distres sed .

“ Nor for mine,I hope,

” exclaimed Clarence,hi s brow

contracting with a sudden thought. He did not wait foran an swer, but, drawing a chair near the group, entered

warmly i nto conversation with Mrs . Jenks,wife of the

fami ly phys ician . They talked of India,and Clarence

persuaded hi s guardian to give the ladies\

an account ofone of the feasts of the natives . Before he had finished


Mr. Stanley and Mr . Badger joined them ; and, when

they were called to tea , Al ice thought she had never

passed a more pleasant hour than the last.

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C H A P T E R I X .

Alas I am but a woman,fond and weak,

Without even power my proud, pure love to speak

But, oh ! by all I fail in , love not me

For What I am, but what I w ish to be.

” M rs . Osgood.

THE Christmas holidays were certainly not wanting i n

exci tement to one, at least, of the family at L i ndenwoodHall . Having gained the ready permission of her husband

, Mrs . Stanley proposed to Mrs . Carey to adopt

Al ice, and educate her as she would her ow n child .

The mother’s on ly response to th is proposal was a

sudden burst of tears .

I have property of my own , conti nued the lady,a nd I have no claims upon me. If I should be taken

away,I do not wish her

,with sensibil ities and tastes

h ighly refined and cultivated,to be left to the cold charity

of the world . If you will give her to me, I promise a t.

once to make suitable provision for her, and henceforth

to treat her as a child,though I can hardly love her more

than I do at present . Youwill probably see as much of

her as you do now,for I s hall certa inly do noth ing to

diminish her affection for you.

Well , then , take her,” answered Mrs . Carey, abruptly

and may she prove a comfort and a bles sing to you

and she turned suddenly away, and hastened to an i nnerr oom

,leaving her fri end in doubt whether her strong

emotions were to be ascribed to her excess of gratitude,103

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or to her great affection for the ch i ld . If the latter,she

certainly had a strange manner of exhibiting i t. Her singular conduct had sometimes led Mrs . Stanley to thi nk

her even prej udiced agai nst Al ice . But, thankful for the

permission to take her, she left Mrs . Carey’s cottage and

w alked slowly home, wondering what Alice would say

to the change i n her relation to the family .

She had scarcely entered the park,when a merry shout

of laughter reached her, and she soon saw the young girl

drawing Louis, who, loos ing h is hold had fallen off

the sled, with which Alice was running away at fu l l

speed,unconscious that she had lost her charge . Mrs .

Stanley join ed i n the laugh at Louis’s expens e,and left

them , requesting Alice, on returning to the Hall, to cometo her room .

An hour later they joi ned her,when she beckoned the

rosy girl to a seat at her side,w hile Louis took h is favorite place on an ottoman at her feet.

I am glad you came,too, my son , she said, pushing

back his soft hair from his white forehead,because I

have some good news for you.

And forme, too ? ” asked Alice , gayly .

Perhaps so ,” she replied, smili ng pleasantly. Loui s,

she added,

“ how should you li ke a sister about your own


The boy started to his feet, and gazed earnestly at her

for a moment, and then said , in a plai ntive tone , Ishould rather not have one, i f Alice mus t go away. Nobody else will love me as she



” said his mother,“ you shall have her for

your si ster. What say you to thi s,Ally will you be my

li ttle daughter ?”

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behind them . When he had heartily j oined i n the laugh

his sudden appearance called forth , his wi fe i ntroduced

her new daughter, w ho looked very lovely as she stood

before him with downcast eyes .

Remember, you are mine, too,” he said, tenderly, as

he drew her to him,and kissed her brow.

Louis could not sufficien tly thank hi s parents for sodear a si ster

,and said earnestly, I had rather have Al ice

for my own,than a whole bag full of Uncle Stephen’s

money,about which Edith talks so much .

Well,she is your ow n

,now ,

” replied his father,though rather sadly

,as he thought of the



spirit h is daughter displayed ; but go now to play. I

want to see your mother .”

When they had gone , Marion resumed her sewing,while her husband took a seat near her ; but seemed

somewhat embarrassed. The truth w as,he had watched

her very closely for a few days,and had become fully

assured that she could explain the circumstances con

n ected with the mi n iature,to his entire s atisfaction . He

had come now to her room . to ask her to confide al l her

trials to him ; but he found her looking so happy i n the

loving embrace of her children,

and, indeed , he thought

her unusually so since Christmas eve,that he did not

like to allude to so disagreeable a subj ect.

Marion glanced up from her work , and smiled pleas

e ntly, though she wondered a li ttle that he did not speak .

My dear wife,

” he said at length,I have one ques

tion to ask you, and I am sure youwill answer it, i f you

can properly do so . You'

know I am a very plain ma‘n,

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rN D I SG UI SE . 107

perhaps rather too reserved i n my expres s ions of afl'




tion ; but I hope you have never doubted my true love

for you .

The young wife dropped her work,and hid her face

on her husband’s shoulder . Her heart beat wildly ; butshe suppressed every outward demdn stration of her feel «

i ngs and said, with as much calmness as she could as

sume,Is that the question

Yes,that i s a very important one to me

,my love, but

no t the one to which I then referred and he drew her

nearer to him .

I cannot th ink Of any subj ect upon which I should

be unable to be perfectly frank with you,

”she resumed


w i th some surprise .“ It referred to a miniature I once saw in your hands


and which you thrust out of sight,” continued he


ing quickly,and not without some difficulty .

The lightbeamed_

from her eyes,as she drew a locket

from the pocket in her boddice, and held it up to him ;was it this ? ” she asked

,eagerly .

He recognized the setting at once,and the deepest

mortification took possess ion Of his breas t, as he saw it

was a flattered likeness of himself. Hi s eyes seemed tofastened upon i t, as he held it attached by a chai n to her

neck .

“ I h0pe you are not displeased ? ” asked Marion,not

understanding hi s grave looks . I pain ted i t from mem

ory, before we were married ; and it was only a foolish

pride , which I much regret, i f i t has given you pai n,which prevented me from showing it to you .

I regret only, my true-hearted wife,

” said Mr . Stanl ey

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with moisten ed eyes, - though he seldom shed a tear,

“ that I have never known your real worth,and that I

should, even for a moment, have been di strustful of


A long conversation ensued, i n which all former cold

ness was explained , though Marion passed very lightly over

her ow n trial s . She wondered now ,how she could ever

have called them so ; though she frankly acknowledged

what had led her to undertake the task Of writing a book .“ Now


” she added,

“ that I am sure of the confidence

and love of my husband,I have done with publishers

forever.” When the supper-bell called them below,she


,as she replaced the precious min iature , “ I

wil l give you anything but thi s , i n my possession . This

i s my dearest treasure . When you are grave,I have

only to come up here, and gaze a t your smiling face .”

It i s very much flattered,

” he said,pleasantly.

She shook her head and whispered, as they went

through the hall,

“ It looks just as you did then , and

just as you do now .

I wil l endeavor never to drive you to your locket for

a smi le,” he added


Their countenances expressed so much happi ness, that

the whole family gazed earnestly at them as they en


“What a fine-looking pair ! ” whispered Mr.

Huntii gton to Ed ith , who laughed merri ly.Ali ce came to my room to tell me some news, re

marked Uncle Stephen,when they were seated at the

table ; “ I rej oiced w i th her i n having found such a

mother, and now I rej oice with you i n havi ng found

such a child.

”Thi s w as a great speech for the old

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book for this eveni ng’s reading, as good as ‘ The Tale

of Home Li fe .’Oh , Uncle Ste phen interrupted Emma, “ I have not

thought si nce I came home to thank you for my beau

tiful presen t.”

“ Nor I,

” added Edith,getting up

,i n order to Speak .

I wrote my thanks at once, said Mr. Huntington toEdith: The .w ay that book sold, at the stores i n NewHaven

,was a caution

,as the students say ; but there

was great enthusiasm to know the author . Have youever heard the work ascribed to Mrs . L


” answered Edith ; “ but I think it likely it may

be hers .

What does she say ? ” asked the Old gentleman,lean

i ng forward in his chair.

Emma repeated her si ster’s remark .

No,it i s n’t ! ” exclaimed he, starti ng up from his seat,

and looking very triumphantly around,as i f he were

about to claim the authorshi p h imsel f.

Mr. Stanley gazed proudly at h i s wife , who bent over

her work ; but the rest exhibited unmitigated astoni sh

ment.“ Ask him i f he knows who is the author,

” enjoined

Gertrude , impatiently .

Your mother does,

” he replied .

Then ,” said Clarence

,“ I hOpe, Mrs . Stanley, you will

urge her to use the talen t God has gi ven her for writi ng,and give us another work speedily .

I should think,

” resumed Gertrude,i n a low voice


she might have gratified our curiosi ty by te ll ing us

before this.”

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Mr. Stanley took no notice Of thi s speech i f he heard

it ; but, as his wife secured pai nfully embarrassed , h .


“ I heard the authores s say that she only

wrote for a specific purpose , and, having accomplished

that,she w as satisfied to lay down her pen . This

,ho w ~

ever,I agree with you, Clarence , she ought not to do.

“ Then you know her, too, father,” said Louis


looking earnestly i n his father’s face .“ I declare


” exclaimed Edith,

“ I do bel ieve,after all


it was Uncle Stephen himself. Jus t see how mys terious

he looks .” And certainly he did appear rather suspicious.

He clapped his hands, and shouted, “ It’s the best j oke Iever heard Can none Of you guess ?

“ I can , replied Alice, walking up to him,and taking

the trumpet. I can , i f I may .

“ Out with it, then ,” said the old gentleman,unable

longer to con tain himself.“ I think ,

” conti nued Al ice , pausing a moment, and

looking at Mrs. Stanley to see if she disapproved,

“ my

new mamma w rote it.”

That’s it ! ” shouted the Old man,catching her i n his

arms .

The whole fami ly, with the exception of Marion , ros e

to their feet with astonishment. “ Yes ,” responded M '

Stanley,tak ing the hand of hi s wife, who would have

been glad to escape from the room,

“ I am proud to

recogni ze , i n the writer Of that exquis i tely touching tale,my own dear wife

,who wrote i t i n order to prove to her

husband what he well knew before, that she w as worth)of h is love . It has been as great a surprise to me as I

se e i t i s to you ; but I have been almos t equally as ton

Page 113: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


ished tod ay to find that writi ng is not her Only aecom


Oh,don’t ! not now . urged Marion

,imploringly .

Yes,let us have it,

” said Uncle Stephen . We’ll

dedicate the even ing to surprises ; and She may weave

another tale about them .

“ I find,

” resumed the happy husband,“ that my wife

is not only an authoress,but an arti st

,and paints minia

tures with equal skil l and secrecy.

“ And I find,

” exclaimed Uncle Stephen,throwi ng his

speaki ng trumpet across the room ,“ that I can hear as

well as ever I could,

” and he fel l back i nto his chair,and

laughed so hearti ly that his n ephew really feared he

would have a convuls ion .

“ It’s as good as a comedy,”

he shouted,when he could Speak .

“ This surpri se i s

worth all the trouble I’ve had with the Old serpent ”

(alluding to his coil ed trumpet). It has served me a

good turn,

” he said , recoveri ng himself, “ an-l I may aswell keep i t for the good i t has done .”

It i s impossible to describe the emoti ons experienced

by the differen t members Of the family. Ir deed , one

surprise had so quickly succeeded another,that they had

not yet recovered from the first. Mrs . Stanley . her hus»

band and two younger chi ldren,felt only deligh t that

Uncle Stephen was so sudden ly rel ieved from his infirm~

i ty. Emma’s thoughts recurred to various expres s ionsshe had used

,which mortified her extremely ; and Mr.

Huntington’s mind,to several tender speeches made i n

his presence to Edith,under the false impression that he

could not hear. But to Gertrude and Edith the an

nouncement was anything but pleasan t. To the eldest,

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and an artis t. It i s but just to the first to say that in

her embrace there was more of real cordial ity than she

had ever shown ; for she felt not only pride at her

mother’s talents,but something Of tenderness to'ward

one who, as she had Often repeated of the unknoun

author,must be possessed of the keenes t susceptibil ities .

After she retired,and the subj ects of the eveni ng had

been earnestly discussed with her sister,she lay awake

many hours,keen ly regretting the course she had pursued

toward her mother. She now reali zed that she had

wofully misj udged her ; and , after a tedious effort to many things which she never had been able to

understand, and wondering how Mrs . Stanley could

have treated her and her sisters so kindly when they had

so underrated her, l ight began to dawn upon her mind,and she acknowledged the power and the beauty of

religion,as exemplifie d in her mother’s dai ly life .

Marion too pa s sed a Sleepless n ight. The events of

the afternoon,as wel l as of the eveni ng

,had been ex

citi ng to her i n the highest degree . The restoration of

Uncle Stephen to hi s heari ng had been so sudden and

unexpected that she could hardly realize how he would

appear without hi s i nvariable accompanimen t,the ( ar

trumpet. She could not refrai n from laughing to hersel f

at the strange whim which had prompted such a course,

though she acknowledged the shrewdnes s of the s tra ta

gem . She recal led numerous in s tances in which he

must have found i t difficult,with his impuls i ve feelings


to maintai n Si lence . But, more than everything else .the cordial embrace of Gertrude

, and the whisperedwords , “ Father may well be proud of you,

” were sug

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rN D I SG U I SE . 115

gestive of so many though ts that she tried in vain to

sleep. Next to the respect and love of her husband, shehad earnestly craved the affection of h is daughters.

Emma was already dutiful and chi ldlike . Gertrude ,though considered amiable , had always treated her with

great reserve . Now she shed tears of j oy at the thoughtthat th is icy coldness was passing away

,and that her

daughter would return her love . Al l former unkindnes s

was for the time forgotten,and Marion looked forward

with bright anticipation s to a happy future . W itl re

spect to Edith,her mother well knew that nothing but

divine grace could change so lofty a spi ri t, and cause

her will ingly to bow to authority ; but she did not feel

wholly discouraged even with regard to her. She deter

mined to go on cheerful ly i n the path of duty, thankful

that she could pray for her chi ldren , and that God could

turn their hearts to h imself and to her. She doubted

whether she should ever again be subjected to the

annoyances which,on her first coming i nto the family


had been SO wounding to her feelings . And she wasright .

The next morning, her midnight prayer seemed to

have been answered . When she entered the breakfast

room,Gertrude alone was there

,who came directly to

her, though not without a heightened color, and, l i ke

Ali ce,gave her a morni ng kiss

,saying, with an attempt

at cheerfulness,Good morn ing

,mother. I came down

early in the hope Of getting my share i n your embrace .”

Mrs . Stanley’s eyes w ere t humid as she repli ed , ten'Ierly, Good morni ng

,my dear child .

At the breakfas t table much merrimen t was caused by

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Uncle Stephen . From the force Of habit, Mr. Stanleypassed him his plate without speaking, and then requested

Emma,w ho sat by his side, to ask him if he would be

helped to anything more . Each time the Old gentlemanburst i nto a merry laugh , as he said , So, you

’re deter

mined the Old man shall be deaf, w hether or no.” He

told them he had had some difficulty to bring Clarence

into the plan . and that he himself had Often been obliged

to leave the room hasti ly, for fear Of exposing h imself.

Duri ng the forenoon he went to the parlor for themorning papers

,and found Al ice there with her books .

He sat down to read, but noticed that every time heglanced at her

,her eyes were fixed upon h im wi th a

sad, inquiring expression . At length he became so nerv

ous under her earnest gaze, that he asked, What is the.

matter,chi ld ? What makes you look at me so

Alice blushed,and began studyi ng vigorously.

Why don’t you answer me he asked,rather impa


I didn’t know what I was doing, sir,’ she answered


timidly ; and she took her book and was hastening from

the room .

Ali ce ! he called, authoritatively, come here ?”

She instantly obeyed,though he saw it was with te

luctance .

Were you thinking about me, child ?”

Her lip quivered,and for One moment She hesi ta ted

but, seeing that h e was determi ned to wait for her reply,she faltered out



“ And pray what have I done that you Should be gazing at me wi th tears i n your eyes ? Come, now ,

tell me

all ; and he affectionately took her hand.

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joyed a fine game of bli nd-man’s buff. The tables and

chairs had been removed from the dining-hal l,and the

whole circle, with the exception Of the milli onai re and

his nephew,were actively engaged i n the game . These

gentlemen had drawn their chairs in to the most reti red

corner,beyond the sideboard

,and made themselves merry

with watching the evolution s which the young people

made, i n order to escape detection . Uncle Stephen en

tered most hearti ly i nto the sport,shouting by turns


There , you’ve caugh t her ! ” Hold on Now she’s

gon e ! ” There, you have her again !” W ho i s she

Gertrude no I’ll be blinded myself next time ; with

my goggles on , I could do better than that !” and hi s

merry laugh rang through th e room .

But their sport was suddenly suspended by a loud

scream in the en try,where the whole company rushed


and found the cry proceeded from Louis, who, i n comingfrom the ki tchen with an apple, had encountered one of

the monkeys . The an imal tried to snatch the frui t from

his hand,and

,i n consequence of defending himself,

caught hi s finger and bit h im severely . Poor Louis criedand sobbed with pain

,lo ng after the cross anima' had

been carried back to his confinem ent.

Uncle Stephen w as very wrathy, and catching his can e

from the rack,i n the hall

,went quickly to the shed to

give the Offending creature a cudgell ing. Pollo was evi

dently expecti ng punishment, and had s lunk away i nto

the farther corner of the cage .

Come out here,s ir ! ” shouted the enraged man ,

stamping h i s foot. But the creature only nestled closer

i n the corner. He put in his cane and struck Pollo a

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rN D I SG U I SE . 1 19

b low,when he felt some one gently pulling his c oat


a sweet voice asked , Did he know any better,sir

He dropped the stick,and replied

,i n an excited voice


Yes,he did k now better

,and he shall be punished .

Al ice looked di stressed .

Well , what shall I do with him ? ”

DO you love them very much? ” She asked, smil i ng,

as he stood before her,hi s velvet cap turned awry , SO that

the tassel hung down by his cheek .

No ,” said he , not very much .

I don’t li ke monkeys at all ! ” exclaimed the ch ild,

with a strong expression Of di sgust ; I thin k they’re very

trouDlesome .

Well , shall I get Thomas, the groom , to kil l them ? ”

Oh,no ! answered Al ice, i n unaffected horror.

What,then You may decide .”

May I ? Oh,thank you ! Robert Perry would like

them so much,and h is fat her promised to buy him one .”

Well,Robert Perry shall have them in welcome .”

Thank you,

” she repeated . How glad the servants

will be to get rid of them .

” A nd, i ndeed, there was

great rej oicing at the hall, when , the next day, Pollo and

Sally appeared chained together, and were led away to

the vi llage,by the groom . No less rej oiced was Master

Robert at the reception of what he considered a mos t

valuable commencement Of hi s long-desired rnenagerie,

and at bei ng informed that the cage i n which they were

kept would immed iately follow .

Al ice stood at the w i ndow with Uncle Stephen , when

Thomas led them down the avenue . I should li ke to


” he said, “ what I am to do now for sport.”

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You may take m e,answered the chi ld

,laugh ing

hearti at the half-regretful look he cast at hi s old favor

ites . They don’t love you half so well as I do .

He turned to catch her in hi s arm s ; but she playfullyeluded h is grasp

,and for the next ten minutes there w a s

a merry game,the like of which Pollo and Sally in their

palm i est days,never enj oyed . Uncle Stephen was sati s

fied with the exchange of playmates .

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cure . The most tender mother coul d not have been more

watchful over an on ly and dearly beloved son,than was

Mrs . Stanley over this dear ch i ld of her adoption . For a

week she had not left h is couch,and now, exhausted and

fain t, she sat on the side of the bed , holding his head

upon her breast. Alice knelt before him . On the opposite side of the bed stood the affl icted father. N ot a tear

relieved his bursti ng heart. He stood gazing intently onhis on ly son

,h is ashy countenance resembling death

,i n

the calm rigidity of i ts suffering features . A s he stood

there his soul cried out,i n agony, Spare , Lord ! spare

me th is stroke ! ” How he longed for the arm of strength

which supported his wife i n this hour of trial ; nay,which

was safely carrying h is beloved Lou is across the deepwaters of Jordan .

Near the window,at the foot of the bed, sat Uncle

S tephen , and by h im Clarence, w ho was saying some

thing in a low, earnest tone . When Gertrude entered,he advanced to her with great tendernes s, took her hand,and led her to the seat he had occupied . Beyond Al ice

sat Mrs . Carey, her face entirely concealed by her hand

kerchi ef,with which she was vain ly trying to stifle her

sobs .

.A t length the dying boy aroused from the stupor i n

which he had been lying for more than an hour, and from

which they feared he would never awake, languidly

Opened his eyes,gazed for a moment upward , and, turn

i ng his head slightly, recognized his father. Ali ce sprang

to her feet,and wet hi s li ps with wine and water, when

feebly murmured Papa .”

His father bent over him ,when he lisped , i n a broken

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IN D i s oms s . 3

voice,I want you to hold my head , and let all th e rest

go out.”

Trembling 1 11 every limb, Mr. Stanley did as his son

requested,and took the place of hi s wife to support hi s

dying boy. At a signal from her,the fam i ly reti red

quietly from the room .

Dear Papa ,” said the child, “ please lay my head backso I can see your face .” W hen this was done

,the sl ight

motion had so dis tressed h im that he breathed with great

difliculty. With what hopeless sorrow did the poor

father wi tness the agony of thi s darl ing boy, and feel

that he could do nothing for his relief. After a short

pause Louis rai sed hi s eyes,and said in broken accents

Papa,I’m going to God,and I

’m not afraid, for Jesus

has pardoned my sins . But before I go I want you to

promise to meet me there .

Mr. Stanley bent forward in uncontrollable grief,and

tried to speak but hi s voice was th ick and husky,and

the words i ndi sti nct .

The dying ch ild gazed earnestly i n hi s face,and con

tinued, Mother, and Alice, and Uncle Stephen , will go

because they love the Saviour ! but oh, father ! I shall

want you and my si sters there i

The father groaned i n agony.“ Jesus loves you, papa . Hewants you to go . I have

prayed for you, and mamma prays every day that you

may become a Chri stian . I don’t think you know how

much she loves you,and wants you to become good .


After another pause to rest,he added, “ I have asked

mamma to give you my min iat ure , which she pai ntedand I want you to look at it, and th ink how much your

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124 T HE Hors s no nn A NGEL

little Louis wanted you to become good, and prepare ugo to Heaven . Will you, papa ?

Mr. Stanley bow ed he. dared not trust himsel f to

s peak .

You have been very, very kind to me, papa , and so

has my dear mamma ; and I want you to love her very

much . I have seen her kiss your picture a great many

times,and heard her pray



,bless my dear hus

band but she didn’t know I saw her .”

Again Mr. Stanley groaned,as he cried out, Oh,

God,forgive me


And [ wan t— my dear A lice — to hi s

voice faltered , and h is head sank back more heavi ly on

his father’s arm . Mr. Stanley hastily cal led Marion !

apprehen s i ve of h is immediate death .

The young mother was i nstantly at his side . Hi s eyeswere fixed ; one low sob, and the soul of li ttle Louistook its fligh t to its heavenly home.

Awe-struck and motion less at the presence of the dread

visito r, the family stood by the bed unti l the ki nd phy

sician , who had si lently entered, gently leaned forward

to close the eyes . Then,the awful real i ty burst upon

them , and amid weeping and lamentation , the bereaved

circle reti red from the chamber of death .

Mrs . Stanley accompanied her husband to h is study

where , for a time , he walked the floor in comfortless sor

row. At length,she prays that th e sorrowful event may

become a great and lasting blessi ng to her husband and

remaini ng ch ildren . After a moment he comes forward

and, kneeling by her side, ej aculates, Pray for me

Marion con ti nued her supplications . She plead earn

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What caused her heart to leap for joy, and sent the

bright flush of heaven -i n spired hope over her counte

nance,as she rai sed her tearful eyes to Heaven ? Ah

her prayer i s an swered . For the first time,she hears the

voice of her beloved husband addressing hi s Maker .

Pressing her hands to her heart, she returns to her room ,

and throwi ng herself upon a couch,gives vent to her j oy

and gratitude unti l, at length , she fal ls asleep .

But with the first ray of light the devoted wi fe arises

from her couch,and again approaches her husband’s

door. Hearing no sound,she knocks gently


“ It i s Marion .

” She hears h im approach and unlock

the door ; one moment more,and she is i n hi s arms .

Happy pair,now truly uni ted

,by the enduring tie of

Christian love ; henceforth shari ng,truly

,each other’s

hopes, and sympathizing i n each other’s fears !

Mr. Stanley has not yet spoken of the heavenly peace

which has taken the place of h is midnight. despair. But

she reads it i n the holy calmness which rests upon hi s

brow,i n the grati tude and love which beam from every

feature . He i s,i ndeed

,a new man ; born of God , an

heir of glory . Thy fai th, gentle Marion , hath i nherited

the promise,and saved thy husband . While thou dids t

s lee p,he was left li ke a lone voyager upon the sea of

time ; his bark wrecked , and hi s companions los t. Hecried aloud

,attempting to save himself by the s tray

wai fs dri fting i n the curren t. Even these scon fai led

him . He found there was no hope,and gave himself up

. to the rude tide, to be carried whithersoever i t drifted .

Sudden ly,he heard a voice of mercy, sayi ng, “ Look

unto me, and be saved .

” He rai sed h is eyes to Heaven ,

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ZN D I SG U ISE. 127

and from his inmost soul the cry went forth “ Hel p,Lord

,or I peri sh .

” A strong arm was outstretched for

his relief. Eagerly he seiz ed the offered help . H e was

saved !

On the evening of the same day, Mr . Stanley sent forhis family to his study, which had been to him as the

gate of heaven . Here for the first time he met them

since they stood side by side in the chamber of death .

A ll were present but Clarence, w ho had gone to T

for Emma and her sister . Gertrude was pale and sad,and wept afresh at sight of her father. A l ice nestled

close to her mother,and h id her swoll en face upon her

shoulder. Un cle Stephen sat with his eyes shaded by

his hand,vai nly trying to repress hi s sobs, while Mrs .

Carey, Sarah , and the other servants,occupied places

about the apartment,wonderi ng why they had been

called together. At length , Mr . Stanley,i n a voice

which w as at first so tremulous as scarcely to be audible,imparted to them the hope that out of his son’s natural

death,God had brought unto him eternal life . “ I have


” he added,“ the compassionate love of my Sa

v iour to be more than sufficient to compensate me for

the loss of dear chi ldren and friends .”

“ Thank God ! Oh , thank God !” ej aculated Uncle

Stephen .

After a few moments,Mr. Stanley continued , I have

called you all together to tel l you that henceforth,by

grace assisting me , I hOpe to live a different li fe, and to

set before my family an example more worthy of imita

tion I have prided myse lf in bei ng a moral and an

honorable man , and so perhaps I have been in the eyes

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128 T HE nons s now A NGEL

of the world ; but God has been pleased to open myeyes to a sense of my vileness, and I have found that

mere morality will not, cannot sus tain one at the bed

o f death .

” He then read a short passage from Scri pture

, and called upon the family to kneel for prayer

Marion could hardly realize the happy change. Her

heart was ready to burst, and her eyes ran down with

tears .

The grief of the sisters whenthey arrived at Li ndenwood

,rendered desolate by the loss of their dear brother


showed itself i n a manner characteri stic of them . Emmastood over the beloved form shrouded and coffi ned for

the sepulchre,and gazed tearfully upon the countenance

so lovelv in death , while Edith , after one hurr ied glanceat the cold and l ifeles s body

,rent the air with her

shrieks . Her convulsive sobs and doleful lamen t didnot, however, touch the heart of her father like the silent

sorrow of Emma ; and he hoped that th is great afflictionmight resul t i n good to her soul .

The grief of Alice at the loss of her beloved compau

ion at length convi nced her kind friends that, however

painful the separation,i t would be better to - send her to

school with hei‘ sis ters . Strange as it may appear,Mrs .

Stanley,and even her husband

,felt more reluctant to

part with her than with one of their ow n ch ildren . In

the mind of the latter she was so i ntimately associated

with h is deceased Loui s,that he considered her almost

sacred. For so many years had they been seen con

stan tly together, that the bereaved father, as he saw her

approach , often detected himself i n li stening for the low

voice or the light footstep of his dear boy . But she

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130 THE Ho ns s no nn ANGEL

tent himself, saying, “ I shal l add to i t the same sum

every year ; but I know you have too much good sense

to l et the chi ld or any one else suspect me i n thi s mat,


In the month of June, the sisters, accompanied byAlice

,returned to school . Mr. Stanley, in private , urged

his daughters to treat her i n every respect li ke an own

sister. This Emma’s ow n heart prom pted her to do,

but, from the haughty tos s of Edith’s head , her motherhad many fears in regard to the happ i ness of her adopted


There were two in the family who rejoiced that the

young girl would go to school . These were Gertrude

and Mrs . Carey. The latter had been unwell ever since

the death of Louis , and her i llness had brought on anattack of her temporary insanity . At such times


sigh t of her ch i ld always aggravated her disorder,and

Mrs . Stanley had now procured a faith ful woman to

remain with her as compan ion and nurse . This woman

was a widow from the vi llage,in desti tute circumstances


who was very grateful for the home thus afforded for

herself and chi ld .

Poor Alice had been very much troubled about her

mother ; but, as she had seen her affl icted in this man

ner at times from her earliest childhood,the severity of

the tri al was somewhat dimin i shed .

Gertrude could i ll conceal her pleasure at the depart

ure of one whom she conceived occupied far more than

her share of the time and attention of Clarence. But

her pleasure was shortly changed to keen disappoi ntment

and chagrin , when she found the reason of th e child’


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rN D I SG UI SE . 131

wi lli ngness to go, and heard from Clarence that he

advised her to such a course in consequence of his

i ntending to be in Philadelphia for a year or two,and

therefore unable to teach her longer.

For a few days after this announcement, Gertrude

appeared so sad, her eyes, usually brill i an t, were so

heavy,that the young man was con stantly i n danger

of break ing his promise to hi s guardian , and of beseech

ing the pledge of her hand before he left. He even wentso far as to request to be released from it, but i n th is he

was entirely unsuccessful . Uncle Stephen would give

no reason,but said

,promptly, If she is what you deem

her, she wi ll wait your return .

But the very day after thi s conversation , and wh ile

the disappoi nted lover feared h is guardian had forgotten

hi s ow n youthful feelings,he was forced by the change

in the young lady’s manner to ow n that the delay might

in th e end be promotive of his ow n happi ness . Uncon

scious ly, his address had been more tender si nce her

evident sorrow at his intended departure. On the morning i n question

,he seated himself by her side

,and at

tempted to engage her i n conversation . She li stened

coldly,only replyi ng by monosyllables , until at length ,

in answer to some ques ti on,she turned haughti ly toward

him ,fixi ng her eyes full upon his

,as she asked



What did you remark, sir

Had an iceberg fallen upon him , he could no t have

been more chil led . He could scarcely believe his senses.

He started from his seat,and, approaching the window,

stood for a—long time gazi ng out upon the lawn . No

one but her mother noticed the triumphant smile which

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curled her li p as she dropped her work to gaze a t him

Duri ng the day, he avoided her as sedulously as she didhim ; but after tea , when the d imin ished circle drew

around the centre-table,he took a seat near her


appeared determined to treat her wi th hi s usual attcn a

ti on . In truth,he had conv i nced h imself her apparent

coldness had only been th e result of his ow n imagina

ti on . He tried to dev is‘e some plan to draw her to a distance from the rest of the family

,and offered to give

her one more lesson i n drawing before he eft,when she

replied , I have already wasted qui te too much of your

time and my ow n,upon an accompli shment for which I

have no taste .”

The entrance of company put an end to any farther

conversation ; and when Clarence saw her whom but

that very morning he had believed possessed of every

charm , arouse from her gloom and become the life of the

circle,eviden tly delighti ng i n the thought that she had

inflicted pain upon h im,he grew colder and more distant

than ever. She paid the most marked attention to a

gentleman who had called with a friend, at the same time

casting glances of triumph at her disconsolate lover,who

soon plead his early departure as an excuse for leaving

the room .

Uncle Stephen followed him , but hi s presence afforded

his ward but poor comfort, for never' si nce the death of

Louis had he appeared so gay . He rubbed hi s hands,

and chuckled to himself merri ly, as he saw Clarena

with kn itted brows walking impatiently back and forth

through the room and at length could not forbear say

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C H A P T E R X I .

For true charity,Though ne

’er so secret, finds ajust reward —May.

IN a room in one of the college bui ldings i n New

Haven , a young man might be seen si tti ng i n a largerocking chair

,with h is feet on the table before him . He

had just returned from din ner,and on hi s way had taken

a letter from the post office . Now ,havi ng placed him

self i n what he considered a comfortable pos i tion , be pro

ceeded to tear i t open . From the deep flush which suf

fused h is cheek , as wel l as the smi le playi ng about his

mouth , one m ight reasonably infer that the i ntelligence

was agreeable. When he had finished it, he Opened a

smaller envelope i t had contained,and disclosed a roll of

bank bil ls . Generous friend ! ” he exclaimed, aloud,how can I ever repay hi s—kindness ? He says, by neveralluding to it. How little h e realizes the difficulty ofkeeping si lent, when the heart i s overflowing with grati

tude .” He counted the money, saw that there was morethan suffi cient to pay all his college bills, then crossed the

room and locked i t in h is trunk ; after which he again

seated hims elf, with the open letter in his hand . It w as

as follows

DEAR ALFRED Your letter was duly received and

perused with great pleasure. As you have at length

made up your mi nd to study for the mini stry, I wi ll con134

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fess to you that nothing you could have told me regard

ing yourself,would have given me equal pleasure . For

years I have hoped that you would choose the profession

to which your father devoted you i n your i nfancy but I

have never,as youwell know, expressed my hopes upon

this subj ect, fearing they might have undue weight. If,however

,as I hope and pray, you enter upon your studies

for the sacred work, from a desire to be wholly engaged

i n your Master’s service, and have not chosen it merely

as an honorable profession , though your trial s may be

great,yet such , also, wi ll be your reward.

I have recently received le tters from India which I

will show you , if you feel a desire to comply w i th Mr.

and Mrs . Stanley’s i nvita tion , and spend the coming

vacation wi th us . As ever, your friend,STEPH EN FORSYT H .

While Al fred Huntington reclin es in h is chai r,withhie

eyes fixed dreamingly upon the name of h is kind benefacto r

,let us go back twenty years, and learn the com

mencement of their acquaintance .

During the fourth year of Uncle Stephen’s residencein India

,and before he heard the sad i ntelligence which

blighted hi s hopes of happiness for this life , he was one

day introduced to Mr. Hunti ngton , as a young American w ho was 0 11 the poin t of returning to h is native

country, and who would be glad to take letters, or any

thing he might wi sh to send . Mr. Forsyth gazed at him

in surprise,such was the sadness, amounting to mel

ancholy, depicted on his fine, man ly countenance , and

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remarked, You hardly look as I should on the eve of

my departure for home .”

Thi s is my home, my chosen field Of labor,

” replied

the young missionary, and it is the greatest trial I ever

e xperienced, to be obliged to leave it.

In the course Of the conversati on which followed, Mr.

Huntington related to his i nterested listener some Of thecircumstances of his early history, when he w as early

an orphan ; but, by the kindness Of a chari table lady,he had been educated for the min istry. The desire of h is

life was answered when he was sent to India as a mis

sionary, the bishop, who had always been a kind friend tohim

,having interested himself particularly in h i s welfare.

He was married,and had had three children

,one Of

W hom had died within a few hours of i ts birth . On h isarrival i n Calcutta, he proceeded at once to h is station,about fifty miles from that place ; and he believed his

labors had not been entirely unsuccessful . Schools had

been establi shed ; hi s wife, whose heart was wholly i n

her work,had drawn around her about twenty females ,

mothers Of th e children under their care,and was teach

ing them the arts Of civil ization , at the same time that

she endeavored to i nsti l the princi ples Of the gospel i nto

their ben ighted minds . A small church had been gath

ered,consi sting Of seven male and three female members.

“ And now,

” said Mr . Huntington , with great emotion,we must abandon our l i ttle charge, our schools must be

given up ; now ,when we have spent years in acqui ri ng

the language, and when we have become so hopeful Of

good to these poor ignorant natives, we must leave our

feeble church to be torn to pieces.”

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companion by the hand,when he suddenly blushed


mered,and became painfully confused .

“ I shall ever be grateful to you for your sympathy,”

said Mr. Hunti ngton , k indly.

Poh ! poh l exclaimed Mr. Forsyth , I don’t meanto give you up . GO back to your work . I will see th atyou recei ve regular supplies at least for one year.

In her eagerness to hear aright,Mrs. Huntington sprang

from her seat, wholly unmindful Of the little boy clinging

to her dress,and advanced to the side of her husband .

With tears Of joy streaming down her cheeks, she ex

claimed, “ Oh . sir ! did you really mean that we maystay i n India, and labor for our poor Hi ndoos

Yes, yes, I said so !

” replied the young merchan t,

while a sympathizing tear stood i n h is eye,and “ here’s

something that wi ll convince you SO . There, there,

enough has been said ,” as Mr. Huntington warmly pressed

hi s hand,and uttered a ferven t “ God bless and reward

you , sir ! I have no words to tell you how happy you

have made us .” His wife caught Mr. Forsyth’s bronzed

hand,and pressed i t to her li ps


,In the n ame Of

our ignorant,depraved people

,w e do, we must thank

you .

” She w as i nterrupted by an impatient gesture, and

Uncle Stephen trying to leave the room ; but her hus

band stepped forward to detai n him . With his face per

fectly radiant with happinessfhe said , “ We will n ot

Offend you by express ing our grati tude for your bounty

to the heathen we will on ly ask your prayers to aecom

pany our efforts.”

I see you have mistaken me ; I am not a professi ngChri stian and a deep shade passed over hi s face, “ but

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1N Di souis s . 139

[ have a mother up there, said he, pointing to heaven,and a praying sister i n America and, before h is com

pani ons could say another word, he hastily left the house .

After his abrupt departure,the missionary and his wife

sat for some minutes i n profound si lence . They found

it difficul t to real ize the sudden change i n their prospects ,and had it not been for the envelope which he held in his

hand,Mr. Huntington might have feared i t was all a

dream . Upon Opening the note he found it contained a

draft to the amount Of two hundred dollars , and a prom

ise Of the same sum quarterly. This was three hundreddollars in advance Of the salary they had heretofore

received, and the vision s of enlarged schools, with books


apparatus, so overcame them that they gratefully

sank upo n their knees, to give God the praise.

Man’s extremity 1s God’s Opportuni ty,

” said Mr.Huntington to his wife , when they became more composed . This morning we expected to be obliged to

leave our l ittle flock, and we feared lest the years of labor

among them would soon be forgotten but our great

Shepherd has watched over us, and provided for us . At

the very momen t when our need was greate st,he has put

i t in to the heart Of thi s good young man to come forward to our relief.”

But l i ttle, even then, did they realize what a friend hadbeen raised up for them . They returned to their station


where they were received with tumultuous j oy,and glad

dened the hearts Of their pupils by collecting them againinto the school , enlarged their Operations, and entered

w i th new zeal upon their work,feeling that God w as

with them ; “ and they were prospered in the work Of

their hands .

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TWO years after this, Mr. Forsyth returned to his na

tive country ; but, before leavi ng India he made ample

provision for Mr. Huntington , toward whose enterpri sehe felt an increas ing


interest. During the s ix years he

remained in America,he carried on a constant corres

pondence with the mission ; and after h i s grea t afflictions

had been sanctified to h is soul , he became more than

ever alive to the importance Of such a work . On his return to India

,though his means were less, he sent another

laborer i nto the field,as an assi stant to Mr. Huntington ,

depriving h imself of some luxuries in l ivi ng he had here

tofore con s idered indispensable. Dur ing his residence Ofsixteen years

,he visited the station at stated i ntervals ,

and every time he did so he blessed God for having put

i t i nto his heart to do thi s great work . The school which,

on hi s firs t i ntroduction to Mr. Hun tington , was 0 11 thepoint Of being broken up

, w as now flouri shing under the

effici en t care Of M r. Potter,the ass istant mi s s ionary


whose wife also taught the girls. This seminary had

sen t out twenty native Christi an teachers , well educated

and fitted for their work .

Alfred,the only chi ld Of Mr. and Mrs . Hunti ngton


who had been spared to them,accompan ied Clarence to

America on hi s return a few years before h is guardian ,who had Offered to educate him . Mr. and Mrs . Hun ti ngton had learned to look upon their benefactor as a dear

Christian brother ; and when , in addition to his years Of

kindness, he made thi s Offer, their knowledge of him led

them to suppress any acknowledgment but such as their

tearful eyes and beaming countenances afforded. They

gave up their on ly child to him ,with perfect confidence

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C H A P T E R X 1 1 .

I’ve sometimes grieved

That one so formed in mind and charms to grace

The brightest scenes in life, should have her seat

In the shadow of acloud and yet’tis weakness .

The angels watch the good and innocent,

A nd where they gaz e, it must be glorious .

A LA RGE party was agai n gathered in Li ndenw oodHall

,making the house ring as Of Old

,with merry voices.

Two years have passed since we last gathered wi th them

around the social hearth . To Mr. and Mrs . Stanley time

has brought no vi sible marks Of advancing age but wi th

Emma,Edith , and Al ice, the change has been great.

Edith i s by far the tall est of the three , and , at the first

glance would by many be prout unced to be the hand

somest. But neither in the style Of her beauty, nor i n

her manner,did she at all resemble her sister Gertrude,

bei ng a bri l l iant brunette,w ith luxuriant black hair dis

posed very gracefully around her h ead,large black eyes ,

and red,pouting lips

,while her imposing and self-confi

den t air, jow ed with a playful sarcasm i n her conversa


,among her school-mates

,gained her the reputa

tion Of a genius and a wit. She had learned to curb

her temper,and now appeared a warm -hearted

,impul sive

girl . To Mr. Huntington she seemed the most beautiful

and talented young lady he had ever met.

But Emma, w ho was tw o years Older should have


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THE nousenow ANGE L.

been described first,— yet she had so long learned te

lean upon her younger sister, that she almost forgot

that Edith was her i nferior i n years . She had regularfeatures

,light-blue eyes , and a very sweet mouth . Her

complex ion was very pale,and rather sallow ; but she

was easy and graceful i n her manners,and a very lov

able young lady. A t school one had been admired, the

other loved,by their companions .

Alice Carey is much more difficul t to describe . There

was a perfect fascination about her ; and yet, one could

hardly tell in what i t consisted . She w as slightly below

the medium height. Her form was well-proportioned,and full of symmetry and beauty. Her hair

,which had

changed to a rich chestnut-brown,she stil l wore i n curls


which afforded a parti al covering to the slender neck set

so gracefully upon her shoulders . Her broad,low fore

head,her nicely-arched eyebrows, her clear, truth-telling

eyes,her rose-bud mouth

,and her ever-varying com

plexion,soft as


that of an infant, impres sed alike the

most casual, and the most critical, observer. But none

of these , nor all of them combined, constituted the charm

in the face of A li ce . Perhaps i t was her perfect uncon

sciousnes s of her beauty, perhaps i t was the i ntellectwhich beamed from her eye . Her mother thought i t w as

the holy expres sion , which pervaded and animated everyfeature . Al ice was very happy. She had left school

with the highes t honors,and was rejoiced to be again in

her dear home,and among her kind friends . She could

hardly res train her j oy . Sometimes,i t bursts out in a

merry warble, i nciti ng Fanny, her Canary bird, to still

greate r efforts then , i t exhibits i ts elf, i n a desire to per

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form some ki nd act of love to those arbund he r. N ow ,

she places a foot-s tool for Uncle Stephen , w hos e w e fo l

lows her as she fli ts here and there about the room next,runs to se t a chair for Mr . Stanley, then picks up a spool

for her mother,w ho rewards her with a fond kiss, and,

fi nally,springs to the window to shade the sun from the

eyes of Gertrude or Edith , or cheerful ly performs some errand to their room . And all this she does with such chi ldlike

grace and activi ty that it i s.

a delight to gaze upon her.“ Dear Uncle ~ S tephen ,

” said she,o ne day

,when the

family were assembled in the parlor after dinner ; How

glad I am that you have done wearing that velvet cap and

wig . Do you know,

” she whispered,“ that you look

ve ry handsome now that you have taken off those borri

ble old goggles ? what did you ever put them on for ? ”

she asked , looking archly i n hi s face .

