HOUSE · 2018. 3. 27. · 131ST LEGISLATIVE...


Transcript of HOUSE · 2018. 3. 27. · 131ST LEGISLATIVE...







    THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014

    8:05 O'CLOCK A.M.

    NO. 131

  • [May 15, 2014] 2


    Daily Journal Index

    131st Legislative Day

    Action Page(s)

    Adjournment......................................................................................................................... 47

    Agreed Resolutions .............................................................................................................. 26

    Balanced Budget Notes Supplied ......................................................................................... 22

    Change of Sponsorship ......................................................................................................... 25

    Correctional Notes Supplied ................................................................................................ 21

    Fiscal Note Requested .......................................................................................................... 23

    Fiscal Notes Supplied ........................................................................................................... 22

    Home Rule Notes Supplied .................................................................................................. 21

    Housing Affordability Impact Notes Supplied ..................................................................... 22

    Introduction and First Reading – HB 6236 ........................................................................ 125

    Judicial Note Supplied.......................................................................................................... 22

    Land Conveyance Appraisal Notes Supplied ....................................................................... 22

    Legislative Measures Approved for Floor Consideration .............................................. 10, 11

    Legislative Measures Assigned to Committee ............................................................... 10, 11

    Legislative Measures Reassigned to Committee .................................................................. 11

    Letters of Transmittal ............................................................................................................. 8

    Messages From The Senate .................................................................................................. 23

    Motions Submitted ............................................................................................................... 12

    Pension Notes Supplied ........................................................................................................ 22

    Perfunctory Adjournment ................................................................................................... 125

    Perfunctory Session ............................................................................................................ 123

    Quorum Roll Call ................................................................................................................... 8

    Recess ................................................................................................................................... 27

    Reports ................................................................................................................................... 8

    Resolutions ......................................................................................................................... 123

    Senate Bills on First Reading ............................................................................................. 125

    Senate Resolution ............................................................................................................... 123

    State Debt Impact Notes Supplied ........................................................................................ 21

    State Mandates Fiscal Notes Supplied ................................................................................. 21

    Temporary Committee Assignments ...................................................................................... 9

    Bill Number Legislative Action Page(s)

    HB 0395 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 0396 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 0397 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 0398 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 0399 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 0400 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 0401 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 0402 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 0403 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 0404 Committee Report ................................................................................................................ 10

    HB 1711 Senate Message – Passage w/ SA ........................................................................................ 24

    HB 5331 Senate Message – Passage w/ SA ........................................................................................ 25

    HB 5379 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 5379 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 12

    HB 5379 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 43

    HB 5379 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 43

    HB 5379 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 43

    HB 6021 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

  • 3 [May 15, 2014]

    HB 6021 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 12

    HB 6021 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 29

    HB 6021 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 29

    HB 6021 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 29

    HB 6022 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 12

    HB 6022 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 29

    HB 6023 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 12

    HB 6023 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 44

    HB 6024 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 12

    HB 6024 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 44

    HB 6025 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 12

    HB 6025 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 44

    HB 6026 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 13

    HB 6026 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 44

    HB 6027 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6027 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 13

    HB 6027 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 44

    HB 6027 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 44

    HB 6027 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 45

    HB 6028 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 13

    HB 6028 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 45

    HB 6029 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 13

    HB 6029 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 45

    HB 6030 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 13

    HB 6030 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 45

    HB 6031 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 13

    HB 6031 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 45

    HB 6032 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 13

    HB 6032 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 45

    HB 6033 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 13

    HB 6033 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 45

    HB 6034 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6034 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 14

    HB 6034 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 46

    HB 6034 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 46

    HB 6034 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 46

    HB 6035 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 14

    HB 6035 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 46

    HB 6051 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 14

    HB 6051 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 29

    HB 6052 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 14

    HB 6052 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 29

    HB 6053 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 14

    HB 6053 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 30

    HB 6054 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 14

    HB 6054 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 30

    HB 6055 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 14

    HB 6055 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 30

    HB 6056 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 14

    HB 6056 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 30

    HB 6057 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6057 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 15

    HB 6057 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 30

    HB 6057 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 30

    HB 6057 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 30

    HB 6066 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 15

    HB 6066 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 36

  • [May 15, 2014] 4

    HB 6069 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6069 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 15

    HB 6069 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 36

    HB 6069 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 36

    HB 6069 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 36

    HB 6070 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 15

    HB 6070 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 36

    HB 6071 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6071 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 15

