Homework #21 Given April 19th€¦ · small soda bottle in a baking pan or baking tray or pie tin...

Homework #21 Given April 19th ~ Due May 1st Step 1: Study for your exam on volcanoes. (You will not be tested on trees). Go back and check under the MORE tab at scienceinformationstation.com and click on WHAT’S HAPPENING for all science exam dates. Step 2: Get a pencil or skinny twig; aluminum baking pan or baking tray or pie tin; measuring cup; bag of flour; bottle of cooking oil; container of salt; packet of quick- rising yeast; container of hydrogen peroxide; food coloring; a really big bowl; and a small, empty soda bottle (16 oz. or less) Step 3: Build a volcano around the soda bottle with PlayDo or modeling clay, but be sure to build within the aluminum pan, baking tray or pie tin. NOTE: à If you do not have Playdo or clay, then make a volcano out of bread dough. Just mix 6 cups of flour, 2 cups of salt, 4 tablespoons of cooking oil and 2 cups of warm water together in a big bowl. The mixture should be kneaded to create a dough that is smooth and firm. Add a little more warm water if needed. Stand a small soda bottle in a baking pan or baking tray or pie tin and mold the dough around it into a volcano shape like the photo below. Step 4: Wait for the dough to harden. Step 5: Pour 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide into the small, empty soda bottle inside the homemade volcano. Step 6: Add several drops of food coloring. Step 7: Pour 1/2 tablespoon of quick-rising yeast into the bottle and stir quickly with a long pencil or twig. Step 8: Watch the eruption. Step 9: Take a photo of your erupting volcano and bring it to school with a written or typed lab report that answers the 5 questions below. NEXT PAGE

Transcript of Homework #21 Given April 19th€¦ · small soda bottle in a baking pan or baking tray or pie tin...

Page 1: Homework #21 Given April 19th€¦ · small soda bottle in a baking pan or baking tray or pie tin and mold the dough around it into a volcano shape like the photo below. Step 4: ...


Step1: Studyforyourexamonvolcanoes.(Youwillnotbetestedontrees).


Step2: Getapencilorskinnytwig;aluminumbakingpanorbakingtrayorpietin;


Step3: BuildavolcanoaroundthesodabottlewithPlayDoormodelingclay,butbesureto

buildwithinthealuminumpan,bakingtrayorpietin.NOTE:à IfyoudonothavePlaydoorclay,thenmakeavolcanooutofbreaddough.


Step4: Waitforthedoughtoharden.Step5: Pour1/2cupofhydrogenperoxideintothesmall,emptysodabottleinsidethe

homemadevolcano.Step6: Addseveraldropsoffoodcoloring.Step7: Pour1/2tablespoonofquick-risingyeastintothebottleandstirquicklywithalong

pencilortwig.Step8: Watchtheeruption.Step9: Takeaphotoofyoureruptingvolcanoandbringittoschoolwithawrittenortyped

labreportthatanswersthe5questionsbelow. NEXTPAGE

Page 2: Homework #21 Given April 19th€¦ · small soda bottle in a baking pan or baking tray or pie tin and mold the dough around it into a volcano shape like the photo below. Step 4: ...

o Whichsafetyprecautionsmustbeobservedduringthislabactivity?o Whichgasisproducedinthereactionbetweentheyeastandperoxide?o Whichofthefourtypesofvolcanoesdoesyourhomemadevolcanomostresemble?

(Useinformationfromthestudysheetonvolcanoestohelpyouexplain).o Howlongdidtheeruptionlast?o Repeattheexperiment,butthistime…



LEVEL4(100%) LEVEL3(80%) LEVEL2(60%) LEVEL1(40%)Studenthasphotoofhisorherhomemadevolcanoasiterupts…ANDStudenthaswrittenortypedlabreportthatcompletelyanswersall5questions…ANDStudent’sphotoandworkhavebeenhandedinbeforeorontheduedateornomorethantwodaysaftertheduedate.



