Hometalk spring 2014

H ome talk Spring 2014 Page 8 Yes, Hometalk is celebrating its 25th Anniversary and looking over that very first issue of 1989 are four employees from the Housing Department. Turn to the centre pages to find out their connection to the celebrations P4 & 5 : a look back at Hometalk’s 25 years . Inside : a great Easter competition 4 kids! Word Search The magazine for Cannock Chase Council tenants


Cannock Chase Counci's magazine for Council tenants.

Transcript of Hometalk spring 2014

Page 1: Hometalk spring 2014

HometalkSpring 2014

Page 8

Yes, Hometalk is celebrating its 25th

Anniversary and looking over that very first issue of 1989 are four employees from the Housing Department. Turn to the centre pages to find out

their connection to the celebrations

P4 & 5: a look back at Hometalk’s

25 years.

Inside: a great Easter competition 4 kids!


The magazine for Cannock Chase Council tenants

Page 2: Hometalk spring 2014



Beginning PaymentBalance


Beginning PaymentBalanceRent Calendar 2014/15

Record of Payments Made

Rent Reference No:- .................



April 07 2014

June 30 2014

April 14 2014

July 07 2014

April 21 2014

July 14 2014

April 28 2014

July 21 2014

May 05 2014

July 28 2014

May 12 2014

Aug 04 2014

May 19 2014

Aug 11 2014

May 26 2014

Aug 18 2014

June 02 2014

Aug 25 2014

June 09 2014

Sept 01 2014

June 16 2014

Sept 08 2014

June 23 2014

Sept 15 2014

Automated Payment Line 08452340080 or Pay On Line at


There’s a handy rent calendar for you in this issue


���If you

think you’ve

got a Bright

Idea, to benefit the

Housing Service,

contact the Service

Improvement Team.

Text message them:

07 814 758558;

Phone them on:01543 462621;

E-mail them at:



Write to them at:The Civic Centre,The Bungalow Annexe,PO Box 28,Beecroft Road,Cannock WS11 1BG.

Or use the suggestion forms available in Local Council offices.

We’ll pay for Bright Ideas!

Quids back in

The Council’s “Love your block” scheme has been hailed a roaring success after no less than 23

people came forward as volunteers to be “Resident Champions”.

The campaign was launched in November to encourage residents in flats on the Carfax and Moss Road estates to help maintain the improvements brought about by refurbishment.

‘Love your block’ aims to maintain the standards of these improvements by encouraging tenants to get involved and become resident champions to help keep the appearance of the internal communal areas clean and tidy.

Following a recruitment drive on the two estates in Cannock and Chadsmoor, 23 residents nominated themselves as champions for their block.

Cllr Frank Allen, Portfolio Leader for Housing said “This campaign has been extremely successful. I am delighted that 23 residents have nominated themselves as champions of their blocks. We hope that residents will look after and take pride in the communal areas which have been refurbished into clean, bright and welcoming spaces.”

The resident champions were given the opportunity to meet each other together with representatives from the Council and other local organisations, at a meeting recently when they were presented with a certificate and a shopping voucher to say thank you for their support.

Each resident champion also received a vacuum cleaner for their block which they will look after and use to keep their block clean and tidy.





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Chase tenants are reaping the benefits of the Council’s “Make a Wish” Minor Works scheme.

Over the past 12 months, 15 estate improvements have been carried out as a result of suggestions from tenants; many of them are put forward during an Estate Walk.

These walks enable local residents and Housing Officers to get together and see for themselves the state of a particular estate

- and what needs doing.They are an ideal opportunity for tenants to

“Make a Wish” to improve their neighbourhood, the main criteria being that it must be of general benefit to the estate and not just for any individual.

The new programme of estate walks starting from 1st April can be obtained now from the Housing Office or you can download it from the Council’s website.

You can send a Tweet to ‘@cannockchasedc’ to join the walk for your estate and discuss any problems you may have.

