Honens Proposal Final


Transcript of Honens Proposal Final

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LIMitless agency


We appreciate pancakes, rum, and pancakes with rum. We appreciate long walks on the beach at sunset. We appreciate the big

picture and bright colours. And we also appreciate that you don’t want to be given the same old pitch that you’ve always been given.

That's why we strive to be a little bit different.

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executive summary


Here’s what we’ve learned:

Psychographics and Demographics

Your target market falls into the broader category of Millennials. Millennials are a tough bunch to pin down, but we've managed to tease out a few facts; Millennials are looking for unique experiences that they can share with their friends, either in person or through social media. They're trendy, value individuality, and are acutely socially aware. Most importantly, they want to trust what they're hearing, and trust comes from their friends. This is why word of mouth is the most important concept in the marketing world right now.

4VYL�ZWLJPÄJHSS �̀�[OL�[`WL�VM�WLVWSL�^OV�^V\SK�H[[LUK�H�/VULUZ�L]LU[�HYL�^LSS�LK\JH[LK��OH]L�H�OPZ[VY`�PU�T\ZPJ�VY�HY[Z�LK\JH[PVU��and fall across a broad range of socio-economic backgrounds. The fact that they already attend arts events around Calgary makes them even more likely to attend the one we've planned for you.

Benchmarking and Competitive Matrix

We've also learned that the world is full of amazing events; some right here in our own back-yard and some on the other side of the NSVIL��>L�]L�JVTILK�[OYV\NO�O\UKYLKZ�VM�L]LU[Z�[V�ÄUK�[OL�VULZ�[OH[�JV\SK�OH]L�H�THQVY�PTWHJ[�VU�`V\Y�[HYNL[�KLTVNYHWOPJ��>L�also found out where your competitors’ weaknesses are, and how you can exploit them.

The Event

Finally, we've planned an all new Bison Noir event for you. We've taken an already exciting and unique event and made it into ZVTL[OPUN�^L�YL�JVUÄKLU[�^PSS�Z[HUK�V\[��HUK�KYH^�UL^�TLTILYZ�PU�[V�[OL�(����JYL �̂�<ZPUN�)PZVU�5VPY�HZ�[OL�VMÄJPHS�HUU\HS�RPJRVMM�to the A440 event season will bring an air of prestige and excitement to Bison Noir. Partnering with local food trucks and other arts organizations will keep it low-key, while also allowing you access to their social networks. Encouraging the audience to use social media to create buzz before and after each event will ensure that each one is more successful than the last.

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Valentina Ottati

Rebecca Griffith

Kara Schulz

Phil Vaive

Amanda Parkman

Maeghan Archibald

Ryan Mercier

Bradey Cameron

Maram Saegh

Alyssa Gerling


(Creative, Campaign, Benchmarking and Event)

(Benchmarking, Competitive Analysis and Budget)

(Benchmarking and Competitive Analysis)

(Benchmarking and Event)

(Event and Location)

(Segmentation, Pricing)




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the complete packagethe audience

the competition

the best of the best

the event

The where abouts

the value


THE accompaniment

The cost

1 - 910 - 13 14 - 26 27 - 30

31 32 33

34 - 3738

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likelihood of attending a classical music eventAfter Attending an Arts event

15% 17% 19% 21% 23% 25% 27%

Art gallery

Cultural/heritage performance



Museum other than art gallery

Historic site

segmentationPAGE 1

��VY�WLVWSL�^OV�OH]L�UV[�H[[LUKLK�HU�HY[Z�L]LU[��[OLYL-� is only a 13% chance of them attending a classical music event (Hill, 2012, p.31)

��OVZL�^P[O�HU�LK\JH[PVU�NYLH[LY�[OHU�H�.,+�HYL;����� more likely to attend an arts events (Hill, 2012, p.32)