    HB 6071 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 37

    HB 6071 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 37

    HB 6071 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 37

    HB 6072 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6072 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 15

    HB 6072 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 37

    HB 6072 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 37

    HB 6072 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 38

    HB 6075 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 15

    HB 6075 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 39

    HB 6076 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 15

    HB 6076 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 39

    HB 6077 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6077 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 16

    HB 6077 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 39

    HB 6077 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 39

    HB 6077 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 39

    HB 6078 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 16

    HB 6078 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 40

    HB 6079 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 16

    HB 6079 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 40

    HB 6080 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 16

    HB 6080 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 40

    HB 6081 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 16

    HB 6081 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 40

    HB 6082 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 16

    HB 6082 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 40

    HB 6083 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 16

    HB 6083 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 40

    HB 6084 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6084 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 16

    HB 6084 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 40

    HB 6084 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 41

    HB 6084 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 41

    HB 6085 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 17

    HB 6085 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 41

    HB 6086 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6086 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 17

    HB 6086 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 41

    HB 6086 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 41

    HB 6086 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 41

    HB 6087 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6087 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 17

    HB 6087 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 42

    HB 6087 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 42

    HB 6087 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 42

    HB 6088 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 17

    HB 6088 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 42

  • 5 [May 15, 2014]

    HB 6089 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 17

    HB 6089 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 43

    HB 6090 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 17

    HB 6090 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 43

    HB 6091 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 17

    HB 6091 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 43

    HB 6098 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 17

    HB 6098 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 43

    HB 6126 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 18

    HB 6126 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 31

    HB 6127 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 18

    HB 6127 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 31

    HB 6128 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 18

    HB 6128 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 31

    HB 6129 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 18

    HB 6129 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 31

    HB 613 Second Reading – Amendment/s ........................................................................................... 32

    HB 6130 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 18

    HB 6130 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 31

    HB 6131 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 18

    HB 6131 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 31

    HB 6132 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6132 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 18

    HB 6132 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 32

    HB 6132 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 32

    HB 6132 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 32

    HB 6133 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6133 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 18

    HB 6133 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 32

    HB 6133 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 32

    HB 6134 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6134 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 19

    HB 6134 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 33

    HB 6134 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 33

    HB 6134 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 33

    HB 6135 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 19

    HB 6135 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 33

    HB 6136 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 19

    HB 6136 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 33

    HB 6137 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 19

    HB 6137 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 33

    HB 6138 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 19

    HB 6138 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 33

    HB 6139 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 19

    HB 6139 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 34

    HB 6145 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 19

    HB 6145 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 34

    HB 6146 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 19

    HB 6146 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 34

    HB 6147 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 20

    HB 6147 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 34

    HB 6148 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 20

    HB 6148 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 34

    HB 6149 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HB 6149 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 20

    HB 6149 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 38

    HB 6149 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 38

  • [May 15, 2014] 6

    HB 6149 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 38

    HB 6150 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 20

    HB 6150 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 38

    HB 6151 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 20

    HB 6151 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 38

    HB 6152 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 20

    HB 6152 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 35

    HB 6153 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 20

    HB 6153 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 38

    HB 6154 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 20

    HB 6154 Third Reading ................................................................................................................ 39, 46

    HB 6156 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ...................................................................... 10, 11

    HB 6156 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 21

    HB 6156 Recall ................................................................................................................................... 35

    HB 6156 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 35

    HB 6156 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 35

    HB 6157 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 21

    HB 6157 Second Reading – Amendment/s ......................................................................................... 35

    HB 6157 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 36

    HB 6216 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................ 21

    HB 6216 Third Reading ...................................................................................................................... 35

    HJR 0097 Resolution .......................................................................................................................... 124

    HR 1023 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................ 10

    HR 1095 Adoption ............................................................................................................................... 47

    HR 1103 Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 26

    HR 1103 Adoption ............................................................................................................................... 47

    HR 1104 Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 26

    HR 1104 Adoption ............................................................................................................................... 47

    HR 1105 Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 26

    HR 1105 Adoption ............................................................................................................................... 47

    HR 1106 Resolution .......................................................................................................................... 123

    HR 1107 Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 26

    HR 1107 Adoption ............................................................................................................................... 47

    HR 1108 Resolution .......................................................................................................................... 124

    SB 0125 First Reading ....................................................................................................................... 123

