Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures,...

Two years ago, investors captured a 5,600% profit on one stock, creating millionaires in less than a year! $10,000 investments grew to over $560,000 in 2003-2004! You could see this happen again in 2005 as this shocker throws the entire market wide open! Get ready, because, the company I recommend inside could take the lion’s share of this new business and create a fortune in profits for you now that… Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! * *USA Today, 3/17/05 see reprint page 2... Barry Morrissey, Spokesman for Customs and Border Protection The market is racing to replace stun gun arsenals with a safer, more reliable non-lethal weapon. This creates a stunning ground- See the complete report starting on page 3… T wo years ago investors captured a 5 600% profit on one stock T T T i t t d 5 600% fit t k T Special Situation Investment Report This is a stunning opportunity for ggressive investors... Enormous profits are at stake as stun guns fall from favor and re-open a market that created millionaires in the past. Read my complete report inside that includes the stock I recommend you buy right now! Law Enforcement needs non-lethal options to ensure their safety and secure the peace.

Transcript of Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures,...

Page 1: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year

Two years ago, investors captured a 5,600% profit on one stock, creating millionaires in less than a year!

$10,000 investments grew to over $560,000 in 2003-2004!

You could see this happen again in 2005 as this shocker throws the entire market wide open!

Get ready, because, the company I recommend inside could take the lion’s share of this new business and create a fortune in profits for you now that…

Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser!*

*USA Today, 3/17/05 see reprint page 2...

Barry Morrissey, Spokesman for Customs and Border Protection

The market is racing to replace stun gun arsenals with a safer, more reliable non-lethal weapon. This creates a stunning ground-

See the complete report starting on page 3…

Two years ago investors captured a 5 600% profit on one stockTTT i t t d 5 600% fit t kT

Special Situation Investment Report

This is a stunning

opportunity for ggressive investors...

Enormous profits are at stake as stun guns fall from favor and re-open a market that created millionaires in the past.

Read my complete report inside that includes the stock I recommend you buy right now!

Law Enforcement needs non-lethal options to ensure their safety and

secure the peace.

Page 2: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


3/17/2005 Excerpted from full report. Reprinted with permission.

Federal bureaus reject stun gunsBy Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security’s two largest law enforcement divisions have rejected the use of stun guns for about 20,000 agents and offi cers, largely because of questions about the safety of the devices that emit electrical charges to temporarily incapacitate suspects.

The bans were adopted by the bureaus of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in internal directives that were issued during the past two years.

“There are enough question marks about the safety of this device,” Morrissey said, citing a recent review by the agency. ‘‘The safety of our offi cers and the public is always a concern. It was determined that the device just didn’t fi t.”

The bureaus’ acknowledgements of the bans come at a time when stun guns, which are used by more than 7,000 law enforcement agencies across the USA, are under increasing scrutiny.

(Continued on page 14)

“I am pleased to be sending a complimentary copy of this very special investor’s report. In it, you will discover a company that could take a commanding position in the emerging new fi eld of non-lethal weapons.

This is a ground-fl oor opportunity to invest in much-needed new technology of war and law enforcement that promises to reward early investors with signifi cant returns!”

Modern Warfare


Law Enforcement Warfare


Investors made fortunes in profi ts with Geoffrey Eiten

“I beat every advisor in the running, placing fi rst in the CNBC/USA Today Investment Challenge.

“Starting with $500,000, I grew my portfolio by 271.2% in just 6 weeks...to a stunning $1,356,102 value!

“Anyone following this plan would have fi nished with $2,356 for every $1,000 to start!”

This is the kind of profi t performance readers expect from Geoffrey Eiten. Learn more about his investment strategies and stock picking newsletter service on pages 14 through 19.

News Photo: APNews Photo: AP

Page 3: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


Dear Profi t-Seeking Investor,In March 2003, I watched Taser Technologies

(TASR) take off on one of the greatest wealth-creating profi t explosions in stock market history…5,600% growth in only a year.

In that short span of time, this company’s stock soared from 36¢ a share (3/31/03) to a breathtaking high of $20.20…a whopping growth of 56 times initial investment. Had you been on of the investors who got in early, that meant…

A $2,500 investment soared to $140,277…$10,000 grew to exceed a breathtaking $561,000…

And if you had $20,000 in Taser at that time, then you could be a millionaire today. All in less than 12 months!

Did you miss it? Don’t worry, TASR is in big trouble and history is about to

give you a second chance!The stock named in this report could duplicate

TASR’s skyrocketing profi t record in 2005-2006!

