Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1916-08-04 [p...

ACUTE SHORTAGE of men and women who really Jiever know what it is to enjoy sound, ribrati ing heatth who would be surprised to suddenly gain that exhilarating vitality that robust health brings. '; - ' literally thousands without any par- ticular, sickness live in "general de- bility", a the doctors call it have headaches, are tired and indifferent. To all Kurh nronfff we sav with unmis-- '': ; takabie earnestness -- Take Scott's Ten Sailing Today on Sherman zuisumanerroejoraicmomna MakeS'l4 M. U.S Ordered allow its rare oil-foo- d to enrich and en- - ; . cinA 1 t liven your blood, quicken your circula- - AWay ince june 1 u0n,umuicUiu War Department has In 10 aerwop i mi rra-eiouu- ru ukubi last 60 days ordered 14 officer xaraixa acuTur, enjoyment, vucces. v. it. nanman ittn i J51i5J2? JL?S Corp. to mainland Manila. total here VrLu t ' i. June ' Corps her. - working short-hande- wiui a LooC3:Leaf Most convenient for hand- ling Sheets do not tear. All sizes. '"-'v- V;'--- I!lV.w!2.T I wV.S Co. , Ltd. ' Bishop Street f . ? r : r W step into th3 quiet cccL:3 ct :. fcr tencrrow: SUNDAE c::i:ai.i "v-'- :' UMI t I i I JJ.r. T: ith cf Derlpi, Minn., an Ir.: Lcl.'eved te ICO years - .'f the the the and of n of 25 officers prior to 1. the Medical Is and ton cai -- ::, U to eiderabte, handicap. It was learned to day. : ; , .This afternoon 10 Medical Cor p officers from- - Oabu are sailing oa. the U. 8. Army transport Sherman, jtoak In; total of 38 .army medical Offi cers whd have pone under orders to the mainland from Honolulu slnce the first of June. One was also ordered to the Philippines and left last month. .This depletion of the Hawaiian' De partment's medical staff is overwork in the remaining officers so ' that most of them are now each doing, the work previously taken by three; men. According to CoL Rudolph G Ebert, Hawaiian Department surgeon; nd re- lief except per hi pa one man. Col; W B." Bannister; is1 in sight at -- tha pres ent time to take the place or the 14 officers ordered away.' Of the 10 of ficers leaving this afternoon two were ordered to the mainland seme- - time ago, and the remaining tight by cable a few weeks ago; The latter are un der orders to report by telegrlph on arrival At the mainland to Maj.-Ge- n. Frederick . Fans ton. commanding the Southern Department, at San Antonio Texas. ; They will be . put to work among the regulars end militiamen on the border, taking care of . sanitation and working to reduce sickness among the troops, of which a great deaj has recently neen repprtea.,, . Hawaiian Department . MedlcA Corns officers leaving this afternoon Include Capt A. JP, Clark. Llent.-Col- ; p . p. Rovncids. who was to have ex changed places with Col. W. B.; Ban nister. Central Department, Chicago,, but has. been, ordered instead to the hase hospital at San 'Antonio: Maj, O; McD. Van Poole, Ma J. M. A, DeLaner, Cany. P. H. Fbucar; i. wnitnam, J. p Johnston, . S- - SL- - Crelghoni jBu Tf, French and N. Wood. in eonseauenee of the shortage of medical officers here; Mai. C. A. Rag an.-attendi- ng sorfceon: of the Hawai Ian Department, is' doing three men work. He issued notices August 1 that he will; be at the dlspensarr. Fort De Russr. from :45 to 10:15 .-- aaiiy; at his office at ' department headauar- - ters. from 10:30 a. vL until ooon; ana at the Fort Armstrong 4lspensan from Xl:10 to 12:?0 p. m. " At all otn r hours be will b4 at Fort Rugef. : lt Lieut Robert H. Duenner took care of Port Rnr rior to the present short age, tad MaJ. Van Poole department headtluarterst . 0" JAPAfJES ORGANIZE;'? COMMERCE At f . EETi FI 6 - TH 'J R S DAY Members of the Japanese v Mer- chants'; Association held a:reorganiza- - tlon' testerday afternoon, and as result changed the name of the . asso ciation to the Japanese Chamber: or Commerce. The meeting was held on, the . second floor of the YokohSnnt Rules and regulations were revised at the meetllig. and 'the, hew name; vtlch was; suggested by Consul-Ge- V crrl "More!, v as favorably vbted upon: &.Ucrs cX ue new chamber are at. Kawahara, president; .T. rTakakuwa, vice-presiden- t; K. Tamamotq, ..secre-tAr- v: T. . OdO. treasurer! ' T. Ivanaga, auditor; D. Yonekura, S. Osaki and T. jsumiaa, aireciorsv . ; ; 4 . HMMteASMMaWMNM- - r.". A suit, to set aside a deed of- - tnfst has been filed in circuit court i py Nina Bertelmann against Ji K. cock' ett et al. , : , ; f. t,, "v .. .J.'