Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan...

Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response Irks Hartranft Sun Jose State College Students. Faculty. Glue 1 12 Pints ta Red Crass 1 can’t understand why the student body let us down. I am surely disappointed." was the comment of Campus Blood Drive chairman. Mr. Glenn Ilartranft at the conclusion of the drive Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hartranft pointed out ttr, of 370 pledges. onlyq 208 pe, actually offered a pint of I., Sixty-six of the 208 were reject Oed. During the two-day drive th. Red Cross netted 142 pints 4, blood according to Mrs. Mariar Sandgran, Red Cross staff nie Dr. Van der Groehin. Red physician said he wished to the student and faculty donors. hut pointed out that Stanford university students gave approxi- mately 250 pints of blood in one day. Chief reason for the sixty-six rejections was low Wood pressure and a lack of sufficient iron con- tent in the blood. Mrs_ Sandgrat, stated. "The majority of these students rejected were probabl just plain tired as this is the climax period of the school year. she added. Anyone who didn’t donate dur- ing the two-day drive but still wishes to do so may go to thi San Jose Blood Bank at 440 N First !Meet on Tuesday. Wednes- day and Thursday between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. according to Mrs. Sandgran, In Rescue Attempt Vol. XXXIX %s a rd Issembl 1 ill Begin at 7:30 The annual recognition assem- SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1951 No. 152 bly will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Morris Dailey auditor- s N. J.Lobodirtsni ;um. accordingto progrom man Bob Madsen. (Narners Top --- ROTC .4irard MUTINY ON THE ARKShem (Douglas Murray) is calling mkt,’ Japhet (Robert Dietlei to come (limn from the bridge of the arts %tittle Norma (Judith Lev)) looks on helplessly in a scene from Student Takes Part be’ "Stab" turning tonight photo by oilmore Kerr Directs Drama Toby Lombardi, freshman en- Obey -5S ()Noah Opens Toniolit r 9 gineering student. climaxed a ^ creek near hi:; home in Geyser- Stars McCurdy, Schwi pleasant day mmer of fishing at a - r . The curtain of the Little Thea-, once will be Mr..). Wendell John - ter will open at 8:15 o’clock to- son, designer of "Noah’s- unusual night for the first performance ot sets, and Miss Berneice Prisk who Andre (the) ’s "Noah" a dramati_ has created the costumes. ville by participating in the dis- mal attempted r,scue of 14 -year - old Sylvia Woodford of Richmond who drowned in the Russian river .1 1,0.0 - the nt:t- I ’00:1 r.i. fessor of fte. troduce t’ourt and present tt Down will present ti serviet awards to oil - dents follouing the ;it Arri, "\1 in line on the ploy:tall’ ’till be the sp.irtan spi.irs pre. - .1,1 a ion I.) Inurid 1141.rson. l’ollouing that %ill Ise the pt.,- riteilion of tin sparetn *shields t The Campos (host Wti %s ill It, pres.nted nest by t’huek Waez. At this point tli, \\*odd Student Sersice lund "Igly Mao- i introduced by Wing. R W. hart’., head 4.! II.. English I k.pt ., will present t he awards to t he winners of ill.. Phelan Murat y ciintest. The Stlall- ish langua.,. awards a ill I (Mew and will be given Dr I. N. wItO. Professor of modern Rua:, s Newby will also present Meta Gordoy memoirist awards A mem!), r of the Music depot T- riomf will present the -.ward it Sim to ti. . ii use 1151,1 Ill ire O( (I ,,lot has ti,. :11,, ,outo a strut.. list mil. (1,riiii :!,.. last . ;... merit of the $.3 balance due 012 Nadia Herter presetit the purchase orders of the 1950-51 La sociat er 1. aihart Torre, according to Bill Lytle, yearbook business manager. The money Mal’ be paid at the Cu ad- unto Managers office, Lytle said. Lytle also told students who outstanding man and aoman have lost their purchase stubs to ; Jules Bozzi, local rue!, . Schol- straighten out the ditto-ult.,. in astic and Tau I )ella Phi :maul. Sunday afternoon. the same office. Seveial copas 01. by Or. T W MficQuatt collco "I had spent ten hours fishing zation of the Old Testament story According to Mr. Kerr, "Noah the year/took are still on sal. in, president. and the Rey pies. of the voyage to Ararat. has all the elements that make that morning and was relaxing the office and at the booth in the entation by Dr Harrison F Directed by Mr. John R. Kerr) ’good theater’. In modernizing on the front lawn of mv parents’ Library areh he said home when an acquaintance in- assistant professor of Speech, the, the biblical tale, playwright Obes play will feature a cast of 17 has remained faithfttl to the orig- headed by Stan Schwimmer as Mal theme of faith L1.1’14114 secular, in Little 7 heal" Noah, and Evelyn McCurdy as his scepticism, but the whimsy and. wife. ,pagentry serves to keep the play I plause of the opening -night audi- I Tickets for the drama may tie 14 ’ar Vying with the cast for the ap- from becoming a sermon, sobbing and a small contingent - purchased in the Speech office, oi log for the body of the teen ’Et III!) ft) Pr( I Prices a re 60 cents for ASB card lat the door of the Little Theatei w of men and high school boys girl. Two other girls and Sylvi,. . ’iolders, 90 cents for ken ml had been playing in the river %viler !",l‘rrelarlai !"4t v lc,. mission. they stepped into deep water Round -t he -Clock" fashions u ill be presented during a style show meoring of Draft Sylvia’s two friends were rescued promptly. but Sylvia disappeared. ; tomorrow a f t el noon at 1:30 o’clock nr, Lombardi immediately _joined a in the Little Theater, according to I eslls Begoo group of rescuers who were diving! miss Mario Curtis, associate pro. for the hods. from a boat. The’ 0-ssor of commerce More thati one thoosa..,1 ; Miss Curtis is arrangin’_! th, centers are pout n II, Ill. fashion show primarly for her sec- of Satinda draouj.: ’11 retarial training class with the :lc- test to th" cent’ on fashions suitable rid- the sei"e’ at Pi "w’ton. wardrobe of a secretarv. 11.,weser,!t:aptiv task of scoring min. 111;111 it will be open to all students and :175.1*1)11 lest. ti, elec.44inie faculty, oie machines tagan tate Tiambe, Stage decorations ace being han- !atternoon. It is expected to ia dled in- (is.. students- Emits() Fi-!completed in time to get the test jita, Mar. Higashi. Chiyeko ho.isemes to local draft bt,41I’ds eura, Jean Murakami, and Helen Jul"’ 244. Yamamoto. ava discolor a banal:tide. Laserne Thiel is wardrobe Sophs nowt eep I, wasn’t trafas’s %scathe’. that , and Me, i was makin.! Phil’s celluloid collai a rc, Jeriv wilt irdthoirb it is as hot as it has been. lin. the apathy blood (iris,. ’It is a foredrau n that the Indians rr west has.. more blood than Spartan:-. Phil concluded. -After all. I her, must be some .’costa fc,r being called the Mighty Red NI-- chine"" formed me of a commotion down at the nearby Russian river," the enineering student related. Upon reaching the river hank, Lombardi found a group of women diving went on continuously for a half-hour until two Geyservill, high school boys pulled Op the body. The Weather "From :ill indications." observed Phil Phogbound, philosopher, with thinls shedrii, "there -isn’t enough blood on this campus tr: etrol’ of outdo !t% Jim Port.... rtisint! natio. fiom San Carlos. uas elected vie, fiitranis Deadline ;,Iesident of the sophornme class M..nrias’s chiss council nieetm. Tomorron is the deadline for in Room. 13. tegistration in th, hioanis es- The class office was left %near., lemporaneous speaking rortest. v, it Ahee Dotter!) sk as electt-d .tecording to Mr. Wilbur Imick 1--s.t v. al s tumor lepresentati.e tht Speech department. Reg- u ,111,i, it Council istratit tii.i) earn op in 1.ither P.-. re, . nil lierztr2, art. his or the departnient’s tatif e, I u.:,lu’tlui.’d Iii. lie said. 12 Kit’. :WOW 71161Il Cad, t Major Stmk dinski was presented stailliing Military Stn.’. Tuesday night betwee. thi tinal spring footliaii s., squad game. In &signal his honor. Cadet Major a as awarded a tiophy by Dr. T W. MacQuartie- Nineteen members of the SJS :Vim and Air Force ROTC units. whieh iriraded at half time. were named for the Distinguished Mill-. tars Stiaient auards. They are: Ali Force: Richard 0, Barriek P.ohrrt 11. Berquist. Marvin P. Braunstein Robert I). Cush’: Robeit A. F:duards. Richard lei - dan, flinry J. LaPlante. Cliffind A Nlajersik. Herbert C. Moser, Isadore I. Pizante. Roltol D. Steffen. and Rob- ell S Whi;a11. Lee II. Brandenburg, DeLapp. Lyle D. Gul- p..., Lawrence W. Hedin, Oscar Herrgesell, and Joseph L. Rich- (’its, The awards were based on the students’ personalities and on their scholastic and leadership Pov La Torre 1 11 inard. The annual I orensics atarels Lthen It Mr, Vi II - bur I’. 1.1iick, speech instructor. Viet aaards a ill toe to. th.. Eastern 11(111011h Speak 1,11, ge II 1.. r tome: the American consulate in .iir ..;1 w ill speak on the cor lent Asian crisis, in the I’ toniorrow at 1134) Writ (.1.4110.1-, isFRIE Tomorrt)s ar,ot,litiv. to In ,111.’". ’’ OW! , IP ollta’a I sell,’ f1, e mist, lot% Mr. Kerr is the ;mita,’ of Many articles on Japanese Kore:to MO% an. and M. INDIO at - faits. Ile has lel . nits svriton luit books on Fottoosa %%hitch are in the pores. of helm. pohlishell, to 1 tr Assodant Nasal :01.14,11c ’t111,11 OtT1- 1,,,,,,N -II China 11, V, holt 1,1111 1,101:11,,, p :OltiOr11 on VII, nit,’ II 1 Irtc:1 11. the. ’Willi, Pall,1 ort 1.111,1101,oi it, 19 itt 1i heir was a’so a cor,..iiltafit ,..1 \I.., ._ r

Transcript of Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan...

Page 1: Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response Irks Hartranft Sun TheJose State College Students. Faculty. Glue

Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response

Irks Hartranft Sun Jose State College

Students. Faculty. Glue 1 12 Pints ta Red Crass

1 can’t understand why the student body let us down. I am surely disappointed." was the comment of Campus Blood Drive chairman. Mr. Glenn Ilartranft at the conclusion of the drive Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. Hartranft pointed out ttr,� of 370 pledges. onlyq 208 pe, actually offered a pint of I., Sixty-six of the 208 were reject

Oed. During the two-day drive th.

Red Cross netted 142 pints 4,

blood according to Mrs. Mariar Sandgran, Red Cross staff nie

Dr. Van der Groehin. Red physician said he wished to the student and faculty donors. hut pointed out that Stanford university students gave approxi-mately 250 pints of blood in one day.

Chief reason for the sixty-six rejections was low Wood pressure and a lack of sufficient iron con-tent in the blood. Mrs_ Sandgrat, stated. "The majority of these students rejected were probabl just plain tired as this is the climax period of the school year. she added.

Anyone who didn’t donate dur-ing the two-day drive but still wishes to do so may go to thi San Jose Blood Bank at 440 N First !Meet on Tuesday. Wednes-day and Thursday between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. according to Mrs. Sandgran,

In Rescue Attempt


%s a rd Issembl �1 ill Begin at 7:30

The annual recognition assem-

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1951 No. 152 bly will be held tonight at 7:30

p.m. in the Morris Dailey auditor-


N. J.Lobodirtsni � � ;um. accordingto progrom

man Bob Madsen.

(Narners Top --- ROTC .4irard

MUTINY ON THE ARK�Shem (Douglas Murray) is calling mkt,’ Japhet (Robert Dietlei to come (limn from the bridge of the arts %tittle Norma (Judith Lev)) looks on helplessly in a scene from

Student Takes Part °be’

"Stab" turning tonight �photo by oilmore

Kerr Directs Drama

Toby Lombardi, freshman en- Obey-5S ()Noah Opens Toniolit� r 9 gineering student. climaxed a ^

creek near hi:; home in Geyser- Stars McCurdy, Schwi pleasant day mmer of fishing at a -

r . The curtain of the Little Thea-, once will be Mr..). Wendell John -

ter will open at 8:15 o’clock to- son, designer of "Noah’s- unusual

night for the first performance ot � sets, and Miss Berneice Prisk who Andre (the) ’s "Noah" a dramati_ has created the costumes.

ville by participating in the dis-mal attempted r,scue of 14 -year-old Sylvia Woodford of Richmond who drowned in the Russian river

.1 1,0.0-the nt:t- I ’00:1

r.i. fessor of fte. troduce t’ourt and present tt Down will present ti

serviet� awards to oil -dents follouing the ;it� Arri,

"\���1 in line on the ploy :tall’ ’till be the sp.irtan �spi.irs pre. -.1,1 a ion I.) Inurid �1141.�rson. l’ollouing that �%ill Ise the pt.,-

riteilion of tin� sparetn *shields t

The Campos (host Wti %s ill It, pres.�nted nest by t’huek Waez. At this point tli,� \\*odd Student Sersice lund "I�gly Mao- i introduced by Wing.

R W. hart’., head 4.! II.. English I k.pt ., will present t he awards to t he winners of ill.. Phelan Murat y ciintest. The Stlall-ish langua.,.� awards a ill I (Mew and will be given Dr I.

N. wItO. � Professor of modern Rua:, s

Newby will also present Meta Gordoy memoirist awards

A mem!), r of the Music depot T-riomf will present the -.ward it Sim to ti. . ii use 1151,1

Ill ire O( (I ,,lot has ti,.� :11,, ,ou�to a strut.. list mil. (1,riiii�

:!,.. last . ;�... merit of the $.3 balance due 012 Nadia Herter presetit the purchase orders of the 1950-51 La sociat �er 1. ai�hart Torre, according to Bill Lytle, yearbook business manager. The money Mal’ be paid at the Cu ad-unto Managers office, Lytle said.

Lytle also told students who outstanding man and aoman have lost their purchase stubs to ; Jules Bozzi, local rue!, . Schol-straighten out the ditto-ult.,. in astic and Tau I )ella Phi :maul.

Sunday afternoon. the same office. Seveial copas 01. by Or. T W MficQuatt collco�

"I had spent ten hours fishing zation of the Old Testament story According to Mr. Kerr, "Noah the year/took are still on sal. in, president. and the Rey pies. of the voyage to Ararat. has all the elements that make

that morning and was relaxing the office and at the booth in the � entation by Dr Harrison F Directed by Mr. John R. Kerr) ’good theater’. In modernizing

on the front lawn of mv parents’ Library areh he said

home when an acquaintance in- assistant professor of Speech, the, the biblical tale, playwright Obes �

play will feature a cast of 17 has remained faithfttl to the orig-

headed by Stan Schwimmer as Mal theme of faith L1.1’14114 secular, in Little 7 heal" Noah, and Evelyn McCurdy as his scepticism, but the whimsy and.

wife. ,pagentry serves to keep the play I

plause of the opening-night audi- I Tickets for the drama may tie 14 ’ar Vying with the cast for the ap- from becoming a sermon,

sobbing and a small contingent - ’ purchased in the Speech office, oi

log for the body of the teen ’Et III!) ft) Pr( I Prices a re 60 cents for ASB card lat the door of the Little Theatei w � of men and high school boys

girl. Two other girls and Sylvi,. . ’iolders, 90 cents for ken ml had been playing in the river %viler !",l‘rrelarlai !"4t v lc,. mission. they stepped into deep water

Round-t he-Clock" fashions u ill be presented during a style show meoring of Draft Sylvia’s two friends were rescued �

promptly. but Sylvia disappeared. ; tomorrow a f t el noon at 1:30 o’clock nr, Lombardi immediately _joined a

in the Little Theater, according to I eslls Begoo group of rescuers who were diving! miss Mario Curtis,

associate pro. for the hods. from a boat. The’ 0-ssor of commerce More thati one thoosa..,1 ;

Miss Curtis is arrangin’_! th, centers are pout n II, Ill.

fashion show primarly for her sec- of Satinda� draouj.:� ’11

retarial training class with the :lc- test to th" cent’ on fashions suitable rid- the sei"e’ at Pi "w’ton. wardrobe of a secretarv. 11.,weser,!t:aptiv task of scoring min. 111;111

it will be open to all students and :175.1*1)11 lest. ti, � elec.44inie

faculty, oie machines ta�gan tate Tia�mbe,

Stage decorations ace being han- !atternoon. It is expected to ia

dled in- (is.. students- Emits() Fi-!completed in time to get the test

jita, Mar. Higashi. Chiyeko ho.isemes to local draft bt,41I’ds

eura, Jean Murakami, and Helen Jul"’ 244. Yamamoto. ava

discolor a banal:tide. Laserne Thiel is wardrobe Sophs nowt eep I, wasn’t trafas’s %scathe’. that , and Me, i� was makin.! Phil’s celluloid collai

a rc, Jeriv

wilt irdthoirb it is as hot as it has been. lin. the apathy blood (iris,.

’It is a foredrau n �

that the Indians rr west

has.. more blood than Spartan:-.

Phil concluded. -After all. I her, �

must be some .’costa fc,r

being called the Mighty Red NI--


formed me of a commotion down at the nearby Russian river," the enineering student related.

Upon reaching the river hank, Lombardi found a group of women

diving went on continuously for a half-hour until two Geyservill, high school boys pulled Op the body.

The Weather "From :ill indications." observed

Phil Phogbound, philosopher, with thinls shedrii, "there -isn’t enough blood on this campus tr:

etrol’�� of outdo !t% � Jim Port.... rtisint! natio. fiom San Carlos. uas elected vie,

fiitranis Deadline ;,Iesident of the sophornme class M..nrias’s chiss council nieetm.�

Tomorron is the deadline for in Room. 13. tegistration in th, hioanis es- The class office was left %near., lemporaneous speaking rortest. v, it Ahee Dotter!) sk as electt-d .tecording to Mr. Wilbur Imick 1--s.t v. al s tumor lepresentati.e

tht� Speech department. Reg- u� ,111,i, it Council istratit� tii.i) earn op in 1.ither P.-. re, . nil lierztr2, art. his or the departnient’s tatif e, I u.:,lu’tlui.’d Iii. lie said. 12 Kit’. :WOW 71161�Il�

Cad, t Major Stmk dinski was presented stailliing Military Stn.’. Tuesday night betwee. thi� tinal spring footliaii s., squad game. In &signal his honor. Cadet Major

a as awarded a tiophy by Dr. T W. MacQuartie-

Nineteen members of the SJS :Vim and Air Force ROTC units. whieh iriraded at half time. were named for the Distinguished Mill-. tars Stiaient auards. They are:

Ali Force: Richard 0, Barriek P.ohrrt 11. Berquist. Marvin P. Braunstein Robert I). Cush’: Robeit A. F:duards. Richard �lei - dan, fli�nry J. LaPlante. Cliffind A Nlajersik. Herbert C. Moser, Isadore I. Pizante. Roltol D.

Steffen. and Rob-ell S Whi;a11.

Lee II. Brandenburg, DeLapp. Lyle D. Gul-

p..., Lawrence W. Hedin, Oscar Herrgesell, and Joseph L. Rich-(’its,

The awards were based on the students’ personalities and on their scholastic and leadership

Pov La Torre

1 11

inard. The annual I orensics a�tarels Lthen It Mr, Vi II -bur I’. 1.1iick, speech instructor. °Viet aaards a ill toe to. th..

Eastern 11(111011h Speak

1,11, ge II 1.. r tome:

the American consulate in .iir ..;1 w ill speak on the cor�

lent Asian crisis, in the I’ toniorrow at 1134) Writ

(.1.4110.1-, isFRIE

Tomorrt)�s ar,ot,litiv. to In ��,111.’". �’’ OW! , IP ollta’a I sell,’ f1, e� mist, lot%

Mr. Kerr is the ;mita,’ of Many articles on Japanese Kore:to

MO% an. and M. INDIO at -

faits. Ile has lel . nits svriton

luit books on Fottoosa %%hitch are in the pores. of helm. pohlishell,

to 1 tr Assodant Nasal

:01.14,11c ’t111,11 OtT1-1,,,,,,N -II China 11, V, holt 1,1111� 1,10�1�:11,,, p :OltiOr11 on VII, nit,’ II

1 Irtc:1 11. the. ’Willi, Pall,�1 ort 1.111,1101,oi it, 19 itt

�1i heir was a’so a cor,..iiltafit ,..1 \I.., �._


Page 2: Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response Irks Hartranft Sun TheJose State College Students. Faculty. Glue

1 -exit I X’s ittiff.V Thursday. May 31, 1%1 C.,

- - - treet Crossing

Sparta’’’. Daily tttains Art Status ila�e you, too. heard the roar of

sellPo- SAN JOSE - I \ I I. I .01.I.EGE inimals around here? Did you.

too, get out your pith helmet and

PA seed de, , as, the Associated :1.414�.111os San Joie SW* CO3�63 �3�/31 $.�6i1.� ..d ".111: 13111191 Is net. a la Frank

$6,-1.61 46, .3 in. Collo,* /Off 6,141 0.11 01.0 daring each fir. .... -.13, .636 Buck 7 Put ’PM assay and get out

ft.erss of A* Glob* PrinCog Co , 1445 S. First str�sd San Jos* wair artnor Since it isn’t health) Teiciii�i CY’ci363 4 6414 - Ed.torSisi. Est. 210 - Ad.�rtising peps , Ert. 211 %.-.� � r, s.. -.., 1, r.� ft SO per year or $1 par quarter for non ASS cord holders,

around here for ears it’s bound

it, be- mote unhealthy for ’wile -

JACK GALLAGHER-Editor PETER C. EDMONDSON-Bus. Mgr. �Lan,. Richard Jordan

The best ;aisle.. on host io get td4.4, uo Editor this issue

Dr. Fallico Expresses Views on U.S. Thinking


One of the main results of the clash between man and the mod-

ern mechanized world he has created has been a loss of appreciaticr

for individual thinking and the human individuality that accompanies

it. So stated Dr. Arturo B. Fallico, associate professor of philosophy, %

unexamined life is not worth h. -

many Amelicans, for exami,I,�, ac- :

in a I , . :it iiitei t �At

Dr. Faille° taatited u i. i �tho

iv k _ .1, Northo-estern university

titL; tor a man.’ " He taught 61

s_____ es_____ ;Wis.,. the sl refit, around the "P ’ , - .�

I he s am. time, was head of I I., -ti...� ; –�,. Jesn’� .^.^’," eye the ’ American’Life-G’.-- II-ser ’’..,..- ii+1 Ed to, department at Chicze:,.

E...i.,,� Ed.,. tient , t r .3^ r E.tm,o,g� Edao, Jach Hulse Ii,’ had I he ss stem down to a "-it "’in questioned about the Phil"s°PhY

for a ni,

c.,..ii., u.i.. Ci,iil Just "idie.136, N �� El.to� gip w,odi (Arnim* came from a P.F. major. . TeFarc<hi(irsngcollhlet:eneed.

‘..psrts Ed.. f.,�,,i te-s-1., Car...r...s Ed,o, Ed Roper, line jump. ’Before NOLI cross the meanings of their "way of lite-. . - �

tuti Mediterranean climate, Dr. Fiji. rd.’, 64e! Ger ...r � ,rreet pull nit to the curl, 1.k.in’t hyPrage citizen is 1.137.

l’elYirir "’came to SJS ni 1948. He and IPIPIAUERS-14,� Ale,rn P.,...ro.- Lb.’ Avon 11,1�� Ho 110,4��t. Jaci:e EOck- step ’into the street. however. it, and stumbles iitalut,

i.,...b ,,,,...,. C.i pot, v.- 0,�..i in.,. 5,,,,, 5,,,, star....d. L.,,....... :some iassack (not cossack) will generalizations ab,,iii dernocrac�.

act it. I. youngsters, Cecco, Jul ii.:.

was.. Josephina, with their’ thi� ....,.. 0...., r.....0a...n e -,I (,.,�...� a .,,,d J. .1.- 11,/,11 K11�9141. CI�41 1�4�;�rsas. �

vw ’ I be i.iire to hit you before you ���N ..1,...16.,3 Ni,,.,,. rind Peter, now live in Los Gatos.