    SB 0125 Senate Message – Passage of Senate Bill ............................................................................. 25

    SB 0232 First Reading ....................................................................................................................... 123

    SB 0232 Senate Message – Passage of Senate Bill ............................................................................. 25

    SB 0347 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 26

    SB 0498 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 26

    SB 0644 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 26

    SB 0648 Motion Submitted ................................................................................................................. 12

    SB 0728 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 26

    SB 0852 First Reading ....................................................................................................................... 123

    SB 0852 Senate Message – Passage of Senate Bill ............................................................................. 25

    SB 0902 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 26

    SB 0978 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 26

    SB 1009 First Reading ....................................................................................................................... 123

    SB 1996 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 26

    SB 2003 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 26

    SB 2620 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 26

    SB 2636 Second Reading – Amendments/s ........................................................................................ 27

    SB 2694 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 2695 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 2744 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 27

    SB 2800 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

  • 7 [May 15, 2014]

    SB 2802 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 27

    SB 2846 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 2928 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 2941 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 27

    SB 2958 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 27

    SB 2972 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 2995 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 3014 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 3027 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 3029 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 3055 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 3076 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 27

    SB 3096 Second Reading – Amendments/s ........................................................................................ 27

    SB 3109 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................. 10

    SB 3110 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 3137 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 3147 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 27

    SB 3234 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3255 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3262 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3283 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................. 10

    SB 3283 Recall .................................................................................................................................... 34

    SB 3286 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3287 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3288 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 28

    SB 3314 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 28

    SB 3318 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3332 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3334 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3398 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3409 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 28

    SB 3423 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3441 Second Reading – Amendments/s ........................................................................................ 28

    SB 3447 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3448 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3465 Second Reading – Amendments/s ........................................................................................ 28

    SB 3468 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3488 Second Reading .................................................................................................................... 28

    SB 3507 Committee Report – Floor Amendment/s ............................................................................. 10

    SB 3507 Second Reading – Amendments/s ........................................................................................ 28

    SB 3522 Second Reading – Amendments/s ........................................................................................ 28

    SB 3574 Second Reading – Amendment/s .......................................................................................... 28

    SJR 0047 Referred to Rules ............................................................................................................... 123

    SJR 0047 Senate Message ................................................................................................................... 23

    SJR 0049 Senate Message ................................................................................................................... 23

    SJR 0051 Senate Message ................................................................................................................... 24

    SJR 0067 Referred to Rules ............................................................................................................... 123

    SJR 0067 Senate Message ................................................................................................................... 25

    NOTE: Full text of Amendments will not be included in House Journals from the 97th GA forward; they

    can be viewed on the Illinois General Assembly website ( For inquiries regarding this, please

    contact the House Clerk’s office.

  • [May 15, 2014] 8

    The House met pursuant to adjournment.

    Speaker of the House Madigan in the chair.

    Prayer by Pastor Don Castleberry, who is with Pawnee Assembly of God in Pawnee, Illinois.

    Representative Poe led the House in the Pledge of Allegiance.

    By direction of the Speaker, a roll call was taken to ascertain the attendance of Members, as follows:

    115 present. (ROLL CALL 1)

    By unanimous consent, Representative Anthony was excused from attendance.

    At the hour of 10:58 o'clock a.m., Representative Kelly Burke was excused for the remainder of the day.

    At the hour of 12:47 o'clock p.m., Representative Sosnowski was excused for the remainder of the day. At

    the hour of 3:11 o'clock p.m., Representative Schmitz was excused for the remainder of the day. At the hour

    of 4:12 o'clock p.m., Representative Bost was excused for the remainder of the day. At the hour of 5:00

    o'clock p.m., Representatives Kosel and Osmond were excused for the remainder of the day.


    Having been absent when the Quorum Roll Call for Attendance was taken, this is to advise you that I,

    Representative Zalewski, should be recorded as present at the hour of 9:54 o'clock a.m.

    Having been absent when the Quorum Roll Call for Attendance was taken, this is to advise you that I,

    Representative Kelly Burke, should be recorded as present at the hour of 2:02 o'clock p.m.


    The Clerk of the House acknowledges receipt of the following correspondence:

    Illinois Charter Schools Biennial Report, submitted by the Illinois State Board of Education on April 28,


    Annual Report for FY 2013, submitted by the Illinois Film Office on May 15, 2013.