..f..'- - . - . i 1 rr-- ( ' : - - v. t " This famous piire food makes up for a frequent lack of certain; nourishing "elements ' in, the dailf ; diet which makes for mental and. physical development.: j These, ;eleraents-th-e -- vital, mineral . phosphates---ar- o " found in abundance in the wbcat, and . malted barley flours, from ; which Grape-Nut- s is made. All the " f ockl' yalnes of these grains are retained in splendid pro- portions in this ' food.'. : ; Grape-Nut- s comes from the sp, delicious, ready to eati and remarkably easy of digestion. "There's a Reaccn" ' ; , fcrjosTurj ; . Sold by Grocers and Stores. BOfoliftM) StABHLITrm, FBIDAY AUOUST 4, 1016. Helps to you. to us ah4 td the carrier boy. : j It roao 'not'tet roui papel promtff. ta4 (regularly; tad pbos iQll sk for tf Ore lation Department and mike the e" complalnL Serving so, . many 4- - thousands of tomes, every ifter noon - makes occasional. - Wpses 4. 4 possible. ' I, , . . ..:'. The Star-Bulleti- n maintains. unto :30 p. tn. each day. a spe-- r cirj arrvtce for any cus- - tomer the carrier 'may nave f TTTTT4y The Elks lodge meets at 8 o'clock tohlgnt. ; Knights of. Pythias. Mystic Lodge. meets for regular business at 7:20 to night is Pythian hall. , ; ... circuit Judge Whitney has refus ed to grant tho suit tor, divorce filed by Alexander, Llftee agalhst Tctoti Urtee.- -; ;.J; ,- - ; r ' ... , which is is "agree li .on va ine grouna or desertion, circuit cent: mainland trtn. aia mat some- - vuage wnicnej to ,Mary I snouia oe done by wong long a xrom'.woiglorganiiations .stopping ; '' I called. the the rronnri rnU' fMwi Ifcsf ' iKliftd ' tif.? 'Mf? stated ' Mra. R. C. Brooks wife of IL :vt" . .. . to Mrs. that ne visitea tats cuia nancmg place I iirooK3, wno is tno sunaay Pua- - a xlivorc from Gor a noDinson. " Amelia has filed In clH&tt court a discontinuance of the suit for brought y, her against ftt&ert uounar. - - Alleging failure ( to - and similitude Buyeyohi has failed la circuit court suit Lend which had even: value. Bids Yor additions and menu to the HIlo armory of tho1 Na coat $4000. nre some action . wHh other organisations frdvmised for .bj ,th' departmeht .oX Dt!ott''btUitenUoi-.t- become an American citizen &m been fqed fa federal br Itertnann rkii ra?k br by Dceaphtlon'ahd a native of Ger many. Kate from cburt ' Alleging ! non-suppor- t, ' yjulla Nani Luke, tetter known as. Madame Alapai, the vocal soloist. has filed fn circuit cburt a, stilt for against ': Accounts of tho department will be Xept on cards hereafter.-Mor- e than; TOW bf thent j .being.' trans-- f erred- - from ''BObka? to thtr tisy- - ' with nmnli Association, scheduled for . this eretlnr, has been postponed until' I o'clock next Monday evening: .The meeting win held in tho roomi the association,: 1337 Fort street JOseph Kalian, 8i3 Cooke street; Ke-- M wri Koo- ones, and" Mrs; Parah' MahlhJla were', wit- nesses..' 's-'- 1r' read very. . the iv: -- ;.', 'among UkT as wlU : when water , says warry Murray, have aro. withi music; Prfcejs jrlll awarded best costumes worn LusXtana School tnere.i v,Ci Alleging Kane has. died circuit' suit lor from U. illq ieong ixy filed suit mvorce from: Leon; Loy, alleging; .;:.i:r reception Island priests the onrwanii .niisslon bjeld Home, upper Fort' street They will be Consul Moroi this evening the Consul's; residence Nunann the study nese will be started the ,10. The will direction Carleton Miller, Who has Just from where he friends investi the latest methods the study Japanese Uul also made inquiries into i.pn Study has been nected the United States consu service Japan years. At the present time he nected with the service IlawaiL The hew cjass wiH take beginners Japanese win taeet two times weekly, Monday Thurs- - day iniriHiiira TJiGfii f U1IUUUU1 WILEO HULA ISIlElfJ ISSUE :.rv.f:-;- Promotion Committee Lodges With San Lodging protest With the San Diego against huU dance declared re present Hawaii grossly, the Hawaii Committee signifies that prepared to object the hula wherever learns such tortions are Secretary P. Taylor today- - sent the following letter to Penfold, secretary the Diego bellevo ran with me that fit and proper me attention made .our Oahusns who recently