Hosting the presence (part 11)

Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda

Transcript of Hosting the presence (part 11)

Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda

Using your designated altar, spend a least 5 minutes each day “Praying in the Holy Spirit”.

In an effort to build a personal history with God, journal what the LORD spoke to you during your prayer time.

Introduction• All throughout the Scripture we have examples of

DIVINE FIRE falling in APPROVAL from GOD. Note FIRE fell at Abel’s sacrifice (Genesis 4:3-7; Hebrews 11:4). FIRE fell at the dedication of the Altar in the Tabernacle of Moses (Leviticus 9:22-24). FIRE fell on David’s altar (2 Samuel 24). FIRE fell at the Brazen Altar in Solomon’s Temple at its dedication (2 Chronicles 7:1-3). FIRE fell on Elijah’s altar on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18:38-39). FIRE fell (typically) on JESUS Christ at Calvary as He died and was judged for all that we did and all that we are by nature (Hebrews 12:29). Therefore, at the Cross, JESUS received a BAPTISM of FIRE.

Introduction• The LORD JESUS Christ is the SPIRIT

BAPTIZER and the FIRE BAPTIZER. John’s baptism was with water unto repentance, but JESUS’ baptism was “with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16). JESUS baptizes the believer “WITH” (en- into) THE SPIRIT. He immerses and places the believer into the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9; Isaiah 44:3; Ezekiel 36:26-27; 37:14). JESUS also baptizes the believer “WITH” (en- into) FIRE. Note FIRE has several functions that graphically symbolize the work of Christ. It illuminates, warms, melts, burns, and utterly destroys.

Introduction• So, the BAPTISM with WATER cleanses the

outside, the BAPTISM with the HOLY SPIRIT immerses the believer into the presence of God, and the BAPTISM with FIRE refines the heart of the believer for the glory of God. Through FIRE BAPTISM, the LORD JESUS separates the believer from his former life and purifies him to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16). Note the BAPTISM with FIRE is a REVEALER (1 Corinthians 3:13). That is to say, it UNVEILS the GLORY of GOD resident in the believer (2 Corinthians 4:7-18).

Introduction• The BAPTISM of FIRE, symbolized by the Holy

of Holies, the fullness and completion of Christ, is where everything that is not of Him and of His nature is CONSUMED by the FIRE of HIS TRUTH (Hebrews 12:27-29). Consequently, it was necessary for FIRE BAPTISM to accompany SPIRIT BAPTISM on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:3). As you have RECEIVED the SPIRIT BAPTISM, you must also RECEIVE the FIRE BAPTISM. Note God lit the FIRE, yet man must maintain and spread the FIRE (Leviticus 6:12-13; 9:22-24; 10:1-7; 16:12-13; Exodus 27:20; 30:7-9). Today, let’s RECEIVE the BAPTISM of FIRE.


of Fire

Read Genesis 3:24

The First Mention of Fire

Read Genesis 15:17-18

Fire confirmed God’s Covenant with Abraham

Read Exodus 3:2-4

The LORD was in the

burning bush

Read Exodus 13:21

The LORD is the Pillar of fire

Read Exodus 19:18

There was Fire at the

First Pentecost

Read Leviticus 9:22-24

Fire came out of the Glory of the LORD

Read 2 Chronicles 7:1

Fire came out of the Glory of the LORD

Read Numbers 31:21-23

The Fire of Purification

Read Malachi 3:2-3

The Refiner’s Fire


Is Sending


Read 1 Kings 18:24

The LORD is answering by fire

Read 1 Kings 18:30-35

Repair and Prepare the Altar for the Fire of God

Read Isaiah 31:9

There is a Fire in Zion

Read Hebrews 12:22-24

There is a Fire in Zion

In the Last Days, the LORD is sending (answering by) fire. In these days, the ANSWER from HEAVEN will be found in HOLY SPIRIT-FILLED believers. We are GOD’S ANSWER of FIRE to the world.

1. We will be BY the FIRE (Luke 22:56).

2. We will be UNDER FIRE (Exodus 9:23-24).

3. We will be IN the FIRE (Daniel 3:24-25).

4. We will be ON FIRE (2 Peter 3:12).5. We will be AS FIRE (Hebrews


Baptism of Fire

Using your designated altar, pray for the Baptism of Fire. Remember when there is Spirit Baptism, there will be a Fire Baptism

Pray for an increased hunger for each other to experience and release God’s presence. Pray that their God encounter emboldens them to take risks and release the Presence of God over other people.

Baptism of Fire

Conclusion•The LORD has kindled HIS FIRE in the CHURCH! May HIS FLAMES consume every part of us until HIS GLORY is seen! “Oh, LORD, burn us up in Your fire! Consume us in Your Flames! Ignite our hearts with revival! Set us ablaze with Your fire!” The LORD is the FIRE. You are the wood. Put yourself in His fire. Keep the fire burning! Catch on fire today!

Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda