Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1917-12-01 [p TWELVE]. · t 1.4 V W X'Cum DINNER....

t 1 .4 V W X 'Cum DINNER. if art ha - Chlcfcerln - was - the rlzcljal spealcer.at ttid dinner teld 1 tie T. w.tC.,A. oa weawiov cveslnj under tae auspices of the V."akaba Kai ana tne one uunarea riT-.i- i Chlekerinx SBOke cn the necessity, of brlngta .the race to-'celi- cr In America, . - he pointeaoutihe fact that one- - txrd of the men in tne vniiea ;r rrr.V tftdar mrm ' forelra born. ; and rYor!r Is the largest Italian city la the worldand that Chicago tad pxore " Pole . than v any oiy in Toland with the exception of Warsaw; r-y- . am thkt' tha neonles of the : United State could draw all of the rood trait of the otner nauona oi ;i.,v:-v.v,'?- ; : The dinner was attended - by: a '.tirtrm nnmhf flf members': Cf' the :; trsoclation 'of Japanese nationality. following program waa given : Mr.Torao KawaaaW, toaatmaater; !TlianksglTlng ' Prayer. Mr. U. Oku-- : : nnra; - Tbankiglrlng Proclamation, :: President Wilson, Mr. SenlcM Koba-;:vash- l. president of the One Hundred :C2ub; ThanksglTlng'"' Proclamation, "Governor Plnkham. Mlsa Tsuruyo Mo-- : rite,- president of the Takaba ; Kal; Vocal . Sold, Mrs. Howard Mosher; Address, Miss Martha - Chlckerlng; ;riano Solo, ' ,Glockenplel,, ; Helns . ! lias iSnwko Yamamotot Thanksglr-- ' ' Is g Day, Mis Erelyn MacDougal; .Llrlng Pictures,' The First ,Thanka-- : civlag."-- ' Song by. alL - Mr. Arthur ; Hudson, leader..,'.' - '' , y . '' : : A COMING ART EXHIBIT ' Miss Dorothy True 1 again In Hono- lulu,, bringing with , her, many, elegant - - d teactlful : piece of furniture, : -- InUrgs, etchings, old'Wg,-objec- t cf trt,.etc and will. also attend to :;.terlor decorating. Next, Wednesday tv 111 be the opening day. The exhibit 'v m 'be ln.the Progress building. Fort ::cet, la the, corner atore. Ml3 True is an Island woman, who ' -- 3 lived on the 'mainland, for rome a End know the wlshe and taste : Hawaii connoisseur and art lOTera. - Jhas with her this time her sister, 3 Elinor True,; who la a graduate the Denlshawn achool of dancing. . 9 here Mis True'plan to glre cxtltitioa of ;thl art. The Den--.vt- n school has, bec5me yery fa-gir- ls comlng'from all over the ' :3 u enter. ;The history of danc-i- s taught Ja , an able and artistic ?w AND ' MRS. GUY MILNORS - DINNER-DANC- E . : ''v' r. trd Mr. Guy Mllnor were host l.cster ,af- - a delightful dinner-- 3 cn VTednesday, evening. The rrz3 cert attractive; , a glided t teli red carnation with a rfly bow ornamenting the tall L'c-te- d taper shaded la red Tram d. pleasant glow1. :. After r the .guests motored to the try Club, t'i enjoyed the dance . v t3 given th'rs". v'-- .j ;',.': . r -- i I Irs-- . ::::zcrrier-- ' ts "rere :rtha I: -- .ey,. ; C. CctcLctt, Dr. Oscar Skeiton ;t. Cccrge O. rowler..- ; ZZinnZ MAIIAN A LUNCH- EON hostess -- v.. . Tcuri3 Mahaa entartalned on !:y with a luncheon honoring : 11 Clark, who ,is here as the - ::t cf her ten. Major. Harold c: tie tvlaticn corps, The : tills was dainty; "'a stiver r:.:t:l-tcne- d Enap' dragons, : '- .-3 cards were hand-painte- d. :'. ::u, kaittiag needles flew ! cv.t cf nci'Crcsa work. ?; Mahaa' hoa-- - ;ro Mrs. C. II. Clark, Mra. , Ja-- cs Ia Cockburn, Mrs. ::. T:uirhy,'Mrs. U Rogers, : !:tcn P. Agee. and Mrs. "..ttaiiai; club meeting : :: i Club heii It regular : rr:.'iy Eftcruoca with - ":r r.clcrtsca. as hosteEs. :.- - : cf Captain Cook" was UT the afternoon. Light -- 13 were served la. the. late a' ruesta were Mr. Ly u:er, Mrs. John Almoku Irs. Harry Hoffman, Mr. Irs. Carlos Loss,' Mrs; Con-;rac- 3 J Dousherty,., Mrs. :.rtrcrth. Mr8. R. Hair, : : 3 tertsoa. Miss Henrietta -s Amelia Holt. .v ta Smith gave the read- - "Trocr. cmcLE plans - rill tea meeting of the exe-1- ; ::.rd cf the Outdoor Circle at Tuesday afternoon De-- r 4, at the home of Mrs. F. J. y cn Luaalilo 'street, followed -- tin? c f tb e director of the , t 3 o'clock, at which tlmesthe I chauje in certain of the by-- v m be discuEsed. And '.action Tho next regular meeting of club will take' place the Irs Tuesday at the same'place. drde to be chesen later, the club : rive a matinee prcgram. on. the - rocf garden when the "famous n dancer will dance and there ; l a muio by the Russian orchea-- . the proceeds to be used to defray expenses Incidental - to the com-.it- y Christmas tree, which the b will give. 