Jim Taylor-OfficeI

Manager can pimp back T., 1, � � cliih

Ilr. Faille() is still active in art Pp

,r, Tr , e SA in,,,,, ;. A _ �,. ,,..4 8,4 G .,,,,, Bit

G;1,c,., �Doe, Gm.? it

"Oh, ye s . Helm., solj 1414 t11 circles. and is the founder .of ill: the curb, sou .liould hate

ILI: ’ .� lino Ston- s....,, ,...�. C.,. ,/,00iirir 3o. � 30316.3I fi111 11 1�11111111.� 1k...A .111�11 LOS Gatos Art: association.- � -

I tr.o i. ��111�. 1.11t of sour Although painting and-sculpt,: . ; ’,as Eskop:- 5 I. Cs - r�I’s� Chambe,s Per. Chkerne Marguer:te �II tat,,-. . ,... -� , . ,ink Deteteln it,,, 0, P..... loa, Etta. m�I 61��� li�nry HoIyfittil are his main interests outsidt Hoes, le, It. :4111.1r calisthenic, i� i, .0 .1 f topp...E -1,.. Lyang W.�m� L.,- � . . McDon�lo L�onred Miller his*educational work. Dr. Fall. oil! do the trick if yell can’t George Pisante, Jon Taylor .

think of ansthing better. also confessed a "consuming" in -

"Don’t he hashf sil. Don’t he Wrest in the culinary arts.

�. I Al II I L ’ I :4 ’id III’I’!-; Story afraid-alter all, it’s s-our neck.

Get into the line-up isith the enee that an international back -However, with all the experi-

t le.n other nese students. .nil

( )II SI 111 11’11 1 4 )114 ,,ii,,ii , grunt and groan. 1.011111111111 and

moan nith the rest of the111:. One earnest ...�ssior had A-

I:,..111 I \ I 1.,11, 1., 31,, ! 434’131 frame for i A rr) ing ’his .,. ,fi, 1,,,, I....Ls on hi’, 1/.11’1.

11. 11111111.1.1/1 � lily I... 1.1 .1 .PP Ills r.�je. I � 11. 110 :11 .11

1� freoliman and Ito stifling ’it verso... lit 111 1111/11% IS 1311

....emits she 116, 111,131133 i %6 her,. .� gi, I es III soh 13.11111. lir .115 11 .15.1 pet �onallis I.. melt. s 1.,1�.� nos 1111,S11111/1 01 5%1 �11/11 11111 SW 1 �

lit 3�114. 111111114 11 1"11,1i ri I 401114 11.6 1.11 us renting III

. .6


11, I .�

..1 111 1.1 11. .1. Ili IV It WI: /114� null.

.1 .1. ..1 11.-t ..1,1,.1 P.s ..111..1 11.-. it. II 1...111.1 11 ...1 pS 1111 SN 111.111 /11 1 J..111,1110 Olt

11 11,1 111 1.�1 11.11 it 111.11’1114,1.1 1 1. of /�11�111.0.1 4.1 / II.. �p ,11

� .11 1’ 11111.111 IP, Mt 1 � .� ’613 I., 34 1,4

1,31, oh, u 1111111.111011 41141 CO., 111 111. I 111). 11 1.1/ f���. 11111.


Sir’. Robinson alleges that 1131114 is .014.611, in

f nil 1,0% 1114. intl 611 1, 311. 1163 lii ii 11 he Litter ehe 1.ost. not Is% s slis.i it,.. S is - .� Lsil I hit. t.. h. 3 1.0 040 obit.- 3 1 the

...II. ge. eglatre 110-, 1111 tt�11. to "is, its � 1 4,0 %I h., shoe

It,, indep.11.1. n1 s. hot e�rtes:r� �s

higher. sh.� �, th.o, It,,., ii1 the ....reritte. .1. wit.. the 1.s. I

lts of .14 h rts sill. � 11 ill .11 1111. of %Avulse:Alfons. 1..1..�rs, and

Is for liseusteers’ "se, to WI LINK. 111 111. is I ,ter Is

� he T1.611013 11.44 1.( 1N.� ...if 111 I1 �III 1

1/ ’1 it St 1... ...IN tt 14�11..S% �

’1’1...1..1 111 111/ . iV1.1 1.1 11.1�11 .� fat.’ I. 11 1....� 11.IP 1 1/1111.,1111�111 ;41111 N...11 111. .111111�1,1 ii14.111, v1331111 1,1���� 3304 tilt 0 Oil I t1.6111114

ttttt 01116,, 110: 11.-3.1 4.110,3 04 161,111114 ft.ileinits

et n ’hem llt,i 1’ .,s,’ .01 /111,3: 1311 111.11.s 1114: gen.

1.16 I ..s. old 1011,- that Ntrs

II ittitstiil titioies in the latter t.111-11.1.111 103% hi’ aispile�S ts, the


It’. isStii

� ’

fe11.11 IIII� 1�%11.

Iir it liii 1, 1.311 410611.3 61111 1;0

111 �’’1 I. 11.. 11111 111.1 1111111.1 114.11. .3110. 1 1.111.1. /11.11 it’. K111111. 111.-%0�11.11111::, 1.11 1,;r:����� siisl pre. -s Ming � I, 101 1.41111114 Ii serisktsile., s� to, s�st 113 it. Imilts.

p p 1 i. Pp,

..11.� .1.1 II the% hake re,

itu usel.illness then ails.ini,14. 1’ 111 stand tout

It ?hes have the missives still , oll. I 11 1.11. � SS hill they keels

" � "W11% for so-

yams 1,41(1111:

I I theta? P t, I I I IP

itil 11.1,.� 1.0�1 �I.P11,11 I. .1,1 1.1.� 1:111 1..1 11, 1.1 11,11/ i 11,.....�

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11. � ...111.� 1, Si .lit� I �11.

It, 11,0 PI., 11, 1111,1 1P1 IPP .1.� .11111. 141 \ 11 - 1P� 11...1. IP. .1

it, .11.-S, IS i11110111 .1.11 Inch .1114.s. 11, km, eat. .in.I olien hei mem

lit!. Ai .1 ii! tutu pinto to itte 1 1..1111 Al, 111.1 .1111. � 11.4- .101I 11I,

111 11 If the male trans wolfs to

keep nIth the ’,test thing in 10’ 311114 this esnoni he Id pure h.s.��� one iii t

shots made to look like nets., p.oper and nrite in the anstters 111.61.13 41013 11 the head-lines this is particithirls prat--tic,’ is it hems, r 11. rian� out of slit. ,11 he tiould list, 1.,

to lets, off his shirt and ttttt it l’’11-11 lit.-,.- 1. it,,’ 1.4.1 .11.111..a.�11

1111 1111r11. a h11 11114131n 111/ t ts 1.1111 I/111 inetels lean met to .our licighln.i. look him eight in the’ "al

Dr. Fatties, feels that the role

of the educator. in Oen of the.

situation. �hould he to re�tssre

the hal:ince between man and

his self-created ensininment to emphasizing the importance of

indisidnal thinking. One of the

I,.-.? nass to accomplish this

end is through liberal education,

Ii.- explained. The indisidual

may then learn to examine the

ideals nith nhich lie comes in

contact. He will not tend to ac-

cept or reject wholly these ground and education can give. Dr. ideal% �ithtmt e,��gn,ti�, Fattier) revealed that there was

one more thing that he would Ilk. he.. might have done previously.

_ The most dangerous of all hu 10 learn to do. What was it.

man errorsii the realm of was asked. "Raise mushroom -

thought is the lack of this power he replied with a smile.

"II I in knocked he said.. to mcaming. In-. Father) further

’explained. The application of the "isms" as systems of thought is

"most vicious" of all, he said, be-cause there is no room for indi-vidual investigat ion; the patty line is the "t rut h-.

Dr. Fallico knows well the im-plications of such a statement. for he was born in ()Id Calabria in southern Italy in UK*, and while a young man, saw the shadott ot Fascism fall over that Mediter-ranean country. "My family had iollowed the humanistic traditior. and when this tradition litri. ’lashed with Fascism. I felt pelted to lease, ’ he said.

Prior to coming to this coun-try. Dr. Fullico studied in Spain. France, and North Africa, as siell as in his natise Itals...kfter lie anise.’ in the I nitc.1 states.

I,.,’ arid ask to 110110W soniethith’ The mot nill rail see ent f01-111-rwlit manner and nut .1 retels:91 hand and think nothing et i� II i � it ii 3.3 C -

Ii. %le% I borron a 1..111 11. it 11 11 �11s. ei����erto hcrS

’,to. I rt vow ...se if I has.. oa

Here it isoltat’snine. Th,,, if you’�.� tried and trit�I

and can’t master a successhil cheating method. you might tr� dating the prol’s reader

And if all else tails, you could: tr� something a friend of minei did Ile got so inb�rested in the: hook IV: 33 31% picking out in -I formation to put on his Kleenex, that he read it You�s1 be surprised, how %s ell that norks’

I would have a better chance of awling out of the way. Also,

I have better balance for run-And it’s cheaper hecause

I ill not always (hopping my books old in the middle of the street

w..111(1 never have A � h:soce to pick them up before

Cr, 1 11111/1 ilies Cues ..

*ing Brings Hay ... of the Fever larietv, That Is Hs ED HOPEIL, Campus Editor

It ’ton will look around %oil .1 even at you, you still notice th�it spring fever is being had by a Ihe became an instructor in art ,

Also: and sculpture In E’hicago for majority of the tiopulace. A ....sera’ scars before taking a piing fever is being written about i

I., the majority nf a small portion, ILA. and doetorate in ph00.0-

ol the pimulace Namely journal- ph). at Northwestern Isis Regarding this latent intttrest in

Dui yet I have to sec a �111’n ’ Ph11(44°I)tv-’� Dr. Fain"’ said...Ey" spring sin,i,img. Kno�.n since I could rtmeniber, I had

been interested in the subject ot man< as ilay fe�er. Gesundheit living and society I was struck A friend hats. I nho sneezes by. the Words of Socrates. ’The in the spring. In the summer.

:slit and %sinter also she - sneezes Hut then so. base other things Is, read and %t rite about. Like football :11111 nipple -bobbing. %nil as tttt riles. %skirls increase its n 1.� r during the heat of he s ttttt Inver. .% fact hich is

L n to. all third quarter pssch majors and readers of the �titeriean Weelds. A tart n hien 1, k non n all

hist. fourth or eighteenth quarter :town:dean majors is I hr. t my Irienits sneezes increase in num-tas and selocits doting the sprin.� line t 0 the bees and breezes ea..��

ssIs spreading pollen hither and Pollen being ni des lef� for

ling sex past the Jiihrison 0? iii’. of flower -land �

lin’ Ho’ Do not get us stroll; Ws. 6114. 1101 accusing our IIlend I,’ being S1‘10, in an underhand, ii tt a� She is all paid tip in her sword) due. goes out with ((lifts. esen in-dependents, and is kind to h��� mother. You see. A (stint’ broti-

But she sneezes. God twit,

It has 1.11/111. to our .sttention Old no small number of girl. people also hate been pollenited tos the bees :and the breezes. tor a nanderer around this

campus is continualls h. set hs minor e� plosions Ir..tsi the deeeptisels � ill a 1 I 111:1-phragmy of our 1..11.

I �

sneeze Or by th.� oilif�rinsz eye which accompanies the si.. She is not bewailing her ciicum ’lance The innundating of (Is. iris comes at on additional charge a n d means nothing other than that the sale of hIleentte. up

For sufferers of the malads, little green pills are on the mar-ket. Which are guaranteed to di) ncwa> tilt h the �nee7e 11 nd 1 he watering sit the es... We under-stand that the pill. also produce certain elfects ’Mitch not esen

Hurgermeister ean dispense Its the hogshead.

Sti. ohich is woi or teeling no pain Gesiindh��it

Give your tummy a break,

Try a terrific steak . .

