Hon’ble Speaker Sir, who gave the slogan “Sauno Sath Sauno ... · Hirapur in Vijapur taluka of...

1 Hon’ble Speaker Sir, Shri Narendrabhai Modi, our respected Prime Minister who gave the slogan “Sauno Sath Sauno Vikas” as the Chief Minister of Gujarat, demonstrated to the nation a new track of comprehensive development during his reign of 13 years in the State. The people of the nation have put their stamp of approval on the march of development he undertook, by giving him an unprecedented mandate. Today when Shri Narendrabhai, the beloved son of Gujarat, has become the Prime Minister of the nation, I complement him through this august House, which represents every Gujarati. I also assure this House that the march for development, successfully undertaken by Shri Narendrabhai Modi, shall continue uninterrupted under our Government led by Smt. Anandiben Patel in the times to come. In the present times, the biggest challenge for the nation is to generate sufficient and suitable opportunities of employment for the youth – the future of the country. If we can provide quality employment to each person, we would accomplish an important task in the direction of solving all the basic issues. Therefore, State Government has resolved to give utmost priority to employment in the coming years. The Government aims to equip the youth through education and training in agriculture and animal husbandry, small and medium scale industries and encouraging their entrepreneurship to create employment on a large scale. At the same time, our Government shall also ensure that its efforts towards economic and social empowerment of women are reflected in each and every activity the Government undertakes. Towards this end, more emphasis shall be placed on the sectors with which the economic activities normally undertaken by women are closely related to. When one speaks about generating agriculture based employment, water is the prime requirement. When one mentions water, the Narmada Project – the lifeline of the State – is a key factor. For years, despite repeated representations made before the Central Government seeking solution to the pending issue – the height of the Narmada Dam - we were unable to get the desired result. It is a matter of great pride for every citizen of Gujarat that our Shri Narendrabhai has solved this vital issue of the State within only 17 days of taking over the reins of the Central Government. On the very same day of receiving the approval, Hon’ble Chief Minister Smt. Anandiben got commenced the work for raising the height of Narmada Dam. For the Narmada Project and for Gujarat, 12 th June, 2014 has become a Golden Day. With the hope that the pending issues hindering the development of the State shall be resolved in a similar positive manner in the days to come and provide further impetus to the development of Gujarat, I now present budget for the year 2014-15, which has the size of annual plan of ` 71330.44 crore. Compared to the year 2013-14, an increase of 21 per cent has been proposed this year in the size of the Annual Plan.

Transcript of Hon’ble Speaker Sir, who gave the slogan “Sauno Sath Sauno ... · Hirapur in Vijapur taluka of...

Page 1: Hon’ble Speaker Sir, who gave the slogan “Sauno Sath Sauno ... · Hirapur in Vijapur taluka of Mehsana district and for a barrage at Valasana. Irrigation and Water Conservation

1 Hon’ble Speaker Sir,

Shri Narendrabhai Modi, our respected Prime Minister who gave the slogan “Sauno Sath Sauno Vikas” as the Chief Minister of Gujarat, demonstrated to the nation a new track of comprehensive development during his reign of 13 years in the State. The people of the nation have put their stamp of approval on the march of development he undertook, by giving him an unprecedented mandate. Today when Shri Narendrabhai, the beloved son of Gujarat, has become the Prime Minister of the nation, I complement him through this august House, which represents every Gujarati. I also assure this House that the march for development, successfully undertaken by Shri Narendrabhai Modi, shall continue uninterrupted under our Government led by Smt. Anandiben Patel in the times to come.

In the present times, the biggest challenge for the nation is to generate sufficient and suitable opportunities of employment for the youth – the future of the country. If we can provide quality employment to each person, we would accomplish an important task in the direction of solving all the basic issues. Therefore, State Government has resolved to give utmost priority to employment in the coming years. The Government aims to equip the youth through education and training in agriculture and animal husbandry, small and medium scale industries and encouraging their entrepreneurship to create employment on a large scale. At the same time, our Government shall also ensure that its efforts towards economic and social empowerment of women are reflected in each and every activity the Government undertakes. Towards this end, more emphasis shall be placed on the sectors with which the economic activities normally undertaken by women are closely related to.

When one speaks about generating agriculture based employment, water is the prime requirement. When one mentions water, the Narmada Project – the lifeline of the State – is a key factor. For years, despite repeated representations made before the Central Government seeking solution to the pending issue – the height of the Narmada Dam - we were unable to get the desired result. It is a matter of great pride for every citizen of Gujarat that our Shri Narendrabhai has solved this vital issue of the State within only 17 days of taking over the reins of the Central Government. On the very same day of receiving the approval, Hon’ble Chief Minister Smt. Anandiben got commenced the work for raising the height of Narmada Dam. For the Narmada Project and for Gujarat, 12th June, 2014 has become a Golden Day.

With the hope that the pending issues hindering the development of the State shall be resolved in a similar positive manner in the days to come and provide further impetus to the development of Gujarat, I now present budget for the year 2014-15, which has the size of annual plan of ` 71330.44 crore. Compared to the year 2013-14, an increase of 21 per cent has been proposed this year in the size of the Annual Plan.

Page 2: Hon’ble Speaker Sir, who gave the slogan “Sauno Sath Sauno ... · Hirapur in Vijapur taluka of Mehsana district and for a barrage at Valasana. Irrigation and Water Conservation

2 State Annual Plan

Sector-wise allocation is as follows :-

Sr. No.

Head Provision (` in crore)

1. Agriculture & Allied Activities 4358.20 2. Rural Development 2311.30 3. Special Area Programme 223.84 4. Irrigation and Flood Control 13035.32 5. Energy 5097.35 6. Industries and Mines 2223.42 7. Transportatioin 5638.00 8. Communication 761.58 9. Science & Technology 544.25 10. General Economic Services 2237.09 11. Social Services 34781.50 12. General Services 118.60

Total 71330.44

Narmada and Water Resources:

Planning of ` 9000 crore for the Narmada Yojna.

In the last three years, works of 5342 kms. have been completed by acquiring 10726 hectares of land from 70840 farmers with their consent. Till date, canal works of the length of 25079 kms. have been completed and irrigation capacity for total 9.75 lakh hectares has been created.

In order to accelerate the works of canal construction, about 232 works costing ` 9091 crore have been taken up during April 2010 to May 2014. Now, we are planning to complete the remaining works of canals and distribution network in a phased manner in 2015-16.

For construction of canals, provisions of ` 1406.86 crore for Saurashtra region, ` 1422.70 crore for North Gujarat and ` 1138 crore for Kutch region have been made this year.

Planning of ` 500 crore is made for the current year for the development of Statue of Unity project, a humble effort to pay a tribute to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. The project will not only epitomise the pride of nation, but will also be a significant step in the development of education, health and tourism in the Tribal Community of the region.

Water Resources:

A provision of ` 3570 crore is made for the Water Resources and Kalpsar Department .

Saurashtra Narmada Avtaran Irrigation Yojna (SAUNI Yojna) is an ambitious project introduced last year. The works of all the four link canals under this scheme have started. A provision of ` 1296 crore is made for the scheme.

Page 3: Hon’ble Speaker Sir, who gave the slogan “Sauno Sath Sauno ... · Hirapur in Vijapur taluka of Mehsana district and for a barrage at Valasana. Irrigation and Water Conservation

3 Sujlam Suflam Yojna has proved to be of great use for the farmers

of North Gujarat and Central Gujarat. Under this scheme-

o A provision of ` 70 crore for the pipelines from the Narmada Main Canal near Karan nagar in Kadi taluka, reaching upto Dhandhusan of Mehsana taluka.

o A provision of ` 8 crore for the pipelines reaching upto Vatrak, Majham and Meshvo Water Resource works (Water reservoirs) in Sabarkantha District.

o A provision of ` 12 crore for completion of the pipelines of Dantiwada Sipu Water Resource works (Water reservoirs).

o A provision of ` 15 crore for advancing the works of Patan-Dindrol pipelines, for irrigation facilities in approximately 3000 hectors of Patan and Siddhpur taluka.

o A provision of ` 6 crore for extension of existing Lift Irrigation facilities in North Gujarat and for undertaking studies related to new schemes of Mansa taluka and Jotana taluka.

o A primary provision has been made for constructing a weir at Hirapur in Vijapur taluka of Mehsana district and for a barrage at Valasana.

Irrigation and Water Conservation in the tribal regions:

A provision of ` 391 crore is made for various irrigation schemes in tribal and hilly regions.

Among these -

o There is a plan to provide water for the irrigation in the tribal regions of Dahod, Panchmahals and Vadodara districts by laying a pipeline from the Narmada canal and Hanfeshvar. Survey and design are being undertaken and a provision of ` 3 crore is made for this purpose.

o A provision of ` 12 crore is made for Panam High Level Canal, based on existing water resource works.

o A provision of ` 7 crore for Ukai-Purna High Level Canal.

o With a view to strengthen irrigation facilities of the existing schemes, a provision of ` 26 crore is made for the existing irrigation schemes like Ukai, Sukhi, Panam, Kadana, Karjan.

o A provision of ` 33 crore for small Lift irrigation scheme.

o Provision of ` 7 crore for the Ukai Gordha link scheme and Chinchai lift irrigation.

o A provision of ` 10 crore for Kali-2, Khedva Irrigation Scheme, Kadana High Level Canal, Tube wells etc.

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4 o A provision of ` 50 crore for land acquisition of the forest area

to be provided to the displaced people of Hadaf, Aedalwada and Kabutari yojna.

o A provision of ` 44 crore for the works of Water Conservation like new check dams and deepening of water tanks.

o A provision of ` 14 crore for the participatory irrigation.

In addition to this, a provision of ` 80 crore is made for the works of dam security for the reservoirs, cleaning of existing canals, modernization of irrigation schemes, schemes to mitigate erosion in the coastal areas and so on, in the tribal regions.