returned from includ- ing visit to the 6aa exposi Hawaiian entertain ment IrhmuA "At the Rotary Club yester day Mr. a the firm Lewen CooLe. to nas, granted thing gain, island citofce. ...toward so-Ton- g. C'. r" hula dancing on mainland ;;: hich gave vry, On LowreV- - Dr. -:-t- .r uage pas, granted conuuetmg Robinson Bodnar divorce Mrs: are .of and wtfs hnd disgusted with the ing that it was not hula all. but more hoochi coochl Chicago fame, lie stated that perhaps his would binv said mat woen danced. old-tim- e provide. in on religious ntes, w-- s. something H tor divorce esthetic ; A- - But, said, tho exhibit Isthmus' was blot improter upon the fair name territory. and nsKfcd.the notary take tional Guard, being divorce -- wateh:: which would tend tnts feature from the San Diego Zons. year ago. was called la. of the dancer the San took the matter with ther Saa fair and asked; that they and. ;also this ture1 front their zone and was done.' The of wrote ine saying .that" show was right and that many peo ple said they it, out isiafid neople' and Uateo while. was agent' the lhadoccallon.to cer- - be H. tain acts', which .cancmg aisn aisgrace. time have only heard" Mr. but other people wno have' ybor; the fitonr. would-- , the same:; San they had two three HA- - buTied kZ-l- Z' ZrZ Funeraliservices P?Y?U bo.at iJ- - cf rV rers Jtgo-- olokai wife. ana;tnat:avone ume iney were iwsoc iaiea Miss Annie" XVAhrLeong W .exnimu.ii.jwey:. i;,.n .n9h..' 'tr. inev snow .my yi;ry rnrrrTr: thorou2hly.;afld:f.?atUtude,of. thl$ "j way cele- - hwiffnn-:'- f 'Ttatr Hawi.il Water-mete- rs WinessVsec ry. but iertainly tlon beltrg. monui, would not ?care' any tf- - are due' forttf for the of ;Thls tin Prder keep those ,days'' If this: hula be JiMswly-nstaJIed.taeter- fi hiMt atso have- - that says Murray;' manager.jDf Carelessness business is, a of but nlus next department. HawaiF fearded: Hawaii would whldt thenx money well they lind. their matter expect water. Mr report In : partfcular.V'..' V-'- h.' t Indications 'tomorrow night's National Guard mssquerade ball, in tbe armory liawaUan be ittendje44 for i l streeCr"bfetweem is j ... failure - in court a Mlkano.? nas Cruelty.:.-;-;- .; A - for night at hall Edu guests of at street' ' A course of Japa at Y. M. C. A- - class be un visited add- - In of by conversational th osirecentt of He ' with In , of is con immigration fn up llUUb r i V"'' Hawaii Protest ; Oiego Exposition : i a exposition a disgusting to Promotion to distortions of It dis practised.' A. H. J. of exposition: "J will It to to a complaint by of mainland,-- , a Diego tion, concerning a on 1 V v M.'Lowrey of c in re-- I A impression of C. Absolutely thoroughly exhibition, ,. . at of A of auditors agree wnen he tne nuia. nroBorly Interpreted performed Suyeyo; disgrace of he Club to , to .eliminate exposition. Eliminated at A my disgraceful exhibit soKaned. nuia on tne Fyandsco exposition. Immediate M . up officials officially discoun- tenance eliminate entertainments, it . the-sho- bis had enjoyed our thought otherwI$eri perseaUy ' thought otherwise, becavse, '1 for Promotion . Committee on the coast, Interfere; so-call- ed vaudeville la tne was ."At present we from Lowrey presume IL .interviewed . exposition; be In or j ill be In th KawatH y1"? cemetery: the.:tpme. 5allau was.bom ?lr an v- - Jv . exposiuon - wk we fiw mn- - of ;iA'!nMK.M Bjeuumeuw- . are Rnlhna. ' in' November, i rf , , al-- 1 , to celebration y.; fabne to j Vsoalled watch.on, Is continued.-T- o JUrry;' aepartmenu month.': largely the divorce extreme cational August returned Japan, con number meeting referrinr Midway legends attention JlpUlar manager Sunday; versing,,.: looklngt forward-- . ftnil ri'thei continue" accounts quarter-- 1 proposed exhibit hroughtMHto prominence; on Day. and Balboa Day. and re as partot. be something;;; -- wa - could . not," very men. testing stomach: they.gef ;am A bf this and to manager, of th Lowrey's verified every ' v;-".- ; rr will ' provide, for , joX Japanese. - . he aone;ft all attended-- ' "r.' , . startlnr 'private - "We hbw that it is delicate people to handle but be- - UiJ9 see our nwn tuana point, very reaaiiy, DAILY HELIIIIOERS TAiirflfa Hound tlnit ftUtO. ILDOL being poured on the new pavement Lewis fcsaoita.: rnone aut. to Mlkano .y'i'ri farewell; if was last tho of the on.., I' new, in der the of gated the srv Mr. Miller; books f.th$ lar for and and evenings:' v.?