Nonsense, chi ld ! ” he replied , catching her hand asshe was darti ng away ; “ to prevent my seeing too much .

Some people are i n danger by seeing too l ittle ; but I

was troubled with too much light. In order to be at all

comfortable, I was obliged to shade my eyes .

Alice laughed heartily at the curious expression w hi( h

passed over h is face .

There , take that, you li ttl e puss , exclaimed Uncle

Stephen , giving her a hearty ki ss ,” and look out how you

come round here,catechi sing me

,or I may have to get

out my speaking-trumpet again .

The young girl blushed deeply,as she saw the eyes

of the whole fami ly directed to them ; but she repli ed,

gayly : “ Please don’t ; I’ll try to be a good girl ;


she w i thdrew to the other end of the room .

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vil lage . Then Alice,w ho had become a thorough eques

trian,sti ll retained her beauti ful Felix

,and Mr. Hunting

to n had broken in a spirited animal,kept for the carriage .

For his daughters, Mr. Stanley procured saddle-horse :

from the stable .

During their first expedition,Ali ce accompanied them

She was arrayed i n a riding-dress Of dark-green cloth ,fitting neatly to her form

,and displaying to advantage~

her fine bust and taper waist ; and a jockey Of green

velvet, with two plumes of the same color tipped with

black . As she stood on the steps of the portico, holding

the skirts of her riding-dress in one hand,she looked per

fectly bewitching. At least,so thought Uncle Stephen .

She had been beseeching him to accompany her as her

especial knight, and while he laughed at her Odd fancy,and shook his head

,he wondered where the eyes Of the

young men could be, that they did not seek her as a com

panion . She looked so lovingly at him,that he fel t he

could refuse her nothing, and said, “ Well, well, child,some other t ime

,I’ll see about i t

,i f your heart i s set upon

me for a companion , but not to-day.

But,Uncle Stephen


” she replied,with a comical ex

pression of mock gravi ty, “ I have no beau .

Beau,i ndeed ! and what does such a chi ld as ycuare,

want of a beau ? Let me see , there are four lassies , andtw o laddi es . Here, Clarence , take care Of thi s young

miss,who is bewail i ng her want Of a beau.

Clarence,who unobs erved, had heard the whole con

versation,started forward, sayi ng i n a low voice : “ I

shall be most happy to resume my care of my former


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l N D I SG U I SE . 47

Poor Alice ! ” her smi les van ished in a moment |th e color mounted even to her brow, as she feared he

would think her soliciting his attention ; but she said ,quickly

,“ Oh

,Uncle Stephen

,how could you !

” and

turned abruptly away.

Clarence bit his li p with chagrin . He had never beenable to resume his former i ntimacy with her, since she

returned from school . Duri ng the ride she gal loped inadvance of the party ; and if he attempted to follow ,

made an excuse to ride back to the side of Emma .Mr. Huntington kept close to Edith , who certainlynever appeared to better advantage than when on horse

back . She sat li ke a queen , and evidently w as aware Of

it ; for she took unusual pains to torment her lover with

her assumed ind ifference .

Several times,when Clarence left Gertrude and rode

round by Alice, she appeared so really distressed that he

left her,determined to lose no time in ascertaining the

reason of her loss Of confidence i n him . Free,frank


and Open i n her conduct to all,y\

et toward her former

teacher she exhibited a shyness, and a disposition to

avoid his society,totally unlike her former chi ldi sh affec»

tion . If she were singing gayly when he entered the

room , her voice suddenly ceased . If he took a seat near

her, she soon found an excuse to vacate her place . At

len gth , th is change in her appearance became so marked

that the young lawyer was exceedingly pained by it.S o much so, that Often wh il e seated i n his Office


hi s eyes fixed upon his papers,his thoughts

,in stead of

beari ng upon the case .in hand,were wandering to

Lindenwood , and there trying to solve a problem which

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was daily becoming more diffi cult, and al so more inter

esti ng to him . One day, when alone with Mrs . Stanleyhe took an Opportunity to converse with her about her

adopted child . He commenced by aski ng : DO not you

th ink Alice mucn changed ? ”

“ Yes,

” she responded,earnestly


“ I think she grows

more lovely every day.

“ But,” conti nued Clarence, hesi tati ng, “ she i s not as

artless and affectionate as formerly.

You surpri se me, exclaimed Mrs . Stanley. She is

open as the day,and has the warmest heart I ever knew.

See what an influence she has acquired over Uncle Ste

phen . He can never see any one else when she i s



” said Clarence , laugh ing ; she i s i ndebted to

the speaking-trumpet for that. Yes, I bel ieve he con

siders her a paragon of goodness .

After this conversation , however, Mrs . Stanley watched

her daughter,and became convinced that

,for some cause


she avoided receiving any attention from the young

man .

Two days after their first ride, i t was proposed to visi t

a beautiful glen about two miles distant. They were to

start early, taking a lunch with them ,and pass several

hours at the pl ace: When the arrangements were com

pleted, Alice turned quietly to Gertrude, and offered her

the use Of Felix .

But what will you do ? ” asked Gertrude, her coun

tenanee brighten ing with pleasure .

I am not going,

” was the quiet response.

Why ? why ? asked many voices.

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all i n a tumul t, and for a time she could only weep ; but

at length her tears, though bitter, brought relief, and she

began to look calmly at her ow n s ituation . For Alice

loved yes, with her whole heart she loved her teacher.

But the conviction which had so lately been forci ng itself

upon her mind,brought no pleasure, but the keenest

mortification and self-reproach . She laid her head upon

her arms, and almost uncon sciously her thoughts went

back to hi s arrival at Queenstown . She w as but a chi ld

then but Oh,how kind he had been to her

,and to Loui s.

Her tears flowed afresh as she thought of her dear li ttlecompanion

,to whom she could have confided all her

grief ; but now she must keep it locked up in her ow n

breast. Then how unwearied had he been i n i nstructing

her, how i n terested i n all her welfare . While at school

her great desire w as , though unacknowledged even to

herself, to convince him that h is pupil had honored his

i n structions . How earnestly she had counted the weeks,

then the days,Before her return home

,because her

mother had written that Clarence was to be there.

But Oh , how changed to sorrow and chagrin were all her

bright anticipations !

A day or two after her return , she heard Gertrude and

Edith i n earnest conversation about Clarence . I ha ve

every reason ,” said Gertrude

,“ to know that he loves me ;

indeed, he has Often told me so but he does not wis h it

known at present,especially to Uncle Stephen ; so be

very careful not to betray us .“ Oh , I’ll remember,” answered Edith “ but I advi se

you to keep Al ice out of hi s way,unti l you’re posi tively

engaged. I wouldn’t allow Alfred to give such glances

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iN D i sGUrSE . 15]

to another, as I have seen Clarence bes tow upon

Alice .”

Nonsense, Edith He considers her as a chi ld andyou know she always puts herself forward ; but I dowonder what there i s about her he considers so w o n


She could-hear no more . Pressing her hands tightly

upon her heart , she quietly left the room ,and retired to

the little closet,where she had formerly slept . There she

sat, for hours, almost stupefied. It was then she first be

came aware Of the nature of her affection for her teacher ;else

,why should she be so pai ned at hearing that he

had already declared hi s love for Gertrude . When it

commenced she knew not ; but she was crushed beneath

a sense of shame and mortification that she, the daugh

ter Of a nursery.

woman,should have bestowed her love,

unsought, upon any one ; but above all , upon a man she

considered superior to al l she had seen . Yes, i n that

dark hour, sh e tore Off the mask , and looked at herself

without disguise . What i f,for the sake Of hi s deceased

wife,Mr. Stanley had treated her like a daughter '

What i f Louis had loved her li ke a sis ter ! What ifher dear M rs . Stanley had been more than a mother to

her,and Uncle Stephen her kind benefactor ! She w as

no less the ch ild of poverty and dependence . How

dared she then to harbor such feeli ngs for o ne moment

She bowed her head upon her hands , and prayed for

strength to overcome ; and s trength was given her.

She went out from that humble closet with firm resolves ,with noble purposes

,with ful l determination to root out

every lingering feeli ng of affection for the one she had

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so long and so unconsciously loved . But this resolution

was not so easy to carry into effect. E very time she

beheld h im,she saw more i n hi s character to es teem

and respect, and not many days pas sed before she found

her on ly safety was in avoiding his presence.

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the party of young people at L indenwood had been

confined within doors , but on Tuesday morni ng the sun

rose in cloudless splendor, fli nging his bright rays on

every side. After breakfast an excursion was planned

for the afternoon , when Clarence could j oi n them . Theywere merrily discussing it, and anticipating its pleasures,when the door Opened

,and Alice entered

,equipped for a

ride .

So soon ready ? ” exclaimed Uncle Stephen,and he

let h is paper fall to the floor as he started i n haste to

meet her.“ Why, Alice , where are you going ?

” i nquired half a

dozen voices ; but she only smiled and shook her head,whi le the Old gen tleman hurri ed from the room to pre

pare to accompany her. Her neatly fitting boddice displayed to great advantage her beautifully rounded form,

and as she stood, graceful ly holding up her long ski rt,exposed to view the toe of a tiny gaiter matching i n

color her dress . The surprise she had given them ,and

the interest awakened as to the cause Of her early start,had lent a deeper tint to her fair complex ion , while the

dimples were playi ng about her mouth as she tried to

evade their i nquiries .

The young attorney gazed earnestly upon her,and

thought h is eyes had never rested upon a lovelier Object ;but he suddenly caught a glimpse Of Gertrude


stood behi nd him,and her countenance was so full of

bitterness that poor Alice started from her in terror.

At that moment Uncle Stephen entered,grumbli ng


I’m making a fool Of myself. I’ve not mounted a

horse for twenty years. There’ll be amusement enough

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rN Drseursa. 155

for the whole town , to see the Old codger escorting a

fair lady through the main streets . I dare say she’ll

make me parade mysel f everywhere .

He stopped short on seei ng that Ali ce did not, as

usual,make any reply to hi s bantering, and was ready

distressed, as they stood waiting at the door for the

horses,to see that she silently wiped a tear from her eye.

There,ch ild


” be commenced , I’ll take it all back, old

barbarian as I am,

” when Clarence,who was standing

by hi s side,whispered

,“ Take no notice now . It i s

nothing you have said,” when his thoughts turned in

another direction,and he replied, “ If you’ve worried

her, I’L

There i s no knowing what he would have said, for

Alice sprang down the steps,and

,before Clarence could

reach her,placed her foot i n the outstretched hand Of

the hostler, and sprang lightly to her seat. The young

man , much annoyed, turned to his uncle, who was

really making a great effort i n order to oblige his li ttle

fri end. Three times the animal was led to the block ,and the awkward attempt of the rider caused him to

shy off, so that i t was necessary to turn h im ,and lead

him up again .

“ I shall give i t up next time,

” he ex

claimed , petulantly , and you may take my place, boy.

Oh , no, no said Alice,earnestly . The ins tant she

had spoken , the color mounted to her very brow,and, as

she met the expression of sad reproach i n Clarence,she

added, quickly, I will dismount ; I wil l give no one the

trouble to accompany me ; I do not care to go now.

But this time Uncle Stephen had been successful,and

they started off, when Clarence reluctantly returned to

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the parlor, and said that he might be prevented from

com ing home in season to j oi n them ,but he hoped his

absence would not prevent their going,as Mr. Hunti ng

ton was with them . Before he arr ived at h is Office, he

made a determination to seek an explanation from Alice

herself of her evident avoidance of him . He began tosuspect that she was not treated with kindness by every

member of the family.

In the meantime,the subj ect Of hi s thoughts was

trying to forget that anything unpleasan t had occurred ,and to render herself as agr eeable as possible to h er kind

benefactor,who had taken so much pains to give her

pleasure . After a cheerful conversation, as they rode

slowly on , she told him she thought i t was quite time

she was doing something for her ow n support. “ If I

have kind friends,

” she conti nued, “ that is no reason

why I should be a burden to them .

“ Humph ! ” replied Uncle Stephen,“ a ll stuff and


! Pray,what can you do

? Teach an acad

emy, hey ?

Alice was too much accustomed to his manner to feel

at al l discouraged by hi s remark ; so.

she pleasantly re

plied, “ I can do some things better than anybody in

the world,yourself bei ng judge.

“What,pray ? ”

Why, combi ng your hair, for instance, or readingyou to sleep .

Her compan ion stopped hi s horse i n hi s eagerness toreply. Well


,I have a plan

,so set your heart at

rest. I’ll employ yen to wai t upon me, and humor all

my whims, which you have done for years without pav.

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Mrs . Gates burst i nto tears . N O, no ! she sobbed

w il l ; nothing can do me any good .

The tone was so despai ri ng and heart-broken that the

young gi rl was deeply moved. She sat down on a low

stool near her,and , taki ng Li zz ie upon her lap, sa id,

kindly,You must try

to feel comforted for the sake ofthis dear li ttle girl ; and what yvill the baby do if you

gi ve way to your grief ?” She had touched the right

chord — a mother’s love . Perhaps it was the only one

which would at thi s time have vibrated to the touch .

The tears Of the poor woman s ti ll flowed,but She be

came more composed,and soon was able to relate


though with much Shame,the cause Of her trouble. Her

husband, who was a blacksmi th , had a profitable bus i

ness, and had supported hi s family well , unti l the owner

of the public house,with a company of others

,bui l t a

bowling saloon . He was enticed there to see them play ;then he himself played , until he spent every evening i n

gambling. At length he gave up business enti rely, and

pas sed his time lounging about the hotel . He hadplenty Of money , but she did not know how he Obta ined

i t. The nigh t before,there had been a robbery com

m itted i n the vil lage, and, as soon as it was light, her

husband was apprehended,and placed in confinement to

awai t h is trial . “ But he never did that,

”She added


vehemently ; he never would commit such a crime , to

bri ng disgrace on himself and me. B rit the others wi ll

try to prove it upon him,and he’ll be carried to pri son

and then what wi ll become of us ? ” and she pressed

her babe convul s ively to her breast.

W hen is he to be tried ? ” asked Al ice .

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i N D i s t. UISL . 159

They said they were taking him to a magistrate at

once .”

“ You say the robbery was last night ; was your hus

band at home through the night ? ”

The poor woman cast down her eyes i n great confu

sion , as She fal tered out,

“ He came home about mid .


After a Short pause , Alice arose to go , saying, l\Ir.

Stanley,with whom I live

,i s a magis trate

,and he may

be the one who will try him . At any rate,I think I can

promise, if h is case.

i s not already decided,that he will

have justice done him in h is trial . I have a dear friend,who is a lawyer

,and I will ask him to exami ne the case.

If your husband is i n nocent,heshal l be befriended .

Mrs . Gates leaned forward with parted lips, eager to

catch every word of . her young comforter. It would

have been a beautiful scene for a painter . There was

the poor youn g wife , with her babes clinging to her side,eagerly gaz ing i nto the bright face Of the young lady


w ho i n cheerful tones was endeavori ng to inspire her

with hOpe and trust for the future . “ I wil l see you

again to -morrow,

”She added , going towards the door.

In the meantime,have you sufficient for yourself and

chi ldren

Oh , yes , miss ! quite enough ; and who knows butJusti n will be cleared

,and return to h is work

,and then

how happy we shal l be ! ” She caught up her babe to

hide her tears Of j oy at. the thought .“ My good woman


” sa id Alice,meekly

, you must

pray that God will bri ng good out of this trial . He isable to convert this affl iction into a great bles s i ng. It

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may be the means of Showing your husband the dangerof evi l companions

,so that he wil l shun them in future .’

Oh,miss ! you talk so much like my dear mother !

She taught me to pray ; but, si nce I was married, I

have had so much to take up my time,I have forgotten

al l about her i nstructions . After Justin was carri ed Off,I did try to ask God to let his i n nocence be know n ; but

I gave it up. I couldn’t expect he’d hear me when I’ve

been so forgetful of my duty to him .

Al ice sprang forward, and caught her hand , saying,DO not

give up praying. Ask him to forgive all vour

sins for Christ’s sake , and to make your husband a good

Christian . Will you do this

The breast of th e woman heaved convulsively,and

she bowed her head i n token of assent as the y oung girl


Good bye, then I hope to bring ,you good news to

morrow. Good bye,L izzie ; I wi ll come agai n soon .

As she started quickly toward the door, al l at once

she remembered that Uncle Stephen was waiting for

her ; but, when She stepped into the entry, to her sur

prise she saw him si tti ng upon a low stair, and exhib

iting traces of deep emotion . Making a quick sign for

her to keep si lent,he thrust a well-filled purse i nto her

hand, at the same time poi nting to the room she had left.

But Al ice Shook her head as she wh ispered,

“ Another

time,” and they went out quietly together. Approaching

the fence where she had tied her horse , Alice w as won

dering how She should contrive a step for Un cle Stephen ,when a laboring man came by

,and offered his assistance


w ith which the Old gen tleman was once more safely

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the re lease of the man , i f, as she supposed, he had beenmade the tool Of h is more depraved companions.

It i s unnecessary to narrate hi s i n terview wi th Mrs.Gates, or the one wi th her husband that followed . In

the latter he became convinced of the i nnocence Of Mr

Gates i n the robbery, though the young man confessed,with shame, the wicked course of id leness and si n he

had pursued for a few mon ths . Suffice i t to say, that

when he returned at a late hour for tea, he carried Alice

the report of Gates’s release, and the conviction of two

of his associ ates . She li stened with tears as he recounted

the joy Of the y oung wife at the restoration of her hus

band, which Clarence assured her She ascribed enti rely to

the i nfluence of the ki nd lady who call ed to see her. Hedid not

,however, repeat what Mrs . Gates had said Of her

vis itor, whom she considered an angel sen t from heaven

to comfort her i n her distress ; nor how a Simple questionshe had asked concern ing the relation exi sting between

himself and her, had caused his heart to beat with sunny

hope . He was to o happy in her returned confidence toth ink of the past ; and until the arrival of th e party Of

equestri ans, an hour or two later, he gave himself up to

the enjoyment of th e present hour . Alice had never ap

peared more cheerful ; her clear eyes shone with a pure

l ight,and a beaming smile played around her small

mouth .

Uncle Stephen gayly described his ow n awkwardness i n

di smounting at Mrs . Gates’s door, and the merry laugh

he had occasioned a group Of boys iv ho were playing

near. In truth,

” he added,Alice was gone so long, I

was afraid some evi l had befa llen her, esepcially as she

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IN D I SG U I SE 163

had just been imparting to me her wi ld scheme of setti ngup for hersel f.

Al ice tried to cover hi s mouth , but he conti nued, NO ,

child, you deserve to be punished for your naughty

thoughts . She wants to be more i ndependent,and be

able to act according to her own fancies ; but I soon put

a stop to her rebellion,and I’ve taken her i nto my ser

vice . She i s to do just as I tel l her,and I’m to well ,

no matter what I’m to do ; SO look out and not inter

fere with her,

” glancing toward Clarence, w ho appeared

hal f amused and half annoyed .

“ I wont have her wor

ried. But seriously, chi ld , what could put such thoughts

into your head ? Aren’t you happy here ? What do you

th ink I should do without somebody to scold, or to bring

me to reason when I’m out of humor ? ”

For a moment the poor girl appeared much embar

ras sed but then , thinki ng that the present might be the

most favorable time for mentioning her plan , she said,endeavori ng to speak calmly

,It i s not a new thought

with me . Indeed, I can hardly remember when i t first

occurred to me ; but by your kindness, my dear friends,I have received a thorough education , and can therefore

not only relieve myself from being dependen t upon your

bounty,but hOpe I may prove myself useful i n some.

humble situation . If my presence were necessary to mypoor mother, I should feel i t my duty to remain with her ;but as i t i s not, I have long thought I ought to makesome use of the education furnished me by your ki nd

ness .”

For one moment no one spoke. Astonishment at the

words o f the young girl kept them silent. They had

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been so much i n the habit of consideri ng her as a ehil clthat i t w as difficu lt to realize that she had ever i ndulged

a thought of acti ng for herself. Clarence started forw ard

eagerly, but Mrs. Stanley drew the child of her adoption

closer to her heart,while her husband

,who was much

affected , said .

“ Alice,when your l i ttle compan ion


was dying, I promised him that I would be a father to

you, and give you a home ; you would notwish me to V IO

late that pledge .”

Hi s manner was so solemn that she could only replyby her tears, as she caught h is hand and pressed it to her

l ips .

Uncle Stephen aros e and walked hastily from the

room , when Mr. Stanley con tinued, My dear chi ld, let

me hear no more of this . Your mother,” glancing at hiswife, cannot spare you. There i s only one condition ,

he added,pleasantly

,“ i n which I shall give my consent

to your leaving us,and that is when a husband claims


Poor gi rl ! a conscious fear suffused her cheeks and

brow with a burning blush, as she repli ed in a low voice,That time will never come .”

The sound of the return i ng party put a sudden termi

nation to the conversation ; but not before Clarence had

taken her hand,sayi ng

,Dear Al ice, remember w her

ever you go,and whatever you do, you have one firm

friend .

“ Thank you,” sh e replied

, w i thout raising her eyes ;I l ove to think it is so .

The tall and queen ly Edith entered first, having, i n thecompany of her admirer, passed a delightful afternoon,

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left the room in search of his guardian , and found him

vigorous ly walking back and forth,through the suite of

rooms occupied by them . After sitting for a few mo'

ments with his head resting on hi s hand,and fi nding his

companion took no notice of him,Mr. Sydney arose


pa s sing the hand of hi s k i nd friend through his arm,

joi ned him in h is walk .

I beli eve the ch ild does i t on purpose to torment me,”

soliloquized the old gentleman .

“ Wish I were twenty

years younger,I’d give her a home in good earnest, and


,too !

Who are you complaining of asked Clarence.

Why, of Alice, and all of you . I don’t see where

your eyes are. So stupid of you not to see what’s for

your ow n good .

I am glad to assure you,replied the young man


archly, though i t must be confessed with a heightened

color, “ that at length we view one subj ect alike and

he uttered a few words i n the ear of his guardian , which

operated like magic . He caugh t Clarence by the shoulders, and , holding h im at arms

’ length,gazed earnestly

inhi s face . Then assured that he had heard correctly,

he s tarted suddenly forward,and bestowed hi s approba

tion in the shape of a hearty kiss,after which he sat

down and began to laugh and cry at the same moment.

I declare,

” he sobbed,wipi ng hi s eyes

,“ i t makes me

young again . There,go and/bring her here ; [ want to

give the chi ld my blessi ng.

Oh , no ! exclaimed the young man I have never

given her any i ntimation of the state ofmy affections . Iwish I were as certai n of obtaini ng her consent as I w as

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IN D I SG U I SE . 167

of obtai ning yours .” He thenspoke of the reserve whichshe had of late manifested tow ard him,

and the difficul ty

he found in speak ing with her, except i n the presence o f

the family.

Now hear me exclaimed Uncle Stephen , bri nginghis fist with great emphasis down upon his knee . It’s

all the work of that artful Gertrude . Oh ! I see i t all .There i s no end of her hints about dependants thrusting

themselves forward, and all that sort of th ing . No w on

der they make her shy . Well,manage i t your own way ;

but mind, now ,

i f she.

wont have you, she’s got to take

me,that’s settled . I wont be bothered with the li ttle

iade’s fancies about goi ng off to be a governess .”

Entirely unconscious that subjects so n early relatingto herself were di scussed within a few feet of her ow n

room,Alice retired early. Her thoughts were all in

confusion,and she longed to be alone

,to commune with

her ow n heart. The question of her leavi ng Li ndenwoodwas settled, and she was troubled and vexed at herself

for being pleased that duty called her to stay ; for she

could but acknowledge that it would be ungrateful and

wrong for her to in sist upon a line of action which her

friends disapproved — friends whose care and affection

entitled them to the greatest confidence . And yet,


repeated to herself, “ i f they knew all,they would be the

very ones to advi se my removal ; but as i t i s, I must

struggle alone .”

Her thoughts gradually grew more i ndisti nct,and she

fell asleep . In her dreams she agai n vi si ted the young

wife, accompanied her to the prison to see her husband,when to her i nten se surprise she found the pris oner w as

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Clarence . Hi s deep blue eyes seemed to gaze earn estlyinto hers

,as he implored her to procure hi s release ; and

when she promised to do this,his ardent expressions of

gratitude as he clasped tightly her hand,caused her

heart to beat wildly.

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taken the house . N o,there was the very stair where

Uncle Stephen had sat. She knocked again,and louder

than before ; and soon Mrs . Gates made her appearance,with her babe i n her arms . An expression of great

pleasure brightened her countenance,but this was quickly

succeeded by tears .i

“ Justi n is,

very sick ,” she w his

pered,very sick

,ma’am . He don’t know me or the

children . The Doctor says it’s the nervous fever,pro.

duced by the excitement of yesterday . Oh ! i t wouldmake your heart ache to hear him talk . He has confessed all hi s si n s over and over agai n ; and when he

came home,he told me he meant to be a differen t

man from what he has ever been . When I repeated

what you said,he did not answer for some time


then he sighed and said,

‘Maria,if I’d liv

ed as my

mother taught me,th is would never have happened.

We both resolved last n ight,to try to be good

,and to

teach our chi ldren as we were taught,out of the Bible.

But now he may never get well,’

- and the poor woman

put her apron to her face to hide the tears which were

streaming down her cheeks .

Alice quietly took the ch ild from her arms, as she


“ Have you no one to as sist you i n taki ng can

of h im ? ”

Mrs . Gates shook her head .

Do you know of any one w ho would come if sh e

were well paid ? ”

“ Oh,yes ! a woman who took care of me when I was

s ick.

Where does she live ?”

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IN D i SG Ui s e . 1 7 ]

Only a short distance in the next street . Lizzie hadbeen to her house yesterday , when youmet her.

Well,i f Liz zie will show me the way Iwi ll get her

if possible, to come here at once .

I’m sure I can’t see why you’re so ki nd to me ; but

I’m very grateful, though it an’t my way to say so much

about it as some do .”

No thanks, my good woman , are due to me ; I have

a ki nd friend w ho delights to be of service to the needy,and it i s by his wish that I attend to your wants . But

where is Lizzie 7Mrs . Gates went to the back door and led i n the child ,

who was playing i n the yard . Havi ng been washed andatti red in a clean apron , the li ttle girl walked by the side

of the horse, as the long dress of Alice unfitted her

for walking i n the street. She found the nurse to be a

motherly appeari ng woman,rather more than fifty years

of age. She soon made known her errand,and


w as

pleased to find her wil ling to go without delay. Alice

then i nquired whether they had a good physician,and

havi ng ascerta ined that it w as her old friend , Dr. Jenks ,she immediately determined to cal l upon him . She

therefore paid Mrs . Green a week’s wages,together wi th

a sum of money for the immediate necess iti es of the

family, and leaving Li zzie to return homewith the nurse,j umped into her saddle

,and rode to the house of Dr

Jenks . She was fortunate i n finding him , for he drove

up in hi s narrow buggy jus t as she approached .

Good morning, Miss Al ice , said he,gayly

,“ i s i t

I, youwant ? Any body sick at the Hall ? Easy enoughto see you’re not to be my patient to-day . Come ,jump

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Off, and give me a kiss from those red lips . What, re

fuse me 7 Why,chi ld, I was the first friend you ever

had .

In the meantime Alice dismounted,and followed the

ki nd-hearted man into the sitti ng-room . He was avalued friend

,as well as physician of Mr. Stanley’s

family. Alice,he had always associated with hi s l ittle

pet, Louis , and loved her for hi s sake as well as for herow n . After shak ing hands w i th Mrs . Jenks , the young

girl at once made known her errand,and requested the

Doctor to continue h is attendance upon Mr. Gates ,archly holding up her purse to i n timate that she was the

one to whom he was to look for h is pay .

“ Well, that’s cool, I must say, to offer me a bribe i f

I’ll give up my own patients . Where did you get so

much money, that you are throwing it away in that

style“ It’s Uncle Stephen’s


” replied Alice , laughing.

Won’t you tell Uncle Stephen to attend to his own

busi ness,and I’l l mi nd mine . lVIr. Gates is my patient


and I shan’t give him up to please any person and the

kind man had a merry twink le in h is eye that told every

body that he had a large and warm heart beati ng under

neath hi s el aborately fri lled shirt. Seriously,ch ild


” he

continued,I can’t afford to give up Justin Gates , and

such as he ; they are the most valuable part of my prac

tice ; I couldn’t,i n conscience

,ask God’s bless ing upon

me if I turned a deaf ear to the calls of the poor. I

consider my practice among them my best i nves t

ments . My Master w ill repay me a thousand-fold

when I get up there,” he added

,with a devotional glance

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to soften the character of the haughty girl ; but to the

astonishment of all, when he made a formal offer of his

hand,she had decidedly refused him , though she cou

fessed that she liked him better than any other person .

Hi s profession w as the insupe rable obj ection in her mind,as she had determined never to be a clergyman’s wife .

This was a keen di sappoi ntment to the young candi

date for holy orders,and for one moment the thought

was cherished,

“ i t i s not too late for me to change my

profession but be cast i t as ide as unworthy of him .

He had never made any secret of hi s pleasure i n her

society, and as she had not di scouraged his attention s,he hoped his sui t would termi nate favorably. When

he returned to the family,pale and sad , to bid them

adieu,Mr. Stanley drew from him the fact that he had

been rejected . He was very much di spleased with hisdaughter

,as he knew she had given the young man

reason to beli eve she loved him . But Mr. Huntingtonwould allow no blame to rest upon her

,and wi th a sad

weight at h is heart bade them adieu .

Uncle S tephen greatly approved the course Alice had

pursued with regard to the sick man and asked her i f

she wanted more money to carry her plans i nto effect.

In answer to which question,she held up the purse which

was stil l well fi lled.

The next day,and for several days i n succession , Al i ce

rode to the vi llage to cal l upon her protégés . Mr. Gates

sti ll con tinued very si ck,and the kind-hearted physician

began to look very grave . Mrs. Gates seemed every daymore dejected . One week the nurse had remained with

ner patient, and Al ice paid her another week’s wages , and

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IN D i s GUi S E . 175

at the same time providi ng for the wan ts of the family

One morning,however

,when o n her way to the vi llag e,

she met Dr. Jenks . He stopped h is horse . Good news

for you‘. I’ve just l eft the beds ide of Justi n Gates, and

he was conscious . I think the crisi s has passed,and

that he is i n a fair w ay to recover. It’s hardly fair, I

know,for me to tell the. news

,si nce Maria is watchi ng

so earnestly for you , i n order to tel l it'


“ I am indeed pleased to hear it,

” said Alice,and she

hastened on .

I t was indeed so . A great change had taken place .

For the firs t time,Alice went i n to the smal l bedroom to

see the in valid . She stopped but a moment,for fear the

excitement of seeing a stranger would injure him,i n his

weak state . When she left him,the grateful wi fe fol

lowed her i nto th e small si tting-room,and

,having care

fu lly closed the door,expressed her wish that M is s Carey

w ould remai n for a few moments .“ I wi ll do so with pleasure,

” repl ied the young lady,

though she wondered a li ttle at th e serious tone i n which

the request was uttered . She drew a chair near the o ne

where Mrs . Gates had seated herself,and said

,ki ndly


“ You have much to be thankful for, my good woman

Dr. Jenks told me he thought your husband wouldrecover.”

Oh,I have

,I have she exclaimed

,rai sing her tear

ful eyes to the face of her companion , “ not on ly for that,but for th e bless i ngs of a whole life . I have never real

iz ed who i t was provided for all my wants, and supplied

me with so many comforts . Now I seem to be justawaking out of sleep . I remember all my s i ns . Oh

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how could I have been so forgetful of the i nstructions of

my deceased mother !” Her feelings en tirely overcame

her, and she sobbed for some time without restraint.

Alice took her hand,and tri ed to soothe . her.

“ Re


”s he said, “ that i f you are truly penitent, God

i s able and will ing to forgive you all your si ns.”

“ But you don’t know

,you can’t imagine

,how very

wicked I have been . Not th at I have ever committedany open crime

,but I have violated the sabbath . I have

forgotten God . We'

eks and months have passed without

my ever remembering therewas One who kept me alive,giving me food and raiment. I have not been i nside of

a church for three years ; and now I can trace the com

mencemen t of all my troubles to that very time . Justi n

used always to be i n his seat morning and afternoon ;but I persuaded him to ride and walk with me

,or make

a soci al vi sit,as we had to work so hard through the

week .

” Suppressing a -sob , she continued Ever sincethe first day you called

,and asked me if I prayed, I have

had a dreadful weight upon me. Even when he w as

released,and your kind fri end brought h im home


I was rejoiced to see him,yet I could not throw off my

burden . And now this morning, when the doctor told

me he was better,I didn’t feel as I once should . Night

after night,when the nurse was sleeping i n her chair by

the side of my husband’s bed,I have crept away from

my little ones,and come down here to read in the B ible

but every word I read only made me feel worse, and

many times I have thought ’twas no use to try to be

better ; but the next n ight I’d think I’d try once more .

Mi ss Carey,

” she resumed,after a momentary pause of

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have offended God,violated h is holy laws , and ti at you

must be lost unles s you are pardoned . Jesus has offered

to be your ransom,and

,i f you put your trust i n him , he

will save you.

With a quick start, Mrs . Gates heaved a deep sigh, a'

i f she could hardly realize so wonderful a plan of salva

tion . With a counte nance in which hope and fear were

stri ving for ascendency, she gazed at her companion ,then closed her eyes, and said , solemnly, “ Oh God, forChrist’s sake

,save my guilty soul ! ”

Never has that plea been urged in vai n . Never has arepentant sinner humbly cal led upon God

,plead the

meri ts and sacrifice of hi s Son , and failed to receive an

answer of peace .

For a short time Alice paused . She did not wish to

i nterrupt the work the Holy Spirit was carrying on i nthe soul of the penitent woman before her. Then she

si lently l ifted up her heart to ask God to sancti fy the

trials and affl iction s of the present hour to her salvation .

Mrs. Gates i nstantly imitated her example,and the

young girl poured out her fu ll heart i n prayer to her

heavenly Father. Before she left,Alice indulged a s trong

hope that the i n terview had not been i n vain . Instead of

despairing sorrow stamped upon ev ery feature,there w as

now upon the countenance of the good woman an

expression of earnest and holy trus t. She exhibi ted

marks of\

strong feeling as Alice took her leave, and said,

with deep emotion,“ Oh

,Miss Ca rry ! don’t forget to

pray for my poor Justin,that God would bring him to


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Oh, there is need that on men’

s hearts should fall

A spirit that can sympathiz e with al l.” Carey .

W HEN Alice returned home, i nstead of j oining the

fami ly i n the parlor, she reti red to her own room ,and

passed the remainder of the forenoon i n giving thanks

to God for making her the feeble i nstrument of good to

one soul . During these hours Of meditation , she saw agreat field of usefulness opening before her . She need

not go to a distance to be useful to her fellow-creatures .

S he determi ned to seek one among the i nhabitants of

her native vi l lage . Where she found temporal distress,she knew that the hand of her kind benefactor was ever

open to supply her with the means to relieve i t. She

was so much engrossed with this subject that she had

no time to th ink of herself ; and, when she went below

to joi n the family at di nner, peace and hope i rradiated

every feature . But here she was desti ned to new trials.

Gertrude , who was every day more convinced that Clar

ence had become wholly indifferent to her, unworthily

a scribed the change to the arts of Al ice to win his favor.

The demon of j ealousy had taken pos ses sion of her sou l,

and at times almost maddened her. In Edith she found

a willing l istener to all the abuse she w ished to heap

Upon the i nnocen t object of her displeasure. When she

heard of A lice’s propos i tio n to leave -Lindenwood, and179

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become a teacher,her heart bounded with joy but


made aw are that her father and mother firmly opposed

the plan,and i nsisted that she Should remain with them


she hated them for not fal ling in with her v iews,or fai l

ing to see that they were thwarting her i nterests . She

thought she loved Clarence ; but now,as she confes sed

to Edi th,she could almost wi sh him dead rather than to

see him become the husband of Alice,who

,by the kind

ness of her father, had been raised from abject poverty

She watched the poor girl with Argus eyes , and was

ready to ascribe the worst motive to every action . It

was fortunate for the young girl that she did not suspect

half the unkindness that was cherished toward her. For

years Emma had been a loving, confidi ng friend , onewho sympathized i n all her trials, and was ready to ward

off, as much as i n her power, the poi soned shafts aimed

at her heart. When Alice appeared at dinner, Gertrude,who could neither appreciate nor understand the source

Of her calm happiness,ascribed her cheerfulness to other

causes,and even suspected Clarence had confessed his

affection . Thi s suspicion was confirmed by a remark

the young girl made in an swer to Mrs . Stanley, who

frankly said,“ I think

,my love

,from your countenance


you mus t have found your patient convalescent ; you

appear very happy ”

Yes, mamma, replied Alice , i n a low voice , i n tended

only for the ear of her m other,as she sat by her side


and my heart i s at rest .”

It w as plain also that Mrs . Stanley attached a different

mean ing to her words from the one she i ntended to

convey, for she gazed earnestly at her for' a moment


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could only hide her blush ing face i n her mother’s lap,as

she occupied a stool at her feet. At length she sobbed

out,“ It i s cruel

, cruel, i n her to make such a charge .

Indeed,I have never seen him

,except on the morning

when I rode with Uncle Stephen, and then onl y for a

moment,and that


,i n the street.”

“ I knew it,my love


” replied Mrs Stanley, soothingly

It is foolish to weep,and yet I know such i nsinuati ons

are hard to bear . But which,Al ice , would you choose

to be i n.

your Si tuation , and endure such a tria l as shehas infl icted upon your sensi tive heart, or be in hers, and

inflict i t ?

O h,mamma

,I never could say such unki nd things

to her. I had tenfold rather be the one to endure .“ Yes


,she is to be pitied ; but she has this excuse.

She has been di sappomted in her dearest wishes and

hopes, and she feels it keenly.

In what has she been disappointed ? ”

In the affection she hoped to gai n from Clarence. It

cannot be new to you.

“ But she said,

” eagerly repli ed Alice , “ that he had

told her he loved her, but that Uncle Stephen was not

to know it for the present.”

Poor Alice became painful ly confused, and covered

her face with her hands . “ I have done very, very wrong

to tell you this, for I overheard it,”she added

,as a shade

of keen disappoi ntment passed over her mother’s face,

and the thought of what she had heard i n the same

connection caused her checks to burn.

l ike fire . A dread

ful struggle took place i n her breast a desire to nuhur

den her heart,even by confessing her folly i n giving her

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rN D I SG U ISE.183

affections unsought ; and opposed to this , the bitter mor

tification i t would cause her to do so . Shame at length

prevailed,and she said to herself

,“ I shall conquer, I w i ll

conquer, myself !”

At length Mrs . Stanley asked, quietly , Can you not

te ll me why,

you w ere so happy at dinner ? ”

Oh, yes ,

” she answered,her countenance brighteni ng,

I i ntended to tell you. But first wil l you tell m e if

you ever though t me guil ty of of what Gertrude


Gui lty ? No,my child ! not i n the slightest degree .

I never shall see you doing wrong, without tell ing you

of it.”

Alice then related to her mother the events of the

morning. Mrs . Stanley’s sympathizing countenance bore

ample testimony to her interest for thexpen itent woman .

In the meantime Gertrude sat at her sewing i n the

vai n endeavor to appear indifferent to what had occurred .

She was vexed that her charges had not at least satisfied

her curios i ty,whether Al ice did meet Clarence in the v i l

lage. She was mortified that she had been led by herjea onsy to make the insinuation i n so public a manner,and she was puzzled beyond measure by the appearance

of Uncle Stephen , who sat chuckling to h imself as if he

had v ery merry thoughts,while

,for a queer

,quizzical ex

pression upon hi s countenance she i n vai n endeavored to

account, except upon the suppos ition that he knew,and

was satisfied wit h the state of hi s ward’s affections . Hesaid not a word by which she could gai n a clew to h is

thoughts but sat tw irling hi s heavy watch chai n,as w as

his habit when in good humor.

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When Mrs . Stanley and Alice were summoned to tea

not a trace of unkindness appeared upon the conure

nance of the latter. In her small closet,where she had

so often sought and obtai ned strength to overcome her

inward adversaries,she had gai ned a victory over exery

unkind feeli ng. She had even earnestly besought a bless

i ng upon the one who had endeavored to injure her. The

answer had come i n peace to her ow n soul .

After tea,Uncle Stephen called her to his side, and

engaged her i n conversation ; and when , at a distance

from the family group who gathered about the centre

table,she gave him a brief account of her morn ing visit

to the poor family,and in her i nterest for them forgot all

which had annoyed her .

The next day was the Sabbath,and though Alice was

very anxious to hear from e her protégés , she concluded

not to visit them . After service i n the afternoon,as She

and Emma were walking from church,they met Dr.

Jenks . He stopped his horse,and told her Mr . Gates

conti nued to improve,and he added

,Hi s wife i s so

happy that she must needs tel l everybody about it .” The

eyes of the good man were mois tened as he said thi s,and not l iking to have his emotion observed , he suddenly

nodded hi s adieu,and drove on .

At an early hour on the following day,Alice walked

to the village,taki ng with her one or two devotional

books,and also a small basket of' del icacies . from Mr

Stanley,to the i nval id

I almost envy you,said Emma

,as she gayly bid her

good mor ni ng.

Then why not accompany me ? ”

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Lord would direct some ki nd friend to her door,as he did

you to thi s . Maria Gates speaks of i t every day.

I suppose you are aware ,” responded Alice

,“ that I

only di stribute the bounty of a rich friend, who does not

l et his right hand know what his left h and does .

La ! ” said Mrs . Green , smoothing down her apron ,“ I guess ’tisn’t much of a secret w ho i t comes from .

I’ve known of hi s chari ti es these four years,though


does take mighty queer ways to bes tow'

them . The pres

ent way is the best, I’m thinking ; but I

’ll speak to

Maria .

When she opened the door into the bed-room,Alice

saw the invalid bolstered up in bed,whil e hi s wife sat by

his side, reading to h im from an old, leather-covered

Bible . The babe lay asleep at the foot of the bed. She

came forward joyful ly to meet the young lady, and

grasped her warm ly by the hand .

Oh, Miss Garey ! ” she exclaimed, “ my burden is

gone. All is peace here,” putting her hand to her heart.

I have longed for you to come , that you might talk

with Justin .

Alice made a sign for her to be si lent,as the sick man

could hear every word , feari ng lest in her zeal she should

defeat her own object. They immedi ately passed to the

bedside of Mr. Gates, w ho at first appeared very much

embarrassed ; but, as Alice sat down by him , and at

tempted to turn his m ind ~ from himself to other topics,he became at length more free

,and expressed his grati

tude for her attenti on to his family . Maria would have

had a tough time of i t,

” he added,

“ i f it hadn’t been for

the help you’

ve been to her.”

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m mseurss . 187

Do you enjoy readi ng she asked ; I noticed yourwife was reading to youwhen I came in .

Middling,” he answered, frank ly. To tell the truth

I a’n’t much of a reader, myself ; but I like to hear her,she enters in to it so . It seems to come right home.”

