Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches...

Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L.Abell Copyright 2016

Transcript of Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches...

Page 1: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

Honey Healer:

Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies


Copyright 2016

Page 2: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered


You may not know this but when properly stored raw honey never spoils. In fact, archeologists

have uncovered ancient tombs in Egypt that contain honey in sealed jars which is still edible!

People have been marveling over the wonders of honey for a long time. Early caveman paintings

from 13,000 B.C. show people being stung by bees trying to collect honey from beehives.

Honey has also been involved with a great deal of mythology. To the Greeks, honey was

considered the nectar of the gods. They believed that the gods consumed honey on Mount

Olympus to achieve immortality. This seems to be the start of the realization that honey contains

natural healing and wellness properties.

The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, was one of the first to emphasize the medicinal and

nutritional value of consuming honey. Over the last 4,000 years honey has been used to

successfully treat many ailments. For example, the ancient Egyptians used honey to treat burns,

skin ulcers, and wounds. It also has been used to treat inflammation of the eyelids, athlete’s foot

and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in

New Zealand have discovered that a particular type of honey has high levels of antibacterial

properties that can effectively treat antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

Of course honey has also been used to treat things that it does not actually have the ability to

cure. That is why you need to be very careful. There is a lot of false or misleading information

out there. When you have a health issue you do not want to waste your time with treatments that

do not work. In this book we are going to talk about the amazing healing properties of honey

related to things that it can actually treat. This way you can use honey to benefit your life and

find other natural solutions for ailments that honey is not equipped to deal with.

Today we know that honey can help to keep us well and fight off many harmful diseases. Let’s

learn more about the power of honey and how a few simple honey home remedies can help to

greatly improve your life!

The Origins of Honey

Beekeeping has existed for many centuries since being passed down from the Romans to the rest

of the modernized world. Beekeepers encourage the overproduction of honey within beehives.

This allows the excess honey to be removed without compromising the food rations that the bees

Page 3: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

need to survive. This is especially important during cold winter weather when other food sources

are non-existent. Bees survive almost exclusively on honey during these times.

A thriving beehive contains approximately 40-60,000 bees. These bees visit about 2 million

flowers to make one pound of honey. Just one ounce of honey requires a bee to make around

1,600 trips from the hive to the flower source. These trips can be as far as 6 miles. Bees work

really hard! Unfortunately their average lifespan is also only 4-6 weeks. It is a short and hard

life, but also a very important one!

Types of Honey

Before we get into how and why honey heals, and how it can help you, it is important to

understand that not all honey is created equal. In fact, the quality of the honey depends on many

factors including how it is processed and the source of the pollen. This means how the honey is

handled by humans as well as the plants used by the bees in making the honey are key factors in

determining the potency of the final product. However, the source of the pollen is often

overlooked. Why is this so important? Well many experts suggest that if you suffer from hay

fever allergies you could be able to desensitize these allergies by eating local honey that has been

produced by bees using local plants. This is really an amazing idea and one that can bring a lot of

relief to those of us who tend to suffer from allergies! If you suffer from allergies go to your

local farmer's market and buy some raw honey produced locally. See if consuming this local

honey helps to reduce your symptoms!

You may have also heard of beeswax which is commonly used in cosmetics like lip balms.

Beeswax can also be used in candles, lubricants, bow strings, and furniture polish. Royal jelly, a

pollen-and-honey combination used specifically to feed the larvae which develops into the

Queen Bee, is also used in skin creams to fight aging. These are a few more types of honey that

can be beneficial.

When honey is fermented with yeast and water, it develops into an alcoholic liquid called mead.

Mead was a favorite beverage with the English and Europeans, and used around the world as

long as 8,000 years ago. It was probably the first type of alcohol ever invented; even before

wine. It was flavored and brewed with spices and fruits and is still sold today.

Page 4: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

In Classic Greek, the word drunk actually means honey-intoxicated. Some historians have

speculated that the English word honeymoon is traceable back to the father of the bride giving

the wedding couple enough alcoholic mead for a months long celebration. However, others have

disputed this origin of the word. Those are just a few more interesting facts about this amazing

super food: honey!

Raw Honey vs. Commercial Honey

Raw honey is a crude form of honey immediately taken out of the cells of the honey combs

within a bee hive. It contains bee pollen and propolis, which are two very positive health

additions. However, raw honey could also contain dead bees, legs, wings, hunks of beeswax, and

other things that you might not want to consume! Luckily, these types of things can be strained

out before the final product is bottled up for consumption.