545 South Second

Feelini7 pain


CY 4 sgs,


Did you hear about the new

WAC who asked the Capt

where she should eat’ The C.

said, "Why you’ll mess with

fine. 100 per cent American :

cers we have on this base." "Ah know," said the little WA(’.

who was a Northern gal, But

wheah at do Ah eat"



Where your time

is spent in looking your very best.

Frank & Al

322 E. SANTA CLARA 7th I8thi



Delicious ’Burgers

Jumbo Shakes



We’ll have you

’ looking sharp for

the pushcart relays

TI�ien go to the

; Senior W1 eriO,


- Henry Steiling

tr�cl the boys




Associatati Master lia.brors of Arl�fiC1

1 1


Page 3: Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response Irks Hartranft Sun TheJose State College Students. Faculty. Glue

Riverboat Roustabouts in Steam Session Tonight’ Thursd4y. May

31. 1951 srAATAN DAILY 3

Compulsory ASB Card Bill Gets Green Light

1.C4 Pushcart Racy

Relas Turnout numial; Entryl w

Total Hits 32

’ RED-HOT MI st I. star t grit a.. Di�telaint rim. rampant at the Co-Ree hop at 8 o’t�lock in the patio of the %% omen’. gain. Captain Pete Phillips and his Riterhoat Roustabout.. (pictured above) will he the feature attraction nith the Diaie land dame music for **feet -heating" Spartans. Piano-aecompanist for Pete and hitt boys still be James Canister° is ho has studied with Wally Rose of I.0 Waters’ hand. A background of mimic with In Waters. Winga.

Slanone. Clancy Hays. and Albert Nicholas reseal Pete as an up and coming star. He is non %%inking for location, around the Ray area. Pete has appeared pretiously as King Riserbott Mud and hi.. Original Goodthne and Pleasure band.

A record field of 32 cars offici-ally has been entered for the run-ning of the third annual Lambda Chi Alpha Pushcart Relays to-morrow. acording to Jack Shipe,1 director of relays.

The unusually large turnout of 13 fraternities. 9 sororities and 10 independent and departmental groups oromises an afternoon of sp�ed, thrills and fun for the en-tire campus. All cars have as-I siged racing numbers based upon

organizations’ record in the 2949 and 1950 editions of the re-

--41 A bit that sat student body ma’s State college. it out .it the Assembly conunittee with a �iii� s, oimoi�ndatuiri

The loll. Na 827. iidi pro,. Com, out on the AssemIll sOrnelvile th.s ii., ’a ave. I, Das e Don rt. San ;lose

studialt body presiri. Similar to Senate bill

Itill eontains a monlaa inti ant amendments tine arrirt states that each cialege , termirse, by student Vote. �� the hill will he pill into efita� that yarn, tilar

Bill No. $27 aboi contain.. pro.ixion uherel the students at any of fhp ‘slate’. coll.-sr, may revoke Ilk- iini�eisal ler if they find it is rot oorkinz In their satisfaction. .rhcr.� 1145 1514171 4d

the 141 that Is 414�5:��1n d to aid the student who is ill nired linan-(’lal help. The l,,Il "late, that studrnts may st�ek � maim ntent with the rollege. 01 that II Ile can demonstrate to his dean that the purchase of a student body raid

a war d. is inaliosing hardship on him his 1114.114) is III he n1111141441

Another ads as point-ed out to Doo ii. P.. that �Iti-drnts ti..iihl Ind 14.4%, In 14.4, .4 si.-4 lb. in lump � . hot in-

Dr. lionith, Knurlier. in %those name the aitard h. pre-sented. b. a long -tome niendwi of the speech faculty and is r�nrrenfl on b’as � I flo lege doing specialized work-Slis Claire Loftus. former in-

st octor (if speech at Stanliii.,

Here Toni2:111 t. ill present a humorous reading during the relliallider of the pro.

jays. with number 1 going to the Alvarez Jr., Joyce Yvonne Ander- craft. Mrs. Loftus is active in f:efer.aiing champion. son. Patricia June Anthony. Mich- Committee on Ei :eel aye

little theater work in Los Gatos Racing will get underu’ay at


3 p.m. sharp and will be pre-, eeded hy a procession of earn

led by the Relays Queen and

her attendants. Judging for the most original ear will take place between 2:30 and 3 p.m. All organi za I ions sponsoring E SJS ve Crowell. Claude Earl Cunning- ! "The workshop will help us to

Robert P. F.dman, James Stuart ’,dice on the campus anti in the gars are urged by Director Shipe

Highest Honors �

Registrar Lists 1950-51 ’Great Distinction Grads � � �

Readers to I l e

1410r l�tinelter’s Secolul Award

: .

Kaucher award will be presented ,oday to the outstanding student :eader of the spring quarter read-

ing programs. The award is given twice monthly lw the Speech and I.)rama depai t men t . according to

Sitat. Courtaney: Brooks. instruc-

tor in speech. Ursula Schindler !was winner of the is Inter quarter award.

Presentation of the ass aid is ill follow the regular reading pro-gram which begins at 4 p.m. in Apt. 3, she said. Judges of the event are Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Helen Hall. Mrs. Katherine Johnston,’, Dr. Edgar Willis. and Dr Law-rence Mouat. Dr. Hugh W Gil-lis. head of the Speech and Drama department, will present the

The honor graduates of the class of 1950-51 have been announced by �

n UC Commtttee

ales rated with great distinctio the Registrar’s office. The gradu-

are: William Wilson Allman. Santos

ad l Samuel Bardo, Anne Cynthia Barquist, Joanne Garske Boyers. Phyllis Jane Bolinger. Dorothy Leatrice Brown. Esther Aldeanc Buchner, Gloria Joan Cameron, Dorothy Jean Copriviza. Edouard Alain Coze, Rose Mary Crimi, Billy

ham Jr Rodger Wilbur Curtice.

izt ns It m . . t he University of California will present a student workshop on race prejudice at the Student Y. 272 S. Seventh street tonight at 7:30 according to Barbara Amor’. program chairman,

see where to look for race Keno -

a nti cities proles:sant:it readings. Sirs. Brooks reported The hour-long program dout of reas aild th.

�14�.44l. unuld l .4 a� .411444 41 t4. pay It in sa quarterly payments.

I1,414 the plan. if mar eni.al. mint were high. ill, cost id a eat Id may even he reduced," Ism 41 sald.

As file bill now reads, tM�te i maximum


studeni body ire balm. ing ass ai .1 4, relnotiles a � �....91 "ism to faculty and studenr,

.� send their pushcart. committee Ellison Jr., Robert Charles Fritz,: ennuntlnitY and show us ways and IN

’means to eliminate it.- Miss Arno-�a an important meeting in the student Union today at 3:30 p.m.

Gere, Shirley Edith Goodell. Mar- ri staled. jorie Helen Goody. Sarah Ma a ’ � An unusual exhibition of -in-

The list of official entries and spirational sketches- created hi

Crawford Hoffmann. Dorothy El- ’ If 11 ,rani Take Hart, Evorene Hatfield, Frances ’w, . their a.signed racing numbers Ntrs Mary Robinson Blair sill.

I len Hmvard, Futsc Huang, Vora,- 13 a / ’ � � 1 j I he disllaYed in the Reserve 111004,1 thall. 11..011111 411 4110S room on Ifoineconting Day June . I

is: I. Theta Chi, 2. Sigma Al- 1 pha F.pailtin, 3. f:amina Phi nitwit Harry Inami. Miriam Gordon 1

Jansen, Carolyn Crutcher Jillson. _ Several recent graduates of San 9. the Art department reported

Carolyn Marie Joergensen, Richard Jose State college in the field of this week. Gilmore Johnson, Janice Bronson entomology have secured positions Mrs. Blair, a former student 1

Johnston,’. with the state in the mosquito at San Jose Stale college. is pro-1 Walter Lewis Lardaker. Lulu abatement service. Dr. Carl Dun. duction designer for the Walt

.pha Chi Omega, 13. Sigma Pi. Erna Luchsinger, Nadeen Ratcliff can, head of the Natural Science Disney studios. 14. Delta Sigma Phi., IS. Delta McClellan, Evelyn Mary McCurdy. department. reported aVedneschia The Reserve booknaim Sigma Gamma, 16, Theta

Ni.17. Phi Sigma Kappa.

Berl Traud is. employed in the will include "Insi Harold Lloyd McGill. Betty Bayne Matson, Vincent Norman Mara- recently organized Tri-city mos- sketches.’ for the El"

18, PI Kappa Alpha, 19. Kappa fano, Salvatore S. Margherita, Ida length color cartoon. "Cir . quito control service in San Mateo Alpha Theta, 20. Kappa Tau, 21. Slinkle, Mildred Anne Siontraint- counts.. "Alice in Wonderland.- sch, Pratt Hall. 22. Kappa Phi, 23. cry. Marta McRae Nlort:an, Nasako Nowa rd Greentieki. formerly In he released in August YWCA. 24. Newman Club, 25. Siorimoto, Martha Emelia Niets- with the Merced county mosquito -1’0’1’ Pan.. "hteh "Ill Is Spartan Oriocci, 26. Publications ehke. Edward Michael O’Connor, abatement district was I. , Photo Staff, 27. Alpha Eta Rho, Jack Odii.. Jean Kathryn Pacrh- named manager ot the Me

-hairman, car driver and pushers

Pieta. 4. Alpha Tau Omega, 3. sigma Nu,. 6. (’hi Omega, 7. Delta Upsilon. R. Kappa Alpha, 9. Alpha Omicron Pi. 10. Sigma Kappa, II. Delta Zeta, 12. Al-

28. Alpha Phi Omega, 29. Colle-giate Christian Fellowship 30.! -Vappa Kanpa Gamma, 31. Delta C;amma. 32. Chi Pi Sigma.

Six Students Vie For AAS A�tard

Six San Jose State college stu-i -a,nts Who are candidates for the -nnual Alpha Al Sirat honorary; Nisiness award will meet with a’ co rn mitt ee of businessmen at ; 4 &dock this afternoon at the, San Jose Chamber of Commeree

The committee will select from the group the outstanding man and woman whose names will be

added to those on the Alpha Al Sirat plaque in the Commerce de-

partment of SJS. The finalists, who have bee.1

selected by the Commerce depar

ment faculty and seniors major-

ing in commerce arc: Dorothy

Brown, Nancy Anderson, Iris El-

wood, William Allman, Lawrence Stram, and Robin Pettengill.

The committee for the final se-

It,’,! imposed of Russ Pet-

tit. secretary of the Chamber of

Comtnerce: John D. Crummy,

chairman of the hoard of direc--ars of Food Machinery. company:

and Wade Sargent. San Jose man-

seer of the California State Em-

ployment bureau.

Mary Lou Gardner, Shirley David

etti. Eileen Caughea Parlinglon. "harlot I (’Ii l’ Peek, Stephen

Pray, Clarence Robert Pur-dy.

Mildred Jean Reed. Junta Mae Paddle, Harold Wilbur Roth. John lb my Russell, Joan Meynier Sin-es, Lawrence Howard St rant, Ar-thur David Suhr. Doris Elaine Sweet, Robert Loren Sylvia Eu-gene Elmer Taylor. Charles Ed-

ard Thompson, Richard Austin rhompsor. Virginia Winhourn Thomson, Fle110 Harold Veveiros.

Agnes Marie Vierra. Homer Ed-ward W rd low, Fred .Lee I la el..

Dorothy Jeanne Walling, LaVonni La gerst Wardrip, R o her I Stanby Whit all. D. Dixie Wise, David Spenser Wise, William M-ae() Yamada. Herman Vincent Yea-ger. Mary Lou Ruth Youngdale. Clyde Clifton Zirl. !

Prof Speaks Today Dr. D. A. Skoog. a.-i.tant pro-

fessm of analytical eh. mist is at Stanford University. will address the weekly meeting of the chemis-try seminar today at 4.30 pm in Room 210 of the Natural Science

Dr. Skoog will speak on "l’iw� Polarographic Method of Analy-sts" The seminar is open to the public There is no charge for admisssion,

county district nith office. in Sa-linas.

Tom Laurel is field manager, and Sherman Thomas is entonto’-ogist in charge of the Coach. ’ Valley mosquito abatement di-trict.