I have brought a little book which perhaps may

please you . It is one which has greatly in terested me .”

If it wouldn’t bother you too much I should like to

hear i t. I find i t’s dull music to li e i n bed,and i t’s what

I h‘avn’t been used to . I never was hauled up i n my life

before .”

“ You have, i ndeed, much to be grateful for. Have youever thought to whom you was i ndebted for health


Why,no ; can

’t say I ever thought much about i t.

Suppose it’s owing to my having such a firm constitu

tion .

But who gave you such a firm constitution ? ”

Well,I can’t say. I allus supposed ’twas born with

me .

Alice was sorely puzzled . She did not feel at all su re

whether th is ignorance were real , or only feigned i n order

to get rid of religious conversation . She had never seen

much of th e world, nor of the different phases of human

character,and was at a loss to judge how i t W ( uld be

best to proceed with him ,for her heart was fullv set on

hi s conversion . She determined, however, not to press

the subj ect upon him at present, but to gain hi s confi

dence . that sh e might converse with him in future w i th

more hope of doi ng him good . Therefore,saying to Mrs .

Gates that she would watch by the babe i f she wished

to be engaged with her family. she Opened her book and

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commenced reading. Mrs . Gates soon resumed her seat,

after seeing that Li zzie w as safe in the little yard,and

with her sewing in her hand, was prepared to li sten to

her young friend.

The book w as a short and simple narrative of a father

onverted by the death Of hi s chi ld . As she read on

through some of the more touching scenes, she could see

that her hearers were much affected . Mr.‘

Gates was

obliged repeatedly to wipe his eyes with hi s shirt sleeve,

and when she stopped, feari ng he migh t be w eariedp he

eagerly asked her to go on . But when she had finished,

and h is wife asked him i f he ’had not enj oyed i t,he re

plied,If i t had been li veli er ’twould have suited me bet


Yet hi s benefactress determined not to yield to dis

couragement. She felt sure thi s i nd ifference w as partly

assumed,to conceal his real feeli ngs ; and she trusted in

the Spiri t of God for the resul t. With her own hands

she took the j ellies and other articles from the basket,

retaining only a couple Of oranges for her next call,and

then putting a small bOOk Of prayers i nto the h ands Of

Mrs . Gates,she bade th em good morning ; but had pro

ceeded no farther than the entry, when to her great con

fusion she found Clarence standing there . He hadknocked repeated ly at the outer door, and , fai ling of be

ing heard,had advanced to the i nner. The .conversation

of the preceding day darted through the mind of the poor

girl,causi ng her the mos t pai nful embarrassment ; but,

w i th an effort to speak calmly, she told him she would

speak to Mrs . Gates,and was hasteni ng to do so


he said,gravely


,have I offended you by coming


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It is not well,

Here in this land of Christian l iberty,That honest worth or hopeless want should dwell

Unaided by our care and sympathy .—Carey.

AFT ER knocking repeatedly at the outer door,she

gently pushed it Open and proceeded to the i nner,where

her application for admi ttance was immediately an

sw ered by a fai nt voice bidding her enter . Upon a low

bed i n the corner of the room lay a woman apparently

about thirty years Of age,whose pale

,emaciated coun

tenance called forth her warmest sympathies . A youngchild lay nestled close to its mother, i n the sweet sleep

of chi ldhood, while everything in and about the room ,

though denoting great poverty, yet betokened the strict

est regard for neatness .


” thought Al ice, “ i s the work of her ki nd

si ster.” But she was mistaken .

At a low call from his mother, a noble-looking boymade his appearance from a room in the rear. He cameforward when he saw the vi sitor

,and passed her a chair

w i th a freedom from restrai nt and awkwardness very

unusual for a boy of his age.“ My mother i s very sick th is morning,

” he said, ad

dres sing Alice,“ and has not been able to rise ; but she

wil l be glad to see you .

” He then advanced to the bed[90

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IN D I SG U I SE . 191

and gently relieving her from the child , he raised the pi l

lows,and tenderly assis ted her to turn to the side where

Al ice was si tting.

“ You are very kind to call,” sai d the poor woman,

making an effort to keep back her tears “ my sister told

me youwould do so .

“ I am sorry to find you so ill, replied Alice, “ and

regret that I did not sooner hear Of your sickness.”

The woman,whose name was Hayden , sudden ly drew

up the bed-clothes to cover her face, and there was a

sound of violent sobbing.

My mother has not been able to talk much,

” said the

boy,apologetically, while he gazed with the utmost

tenderness at the bed, where the motion Of the clothes

plainly showed the difficul ty she found i n suppres sing

her feelin g s .

And w ho takes care of her ? ”

I do ,” said the boy, draw i ng himself up My aun t

has been here Often , and watched with mother at night

until she herself was taken sick . She has a large family

of her ow n,and the additional care was too much for her.

What is your n ame ? ”


,Dexter Hayden .

Well , Dexter, you and I must do the business then.

Has your mother had any breakfast ”Oh


,ma’am , I baked some potatoes for Mi nnie

and myself ; and aun t Lucy brought mother a nice bowlOf gruel . If she would only be willi ng for me to stay

at home from school, I could do al l that she requires ;but it frets her to have me absent from my class for a

s ingle recitation .

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Al ice gazed at th e boy with aston ishment, as he stood

before her, answering her questions with modesty, but

perfect self-possession . But eleven summers had passed

over his head, and yet there was a maturity and manli

ness about him which she had never witnessed in one so

young. Thick clustering locks curled up from his high

brow. H i s clear, gray eyes, hi s mouth of mingled sweetness and firmness, together with hi s strong self-reli ance,con vinced her he had already made resolves to free his

beloved mother from pov erty and disgrace . “ That boywill disti nguish himself,

” was her i nsti nctive feeli ng as

she listened to him . She would have had more reason

to think so , could she have known of his standing in his

class,and that the teacher of the Academy, prompted

not only by motives of chari ty, but by a desire to retain

a scholar w ho was a model of propriety as an example to

the school,had cheerfully given him his tuition ; that his

good conduct,and willi ngness to oblige his companions,

had caused him to be so much beloved and respected by

them that never,i n his presence

,had the most distant

allusion been made to the disgrace of h is father.

But th is had been a dreadful blow to the poor boy.

For the sake of hi s mother, whom it had crushed to the

earth,he had striven to be cheerful . Yet there were

times when a sen s e of shame and disgrace overpow ered

him ; and h e was obliged to hide h imself, i n the low

attic,over his mother’s room , unti l he could Obtain a

victory over h imself, and again be in a condi tion to

appear cheerful before her.

Alice k new nothi ng of all this un til a much later

period ; the longer she saw and conversed with‘ him

, the

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as an inducement to Minn ie to come to her . But fo r 3

.orig time the l ittle Mis s w as very shy. She reached out

to take the proffered fruit, and then clung tightly to herbrother’s neck if Alice offered to take her from him .

The young lady was pleased to see that Mrs . Hayden 'seyes rested upon the scene before her with an appearam e

of in te rest, forgetting for th e momen t her ow n heart

sorrow ; and she trusted that time would moderate hergrief, and restore her at least to parti al cheerful ness . A s

it was near noon, she put a Sum of money into the

hand Of Dexter, and requested him to buy some bread,

a lump of butter, a pound Of tea , and seven pounds of

The boy proudly put back the money,as i f he could

not accept chari ty ; but after a si ngle glance at h is

mother, with a heigh tened color, he took it, as Alice

said with a smil e,“ I have been walking s i nce breakfas t


and begin to feel very hungry ; i f you will al low m e I

will dine with you to-day .

With a bright sm ile Of gratitude, the boy took down

his cap from a hook and darted away.

He was gone but a few moments before he returnedwith the parcel s . When Alice


,some time before

this had laid aside her bon net and sh awl , arose, and

putti ng Minn ie i n a chair by the beds ide, accompanied

Dexter i nto a small,back room

,or shed, where a cooking

stove had been set . Here,as in the front apartment,

everyth ing was scrupulously n eat and clean . A small

pile of brush lay in the box by the stove,the preparation

ofwhich had occupied Dexter on her entrance . He toldher he would soon have a fire under the tea-kettle ; and

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IN D I SG U I SE . 195

the young girl, whose Obj ect in following him ,had bee n

to ascerta in their most press i ng wants,returned to the

room she had left. Minnie had crept upon the bed byher mother

,but soon left her place at the i nvitation of

Alice to come and help her get dinner. A leaf Of the

large table was turned up,and the child ~ tried to pu ll

Open the drawer, to show that the cloth and knives were

in there . Then she drew her new friend to the cupboard ,saying Minnie’s cup there

,Mi nn ie wants to drink with

new cup .

If mamma pleases,repl ied Alice ; and the child ran

to the bed to gai n permis s ion . Then the cups,plates

and spoons were taken down,and laid i n order upon the

table . Minnie was almost wild with delight,at bei ng

al lowed to assist i n carrying them across the room . When

the bread had been neatly cut in sl ices,and the butter laid

upon a plate,the chi ld could not contain her j oy. She

pulled the dress Of Alice to have her stoop down,put her

small,plump arms around her neck

,l isping out


nie loves you,Minn ie do .

” Unti l then,Alice had never

known that she was especially fond of chi ldren but the

frank avow al of the sweet li ttle girl touched a chord i n

her heart which never after ceased to vibrate . She

warmly returned the embrace,as she said, I lovc Minnie

very dearly .

Dexter soon came i n with the tea, but said, hes i

tatingly, there is no m ilk .

Ah, I quite forgot the milk,” replied the young

housekeeper,and she l aughed merri ly as she requested

him to buy a quart as soon as possible, as she i ntended

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to make h is mother a slice Of toast,and Minni e was

looki ng forward to a treat from her new cup .

M rs . Hayden,from the bed

,uttered a low remon

strance about the toast, but Al ice cheerfully assured her

that she should take great pleasure in making i t for her.

After a short time the dinner was announced . Mrs . Hayden was raised to an upright posi tion , all the pill ows

in the house being brought i nto requisition a towel w as

la id before her'

i n place of a napkin,and her toast and

tea reli shed so well that she acknowledged,i n a far more

cheerful voice than she had yet spoken,that she was

almost strong enough to si t up .

When they arose from the table,the li ttle girl clapped

her hands,exclaiming

,Min nie had dood dinner, Minnie

wan t you to come next time .”

After assisti ng Dexter to carry the dishes to a table i nthe back room

,where he preferred to wash them by h im

self, Alice reluctantly prepared to take leave. It was

very easy for her to see that her visit had done the in

valid much good,and she feared when she left

,the af

flicted woman would relapse i nto her former despondence .

Her presence had,i ndeed

,operated like a charm . Her

bright eyes,smiling face

,and cheerful voice had inspired

the heart-broken mother with a new feeli ng of courage

to look i nto the future . She saw,too, that her young

friend was i nterested in her l ittle Minnie, and appreciated

the excellences of her noble boy ; and the mother’s heart

swelled wi th emotions of pride as she gazed upon them .

Afte r putting i nto Minnie’s hand a piece Of si lver to

buy some milk for her supper,Alice left, prom i si ng to

return on the morrow. During her soli tary walk home,

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whi spered,as they went '

up the stairs, and after what

passed yesterday,I was so much embarrassed I fear I

did no t treat him very politely .”

I am sorry,” repli ed her mother, for he knew nothing

of the conversation,and the remarks were really not

worth noticing.

The Old gentleman was so much i nterested in her ac

count Of Dexter and Mi nnie, that he replen ished herpurse, and told her i f, on i nquiry, the boy proved to be

what she supposed,he would be responsible for the

mean s to educate him .

Alice was so delighted that,i n her joy, she clapped

her arms about his neck,and gave him a hearty kiss


as she used to do when a li ttl e girl .

There, chi ld ,” he said, archly, “ don’t waste your

kisses on an Old man l ike me . There are younger ones,

who would be glad enough of them .

I shal l give my kisses to whom I choose , answered

Al ice, with a pretty pout on her li p ; and “ I choos e to

give them to you, and Dr. Jenks . I l ike Old men thebest.” But her strict regard for truth compelled her


though reluctantly,to qualify her asserti on , and she

added, “ that i s — of course — when a merry peal of

laughter from Uncle Stephen and her mother enti rely

di sconcerted her.

Why, child, i t’s no disgrace to tel l the truth . Don’t

look so very rosy.”

Where do you buy your wood, Mr. Stanley ?”

asked Alice, an hour or two later, when they were alone

in the parlor.

That is rather a strange question from you, he an

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l N D I SG U I SE. 199

swered, pleasantly ; “ but <I will tell you, on condition

that you confess W hat you i ntend to do with i t.”

Uncle Stephen has become i nterested i n a poor

family ; that is , I have, and told him about them . Hewishes me to provide everything for their comfort. I

saw this morning they had only a small quanti ty of

brush for fuel, and I don’t know where to go to buyany.

I procure mine i n the vil lage . At thi s season , if you

go early enough,you will almost always find men in the

square with wood, both oak and pi ne .”

I suppose oak i s better.”Not exclusively ; I should advi se you to get dry

p ine, for a part, to kindl e with . Clarence will select it

for you, and direct the man where to carry it.”

Will you please ask him to do so ? It i s to be carried

in to Cedar street, to the house ofMrs . Hayden , wife Ofthe man w ho was put i n prison lately. I wi ll write the

name on a slip of paper.”

Are you sure they are deserving? I fear youwill be

liable to be imposed upon .“ Oh


,sir ! ” exclaimed Alice, warmly ; I know

these are deservi ng people.”

Mr . Stanley smiled as he glanced at the enthusiastic

creature before him , and said , I have no reason to

doubt i t ; but you had better ask Clarence to go i n and

see them himself,and inquire about them .

“ I should like to have him inquire, but I hardly think

it would do to have him call at present. The woman is

confi ned to the bed, and beside her, there are only tw o

chi ldren in the family .

” As she went on describing them,

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and grew warm with the subj ect, the gentleman started

as he gazed,— there was someth ing i n her whole ap

pearance that reminded him so strongly of his deceased

W ife.“ Well,

” he said, turn i ng away W i th a sigh , as he

thought Of the wide difference between her and Edith,I wi ll attend to it ;

” and Alice felt that she was re

lieved from her greatest care . She could go to the store,and order flour and other articles ; but she had been

puzzled how to obtai n th e wood .

In the course of the evening, w hile the family weresi tting around the table, Mr. Stanley came in from his

s tudy and said to‘

Clarence : Lest I should forget i t i nthe morning, here i s a small item of busi ness for you.

Though it i s rather out Of your l ine,I advised Al ice to

put it i nto your hands .” He read from the memorantum he had made : “ Purchase load of wood , half oak

ar maple , and half pi ne , and send i t according to the. lirection,

” —passing him the paper on which she had

written the name .

Clarence took it, gravely, without even glancing at her,and said, “ I w i ll send i t i n the morn ing.

” He put thedi rection in his pocket-book , and resumed his reading.

His manner, so different from his usual cordiali ty, ar

rested even the notice of Mr . Stanley ; but supposing

him to be engrossed with his book , be merely added, I

feared it might be forgotten in the morning, and the pro

teges of Al ice be i n di stress for the want of i t. ”

Clarence merely bowed .

Mrs . Stanley was much distressed, and feared that

Al ice, i n her desire to avoid Clarence, had serious ly

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to a dependant like Al ice, i nterrupted Edith, before

Gertrude had time to reply.

How many times must I remind you that she is nota dependant. Have not your father and I adopted herfor our ow n ? As our chi ld, she has as much claim

upon courtesy and kindness as yourself. Uncle Stephen

would gladly adopt her, but your father would not con

sen t ; not only from a regard to a promise he made your

mother,but also from the esteem he has of her lovely

character.“ It don’t require glasses to see what she is afte r,

” ex

claimed Edith,passionately

,fawning around Uncle

Stephen , i n the style she does . She expects he wi ll

make her h is hei r.”

I should not be at all surprised if he were to do so,

responded Mrs . Stanley,with much dignity. He has a

righ t to do as he pleases with his money,and there i s no

one he loves as he does Alice. But you know,Edith


that she has never thought Of hi s doing so.“ Sis ter Edith,” exclaimed Emma, with feeli ng, “ I

don’t see how you and Gertrude can treat Al ice so nu

kindly. I’m sure I wish every day ] were only half as

good as she i s .”

“ Gertrude and I have never aspired to be models ,

responded Edith,with warmth and here the conversa

ti on dropped.

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C H A P T E R X V I I .

Half of the i lls we hoard within our hearts,Are il ls because we hoard them.

”— Proctor.

W E must pass over a period of several weeks, duringw h ich Al ice divided her attention between the fami lies

Of Mr. Gates and Mrs . Hayden . She usual ly went firs tto read for an hour to the former, who had become SOmuch in terested that he manifested great impatience i f

she were a few minutes behind her usual time . But she

could not be sati sfied that any permanent resul t followed

from her reading. I f she attempted to converse withh im upon his ow n accountabi lity to God, or on hi s du

ti es to his family,he at once turned off to other subj ects.

She had of late chosen devotional reading, and closed

every i nterview by a se lecti on from the book Of Common

Prayer ; and now that he was well enough to resume his

work , she could do nothing more for his salvation , except

to commend his soul to God,i n private . H is wi fe stil l

continued hopeful of hi s conversion . The change in her

was very marked,and exhibited itself i n her softened

manners, as well as in the principles by which she en

deavored to regulate her li fe .

By the charity o f Uncle Stephen , the Shop i n wh ichhe formerly worked had been refitted for his use and asbe exhibited no disposition to resume his idle habi ts , buton the contrary often said he shuddered when he though t

how he had stood on the brink of ruin , there w as every


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reason to hope that he would become a reformed man,

and be able to support hi s family in comfort.

We wi ll now accompany Ali ce to the neatly-furni shed

home Of Mrs . Hayden, where Nurse Green i s fully estab‘ished. Minn ie is watching at the window

,and when

she hears the well -known step, shou ts j oyfully, “ Mamma,momma, dat lady come .

After a kind word to each , the vi sitor devotes herself

for a ful l half hour to a lively play with her li ttle friend,who, by her artlessness and attraction s, has woven her

self closely around the young lady’s heart . The liveli ness

of the game she finds the best medicine for the affl icted

mother,by drawing her thoughts for a time from herself.

She thinks she has never seen a lovelier object than IVIin

ni e th is morning presents . Her flaxen ringlets have received addi tional care , i n anticipation of a ride she is to

take with her kind benefactress .

Al ice has expressed herself so enthusi astically i n be

half of her ch ildren,as she playfu lly calls Dexter and

Minnie,that the family at Li ndenwood are qu ite impa

tient for a sight of them ; and , as th is i s Wednesday,w hen Dexter has the afternoon , She has promised to carrythem there . The carriage will come for her at twelve

O’clock,so that she i s only waiting for school to be done,

i n ) 1der to put on the l ittle gypsy hat she has provided

for Minnie , and be ready to start .

While she is wai tin g I will say a few words about the

mother, Nurse Green , and Dr. Jenks . Mrs . Hayden ismuch stronger than when we first introduced her to the

reader, and is able to si t i n her chair, and occupy herself

with light sewi ng, a great part Of the day. But she has

Page 207: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


are sad times for a physi cian ; there i s an alarming de

gree of health prevalen t through the town .



” said Ali ce, “ i t i s but fai r to inform you

that she w i ll be likely to need medical advice for a long

time . Not often,perhaps not for several weeks together ;

but she needs a physici an w ho will give her general

directi on s as to diet and exerci se.“ Just so . Well

,I’l l call . Where does she live ?

Alice described the place, and gave him a brief account

of the ch ildren .

He started upon hi s feet,and exclaimed , Mind you,

if I l ive I’ll make a doctor of that boy ! I’ve had my

eye on h im for some time . He puzzled o ld Deacon Daneat the examination of th e academy. Yes

,I remember

him . He’s a noble fellow.

And n ow the carriage has come . Minn ie i s dressed,and they are only waiting for Dexter to return fromschool before they drive to Lindenwood . Al ice notices

an expression of anxiety upon the mother’s countenance,and says

,I wi ll bring them back safely.

I hope they wi ll behave well,

” was the response .

Whi le she speaks,th e outer door opens

,and Dexter en

ters,with his satchel of books . He quickly places them

in the small cupboard , and runs to make a slight change

in his dress . He is absent but a moment,before be re

turns, k isses h is mother, whose eye rests upon him with

fond affection ; then , taking Minnie in hi s arms, puts

her into the carriage,and they drive rapidly away from

the door. Nurse Green shades her eyes from the sun .and w atches them as far as she can see.

A lice met with no di sappoin tment in the opinion ex

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pressed by her friends with regard to her li ttle favori tes .

Minn ie had never appeared so lovely as when h iding her

face under the deep berthe worn by her friend, or nestling

close to her side, while the curls of chestnut brown,

united w ith those of light golden , presented a pleasi ng

co ntrast .

Uncle Stephen was almost i n an ecstasy, when , after

refusi ng to leave Alice for any of the family,Minnie act

ually put ou t her arms to h im . He took out h is watchand held it to her ear ; he gave her all the peppermi nts

and cloves he could find i n hi s pockets , and finally told

Alice to give h im a gold eagle, from the drawer, w hich

happened to have a hole pierced i n i t. This be attached

by a chai n to her neck,and told her to keep it to remem

ber him by .

Her fortune is made,

” said a clear bass voice behind

rim,and looki ng quickly arou nd

,they saw that Clarence


j oined the group . He seemed verymuch amused

,and as he took the hand of Dexter


inquired for hi s mother,hi s voice was more cheerful than

for many days . But as soon as the li ttle m is s saw that

a stranger w as added to the company,sh e sprang to the

floor, and almost with one bound jumped into Alice’s

embrace,clasping her tigh tly around the neck . The

cheeks of each o f them were so rosy, their eyes so bright,and their countenances so radian t with happiness


for one momen t all stood motionless, gazi ng at the bean

ti ful tableau before them .

Al ice ! ” exclaimed Emma , archly, 1 don’t beli eve

but you’ve been practi s ing attitudes with Minni e,and

that w as why youwouldn’t bri ng her here earli er.”

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Before she could reply, the child , as i f she fullv i n tend~

ed to heighten the color of her ki nd friend, put up her

sweet li ps for a kiss , saying with enthus iasm ,

“ Minnie

love her ; Minnie do love her, and Dexter love her, too .

At that moment Mrs . Stan ley met Clarence’s eye, and

it said,as plain ly as eyes can speak


“and Clarence love

her, too.

“ Minnie , go to the lady,” rejoi ned Alice, w i shing to

turn the attention from hers elf,and at the same time

holding her toward Emma,who had been longi ng to

have the chi ld i n her arm s I will find the pretty doll

for her,I promised .

” She was glad to be alon e to still

the tumultuous throbbing of her heart. “ He has forgiven me ! ” she exclaimed

,al oud , when locked in her

ow n room . Hi s coldness and reserve has passed away ;and he does


,he does love me ! Oh

,I am too , too

happy ! What delight,to beloved by such a pure, noble

hearted man She pressed her hands upon her heart,as if she would thus keep i t from bursting with excess

of joy . But soon,too soon

,came other thoughts . What

if I have mi staken him 7 What i f i t were only Minn ie

he gazed at so fondly,and I took it to myself ? ” She

sighed heavi ly. Yes,i t must be so . Gertrude says he

has ofte n declared hi s affection for her,and he would not

deceive . No,i t i s I w ho have deceived myself, and when

I thought my affection for him was almost conquered.

She sank upon a chair,and covered her face w i th her

hands . For a time her heart was torn with confli cting

emotions, as she reflected , “ Gertrude can never make

him happy. Why can I not try to gai n hi s love ? I have

often doubted of late whether he really did love her. Oh,

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resent the duties of a physician in the most unfavorablr

point. of V iew ; but he answered earne stly , though veryrespectfully


“ I know,sir, doctors do not l ive an easy

li fe . They are often obliged to be out a t night, and

to do much that i s di sagreeable ; but when I w as a verysmall boy I can remember that I used to envy D r. Jenks .

as the greatest man in the world . He appeared to me toknow everyth ing ; and I have seen , si nce I have grown

older,that he does a great deal of good . Then every

body is se glad to see a doctor. Mother i s better for tw o

or three days after every visi t he makes .”

Well,my Uncle Stephen

,hi s bright

eyes twinkli ng with pleasure,you have given some good

reasons for your choice of a profession . I suppose while

we l ive i n thi s wicked world,we shall always be obliged

to have doctors ; so set your heart at rest, a docto r you

shall be.

Dexter d id not,by any means

,appreciate the good in

ten tions of the gen tleman ; but he thanked him for his

ki nd i n terest,and then the conversation turned to other

subj ects .

At an early hour Alice gave Minnie a nice bowl of

bread and milk,and having received from Mrs . Stanley

a basket con tai ni ng cake and tarts, for the i nval id, she

returned with the chi ldren to their home . Gertrude,w ho

had an errand at the village,accompanied her. She was

left first,and directed the driver to call for her on his re

turn,so that Alice had only time to del igh t M rs . Hayden

by her account of the good conduct of Minn ie , and to

assure her that both she and Dexter had made sometwarm friends , before she was obliged to hurry away.

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Just as they reached home, Gertrude said,i n a low


Alice,I ought to tel l you that Clarence sees

through your designs , and despises you for them . You

well know that father has fix ed his heart upon a un ion

between Clarence and one of his daughters,and i t i s

very ungrateful for you to set yourself up i n the way you

do to attract his attention . When father raised you from

poverty, and by his kindness made you all that you are,I wonder you do not see the impropriety of your conduct

i n wholly di sregarding hi s wishes .

The profound astonishmen t of Alice kept her s i len t.

Indeed,her lips seemed incapable of uttering a word ;

and as they had now reached home,and the coachman

was letting down the steps,there was no farther oppor

tun ity to do so . Clarence, w ho had been si tting near

the window,perceived the carriage drive up the avenue,

and hastened to the door to assist them to al ight. Healmost started back

,as Al ice, who was nex t the door,

mechanically put her hand i n h is,as she descended the

steps . Her face and lips were perfectly colorles s, whileher small mouth was closely shut, as i f she were i n great

pain .

You are ill, Al ice l” he exclaimed

,with great tender

ness but she turned almost rudely from him , though she

was obliged to catch hold of the door to save hersel f from

falling. For an ins tant he gazed sadly after her, and then

turned to give hi s arm to Gertrude , w ho received him

very gracious ly , and w h ispered a few words i n his ear.

Whatever w as their import, they only made him more

grave,and by the time Alice returned to the parlor,which

she did not for an hour or more, he had assumed a n ap

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pearance of stern ness entirely foreign to his character.

She had only ree’

ntered the parlor at the request of her

mother, and did not even glance at the young man , un til

Edith touched her on the arm,whispering, “ Just see

Clarence ! He looks l ike a cannibal,and as i f he were

med itati ng an attack upon our whole party,for the sake

of a good meal.”

Alice merely glanced at him,and then ben t her eyes

upon the page before her . That glance,however


to show her that he was not only di spleased,but suffer

ing. Her heart beat quickly,and i t was with great dith

cul ty she forced herself to keep her seat, and appear calm.

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my own mOther still lives ; and she walked very fast,that she might the sooner be free from his company.

Finding i t impossible to rid herself of him,she covered

her face with her veil, and, with her head bent down ,hurried on . But her trials were not yet over

, for, upon

turning the corner leadi ng into the street where Mrs.

Hayden lived,she almost ran i nto the arms of Clarence.

Each started back with apologies ; but Clarence’s l ipcurled with contempt when he saw who was her com

panion . Even when she reached her destination , shefeared he would not leave her, as he insisted upon wait

ing to accompany her home . But she told him she

could not tel l when she should return , and,when she did,she preferred going alone and, finding he could gain no

favor from her, he determined to wait another Oppor

tun ity.

Poor Al ice ! she had scarcely entered the house,and

taken a seat,before she burst into a passionate fit of

weepi ng. Her long pen t-up emotions broke forth withviolence , and for a time entirely overwhelmed her. Mrs.

Hayden and Minnie looked on i n wonder, and shedmany sympathizing tears

,while Nurse Green untied the

stri ngs of her bonnet, took off her shawl, saying, i n a

soothi ng tone, “There, dear, don’t cry so. What can i t

be ? Is anybody dead ? ”

The poor girl could make no reply, but sobbed as if

her heart would break .

At firs t Minnie was frightened, but now she pushed a

chair close by Al ice,climbed up i nto it

,and clasped her

neck, li sping, “ Don’t cry, please don’t cry ; Minnie do‘ove her two whole barrels ful l.” Then she took her

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apron . and tried to wipe away the tears,w hich were

pouri ng like rai n down the checks of he r dear fri end .

The affection of the sweet chi ld had the effect to dravt

her thoughts from her ow n trials . She dried her eyes,

and expressed her regret that she should have troubled

them with her gri ef. “ I believe,

” she added, with a

fai nt attempt to smile,

“ that I am growing nervous wi th

not having enough to do . I must get you, Mrs . Green ,to tell me of some families where they need assi stance .”

If Clarence could have seen the expres sion of patient

endurance,as i t then showed itself upon her counte

nance, he might have suspected that al l was not quite as

he had been led to believe.”

“ I hope,

” answered the good nurse, “ that you wil l

continue to feel so, for there i s no telli ng what a comfort

your bright face and cheerful voice carry i nto a sick

room , to say nothi ng Of all else you do . La,now !

she continued,growing warm with the subject, which

was a favorite one,I’ve seen many people come in to

vis i t an i nvalid with such a gloomy face,they were

enough to frighten one to death . Now to my mindthat’s all wrong. Sick persons are usually nervous


a good deal out of sorts,and it does them no manner of

good to tel l over al l their aches and pains . Why, I’ve

known folks that meant well,only they didn’t under

stand human nater,talk by the hour together of the

most horrid s icknesses and accidents , tell i ng of some

body who had the same complai nt. and died with it, and

getting the patien t all worked up into a fever. I believe,i f people would be cheerful

,and talk about pleasing

things, as you do ,

’twould be a sight better.

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i am afraid,” replied Al ice, that mv vi s it this morn

ing has not cheered your patient.

There,don’t now ! ” said the warm -hearted nurse,

wiping a tear from her eye at the sadness wi th which

the young lady spoke ; “ don’t go to thinking I alluded

to yOu in what I said, for I never thought of such a


“ Have you received a letter ? ” inquired Alice , seeingan Open envelope lying i n Mrs . Hayden’s lap .

“ Yes,I received it yesterday,

” was the reply. Dexter brought it from the Offi ce on his way from school .

He was so much excited about it,he wanted to carry it

to Li ndenwood, and show i t to you ; but I persuadedhim to wait unti l you came. Perhaps youwould prefer

to read i t at another time ,”she added , taking the letter

in to her hand .

Oh,no ! I wi ll read it now.

” She had not proceeded

many lines before she was convi nced who was the wri ter,

though no name was attached . It w as written i n a

hand evidently feigned,and was as follows

To Mrs . HaydenDear Madam , Heari ng a short time si nce that your

son Dexter had a great desire to acquire an educati on,

and that he was possessed of a good mind,capable

,i f

rightly improved,of becomi ng a useful man

,and havi ng

i n my hands a fund for th e education Of worthy youth ,I propose to devote such a part of i t

,as may be neces

sary, to his thorough education . Enclosed, fin d bills to

the amount of fifty dollars, for one quarter’s expenses .

You will receive an envelope from the post-office , co n

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when I am gradually wasting away, and remember that

he and Minnie wil l soon have no mother to watch over

them, God only knows what a relief i t is to me to feel

that he has put i t i nto the heart Of some ki nd friend to

feel an i nterest for him ,and provide so nobly for hi s


Alice had never before heard Mrs . Hayden make anyallusion to her


ow n declin ing health , and was much

affected by the ca lmness with which the invalid w as

enabled to look forward to a change Of worlds .“ For their sake


” resumed the mother, “ I have prayedto be spared yet a li ttle longer ; for though , i n one sense,I can do nothing for them


,i ndeed

,am only a care,

yet I hope to impress upon the mind Of my li ttle Minn ie,as well as her brother

,the love of truth — the desire to

do right, bewhat will come, and then to leave the event

with God . Nigh t after n ight I spend i n prayer for tuem ,

and for She checked herself,and then conti nued

“ Sometimes I feel perfectly wil li ng to g ive them up,and am confident that God will watch over them , and

preserve them from sin , and bring them safely home to

heaven . But then , again , Satan puts doubts into mymind, and I remember that they will probably be liable

to great and pecul iar temptation s . I lose my hold on

God’s promises,and am overw helmed wi th distress .

When that letter came,I V i ewed i t as a Sign of my

heavenly Father’s favor, sent to convi nce me that he

could take care Of my chi ldren ; and I was enabled to

give them up i nto hi s hands. After that he granted me

delightful views of himself. Hi s love ‘

for si nners , his

desire that the most abandoned should turn to hire and

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live, appeared plai ner to me than ever before and I w as

enabled, with earnest faith in his promises, to plead not

only for them,but for one nearly alli ed to them .

It was very unusual for Mrs . Hayden to speak of herself ; i ndeed, there was a sensi tiveness, and a shri nking

from all subjects connected with her ow n peculi ar tri als,which had always res trai ned her young friend from

making the most distant allusion to them . But the

generous offer contained in the letter Opened her heart,and caused this burst of feeling. Alice hid her face

behind Minnie,whom she held i n her arms, to h ide the

emoti on she could not suppress,and soon after rose to

take her leave.

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C H A P T E R X I X .

Forbear sharp speeches to her. She’s a lady

So tender of rebukes, that words are strokes,A nd strokes death to her.

”— S lzakspeare.

MA UR ICE J eN Ks was the on ly son of the good doctor,and the only child with the exception of a daughter,who was married

,and lived i n the West.

When a child,Al ice was acquainted with him . They

attended school together,and many times had he drawn

her home upon hi s sled, or seated her upon the back of

i t while he coasted down hil l . In thi s way, he had

become acquai nted w i th Louis,w ho was not able to

attend school,but who extended a cordial welcome to

the boy w ho was so kind to hi s beloved friend, and who

also brought him whistles and other toys of his own


Maurice was a frank,Open-hearted boy

,and on ac

count of hi s generous, obligi ng temper, as well as for h is

father’s sake,he was a general favorite . From his ear

li est chil dhood he evi nced a passion for the sea,and


when not more than eight years Old, would spend hours

in the manufacture of a miniature vessel,and i n readi ng

with absorbing i nterest any book connected wi th his

favorite subject.

About the time Emma and Edi th first left home forschool i n F and when he was i n hi s fifteenth year

he announced to hi s parents that he w as going to New220

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that ‘te could not stand ; and , had it not been for the

kindness of one of the sailors, he would have suffered

severely .

This honest fel low took compassion on him,and car

r ied him below, conveyed h is food to the hammock

where he lay,talked cheerfully with him

,and adm in is

lered to his necessi ti es with the tenderness of a brother,unti l he was able to be about the shi p .

For a long time after i t was ascertained that Maurice

had sailed for I ndi a, Mrs . Jenks was i nconsolable . The

doctor had followed the runaway to New York,and

there found that a boy answeri ng exactly to the description of hi s son had taken a berth on board a ship ready

for sea .

The mother and father severely reproached themselves

for not having given their consent ; and then he might

have been well fitted out for h is long voyage . N ow she

was sure he would take cold,be sick

,and die .

But when , at the end of a year and a half, he came

bounding into the kitchen,and put h i s arms about his

mother’s neck, kissi ng her again and agai n as he begged

her to forgive him for leaving home,she only stopped for

one long gaze, to be sure that the tall, bronzed youth


such liberties with her was her own lost son,

before she caught bim'i n her arms

,wholly unm indful of

t he prints of flour and paste she was leavmg on hi s new

sai lor round-about. N or un ti l an hour after, when she

w as seated with him i n the small south parlor, where we

first introduced her to the reader, did she remember that

her oven must have grown cold,and that her bread and

pies were still upon the table.

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Toward noon , when the doctor returned home , Mau

rice showed that he was still the same mirth-loving boy

as of o ld ; for no sooner did he hear his father’s buggy

come dri ving in to the yard than he caught his cap,and

darted behi nd the door ; and, though his mother was

fearful it would be too sudden for his doating father, yet

she could not reprove her son when he had just returned

home .

So the good doctor had an equal surprise with his

wife ; for, when he had seated himself, and taken a paper

from his hat to read unti l dinner was ready, a voice from

behi nd him whispered, Father !

He started from his chair,gazed around him



seeing no one, said, quickly, “ Mother,did you hear

that ? If our boy was at home,I should say that was

hi s voice .

Father, dear father said the voice agai n .

The now excited father sprang to the closet, threw

back the door,and hi s son leaped in to his arms .

Finding that he was i n no way weary of the life he

had chosen,and that he had brought letters of good con

duct from his captain , his parents wisely concluded to

allow him to follow his inclin ation , and make another

voyage . Duri ng th is visi t, he went to L indenwood, andcarried hi s father’s l ittle patien t a beautiful model of a

schooner he had made o n board ship. Since that time

tLey had never seen him,but Alice had heard with sor

row that of late he had so conducted himself as to be a

great grief to his worthy parcrrts ;‘and

, when she met

him so unexpectedly in the s treet, hi s manner was so

famili ar,and even rude , that she determined to avoid

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him in future,though , for the sake of his good father

she would have been glad to treat h im kindly.

Maurice had now grown to the size of a man . Hi svis it to tropical climates had bronzed his cheeks, but

his exercise on board shi p had made his frame supple

and elastic, and altogether he was i n appearance a noble

specimen of an American sailor.

Hi s mother wept at home as she thought that all hisnoble qualities shoul d be shadowed by the vices which

are,alas ! too common among the sons of Neptune . But

his father bel ieved there was a God i n heaven,who

would answer hi s earnest prayers for the salvation of h is

chi ld. Morning and even ing he was borne i n the arms

of faith to the fami ly altar, and often , i n h i s soli tary

m idnight rides , the distance was shortened by the fervor

of the good father’s appeals i n behalf of his erring son .

Al i ce had seldom been so oppressed with sadness as

when she left the cottage of Mr s . Hayden,and started

for home . Though the sun was now high i n the heavens,and was shining in full splendor, yet to her everything

appeared dark and gloomy. She was not su'perstitious ;

yet she had a sense of coming ill which she could not

throw off. In addition to her secret trial of struggling

again st her affection for Clarence,and the unkindness

of Edith and Gertrude,she had for some time been

anxious about her mother,whose in sani ty seemed taking

a new turn. At times she appeared wholly weaned

from her child, and had even forbidden the title of

mother. “ You belong to them now w ho adopted you,she would urge ; “ and why do you come here troubling

me ? ” But if, in obedience to her command, Ali ce

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The rich bloom upon Edi th’s countenance faded instantly as these prophetic words met her ear ; but, with

a con temptuous, Pshaw, none of your croaking here,

she turned to the window, and the poor, in sane creature,left the apartment.

As the mind of Al ice recurred to this and other late

scenes. it was with gre at difficulty she overcame the feel

i ngs of utter despondence which threatened to sink her ;i ndeed

,she already perceived the unfavorable effect upon

her health of her inward confl ict. Yet no member of the

family suspected how severely she suffered. Mrs . Stan

ley, i ndeed , noticed that at times she was pale and care

worn,and feared there was a misunderstanding between

her and Clarence ; but as her adopted child made an ef

fort to be cheerful in her presence, she was far from beingaware of the true state of her health and spiri ts .

On reaching home the poor girl fel t so ill,that she

went at once to her ow n room , and, locking the door,threw herself upon her bed . As she had met no one, the

family did not know she had returned, and , excepting the

ri nging of the bell, there was no summons for her to din

ner. It was, therefore, late i n the afternoon when she

awoke from a heavy sleep,or rather w hen she was aw akr

ened by the loud slamming of the door below,and a

heavy footste p comi ng up the stairs . As she heard h im

kick along the chai rs i n h is room , she recognized thesound as coming from Uncle Stephen , and wondered

what had occurred to irritate him . But she soon ceased

to think of him,as her throbbing temples warned her to

fall back upon her pillow. After lying awhile,with her

hand s pressed tightly to her brow, she arose and bathed

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it freely with cold water. She then prepared to go be

low,as she suddenly remembered that she had seen none

of the family since her return from the village . Passi ng

through the hall , she heard her mother’s voice i n the

kitchen,and went i n there to see her . Mrs . Carey evinced

unusual anxi ety for her child, and prevai led upon her to

wai t unti l. she could make her a cup of sage tea . Emmasoon came in

,and expressed much surprise at finding she

had returned . After Alice had taken the tea , she returned

with Emma to the parlor,where the family were a ssem

bled,waiti ng to be called to supper. She took a seat

near Mrs . S tanleyfw ondering as she did so at the cause

of their unusual constrain t and si lence but merely say

i ng,I have taken a long nap

,and did not hear the din

ner bell .“ I thought you still absen t, my dear, answered the

lady, with a slight gravity i n her manner. “ I think I

must break up this habit of yours, of running away

every day. You are getting to be quite too dissipated,

and she glanced, with an expression of sadness, at herchild

Oh . please don’t, mamma urged Alice . It would

really make me wretched to be deprived of going to see

my poor fam i lies ; and I’m sure it can do me no harm .

Come here,child 3 called Uncle Stephen

,i n a tone

so different from the one in which he had heretofore ad

dressed her,that the color rushed to her face

,and made

her head throb pai nfully ; but she i nstantly obeyed, advanced, and stood before him ,

while all present were im

pati ently wai ti ng for what would follow . Trying to con

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trol h is feeli ngs, the excited man asked , sharply, What

do you mean,chi ld

,by such shameful conduct ? ”

Her quick start and glance of surprise around the

room,affected him ,

and he continued, i n a sfiftened voice,Oh

,Alice ! how could you break my heart ? how could

you deceive me SO cruelly ? ” and he began to sub.

How have I offended ? ” asked the bewildered gi rl,s tarting toward him ; but he waved her off.

How ? Oh,that’s worse than all the rest ! Come


child,i t i sn’t too late now. Confess al l

,and I’l l forgive

you, and do my part/to make i t all right with yourfriends .”

Alice put her hand to her head . The excitement al

most deprived her Of sight.

Come,speak ! ” urged Uncle Stephen


She shook her head ; there was a ringi ng sound in her

ears .

NO ? Well,then , I must speak for you . You’ve

deceived us all. You’ve made a cloak of your piety, to

carry on a di sgraceful flirtation with that young scape

grace,Jenks . And I wouldn’t believe i t. I scorned the

idea, as unworthy of you, unti l Clarence assured me’twas too true that he met you in his company, and that

your evident confusion convinced him it was even as we

had_ heard3’

Alice stood as i f p etrified , unti l he spoke of Clarence,when , with a suppressed moan , she fell sen seless to the


Instantly all was confusion . Clarence started forward

to raise her ; but, with a sudden revulsion of feeli ng,Mr. Stanley haughtily motioned h im back, and requested

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No one replied, but the countenance of his ward

showed that he was far from insensible .

Immediately after family prayer, duri ng which Ali ceray upon the sofa, with her face concealed by her hand

kerchief,Emma noticed that Edith motioned to Ger

trude to accompany her up stairs,and she followed them ,

intending to go to her own room ,w hen she overheard the

following . We’ve got ourselves i nto a pretty scrape.

I’m sorry I ever had anything to do with it, and now I’ve.

a great mind to tell mother that the poor th ing is en ti relyi nnocent ”

If you do ,” repli ed Gertrude, angri ly, “ I

’l l n ever for

give you.

As soon as she found an opportunity,Emma w his

pered to her mother a request to see her as soon as she

could leave the room unnoticed. Alice lay as if asleep,and Mrs . Stanley arose and followed her daughter . The

motion of shutting the door caused the poor girl to Open

her eyes, and Clarence, observing it, advanced hasti ly to

her side. But the remembrance of his cruel i nsinuations

w as too fresh i n h er mind to enable her to speak calmly

and she turned quickly away. He stood for one momen t,hesitati ng whether to address her

,and then withdrew

from her side, when , thinking herself alone , with a burst

of feeling she exclaimed,“ Cruel Clarence ! And even

my kind friend , Uncle Stephen , has turned agai nst me .