Note: details of the estate walk traffic light system evaluation results for last year can be obtained by contacting the Housing Office or from the Council’s website. Alternatively, call the Estate Management Team on 01543 462621 or email them at [email protected]

Three local young people have their first foot on a career ladder - thanks to

Cannock Chase Council.The trio have earned

apprenticeship places with the Council’s Housing Department to learn a recognised trade and to study for qualifications.

For 18 year old Elliott Norwood, Thomas Pearse also 18 and Mark Griffiths, 23, it will also mean hands-on work helping to maintain and repair tenants’ homes.

Elliot and Mark both have apprenticeships in carpentry, while Thomas’s is in painting and decorating.

Financial help in paying them has come from an Apprenticeship Grant for Employers, available as part of the National Apprenticeship Service, providing apprenticeships for 16 to 24 year olds. Businesses can claim a £1,500 grant per apprentice on completion of a 12 week period.

Cllr Gordon Alcott, Economic Development and Planning Portfolio Leader, said “The Council would like to encourage local businesses in the Cannock Chase District to consider taking on apprentices. By taking on apprentices, the Council are in a win-win situation - we get fantastic apprentices who are enthusiastic and can bring the new skills they are learning at college and in return they get paid work and experience.”

And Cllr Frank Allen, Housing Portfolio Leader, added: “I am delighted that three local young people have gained apprenticeships in Housing. They will gain skills and experience that will set them up in their future careers.

Cllr Allen is pictured (far left) with the three apprentices and Cllr Gordon Alcott (second right) and Mac Mason, Principal Maintenance Officer (on the right).

The Government is proposing, around May this year, to introduce measures designed to make it easier for tenants to buy their council house or flat .

The maximum discount for a house will increase from 60% to 70% of its value, with the £75,000 cap increasing in line with the consumer price index rate of inflation.

A £100 million fund will improve access to mortgage finance and new ‘Right to Buy’ agents will guide people through the buying process.

The Government says the money raised from sales will be ploughed back into delivering new homes for rent.

• Anyone thinking of taking on a mortgage to buy a property should seek professional advice before signing up to anything. Your home could be repossessed if you fail to keep up repayments.

We our block

Resident champions in the picture are (from left to right) Gavin Hillman, Helen Smallman, Matthew Davies and Danielle Haywood – all from the Moss Road and Carfax Estates.

Look out for the latest edition of ‘Quids In’ magazine, included with your Hometalk. It features bedroom tax loopholes; top money tips - and a tasty recipe. Enjoy!

Wishes come true for tenants

A step on the career ladder

Tenants living in the Council’s blocks of flats or maisonettes have been given an important fire safety message regarding communal areas.

Carpets, potted plants, chairs and pictures on the walls look very nice, but on landings and in corridors they are a fire risk and could hinder a quick evacuation.

Cannock Chase Housing chiefs are asking tenants to follow these simple safety rules:

1. All fire escape routes should be easily accessible and have nothing that may create tripping or fire hazards; things like doormats, curtains, furniture, pictures etc.

must be removed.2. Electrical cupboards sited in a

fire escape route must not have any combustible material stored inside, e.g. newspapers, cardboard.

3. Communal areas are now NO SMOKING zones, by law.

4. Please ensure that rubbish including bulky items are disposed of and recycled properly and not left in the fire escape routes.

“Not only are these precautions for your own safety, they are also required by law to comply with the Fire Safety Order,” said Belinda Wildey, Estate Management Team Leader.

…but safety is still key

Check your rent statement or the next letter you receive from Tenancy Services. If your name is not correct, mis-spelt, or you spot any other errors, contact Joanne Ravenscroft on 01543 464375.

Tenants hoping for a transfer to another property have been reminded that their current home must be in an acceptable condition before the move can go ahead.

A Housing Officer will carry out an inspection and any damage - either deliberate or through neglect - must be repaired at the tenant’s expense.

Tenants unable to carry out the necessary work will be charged at cost and no transfer will happen until it is paid.

Only when the work is fully and satisfactorily completed will tenants be considered for a transfer.

