Homepage - Ryan Bell - Working Title

Welcome The initial founders of Working Title are Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe. Working Title has been co-chaired by Tim Bevan and Tim Fellman since 1992. Working Title has worked with the worlds most known film companies, such as: Warner Brothers, Universal and Lionsgate. Working Title have produced very popular films since they started, such as: Welcome Market Position Competitors Film Analysis Film Review Products Search: Target Audiences Distribution Advertising Legal + Ethical Questionnaire Survey Analysis of Media Organisations

Transcript of Homepage - Ryan Bell - Working Title

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WelcomeThe initial foundersof Working Title are Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe.

Working Title has been co-chaired by Tim Bevan and Tim Fellman since 1992.

Working Title has worked with the worlds most known film companies, such as: Warner Brothers, Universal and Lionsgate.

Working Title have produced very popular films since they started, such as:

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Paul is one of their more recent successful comedy


Director: Greg Motto

Screenplay: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost


‘’Two British comic-book geeks traveling across the U.S. encounter an alien outside Area 51.’’

Director: Brian Helgeland

Screenplay: William Hjortsberg


Working Title has helped make some of the worlds best known films. Here are two and some information about them. Legend is one of

the most recent successful films Working Title has worked on.


The film tells the story of the identical twin gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray, two of the most notorious criminals in British history, and their organised crime empire in the East End of London during the 1960s.

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Market Position

Working Title has increased its population mainly by the placement of genre of the films that they’ve helped produce. They’ve then branched out to bigger companies such as PolyGram and Universal.

Without the production of films involving big companies such as Universal and PolyGram, Working Title may not be as well known as they are today, nether making the amount of money they make today.

All of the films that Working Title have helped to produce haven't been a success of some sorts, the majority will have made them a profit but some, not so much.

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Due to the film industry being as big as it is,

Working Title has many competitors such as Film Four LTD and StudioCanal or any other film company

for that matter.

Having competitors is never easy, it means that

you obviously have to compete with other film companies which could result in you not making as much money as you’d

hoped for in the beginning, especially when they’re more popular than you.

Logos of listed competing companies.

Here are some of the most recent films made by

these companies and how the statistics stack up against each other in terms of gross profit.

WorkingTitleMr Bean’s Holiday

Gross = $33 Million

StudioCanalSlumdog Millionaire Gross = $141 Million


Gross = $76 Million


Gross = $149 Million

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DatabaseFilm Title Box Office Gross Production Cost Release Date Genre

Paul $101 Million $40 Million 18th March 2011 Comedy, Sci-Fi

Everest $192 Million $65 Million 25th September 2015 Adventure, Drama

The Theory of Everything $15 Million $121 Million 26th November 2014 Drama, Romance

Les Miserables $442 Million $61 Million 25th December 2012 Action, Comedy

Johnny English – Reborn $165 Million $45 Million 21st October 2011 Action ,Comedy

Mr Beans Holiday $230 Million $25 Million 24th August 2007 Comedy, Family

Nanny McPhee $123 Million $34 Million 27th January 2006 Comedy, Family

Shaun of the Dead $30 Million $4 Million 24th September 2004 Horror, Comedy

Legend $35 Million $25 Million 20th November 2015 Crime, Thriller

Contraband $96 Million $50 Million 13th January 2012 Action, Crime, Drama

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Film Title Mise en Scene Iconography Semiotics Connotations


In Paul the arrangement of the props and the chosen scenery of the

film was set out cleverly to add to the narrative of the film. The characters didn’t come across any civilisation through the desert, so this adds the original idea of a desert, with it being empty with

nothing in it.

Struggling writers, making the most of

what they have, as seen in the images below,

their camper van shows their wealth, not very expensive items, food lying around, this all adds to the effect.

The film tries to makeyou attached to the

character Paul due to his appearance, big

eyes, some audiences may find him ‘cute’ or easily loved so when

the scene comes when dies, people will feel


In the scene where theblind woman comes into the film, seen as though she can’t see

Paul, she acts completely normal, no negativity towards him whereas if she was able to see then she’d most likely have a different

reaction to the character, but she acts

differently than normal.

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Due to the results on my survey, I can identify that the main age of the people who watched my film were aged between 13-15 and 16-20 due to 2 being in each column its

split even.0




12 orbelow

13 to15

16 to20

21 to25


How old are you?

Number ofParticipants

On the gender sides of things, it was fairly even, 3 males were

surveyed and 2 females. I would say that mainly males would

stereotypically watch this film due to the action-packed scenes

that take place.0




Male Female

Are you male or female?

Number ofparticipants

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I then asked the participants how often they watched comedy films and if they enjoyed watching them and if so, why. This then gives an indication to what the rest of the

questionnaire is going to turn out like.





How regularly do you watch comedy films?