Raw honey cannot be heated above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the normal temperature of

the bee hive. While it’s OK to strain raw honey, it should never be filtered or pasteurized. It also

cannot have any other additives. When these steps are taken it is not longer raw honey and loses

many, if not all, of its health benefits.

Commercial honey, on the other hand, is heavily processed and can also be chemically refined.

The excessive heat it experiences can destroy the natural enzymes, vitamins, and minerals in the

honey. The filtering and processing also eliminate many of the beneficial phytonutrients,

including the pollen and naturally enzyme-rich propolis which aid in its healing properties. The

only way to achieve sparkling clear honey is through heat, so you should always avoid the

golden, syrup-like honey in favor of organic raw honey. This is the best honey for you.

Regular commercial honey can also be sourced from bees that are treated with antibiotics. They

may likely be given winter nourishment in the form of sugar or a low-cost syrup. The hives of

bees making commercial honey are also made of non-organic materials, which can have pests

and be cleaned with non-organic substances. All of this is detrimental to the quality of the


These are a few of the many reasons that raw honey is better for you than commercial honey. In

fact, research conducted by the Palynology Research Laboratory at Texas A&M University

Page 5: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

tested 60 honey products from local supermarkets and other grocery stores. The researchers

found that 76% of the honey products they examined contained no trace of bee pollen, which is

loaded with health benefits. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains that any honey

products that have been ultra-filtered, as commercial honey has, are not actually considered

honey. Therefore, the health benefits of all the honey you encounter cannot be assumed. It is

always better to ensure that you use raw honey in order to experience all of the health benefits

discussed in this book. You can't fault honey for poor results if you are using bad products!

Organic Honey vs. Not Organic

Organic honey usually means raw organic honey. Just like with raw honey, heating is not

allowed above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. In order to be called organic, honey must also follow good

organic management, according to each country’s set of standards and conditions. Processing

should only be done by means of gravitational settling and straining. This ensures that the honey

maintains all of its health providing properties. In order to be considered raw organic honey the

honey must meet pretty high standards. This is a great type of honey to buy and use.

Raw Honey Nutrition Facts

As you can probably tell by now, honey is one of the purest foods and is far more than just a

natural sweetener or condiment. Raw honey is one of the best foods that you can consume. We

cannot encourage you enough to make it a natural part of your diet. Honey is actually considered

a functional food, meaning it is a natural food that contains many positive health benefits.

Nutritionally honey is also very impressive. In fact, raw honey contains 22 amino acids, 27

minerals, and 5,000 enzymes. Its minerals include iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorous,

magnesium, and selenium. There are also many vitamins found in honey. These vitamins include

vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and niacin. In addition, the nutraceuticals

contained in honey help neutralize damaging free radical activity.

There are 64 calories in one tablespoon of honey but it has a healthy glycemic load of around 10

for one tablespoon. This is a little less than a full-sized banana. Raw honey also does not cause a

sugar spike in the body or an elevated insulin release like white sugar does. This makes it an

ideal sugar replacement.

Page 6: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

Honey is typically made up of about 18% water, but the lower the water content, the better the

quality of the honey. As you probably remember from the Egyptian tombs, honey does not need

special storage or refrigeration. You can use honey by the spoonful straight from a jar without

any special storage or preparation!

Honey Remedy Caution

There are a few words of caution when using the many amazing health and wellness properties

of honey. The biggest of which is that children under the age of 1 should not be given honey.

Honey, whether raw or not raw, may contain spores that can cause botulism in young children.

This is a very serious type of food poisoning in infants and needs to be avoided at all costs. Older

children and adults are not affected by this because they have mature digestive system that make

it possible to get the spores out of their system before any sickness occurs.

In addition, if the condition that you’re treating with honey does not respond positively to the

treatment in a reasonable amount of time, it may be better to seek medical assistance with the

issue. Some conditions may be too far gone for the honey remedy to still be effective or may be a

symptom of a larger health condition. You should always make sure that you get the appropriate

medical care you need, when you need it. Always put your health and well-being first!

Honey is Nature's Natural Energy Booster

Honey is a great natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to your

body. Honey is known for its effectiveness in instantly boosting performance and endurance. It

also reduces muscle fatigue in athletes. Honey's natural sugars can play an important role in

preventing fatigue during exercise. The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly and

gives an immediate energy boost, while the fructose is absorbed slower providing more sustained

energy. Honey has also been found to keep levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to

other types of sugar. This is great for maintaining energy throughout a long day, workout, or

athletic competition.