��OL�NYHWO�ILSV^�PSS\Z[YH[LZ�OV^�SPRLS`�PUKP]PK\HSZ�[OH[�OH]L;� attended an arts event are to then attend a classical music event that same year

General Arts Attendance

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Students/Millennials and the ArtsPAGE 2

���������`LHY�VSKZ�HYL�ZPNUPÄJHU[S`�TVYL�� likely than other Canadians 25 and over to attend art activities - listed on graph (Hill, 2014, p.23)

�Millennials who have, or are pursuing, a post-secondary education have a 7% higher likelihood to attend an arts event than those without a form of higher education (Hill, 2014, p. 23)

��0UKP]PK\HSZ�[OH[�WHY[PJPWH[LK�TVYL frequently in arts activities throughout high school have as much as a 21% increase in preference for classical music (Hopkins Center for the Arts, 2013, p.46)










0%At least 1 of 5 key

arts activities

Art galleries Theatre Popular


musicCultural festival

youth (15-24) age 25 or over

likelihood of Millennials attending arts event

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(Hopkins Center for the Arts at Dartmouth College, 2013, p.45)


Visual & Performing Arts & Communications Technologies



Mathematics, Computer & Information Sciences





Post-secondary Students & Graduates in Calgary (15-24)

total 13,160

Statistic Canada’s 2011 NHS & NOC (Statistics Canada, 2012).

Target Market (15-24) = Approx. 13,000

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How and why they listen to musicPAGE 4

�TV[PVUHS�YLN\SH[PVU��VWWVY[\UP[`�[V�ZVJPHSPaL�UL[^VYR��HUK,� exposure to new activities, such as different cultures, are all ��ILULÄ[Z�VM�SPZ[LUPUN�[V�T\ZPJ�(Ekos Research Associates, 2012, p.17)

��4PSSLUUPHSZ»�UL^�T\ZPJ�KPZJV]LY`�TL[OVKZ�HYL�MVJ\ZLK�VU technology and social interaction (Hopkins Center for the Arts, 2013, p.39)� �����YLS`�VU�WLYZVUHS�YLJVTTLUKH[PVUZ� �����\[PSPaL�VUSPUL�Z[YLHTPUN�ZLY]PJLZ� �����SLHYU�HIV\[�UL^�T\ZPJ�[OYV\NO�ZVJPHS�UL[^VYRZ

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Entertainment or fun

Emotional, spiritual, intellectual stimulation

Lean or experience something new

Exposure to new activities and different cultures

Opportunity to socialize with friends/meet people

A means of expressing myself/themselves

Learn about the past/understand the present



Don’t know/No response

benefits for attendingperforming arts

70% 80% 90%

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Barriers to attendancePAGE 5 ��]VJPHS�YLSH[PVUZOPWZ�HUK�PU]VS]LTLU:�

play a key role in attendance

��PZSPRPUN�[OL�T\ZPJ�PZ�VUS`�H�IHYYPLY+� to entry to 12% of students surveyed

Lack of awareness (Arts Council England, 2011)Lack of time (Arts Council England, 2011)Lack of money (Australian Council for the Arts, 2014)Lack of interest (Australian Council for the Arts, 2014)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

I’m too busy

I don’t have anyone to go with me

Tickets cost too much

I don’t know enough to enjoy it

I don’t like the music

I won’t be able to meet new people my age there

I can’t move around in a concert

I can’t talk to people during the concert

I can’t drink at a concert

I can’t text or use my phone

Reason for students not attending classical music concerts

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���7VZZLZZ�H�OPNOLY�LK\JH[PVU�VY�HYL�J\YYLU[S`�LUYVSSLK�PU�H ��� post-secondary program (preferably but not limited to an arts program) ��3P]L�PU�H�OPNO�PUJVTL�OV\ZLOVSK`LUK�HY[�VY�J\S[\YHS�L]LU[Z�YLN\SHYS]])������YL�WYLMLYHIS`�PU]VS]LK�^P[O�HY[Z�PU�ZVTL�JHWHJP[`��WHZ[�VY)� present)

segmentationPAGE 6

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PsychographicsPAGE 7

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PsychographicsPAGE 8

�Want experiences over anything else (Eventbrite, 2014)