-- sifs- - it Saa for call the the bad stat fair with the and bur Prancisco fea ito; the Franciscb Hawaii, Wb though-the- ? lot 'Investlga- - mat ter, for you yott: can. trMAJ 'thS) ,vta reaa tine; want. aqsm mevoiar- - rutieltin: is ' to put yourself ; In ; touch anew: with the life of 'the clty'; . , Exdnatve. xorst ahop, .Tho Good win.? rms. 21r22r Pantheon tiltAd r TioJl'nA .Lt the children eat their fill of Lovers Cream Bread if delicious and healthful, and' wrapped for their iteajia ' For Diatined AYater. Rlre'i soot Ber..and:.all .other popular Drinks try the Con. soda water woro co. Usoallr the merchant who "big enough" to make nis; store of real inv portance to the people is. also wise enousn 10 conrucs mem mruugu aue- - Quate advertiainr- - . LOST Friday morhlnr: flopping district brooch pin. diamonds and sapphire;. office. 545--- 3t NOTICE Dr. ; Ilutchlnson will see few patients, at his residence in Kaimukl. Telephone 7Z12 for apolatment. 'C; ' 6545-- 3t .. . " m O : Titcolulc Puro '. Cad from"""" ::: r-v:- CrcpCrciacITcrf y. i c.A. GIRLS ENTERTAINED AT siir.ir.iER outing nt f :rr -- .' j I : a to is even In;; meetings at the Opera House, and Dr. R. D. yilliama, president of the Mid-Pacifi- c Institute, entertained the girls at the summer camp of the T. W..C A: last night with an unusu ally. high-Clas- s rrsram. Mrs. Brooks has charming repertoire or : songs and stories as told by "her lldren and JDr. -- Williams- an excellent collec tlon of sleight of hand tricks. : : on JAPANESE MONKEYS I I ; l -- : . l , 4 ; v ; r. ; ; v o a I a a : 1 s. : v a J f 2 -- v-- ; a ; l : I v t. "f. : n i i x I i 1 I ! I I i f a I K I V A I : : ; ; I Reward.Star-BuUe- ti a ' v i a c COMMODITIES OF WAR According . to recent news fronri Ja pan, the Russian government nas or dered of Japan large numbers of the Japanese' menkeys to be shipped to the war zone. Japan has already made first shipment .of 83 young monkeys to Vladivostok. Presumably they for medical experimental purposes. I SI l Forty-eigh- t yersons7 were killed in street accidents Jn w York in June Ovcrvoriind i Worry; Don't Pay Overwork" and worry may promise Wealth, but ; too - often 1 .take o away health. The kidneys are apt to gir out first, and if they do, it's danger- ous' to delay. . Begin using Doan's Backache Kidney Pills as soon as you are seized with dally backache, nerv- ous or dizzy spells, headache, Indiges tion, heart flutterings, rheumatic pain or urinary disorders,: and rest . the kidneys ! by. avoiding all; excesses. Doan's are the most' widely used, the best , recommended kidney ."remedy in the worlds 7?:-- ; v-;';-- 'When ? Your ; Back-- : Is - Lame Re member the Name.! . DOAN'S BACK- ACHE ; KIDNEY, PILLSr Sold by all druggists - at' 50c a box (six boxes $2.50), or mailed on receipt, of price by the Hollister Drug Co, or Benson, Smith A Co.,; agents , for the Ha waiian Islands.. - - C&chcake l?? you in zxr&U ary condition original deKcatc perfuine f lizdo iiito cleans est ccct cinitsry fact- -' oryiathcirorld. n f COMMUNITY-- 1 1 ; A PAR, PLATE -- c':. GOOD SILVERWARE ATTRACTIVE SILVERWARE i GUARANTEED SILVERWARE; A li Not cumbersome, heavy pieces wlth.a thin plate, but nice, light pieces with a thick plate. , v "Plated ware that fels like Sterlings ' ; . . A REAL BARGAIN "v V.- - Tablespoons. dosen, ;TaVlespoons, $idoim ; 4 ' Other pieces priced in proportion. ' ,17.17. Dimond d Co., Ud. 1 THE HOUSE OF HOUSEWARES"M-- i KING ST, HONOLUtU MADE TO YOUE ORDER CI. rjGCipinnibfib Cz C6t Pawaa Junction Phone 4433 ; ! 7 A splendid new' shipment of Silk Embroidered Pctticoatc, an darin Co ! Exceptional Values and Styles - it v i :;;lt.7:::;::Tp3E; 1137' Fort Street : v a - Ccm:r Pi-i!- .! ' 7 f::: "y.; '- -'- v'i- - wv l i ' - . . ; A compelling display of s e very la tes t styl os iri ties is now oil exhibition I in oui- - jshow v;e r y fin e s t productions bo th i h v'd eislgh, w eav e andyorkmariship;Insp ;cINERNY-2- f - ; :. TThe Houst of Courtesy'-- : ;" ; Corter:Fort and Zlerchini Ctr: :ti IJ- - - j . 1 is wrapped to - N. HVV Pc-o- xl ' ; d.eUve. -- 'i is an nnti-cpt- ic 7 N : a v I and to retain l r . A n I it's V FOR SALE At ALL DRUG STORES 1" scapniadij for Nurcenr.lcflet: and ircncra! j cxdet Ci, Lw C---- . benidea baliinlt