Page 7: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

Here are a few tips to help you maximize the energy boosting effects of honey:

- Prior to working out, take a spoon full of honey for a quick energy boost.

- If you are tired in the morning, don’t drink a caffeinated beverage. Use honey. You can spread

it on a piece of toast or use it in place of sugar in your tea. This will provide a better and longer

lasting surge of energy.

- Give your children a honey drink or honey sandwich to give them energy to help them last the

school day.

- You should also give your children a spoonful of honey before bed each night. This helps them

achieve the optimal sleep and recovery cycle. This will definitely help them rest and benefit their

long term health. The best part is it is all natural and tastes great.

Honey to Boost Your Immune System

The immune system boosting powers of honey are actually very impressive. Honey’s antioxidant

and anti-bacterial properties help to improve the digestive system increasing your ability to stay

healthy and fight off illness and diseases. A spoon full of sugar may help the medicine go down,

but a spoonful of honey can help you avoid needing to take medicine at all. Use honey to boos t

your immune system and you might never get sick!

Here is a great tip to utilize the immune boosting powers of honey:

- Each morning before breakfast mix a spoonful of honey and lemon juice from half a lemon into

a cup of warm water.

- Drink it.

- This will put your immune system into overdrive!

Page 8: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

Honey as a Brain-Booster

Numerous studies have shown that honey has natural antioxidants and therapeutic properties

which can prevent a decline in cognitive function and dementia. In fact, honey helps the brain's

cholinergic system and circulation of blood. According to a Reuters' research report a hundred

and two healthy women over the age of 40 were told to take 20 grams of honey every day, do

nothing, or consume hormone-replacement pills. After a period of four months, the women who

took pills or honey remembered almost one more word out of 15 during short-term memory tests.

The results are clear. Honey is truly a powerful brain food! Taking honey on a daily basis can

help to keep your brain and memory sharp. Just another reason to include it as part of your daily

health regimen.

Honey Remedies for Common Ailments

Cuts and Burns

As we said, since the ancient Egyptians people have been using honey to help with cuts and

burns. In fact, for thousands of years honey has been recognized as an effective way to treat

things like yeast infection, athlete's foot, and arthritis pain. Its antiseptic properties inhibit the

growth of certain bacteria and help keep external wounds clean and free from infection. Honey

has frequently been used as a natural cure in first aid treatment for wounds, burns, and cuts as it

is able to absorb moisture from the air and promote healing. Its antibacterial properties prevent

infection and functions as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing both swelling and pain, and even

reducing the possibility of scarring. You can use honey to treat your cuts and burns or purchase

first-aid products that already include honey to receive all of these natural benefits.


When you overindulge in alcohol you run the risk of suffering from a hangover. This can be a

painful reminder of the mistake you made, but also can be fought with a simple home remedy

that involves honey. Honey is very gentle on your stomach and contains a mix of natural sugars

Page 9: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

such fructose. Fructose is known to speed up the oxidation of alcohol by the liver, acting as a

sobering agent. This helps you to sober up quicker as well as easily put the lingering effects, like

a hangover, behind you.

Here is an easy recipe to fight that unwanted hangover:

- Add 15ml of liquid honey to 80ml of orange juice and 70ml of natural yogurt.

- Blend them together until smooth.

- Drink and watch that hangover nightmare disappear!

Sore Throats

A sore throat can be very painful. Luckily, one of the more well-known properties of honey is its

ability to help treat and soothe a sore throat. Honey’s antimicrobial properties allow it to not only

soothe your throat, but also kill certain bacteria that cause the throat infection. This makes your

throat feel better while the bacteria is being eliminated to end your sore throat. In fact, many

famous singers typically use honey to soothe their throats before big performances. There really

is no down side to using honey to treat an itchy or sore throat.

If you have a sore throat here is what you should do:

Take a spoonful of honey to soothe the inflammation or gargle with a mixture containing two

tablespoons of honey, four tablespoons of lemon juice, and a pinch of salt.


Page 10: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

Remember when we said you should be giving your children a spoonful of honey before bed?

When you are unable to sleep honey can do wonders. It not only helps you sleep, but also

improves the quality of your sleep. This helps you feel more rested and energized.

Here is a great way to use honey to make sure you get the sleep you need:

Take a glass of hot milk with a teaspoon of honey to induce sleep. Or, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of

honey to a cup of chamomile tea and sip.


Honey is also well known for its incredibly mild laxative benefits. If you find yourself

constipated take one tablespoon of honey three times a day. You can always take it alone, but it’s

much better in a warm cup of tea or hot water with a bit of lemon. Your constipation will be

gone in no time!