'r''--AK$i- '7.3. FRANK REEFER'S BRIDGE "AND LUNCHEON ; -- ::rs. Frank Kcefer was hostess on lay morning at a two-tabl- e bridge, r several interesting rubbers, a icious luncheon waa served. . Those eujoying Mr..Keefer'8 plea-- t triage and luncheon were. Mrs. ';"Iara T. Rawlins, Mr. Harold Glf -- . ?lrs. Harry S.'TJrayMra. WUliam Lymer, Mrs.' Robert "H. Dueuner, Jamea Dougherty, and Mrs. Sam-I'- A Walker. P-i'- 'ZJ AND MRS. " RICHARD ITERS'" ... v : i DECNER ' "V :. .. . . : Tr. and Mra. Richard Ivers enter-- - r d'at dinner on"' Tuesday evening. ilver basket was artistically filled :ti American Beauty rosea. f " ;:r, and Mrs.. I vers, guests .were Mr. 1 Mrs. George Potter, Mr. and Mrs. va Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit,P. ' vr Mrs. Dfiiise Mahan Beall and - cr Eillina-ha- ( t t' : ... t: ' Mr. Walter Kendall of Portland,- - lulu; wherr she lived as a. bride,; and THE GLORY , OF THEIR YEARS" The three-ac- t play, The .Glory- - of Their Years," given . last; evening by the students of the College of Hawaii, was a success in every detaO. : It was decidedly : well balanced, everyone In the cast being well drilled and the staging- - at Lanai. theater. well- - handled.' Between the acts.1Mlss Mar garet Austin ang . a ' set of : old-fas- h ioned songs, such, as '.The' Laat Rose' of Summer," Home. Sweet Homeland other treasured melodies. ; She was ac- - comnanied by " Mia Frances Farrlng-- , ton. The costumixue. which 'was In thenot so well off In this world's goods as hands of the' dressmaking department, was Etrlhlusly goodthe periods fepre- - sentr i being most caretully thought . "'a piay I to be glvea :agam thls fMr.; ; HERBERT MIST? ? AFTER-evenin-g , and wlU . have" crowded y' .NOON TEA house. Lanal theater being a decidedly Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Herbert comfortable ptece for a production of M8 was. hostess "at a delightful after- - this size Thoselr:- the "cast follow:-;- ' rffiJ-- - Mary Apnew -- Miss Lillian. DahL ' ' Delia Wicker Mia Grace' H.r Mor- gan. . : : n,y;; ssi t. , Sablna -- Roger, Mis Kathryne '" Aj ;v Blake. ; LIndy HudslethMlss RuthFarrlngij ton. - ' ' ; Amelia Miller Miss Eileen Putnam. ' Barbara Davison Miss , Rhoda ; ;H. Ballentyne.'.' - ivH' - Aleck Anderson Mr, C I Dick Fox Mr; Wllnormaa King. : ; , ' Helen Kaneo Miss Helen," O, ' Mo-Grew- .' ,: v: ., - - ' ' pfm 1a v" . - ? v - : THE t COUNTRY- - CLUB-DANC- E. -- The Thanksgiving eve dance at the Country dHb on Wednesday evening was a largely attended affair, ".'About 75 guests were there for 'dinner and about 123 attended the dance. Some of those who attended were Mr.'snd Mrs... Charles : Frailer, Dr. and - Mrs. Alford : Wall,- - Mr. J. , P. Winnie,; Mr. and Mrs.W. .Todd, Mr., and Mrs. John RothwelV Mr, and' Mrs. Mervln-- ; Car- son and others. ..'."..'." '' . i.' ; ..The tables were all most daintily decorated with . American . - Beauty roses, violets, sweet' peas ;and. other flowers. After dinner about 125; guests came and dancing was enjoyed .until a late hour. -.- - i . v 6xr ?.;r'r. The Country club dances are always Very popular and an enjoyable evening is always. to be had there. : . Mr. C. R. Frazier; who is head of the house committee, . plans . a ' delightful evening on New 1 Year's,- - Eve. Plans are not all complete, but win be given out la ; ample . time . f pr the Invited guests to, make their arrangements. MRS. CHARLES STILLMAN . GIVES . A LUNCHEON' - , v'; y Mrs. Charles Stlllmajrwas hostess' at a buffet luncheon today honoring Miss Mary Fry and Miss . Lauretta Fry of St. Paul who are here tb spend their second. winter. The long ewing table was most attractive with pale-tinte-d hibiscus and . , sprays of. maidenhair fern. After luncheon cards and music made for: a charming afternoon. : - Mrs. Stlllman's - guests were - Miss Mary Fry, . Miss Lauretta .Fry, .Mrs. G us tar Schaefer.'Mrs. Rose May Mrs. James Dougherty, Mrs. Sumner S. Pax- - son, Mrs.' Charles Chilllngworth,MrB.i iuia.ia iwiiuB, Airs. ,vmuua vviui-a- m son,- - Mrs. William B. Lymer, Mrs. Harry S. Gray,Mrs. Fred Damon,- - Mrs. George Ahlborn, Mrs. 'Harold: Glffard and Mrs. Reynold 3. McGrew. " Jfc :.; - ': DANCE AT TE13 COI)NIAL - IThanksglvlng.af. the Colonial, hotel was a very enjoyable affair this' year. One hundred and ten guests sat down to a turkey dinner and later r were joined by - another: hundred V guest who danced until the wee sma hours of the morning.' Some "of those who had guest were Miss Janet Matthews, Miss Donnelly, Mrs. England, Miss J. E.- - McKay, .MIsb ;Swan, Mrs. ;.E.! ;-- G. Hedges, . Miss ; Johnson! The .tables were-al- l done ln ' yellow and ' were most attractive. - ' - - ' V - ; xygi' MR, AND MRS. GIFFARDS DINNER ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glffard enter- tained with' a dinner party on" Friday evening at' their Pulwa home . J: noiroLULTJ sxAiffPLLCTRr, satusdaypeczsii x turn Ore who has rbeen reTlsltlng Hono who .has vjust returned'to the' states. ; PUNAHOU J: CHHjDRENS' 1 THANKS- - - GrVTNG OFFERING. ;" Last Wednesday, the young, students of Punahou Preparatory .gave- - gener- ously to those in less comfortable cir- cumstances. . A Thanksgiving exercise given by the pupil opened the day's program with the gifts of the students about the r,. ilatform. After the exercises several of the mothers . de livered Thanksgiving basket to those for whom they were prepared, r It is an Oiw ed custom at Punahou - to remember those . wh6 are others," and Thanksgiving was made a touch, happier day for, many people by the genercty..ofi;PiuuaotLifi;r noon tea.' About a dozen guest .were "r Mrs;- - ; Mist's guests . were; J" Mrs. Ralph Clark, Miss 'Josephine .Soper, Mrs.