�have a Fear of missing out (Eventbrite, 2014)

�are Social media users (Eventbrite, 2014)

�Spend time with friends (socializing) (Hughes, 2008, p.10)

�Keep up with trends (Arts Council England, 2011)

�Value individuality (Hughes, 2008, p.10)

�Enjoy convenience (Nahai, 2013)

�Want instant gratification (Arts Council England, 2011)

�Will watch videos via Internet (Arts Council England, 2011)

�are Socially aware (Nahai, 2013)

�Trust word of mouth, peer reviews, and testimonials above all else (Nahai, 2013)


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EngagementPAGE 9

Here’s how to engage with Millennials

�Internet and social media

�Outdoor based advertisements

�Word of mouth

(Arts Council England, 2011)

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Competitive MatrixPAGE 10

Do the organization’s events convey the primary message effectively? (Average of following 4) (Andersson, Jutbring and Lund-berg, 2013)� �¸��VJPHS�4LKPH:����VM�TPSSLUUPHSZ�OH]L�H�WYVÄSL�VU�H�ZVJPHS�� networking site” Pew Research Centre)�Regular Media �Event Location (Pew Research Centre) �The Event Itself

Does it evoke a sense of nostalgia? (Yeoman, 2013)

Does the event convey an ethical stance? (Avg. of next 2 questions) 85% of millennials correlate their purchasing decisions and their willingness to recommend a brand based on the decisions a company is making (Garton, C, 2014).- How clear is the stance?- +VLZ�P[�YLÅLJ[�[OL�VYNHUPaH[PVU»Z�JVYL�]HS\LZ& of aspirational consumers (responsible purchasers) are �40% millennials. That means potentially one billion people world wide ages 18-29 seek out trust worthy do-good brands (Smith, 2014) of Americans would stop buying a company’s products �88% if they learned of the company’s irresponsible or deceptive business practices (Smith, 2014)

/V^�LMMLJ[P]LS`�KVLZ�[OL�L]LU[�LUJV\YHNL�WHY[PJPWHU[Z�[V�\ZL�[OLPY�V^U�ZVJPHS�TLKPH& 71% of millennials engage in social media daily (Taylor, Katie, 2014). “They have shifted the role of buyers from bystander consumers to selective autobiographers who shape their individual experience of a thing” (McCallister, E., Jump Associates).

+VLZ�[OL�L]LU[�VMMLY�HU�¸(\[OLU[PJ¹�VY�¸\UPX\L¹�L_WLYPLUJL& (describe) (Baker, K, and Draper, J, 2013) “To millennials, life is about participating, creating, individualizing, and tailoring experiences.” 4PSSLUUPHSZ�JYH]L�L_WLYPLUJLZ�[OH[�HYL�[HPSVYLK�ZWLJPÄJHSS`�MVY�[OLT��Companies need to take this trend into consideration and create personalized experiences for the millennials. (McCallister, E., Jump Associates).

Does the event offer an escape from daily life? (Baker, K, and Draper, J, 2013)

Does the event take place in an attractive setting? (Baker, K, and Draper, J, 2013)

+VLZ�P[�VMMLY�H�JOHUJL�[V�SLHYU�HIV\[�WLVWSL�VY�J\S[\YHS�events? (Baker, K, and Draper, J, 2013) “More than half of millennials have at least some college education (54%): PEW.”

