Homework Response 1

Rem Salem 1/15/14 Get Your Sh*t Together I was shocked to see both the students initial email and Professor Galloway’s response some things that surprised me about the students email is the amount of excuses he came up with as to why he was late for his class and also why he is bothered and shouldn’t be held accountable. This shocked me because it would assume that a grad student would be more responsible than that. He came off as a whining child through his email. For example he states and numbers” (1) There is no way I could have been aware of your policy and (2) Considering that it was the First day of evening classes and I arrived 1 hour late (not a few minutes), it was more probable That my tardiness was due to my desire to sample different classes rather than sheer Complacency."Professor Galloway also came off to me as a hypocrite because he takes about professionalism yet states to the student to "get his sh*t" together. I believe that instructors and employers have the right to demand respect and responsibility from their students. Galloway wasn’t ordering his students to do something outrages. It’s a shame that he must point out that students must not be more than 15 minutes late to class and still have students show up an hour late, no matter way the reasoning behind it may be. The student had no right to complain about being dismissed since the instructor holds the right for the rules in his class. I don’t expect this behavior from any college student, they should be all respectable enough to not go into a lecture an hour late. If you do, expect to be dismissed as well. I would take this professors class because he is very straight forward, he isn’t making crazy rules, just simply asking students to have respect. He did seem to be a little hypocritical with his tone since he tells the student that it isn’t professional to be late yet telling him to "get your sh*t together" I would absolutely not be able to work with this student in a group setting because he seems completely careless and unrespectable. From the way he whines and complains about the situation makes him seem childlike

Transcript of Homework Response 1

Page 1: Homework Response 1

Rem Salem 1/15/14 Get Your Sh*t Together I was shocked to see both the students initial email and Professor Galloway’s response some things that surprised me about the students email is the amount of excuses he came up with as to why he was late for his class and also why he is bothered and shouldn’t be held accountable. This shocked me because it would assume that a grad student would be more responsible than that. He came off as a whining child through his email. For example he states and numbers” (1) There is no way I could have been aware of your policy and (2) Considering that it was theFirst day of evening classes and I arrived 1 hour late (not a few minutes), it was more probableThat my tardiness was due to my desire to sample different classes rather than sheerComplacency."Professor Galloway also came off to me as a hypocrite because he takes about professionalism yet states to the student to "get his sh*t" together. I believe that instructors and employers have the right to demand respect and responsibility from their students. Galloway wasn’t ordering his students to do something outrages. It’s a shame that he must point out that students must not be more than 15 minutes late to class and still have students show up an hour late, no matter way the reasoning behind it may be. The student had no right to complain about being dismissed since the instructor holds the right for the rules in his class. I don’t expect this behavior from any college student, they should be all respectable enough to not go into a lecture an hour late. If you do, expect to be dismissed as well. I would take this professors class because he is very straight forward, he isn’t making crazy rules, just simply asking students to have respect. He did seem to be a little hypocritical with his tone since he tells the student that it isn’t professional to be late yet telling him to "get your sh*t together" I would absolutely not be able to work with this student in a group setting because he seems completely careless and unrespectable. From the way he whines and complains about the situation makes him seem childlike

Purpose of the post:

This assignment was helpful because it allowed us to see different perspectives. In addition I feel like I personally connected with this piece because it allowed me to see things from an instructors view point. After reading over my response to the article I read earlier in the semester I feel like the way the professor responded to the grad student was appropriate. I feel like this assignment really helped me see that teachers are only going to baby you so much and that you must take responsibility for your actions. In conclusion reading this article was a wakeup call even a semester later to encourage students to avoid pissing their instructor off.