In other fields of employment. SJS entomology graduates are equally successful, according 10 Dr Duncan. �

Ted Fisher. Larry Lewellen and Lloyd Vincent art. on the staff of the Riverside experimental sta-tion. a branch of the. University if California.

Donald Dye who will be grad-uated in June. has been appointed In the mosquito abatement trict in Siert-cal connty.

has been appointeil as, ant in 1.:ntornologa at I State college.

"It is encouraging to not. the success of our graduates." Dlinean �ai.1

LET’S FACE IT ... Th� ter,.ce quoi;ty of food e,, privet at ARMSTRONG S roe far above the usual.

See For Yourself

ARMSTRONG’S Fountain ISA& 5.s

-Disney’ Artist splays Sketches

Prints on Son Fronc;sce

� 1 oi�1C�bl CI; . ! oe� y .os

orproduchons i�rn

� PICTURE FRAME!. and rut�orn.

rn�d� fsc�nroni �ocel

& vialipapet co. Pant San lose

CT. I 1447

112 SOUTH 11ND ST.

60=e0 Dona depend C. INCUR Ok � �



1.50 4 -Wheel Hydraulic

This kw price includes--� Rome.. 4ront whimit � re. out eV.: � Inspect or�l� rondo) and doe,, � oorect frone

� hydro. ’ � ��

� ::.��clk MA. fluSil � As..r service br�eso � �f. ’ p�d�I chtera, � � �: bo..;is..

� r � � c

erake Sea h SERVICE CO

tr, r 1 ��.4 4rs f.rukr.-

540 South F;rst Stree+


Page 4: Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response Irks Hartranft Sun TheJose State College Students. Faculty. Glue


4 SPARTAN DAILY Two 40Pies Pass K.A. Has ’Carnival Capers C e".

r � 1 Ina yuartet orrarties Chocolates Here tA

AI )11a aii Offioras to Pin 111, -Bartlett

Iiiitiitif.s Siiii(11�: Set Trip 1 1111 11./1 .,t’1 s ,A 111 fraternits’s Ill ..napters 5,111

Alpha Tata Omega frat oil:. gather for intense instruction In

at loirnal initiation cerena, the technique of chapter opera-

s.��1 for Sunday at the chapter lions, .1ppr���iniatels ’.!5411 un-

The Alameda Irwin& dergra�Inate of I 14.0-1"� f all

411-11P/r.... 11411101r1.1.14 loss I he (la sr the nation will attend the

Is’ three Insita ()mega sI .11;� confab and N III ti"

oho are going national housed In the dor ttt i t orie� iii

to Public I brect.0 4.ell5.1tuarg 4 "huge. The 1�1111/1/1

hosswcw �Iiiha Epsilon chapter.

%%illialea 5555., retie% brad of I � ni th. A1’4Es for 69 years.

I I, 1.5110-A t Ion Ito-part assent ; n Jos.. officers takirw,

I Dorsal, Pi51/ Kr:4111831.. and tirk will mein& President 134,1,

ot the senior Patron. Treasurer Bill Miller,

1 ..t that and vi ills ant I ’fist. :Manager NM m Begei. and

g lo- woof- t �loring the p.1,1 ��flicers Fred Cockrill and

(*fowl< Miguelvoi l-\rites, to It.- .1 ’1 he 11111111/.1 plan :in estemleil

kill�flIrrlf. Solar ’,Mooing the eon-

10..th��� , ale 1�,�ii I Po! ferenee, f’hamber. said. Wash -

Al 1,Vriglit, Wally mgt..° D.11’., Neu lork. %irginia

it,. Illarlait Earrel. J111. 1-’������.- an.’ other site, of historic Inter-

, 1,1. I hot ool Moo It. I on So 1.5 5,1 tt ill Poe ..I.11.41, .iss it ill .%TO

.111,1 11111 1’5 5�Ito 1 ha pter Iti oughout the

% still he is in in ho. out In ru ioul ....,Ieris I MINI

.4 the two brothers sonday emu , 4 b i41111��� r. *154- 4 hispler 4 ...is II is, red

dinner at I . WO last I,,t, a �-�.,,,elas night 55-as medium chosen

r. Its. ..t I. Illr :nen of ATO to honor Mrs.

A .. I 1 i, 1�1�,511 Alivi� Hall. -The Sweetheart of , . I,. is -5 - " In appreciation for her

rs�, plan ti ,5.5 t is � in the culinary depart -dill mg the past year OW

I It�i� I5� I . 1 it . /1/11111.111 W1111 a jeweled 1.1.1111".1111 Piri. Pri.S1111�111 111111

1 �111 is .11 4 "liege !:�rt�ri Slid the honors. ..11... I. "111 II,,- ILI 1 11

I ’ � �

i .1!

.11 Ili � I. I � us.’,.’ hot to-

ol.. 11% %larsli � Itorkholin aie 111. o.I. oleo’ I he 1.1,015.0 ha .111 1111; 1..1: � lo�to re the Nola lernal 1.; o too 4.1. 1111% 5% bit mire ren-t Well I he too kg tooth1 loottotio. foot the %hoot .

11.5, lo�I o ore !lieu m.1411114; (51.ins his 111, 51, 1111’11 )1.111 11,1�11 111:111.� II% 1 Ii,. KI1 01 - /1111 hock, date dresses, formals.

\11 1 britr11 a 1 1 11 1’ s1111 1t. 555’S,’011 MP list 14

111111:1 \ Thr N11,11:11111.% 1 1V1 VII 11.01 and Dick Nialeisoli too 111.11 . 1,

11111116o 1 � 01 111 ’!..1111/.1 1. � 1.4 IT ilt, 1 I ’pry.. 1.11


! 11

%ICl/111111.11, tttttt $111 111111.11e we.;

1/11r11.1,thro 1 h5 Doris (’sister -Is. oh.. �.1113:. I .101w. trir 1../1111,1 11% %II,/ 5% 1111 1111tr .1. oi 5%.1tore ssa� general � h iii ’’is.. for th. shoo, usith mod. is ing �551.�15i....1 Its ha I I,.. hop nick.

I. imitated fl.’tts llostell-� I ie�ci.� Colton* Alice Spaga-1.11.’his Mai ha, Y/1114114% 1111. Susan II o,i. Kitts Ituith�� .15���5 Bald

� ’moue Fisher, Ruth Mild ���’, ’harlot te Ilat I (*.lest,

Sall\ (kind Debbi Ti, 5..1, :11111 111.’ Mt,11.1111e4 Valter

!’ 1 5. hien 1?

114’111 I 1111.11.6w. Fr.ti I 11114.6.111

15 , 1 -r r: 1 11.111C

55 �


Thursday, May 31.1951 - ---. �

� ’Here’s to Seniors’ I kit it (.1 111111a S � Is 1)1 San Song

I. il���1114 UI to the Seniors" was

-wan � 111111, at the Delta Zeta chap-

! )116 III) I. 1’14’ ter �house recently as I:. graduat-

� sentins were honored at a �,1’,.1 l�. I f ", nkfast soiree.

1111141 � i� 11 1,5 , I o� 1%1 I I 1.1111’.1 % Mime 1111r I ;�.?’iiti.t ’"’" the ;111.11r. which wii� spon�iored

I.�.! k ti. 5 1,11 /1L: I. the Delta Zeta Alumnae � (1’0’ 4 balder of (O. .o I

� I I . I.’ I’ � "Its. Via rho ra Mot it, 5.w rt ;01 Kr/ler/II rtollir MI II.

t I Iii..’ l lotiorees included Louise Lapp r 11/11w�th Kilgallen. Hots Brown-1... i’..irbarit Cade, Nal-WI :1 1 111%/

its . Anne 4 :arriq son, I i.t.t hy Johnson, Carolyn Rain. %LIT 11’ is lbws ley, Jacqueline r

-1.114 1 a Let’ Champion. Mai ilsii Mil ler, (*arid!. n Jurgen... 05. I >land Doillusch. and Ina Beth Watson

Sersingis hostesses for the ail fair *sere :41 tttttt ti ��11 leers: %tar% Ntoffleinion. president: Mrs. Robert Fisher. sice-presl, dent is Kristian, seeretary; and Illts has VA tergue, treas-Wel%

1.1�1 21.1 144 Aiiii4)11 Members and alumnae of th.�

.,.�eted "Black Masque- scilim ()IWI’ll � 11’s lionoi /try society, hate 7 .

Is toe 9 a’. tb. dat,’ fur I hen- ;anima--. -ss’ss tied Quo’ I

’1 clish will he site tor Iii,’ night

the rtish"’ Saturd’’’ night during

highlight .1 the ;.�..noi,: will’ coronation cerern.,

Mess held at the Saratoga For , hill (’lush i Sparkling additions to t li� I reigning heaut5’s court are a, tendants Dale Schumacher sit Jose, Warner. representing Kap ;� � 1, d � 1;3MT/1a and Alpha Ph,

o Don in a junior history. nulOr f swimming at the sorority t

In .!

at Santa It lara Unit ersIty. The i :IS followed entertainm

son of ND. and Mrs, .1. .5. Val-

lejo’, o sa Jo f is s.., he

n e o Is a grail-

atf It.�11am rine College of gg . I

r t,rris Preparatory. 15...liling plans :ire ,

indefinite. Get Free Ball Bid Two free bids to the 151ilit;,:

11)Nrt rriik4.,, (11�.,., Mill, held Satin-day night, "00 asvai�ded to the two outstandn,

hasic stude r, nts of the Air Fo and th.� Military Police in a 1,-

;,,,t 1001. cerenion., s an,l Fer-

ld the society ve Delta No ri� on the honor in theM %i-Na Theta, honorary Inane economi,, tary Police department, uhil��

S: group, six new actives last meek, arafino Brunt and Robert

Barn on King Road was The pk�dges of ACHi per_

testis at.

via, the order of the’ the lively scene of the Kappa Al- formed with singing, skits, and

evening when two of AOPi’s mem-. pita Carnival Sunday as mothers, dancing

hers chose the same evening in fathers. relatives’. and budRies of


Gambling Theme

o� h orh to announce their engage-I ! the campus fraternity men gath- A gambling party Was. held in

rnents. The traditional method.

a red rose, was accompanied by

Ver../.� and When the candle was

passed. Joan Alle5 blew it out to

announce that she will wed Jack

Bartlett. Joan Is th.. daughter of Mr.

and ’qrs. Charles 1’. .%Iley.

Jaek’s� parent. are %Ir. and Mrs.

Raymond Bartlett. Both are

f Martinet and uere grailii-raffled, Codiga said. A ham. an: Dealers were Jay Raw, Rill

Med from .%111.iiiibra High

School. !electric clock, and a basket of. Wardle, Rob Pettingil, and Don

Jac k attended Sot,, Clara Uni- grliceI’les were prizes given durii, Palmer. Punch and cookies, fol-

versify and will Is. graduated this the afterho°n� lowed by dancing to the player

June (tom San Francisco City Volleyball and folk dancin..: p(ianftiitilirminf attehte l pt. thseiitnieg ied etiinig,

College. On the Spartan eantpus 55ere enjoyed by more

than 25"

mces o

Joan is a member of Alpha Omi- participants. Paul Purcell was class of Kappa Alpha include ChetKeil.

president: Bill Pifer. vices (Ton Pi sorority and Alpha Chi chairman for the event.

president; Bob Klousner, seen’- Wedding plans are in- I A Quartet of Joints

definite. . A quartet id joint meetings, tar,y: Fred Postal, treastfrer: and

have kept the gentlemen of Kappa Cookie Camera, censor. Other

Alpha pretty busy these last ; plebes includemJoirmC Bill

olli Miles’

phonogra th rtforol ,1 Ise r


veeks. Codiga reported. Delta Stg- Hallberg. Paul gati

gilng, hint,. 144 ma Phi’s jointed with the south- Rex HaDrb(r)inarBda.nkBsi i 5

llandYoBuinlIgTaAfti Ise Weill of he bet

. ern Motherhood recently for an 7 Meyers, t t

couple semed In tttttt nee the a’terr"in n" -T -

engagement of Clare Silver:, to .%issa’. Barn ow. the sa�en��.

also. of the K.A.-kappa .%Ipli.� Don all...ion. The 5.,�eret 55 at.

loot tt hen Clare biro out the Theta 11:1111, on %lay

second candle of the esening. Dinner Si,. bufb�I style, and

n as 4,ia% Vialle.01:111. It,,- &Ur:11NT Mi and

softball, and dancing Ilri111111 ti

M1,,. V. A, Silvera of San Jos.� Ovine% for lhe etelting�

Vradilatf�rl Dom NO11’,

Dame high schord in San Francis- l’1"d�a ". 5 !ilia Ornega-K A. j.

ero and is a junior language majoi

She Kt�1 as reeording sec-sha Irk with Si) ’students up to earn pia... An al:. :

retary for ii,,’ sorority.