Oh , my heaven ly Father, comfort my poor heart, andgive me strength to bear every trial thou seest fit to send.

And oh, forgive those who are trying to injure me !

The young man coul d endure i t no longer ; suppos

ing she referred to himself,he silen tly left the room


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IN D I SG U ISE . 231

caught his hat from the rack , and wandered away at a

rapid speed.

Uncle Stephen was in hi s ow n room,where

,with no

other l ight but the mild rays of the moon,he sat indulg

i ng in the most bi tter self-reproach . His ill humor had

enti re ly subs ided, and he could only regret his late con

duct toward one he so dearly loved . Deep in h is heartthere was a hard feeling toward Clarence , for leading

him to such a course . At length a low tap at the door

arrez ted hi s attention , and, i n answer to hi s sad come


” Mrs . Stanley entered, and seated herself at h is side.


fz ar,”She said, with some hesitation at commencing

the conversation , that we have censured Al ice without

reas on .

“ I know i t ! ” he exclaimed , quickly, “ and hate myself for i t. ’Twas al l the effect of my horrid temper.”

Not all,” answered the lady. She then repeated to

him what she had heard from Emma . I would not

allow Alice,

”She conti nued, to explai n to -night

,as she

wished to do . I saw she was not able to endure the ex

citement ; but I am convinced there i s no truth i n Edi th’sstory of her love for the young man . N o doubt she wi ll

explai n the occasion of her being with him, to our sati s

faction .


” muttered the old gentleman , abstractedly ;w i sh I’d never left off my speak ing trumpet .”

Aston ished at h is calmness, when she expected an ex

plosion of i ndignati on , Mrs. Stanley left h im , and soon

assis ted Alice to bed .

It was not until a late hour that Clarence returned to

the ball ; but Mrs . Stanley was waiting for him ,as she

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wished to repeat to him what she had done to his guard~

ian .

“Whatever may be your feel ings with regard to the

poor girl,

” she added , with some bitterness, “ jus tice to

her demands that you Should know there has been anendeavor to ruin her character. Her persecutors, far morethan she

,are obj ects of pity, for I firmly bel ieve that she

wi ll come from this trial with a character that wil l shi ne

brighter than ever.”

If She could have known the tumult of feeling occa

sioned i n the heart of her compan ion by this statement,

and the di fficul ty wi th which h e found voice to respond

with the simple word amen ,”She would have left him

with far different feelings ; when he , thankful that the

dimly lighted hall enabled h im to conceal hi s emotions,

hastily sought his ow n room . Hi s guardian stil l occu

pied a chair by the window,and

,not receivi ng an an swer

to his good night, he shut himself up i n h is bed-room ,

for the first time withi n his remembrance with the seri

ous di spleasure of h is kind benefactor resting upon him .

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great sob, and w iped his eyes, as he sacrificed his darli ngproj ect of her un ion with his ward . Clarence, he con

ti nned,has proved himself false

,and he may get along

as he can . If he didn’t love her more than that,he isn ’t

worthy of her.

In the meantime the young man , who was one of the

subjects of his sol iloquy, lay i n a very unenviable frame

of mind,despisi ng himself qui te as heartily as his guar

di an did,and feeli ng i ntense mortification that he had

been so easi ly led to believe decei t and w rong to exi st i n

one whom he had pretended to love . At times,he heard

the sound of Uncle Stephen’s voice,though he could not

di sti nguish the words,which certainly would not have

had a tendency to soothe him . Not for one moment didhe lose th e sense of h is sorrow in sleep ; and i t was not

until near dawn that he heard the old gentleman go intohis bedroom

,and shut the door.

The next morn ing,when the family assembled for

breakfast,nei ther Uncle Stephen nor Al ice made their

appearance ; but when the rest were about to separate,after prayers

,Mrs . Stanley said : “ I am desired by my

adopted child to request you to suspend your judgment

of her unti l evening. She feels that a grave charge has

been made agai nst her moral character ; and that, too .

by those whom she has regarded as among her best

friends . Though i t will be a great effort ; yet, thi s eve

ning she wishes to explain some circumstances, hoping

by that means to retai n the good opi nion of those she

values so highly.

Poor Clarence ! Every word thrust like a dagger tohis heart. But merely bowing h is assent to the ex

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l N‘ D I SG U I SE .

pressed wi sh , he left the house. It seemed to him as i f

he must be under the influence of a dreadful dream,

the idea appeared so impossible that h e should be placed

i n sucn a relation to one i n whose heart he had so earn

es tly hoped to awaken affection for himself. He knewthat it would be useless for him to attempt business


therefore,instead of going to the office

,he took a circuit

ous route,which brought him again to the Hall


he succeeded in gai ning an entrance to the parlor unseen

by any one ; and taking a book from the table, withdrew

into the bow -window. Here, after screen ing himselffrom observation , be determined to remain unti l di nner,as he knew at this season of the year the family usually

occupied their ow n rooms duri ng the early part of the


For the same reason Alice, an hour later, sought the

darkened parlor ; and languidly throwing herself upon

the sofa,sought to compose her mind for the task She

had undertaken . She was still far from well . The con

ti nned excitemen t of the previous day had operated upon

a frame already reduced , and she dreaded her self-imposed

explanations .

In the meantime, Gertrude and Edith were contrivingsome way to prevent Al ice from th is open refutation of

the charges agai nst her . There was much recrimination

between them Edith charging her sister with bei ng theone to plan this injury to the poor girl , while she angril y

retorted , You were ready enough to follow my sug

gestions ;” but both agreed that, as they had gone so

far,they must go farther

,and ‘ i n some way prevent the

dis covery of their falsehood and persecution . At length .

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it was decided that Gertrude should see, and try to quiet

Alice, by offering to explai n al l that was necessary for

her, to the family. For th is purpose She sought her in

her chamber,then listened inte ntly at Uncle Stephen’s

door,but hearing no conversation there

,she feared the

object of her search had gone , as usual , to the vi llage.

On opening the parlor door, however, she discovered herlying, apparently asleep. She carefully closed the door


and advancing to the sofa,i nquired

,Are you ill, Al ice

I will get you someth ing to take .”

The young girl opened her eyes at the unusual kind

ness of the tone,and answered


,not il l.”

Though her words were brief,there was a depth of

sadness in them which pierced even the heart of Ger


For an i nstant She stood irresolute,devoutly regretting

the part she had taken,but now she must go on

,or be

herself ruined, not only with Clarence , but with Uncle

Stephen . Then the old Spirit of j ealousy came up,and

s he asked herself,Shall A l ice, the chi ld of poverty, suc

ceed i n gaining the affection s of one I love ? ” and she

hesi tated no longer.

I am very sorry,

” she said,as the young girl lay with

her face averted,“ for what occurred las t eveni ng. I

could not have believed Uncle Stephen would have

talked to you in the manner he did.

Ali ce sighed heavil y, but made no reply.

He would not have done so,

” continued she,relent

lessly, “ but for Clarence, who came home very much ex

cited at the idea that youwere associating with so worth

less a fellow as Maurice Jenk s . He thought i t w as a

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glowin g with i ndignation , Have you done ? ” She

asked, in bitter scorn . Do you i ntend to dr ive me mad

with your horrible i ns i nuations ? Do you suppose Ihave not known who it was that was making an at»

tempt to blast my character i n the eyes of those I most

dearly love ? Yes, I have known , and every day I have

prayed that God would Open your eyes to a sense of

your injustice , and that He would enable me to forgiveyou. And youwi ll not succeed . I deny all your foul

charges. I scorn your hi nts of my immorality ;” and

she drew herself up to her full height,as if she were

ready to assert her innocence before the world . As for

Uncle Stephen,I know him so well, that I believe by

this time he bitterly repents his momentary i njustice,to

which he was unwillingly led by the suggestions of

others .

Why not express your opinion of Clarence ? ” asked

her companion , tauntingly, and trying to conceal the

effect of Alice’s manner upon herself.“ I am willing to do so,

” she replied, p roudly ;“ I be

lieve that my character has been misrepresented to h im

for what purpose,you perhaps can best judge ; and see


m e yesterday walking with Maurice,seemed for the

time to confirm some slanderous reports though,how

our names could have been connected,I cannot easi ly

conceive, as yesterday was the first time‘I had seen him

for years . I also beli eve that when I tell them this, and

ask the ground of their suspicions,for I i ntend to be de

terred by no false delicacy from thorough ly i nvestigati ng

the whole matter, that all my fri ends, and he among the

res t, will restore their confidence to me, and I shall once

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IN D I SG UI S E. 239

more be happy . I believe him to be all that i s true,noble

,and generous

,and I sincerely w i sh h im all the

happiness he so richly‘

deserves . But I do not bel ieve he.

ever spoke of me i n the way you mention . I deny

wholly ever giving him reason to suppose that I w as

s eeking his affection . I would di e before I would be

gui lty of so unmaidenly an act ; and [ know he does

not cherish such an opi n ion of me,i f I am , as you so

tauntingly remi nd me,the chi ld of an i nsane mother,

supported by the charity of your parents . Neither do Ibel ieve that he loves you

,for you are wholly unlike . He

i s a man of truth,of honor and unbendi ng i ntegrity ;

you,have been gui lty of the meanest falsehoods, and

restra i ned by no principles of honor or justice from a

series of persecutions toward a poor gir l, who has never

offended you, but whom you fancied i n the way of your

ow n wishes .“ D id you never hear that even a worm would turnupon those who would crush it to the earth Did younever think that there was a God i n the heavens


sees all that we do,and who will avenge the wrongs

done to hi s ch ildren ? I fully bel ieve that he wil l help

me to prove my own innoce nce ; for, as I stand here i n

his presence,and realize that he i s acquainted not only

wi th my actions,but with the secret purposes of mv

heart,I agai n repeat that I am not guilty of the charges

you have from time to time brought agains t me .

Alice sti ll stood proudly erect, her ches t expanding as

she uttered the last sentence,with her eyes raised , and

her whole countenance beaming with a holy trust and

confidence i n her heavenly Father . But the exci tement

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had carried her beyond her strength ; and , when she

ceased,she had only time to gain her seat before she

sank upon the pillow i n a state of perfect exhaustion .

It would be in vai n to try to describe the i ndigna

tion,gri ef

,and self-condemnation which struggled for

mastery i n the breast of Clarence,as he stood


parted lips and clasped hands, behind the heavy curtain s.

Bitterly he reproached himself for hi s conduct toward

the gentle girl,w ho had now so nobly defended his char

acter,and ascribed to him traits he was deeply conscious

of not possessing. Sometimes he started forward, una

ble longer to restrain himself from rushn i nto her pres

ence,avowing hi s love

,and claiming the righ t to protect

her ; but the very fervor and di si nteres tedness of hi s

affection restrained him,as he knew it would keenly

mortify her, and wound her delicacy, i f sh e were made

aware of h is being present. Sti ll more difficult was it

to restrain h imself, when , upon hearing a step i n the

entry,Gertrude hasti ly retreated. He gently parted th e

curtai n,and saw her pale and trembling, and he dared

not expose her to the addi tional excitement i f he should

suddenly appear. But be determined to see her w ithout

delay, and to make a formal demand of her hand from

Mr. Stanley,her guardian . He did not feel at all sure

that she would accept him . The events,of the last few

weeks had not increased the favorable prospect of a

happy termination of his suit ; but,with a full resolution

to end his suspense as soon as possible, he was obliged

to content himself for the present, for Alice , after lyi ng

so quietly for a few moments that he hoped She was

asleep, silently arose, and left the room . He dared not

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but I was tri ed beyond my strength'and only thi s morn

ing enjoyed such a delightful season of communion

with my heavenly Father,and felt so safe to leave

myself i n his hands ! I was willing to forgive every one

who had tri ed to injure me .”

A low knock i nterrupted them ,and Emma entered .

At a motion from her mother,she came and kneeletl

dow n by her weeping si ster, putting her arms tenderly

about her neck . Alice gently responded to her embrace,

and then continued/: “ I don’t know but I am doing

w rong ; but I cannot help envying Mrs . Hayden,who is

wasting away . She looks forward with a certai n hope

of being received into'

the presence of God. I have

often thought of late that I should soon be called to die,

and the idea has not been unpleasant.”

My dear Alice,

” exclaimed her mother,“ don’t talk

so ; I fear i t i s w rong . I used to i ndulge th e same wish

after my dear father was taken from me . I thought my

happiness had fled forever ; and I longed to lie qui etly

by his side rather than struggle with my poor, desolate

heart. I found out afterwards that I had been i ndulging

an unsubmissive spiri t,and was rebelling against the

afflictions God,i n hi s wisdom

,saw to be needed by me .

I do not wonder,my love

,that the world looks darkly to

you now ; but, be as sured. the clouds w ill p ass away,and I shal l yet see you as cheerful and ligh t of heart as

when you returned from school . Do you remember how

gay you were then ? ”

Oh , yes , mamma, butNo buts , miss,” in terrupted her mother, cheerfully ,there are no buts i n this case . A ll wi ll come out right.

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m mscvrsn . 243

depend upon it. One heavy cloud has al ready blown

over. Uncle Stephen i s a stauncher friend than ever.

Suppose you go now and tell h im you forgive him.

Where is he ? ”

In h is own room,w here he has shut himself up as a

prisoner. He has not left i t si nce you fainted last evening. Clarence said at breakfast that he did not go to

bed untilmorning.

Alice started up,saying

,I am sorry I did not know

it before . I will go now, i f he will admit She

turned to leave the room , but suddenly s topped, and,grasping the hand of Mrs . Stanley, asked, i n a voice

trembling w i th emotion , “ Do you think I shall ever beinsane 7

Why,my ch ild

,what could have put such a question

into your mind ?

Ger Gertrude she hesitated, and then added,“ my mother was .

Mrs . Stanley shuddered at the horrible cruelty of such

a suggestion,and said, “ There i s no more danger of i t

than i n my case or Emma’s .”After the poor girl had left the room

,she told Emma

of her determination to put a stop to such a system of

persecution , blaming herself severely that i t had not beendone earlier.

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C H A P T E R X X I .

Oh, what a tangled web we weave,

When first we practise to deceive ! Scott.

ALrCE knocked several times at Uncle Stephen’s door

before she received any reply . At length he asked,Who is i t ?

It i s a l ittle girl,who wants to see you.

Well , then , come in .

She entered , and went up to him as she used to do

when a chi ld,and seated herself upon his knee.

He made no motion , either to i nvite or preven t her.She put her arms i n a childlike manner around his

neck, and laid her head upon h is shoulder, as she asked,softly

,“ Don’t you love your little girl ? I can’t think

what I shall do if you don’t love me.”

With a deep sob from his swell i ng heart, the old man

strained her to his breast as if he would never let her

leave h im .

“ Love you ? yes,” he exclaimed, when hecould speak . “ This is the first happy minute I’ve had

smee I blurted out upon you yesterday. But wil l you

love me ? i s the question I want to hear answered . Can

you forgive me , my child

I forgave you long ago ; I knew youwould be sorry.

Well, then , I’m all right. I feel as i f my si ster


has been dead and buried these twenty years , had come

back to me. And now ,chi ld

,ask anything in the world

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The good man was so much agitated,he hardly knew

how to contain his feelings . He kissed Alice again andagain

,thanked her repeatedly for the rel ief she had ' af

forded h im,and then commenced a vigorous walk across

the room , rubbi ng hi s hands and exclaiming : What an

old fool I’ve be; r. making ofmyself ; I might have known

vou wouldn’t go and spoil all my nice plans . There ,ch ild, run away, quick ; I may say something I ought


At dinner Mr . Stanley, noticing Alice’s pale cheeks

and want of appetite, recommended her to ride . A s he

left the room he turned back , and with unusual tender

ness patted her cheek,saying Let me see some roses

blooming here, at tea.

How li ttle he thought that he and Alice Carey should

never meet agai n

Though scarcely able to endure the fatigue,Al ice con

cluded to have Felix saddl ed, and to pay Mrs . Hayden avisit. She was sensible of a general lassitude creepingover her whole system

,and i t was with quite an effort

that sh e equipped herself i n her ridi ng-dress,and started

for the village . But i n a few moments the clear air, and

the exercise of riding, exhi larated her spiri ts , and when

nearly half way to her des ti nati on she met Dr. Jenks, shebegan to look a little li ke herself.

Good day,Miss Al ice,

” he cried, stopping h is horse ,“ I am glad to see you

,though you look as i f a dose of

phys io wouldn’t do you any harm . I have found you

another patient,a young girl

,about your own age . She’s

been i n my hands a few days ; but I think in her case

you can do better than I can .”

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rN DrsGurSE . 24 7

After learn ing where sh e was to be found,Al ice said

I wi ll try to call upon her to-morrow. I have not been

quite well for a few days,and hardly think I should do

her much good i f I went to-day.

No immediate hurry,” replied the Doctor. She’s a

genuine case,though ; and such an one as wi ll in terest

you quite as much as ei ther of.

your protégés .”

An hour later,the fami ly at L indenwood were thrown

into the utmost consternat ion by seeing Felix,without

h is rider,come dashing at ful l speed up the avenue


saddle partly turned, and he trembling i n every limb, as

if from sudden fright. Uncle Stephen,who happened to

be looking from the W i ndow,was almost beside himself


and greatly increased the confusion by hi s vain endeavors

to learn somethi ng of the equestri an . Mr. Stanley could

not readi ly be found,and hi s wife instan tly despatched a

boy, on horseback, to the vil lage , to ascertain whether any

accident had befal l en Alice ; and if so, to go at once for

the Doctor. Emma started off i n the same direction on

foot,while the coachman was ordered to harness the

horse into the carryall,and follow her immediately


bri ng Alice home . Uncle Stephen walked hurriedly up

and down the avenue ; Mrs . Stanley i n v ai n implori nghim to be calm ,

and sugges ting that i t m ight not prove

to be as bad as they feared . Gertrude and Edi th clungtogether

,i n their affright, pale and trembling at their own

thoughts .

At length,the carri age i s seen returning at fu ll speed .

Their hearts beat wi ldly with hope . Alice is i n i t, and

uni njured . But no ! Emma is bitterly weeping. She

cannot speak as they pass, but si lently motions them

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to return . They hasti ly follow the carriage to the

hous e.“ Where i s she asked Mrs . Stanley, tremulously.

Why did you not bring her home

With a fresh burst of tears,Emma poi nted to a wagon

just come i n sight,and which was slowly entering the

large gate at the foot of the avenue .

Mrs . Stanley stood almost paralyzed,and then caught

hold of the door for support. She tried to speak,but

her tongue refused to perform its office . With a loud

cry of agony,Uncle Stephen rushed by them

,and locked

himself in hi s ow n room .

Yes, there upon a bed thrown upon the bottom of a

wagon , from which the seat had been hastily taken out,lay the sen seless form of poor Ali ce Carey. Her headwas supported in the lap of a young woman

,who w as

weepi ng, while men and boys walked solemnly at their

s ide .

Before Mrs. Stanley coul d recall her scattered senses,Dr. Jenks drove hasti ly up

,and finding nothing had been

prepared,requested that a bed should be m ade ready as

speedily as possible,that he might see to what extent h is

patient had been i njured.

When the wagon stopped at the doo .,the Doctor,with

the ass istance of tw o men , conveyed the i n sen sible girl

to her room,and laid her gently upon the bed . A low

m oan escaped her li ps ; but she did not appear to be

con scious . Mrs. Stanley bent over her poor child, and

commenced a vigorous chafing ‘of her hands , when the

Doctor beckoned her from the room,motion ing Emma

to take her mother’s place .

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Miss Emma,said the doctor, you had better leave

the room you can’t bear i t.”

Emma shook her head,and tri ed to speak

, but the

words try me ” were the only ones which she could

articulate .

Well,then , hold her hand firmly ; and Mrs . Stanley,

i f you must stay, though I had’

rather have somebody

else,come around thi s side and unfasten her dress.”

Though excessively pale , she obeyed . The ki nd doc

tor gently raised her, and soon the fair neck and shoulder

was exposed to view.

This arm is broken i n tw o places,said Dr. Mason .

Have you the spli ntersA shriek of distress from the poor girl

,as th ey moved

it, showed that sh e was not now insen s ible .

Dear, darl ing Ali ce , be calm , do be calm whispered

Emma,forcing back the unbidden tears which had been

coursing down her cheeks . It wi ll soon be over .” But

shriek after shriek filled the air,as they set the bone


til she again fai nted from excess of agony .

There,I’m glad she’s gone ! ” exclaimed Dr. Jenks


he held the arm in place,while the young surgeon


great sk ill, applied th e bandages . When this was done,they proceeded, under the i nfluence of a powerful ano

dyne , to a farther examination , which resulted more favorably than they had dared to hOpe . The poor sufferer

lay i n a heavy slumber,when a loud noise i n the Hall

arrested their attention . Above all sounds,the voice

of Mrs. Carey was di sti nctly heard,calli ng out

,i n fren

zied tones, I w ill go to her ! I wont be kept from my

child ! and you , Mr. Stanley, must follow me !”

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ix D i scUl sE . 251

Don’t let that crazy woman i n here ! ” exclaimed thed octor .

I hear my husband’s voice,and he will prevent her


said lVIrs . Stanley . Suddenly there w as a sound of great

runn ing, the door burst Open , and the poor mother rushed

in and threw herself on her knees by the side of the bed .

Dr. Jenks approached gently to lead her out ; but she

stood up before him,and

,pointing with her long, thi n

finger,to Alice

,said solemnly

,God sent me here, and

here I shal l stay until I have done what he bids me .”

“ How long will i t take ? ” asked Dr. Mason , impatiently, as he kept his fingers on the pulse of hi s patien t.

He knew noth ing of the relation existi ng between them ,

and wondered that the crazy woman should be allowed

to remai n i n the room for a moment .

Mr. Stanley,come near ! ” she cried

,“ for to you 1

must make my confessi on ! ” There was in her eye an

expression of calmness,which

,notwi th standing her

strange manner,awed them into si lence , and she went

on . I am glad to see you weep, Mr. Stanley. You

may well gaze at the poor child, and shed tears at her

distress,for she is your own

With a'

sudden start he sprang to the bedside ; but she

waived him away,and con ti nued

,i n a firm voice


husky w i th emotion,Hear


,all of you , while God

gives me strength to speak . That child was given me

to nurse. I kept her, and put _my ow n daughter



i n her place . I didn’t at first i ntend to have it remain so,but I was pleased to see that my chi ld was caressed , and

by and bye it w as too late for me to take her back . But

I h ave known for a long time that th is day would surely

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come that these,w ords would be forced from my l ips.

l have heard it i n the sigh ing breeze,i n the gurgli ng of

yonder brook,and i n the howling of the angry wind

The robins i n the branches,and even the frogs i n the

meadow, have never ceased to remi nd me that this day

w as hasten ing on . But of late,strange voices have w his

pered to me i n the night-watches , Guilty woman , your

sin will soon be di scovered .

’ I have often tried to con

fess to you,but


I was restrai ned.‘Not yet

,not yet,

was ever the cry,and I could not resist the inward

voice .”

When she ceased,all present stood speechless


Dr. Jenks asked, What proof have you of the truth of

this story ? ” though her declaration had flashed instant

conv ict ion upon their minds .

Proof ! she cried,with a flashing


eye,her father

needs no proof ! He knows,now

,why the s ight of that

child always reminded him of the mother who bore her.

He understands why that mother loved her so tenderly.Her heart w as drawn out toward her ow n offspring. Heknows why she and Louis loved each other so dearly.

If you want. more proof,ask Uncle Stephen ,

” glancing

toward h im:

He wi ll tel l you he always knew it. Hehas said a hundred times

,That child reminds me ofmy

sister.’ But,i f al l that wil l not satis fy you

,in what one

thing is she like me ? Look at her, beautiful even i n herdeath-l ike slumber. Then her heart i s pure, while Edith

Dr. Jenks,

” she continued,after a moment, catch ing

hold of his arm,do you remember when this ch ild was

born 7

The doctor nodded assen t,wonderi ng what was to


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May God grant i t, said the father, impressively

Have you heard how the accident happenedNothing beyond the story of the boy who cam e for

me,— that the horse took fright and threw her. She

was found i n the street turning from the one w here Mrs.

Hayden l ives,and probably had just left there . I must

call and tel l them how she i s , or I sh all have trouble.

In deed,

” added the good man, smiling, as he turned to

take his leave,I sh al l be very popular for a few days,

and shall be besieged with i nquiries concerning the

health of your daughter. She is a great favorite i n the

village .”

Mr. Stanley warmly pressed h is hand , but did not re

ply. Hi s heart was too full for utterance .In the meantime how did Edith bear the suddenchange which had come over her prospects ? No one

knew . She and Gertrude had been among the crowd

assembled i n the entry,and at the very first in timation

of the fact from her mother,she flew to her ow n room ,

and locked her door,and when Gertrude knocked repeat

edly, she received no an swer. She i nstinctively knew

it was true . Poor girl ! i t will be a hard lesson for her

to learn . Let us leave her and turn to a room nearlyopposite that in which the father and mother are hang

ing over their new-found child,and discover what are

Uncle Stephen’s thoughts with reference to this new rc

lation .

When , i n an agony of grief, he shut himself up in his

bedroom , he feared the life of Alice was exti nct ; but,after remai ning a lone unti l he could endure the suspenseno longer, he opened his door, and learned from one of

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m D I SG U I SE . 250

he servants that she sti l l l ived . He stood in the hallJvhen Mrs . Carey, noticing his presence, referred to him

as proof that he had long recogn ized the relation . Then .unable to bear the tumul t of j oy caused by so happy a

discovery,he caught his hat ariarushed out to find Clar

ence,that he might impart the blessed news to him . But

he had hardly proceeded through the park, when he saw,in the distance

,a horse dashing toward h im, and i n the

rider of which he soon recognized his ward.

Restless and unable to fix his attention upon his busi

nes s,after the exciti ng scenes of th e morning, at an early

hour Clarence went to the stable for his horse, that he

migh t return to Li ndenwood . He walked on with quickand elastic step

, for, notwithstanding al l which had oc

curred,his heart was l ighter than for many weeks . He

could now trace the cause of Alice’s reserve i n the cruel

remarks to which she had been subj ected , a specimen of

which he had heard in the morni ng ; and in her noble

vindication of him ,he loved to th ink he had discovered

some sparks of affection , which i t would be h is delight

ful privilege to fan in to a flame . He determined at onceto see her guardian , and, by the avowal of his affection ,preclude the nece ssi ty of the explanati on which he fore

saw would be so tryi ng to her sensi tive nature . Hi s eyegrew bright

,and his whole countenance beamed with

pleasant antici pations a s he hurried on , unti l his atten

ti on was arrested by seeing groups of men,women


boys standing together,and heard the words “ dreadful !

wnat a shocking accident ! ” Pausi ng for one moment

to li sten , the name Miss Carey” caught hi s car, when,

w i th a counte nance blanched with sudden fear, he

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stepped quickly forward, and asked, What has oc

curredA boy replied

,Why, hav

’n’t you heard ? Miss Ali ce

Carey,the young lady who rides every day on horseback


and who is s o good to the poor, has been thrown from

her horse,and kil led ! ”

Kil led ? repeated Clarence, reeling agains t the man

who stood next h im .

No ! exclaimed a boy, pressi ng up through the

crowd which had begun to gather, I was there w hen

they took her out of the wagon,and I heard her groan

awfully. She isn’t ki lled,but she’s horridly hurt.”

Though rendered almost bli nd by sudden faintness and

dizziness, Clarence waited to hear no more . He sprangupon his horse


,after urging him to his utmost speed


slackened not h is pace unti l he met his guardian coming

in search of him . The o ld gentleman was evidently con

tending with mixed emotions of sorrow and joy, and, as

hi s ward sprang from the saddle to his side, caught his

hand,and said

,Clarence, Alice Carey is no more ; but

I have found a n iece I shall love even better than I didher.”

The shock has turned his bra in ,” thought the . young

man .

“ Come,dear Uncle


” he said,tenderly


“ let me

lead you to the house .” “ A l ice ! where is Al ice ? ” he

gasped out,as Emma ran out to meet him .

“ Oh , Clarence ! rej oice with us. Alice, dear, sweetAl ice i s ours now. She i s my ow n dear sister.”

Scarcely hearing or heeding th is remark, he repeated,Where is she ? Will she live“ The doctors cannot tell until to-morrow

,but they

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occurred last even ing. That wi ll al l come out righ t, anu~

my Al ice i s not one to lay up anyth ing against her

friends .”

These words, though k ind ly spoken , afforded him but

poor consolation . He bowed his thank s,however


went out to Mrs . Carey’s small cottage . But he only

saw the woman who took care of her,who informed h im

that she came born e from the hall trembli ng and excited,but i n full possession of her reason . That she appeared

very glad t hat she had relieved herself of the dreadful

burden that had oppressed her for so many years ; but

that she dreaded to meet Edith,as she knew her child

would bitterly reproach her. “ I promised her,

” added

the woman,that if she would retire, no one should dis

turb her.”

,At the mention of Edith , Clarence started, He hadbeen so wholly engrossed in his anxi etyfor Alice , thatthe change in the situation of her foster-sister had not

once occurred to him . How would her proud andhaughty spirit bear so sudden a reverse of fortune It

was a fruitful subject of thought,and one which occupied

the people of the vi l lage for a long time . But at present

h is whole soul was racked with anxiety for th e poor girl

who stil l lay in sensible . He had not yet asked himselfwhat w ould be the effect upon his suit for her hand, of

her being rai sed to the station of daughter to Mr. Stan

ey ; he could only th ink of her as Emma had vividly‘

epresen ted her when suffering so keenly from the setting

of her arm .

He walked slowly back and forth through the yard,until summoned by a servant to tea . Though the hearts

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of all the group gathered around the board were centred

upon one dear member,yet i t was a silen t meal . Indeed

the assembl ing there was li ttle more than a form ,and

then there were three absent. The mother, with he s

chi ld , and Edi th , who still refused admittance to all

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Happy are those,

That know ing in their births they are subject to

Uncertain change, are still prepar’d and arm’


For either fortune ; a rare principle,

A nd with much labor learned in w isdom’s school.

Massmger .

WH AT a change i n a few short hours ! They could

hardly reali ze i t ; and when Mr. Stanley’s swelli ng heart

found utterance in prayer for her who had brought back

from the grave the image of her deceased mother for

her who had been so wonderfully preserved from death ,th e whole family wept aloud.

During the eveni ng,to whi ch Clarence had looked for

ward wi th such joyous anticipations, as he and his

guardian were si tting silently in the parlor, Emma cameto the door and beckoned him to j oi n her. Do you re

member my own mother ? ” she inquired, softly.


Father thought so,and he wants you to come and

look at our poor Al ice . She i s not yet conscious,” she

added, as he insti nctively started back .

Though hi s heart grew fai nt with an undefined feel ing

of terror, he silently followed her.

Her father was leaning over the pallid face of hi s chi ld,and bathing her temples with aromatic vinegar. For

years he had been unused to the sick room but this was260

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When Emma opened the door into the entry, she

found Uncle Stephen there ,waiti ng to ascertain whether

there was any favorable change . Mrs . Stanley si lently

advanced,and led him to the bed.

But th e sight he there beheld was more than he could

endure. With only one glance at the long frame in

which lay the broken arm,and at the pale face , which

seemed like a visitor from the spirit-world, be covered hi s

eyes and hurried from the room .

After the first shock , when he feared she had been

killed by her fall , he had been so overjoyed at being able

to explai n to himself why h is heart had been so forcibly

drawn toward the lovely child ; and to sol ve the question

so many times repeated,“Why does she so often remind

me of my sister,

” that he had thought les s of the danger

which sti ll threatened her l ife. But now it was greatly

magnified,and he could find no comfort except upon his

knees. Oh, how many times, that night, he thanked God

that thi s had not happened before she had assured him

of her forgiveness ! How clearly her sweet voice rangin his ear

,“ Don’t you love your li ttle girl ? ”

At nine o’clock the Doctor came again , and waspleased to see that there was then no appearance of

fever, and ordered her li ps to be wet with cordial every

fifteen minutes . Unless the pai n was very severe,the

anodyne was to be discontinued . He prescribed themost perfect quiet

,and left them with lightened hearts to

prepare for the duties of the night.

W hat a comfort is a good physician ! How earnestlydo we listen for h is footstep

,and welcome his approach !

How closely we watch his features to di scern his

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opin ion of his patient, before he can have time to express

i t i n words ! How grateful do we feel for the hope w i thwhich he brighten s the future

,or for the sympathy which

so othes our most fearful anticipations of sorrow !

After the good Doctor left, Mr. Stanley retired for afew moments to h is study, to be alone with his God, and

to pour out his soul i n prayer for h is chi ld . He had justarisen


‘when he heard a low knock at his door. Hestarted quickly

,fearing i t was a message for him to re

turn to Alice,when Gertrude entered . In a voice almost

i narticulate,she signified her desire to detain him . But

when he tenderly led her to the sofa,and took a Seat by

he r side, he waited i n vai n for her to speak, so violent

were her sobs .

At length,making a great effort, she commanded her.

voice,and confessed to her father her cruelty to Alice,

and the bitter remorse i t now caused her : No wordscan describe


” she exclaimed , with great excitement,what I h ave suffered since I saw her lyi ng motionlessin the wagon which brought her home .”

Gertrude did not spare herself, but went on to speak

of cruel taunts about her birth , of hints.

of her depend

ence , and all the long catalogue of her offences,j ust as

conscience w as holding them up to her V i ew ; but of

which her father had been wholly ignorant. He w as

obl iged to put a violent constraint upon his feelings toallow her to proceed .

And Edith ? ” he asked when she stopped .

Gertrude acknowledged that Edith had joined her i n th isunkind treatment ; but that she herself had been far

more to blame . “ And this is not all,” she conti nued,

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coveri ng her face from her father’s search ing glance,

“ Clarence loves Al ice ; and I have tr ied to al i enate hi s

affections from her ; I have” —but here she was entirely

overcome,as her mind reverted to the scenes wh ich had

occurred that very morning, though i t seemed as i f the

events of weeks had interven ed.

Mr. Stanley perceived that the grief of h is daughter

was genuine,—her repentance sincere

,and he forbore

reproof. After a few moments of earnest conversation ,he again knel t in prayer ; and this time he was not alone ;his subdued and tearful daughter knelt beside him


never before had she so earnestly Jomed i n peti tion s for

pardon and peace. Before she left th e room , she gave

the best proof of the sincerity of her sorrow for what

had passed,by requesting her father to communicate to

Clarence as much of her confession as he thought best ;and her father

,though deeply affl icted at the disclosures

she had made,held her to hi s heart i n a more tender em

brace than for many years .

For a short time after she left the study, he walked in

a slow measured pace across the floor, ponderi ng what

had passed,especial ly what she had said of Clarence and

his affection for Ali ce . He had never suspected this ; and,even now ,

he shook h is head as hi s thoughts recurred

to many events which had taken place wi th i n a few

weeks . He had long ago settled i t i n h is own mind,

that Gertrude and Clarence were attached,and the

thought of their union had always been pleasant. Hi swife being fully aware of th is

,had never mentioned the

change she had perceived in the affections or the young


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the child . No,he was impelled by a knowledge of her

character to strong emotions of pity at the sufferi ngs he

knew she would undergo,before she could bring her

proud spiri t to bow submissively to the condi tion she had

so much despised.

Educated,as she had been , i n refined society, accus

tomed to con sult only her own pleasure ,while she domi

neered over every membe r of the household, he was well

aware that,when he Offered her a home, there would be

a dreadful struggle i n her mind,before she could bri ng

herself to assume the place of a dependant on his bounty .

He longed to see her, and try to calm the deep waves oftrouble which threatened to overwhelm her ; but so far,she had absolutely refused to admit any one to her apart

ment,and had maintained a profound silence , when her

mother went to her, and begged her to take some food .

Alice remained so quiet for several hours th at h er

father and mother,who occupied arm -chairs by the side

of her bed, were able to get some sleep . But toward

morning,when Clarence

,hoping from the profound stil l

ness i n th e room,that the patient was at least not suffer

ing, had just retired to his bed and fallen i nto a heavy

sleep,was awakened by a dreadful shriek

,followed by a


quick running to and'fro through the hall. He sprangup, threw on h is dressing-gown , and returned to the

place he had occupied most of the n ight, near the door

of his ow n room . In one moment Emma came runni ngby, and seeing him dressed , said , quickly, Oh'



do run and call James,and send him for the Doctor !

Al ice is a great deal worse.”

He went in a moment,and running to the stable, took

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nv Drsevrs s . 267

out hi s own horse,sprang i nto the saddle , and gave him

self no time to think,until he was returning with the good

Doctor by h is side . For once the Old buggy rattled along

as fast as he could wish , and before the anxious parents

could have supposed it possible, Dr. Jenks entered theroom .

A t one glance, he saw the danger. Alice had just

come out of a convul sion fit,i n which she had disar

ranged the bandages and splinters holding the bone in

place ; and now,though conscious

,lay pale and trem

bling with the pai n . The physici an had no sooner ap

proached the bed than , without speaki ng , he returned to

th e entry and said,i n a low voice, to Clarence, “ We

must have Dr. Mason here,without any delay . Stay,

he added, as the young man had already begun to de

scend the stairs,take my buggy

,and don’t fear for the

Old horse . I want him quickly.

For many mi les around, Dr. Jenks was famous for his

skill . He was prompt, energetic, and always cheerful.It was a very unusual th ing for him to weep over his

patients ; but when he approached the bed , and saw by

her faint smile that Al ice recognized and welcomed him ,

he turned quickly away,while a sound very much like a

suppressed sob,came from the window near which he

stood . But that was over in a mi nute,and he made in

quiries how she had passed the night.

We must prevent the return Of the convulsions,

” he

said, i n a low tone , “ they’re ugly things where a bone is

out of place .” He did not think i t necessary at thattime to di stress the father’s heart by sayi ng that he

feared , also, they were the result of some greater i njury.

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He therefore admin istered a soothing powder,tenderly

unloosed the bandages, hoping by that time Dr. Masonwould arri ve . Nor was be disappointed, for heari ng aquick step up the stairs, the young surgeon hastily en

tered the room“ There, dear, said the old Doctor, soothingly, “ l etyour father hold your arm . It will hurt badly for a

m i nute ; but’twill soon be over. Here

,Mrs . Stanley;

th is side , i f you/please . N ow ,

Dr. Mason,we’re all


The bone sli pped back again with a grating sound,

and the poor girl quickly gasped for breath .

Though the physicians agreed that it must have been

more painful than the first setti ng,as i t had begun to

swell badly ; yet she bore i t without a groan . Emmasprang for the cordial

,and moistened her l ips .

There now,

” said the good old man,“ that was hand

somely done ; but, child , don’t ever try to res trai n your

self so again ; let the screams come,

they’re nature,

and wont hurt any body ; not half as much as it will

you to hold the teeth so tightly as you did .

By this time the surgeon had nicely supported the arm

in a frame,and the gentle sufferer rej oiced their hearts

by W hispering that she was greatly rel ieved . Quite a

circle had gathered around her bed , and Clarence , almost

unconsciously,had joined them . Alice w as now per

fectly conscious . She looked, feebly, from one to an

other ; at length , her eye met his, and that one glance

conveyed to her a world of bli ss . It was too much of

happines s for her feeble frame . She closed her eyes and

for a moment appeared to have fai n ted .

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Stephen was happy,arid needed to do something out of

the common course to express h is j oy .

When the lawyer fin ished hi s toi let, and went below,he found all was i ndeed changed ; though the fami ly and

servan ts spoke i n subdued tones, yet the deep sadness

was gone . Mr. and Mrs . Stanley almost smiled as theymet him

,while Emma appeared as if she could hardly

co ntain her j oy . She gave her hand twice to Clarence

w i thout being aware of it, as she whispered, “ I’m so

happy that it’s over,and we know the worst



Al ice ! ”

While they were talking,Gertrude came to the door,

and then si lently retreated upon perceiving who were


Oh ! ” exclaimed Emma,“ you can’t tell how sorry

sister i s . She has confessed everything to father ; and

he says, though it w as a great shock to h im , to know

that she had indulged such feelings,yet he hopes much

from this affl iction . She told him how she had deceived

you ,” she added, lowering her voi ce . She took all the

blame, and said she had influenced Edith . Poor Edith ! ”she continued

, changmg her tone, mamma fears she’l l

starve herself to death,and papa will i nsist upon going

in to talk with her.”


Dr. Jenks contrived to satisfy his other pati en ts,I cannot tell ; but, for a few days, his vi sits at L i ndenwood were nei ther few nor short ; and his cheerful voice

and ready joke operated l ike a charm upon all .

Alice loved him better than eve r and she frankly told

him so ; upon which occasion the good man helped him

self to a kiss upon her pale cheek, and told over, to the

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IN D I SGUI SE . 27 1

amusement of the whole company, the story of her

refus lng him a kiss w hen he asked for one, and then

coming to him of her ow n accord,when she found he

did not mean to insist . Oh said he,“ if I’d had the

experi ence when I was young that I have now,there

would hav e been some cracking.

The only bad result of hi s frequent visi ts was a feeli ng

of j ealousy which was growing up i n Uncle Stephen’s

heart toward the physician , though , i f any one had

accused him of i t,he would have scorned the idea that

Alice would love the jol ly old man as well as she did

him .

But the young girl esteemed her physician for some

thing more than his cheerful , happy temperament, oreven for his ski l l. A more enduri ng tie united them .

He had long recognized i n the young disciple a desire tofol low the exarriple Of the same Master whom he was

trying to serve . Never, i n the course Of hi s long practice,had he turned a deaf ear to the call of the poor. Herecognized

,i n all the suffering ch ildren of distress and

poverty,a claim to his time and attention

,as creatures

endowed with souls to be fitted for happiness ; and he

l iterally obeyed the inspired precept,Do good unto all

as ye have opportunity, especially unto such as are of

the household of faith .

And hi s young patient was comforted by the words

Of peace he breathed i n her ear as he tenderly bent over

her. There , dear,” he said at o ne time , when she was

suffering severely, “ thi nk of what your heavenly Father

says , ‘Thou wilt keep h im in perfect peace whose soul

is stayed o n thee . Lift up your heart to him,child.”

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\ C H A P T E R X X I I ]

The heart is , like the sky, a part of heaven ,

But changes , n ight and day, too, hke the sky ;

New o’er it clouds and thunder must be driven ,

A nd darkness and destruction,as on high ;

But when it hath been scorch’d,and p iert


d, and riveu,

Its storms expire in water-drops ; the eye

Pours fort h at las t the heart’s blood turned to tears .


THE numerous calls from the vil lage to make inqui ries

for Miss Alice Stanley proved the truth of the doctor’s

s ta tement in regard to th e estimation in which she was

held . N ot only carriage after carriage, containi ng friends

anx ious to ascertain exactly her situation , drove up the

avenue to the Hall,but twice a day

,morning and even

ing, Dexter Hayden presented himself at the door, andi n a respectful manner


,Will you please to tell me

particularly how Miss Al ice i s ? ” and when the reply,She stil l conti nues comfortable


” had been given him ,

the fervent “ Thank you !” showed that h is heart had

been i n the question .

Mr. Gates,too

,often left his welding and hammeri ng

at an early hour,and

,having donned his Sunday sui t,

(fo r he now attended church 0 11 the Sabbath ,) proceeded

to Li ndenwood, and begged to hear from Miss Alice,saying, My w ife or I should take it as a great favor ifwe could be allowed to be of some serv ice to her.”


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had heretofore appeared so unaccoun table . Knowingherself to he unfit to i nfluence a pure, artless girl like

the one whom she claimed for her child, she had endeav ~

ored,especially s i nce the i nterest manifested in her by

that lady,to wean Alice’s affections from herself, that

sne m1ght learn to live wholly at the Hall, and thu s be

prepared for the time when the present discovery shoulc

take place .