Coughs are tough for both children and adults. They can make it difficult to have a normal day or

get any sleep at night. Using honey to eliminate a cough can be a lifesaver for parents since there

are not many ways to safely treat a cold or cough in young children. The American Academy of

Pediatrics states that over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medicines don't work for children

younger than 6 years and may pose significant health risks. The FDA takes a similar stance.

However, 2 teaspoons of honey before bedtime can safely relieve a child's coughing.

In fact, in one study 270 children ages 1 to 5 who had a nighttime cough due to simple colds

received one of three types of honey, or a non-honey liquid of similar taste and consistency, 30

minutes before going to bed. Parents completed a questionnaire about their child's cough and

sleep on the night before the study began and then again the night after the treatment.

Page 11: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

All kids did better the second night of the study, including those not given honey. But children

who received honey coughed less frequently, less severely, and were less likely to lose sleep due

to the cough when compared to those who didn't get honey.

Parents of children who were given honey also reported greater improvement in their own sleep!

Next time you have a cough skip the medication and pick up some honey.

Here is a great homemade honey-based cough remedy:

- Mix lemon zest, ginger, and water in a pan and allow it to come to a boil.

- Let it simmer for five minutes, and then strain out the zest from the liquid.

- In the rinsed pan, you can gently heat the honey on low, but make sure that it doesn’t come to a

boil as that will take away much of the beneficial properties.

- Add the first boiled mixture and lemon juice to the honey, and stir until it gets to a thick


- Put it in a tightly sealed container, such as a mason jar, and keep refrigerated.

- This will stay good for about two months.

- Adults should get one to two teaspoons every four hours while children should be dosed based

on their age.


Studies show that honey is also a great way to treat dry scalp and dandruff. For example, in one

study patients with chronic seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff were given topical treatments of

Page 12: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

honey. Every patient reported that itching was relieved and scaling disappeared within one week.

Skin lesions were completely healed within two weeks, and patients showed subjective

improvement in hair loss as well. Who thought that honey could work wonders for your scalp?

If you suffer from dandruff use honey and try this:

- Mix 90% honey with 10% warm water and rub into your scalp for a few minutes.

- Cover with a shower cap and leave on for three hours.

- Rinse.

- Do this every other day for four weeks, after which the treatment can be done once a week to

prevent relapse.

Sun Burn

Applying honey directly to sunburned skin can promote cooling, soothing, and even faster

healing. Remember when we said that honey was great for burns? This includes sunburns too!

If you find your self with a sunburn try this formulation:

- 1 teaspoon honey

- 1 teaspoon olive oil

- 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice

Page 13: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

- Combine the ingredients and apply to sunburned skin.

- Leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing with water.


Dermatologists have recently discovered success using honey to treat a severe form of acne

called Hydradenitis suppurativa (HS). This is a chronic and debilitating disorder which occurs at

the sweat glands deep in the skin. The dermatologists used a special honey dressing called

Leptospermum honey on the wound to great results.

This type of honey’s antibacterial effect has been documented for many organisms found in

chronic wounds, even those with antibiotic resistance. It displays significant antibacterial effects.

In one particular case, a 17-year-old young man with a 3-year history of this type of acne, and

recurring episodes of painful abscess formation that required medical and surgery, applied the

honey dressing. With each dressing change, improvement was seen until there was full healing.

As a result of this and other cases, this special honey dressing is now the dressing of choice for

pediatric patients in this doctor's practice.

This shows the power of honey related to acne. However, you do not need to have an extremely

severe form of acne to benefit from the positive impact that honey can have on your skin. The

natural anti-oxidants, anti-bacterials, and probiotics found in raw honey can prove to be effective

against all forms of acne and blemishes. You should definitely use skin products that have an

active ingredient of raw honey in them.

Honey and Weight Loss

Page 14: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

The great thing about honey is it can also help you with one of the hardest tasks we face every

day, losing weight. Honey is a much better alternative than table sugar when you are watching

your weight. Refined dietary sugars lack minerals and vitamins and are often called empty

calories. They draw upon the body's nutrients to be metabolized into your system. When these

nutrients are depleted metabolizing of cholesterol and fatty acid is blocked. This contributes to

higher cholesterol and promotes obesity due to higher fatty acid on the organs and tissues.

However, honey as we said before, contains amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for

metabolism. This is one of the reasons honey is so very helpful with preventing obesity.