-Charle- s Judd. Miss Ehrhorn. Mrs. Bucholtz, ' Mrs. William Stanley, Mrs. Harold Hayselden,- - Mrs. H.- - P.rWood, Hfl yTt '! ' SI'-- TVoTitifBtATi ' Afwa " fTnAtt Watson; 'Mrs. . Robert Mist, Mrs. J; N. S. Winiams, Mrs. Donald Rosa, Mrs. J. Cockburn, Miss Edith Mist and other. v'DR. AND MRS. ALFORD WALL'S : -- v --- ' - DINNER." f ; Dr. and Mrs. AlfOrd Wall-entertai- n ed'mosf Informally at .dinner, at the Country club on Wednesday evening. A - basket ' of ' sweet .peas and violets toads apretty centerpiece - -- Dr. and Mrs. Wall's guests were Pr, ahd . Mrs. ,0 WalL . Mr. and . Mrs. Arthur F? Wall, andVMr.'and' Mr. Fred C Smith. ;. Dancing x was ; the tifter dinner diversion." . - MISS JTARY. t JOHNSONr- - ENTER- - Mlss Mary; Johnson entertained .on Thursday evening ; at: the Colonial hotel in compliment to her brother-in-la-w and sister, of Helena, Montana, Mr. and. Mrs, W. Ri McComas. A bas ket of yellow. coreopsis made' a pretty table decoratloau .Miss " Johnson's guests. were Mr:. and Mrs.-W- . R, Mc- - Comas, ' Miss. E.- Smith,' Miss M. Jamleson, Miss K. Dougherty. Miss A Hertsche :and Mr. and -- Mrs. TupaL Dancing was the after-dinne- r . divers ion : ,';v "; e'-'-- . A MUSICAU AFTERNOON ON THE 4 v ROOF GARDEN V Mrs. -- Archibald A.Young, who has charge of the Community Christmas tree, is going to give a musical ; and dancing afternoon on the roof garden eooh. A charming, program has been arranged and a full attendance Is - y i. .:..':--.;-;--. t " This tree; while attended, to by the women of the Outdoor Circle, Is not an Outdoor Circle affair for it con-cefn- s the whole community. f:: "; j. The - program for the , musical will be . about six numbers long and those coming are asked to bring their knit ting. MAJOR AND MRS. C.'W.'CASE ' ' DEERINQ'S DINNER - . ;MaJor and. Mrs. C W. Case Deering gave a beautifully appointed dinner on Thanksgiving night. . Yellow, the color used ' In- - all Thanksgiving feasts, . was popular. ' Great r masses of ; shaggy, deep yellow "chrysanthexbuma-mad- -- a mbst attractive tableV; Lighted taperc shaded In yellow cast' a' retty , low. Dancing after dinner was a pleasant diversion. r , Major and Mrs.;? Deering" - guests were - Col. and Mrs; Woodward, Col. and Mrs-"Balla- rd, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. V. King, Mr. and Mrs; Charles Wilder, Mr., ana .Mrs. Harry .Wilder, Mr, and Mrs! Frank Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rice; Gen. John Wlsser, Mr, MCAvoy and Mf. . Douglas -- ' - ' THE-SUNBEA- M CLASS AT -- C r '.V CENTRAL UNION ..' '. The Subeain Class of Central Union was the donor- of Thanksgiving gifts to; the' children who are. in the Chil- dren's Hospital,' making . a happy day xor ue uiue MR.' AND MRS. WALLACE B. TAU & BJNGTON-- S THANKSGrVnCQ x '.. - DINNER. ' - '." Mr. and Mrs. WaBac R. Fining- - . ton were host and hostess at an In- formal and hosoitabls Thanksgiving dinner on! Thursday .'evening: ? As decoration for the festive board, in the center of the table was a koa. .. calabash and in this was an exquisite lace maidenhair fern. After dinner the young folks attended the football ral- ly at the. Liberty theater. . Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Far- - rington's hospitality were Mr. and Mrs.' RDey H. Allen, Mrs. Edith Ber-ge-r. Miss Frances Jones, Miss Ruth. Farrirfgton, Miss Frances Farrlngton, Mr D. v Proper, Mr. T. E. Pammen, Mr. Lewis and Mr. Don Beam. DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN REV OLUTION HONOR SOLDIERS The Daughters of the American Rev. olutlon . entertained thirty-si- x enlisted men. who are sons of either Sons or Daughters of the American Revolu tion, at a. chowder and swim and dance at ' Sana Sonea. nn - WAdnrfftv aftnr. noon. A number of young ladies' were invited and dancing: to the excellent music of a quintet was a pleasure. . Mr. Gerrit P. Wilder was chairman Of the whole affair. I COMINGS AND GOINGS ' OF THE SMART SET ' Mis Ellen Beach Yaw I a euest at the Colonial hoteL , w .Mrs.-Charle- s Frasder has cards ont for. a tea on the afternoon of Decem ber 12th. v , -- "Mr. and Mrs. A G. Fase of Hono lulu are Pacific Grove visitors. Mont- erey, CaL, American. : Mr. and ' Mrs:"-Walt- er Macfarlane have gofleto the coast and plan to be away almost a month. y: v'' ;v'f:v tient-Col- . and "Mrs. Daniel H. Qienty have Rone to the mainland for a two-inonth- s' -- vacation. ' Mr. I M Gray has gone East for a ; final visit with her son, Ralph, be- fore he. goes over to France. . Mrs. Henry Damon left for a main land visit on Wednesday. Mr. Damon is going as far east as New York City. - Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeK. French wereJ ue weex-en-a guests, or captain and Mrs. William Sanortas at their Quar ters at Schofield. V ; ; ' Miss Helen Klnau Wilder, left for her California home this week after a pleasant: visit with lier' mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilder. . . " Mrs. X J. CampelTof Honolulu Is the guest of her hlster Mrs. J. C. Pitcher and family in this city. Mar- tinez, CaL, Gazette. .: v. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McCandless are home again after a six months' stay on themalnland. Mrs. Frances Barnea accompanied them home. . .'"' -' :"- - .':v Mn and Mrs. E. J.. Botts are receivi- ng- the good t wishes v of their many friends for a ronne arm. T??hat irnn. r"ay, hAs come to tjless their home..? Bar, jinuuc m. jKicnarason left for ine mainland to spend Christmas with her, daughter. Miss; Harriet whoxr a m 9S,Tfl---.y..A'- 71 fo V L just y & ; i friendship, that Sftf ; lmo m " ated; , It's a rift women' ricrht fif ; men 8 . 8 And wants. : stock, for Adler Lightweight .. .' Rain Proof Umbrellas As an extra gift, we a Clarion Christmas. Order. That will, enable hlm to select the gift he . would like the best, at the store that Is ever ready to serve him. ' ... student at Miss Ransom's school for girls ta California. , - ,: ; Y .. - t -- '.' - .'.r' Mrs. Stanwood of Maine, is expected in Honolulu shortly. 'She wfU be a guest of the Colonial hotel at which place she has lived for the past few winters. She Is 75 years old,but as active as a girt. Mrs. Bertha S. Taylor arrived from Honolulu for a - visit with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Stone. Mrs. Taylor will probably remain here until after the Christmas holidays. Healdsburg. CaL, Tribune. - . - Mr. and Mrs. John T. Warren, Cap tain William I Warren, the Misses Crane and Miss .Wilson were guests of Miss Ellen Beach - Yaw at - the Thanksgiving dance at the Colonial hotel Thanksgiving evening. .. - e . Mr. and Mrs.; William J. Crandley of Oakland are sailing today en the Maul for Honolulu to pass the holi- days with r their Son-in-la- w and dapghter, Mr nd Mrs. J. H. Grain- ger. The latter, will be as Miss Ethel Crandley, a popular col- lege girl whose marriage waa the re- sult of a ' Hawaiian - romance. The Crandleys expectto remain until the middle of January, the journey mak- ing their annual trip to visit their daughter.- - San Francisco Examiner.' yfor theChildreo Watt,' Nichols Co, : Ltd big toy de- partment, will be open every day and evening for Its many patrons to call and inspect their immense stock ol toys and holiday goods' now ready. Bring the little ones with yon and let their hearts Jump . with Joy. Remem- ber the place,' WalL Nichols Co., Ltd. Adv. . '.' X , ' .'- - : ' '." Ht The regular monthly meeting of the Graduate Nurses' Club of Hawaii will be held Monday evening, December 3, at 8 o'clock in the assembly room of the Library, of HawalL . Mrs. j; Sr Emerson will r speak, ; her subject being "Belgian Relief Work.' Your .Hawaiian Christmas Cards. ; BeantifDl .views mth lettered :W V V - envft 'him v tViat -- will at the right degree will; of a quality that now. "jh - is why we; address question that haunts the that JAPANESE SILK GOODS 1120 HUUAinj STREET. to the we can helo select the fittiner sift because We know : - felt and of we a 7 i ' ' '' '5 ',-''-- at the-- ' ; '.. y-v- ; t"! ; V ct of of : . . " A 1 : ; ; ' v; ';"'. r:" .' " ' V r - ' . " V ;'-"- -' ";.;- - - 'i f - orice or ft s of - - .... " - 6llk the - ' Pajamas niake your visit fchere early in months xtalk over the with and buy later you Or" tiO select how from, later dome oner Collegian sug- gest' Brunswick, Tues- day remembered hand Suite Panama, bankok, hata. Neckwear, which displaying great 'variety UniOlIi ABOVE md NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY, SATURDAY, EVENINQ, DEC given the auspices Schofield Lodge, No..l0C0, and Honolnln Lodge N6. 800, Loyal Order Moose, for the l:nefit the Bed Cross Fund. :.-'- :; TicketsGentleinen, Ladles Preo MM can you can of be woinenwe know very' 75c. Complete Stock CD O Port St., opp. iriends aiiytbing give them except photo sentiments. message for as else. 'exnress affection all men are appreci-- : many this; -"Ai- socks,' Phaentx unusual quality Shirts mSS the Christmas p problem; us;, if liwish. our almost untouched Christmas i M delivery. 10 an straw are' A1ID GRAND MOOSE RALLY Christmas f tHeyivill thing suffeesuons inai may guiae you. iiiiiii HOTEL and FORT STRUTS CTOI03, JUST HOTEL BALL under mm m arrange photoaphs rientil-ran- d ppredatedm of Oriental lToveltlet Catholic Church your photograph. II 0 S.KOTO. 5TRKTJICA8 RT ' at - ..... ' lSiiv!u': V I - I i -- V - ; : i , " : v . ; - - r-- ' . . f . . f , , - ! : " .. r " V' i : ) - i, :v:-'- .-'-' cany cnoice. ak Suit Case 'Bag tl i . : " ' :; .. v . v .... . .r- - : , . or ; v ; Gowns A;:x -- iJU Dressing .Smoking Jackets ' ' " i I Handkerchiefs - fir - .a'-'-'- ;'- -:-: ;:::I:.U r t : i .'" r , . - ; ; cniistmas come dux. once , ; a vyeaftothlng-;-- s be allowed , to let the' eea.":-v-'- 1 J pass without a properr ,'."t;j; . observances .rj .J"k x::.;.- -f U i r