Protection against Salinity Ingress:

A provision of ` 99 crore for the preventive measures against salinity ingress in the coastal lines of Saurashtra, Ghed and Kutch. Works like tidal regulator, spreading canals and reclamation of land would be undertaken.

A provision of ` 107 crore for the preventive measures against land erosion in the Saurashtra and South Gujarat region.

Other provisions:

A provision of ` 270 crore to improve, renovate and modernise existing canal network in non-tribal regions.

A provision of ` 270 crore for water conservation works like ground water recharge, new checkdams, deepening water tanks, new recharge wells.

A provision of ` 97 crore for the Kalpsar Yojna and construction of Bhadbhut weir.

Micro Irrigation:

During May 2005 to 2013-14, Micro Irrigation has been introduced in approximately 905370 hectares benefitting 561931 farmers. Out of this, 1,59,545 hectares of land and 1,17,701 farmers are from the tribal regions.

A provision of ` 465 crore is made for the scheme, which shows an increase of ` 200 crore against the last year provision of ` 465 crore. Approximately 2.50 lakh hectares of land would be covered under Micro irrigation in this year.

There is a plan to undertake a pilot project for the affordable small size net house/poly house, through GGRC, for the small and marginal farmers, at an estimated cost of ` 10 crore.

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5 Agricultural Development:

Due to the multi dimensional programs taken up by the State Government, the State has attained an average growth rate of more than 10% during the last decade. With such a strong background, the State Government has announced the year 2014-15 as the Year for Agricultural Development with a view to provide a thrust. A provision of ` 4624 crore is made for overall development of the Agriculture sector, with the dual aim of increasing the agricultural produce and ensuring fair income for the farmers. Compared to the last year, Plan of ` 3775 crore has been proposed with an increase of 18 per cent.

Agri-infrastructure interest subvention scheme:

State Government is planning to introduce a new scheme to provide 6 per cent interest subvention to the farmers taking loans for the agricultural infrastructure like wells, godowns, greenhouse, nethouse, farm mechanisation etc. A provision of ` 26 crore is made for the same.

Agricultural production:

Increase in the productivity is a vital factor for the development of agriculture

A provision of ` 594 crore is made for the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna.

A provision of ` 46 crore is made for providing assistance to the farmers for purchasing new tractors.

A provision of ` 49 crore is made for providing free of cost Agricultural Kits to the poorest farmers.

A provision of ` 72 crore is made for crops like wheat, rice and pulses under National Food Security Mission (NFSM).

With a view to maintain the productivity in agriculture, there is a plan to prepare digital maps and thereby assessing the productivity of the plan, preventing problems related to saline/alkaline land, effective water management, maintenance and conservation of natural water resources. A provision of ` 250 crore is made for this purpose.

Agriculture Produce Storage Capacity:

With agricultural development in Gujarat, the production is increasing. But in absence of sufficient storage facilities for agricultural produce, the grains rot. Hence we need to build big godowns.

Government has planned to take up a major project for creating sufficient storage facility for the farmers of Gujarat by building new godowns. Under this project -

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6 o Interest subvention at the rate of 6% for three years shall be

provided to the farmers taking loans to build godowns on the farm. This will enhance storage facility at village level.

o A provision of ` 76 crore is made to support the construction of godowns to be undertaken by the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies Limited (PACS).

A provision of ` 200 crore is made to enhance the storage capacity at taluka level. In the initial phase, the capacity would be increased by 1.2 lakh metric ton and it would be useful for storage of seeds, fertilizers and agricultural produce.

A provision of ` 464 crore for providing crop insurance, farmers’ Accident Insurance and stabilization of prices, contributing significantly to safeguarding farmers’ income.

A provision of ` 100 crore for Crop Insurance Fund.

Development of Horticulture:

Diversification in agriculture is necessary for increasing employment in rural areas. A provision of ` 328 crore is made for the development of horticulture.

A provision of ` 3 crore is made for providing hybrid watermelon, sweet melon and vegetable seeds alongwith micro nutrients to the beneficiaries of Devipujak community engaged in such farming for years.

Conservation of agricultural land:

A provision of ` 212 crore is made for various activities like Khet-Talavdi, sim-Talavdi, and deepening of village ponds. These works will be spread over 65000 hectares in the State and will benefit approximately 23000 farmers.

Agricultural education:

A provision of ` 361 crore is made for agricultural education, research and extension activities to be undertaken through all the four Agriculture Universities of the State. Such activities are meant to engage youth in scientific and modern agriculture along with creating awareness among the farmer community in general.

Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development for supplementary employment:

Plan of ` 365 crore is proposed for animal husbandry and dairy development in year 2014-15.

A provision of ` 20 crore is made for providing free of cost treatment to the animals through veterinary hospitals of the State under the Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Pashu Sarvar Yojna.

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7 In order that the number of indigenous species of cattle increase,

animal shows at Taranetar Animal Fair, promotional activities for the breeders of indigenous cow species, promotion of artificial insemination for preservation of local indigenous livestock, study and registration of the lesser known species have been planned.

Studies will be undertaken through experts for the development of the projects related to creating Cow Sanctuary, artificial insemination and sexing of semen as a part of novel approach.

A provision of ` 4 crore is made for strengthening the structure of veterinary services for the milk producing cooperatives established after 2001.

Mukhya Mantri Mahila Pashupalan Protsahan Yojna:

Women have significantly contributed to the animal husbandry sector in the State. The Government is planning to provide necessary support with a view to double the number of milk producers cooperative societies operated by women.

A comprehensive package for the financial aid to the milk producers cooperative societies operated by women.

o A policy will be framed for providing 300 sq. mtrs. of land to the milk collection centre.

o For the construction of the building of Milk Cooperative, aid upto 50% of the cost with an upper limit of ` 5 lakh.

o For the purchase of automatic milk collection system, bulk milk cooler, milk adulteration detection machine, aid upto 80% of the cost with an upper limit of ` 9.70 lakh.

Financial aid by the State Government for the women breeders of milk cooperatives:

o Women breeder members willing to purchase milch animals under the loan schemes of NABARD will be given 5% interest subvention upto 3 years.

o As an additional support, further 3% interest subvention shall be given to women members on their regular repayment of bank loan instalments.

o Women breeder members milk cooperatives will be given aid upto 75% of the cost with an upper limit of ` 33,750/- and` 15,000/- for the purchase of milking machine and chaff cutter respectively.

o An aid upto 33% with an upper limit of ` 500/- for the insurance premium shall be given to women breeders who insure the milch animal.

A provision of ` 9 crore for supporting approximately 15000 sheep breeders and 15 lakh sheep of the State.

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8 A provision of ` 87 crore is made for Fisheries:

With a view to promote fisheries sector, a provision of ` 2 crore is made to provide assistance on the purchase of fish culture cage, insulated box, generator set and flash light for the boats, flake/slurry ice machinery etc.

Cooperative sector:

The Government is planning to frame an incentive policy for the creation of marketing yards with a view to develop extensive marketing system through cooperative societies. The intention is to avail marketing yards in the talukas where there is none at present.

Social services:

Gujarat has been allocated approximately 48.76% of the total Plan size for social services like education, health, nutrition and welfare schemes in 2014-15.

Education Sector:

A provision of ` 22774 crore is made for the education sector including plan and non-plan, which is about 17% of the budget.

Primary Education :

For the universalisation of primary education, 1,44,864 primary teachers and 2159 head teachers have been recruited and 1,04,637 new class rooms have been constructed in the last 15 years.

A provision of ` 1356 crore is made as a State share towards Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

A provision of ` 342 crore for the upgradation of class rooms, toilet blocks, mid-day meal, kitchen and library in the schools across the State.

A provision of ` 12 crore is made to start new 26 schools and 20 hostels in the line of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya.

Virtual class room project for online learning shall be introduced to impart quality education for the English language and mathematics in the primary schools.

There are 7500 Pragya classes operational in the State at present. Further 8500 Pragya classes are to be added.

The scheme of felicitating best teachers will be extended upto district and taluka level and with a provision of ` 1 crore, about 673 teachers will be awarded this year.

For enhancing the secondary and higher secondary education,

o A provision of ` 39 crore is made for constructing 45 new Government schools.

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9 o A provision of ` 5.62 crore is made for constructing 1460 new

class rooms in grant-in-aid schools.

o A provision of ` 1 crore is made for starting continuous unit in grant-in-aid schools.

A provision of ` 7 crore is made for a new scheme of providing bicycles to the girls studying in standard 9. Under this scheme, a bicycle would be given to girls if there is no middle school in the village and the girls are required to go to a nearby village.

A provision of ` 100 crore is made under the Mukhya Mantrishri Scholarship Yojna. The scheme is meant to avail scholarship for the bright students, thus supporting them for studies after class 12.

Mid-Day Meal scheme:

A provision of ` 1034 crore is made under the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, covering 43 lakh 66 thousand students of the State.

A provision of ` 25 crore is made for upgradation of Mid-Day Meal kitchen facilities in the 500 large size primary school.

A provision of ` 4 crore is made for providing milk once a week to the students of high priority talukas.

A provision of ` 2675 crore is made under the higher and technical education, including plan and non-plan.

A provision of ` 156 crore is made under the National Higher Education Mission providing for construction works of colleges, new staff, upgradation activities, training etc.

A provision of ` 100 crore is made for the infrastructural development of the eight Government Universities of the State

The engineering faculty of the Maharaja Sayajirao University, better known as Kalabhavan, was established in 1890 and is completing 125 years. On this occasion, a provision of ` 7 crore is made to develop the infrastructural facilities of the Institution further.

Knowledge Hub:

Government envisages an innovative and world class Knowledge Hub to be created at Chokari village of Padra taluka near Vadodara. The proposed Knowledge Hub would be developed as a special education-cum-sports zone spreading over large premises. The facility will accommodate Children’s University, Teachers University, Sports University, and Central University in a single place with common infrastructure.