But i t i s high time' that we turn from thi s pleasanter

scene to a room at the other corner of the house,far


far pleasanter and brighter,even amidst constant suffer

i ng, than that one withi n whose walls was raging a

mighty war. I have hereto fore sa id that Edith refus edto admit any one to her apartment . Whether it were

the voice of him whom she had so long known as father,or the low est servant i n the establi shment, for all had

attempted it,the success w as the same . On the second

day a smal l portion of the food which had been left at

her door had disappeared ; and during the Second night

Mrs . Stanley from her window had seen a tal l form pass

and repas s . with hasty and uncertain steps,up and down

th e avenue before the house . But on the morning of

the third day no one had seen Edith face to face . Whatcourse she i ntended or wished to pursue no one could

even imagine . Mr. Stanley determined to wait no longer .

Retiring to h is study,he wrote her a long

,kind letter,

such as a Chris tian father would write to an affl icte l

child . In i t he expres sed a fond affection for her, an l

entreated her to return to the family,who all longed f w

an opportuni ty to prove to her that she was welcome to

the place she had held . He told her that he had ful ly

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l N D I SG U ISE . 5276

and freely forgiven her mother, and that he now trans

ferred the promise he made to hi s dying wife i n behalf

Of Alice, to herself. He closed by expressing the hopethat he might receive an answer in person

,and then

subj oined these words

I take pleasure, dear Edi th , i n signing myself, as ofYour very affectionate father



Wishing that the letter should suggest al l the feelings

of h is heart,he showed i t to hi s wife

, w ho read it with

tearful eyes,and rewarded him with a smile of perfect

approbation,as she said, “ The heart must be indeed

hard which responds not to such an appeal .” It w as

then sen t to her room by a servant,who w as ordered

,i f

she did not reply,to push the letter under the door


to tell Edith she had been directed to wait for an answer.

The latter course she pursued,after knocking repeatedly


and, on return ing half an hour later, found a sealed

note addressed to Mr. Hugh Stanley, Esq . It was as

follows :

Mr . Stanley, I have read your note,and suppose I

ought to say I thank youfor i t ; but you never loved me.

and I cannot say that I h ave ever given you reason to

do so . Sti ll , I thank you that, by giving me a good

education , you have placed it in my power to gai n mybread i ndependently of any one . i have not yet decided

what I shall do . When I have, you shall be the first

one i nform ed of i t, from the interes t you say you take in

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my welfare. Till that time, I only ask that I may have

the use of the room I now occupy, undisturbed.

“ As for the woman who claims to have given me

bi rth, her conduct has been such that I cannot forgi ve

her, i f you do ; and, as I wi ll never consen t to take her

name,and the one to which I have been accustomed has

been rudely taken from me, I am at present nameless ,except ED ITH .

Mr. Stanley had impatiently awai ted the answer to

h is ki nd epistle ; and, when hi s wife, who had taken itfrom the servant

,hastened to put i t i nto his hand, he

opened it_eagerly, hoping, though she had not complied

with his request to come to him,yet that she had re

sponded to his sentiments w i th ch ildlike affection . But,when he had read and re-read the cold

,bitter reply, he

sighed as he placed it,without a word, i n the hand of

his wife .

Marion’s eyes fil led with tears as she perused its

contents . “ Poor, p oor Edith ! ” she exclaimed .

“ She

is her ow n greatest enemy. How differently our dear

Al ice would have replied“ Edi th i s differen tly consti tuted


” said her husband,in an apologizi ng tone . I have no doubt she is driv'en

almost to madness by her confli ct between pride and

conscience . while Al ice is not only by nature gen tle and

yielding, but has a never-faili ng principle of right withi n

her ow n breas t, by which , however tryi ng and difficult,she endeavors to reg ulate her conduct.”

Long and earnestly. did they discuss the subj ect,and

fervently did they implore wisdom for themselves,and

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before . Though Of al l the family, to Edi th ha l alwaysbeen ascribed more of pride of rank and station than

any other member ; yet she thought she had never

rightly prized them unti l now, when they were forever

snatched from her grasp . She knew,sh e felt sure, that

her father and mother,nay

,that every one i n the family,

would rejoice at the change . How she hated them,as

she thought of it. She was well aware that she had oc

casioned her parents great anx iety ; that, though younger

than her sisters,she had exerted an unfavorable i nfin

ence upon them,and that over the servants she had tyr

ann iz ed. How different with Alice ? Always beloved,now how would she be cares sed . Then came Uncle Ste

phen , with his overweening fondness for his ‘ favorite.

She felt,yes, i t was so

,sh e hated him worse than al l.

No,there was one , and that one the mother w ho bore

her, whom she never would see, never forgive . Call her

MOTHER, the i nsane hag ! Her blood chilled as she re

verted to the prophetic words so lately heard from her

lips, Beware , the hour of retribution i s at hand ! Call

her mother No ! Sooner would sh e al low her tongueto be cut from her mouth .

N ot one tear moistened her blood-shot eyes ; not yet

came one thought to soften her obdurate,stubborn heart .

All was wi ld chaos and confusion . When she heard the

step of her mother come out of the s ick room , and her

voice softly pleading,Edith

,my dear chi ld , admit your

mother,”she only laughed her to seem . N o ,

” was her

proud thought,she shall never see me suffer. Low

as I have fallen,I will never stoop to that ;

” and she

shut her heart firmly to everv tender emotion . W holly

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1H D rsevrse . 279

engrossed as she was in her ow n condition,she yet

seemed almos t supernaturally alive to every sound . No t

a s tep or whisper i n the hall through that long, longnight, escaped her, a night followed by days o f sufferi ng

to which,in after years

,she looked back with the w omh

that God did not wholly forsake her, and leave her to do

that wh ich more than once suggested itself to her mind .

take her own life.

W hen the gray morn i ng dawned , the day which

brought such cheeri ng w ords of hope to the tender parents

with regard to their sweet chi ld,i t brought no blessi ngs to

her heart. A ll, all was dark all was rebel lious . What

have I done ? ” she exclaimed,to bring such a fate

upon myself ! Cruel,unjust fate

,I w i l l never submit to

i t ! ” She walked , and walked, and wrung her hands,until

,overcome with the thoughts

w hich forced them

selves i nto her m i nd, she threw herself upon the bed,cryi ng, Oh

,why was I born

But such a state of mind could not last forever . So

far she had jus tified herself,while all others had been

gui lty of the greatest i njus tice to her. When con science

whispered,i ts gentle voice had been i nstantly hushed ;

now i t thundered that i t would be heard,and Edi th

,n r

longer proudly erect,with haughty mien and fla sh ing

eye , bows her head lower and lower upon her breas t, as

i t holds the mirror of truth before her,and convi n ‘ ce

her of her sin . The V i ew is too appalling, and she cries

aloud,I wil l not hear ! I will not see ! but i t w i ll no

longer restrai n its warning voice .

With w hom,vai n girl ! i t cries, are you contend'


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With the one who calls me her chi ld w i th this

family wit h my destiny.

What i s desti ny ? ”

That which i s to be.

But have those'

you name power over your desti ny 9

No,I defy them .

Who , then , does control i t ?”


It is,then

,your Maker with whom you are contend

ing. Horrible impiety I wonder he does not consume

youwith the breath of hi s mouth .

But i t is hard,i t i s cruel

,that all my high hopes, al l

my ardent expectations of happiness, should in one brief

moment be dashed to the ground .

Dare you accuse God of i njustice ? Look again .

Youwere born of ignoble parents . Your mother longed

to place you i n a situation far above her own , where her

pride could be gratified by seeing one w ho w as bone of

her bone,caressed and cheri shed as their own by the

scions of a noble house. To do this she defrauded them

of what they prized more than gold or landed estates,

and reduced their cherished one to her ow n low condi

tion . For wi se purposes God allowed this to be . You

were placed i n circumstances of ease and comfort . She

whose right they were,was a dependant upon their

bounty. You were cheri shed,educated


, but. for your

imperious temper,might have been dearly loved. How

did you receive thes e privi leges ? A s your right not on ly ,but as givi ng you power to taunt and triumph over those

who enjoyed them not,while she whose pos ition i n life

you had usurped,recei ved your taunts in the spirit of

meekness , and earnesly prayed for her persecutor.

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After partaking very spari ngly from the tempting re

past left at the door, Edith stood gazing abs tractedlyfrom the window

,which c ommanded a view of the S ide

entrance . She sighed deeply as she saw one of the scr'

vants at work i n the garden , and others pass ing and re

pas sing from the kitchen to a wood-shed in the rear. l

have no right here ; thes e thi ngs are nothing to me !”she

exclaimed,while the unbidden tears trickled down her

cheeks,from which the bri lli ant color had entirely di sap


At that moment she saw a figure leave the cottage at

the gate,and approach

jthe Hall . At the s 1ght of her,Edi th drew up her form to its full height, her nostri lsdi lated, and , with an exclamation of bitter reproach , she

turned hasti ly away” Fool,why could she not let i t

remain so ! It woul d have made n o essential difference

with Alice,whil e with me Just at th is time it

was when she received the lett e r i om Mr. Stanley, offer

ing her the place .of an adopM d c h ild. Her fir s t thought

was to accept it,and be gra teful for h is kindness . But

the mention of the fact that he had forgiven her mother,turned her gratitude to bitterness

,and under the influ

ence Of thi s feeling she had written her reply. Yet it was

no sooner beyond her reach than she would have given

anythi ng to recall i t. She agai n perused the letter, and

while he was grievi ng over her cold note, she was i n an

agony of remorse, caused by his fatherly one.

Thus day after day passed on with qui ck alternations

in her heart of stubbornness and compliance . Everystep which drew near her door caused her heart to beat

more quickly ; and, as they pas sed wi thout speaking, she

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i N D ISGUISE . 283

cried out,they have forgotten me ! they love me not

and her tears burst forth afresh . But when Mrs . Stanley

begged for admittance, with a sudden feel ing of pride,for which she could not herse lf account

,she coldly re

fused .

It was now nearly a week since the accident happened

wh ich had caused such unforeseen results . Mr. and Mrs .

Stanley became seriously alarmed,lest thi s continued

confinement might affect the reason of the poor girl.

They had long ago consulted their kind physician in reference to the course they should pursue

,and he was fully

of the opi nion that any attempt to use force would only

aggravate the case . But they could not be persuaded to

delay much longer some more decided measures . Once,

on ly, had they heard her voice, and then i t was so hoarse

and unnatural that it could hardly be recognized . This

was on the occasion of Mrs . Stanley calli ng for admit

tance in earnest tones of entreaty . She felt that i f she

could only talk with Edith face to face,that she could

prevai l upo n her to throw away al l her pride, and all her

reserve,and to return to her place as a daughter i n the

family ; but, after waiti ng so long for a reply that she

w as on the poin t of turning away,a sound in the clos ed

room recalled her, If you wish to render me sti l l more

wretched than I am , i t i s i n your power to do so by try

i ng to i ntrude upon my grief.”

The words were scarcely uttered before Edith w ou

have given worlds to recall them . She sat down on the

bed, and buried her face i n the pillow, while she sobbed

and sobbed unti l she could do so no ’onger. She be

came real ly alarmed about herself, and fearful of losing

Page 285: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


her reason , perhaps h er life , and con science had al

ready taught her that she was not prepared to d ie . I

must get away from th is place ! ” she exclaimed, and

the sooner the better ! ” The thought of applying to her

old teacher, at T ,for a situation as under-teacher

flashed through her mi nd . S he s tarted to he? feet. I

will do it . Yes, that i s my best plan . Why have I not

though t of i t before

Want of energy and deci s ion was not one Of Edith’sfaults

,and in an hour her whole plan of operation s was

arranged. A few clothes, packed i n a small carpet-bag,and

,with the exception Of her ridi ng dress and bonnet


she was ready for a start whenever a favorable time

should arrive . The latter articles were i n Gertrude’s

room,and sh e only waited unti l the fam ilv were at tea,

before she glided across the entry,and

,unpercei ved by

any one, conveyed them to her room . Now that she hadformed a plan , she was more composed than she had

been for a week . The nigh t was calm and clear. The

moon would rise by eleven,and before the morning

dawned she intended to be far on her way.

That night, just as Mrs . Stanley was falli ng as leep, she

was aroused by hearing a muffled sound Of a horse pass

i ng down the front avenue . Her first though t was that

Dr. Jenks had been going past the house, and seeinglights , had called to inquire for his patien t ; but a second

thought convinced her that he would not come at so late

an hour,after leaving her comfortable in the afternoon.

She sprang up and looked from the window ; but, though

she could now distin ctly hear the sound Of a horse going

at full speed, yet the foliage of the trees was too thick

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C H A P T ER X X I V .

Oh, what passions then ,What mel ting sentiments of kindly care,

On the new parents seiz e.

” Thomson .

A FORTN I GHT had now elapsed since Alice Carey hadbecome Al ice Stanley, and Dr. Jenks assured them therewas no reason for delaying longer to i nform her of the

fact,especially as she often expres sed wonder that Edith

had not been i n to see her. Gertrude had sought an

opportunity,when alone with her s i ster

,to beg her for

giveness for all the unki ndnes s she had st ow n , to which

Alice promptly replied,All is forgotten

,dear Gertrude


save the unwearied tenderness you have exhibited since

I was sick .

” From that time the elder sis ter constituted

herself head nurse,and never was Alice more pleased

than with the affectionate care with which her beloved

si ster now admin is tered to her wants .“ You will spoi l me with ki ndness, dear Gertrude,

she said,one day

,as the latter

,after having moistened

her hai r, was rolling the long ringlets around her fingers,“ I wonder how long i t will be before I can make myow n toi let ?

As far as I am concerned,

” replied her si ster, “ I hope

not for a long time, for I was never more happy than at


The young patient made no reply,though her h eart

was swelli ng with emotion . She lay wi th her eyes fixed286

Page 288: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


upon the beau‘ iful countenance so near her ow n . There

w as a soft and pleasant light i n the eye, and dimples

playing about the mouth , while the scornful express ion

which had almost become habitual had wholly van ished

You are very happy,’she said

,at length .

And you, Miss Curious, have been speculating upon

the cause,I suppose, all the time you have been gazing

so earnestly into my face . What dis coveries have you

made ? See , I have nearly finished the cur ls on this

side ; you must be quick .

The heart of Al ice beat W ildly. She longed to ask

one question , but, as i t was upon a subject never men

tioned by Gertrude, she feared to offend . The young

lady certainly had greatly changed . From being petu

lant and averse to any kind of labor,she w as evidently

striving . to become amiable and energetic . Often atnight

,while she lay quietly sleeping upon a couch drawn

to the bedside of her s ister, Al ice, rendered wakeful by

her position,had wondered what could be the cause .

She hesitated a moment,unti l, encouraged by a smile,

she said,“ Dear Gertrude

,have you learned to love the

Saviour ? ”

The ques tion was wholly unexpected ; and , with a

burs t of feeling,Gertrude dropped the brush

,and hid

her face i n the pi llow. Her sobs were so violent that

the invalid became alarmed,and

,putting her hand upon

her sis ter’s , continued, w ith the utmost tenderness , “ For

give me ; I did no t mean to offend .

In reply,Gertrude warmly pressed the little hand ,

and soon w as


suthcie ntly composed to say,“ You have

not offended me ; but i ndeed , dear s ister, I have tri ed

Page 289: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


to imitate your lovely example . I need you to teach


Al ice was not the only one to notice the change i n

the young lady. Since the first sight of her s ister on

the day of the dreadful accident, she had seen herself in

a new light. The proud, unyielding disposition mani

fested by Edith , exhibiting so strong a contrast to themeek piety of Al i ce, made her shudder at the remem

brance of the anger and j ealous y she had i ndulged,and

she had become earnest i n her desire to reform . She

had lived too long i n a Christian family not to be aware

that she needed something beyond her ow n strength to

enable her to carry out her resolution s of amendment ;and she had begun to pray for help to subdue her i rrita

bility and indolence, and for assistance to cultivate the

graces of meekness and courtesy . The question of

Alice opened her heart, and, after she become more

composed , was followed by a delightful conversation ,the i nfluen ce of which upon their mutual affection was

neverforgotten by either.

On the afternoon of the day i n question , the ki nd

physician had promised her parents to come up and

communicate to Alice the surprising di scovery that she

Was not only the adopted, but the real , daughter of

Mr. Stan ley an event to wh ich the whole household

were looking forward with great interest. Uncle Stephen

had been playful ly forbidden by Gertrude to enter the

sick room through the morning, l est the mysterious ai rwhich he in vain tri ed to conceal should arrest the atten

tion of the invalid. It w as for this occasion th at Ger

trude had been maki ng so elaborate a di splay of ringle ts ,

Page 291: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


blue velvet, than she earnestly begged to have i t carried

to Alice’s room ,that she might have the pleasure of see

ing her curious present.“ Let alone the women for findi ng out secrets,

” sa id

the man,looking admiringly at the animated counte

nance of Emma . They beat usmen -folks out and out.”

As Mr. Stanl ey wi llingly con sented,the men li fted

the piece of furniture, and so on deposited it safely out

s ide the door of Alice’s room . The excitemen t had

brought a flush to the cheeks of the i nvalid and,as the

honest Yankee caught a glimpse of her bright counts

nance shaded by the chestnut curls, he started back, and

w i ped his eyes .“ I tel l you what,

” said he, bluntly, “ if you keep

angels like that, no wonder she h as things come to her ;and, turn ing qui ckly, h e followed his men , saying he

was paid by the gentleman who delivered the article to

h is care.

They all then went to work with right good will to

cut open thematting, and i n a short time disclosed to

view a large chair for an inval id, which could be ex

tended at pleasure into a couch , the part servi ng for a

cricket being lowered or rai sed at pleasure . In addi tion ,a slight mahogan

yframe had been added for a broken

arm , showing that thi s part, at least, had been ordered

expressly for her benefit.

NO one was more delighted than Uncle Stephen , w ho

walked around and around i t,tippingup the back to an

erect posture, then lowering i t to an almost hori zontal

posi tion .

“ I saw one,

” he said,

“ nearly resembli ng, it

in India . It belonged to a Bri ti sh offi cer.”

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IN D I SG U ISE . 291

Mr . Stanley smil ed as he remarked, “ Then i t i s to

you Al ice i s i ndebted for her expensive gift ; but I

wi ll leave her to express her thanks,which I see she is

longi ng to do .

Me ! thanks to me . exclaimed Uncle Stephen .

“ I

as sure you I know noth ing at all about i t. I had no

idea one could be procured i n thi s country ; and he

s tepped brisk ly about the room,as if he were del ighted

that thi s time they were i n fault.“ W ho can it be ? ” asked Al ice, thoughtfully .

“ I

don’t k now anybody else who would be so extravagant,just for me ;

” but,catching a glance of i nte lligence

passing between Mr . and Mrs . Stanley, she checked her

self. A sudden suspicion Of who might be. the donor

caused her to grow very warm about the heart.

Whoever sent i t here,

” replied Gertrude,I propose

that Alice take immediate possession .

“ Oh,may I ? ” cri ed the young girl

,j oyful ly ; that

would be delightful , for I am so tired of th is one

Dos itio n !”

I don’t know that we ought to remove you without

the consen t of your doctor,” replied her father ; but the

entreaties of mother and si sters prevailed , and the pa

tien t was,without delay, l ifted from the bed, her father

carefully steadying her broken arm , and placing i t i n the

new frame .

Admirably contrived ! and how very convenient ! ”

were echoed and re'


choed , as Al ice , though a li ttle trem

ulous from the exerti on, lay back smiling i n her new


Oh, I shall so love th is seat !” sne said

,en thusias~

Page 293: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


tically,“and I’m very gr ateful to whoever planned it for

me ."

A shout ofmirth,from Emma, caused the whole party

to turn quickly ; and there, at the door, making his way

o ver th e matting, which had been thrown i nto the entry,s tood Clarence, looking on with a most complacent smile.

He bit h is l ip,to keep from laughing

,when he saw he had

arrested their attention ; but came forward, as they

eagerly called him to see Alice si tti ng up. He duly admired the chair

,as Uncle S tephen poi nted out i ts con

ven iences ; but seemed most intent upon the downcast

eyes Of the occupant.

After her first glance at h im,the patien t was satisfied

that i t was to hi s ki ndness she was i ndebted for thi s

pleasure ; but confused, and trembling from the con

viction , she could not utter a word .

Who could have sent it i nquired Emma,looking

archly at Clarence, Al ice i s so anxious to know,that

she may express her thanks .”

“ It i s, i ndeed, very mysterious, repli ed the attorney,averting hi s eyes

,and appeari ng to be wholly occupied

with an iron screw,which confined the frame

,for th e

arm , to the main body of the chair.

Oh , Clarence ! ” whispered the laughing girl, “ i f youever expect to keep your secrets

, you must cover your

mouth , or keep down the“ corners. They are looking

very suspicious .”

N ow Clarence’s mouth had,from a ch ild

,been a

serious annoyance to him ; he being fully aware of his

infirmity ; and now he shook hi s head at the mischievous

girl as he wen t on with the examination of the screw.

Page 295: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


carefully examined the bandages, to see that no narm had

been done,and felt her pulse, which had been calmed by

a refresh ing nap i n her new chair, the sympath izing

friend was loud in hi s praises Of the con trivance .



” said he,tappi ng her cheek

,“ to whom arr.

I indebted for this favor to my patient ? I’l l make my

best bow to him .

A tell-tale blush overspread her face,as she faltered


“ I

don’t know,sir.” But Al ice was truthful , and could not

even thus indirectly say that which was false . She rai sed

her eyes, met those of Clarence fixed calmly upon her,and with the words

,“ I have not been told


”burst i nto

tears .

Hey-day ! ” exclaimed the Doctor,“ growing nervous ! ”

and he Shook his head with a disappoi nted air,as he

agai n placed his fingers on her wri st, and found there had

been a sudden quicken ing of the pulse ; I must give

you a dose of your favori te syrup .

” But she soon sue

ceeded i n calming herself, though she took good care toavdid glancing in the direction of Clarence .Mr . Stanley called the Doctor for a walk in the garden


and half an hour later, when they returned , she had so

fully recovered her spirits,that he determined upon re

vealing to her the secret which was becoming so burden

some to the fami ly : Sit down here,

” he called out

and be quiet ; I wan t to tell you a story abou t one of

my patien ts and the good man made a great effort to

appear whol ly unmoved . Mr. Stanley quietly,drew near,

and seated h imself by his chi ld,whi le the others disposed

themselves about the room ; Uncle Stephen cautiously

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lN D I SG U I SE . 295

placing him self behind her chair,where he could use hi s

handkerchief freely and unobserved .

Dr. Jenks was not a man to stop for a preface , and hecommenced : Once, upon a time, there were tw o l i ttle

, well, no matter whatgirls, whose names were

their names were ; but they were foster-s i sters , just as

you, Alice, and Edith are. They lived together in abeautiful home

,and the parents loved the little


child just as wel l as the other, for aught I ever saw .

For some reasons which were satisfactory to h is ow n

mind,the gentleman who was the father of one of them


determined that they should be educated together ; and

so it went on , the little things growing up — though

never were t wo ch ildren more un like i n words or

actions . The mother died,but there came a new mother


who did her duty faithfully to both of them ; but while

sh e did thi s,she took the

little dependant to her heart

w ith a warmth of affection which grew stronger and

stronger every year. There were a good many others,too , who loved her ; they couldn

’t help i t. I loved her


” and the good old man made a great effort tr

suppress a sob,which was well i ng up from his sympa

thiz ing heart.

Well,” he con tinued, “ I can

’t say so much for the

other one ; I never knew so much of her ; but . to make

a long story short,— when the ch i ldren had come on

pretty well i n their teens, i t so happened that one of

them,the little one

,was thrown from a horse, and a

pretty serious matter i t proved to be, for then it came

out, that the children had been changed when they were

babies, and the mother of the haughty girl, who had

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always supposed herself to be a chi ld of the family, let

i t all out. She had been rather crazy for some years ,but in this case She proved herself rational, and so you

seeAt the mention Of the i nsane mother, Al ice started


,with suspe

'nded breath , li stened for what

w as to follow ; when , noticing her excitement, the Doctorpaused she sank back

,and gasped, W’hat !

He was rather startled , and placed his fingers on her

wri st, saying : “ I’m sorry,dear

, you don’t l ike my story .

The poor girl cast a quick,beseeching glance around

the room,and perceiving the eager look of i nterest with

which every one was regarding her,whispered with her

white lips,“What were their names ? ”

Can’t guess,hey ? Well


,i f I must tel l you


one was Edith , and the”But she waited for no more . With a qui ck motion

she clasped her father’s extended hand,and pressed i t to

her lips, and in a tone which went to every heart, ex

claimed : Oh , father ! my own father

Mother and Si sters sprang up— wept and rej oiced

over her. Nor were Uncle Stephen or Clarence at all

behind the others i n their expression of j oy ; though the

former manifested it i n hi s ow n peculiar way, and sob

bed to hi s heart’s content ; while the good Doctor, i n hisdelight, gave each of the fami ly a hearty shake of thehand .

Somehow, i n the confusion , Alice found her hand

made prisoner, and , on looking around , she saw i t Was

by her Uncle’s ward , w ho seemed to be trying to get an

oppo rtun ity to speak to her.

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For an hour she lay so quietly that Gertrude,w ho alone

remained with h‘

er,thought she was s leeping ; but at

length she opened her eyes, and when she perceived who

was with her,exclaimed

,with a bright smi le Oh , my

si ster ! I w ould wi ll i ngly suffer al l I have lost in these

long years , for the joy of the pas t hour . I can see that,for me, there w as a wise Providence in placing me just

where I was,that I might be kept from temptations to

pride and arrogance ; but you can never realize the de

light which thril ls through my whole being as I repeat

to myself,again and again

,the endearing names

, father,mother, s isters , and brother .

Brother ! ” repeated Gertrude,earnestly

,while a sud

den ray of hope flashed from her eye,as she thought her

si ster referred to Clarence.

Alice i nsti nctively unders tood her,and faltered,

Yes, he i s sti l l my brother, though hi s body’ has for

many years been resting in the grave . Dear, dear Louis,how delighted you would have been !

On the following Sabbath,the family assembled for

prayer i n the room of the invalid ; and to her i t proved a

delightful season .

The sad fate of Edith had aflected her deeply , tnough

the tidings of the poor girl’s departure had been commu

n icated to“her by her father

,i n the most cautious manner.

With Mrs . Carey,too

,Alice had wept

, whi e she granted

her ful l forgiveness for the past.

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A pure heart,

That burns to ashes, yet conceals its pain ,

For fear it mar its hopeless source of love,

Is not to be despised, or lightly held.


TH E weather was now deli ghtful ; and Alice , w ho

had been i n the habit of dai ly out-door exercise,pant

ed for the fresh air. She began to long for her rides,and was earnest to resume her vi sits to her protégés .

Long before th is,sh e had learned from Dr . J enks . that

the young girl he mentioned to her, as a suitable oh

ject for her charity , had been removed to his own house,and Emma had vi sited her there .One morning

,the weary girl sat li stening to the song

of her Canary,when She sudden ly started forward, ex


,I feel as i f I should fly ! I must do

something,I’m so ti red of sitting here .”

Emma,who w as seated near the window with her

sewing, said , archly, I’ll see if Clarence i s i n . I notice

that hi s presence has a very soothing effect upon your

n erves ; or will you have another of your fragrant assa

foetida pi ll s

The face Of Alice expressed, for a moment, the most

perfect disgust at the last-named remedy. the

former,she would deign no reply .

“ I wont have my patien t annoyed,” remarked Ger.


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A sudden thought seemed to dart through Emma’sfertile brain. She sprang up, and, throwing her arms

around her mother’s neck , whi spered somethi ng i n her

ear. Mrs. Stanley smil ingly nodded, and the laugh ing girl

ran .fioni the roonL

“ Oh,mamma ! ” exclaimed Alice, i n distress, “ she

wouldn’t,” she faltered

,she wouldn’t do what she

said ! ”

NO,my dear

, She i s the last one to compromise your

delicacy. She has forgotte n the remark before now.

The ladies returned to their sewing, and A l ice read

aloud to them .

It was rather more than an hour after Emma had sounceremoniously taken leave, when they heard a carriage

drive i nto the yard . Suppressed voices were soon heard

in the hall . Al ice leaned forward, as far as her arm

would allow, to li sten , when the runaway, with a bright

face, ushered Mrs . Hayden,Minnie

,and Nurse Green ,

i nto the room .

That was a happy thought of yours,remarked Ger

trude, after they were al l seated .

“ Alice looks ten per

cent. better,already .

And,in truth

,the visi tors appeared to enjoy i t as much

as she did . Mrs . Hayden had suffered from anx iety forher k ind benefactress

,and was re li eved by seei ng how

fast she had gained,while the garrulous nurse was so full

of her good wishes and congratulations, that all were

cheered by them .

“ I heard the whole,

she resumed ,“ from that ere

youpg Mr. Sydney ; and a likelier man I’d never ask to

see, even to match you, Mis s A lice.”

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si lence,as far as Nurse Green was concerned. She made

him a most formal courtesy, i n rep ly to the in troduction ,and

,looking over her glasses , her eyes followed him

about the room with a curious m ixture of fear and ven

eration .

He sat down by Mrs. Hayden , and talked very ki nd lyWi th her about her son , when Emma told him they hadleft word with a neighbor that he w as to come to dinner

at the hall .

On the whole,i t was a most delightful day to Alice,

as well as to her vis itors, though sh e trembled not a lit/

tle, when , i n the afternoon , Clarence j oined them ,and

Nurse Green showed herself eager to convince the com

pany on what good terms she was with the young attor

ney. When he brought in a beautiful bouquet from the

garden , and sent i t to Al ice by Minnie, Nurse’s eyes saidas plain ly as words could speak, I told you so let me

alone fOr guessing such thi ngs out.” And Clarence cer

tainly didn’t make much secret of his attachment .

When Emma had gone to accompany them home,only one thing had occurred which gave Al ice uneasi

ness, and that!was a tear which had dropped from Ger

trude’s eyes upon her hand . It was when Clarence w as

present,just after he had sent h er the flowers, and w as

standing i n a most hard-hearted manner, feas ti ng hi s eyes

upon the rosy hue which mantled her cheeks . Gertrude

had suddenly approached,as if to put back a curl whi ch

hung over and Shaded her face ; but, as Alice feared, irreality to hide her own emotion , by turn ing her back

to those presen t.

That pearly drop haun ted the poor girl,and it needed

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all the cheering influence of a letter Emma brough t fromthe oflice, from Edi th , to dissi pate the sadness i t causedher. The letter from Edith was a great comfort to herkind friends, w ho had been impatien tly awaiti ng some

intel ligence from her. She was at T,with her old

teacher, and had already taken charge of the youngest

class of girls . The letter was very brief,but contai ned

none of that bi tterness which had so much pained her in

her former one .

The next day Mr. Stanley sent her a large trunk con

taining her clothes,together with a generous sum of

money for her present need . He als o wrote to Mrs . M .,

the princi pal, to whose especial care and attention he

committed her.

It was now five weeks since Ali ce had broken her arm,

and she was able to be down stairs . The most trying

part of her confinement was now to come, and that w as

in the dai ly exerci se she was required to give the con

tracted muscles . She was nervous, too , and easi ly moved

to tears,and looked forward with dread

,from one day to

another,of the excruciati ng pain

,which any One who

has broken a limb can well comprehend . She was not

the only one who suflered,for there w as not a member

of the household , but would willi ngly have endured i t

for her. But Dr. Jenks was i nexorable, and told her shewould thank him for i t bye and bye, and so would they

al l,though they now made such wry faces at h im .

It was to the i nfluence of th is suffering that her friends

ascribed the unusual depression of spiri ts which had

come over their beloved Alice ; but they were mis taken .

She had an i nward s truggle , of which they knew nothing.

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But the truth was th is,her affection for Clarence had

quickened her perceptions with regard to the feelings

which Gertrude entertained for him . During her sickness She had had frequen t Opportuniti es of watching theconflict the brave girl was carrying on wi th herself, and

her ow n experience taught her how severe i t must be .

At the same time,her love and respect for h er sister had

greatly i ncreased . Through the day she firmly put awayall forebodi ngs of coming ill

,avoiding the subj ects con

stan tly recurring to her mind as a duty she owed herself,i n respect to the recovery of her health . But her nigh ts

had again become wakeful,while doubts whether she

had a righ t to be happy in the love of Clarence at the

expense of her s ister’s sufferings , and fears of alienation

from the affections of that sister,by turns occupied her

mi nd. Her intercourse with the young man , from hisfirst coming among them

,was carefully reviewed, and

she was obliged to acknowledge that he had given Ger

trude reason to suppose he loved her. Certainly h is con

duct and atten tions had been such as to call out her

affection for h im . N ot knowing al l that had passed be

tw een them, or the disdainful manner i n w hich Gertrude

had formerly at times treated him ,and by which she had

forfei ted his respect, Alice began to doubt whether his

course had been perfectly honorable,and whether she

should be justified i n accepting his suit. She could not

be unconscious that he loved her,and th at ever since she

left her room , he had sought an Opportunity to te ll her so ;but,while she was so undecided, she avoided being alone

with him . Sometimes she thought she would unburden

her heart to her mother ; but then she remembered that

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306 TH E



When the morning dawned, Gertrude si le ntly arose

from her bed,and

,after making a hasty toi let, retired to

her small clos et for prayer and praise .

Yes,for thanksgiving ; for, though ashy pale , yet there

was a holy light beami ng from her eye, and her counte

nance bore the impress of high and noble purposes . Dur «

i ng that long,never-to-be-forgotten night, she had care

fully examined her own heart,and questioned her ow n

strength to carry out the purposes she formed whi le l i s

ten ing to the artless tale of her sister’s sufferings . Severe

had been the struggle but so much the greater was the

victory. Divine grace had developed new principleswithi n her

,which she herself had been unconscious of

p ossessing ; and through the discipli n e w hich her beav

enly Father i n wisdom had sent, h er Chri stian character

had matured i n an uncommon degree .

Softly leaving her chamber,to avoid awaki ng the

sleeper,Gertrude sough t the parlor

,i ntending to detain

Clarence when he came down for his morning walk .

But, to her surprise , the parlor w as occupied by Uncle

S tephen , who certainly seemed to have got out of bed

wrong, so vigorously did he kick about the crickets , as he

promenaded the spacious room . Gertrude stood quietly at

the door for a moment,wondering wha t could have hap

pened to disturb his feelings to such a degree, when he

grumbled, It’s always so . Nothing ever goes right in

th is house . The whole family are bent on cros s i ng my

wishes .”

Gertrude could hardly suppress a sm ile as she li stened .

which , however, she was careful to conceal from him ,as

a dangerous exhibition of levi ty under existi ng ci rcum

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stances. At length she said, What is the trouble new .

Uncle Stephen“ Trouble enough ,” he burst out, almost angrily,


the ones I’ve loved more than all others, and wan t ed to

make happy, go to cutting up such D idos, and wonttake a word of advice from one who’s forgotten more

than they’l l ever know .

But w ho has refused your ,advice

Every body that I’ve offered i t to . I don’t go

round imposing my advice upon every one but, when I

do condescend to offer i t, I expect to have it taken ;and a determined push of Alice’s great chair

,which had

been brought to the parlor,showed that he meant what

he said .

Gertrude, seeing it was in vain to ask for an explana

tion,was turning to leave the room

,when the excited

man,unwi lling to lose the only o ne upon whom he

could vent his anger, said , “ Did you know Clarence wasgoing to leave Li ndenwood in a few hours 7


” exclaimed Gertrude, with a sudden blanching

of her face and lips , which was not unobserved by the


,you know it now. He i s on his knees at his

trunks, packing as if h is l ife depended on his speed .

“What is he going to leave for ? ” faltered the poor

For stuff and nonsense,I say. Because he can’t

endure his unhappiness any longer, h e says . So there

you have i t,and youmay make the most o f i t, you ( an .

I wont be a fool,and keep h is secret

,i f he is such a fool

as to have one ;” and Uncle Stephen sat down w i th

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great vehemence,as if he were meditating a hearty fit

of crying.

But Gertrude’s resolution was taken i n a moment

Uncle Stephen ,” said she

,i n a firm , full voice , i n wh ich

every trace of irresolution had gone , Clarence mustn’t

go . He must be stopped.

How are you going to do i t, though ?” he asked,

eagerly, gazing earnestly at the young girl . “ I’ve tried

all my power over h im .


”she replied, after th inking a moment,

“ i f youwill go up and ask Clarence to come to me, I think I

can convince him that it would be contrary to h is ow n

i nterest and pleasure to le ave and that youwill find it

hard to i nduce him to do so,after what I shall tel l h im,

I have no doubt,

” she added, w i th a sad sm ile .

Uncle Stephen sprang from his chair,looked her fu ll

i n the face for one i nstant, then , without speaking, rap

idly ascended the stairs ; and before the poor girl could

at all collect her thoughts, and arrange what she i ntended

to say,Clarence stood before her.

“ Uncle Stephen says you wish to see me at once

upo n important business,said he , respectfully taking

her hand,struck with the expression of i n tense suffering

upon her countenance.

She gently withdrew her hand,and pointed to the

sofa , w here he seated himself near her.

An hour later, Al ice, pale and languid , but with a

lighter heart than for many w eeks, descended the stairs .

She had i n vai n waited for her unwearied attendant to

assist her in dressing,which she was as yet unable to do

alone, and at last had called upon Emma . W tndering

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When Clarence, i n answer to Gertrude’

s summons,went below

,the impetuous man paced back and forth

through his su ite of rooms, wai ting for him to return to

his packing,unti l he concluded to wait no longer. He

therefore descended to the parlor, where he learned from

Clarence that Gertrude had explai ned everything to his

satisfaction,and had taken from him al l desire to leave

L indenwood .

Though con trary to the good order of the family,Mrs .

Stan ley made no obj ection to Clarence’s proposal to

take the small waiter containing A l ice’s breakfast from

the servant,and carry it to her himself, as sh e sti ll lay

upon the sofa i n the parlor.

You woul d do well to add a slice of toast and a cup

of coffee for yourself, Clarence,” said Emma


mischievously, “ si nce you have put a spoonful of sugar

in your egg cup, and salt i n your coffee I don’t wonder

it doesn’t relish as well as usual .”

The successful suitor was too happy to take offence,and all j oined i n a laugh at his expense

,during which

he retreated quickly from the room . No one seemed in

better spiri ts than Uncle Stephen,who

,i n a whisper


begged Gertrude to forgive him for treating her so rudelywhen she met him in the parlor

,then added that he had

fallen i n love with her himself.

No one could better appreciate the noble conduct of

Gertrude than the good o ld man ; and , w hen he had

heard from his ward all that she had do i e,he took no

pain s to conceal the affection and respect he conduct

had excited .

Mr. Stan ley wa s not very much surpri sed, when , early

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rN D I SG U I SE . 31 1

i n the forenoon,Clarence knocked at hi s s tudy door, and

formally besought the hand of hi s daughter. He,how

ever,gave his cordial consent

,i f he could wi n the love

of the young girl .

I shal l do my bes t to fol low up the advan tage I have

gained i n her affection s ,” repli ed Clarence

,bowing over

Mr . Stanley’s hand, to conceal the flush of pleasure

which lighted up hi s features ; “ and I hope you and her

mother will not refuse my wishes for a speedy uni on .

“ I can assure you,” repl ied Mr. Stanley, “ i t will cost

me somethi ng of a struggle to give up so soon the dear

child so lately restored to me but, as you have done far

more toward forming her character than I have, I sup

pose I must i n th is i nstance yield my wishes to yours .

But there wi ll be time enough hereafter to settle all those

matters .”

It i s wonderful what a,

powerful restorative i s a heart

at rest. Al ice gained dai ly,‘and Dr. Jenks was loud i n

his praises of her fortitude,when he performed the pai n

ful Operation of moving her arm . He even declaredthat Clarence

,who sat by her side, would do well to

take a lesson from her, as hi s groans were far louder

than hers .

Clarence frankly replied that, if the operation w ere

upon his ow n arm ,they might li sten i n vain for groan

i ng ; but, when i t was one he loved dearer than himself

w ho was the sufferer, he might wel l be excused .

“ Ha ! ha ! ha ! ” laughed the merry doctor ; “ that’s

the way the wi nd blows,” tapping the cheek of Al ice


whos e color rivalled i n hue the richest rose . Well,I

can’t say but I’ve had my suspicions . Tears al l gone

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now ? l ey, A l ice 7 Well,

” he continued,I’ve had my

turn . and young folks must have theirs . Wife and I are

spectators to a pretty serious love scene at home,and 1

half blame myself for i t too .

Do tell us about it ! i nterrupted Emma .

Well,” he added, “ i t i s no secret, I suppose . Man

rice has fallen i n love with the young girl I carried home

for wife to nurse . Yaa saw her, Emma . She didn’tneed medicine ; she only wanted nurs i ng ; and how

could I be expected to know that Maurice would take

such a liking to her ? However,he’s really i n love thi s

time, and no shamming either ; and i n this case he’s

acted well about i t. I saw something had come overth e boy ; for, i n stead of being out lounging round in

search of m i sch ief,as he’s been too apt to do of late

years , he’d sit qui etly in the house

,and hold yarn for

Amy to wind,or read aloud to her and hi s mother. I

guess wife hadn’t heard so much reading for many a

day. Then he was always ready to do a chore for his

mother,ti ll sh e got alarmed about h im

,and told me

privately,with tears in her eyes, that she was afraid he

w ouldn’t li ve long, he’d grown tobe so dutiful, she’d

read Of such cases, — or else he’d become a Chri stian .

The latter would indeed rejoice our hearts . All this

while,he’d been so respectful i n his manner Of treating

Amy,that I never thought he was taking that way to

make love to her ; and o ne day I talked with him , and

asked h im if h e didn’t feel well, and the poor fellow

confessed the whole . He’d loved Amy ever s i nce she

came to the house ; but he never thought of asking her

to marry him ‘ he said he knew he wasn’t worthy the

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her friend, and he rose with much emotion , as he said,Tell me

,child, did he Offer you any insult ? I under

stood him he was only foolishly comp limen ti ng you,and

that he persisted in i t even when he knew i t was annoy

ing. I thought I could depend upon his word,

” and the

father’s voice assumed a tone Of deep sadness,as he

feared hi s son had deceived h im .

Al ice eagerly assured him that Maurice had repre

sented the meeting correctly, and that no one rej oi ced i n

h is good conduct more than she did . He was so ki my dear li ttle brother,

” she added, “ that I shall always

feel an interest for h im .

Clarence cast down his eyes as she frankly expressed

the cause Of her i n terest, and was glad Gertrude was not

i n the room to be humili ated by the avowal,now that she

so si ncerely repented her intention to misrepresent i t.

The shade passed from the brow of the good father,and saying

,My patients wi ll th i nk somethi ng has car

ri ed me Off, and they’l l a l l send for Dr. Mason , if I don’t

hurry,” he took a has ty leave.

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C H A P T E R X X V I .

Ah me !

The world is full of meetings such as this

A thrill , a vbiceless challenge and reply

And sudden partings after !” Wall is .

IT is qute time to i ntroduce the reader to Amy Camp

be ll , who had now become so interesting a member of

Dr. Jenks’s family. The good doctor was one day sum

moued , i n great haste , to a patient, and w as riding i n

full speed, when a woman came to the door Of a small

hou se , and becko ned him to stop . Learning there wasnoth ing which required immediate attention

,he promi sed

to call upon his return . This he did,and found a young

girl lying upon the bed . When he entered , she was

as leep,and

,though pale and emaciated

,much impress ed

him with her appearance. Suddenly she started,and in

impassioned tones poured forth a long stri ng of l i ngo,”

as the doctor called it,duri ng which he stood by


she’d get her tongue so tightly twisted ’twould never be

un loosed .

