Host a Dialogue - Diverse City Perspectives

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Transcript of Host a Dialogue - Diverse City Perspectives

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DiverseCity: The Greater Toronto Leadership Projectaims to accelerate prosperity by transforming theleadership landscape.

The Greater Toronto Area is the most ethnically andracially diverse region in Canada yet there is astriking lack of diversity at the top of our corporate,public and nonprofit organizations.

This is a missed opportunity.

We are working to build a more prosperous region bychanging the face of leadership through eightpractical and measurable initiatives.

Visit to learn more.


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DiverseCity PerspectivesIt’s a “workout”

DiverseCity Perspectives, one of the eight

initiatives of DiverseCity, aims to engage you in atransformational “workout” that will stretch and re-shape how we think about leaders and leadership.

Thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation forits support of DiverseCity Perspectives.

DiverseCity onBoard 

DiverseCity School4Civics 

DiverseCity Voices 

DiverseCity Nexus 

DiverseCity Fellows 

DiverseCity Advantage 

DiverseCity Perspectives 

DiverseCity Counts 


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“Dialogue can be among any number of people,

not just two. It is a stream of meaning flowing 

among and through us and between us, in the 

whole group, out of which may emerge some 

new form of understanding or shared meaning.” 

- David Bohm, On Dialogue 


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Why do we need different leadership perspectives?

Having diverse perspectives at the leadership table can bring new

ideas and create access to new audiences, markets, and networks.

To ensure that we are leveraging our shared leadership potential, we

are listening to different leadership perspectives to help us re-

imagine leaders and discover new leadership.

We have brought examples of different 

leadership perspectives to life in our video series.

Watch these Perspectives leadership videos at


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Why do we need dialogue on leadership and diversity?

Through dialogue and sharing different stories and perspectives, we can

catalyze shifts in how we imagine and perceive ourselves and others as



+Different stories &perspectives

Shifts in our

perceptions andhow we imagineleaders

Shifts inbehaviour



to leveragediversity in


Dialogue is a powerful engagement tool.

The goal of dialogue is not to provide training or produce a plan, but rather to

address who we are as leaders.

“Leadership starts with us”

- Perspectives participant


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“These kinds of conversations

are a first step in buildingcommitment and empoweringleaders”

“Diversity is the way of the future.

It drives the way we do thingsand how to make positivechange. It is a catalyst.”

- Perspectives participants

Emerging insights on leadership and diversity


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Benefits of organizing dialogue

“The session created the space

for people to share and listenwithout judgment”

“I learned that we all have a

passion and drive to make adifference”

“The session encouraged me to

introspect and understand myrole as a leader”

- Perspectives participants

Organizing a dialogue session can

• Expand shared understanding by

adding new insights and experiences

• Spark reflection on self as a leader

• Build relationships and teams

• Potentially leave participants

refreshed and motivated


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• Training volunteers to host dialogue: DiverseCityPerspectives trained over 50 individuals from Peel, York,

and Toronto on how to hold dialogues on leadership and

diversity in their organizations and communities.

• Perspectives Videos: Individual leaders from across the

greater Toronto region shared their leadershipperspectives through video stories. These videos can be

used in your dialogue.

• Dialogues: Partners and volunteers are organizing their

own dialogue sessions, engaging even more leaders.

These can be co-hosted by DiverseCity Perspectives.

• Learnings Report: DiverseCity Perspectives collects new

insights from the dialogue process to share ways to

create diverse leadership.

How does DiverseCity Perspectives promotedialogue?

“I see relevance and

potential application withleadership teams and

emerging leaders withincompanies.”

- Perspectives participant


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See our Manual for Leading Dialogue on Diversity 

in Leadership for step-by-step guidelines on how to

organize a dialogue.

Dialogue on leadership and diversity can be

coordinated with other activities related to strategic

planning, leadership development, buildingrelationships among leaders, or public engagement.

Your dialogue should bring together a fresh mix of 

individuals working at different levels and from

different backgrounds.

A leadership dialogue can take 1-2 hours. You might

find that you want to create your own series of 


What is involved in organizing your own dialogue?


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How can I get support organizing a dialogue?

What canDiverseCityPerspectivesdo to help?

1. Work with you to you plan or co-host the dialogue

2. Connect you to trained volunteers from our past workshops who can

participate in or help facilitate your dialogue

3. Recommend DiverseCity resource materials that can be shared

4. Attend the dialogue (and present on the DiverseCity initiative, if appropriate)

5. Collect your dialogue results and add them to our overall report findings

6. Following the dialogue, share opportunities to exchange experiences with

other dialogue facilitators

DiverseCity Perspectives program is available to support you as you plan

your dialogue or to work together to co-host a dialogue.


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