Transcript of Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1916-08-04 [p...

Page 1: Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1916-08-04 [p THREE].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1916-08-04/ed-2/seq-3.pdf,.This afternoon 10 Medical Corp officers from--Oabu

ACUTE SHORTAGEof men and women who really Jieverknow what it is to enjoy sound, ribratiing heatth who would be surprised tosuddenly gain that exhilarating vitalitythat robust health brings. ';

- '

literally thousands without any par-ticular, sickness live in "general de-

bility", a the doctors call it haveheadaches, are tired and indifferent.To all Kurh nronfff we sav with unmis--


; takabie earnestness -- Take Scott's Ten Sailing Today on Shermanzuisumanerroejoraicmomna MakeS'l4 M. U.S Orderedallow its rare oil-foo-d to enrich and en-- ; . cinA 1 tliven your blood, quicken your circula- - AWay ince june 1

u0n,umuicUiu War Department has In10 aerwop i mi rra-eiouu- ru ukubi last 60 days ordered 14 officerxaraixa acuTur, enjoyment, vucces. v. it. nanman ittn i

J51i5J2? JL?S Corp. to mainland Manila.total hereVrLu t ' i. June ' Corps her.

- working short-hande- wiui a


Most convenient for hand-

ling Sheets do not tear.All sizes. '"-'v-


I!lV.w!2.T I wV.S Co. , Ltd.'

Bishop Street

f . ?r : r


step into th3quiet cccL:3 ct

: .

fcr tencrrow:

SUNDAEc::i:ai.i "v-'- :'


t I i I

JJ.r. T: ith cf Derlpi, Minn., anIr.: Lcl.'eved te ICO years

- .'f


the andof n of 25 officers prior to

1. the Medical Isand ton


-- ::, U to

eiderabte, handicap. It was learned today. : ;, .This afternoon 10 Medical Cor pofficers from- - Oabu are sailing oa. theU. 8. Army transport Sherman, jtoakIn; total of 38 .army medical Officers whd have pone under orders tothe mainland from Honolulu slnce thefirst of June. One was also orderedto the Philippines and left last month.

.This depletion of the Hawaiian' Department's medical staff is overworkin the remaining officers so ' thatmost of them are now each doing, thework previously taken by three; men.

According to CoL Rudolph G Ebert,Hawaiian Department surgeon; nd re-

lief except perhi pa one man. Col; WB." Bannister; is1 in sight at -- tha present time to take the place or the 14officers ordered away.' Of the 10 officers leaving this afternoon two wereordered to the mainland seme-- timeago, and the remaining tight by cablea few weeks ago; The latter are under orders to report by telegrlph onarrival At the mainland to Maj.-Ge- n.

Frederick . Fans ton. commanding theSouthern Department, at San AntonioTexas. ; They will be . put to workamong the regulars end militiamen onthe border, taking care of . sanitationand working to reduce sickness amongthe troops, of which a great deaj hasrecently neen repprtea.,, .

Hawaiian Department . MedlcACorns officers leaving this afternoonInclude Capt A. JP, Clark. Llent.-Col- ;p . p. Rovncids. who was to have exchanged places with Col. W. B.; Bannister. Central Department, Chicago,,but has. been, ordered instead to thehase hospital at San 'Antonio: Maj, O;McD. Van Poole, Ma J. M. A, DeLaner,Cany. P. H. Fbucar; i. wnitnam,J. p Johnston, . S-- SL- - Crelghoni jBu Tf,French and N. Wood.

in eonseauenee of the shortage ofmedical officers here; Mai. C. A. Ragan.-attendi-

ng sorfceon: of the HawaiIan Department, is' doing three menwork. He issued notices August 1 thathe will; be at the dlspensarr. Fort DeRussr. from :45 to 10:15 .-- aaiiy;at his office at ' department headauar- -

ters. from 10:30 a. vL until ooon; anaat the Fort Armstrong 4lspensanfrom Xl:10 to 12:?0 p. m. " At all otnr hours be will b4 at Fort Rugef. : lt

Lieut Robert H. Duenner took care ofPort Rnr rior to the present shortage, tad MaJ. Van Poole departmentheadtluarterst .



At f. EETi FI 6 - TH 'J R S DAY

Members of the Japanese v Mer-

chants'; Association held a:reorganiza- -

tlon' testerday afternoon, and asresult changed the name of the .

association to the Japanese Chamber: orCommerce. The meeting was held on,

the . second floor of the YokohSnnt

Rules and regulations were revisedat the meetllig. and 'the, hew name;vtlch was; suggested by Consul-Ge- V

crrl "More!, v as favorably vbted upon:&.Ucrs cX ue new chamber are at.Kawahara, president; .T. rTakakuwa,vice-presiden- t; K. Tamamotq, ..secre-tAr- v:

T. . OdO. treasurer! ' T. Ivanaga,auditor; D. Yonekura, S. Osaki and T.jsumiaa, aireciorsv . ; ;

4 . HMMteASMMaWMNM- - r.".