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10 Planning of establishment of G.S.F.C. University on an

approximate area of 25 ha. at Jaspur village in Padra taluka, near Knowledge Hub.

Planning for NCC activities and start 8 Naval Units in coastal area to inculcate the spirit of nationalism in the students of the State.

Technical Education:

A provision of ` 26 crore to start new Government Engineering Colleges at Surendranagar and Jamnagar from among the districts which do not have Government Engineering Colleges.

A provision of ` 31 crore for increasing intake capacity in Government Polytechnic and Girls Hostel in Engineering Colleges from existing 2276 to 4714.

A provision of ` 90 crore for increasing physical resources in polytechnic and engineering institutes.

A provision of ` 42 crore for quality improvement programme under the world bank aided scheme.

Health and Family Welfare :

Provision of ` 7230 crore under Plan and Non-Plan for health care and medical services to six crore citizens of the State. Plan for this year is to the tune of ` 5667 crore compared to ` 3800 crore last year.

Public Health and Family Welfare :

A provision of ` 160 crore for Mukhya Mantri Amrutam (MA) Yojana :

Under Mukhya Mantri Amrutam (MA) Yojana, which has proved very useful for the health care of the BPL families, treatment is provided for very serious and fatal ailments like cancer, heart diseases, brain diseases, renal diseases, burns etc. absolutely free of cost within the limit of ` 2 lakh per family.

In view of the huge success the scheme has received, it has been decided to extend the scheme to the middle class family of the State. Provision of ` 160 crore for free of cost treatment to women and children upto 21 years in the families having annual income of less than ` 1.20 lakh.

Public Health Structure :

A provision of ` 419 crore for renovation and construction of existing PHCs CHCs and SCs.

A provision of ` 17 crore to start 70 new Primary Health Centres and 16 new Community Health Centres.

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11 A provision of ` 5 crore to start 377 sub centres in tribal area and 70

sub centres in salt-pan area.

A provision of ` 840 crore for safeguarding mother’s health and her pregnancy and also for conducting various activities on Mamta Day.

In order to ensure that poor women can have neutritional diet during pregnancy and after delivery, the amount of assistance per beneficiary under Kasturba Poshan Sahay Scheme shall be increased from ` 2,100/- to ` 6000/-

A provision of ` 83 crore under Chiranjeevi Yojana, Balsakha Yojana and Janani Shishu Suraksha Programme.

14 new vans will be added to increase the scope of Khikhilat services.

A provision of ` 111 crore for urban health services.

A provision of ` 70 crore for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases like diabetes and hypertension.

Medical services:

A provision of ` 15 crore to provide 100 new ambulances for very popular 108 emergency ambulance service.

A provision of ` one crore to provide 15 new ambulances.

Total provision of ` 13 crore for increasing the reach of haemodialysis facility presently available in 13 district hospitals, to cover all district hospitals and sub-district hospitals.

A provision of ` 2 crore to purchase C.T. Scan machine at General hospital, Mehsana.

A provision of ` 194 crore for strengthening hospitals and dispensaries of the State.

Medical Education and Research :

A provision of ` 1022 crore to help medical colleges at Sola, Gotri, Patan, Valsad and Gandhinagar as well as medical colleges under construction at Himatnagar, Vadnagar and Junagadh under Gujarat Medical Education Research Society.

A provision of ` 20 crore to provide advance facilities to increase the seats from 150 to 250 and provide necessary infrastructure in Government College, Surat.

Planning to increase present capacity of 450 beds to 650 beds in U.N. Mehta Institute of Cardiology, Ahmedabad.

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12 A total provision of ` 21 crore to upgrade Gujarat Cancer Research

Institute and start turshery Cancer Care Centre, Rajkot.

A Provision of ` 345 crore for Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy.

An amount of ` 30 crore for starting new hospital attached to Government Ayurved/ Homeopathy colleges at Dahod, Vansda and Rajpipla.

An amount of ` 10 crore for construction of new buildings at existing 25 ayurved dispensaries and 10 homeopathy dispensaries in the state.

It is planned to start Micro Biological Testing Departments at Vadodara, Rajkot and Bhuj laboratories and obtain NABL certification for the food and drug laboratories in the state.

It is proposed to open a new dispensary under the Employee State Insurance Scheme at Ranoli, (District Vadodara) and Alang, (District Bhavnagar) to cover about the 30 thousand workers.

Women and Child Development

A provision of ` 2436 crore is proposed for the health, development, protection and empowerment of women and children.

Our Government gives priority to all the schemes relating to human development as part of the importance attached to the various aspects of the Human Development Index. The Integrated Child Development Scheme is being implemented on Mission Mode. Provision of ` 2205 crore has made for this scheme in 2014-15.

I am happy to inform the house that Hon’ble Chief Minister has decided to increase the honorarium paid per month to the anganwadi workers by an amount of ` 500/-. A similar increase of ` 300/- per month will be made for helpers and mini anganwadi workers. An amount of ` 33 crore is provided for these additional outgo.

A provision of ` 947 crore is made for providing supplement nutrition to the beneficiaries under the anganwadis.

An amount of ` 27 crore for the Intensive Nutrition Improvement Campaign under the Mission Balam Shukham.

An amount of ` 96 crore for construction and renovation of Nand Ghar.

An amount of ` 59 crore to provide various facilities such as toys, flexi fund, rent and electricity connection at the anganwadis.

A provision of ` 28 crore for meeting the expenditure on provision of gas stove, gas refill, fire safety equipment, weighing machines at anganwadi.

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13 An amount of ` 84 crore to provide Third Meal and demonstrative

feeding for the children in the anganwadi.

Total provision of ` 149 crore under Sabala Yojana including the new item of ` 23 crore for providing nutrition, training and education relating to nutrition and health on the same norms to adolescent girls throughout the states.

Dudh Sanjivani Yojana

Government has been providing milk twice a week to 48 thousand children in the age group of 3 to 6 years in the anganwadis in 7 tribal talukas in the State at an annual cost of `1.65 crore under the Dudh Sanjivani Yojana. In view of the success of this scheme, the State Government has decided to extend the benefit of the scheme to a further 17 tribal talukas.

Now the scheme will cover all the children from 6 months to 6 years as well as pregnant women and lactating mothers under the Anganwadi in 22 talukas. Thus, 5 lakh beneficiaries would now be covered under the scheme with a total annual expenditure of ` 31 crore.

Woman welfare :

A provision of `168 crore for financial assistance to destitute widowed women.

It is planned to establish 50 new Nari Adalat through the Gujarat State Women Commission.

A provision of ` 23 crore for the Gujarat Woman Economic Development Corporation to extend assistance for training and starting of business activities by women.

A provision of ` 2 crore to extend the Abhayam 181 women helpline throughout the state to provide help, guidance and assistance to women under difficult situation.

Labour and Employment Department

Our Government has placed special priority on skill development programmes in recognition of the importance of skilled youth in the social and economic development of the Nation. The Plan for skill development and labour welfare has been increased from `480 crore to ` 1151 crore in the last two years.

The State has the capacity of 1,53,415 seats under skill development institutions at the present which is proposed to be increased through various measures.

o It is planned to set up 19 new Government ITIs with a capacity of 3800 seats and a cost of ` 4.75 crore to ensure that no taluka is left without an ITI.

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14 o It is proposed to set up 26 new Government ITIs on demand with

5200 seats in the areas covered by the 4 large cities and urban development authorities. An amount Rupees one crore is provided.

o An amount of ` 45 crore is provided for adding 15000 seats in Government ITIs and 2500 seats in the Grant-in-Aid ITIs and also for the additional 165 Kaushalya Vardhan Kendra.

An amount of ` 16 crore is provided for construction of new buildings and

providing modern equipments.

An amount of ` 6 crore is provided for increasing the rate of monthly stipend to the students from ` 200/- to ` 400/- in respect of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and from ` 100/- to ` 200/- in respect of General Category students.

An amount of ` 81 lakh is provided for extending the stipend for professional training to trainees in Grant-in-Aid ITIs in the same scale as in Government ITIs.

It is planned to introduce new scheme for providing cycles to the women trainees in ITIs. This would benefit about 8000 girls.

An amount of ` 2 crore is proposed for giving ST bus concession pass to the ITI trainees in short term courses.

A provision of ` 9 crore for providing tablets to trainees who have successfully pass computer trade courses of more than 6 months in the


Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme :

The state Government plans to facilitate the youth who have completed ITI training to start their own businesses by availing of bank loans upto ` 1 lakh and by providing 7% interest subvention for 3 years on such loan.

o This would encourage skilled youth to start their own businesses. Entrepreneurial skills talent in the youth would be supported. Additional employment would be generated through such newly established businesses.

o Government is also willing to accept the responsibility of providing guarantee to such beneficiaries, for which separate MoUs would have to be signed.

o A provision of ` 6 crore is made for these innovative and forward looking Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme.

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15 Employment

It is planned to provide employment opportunities to about 3 lakh young men and women through Swami Vivekanand Employment Recruitment Fairs.

It is planned to set up overseas employment and carrier guidance centre at Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Rajkot to provide accurate and useful guidance to youth seeking employment opportunities abroad.

An initial provision of Rupees one crore is also provided for transforming the employment offices in to contemporary Employment Exchange Extension Bureau (EMPEXB).