This lettings rule may sound harsh, but it aims to ensure that safety is not compromised and that the property remains empty for the shortest time possible before the new tenants move in.

2 3

Housing ‘surgeries’ with no appointments needed are open to tenants to discuss any housing matters.

They are held once a fortnight at:Cannock area office on Wednesdays, 9am-1pm. Next one: 23rd April.Rugeley area office, Anson St. Thursdays, 9am-1pm. Next one: 1st May.Norton Canes Library, Thursdays, 9am-1pm. Next one: 24th April.

Call 01543 462621 for more information.

Just drop in

Damage report

Rightto buy

Neighbourhood O


eighbourhood Three

Neighbourhood Tw


Area Details of the work Completed




FREE rent calendar

Page 3: Hometalk spring 2014

Have you guessed what our PAGE ONE employees have in common?Well, they all started work for the Council just as HOMETALK’s first issue was coming out.And they are still working for the Housing Department 25 years later.

Each of them has a wealth of memories, and some stories to tell, about their time with the authority, from giant snowballs to wheelbarrows of pennies!

For relief sheltered

scheme manager Pam Corbett reading again that first HOMETALK issue was a real trip down Memory Lane, especially the centre page

feature on the Council’s ‘new’ alarm system for the elderly.

“I knew all the ladies featured in that article and I still see one of them, Elsie Chesworth, who does some voluntary visits at Caxton Court.

“At that time the alarm system was based in one of the flats in Grace Moore Court. And the handsets the residents used to have were the size of housebricks. Looking at the pictures of the computer system in HOMETALK, they look like museum pieces!”

Pam’s first job back in 1989 was as a cleaner, but she now steps in as

relief manager at any of the Council’s sheltered schemes when the

regular manager is on holiday or away.“It could be a couple

of days or a couple of months. I really enjoy it,

because I get to meet all the residents in all the sheltered

schemes. We have a lot of giggles,”

Both Dianne Johnson and Joanne Ravenscroft are both now members

of the Housing Rents’ Team - but their starts with the Council back in 1989 were very different.

For Dianne it was as a trainee and it was three years before she got a permanent position, in Housing as an Estate Management Officer in Rugeley.

She is now Team Leader in the Rents Section, heading a dedicated team of six colleagues. She now sees their task as trying to ensure that tenants don’t get in to trouble with their rent payments.

“We’re doing a lot of work to help tenants get the benefits they are entitled to and to get those who need it proper debt advice. We don’t want tenants to lose their homes if at all possible.

“It’s working - the number of evictions we’re forced into is now only about one third of what it used to be and the results are down to

a dedicated, hardworking team.“I’ve been working for the Council for 25

years and I’m still here, so I must enjoy it. I do like meeting our tenants, face to face.”

Joanne’s first job with the Council was as a receptionist at the old Hednesford Area Housing Office. For ten years, part of her job was handling emergency out of hours emergency calls.

“Some of the calls I had made me smile. One night a gentleman rang to says some local youths had rolled up a giant snowball in front of his door and he couldn’t get out of his bungalow. It was true, so I sent a workman round to break up the snowball and let him out!”

Moving on as a repairs clerk, later an allocations and homelessness officer, Joanne is now a rent officer, a job that has some surprisingly upbeat moments.

“I had the case of an elderly lady who was behind with her rent. She wouldn’t answer any letters, phone calls or visits to her home. In the end we had no option but to take her to court. She was very upset

when she eventually came in to see us, and it soon then became clear that she was living off the basic pension with no pension credits. She should not have been paying rent at all. When we sorted it out, she got a £2,000

back payment of Housing Benefit and the possession claim was withdrawn. I was really pleased to help her, but I just wished she’d come to see us sooner.

“I’ve worked at all three area housing offices and I remember someone coming in to Rugeley with a wheelbarrow of coins to pay their Poll Tax. There were photographers and tv cameras there and I remember the counting of the 1p and 2p coins.