A suit, to set aside a deed of- - tnfsthas been filed in circuit court i pyNina Bertelmann against Ji K. cock'ett et al. , :

, ;

f. t,, "v .. .J.'..f..'- -

. - . i1 rr-- (

' : --

v. t "

This famous piire food makes up for a frequent lack ofcertain; nourishing "elements ' in, the dailf ; diet whichmakes for mental and. physical development.:

j These, ;eleraents-th-e -- vital, mineral . phosphates---ar- o"

found in abundance in the wbcat, and . maltedbarley flours, from ; which Grape-Nut- s is made. All the "

fockl' yalnes of these grains are retained in splendid pro-

portions in this 'food.'. : ;

Grape-Nut- s comes from the sp,

delicious, ready to eati and remarkably easy of digestion.

"There's a Reaccn"'

;, fcrjosTurj ; .

Sold by Grocers and Stores.

BOfoliftM) StABHLITrm, FBIDAY AUOUST 4, 1016.

Helps to you. to us ah4 td thecarrier boy.

: jIt roao 'not'tet roui papel

promtff. ta4 (regularly; tadpbos iQll sk for tf Orelation Department and mike the e"

complalnL Serving so, . many4- - thousands of tomes, every ifter

noon - makes occasional. - Wpses 4.4 possible. ' I, , . . ..:'.

The Star-Bulleti- n maintains.unto :30 p. tn. each day. a spe--

r cirj arrvtce for any cus--

tomer the carrier 'may nave

f TTTTT4yThe Elks lodge meets at 8 o'clock


; Knights of. Pythias. Mystic Lodge.meets for regular business at 7:20 tonight is Pythian hall. , ; ...

circuit Judge Whitney has refused to grant tho suit tor, divorce filedby Alexander, Llftee agalhst TctotiUrtee.- -; ;.J; ,-

- ; r ' ...


which is




va ine grouna or desertion, circuit cent: mainland trtn. aia mat some- -vuage wnicnej to ,Mary I snouia oe done bywong long a xrom'.woiglorganiiations .stopping ;

'' I called. the

the rronnri rnU' fMwi Ifcsf ' iKliftd ' tif.? 'Mf? stated ' Mra. R. C. Brooks wife of IL:vt" . .. .to Mrs. that ne visitea tats cuia nancmg place I iirooK3, wno is tno sunaay

Pua- - a xlivorc from Gor anoDinson.

" Amelia has filed In clH&ttcourt a discontinuance of the suit for

brought y, her against ftt&ertuounar. - -

Alleging failure ( to


and similitudeBuyeyohi has failed la circuit court

suit Lend which had even: value.

Bids Yor additions andmenu to the HIlo armory of tho1 Na

coat $4000. nre some action . wHh other organisationsfrdvmised for .bj ,th' departmeht .oX

Dt!ott''btUitenUoi-.t- becomean American citizen &m been fqed fafederal br Itertnann rkii ra?kbr by Dceaphtlon'ahd a native of Germany.




' Alleging ! non-suppor- t, ' yjullaNani Luke, tetter known as. MadameAlapai, the vocal soloist. has filed fncircuit cburt a, stilt for against

': Accounts of tho departmentwill be Xept on cards hereafter.-Mor- e

than; TOW bf thent j .being.' trans-- ferred-- from ''BObka? to thtr tisy- -

' with

nmnli Association, scheduled for . thiseretlnr, has been postponed until' Io'clock next Monday evening: .Themeeting win held in tho roomithe association,: 1337 Fort street

JOseph Kalian, 8i3 Cooke street; Ke--

M wri


and" Mrs; Parah' MahlhJla were', wit-nesses..' 's-'- 1r'

read very. .

theiv: -- ;.',

'among UkT

as wlU : whenwater , says

warry Murray,have


withi music;Prfcejs jrlll

awarded best costumes worn

LusXtana School

tnere.i v,Ci

Alleging Kanehas. died circuit'

suit lor from U. illqieong ixy filed suit mvorcefrom: Leon; Loy, alleging;

.;:.i:rreception Island

priests the onrwanii .niisslonbjeld

Home, upper Fort' streetThey will be Consul Moroithis evening the Consul's; residence


the studynese will be started the

,10. The willdirection Carleton Miller,

Who has Just fromwhere he friends investi

the latest methods the studyJapanese

Uul also made inquiriesinto i.pnStudy has beennected the United States consu

service Japanyears. At the present time henected with the service

IlawaiL The hew cjass wiH takebeginners Japanese win taeettwo times weekly, Monday Thurs- -


iniriHiiira TJiGfii fU1IUUUU1


ISIlElfJ ISSUE:.rv.f:-;-

Promotion CommitteeLodges With San

Lodging protest With the SanDiego againsthuU dance declaredre present Hawaii grossly, the Hawaii

Committee signifies thatprepared to object

the hula wherever learns suchtortions are

Secretary P. Taylor today-- sentthe following letter to Penfold,secretary the Diego

bellevo ran with methat fit and proper me

attention made.our Oahusns who recently

returned from includ-ing visit to the 6aa exposi

Hawaiian entertainment IrhmuA

"At the Rotary Club yesterday Mr. a the firmLewen CooLe. to

nas, granted thing gain, islandcitofce. ...toward so-Ton- g.