Labour welfare :

Housing and other construction :

` 286 crore for various proposed welfare schemes for construction workers through Labour Welfare Board the welfare board.

o An amount of ` 200 crore to provide financial assistance to construction workers in city areas to build or purchase their own house.

o A provision of ` 18 crore to extend the benefit of medical treatment under Mukhaya Mantri Amrutam (MA) Yojana to registered construction workers.

o A scheme for ` 20 crore to assist construction workers in Municipal Corporation areas for renting accommodation.

o An amount of ` 20 crore for hostel facility for the children of construction workers in Municipal Corporation areas.

o A provision of ` 10 crore for high skill training for construction workers in masonry, carpentry and plumbing.

o A provision of ` 5 crore for assistance for medical treatment upto` 3,00,000/- for grave occupational diseases to construction workers.

o A provision of ` 5 crore to establish anganwadi/ balwadi through local bodies,self-Government or NGOs at labour sites where more than 50 workers were engaged.

o A provision of ` one crore to provide financial assistance upto ` 50 thousand to children of construction workers to avail of coaching for higher education and competitive examination.

A provision of ` 10 crore to extend the benefit of MukhayaMantri Amrutam (MA)Yojana to the unorganised sector labour after due registration.

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16 Development of the Deprived :

Total plan of ` 1957 crore under Social Justice and Empowerment Department, which shows 35% increase in comparison to the last year.

Education is the best and essential instrument for development of the deprived classes.

The construction of the modern and well equipped Swami Vivekanand Samras Hostels have been started at the cost of ` 646 crore with capacity of 11000 students belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Schedules Tribes and Other Backward Classes. A provision of ` 250 crore is made for this purpose and for taking up construction of additional Samras Hostels with a capacity of 5000 students.

The rate of scholarship to encourage girl students studying in standard 6 to standard 10 will be increased from ` 250/- to ` 750/-.

A provision of ` one crore for a new scheme to award student obtaining the first three ranks in standard 10 and standard 12 examinations at the district levels.

A provision of ` 2 crore for the scheme of assistance for tuitions for students of standard 11 and standard 12 in the science stream, with an increase in the rate of assistance from ` 25 thousand to ` 30 thousand over a two year period.

A provision of ` 2 crore for a new scheme to provide tablets as an incentive to students who obtain more than 70% marks in class 12 examination in science stream.

It is proposed to increase the rate of assistance for purchase of equipments for students in engineering and medical courses from` 3,000/- to ` 5,000/- and `10,000/- respectively.

It is proposed to increase the rate of assistance for food bill of students from ` 600/- to ` 1,000/- for students of engineering and medicine, with a provision of ` 4 crore.

A provision of ` 12 crore for the foreign education loan scheme with an increase in the maximum loan amount from ` 10 lakh to ` 15 lakh.

It is proposed to start a new scheme to provide assistance upto ` 20,000/- per student to the approved institutes for providing coaching classes to students of deprived class for competitive examinations for higher education.

It is proposed to provide an amount of ` 50,000/- to every candidate for main examination who successfully clears the preliminary examinations like IAS, IPS, IRS conducted by the UPSC for the higher Civil Services and assistance of ` 25,000/- for the preparation for the interview for those candidate who clear the main examination. Besides, if any girl belonging

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to any community, from the family having annual income of less than ` 6 lakh, clears preliminary or main examination, she shall be given the assistance of ` 60,000/- and ` 30,000/- respectively.

Increased the limit for concessional loans given for commercial pilot training from ` 20 lakh to ` 25 lakh. A provision of ` 3 crore is provided for the scheme.

It is proposed to provide interest subvention for three years to beneficiaries of Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes to enable them to avail bank loans to have their own place to run business at interest rate of 4% upto `10 lakh. A provision of ` 3 crore is proposed for this scheme.

Social Security :

It is proposed to provide an amount of ` 4 crore for the Sant Surdas Scheme and to increase the rate of assistance from ` 200/- to `400/- per month.

Alongwith a provision of ` 21 crore, it is proposed to increase the rate of assistance from ` 200/- per month to ` 400/- per month to the poor beneficiary for livelihood under the scheme for destitute and old persons requiring support.

It is proposed to double the assistance from ` 10000 to ` 20000 for marriage of disabled persons.

Tribal Welfare :

It is proposed to construct 4 new Government boys hostel and 1 new girl’s hostel. Provision of ` 4 crore.

It is proposed to increase the capacity of Grant-in-Aid hostels for Scheduled Tribes by 2000 seats.

A provision of ` 105 crore for post-metric scholarship scheme for covering 60000 Scheduled Tribes students.

It is proposed to double the assistance for performing last rights from` 2500 to ` 5000.

A plan to start 15 Grant-in-Aid hostels.

Welfare of Developing Castes :

A provision of ` 277 crore for scholarship and uniform to be provided to about 45 lakh Primary school students belonging to Other Backward Classes.

It is proposed to start 25 new Grant-in-Aid hostels.

It is proposed to increase the capacity of Grant-in-Aid hostels for Other Backward Classes by 3000 seats.

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18 Tribal development :

Plan provision of ` 1377 crore in 2014-15 under Tribal Development with increase of 44% in comparison to 2013-14.

A provision of ` 382 crore for taking up various works at local level according to the needs of the tribal communities under the new Gujarat Pattern.

A provision of ` 95 crore for providing water supply, roads, housing, electrification, education and economic development for Halapati, Primitive tribes and border villages.

A provision of ` 20 crore to provide household tap connections to tribal families.

A large number of women are engaged in the animal husbandry activities. It is proposed to revise the existing scheme for assistance for the purchase of milch cattle and dairy development. The unit cost would be increased from ` 39,400 to ` 54,400. The Government also plans to provide assistance for the first time of ` 15,000 to the beneficiary in addition to the loan of ` 20,000/- at interest rate of 6%. A provision of ` 15 crore is made for these scheme.

A Plan provision of ` 22 crore to provide saplings of fruit trees, fertilizers and training under Wadi scheme to small and marginal tribal farmers.

A provision of ` 44 crore for training and supply of fertilizers and seeds to tribal farmers under agriculture diversification scheme.

Forest rights has been provided to over 63000 tribal farmers. A provision of ` 9 crore is made to extend assistance for agricultural inputs, land improvement and irrigation facilities so that these farmers can undertake agricultural operations in a better manner.

A provision of ` 4 crore for developing Hatt bazar in tribal areas.

It is planned to start a new vocational training centre at Dharampur, District Valsad on PPP basis in collaboration with Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology.

A provision of Rupees one crore for minimum support price for minor forest produce.

It is proposed to increase the rate of maintenance grant from ` 600 to` 1000 for tribal students in Government dry hostels.

It is proposed to increase the rate of food bill assistance from ` 600 to` 1000 for tribal students living in hostels attached to colleges.

A provision of ` 16.25 crore for providing milk to students in total 12 talukas with 5 additional tribal talukas under Dudh Sanjivani Yojana.

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19 Under the Talent Pool Schemes for students, the best institutes shall be

given assistance upto ` 80,000 annually per student.

A provision of ` 59 crore for construction of schools and hostels and other infrastructure facilities for model schools, girls residential schools, eklavaya model residential schools managed by eklavya society.

A provision of ` 25 crore for new Government residential schools and hostels to be constructed at Gadhinagar, Navsari, Vansda and Dohad.

An amount of ` 4 crore for starting 10 new Government boys/girls hostels at Gandhinagar, Mehsana, Nizar, Vyara, Bardoli, Vankal, Bhilad and Dhanpur.

An amount of ` 40 lakh for starting 15 new grant-in-aid hostels through NGOs.

A provision of ` 10 crore to increase the capacity of Sainik School being run on PPP basis at Kherancha, Talkua Bhiloda from 250 to 500 and to provide infrastructure facilities.

It is proposed to start science stream in standard 11 at various Adarsh Nivasi Shala based on local requirements.

It is proposed to start a new Adarsh Nivasi Shala from standard 9 to standard 12 at Umargam taluka.

It is planned to start standard 11 classes in 10 Uttarbuniyadi Ashram Shala.

Construction of Roads and Buildings

Provision for Roads and Buildings Department under Plan and Non-Plan ` 7951crore.

Gujarat has provided an example for integrated road management by covering all the areas in the State through its comprehensive road network which is the pride of Gujarat. By developing road network from the tribal belt in the East to the ports on the West, we have adopted an approach to provide a sound link to the developed and the developing areas. Along with the unprecedented development of the State, the works to be undertaken to strengthen the road network include mainly the following :-

o Converting State highways into two lanes with the provision of ` 282 crore.

o Converting a stretch of 423 kms. into four lanes and six lanes at an estimated cost of ` 1441 crore.

o Widening roads of the length of total 1070 kms. upto 10 mtrs. at an estimated cost of ` 1534 crore.

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20 o Estimated cost of ` 473 crore for 39 bridges under progress and

provision of ` 135 crore for other bridges.

o Bridge on the canal on the way linking Olpad and Choryasi taluka.

o From among the bridges the works for which are to be commenced include four lane bridge on the old national highway located on one side of the Golden Bridge linking Bharuch-Ankleshwar, bridge on Gadurkhadi on Umargam – Sanjan-Bhilad road.

Works for converting roads of the length of 178 kms into four lanes on PPP basis at the cost of ` 1580 crore are in progress and it has been planned to convert into four lane roads of the length of 148 kms at an estimated cost of ` 1153 crore.

A provision of ` 491 crore for resurfacing existing roads as per requirement.

A provision of ` 340 crore for strengthening roads under World Bank aided Gujarat State Road Project-2.

A provision of ` 160 crore for linking potential villages or suburbs with a population of less than 500 in non-tribal area and 250 in tribal area.

A provision of ` 70 crore for improvement of rural roads under Kisan Path Yojana for speedy transportation of agriculture produce.

A provision of ` 120 crore for Mahatma Mandir Phase-II and ` 24 crore for Swarnim Park.

A provision of ` 51 crore for the construction of Civic Centres in the wake of formation of seven new districts and 22 new talukas.

o Construction of Civic Centres at seven districts including Botad, Modasa, Aravalli, Chhota Udepur is in progress with an estimated cost of ` 141 crore.

o Construction of Civic Centres at 26 talukas including Naswadi, Mahuwa at an estimated cost of ` 265 crore is in progress.

o Apart from this, construction of Civic Centres at Upleta and Kadi has been planned.