Transcript of Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1917-12-01 [p TWELVE]. · t 1.4 V W X'Cum DINNER....

Page 1: Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1917-12-01 [p TWELVE]. · t 1.4 V W X'Cum DINNER. ifartha-Chlcfcerln-was the rlzcljal spealcer.at ttid dinner teld 1 tie T. w.tC., A. oa weawiov




V W X 'Cum DINNER.ifart ha - Chlcfcerln - was - the

rlzcljal spealcer.at ttid dinner teld1 tie T. w.tC.,A. oa weawiov

cveslnj under tae auspices of theV."akaba Kai ana tne one uunareariT-.i- i Chlekerinx SBOke cn thenecessity, of brlngta .the race to-'celi- cr

In America, .


he pointeaoutihe fact that one--

txrd of the men in tne vniiea;r rrr.V tftdar mrm ' forelra born. ; and

rYor!r Is the largest Italiancity la the worldand that Chicagotad pxore " Pole . than v any oiy inToland with the exception of Warsaw;r-y- . am thkt' tha neonles of the

: United State could draw all of therood trait of the otner nauona oi

;i.,v:-v.v,'?- ; :

The dinner was attended - by: a'.tirtrm nnmhf flf members': Cf' the

:; trsoclation 'of Japanese nationality.following program waa given

: Mr.Torao KawaaaW, toaatmaater;!TlianksglTlng ' Prayer. Mr. U. Oku-- :: nnra; - Tbankiglrlng Proclamation,

:: President Wilson, Mr. SenlcM Koba-;:vash-l.

president of the One Hundred:C2ub; ThanksglTlng'"' Proclamation,"Governor Plnkham. Mlsa Tsuruyo Mo-- :

rite,- president of the Takaba ; Kal;Vocal . Sold, Mrs. Howard Mosher;Address, Miss Martha - Chlckerlng;

;riano Solo, ' ,Glockenplel,, ; Helns. ! lias iSnwko Yamamotot Thanksglr-- '

' Is g Day, Mis Erelyn MacDougal;.Llrlng Pictures,' The First ,Thanka-- :civlag."-- ' Song by. alL - Mr. Arthur

; Hudson, leader..,'.' -'' , y

.' '

: : A COMING ART EXHIBIT' Miss Dorothy True 1 again In Hono-

lulu,, bringing with , her, many, elegant- - d teactlful : piece of furniture,: -- InUrgs, etchings, old'Wg,-objec- t

cf trt,.etc and will. also attend to:;.terlor decorating. Next, Wednesdaytv 111 be the opening day. The exhibit

'v m 'be ln.the Progress building. Fort::cet, la the, corner atore.Ml3 True is an Island woman, who

' --

3 lived on the 'mainland, for romea End know the wlshe and taste

: Hawaii connoisseur and art lOTera.- Jhas with her this time her sister,

3 Elinor True,; who la a graduatethe Denlshawn achool of dancing.

. 9 here Mis True'plan to glrecxtltitioa of ;thl art. The Den--.vt- n

school has, bec5me yery fa-gir-ls

comlng'from all over the' :3 u enter. ;The history of danc-i- s

taught Ja , an able and artistic


r. trd Mr. Guy Mllnor were hostl.cster ,af- - a delightful dinner--3

cn VTednesday, evening. Therrz3 cert attractive; , a glided

t teli red carnation with arfly bow ornamenting the tall

L'c-te- d taper shaded la redTram d. pleasant glow1. :. After

r the .guests motored to thetry Club, t'i enjoyed the dance

. v t3 given th'rs". v'-- .j ;',.':. r -- i I Irs-- . ::::zcrrier-- ' ts "rere

:rtha I: --.ey,.

;C. CctcLctt, Dr. Oscar Skeiton;t. Cccrge O. rowler..- ;

ZZinnZ MAIIAN A LUNCH-EON hostess --v..

. Tcuri3 Mahaa entartalned on!:y with a luncheon honoring

: 11 Clark, who ,is here as the- ::t cf her ten. Major. Haroldc: tie tvlaticn corps, The: tills was dainty; "'a stiver

r:.:t:l-tcne- d Enap' dragons,: '- .-3 cards were hand-painte- d.

:'. ::u, kaittiag needles flew! cv.t cf nci'Crcsa work.

?; Mahaa' hoa-- -

;ro Mrs. C. II. Clark, Mra., Ja-- cs Ia Cockburn, Mrs.