It’s clear that stun gun manufacturers like Taser are in deep trouble. The guns’ electrical shocks reportedly kill people, triggering lawsuits and leading police departments to ban their use all together. Even

This could be your one chance to grow a $20,000 investment to over $1.12 million...just like it

did for TASR investors in 2003!Yes...it could happen again! But not with TASR!

Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits.It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year

veteran company could take the whole thing!

the International Association of Chiefs of Police is pressing for reviews of all stun gun use. Now, stun guns have been banned by key Homeland Security agencies. That could fi nish it.

But in every crisis there is opportunity, and I have what could become Taser’s replacement because this is…

A huge new market opportunity for one company already supplying top law

enforcement, military and government agencies with non-lethal weapons that

are superior to the stun gun!Offi cials praise non-lethal tactics and weapons for

saving lives, yet stun gun failures have defi ed benefi ts.

(continued on page 4)

Ticker:.................................OTCBB: LLLIYears in Business:.............Since 1994Publicly Traded Since:.... March, 2005 (Reverse merger 3/18/05)Current:..............................$1.90Target price:......................$11.40 600% growth/12 monthsRecommend:.....................Aggressive Buy Now

Website: http://www.lambertlesslethal.com

Page 4: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


That makes this your ground-fl oor opportunity to invest in the only company with a patented “non-lethal” weapon ready to replace an aging arsenal of stun guns!

The timing is perfect for new investors as Lamperd Less Lethal prepares for explosive growth in 2005!

With Homeland Security recently banning use of stun guns, this market could go ballistic as law enforcement and Federal security agencies go scrambling to rebuild non-lethal weapon arsenals.

Lamperd Less Lethal has been supplying the police and military for years.

The Lamperd Less Lethal Defender 1 (for police and security applications) and the MPK (for military) each fi re up to fi ve rounds of Lamperd’s less-lethal ammunition. Provides knock-down potential up to 70 feet...3 to 4 times the effective range of Taser. It’s more accurate and reliable too! Lamperd’s arsenal of less-lethal ammunition usable with these weapons includes:

� The patented butyl composite WASP™ soft round…which makes rubber bullets obsolete (photo on right shows a WASP round compared to a typical rubber bullet)

� Distraction rounds...which discharge a 145db bang and fl ash

� O.C rounds...which propel and discharge pepper gas

� Bean bag round

Lamperd’s Defender and MPK products are the world’s only non-lethal fi rearms that can stop an attacker in almost any environment and almost any foreseeable situation. In this report, you’ll come face-to-face with what could be the most effective non-lethal weapon of modern times. Its application can spread beyond the limited use of a stun gun to include a wide range of situations that no other weapon can address.

� For law enforcement, a Lamperd Defender 1 weapon can be carried like a sidearm, the ideal tool for defusing potentially deadly confrontations at a safe distance for offi cers and minimal risk to bystanders.

� For the military, the MPK can be deployed in combat situations where civilians become human shields, as well as in embassy security duty, boarding ships at sea, and similar situations not appropriate for use of lethal force.

� For Border Patrol and other Homeland Security agencies, Lamperd weapons can be used as a non-lethal alternative.

� Even National Park personnel can put Lamperd Less Lethal weapons to use for controlling dangerous animals.

(continued from page 3)


Page 5: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


Just look back a few years ago when Taser International’s stun gun came to market! Its stock soared past $30 a share in 12 months…making early investors huge wealth with up to 5,611% profi ts.

But it appears that stun guns were never to be the end-all in non-lethal arms. They simply fi lled the fi rst generation gap between lethal and non-lethal weapons.

Today, as the stun gun body count escalates and lawsuits mount, the stun gun faces soaring scorn by public offi cials as its reliability, risks and chronic ineffectiveness haunt its use. As a result...

The market is begging for a new leader and Lamperd Less Lethal is ready to fi ll that void…

Lamperd Less Lethal (LLLI) has what could become the non-lethal weapon of choice for all law enforcement and

Federal security agencies…You do not want to miss these developments:

� Lamperd projects 3,000% sales growth for 2005 to 2006! And that projection was made before the Homeland Security news broke.

� No other company appears to approch Lamperd in non-lethal weapons expertise and acceptance.

� Military orders have already begun…a virtually untapped market today. In fact, Lamperd Less Lethal is one of the very few small companies worldwide approved for sales to NATO forces!

� International sales agreements are being formed as non-lethal weapons gain worldwide acceptance.

(continued on page 6)

It’s enormous!Lamperd Less Lethal sells to two distinct

markets, military and police. At present, Lamperd’s market for the short to medium term is limited to the police forces in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. (Worldwide distribution is in development.)