+VLZ�P[�HSSV^�H[[LUKLLZ�[V�TLL[�HUK�JVTT\UPJH[L�^P[O�V[OLYZ�PU�[OL�JVTT\UP[`& (Baker, K, and Draper, J, 2013)

Not Used Poorly Executed

Adequately Executed

Superbly Executed

0 1 2 3 4 5

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Competitive Matrix Cont’dPAGE 11

0Z�P[�¸L]LY`�KH`¹�VY�¸L]LY`�KH`�L_JLW[PVUHS¹&�(Yeoman, 2013)


Takes advantage of other events

Has become the event

0 1 2 3 4 5

0Z�[OL�L]LU[�TVYL�WYVK\J[�KYP]LU�VY�L_WLYPLUJL�KYP]LU& 82% of the participants in the survey indicated they had attended a live event in the past year and 72% said they’d like to increase their spending on experiences in the coming year.

Millennials value experiences, not just products alone (McCallister, E. , Jump Associates).

neither Appropriate blend

0 1 2 3 4 5



Location Analysis: From “Bonnaroo’s Founder on hosting a blockbuster bash”�Adequate space ?�Is the space to be expected, or is it innovative ?�Does the location enhance the experience

How differentiated is the event?

not used

Outside the box

0 1 2 3 4 5

at a bar

Trying to be inventive

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METRIC company

honens CPO CPM ccs

Total Primary Message

Social Media (a) Regular Media (b) Location (c) Event (d)



Attendees Social Media

Product v. Experience

Ethical Stance


Clear Core Values

Unique Experience


Setting Attractiveness


Meet with others

Location Analysis (a) Adequate Space (b) Expected/Innovative (c) Enhances Experience (d)


5 5

5 (a) (b) (c) (d)


5 (a) (b) (c) (d)

3 3.25

2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d)


3 (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d)


3.5 5 3 3

3 3 1 2

3 3 3 3

5 4 4 3

5 4 4 3

5 4 4 3

3 4 2 1

4 5 4 3

5 5 4 5

3 3 4 1

4 4 4 1

3.67 (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 3 (d)3.67 (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 3 (d) 3 (a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 2 (d)

4 4 2 2

total score 3.78 4.05 3 2.61





PAGE 123.67 (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 3 (d)

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3.9 class and school work


1.0 eating/drinking

3.2 working


The competitionPAGE 13

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the best of the bestPAGE 14

we completed a world-class benchmarking analysis to find out the key factors that make

events successful and memorable.

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6 Years

3, 800 ZLH[Z�ÄSSLK

1 very popular

mayor’s support

Six years after it started, attendance has tripled. CDF has grown from a one night event to and event-packed six.

1 Hour

109 Million raised

200 celebrities

in support

Since 2008, SU2C has raised $261 million toward cancer research. Almost half was raised in one star-studded telethon.

STAND UP 2 CANCERthe chicago dancing festival

With 191,472 Twitter followers, 87,751 Facebook likes, 96% approval ratings among 18-34 year olds,

and a history of attending Honens events, Naheed Nenshi would be a fantastic advocate.

AdvocacyPAGE 15

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St. Jerome’s Laneway FestivalZPJHS�-LZ[P]HS\���4�JP[PLZ����������WLVWSL�LHJO��4HZZP]L�JVUJLY[Z�PU�HSSL`^H`Z and streets around Australia, Detroit, and Shanghai

Unexpected LocationsPAGE 16 The Dixieland Festival

Riverboat ShuffleH`Z+�������IHUKZ�HUK�ZVSVPZ[Z���������PU[LYUH[PVUHS�]PZP[VYZ �]OL�^VYSK»Z�VSKLZ;���HUK�SHYNLZ[�YP]LYIVH[�ÅLL[�� hosting one massive jazz festival

Play Me, I’m Yours����JP[PLZUKYLKZ�VM�WPHUVZ\/����TPSSPVU�WLVWSL�YLHJOLK�YHPU�Z[H[PVUZ��WHYRZ��HUK;� market-places around the world

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Lollapalooza 2014

SponsorshipPAGE 17

“Having the correct sponsors helps to build brand awareness”

(Willman, 2010)

Festival de Musica Clasica Port de SollerHeld in Spain and has many well-known local

sponsors, including hotels (Festival de Musica Clasica

Port de Soller, 2014).