“It’s never a dull moment when you are working with people. I can honestly say I have never been bored working at the Council.”

After setting off as an administrative

assistant, Sarah Evans’s job now involves dealing with right-to-buy applicants and the leaseholders, those tenants who have bought their flat, but still live in a block managed by the Council. Leaseholders too, are HOMETALK readers.

Like the other three employees, Sarah has stayed with the Council for 25 years.

“I do love working here - the people, the tenants, they’re just great.”

❝Leafing through the pages of the first few editions of HOMETALK, you could be forgiven for thinking that little has changed…

- warning tenants about conmen - benefits advice - the Council’s modernisation programmes - news about rents.

But you would be mistaken. We’ve all come a long way in those 25 years. For a start, the improvement in the standard of Chase tenants’ houses, flats, bungalows and sheltered schemes is there for all to see.

Most importantly, we would like to think we have developed and maintained a personal relationship with our tenants. Whereas with some social housing providers, the only point of contact is with a remote call centre, Chase tenants can drop in at any time at The Bungalow, or Rugeley office or one of our regular Housing Surgeries to sort out issues problems or find out more about housing matters - and many of you do just that!

Back in 1989, “Tenants’ Choice” opened the doors for many councils to transfer

their housing stock to Housing Associations. There was little appetite for it Cannock Chase then, and a vote by you in 2007 confirmed that you wanted the Council to remain as your landlord.

Good communication between the Housing Department and our tenants, together with a

Good Service probably helped people make up their minds.

HOMETALK over the last 25 years,has played an important part in

maintaining a partnership between landlord and tenants

- a vital link - building the relationship with young and old. HOMETALK has been both

the voice-box and the ears of the Housing Department. If we

need to let you know about important changes that affect you - Choice-based Lettings recently springs to mind

- HOMETALK can bring you up to speed.

So, congratulations and well done to everyone connected with HOMETALK for standing the test of time, and thank you to you, our readers for reading and responding to what has been written on the pages of Hometalk over the past 25 years.❞

Spring 1999 - Introductory tenancies get the nod.

Spring 1990 and Rents are big news.


New Year 2004. The Housing Department launches its new Repairs Centre at Hawks Green.

Summer 1999 - the first FULL Colour issue as advances in print technology cut costs.

Summer 1995, a new

masthead and inside a story of

fig trees in Hednesford!

Spring 2006 - and probably the most important story to appear in the magazine over the whole 25 years as tenants vote to stay with the Council










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��Smartrent cards




Hometalk is available in LARGE PRINT and on tape in

SPOKEN WORD formats for visually impaired readers.

Contact Trish Griffi ths Tel 01543 577572

Meet the team at the Councilʼs

new Repairs Call Centre in Hawks Green. ALL repair requests now go there.

The number is: 01543 456816







Hometalk is available in LARGE PRINT and on tape in

SPOKEN WORD formats for visually impaired readers.

Contact Trish Griffiths Tel 01543 464757 ������



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It’s 25 years since HOMETALK first came through your letterbox. We take a trip down Memory Lane with a look back at some past issues - and speak to someone who helped to get that first edition to the printers!He was there at the start

Nigel Haywood was on the editorial team which put together that very first edition of HOMETALK back in 1989. Now, as Tenancy Services Manager, he reflects on what’s happened in the intervening period.

Spring 2011, an Easter

egg competition

for kids.

Autumn 2008 - centre page picture features are very popular with our readers.

Page 4: Hometalk spring 2014

The Council’s financial help for tenants affected by the under occupation charge also known as the ‘Bedroom Tax’ will be reviewed over the next six months.

It aims to ensure that tenants receiving a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) to meet the shortfall in Housing Benefit imposed by central government, are still entitled to it. The DHP was introduced by Cannock Chase last year, subject to strict conditions:1. An application to transfer to a property that would

not attract an under occupation charge must be registered with Cannock Chase Homes.

