Hotelzon WebConnect quick reference guide- Rate setup


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Page 1: Hotelzon WebConnect quick reference guide- Rate setup

Rate setup in

WebConnect Quick reference guide for Hotelzon


Page 2: Hotelzon WebConnect quick reference guide- Rate setup

Rate set-up

To set up a rate you need to:

1. Create a rate code

2. Link the rate code to a room

3. Check the settings

4. Set prices for the rate&room

5. Set availability for the rate&room

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1. Create a rate code

Define a code for the rate (max 5 characters)

Define a category for the rate

Add a short description for the rate. This description will be displayed in the

booking system.

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2. Link the rate code to a room

Choose the room\rooms you want to open this particular rate code to

If the desired room is not listed on the Rooms-page, go to

Administration -> Property –> Room types and add it in there.

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3. Check rate settings

On rate settings page you can define different attributes for the rate&room combination, such as:

Cancellation policy (if not defined, the one on hotel level will be used)

Guarantee policy (if not defined, the one on hotel level will be used)

Lead times


…and much more

Hotel level default values

apply, so changes on this

page are not mandatory

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4. Set price for the rate&room

Define the time period the price will be open for the rate and room

Add price per occupancy

You can add different price per time period and weekday, for example

special price for weekends or for summer

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5. Set availability for the rate&room

Define ‘Free sale’ or ‘Allocation’

availability for your rate code by

choosing the correct dates from

the matrix and click ‘Save’

… and your rate is available for


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Advanced rate functionality

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Dynamic rates

Rate linking tools provide the hotel a possibility to build flexible and dynamic

rate hierarchy. A rate code can be linked to other codes for price and

availability. Furthermore, a rate code’s price can float to another rate code’s

price by a certain percentage or by a fixed price. The same rate code can

float to several rate codes by varying percentages or fixed amounts. The

same rate code can be linked to several different rate codes also for


The linking of a rate code is done in the Rate code page. There are sections

for floating rate settings and for availability linking settings. Please note that

the floating value should always be marked with a sign (- or +).

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Dynamic rates

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Dynamic rates

In the ‘Rate linking’ list the user can see right away to which rate codes this particular

code has been linked to and the amounts of the price linking.

Cheapest available floating price = if all the other codes have availability, the linked one

will have the availability and the price of the cheapest code with best availability

It is possible to choose on rate code level whether a rate code can have both floating and

fixed prices simultaneously or not. The selection is done with ‘Allow simultaneous floating

and fixed prices’ checkbox. If checked, the user will have to decide how the floating and

fixed prices are favored:

- Either the price for the rate code is taken from the fixed price only if no floating rates are available

(radio button ‘Advantage floating rates’)

- Or the price for the rate code is calculated by comparing the fixed price with the available floating

prices and offering the cheapest (radio button ‘Offer cheapest’)

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It is also possible to link several different rate codes on weekday level

while using the fixed pricing as well. This micro level floating can be

enabled on rate code level.

If ‘Enable micro level floating’ is on, on price edit page you can change

the price mode on week day level. The price mode defines whether the

price is taken from another code or set as fixed amount.

Floating settings cannot be defined on the price edit page, so if you want

to use Rack rate – 20% on Wednesday for example, you need to first

create a rate that floats -20 % off the Rack rate.

Please note that micro level floating is not reflected on Rate plans page