    May 15, 2014

    Tim Mapes

    Chief Clerk

    Illinois House of Representatives

    300 State House

    Springfield, IL 62706

    Clerk Mapes,

    On House Bill 6150, the vote for which took place on May 15, 2014 my intention was to vote “No.” I request

    that the House Journal please reflect my intention.


    s/Martin Moylan

    State Representative

  • 9 [May 15, 2014]

    55th District

    May 15, 2014

    Timothy D. Mapes

    Chief Clerk of the House

    300 State House

    Springfield, IL 62706

    Dear Clerk Mapes:

    Please be advised that I am extending the Final Action Deadline to May 31, 2014 for the following House


    House Bills: 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403 and 404.

    With kindest personal regards, I remain

    Sincerely yours,

    s/Michael J. Madigan

    Speaker of the House

    May 23, 2014

    Mr. Timothy Mapes

    Office of the Clerk

    300 Capitol

    Springfield, IL 62706

    Mr. Mapes:

    I would like to request for the record to reflect that I was Excused on Friday, May 15, 2014 and Monday,

    May 19, 2014 on the attendance roll call.

    I appreciate your consideration.


    s/Elizabeth Hernandez

    State Representative

    24th District


    Representative Osmond replaced Representative Leitch in the Committee on Rules on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Acevedo replaced Representative Lang in the Committee on Rules (B) on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Hoffman replaced Representative Lang in the Committee on Rules (C) on May 15, 2014.

  • [May 15, 2014] 10


    Representative Currie, Chairperson, from the Committee on Rules to which the following were referred,

    action taken on May 15, 2014, reported the same back with the following recommendations:


    That the Floor Amendment be reported “recommends be adopted”:

    Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 5379.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6021.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6027.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6034.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6057.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6069.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6071.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6072.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6077.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6084.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6086.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6087.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6132.

    Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 6133.

    Amendment No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 6134.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6149.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE BILL 6156.


    Revenue & Finance: HOUSE AMENDMENT No. 1 to SENATE BILL 3425.

    The committee roll call vote on the foregoing Legislative Measures is as follows:

    3, Yeas; 1, Nay; 0, Answering Present.

    Y Currie(D), Chairperson A Sullivan(R), Republican Spokesperson

    Y Lang(D) N Osmond(R) (replacing Leitch)

    Y Mautino(D)

    Representative Currie, Chairperson, from the Committee on Rules (A) to which the following were

    referred, action taken on May 15, 2014, reported the same back with the following recommendations:


    That the Floor Amendment be reported “recommends be adopted”:

    Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL 6071.

    Amendment No. 2 to HOUSE RESOLUTION 1023.

    Amendment No. 1 to SENATE BILL 3109.

    Amendment No. 2 to SENATE BILL 3283.

    Amendment No. 1 to SENATE BILL 3507.

    That the bill be reported “approved for consideration” and be placed on the order of Second Reading--

    Short Debate: HOUSE BILLS 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403 and 404.


    Cities & Villages: HOUSE AMENDMENT No. 2 to SENATE BILL 3387.

    Consumer Protection: HOUSE AMENDMENT No. 2 to SENATE BILL 2727.

    Revenue & Finance: SENATE BILL 2345; HOUSE AMENDMENT No. 1 to SENATE BILL 3503.

  • 11 [May 15, 2014]


    SENATE BILL 346 was recalled from the Committee on Executive and reassigned to the Committee on

    Revenue & Finance.

    The committee roll call vote on the foregoing Legislative Measures is as follows:

    3, Yeas; 2, Nays; 0, Answering Present.

    Y Currie(D), Chairperson N Sullivan(R), Republican Spokesperson

    Y Lang(D) N Leitch(R)

    Y Mautino(D)

    Representative Currie, Chairperson, from the Committee on Rules (B) to which the following were

    referred, action taken on May 15, 2014, reported the same back with the following recommendations:


    That the Floor Amendment be reported “recommends be adopted”:

    Amendment No. 3 to HOUSE BILL 6156.

    The committee roll call vote on the foregoing Legislative Measures is as follows:

    3, Yeas; 2, Nays; 0, Answering Present.

    Y Currie(D), Chairperson N Sullivan(R), Republican Spokesperson

    Y Acevedo(D) (replacing Lang) N Leitch(R)

    Y Mautino(D)


    Pursuant to House Rule 21(a), Representative Mautino moved to waive the posting notice requirements

    for a subject matter hearing in the Elementary & Secondary Education Committee regarding the Illinois High

    School Association.