A provision of ` 24 crore for quarters for officers and employees in the newly formed 7 districts and 22 talukas.


A Plan of ` 5067 crore for Energy sector.

Keeping in view the existing and future requirement of power, the power producing capacity of the State has been increased in a decade by 1,50,60 MW in a planned manner.

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21 In the last 12 months, power plants with total capacity of 876 MW were

commissioned at Ukai and Dhuvaran. It has been planned to operationalise power projects of 500 MW and 250 MW at Sikka and Bhavanagar respectively.

It has been planned to set up 100 new sub stations and 2042 circuit km power transmission lines in the State at the cost of ` 2232 crore. From among this amount, ` 130 crore have been allocated for the works to be taken up in tribal areas and ` 240 crore have been allocated for the works to be taken up in the coastal areas.

Total 97459 agricultural power connections during 2012-13 and 94723 agricultural power connections during 2013-14 have been provided. Provision of ` 1062 crore to provide more than one lakh agricultural power connections during 2014-15.

A provision of ` 150 crore under ‘Kisan Hit Urja Shakti Yojana (KHUSHY)’ with the purpose of providing quality power supply at adequate load to agriculture sector.

A provision of ` 40 crore for providing free of cost domestic power connection to 62000 poor families of the State.

A provision of ` 3920 crore for providing subsidy in order that people of the State get electricity for agriculture and water supply at a fair price.

Non-Conventional Energy

It has been planned to set up canal based 10 MW solar power project at Karjan.

A provision of ` 50 crore for providing subsidy to farmers for procuring 1000 solar pumps on pilot basis for agriculture.

Oil & Gas

GSPC, Government of Gujarat enterprise, has successfully accomplished the task of extracting gas at the depth of 15000 ft. from the sea bed in the KG Basin and bringing the gas to the shores in very challenging circumstances. It is indeed a matter of pride for the State. I am glad to inform this house that commercial production of gas is expected to start shortly.

Gujarat Gas Company and GSPC Gas shall be merged this year. As a result, the company shall emerge as the biggest gas distributing company in the entire country.

All the gas distributing companies in the State supply gas through 13 lakh domestic connections in 22 districts. All the companies shall plan collectively to provide 2.13 lakh more connections apart from the existing 9.50 lakh domestic gas consumers in 17 districts. 25 new CNG stations shall be established.

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22 With GSPC Gas Company getting the long time pending approval to

provide gas connections to more and more areas in the State, the task of providing 50 thousand gas connections in Jamnagar, Bhavnagar as well as East and West Kutchchha shall commence.

Gujarat has suffered total revenue loss of ` 1000 crore in the last six years due to the change in the method of calculating royalty paid by ONGC on crude oil. I am glad to inform this house that with Hon’ble High Court deciding the case in favour of the State Government, the income of royalty for the State shall be approximately ` 2700 crore with significant increase of ` 2000 crore which otherwise would have been ` 700 crore.

A provision of ` 150 crore for developing the new LNG terminal at Mundra.

Employment and Prosperity through Industrial Development

Plan of ` 3080 crore for Industries and Mines Department.

State Government has adopted the approach to provide incentive to small and micro industries in order to generate employment on a large scale in the State and thereby attract the youth of Gujarat to industries. I hereby announce a scheme to provide incentive to small industries with a provision of ` 100 crore.

Till date, approximately 4.5 lakh micro, small and medium sized units have been registered in the State. Incentive shall be given to set up one lakh new units in the next three years.

Plot/shed equipped with basic infrastructural facilities

Keeping in view the difficulty faced by micro and small enterprises with increase in the prices of land and buildings, GIDC and private developers shall be given assistance by State Government for the estates to be set up by them for micro and small industrial units and the infrastructural facilities to be created there.


If there is a suitable vacant plot in the fully developed estates of GIDC, such vacant plot shall not be auctioned but multi-storeyed buildings shall be constructed on such plots for micro/small industrial units to start industry there.

Keeping in view the availability of the space in existing estates, separate space shall be allotted to small units.

Keeping in view the requirement, new special estates spread over an area upto 50 ha. shall be established by GIDC for micro/small units.

In order that micro/small units get shed/plot at a reasonable rate in GIDC under the scheme, State Government shall bear 50% of the cost.

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23 Private Developer

If a private developer develops sheds similar to raw houses of approximately 500 sq. ft. within the limit of one or two ha. for the benefit micro and small industrial units, assistance upto 50% of the capital cost shall be provided to such developer.

Scheme to provide assistance for rented shed

If an MSM industrial unit rents a shed, it shall be provided assistance upto 50% of the amount of rent for three years within annual limit of ` 50,000/- for urban areas and ` 25,000/- for rural areas.

The salt industry provides employment to approximately 60,000 people. Provision of ` 10 crore to help salt-pan workers procure solar pumps as an alternative to diesel engines.

Industrial investment

Huge foreign investment has been made in Gujarat thanks to Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit which started in the year 2003. This has generated large scale employment opportunities in the State and it has made Gujarat the growth engine of the country.

107 seminars/summits shall be organized in Vibrant Gujarat Summit-2015 and during year.

Pravasi Bhartiya Divas

The Government of India celebrates Pravasi Bhartiya Divas during 7 to 9, January every year since the year 2003. The event of the returning of Mahatma Gandhi – The Father of the Nation from abroad to India in the year 1915 will be completing 100 years in the year 2015. The Central Government has decided to celebrate this occasion in a grand manner in the form of Pravasi Bhartiya Divas in the Mahatma Mandir which is a symbol of modern Gujarat.

Gujarat has been a hub of petrochemicals and as a result, we have seen development of plastic industry. India Plast Exhibition-cum-Seminar-2015 shall be organized in an area spread over one lakh sq. mtrs.

For facilitating investment in Gujarat by foreign investors and for effective exchange of information, State Government shall set up International Desks in America, Singapore, Japan, Canada and China.

As a part of future development of Dholera, Dholera International Airport shall be developed on the basis of public private partnership. For this, a provision of ` 10 crore.

A provision of ` 266 crore has been proposed for making investment in Gujarat Industrial Corridor Company for the development of DMIC region.

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24 A provision of ` 244 crore for providing critical infrastructure in the

industrial areas of the State.

It has been planned to set up an international level Convention Centre at Vadodara at an estimated cost of ` 50 crore.

A provision of ` 320 crore to small and medium sized units in the State for interest subvention, quality certification and other incentive schemes.

Textile Industry

Textile Policy-2012 has received good response. Provision of ` 150 crore to provide various incentives to cotton spinning and weaving units.

A large number of new units are being set up in textile industry. Planning of ` 20 crore to impart training under Integrated Skill Development Scheme for skill enhancement.

Total Plan of ` 650 crore for tourism and places of pilgrimage.

Plan of ` 46 crore for comprehensive development of mainly Chanod-Karanali, Utkantheshwar, Galateshwar, Kaleshwari, Kedar (Mahi Sagar) as a part of the development of spiritual tourism.

Plan of ` 100 crore to provide infrastructural facilities and other related works at places of pilgrimage for the benefit of lacs of devotees coming from other parts of the country and abroad.

A provision of ` 20 crore for development of Saputara considering the increasing number of tourists.

Development of particularly Gopnath, Porbandar, Dumas, Sikka, Tithal and Nargol has been planned at the cost of ` 25 crore under coastal tourism and beach development.

Plan has been made to develop Velavadar, Enjal Bajana, Kilad Mahal, Ukai Dam, Kadana Dam, Dharoi Dam as well as Polo of Vijaynagar at an estimated cost of ` 81 crore in a suitable manner keeping in view eco-tourism and dam sites.

Plan of ` 15 crore to develop way-side basic amenities at 15 different places in Gujarat.

Light and Sound shows displaying the culture of Gujarat have been planned at an estimated cost of ` 15 crore at Somnath, Ran ki Vav at Patan, Sarkhej Roja (Ahmedabad) and Champaner – Pavagadh.

A provision of ` 10 crore for maintaining cleanliness and sanitation at tourist spots.

Plan of ` 15 crore to develop musical garden at the famous Aajwa Dam under a project cost of total ` 35 crore to be completed on PPP basis.

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25 Civil Aviation

A provision of ` 20 crore under Viability Gap Funding Scheme for encouraging air service among small cities in the State.

A provision of ` 123 crore for developing air-strips at Ankleshwar, Palitana and Morbi.

A provision of ` 18 crore for acquiring land for air-strip at Dwarka and Danta (Ambaji).

A provision of Rupees One crore for organizing an air-show in Gujarat.

Cottage and Village Industry

Cottage industry plays an important role for generating employment in rural areas. Therefore, for comprehensive development of cottage and village industry sector, total provision of ` 299.00 crore with an increase of 76% for the current year compared to the provision of ` 170 crore of the last year.

Handicraft and handloom artisans falling under cottage industry have to get loans at higher interest rate from private persons for their business and procuring raw materials. To end their difficulties, I announce ‘Dattopant Thengdi Karigar Vyaj Sahay Yojana’. Under this scheme, State Government shall help such artisans to secure loan upto ` 1.00 lakh from banks and the State Government shall also provide guarantee wherever required. It is planned to provide 7% interest subvention for three years on the bank loan. About 50,000 artisans shall be benefitted by this scheme.

A provision of ` 24 crore for various purposes including providing market to finished goods produced by artisans of cottage industry, handloom and handicraft artisans and setting up 100 new Gurjari Emporia in the country in the next three years, brand promotion of Garvi Gurjari, establishment of Craft Business Centre, web portal for online marketing and organizing buyer-seller meet at national and international levels.

It is planned to provide 1000 new Ambar Charkha and 100 new handlooms with 65% subsidy to encourage handloom weavers and khadi weavers of the State.