2. For tenants in rent arrears, a repayment agreement had to be made and maintained.

3. An expression of interest must be made for all suitable available properties.

4. When a suitable offer is made, it must be accepted.The Housing Benefit Department will be checking all

DHP claims and tenants who have failed to keep their side of the bargain will have it cancelled.

(NOTE: Tenants awarded DHP on medical grounds or because their property has been adapted for their needs will NOT be affected.)

“The Council has only a very limited amount of money to help over this issue and tenants must adhere to the conditions,” said Dave Willmore, Benefit Manager.

The Council is offering a reward to vigilant tenants and residents who spot and report fly tippers doing this disgusting and anti-social practice in the Cannock Chase district.

“We are urging people to come forward to shop the fly tippers who think it’s acceptable to dump their rubbish and unwanted bulky items illegally– you could get a £100 reward for your efforts.”

Council chiefs are now urging anyone tempted to dump fridges, furniture, rubble or any other waste to think again: You never know who may be watching and £100 is a big incentive to report the offence!

Anyone seeing fly tipping taking place anywhere within the District should report it immediately to Cannock Chase Council: by calling 01543 462621 (24 hours a day) or on the internet at:www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk/reportit Just complete a short form.

Cannock Chase tenants and residents are doing a grand job

helping the Council recycle more and more waste.

During January this year a record amount of material was saved from the dump via the blue bin: a whopping 1,104 tonnes of paper, cardboard, glass bottles & jars, tins & cans, plastic bottles & tubs and plastic bags will be put to further use; saving resources and energy.

More than half of Cannock Chase’s household waste is now recycled or composted.

In 2010 the Council made it easier for households to recycle by introducing a single blue bin.

Unfortunately, a few householders are letting the side down. They either don’t know the rules, or couldn’t care less about fouling up the collections, by putting in the wrong Items/materials in the recycling bin; such as foodstuffs and disposable nappies.

Contaminated blue bins can’t be emptied because the waste will

contaminate the “good” recyclable stuff. The collection team will put a tag on a “bad” bin with an explanation. Householders who persistently ignore the advice can have their

“ugly” bin taken off them. It’s happened already to a few.

Take a look at an “ugly” bin pictured above.

Now see some “good” ones below. See the difference?

“If only all blue bins were like these ‘good’ ones,” said Anthony Morris the Council’s Recycling Officer. “Good quality materials are easier to recycle and are worth more.”


Housing help under review

Prize winners:

You are what you eat! WANTEDFly



Two good bins!Neighbour disputes

are corrosive and can turn nasty if left to fester unresolved.

When the Council is asked to intervene, mediation is an effective option in sorting out problems, such as late night noise, lifestyle differences and anti-social behaviour.

If the parties agree, Cannock Chase refers them to the Wolverhampton Mediation Service, where trained mediators arrange a meeting on neutral ground, so that everyone has the chance to discuss their concerns and air their views. This meeting is quite often the only thing needed to resolve the situation.

Over 12 cases have been resolved this year and those residents who have taken part are now getting along much better, thanks to mediation.

W e’ve all heard about eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Not many know that

maintaining healthy cells in our bodies is vitally important.

In order for cells to work correctly certain minerals are required: sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, lettuce and savoy cabbage all boast high levels of these minerals.

In addition, two essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6, are needed for cells to communicate with each other. Our bodies can’t produce essential fatty acids - they have to come from food. Seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame are a good choice, as are oily fish like salmon,

mackerel, tuna and sardines. Don’t forget about water!Water carries oxygen to every cell in

our body to keep everything working as it should. However, did you know that water can reduce tiredness, help blood pressure, prevent headaches and reduce stress.

Incidentally, fruit is 70-90 per cent water!

ExerciseThe benefits of

exercise are well documented but did you know that regular walking has been shown

to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such

as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, stroke and some cancers? Seated exercises or swimming offer alternatives for those with limited mobility.

Doing things online is becoming second nature for many people and Cannock Chase tenants can now sort out much of their Housing business without leaving home.By logging on to the Council’s website;

tenants can:

pay their rent report repairs apply for a tenancy look for a homeswap make a complaint, or give a compliment ask a question.