::. T:uirhy,'Mrs. U Rogers,: !:tcn P. Agee. and Mrs.

"..ttaiiai; club meeting: :: i Club heii It regular

: rr:.'iy Eftcruoca with- ":r r.clcrtsca. as hosteEs.

:.- - : cf Captain Cook" wasUT the afternoon. Light

-- 13 were served la. the. late

a' ruesta were Mr.Ly u:er, Mrs. John AlmokuIrs. Harry Hoffman, Mr.Irs. Carlos Loss,' Mrs; Con-;rac-3

J Dousherty,., Mrs.:.rtrcrth. Mr8. R. Hair,

: : 3 tertsoa. Miss Henrietta-s Amelia Holt. .vta Smith gave the read- -

"Trocr. cmcLE plans- rill tea meeting of the exe-1- ;

::.rd cf the Outdoor Circle atTuesday afternoon De-- r

4, at the home of Mrs. F. J.y cn Luaalilo 'street, followed

-- tin? c f tb e director of the, t 3 o'clock, at which tlmesthe

I chauje in certain of the by--v

m be discuEsed. And '.actionTho next regular meeting of

club will take' place theIrs Tuesday at the same'place.

drde to be chesen later, the club: rive a matinee prcgram. on. the

- rocf garden when the "famousn dancer will dance and there

; l a muio by the Russian orchea-- .the proceeds to be used to defrayexpenses Incidental - to the com-.it- y

Christmas tree, which theb will give. 'r''--AK$i-


::rs. Frank Kcefer was hostess onlay morning at a two-tabl- e bridge,r several interesting rubbers, a

icious luncheon waa served. .

Those eujoying Mr..Keefer'8 plea-- t

triage and luncheon were. Mrs.';"Iara T. Rawlins, Mr. Harold Glf-- . ?lrs. Harry S.'TJrayMra. WUliam

Lymer, Mrs.' Robert "H. Dueuner,Jamea Dougherty, and Mrs. Sam-I'- A

Walker. P-i'-

'ZJ AND MRS. " RICHARD ITERS'"... v : i DECNER ' "V :. .. . .


Tr. and Mra. Richard Ivers enter-- -r d'at dinner on"' Tuesday evening.ilver basket was artistically filled

:ti American Beauty rosea. f "

;:r, and Mrs.. Ivers, guests .were Mr.1 Mrs. George Potter, Mr. and Mrs.va Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit,P.' vr Mrs. Dfiiise Mahan Beall and- cr Eillina-ha-

( t t': ... t:

' Mr. Walter Kendall of Portland,- -

lulu; wherr she lived as a. bride,; and

THE GLORY , OF THEIR YEARS"The three-ac- t play, The .Glory- - of

Their Years," given . last; evening bythe students of the College of Hawaii,was a success in every detaO. : It wasdecidedly : well balanced, everyone Inthe cast being well drilled and thestaging- - at Lanai. theater. well- -

handled.' Between the acts.1Mlss Margaret Austin ang . a ' set of : old-fas- h

ioned songs, such, as '.The' Laat Rose'of Summer," Home. Sweet Homelandother treasured melodies. ; She was ac--

comnanied by " Mia Frances Farrlng-- ,ton. The costumixue. which 'was In thenot so well off In this world's goods ashands of the' dressmaking department,was Etrlhlusly goodthe periods fepre- -

sentr i being most caretully thought

. "'a piay I to be glvea :agam thls fMr.; ; HERBERT MIST? ? AFTER-evenin-g

, and wlU . have" crowded y' .NOON TEAhouse. Lanal theater being a decidedly Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Herbertcomfortable ptece for a production of M8 was. hostess "at a delightful after- -

this sizeThoselr:- the "cast follow:-;- ' rffiJ-- -Mary Apnew --Miss Lillian. DahL ' 'Delia Wicker Mia Grace' H.r Mor-

gan. . : : n,y;; ssi t., Sablna -- Roger, Mis Kathryne

'" Aj ;vBlake. ;LIndy HudslethMlss RuthFarrlngij

ton. - ' ' ;

Amelia Miller Miss Eileen Putnam.'Barbara Davison Miss , Rhoda ; ;H.

Ballentyne.'.' - ivH' -

Aleck Anderson Mr,C IDick Fox Mr; Wllnormaa King. : ;

, ' Helen Kaneo Miss Helen," O, ' Mo-Grew- .'

,: v: ., - - ' ' pfm 1a v".

-? v -


The Thanksgiving eve dance at theCountry dHb on Wednesday eveningwas a largely attended affair, ".'About75 guests were there for 'dinner andabout 123 attended the dance. Someof those who attended were Mr.'sndMrs... Charles : Frailer, Dr. and - Mrs.Alford : Wall,- - Mr. J. , P. Winnie,; Mr.and Mrs.W. .Todd, Mr., and Mrs. JohnRothwelV Mr, and' Mrs. Mervln-- ; Car-son and others. ..'."..'." ''

. i.' ;

..The tables were all most daintilydecorated with . American . - Beautyroses, violets, sweet' peas ;and. otherflowers. After dinner about 125; guestscame and dancing was enjoyed .until alate hour. -.-

- i . v 6xr ?.;r'r.The Country club dances are always

Very popular and an enjoyable eveningis always. to be had there. :

. Mr. C. R. Frazier; who is head of thehouse committee, . plans . a ' delightfulevening on New 1 Year's,- - Eve. Plansare not all complete, but win be givenout la ; ample . time . fpr the Invitedguests to, make their arrangements.