A provision of Rupees one crore to potters to help them develop modern equipment/furnaces on collective basis instead of using traditional tools and equipments for preparing earthen vessels.

Shri Bajpayee Bankable Scheme is being implemented for providing employment to unemployed youth in the urban and rural areas of the State. In this scheme –

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26 o Loan ceiling for industrial sector shall be increased from ` 5 lakh to `

8 lakh and the limit of subsidy shall be increased from ` 30 thousand to ` 60 thousand.

o Loan ceiling for service sector shall be increased from ` 5 lakh to ` 6 lakh and the limit of subsidy shall be increased from ` 15 thousand to

` 30 thousand.

o Loan ceiling for business sector shall be increased from ` 2 lakh to ` 3 lakh and limit of subsidy shall be increased from ` 10 thousand to

` 20 thousand.

Ports and Transportation

State Transport Corporation has contributed significantly in road transportation of the State. State Government provides assistance, loans and capital to the tune of about ` 1400 crore to S.T. Corporation which provide bus services to approximately 24 lakh people every day to enable it to provide better facilities, which includes –

o ` 190 crore to induct 950 new S.T. buses to strengthen rural connectivity.

o ` 90 crore for modernization of existing bus stations of District and Talukas with traveler oriented facilities,

o ` 14 crore for effective bus transportation in the State using computerization and modern technology.

Assistance of ` 714 crore to S.T. Corporation for concession pass given to students and S.T. link to all villages.

Modern Bus Stand Project has been undertaken in Surat, Ahmedabad and Mehsana on PPP basis

Private vehicles have been increasing day by day in the State. In order to strengthen R.T.O. –

- A provision of ` 19 crore to strengthen distribution system of Smart Card for registration of new vehicles, R.C. and driving licences.

- A provision of Rupees one crore to operationalise R.T.O. offices in newly formed districts.

Water Supply

Plan of ` 3001 crore has been proposed for water supply.

Projects at the cost of ` 1100 crore have been planned to strengthen facilities of water supply as per requirement after comprehensive review of availability of drinking water in Scheduled Tribe areas of the State.

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27 New initiative has been planned in the form of “Mukhya Mantri Mahila

Pani Saamiti Protsahan Yojana” under WASMO Scheme to increase participation and ensure active involvement of women in Water Distribution Management at rural level and also to empower them to take decision.

It is planned to carry out studies to check viability of implementation of blanket recharge to increase underground water table in the district of Kachchha.

It is planned to launch Re-modeling Water Supply Scheme Project for permanent solution to the problem of drinking water in scarcity prone Lakhpat and Abdasa talukas of Kachchha district.

It is planned to complete the last phase of Narmada Canal based Water Supply Scheme, through which approximately 2600 villages of Bhavnagar, Amreli, Jamnagar and Porbandar and 42 cities will get water supply.

Works to the tune of ` 50 crore will be undertaken for new pond at Adiran, Water Purifying Plant at Nimeta and new feeder line from Ajava to the boundry of Vadodara City under the Ajava Nimeta Water Supply Scheme of Vadodara city.

Panchayat and Rural Development

A provision of ` 5818 crore under Plan and Non-Plan for Panchayat, Rural Housing and Rural Development.

Sardar Awas Yojana-2

State Government has given plots and financial assistance for construction of houses to seven lakh families in the last three years through its campaign for providing benefit to poor families living below poverty line of 0 to 20 in the State.

The Government has adopted a new approach now and launched Sardar Avas Yojana-2 with an objective to provide assistance in a phased manner to the families - who dwell in raw houses but possess their own land and do not belong to BPL - for constructing pakka houses.

Provision of ` 744 crore has been made to give assistance of ` 40,000/- per beneficiary to approximately 3.00 lakh families by giving priority to the beneficiaries belongs to 21 to 28 numbers in the first phase under this scheme.

Halapati Awas Yojana

Under Halapati Awas Yojana, unit cost for constructing afresh the old houses of the Halpati Community residing mainly in South Gujarat has been increased from ` 45,000/- to ` 70,000/-.

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28 Our Government has organized 1098 Garib Kalyan Melas and has

successfully provided benefits of ` 12,000 crore under various schemes of the Government to 81 lakh beneficiaries directly and in transparent manner. It is planned to organize 116 Melas in rural area and 12 in municipality areas this year.

Different services have been provided at the door step to rural people through internet under e-Gram Vishvagram Yojana in 13685 Gram Panchayats of the State. Scope of these services have been increased and

provision of ` 80 crore has been made to set up Smart e-Gram Center.

Provision for the underground sewage system and other works in selected 255 villages under Rurban Scheme will be increased from ` 130 crore to

` 200 crore.

A provision of ` 15 crore for Samras Yojana.

Planning shall be undertaken for giving facilities of drinking water and

infrastructural facilities in the outgrowth (O.G.) areas outside the cities.

Women have generated business of ` 1466 crore under Mission Mangalam Scheme through self-managed economic activities. These

activities will be further promoted.

A provision of ` 696 crore has been made for generation of employment of

232 lakh mandays under MNAREGA Scheme.

A provision of ` 248 crore has been made to give assistance to 34000

beneficiaries for housing under Indira Awas Yojana.

A provision of ` 28 crore for the activities of Micro Watershed.

A provision of ` 40 crore for Panchayat houses in the newly formed

districts and talukas.

A provision of ` 9624 crore under Plan and Non-Plan has been proposed

for Urban Development and Urban Housing.

Total provision of ` 3550 crore has been made under Swarnim Jayanti

Chief Minister Urban Development Scheme in which –

In cities, works for drinking water and underground sewage system, infrastructural and civic facilities, local transportation as well as works

which can lend unique identity to the city, will be undertaken.

Schemes of CC roads, water lines, street lights, facilities of footpath in the societies located in cities with 80 per cent share of State Government and 20% public contribution have received warm response. For giving further

impetus to this scheme, provision of ` 250 crore has been made.

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29 A provision of ` 250 crore has been made for Ahmedabad Metro

Project, Phase-I, works for which shall be started this year.

A provision of ` 100 crore has been made to construct ring roads in Vadodara, Rajkot, Jamnagar and Bhavnagar.

Urban Housing

A provision of ` 1153 crore has been made as part of Mukhya Mantri Gruh Yojana to make available more than 3 lakh houses this year to the people belonging to different income groups.

A provision of ` 10 crore has been made for the purpose of viability gap funding under the scheme to reconstruct houses of old colonies by Gujarat Housing Board.

Skill Enhancement and livelihood in Cities

A provision of ` 25 crore has been made for the activities supporting Women’s empowerment, ‘Umeed Programme’ under Mission Mangalam and to impart training and generate employment for urban poor youth under National Urban Livelihood Mission.

A provision of ` 7 crore to make various services of Municipal Corporation and Municipalities available online under e-Nagar Yojana.

It has been planned to make information regarding development plan, details of town planning scheme and land evaluation system easily available to the citizens with the web portal of Town Planning and Evaluation Department.

Mahatma Gandhi Swachchhata Mission

Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, had initiated many campaigns for the people. By making the cleanliness drive people oriented, he insisted that every person should remain healthy, self sustaining and actively participate in social works such as cleanliness, health in their own village and town.

2019 is the year of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Our Government is determined to launch the cleanliness campaign on a wider scale with a broader perspective. Mahatma Gandhi Swachchhata Mission Programme has been implemented by Urban Development Department and Panchayat and Rural Housing Department to strengthen the Gandhian thought.

It is decided to launch Swachchhata Abhiyan in a phased manner from 2014-15 to 2018-19 in all cities, towns and villages by covering different aspects of cleanliness.

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30 In this scheme, in the urban areas –

o Works of total cleanliness, door to door collection of wastes, transportation of solid and liquid wastes, alternative utilization and disposal of waste in scientific manner will be undertaken.

o A provision of ` 160 crore for providing subsidy of ` 8,000/- per unit to two lakh families for construction of individual toilets.

o Works for construction of Public toilets/pay and use toilets, zero waste policy, mass awareness campaign, eco-friendly crematoriums etc. will be undertaken.

A provision of ` 290 crore for implementing this programme in urban areas.

A provision of ` 267 crore has been made for providing assistance to one lakh BPL families and three lakh APL families for toilets and for carrying out works of additional toilets in 7700 schools and works of 2800 solid waste management under Mahatma Gandhi Swachchhata Mission in rural areas.

Government has decided to make two-fold increase in the amount of incentive grant given to villages for strengthening the rural sanitation system under ‘Swachchha Gam Swastha Gram Yojana’. For this, provision of ` 66 crore has been made.

After abolition of octroi, State Government provides grant to Municipalities and Municipal Corporations. The rate of the grant given to Municipalities was increased periodically but the decision to increase the amount of the grant given to Municipal Corporation has been taken for the first time after 2008.

I am glad to inform that our Government has decided to increase the existing grant by –

- 10 per cent to Municipalities,

- 15 per cent to Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Surat Municipal Corporations.

- 20 per cent to Rajkot Municipal Corporation, and

- 25 per cent to Jamnagar, Bhaavnagar, Junagadh and Gandhinagar Municipal Corporations.

Thus, with the increase of total ` 324 crore in the grant provided to the Municipalities and Municipal Corporations against the loss of income through octroi, ` 2511 crore will be allocated this year.

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31 A provision of ` 554 crore for Food and Civil Supplies under Plan and Non-


A provision of ` 119 crore to distribute wheat and rice at a fair price to the citizens of the State through Public Distribution System.

A provision of ` 70 crore for preparing Ration Cards and strengthening Bar Coded Coupon System as per National Food Security Act.

A provision of ` 76 crore to make available sugar and oil at a fair price to the poor families of the State.

A provision of Rupees one crore for creating zonal offices in urban areas of the State and thereby strengthening administration of civil supplies.