Drinking lemon juice with honey first thing in the morning is also an effective anti-cellulite

treatment because it helps to increase body metabolism. Another very popular recipe associated

with honey and weight loss is a drink that uses honey and cinnamon. To make this drink use the

following steps:

- Dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (or ground cinnamon) in a cup of boiling water.

- Stir the mixture and cover for half an hour.

- Filter away any big particles and add a teaspoon of honey.

- Take it in the morning on an empty stomach about half an hour before breakfast.

Honey can greatly improve digestion for people who overeat or feel discomfort after meals.

Honey is a simple carbohydrate and contains easily digested sugars. How the sugars are arranged

will determine whether we call a food a simple or complex carbohydrate. When sugars are bound

into rows, as they are in starches such as whole grains and legumes, they are called complex

carbohydrates. It takes the body much longer to digest the sugar from a complex carbohydrate.

So using honey, since it is a simple carbohydrate, makes digestion easier and your body feel


A new theory based on the hibernation diet also identifies a link between fructose-rich honey and

weight loss. The theory suggests taking a generous spoonful or two of honey at night, either as a

warm drink or straight from the jar, promises to help us sleep and lose weight at the same time

by fuelling the liver, speeding up fat-burning metabolism, and easing stress hormones.

Page 15: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

There are many research studies that have also linked honey consumption and weight loss.

Recently a San Diego State University study found that replacing sugar with honey can help

prevent weight gain and also lower blood sugar. The results also suggest that in comparison to

sugar, honey may lower serum triglycerides.

Another study from the University of Wyoming found that raw honey can activate hormones that

suppress appetite. In a double-blind randomly assigned study, appetite hormones and glycemic

responses were measured in 14 healthy non-obese women after consuming a breakfast containing

either honey or sugar. Overall, researchers concluded that honey consumption offers potential

obesity protective effects.

The results are clear. Eating honey is a great way to help you lose weight or remain slim!

Honey and Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a very serious health concern. Currently around 75 million American

adults, or 29%, have high blood pressure. That is approximately 1 out of every 3 adults. Only

about 54% of people with high blood pressure have their condition under control. Nearly 1 out of

3 American adults has prehypertension. This is when blood pressure numbers are higher than

normal, but not yet in the high blood pressure range. High blood pressure costs the nation $46

billion each year. This includes the cost of health care services, medications to treat high blood

pressure, and missed days of work.

High blood pressure can be devastating. It also puts you at a greater risk of a heart attack, a

stroke, and developing kidney disease. Natural, effective, and affordable solutions are

desperately needed. Luckily honey may be able to come to the rescue.

A recent study investigated the effect of honey on elevated blood pressure in rats with high blood

pressure. It also evaluated the effect of honey on the reduction of kidney stress as a possible

mechanism of its antihypertensive effect. In the study the rats were randomly divided into 2

groups and administered distilled water or honey once daily for 12 weeks.

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The researchers found that honey supplementation significantly reduced blood pressure and

kidney stress levels. They found that an important anti-oxidant called glutathione S-transferase

was down regulated or inactivated in the honey fed rats.

This is clear evidence that one of the causes of kidney stress is high blood pressure and that

honey can help to reduce this.

If you would like to use raw honey to help reduce high blood pressure remember that this study

was conducted over a full 12 weeks. You will need to be sure that you commit to using the honey

for 3 months to expect to see results.

Of course the study did not publicly release how much honey was given to the test subjects so it

is hard to give a definitive answer to how much honey should be consumed daily in order to

achieve the optimal results. Additional studies on honey have found that 0.5 ml of honey per

kilogram of bodyweight seems to be the most effective. This is definitely a good starting point as

it indicates that honey is biologically active at this intake level.

If you choose to use this formula as a starting point a 150 pound person would take 34 ml of

honey per day. There are 29.57 mls in an ounce so you would only need to take just over one

ounce a day. This is only about 2 tablespoons of honey!

You can monitor your blood pressure through testing very cheap and easily with free monitors at

almost all pharmacies. You can check it regularly but definitely make sure that you check it

before starting the regimen to get a baseline. Then remember to check it again after you have

completed your first 3 months of treatment to find out the results. You will probably experience

a great reduction in blood pressure!

Honey and Cancer

Cancer is on the rise in most countries, and let's be honest, the word cancer really scares most of

us. We've all been affected by this dreaded disease. Many of us have lost family and friends to it.

This terrible disease is no joking matter.

Page 17: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

The pharmaceutical industry continues to take the same approach to treating cancer even after

decades of lackluster results. Why are low cost and simple foods like honey not being studied

more intensely when they show such promise as treatments?

The answer is complicated but money is certainly part, if not all of the reason.

Published, scientific studies have shown that honey improves immune status, has anti-

inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, promotes the healing of chronic ulcers and wounds,

and is a potent free radical scavenger. More recently, honey has been shown to have anti-cancer

properties in both animal models and test tube studies.

We all know that cancer can be devastating. It is a global epidemic with 21.7 million new cancer

cases expected to be diagnosed around the world by 2030. There are many causes of cancer.

These causes can include:

- Low immune status: including diabetes, chronic illness, obesity, and old age.

- Chronic infections: viruses such as Human Papiloma Virus and Epstein Barr Virus.

- Hepatitis viruses: such as Hepatitis B, C.

- Chronic inflammation: crohns, colitis and ulcerative colitis are examples.

- Chronic non-healing ulcers.

- Accumulation of toxic free radicals and oxidative stress secondary to smoking, alcohol, obesity,

and chronic inflammatory processes.

- Genetic inheritance

Page 18: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

These many causes create genetic damage in the genome of cells which results in cancer. This

damage can be inherited or acquired throughout a person’s life. The acquired genetic damage is

often self-inflicted through an unhealthy lifestyle. Currently, about one third of cancer is caused

by tobacco use, one third due to dietary and lifestyle factors, and one-fifth due to infections.

Many cancers are also associated with aging. A person’s age is not an important determinant of

cancer risk; however, the older you are the more you have been exposed to cancer causing


Honey and Cancer Prevention

Many people want to know if honey can be used effectively to prevent cancer. It does contain

many kinds of phytochemicals with high phenolic and flavonoid content which contribute to its

high antioxidant activity. Any substance that has strong antioxidant properties may have the

potential to prevent the development of cancer. This is because free radicals and oxidative stress

play a significant role in inducing the formation of cancers.

Honey is also a natural anti-inflammatory. In a normally functioning body occasional

inflammatory responses are helpful. However, chronic inflammation can be detrimental to

health. Studies show it can also lead to the development of cancer. Honey is an anti-

inflammatory agent. In fact, this has been proven in many studies. One study conducted on

infants with diaper rashes showed that the diaper rash improved significantly after topical

application of a mixture containing honey, olive oil, and beeswax in only 7 days. Another study

showed that honey provides significant relief of cough in children with upper respiratory tract

infection. Honey has also been shown to be effective in the management of dermatitis and

psoriasis. In a study scientists found that 8 out of 10 patients with dermatitis and 5 of 8 patients

with psoriasis showed significant improvement after 2 weeks using a honey-based ointment.

These are not cancerous conditions; however, long-term inflammation has been linked to cancer.

By lowering and controlling inflammation honey can help to also lower the risk of cancer.

Honey as a Free Radical Scavenger

The direct link between smoking and cancer has been scientifically proven. The long term

exposure to toxic free radicals and oxidative stress caused by smoking is what causes cancer to

Page 19: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

develop in smokers. The most common types of cancer that smoking is associated with include

larynx, bladder, breasts, oesophagus, and cervix.

As you have heard antioxidants are abundant in honey. These antioxidants are also free-radical

scavengers. The amino acid composition of honey is an indicator of the toxic radical scavenging

capacity. Some of the highest antioxidant rated foods in the world are darker colored honeys.

Dark honey has higher phenolic compounds and anti-oxidant activity than clear honey.

Polyphenols found in honey include: Caffeic acid and caffeic acid phenyl esters (CAPE),

Chrysin, Galangin, Quercetin, Kaempferol, Acacetin, Pinocembrin, Pinobanksin, and Apigenin

If cancer prevention is your goal you definitely want to use honey products that contain these

active compounds. Of course you are not going to send your honey to a lab to make sure it

contains these in its composition. However, there are some tips that can help to ensure that your

honey contains polyphenols and flavonoids:

- Always purchase honey that has color. Honey that is gold/yellow/brown/blue will almost

always contain polyphenols. Clear honey will almost always contain lower levels of


- Buy honey that has not been pasteurized or heated. Heat damages and destroys polyphenols and

antioxidants as well as the healthy bacteria found in raw honey.

- Use honey products from multiple geographic sources. This ensures that you obtain a wide

variety of polyphenols and flavonoids. You can even purchase honey from places like Canada

and Brazil.

Honey Kills Viruses and Bacterial Infections

Honey is a natural antimicrobial. This means that honey kills bacteria by disturbing the cell

division machinery so that the bacteria can't divide and grow. Numerous studies have shown that

chronic infections have a high risk for cancer development.

There are three main mechanisms by which infections can cause cancer. They appear to involve

the initiation as well as promotion of carcinogenesis. Persistent infection induces chronic

Page 20: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

inflammation and is then accompanied by the formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species

which have the potential to damage DNA, proteins and cell membranes.

Chronic inflammation often results in repeated cycles of cell damage leading to abnormal cell

growth. DNA damage promotes the growth of malignant cells.

Besides bacteria, honey also has been shown to have anti-viral properties. In a comparative

study, topical application of honey was found to be better than Acyclovir (an antiviral drug used

especially in the treatment of herpes and AIDS) treatment on patients with recurring lesions

caused by herpes.

Common viruses which cause cancers are:

-Epstein-Barr virus (nasopharyngeal carcinomas)

-Human Papilloma Virus (cervical cancers and other squamous cancers)

-Hepatitis B viruses (liver cancers)

The Cancer and Obesity Connection

Studies have shown that being obese puts a person at a much higher risk of developing cancer.

There is a very close link between obesity, a state of chronic low-level inflammation, and

oxidative stress. People who are obese are 1.5 to 3.5 times more likely to develop cancer

compared to people in a normal weight range.

In one study, fat cells were shown to have the ability to enhance the proliferation of colon cancer

cells. The greatest risk is for obese persons who are also diabetic, particular those whose body

mass index is above 35 kg/m2. The increase in risk is by 93-fold in women and by 42-fold in

men, particularly for colon cancer.

Page 21: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

In a clinical study on 55 overweight or obese patients, the control group of 17 people received 70

g of sugar daily for a maximum of 30 days while 38 patients in the experimental group received

70 g of raw honey for the same period. Results showed that honey caused a mild reduction in

body weight.

Not only do studies show that honey can help control body weight, which helps lower cancer

risk, but it has also been shown to be effective for blood sugar control and diabetes. Another

study revealed significant decreases in body fat levels, fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol,

serum triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (the 'bad' cholesterol) resulting from 12 weeks

of honey consumption.

Honey and Fighting Cancer

There are no major or significant studies researching honey and humans diagnosed with cancer.

However, recent studies have been conducted with honey in test tubes on cervical, oral, breast,

and bonce cancer cells. The test tubes showed strong ant-cancer properties when honey was


The flavonoids contained in honey are most likely why they are able to fight cancel cells. In fact,

flavonoids have recently generated interest from researchers due to the anti-cancer potential.

Flavonoids are able to stop cells from growing and dividing. In fact, one study showed that

breast cancer that was developed in rats had less tumors which were much smaller when

fed doses of honey.

Raw honey definitely seems to have strong anti-cancer possibilities. The question we must ask is

how much needs to be taken before before we are able to maximize the ant-cancer properties.

Unfortunately there is basically limited to no profit motive for drug companies to study the

adequate dose of honey. We must make our own estimates based on the information that we have

and the studies that have been done. This will help to better understand the correct dose that

initiates the desired biological response in our bodies.

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Studies have shown that their is strong biological activity in honey with doses from 2.5 milliliters

per day to 70 grams per day. This is 3.5 tablespoons. As you can say the range is very large.

Successful studies of honey and diabetes in humans shows that giving people 0.5 milliliters per

their grams of body weight per day for a period of twelve weeks is effective. There is no

guarantee but it is a very strong place to start.

One thing that the studies demonstrate is that honey must be consumed for the long-term in order

to be a successful at cancer preventative. This is probably because of the need to keep an

elevated level of antioxidants for increased effectiveness.

Honey and Diabetes

People often question whether or not diabetics can eat honey. For years people have thought that

honey and sugars should be avoided by people diagnosed with diabetes. However, the current

science disagrees with this belief. In fact, there are recent studies which demonstrate many health

benefits when raw honey is consumed by diabetics.

In one study, scientists investigated how honey works when mixed with metformin and

glibenclamide which are common drugs used to treat diabetes. Rats with diabetes were randomly

divided into 6 different groups and given water, honey, just glibenclamide, honey and

glibenclamide, metformin and honey, or just metformin for a period of 4 weeks. Researchers

found through the study that honey greatly increased insulin and resulted in a decrease of

fructosamine and hyperglycemia. The 2 diabetes drugs by themselves resulted in reductions but

when mixed with honey they produced much greater reductions in all categories.