y Mrs. Charles Stlllmajrwas hostess' ata buffet luncheon today honoring MissMary Fry and Miss . Lauretta Fry ofSt. Paul who are here tb spend theirsecond. winter. The long ewing tablewas most attractive with pale-tinte-d

hibiscus and . , sprays of. maidenhairfern. After luncheon cards and musicmade for: a charming afternoon. :

- Mrs. Stlllman's - guests were - MissMary Fry, . Miss Lauretta .Fry, .Mrs.G ustar Schaefer.'Mrs. Rose May Mrs.James Dougherty, Mrs. Sumner S. Pax--son, Mrs.' Charles Chilllngworth,MrB.i

iuia.ia iwiiuB, Airs. ,vmuua vviui-a- m

son,- - Mrs. William B. Lymer, Mrs.Harry S. Gray,Mrs. Fred Damon,- - Mrs.George Ahlborn, Mrs. 'Harold: Glffardand Mrs. Reynold 3. McGrew. " Jfc:.; -

': DANCE AT TE13 COI)NIAL- IThanksglvlng.af. the Colonial, hotelwas a very enjoyable affair this' year.One hundred and ten guests sat downto a turkey dinner and later r werejoined by - another: hundred V guestwho danced until the wee sma hoursof the morning.' Some "of those whohad guest were Miss Janet Matthews,Miss Donnelly, Mrs. England, Miss J.E.- - McKay, .MIsb ;Swan, Mrs. ;.E.! ;-- G.Hedges, . Miss ; Johnson! The .tableswere-al- l done ln ' yellow and ' weremost attractive. -

' - - ' V - ; xygi'MR, AND MRS. GIFFARDS DINNER

' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glffard enter-tained with' a dinner party on" Fridayevening at' their Pulwa home . J:

noiroLULTJ sxAiffPLLCTRr, satusdaypeczsii x turn

Ore who has rbeen reTlsltlng Honowho .has vjust returned'to the'states. ;


- GrVTNG OFFERING.;" Last Wednesday, the young, studentsof Punahou Preparatory .gave- - gener-ously to those in less comfortable cir-cumstances. . A Thanksgiving exercisegiven by the pupil opened the day'sprogram with the gifts of the studentsabout the r,. ilatform. After theexercises several of the mothers . delivered Thanksgiving basket to thosefor whom they were prepared, r It isan Oiw ed custom atPunahou - to remember those . wh6 are

others," and Thanksgiving was made atouch, happier day for, many people bythe genercty..ofi;PiuuaotLifi;r

noon tea.' About a dozen guest .were

"r Mrs;- - ; Mist's guests . were; J" Mrs.Ralph Clark, Miss 'Josephine .Soper,Mrs.-Charle- s Judd. Miss Ehrhorn. Mrs.Bucholtz, ' Mrs. William Stanley, Mrs.Harold Hayselden,- - Mrs. H.- - P.rWood,Hfl yTt '! ' SI'-- TVoTitifBtATi ' Afwa " fTnAttWatson; 'Mrs. . Robert Mist, Mrs. J; N.S. Winiams, Mrs. Donald Rosa, Mrs. J.Cockburn, Miss Edith Mist and other.v'DR. AND MRS. ALFORD WALL'S :

-- v---

' - DINNER."f ; Dr. and Mrs. AlfOrd Wall-entertai- n

ed'mosf Informally at .dinner, at theCountry club on Wednesday evening.A - basket ' of ' sweet .peas and violetstoads apretty centerpiece- -- Dr. and Mrs. Wall's guests were Pr,ahd . Mrs. ,0 WalL . Mr. and . Mrs.Arthur F? Wall, andVMr.'and' Mr.Fred C Smith. ;. Dancing x was ; thetifter dinner diversion." .



Mlss Mary; Johnson entertained .onThursday evening ; at: the Colonialhotel in compliment to her brother-in-la-w

and sister, of Helena, Montana,Mr. and. Mrs, W. Ri McComas. A basket of yellow.coreopsis made' a prettytable decoratloau .Miss " Johnson'sguests. were Mr:. and Mrs.-W- . R, Mc--Comas, ' Miss. E.- Smith,' Miss M.Jamleson, Miss K. Dougherty. Miss AHertsche :and Mr. and -- Mrs. TupaLDancing was the after-dinne- r . diversion : ,';v "; e'-'-- .


V Mrs. --Archibald A.Young, who hascharge of the Community Christmastree, is going to give a musical ; anddancing afternoon on the roof gardeneooh. A charming, program has beenarranged and a full attendance Is -

yi. .:..':--.;-;--.

t" This tree; while attended, to by the

women of the Outdoor Circle, Is notan Outdoor Circle affair for it con-cefn- s

the whole community. f:: ";

j. The - program for the , musical willbe . about six numbers long and thosecoming are asked to bring their knitting.


;MaJor and. Mrs. C W. Case Deeringgave a beautifully appointed dinner onThanksgiving night. . Yellow, the colorused ' In- - all Thanksgiving feasts, . waspopular. ' Great r masses of ; shaggy,deep yellow "chrysanthexbuma-mad- -- ambst attractive tableV; Lighted tapercshaded In yellow cast' a' retty , low.Dancing after dinner was a pleasantdiversion. r

, Major and Mrs.;? Deering" - guestswere - Col. and Mrs; Woodward, Col.and Mrs-"Balla-

rd, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.V. King, Mr. and Mrs; Charles Wilder,Mr., ana .Mrs. Harry .Wilder, Mr, andMrs! Frank Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs.Arthur Rice; Gen. John Wlsser, Mr,MCAvoy and Mf. . Douglas -- ' -


r '.V CENTRAL UNION ..' '.