Revenue department

A total provision of ` 2575 crore including ` 800 crore under Plan head of Revenue department.

A farmer account holder who earlier could receive copies of revenue record only from the relevant e-Dhara or e-Gram centres can now get them from any e-Dhara or e-Gram Centre in the entire State.

On similar line, a provision of ` 157 crore for providing GSWAN connectivity to 433 city survey offices in urban areas; providing accurate and digital record to a land holder by conducting re-survey in all the districts and maintaining its record and maps.

A provision of ` 19 crore for construction of City Survey Offices in Sabarkantha and Surat districts and modernization of Deendayal Survey Institute.

A provisionof ` 7 crore to establish on pilot basis a System and Data Centre based on GPS at Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar to make available accurate and simple land measurement facility and related data to common people.

A provision of ` 8 crore to prepare property card by undertaking systematic village site (Gaamthan) survey, after many years, in total 330 villages i.e. 10 villages in every district.

A provision of ` 7 crore for measuring all properties and getting the property cards prepared after checking the record of rights in Vadodara and Bhavnagar Municipal Corporations.

Forest and Environment

A provision of ` 731 crore under Plan for the conservation of forests and environment.

A provision of ` 131 crore for protection of wild life i.e. lion, wild ass, beer, Ghorad, Black Buck and their relocation and rescue centres.

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32 From among the provision made above, provision of ` 10 crore for works

of fencing on both the sides of railway line and construction of underpass as lions meet with accidents on railway lines passing through the Geer Sanctuary.

A provision of ` 187 crore for large-scale plantation of trees and rearing Gugal, bamboo and other trees and carrying out works of soil and moisture conservation.

A provision of ` 121 crore for the scheme of social forestastion.

Gujarat has implemented the concept of cultural forests since 2004 and as a part of this concept, it has been planned to create “Shaktivan” in Rajkot District.

A provision of ` 3 crore for conservation and preservation of heritage trees like Kantharpur Vad and Kabirvad.

Eco-tourism is prioritized so that people become aware and sensitive towards forests and environment. Places like Sasan Gir, Polo, Ratan Mahal, Khijadiya, Padam Dungri will be developed.

Planning of ` 355 crore for Sports, Youth and Cultural Activities Department

Talented Sports persons identified under Young Talent Search will be provided all the facilities of lodging and boarding, sports training and sports equipments at Government expenses at Districts Sports Schools.

A provision of ` 20 crore to create Centre of Excellence in big cities and provide special training to young players by coaches of national and international repute.

A provision of ` 10 crore to create SPV by Vadodara Municipal Corporation and Sports Authority of Gujarat for joint management of the newly built World Class Sports Complex at Vadodara.

A provision of ` 9 crore to 40 centres for construction of the first phase of Vivekanand Gym in every taluka of the State.

A provision of ` 10 crore for the construction of the first phase of the Multi-purpose Cultural Facility Complex to be set up for creating awareness about the cultural heritage of Gujarat.

Climate Change

The State Government is committed to encourage consumption of renewable energy. As a long term project, use of energy efficient systems and energy efficient equipments will be encouraged with a view to saving power in Government buildings, industries and domestic consumption, for which provision of ` 80 crore.

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33 Public Security

A provision of ` 4060 crore including ` 1398 crore under Plan for Home Department.

Our Government, committed to the safety of every citizen as well as public security in the State, has taken various steps for modernization and strengthening of Police department. The law and order situation in Gujarat ranks among the best in the entire country.

I am happy to announce that State Government has now decided to reserve 33 per cent posts for the women in the recruitment of Police forces.

A provision of ` 298 crore for the works related to residential and non-residential houses and also for retrofitting houses under the Police department by Police Housing Corporation Ltd.

A provision of ` 122 crore for modernization in the Police Department.

A provision of ` 16.72 crore under modernization of Police Forces meant for Mega City, Ahmedabad.

A provision of ` 1.06 crore for Quick Response Team and a provision of ` 71.94 lakh for Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad in the newly created 7 districts.

A provision of ` 50 crore for purchasing new vehicles for the Police Department.

A provision of ` 5.12 crore for augmenting establishment of traffic police.

A provision of ` 2.04 crore to operationalize offices of Home Guards in the newly created districts and for Home Guard Training Center Building at Sundhiya in Mehsana District.

A provision of Rupees one crore is proposed to create Control Room at Civil Defence, Bhuj.

A provision of ` 22.75 crore for new constructions of Jails and other new barracks at Gandhinagar, Valsad and Dahod.

A provision of ` 14 crore to install CCTV Surveillance, Video Surveillance System and Security related other accessories aimed at strengthening security arrangement in all State jails.

It is proposed to shift (relocate) present jails at Bhavnagar, Vadodara and Junagadh to other places.

A provision of ` 35.50 crore for the development of Forensic Science.

A provision of one crore to create 2 SRP companies for provision of security to the infrastructural facilities of the State.

A provision of ` 50 crore for further promotion Surakhsa Setu.

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34 Judiciary

Constant efforts of the State Government has reduced pending cases from 38.46 lakh in the year 2005 to 23.22 lakh at the end of the year 2013. A Plan provision of ` 921 crore for strengthening the judicial system.

It has been planned to establish new courts by declaring the newly formed 7 revenue districts as new judicial districts.

It has been planned to make link courts of Additional District Judge and Camp Courts of Senior Civil Judge as full-time courts by taking the workload into consideration.

It has been planned to establish additional family courts in the State as a part of women empowerment.

It has been planned to establish Mobile Courts for health sanitation in the Cities.

The State Government has made planning for equipping the judiciary with technology as follows –

o A provision of ` 20 crore under e-Court Mission Project.

o A provision of ` 3 crore for GSWAN connectivity facility and CCTV Security and Surveillance System for the Gujarat High Court and Sub-ordinate courts.

o A provision of ` 729 crore for the ongoing construction works of Court buildings, construction of the houses of judicial officers and alteration works of court buildings.

o A provision of ` 30 crore for further development of Gujarat National Law University Campus.

Science and Technology

A plan of ` 299 crore for Science and Technology.

A National level e-governance conference has been planned in the State of Gujarat during the year 2015.

A provision of ` 3 crore to obtain services of Cyber Security.

A provision of Rupees one crore for implementation of m-governance.

A provision of ` 19 crore for development, training, research, awareness and entrepreneurship in the field of bio-technology.

A provision of ` 2 crore for Mobile Science Van and Science Channel to create awareness amongst students in the subject of science.

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35 Plan provision of ` 96 crore under Information and Broadcasting


A Social Media Cell will be set up by the Government to disseminate information on people’s welfare and welfare schemes of the State Government to the citizens and also to communicate the feelings of the citizens to the Government with the use of modern technology.

Human Resources Management System (HRMS)

A provision of ` 17 crore for human resource management of all the cadres of the State Government.

A provision of ` 4 crore for construction of a new building at Gandhinagar for GPSC to strengthen recruitment agencies of the Government. It has been simultaneously planned to increase the strength of the members of the Commission from 4 to 7 and provide them other resources alongwith providing other resources.

A provision of ` 1170 crore for the Decentralized District Plan.

I am glad to announce that Government has decided to double the grant allocated for undertaking developmental works in the area of MLAs from ` 50 lakhs to Rupees one crore.

Fiscal Management

Lastly, we feel proud that the excellent fiscal management of the State has made the development of Gujarat possible in the last decade. Some of the important facts of the fiscal management are as follows –

The plan and Non-plan expenditures in year 2004-05 were ` 9490 crore and ` 29608 crore respectively. Compared to this, the plan and non-plan expenditures have increased to ` 56612 crore and ` 61326 crore respectively in year 2013-14. Thus, there has been a five-fold increase in the plan expenditure and an estimated two-fold increase in the non-plan expenditure. This has become possible due to the emphasis placed on productive expenditure by reducing non-productive expenditure. The State’s own revenue receipt was ` 12959 crore in year 2004-05 and with five-fold increase, it reached to ` 60208 crore in year 2013-14.

The State borrows money from market and the money is used entirely for capital expenditure on infrastructure development of the State.

Total debt of the State was 2.86 times more than the revenue receipt of the State in year 2004-05 and it has come down to 1.77 times more than the revenue receipt in year 2013-14.

In year 2004-05, the amount of interest paid was 26.82 per cent of the revenue receipts and in year 2013-14 it has reduced to 14.1 per cent.

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36 Modified Estimates for the year 2014-15

Modified Estimates for the year 2014-15 show surplus of ` 570.85 crore as follows –

(` In crore)

Modified Estimates for the year 2014-15

1. Consolidated Fund Revenue Receipts 103053.40Revenue Expenditure 96216.59Surplus on revenue accounts (+) 6836.81Capital receipts 26137.35Capital expenditure including loans and advances.


Deficit on capital account (-) 9165.96Total (1) Consolidated Fund (Net) (-) 2329.15

2. Contingency Fund (Net) (-)3. Public accounts (Net) (+) 2900.00Total net transaction (1+2+3) (+) 570.85

Conclusion Hon’ble Speaker Sir, We are satisfied that the development model of Gujarat is going to become the model for the entire country with Gujarat getting its first woman Chief Minister, Smt. Anandiben Patel - She has emphasized on Women empowerment and development of social sector through education and health. Our Modified Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 reflects this approach of Hon’ble Chief Minister and it is committed to Women empowerment, employment generation and development of the deprived. We are committed to the noble intention to ensure all essential facilities necessary for qualitative life to the people of all sections of the society. We have full faith and confidence that we will scale new peaks with full co-operation of the people of the State.

Now, I will present Part-B of my Budget Speech.


This is English version of the original Gujarati speech. In case of any ambiguity/discrepancy, the Gujarati version shall prevail.

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The overall surplus as per Modified BudgetEstimatesfortheyear2014‐2015willbe` 570.85crores.

I nowpresent the taxproposals for the year2014‐2015.