In aggregate, this is a market of approximately 920,000 police offi cers which when combined with the potential of corrections facilities, air marshals, border patrol and other security forces, creates a total market population in excess of 1 million persons.

Focusing on the United States alone, 80% of all U.S. police offi cers are primary market targets. With a total police equipment budget of $7 to $8 billion, the upside potential for a new weapons system like Lamperd’s is signifi cant.

On the military side, budgets for the development of non-lethal weapons are soaring. In 2004 and 2005, over $90 million will be spent just to test and identify non-lethal weapons suitable for purchase. (Lamperd has already received an order for 10,000 rounds of ammunition for early phase testing.) Data for procurement budgets have not yet been published, but I anticipate it will be in the billions of dollars.

Since Lamperd Less Lethal is one of only two North American manufacturers with a proven arsenal of non-lethal weapons offering suffi cient production depth to meet military needs, I anticipate that Lamperd Less Lethal will fare very well in supplying the U.S. military’s non-lethal arsenal.

‘‘Looking directly into the front of [Lamperd] Defender’s 20 guage barrel is more intimidating than staring into the muzzle of Dirty Harry’s .44 Magnum Model 29.”


LAW and ORDER magazine, November 2004

How big is the Non-Lethal Weapons Market?

Page 6: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


All this and more is why I forecast a stunning profi t opportunity...

With the demise of the stun gun, this market could retrace right back to the original investment starting line…back when investors saw their money take off in a 56-fold profi t run!

And, as you will soon learn, there’s even bigger market potential today than there was a few years ago. For this next generation of non-lethal weapons, the military markets are now in play.

My research has uncovered more than just the existing law enforcement market heating up, there is an entirely new market for non-lethal weapons springing to life in the military.

The company that appears to lead the new less-lethal movement is Lamperd.

Since 1994, Lamperd has been privately held, manufacturing and supplying non-lethal products and safety gear to military and law enforcement agencies. They already have proven business!

Recently, Lamperd management recognized that soaring demand for their less-lethal weapons had been accelerating, the early signs in a tidal wave of new demand. The epicenter of this demand has been the market’s collapse for the stun gun.

In addition to the issues reported earlier, stun guns have three more enormous drawbacks:

❶ A stun gun fails to subdue the aggressor in as many as 1 out of 4 incidents of deployment. Imagine the police outcry if 1 out of 4 bullets failed to fi re properly!

❷ The offi cer who uses a stun gun has only one shot, there is no second round without a reload. Again, imagine the potential furor over a single-shot fi rearm.

❸ The effective range of a stun gun is limited and its accuracy is marginal at best. An aggressive attacker can close the gap in seconds. There is no margin for error.

(continued from page 5)

U.S. Department of Justice Offi ce of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice, October 2004

Throughout this report, you will see intermingled use of the terms less-lethal and non-lethal. For the purposes of this report, the two mean essentially the same thing. Military sources consistently use the term non-lethal, civilian authorities and the companies involved use the term less-lethal. Though the intent is to be non-lethal, in the real world, an aggressor shot with a less-lethal weapon may sustain a deadly injury.

Lamperd Less Lethal is widely recognized for its superior products and technical excellence!

Lamperd’s WASP™ lead-free rubber projectile won 1st place at

the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineers - 2002


More and more law enforcement agencies are using impact munitions [such as Lamperd’s, Ed.] as part of their weapons arsenals. These less-lethal devices give police the means to subdue and arrest potentially dangerous individuals and to disperse unruly crowds with less chance of injury or death to suspects, innocent bystanders, or themselves.

Special note regarding non-lethal and less-lethal terminology

Page 7: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


(continued on page 8)

Thus, after a few years of experience under their belts, cities across the nation are quietly shelving stun guns for a catalog of reasons, not the least of which is the fear of lawsuits.

Even former stun gun training specialists are seeking legal representation, but not as defendants! Due to a mounting pile of evidence that trainers are being permanently injured by stun guns, they’re lining up as complainants, seeking damages!

If you poll the experts as I have, you’ll fi nd that many jurisdictions are quietly walking away from stun gun use, but they are not walking away from non-lethal weapons!

It is well established that non-lethal weapons dramatically reduce catastrophic outcomes in hostile situations, though the growing concern is not favorable to the stun gun. Authorities are shifting their views.

And even a slow shift in a market this large creates a huge vacuum of demand!

Today’s investor in Lamperd Less Lethal will be getting on board just in time for what could become a stunning profi t ride fi lling the cavernous void created by the demise of the stun gun.

Three years ago, had I projected that the market for stun-guns would explode to become a 5,611% gainer for one company…you’d have justifi ably scoffed.

