Honeypots - The Art of Building Secure Systems by Making them Vulnerable

1 Honeypots The Art of Building Secure Systems by Making them Vulnerable 15th of January 2014, Talks #32 Andrei Avădănei President of Cyber Security Research Center from Romania http://ccsir.org Cyber Security Research Center from Romania


Honeypots - The Art of Building Secure Systems by Making them Vulnerable

Transcript of Honeypots - The Art of Building Secure Systems by Making them Vulnerable

Page 1: Honeypots - The Art of Building Secure Systems by Making them Vulnerable


Honeypots The Art of Building Secure Systems by Making them Vulnerable

15th of January 2014, Talks #32

Andrei AvădăneiPresident of Cyber Security Research Center from Romaniahttp://ccsir.org

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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1. Short bio

2. Into the Honeypots world..

3. Why should you care?

4. Types of Honeypots

5. Examples

6. Resources & References

7. Questions?

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

Page 3: Honeypots - The Art of Building Secure Systems by Making them Vulnerable


1. Short bioPresident at CCSIR

Founder aand coordinator of DefCamp

Blogger @worldit.info

Speaker at Talks #1 :>

Ambassador of Talks by Softbinator


… and others.

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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2. Into the Honeypots world..

"A honeypot is a trap set to detect, deflect or in some

manner counteract attempts at unauthorized use of

information systems." [1]

"A honeypot is a security resource who's value lies in

being probed, attacked or compromised" [2]

- often, honeypot features are found in IDS products

- it's just another layer of security

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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3. Why should you care?

- collect little data of high value

- usually no resource exhaustion

- no fancy algorithm to develop, no signature databases

to maintain, no rule base to misconfigure

- has a good return of investment if your setup is properly


- prevent attacks before they really happens

- catch 0day (malware and attacks)

-> better security

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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4. Honeypot types#1 – by enviroment

Production - one used within an organization's

environment to help mitigate risk. Ex: kippo, honeyd,

bubblegum, specter.

- distraction

- detect internal threats

- security assement

Research – add value to research in computer security

by providing a platform to study the threat. Ex:

Honeywall, Sombria, Sebek

- discover new attacks

- understand blackhat community

- help building some better defenses against threats

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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4. Honeypot types#2 – by interaction

1. Low-interaction – honeyd, kfsensor

2. Medium-interaction – kippo, specter

3. High-interaction – Honeynet

- full enviroments/architecture

- maybe both defensive and offensive interaction [3]

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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5. ExamplesCase study #1 – Softbinator.ro

- change ssh default port and install kippo as a


- they run on WP so they should fake some WP plugins


- add some fake configs pointing to a ftp (or others

services) that is logged

- create a folder that it can be brute forced where you

have some vulnerable script that is proxy reversed to

other server/VM

- log all this stuff in a fancy dashboard

- you can block requests automatically from iptables if

are you sure that nobody should be there

Estimating time of implementation: <= 24-48 hours.

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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5. ExamplesCase study #2 – A network #I

- Gen1 honeynet

- create a separate dedicated network, layer 3 routing

firewall to limit/block outbound connections

- disadvantage on data capture, fingerprinting, destroying

Estimating time of implementation: <= 1-2 weeks.

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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5. ExamplesCase study #2 – A network #II

- Gen2 honeynet

- can be used in the production network, honeynet

sensor act like a bridge on layer 2

- detect unauthorised/unknown activities

- Hogwash is an example of IDS gateway that can drop

or modify the packets that passes through the gateway

Estimating time of implementation: <= 1-2 weeks.

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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5. ExamplesCase study #3 – Database of emails

- buy a random domain, lets say: honeyyyy.com

- configure a minimal mail service

- add some random users through your database. Ex:

[email protected], [email protected]

- create some triggers on the mail service to forward all

incoming mails from these particular adresses to you.

Estimating time of implementation: <= 1-4 hours.

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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5. ExamplesCase study #4 – some fun with kippo

“Kippo is a medium interaction SSH honeypot designed

to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the

entire shell interaction performed by the attacker.”

- you can download logs from ccsir.org/files/logs.tgz

- PS: tx shark0der for the logs

Lets play: utils/playlog.py logname.log




Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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Bonus - ethical issues concerning Honeypots

- M.E. Kabay, the author of 'Liability and Ethics of

Honeypots' is unethical, proposing the next question:

“Since it is both unethical and illegal to lure someone into

stealing an object, why is it legal or ethical to lure an

individual into commiting a computer crime?”

- Other experts consider honeypots not only unethical,

but a disadvantage to the computer world since they are

in essence “building the better hacker”

- B. Scottberg, author of 'Internet Honeypots: Protection

or Entrapment?'

"tracking an intruder in a honeypot reveals invaluable

insights into attacker techniques and ultimately motives

so that production systems can be better protected. You

may learn of vulnerabilities before they are exploited."

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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6. Resources & References1.http://ethics.csc.ncsu.edu/abuse/hacking/honeypots/st


2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeypot




4. http://www.it-docs.net/ddata/792.pdf ← Awesome!











Cyber Security Research Center from Romania

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7. Questions?


Stay safe! :-)

Cyber Security Research Center from Romania