
Health Many homeless people experience issues with health including mental illnesses. With limited knowledge of transport and available services, this reflects their ability to access health services, and could lead to difficulties in travelling to different health services for assistance. Without health insurance the high costs of treatment services contributes as another factor leading to low wealth, which could lead to homelessness



Transcript of Homeless

Page 1: Homeless


Many homeless people experience issues with health including mental illnesses. With limited knowledge of transport and available services, this reflects their ability to access health services, and could lead to difficulties in travelling to different health services for assistance.

Without health insurance the high costs of treatment services contributes as another factor leading to low wealth, which could lead to homelessness

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Housing As shelter is one of the basic human needs. A significant cause of homelessness is the lack of affordable and safe housing. The Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) provide transitional supported accommodation and related support services to the homeless or those of becoming homeless. The government also assist eligible people affected by domestic violence or other exceptional circumstances to start a new home.

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Security and safetyTo not have the simple basic needs met, similar to shelter, food, and water, this provides little security or safety of a homeless person/people. It is difficult to create long-term plans whilst being homeless as it is an unpredictable way to live. The homeless must constantly be aware of others who may steal what little possessions they have or hurt them physically. The work of charities and government organisations is essential to provide some hope for the homeless to improve their position.

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Many people experiencing chronic homelessness often have very few social connections. This may be due to the lost of communication with family, friends and community contacts. They may feel socially isolated. The self-esteem of homeless people are usually very low, and may be aggressive towards support services because of their previous experiences. If the person became homeless due to an abusive relationship, they would have to have support to overcome the feelings that could’ve been factors to lead to homelessness; such as guilt, anger, fear and depression. After overcoming these emotions, they can begin to rebuild their life.

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Sense of Identity

With no permanent residence, little or no wealth, and limited social connections, the homeless have little sense of identity. It is easy for them to become nomads, and become unseen in todays society. With the help from services, organisations, compassion of the society and the government their status of being homeless can be improved greatly. Assisting this group to learn the necessary skills to gain employment, seek medical attention if needed, develop positive relationships and a secure accommodation are all important to develop a positive sense of identity for the homeless.