The hotels work with the festival to ensure ad-

equate and discounted rooms. This provides

LHZL�MVY�[V\YPZ[Z�HUK�ILULÄ[Z�[OL�OV[LS�HZ�H�sponsor as well.

Lollapalooza 2014 used Red Bull as one of its

ZWVUZVYZ��9LK�)\SS�ZPNUPÄJHU[S`�LUOHUJLK�[OL�event by providing a live stream to viewers at


By providing Red Bull TV they streamed the

event to all those who couldn’t attend the event.

Red Bull’s live streaming has been extremely

successful that they have taken over segments,

services and features of many events (Helm, 2014).

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Consumers “crave nuanced, unique and refreshed experiences.

They will want something personal, bespoke and unique.”

Unique Experience


Comic-Con �J[VYZ��KPYLJ[VYZ��^YP[LYZ�HUK�TVYL)� attend the global events

��`JS\ZP]L�P[LTZ�MVY�W\YJOHZL��ZPNULK�I_,� fan favourites

�U�HWW�JHSSLK�*VUUL[P2VU�^HZ)���JYLH[LK�ZWLJPÄJHSS`�[V�OLSW�H[[LUKLLZ�� ������THRL�MYPLUKZ�HUK�ÄUK�V[OLYZ�[OH[�OH]L�� the same interests (Comic-Con Guide, 2014)

���]VTPJ�*VU�H[[LUKLLZ�ZWLU*���TPSSPVU�� in direct spending at the 2011 convention (CNN, 2014)


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Unexpected CombinationsPAGE 19

The Victoria Racing ClubIntroduced a fashion aspect to one of their events to attract women to horse races.


Bonnaroo Music FestivalCashed in on the food truck trend, with food trucks utilizing their social media networks to bring even more people to the event (Bonnaroo, 2014).

The food trucks that participated had several thousand followers on their twitter accounts.

Art in the Dark An event that displays art, light displays, and other interactive installations in the dark (Art In The Dark, 2014).

The event draws over 50,000 visitors.

BBC Prom 37Classical musicurban artist300,000 GUESTS ;OL���������PUJS\KLK��������ÄYZ[�[PTL�N\LZ[Z�

An attitudinal survey said classical music can always be relied upon to deliver:�YLHZVUHISL�WYPJL��������`]�PUMVYTHSP���������HZZ\YHUJL�VM�X\HSP[`�(BBC, 2013)��������

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City of Arts and Sciences in Spain allows eligible buyers to purchase

tickets online then prove age when picking up tickets �=LU[H�+L�,U[YHKHZ�6MÄJPHS��������

St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival partners with moshtix.com for a fast, easy

ticketing experience (St. Jerome’s, 2014).

DIFFA Chicago partners with Simple Checkout to make things easy

for their guests (DIFFA, 2014).

PARK holds fashion and arts events using Ticketleap, offering credit

card and PayPal options (PARK, 2014).

Tickets can be downloaded and scanned from phone for check-in, making it fast and easy for guests and volunteers at the event.


The Ticketing Process

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EducationPAGE 21

The Montreal Jazz Festival The Jazz Festival’s “Blues Camp”

for 13-17 year olds “overcomes the

barriers between social classes,

opening its doors to all without

any form of discrimination. This

musical training program climaxes

with a performance for the public

on the Festival’s TD Stage at the

Festival International de Jazz de

Montréal. (Montreal Jazz festival, 2014)

Cantare Children’s Choir The Cantare Children’s Choir

features an event called Man

Enough to Sing. Encouraging men

to be a part of, and learn more

about the importance of music and

the arts. It is a one day

fundraiser that generates $8,000.

The best part? It grows in

attendance every year.

