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Transcript of Hope_Bay_2011

  • 8/3/2019 Hope_Bay_2011


    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Initial Doris North Undergrounddevelopment Potential to develop known and expandedresources with ongoing district explorationand discovery

    Develop ull district potential


    Underground decline to prove mineralcontinuity and operating costs at DorisNorth

    Initial underground production Ongoing resource development and dis-

    trict exploration


    Develop additional resources Establish additional inrastructure required

    to develop district Acquire permits as needed


    Explore 45+ identied targets Dene additional development phases t

    realize district value


    Located in Northern Canada, Hope Bay is an 80 km district

    with up to 9 Moz gold potential in the Canadian Arctic and

    is one o the last known undeveloped greenstone belts in

    the world. Newmont controls 100 percent o the belt and

    exploration success over the last ew years continues to

    conrm the districts signicant long-term potential.

    During the rst phase o project development, Newmont

    is moving orward with the initial development o the Doris

    North underground mine. This phase will consist o an

    underground decline providing access or test stoping

    and development drilling. Exploration across the belt and

    development o other known deposits will continue in

    parallel, along with permitting activities or potential uture


    I results rom initial underground development and drilling

    are positive, we will advance to operations and Phase

    II development, which will potentially include multiple

    operations at deposits such as Patch 14 (Madrid) and Doris



    A Phased Approach to Sustainable Production:

    Hope Bay

    Hope Bay is an 80 km district with up to 9 Moz gold potential in

    the Canadian Arctic.

    Published: February, 2011

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    Newmont Contact Information

    Investor Contact:

    John Seaberg, 303.837.5743Media Contacts:

    Omar Jabara, 303.837.5114

    Chris Hanks, 720.917.4489

    About Newmont

    Founded in 1921 and publicly traded since 1925, Newmont(www.Newmont.com) is one o the largest gold companies inthe world. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, the companyhas approximately 34,000 employees and contractors, with themajority working at Newmonts core operations in the UnitedStates, Australia, Peru, Indonesia and Ghana. Newmont is theonly gold company listed in the S&P 500 index and in 2007became the rst gold company selected to be part o the Dow

    Jones Sustainability World Index. Newmonts industry leadingperormance is refected through high standards in environmentalmanagement, health and saety or its employees and creatingvalue and opportunity or host communities and shareholders.

    Health & Safety Highlights:

    Over 2 million man hours without a reportable lost timeaccident

    Assisting local communities in health and saety initiatives/emergency response

    Saety is embedded in our culture. Our goal is to alwayschallenge and motivate our workorce to make saety personal

    Community & Environmental Highlights:

    Over 50% o spending allocated to locally owned Inuitcompanies, maximizing Inuit employment

    Creating new programs (drill operators, geo-technicians)

    Creating local small business/employment opportunities (e.g.core box assembly)

    Proactively implementing best practices to ensure a positiveenvironmental legacy

    Recipient o 2010 Murray Pyke award. Recognized orbusiness creation or Northern Canadian companies

    2011 Program:

    Canadian Arctic sealit to advance development:

    ~ 6,000 tons o cargo

    Exploration & resource development:

    90 km o surace drilling

    10km underground drilling

    Continued underground development at Doris North

    Project Inrastructure Construction

    Camp and inrastructure expansion

    Frozen core dam

    Civil works

    Hope Bay sta assisting local Search and Rescue Squad during

    2009 operation

    1 No ounces in reserves or NRM at Hope Bay as o 12/31/2010

    Hope Bay

    Cautionary Statement: This document contains orward-looking statements, which are intended to be covered by the sae harbor created by U.S. ederal securities laws and other applicable laws, including,without limitation, estimates o potential mineralization, mine size and unding costs, as well as expectations regarding the development, exploration and mine lie. Forward-looking statements are subject to risksand uncertainties, which could cause actual results to dier materially rom uture projected or implied results. Estimates o gold potential have not been prepared in accordance with Industry Guide 7 or CanadianNI 43-101 and are subject to urther exploration and development. As such, they are highly speculative and may not be converted to uture reserves. Even i signicant mineralization is discovered and converted toreserves, it may take many years rom the initial phases o exploration to development and ultimately to production, during which time the economic easibility o production may change. Further project developmentwill depend upon whether uture operating cash fow and other sources o unding are sucient to und project. For a more detailed description o relevant actors, please see our 2010 Annual Report on Form 10-K,led on February 24, 2011, with the SEC, as well as our other SEC lings. We do not undertake any obligation to update any orward-looking statements, except as may be required under applicable securities laws.

    Project Information

    Location Canada (AAA-rated)

    Local Government Area Nunavut

    Mining Claim Size 80 km greenstone beltOwnership 100%

    Product Gold

    Potential Up to 9 Moz1

    2011 Program Funding Approx. $310 million USD

    Current Employment 400