Ihieino Rites

according to Mary Jeanne At-kins, recording secretary

Neophyte member. are Ruth Ellierling. I arolsn Mar-garet Rif a, soo.inne Re5eratt. Jaenette I’��It� r, and Jeanette Bothoell, su h�� ser5eil ref resit-ment� folleating the meeting. Presiding officer Wit‘, Fran..

The .soelety pianos a formal hammed for its graduating sen-ior. on June 5 in the college Tearoom. F’ I for the affair IA ill be airepared by member.* 151 Mrs. It..nr5 %%einIt’s. Institution :II management class.

iming ol the -t ;ii I �.t the Ys

The tilt,’ o ill he ����nterred on Ilse outstanding al m her of the )ear, .,ml 1051 1.! group% us ill he h tttttt re�I Illas�paer� of 1930 t�� I us III meet for the buffet entertainiiwnt.

Nleinhers if the .%I.Iinvia�� Cour

ell 5s111 hastess the Alan’, with Mrs I.C.r ell� serving as chair-man, Mrs Harry Farrell is mak ing plates to honor the 19,M .-� ��,;� Aro Mr- Cos,’ Itroon is

Iti �� I. St r� tt eating I .5 at t. toll the � elehrationsr.- .10�141 1 . -all Mr.. Usos, 45 press 3

’ or Sirs. E.. II. "Ilkw" Ar-sit’., I anipM.11 3:!:t tttttt rrou

Is the denollin.. f��r resersation.

She’d love to have Coffee end Donuts at

DIERKS 371 West San Carlos

I 1.4 ;.-jeau A ()Hord

Ida’s Tuxedo Rental Day and Night Serr.c�

Open Es�n7nqs

by Appointment



5%’ till..

Dinner Jackets 7.50


Tie, Shirt Studs and links s. !i� Tu. at NO EXTRA CHARGE SPIIA.1 %I. ATTENTIoN

TO FRATF.RNITIEs AltereCont and Rispa;r1 of All K;nds

8.1 CY 29102 Res CV? 3102 33 W. SAN ANTONIO

ered for an all -day fun the fraternity rumpus room last

aec ng ordi to Rill Codiga. week, as members. of Sigma

Proijeeds from the maces- Kappa sorority joined with the

si tttt s, ronsisting of baseball K.A.’s for an evening of games

throo. dart., bingo. penny pitch, and dancing. .

uheel of fortune. and fish pond. High winners of black jade

urre earmarked for the KS. dice, and bingo were awarded

Motheen Club, prizes, with- DeLynn Hutchings

"Ilie morns donated the prizes and Chet Keil taking high poini

and brought food to be sold and places.

Synder nen. assarded the priie in the .%ir l’oree department





Come as yo a’.

Week Days $1.40 Sundays & Holidays $’ !�,‘,

Private Banquet Roo-


Spaghetti, qt. 65c - :� 75c

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WHO SAID WHAT? A’Nht ht-u, c,leIes a forint/

Pre�ident Who’ ’What did he say’ Fill in the

cy" ueu %Isr e:ny.(o utiort solution ask the bietnec nunage� et this, Sour paper’



WE say’ Enjoy a delicious


so chewy and chncell*



gel er:


igt tie an






it Its

Dot TI�

give circa

ing nost men who

TI plat sayt ute sem


of el ques are pap

"I Sayl IWO


is a h.� Mot eon the

Ihrt sera


tie I stati the

wet din:

Page 5: Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response Irks Hartranft Sun TheJose State College Students. Faculty. Glue

Etrs . .

I Got Mine, And Youse?

By ED ROPER, Campus Editor

Blood Gets Good Grades

titeries of Birds awl Bees

Te.vans Dress Down., Down SOUND AND FURY

Students at South Dakota ’state college recently staged a general class ualkont and se� -end Ilia*" demonstrations.

The students were angered ooer the college president’s res-ignation which follotted the ac-tion ot the regents in re-hiring and man he’d fired.

NO national implications �sere il ran n.

FOR THE BIRDS Students at the University of

Arkansas were startled to see an svj taking in the lectures in a

-cience room, rite owl flew away before the olessor concluded his talk.

* * *

FREE AS A BIRD slivivitz. a Polish schnapps, is

the name of a bird who likes -thy- in his gilded cage. slivhits lives viith his master

sit a dormitory at C.C. ."He makes so much noise," says his master, "that we find it hard to keep from being evicted."

MSC Students Hear Bundle Ott UN Policies

I Bunch.’ called himself "a mis-I

sionary- for the l’.N. who felt I "despite the intense cynicism of I the American people, t ha t the United Nations would succeed in! averting eatastrophy."

GUARD IT, LADY He backed up his view with

Co-eds rights and dormitory look at the weakness of the U N

men’s pride were at stake after an as compared with its strength_

ultimatum by the University of You all already know North Carolina’s ean of women. pletely of the weaknesses of the

The dean ruled that co-eds U.N.." he said, "the press and

N101ild not be permitted to visit radio base seen to that."

the social rooms in men’s dormi- Inadequacies of the U N., ae-

tortes. cording to Bunche, were:

The 1 rate dormitory men I. The veto and its implications.

ti ght this was an infringe- 2. No permanent international

!tient on students’ rights and security force as set forth by the

threatened to hold nuiss meet- United Nations charter.

ings in protest. Then they want- 3. No international disarma-

ed to know, "Atte ue Jess trust- ment.

uorthy than fraternity men?" 4. Lack of ability: of the great

Evading their question, the dean Powers to conclude peace treaties

replied, "We don’t think we are following World War II.

prepared to have co-eds visiting Underlying a II these weak-

without chaperones." nesses. and responsible for most, * � * was "the general inmates of the

East and West." Bunche said. DON’T STUDY, BLEED "The great powers cannot reach

The University of Miami’s paper an agreement on issues over which

gives some_ southern twists to there is no disagreement," he said.

cheating: Despite these weaknesses the

The "bloody nose": student tak- U.N. has thus far been able to

ing test complains he has a bloody avert a third World War, t he

nose, asks to be excused for a mo- statesman stressed. crave if only they will. and

ment. Once outside he meets pals "To those who say that the V X � y . who help him with the answe

e Because we feel that that the

rs. has failed, and that collective s - base not. and dare not until a The lavatory is another grand curity has failed, I ask a sinuilt�

place for good grades. The paper question," tlarge segment of the people ol

said. the world demand that they do st, says, "during one of the 10-min- "Where would the world be if

ute recesses between classes last the U.N. hadn’t existed to stop "Do declare oursehes citizen, of the world. and call upon oui

semester. one men’s rest room was these local wars?" ; o crowded to capacity with students ,Stopping of the Korean War has fellow citizens to express ili

comparing test answers." thus far "tragically" failed, the selves by this means as an I

cation that they feel, as we o, Another method: Placing a page statesman said.

We have failed because the that world peace is, first of all, a of cheating notes between the test - yet personal matter.’’ questions and answer sheet. Notes North Korean regime has not

are the same size as the exam sat down to a negotiation table." Signed by six journalism ma -

"The U.N. will fight until the jots, one professor of sociology

war Is ended." Bunche sum i d. two graduate students, and 1*

"There Is an honorable alterna- other students.

the to %Wintry in war�that is a

negotiated peace."

Thursday, May 31, 1931 SPARTAN WWI’ 3

‘Don’t Hate Communists’ I E. Gil Jonas, journallS111 nt:o- give him rause for istereasitti; ot. T:rhe

.i0r, from the Stanford Daily .1 Moreover. Bill usually is node: limits when I consider -Ow r-.cist I don’t hate Communists. I ’ the impression that I � and most people." I am forced to con-vier

don’t. for that matter. hate Fas- people i are plottiniz to undermine my membership in the trth eists either. Nor do 1 hate ,’ac’- ’ his welfare. If I hat.’ Bill or chs- man first. and I iielleVe that 7:1be

bigots, nuirderers, and per- play mistrust toward him. I glve extends tor me into tht- Row.. as sons who might hate me. I ga�e him is hat seems good basis lor well as in the present up hating seteral ea r s ago his delusions. So, it I can at all In this uaj I try to deal uith when I realized him self-defrat- help it, I try to cooperate with my- fellow man ()twit it occut to ing hatred really WAS. Rill and show hint that, like most me. how ii .’u, that sonic of these This philosophy aluaNs seems humans, I ant mereh molls ated attitudes would be &watt’, in

very simple to me. but I have by "selfish" concern for my wel-great difficulty explaining it to tare, hut that I regard his welfgre, other people. I always try to draw and every other person’s, as in-analogies to allied human dynam.; letWOVell with mine. Theretore, if ics like fear, suspicion, and mis- I I have to look out for my welfare. trust. But my argument inevitably I will hay,’ to he eoncerned with [toils down to one point : If I hate; Bill’s and JIM’S When theirs is or fear or suspect Bill or Jim.! jeopardued

he will react- the same way toward second, I ant an incurable Ma-me. I leave him no other course. ’ Es en when 1 feel inwardly It is a merry-go-round effect. And ! that I hold certain absolute values the more I hate Bill, the more he immutable, I ant likely’ to be modi-will return that hatred, tor what- :lied by listening to a good argU-ever "reason". men, front Bill. Also. I have had

So I tend to give Bill or Jim: the suspicion that when 1 may be -the benefit of the doubt until he! lies- e to be perfectly valid for my - proves himself unworthy of my ’self, in light of my personal di’ -trust. This goes for Bill whether yelopment. may not be xalid for

Students at Michigan State col- he is a Communist or a Fascist. NoIlle101e else. lege were -recently addressed by I It is not Bill or Jim that I am Nlormixer. there 111.4

Dr. Ralph Bunch.-, director of the opposed to, but, if he proves to truth or fact or social lirelealIre

be a Communist of Fascist, it is that I hate not roil across uhich has 11341 a ...hailing effect on Bill. Bel c.11111.1 abide bj any d,siona or doctrine. I has.- no scriptures or parts line to run to is him in doubt. I am toreed to think it through. and ins ari-11111 there is much to la’ said on both sides, liken, the t�htuce tor Inc

Ii,’ in the least wrong. I tl,�iint ’iii,��1 maul e IOWA

unfelt; us that which does the most most good in the bung run

But I cannot be hound by gio-

his ideas that I cannot go along with. �

There are Its-u,p

important as-pects to this problem a m off h n relationships. 11. irst, al ttttt vtax� batescur fears, it he harbors . an,’ ’Dowd on de-lusions; is hat is rm’uclits for him has no basis in objectise tact. If I return that hatred, his delus-ions mere!) grim in n her and iptensitv. Its not returning his hatred I still probahl not eratti-eate will it, but I certainly not

Th(’y Protest

paper. "Even the space between chairs."

says the paper, ’tsornettmes doesn’t Present chcating." Tch. tch.

SHORT SHOTS: A Champaign 1111.) policeman I

is a rather tolerant man. Whenhe found a fellow looking like

Mortimer Snerd sitting on a street corner fishing in a pail, he asked the man to show him his fishing license. Student Rudolph Schattke Olowed hitn three licenses from three different states. The officer scrammed. defeated.

* * *

BARE FACTS NVIn. n they say -wear srart and

tie for dinner" in the Lone Star state, it’s taken literally. So says the Daily Texan.

Members of a residence hall ttere instructed to dress for dinner .illee they nere going to

United National trusteeships. I More than 3500 students, fac-;

ulty, a n d townspeople heard Bunche rnvision an end to the Korean war -not by appeasilnetit. but by honorable negotiation.-

The statesman areW a picture; of the past at ee e tnvmnts an d d la-ures of the U.N. and the prem-iit world position of Al ea la fl.