The good woman who had taken compass ion upon

her, said she talked a great deal i n her s leep, and always

i n her n ative tongue,which was Scotch . She soon

awoke, was i ntroduced to the doctor, and gave h im her

simple hi story. She was born and brought up i n the

north of Scotland . Her father died six months before,

3 15

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316 THE nousE nOLD ANGE L

w hen her uncle came forward and took pos se ssion Of the

es tate,h aving never been pleased with his brother’s mar

viage ; so that she and her mother were left desti tute, and

concluded to seek thei r fortune i n America[ With the

small avails resulting from the sale Of such of their farn i

ture as their Uncle left them ,they intended to hire a few

rooms,where they could be together

,and support them

lves by fine n eedle-work and embroidery,which


fore,they had only performed as an amusement. On the

passage to America her mother died Of ship-fever,and

was buried in the sea but too days before they landed

in New York . Amy herself was sick Of the same disease , and, when the sh ip arrived i n port, was obliged to

be carried to a boarding-house,where she staid unti l the

landlady i nformed her that her money was all spent,and

she must leave . Indeed,the poor girl was glad to do so


for sh e had not received the kindest treatmen t. One Ofher fe llow-boarders

,how ever

,taking compassion upon

the fri endles s child,advi sed her to leave the city , and go

out i n the country i n search of a place . She had even

interested herself to make up a purse for Amy,and

placed her i n the cars for A But,wholly unac

quainted with the country’and its customs

,she found

herself late one even ing wandering along the high road to

Queenstown,the small


bundle on her arm contai ni ng all

her store Of worldly treasure . S ick and fai nt she ven tured

to knock at the door Of one or tw o houses,and timidly

ask leave to stay all night, which request was decidedly

refused,unti l

,utterly d iscouraged

,the desolate orphan

seated herself upon the step Of Widow Morse’s door,and began to cry. The ki nd—hearted woman soon dis

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articles Of cloth ing which she had saved from the wreckof her fortune, showed that she h ad not always been adependant. Maurice regarded her with a feeling amount

ing to veneration , and was conscious Of an' increase Of

self-respect, that he had been able to win the love of such

a being.

On first meeti ng Al ice he was much embarrassed , as hethought of their last in terview ; but, by referring to his

affection for Louis,and her own gratitude for his father’s

serv ices during her late sickness,she soon put h im en

tirely at h is ease. After some general conversation , they

arose to leave,Maurice having promised Emma to bri ng

Amy to Li ndenwood before he sailed . They took their

departure,having been much pleased with their call .

In the meantime Uncle Stephen had received a letter

from Mr. Huntington , i n which he informed him , that

having heard Of Edith’s misfortune,

” he had wri tten

her,and renewed his proposals Of marriage . She, how

ever,though confessing for him a strong affection, firmly

decli ned accepting them .

Mr . Stanley’s family kept up a brisk correspondence

with Edi th ; or rather they wrote frequently she , occas ionally. When informed by her mother of the betrothal

of Alice and Clarence, she wrote a severe critique upon

his proceedi ngs . I wi ll quote from her letter

In what you state concerning Clarence and Alice , I

can not say it i s wholly unexpected . But as long as she

was Al ice Carey, he could not be expected to marry her,however much he might love her. I have though t Of h is

conduct as compared with that of hi s friend,who, when

he heard that, from being, as he supposed , the daughter

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of Mr . Stanley, of Lindenw ood, l was reduced to the

si tuation Of child to an insane dependant, lost no time

in urging upon me that affection which I had heretofore

so proudly refused . I do not hesitate to say, that such

is my respect and admiration Of him for the course he

pursued , that I shoul d have accepted hi s proposals, and

endeavored to render myself worthy Of a place in his

noble heart, had i t not been for my solemn determination

to subj ect no man I love to the disgrace which has fallen

upon me .

I cannot give a better idea Of the perfect trust Al ice

reposed i n her lover,and the mutual confidence existing

between them,than to state that when she had read the

letter Of Edith,she put i t in to hi s hand

,with a smile


saying, Poor girl ! how li ttle she understands our affec

tion for each other.

Whatever Clarence thought Of the in sinuations i t con

tained,he took no pains to vi ndicate himself ; but Uncle.

Stephen,whose agitation at Edith’s confession Of affec

tion for Mr . Hunti ngton , he had been entirely unableto account for, told Al ice h is ward had asked and oh

tained h is consent long before her relation to the family

was known .

“ Before that,

” continued Uncle Stephen , waxing very

wrathy,I had concluded, if he didn

’t marry you, that I

should do i t myself.”

This determinati on created such a roar of laughter that

hi s good humor was entirely restored . Alice put her

arms around his neck , saying, Dear Uncle Stephen,

I'm so glad you didn’t ask me, for I shouldn

’t have dared

to say no. The cha irs would all have been kicked to

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320 THE HousEH .


pieces,and I can’t say what else would have happened

to the furn iture , and she gave an arch look at Clarence .

GO along, Puss ! exclaimed the Old man , trying todi sengage her arms, you

’re growing impuden t.”

But Alice wouldn’t go ; the idea was too amusing,and she laughed and laughed unti l he was absolutely

obliged,he said

,to take her i n h is lap to keep her quiet.

It was now the firs t of October, and Alice was to bemarried at Chri stmas , her father havrng g iven hi s con

s ent, on th e condition that she should remain at home

for a few years. Indeed, i t would have been quite a

breaking up Of the family to have Alice leave, for with

her would go also Claren ce and Uncle Stephen . Ger

trude had been earnestly i nvited to accompany a sick

friend to the south , for th e winter, and she had at length

consented to do so . Alice was very unwill ing to part

with her sister ; but Gertrude whispered ,“ It i s better

that I should be away ,” and Alice urged her no more .

Mr. and Mrs . Stanley were in tending to journey, and,as they wi shed to take Emma with them , they hurri ed

their preparations,that they migh t return before i t would

be time for him to accompany Gertrude to New York, tomeet her fri end .

The few weeks the s isters passed together, were ren

dered delightful by the sincere affection now existing be

tween them . Every even ing Clarence read aloud, andbo th he and A l ice avoided, when in her presence, any

reference to the deep love which fil led their hearts, lest

they should pain the one to whom they were so much

indebted .

When about a hundred miles from home, E mma left

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Sitti ng Opposite Emma were tw o girls near her own

age,dressed in the height Of fashion ,who at first regarded

the elderly lady with i lly-concealed contempt ; but at

-ength, wearied with the monotony of the ride, they

turned toward her, after a few moments Of whi spering

during which Emma plainly di stinguished the wordfun .

Occupying the same seat with our young traveller,but separated from her bya boy apparen tly Of a dozensummers , was a gentleman , of whom ,

as she sat by his

s ide, she had as yet seen nothing, except the color Of his

pantaloons,which , from a casual glance, she perceived

were of the finest broadcloth . The back seat w as occu

pied by a child , and two coarse looking men .

The girls soon made their purpose apparent to al l but

the Obj ect Of their e special attention . Tota lly unsuspic

ious Of their cruel design,and suppos i ng from thei r dress

that they were ladies,the aged woman greatly facil itated

their wishes,and threw herself completely into their

power. They soon drew from her her name , which was

Fowler ; where she lived , that she had been a widow

eight years,that she was left with two chi ldren


and Jul i a,and enough property to carry her i n com fort

to the end Of her life . Under the pretence Of great i nter

est i n her welfare , they continued to ask her many i nsult

ing questions,unti l Emma

,whose countenance had ex

pressed her strong i ndignation,could bear i t no longer,

and was just about to speak, when the bag contai ning

the wine fell to the floor. The o ld lady caught i t up i n

terror fearing the bottles were broken . One Of the younggirls, trying to conceal her mirth , proposed that she

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IN nrsevrsa . 323

should treat the company,saying

,“ I am very fond of

currant wine , and I dare say your darter would never miss



” called out one of the men from the back seat,I second that motion .

The good woman glanced from one to another, as i f

bewi ldered,to find herself made an obj ect of ridicule,

while Emma,with an i ndignan t glance at the offenders,

said i n a ki nd,but firm voice

,Madam , woul d it not be

well for you to change places w ith me . I th ink I can

ensure you my seat free from i nsult.” Emma afterwardsremembered that the gentleman in the corner rose up as

i f about to speak, but, upon hearing her, i n s tantly re

sumed his seat.

It was really piti able to w i tnes s the disappointment of

the honest old lady,when she found the girls had been

questioning her for their ow n amusement.

When Emma had accompl is hed her purpose,and they

were seated so that they could converse conveniently,

Mrs . Fowler said to her compan ion,It’s really affecting

to see two girl s as n icely dressed as they are,know noth

ing more of good manners . For my part I’m aston ished

that their folks didn’t teach them better, or else keep

them shut up at home , where they could do no harm .

As she thought of her free communications to them , es

pecially the act onut of her husband’s sickness and death ,about which they had pretended such sympathy, the kind

lady could not help weeping.

Her companion at. first tried to d ivert her attention toth e beauti ful view from the coach window



she had really taken the matter to heart, she said, Deal

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madam,believe me

,their conduct cannot inj ure you . It

i s really beneath your notice .” Then,having prevai led

upon her to allow the bag contain ing the w i ne to be

placed between herself and the boy,where i t could s tand

firmly , she gradually drew her i nto a conversati on upon

general topics,which

,after a time

,proved of i nteres t to

all present. If the intention of the rude girls to exhibit

her for the sake of ridiculing her peculi ari ties h ad been

apparen t,the desire of Emma to represent her i n the

most favorable light,was not less so . By bringi ng for

ward themes which were famili ar,Emma soon discov

ered a fund of good sense i n her aged companion,soft

ened by many years of experience, which were a real

treat to her. She found,too, that Mrs . Fowler was a

humble , trusting chi ld of God, and thi s was a new tie

bet ween them .

When they drew near the pl ace where the young lady

was to meet her friend,i t w as with real regret that she

thought of the parti ng, and she frankly expressed her feel

i ng,which was warmly reciprocated by her compan ion ,

who , with old-fash ioned hospital ity, urged her to come to

P and make her a long visi t.

When Emma reached her desti nation , i n turning tolook for her bag which she had placed at her feet


caught a glimpse of the gentleman who had occupied

the corner seat, but whose presence even she had forgot

ten , so absorbed had she been by her in terest in her fel

low traveller. In that one glance she perceived that he

had a fine,i ntellectual cast of countenance, with a piere

ing black eye,above which rose a perfectly magn ificent

Page 327: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


idered more healthy. They would wil lingly h ave given

up on ) night at the theatre , could they but glance at the

name upon the small card,which the gentleman had

placed so carefully i n h is pocket-book , when the phmton

contai ning the giver was no longer i n sight. But theywere obliged to cover their confusion as well as they could

by a show of i ndifference, u ntil the coach again stopped

at an elegant mansion,and a reallybeauti ful lady came

smili ngly to the door,with a lovely chi ld i n her arms , to

welcome her mother and brother.

It was evidently with some difficulty that th e old .ady

refrained from some parti ng remark to the gi rls who had

so rudely insulted her ; but contenti ng herself W i th a

look of triumph as she saw them glance with astonish

ment at her destination,she carefully gathered up her

various articles of baggage, and left them to their reflee

tions, Mr. Fowler bowing with great dignity as the coach

drove away.

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C H A P T E R X X V I ] .

On you, most loved, w ith anxious fear I wait,And from yourjudgment must expect my fate.

AFTER a delightful week with her friend, Emma tookthe returning coach for home, and i t must be confessed,as she passed slowly over th e dusty road, her thoughts

often recurred to the travell i ng companions, from whom

she had so recently parted, with i nte rest. The intellect

ual countenance of Mr . Ralph Fowler (she well remem

bered the name), was firmly daguerreotyped upon her

memory,while recollections of the quai nt expressions of

the warm-hearted old lady, often brought a smile to her

lips . But she had never been able to account satisfactor

ily to herself for the fact that he h ad not come forward

to the relief of h is mother, as he would naturally be ex

pected to do.

But all her queries, and all her remembrances,were for

the time forgotten,when she reached home

,and found

Gertrude on the poin t of starting for New York withher father

,who had arrived with her mother a few


earli er. Then came preparation s for the wedding ofAlice,

which occupied all her time, and al l her thoughts ; for;though the young bride was very simplei n her tastes


Uncle Stephen determined that the bridal tros seau should

be worthy of her ; and he had put i nto Mrs . Stanl ey’s

hands a generous sum for the purpose. With the con827

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sent and approbation of her mother, he also determined

to refurnish for h is ch ild , as.

he now called Alice,two of

the su ite of rooms he and Clarence had occupied . These

consisted of a spacious apartment, over the large parlor,wh ich they had used as a private sitting-room . Out ofthis were tw o bed-rooms which opened in to a side-hall,or i n to the fron t hall through the large room . He alsowished to throw out a

bow-window corresponding to the

one i n the room below, which had always been such a

favorite resort with Ali ce,and which would not only add

to the beauty of the hous e, but would give a fine V i ew

of the town from the wi ndow.

There was a vast deal of mystery in all this to Al ice,who had been required to promi se that she would not

venture within the limi ts Of Uncle Stephen’s premi ses .

When asked her preference with regard to furn iture , she

laughingly replied that, as he was to live with them ,


had but one wish to express concern ing i t,which w as

that it might be strong. But seei ng that he looked grave

and mortified, she i nstantly begged him to forgive her,saying I do beli eve so much ki ndness

,and so much

happiness are not good for me . I am really growi ng to

be wanti ng,i n respect

,to my dearest Uncle .

“My child,” replied the old gentleman , softly, “ Youshall never have occasion to complai n of me in that way

again and he kept his word .

In th e midst of the bustle of preparation , A lice foundtime every few days for a ride on Felix to the v illage,though it required much pleading on her part before

e i ther Clarence or her paren ts would consent that she

should resume her favorite exercise, which had proved so

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who was seated next her sister,gave a sudden start,

while a bright flush of pleasure spread all over her coun

tenance . She recognized Mr. Ralph Fowler, her travel

l ing companion,and when be

,with a quick glance around

the large audience , let h i s keen eye rest for one brief mo

ment upon her,Alice was entirely at a loss to conceive

the cause of her sister’s sudden confusion . On her retur n home, Emma had, i ndeed, recounted her adventurewith the old lady, but a secret i nterest, unacknowledged

even to herself, had prevented any reference to the son .

But soon th e speaker was lost i n his subj ect,and

proved himself to be gifted with no common mind or or

dinary acquirements . At the close of the lecture . and

when all were loud i n their praises of the performance.

Mr. Fowler was eagerly sought by the pri ncipal gentle

men of the town , that they might express to him thei r

high gratification i n hi s manner of treating his sub

jcet. He listened poli tely, but all the time had his eyeupon a group who had been

detai ned i n their passage


Emma turned for one parti ng glance ; their eyes met,and he i nstantly excused himself from the gentlemen

near h im,as he wished to speak with an acquaintance

who was leaving the hall .

The young gir l received him cordially, though with

considerable confusion ; i ntroduced him to her family,and then i nquired for hi s mother.

Ah ! ” said he, “ I had l ike to have forgotten a mes

sage she sent you , and leaning forward he spoke a few

words in a low tone. The teacher of the Academy then

approached and i nformed Mr. Stanley, with whom he

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D I SGU I SE . 331

was well acquain ted, that he hoped to be so happy as tosecure Mr. Fowler’s servi ces in the school during his

absence .

After a poli te i nvitation to the lecturer to call upon

them, Mr. Stanley and his family took their departure,eager to ascertai n from Emma the commencement ofher acquaintance with the di stingui shed stranger.

So cordi al ly did Mr. Fowler answer h is i nvitation to

Li ndenwood that th e next day, and the next, and every

day, for a week , he might be found sitting i n the large

parlor,entirely unmindful of the vigorous hammering

that was going on over his head . Emma often com

plained,with a heigh te ned color

,that i t was very incon

ven ient to have so constant a visitor, when there was so

much to be done ; but if h e were a few moments later

than usual,her frequent j ourneys to the bow window ,

from whence she could see some distance up the street,or the sudden beating of her heart when she heard his

wel l-known step in the hall, convinced her friends that

she was wi lling to be subjected to the i nconvenience ,for the sake of the pleasure she recei ved i n hi s society.

Nor was she alone i n thi s feeli ng, for he had renderedhimself a favorite with every member of the family.

His large fund of in formation , as well as hi s extensive

knowledge of human nature,convinced Mr. Stanley

that he would not always be teacher i n a private acad

emy ; but, when he hin ted his surprise that Mr . Fowler

should content h imself with such a si tuation , the abrupt

termination of the subject showed plainly that i t w as

o ne upon which he did not w is h to speak .

it his sole bus i ness in Queenstown had been to pros

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cen te his acquaintance . at Lindenwood , he coud not

have been more constant in hi s vi sits . When , at the

close of the fir st week, the time for his labors i n the

academy arrived, he sudden ly di scovered that premature

engagements would not allow him to assume that re

sponsibili ty,and gave place to anoth er, whom he recom

mended as well qualified for the office . And when,a

few days later,he sought an interview with Mr. Stanl ey


and asked permission to address his daughter Emma,

the proposi tion was not wholly unexpected ; but he

replied that their acquaintance had been short,and


yet,they knew little of each other.

Mr. Fowler professed himself to be perfectlysati sfied,

but said that, -

of course,he could not expect Mr. Stanley

to be so, and gave him references to a dozen li terary

gentlemen , to whom he could refer. On receivi ng themost sati sfactory information from tw o of these gentle

men,the father no longer hesitated to give his consent

to the ardent lover ; and when , at the wedding of Alice ,Emma stood up with Mr . Fowler

,i t was as his be

trothed .

The event Of the marriage of Mr. Clarence Sydney

with the daughter of Squire Stanley was one of no l i ttle

i nterest i n the village of Queenstown ; and when , i n

compli ance with the cards of invitation , a large company

assembled at Lindenwood, the brilli ant il lumination , thebeauty of the bride, the pride of the groom as he entered

with his fair lady leaning upon hi s arm , the profusion of

orange-flow ers,the richness of the cake, the fondness of

her father and mother, the pleased emotion of Uncle

Stephen , were the universal themes of conversation.

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servant w ho had been sent to the office for let ers ré

turned with a goodly budget of news . Emma blushingly held out her hand for her


share,when her father

w ho that moment entered, passed her a thick envelopcon taini ng, as A l ice playfully remarked, a brotherly noteto each of the fami ly

,and also a copy of the l ast N ew

York Journal of Commerce,directed by the same hand .

This she hasti ly tore open,and

,seeing nothing of special

in terest to her,gave i t to her father to read, w hile she

retired to her ow n room for the uni nterrupted enj oyment

of her precious epistle . She had not more than half

perused i ts closely written pages before Ali ce ran to call

her,exclaiming, “ Emma

,father w ants you to come

down .

Thrusting her letter i n to her pocket,Emma obeyed,

and found the whole family very merry over a small

paragraph i n the Journal,which

,though marked with a

pencil,she had overlooked . It was as follow s :

“ We

understand that the next lecture before the Hi storicalSociety will be delivered on Thursday evening, by Prof.

Ralph Fowler,who has

, w i thin a year, been appointed

to the Professorshi p of Languages i n College, and

is on e of the most popular lecturers of the day . A rich

li terary feast may be exp ected .

“ Really,

” said Mr. Stanley,smili ng, as he witnessed

the bright glow which overspread Emma’s face, “ my

daughters are getting up i n the world. Here,without

knowing i t,we have been entertai ni ng the di sti nguished

Prof. Fowler,who i s one of the best lingui sts i n the

country . I had i t at my tongue’s end,t wo or three

tith es, to ask if he were a relative . Prof. B . and Dr. S

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l N D I SG UI SE . 335.

mus t have thought me either an ignoramus, or var,

much behind the times , to inquire the character of such

a man ; and a slight shade of annoya nce mingled with

hi s laugh , as he went to his study to bring forth the

letters from those gentlemen for a second reading.

In the mean time , it'would be difficult to describe the

fond pride which this announcement caused i n the heart

of the gentle, lovi ng girl, as, at the same time, she

remembered He i s mi ne ; yes, he is all my ow n . Notwithstanding hi s elevated posi tion

,he sought me in

preference to all others and she has tened to her room

with quickened pulse,to fini sh readi ng her letter. Near

the close,or rather cros si ng the

w ri ti ng near the top, and

fil li ng up every i nch of the blank space,were a few

li nes explana t ory of the information contained in the

Journal . It ran thus : And now , dearest, wi ll you for

give me for my little deception,or rather that I did not

tell you the whole truth . Had your father asked mehow I expected to support my w i fe, I should have to ld

him ; or, i f you had seemed curious to know where you

w ere to l ive,or with whom associate

,most certainly 1

should have i nformed you . But your en tire trust i n me

was so charming, and your respected father’s confidencr

so flattering,that

,while I knew I w as not deceivi ng hitr

or vou,I was pleased with the though t that time would

discover to you my si tuation and prospects , though it

never can,my true-hearted Emma

,the depth and fer

veney Of my affection .

“ But I would say that,in my Opinion

,unlimited con

fidence i s the only safeguard between husband and w ile.

Let this, then , be our last and only secret ; henceror ta

Page 337: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


my heart,with all its thoughts and wishes

,i ts j oys and

sorrow s, shall be la id open to you ; and I trus t by the

constancy of my lo v o to prove mys elf not unworthy the

same confidence o n 5our part. I suppose , long ere thi s.

you have ‘ guessed,

’and rightly too, that my on ly hi s

ducement i n going to l ecture i n Queenstown was to

prosecute my acquaintance with you my only business

there,after farther knowledge of your character, to obtai n

the promise of your hand. And now,my ow n dear

Emma, i nclosed you will find a note to your father,begging him to place no impediment in the way of our

immediate union . Do not hesi tate to grant my request.

There is no reasonable ground of delay. There i s a fine

house connected with my professorsh ip,all ready and

waiting for i ts m istress . My mother (only second to

one I could name i n her admiration of you) and sister

are longing to bid you welcome by the dear names of

daughter and sister. Let me,then

,rejoice their hearts

by telling them that in the course of a month (I take

great credit to myself for allowing so much time to be

necessary for bridal preparations) they must be ready to

accompany me to Li ndenwood .

Oh , those were bl issful tears which dropped so thicklyUpon the closely w ri tten page

,and they wel led up from

a heart ful l of grati tude to her heaven ly Father for givi ngher so dear a friend

,and appoi nting her lot .n so pleasant

a place !

After sitti ng in a dreamy attitude for nearly an hour,vainly trying to fix her thoughts upon any one subject

i n th e letter, and as often finding them settl ing back to

the one blessed conviction of his love, she took the new

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Well,then , I shall tel l h im I cannot gi ve up my chi ld

so suddenly. I must have time to accustom myself to

the thought. Not that that will render i t any the lesspainful ; but, on many accounts, i t would be better to

have more time . I have alw ays disapproved of has ty

marriages . It i s now the middle Of wi nter Gertrude w i li

be home i n Apri l . Shall I say the first day Of May 7

Emma cast down her eyes as She whispered,If you

th ink best .”

“ I suppose, conti nued Mr. Stanley , pleasantly, “ 1

shal l be cons idered very hard-hearted to refuse so earnest

an appeal ; but I shall i nvite him to pass hi s long vaca

tion with us , and we will try to help h im bear th e disap

pointment as wel l as we can .

Thank you , dear father,” replied Emma

,as he ten

derly k issed her, and allowed her to withdraw,when she

retired to her mother’s room,and

,with many blushes


told her what had passed .

As Alice returned one afternoon from a Sleigh -ridewith her husband

,sh e found Uncle Stephen i n his room


and i n tears . Without waiti ng to take off her bonnet,she went i nstantly to him

,and sat on a low stool at his


Won t you let me share your grief ?” she asked


ing up lovi ngly i n h is face .

They are not tears of sorrow,my child


” he answered,

putting a letter i nto her hand .

It was from Alfred Huntington,and in formed h is kind

benefactor that, after many struggles and conflicts with

himself, he had determined to go out to India, d irectly

after his graduation from the theologi cal sch ool, which

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iN D l SGUISE . 339

would be i n less than a year, and devote his li fe to the

service Of h is Saviour , i n laboring for the conversion of

the heathen . My Object i n writing you at this time,i s

to ask your advice whether I shal l Offer myself to the

Board Of IVIission s , or j oin my father i n the miss io n sup

ported by you. Of cours e it would be my desire to dothe latter ; but I k now nothing Of the expen se necessary,and am unw i l ling to tax your generosity farther . There

is one subject, too , which troubles me, if I take the first

course, and apply to the Board . That i s with reference

to my going alone,which

,I hav e been in formed


Object to , or that th ey much prefer their miss ionaries shall

be married men . There is only one woman I have ever

loved,and as I cannot marry her

,I must go alone . This

i s' another reason why i t would be desirable that I Shouldgo in to my father

’s family .

Alice read the letter with great interest, and put it

back into h is hand w i thout speaking.

It’s what I’ve been praying for ever si nce he was a

boy,” sobbed Uncle Stephen

,wholly overcome , “ and to

see how God answers all my poor prayers , makes me feel

more insignificant than ever. About poor Edith ,” he continned

,when he was more composed

,“ I’m afraid the boy

will have to give her up,though sometimes I think God

has mercies i n store for her, and has ordered all thi s to

humble. her proud heart .”

I) , t'

ncle Stephen How Often he repeated , for thenext law days

,that he had nothing more to ask for, and

the i nfluence Of that communication seemed to Open his

heart to the wants Of the needy more than ever. Though

by hi s connection wi th the family a very handsome sum

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was added to i ts yearly i ncome , certainly quite as much

as hi s nephew would accept ; yet h is own expenses were

not a tithe to the i nterest from his l arge fortune . Heoften said to Alice

,who was hi s on ly confidant


freely, ch i ld ; the more i s taken out,the fuller the bank

i s .” And so,i ndeed

,i t seemed to be . N O one could do

h im a greater favor than to place i n h is way a deservingobj ect Of chari ty. He had been in the habit for years,beside the en tire support of hi s ow n mission among the

Hindoos,of sendi ng large sums to the benevolent societies

Of the day ; but his ow n chosen way was to seek out

destitute Obj ects,and admin ister to their rel ief. If they

were worthy,that was sufficien t ; i f unworthy, he would

plead SO much the more reason they should be helped

to do well.” N o suffering chi ld of Adam was ever re

fused sympathy by him . But if he found that he had

been imposed upon, or that any person whom he had be

friended made his money subservi ent to their ow n vices,he was terribly wrathy

,and could not be appeased un til

a more worthy Object was placed i n his w ay.

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342 THE Hous nuonn ANGEL

thrown on thei r w rappers, and were standing at the head

of the stairs. Mr. Stanley was just goi ng to speak,when

his wife i n terrupted him , Let us go at once .”Yes


” he repli ed , promptly but I must inquire.where i t i s .

How soon can you be ready ?” asked the man .

In half an hour .”

Well , then , I’l l wait and go with you. Youmightn’t

find the place in the dark .”

Without waiti ng for further questions,Mr. Stanley,

after i nviting the countryman into the house,proceeded

at once to call the coachman ,while hi s wife, and Emma,who begged to accompany her mother, hasti ly prepared

for their midnight excur sion . In l ittle more than half an

hour they were on their way,the man who had come for

them rid ing by the side of the carriage , Mrs . Stanley

having left with Al ice the charge of preparing NurseCarey for the intelligence

,as they intended , i f possible,

to bring Edith back with them on the following day.

The distance to Planes ville was but ten miles ; but they

w ere obliged to travel so slowly in the dark , and the lat

ter part of the way, for nearly two miles, over a new and

by-road, that i t was four o

’clock before they heard the

guide who was just i n advance of them , say, Thi s i s

the house . You go right i n and I ’ll put up your horses

VV ife’ll be cxpectin’ of you.

Longi ng,yet dreading to know the situati on of the

poor girl,Mr . Stanley hastily as s i sted his wife and daugh

ter from the carriage ; but just as Emma reached thegfound a dreadful shriek of distres s from the sma l l house

before them,caused their hearts to si nk with sudden ter

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IN msems s . 343

ror. Mrs . Stanley darted forward . There was a brightl ight. i n the low er room , and they could see at. a glancewhat was going on within . The figure of some person

lay extended upon the bed,and a man was standi ng be

fore her, h is form concealing her face, trying to hold

down her arms . A young woman,holding an i nfant


her countenance expressive of the utmost alarm ,stood

back from them . Upon the approach of Mrs . Stanley,

who entered fir st and announced herself,the poor woman

burs t into tears .

The physician soon recounted the state in which he

had found hi s patient,and the measures he had adopted.

He said she was suffering from a sudden and violent fi t

of ins ani ty, produced , perhaps, i n part by the high fever

under which she was laboring . He then asked if therewas anything which could have tended to such a state .

Mr. Stan ley drew him i nto the n eat ki tchen , and gave

him a brief account of her history, and also commun ica

ted the fact of her mother having been parti ally insane

formany years, owing to her remorse of conscience, but

that,si nce the confession of h er gui lt, she had appeared

perfectly rational .

Doctor Putnam lis tened with i nterest, and then said ,It may be the agi tation of mind which has occas ioned

thi s ; but I feared congestion of the brai n .

The question of her being carried to Li ndenwoodwas then discussed

,the doctor i n ferri ng from her violence

that i t would not be safe,but that she ought to be car

ried to an asylum for the i nsane . To th is propos i tion ,however

,Mr. Stanley would not for one moment hearlcen,

at least not unti l they had tried other means for he!

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restoration ; and, as there were no acrommodations

w here they were , i t was determined to return home wi th

her as soon as it was light.

In the meantime, Mrs . Stanley, hav ing laid aside

her bonnet,had calmly approached the sufferer, and,

tak ing a cloth wet with cool water,bathed her burn ing

brow. The poor.

girl was sti ll unconscious, or rather

W andering ; but the soft voice and gentle hand of her

mother seemed to soothe her, for she became more quiet,and soon fell asleep, for the first time through the night.

Beckoning the 'woman into the small entry, Emmaasked

,i n a whisper

,how she came there

,and received

the following account.“ Yesterday morning

,said the woman


“ though it

seems like a week,I had just dressed my baby

,and w as

getting her to sl eep,so that I could do up my morn ing

chores,when I heard a low knock at the door. 1 called

out, softly , Come in ,’ for baby was just dropping off,

and she,

” poin ting toward the room,“ came right in .

She seemed to have an idea that somebody was after

her ; and, when Joshua, that’s my husband , w ho went

after you, happened to go by the window, she gave a

dreadful scream,and hid behind the door. I was scared

enough ; but I didn’t dare to let


her know i t, for fear

she’d hurt the baby, and so I told her she was safe,

and asked who she was afraid of. She grew calmer

after a whi le,and asked me for someth ing to eat. I got

her a bowl of milk and some bread ; but she never

tasted the bread. The bowl she raised to her mouth,and, when she put i t down , she

’d drained every drop .

Twas the fever burning then , the doctor says . After

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out a crying, saying she hadn’t got any father or mother,

or any body else to love her. It made my blood run

cold to hear her then , for she’d kind Of curse herself and

her mother,when she’d just said she hadn’t got one


she almost cursed her Maker. But i n a few minutes

th at would al l be over,and she’d be keeping a school.

When Dr. Put nam come, he said we must get her i ntobed . She’d got on her clothes just as she come in , on ly

her bonnet ; and so Joshua took the baby into the

k itchen , while the doctor helped me put my best night

gown On her, not a very n ice one, but’twas clea n ; and

a hard task we had of i t to get her to bed. When I

took her clothes to hang them up,I happened to think

perhaps she’d got something i n her pocket that would

tell who she was ; and so she had . Dr. Putnam saidhe’d stay here whi le J oshua went for you.

And have you held your babe al l night? ” asked

Emma , look ing at the pale countenance Of the kindwoman .


,miss ! There wa’n’t any place handy for me

to l ie down,and then I couldn’t be spared .

All th is time Emma and her companion had sat together on the low steps leading to the attic ; but at a

s l igh t noise in the room ,they both started up and en tered.

Edith muttered incoherently,and the Doctor shook his

head as he placed his fingers gently on her pulse. “ If she

is to be carried away from here , i t must be done at once,”

he said .

But for an hour she was so violent that they found i t

would be impossible to carry her i n tl e small carri age i n

whi ch they had come. Mr. Stanley therefore co ncluded

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l N D I SG U ISE . 347

to go w i thout delay to Lindenwdod w i th Emma,and

return with the large carriage,‘

and a driver,so that he

could be enti rely at liberty to attend to her. When he

mentioned his plan to the Doctor,he suggested an im

provement, which was, that Joshua Goodw i n should

drive hi s daughter to Queen stown,while he remained

w i th his wife,as he should be obliged to leave and visit

his other pat i ents .

This was decided upon,and by noon Joshua came

back with the double carriage i nto which Emma hadput a bed and pillows . The Doctor, w ho had returned,gave her a powerful anodyne

,and then assi sted Mr. Stan

ley to place her in the carriage .

Having most liberally rewarded their good host andhostess for the disinterested kindness they had show n

to the poor lunatic,Mr. and M s . Stanley, with their

unconscious charge,drove slowly away from the door ;

but finding she soon fell asleep,Mr. Stanley cal led to

the coachman and told him,when they were Off the by

road, to drive with full speed, and i n this way they

reached home in the middle of the afternoon .

Doctor Jenks,whom Alice had summoned, was at

hand,to assi s t i n carrying Edith to her room , from which

it s eemed to him very doubtful whether she would live

to come out. For three days she lay in a stupor, never

but once havi ng any return of her violence, and that w as

the night after her arrival . Mrs . Stanley, Emma, andAlice were unweari ed i n their attentions to the uncon

scious sufferer,who

,pallid and ghastly, looked very dif

ferent from the bloom ing, brill i an t Edith of former daysAs she lay there, so nearly resembling death , her kind

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fi'iends Offered i ncessant prayer that she might be te

stored to her reason,i f i t was God’s will she should

never recover. On the fourth day she seemed to arousefrom her long sleep, and was able to take a few tea

spoonfuls Of gruel . Her attendants could not be quitesure whether she knew u them . When She awoke from

s leep, she talked very fast and incoherently for a few

moments,but gradually grew more quiet

,and lay

, for a n

hour at a time,wi th her eyes closed

,only opening them

when she was addressed by name .

One day she was much more delirious than usual .She had had no rest through the night

,and the soothing

powders fai led to produce their usual effect. She kept

call ing upon Alfre’d in the most piteous manner,exclaim

i ng : If you do leave me, I shall be all alone . N O one

but you left ; Oh , Al fred ! ”“ Alfred will never, never leave you, said a hoarse

voice close by her side,and to the astoni shment Of all

present,Alfred Huntington stood before them . He had

come unexpectedly to the Hall to pass a few days,but

had not heard Of Edi th’s sickness, until he entered thehouse .

Mrs. Stanley feared the effect Of the excitement if she

should recognize her lover, for such h is manner still

proved him to be . But though for an instant the young

girl seemed to hold her breath , as if li sten ing eagerly,she soon resumed her rapid talk .

A lfred advanced to the bed, and, i n a low whisper, re

peated the assurance Of his love, and that he would

never leave her. He held her hand i n hi s, w hiie he

eagerly gazed at her, to see i f she recognized him ; but

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God who loved to be i nquired O f by h is children,and he

begged them not to cease thei r supplications i n her


Edi th had now lain for hours unconscious Of all

around her. Save the constant wetti ng of her li ps

with brandy and water,no nouri shment had been taken.

The fami ly gathered around her bed,and knelt for prayer ;

but in vain did Mr. Stanley try to raise h is voice. The

idea Of Edith passing,as he thought

,from time to eter

nity, wholly overcame him .

After a moment’s delay,the voice O fAlfred was heard .

He seemed already assured Of a blessing. He enteredat once i nto the holy of holies . and carried h is hearers

with him into the immediate presence Of God . H is soulwas fi lled with assurance Of God’s readiness to save her

for whom Chri st had shed his precious blood,and in her

behal f he consecrated her future life to the service Of her


The tardy momen ts roll away,as al l stand gazi ng

upon one who lies as if already i n the embrace Of death .

Weeping and sobbing are heard on every side ; but

Alfred is closely watching the feeble breath ; a short gasp

does not escape hi s attention . He again wets her lips,then places h is fingers upon her wri st. He notices asligh t change . With a motion to the group to suppress

their sobs,he leans forward to listen to her breathing.

He looks anxiously up,as he hears a carriage, hoping i t

is the Doctor.He is not disappoi nted the kind physician softly eu

te rs . Is she gone? h e whispers.

A s Mrs . Stanley shakes her head, he passes s ilently to

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IN D I SG U I SE . 35l

the side of her bed ; he places his hand 011 her brow

starts back and gazes around, wipes h is glasses, and re~

places them . Hi s countenance changes as he marks her

pul se ; a smi le, yes, a sm ile lights up his features . A l

fred unders tands i t,and unable longer to con tai n the

feelings of hope and j oy which fill his soul,abruptly

retires . He seeks his chamber to pour , out his heart in

praise to God,tears of gratitude stream down his cheeks


and he renews hi s self-consecration to his Sav1our. Hereturns to the sick-room , where he finds Dr. Jenks hasforced through the closed teeth a most powerful astrin

gent. His manner has already conveyed hope . All are

silen t. He has motioned them to be seated back from

the bed, and sits down himself to await the result.

Al fred approaches,softly places a chai r by her side


tries to quel l the tumult of j oy which is swelling his

heart almost to bursting. He gently lifts the pale,

emaciated hand from the counterpane, and pres ses it

to hi s li ps . Oh,how gladly would he impart some of

hi s own warm life-blood to quicken her pulsations ' A

gentle perspiration has covered her brow, and the

Doctor calli ng Mrs . Stanley from the room , te lls her the

cris i s has past, and he now hopes h is patient wil l recover.

Oh said Mari on,bursting i nto tears, “ i t is in an

swer to Alfred’s fervent prayer.

A nd w ho shal l say that i t was not so, that He, withwhom are the is sues of li fe and death , did not grant he 1

restoration 1 11 answer to his importunate supplicati ons

For more than an hour Edi th lay in a sweet, refreshingslumber. A ll had left the room

,with the exception 0 1

Mrs . Stanley and Alfred . Days of anxiety, and niO'l t

Page 353: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


of watching seemed powerless to fatigue h im . He nowsat looki ng for the first return to con sciousness, i n the.

hope that she would recognize him . Mari on was kneel

ing by her side, her face concealed in th e bed-clothes . At

length the sufferer feebly moves, and heaves a deep sigh.

Alfred applies the sponge to her lips, and she slowly un

closes her eyes, which rest upon Mrs . Stan ley . It i s as

they hoped, she recognizes her, and whispers , Mother.”

Choking back her tears,the thankful friend kisses the

pale brow,and tries to articul ate , My own



Again the feeble l ips move tremulously,— she bends

forward to catch the words, Forgive poor Edi th .

Marion repeatedly assures her that all,al l i s forgiven ;

all forgotten,save the blessed thought that she is re

s tored to them .

A fain t smile fl ickers for one moment around her

mouth , and she again falls asleep . With eager impa

ti enes Alfred watches her. He longs once more to hearher voice

,and to have her speak hi s name . Nor does he

wait i n vain . She again opens her eyes,and fix es them

full upon him . For one i nstant she gazes,as i f fearing

she is stil l dreaming, then softly whispers, “ It is my

A lfred .

Yes, my darling Edith ,” he cries, unable longer tocontain himself, “ God has given you back to me from

the dead . You are mine now, all mi ne, love .”

A beautiful smil e of trust l i t up the pale countenanceof the i nvalid, and from this time she slowly gained

s trengt h . There was no more coldness,no reserve


proud neart was humbled, and the penite n t sat w eekly

Page 355: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


tal to them both , that , Mrs . Stanl ey hastny entered‘

Edith’s solemn words arrested her atte ntion,Dear

mother, look at me ; th ink of what I was, the very chi ef

of si nners. Even you, si nful as you have been , cannever imagine half my guil t. But God has had mercy

upon me ; Jesus has power to wash out guil t, even such

as m i n e, and wi ll save you. Oh,don’t delay ! Say to

him ,‘Dear Lord, here I am , a poor sinner ; but I trust

i n thy power to save .’ For my sake,dear mother


not delay. Oh , if you coul d only know the sweet peacewhich filled my soul when I threw away all my rebel liouspride, and opened my heart to h is love ! The fountai n

is i n exhaustible. God is ready and wil ling to save you,too . Dear mother, father is i n h eaven , and , vi le and si nful as I have been , I hope to en ter there. Will you refuse

to meet us in that world ? ” Here the poor girl’s feelings entirely exhausted her, and, with her mother

’s hand

pressed tightly i n hers, sh e sank back upon the pil lows .

The poor mother wept and sobbed without iestraint,and Mrs. Stan ley, without having been seen by them ,

s tepped back and called Alfred to remove her to the

nursery. Mrs : Carey was never carried home , but died

the next day,wi th a trembli ng hope that God had for

given her si n s . Her last words were to Al fred, who hadspent hours at her bedside, Tell my chi ld I feel myself

to be a great sinner ; but I trust my Saviour has forgiven


The death of Mrs. Carey affected Al ice deeply, as well

as all th e household, who , now that she was gone, te

membered on ly her untiring devotion to them in s ick ne ss,her ‘ove for her late mistress, and her strong affect ion for

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IN Drseursm. 355

Loui s . Alfred was cal led uponby Edith to repeat againand agai n al l that she had said , and the tears which the \together dropped to her memory,were a new ti e between

them .

When Edi th was able to s it up in the large easy~c§1an

which Al ice had sent from her own room for the i nval id,no one would have recognized in the meek and humble

Chri stian,whose eye beamed so tenderly upon her mother

and sis ters,the once proud and lofty spirit

,who expected

all to bow before her. To her family she had never looke d

so lovely i n the proudest days of her brill iant beauty .

Love toward her Saviour shone i n her countenance , andanimated all her actions . Even the servants felt and acknowledged the change . To every one she had confessed

her pride and rebellion , and to every one she had recom

mended her Saviour,who would surely forgive them . if

si ns l ike hers could be pardoned .

Alfred’s termhad now commenced , and he announcedhis in tention of leaving the n ext day . Choos i ng an oppor

tun itywhen Edith was alone, he sat down near her. No

formal engagement exi sted between them . Since the first

mpass ioned words when she recovered her conscious

ness , he had never told hi s love . But he was aware she

knew his heart,and that, after hi s Maker, she occupied

the first place i n h is affections . He held her unresi stinghand i n h is

,as he said

,Edi th

,i t i s hard for me to leave

you. I shall look back to the past vacation as the hap

piest period of my li fe .”

Yes,” said Edith

,tremulously, we shall n ever forget

Go d has been very gracious to us, conti nued the

Page 357: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


young man , tryi ng to repress h is emotion , and we willnot hesitate to devote our l ives to his service .”

No,” was the firm , but whispered response .

It will be a hard lot for you, my love, to l( ave your

home and friends, for a life among the heathen .

” He

ste pped, and leaned eagerly forward to catch the words

which were trembli ng upon her lips .

With one long, earnest gaze in to hi s eye, Edith sai d,gently, Where thou goest I will go and there w ill

I be buri ed .

” Even she,with her warm

,impulsive na

ture,was not prepa red for the burs t of feeli ng displayed,

as she repeated the sacred words. He covered hi s face,

and sobbed convulsively ,

Alfred,my dearest friend,

” she said , ri s ing and stand

i ng by h is s ide“ do not weep, or let me weep with you.

Henceforth your griefs and j oys are mine.”They are bli ssful te ars , dearest,

” he replied,strai ning

her to h is breast, and such as angels might envy. Oh,my Edith ! my heart swel ls with love to God as I te

member how graciously he has answered my prayers i n

your behalf. How short-sighted we mortals are. WhenI heard of the change which had come over your pros

pects , I mourned, and wept bi tter tears . 1 l i ttle knew

thi s was hi s chosen w ay to fit you for the great workbefore you . Dear Edi th , let us never forget h is goodness,let us never cease to trust h im .

The next morning,before he left, Alfred i nformed his

kind benefactor that one obj ection to his Offeri ng himself

to the Board of Mi ssions was obviated , for he did not

in tend to go to Indi a without a wife .

Uncle Stephen rej oiced wi th him i n h is happiness . but

Page 359: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


i n company with her s ick friend . Dear l ittle Minnie,in

happy unconsciousness that her beloved mother was fast

passi ng away from her sight, seemed never so gay . She

found brigh t dandel ion s,and pleased herself vastly with

twini ng them i n her mother’s hair. Mamma look

pretty ! Mamma do look pretty ! ” she exclaimed , danc

ing up and down in her j oy.

Though Mrs . Hayden perfectly reali zed her S ituation,yet to her there was noth ing Of gloom in the idea of

death . It only seemed to her the road which man must

pass to God .

With Dexter she talked earnestly with regard to hisfuture course, and that of hi s si s ter. She told them if

Nurse Green was obliged to leave, God would providethem a home . Hi s promise to be a father to the fatherless would never fai l . She also spoke long and tenderly

of his father, and left many messages for h im .

Though well aware that she could not long survive,


Alice was much shocked,early one bright morni ng

about the middle of Apri l,to receive the i ntelligence

that the sufferer had gone to her rest. But upon Dexter i t came like a thunderbolt, and struck h im to the

earth . He had li stened calmly when his mother talkedwith h im

,controlli ng hi s feelings that he might not

excite her ' but hi s heart whispered,“ she will not yet

leave you, and he listened to the voice, and hopee‘

against hope .

Al ice and herhusband consul ted earnestly what should

be done with the ch ildren , and hoped to take Minnie for

thei r ow n ; but when she mentioned to Dexter her mother

’s w i sh to have them leave the cottage, for the pres en t,

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IN D I SG U I SE . 359

and come to Li ndenwood,he was so distressed that she

urged it no farther,but contented herself with providing

for them , while her husband made arrangements for the

tuneral .

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C H A P T E R X X I X .

Hark ! to the hurried question of D espair

Where is my wife‘

t’an echo answers

, where i


NEA R the close of a calm,pleasant afternoon in spri ng

when all nature was bursting i nto li fe and loveline‘s‘ s, a

man jumped from the cars at a station about three mi les

below Queenstown . He was rather above the usualsize, Of ath letic frame, and an open , go


od-humored cast

of coun tenance . Hewalked quickly along the side ofthe road leading directly to the next town

,and there was

a lightness and elasticity i n his step,a freedom in his air

and manner, which showed plain ly that he was glad to

escape the confinement of a long day’s ride 111 the cars

for the free air and the exerci se of hi s limbs ; and also

that he looked forward with pleasure to the end of the

journey. But, i f observed more cri ti cally, as o ne would

hardly be able to do w hile he walked at so rapid a pace,an occasional contraction of the brow could be discov

ed,and a close shutting of th e li ps

,which indicated some

solicitude or anxiety, mingled with hi s earnest anticipa

tions of pleasure .

This feel ing,however

,he tried to shake off, and began

whistli ng a merry tune ; but as that did not seem quite

i n accordance wi th hi s feelings , he commenced talk ing to

himself. Let me see,

” he so li loquiz ed, looki ng at the

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dared to carry on s o . But ’tisn’

t no use to think of that

now . Let bygones be bygones . I’ll Show Queen s tou n

people that I mean to make somebody yet, no tw ith

standing .Let’s see now .

’Twas i n September I

had that letter from wife . I’ve always wondered how

She happened to write just that one , no more, no les s ,

and I’ve a lways thought ’twas such a queer one too .

N ot a syllable of grumbling or complain t m it,nor say

ing that I’d brought disgrace on the family ; no, nothingof that sort. I suppose she thought I’d had leisure

enough when I was locked up in my cell nights to th ink

0’ that. Ha’n’t I, though ? ” he exclaimed, impati ently

shaking hi s shoulders,as i f he’d have no more such

thoughts . It always seemed as if she thought she was

making a wil l . Well , I suppose ’twa’n’t very amus i ng

or cheering work for one brought up as she’d been to si t

down and write to a husband who was i n the state

prison and, if any body had hin te d such an idea to me

the day I was married,I’d ha well

,I can’t say what I

wouldn’t h ave done. Heigh ho ! ’tis strange how one

thing led on to another.

Then again referring to the letter,She told all about

Dexter, and what a noble boy he was, and how everyday, and every hour i n the day, hi s looks reminded her

of me, and how well he got on in hi s schooli ng . He’l lmake a man yet

,that boy will . Then Minnie too ! Oh ,

how she did set Minnie out, with her fun ny ways ! She

always was a cunning li ttle thing ; and then she prays

for her papa,and asks God to bring dear papa back .

’Ti s astonishing how much comfort some people do take

in praying Now,though I know it’s all humbug, ye

‘ I

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rN DISGUl SE . 2363

shall let wife go on just as she’s a mind to . If she

wants to th ink there’s a God,and to teach the ch ildren

to pray, and to go to meeting, I shall let h er. There’sno harm in it

,if it gives them pleasure . I shouldn’t

w onder i f I myself went to meeting sometimes with

them . It’s kind 0’ respectable to see a family going

along together, wife and I, and Dexter leading Minnie ;but I know better than to believe such th ings .”

Hi s soliloquy was brought to a sudden terminati on

by seei ng that he had reached the outskirts of the town,

and the su n was still half an hour high . He stoppedshort, and hesitated . There was an almost i rres i s tible

impulse to proceed to the end Of hi s j ourney,opposed

by a reluctance to go through the streets unti l i t were

too late for him to be recognized by any of hi s old

acquaintances ; but hi s anxiety to be at home prevailed,and he accelerated his speed to make up for his mo

m entary delay. Hi s face was somewhat flushed fromhis exercise ; and now hi s breast began to heave with

emotion,as he thought

,“ In a few moments more, I

shall have my dear wife and children in my arms . I

was a fool ever to doubt she’d forgive me . I [mow she

will when she sees me ;” and he folded his arms upon

his bosom,as i f they

already encircled the loved ones.

He hurries on ; every obj ect now is fami liar. There i sMoses Pond

,goi ng for his father’s cows . The boy’s


yr whistle rather j ars upon h is excited feelings , and

he turns to the other side of the road, where Widow

Morse is picking up chips by the wood-pile to get her

tea. The old lady looks up as he pas ses , gazes at h im

through the wide fri ll of her cap, then starts to her feet,

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le tting fall ner apronful of splin ters, and almost screams

out,Goodness me ! as true as I’m alive

,there’s Timo

thy Hayden come home from prison . Oh, dear ! oh,

dear and,forgetti ng her errand to the wood-pife, shc

hurries i nto the house to commun i cate the i ntelligence .

That’s a pretty way to welcome a feller, I must

say ; and Mr. Hayden , much annoyed at the curiositywith which h e saw he should be regarded

,sti ll hastened

hi s steps . He i s now but about three quarters of a m ilefrom home . The road i s straight for nearly the whole

distance . On the righ t,he perceives Li ndenwood Hal l,

then,farther on, the spires of the churches . He tries to

di stinguish the low-roofed house where he is goi ng ; but

no , he cannot see i t yet ; the higher bui ldings conceal it.

But,at the distance of a few hundred rods

,he espies a

carriage standi ng before a gate ,with a number of persons

about it.

There’s a funeral, I guess,” he said



hi s eyes upon the spot. “ Yes,that’s the hearse


tw o carriages behind it. I w onder who's dead. I reckon

it’s nobody that I know.

” He could now see over the

stone wall i nto th e graveyard, and unconsciously walked

little slower to witness what was,

going on .

Just as he was opposi te, the s exton with three other

men were lowering the coffin into the damp grave. There

was an air Of deep solemnity about the whole company

(for many had joined the processi on on foot)which fi l led

hi s m i nd with awe . He felt he was i n the presence ofdeath ; and ,withou t knowing i t, the traveller approached ,and leaned upon the top of th e stone wall . A young

lady was standi ng near the open grave, supported by a

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scattered sen ses , and to clear his eyes from the blur

which has gathered over them .

First i n the procession walks a boy,tall and maulv

leadi ng the chi ld whose coun tenance so alarmed him .

The boy’s face is entirely hidden, and he tries to think

him too large to be the one he had for an in stan t feared

but he i s in deep affl iction,and proves himself so utterlv

incapable of taking care of the chi ld that the ladybehind takes her from him

,whil e her companion tenderly

grasps him by the hand .

It cannot be ,” exclaimed the man

,i n a husky voice


for the first time drawing a long breath . How frightened I was ! No , that -w 0 11ld be too cruel . I’l l hurry

on .

” But sti l l he li ngered . He would like to see w howas going to get i nto the carri age . Ah ! now he’s

entirely rel ieved . He recognizes Squire Stanley and theOld India uncle who lives with h im . He wonders whichof the family i t i s

,and why none but the children are

dressed in mourni ng,though they all look sad enough .

They are coming through the gate . He stands back tolet them pass . Suddenly the l ittle girl springs from her

companion,and cli ngs to the boy. Oh

,brother Dex

ter ! ” sh e cri es,“ don’t don’t leave poor sick mamma

here ] n

T he boy strains h er to hi s breast, and sobs aloud ; the

gentleman gently separates them,and li fts them i nto the

carri age ; the young lady steps i n , and he follows . Mr.

Stanley and hi s fami ly occupy the other carri age . The

coachmen shut the doors, and drive away ; the hearse ,with its bony horse

,i s sti ll tied to the ga te, wai ti ng for

the sexton ; the process ion moves out and passes on

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IS E . 367


still the man stands as i f turned to stone An

arrow has pierced hi s heart,and sent by whom ? Ah '

i n that moment of i ndescribable agony,when sorrow

and remorse qui t kly succeed each other,and struggle for

mastery in his breast,he doubts no longer . He [ma ns

there i s a God in heaven .

The sound of th e earth rattling upon the coffi n can be

dis tinctly heard ; he grasps the post by the s ide of the

gate, and gaze s with terror at the man who i s so indiffer

ently covering from his sight the wife of his bosom . The

moments pass on,the grave i s filled

,the green sodsj e


,with a few blows of the shovel to press them

firm ly to the earth,the sexton gathers up the ropes



with a look behind to see that nothing is left,walks away.

The poor, broken-hearted man, whose high hopes are

so suddenly crushed , creeps back a few paces, and sits

down close to th e wall . The sexton , without noticing

the i ntruder,carefully

closes the gate, puts the ropes in a

box i n front of the hearse, takes the shovel between hi s

knees,gathers up hi s runs, and rattles away at a rapid

pace .

Low er and low er sinks the head of the bowed mandeeper and deeper are hi s heavy sighs ; hi s bosom heaves

convulsively, his eyeball s glare and burn but no refres h

ing tears come to moisten them , no soothing reflection

tends to calm his woe . No , all i s black , impenetrabledarkness . When the sound of the hearse wheels has

entirely ceased,when i t has gone altogether from s ight ,

the poor man,whose step so late ly was vigorous with

li fe, crawls as if the weight of years had sudden ly fallen

upon him ,on toward the gate . With trembling hands

Page 369: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


he li fts the latch,‘

mechanically closes i t after him,and he

i s alone with the dead . With unsteady steps he wends

his way on , on unti l he reaches the mound where lie

buried all h i s hopes of happiness . Yes,he forgets -ever.

the existence of his h igh -spi ri ted boy,and hi s winni ng

i ttle Minn ie . He on ly knows that h i s ow n dear wife

lies buri ed deep,deep i n th e ground

,where he never

more shall see her,never more hear her voice say

,I for

give you.

” She from whom for a long, weary year, he

has been separated,but with whose love all his future had

been i nseparably blended.

And now i t’s all over, and , with a low, despai ri ng cry,Oh God, it

’s too late ! he throws himself upon her

grave .

After a few moments,with a loud shout he starts to

his feet. He wil l not give her up . It may be that she

sti l l l ives . An indescribable yearni ng for one more look

at her fair countenance,an i rrepressible longing to hold

her i n one more embrace , even i n death , almost maddens

him . With hi s hands he begins to tear away the heart

less clods wh ich hide her from his view ; but, with a sud

den thought of her as he saw her with that last beseech

i ng,imploring look

,“ I

’ve loved you ; but you

’ve ki lled

me,” he fell senseless to the ground .

The next morning,when Moses Pond went with his

cows to pasture,he was startled to see th e figure of a

man , whose hat had rolled to a short distance, lying ex

tended upon the grave . He knew very well who wasburied there

,and with a light bound he jumped over the

wall, without waiti ng to go around by the gate, and cau

tiously approached the spot. As he drew nearer, he sud

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Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thouhast perfected praise.

UPON leaving the cemetery the n ight previous,Minni e

sobbed so violen tly, and plead so touchi ngly , to be car

ried back “ to stay with dear mamma,

”that Alice Syd

ney wished to take the childre n to Li ndenwood for thenigh t ; but Dexter respectfully but firmly decl i ned . The

poor boy had wept un ti l the fountain of hi s grief was

exhausted , and hi s head ached so violently that he felt

wholly unequal to the effort which would be necessary if

he accepted her kind i nvi tati on . He des ired to be alone,

and think of h is mother’s last words . He had been leftsole protector of hi s sister, and he wished to form some

plans for her and himself. The good nurse, who had

been so unwearied i n her care of h i s sick mother, would

now, be supposed, be obliged to leave, and there was no

time for him to lose in useless repining. Duri ng the longyear wh ich had passed since the dreadful blow had fal len

upon them,from which hi s mother had never recovered ,

not one word Of i ntelligence had been received from hi s

father. In the free conversation s he had held wi th hi s

mother near the close of her li fe, she had expres sed doubt

whether he sti ll l ived ; and, even i f he did, whether he

would return to his family . She thought he might be

prevented,by shame

,from commg back to his native vi l

lage What,then

,could he do wi th the sweet chi ld ?


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All seemed dark and drear before h im . But soon his

hopes revived. Hi s confidence returned . Mother Often

repeated to us God’s promise to be a father to the father

less, and I will trust him .

A multitude of such thoughts passed through his

mind, as they drove toward the house w hich had been

their home,and where the kind nurse awaited them .

Alice had been ta lking in a cheerful voice to Minnie, and

had succeeded i n diverti ng her grief.

Happy chi ldhood ! The waves of sorrow break and

dash over thee, but the receding bil low flows gently back

to the sea , and thou art soon shouting as en ti rely forget

ful of thy grief, as the next wave which comes leaping.foaming, sparkli ng and breaking upon the shore

Dexter gazed upon h is l ittle sister as Mr. Sydney liftedher from the carriage

,and asked himself

,Can I ever

agai n be happy ? Can I ever forget ? ” Though but

twelve years of age, yet i n maturity of character he was

much Older. For a long time he had been the confidant

and comforter of his mother. He Often wondered at theconduct of his compan ions , who were irri tated and ah

noyed at what appeared to him the veri‘est trifles ; but

was forced to the conclus ion that they had never known

real trouble .

On enteri ng the room,rendered desolate by the re

moval of the sacred remains of his beloved mother, Dexter was so much overcome with grief, that he w as obl iged

to follow the oft-repeated advice Of Nurse Green , and

betake himself to bed. She soon carri ed h im a cup of

warm tea, and

,fatigued by over-watching and excite

ment, he fell i nto the sound sleep of chi ldhood , li ttle

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dreaming w ho was sleeping an unconsc ious vig il at his

mother’s grave . Min nie snugly n estled herself to hi ss ide, and thus the sweet chi ldren lay.

The next morning Dexte'

r was suddenly aw akened by

the heavy, rattli ng sound Of“

a wagon,which stopped d i

rectly i n front of the cottage . He started quickly out ofbed, for a moment forgetting hi s dreadful loss , and sur

prised that he h ad so overslept. But soon the uread real

ity burst upon h im , and, putting hi s hand to his head, he

was just about to resume his place by the side of hi s si s

ter, that he might weep with her, when a loud knock was

heard at the door.

Nurse had risen an hour earl ier,and was now;’ i n the

small shed, preparing their morn ingrepast. She h astenedto see who th is unseasonable vis itor could be. It was

Farmer Pond, flurried and anxious, and behi nd hit" a long

cart,the high sides of which prevented her from seei ng

what it contained .

“ Good morning,Nurse Green

,said Mr . Pond.

Good morning,” was the rep ly .

“ Anybody sick at

your house

Why no,not exactly ; but I

’ve got somebody i n this

’ere wagon needs atte nti on . I found him lying on the

newly-made grave of hi s wife . How the poor fellowname there I can’t imagine. I didn’t k now he was out

of prison ; but he seems now entirely uncon scious . Hehasn’t moved a hair si nce we put him into the wagon .

The good woman stood so amazed at the announce

ment, that she had not yet spoken ; but when he added,We bette r get him i nto bed as soon as we can , and

have the doctor to him ,

”she w as all ready to doher part.

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quietly down,and took the child upon her lap, while

Clarence stood beside her.

A low groan came from the bedside,follow ed by a

quick gasp from the sufferer.“ There ,

” said the Doctor, “ he s come to . Give me

the bandages,nurse

,I don’t want to debili tate h im . He

was pretty near gon

Clarence advanced, and taking the cold hand, vigor

ously chafed i t, and i n the course of half an hour, with

the help of camphor and water,which they succeeded in

forcing down his throat, the man rev ivedjo a ful l sen se

of his situation , and of his dreadful loss. He took nonotice of his children

,though Al ice had persuaded Minnie

to put her hand on papa’s head . With a shudder he

motioned her away, as if the sight were too i n timately

connected wi th the memory of her mother for h is present

endurance. H i s grief was too deep for tears, and his expression of unuttered agony appealed to every heart.

The presence of strangers seemed to annoy him . Clar

ence and Alice,therefore

,reluctantly departed, after

making arrangements with Nurse Green to do everything for the comfort of the i nvalid.

Recommending a bowl of warm gruel for the poor

i nan,


the Doctor also hurried away to make a tardy callupon hi s other patients. Nurse Green went quietly toher work i n the shed

,hoping Mr. Hayden would fall

asleep. But he was no sooner alone than he arose

feebly, and sat upon the side of hi s bed, his eyes cast

down to th e floor ; then he slowly raised them , and took

a ful l survey of everything wh ich the room contai ned .

A fter -tw o or three efforts, he succeeded in walking across

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rN D I SG U I SE . 375

the room to a rocking-chair,i n which he sat

,when Min

nie, directed by her brother,w ho from the inner room had

anxiously watched his father’s motion s,advanced shyly

toward him , turning her head a l i ttle on one side,and

glancmg up through her curls in a most winning man

ner. She could not understand the shade of anguish

wh ich passed over his face,and was about to dart back

to her brother, when the poor desolate father beckoned

her toward him .

“ Dear papa, dear~ p apa,” she repeated softly, puttingher li ttle hand in hi s .

The father’s heart w as touched,and he caught the

ch ild to h is breast with a violence which frightened her .

Dexter came forward and soothed her,sayi ng : Minnie

loves poor papa,Minn ie’s glad papa’s come home and

the lovi ng spirit of the child was moved by the loud

sobs which were bursti ng from his agonized heart. She

took her ti ny apron , and wiped away the tears which

were flowing l ike a river down his pale cheek .

Blessed tears, wha t a relief to h is pen t up gri ef ! EvenDexter,who had been frightened at hi s si len t w oe, under

stood th is . M i nnie’s apron was soon saturated,and

Dexter passed him a large handkerchief from the drawer.And now father and son wep t together, as the latter

related the circumstances of hi s mother’s sickness and

death . her last words of blessing upon them , and love

for him . Until the day she died,” be repeated “ she

never ceased to speak of you, and to impress i t upon

our minds to be obedien t to al l your wishes, because she

knew if you ever returned , youwould need the soothingi nfluence of sympathy and affection .

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Though every word was a dagger to the heart o f l l’l t

bereaved husband,yet he bid hi s son go on : Tel l me


” he sobbed out,“ every word don’t spare me and

Dexter did tell h im all her patience through her longs ickness ; her desire to l ive for the sake of her child : an

but her entire submission to her heavenly Father’s wil l“ ‘He will provide


’ was her daily remark as she drew

nearer her end .

” He n arrated,also

,somethi ng of the

kindness of friends who had been raised up for them,the

unfail ing goodness of young Mrs . Sydney,and what a

comfort she had been\

to them i n thei r poverty and grief

As mother received from you nei ther letter nor mes

sage,she feared your close confinemen t had killed you


but beside these parting words,sh e wrote you a long

letter which She put i nto my hands i n case you Shouldreturn . Tell h im


’ she said,when she gave it to me ,

that I love him as well as ever,and that God has com

forted my dying bed with the blessed assurance that 1

shal l meet him in Heaven .

“ Give it to me,

” gasped the poor , man , putting out hi s

hand . But Dexter replied : “ Dear father,i t would be

better to delay i t unti l another time . I have sti l l much

to tell you, and Nurse Green has brought your gruel.Neither you nor l have had any breakfast.”Minnie sli pped from her father’s lap and cl imbed into

the chair. It was really affecti ng to see how humblv

Mr. Hayden deferred his ow n wishes to those of his son .

In that hour of sorrow,Dexter established an i nfluence

over h is father which was never lost. To please Minn ie

he took a seat at the table,though she little knew what

a pang it cost him but his life w as now to be made n o

Page 379: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


continue these family devotion s with his si s ter . He

therefore s eated Minn ie by his side,and taking the Bible

and Prayer-book , i n a broken voice, commenced readingv

When he concluded , violent sobs from the inner room

arrested his atten tion . The door had been Opened,and

the poor penitent was upon his knees,while th e ferven t cry

of the publican , God be merciful to me a si nner,” was

upon his lips . Such a cry never goes forth in vain

Tw o days later, Mr . Hayden having received from hisson the letter of hi s dying wife

,retired to hi s chamber,

where, with trembling hands he broke the seal , opei1ed

and read, as follows :

My very dear husband,

Though I know not whether you are i n the landof the living, yet I feel constrained to write you th isfarewell

,SO that

,i f you shoul d ever return to your family,

youmay know how fully and freely I have forgiven al l

the past,and with what an assurance of hope I look

forward to spending an eterni ty with you i n Heaven .

Yes,God has heard my prayers in your behalf, and has

granted me an answer of peace . Al l my nights of

wrestling for you are over ; all my inward groaning, lest

the separation which has been so affl ictive, should be

eternal . I am soon going home, and there, i n God’s

ow n good time,I hope to meet you .

“ Later. Every day I grow weaker, and I rej oice thatmy soj ourn i s almost ended . I shall soon be wi th my

Saviour,where I shall be free from sin and sorrow . My

heavenly Father has taken from death its on ly remaining

terror, the thought of leaving my chi ldren . But why

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IN D I SG UI SE . 379

should I fear? He is a covenant keeping God,and will

provide for them . He has raised them up friends,and I

can cheerfully leave them in his paternal care .

Sabbath morning. The film of death has already be

gun to gather over my eyes . My pen trembles in my

hand, but a few li nes will assure you that the Saviour i s

my support. H is presence w i ll lighten the dark valley .

H is right arm will uphold me amidst the swellings of

Jordan . I shall soon be safe in my heavenly home.

Bear i n mind that your Maria loved you to the end , and

that my last earthly thought wil l be a prayer for blessings

on your head.

Let every

The last sentence was i nterrupted by a violent fit Of

coughing, and was never fini shed .

In the meantime the family at Lindenwood (for allof them had become interested i n Alice’s protégés),were

planning what was best to be done for the reformed man.

The w i sh of the young wife,Mrs. Sydney, to take charge

of Minnie,seemed no longer feasible, Si nce i t would ‘


cruel to separate the chi ldren from their affl icted father

Uncle Stephen renewed hi s proposal to his young al

moner to draw upon him to any extent she might deem

necessary to set up the man i n some permanent bus i ness.

It was easi ly ascertai ned,through Mr. Gates, that he

had formerly been a master-mason,and at the time he was

married,considered one of the best workmen in the town .

The man who had taken hi s place,was induced , by the

representation of Clarence, to offer him work, upon t he

condition,i f hi s reformation were permanent, of shortly

Page 381: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


taki ng him i nto partnershi p ; an arrangement equallybenefici al to both .

His kind fri ends did not wish to hurry him . They

preferred to gi ve him time to recrui t hi s strength , and to

improve by the affliction which had visited him . But

w hen Clarence , at the request of hi s wife, cal led to in

form h im of the arrangements which had been made,he

found he had removed a burden which weighed heavi ly

upon Mr. Hayden’s mi nd . The poor man,with his

humiliating views of himsel f,felt that he could never

venture to solici t employment from those acquainted

withhi s former character,and had even medi tated a re

moval to a town where he was not known . Thi s he knew

would be a sad trial for Dexter, as he would be obl igedto leave the Academy where he was so successfully prose

euting hi s s tudies . He acknowledged the kindnes s,witha fervor which Showed the relief i t had afforded him


pecially when Mrs . Green was requested to remain for

the present, and take care of the family.

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he is one of th e bes t of chi ldren,yet I must say he is

cl ear Fowler in regard to talk ing. H is father w as just

so before him, whi le the Perkin ses (my ancestors)were

famous for bei ng Social and free . I often tell my darterJuli a (the one

, you k now,I was carrying the currant

wi ne to) that I don’t feel altogeth er at ease wi th her

brother,especially since he’s got to be a profes sor ; and

I hope you’ll accept this as the bes t apology I can offer

for not i ntroducing you to him the day we rode together.

I w as astonished, l mus t confess , when he told me he

had never even mentioned the subj ect to you ; and, to

tel l the truth , that is why I was more willi ng to write to

a stranger,that you might not think I w as ignoran t of

what belonged to good manners.“ Hoping that you will take what I have written i ngood part, I will close by saying that, as soon as I heard

my son was going to be married,I hired a woman ,

Phebe Dayson by name,i nto the house

,to make h im

up a set of li nen and a set of cotton Shirts , togetherwith all other necessary articles for hi s w ardrobe .

In great haste, your very true friend,HANNA H P . FOW LER.

P. S . In readi ng myo

letter over this morning, 1 'see

I have forgotten to tell you that you’ll be right welcome

to the family,and to none of them more so than to me

as 1 tel l my son I am the best acquainted with you of

any of them . I also forgot to tell you that I have com

menced ori a dozen pairs of lambswool stocki ngs for my;

son . Yours,H. P. FOW LER.

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The wedd ing was to take place on the morn ing of the

first day of May,when the bridal party would attend

the newly married pair about one hundred miles on their

way toward the Falls of Niagara . On their return , aparty of friends were invited to meet them at the Hall,

when they immediately proceeded to B

The,arrival of Gertrude i n fine spirits, and looking

more beautiful than ever, caused quite a jubilee in the

family . The meeting between Gertrude and Edith wastruly affecting

,such a change had taken place i n each

of them since they last met. It was not,however, until

on retiri ng to rest,they knelt side by side, and offered

their earnest prayers for protection,pardon , and peace,

that either realized the beauty which religion had im

parted to the character of the other.

The day following Gertrude’s return , when the whole

w ere assembled i n the parlor,a servant entered

with a card,which she presented to Gertrude, who, with

a very rosy hue upon her bright countenance, passed it

to her father . Mr . Stan ley smiled as he ordered the

servant to show the gentleman into the room .

Al ice glanced at her husband, but he was evidently at

a loss to conceive the cause of the mysterious smi les of

her parents or the blushes of her sister. They had not

long to wait, however, for Mr. Stanley stepped toward

the door, and cordi al ly welcomed Mr. Henderson, fromBaltimore . Gertrude also advanced a few steps, and, i f

her words did not express as much as her father’s,the

gentleman appeared fully satisfied w i th his reception .

Mr. Stanley then turned to i n troduce his wife , when , to

the as tonishment of all present,with a suc


den start ho

Page 385: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


sprang forward,and grasped both her hands

,wh ile

Charles Marion and Can i t be poss ible ? ”

were all that for a time could be heard,as the two ear

n estly gazed at each other. But soon , remembering that

her fri end had not yet been in troduced to all the family,

Mrs . Stanley led h im first to Uncle Stephen,and then

to each of the others,saying


“ This is my dear friend,

of whom you have so Often heard me speak, - th e

Charles, Alice , about whom I have related so many

pleasing remin i scence s .”

Al l form ali ty was now ended by this recognition ; and

Mr. Henderson , or Charley,as his early friend Marion

called him , was received at once as a member of the


She drew him shortly i nto the large Window, W here

he was very earnest i n telling her some piece of good

news, to which she l istened wi th pleased atten tion , unti l

he said,How very S ingular, Marion , that , i nstead Of a

name by which I once aspired to cal l you, my highest

ambition now i s to dignify you with the title of mamma l ”

The merry peal of laughter which burs t from both Of

them called forth an answering echo in the room ; and

Gertrude, obeying a summon s from her mother, advanced

to i nquire the cause .

Mr. Henderson arose and gave her a seat, while hedrew a chair near

,as he said

,Now , Gertrude, I may as

wel l confess that I have not. told you al l my wild pranks.

I suppose Marion would be hi nti ng that youwere not

my first love ; so I’l l tell you all . When I was a boy of

fourteen,I l ived i n C and was the nearest n eighbor

of Marion Thurston . I had no sisters , and she had no

Page 387: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

386 T HE HOUSEHOLD AN GELsoon go away to become a merchant, and then I should

be glad that we had not been so fooli sh as to engage

ourselves to each other, for I might see some one I

should like much better. Marion always w as wise

beyond her years ; and i n thi s case she certain ly mani

fes ted great wisdom . That scene in the arbor was

twenty years ago ; and from that time unti l I saw you,


” he said,respectfully taking her hand, a nd low

ering hi s voice,“ I have never seen a lady of whom

should wish to ask such a question .

He spoke so sadly, as i f he feared he had offendedher

,and yet so earnestly

,that Gertrude rewarded his

frankness with a bright glance of affection .

“ There '” said be,starti ng up

,“ I feel happier than

ever. I have confessed all my sins in that li ne , and re

ceived absolution . I’l l look out and behave well for the

future .”

“ I wouldn’t like to be respon s ible for you, said

Marion,laughing ; “

you are just the same Charley as

of Old. But, i f Gertrude is willi ng to try, I can be

surety for you that you will keep nothing concealed from

her . You never could keep a secret, Charley .

Mr. Stan ley now approached, and said , “ I think i t is


time for me to come forward , and hear what is an


“ It was so joyful and unexpected a meeti ng with my

Old friend,” an swered Mr. Henderson ,

“ that I begin to

think I’ve acted very fooli shly in carrying her back to old

times, about which she seems to have forgotten .

Duri ng the few days which intervened before the

w edding, Charley , as the whole family soon learned to

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m Drs s vrss . 38 :

call h im , made himself so useful , that Emma said she

did not see how they had ever done without him .

Mr. Stan ley had communicated to the family the fact

of his conditional engagement to Gertrude, while theywere at th e South

,but to which she could not fully co n

sent without the knowledge and approbati on of her

parents . Now , however, the engagement was ratified by

thei r approval .

Mr . Henderson had spen t the past winter i n Aiken , acelebrated resort for i nvalids

,having gone there to aecom

pany a son of his partner, where he met Gertrude, who,with her friend

,was boarding at the same hotel . Thei r

acquaintance soon ripened i nto friendshi p, and fri endshi p

i nto love ; and , when she left for the north , he aecom

pan ied th e party with which she travelled as far as N ew

York, and there obtained permi ssion from her father to

follow them to Li ndenwood .

The day before Emma was to leave,Doctor Jenks

called to bid her farewell . He seemed in fine spirits,and

told her he was looking forward to a wedding in the fall,

when Maurice returned . Seei ng her look Of astonish

ment,he con ti nued

,I have received a letter from Capt

B ruce , i n which he tells me that the conduct of my son

has been so exemplary,that he has promoted him to be

firs t mate . And i n a letter Maurice w rote to Amy, he

claims her promis e that. when he i s thus advanced,she

w i ll become Mrs . J enks,junior. Poor Amy li ttle thought

he would claim her so soon but I tell her a promise i s a

promise , and i t wont do for her to be. setti ng him an ex

ample of violati ng his word .

’Twould be hard for wife

and I to give her up, she worked so naturally right i n to

Page 389: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


the placeof a daughter. Wife was saying yesterday she

never had had her caps done up so neatly, and she thinks

i t i s a ll because Amy is Scotch .

In the evening, when Professor Fowler arrived with

ins si ster, Mrs . Julia Norton,Mr . Henderson looked upon

him with envy,as bei ng on th e eve of h is marriage . He

even went to Mr. Stanley to beg that h is nuptials m ight

be celebrated at the same time . Mr . Stanley shook his

head , but sent h im to his daughter,w ho decidedly refused

to be spiri ted Off i n such a hurry,and told him he de~

served to wai t a year for th inki ng of such a th ing.

If you’l l forgi ve me th is once,

” he began with

mock gravity ; but Gertrude interrupted him ,though she

could not refrain from laughing.

“ Stop, stop ! said


“ I’m tired out of your confessions and promises .

You’ve done nothing for the last week but to Offend , and

make resolutions of amendment. When will you ever

seriously set about improving ?

“ Just as soon,dear Gertrude


” he answered, his coun

tenance becoming serious, as you wil l take me under

your traini ng . But really,love

,tel l me if I have pained

you by my levity? I have so v ery li ght a heart, I may

have erred ”

Gertrude was obliged to turn away to conceal a tear

which was gli sten i ng i n her eye . The frankness and

good temper of her friend was a cordial to her heart, for

she knew him to be possessed Of a deep, warm under

curren t Of pri nciple and affection . Perceiving that he

spoke seriously,she said

,i n a low voice, which she vainly

endeavored to render calm,I th in k


,I must com

mence my discipline very soon , or youwill be beyond myinfluence.

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passed,and the party were waiti ng for the carriage tr.

convey them to the depot. Uncle Stephen,who had sud

den ly di sappeared immediately after the ceremony , wasseen beckoning the bride from the room . She haste ned

to j oin h im,when he put i nto her hand a folded p i per,

saying,as he hasti ly turned away

,“ Just for your name


you know .

“ Dear, k ind Uncle Stephen ! ” said the warm -hearted

girl,glancing at i ts contents

,and thrusting it i nto her


“ i s i t only for my name that you have always

been so very kind to me,and tri ed to hel p me to be a

good girl ? Don’t you love me a very l i ttl e for myself,too and she clasped her arms closely around his neck .

There,chi ld 3 he answered

,k i ssi ng her hearti ly,

while the tears began to stream down his cheeks . “ I’m

an old fo ol to cry when I’m so happy. You’re a good


,and I myself shouldn’t have obj ected to tak

i ng you for a wife .”

This was the greatest compliment Uncle Stephen ever

paid,and the bride could not help smili ng through her

Hears . “ I love you a great deal better as Uncle Ste


”she said, laughi ng, and agai n ki ssi ng her good-bye .

When they were seated i n the cars, Emma placed thefoldedpaper i n the hands Of her husband .

He sta rted . Why,Emma

, youdidn’t tell me youwere

an heiress

Am I ? she asked, smili ng; I didn’t know it my


” he answered,reading from the paper, “


have funds i n tw o banks in New York, amounting to thevery pretty sum of fifteen thousand dollars .”

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1N D I SG U I SE . 391

I’m glad I didn’t k now it before,” she said, archly.

Why 7

Because but the explanation was interrupted bythe conductor

, who was patiently standing at the s ide of

the young husband,and who

,finding his presence unno

ticed , touched hi s shoul der, saying, Tickets , if you

please .

Al ice leaned over the seat,and whispered , Clarence

says Prof. Fowler had better res ign”

the tickets and bag

gage to his care,until we leave you.

O 11 the return Of Gertrude and Alice with their party,Mr. Henderson plead earn estly with hi s fri end Marion toin tercede for him

,that h is marri age need not be delayed

beyond the first Of June . He had i n vai n urged Gertrudeto consent to this . She had been absent several months,and wished to remain at home until fall, especi ally as

Edithmight leave the country at that time .

A very strong friendship had grown up between Ger

trude and Edith . Notwithstanding both of them wereactuated by new princip les and motives, en tirely unlike

those which formerly governed their conduct,yet their

natural traits were unchanged . Gertrude was lively and

rather indo lent,when nothing of spec1al i nterest called

for her attention . To be sure she did not i ndulge herself

i n th is habit,as formerly but th is was what she consid

ered her infirmity. Edith,on the contrary, was firm,

self-relying, and energetic . These traits marked , also,her religious character. She entered with her whole heart

i nto whatever she u ndertook . She migh t not always

choose the bes t, or wisest means, i n the performance of

an action ; but her zeal was untiring. In earli er life

Page 393: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


Edi th, though several years younger, acquired a greati nfluence over Gertrude, and i t w as


pl ainly to be seen

that she stil l l eaned upon her. Happy was i t for Ger

trude that the i nfluen ce now was ever for good .

Would you do th is ?” or Shall I do that ? ” were

questions which Gertrude had always been i n the habit

of aski ng. Now Edith endeavored to assist her to fix

princi ples by which to govern her conduct. Is it

right ? ’ i s the question , dear sister, and the on ly question .

She would hardly admit there were any questions Of

expediehcy which would not come under some settledrule.

About a week after Emma had finally left them , as

Gertrude and Edith were sitti ng i n th e brigh t moonlight,talking of th e past, present, and future , DO you know,

si ster,

” asked the former,that I th ink you are just the

one for a missionary ? ”

Edith’s countenance changed so suddenly that i t couldnot escape the notice Of her s ister ; but neither Of them

spoke for a time .

At length Edith said,tremulously

, You would not

say th at, i f you knew my heart. Oh , i t makes me shudder when I remember what a proud

,rebelli ous heart

mine has been ! Sometimes,

” she added , her voice sink

ing to a lower key, and expressing deep feeling, some

times I am tempted to fear that I cannot be forgiven

that my sin s have been too aggravated . But that i s only

when I forget the heavy price which has been paid for

my ransom . Far ofte ner my feeli ngs are expressed bythe words which are ever running through my mind

Love I much, I’

m much forgiven,

I’m a miracle of grace.

Page 395: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


fied Saviour to the poor, deluded heathen . Perhaps you

cannot real ize i t ; but I think i t would be th e greatest

tri al of my l ife not to go and labor for their salvation ,

at the same time I fully appreci ate the sacrifice i t will-beto part from so many dear and tried friends . A father,mother

,and sisters

,who have borne wi th my obsti nacy,

my petulance,my self-will, and have loved me, notw ith

s tandi ng all my faults . I am surprised, too, at Uncle Ste

phen,when he knows me so well , that he should deem me

worthy to go out under h is patronage, and as a oompan

ion for one whom he has loved and treated like a son

but Alfred told me,when I urged rriy character as an Oh

jection , th at he had expressed himself as well sa ti sfied

with the choice .

Many conversations l ike the above took place during

the summer, not only with Edith , but with every member Of the family

,for Edith had become very frank

, w i th

al l her friends . Especially did she enj oy a quiet talk withUncle Stephen about the manners and customs Of the peo

ple among whom she was so soon to dwel l . He i nformedher Of the present state Of the mission

,read to her letters

from Mr. and Mrs . Huntington,and then expressed more

fully hi s wi shes wi th regard to the schools,and the prin t

ing press, which he had lately sent out. At length one

day when she was look ing over and referring to a letter

Uncle Stephen had read her,she came to a few words

which he i nformed her were i n Hindoostanee, w hen the

thought suddenly occurred to her, Why couldn’t I be

learning the language ? Her face flushed with pleasureat the thought

,and She eagerly inquired, “ Have you any

elementary books i n the language

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1N D i sGmsE . 395

NO,” he repli ed though he added

,after a moment

,“ I

thin k Clarence has .

And will you assi st me if I try to be getting an in

sight i n to it ? And wil l you keep my secret ?” were

her rapid questions .

Without answeri ng, Uncle Stephen walked quicklyin to the adjoi ni ng room , where Clarence kept h is private

li brary, hi s law books being at hi s Office , and soon re

turned with a small book , answeri ng to an Engli shprimer, and al so a dictionary. Clarence would gladly

teach you,” he said .

But no , Edith preferred him for a teacher, and a teacherhe gladly consented to be . Ever si nce hi s return to Ameriica she had heard both Uncle Stephen and Clarence use

expression s i n Hindoostanee, and when Alfred first came

to the Hall , he had taught her several phrases,with whichshe had delighted her school companions on her return to


unfamiliar to her ear. She took a lesson i n the sound of,so that the sound of the language was notwholly

the letters that very day, and lay awake nearly half th e

n ight,trying to recall the meaning Of certai n words

which were running through her mi nd . When at l as t

she fell asleep,the curiously-formed letters were dancing

before her excited vi sion,wh il e half-clad Hi ndoos seemed

screami ng meaningless words i n her ears .

It i s doubtful .whether Uncle Stephen or h is pupi l

better enjoyed the hour passed i n spelling, writi ng, or

speaki ng the strange tongue . The old gentleman was

proud Of his ow n ski l l as a teacher, and he was still more

proud o f Edi th’s success,which was i ndeed remarkable.

He looked forward with in tense del ight to the time when

Page 397: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


her secret snould be discovered , and many were the plans

made and rejected for bri nging it to l ight when the proper

moment should arri ve . D uring the summer Gertrude and

Edith found full occupation for their n eedles,i n the pre

parations for the double ceremony which was to take

place some time in the fall, and in these engagemen ts

they found efficient assi stance from their mother and

Alice , though the latter spen t much time i n the vil lage,i n her vi si ts among the poor. She had long before given

up her equestria n habits, and Clarence had purchased

a light carriage,i n which she could drive Fel ix

,who was

perfectly tractable . Minn ie Hayden had commencedattending an i nfant school , and might be seen at recess

keeping tight hold of the hand of her little fri end,Lizzy

Gate s, Dex te r leading them to and from schoo l .

Page 399: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


farmer’s wife left her churn ing, and advanced to the door

to welcome her vi sitors . She rather hesitated,as she

saw they were strangers, but supposing they might wish

to pur chase butter or cream , she stood , while they de

scended from the carriage, modestly awaiti ng them .

Edith co rdi ally advanced, and presented her hand , saying

,as she did so Is th is Mr s . Goodwin 7



” she replied,dropping a courtesy .

I see you do not remember me,continued Edith


smi ling, though rather sadly ; “ and yet I have visi ted

you and passed , at least, one nigh t . under your roof,

which , i f I h ave been rightly i nformed, deprived you of

your res t, so that you were obliged to hold your in fant

in your arms until morning.

Can it be possible ? ” i nquired Mrs . Goodwin , having

surveyed, from head to foot, the tall, elegantly dressed

lady before her . NO,

”She added

,as i f speaking to her

se lf, “ the sick girl was very unl ike th i s one .”

But I am the very one of whom you took such ki nd

care, and if you will allow us to walk in , I w il l soon

conv ince you Of i t.”

With many blushes and apologies for her impo l iteness

i n allowing them to stand at the door, Mrs . Goodwin in v i

ted them in to her neat,cool apartment


,as formerly .

answered the doubl e purpose of s i tti ng and s leepi ng

rooms . Hasti ly shaking up the feathers i n a small, redcovered cush ion

,which graced the wooden rocking-chai r,

and pushing i t toward Edi th,the hos tess begged her

visito rs to make themselves at home , and she wou ld call

Joshua to put up the horse .