But now you know it actually happened. Ordinary investors made a fortune for life...all in one year!

Now, you could do the same!A few years ago, investors who took and held

positions in Taser International went on to make electrifying profi ts. But after a few years in the fi eld, Taser is beset with problems that threaten to shelve the popular stun gun in favor of more effective and dependable approaches.

When introduced, the Taser weapon soared in popularity, as police departments throughout America recognized the potential for its use.

Stun guns offered a sensible intermediate step between a physical altercation where an offi cer could get seriously injured, even killed, and the use of deadly force to subdue an aggressor.

The success can easily be seen in the share price gains that TASR investors enjoyed.

On January 3, 2003, investors who bought TASR at $0.36 got in for a wild profi t ride.

By April 19, 2004, TASR had climbed to $29.67, an eye-popping $8,241% growth!

$10,000 bought and held in that time grew to a staggering $824,100!

But, that was then and this is now. Taser is already down 2/3rds from its old highs,

and with the recent decision from Homeland Security, the market for stun guns could become as lucrative as the market for buggy whips.

But the interest in non-lethal weapons has not declined, it has actually increased!

Interest is pouring into Lamperd Less Lethal on a daily basis. It appears that the profi ts are just getting started for this new generation of non-lethal arms!

In just 12 months, from March, 2003 to March 2004,

the market for non-lethal weapons drove TASR to soaring

heights...but TASR’s days are falling off fast!

TASR: Now trading

under $9.25

Market close 4/8/05

Page 8: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


(continued from page 7)How much market is there for Lamperd Less Lethal products?

� The law enforcement market is projected to continue growing as forces replace stun guns and add new non-lethal capabilities.

� The military market is just getting started. $25 million have been budgeted for early studies with huge weapons orders expected in the near future. This is headed by a high-level command specifi cally tasked to evaluate non-lethal weapons and protocols for front line use.

� Even Homeland Security is putting non-lethal arms on high purchase priority for security applications in locations such as airports where lethal force could lead to disastrous outcomes.


Here are the highlights of that swelling market interest and how you can position yourself now for the stunning profi ts that you could earn with a buy now on LLLI. Consider that Lamperd Less Lethal:

❶ Is the only major manufacturer of non-lethal weapons that is NOT in the stun gun business.

❷ It jointly holds a patent on the key component of its non-lethal arsenal, the ammunition. (Patent shared with University of Western Ontario)

❸ It has established business contacts and relations with law enforcement in all major metropolitan areas in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. It is authorized to sell to NATO and is opening new areas, including the Middle East.

❹ It manufactures/distributes about 250 different products to law enforcement agencies and corporations (ironically, it’s client list includes Taser International).

❺ It supplies one of America’s largest distributors of law enforcement equipment, Armor Holdings.

❻ It is a participant in the invitation-only Force Protection Equipment Demonstration at Quantico Marine Corps Base (26-28 April 2005), an exclusive opportunity to showcase Lamperd’s equipment to nearly 7,000 personnel from the Department of Defense, Federal agencies, state and local governments, and foreign countries. (Read more about military applications later in this report.)

What is clear to me is that Lamperd Less Lethal has the right products in the right places at exactly the right time. I strongly recommend you consider a buy now.

What’s more, if a stock like LLLI is the kind you like to discover for your portfolio, you’ll want to know more about the track record I’ve amassed for subscribers to my OTC Growth Stock Watch newsletter.

Lamperd Less Lethal is associated with the following private, public and government institutions:

• U.S. Federal Departments • NATO • U.S. National Institute of Justice • U.S. Marine Corp • U.S. Police Services • U.S. Sheriffs Departments • Michigan State Police • Department of National Defense • Wayne State University, Michigan • University of Akron, Ohio • Canadian Police Research • National Research Council of Canada • Royal Canadian Mounted Police • C.N. Police • Ontario Provincial Police • Municipal Police Departments • Police Council • Monadnock • Fox Labs International • Prop Arms Bomb Disposal • Crossfi re • University of Western Ontario • Bayer • British Home Offi ce • Bayreuth University, Germany

Page 9: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


More to read beginning on page 10...

I have one of the best stock-picking records in the business, including fi ve picks documented in this report that earned quadruple-digit profi ts for subscribers!

You can learn more about this record and my investing strategies later in this publication.