(Cantare Children’s Choir, 2014)

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Millennials want to see what an event looks like...

Video & TestimonialsPAGE 22

Millennials are more likely to attend something if they receive a recommendation from a friend (LaPlaca Cohen, 2014).

When using online video some retailers have experienced a 35% increase in sales (marketingprofs.com, 2014).

The Joshua Tree Music Festival posts videos of their events and video testimonials to increase attendance (JTMF, 2014).

The London Sinfonietta has a YouTube pages with 60 videos,many of which have over 1,000 views (YouTube, 2014).

Consumers search for online reviews before purchasing/ attending something (marketingprofs.com, 2014).

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Membership PackagesPAGE 23

Pre-Sale info for concerts


Access to reserved seating

# of people per event



VIP Seating at Jazz Festival

Acknowledgment on site

VIP Tent access






































SummerStage in new York offers multiple membership packages to donors, with

increasing perks as donations increase.

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SCHOOL OF FISH MEMBERSHIP $50.00Free admission for yourself to LPR Member Shows. On average, there are 10 member shows every month.

Monthly member e-mails with ticket give-aways and other exclusive offers. 20% discount on Party Packages.


A “members table” is reserved for the use of members and their guests before all seated events.

Ticket pre-sales.

Access to member-exclusive events, and advance options on hard to get tickets.

FOUNDING FISH MEMBERSHIP $2,000.00Free admission to all LPR shows and events for one year.

LPR liquor locker with 1 complimentary bottle of choice.

Reserved table seats at all seated events.

1,460+ events for free each year.

5,800+ admissions available with your card every year.

Membership PackagesPAGE 24

le poisson rouge in New York also offers membership packages to donors, including

one with a Birthday Beer Bucket. That’s right. Birthday. Beer. Bucket.

CLASSIC FISH MEMBERSHIP $300.00Free admission for yourself and a guest to LPR Member Shows. On average, there are 10 member shows every month.

Monthly member e-mails with ticket giveaways and other exclusive offers. 20% discount on Party Packages.

'DLO\�/R\DOW\�%HQHðWV��OLVWHG�EHORZ��IRU�DOO�purchases at the LPR bar.

A “members table” is reserved for the use of members and their guests before all seated events.

Ticket pre-sales.

Access to member-exclusive events, and advance options on hard to get tickets.

Front-of-line access for you and your guests to LPR late-night events, with ticket purchase.

A Birthday Beer Bucket on your birthday.

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Direct MailPAGE 25

Pitsch Sports in Switzerland sent out direct mail to their customers reminding them that ski season is approaching. The letter they sent was made out of wax [OH[�J\Z[VTLYZ�JV\SK�\ZL�[V�^H_�[OLPY�ZRPZ��:[VYL�[YHMÄJ�PUJYLHZLK�I`������HUK�sales increased 15% that year for Pitsch Sports.

The direct mail piece needs to be both interesting and relevant to the one receiving it.(Canada Post, 2014)


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the best of the bestPAGE 26

Having the right people support your event increases popularity


Unique locations create buzz and spark interest

Unexpected Locations

Having sponsors that match the event identity can enhance an event


Give attendees additional access such as back stage access or a meet and greet

Unique Experience

Add multiple activities for attendees to engage with

Unexpected Combinations

Smoother ticketing processes make attendees more likely to buy tickets

Ticketing Process

Engage attendees with informative and interactive experiences


Potential attendees want to know what type of event it is before they buy a ticket

Video & Testimonials

Adding different levels of ticket packages adds perceived value to the event

Membership Packages

7LYZVUHSPaLK�PU]P[H[PVUZ�JHU�ZPNUPÄJHU[S`�increase response rate

Direct Mail

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the event



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the event



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The eventPAGE 29

A casual, bar-like setting, appeals to a younger demographic, and begins later at night. Honens Bison Noir brings ‘cool’ to Calgary’s classical music scene. It fuses performances of classical and post-classical music in a unique setting and removes formal traditions, allowing audiences to feel comfortable wearing casual clothing, getting there when they can, and not worrying about small noises made during the concert.


locationDaDe Art & Design Lab

All art aspects will be incorporated at the event: visual, performance, goods, and social. The event is a complete artist.







