Hostatrory exsposition(effect of game online)

The Effect of Playing Game Online ?? Group Advenata Tambunan Arief Rachman M. Abel V.S Azis Maulana Kurnia

Transcript of Hostatrory exsposition(effect of game online)

The Effect of Playing Game

Online?? Group

Advenata Tambunan

Arief Rachman M. Abel V.S

Azis Maulana Kurnia

Game online is a game whos we can play with many people in many place maybe country in so many server in a role and so

much player who online in the same time.So many genre of game, including action

game(RPG,MMORPG,VMORPG,VRRPG), kids game, puzzle and others

Games online is one of the most factor to make teenagers or children go to the  online store. Many  teenagers come to games online for many hours. They waste the time just to play games


Firstly, the children just spend their money. Because of addict of game online. They come to go online store

everyday. For pay in the rent. They even don’t use their money for buying some food at school.

Secondly, the waste of payment. Sometimes, the children don’t have money. But they want to go to game online. So, they often steal their

parents money. It’s including of crime.

Finally, the problem of radiation. If we often use computer, too many radiation be accepted

by our. And it causes being stupid.


2. Compettion3. Leadership opportunities

4. Problem Solving

Negatif effect1. Vieolence video games have a lotharmful effect on todays andolescene

2. desensitizes youth to violence3, Increase Agressions

4. Teaches youth how to be violence

Therefor, parents should watch their children while using computer. And don’t often allow the children go

to online store.