Yours for profi table investing,

Geoffrey EitenPublisher, OTC Growth Stock WatchSpecial Situations Investment Report

P.S. In the year of its most explosive stock price growth, 2003, Taser International posted $24.46 million in revenues. By 2006, Lamperd Less Lethal projects $27.99 million. With the combined depth of both military and civilian sales channels, I see the chances of achieving those revenue fi gures as being

realistic. And if they miss? Perhaps the stock will only go up half the amount that TASR went up in 2003 through 2004. And 2,800% would be nice!

Here’s what you should consider now:❶ Buy Lamperd Less Lethal (OTCBB: LLLI)

in any quantity up to 5% of your stock portfolio. Keep in mind that this is an aggressive investment on a newly issued stock, and despite all the evidence that suggests profi ts to be made, there still exists a possibility for signifi cant losses.

❷ Subscribe now to my OTC Growth Stock Watch newsletter using the introductory subscription offers on pages 14-15 of this report.

❸ Watch for my future buy and sell alerts that you receive on Lamperd Less Lethal and the other stock picks that make up my recommended investment portfolio.

Disclaimer: This publicly distributed report of OTC Special Situations Report, a publication of OTC Growth Stock Watch, is a sponsored advertisement. The distribu-tion costs of this report to new subscribers, one million three hundred thousand dollars, were funded by Higgs Investments , Ltd. in an effort to create investor awareness of Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. Higgs Investments, Ltd. is also a shareholder in Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc., holding fi ve hundred thousand shares of Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. stock which is free to be publicly traded (sold) at any time by Higgs Investments, Ltd. It is anticipated that this report will generate new subscriptions for OTC Growth Stock Watch. Neither OTC Growth Stock Watch nor Geoffrey Eiten, the reviewer [or analyst], received any compensation for this report, but both expect to receive an unknown amount of revenue from new subscriptions from the subscription offer contained herein. Neither OTC Growth Stock Watch, Higgs Investments, Ltd., nor Geoffrey Eiten is a broker-dealer, though they are investment advisers. This report, including the opinions expressed and the statements made within, is for informational and advertising purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice and do not constitute an offer to sell any securities, and it is not soliciting an offer to buy any securities in any state or other jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted. The information used to prepare this report is believed to be from reliable sources, but no repre-sentation is made as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. Investment in securities carries a high degree of risk and involves risks and uncertainties which may result in investors’ losing all of their invested capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The information contained herein contains “forward-looking statements,” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements are based upon expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events to differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements may be identifi ed through the use of words such as expects, will, anticipates, estimates, believes, or by statements indicating certain actions may, could, should, or might occur. Any statements that express or involve predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objec-tives, goals or future events or performance may be forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include but are not limited to adverse economic conditions, intense competition, lack of meaningful research results, inadequate capital, termination of contracts or agreements, adverse publicity and news coverage, inability to carry out research, development and commercialization plans, loss or retirement of key executives and research scientists, and other risks detailed in the company’s reports fi led with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Readers should consult with their own professional investment, tax and portfolio advisors before making any investment decision and should independently verify all information herein. More complete information about Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. is available from the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission, at http://www.sec.gov, and copies of its fi lings may be read without charge at and copies obtained at prescribed rates from the public reference facilities of the Commission, at 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549.

Page 10: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


“Non-lethal weapons offer a precision, accuracy, and effective duration that can help save military and civilian lives, break the cycle of violence by offering a more graduated response, and even prevent violence from occurring if the opportunity for early or preclusionary engagement arises.”

Defense Horizons, March 2002

(continued from page 9)

The U.S. Military made a signifi cant commitment to non-lethal weapons development and deployment.

Following the harrowing lessons of Somalia, and increasingly prevalent in modern military operations, is the civilian interface our troops face in warfare. Insurgent armies have no qualms intermingling with civilians to shield their attacks with innocent lives.

The urgency of developing appropriate responses to this situation has not escaped the attention of the highest ranks. The quote below, taken from Defense

Horizons, typifi es the shift in thinking.

To meet the demands of modern urban warfare, Lamperd Less Lethal offers a military version that integrates its non-lethal weapon with a military assault rifl e, the Lamperd MPK.

This system is lightweight, effective and can hold a laser system for increased accuracy. Such a weapon gives military personnel the option of infl icting lesser force in doubtful scenarios.

Marine Corps Wargaming Programs embrace non-lethal weapons and include joint military and civilian training in New York,

Our troops need non-lethal options right now...and stun guns are all but worthless in urban warfare.


Troops patrolling civilian population areas need effective alternatives to the projection of lethal force. Lamperd’s MPK

and WASP round provide the choice these soldiers need.

News Photo: AP

Page 11: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


(continued on page 12)

”The Urban Warfare Wargaming Program embraces a broad and diverse spectrum of activity that has cut across other Wargaming program lines.

‘This interest in non-lethal weapons is refl ected in congressionally mandated Department of Defense (DoD) efforts to examine the feasibility of acquiring and employing a number of near-term Non-Lethal Weapons capabilities.

‘‘In addressing non-lethal weapons, the Fiscal Year 2001-2005 Defense Planning Guidance notes that:

“Current efforts to study and understand the use of Non-Lethal Weapons from the strategic to the tactical levels must be integrated into all future military and interagency concepts and operations.”

Seattle and San Francisco.

Project Fast Train inserts non-lethal military force in civilian centers targeted by terrorism. The MPK weapon provides non-lethal fi repower troops would need to carry anywhere civilians are mixed with hostile forces.

The following excerpts have been taken from U.S. Marine Corps websites: http://www.wargaming.quantico.usmc.mil/programs/NLW/indes.asp.

”Project Fast Train is a series of small, fast turn-around efforts focused on discrete, near-term problems and issues associated with the war on terrorism. To date, this component has examined such issues as cold weather operations in Afghanistan, combating terrorism operations in the Philippines, the Marine Corps and Special Operations...”

Editor’s note: It is important to point out that Lamperd Less Lethal’s patented technology for “soft” butyl composite projectiles retains its soft, less-lethal quality at temperatures well below freezing, a key factor for global military deployment.

33rd Commandant of the United States Marine CorpsGeneral Michael W. Hagee serves as the Department of Defense Executive

Agent for the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program.

Mission: The Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program was established to provide warfi ghters a family of Non-Lethal Weapon (NLW) systems with a range of optional non-lethal capabilities ... so as to incapacitate personnel or materiel, while minimizing fatalities, permanent injury to personnel, and undesired damage to property and the environment.”

General Michael W. Hagee

The Lamperd MPK provides a projection-of-force alternative to lethal fi repower in hostile situations involving civilians and non-combatants.

„What the terrorist is trying to do is portray our side as the ones killing innocent people. A lot of the things we can do with non-lethals involve separating the innocent bystanders and human shields from the people

who are causing harm,”

Lt. Gen. Wallace C. Gregson. U.S. Marines.

Page 12: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


(continued from page 11)

From Afghanistan to the Sahara…Alaska to the Florida Keys

The extraordinary Lamperd Less Lethal WASP butyl composite ammunition.

Unlike any other non-lethal device, the Lamperd WASP projectile is serviceable in the most extreme climates…even bitter cold where rubber bullets turn lead-hard and Tasers have no chance of penetrating winter outerwear.

Worldwide demand for non-lethal arms is projected to escalate by triple-digit numbers as security and military operations become increasingly intertwined with civilian populations.

These circumstances forecast dramatic shifts in response from all law enforcement, security and military commands. Lamperd Less Lethal, being one of the very few companies worldwide that specializes in this equipment, is poised for skyrocketing growth in the future years.

The Lamperd WASP round will take down the toughest aggressor, with hammer-like force. It’s vastly superior to fi ring a “rubber” bullet, which is well known for accidental and unintended deaths. In theory, a rubber bullet should not penetrate, but it can be deadly, especially in below-zero weather when the bullet freezes solid…making it useless as intended in a Chicago winter, for example, or in military operations where extremes of temperature are routine.

Lamperd’s permanently soft (to -60° F) butyl composite ammunition (the WASP round) has been developed and patented in a collaborative effort

between Lamperd Less Lethal and a Macromolecular Engineering Research Center scientist at the esteemed University of Western Ontario. It does not harden in cold weather and is approprite to use almost anywhere in the world. It is the only soft projectile of its kind. The stabilizing tail also provides extreme accuracy at long distances. (Photos not to scale.)


Strong words of support for the Lamperd Less Lethal product:‘‘The WASP round seems to be the ammunition

of choice with tactical teams and SWAT type applications due to its harder hit. The sock round is generally preferred for patrol applications”LAW and ORDER magzine, November 2004

Report also includes the following quotes:

‘‘The sock round is fairly accurate and still effective up to about 100 feet...” Police Chief Ed Bogats, Bridgeville Borough, PA

‘‘This weapon would make a great addition to road patrol. There’s no safety to leave on or off, and you do not have to [reload] to fi re a follow up shot.”Detective Kevin Scott, Coconut Grove, FL

‘‘..can be used on multiple subjects. The [Lamperd] Defender shoots well and is very comfortable.” Sheriff’s Lieutenant Scott Couto, Bristol County, MA

When it comes to the safety of our police and military...

Lamperd Less Lethal munitions strike with a force that cannot be ignored!

Page 13: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


Ticker: OTCBB: LLLIYears in business: Since 1994Publicly Traded Since: March, 2005 (Reverse merger 3/18/05)Current: $1.72Target price: $10.32 600% growth 24 monthsRecommendation: Aggressive Buy Now

Geoffrey EitenEditor and PublisherOTC Growth Stock Watch






Taser…The One-Shot Wonder!When I began reading about the diffi culties that police and cities

were having with stun gun technology, what I learned was a shocker!

A stun gun fi res a two-barb projectile intended to penetrate an aggressor’s skin and discharge 50,000 volts by through wires still connected to the pistol. Once fi red, it cannot be immediately fi red again.

That kind of weapon performance reads like a relic from the Revolutionary War...with unpredictable results.

� Like an old fl intlock pistol, Taser can only be fi red one round at a time. (Lamperd’s weapon packs 5 rounds.)

� It takes approximately 15 seconds to reload and fi re again…

� Its useful maximum range is limited to 7 to 12 yards…

� It cannot penetrate heavy clothing or light armor…

� It misses or fails to work as much as one time out of four times fi red…

� It poses safety risks even for the person fi ring it!

With the availability of Lamperd’s Defender and MPK with WASP munitions, the Taser may be best suited for a museum display case.

An offi cer with Taser drawn cautiously approaches a desperate subject. With only one shot in this diffi cult fi ring scene, a miss means the loss of this offi cer’s non-lethal option and exposure to an immediate attack.


s Pho



Lamperd Less Lethal supports all law enforcement offi cers and the jobs they do.

Page 14: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


What if you had fi ve stocks in your portfolio that made over 1,000% profi ts?

That’s how to build a real fortune. Spread your risk over a basket full of huge winners. I’ve done this many times in the past, providing my subscribers with picks that made gains* like these:

◆ 7,050% on Express Scripts (ESRX)†First recommended: 9/92 @ $1.19 – 3/15/05 $84.91 current

◆ 4,217% on Natural MicroSystems (NMSS)†First recommended: 4/94 @ $1.56 – with subsequent high 9/7/00 of $84.91

◆ 3,089% on Advance PCS (ADVP)First recommended: 12/96 @ $1.19 – sell recommended 9/15/03 $36.76

◆ 1,111% to 1,909% on Techne Corporation (TECH)†First recommended: 6/93 @ $3.43 – 3/15/05 $41.54 current with subsequent high of $71.06 on 7/6/00

◆ l,085% on Surmodics (SRDX)†First recommended: 5/98 @ $4.88 – with subsequent high 6/28/01 of $66.90

Of course, not all of these stocks gain at the same time, nor do all of them do this well. As you begin adding these to your portfolio and dropping the disappointments (we have a clear sell strategy too), the fortunes really pile up. Here’s the impact that this could have in your portfolio. Had you invested just $7,000 in each the stocks listed above when I

recommended the buy, you would watched as they added a total of $1,107,330 to the value of your portfolio!

That’s over $1.1 million in profi t from a portfolio of 5 stocks with only $35,000 total to start!

If you want to feel good about your investing...then just wait until you start expressing your gains as “something-point-something” million dollars! That’s serious profi t-making! It’s realistic too, even for an investor who has just a few thousand in play!

*Recommended price adjusted for stock splits and dividends. †Current portfolio selection, March 2005 newsletter.


Feds ban stun guns

(Continued from page 2)

Since 1999, more than 80 people have died after being shocked with stun guns, according to reviews by The Arizona Republic and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). The Republic has reported that autopsies have linked 11 deaths to stun guns, which

also are known as Tasers.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police and other law enforcement groups have called for more extensive research into whether stun guns are safe.

Page 15: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


If you want stocks like LLLI in your portfolio, then let me show you where to fi nd them.

I call these opportunities “Special Situations” that could make you a fortune when you learn about them at just the right time...like now with LLLI.

And who wouldn’t want to know about Lamperd Less Lethal (LLLI) as it’s poised to re-trace market gains that made TASR investors over 5,611% in just one year!

Imagine, $7,500 invested at the right time would have peaked at $392,770!

If you weren’t one of those lucky investors back then, don’t despair today.

I predict this could happen again, as Lamperd Less Lethal moves into a wide-open market void created by the decline of stun gun use.

That’s the way a great pick on a small-cap stock could work for you. Huge profi ts in a short time. And all it takes is a company like Lamperd.

No doubt, this kind of profi t potential is what you dream about fi nding early.

But you don’t have to go sifting through thousands of OTC stocks to fi nd a company with this kind of ten-bagger plus potential...