The study showed that metformin and glibenclamide mixed with honey results in lower levels of

fructosamine levels. The most interesting factor is that metformin and glibenclamide

together with honey greatly reduces increases creatinine levels, blood fats, and the worst

type of cholesterol which is associated with coronary artery disease.

It may not seem right, but studies demonstrate that honey is able to lower the level of blood

sugar in the body. It also seems to reduce cholesterol. The study did not outline the amount of

honey used. However, two tablespoons each day is what typically works most effectively.

Page 23: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

In an additional study, honey helped diabetics with glycemic control. Glycemic control is what

controls and keeps your blood sugar low. Blood sugar control for diabetics is essential. Studies

also suggest that honey can reduce lipid abnormalities, like cholesterol, in both people and rats

diagnosed with diabetes. The recent data shows that the good type of bacteria in our stomachs

can help reduce obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance. Gut flora has also been linked to the

opposite. It is believed that this is because of the benefits of oligosaccharides. Oligosaccharides

are the types of sugars contained in raw honey.

This has caused scientists to believe that the oligosaccharides in honey create health benefits

including those that help with diabetes. So, if you suffer from insulin resistance or diabetes

eating raw honey may help you.

Honey and Dental Health

Your dentist is probably always telling you to stop eating sweets to avoid cavities. Dentists

usually don’t want you eating candy or foods with a lot of sugar. Did you know that honey does

not cause cavities? In fact, new studies suggest that honey can significantly promote dental

health and greatly benefit your teeth.

In one popular study scientists attempted to compare the dental effect of honey compared to

chlorhexidine mouthwash, xylitol gum, and chlorhexidine mouthwash. They wanted to see how

plaque levels would react after 90 days. Chlorhexidine is an ingredient commonly used in

commercial mouthwash. It is specifically formulated to fight oral bacteria and plaque.

The research subjects were randomly placed in 3 different groups: a honey group, a

chlorhexidine based mouthwash group, and a combination of chewing gum with xylitol and

mouthwash with chlorhexidine.

The study identified that all of the three groups worked to reduce dental plaque among the

students. However, honey was much better than the chlorhexidine group. It reportedly resulted in

a much more significant reduction in dental plaque over the thirty day period. The group that

received xylitol group also received a greater reduction than the group that used chlorhexidine.

Page 24: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

This particular study did not explore why or how honey is effective for reducing plaque;

however, it may be related to the fact that honey contains lactic acid bacteria. One study did find

that honey can prevent cavities through the inhibition of Streptococcus mutans. The fact that

honey's ability to reduce plaque is related in some way to the anti-bacterial elements is very


You should definitely add honey into you oral health routine and start reducing plaque and

stopping cavities in their tracks. Start by stopping the use of commercial mouthwash. Instead use

a xylitol-based toothpaste which does not have flouride but does have propolis. Then you can use

this honey mouthwash which is easily made at home. The mouthwash is great tasting and easily

prepared in a matter of minutes. It will quickly reduce plaque and keep your smile looking great.

Here are the simple instructions:

- 1/2 cup filtered water

- Dissolve 1 tsp of liquid, unpasteurized honey into the water.

- Stir to help dissolve

- Add one packet or 1/2 tsp of xylitol to the mixture.

- Pour the mixture into your mouth and rinse as you would a regular mouthwash.

- After thoroughly rinsing, spit the mixture into the sink.

- Do not rinse your mouth out after spitting.


Page 25: Honey Healer: Ultimate Guide to Honey Home Remedies L ... · and fungal infections, stomach aches and diarrhea, and sore throats. Very recently scientists in New Zealand have discovered

I know that this book is a lot to take in. However, hopefully you are now able to see the amazing

and transformative power that honey can have. It is important to remember that raw honey is the

most crude and natural form of honey you can purchase. Raw honey is unfiltered and

unpasteurized meaning there is no processing or heating to decrease its natural vitamin and

mineral content. This makes it far superior to commercialized honey which loses many of its best

healing properties during processing. Raw honey contains disease-preventing and disease-

fighting flavonoids, as well as both propolis and bee pollen, so you get the benefits of those two

natural powerhouses as well. Honey has been scientifically proven to help with allergies,

diabetes, sleep problems, coughs, wound healing, and so much more. Honey is also an energy

booster leading to more energy throughout the day. It also is a great way to get more energy

during a workout and recover faster afterwards.

There are thousands of years of proof about how amazing honey can be. Use the tips in this book

to maximize your use of honey and the health and wellness benefits that it can provide.

Remember, honey really is the nectar of the gods!