Number ofparticipants


Yes Sometimes Never

Enjoy watching comedy films?

Number ofparticipants

If answer was yes, why?

Good to Laugh

They’re funny, enlightens the mood and makes me happy

Brightens the mood, a lot better than horror/action films Next PagePrevious Page

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I then moved off of the generic questions and started to ask

questions about the film specifically to find out their experience. These

questions involve what they enjoyed about it, and if not, what

could've been done to improve the film in general.

Enjoy watching Paul? Why?

Enjoyed it - Funny Scenes, loved the characters

Could've been better

It was alright - My sense of humour, got a bit boring over time

It was alright - Quite funny, not quite into talking aliens

It was alright - Good concept of the friendship between alien + human

If answer was 'Could've been better' or 'Not at all' what could’ve changed?

Could've been better - Not really into talking aliens

Favourite part of film, why?

When the guy got shot gunned - Funniest part

When Paul spins a donut on his finger - Because it’s funny

The entering of Paul - Dramatic

Didn't have one

Where Paul is in the toilet, he comes out then a woman passes out - Funny

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Finally, for the last 2 questions, I finished it off by asking if they'd recommend

the film to family or friends to get an idea of their overall

experience and then to rate the film out of 10.






Likely Unlikely VeryUnlikely

How likely to recommend Paul to family or friends

Number ofParticipants

What would you rate Paul? Participant No.

6 1

7 2

7 3

4 4

9 5

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Film Review This video is my film reviewof Paul.

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ExpectationsAt first I wasn’t sure what quite to expect from this film due to it including some well-known actors but then the storyline is based on an alien. The producer isn’t as well-known as the actors, producing one well known title; Super Bad. As soon as seeing the trailer, which mainly focused on the special FX, the film looked like

just another ‘Pegg and Frost’ comedy leading from Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. The trailer left me wanting to see the film instantly due to the action

packed events that took place. With that being said, it was overall an entertaining, humorous film to watch.

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To advertise this film, they went as far as they could with their set budget of $40,000,000 (estimated). By putting it onto buses, in newspapers, websites, and trailers on YouTube, television

or even interviews on the radio they received much more publicity and excitement for the release date of the film. They didn’t put adverts in the newspapers as much due to it being a

bigger film so they went for the bigger options. The film made a gross profit worldwide of $101,000,000 (estimate).

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Judging by the rest of the comedy films Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have produced together, this one was expected to be no surprise but to be as funny and entertaining. The film got many

negative reviews due to the film apparently being produced just for the geeky kinds of people, then mentioning how it should’ve made the film to suit all audiences, not just one. In my opinion

the film suits all different audiences, family, comedy, geeky, children, basically anyone, fair enough not everyone will approve to the film, it might not be their sense of humour but there’ll definitely be at least a selection of people from each audience group that approves to the film. On the other hand Paul is a geek friendly film with it involving aliens; it’ll immediately spark an

interest for the alien lovers to go see it.

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There are plenty of camera shots used in the film Paul. In the scene where Paul is entered into the film and meets Frost and Pegg, close up camera shots are used on Paul, Frost and Pegg to emphasise the shock on the 2 humans’ faces and then the calm expression given by Paul. An

extreme close up is used where Pegg and Frost have their first sighting of Paul and the extreme close up is to then show their immediate reaction and emotions. The two shot and the over-the-shoulder shot is used here also to capture more than one reaction at once, for example when the

camera is looking over Paul’s shoulder at Frost and Pegg, this shows their reaction but then emphasises the size difference between Paul and the humans. The wide shot is then used in the scene right at the beginning of the film where Frost and Pegg are driving their RV down a long

road through the desert, this sets the location where the film is set.

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Camera Shots

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With the main storyline and the audience already being discussed, the cast was very well chose, no doubt a lot of time was taken to think out the right actors for each part to play and then one

of the most important roles – the voiceover for Paul. If I had to choose the cast and have different actors in any scene I wanted, I don’t think I could fault a single one of them. Something that

surprised me was the fact that Pegg and Frost both worked together to create the screenplay for the film, so I then found out that was the reason for all of the references to other films and then the other clever gags. At the start of the film the characters create small jokes between them or

share them with everyone whom they then end up repeating endlessly throughout the film which becomes funnier as the film goes on, they do this with a collection of different jokes.

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Cast Choice

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Going off on a bit of a tangent, the release date of this film was on Valentine’s Day. I wouldn’t suggest going to see this film on Valentine’s Day as it isn’t the most romantic film I’ve ever seen but it sure is an entertaining film to watch. Another surprise was the fact that it was released on

Valentine’s Day and it was still a big box office hit.

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Release Date

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All in all I enjoyed watching Paul, it’s my sense of humour and it’s the kind of film you can watch over and over and still find funny. I’d definitely recommend this as a film to watch with the family,

or with friends.

