Horror Genre Opening

Horror Genre Research By Jaeden Condappa



Transcript of Horror Genre Opening

PowerPoint Presentation

Horror Genre ResearchBy Jaeden CondappaCharacter types:The main protagonist who is often a female character, he or she must be the victim/hero since they tend to save people or be the only survivors.The villain, often a demon from the spiritual realm, a stalker, psychopath, zombies and etc.The stupid teenagers that always dieThe creepy kid that seems to know everything about their predator.Sub Genres:GothicPsychologicalSupernaturalThrillerSatanicDemonicTeen terror

By Jaeden CondappaHorror genre: ResearchThemes:ReligiousRevengeSupernatural Beyond deathMadness LustZombie apocalypse

Conventions:Lighting:Low key lightOne point lightingEditing:Fast pace cross cuttingSpecial effects for any supernatural events.Horror films as a genre started appearing in productions in around the 1890s in a series of silent shorts. As a genre the concept behind them is to play on audiences nightmares, primal fears and the unknown and using these aspects to create a connection between the characters and themselves, this then entices them into the film and helps maintain audience interest. They also have a large array of sub genres ranging from early vampires and werewolves to modern supernatural. Camera:Hand held camera is used to create shaky movements to increase suspense and fear especially since its often followed by jump scares.Close ups are used to show the facial expressions of fear on the faces of the characters.Establishing shot of the often used old mansion or cabin in the woods is used to set the location.Point of view shot of the both the victims and the predator is used; for the victims its often used during a jumps care or similar to an eye line match to show what the characters are looking at. For the predator its used during a chase or when the predator stalks its victims.Mise en sceneCharacters are often close to each other or in contrast make stupid decisions by splitting upDark clothing is used for the predator of it wears clothes and often slightly brighter colours for the victims in contrast to the predators.Props such as old portraits and dismembered body parts are often placed on certain places in a certain shot which is often oblivious to the characters- it also serves as a warning.SoundNon diegetic sound is used to create suspense in tens situations sometimes with the use of pleonastic sound.It also uses sound effects/ unrealistic sounds to increase fear in the audience.Diegetic sound which is often ambient sound of rats or moving chairs are used to show what the characters are going through especially since its followed by the characters.

Horror genre: ResearchBy Jaeden CondappaOpening Sequence AnalysisBy Jaeden CondappaDead Silence (2007)The film opens with a black background with fancy framing and a few sentences written in a old gothic style typography giving a brief explanation about the history of ventriloquism displayed on screen. The frame is layered on top and the whole sequence has been edited with film grain and is displayed at a canted angle to give the effect of an old reel movie. After the explanation the words then fades to focusing only on the word ventriloquism for a brief moment. This clearly highlights what the main focus of the film will be (a puppet/doll). The next scene shows a match being sparked and a red candle being lit, the title Dead Silence is then displayed in the same old gothic typography but now the writing is red as well. The use of having a monochromatic video with key red features makes the text and objects stand out. The colour red often acts as an icon and is associated with positive things such as love and passion however in negative cases such as horror it can signify danger and blood which suggests the film may have something to do with murder and death.An enigma is created through the lack of information and mystery that occurs during the sequence; the scene is edited to give the video a old look and feel with film grain and slight cuts and jumps in the footage to create a suspenseful and mysterious atmosphere. A man is shown flicking through albums and sketch books containing lots of intricate plans of a doll and the word perfect appears many times suggesting this person may have a possible obsession or disorder.By Jaeden CondappaThe Cabin In The Woods (2012)The film starts off with showing the production companys intro and logo then being displayed against a deep red sky background and then fading to black. The use of the dark shades and red tones signals to the audience that there may be danger and blood which reinforces the genre of horror in the film as it may contain murder and death which are the Plaisirs of horror film.The next scene is a sequence of pictures depicting possible sacrifices or rituals being performed, all being shown through an overlay that appears to look like blood pouring over the screen; the camera gradually pans and tracks across the scene showing the various images. There is also a text overlay of the producers and directors of the film. Again the colour red and the ideas of blood and death are being heavily signified.The sequence ends and cuts to a close up shot of a vending machine and then cuts to a shot of two people engaging in conversation. This sudden drastic change in mood of the film emphasizes the previous title sequence as a teaser of things yet to come; the audience see such vast change and then are curious to seek a connection between the two scenes, are the two people victims awaiting their death? Are they the murderers yet to be revealed? These are the kind of questions that intrigue the audience creating and enigma and making them want to continue watching to find out what happens next.By Jaeden CondappaThe Conjuring (2013)The first twenty seconds of the film begin by displaying the film production company's logos edited in black and white giving a monochromatic theme. Doing this reinforces concepts of the horror genre as many associate these colours which emphasize the distinction between light and dark and connote the sense of good and evil; this could imply that the film is not simply just all bad but may also contain positive elements.The film the goes on to a short scene consisting of an extreme close up of the dolls eye and the camera then zooms/dollys out to a close up of half the dolls face. This forces the audience to focus intensely on the doll and suggests it plays an important role in the film as its the first character shown After this the film continues to show an interview which has been edited with continuous audio and a series of cuts to the doll as well as flashbacks to previous events. The use of this editing helps engage the audience and put them in the picture of what happened and what the characters experienced forming a personal connection between the audience and film characters. This works well with this genre as whilst the film continues, the audience will continue to emphasize and feel how the characters feel.The Mise-en-scene in the opening sequence has a 70s theme about it due to the costume, set and actors. The low key lighting in the shots produces sharp contrasts between the light and dark tones. There saturation levels seem very low, producing a lack of colour in the sequence which reinforces the dark aura of the film.

By Jaeden Condappa

Ouija (2014)The film begins with showing the production company's intro and logo, It then fades to black and fades back in to a close up shot of a Ouija board. This clearly links with the title of the film and also indicates that this board may play an important role in the movie as its the first thing that the audience are exposed to. The use of a Ouija board as a prop in this scene links with the genre of horror as Ouija boards are told to allow people (usually adults) to communicate with nearby spirits (e.g. the dead) via asking questions out loud and allowing forces to move the piece to spell out answers. The camera then dollys out and rotates 90 counter clockwise, revealing two young girls (under 10) sitting either side of the Ouija board; one distinctively looks older than the other, this suggests that it may be an older sibling convincing a younger one to use the board which links with typical childish behaviour as the younger ones usually look up to their older siblings and hence are more easily influenced by them; in horror films kids tend to find or do stuff out of curiosity despite knowing they probably shouldnt. Children play an important part in horror movies, they can be utilised in many ways such as being used as a tool allowing the enigma to establish a connection between them and the adults; or they are used to show a passing of time such as showing an event that happened years ago and then time passing and showing the present day and the character grown up now.At the end of the scene showing the children with the Ouija board, the shot then fades out into the next scene showing what is implied to be the older child grown up now, this is connoted as the character is positioned facing the child version as if looking back in time at herselfBy Jaeden Condappa