"I VIVO’ (Iii’future nith a re-assuring optiniism, not blind faith," Bunche declared.

has,. guests. se e xeral studnts

took the president at his it tbr.1

and it ore onlv host ties and


PULLED A SLEEPER Doctor texamining the life

surance prospect) "Do you el.

talk in your sleep7" Prospect --"No, but I talk 1:

othei people’s sleep. I’m a cone. �


ESQUIRE Barber Shop

36 W. San Fernando

’We Resign From Nation SaNs Group

Reprinted from a full Page of the Daily Northwestern. i

"We, the undersigned members of the student body and faculty of Northwestern l�niversity,

"Because of the increasing im-minence of another world war,

"Bimmuse we believe we -have done altogether too little to pre-vent it, and

"Because we believe that to continue to do nothing is to guar-rantee it:

"Bemuse we feel that real pa-triotism can no longer be confinvii within national boundaries.

"Because vce believe our go% - ernment and those of other na-tions collectively can provide te� with the security and Ntat-e


Hair styling for the smart campus girl.

See Jack for your nest Coed -Cut!

20°0 OFF With this ad.

CYpotts 5.24411 156 WEST SAN CARLOS STREET

Parking in Roar Across from Civic Auditorium

!! (Hit Priest Firina-Kellev

N,. 14,. hay cl Ihe

California State Emplojees as-. 40eiation is on the committee which will protest dismissals of

; more than 250 state college teach-ers to Dr. Roy E. Simpson, super-intendent of public instruction in California.

This information WAS obtained from Mr. Arthur C. Kelley, presi-dent of the local (*SEA chapter and professor of Commerce at SJS. Mr. Kelley stated: "’The protesting committee will be com-prised of members of the organi-zation’s board of directors whose headquarters is in Sacramento."

Mr. Kelley did not know exactly

dealing between nations. I carnot behey tha t nations art. the Lila! and absolute extension of the 01-ganization of man And 1 woild,-r how often in history and in Ohl

own times, the hatreds of gioups !formed into natienal

hatreds I is so set j similar h. it. hatreds of indix ’duals hawed on delusions of teal, mistrust, and "Aiy an ’ super-10’11y

I can’t help wandrrItic his

nuans of our prohlients uould he *.*61% IA if wt. look the attitode

that eterv person, or eserv t.. lion, via. interested sineerel� his oun is vita r.� or his -� - %mitt, and that these inter. -ts

siert. as legitimate atlil �n

as OOP..

&tidy kiii9 CAS DEL REY HOTEL




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Page 6: Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response Irks Hartranft Sun TheJose State College Students. Faculty. Glue

.51P011t1F% Daily Report on Spartan Athletics

-i� 11: 11\ Ii1111’

�. 4 midennen Prep for Big I) \.-\, Compton Meets

It. Boni. %%11/.1,11 11 .01141 �J/IKI�1.��1 111 Ps. 1 ’K.

� . . alwad t,,t .1 hi- is a 1.4."1171.

�’ ’llt�T and i.e. It?. 1,11 lite comae.: :‘,.(’AA etas-. I h,r .� :1f�k1111�/. ’. II c./11, .t.- .11 .‘;/�111111. , 1/11 ..111111. 15

i!...1,1/N 1�...114P Matto. and 11..... 11 salt Ilk

ompton us ii h Coach %Inter for I" the I ,,,,, pl..n meet ....... mon

and return in tinge to compete � Berkele./. At the Tartar contest, Sprinter

Iii11 SI’llS1111 ri ow.. will run the quarter ml!.

_Is Top Batters I: 11 11 11.1:1 iii 1:1


!IS 4.1 garden for Its’ spa’ toll 1.4./.1,41I nine this spring. ,4’1,11 th.� LI /Init.! championship for th.� lo-eats with a hefty .310 merage

p was the only man in the it line-up to finish

Its. 1

it. Intl mark oirf otettielder 11.41;

I a It .�Ito ot I 1.41 /IP ti -:1111 III tons lharted in us It, ??. trinsi hottic loin. mill, tool total has., V1.11/1 17

� � � .1 ’I II riiii ti.,) I.

It. 1 r m balling hou-rs 4. ’4’ silt Johnson who us mind

asp his catecr in thr Spartan ...lor� with a .171.1 :is .rage. ’.t .11

tt IN 11111.-r for IN.- list, oldie anal halted In I.: ton� I/I I ton second 1., %Idler ito N.,, nt,n1. .1.thnstm 14,1

11t. ...WI ...Oen hare. with

Ile has recently been prepping 11.1 the e5ent In, running in the milt- . I IV( )N. I t-relay squad. li.� has been clocked e it 47.3 while limning with the George Patterson. graduating mantel this season. senior in the field of Business

Wyatt, who lad& the Compton Administration. was named "Out- , third class brown: and Johnny leeord at 6 it :1 in . unofficially standing Pi Kappa Alpha of the Young and Pete Sanchez. broke his own record of 6 ft. Year" during a meeting of the, Jowl Malone. William woi, 6 7 14 in. by hopping 6 ft. 7 in Delta Pi chapter Monday night. and John Marshall, all third class on his tomtit jump at the Cali- Walt Morse wit. named president brown betters, are entered in the tornia mert this year Later in of the local group the same eve- 130- fn 150-1h. division. the SI�AS4111, 141. had a bit of bad ning. ! Pete Gorvad is the Ione Spai - hick w hi -11 he 11011111/ a knee In other newly ejected li.aatirs for tan entrv in the lightweight class

the campus sticial fraternity in- Among the long list of en -elude Bill Gallagher, vice-presi- i (rants In the AAU meet are: dent; Doug Stemlar, treasurer: ’

Police Start Drive Spartan Judoists Enter To Present Erratic Sitlessalk Parking AAU Meet at Berkeley

The Shin Jose State college judo Police start. d chive last -quad ends its current season Sun -

to prevent students from dri..e day at the Amateur Athletic In-on sidewalks to enter parking lots ton competition at the Berkele)’ situated on San Jose State col- YMCA, beginning at 1 p.m. Pg.- property. Spartan Judo Coach Yoh lichi-

()theists pointed out that should da will take a 19-man team to an accident occur while the stu- Berkeley’ with him, he announced dent’s cal is on the sidewalk of Tuesday. the parking lot, the state, the city. and the student c.ould he held le-sponsittle.

on complaint, ot people living near t he lots, police have been ordered by city officials to crack doe.i, on the erratic driving 01

’fli")1:01.11;’).tficeil stated that even’ tito,wh city fathers are in sym-. pathy with the parking problems 01 SJS students, they cannot TNT-mit tin, potf�ntial danger to exisl

Geo. Patterson

III Ida. and had to lay off high lumping tor about hr.,. we, Pod Th.’ knee has appatent 15

1"1�41 and he d’imnisfratett the‘ Jack Simonton. historian; and to elcaring 6 It 6 m- in the San Jerry Weltzin, assistant historian.

St at,- college Pentathlon last � ..�1:

� )�

Matto. 5501 he defending his II It. 3 in mail. in Fritta5’s meet. Thies far Ilis� %ear be ha, gone trier II It. 1 in. and has done 11 11. 5 in.

1 eettngs

1...,111 IA inter hos Iiittlt hopc %ND ’4’. \..I 1.1 1.111 NTS Ins Ill. 11 1,111 st o 1( and mat among ih. It st 1 I It IT s: l’Olkg \ n I I� I u d at Berkeley 1.1111 mis�ting oh dri.ers, pushei s Sal wit,. ’lb.- 4...) I it Raider and group chairmen in Strident

to. .1, squad is appaiently flyer the seie.� Union today. at 3:30 p.m. PL.., 1. � , I ,,,I I if,. tat ha of flu which %s reeked it in mid- for races will hr. diagrammi .1

- I ...lie led 114 1.,111 111 I I 1�I 11�11,0"1. I!, � I ling

. ’tome�takle55 am1 fantod the 1.1111.,

111 II,, 11 ’pl.. drawing,. Id it was I III I. .14.1111,/11 who capliired top II.111.0 hum 11110.� lot:rept

1 I.’ � 1..1,411 squad had an avri - 1. im the si1411,:ntt WWI a

two’ hase knocks In 907 11111. ,it the plat.

I ..11. .leim 4 o III n � 1.41 the � p I I .o n 1511. het st 11 h r is...,. In �� 1.t�I rryttrd. The pArt � plt. h. -.l .1 14.1.01 of 91 1 A lulling. mu gas.. Up A Iola! of I ....rib. il 1-1111.1 11111. An AS 0.1.146:��

��I I .tt 1.01111111� It-,I IN.- Atottestl. At. A tit .1111.. A illh AM anti ;� I. 1111 ’AI has., 1001 111311,

1.111111 111. HO WAIL IA11111

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1.1 / t, ’ .’.vi iti tl Intl

� 1.1 � It, � ht I, .1



I .1t it sl of It II


SPARTAN DAILY San ..10CP State Col!eqr

t�-� � ‘ 3, 1179 . 04 1.1f9II�J

PrInYnq Compe.s 445 t can Jots. Col:1o.... .� � . �.� Nestsoaps,

seitwai. I’ANTERBURY CLUB: Othei Spartans who will be at

the PAA meet are Jim Gillespie, sprinter and itill.- Ronnie Maire. tumid j u ii, Is et: George Nickel, discus. and Boyd Porch, javelin, will juin Wyatt, Crowe and Maitre: and ttl Iht� out-standing newer Spartans such as flurill.�r Paul Deniiis and Distance Are Bob !McMullen

It. Ili vans. coach of the Spar-tan freshmen Ira. -k has also bat prejudic.� on the campus and enteled his men in the Pei keley in the community at 7:30 p.m ill nivel the Student Y.

FOKENsICS: All students al. � invited to register tor the Second.

Animal Extemporaneous Speaking 11/1111,1 10 be hi ’Id Wednestim.i June 6, in the 1.1111e Theat r� 1

II gistt.t. %Alb Jackson in Room 37 IH’ Mr. WIlblIr !mirk, It... 167,A. is haulm-row

Ills i II I �� it s I c in Room 111:5:1.

Russell to Speak Iteerrizt� graduate stu-

dent, will pre...ent 1.4. mister’. tho.�is, -The I se of 111�11.11 in the Teaching of nigh school AIM brims I I,,, it 11,.. Ilnia1 meet - lug of I:amnia 1’1 F:psillon, or.,1% Ilathematic� ....elets. Iii

litettrs 117 tonight( .s1 11.1�161* Is.

paper, Canterlany Talcs can 1,, picked up at the Student "V Meet at Trinity Church today at 7 p.m.

IPI OMEGA I�1: Meet in Rooni 13 for election tut tall officers at 7.30 pm.

STUDENT 11’: The l’.(’ Race Relations workshop will pre-sent wavs to recognize and coin

%II, . %Is It S91 f 1 1 11111 \

� � %DS: Elect loll ill IlltIC’ert, t, I111:111 ;II S 11111. in 1*14 Requii..!

I I’s IrtiruN lkyyt auend. Plcilgys in Saiball

N1.�111/1... Chi l’s 1’011,.., 1, i. 1,,1%, II 111.1 : toniOlt at 7 tti rto.. flint: then pledges, 9-5, re It in W4)11) c It S 41.111 Pat ectitly in the annuli 1 ntembei. I ’olivine to the musty of Captain 1.1..1... siatball game. acciirding tolPete and his His 110,0 It .1,% 4:arisen, publivit ehalrillan I RI"I’lithclitN-

111.-r Ilse izanie the pla...is! C111.1.1.:41:1ATE CHRIST IAN

L:alliercel it the haler/Ms Ionise Firele"1"/"41111’: %lc" Ifida.!’ 12 30 in Room 39 for db.:rat:anon.

us Is. the 5 olio ions iii. m ti r s . � Wh.�re is your missain field" � t dinnet and te- All mirt..0,.(1 and I,

ttrstiments M the losing pled ’ulty Sr.’ III\ t tend

It \NI.: Meet today. at 3 I

s -’in in W01111‘11.S C., 1,

, I is manager.

PLAY IT SHREWD! The smart way to beat the beat?