The Council’s home page will direct you to the right area - just follow the on-screen prompts!

What ’ s in your blue bin?The good, the bad - or the ugly?

Focus on: Recycling your rubbish

Calming the stormwww.cannockchasedc.gov.uk


Gas Servicing DrawOctoberMr J Yates, Heath Hayes;Mrs J Smith, Norton Canes.NovemberMrs C Tindill, Rawnsley;Mr M Pitchford Chadsmoor.DecemberMr C Tonks, Hednesford;Mrs C Griffiths, Cannock.Repairs SatisfactionNovember: Mr J Hyden, Pye Green.December: Mrs J Price, Rugeley.January: Mrs S Parker, Chadsmoor.WordsearchAutumn EditionMrs M Miles, Chadsmoor;Christmas EditionMiss C Adams, Rugeley.Alarm Pull Cord DrawMrs A Akers, Rugeley.Estate Walk DrawMrs B Hayward, Cannock.Quick Quiz QuestionHow many requests for a Mutual Exchange have been processed since April? Answer: 103.Winner: Ms K Robinson, Rugeley

Page 5: Hometalk spring 2014

Published by: CANNOCK CHASE COUNCIL HOUSING DIVISION Editorial Consultants: MID STAFFS NEWS AGENCY 01785 823489 Printed by: RENFOR, Watling Street, Tamworth B77 5AE.

Tenants who suspect their electricity meter box may have a

fault or is damaged in any way, are urged to report it to the Council as

soon as possible - phone 01543 456861.


Hometalk is available in LARGE PRINT and ON TAPE. Contact

the Service Improvement Team on 01543 462621.

Your name .................................................

Your address ............................................

................................ Post Code ...............

Tel. ............................ I am aged over 16

NB Closing date is: 30th May.(Employees of the Council and their families not eligible to enter)

Housing Services may wish to contact you concerning housing matters. If you do not wish to be contacted, tick this box

A £50 gift voucher T D L S H O W E R ET U N S L O B G M AS C P U B M U I O SN K E N Y G T E S TE S I S N G T T S ED A I H N S E I O RR A P I U I R K L BA L R N B F F W B AG P R E W O L F K LS T W I N D Y E A T

exclusively for tenants!

Send entries to:Hometalk WordsearchThe Civic CentreBeecroft RoadCannock(or hand it in at your local Council Office).First correct entry drawn out wins the prize.

Sunshine ButterflyEaster BunnyFlower DucksShower GardensWindy InsectKite Blossom


Tiebreaker: Find a colourful spectacle.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _


Cannock Chase Council website:www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk

Opening Hours…The Council’s Housing Office at the Bungalow in Beecroft Road, Cannock, is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. The Local Council Office in Anson Street, Rugeley is open the same times,9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.The One-stop Shop at the Library in Market Street, Hednesford is now open for general inquiries 9am - 5pm (closed 1pm

- 2pm). Appointments can also be made.

Writing to us…Cannock Chase Council,Civic Centre,P O Box 28, Beecroft Road,CannockStaffs. WS11 1BG.

Housing Enquiries…General enquiries: Tel: 01543 462621

Emergency Repairs…

Repairs Reporting…All repairs: Tel: 01543 462621 or

All areas outside office hours:Tel: 01543 456816

Anti-social behaviourOut of hours service…DON’T LIVE WITH IT - REPORT IT! Tel: 01543 464657ONLINE: www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk

Housing and Council Tax Benefitsenquiries: 01543 464292

Benefits Enquiries…

Pay by Phone: 0845 2340080

Rent Payments…

Council Online…Online: www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk - ‘Pay it’

Online: www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk - ‘Report it’

CHECK THOSE ALARMS!Tenants & all other clients using the

Council’s alarm system are reminded to carry out

their monthly check: ONCE A MONTH pull the cord to alert the

call centre. This will test the alarm is working and reassure operators that you are all right.

With Hometalk’s