The Subeain Class of Central Unionwas the donor- of Thanksgiving giftsto; the' children who are. in the Chil-dren's Hospital,' making . a happy dayxor ue uiue


S THANKSGrVnCQ x'.. - DINNER. ' - '."

Mr. and Mrs. WaBac R. Fining-- .

ton were host and hostess at an In-

formal and hosoitabls Thanksgivingdinner on! Thursday .'evening: ?

As decoration for the festive board,in the center of the table was a koa.

..calabash and in this was an exquisitelace maidenhair fern. After dinner theyoung folks attended the football ral-ly at the. Liberty theater. .

Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Far--rington's hospitality were Mr. andMrs.' RDey H. Allen, Mrs. Edith Ber-ge-r.

Miss Frances Jones, Miss Ruth.Farrirfgton, Miss Frances Farrlngton,Mr D. v Proper, Mr. T. E. Pammen,Mr. Lewis and Mr. Don Beam.


The Daughters of the American Rev.olutlon . entertained thirty-si-x enlistedmen. who are sons of either Sons orDaughters of the American Revolution, at a. chowder and swim and danceat ' Sana Sonea. nn - WAdnrfftv aftnr.noon. A number of young ladies' wereinvited and dancing: to the excellentmusic of a quintet was a pleasure. .

Mr. Gerrit P. Wilder was chairmanOf the whole affair.


' Mis Ellen Beach Yaw I a euest atthe Colonial hoteL ,

w.Mrs.-Charle- s Frasder has cards ont

for. a tea on the afternoon of December 12th. v ,

-- "Mr. and Mrs. A G. Fase of Honolulu are Pacific Grove visitors. Mont-erey, CaL, American. :

Mr. and ' Mrs:"-Walt- er Macfarlanehave gofleto the coast and plan to beaway almost a month.y: v'' ;v'f:vtient-Col- . and "Mrs. Daniel H.

Qienty have Rone to the mainland fora two-inonth- s'

--vacation. '

Mr. I M Gray has gone East fora ; final visit with her son, Ralph, be-

fore he. goes over to France. .

Mrs. Henry Damon left for a mainland visit on Wednesday. Mr. Damonis going as far east as New York City.

- Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeK. French wereJue weex-en-a guests, or captain andMrs. William Sanortas at their Quarters at Schofield. V ; ;

' Miss Helen Klnau Wilder, left forher California home this week after apleasant: visit with lier' mother, Mrs.Elizabeth Wilder. . ."

Mrs. X J. CampelTof Honolulu Isthe guest of her hlster Mrs. J. C.Pitcher and family in this city. Mar-tinez, CaL, Gazette..: v. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McCandlessare home again after a six months'stay on themalnland. Mrs. FrancesBarnea accompanied them home. ..'"' -'

:"-- .':vMn and Mrs. E. J.. Botts are receivi-

ng- the good t wishes v of their manyfriends for a ronne arm. T??hat irnn.r"ay, hAs come to tjless their home..?

Bar, jinuuc m. jKicnarason left forine mainland to spend Christmas withher, daughter. Miss; Harriet whoxr a

m9S,Tfl---.y..A'- 71 fo

V L just

y& ; i friendship, thatSftf ; lmom " ated; , It's arift women' ricrht

fif ; men 8 .



: stock, for

AdlerLightweight ..

.' Rain Proof


As an extra gift, wea Clarion Christmas.

Order. That will, enablehlm to select the gift he .

would like the best, at thestore that Is ever readyto serve him.



student at Miss Ransom's school forgirls ta California. , - ,: ; Y

.. - t -- '.' - .'.r'Mrs. Stanwood of Maine,

is expected in Honolulu shortly. 'ShewfU be a guest of the Colonial hotel atwhich place she has lived for the pastfew winters. She Is 75 years old,butas active as a girt.

Mrs. Bertha S. Taylor arrivedfrom Honolulu for a -visit with

her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Stone.Mrs. Taylor will probably remain hereuntil after the Christmas holidays.Healdsburg. CaL, Tribune.- .


Mr. and Mrs. John T. Warren, Captain William I Warren, the MissesCrane and Miss .Wilson were guestsof Miss Ellen Beach - Yaw at - theThanksgiving dance at the Colonialhotel Thanksgiving evening.

.. - e .

Mr. and Mrs.; William J. Crandleyof Oakland are sailing today en theMaul for Honolulu to pass the holi-days with r their Son-in-la- w anddapghter, Mr nd Mrs. J. H. Grain-ger. The latter, will beas Miss Ethel Crandley, a popular col-

lege girl whose marriage waa the re-

sult of a ' Hawaiian - romance. TheCrandleys expectto remain until themiddle of January, the journey mak-ing their annual trip to visit theirdaughter.- - San Francisco Examiner.'

yfor theChildreoWatt,' Nichols Co, : Ltd big toy de-

partment, will be open every day andevening for Its many patrons to calland inspect their immense stock oltoys and holiday goods' now ready.Bring the little ones with yon and lettheir hearts Jump .with Joy. Remem-ber the place,' WalL Nichols Co., Ltd.

Adv. . '.' X , '.'-

- :' '."


The regular monthly meeting of theGraduate Nurses' Club of Hawaii willbe held Monday evening, December3, at 8 o'clock in the assembly roomof the Library, of HawalL . Mrs. j;Sr Emerson will r speak, ; her subjectbeing "Belgian Relief Work.'


.Hawaiian ChristmasCards. ; BeantifDl

.views mthlettered

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is why we; address

question that haunts the



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cniistmas come dux. once , ;a vyeaftothlng-;--s

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pass without a properr ,'."t;j; .

observances .rj .J"k x::.;.--f U i