    The committee roll call vote on the subject matter hearing for the Illinois High School Association is as


    4, Yeas; 1, Nays; 0, Answering Present.

    Y Currie(D), Chairperson Y Sullivan(R), Republican Spokesperson

    Y Acevedo(D) (replacing Lang) N Leitch(R)

    Y Mautino(D)

    Representative Currie, Chairperson, from the Committee on Rules (C) to which the following were

    referred, action taken on May 15, 2014, reported the same back with the following recommendations:


    Labor & Commerce: HOUSE AMENDMENT No. 1 to HOUSE BILL 3814.

    The committee roll call vote on the foregoing Legislative Measures is as follows:

    3, Yeas; 2, Nays; 0, Answering Present.

    Y Currie(D), Chairperson N Sullivan(R), Republican Spokesperson

    Y Hoffman(D) (replacing Lang) N Leitch(R)

    Y Mautino(D)

  • [May 15, 2014] 12



    Representative Rosenthal submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 60(b), I move to table SENATE BILL 648.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 5379 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6021 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6022 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6023 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6024 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6025 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


  • 13 [May 15, 2014]

    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6026 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6027 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6028 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6029 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6030 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6031 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6032 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6033 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


  • [May 15, 2014] 14

    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6034 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6035 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6051 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6052 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6053 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6054 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6055 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6056 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


  • 15 [May 15, 2014]

    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6057 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6066 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6069 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6070 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6071 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6072 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6075 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6076 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


  • [May 15, 2014] 16

    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6077 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6078 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6079 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6080 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6081 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6082 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6083 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6084 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


  • 17 [May 15, 2014]

    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6085 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6086 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6087 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6088 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6089 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6090 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6091 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6098 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


  • [May 15, 2014] 18

    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6126 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6127 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6128 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6129 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6130 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6131 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6132 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6133 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


  • 19 [May 15, 2014]

    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6134 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6135 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6136 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6137 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6138 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6139 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6145 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6146 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


  • [May 15, 2014] 20

    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6147 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6148 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6149 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6150 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6151 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6152 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6153 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6154 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


  • 21 [May 15, 2014]

    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6156 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6157 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.

    Representative Madigan submitted the following written motion, which was placed on the order of

    Motions in Writing:


    Pursuant to Rule 65, and having voted on the prevailing side, I move to reconsider the vote by which

    HOUSE BILL 6216 passed in the House on May 15, 2014.


    Correctional Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 3791, as amended, 5379, as amended, 6021,

    as amended, 6027, as amended, 6034, as amended, 6057, as amended, 6069, as amended, 6071, as amended,

    6072, as amended, 6077, as amended, 6084, as amended, 6086, as amended, 6087, as amended, 6132, as

    amended, 6133, as amended, 6134, as amended, 6149, as amended, and 6156, as amended.


    State Debt Impact Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 3791, as amended, 5379, as amended,

    6021, as amended, 6022, 6023, as amended, 6024, as amended, 6025, as amended, 6026, as amended, 6027,

    as amended, 6028, as amended, 6029, as amended, 6030, as amended, 6031, as amended, 6032, as amended,

    6033, as amended, 6034, as amended, 6035, as amended, 6051, 6052, as amended, 6053, as amended, 6054,

    as amended, 6055, as amended, 6056, as amended, 6057, as amended, 6066, as amended, 6069, as amended,

    6070, as amended, 6071, as amended, 6072, as amended, 6075, as amended, 6076, as amended, 6077, as

    amended, 6078, 6079, as amended, 6080, 6081, 6082, as amended, 6083, 6084, as amended, 6085, 6086, as

    amended, 6087, as amended, 6088, as amended, 6089, as amended, 6090, as amended, 6091, as amended,

    6098, as amended, 6126, as amended, 6127, as amended, 6128, as amended, 6129, 6130, as amended, 6131,

    6132, as amended, 6133, as amended, 6134, as amended, 6135, 6136, as amended, 6137, as amended, 6138,

    as amended, 6139, as amended, 6145, as amended, 6146, as amended, 6147, as amended, 6148, as amended,

    6149, as amended, 6150, as amended, 6151, as amended, 6152, as amended, 6153, 6154, 6156, as amended,

    6157, as amended, and 6216, as amended.