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Distribution AdvertisingHere are some of the most

well known Film Distribution Companies


My case study – Paul was distributed by Working Title who

weren't as popular as some of the companies shown on the left of the page, this is why to get bigger, they

made films with the companies, such as Universal, Warner Bro’s,


Here is the trailer for my

film Paul

The way in which Paul is made to look makes the audience generate feelings for the character – Big eyes, such as a dog which emphasises cuteness.

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The film Paul doesn’t present many Ethical

issues due to the amount of CGI used in

the film.

The main ethical issue about Paul is about the amount of males and

females present in the film, there are plenty more male characters that enter the film than females but then

the main female actor is blind.

An issue some people might see Paul as an

ethical problem with him being a male.

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Legal + Ethical Exclusivity and ConfidentialityA non-disclosure agreement, is a legal contract between at least two parties that

outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes, but with to restrict access to or by third parties.

Intellectual PropertyThis refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. It’s divided into two

categories: Industrial property, this includes inventions. The second category is copyright which includes literary.

Copyright and TrademarksThis applies to work that is recorded in some way. Rights exist in items such as

literary, artistic, musical or even dramatic work, as well as films. Trademarks are registered at a national or territory level with an appointed government body and

may take anywhere between 6 and 18 months to prepare.

Public LiabilityPublic liability insurance is crucial when filming in public

locations due to it paying out in the event of a mistake which causes an injury to a member of public, or which damages their


Employers Liability InsuranceEmployers are responsible for their health and safety of their

employees during the working hours, this applies to any workplace. Employees may be injured at work or may become ill as a result of attending work. If the employee feels like the

employer is responsible then they can attempt to claim compensation.

Employees RightsThe rights that an employee has to be treated in a fair, morally

acceptable, or legal way: There has also been an increase in the level of awareness of issues such as health and safety and

employee rights.

RacismIn the past many films have had racist scenes or the nature of the

whole film is seen to be racist. It stopped in many films due to them being banned in certain countries because of their religions or cultures that they had or some even get banned completely from being showed

to the public because they’re seen to be that offensive.

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SexismThis is similar to racism in the fact that it does still happen

in filming subtly but not as often as in the past due to more people being aware of it now and the fact that a lot of people believe in equal rights and so they stand up for

women’s rights, even in filming.

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QuestionnaireThe question choices were made to be very simple so then people can quickly answer them when they had to. The age range I went for was teenagers, 13-20 due to teens been more likely to watch the film.

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Male Female

Are you male or female?

Number ofparticipants





12 orbelow

13 to15

16 to20

21 to25


How old are you?

Number ofParticipants





How regularly do you watch comedy films?

Number ofparticipants





Enjoy watching comedy films?

Number ofparticipants

If answer was yes, why?

Good to Laugh

They’re funny, enlightens the mood and makes me happy

Brightens the mood, a lot better than horror/action films

Enjoy watching Paul? Why?

Enjoyed it - Funny Scenes, loved the characters

Could've been better

It was alright - My sense of humour, got a bit boring over time

It was alright - Quite funny, not quite into talking aliens

It was alright - Good concept of the friendship between alien + human

Next PageIf answer was 'Could've been better' or 'Not at all' what could’ve changed?

Could've been better - Not really into talking aliens

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Favourite part of film, why?

When the guy got shot gunned - Funniest part

When Paul spins a donut on his finger - Because it’s funny

The entering of Paul - Dramatic

Didn't have one

Where Paul is in the toilet, he comes out then a woman passes out - Funny






Likely Unlikely VeryUnlikely

How likely to recommend Paul to family or friends

Number ofParticipants

What would you rate Paul? Participant No.

6 1

7 2

7 3

4 4

9 5

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Active + Passive Audiences

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Passive and Active Audiences

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Passive and Active Audiences

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Passive and Active Questionnaire

I asked specific questions to the readers to get the answers I’d

like. There are only a few issues in Paul that would concern an active or passive audience so there aren’t many questions

that I could ask.The whole reason I’m asking the

audience questions is to determine whether they’re an active or passive audience and then to see their views on the

questions asked.

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Passive and Active Questionnaire

With the responses I got from my desired questions, I can now determine whether the person answering the questions was part of an active or passive

audience.With this being said, the

responses I received on the first 2 questions were more in depth and showed that the person had an answer. Whereas question 3 showed that there might not be

a major sign of class differentiation.

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Passive and Active Questionnaire

With the results that I have gathered I can now make a judgement on

whether the audience that answered the questionnaire was an active or

passive audience. With that being said, with the specific responses I got the response was a mix between both

active and passive with the last answer being passive and not noticing any

different classes in Paul. On the other hand with the first and second answers

this shows evidence of them being part of an active audience by them

going into more detail about the answer and not just stating the