C'. r" hula dancing on mainland


hich gave vry,On LowreV- - Dr.-:-t- .r

uage pas, granted conuuetmgRobinson






and wtfs hnddisgusted with theing that it was not hula all. butmore hoochi coochl Chicago

fame, lie stated thatperhaps his wouldbinv said mat woen

danced. old-tim- e

provide. inon religious ntes, w-- s. something

H tor divorce esthetic


A- -

But, said, tho exhibitIsthmus' was blot

improter upon the fair name territory.and nsKfcd.the notary take

tional Guard, being



which would tend tntsfeature from the San Diego

Zons.year ago. was

called la.of the dancer

the Santook the matter

with ther Saa fairand asked; that they

and. ;also thisture1 front their zoneand was done.' The of

wrote ine saying .that"show was right and that many people said they it, outisiafid neople' andUateo

while. was agent' the

lhadoccallon.to cer--


tain acts', which.cancmg aisn aisgrace.

time have onlyheard" Mr. but

other people wnohave' ybor; thefitonr. would-- , the same:; San

they had two three HA--

buTied kZ-l-Z' ZrZ

Funeraliservices P?Y?Ubo.at iJ- - cf rVrers Jtgo-- olokaiwife. ana;tnat:avone ume iney

were iwsoc iaieaMiss Annie" XVAhrLeong W .exnimu.ii.jwey:.i;,.n .n9h..' 'tr. inev snow .my yi;ryrnrrrTr: thorou2hly.;afld:f.?atUtude,of. thl$


cele--hwiffnn-:'- f 'Ttatr Hawi.il

Water-mete- rs WinessVsec ry. but iertainlytlon beltrg. monui, would not ?care' any tf--

are due' forttf for the of;Thls tin Prder keep those ,days'' If this: hula

be JiMswly-nstaJIed.taeter- fi hiMt atso have- - thatsays Murray;' manager.jDf

Carelessness businessis, a of

butnlus next


HawaiFfearded: Hawaii would

whldtthenx money well

they lind.their matter expect

water. Mr report In: partfcular.V'..' V-'- h.' t

Indications 'tomorrow night'sNational Guard mssquerade ball, intbe armory liawaUanbe ittendje44


i l streeCr"bfetweem

isj ...

failure -

in court aMlkano.?


Cruelty.:.-;-;- .;

A - for

night at hall Edu

guests ofatstreet'

' A course of Japaat Y. M. C.

A-- class be un

visited add- -

Inof by conversational

th osirecenttof He '

withIn , of

is conimmigration

fn up


r i V"''


; Oiego Exposition : i

aexposition a disgusting


Promotionto distortions of

It dispractised.'A.

H. J.of exposition:

"J willIt to

to a complaintby of

mainland,-- ,

a Diegotion, concerning a

on 1 V v

M.'Lowrey ofc in re--


A impression ofC.

Absolutely thoroughlyexhibition,,. .

atof A of

auditors agreewnen he tne nuia.

nroBorly Interpretedperformed



he Clubto

, to .eliminateexposition.

Eliminated atA my

disgraceful exhibitsoKaned. nuia on tne

Fyandsco exposition.ImmediateM . up

officialsofficially discoun-

tenance eliminateentertainments,

it . the-sho-


had enjoyed ourthought otherwI$eri

perseaUy ' thought otherwise,becavse, '1 forPromotion . Committee on the coast,

Interfere;so-call- ed vaudeville la

tne was."At present we

from Lowrey presumeIL .interviewed .

exposition;be In

or j

ill be In th KawatH y1"?cemetery:

the.:tpme. 5allau was.bom ?lranv- - Jv . exposiuon

- wk we fiw mn--

of;iA'!nMK.M Bjeuumeuw-


areRnlhna. '

in' November, irf , , al--1 , to

celebrationy.; fabne to j Vsoalledwatch.on, Is continued.-T- o








returned Japan,










versing,,.:looklngt forward-- .


continue"accounts quarter-- 1 proposed

exhibit hroughtMHto prominence; onDay. and Balboa Day. and reas partot. be

something;;; -- wa - could . not," verymen. testing stomach:

they.gef ;am Abf this and to

manager, of th Lowrey's verified every'

v;-".- ; rrwill

' provide,



Japanese. -





attended-- '




startlnr 'private

- "We hbw that it is delicatepeople to handle but be--

UiJ9 see our nwn tuana point,very reaaiiy,


TAiirflfa Hound tlnit ftUtO. ILDOL

being poured on the new pavement Lewis fcsaoita.: rnone aut.