The rate of Central sales Tax was reduced to 2%

w.e.f.1/6/2008.Asaresult,theStatesufferedhugelossesof taxrevenue.Duecompensation,asperthe formula forthelossofCSTrevenue,wasnotfullypaidbytheCentral

Governmentwhich adversely affected the tax revenue ofthe State. In order to strengthen the tax revenue of the

State, a provision was made to reduce tax credit to theextentof2%onpurchasesofgoodsmadefromwithintheState and used in interstate sales w.e.f. 1/7/2010 under


There are large numbers of manufacturing unitsestablished in the State. If themanufacturing cost of the

products beingmanufactured by such units comes downthen their capacity to compete in the interstate tradewouldimprovewhichwouldresultingrowthofthetrade

and industry in the State. With this objective, I nowpropose to reduce the tax credit to the extent of1%

insteadof2% onpurchases of goodsmade fromwithintheStateandusedininterstatesales.Thisproposalwillbeimplementedwith effect from 1/10/2014. Benefit of

this reduction shall not be available on petroleum

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As a result of this proposal, the tax revenue of theState will be reduced approximately to the tune of

` 644.00 crores annually and ` 322 crores during the



Inorder togiverelief to theconsumersofL.P.G fordomestic use in the State, the State Government has

exemptedtheL.P.G.fordomesticuseintheState.But,dueto interpretationoftherelevantprovisionsoftheCentralSales Tax in the judicial system, this tax exemption

becomes available also to the Gas companies on theirinterstatesalesofL.P.G. fordomesticuse.Asaresult, the

taxrevenuesoftheStateareadverselyaffected.Therefore,in order to obviate such a loss, I propose todelete theentryrelatingtoexemptionofL.P.G.fordomesticuse


A separatemechanismwillbeput inplace with

the Gas companies in order that there isno increase inthepricesofL.P.G. fordomesticuse in theState. TheStatewillgettaxrevenueofabout` 150croresannually

from the users of the domestic L.P.G. from outside the

State and about ` 100 crores during the current

financial year while the prices of L.P.G. for domestic



AccordingtotherecentjudgementofHon.SupremeCourt, certain transactions of the developer and civil

contractor become taxable as works contract. There is

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already a provision in the Gujarat Value Added Tax Act,

2003 to levy lump sum tax at the rate of 0.6% for suchworks contracts. But in absence of legal clarity, somecontractorshavenotpaidthetax.Now,sincethereis full

clarity,inorderthatsuchcontractorsbeabletomakethepayment of tax retrospectively, the State Government

has decided to announce a scheme for this purpose.Under the scheme, if the registered as well as theunregistereddealersengagedonlyincivilworkscontract,

makes thepaymentofdue tax retrospectivelyat therateof0.6%forthepastyears,aschemeforremissionof the interest and penaltywill be implemented. The

scheme shall remain in operation for 180 days from thedateofannouncement.Adetailedscheme in thisregardwillbedeclaredhereafter.Underthescheme,taxrevenue

ofabout` 100croreisexpectedasalumpsumtaxofthe





Asper thepresent provisions of theGujarat Stamp

Act, 1958, the ownership rights relating to sale ofimmovablepropertyaretransferredinthemajorityofthedevelopment agreements. But, as per the provisions

containedinArticle‐5(ga)andArticle‐45(g)ofSchedule‐1of theGujaratStampAct,1958, the rateof stampduty is

1% of market price, on documents relating to givingauthority or power to a promoter or a developer bywhatevernamecalled,forconstructiononordevelopment

of, or sale or transfer of, any immovable property. But,because these documents are for transfer ofimmovableproperty,Iproposetolevystampdutyatthe

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rateof3.5% asperArticle‐20.Becauseof thisproposal,

the State Government would get about ` 14 crores of


Due to the proposal, the State Government wouldreceive stamp duty at due rates on such transactions

and the purchaser of the immovable propertywould getclear ownership rights and there would betransparency in the transactions relating to sale of

immovable property thus enabling proper reflection inrevenuerecords.



The partners can bring in immovable property or

cash as capital in the Partnership Firm. If the partnersbring immovable property as capital in the partnership

firm, maximumof` 10,000 is leviable as stampduty, as

per thepresentprovisionsof theAct.When thepartners

inapartnershipfirmbringinimmovablepropertyastheirshare of capital, the immovablepropertyactuallygetstransferredfromthenameofthepartnertothename

of the partnership firm. Considering this aspecttherefore,inthecaseswhereinanyimmovablepropertyisbeing transferred in the name of partnership firm, it is

proposed that such instrumentsofpartnership firmshallbesubjectedtolevyofstampdutyattherateof3.5%as

perArticle‐20of theGujaratStampAct,1958.Becauseoftheproposal, theStateGovernmentwould receive stampduty of about ` 20 crores during the current financial



thepartnership firmwill increase due to clear entry

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relatingtoownershiprights intherevenuerecords.

A Bill proposing necessary amendments in theGujarat StampAct, 1958will be presented in theHouse,duringthecurrentsession.



kept for use in the State. With an objective ofsimplification and rationalisation, I propose to makenecessarychangesintheratesoffollowingvehicles.


Motor Vehicle Tax at the rate of` 650per year on

per 1000 kilogramme or part thereof is levied on the

Goods Carriage Vehicle having gross vehicle weightexceeding 7500 kilogramme. The rate is in effect since

1997withminor changes. I therefore propose torevisethisrateto` 800peryear.Becauseofthis,therewillbe

an increaseofonly` 1500annually, ifavehicle ishaving

gross vehicle weight of ten tons. The motor vehicle tax

revenue will increase by about ` 40 crores during the




2002. The State Government has adopted a policy ofmakingthetaxstructuresimpleandrational.Asapartof this process, for simplification, rationalisation and

necessarychanges in theratesofcontractcarriagebusesas well as for removing the inequality based on the

number of seats in the ordinary buses, I propose asfollows:

(1) The rates ofmotor vehicle tax on designated omni

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omnibuses licensed to carry 6 to 12 passengersexcluding driver are ` 1200/‐ and ` 4620/‐

respectively per seat per year. It is proposed tochangetheseratesofordinaryandluxuryortourist

designated omnibuses and keep the rate of tax at` 1500 and ` 3000 respectively per seat per


(2) The rates of motor vehicle tax on ordinary andluxury or tourist designated omnibuses having

seating capacity of 12 to 20 passengers excludingdriver are ` 3000/‐ and ` 4620/‐ respectively per

seatperyear.Toremovethe inequality intherateson mini buses because of definition of luxury

vehicles,itisproposedtorationalisetheratesandtokeeptherateoftaxof` 4500perseatperyearfor


(3) The rates of motor vehicle tax on ordinary and

luxury or tourist designated omnibuses havingseating capacity of more than 20 passengersexcluding driver are ` 3600/‐ and ` 6000/‐

respectively per seat per year. It is proposed tochange these rates of ordinarydesignatedomnibus

and luxury or tourist designated omnibus and tokeep the rate of tax of ` 4500/‐ and ` 7800/‐


(4) The rate of tax on sleeper designated omnibuses

licensedtocarrymorethan20passengersexcludingdriveris` 12,000perberthperyear.It isproposed

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tochangethisrateoftaxandkeepitat` 13,200per


(5) I propose to introduce a new category of super

luxury designated omnibus. It is proposed to keepthe rate of ` 9000 per year per seat for super


is proposed tokeep the rateof` 15000perberth

per year for super luxury designated omnibushaving licensed capacity of more than 20passengers.

Implementationoftheaboveproposalswouldresultin an increase of about ` 40 crores during the current




PassengerTax is leviedat the rateof17.5%on thesaleof tickets,asper theprovisionsof theGujaratMotor

Vehicles Tax (Passenger Tax) Act,1958 on the stagecarriage buses run outside themunicipal limits. These

busesbelongtoGujaratStateRoadTransportCorporation.WithaviewtoproviderelieftothepeopleoftheStatetravelling in these buses, I propose to reduce this rate

from 17.5% to only 7.5% of the sale of the ticket. Toimplement this proposal, a Bill proposing necessaryamendmentsintheGujaratMotorVehiclesTax(Passenger

Tax)Act,1958 willbepresented in theHouse,during thecurrentsession.Asaresultofreductiontotheextentof

10%inthetaxburdenontheStatetransportbuses,thefares of state transportbuseswouldbe reduced andabout twenty lakh passengers travelling daily in these

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Due to reduction in the rate of passenger tax, theState Government’s passenger tax revenue would bereduced by about ` 150 crores annually and about

` 100 crores would be reduced during the current




With a view to providing a new source of tax

revenueto the localbodies fordevelopmentalworks, thepowersrelatingtoProfessionTaxhavebeendelegatedtothelocalbodies.Asaresult,therehasbeenhugeincrease

in the fundsof the local bodies.The State government iscommitted to strengthen the localbodies financially.

As a part of this process, I propose to delegate thepowerstocollectandretaintheEntertainmentTaxoncableT.V.to the localbodies. It isexpected that the local

bodies would get an additional revenue of about ` 9.00

crores as a result of this proposal. A Bill proposing

necessaryamendments in theGujaratEntertainmentTaxAct, 1977 will be presented in the House, during the


Conclusion The finalpositionofModifiedBudgetEstimates fortheyear2014‐2015willbeasunder:

(` Incrores)

(1) SurplusasperModifiedBudgetEstimates (+) 570.85

(2) Proposedincreaseintaxes

ValueAddedTax 200.00

StampDuty 34.00

MotorVehicleTax 80.00 (+) 314.00

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(3) Proposedreduction/reliefintaxes

ValueAddedTax 322.00

PassengerTax 100.00 (‐) 422.00

(4) ProposedtransferofEntertainmentTaxonCableT.V.tolocalbodies (‐) 09.00

(5) Estimatedoverallsurplus (+) 453.85