1327 9 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2G 0T2

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Implement a smoother ticketing process• Quality cards personalized with a membership number • Username and password• Disclaimer for age segment - allows A440 members to purchase tickets online and show proof of age when tickets are presented at the event• Perks for membership includes: discounts to local establishments and events that encourage the arts and community aspect (boutiques, cafes, pubs...)

Among the main reasons given by people under 18 for having attended classical music concerts is that the tickets were easy to book. (Chun-Fu, C. & Hu, H., 2014)

• Once people sign up for the A440 membership online, they will receive a discount code in their e-mail immediately that they can use to purchase tickets online. • >OLU�UL^�TLTILYZ�NL[�[V�[OL�ÄYZ[�L]LU[�[OH[�[OL`�HYL�� attending as an A440 member their ID will be checked to verify that they are within the A440 age group. This gets documented and the individual is now in the database.• 6UJL�HNL�OHZ�ILLU�JVUÄYTLK�H[�[OL�ÄYZ[�L]LU[��[OL A440 member will receive their card in the mail only need their card to show at future events.

A440 Membership

The event cont’dPAGE 30


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the Where-AboutsDaDe Art & Design Lab �]UPX\L�HY>��M\YUP[\YL�NHSSLY`�� space �LYHSS�[OPZ�NHSSLY`�PZ[6¸� becoming a key cultural hotspot in Calgary. If you’re ever in the hood, this should be on your list.” - Anonymous���]V�ZWLUK�ZVTL�[PTL�H.¸� DaDe, you can’t help but walk out just feeling cooler for being there” - Wendy P��3VJH[LK�PU�[OL�OLHY[�VM Inglewood ��WHJL�V\[�MYVU[�[V�WHYR�H:� food truck��HYHNL�KVVY�HJJLZZ�[V�SVHK.� large items (piano & instruments) into the space�`�0UNSL^VVK�PZ�H�[YLUK neighbourhood that offers events, arts & culture, shopping, and dining ��`VTT\UP[`�PZ�Z\YYV\UKLK�I*� 18-24 year olds (PRIZM segmentation)


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the accompaniment

�Honens can partner with different arts and culture organizations within the city to help promote their A440 events, as well as contribute to their new “Complete A440 Artist” package

�Every year Honens will pick 3-4 cultural events or groups in the city to partner with so the organizations can cross promote and tap into other customer bases

�By doing this, the A440 membership has a few more perks. By having the A440 members attend all of these other events, they will then become a complete A440 artist

�By partnering with these organizations, they could take part in Bison Noir to make the event itself a complete artist

�By having a variety of visual and musical displays, the attendees will have plenty to take in and also post about on their various social media platforms



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the value

A440 members can currently purchase Honens tickets for as little as $18. However, with the revamped Bison Noir event, the price will be increased to $25. A440 members will receive a coupon for the featured food truck at the event, worth $7, increasing perceived value. The regular ticket price will be $35 so that potential A440 members have more incentive to sign up and receive the discounted ticket price. As an added promotion to our pricing strategy current A440 members can also bring a friend, family member or co-worker to the event to sample the Honens A440 experience; Including, the A440 ticket pricing as well as the free food voucher for Bison Noir. By incorporating our market segmentations need for social interaction and recommendations from their social circle we determined our pricing strategy meets their needs.

Pricing Strategy


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the CampaignPAGE 34

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TRENDY PLACES & UNIVERSITIES Within these trendy areas and universities/institutions, posters will be displayed on outdoor poster boards, in trendy local restaurants, bars, and coffee shops.