if waslast tho of the

on.., I'new, in

der the of

gatedthe srv

Mr. Miller;books f.th$

lar for





















though-the- ?

lot'Investlga- -

matter, for you

yott: can.

trMAJ 'thS)

,vta reaa tine; want. aqsm mevoiar--

rutieltin: is ' to put yourself ; In ; touchanew: with the life of 'the clty'; . ,

Exdnatve. xorst ahop, .Tho Goodwin.? rms. 21r22r Pantheon tiltAd


.Lt the children eat their fill ofLovers Cream Bread if deliciousand healthful, and' wrapped for theiriteajia '

For Diatined AYater. Rlre'i sootBer..and:.all .other popular Drinkstry the Con. soda water woro co.

Usoallr the merchant who "bigenough" to make nis; store of real invportance to the people is. also wiseenousn 10 conrucs mem mruugu aue- -

Quate advertiainr--

. LOSTFriday morhlnr: flopping district

brooch pin. diamonds and sapphire;.office. 545--- 3t


Dr. ; Ilutchlnson will see fewpatients, at his residence in Kaimukl.Telephone 7Z12 for apolatment.

'C; ' 6545-- 3t


m O:

Titcolulc Puro'. Cad from"""" ::: r-v:-


y.i c.A. GIRLS


siir.ir.iER outingnt f

:rr -- .'j I





even In;; meetings at the Opera House,and Dr. R. D. yilliama, president ofthe Mid-Pacifi- c Institute, entertainedthe girls at the summer camp of theT. W..C A: last night with an unusually. high-Clas- s rrsram. Mrs. Brookshas charming repertoire or : songsand stories as told by "her lldrenand JDr. --Williams- an excellent collectlon of sleight of hand tricks. :









; v








a a









-- v-- ;


; l :


v t. "f.

: ni

i xI


I !



f aI






I Reward.Star-BuUe-ti



v i



According . to recent news fronri Japan, the Russian government nas ordered of Japan large numbers of theJapanese' menkeys to be shipped tothe war zone. Japan has already madefirst shipment .of 83 young monkeysto Vladivostok. Presumably they formedical experimental purposes.

I SI lForty-eigh- t yersons7 were killed in

street accidents Jn w York in June


Worry; Don't Pay

Overwork" and worry may promiseWealth, but ; too - often 1 .take o awayhealth. The kidneys are apt to girout first, and if they do, it's danger-ous' to delay. . Begin using Doan'sBackache Kidney Pills as soon as youare seized with dally backache, nerv-ous or dizzy spells, headache, Indigestion, heart flutterings, rheumatic painor urinary disorders,: and rest . thekidneys ! by. avoiding all; excesses.Doan's are the most' widely used, thebest , recommended kidney ."remedy inthe worlds 7?:-- ; v-;';--

'When ? Your ; Back-- : Is - Lame Remember the Name.! . DOAN'S BACK-ACHE ; KIDNEY, PILLSr Sold by alldruggists - at' 50c a box (six boxes$2.50), or mailed on receipt, of priceby the Hollister Drug Co, or Benson,Smith A Co.,; agents , for the Hawaiian Islands.. - -


l??you in zxr&U

ary condition

originaldeKcatc perfuine

f lizdo iiito cleansest ccct cinitsry fact- -'


n f COMMUNITY--1 1

; A PAR, PLATE --c':.



liNot cumbersome, heavy pieces wlth.a thin plate, but nice, light

pieces with a thick plate. , v"Plated ware that fels like Sterlings '

;. . A REAL BARGAIN "v V.- -

Tablespoons. dosen, ;TaVlespoons, $idoim; 4

' Other pieces priced in proportion.' ,17.17. Dimond d Co., Ud. 1



CI. rjGCipinnibfib Cz C6tPawaa Junction Phone 4433 ;

! 7 A splendid new' shipment of Silk Embroidered

Pctticoatc, andarin Co

! Exceptional Values and Styles - it v i

:;;lt.7:::;::Tp3E;1137' Fort Street : v a - Ccm:r Pi-i!-


' 7 f::: "y.; '- -'- v'i- - wv

l i ' - . . ;

A compelling display of s

e very la tes t stylos irities is now oil exhibition I

in oui-- jshowv;e ry fin e s t productionsbo th i h v'd eislgh, w eav eandyorkmariship;Insp

;cINERNY-2- f- ; :. TThe Houst of Courtesy'-- : ;" ;

Corter:Fort and Zlerchini Ctr: :ti

IJ-- -j

.1 is wrapped to - N. HVV Pc-o- xl '

; d.eUve. --'i is an nnti-cpt- ic 7 N :


v I and to retain l r . A n I

it's V




scapniadij forNurcenr.lcflet:and ircncra! j

cxdet Ci, Lw C----.

benidea baliinlt