The room,from having been shut up S i nce sunri se,

Page 400: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


m D I SG UI SE . 99

was delicious ly cool , the thick paper shades keeping

out almost every ray of light. Edith seated hersel f,and

laid as ide her bonnet,much pleased w ith the Situation i n

which she found herself, sheltered so completely from the

scorchi ng rays of the sun . It w as some time before her

eyes became enough accustomed to the darkness to see

what the room contained. In one corner stood a low

bedstead,made up very round and high

,Showing plai nly

there was no sti n t of feathers i n i ts manufacture . Thi s

was covered w i th a gayly-colored patchwork qui lt, upon

which much tas te had been expended i n the arrangement

of the figures . By its s ide stood a ches t of drawers,the

top neatly covered with a snow-white napkin,while a

family Bible , cased in brown cambric, lay upon it. Jus t

above the Bible hung a small mirror,ornamented with

green feathery asparagus, with its bright-red berries, a

pitcher fi lled w i th the same,also stood in the chimney

corner . A table,upon which lay a few select and well

preserved books , together with half a dozen chairs com

pleted the survey. Nothi ng could have better provedthe change i n Edith to be radical

,than to mark the ex

pres sion of her countenance as her eye rested,first upon

one article,then upon another

,i n the s imple apartmen t.

Formerly She would have regarded the whole with s n

preme contempt,or as so far beneath her as to be un

worthy to exci te any other feeli ng than profound indif

ference ; but now,i n the Bible, so neatly covered, and

reverently placed,she read the characters of her host and

hostess,as lovers of th e sacred truths i t contai ned, as

fellow-travellers,looking forward with herself to the same

Page 401: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping



blessed home in the skies,and she fel t bound to them by

the stronges t ti es of Chri stian affection .

At the sound of a man’s voice speaking to the nurse,

as he drove to the well- stored barn, Mr. Huntington had

stepped out to say that it would not be worth the while

to unhar'

ness,as their stay would be very short . But the

hospitable host would not cons ent to such an arrange

ment. Hi s wi fe had told b im,i n a w ord

,w ho had come,

and he w as proud to show them that th ey were welcome .

He now entered,i n company with Alfred

,to be i ntro

duced to the lady, and was immediately followed by his

wife,who, after summoning a boy from the garden to

finish the churning,had hasti ly arranged her own toi let,

by re-smoothing her hair, and tyi ng on a clean, whi te

apron,and now came i n to add her earnest i nvitation to

that of her husband, that their vis itors would remain

through the day, and ride home in the cool of the even

ing. Both Mr. and Mrs . Goodwin w ere so earnest in

their desire to entertai n the voung lady toward whom

they felt such an interest,that neither she nor her friend

could well refuse,and Edith consented , on the condition

that their hostess would not allow thei r coming to in

terrupt her duties .

La sakes l" exclaimed Joshua,wife don’t have sum0

a sight 0 ’ company th at she can’t afford to give up one

day to entertai ning of ’em,and I a ’n’t at all driv with

work n ow ;’twill be a treat to both on us .

The boy at th is moment put i n h is head at the door,apparently to make the announcement : Miss Good

win,your butter’s come as hard as shot,

” but,really

,to take a survey of the new arrival ; and Edith

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402 a n ousm io en ANG EL

observing the i n tense surpri se m anifcs ed i n the an

nouncement,and enti rely mistaking th e cause . She

knew both Mr. and Mrs . Goodwi n had seen her underthe most unfavorable circumstances

, and well know

i ng that they could not be aware of the en ti re

renovation of her character,she thought they w ould

n aturally consider her very unfit for the station to which

she aspired .

But nothing could have been further from the truth ,and

,i ndeed

,as Mrs . Goodwin took her apron

,and wiped

her eyes with th e back of her hand,she would have been

puzzled to explai n her own feelings,so fluttered was she

at the unexpected pleasure and honor of seeing real

missionaries,of speaking with them and of even enter

taini ng them under her humble roof. She had heard a great

deal about missions and missionaries,from the pulpit ;

and her mother, w ho l ived in a neighboring town , occa

s ionally sent her papers contain ing missionary intelli

gence . She and her'

husband always laid by a small

sum,from th eir earn ings

,to be sen t to the heathen ; but

the idea of ever knowi ng a missionary,of heari ng from

h i s ow n l ips,about the great work i n which he was en

gaged , was so much above and beyond her expectations,that she found i t di fficult to realize her ow n good for

tune . Then there came welling up a feeling of pride as

she thought of the i nterest she should create by relati ng

to her mother,friends

,and neighbors . and even to her

good minister,the honor which had been conferred upon

her. All thes e thoughts rushed so quickly through her

mind that she was not aware how earnestly she gazed at

one, and then another, utterly unmindful of the task be

tore he r

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IN D l SGUISE . 403

Poor Joshua sat awkwardly tw i rl ing his thumbs, and

looki ng very much confused . If he had been told that

the gentleman sitting on the stone step by h is side,was

the rich Squire Barstow,from New York, '

ofwhom he had

heard so much , or the famous lawyer, C from Boston ,he would not have felt embarrassed

,for he was an inde

pendent, true-hearted American farmer, owing no man

anything, and rej oicing i n his l iberty to th i nk and act for

himself. But to have talked so freely with a missionary,

to be s i tting there,on the back stoop

,with a man w ho

was going to leave all his friends and home,to take his

life i n his hands and go forth to dwell among heathen ,the ignorant

,deluded heathen

,amidst all the discomforts

of a barbarous state, to look forward cheerful ly to i t, for

the sake of hi s divin e Master — th is,i n his opi nion,so

elevated and ennobled his guest and rendered the em

ploymen t in which he had heretofore prided himselfso humble

,from the contrast


,for a time, he had

not a word to say . At length,he sighed heavily, as

he exclaimed : W ife,l guess thi s ere gentleman and

lady better go i n to their room,while I go out and water

the horse agi n ; I didn’t gin him much , he w as so warm .

“ It i sn’t necessary,yet


” responded Mr. Huntington ,laying his hand gently on the man’s arm , as he was

rising from his seat ; “ and you certainly wouldn’t wish

to exclude us from the enj oyment of this fine breeze ;Edith


” he added,address i ng her gayly, to give him time

to recover himself,th is will be a good opportuni ty for

you to learn to make butter. All we shall have wi ll be

of our ow n maki ng. A t any rate, from what I can re

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404 THE nousnno i . ) ANG EL

member of the w ant of neatness among the natives , I

should hardly reli sh butter worked by them .

The conversation was i nterrupted by the boy comingfrom the barn with the fat baby asleep i n h is arms . Hehad been dismissed there to amuse her with the chick

ens until her mother could be at liberty to attend to her.

The farmer took her with a tenderness and ski ll which

proved him to be not wholly unused'

to such business,

and laid her upon th e bed ; then , havi ng watered the

horse , he returned to his seat to li sten with great i n terest

to the conversation which was going o n i n the shed .

Mrs . Goodwin had now recovered the use of her

tongue ; and, whi le she rapidly advanced to the comple

tion of her business,she asked in numerable questi on s

relative to Al fred’s early days and their future life, think

ing that, as she had such an opportunity to hear about

that which so much interested her,’twould be extremely

fooli sh to waste it. Having motioned the boy, whos tood by her side, to carry the wooden tray of golden

colored bal ls to the cellar,she brought from a closet two

glasses of rich milk for her guests , which Alfred declared

was a

fit treat for a queen . She moved about noise

lessly,putting away dishes

,and preparing for di nner,

her absorbing in terest i n the subj ect discussed renderi ng

her whol ly forgetful of the awkwardness of doing so i n

th e presence of strangers ; and, before any of them were

aware,the table i n the ki tchen w as spread with a neatly

fringed cloth from her best drawer, and covered wi th a

most tempting repast . Though the dishes h appened to

be common delft ware,and set on without regard to the

latest style, of which she was wholly ignorant, yet the

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seemed to understand its import . Mother said it repaid

her for all the tri als they had passed through .

The baby now awoke , and called loudly for attention .

Mrs . Goodwin w ent to her, and , after half an hour,returned with the young miss dressed out i n her best


see the company. She was not at all afraid,and went

wi ll ingly to Edith .

What i s her name ? ” she asked .

I am ashamed to tel l you,” replied her mother

,“ that

she has non e but Baby . We keep putting i t off, and

she’s n in e months old without our having fix ed upon


“ I’ll give her a n ame

,said Alfred, coming toward

them Edith Huntington . You coul dn’t have a pret

tier,” he added

,smi li ng

,as he saw the burning blush

wh ich covered Edith’s face.We’ll do i t ! they both exclaimed ; “ that i s


” hesi

tated the mother, looking at Edith , if it’s agreeable to


The young lady replied by imprinting a ferven t kiss

upon its brow ; and so the importan t matter, which had

caused such earnest di scussion i n th e long winter even

ings was settled,and the littl e cherub was Baby no

longer, but Miss Edith Huntington Goodwin .

“ I must have a kiss,Miss Edith

,for givi ng you so

good a name,

” and Alfred bent down ‘

to the chi ld .

When I get to India,I shall be sure to send you some

bangles,that you may n ever forget you were named for

a missionary .

How would you like to go and live among the heathen ; and te ach them to be good ?

”in quired Edi th of

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m m scursa. i t)?

the boy, w ho stood near them ,eagerly li sten ing to a ll

that passed .

The lad held down his head,and began maki ng fig

ures on the floor with his bare toes . But long years after.

that question sounded i n hi s ears ; and, though he di.

not become a mi ssionary, yet hi s heart was warmly en

gaged i n the work,and he was ever ready to bestow his

mite i n the good cause .

About four o’clock,Edith

,having taken an affecti onate

leave of her little namesake, started with Alfred for

home, M r. and Mrs . Goodwin following them to the

gate . and with moistened eyes bade them farewell . They

never forgot that vis i t ; and the words of the young

mi ssi onary at parting,Though you may not be cal led

to go into foreign lands to labor for th e salvation of the

heathen,yet there wi ll always be work for Christians at

home,whi le there are souls to be w on to Christ,

” sank

deep i nto their hearts .

Page 409: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

C H A P T E R X X X I I I .

Oh. married love ! each heart shal l own ,

Where two congenial souls unite,

Thy golden chains inlaid w ith down ,

Thy lamp with heaven’s own splendor bright


Thou art the nurse of v irtue. In thine arms

She smiles , appearing, as in truth she is,

Heaven -born, and destined to the skies again .

TH E months of August and September passed rapidlyaway. The letters of Mr. Henderson were more andmore urgen t .for Gertrude to appoi nt the day of their

marriage,which had beenfrom time to time pos tponed

on account of the u ncertai nty of Alfred’s movements ;and one evening

,when the fami ly were at tea

,he sud

denly j oined them , saying that he did not i ntend to l eave

without a bride . After tea,he requested an i nterview

with Mr. and Mrs . Stanley,where he plead his cause so


,as the arrangements of Al fred were nu

certain , so that the time of the marri age could not be

fixed,and as there really was no good reason why the

ardent lover should have his patience longer tes ted , the

parents gave their consent that the wedding should takeplace the follow ing week

“ I’l l leave i t with you,

s aid Marion,“ to prevail with

her. I rather fear her consen t to such hasty movements

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At her special request, the weddi ng was to be privatebut she devoted two entire days of the short time left

h er, to farewell call s upon her friends .

The day after Gertrude’s departure,Dr. Jenks called

to i nvi te the family to a wedding at h is house . Maurice

had arrived a few days before,and was to sail i n a fort

night Or three weeks for Liverpool . The o ld gentleman

was in high spi rits, as well as’

i n great haste,but begged

all the fam ily to hon or the young people by being

present. This they readi ly promised . The good clergy

man , Mr. Badger, was certai nly reaping a golden harvest.

He appeared at the doctor’s , and looked around in smiling complaisance upon the party assembled . Soon Mau

rice entered w i th Amy ; and all were impressed with her

loveli ness as she gave her hand trustingly i nto the keep .

i ng Of her husband. The young sai lor uttered the re

sponses with a fervor which called forth many smiles ,and

,as soon as the ceremony was through , imprinted a

ki ss upon her li ps . Then foll owed th e congratulations,th e cake

,and the partings, duri ng which both the bride

and groom came in for their full share of prais e . Mau

rice promised to accom pany hi s wife to Li ndenwoodbefore he sailed . He had brought home the highes trecommendati ons from his captai n , who was


arixious to retain him i n the shi p he commanded . The

vessel was now going out to Liverpool for a short voyage ; and he confidently expected to be at home again

by March .

Uncle Stephen presented Gertrude, hi s n iece, with the

same sum which he had given to E in'

ma, saying, “ I

didn’t mean you should l ose anyth ing by i t, when you

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m Drseursa. 411

acted so nobly by Alice . The old gentleman was now

meditating whether i t would be better for Alfred to take

advantage Of a merchant vessel about to sai l for Cal

outta, or to wait unti l spring, that he might have the hen

sfit Of a course Of medical lectures in Philadelphia . The

latter was at length decided upon,and Edith was left at

Li ndenwood for the winter. She applied herself withgreat d iligence to her studies, and really surprised her

teacher by the aptness she displayed for the acquisiti on

of the language . From talking with one who had lived

so long 111 India, her pronunciation was remarkably per


When Maurice called with Amy,he in formed his

friends that hi s sh ip was not to sai l for another week ,which he considered uncommonly good fortune . When

he arose to take leave,he approached Edith

,and said,

with some emotion,Though I suppose I may stand a

better chance of seeing you than some ’ others,as I fre

quently make voyages to Calcutta ; yet we may never

meet again . I wi sh you great prosperity, wherever you

may go .

The unbidden tears gushed to Edith’s eyes at thi s nuexpected benediction


,giving him her hand

,sh e said ,

“ Li fe i s always u ncerta in . I may never h e permitted

to reach a foreign shore . You may never return to your

native land ; but let us strive to l ive i n such a manner

that we shall not fai l to reach our heavenly home .”

How many times,i n after years

,were these words re

called to mind

The young sai lor bowed over Edith’s hand to conceal

Page 413: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


a tear, uttered a fervent Thank you, Edi th then.

turned to leave the room .

It was mid winter. The thermometer outside the

door stood four degrees below zero, and the appearance

Of passers by hurrying at full speed, with buffalo robes

careful ly tucked around them,while the panting horses

emitted at every breath a ful l puff Of steam,bore evi

dence to the biti ng,frosty atmosphere . But in doors at

Li ndenwood,the air was warm and balmy as June . A

powerfu l furnace in the cellar sen t i ts”genial warmth

through every part Of the house,and

,i n add iti on to this,

a large wood fire blazed cheerfully upon the hearth in the

parlor. But i t i s not the parlor to which we would i ntro

duce you thi s morning. In the spacious room above it,the heavy damask curtains are draped from the bay win

dow,to exclude the least particle Of air ; but in the wi n

dow facing the south,a full flood of light from the sun

i s pouring in . Drawn up before the cheerful fire i s thelarge easy chair

,mentioned on a former occasion

,and in

it i s seated its former occupant,pale and languid, i t is

true, but with eyes as bright, and mouth as sweetly

wreathed i n smiles as Of Old . Uncle Stephen and Clar

ence are standing near,looking first at her and then at a

tiny rol l of flannel lying across the lap Of her mother,who is seated i n a low rocking-chair

,close to the fire.

Alice Often gazes at the same small Obj ect with a shade

of anxiety crossing her brow,unti l an Old lady

,who seein s

very much at home,and whom we speedily recognize as

Nurse Green,says


,Miss Alice ! don’t gO to worry

ing about the baby. It’s only the snuffles he’s go t, and

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urged, “ i f you cal l him anyth i ng else, and shall alw ays

remember th at you thought of mefirst.”Alice pressed the Old man’s hand to her pale lips

, as

she added,Hi s name i s Stephen . I only wish i t could

be Uncle Stephen , and I shal l love it better than all the

fine names to be found i n the di ctionary .

Well, ch i ld,” said the gratified uncle

,smil ing through

h is tears, “ you always did have your ow n way with

me .

But we will return to the pleasant group before the

fire , who are now joined by the doctor and Mr. Stanley .

After examin ing the pulse of hi s patient,Dr. Jenks said


gai ly, As free from fever as I am . N ow we’l l soon

build you up . Squire Sy'

dney,did you send to New

York for some of that bitter stuff I mentioned ? ”

Yes ,” replied Clarence

,I succeeded i n getting some

Of the very best .”

Well,send for a bottle . Nurse, you have water and

sugar here, I see .”

Clarence rang the bell,and a servan t soon brought a

bottle from which the doctor poured a few teaspoonfuls

i nto a goblet, put i n bountifully of sugar and filled the “

glass with w ater. He stirred and s i pped,putting i n a lit

tle more from the bottle,and a li ttle more sugar

,until he

had fixed i t just to hi s li ki ng. There, Mrs . Alice he

exclaimed,holding it to her li ps, “ dri nk every drop Of it.

“ It i s very di sagreeable to me ,” said Al ice, laugh i ng

as the doctor stood watchi ng her .

Can’t h elp i t ; down with it or I’m thinking Master

Stephen will have to go hungry .

“ Is i t good for him ? ” i nquired the young mother

eagerly .

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D isGUISE . 15

for him ? yes. It’l l make him grow as fat as a

porpoi se.

’Twill make him sleep,too

,and be good

Ali ce put the glass resolutely to her li ps, and drained

1 ‘ Bravo ! laughed the good man touched the right

chord,” he added

,in a loud whisper

,to Clarence. There


Nurse , you saw how I mixed i t. She must take that

whole bottle ful l i n three days at farthest.‘Give her a

glass three or four times a day . Perhaps she’d like a

cracker with i t. She’ll be calling for it herself by to

He was about turn ing to leave the room ,when Alice

called, DoctorLyou havn’t looked at the baby .

“ Well,he’s no great sigh t. What should I look at

don’t breathe well .”

doctor bent over the small specimen of humanity

and put‘his ear down to l is ten . He’s well enou


” he

replied,ri sing.

“ Just get Nurse to rub a li ttle sweet Oilo n


his noSe,” and bowed himself out Of the room .

It was very certain that whoever. else neglected the baby(though there was not much danger Of that at present),Uncle Stephen would not. Twenty times in an hour he

turn-edf as ide the blanket with which its small face w as

l is tened,to be sure that i t sti ll

In reading his papers he turned them wi th

great care, lest the rustli ng shoul d disturb its slumber, and

walked about as nois eles sly as possible .

I do bel i eve .Uncle Stephen thinks that baby i s his


“ exclaimed Edith, one day after having watched

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416 THE H OUs

him playi ng to the chi ld, and witnessed h is joy ,return to the terms of endearment lavished upon h im

, the

little fellow cooed a reply .

“ I should like to know, answered the Old gentleman,w ith some indignation, whose chi ld you thi nk it i s,


i ! i t

i s not m ine

Both Edith and Ri ce laughed hearti ly,at which thebaby cooed again .

I had thought,” said the former, th at i t belonged to

Al ice and Clarence ; but

Clarence has noth ing whatever to do wi th the ch ild

con ti nued he,in a loud tOne.

“What does he,a boy


know about the care of children ? I’ll venture he never

had it i n hi s arms i n his l i fe .

And th is was true. The young father’s heart w as

full to overflowing with gratitude for the sweet gift from

heaven . He never entered the room,or left i t, without a ,

peep at i ts tiny features ; but he ~had been exceedingly

solicitous concerni ng the health Of his beloved w ife, and,when he was at home, devoted h imself almostw hol ly



her comfort. Never having even see n so ’

young a child,the idea of trusti ng himself to take so precious a treas

ure i nto his arms , had never once entered hi s mind

When Stephen Forsyth , J r.

, was two months old , an

immense box arrived from New York to h is address.When theli ttle fellow was i nformed Of i t

,he told a very

long story, which hi s mother perfectly understood to

mean that he w i shed to know its contents without de lay.

The desire was i nstantly compli ed with,and forthwith

there came from the huge box a ti ny bathing-tub,a cra

d_e, or rather a crib upon rockers, with delicately wrought

Page 419: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


And didn’t te ll me, sai d Alfred, with a reproachfu.

look .

Never mind,” replied Edi th , tenderly, I promise youyou’ll hear enough bye and bye . 1 shall be obliged to

te l l you, or keep my secrets entirely to myself.”

The whole family were amazed at the progress s he had

made,though she persisted i n attributing all her success

to Uncle Stephen , and he, scarcely able to contai n his

joy, walked back and forth , saying, Yes, I’ve found out

at last what I am good for. I must apply for a professor

ship of foreign languages .” In this case the old gentleman

did not refuse to receive the praise which was his due.

Page 420: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

CH A P T E R X X X I V .

Oh, weep not ! thy loved one is sweetly sleeping

Beneath the blue ocean’s crested wave,

Where low surging billows are ever singing

Their requiem round his pear ly grave.

Loving thoughts of thee often swelled his fond heart

A s homeward he p lough’d the green sea foam,

fi ll called by his Saviour and God to depart,To the land of the bles t— the penitent’s home.

h w as a clear, brigh t morning i n March. The weather

had been bleak and windy,but now the sun was shin ing

i n full splendor, as i f to make amends for the length of

time during which he had hidden hi s face . In the sunny

kitchen of Dr. Jenks, there was evidently some great oecasion at hand . The large table was set out i n the mid

dle of the floor th e place it had hitherto occupied onlyduri ng the preparations for thanksgiving.

Before i t stood Mrs . Jenks,atti red i n a wide checked

apron,her sleeves rolled up, and her tongué


keep ing time

with the roll ing-pin,with which she was dexterous ly

transforming the flaky'

pas te i nto coverings for the long

row of pies before her . Her haste , however, did not pre

vent the old lady from giving an occasional glance up the

street, which she could see for some distance . Let methi nk ,

” she soli loquized,sticking the end of her kni fe in to

the paste,and pausing a moment, there’s six mince and

four apple,— that makes ten

,—to be covered . Yes,

4 19

Page 421: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


there’s enough and she hastened agai n wi th her work .

Amy,dear, wont you just open the door of the oven a

minute ? I’m afraid i t’s getti ng too hot. What time did

your father thi nk Mauri ce would be here 9

Not before noon,

” replied the young wife,after com

plying with the request. I’m on my last shirt, and they

look beautifully too,” she exclaim ed. holding one up for

her mother to admire .

They would do any body credit,ch ild ; but I

’ll veni

ture ’tw ont be eleven o’clock before he’ll be here . Now ,

don’t you go to being frigh ten ed, i f he jumps out from

beh ind the door any minute,” and she cast an anxious

glance at the young wife. “ You know he’s mighty fond

of surprises,and don’t real iz e how dangerous they are at

times .”

Do you thi nk he w ill be pleased ? ” asked Amy, i n asubdued voice .

Pleased,chi ld

,he’ll be tickled almost out of his wits.

There,I’ve got that cover too small,

” and she glanced for

the hundredth time at the clock .

Amy seemed no less excited,though her manner of ex

hibiting it was different. Her j oy was too i nten se . for

many words . She Spread the six new shi rts, she hadmade for her husband during hi s absence, on the small

clothes-horse,placed i t i n the si tting-room , out of the

w ay, and then assisted to put the pies i nto the oven .

N ow ,Amy


” said the mother, “ i f you’l l beat the

eggs, I

’ll stir up a Washington pi e, and fil l i t with

that s trawberry Jam,he’s so fond of Just at thi s mo

ment a shadow fel l upon the floor, which sent the blood

w i ldly through Amy’s heart, and made her mother

Page 423: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


drawer after another to see if al l were reaoy, and almost

hoped to find something more to do for the dear one

who was momentari ly expected . But no . the deligh tful

task,which had occupied her so many weeks

,was ended.

Not a button to sew on , not a string to fas ten , and

so Amy unpi nned her hair,and let the long golden

tresses fall over her shoulders . How proud Maurice isof my hair


” and she gazed at i t,fondly

,as a thi ng he

had loved . After arranging i t i n h is favorite style,she

proceeded to array herself i n a brown meri no dress,and

with a neat collar,fastened by a brooch

,and a black silk

apron,her simple toi'let was completed.

For a few moments she sat down and gave herself up

to the enjoyment of her ow n thoughts . She rapid ly re

viewed her acquaintance with Maurice . He had beenun iformly respectful and kind i n his treatment of her


but ohf from the time when he first told her h is love, how

freely had he poured out his affection . He had been themost devoted of lovers, the very kindest of hus bands, and

the young wife pressed her hand s to her bosom as she

raised her heart i n prayer for help to be at a ll times a

loving,faithful wife. Poor Amy '

Suddenly,hearing a step i n the room below

,she start

ed up , and ran quickly down the stairs . She entered the

sitting-room,and cast a hurri ed glance around : but no

one was there . She heard the voice of her father i n th e

kitchen and concluded the step must have been h is .“Well

, Amy,” he said , pleasantly, though he himself

was not a l i ttle disappoi nted at the non -arrival of his son,

What do you say to riding down to farmer Pond’s with

me ? Iwant somebody to talk wi th , and he’l l be sure to

Page 424: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

; N mscursa. 423

be here when we come back . But as long as you and

mother sit watchi ng, _you know the old adage, A

watched pot

Oh , father,” she repli ed earnestly, rai sing her serene,truthful eyes to h is face , I couldn

’t be away .

“ Mother," exclaimed the Doctor, turn ing from her wi th

a sigh , w hi ch he would have found i t very difficult to ac

count for ; “ can’t you give me someth ing to eat ? I'

os t

my appetite th i s morni ng.

Mrs. Jenks brought from the pan try a large mince

turn-over, and hastil y pouring out some cold coffee,placed i t before him, There, eat quick ,

” said she, I

want to clear up,and not have dirty di shes standing

round w hen company is expected .

Company,hey ! ” he exclaimed, laughing. I won

der if I shoul d go away two or three months, whether Ishould be company ? Well , I must be goi ng along.

But still he lingered and looked at the clock, w hose

tardy hands seemed reluctantly to approach the expected

hour . At length , i t strikes . Now, he can’t go unti l the

train comes i n . The fron t door bell ri ngs : Oh , dear ! ”says Mrs . Jenks, “ my hands are all flour.

” Amy’s eyes

plead, I had rather not go and so the Doctor went


and let i n a woman who wanted a tooth pulled. Amy’s

heart beat now faster than ever. In a few moments he

w i ll be here .

Agai n the bell ri ngs . “ I’ll venture that’s Maurice,exclaimed the mother, ri nging the bel l to surprise us

and she calls to the Doctor, w ho leaves h is patien t andadmi ts the clergyman .

I wonder what on earth he’s come here for, at this

Page 425: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping



’ sh e whispered to Amy , after l i stening long enough

to hear the voice o f th e good rector : and for the first

time i n her l ife, the hospi table woman failed to give her

minister a cordial reception “ I shouldn’t wonder one


” she added , to her daughter, i f the saucy fellow

had gone round the back way,and was hidi ng up stairs

now ;’twould be just li ke him ;

” and the tw o started

off on their survey . Room after room was searched ;Amy expecting every moment to have her husband

spring from some corner, and clasp her i n his strong

arms.“ Come out here, i f you

’re h id,Maurice


the mother,with some indignation , as she had, so far,

been balked in her search . But even whi le she was

speaki ng, the voice Of Dr. Jenks was heard at the stairs.Mother ! Amy ! come down .

The words were spoken hoarsely , wholly unlike hi s

usually ki nd and cheerful vorce ; but he was i nstantly

obeyed . He stood at the foot of the stairs,with h is

arms outstretched . Amy flew dow n .

“ Where is he,father ? ”

Gone,Amy ; gone, child .

What do you mean,Doctor ? ” almost sh rieked Mrs.

Jenks,catching hold of her husband’s arm , and shaking

i t,as i f to rouse him to hi s con sciousness .

he faltered , staggering back , your boy lies

at the bottom of the sea .

” With one wild shriek , the

poor young widow fell sen seless to the floor.

Perhaps i t was well for the s tricken parents that their

attention was, for a time , diverted from their ow n grief

ov the alarming situation of their daughter, who soon

Page 427: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


Rev . Mr. Badger

Respected S ir, - It i s my painful duty to in form

you that Maurice Jenks one o f your congregation,who

has for some time past been mate on board the Wil liam

Bartle tt ’ i s no more . On the night of the l 6th of

March , a violen t gale arose, during which our vessel was

in great danger. In the midst of the dreadful scene,

Maurice was perfectly calm and self-possessed ; and,after one of the sailors had i n vai n attempted to climb

the mast to let down a sail,he sprang quickly up to the

top,performed the task

,and was about descending when

a vi olent lurch of the vessel,for which he was unpre

pared , caused him to lose his hold,and hewas precipi

fated into the sea . The fearful cry,‘A man overboard ! ’

rang out on the nigh t air. The vessel was immediately

put about, and ropes thrown in every direction . Indeed ,when i t was discovered who was the missing man , it

was with extreme difficulty that I could restrain the

sympathizing sailors from throwing themselves i nto the

water to rescue him . But the sea was rolling mountain w aves

,and the absolute impossibil i ty of a man

livi ng for a moment i n it,made me sternly order them

back to their duty,though rriy heart was bleeding at the

loss I had sustained,at the death of him who was one

of the best mates i n th e world,and whom I had learned

to value as a personal fri end .

I have taken.

the l iberty to address my letter to you,s ir

, from the kind interest our lamented friend has often

assured me you have taken in his welfare,and from the

belief that no one could more cautious ly or tenderly f

announce the sad tidings to the affl icted parents and the

Page 428: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

i N D i suurse . 427

bereaved widow. I wi ll thank you, si r, i f you wil l, n .

such time as youmay deem proper, present to them my

mos t earnest sympathies i n their unspeakable loss . This

I s hall do i n person at the first moment I can leave myvessel Unless I can do so i n a v


ery few days,I shall

send the e ffects belonging to my lamented friend, by

boat, to Queenstown .

With sentiments of high respect, I am, sir, your truly

sympathizing friend,ANSEL G. BRUCE .”

At the dreadful announcement, Amy fell i n to a swoon

wh ich so nearly resembled death that the ki nd neighbors

and friends w ho watched over her scarcely allowed

themselves to hope that she would survive unti l morning.

How gladly would they have seen tears streaming dow n

her cheeks ! But no ; except that'

she breathed,there

was no sign of l ife , and medicines which , under other

circumstances, Dr. Mason would have used, might provefatal .

On the third day after the sad intelligence reachedQueenstown , Captai n Bruce arrived. He w as deeply

moved as he heard from Mr. Badger an account of the

fami ly. The rector accompanied him to the dwelling,which was so truly a house of mourning, and nad the

plea sure to witness the soothing influence Of the cap

ta in ’s presence after the first gush of feeling had sub

sided . Mrs . Jenks could not,however, be contented

unless her poor husband could also hear the melancholy

detail from the lips of their kind and sympathizi ng

friend. Dr. Mason wa s consulted, and at length con

Page 429: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


sented to it. The good woman knew her husband to

be a Christian , and that, as such he would bow sub

m issively to the stroke with which their heaven ly Father

had vis i ted them .

She was also well aware that '

ev idence the captain .

was able to give with regard to the good'

conduct of

Maurice would be the best res torative . And so it'


proved . As the warm -hearted seaman sat by his sidesand related many touching incidents which had “occurred

during their last v oyage , together‘

V ith the increasing

fondness the young man had exh ibited for readi ng the

Scri ptures,tears of grati tude rolled down the furrowed

check of the stricken father,while he feebly articulated

the words , “ Lord Jesus, recei ve the thanks of a poor,broken-hearted father for thy mercy to his chi ld .

“ I am not a professor of religion,continued Captai n

Bruce, brushing away a falli ng tear ; but I have often

wished I could feel as your son did. When the weather

was calm,I have seen him gather a little company of

sailors around him , and sit down i n a retired part Of the

ves sel , where for hours he read to them from the Bible

or religious tracts, the honest tars l istening with open

mouths,as i f for their lives . I had the curios i ty to

question one of them to see if they really learned any

th ing, or if i t were merely their affection for the young

mate which induced such fix ed attention . Hi s an swer Ishall never forget.

said I, ‘when Mas ter Jenks is reading, can

you get at the meaning ? ’

Indeed I do,

’w as the reply ; ‘aud a blessed meaning


is w hen i t tells a poor fellow who all hi s life long

Page 431: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


connected with his deceased friend,and who had exerted

so salutary an influence upon h im,for Maurice had often

attributed the change i n hi s religious feeli ngs as,under

God, owing to her consistent example and earne st piety.

The anxious physici an conducted h im to her room,where

S he lay pale and motionless . She so nearly resembled

death, that, with a sudden start, he bent over her to

li s ten if she breathed . Becoming aware that some one

was n ear her, poor Amy qui ckly opened her eyes, and,was near her, poor Amy quick ly opened her eyes, and,w i th an appealing expression

, which brought many tears

from the sympathizing man , whispered, Maurice

Has my Maurice come ? ” Putti ng his handkerchief to

his eyes, Captain Bruce hurried from the room ; and he

afterwards remarked that he had rather meet the stiffest

gale off Cape Horn than such a look of i ntense w oe as

accompan ied her whispered question .

From this time,however, she slowly gained strength ,

unti l she was able to sit up most Of the day ; but her

mind was wanderi ng, and her language often wild and

i ncoherent. Sometimes the sight of any article of cloth

ing which had be longed to her husband produced violent

agitation,and she would tremble excessively ; but no

tears relieved he r until a l i ttle Maurice’

came to fil l the

place in her heart rendered desolate by the loss She had

sustained . In the warm and earnest love which welled

up withi n her breast at the Sight Of the little stranger,she learned to thank God that he had allowed her even

the memory of her dear Maurice,and also for the sweet

babe as a preciou s token of his love . She devoted her

self to the train ing of her child and when , in after

years, the estates which had been so unrighteously taken

Page 432: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

l N msov rSE . 431

from his mother were restored to him , and he aceompa

nied her to Scotland,and took a high sta tion in society ,

he aimed so to live that he might honor his beloved

father,and spend an eternity with him in heaven .

The good doctor parti ally recovered the use of his

paralyzed limbs,and rode about as of old among his

patients . He sat for hours talking to those who hadkn own and loved hi s son , repeating over and over agai n

the anecdote s related by Captain Bruce , arid showing a

small pocket Bible that Maurice had always carried

about him,with such passages underscored as he thought

would be adapted to interest and profit the crew . But

i f,at any time, hi s patients applied to h im for medici ne,

he invariably sent them to Dr. Mason , having lost allconfidence i n his ow n skil l.

The kindness he had shown to the poor and desti tute

proved eminently, i n his case, like bread cast upon the

water,which h e found after many days . Scarcely a day

passed without some token , slight i t might be, but no

less grateful to him , of the affectionate remembrance i n

wh ich he was held by his former patients and the whole

community,and also of their warm sympathies with his

family in their bereavement. Mrs . Jenks even com

plained that she should lose her sk ill i n cooking, so li ttle

occasi on did she find to practise her favorite art.

Among the numerous houses where the Old gentleman

was at all times a welcome visitor, there were no two

places i n which he so delighted as Li ndenwood and thevine -covered residence of his aged pastor

,whose kind

ness during his season of deepest trial neither he nor his

family ever forgo t.

Page 433: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


At Li ndenwood,the old gen tleman

always found his

way up to the nursery, being the same room w here hi s

l i ttle favori te Loui s had breathed out h is soul to God ,and which was now newly furnished for the use of

Master Stephen . The young mother feared that her

uncle, being unused to ch ildren , might become wearied

with h is noise,and be under the necessity of abandon

i ng the pleasant room he occupied with them . But she

w as wholly mi staken . Day after day he sat i n the nu?sery amus i ng himself with his l ittle namesake ,who soon

learned to cal l after him, i f he left the room ; and almost

dai ly Dr. Jenks might be seen there with him.

Page 435: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


ler, Edith returned with them to Li ndenwood . In all

her visi ting l -sr heart had-been in her studies,and her

d esire to prepare herself for usefulness among the people

with whom she had chosen to dwell , had daily and hourly

increased . She astoni sh ed even Uncle Stephen, w ho had

an exalted idea of her capabi liti es,by the ’

progress she

had made . She told him she had never realized how

good and patient a teacher hehad been,unti l obliged to

depend upon herself.

September was the month now fixed upon for sailing,

and every day brought new duties and cares , i n the way

of preparation for the important voyage . One morni ng,

toward the latter part O f August, a commi ttee of ladi es

from the vi llage called at the Hall , with a box aboutthree feet square

,which had been presented to the youn

missionary by her friends,as a token of their interest In

the cause to w hich she had devoted her li fe . A letter

accompanied it, requesti ng that she would not Open th e

box unti l her arrival at her ow n station .

The ladies also expressed an earnest wish that Edithand Mr. Huntington should attend the Miss i onary Society i n the vil lage before their departure ,which they would

appoin t at any time to sui t the conven ience Of the mis

sionaries .

Edith promi sed compliance,and accepted their i nvita

tion ~the following week ,where she met more than a hun

dred ladies and gentlemen who had assembled to bid

them farewell . The kind ladi es led Edi th into a backroom

,where , neatly folded, and ready for use , was a

generous supply of shi rts , flannels, and hos e , for Mr

Huntingto n , tr ade and presente d him by the ladies Of

Page 436: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

l N D l SGU l SE .

the society . Edi th was much affected by their k i ndness,but said she mus t call her friend to speak for himself,which he did wi th great feeling, until there was . not a

dry eye among them .

I : was the wish of Uncle Ste phen that Alfred shouldbe set apart for hi s work i n the church under the care of

their esteemed pastor,Mr. Badger

,and great was the

pleasure manifested when the fact became known . It

was truly a memorable occasion for Queenstown , and

such as had never occurre d there before . I n the midst

of al l her cares, Edith did not forget her humble friendsat the farm


,with the permissi on of Mrs . Stanley ,

i nvited Mr. and Mrs . Goodwin to come to the exerci ses,and to bri ng with them her l i ttle namesake .

The even tful morning at length arrived . Alfred and

Edith met by appoi ntment at an early hour, to ask together the bles s i ng of their heavenly Father

,upon a day

fraught with so much interest to them . Theywere tobe married i n church at n ine o’clock . After thi s the pub

lic services of the occasion were to commence . When

the family,together with a large number of friends,met at

the breakfast-table , none were so calm and cheerful as the


,for Christ’s sake, were i n two days to leave

fri ends , country , and home . Uncle Stephen , whose pale

countenance showed that he had passed a sleepless night,wept aloud

,and when ' the young clergyman , whom he

had educated in the very ho ne that thi s blessed event

might come to pass,led him to the parlor, and tried to

soothe his agi tated feelings , the good o ld man sobbed


,what am I

,that God should have thus an

sw ered my prayers, and made me the unworthy i nstru

Page 437: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

436 THE nouss n DLD A NGEL

men t of sending a missionary to the poor heathen ! It

humbles me to the dust to th ink how little faith 1 havehad that he would order this even t, so that I should l ive

to see th is day .

It was not until that long-to-be-remembered interview

that Alfred became aware how earnestly hi s k ind bene

facto r had wrestled in prayer for him ,that his h eart

might be turn ed to th i s great work ; nor with what

solicitude he had watched his course,and how at “


time, when the young studen t w i shed to study law,he

had again sought the throne of grace, and with tears

had plead th at, if i t was the wi ll of God to deprive him

of the glorious privi lege of fitti ng him for the work of a

missionary, another might be raised up ; nor how se

verely his faith had been tried by the ardent affection

Alfred had exhibited for Edith,who at that time was

very unsuited to be the wife of a missionary. Now,

added Uncle Stephen ,with a fresh burst of tears , “ during

the long night I lay and thought of all the way the Lordhad led you and your chosen companion , to fit you for

your great work. I, i n my feebleness, thought money

could do it ; but he saw more grace was needed . Hesent you trials, and I trust they have been sanctified .

But I can never s ufficiently thank him for the favor

shown to me , a poor, sinful creature .”

At eigh t o’clock,the church was crowded to over

flowing,so eager were all for admittance ; and , had



not been that special seats had been reserved for Mr

Stan ley’s family,they would hardly have been able to

gain admittance . Notwithstanding the ai sles and eventhe large porch were crowded, the ticking of the clock

Page 439: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


another from his basket, and placed them in the lap of

the little girl,all the whi le prattli ng to himself, while she

gazed firs t at him ,and then at the wonderful sight

before her,but could not venture to speak a word .

Edi th found her good friends had come over early inthe morning, and attended the services i n the church , but

had hesitated to intrude themselves at a time when theyknew there were many who had more claim upon her

atten tion . She sent to the parlor for her husband, when

both Joshua and hi s wife were much affected at par ting

from them .~When Edith took the little girl i n her arms

to ki ss her and bid her adieu, she threw over her neck a

chai n of gold, attached to which was a locket contain ing

a small min iature of hersel f, painted by her mother, with

her ow n hair and that of her husband inserted i n the

back .

How many times,in the course of the next year


even t was related to admiring friends, by both Mrs.

Goodwin and her husband,and the locket exhibited

, it

would be difficult to say.

The next morning,Mr. and Mrs . Huntington , aecom

panied by Uncle Stephen , Rev. Mr. Badger, Mr. and

Mrs . Stanley,Gertrude


,and Alice

,with their

husbands, started for New York , from which port theywere to sail the following day. The baggage havi ng ocen

safely seen on board sh ip,the whole party accompanied

Edith to the vessel,to take a view of her accommoda

tions. And here the knowledge of Uncle Stephen was

i nvaluable ; for, though Edith declared the arrangementsto be complete , yet he perceived quite a number of arti

cles which be pronounced absolutely necessary , and

Page 440: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

(N msemsn . 439

ordered them to be bought forthw ith . They ther. re

turned to the hotel,to pass together one more eveni ng

before they should be separated forever i n th is world .

Correspondence was planned , advice given , and manysentiments of und y i ng affection exchanged , when the

eveni ng was clo sed with prayer by their aged pas tor.When they were about to retire

,all were impressed

with the holy calmness which had settled up on the brow

of the young mi s sionary. Her who le soul seemed to beelevated by the greatfiess of the work wh ich she had

undertaken . Could thi s be the Edi th whom we first

i n troduced to the reader ? Yes , the very same , but with

a heart purified by affl icti on , sanctified by divine grace,and elevated by close communion with her heavenly


The v essel was adverti sed to sa il at ten o’clock . At

nine the family from Li ndenwood (i ncludi ng li ttle Stephen and hi s ayah ,

” as the old man persisted i n calli ng

her)went on board . The few articles which they brought

with them from the hotel are soon i n the allotted places .

The books which Edith and her husband wish to use onthe voyage are taken from a trunk below, and placed i n

a locker i n their cabi n . Jars of pickled limes and other

articles are ranged in rows,and confined to keep them

in place . Then they return to the deck , where Uncle

Stephen has a short,earnest consultation w ith the cap

tain,and Alice sees him put someth ing which very much

resembles a bank -bill into the good captai n’s hand,who

decidedly refuses to keep it until somethi ng more i s said

by Uncle S tephen . All is now ready. The sai lors stand

at their post. Suddenly they doff their caps, and stand

Page 441: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping


reveren t ly,whi le the white-haired mini s ter commits hrs

beloved charge to the care Of H im who holds the watersi n h is hand . The prayer i s ended . The sai lors are onlywaiting the command of their captai n to begi n the ir

hearty song Of HO,heave ho ! ” The parti ng k is s is

given,the last whispered word Of love or counsel ; and .

amidst smiles of hOpe on the part of the dear ones w ho

wi ll soon be far away,and tears Of sorrow from those

w ho are to lose them ,the final separation takes place .

The party Of friends descend to the wharf,where they

try to suppress their grief,that they may not lose one.

look Of the two w ho stand claspi ng each other by the

hand, and leani ng over the side of the rai li ng .

And now the honest bars begi n their work . The.

gallant sh i p 1s loosed from the wharf ; and, amidst a

hundred cheers from the shore and the vessels lying at

the wharf, which are hearti ly re'


choed,the noble bark

glides on her way .

With bursting hearts,the weeping friends incline for'

ward for one more look. Yes,that i s Edith . She w avet

her handkerchief,and poin ts heavenward !

Page 443: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping




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Page 447: Household Angel in Disguise - · I'HE HOUSEHOLD ANGEL IN DISGUISE C HA P T E R I Let me live amongst high thoughts and smiles As beautiful as love; with grasping

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