    State Mandates Fiscal Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 3791, as amended, 5379, as

    amended, 6021, as amended, 6027, as amended, 6034, as amended, 6057, as amended, 6069, as amended,

    6071, as amended, 6072, as amended, 6077, as amended, 6084, as amended, 6086, as amended, 6087, as

    amended, 6132, as amended, 6133, as amended, 6134, as amended, 6149, as amended, and 6156, as amended.


    Home Rule Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 3791, as amended, 5379, as amended, 6021,

    as amended, 6027, as amended, 6034, as amended, 6057, as amended, 6069, as amended, 6071, as amended,

    6072, as amended, 6077, as amended, 6084, as amended, 6086, as amended, 6087, as amended, 6132, as

    amended, 6133, as amended, 6134, as amended, 6149, as amended, and 6156, as amended.

  • [May 15, 2014] 22


    Balanced Budget Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 3791, as amended, 5379, as amended,

    6021, as amended, 6022, 6023, as amended, 6024, as amended, 6025, as amended, 6026, as amended, 6027,

    as amended, 6028, as amended, 6029, as amended, 6030, as amended, 6031, as amended, 6032, as amended,

    6033, as amended, 6034, as amended, 6035, as amended, 6051, 6052, as amended, 6053, as amended, 6054,

    as amended, 6055, as amended, 6056, as amended, 6057, as amended, 6066, as amended, 6069, as amended,

    6070, as amended, 6071, as amended, 6072, as amended, 6075, as amended, 6076, as amended, 6077, as

    amended, 6078, 6079, as amended, 6080, 6081, 6082, as amended, 6083, 6084, as amended, 6085, 6086, as

    amended, 6087, as amended, 6088, as amended, 6089, as amended, 6090, as amended, 6091, as amended,

    6098, as amended, 6126, as amended, 6127, as amended, 6128, as amended, 6129, 6130, as amended, 6131,

    6132, as amended, 6133, 6134, 6135, 6136, as amended, 6137, as amended, 6138, as amended, 6139, as

    amended, 6145, as amended, 6146, as amended, 6147, as amended, 6148, as amended, 6149, as amended,

    6150, as amended, 6151, as amended, 6152, as amended, 6153, 6154, 6156 as amended, 6157, as amended,

    and 6216, as amended; SENATE BILL 2187, as amended.



    Judicial Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 6071, as amended and 6156, as amended.


    Fiscal Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 3791, as amended, 6021, as amended, 6024, as

    amended, 6025, as amended, 6026, as amended, 6027, as amended, 6028, as amended, 6029, as amended,

    6030, as amended, 6031, as amended, 6032, as amended, 6033, as amended, 6034, as amended, 6035, as

    amended, 6051, 6052, as amended, 6057, as amended, 6066, as amended, 6070, as amended, 6071, as

    amended, 6072, as amended, 6077, as amended, 6080, 6081, 6084, as amended, 6087, as amended, 6090, as

    amended, 6091, as amended, 6098, as amended, 6126, as amended, 6127, as amended, 6130, as amended,

    6132, as amended, 6134, 6136, as amended, 6138, as amended, 6149, as amended, 6150, as amended, 6153,

    as amended, 6154, 6156, as amended and 6157, as amended; SENATE BILL 3287.


    Land Conveyance Appraisal Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 3791, as amended, 5379, as

    amended, 6021, as amended, 6027, as amended, 6034, as amended, 6057, as amended, 6069, as amended,

    6071, as amended, 6072, as amended, 6077, as amended, 6084, as amended, 6086, as amended, 6087, as

    amended, 6132, as amended, 6133, as amended, 6134, as amended, 6149, as amended, and 6156, as amended.


    Housing Affordability Impact Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 6071, as amended, 6072,

    as amended, 6077, as amended, 6084, as amended, 6086, as amended, 6087, as amended, 6132, as amended,

    6133, as amended, 6134, as amended, 6148, as amended, 6149, as amended, 6150, as amended, 6151, as

    amended, 6152, as amended, 6153, 6154, 6156, as amended and 6216, as amended.


    Pension Notes have been supplied for HOUSE BILLS 5379, as amended, 6021, as amended, 6027, as

    amended, 6034, as amended, 6057, as amended, 6069, as amended, 6071, as amended, 6072, as amended,

  • 23 [May 15, 2014]

    6077, as amended, 6084, as amended, 6086, as amended, 6087, as amended, 6132, as amend