Akre also argued for good old print marketing, too: “I’m a digital guy, but print works.” Traditional channels do have to be seamlessly integrated with the online message to effectively reach the choosy millennials, he said. (York, J., 2014)

Print MediaPAGE 35

��LJH\ZL�W\ISPJ�YLSH[PVUZ�JVTT\UPJH[PVUZ�HYL�UV[�WLYJLP]LK�PU�[OL(� same light as advertising the public does not realize the organization either directly or indirectly paid for them – they tend to have more credibility. �ISPJP[`�PZ�YLNHYKLK�HZ�TVYL�JYLKPISL�[OHU�HK]LY[PZPUN\�7�ISPJ�YLSH[PVUZ�L_WLY[Z�H[[YPI\[L�[OL�]HS\L�VM�LKP[VYPHSZ�[V�[OL\�7 intrinsic credibility of the source, which implies that receivers tend to believe in news more than they believe in advertising.(Jo, S., 2004)


BLOGGERS: Event and lifestyle blogs to create buzz for Bison Noir


MAGAZINES - for featured articles

LU\L[)����Branded��WLYZVUPÄLZ�[OL�JP[`�SPML of YYC’s driven, sexy and thriving ��`V\UN�HK\S[Z��2LLW�`V\Y�ÄUNLY�VU�� the pulse of the city. #getbranded ���������MVSSV^LYZ�VU�0UZ[HNYHT����� and only launched this month)


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word of mouthPAGE 36

Word of mouth (WOM) is seen as more credible than advertising because it is perceived as having passed through the evaluation of “people like me” (Smith, T., 2012).

One of the strategies to create WOM will be a personalized direct invite to the Bison Noir event.

A440 Members will receive an incentive with their invite. This incentive will be a voucher for the member and a guest to receive free food at the event. This voucher will entice the member to invite a friend to the event and the friend will want to sign up for A440 to receive the discounted price for a ticket.Direct mail can receive 10 to 30 times the response rate than email (Schiff, 2012).


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social mediaPAGE 37

#HonensA440 #BisonNoir2015

�YLH[L�\YNLUJ`�^P[O�[PJRL[�ZHSLZ*� “We’re almost out of tickets”���)��7VZ[�WLYRZ�VM�QVPUPUN�L�H�WHY[�VM�V\Y�JVTWSL[L(¸� audience #BisonNoir2015”�]LJVTL�H�JVTWSL[L�HY[PZ(¸� #BisonNoir2015”

Photographer at the event to document the evening’s activities and create post-event buzz on Facebook for next year’s event. ��4PSSLUUPHSZ�HYL�TVYL�SPRLS`�[V�H[[LUK�ZVTL[OPUN�PM�[OL`�YLJLP]L�H recommendation from a friend (LaPlaca Cohen, 2014)



A photo booth at the event will build buzz for after the event - individuals will post pictures from the photo booth and use the hashtag #BisonNoir2015

HASHTAGSphoto booth

Guerrilla marketing


Create a Facebook event page for the Bison Noir event and ensure to invite all existing A440 members and encourage them to invite their friends - invite at least 500 people


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the COST

ExpensesSite Room Staff & Rentals EquipmentTotal

Refreshments Food Liquor & SodaTotal

Additional PhotographerTotal

Marketing Posters InvitationsTotal

Total Expenses

2,000 350 4,100$ 6,450

1,200 695 $ 1,895

700 $ 700

720 130 $ 850

$ 9,895

RevenueTickets A440: 150 x $25 Regular: 40 x $35LiquorSponsorship


3,750 1,400 2,205 2,540

$ 9,895

The expense for performers has not been included in the budget. The current expenses are $9,895 and performer expenses would be added to this number.

In order to break-even for the current expenses, $2,540 would need to be obtained in sponsorship revenue. The total cost for performers will also need to be covered by sponsorship revenue.


sponsorship strategy

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Inglewood community surrounded by 18-24 year olds