Simple! Jog down to CHATTER TON’S and buy our refreshing cool, Cream Pies.

Chaffer* n Bakery 211 Ez� ?-,d Opposite YWCA CYp,�15 41711

The AAI’ competition will he according to weight elassifica-thin, Uchida said. The weight di% isions are: 130 lbs. and muter, 130 to 150 lb..,, 150 to 1/40 and heasyneight.

In the ho.:1�.’.ti.ight class, Coach I:thuds has selected the following

ro represent the Spartans: W...1..y 1)obbs, first degre.� black twit, George Hesse, second etas. Palma belt; and V.’arren K. Jones. Christopher Bell, and Arthur Ci-enibetti, third degree brown belt -

The SJS 150- to 160-lb. judoists competing will be: James Foster, first degree black; Gil Baker, Stan Johnson, and Ivan Bland, first class brown: Lyle Hunt. Lawrence Tambellini. second class brown, Ray McIA.an and Ray Capella.

Marin College, Santa Roma Jun-ior college: San Francisco City College, I nivemity of Califor-nia, San -low- State colic e, Stockton Judo club, East Bay Judo club, Laws Judo Academy, San Jose Buddhist church, San Carlos Judo club, San Francisco club, and Berkeley VNICA. Weigh-in lor the judoists will be

between 10 and 12 a.m. Sunday. *chida said. Sunday’s meet will be the first

time the AM..", has scheduled a judo meet in this area and many problem s’ will be ironed out through experimentation.

Both team and individual tro-phies will be awarded.

Every year the Post Office de-partment handles enough money to pay off the personal debts of ev-ery man, woman and child in the country.


25 50



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Page 7: Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response Irks Hartranft Sun TheJose State College Students. Faculty. Glue

Mendonsa converted: Amaral, running from the single wing tailback slot, powered straight up the middle for 56 yards. and an-other ’I’D: and Hamilton passed to Mendonsa who lateraled to Os-borne who scored on the end of a 20-yard pass play.

HaIft ime score: Gold 31, White 7. The third quarter was another Keeping up the drive in the

free scoring affair with the Golds final quarter, the Whites chalked

20 points. tallying 13 points and the Whitesi up another tally on Chagonjian’s

2-yard line drive with Halladay Gold defensive half Anastasia making his fourth conversion.

intercepted a White pass and re- i The Gold team picked tip an

Spartnit Sportseraps


The Staffers

� Frosh trackster Paul Flannagai

’has been entertaining members of

1the track team by practicing for

the distance walk in the COMID‘z

NCAA meet at Seattle, Wash

Seems when he starts peddling

along fast it makes a guy feel like

whistling. But Paul takes his walk-

ing seriously and went on a lit II

practice jaunt by touring A I m

Rock park. In fact, he walked up

thcse all around the park and then back to San Jose again. Said

during spring practice by the coaching staff.

The touchdown parade was fast and furious.

Top scorer for the winning Gold team was halfback Osborne with tour touchdowns, followed by end Bob Hughes with two, with full -hark Bob Amaral and halfbackl John Anastasia each tallying one. I Tackle George Porter booted two conversions with halfback Gibbs. Mendonsa kicking one.

The Matthews brothers paced

Gold Defeats White 51-40* Osborne Scores Four Times Grid Conte4 Closes Spring Conditioning


A free-scoring marathon high-lishted Tuesday’s San Jose State college intra-squad football game. a, the Gold team downed the 1 White squad by a high 51-401 scoreboard count at Spartan sta-;

The grid contest climaxed the Spartan spring practice season.

A commendable passing and running offense by both the Golds and’ Whites drew locker room oraise from Coach -Bob Bronzan. Especially satisfying was the fine passing by the quarterbacks. Jer-ry- Hamilton and Dick Harrison for the Golds and. little Dan Al-bert for the Whites. In last week’s Spring Bowl. a Spartan ae-rial offense practically was non-existent.

Ground gaining running- of-fenses by both teams proved that the Spartans will be loaded this coming fall with an abundance of out,tanding backs.

Left halfback Bob Osborne, a letterman from last season, stood out for the Geld rushing offense along with right halfback Gibby Nlendonsa and fullback Bob Am-aral, also veterans.

Sparking the Ntliite backfield ssas the breakaway running of Larry Matthews, the kickoff re-turns of Al Matthews, the line plum;ing of fullback Bob Sykes, :ind the shifty sprints of halfback Archie C’hagonjian.

Guard Clarence Orr was award-ed a trophy at halftime by Coach Bronzan after being judged the outstanding ’croWnlThd. Worker saw a ka 41Lialtell’ea141g ’wen-Lery. You, too �

Coach Rini Winter flew doun to I..A. the other day and is bust stout log around anti stuff. Ile meet trackmen lierm Wyatt, George Matto,. and Rob-by Crotte in time to tutor the boys through the big Compton Invitational temorrou. Then he and the boss uill board another plane and able their stay back so as to be able to compete in the FAA tracktest on Saturday. Quite a life the coaches and athletes live.

the White scoring with Larry Looks like track and tennis ate

scampering on two long touch- � the two top sports for Sparta this

down runs and Al tallying an- year. The thinclads have estab-other. End Chuck Fitzgerald, fished themselves as the top col-halfback Archit� Chagonjian and loge team in Northern California fullback Dempsey Farrier each and the racket wielders managed PEllisit IN A Ls scored once. Guard Bruce Italia-Ito nip the CTSF squad 3-4 to come’ day kicked four conversions, lout as the leading Northern Calif.

Osborne started the scoring al-, tennis team. B.S. most as soon as the game began’

The Sports department of ths as he chalked up the first two’ SPARTAN DAILY has box seats White tallies; one on a yard line Ito one of the most exciting sport buck and another on an 11-sard pass from quarterback Hamilton.

activities on campus from the point of active co:articipation. We

Larry Matthews scooted 76 -1mean the Physical Educational yards, aided by halfback Gene( classes that meet on the cement Goldberg’s key block, and courts behind the office for a game day converted as the Whites hit ; of volleyball. 1

The second quarter was a Gold! this sport and we in the office get

the scoreboard. The boys really go all out for

offensive show as they rolled UD - a big hang out of watching them. 19 points. Osborne scored on a They have a lot of that stuff call -43-yard pass play from Hamilton: � ed spirit and the result is some rousing games.

’ AMARAL SCOREs�Fulah a c k Rob Aniaral crashes off tackle to score his second t �hdoun In the Spring Rout game as an unidentified White tackler at

to halt him. Gold end Rob Hughes (63i is on ground at right uhile White halfback Phil ffatzenpiller (53) is com-ing up to help his teammate.

�photo by Stone

tassifiedA FOR RENT

Attention s m e r sident� ! Furnished rooms cc ml 2-rm. ments for rent. 296 S. 3rd St.

(s45 or %I% eek% stinuni tor. Kitchen pi it ’lege:, The "Kap pa- Iintisc, S St ft ct

For Rent: Two blocks from lege. Rooms tor summer quartsr for three students imenr. Two in room. $12 monthly each. 491 S

TOWNE 7th street. Apartment for summer and com-

ing year or rooms to rent. Garaec $2 extra. CY 3-3942. 4 -Room Rouse available June 22 -Sept I. Furnished: water & gat

Thursday, May 31, 1951 SPARTAN DAILY

Moonshiners Beat LCA For Intra-mural Crow it

The Kern County Moonshiners retained their San Jose State college Ira-mural softball (assail by defeating Lambda Chi Alpha 4-0 Tuesday afternoon at Burnso field.

The Moonshiners worked bel.and the one-hit pitching of "ace" Dutch Johnson. Don Camp. LCA short fielder.. ruined Johnson’s Possible no-hitter ht knocking out a ’,Ingle in the last inninz.

Johnson put 16 of the 23 bat-ter. to face hint doun is the �trike-out route. 14e %talked n ((((( � and hit one hatter uith a pitched hall. For the float part, yesterdm

contest was a pitchers’ � duel. Lambda Chi Alpha pitcher Bill Francis struck out eight men. a-alked four, and gave up hut four hits, which proved to be the mar-gin of victory.

The Moonshiners got started early with one run in the first Mel Maltzman walked. Bob Jett

singled, and Jay Russell hit inn’

a fielder’s choice putting Malt/ man out. Orel Prewett the, struck out and Jack Abbott wa,

safe on an error. Jett scored

Jack Williams then hit into an-

other fielder’s choice.

Things remained quiet until

the fifth inning. cc hen the

M01011�1 �rs picked up tun

more tallies. Malttman dress

another pass and Jett and RUN -

sell both hit -.atilt.

anti Jett both scored that in-’ nines

In the final frame Mitch Kanal-akis got a bingie and then ;44

orked around the bases for the Ii nal Kern County- score.

Ths� stot) Lambda thus to reach Ier,t base acre Dick ilaTiieds;, who was hit by a pitched hall in the fifth, and Don Camp. who got the Ione LCA base lot that cum-

in the .iAenth omits-Tussalay uin made it tuo

t..ars in a rest that the Kern County Moonshiners hate V11611 t h e t4 ra -mural softball championship.

’t swei�t the Independent di-vision this year with no losses to earn their way into the playoff game with Lambda Chi Alpha.

Lambda Chi Alpha emergssl champions of the IFC league .� year with an 11.010

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Rooms for girls for sumo:, r ss s-sion with kitchen postings, Dou-ble or snide. 102 S 1.1111 Cl’ 3-997R,


Freddie Peitz, former SPAR-TAN DAILY staff member, is iirrently pitching for the &Ike,

id:1110. club in the Pioneer Lea -

Lost: Parker "51- pen: grey gold cap. Near drinking fountain . outside:art building. Friday. May 23. neW.,1I’d 1’1. S-3261

(’ailing All Talent�Sir.’ � cars, musicians. comedic.’’-

3-9359 I Or appointments.

FOR SALE ’3.5 Plymouth in excellent coml.

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4 -door sedan. $175. Carl Bath’s I

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TVPING Student Typing done. Fast,

curate service. Reasonable rat. � Phone CY 2-94130.

Typing done at home. Neat, so, dent rates. Call Mrs. Taylor, 1-‘,. 2-4590.

gue. Latest caord from Freddie i� that he is siseating out the last few days before the mana-ger makes the final cuts. Johnny ttidharn. Spartan fr(HI,

chucker this season, got in a . for the third White touchdown extra curricular activity on O. and the final one of the quarter. mound Sunday when he thress

three innings for the local Wiel-and’s nine. The lanky southpaw fanned six of the Seahawks from Santa C’ruz set them &win with-out a hit.

flood thing we’re not bsitsng turned it 40 yards for the first insurance touchdown as quarter- men We got it right from the TEl of the third quarter. Porter’ back Dick Harrison passed 19 horse’s mouth that the S.IS fair converted, lyards to Hughes on the goal line relay team was going to steal

The Whites then generated an Poi ter kicked the conversion, first place in the West Coast t� offense as Larry Matthews raced White fullback Farrier eon- lays. After the Fresno affair as 75 yards for his second six points , eluded the night’s scoring as he were reassured that something and Halladay converted. A few; tallied on a one-yard line plunge, had gone wrong but that the Cal -minutes later, Fitzgerald scored’ Final score: Gold 51. White RO, ifornia Relays at Modesto were on a 34 -yard pass play with Halla-i Score by quarters: made to order for our mile guar-ds): again converting. Al Matt- i Gold 12 19 13 7 -51 tet. Somebody ought to wash out ews bolted 34 yards off left end! White: 7 0 20 13 -40 Don Davis’ mouth with soap C.F.

1455. Is. St. CY 3-3353



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Page 8: Honor Outstanding Students · 2020-02-21 · Honor Outstanding Students To Blood Drive Spartan Daily Meager Response Irks Hartranft Sun TheJose State College Students. Faculty. Glue

"niursday. May 31, 1951

*1)01� Ite1111.11.-1 Mine

ill1 Nilh�1 ASH Ideas t_,_NYN KNIGHT

Lid Spolyar, newly elected student body president, has just re-tte..,ed from Salt LAke City where he Attended the annual Pacific Stu-

Pr.-s.denes Assoc,ation conference. The old And new student pr.-tit:fonts from colleges and universities representing I I western



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