I fi nd the holy grail of investing: 1,000% growth or greater on the big exchanges, NASDAQ and the Amex!

My stock picks frequently surpass this magic number and they come from established companies. Had any one been in your portfolio, the implications to your wealth would stunning to say the least.

It’s not hard to imagine how just a few $7,000 investments, like my picks shown on page 14, can lead to 7-fi gure, million-dollar-plus wealth.

But why limit yourself to imagining? Let me tell you how I’ve posted this enviable record through my OTC Growth Stock Watch newsletter, and why subscribers eagerly watch their mailboxes for my buy alerts. Each comes with the same kind of profi t-making potential that I have reported to you here.

What’s more, I make these buy recommendations with a sensible investment approach, not wild

‘‘This is NOT the fi rst time I’ve picked stocks with quadruple-digit profi t-

making potential!“

Page 16: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


(continued from page 15)

speculation. I prefer to spread my recommendations over a sensible range of picks that avoid the hazards of going too deep into a few high-risk buys!

This is aggressive investing at its best. We mix it up, keep our risks low, and hang on to the profi t makers as they skyrocket in value.

Could you make money this way? You bet!

You see, anyone can make a lucky pick to get a quadruple-digit winner! That’s not how I do this. If you bought just one company in hopes of 1,000% or better gains, then you face signifi cant chances of failure...not to mention having to concentrate a lot of your wealth in one stock. There is a better way.

Diversifi ed investing for quadruple-digit gains!

Today, after 10 years of stock picking, my diversifi ed buy and sell recommendations are averaging $13,300 a month in profi ts for every $50,000 invested! (More about this in a moment!)

This is possible not only because of the ten-baggers, but because many of my picks rapidly grow to double in value or more, and we often take profi ts on these early, just to reduce our risk.

I also value the merit of being patient. Stocks with growth potential like this don’t come along all that often, and I never try to make a marginal stock look better than it really is. I don’t have to.

The fact is, I’ve developed a knack for fi nding companies with triple-digit and quadruple-digit profi t potential. And I’ve done it by going beyond reading charts and studying company fi nancials.

I’ve done it by studying the market situations that form distinctive profi t-making events.

To qualify, the company I recommend must

conform to three distinct profi t-maker rules I’ve perfected for verifying the real growth potential.

Four-Digit Profi t Rule #1

Choose the companies that the everyday investor cannot fi nd on his/her own!

Rest assured, in seeking quadruple-fi gure profi ts on any stock, once you discover a company with the potential, it’s already too late. You must get in at the earliest date, when the stock is trading at rock-bottom and nobody knows about it.

For example, Lamperd Less Lethal has been a private company since 1994. It became publicly

traded as LLLI only a few weeks ago. As Taser’s troubles continue to mount, the news of Lamperd should get out fast...just like it did with TASR in 2003. Once you miss that breakout, even a short delay can make a big difference in your gains.

Look at the record. TASR investors who invested $7,500 ($0.33) at the beginning of March instead of the end of April ($0.68) suffered a huge loss of profi ts.

About 60 days of indecision had this impact:

March investors hit a profi t peak of $420,825!

April investors hit a profi t peak of just $204,224...in other words...

Delay is costly! In this case the slow-to-act investor lost over $216,600 in unrealized profi t!

That’s why with my picks, we move fast and we move aggressively. The advantage is that my approach captures the big breakout as well.

My approach is designed to get you well into the profi t range before the inevitable corrections and volatility take


Take advantage of my no-risk

subscription offer and receive this $29 value Bonus Report, FREE!

Page 17: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


(continued on page 8)


It’s a lot easier to ride through the mid-course volatility of a fast-rising stock when your intial investment is well padded by a thick layer of early-stage profi ts!

In the previous example, March investors exceeded a 200% gain by the end of April!

You see, companies like those I recommend often take off very quickly, returning 200% to 500% in just months. We usually need to move fast to capture those early gains.

Longer term, the early buy can translate into hundreds of thousands in additional profi t as well!

As a regular subscriber to my OTC Growth Stock Watch newsletter, you get the very earliest notice about the companies and the stocks I feel have that kind of profi t potential.

If you’re ready to learn more, this may be the best part for you now.

Let me introduce you to my investing strategies with a risk-free look at my entire investment plan, including all my important Bonus Reports recently published for my subscribers.

Subscribe now with my Triple-Satisfaction-Guarantee to receive all the benefi ts that include details of my 2005 portfolio! (For subscription details, please see pages 18 and 19.)

OK, right now you may be asking yourself, ‘‘Why subscribe now? What’s the hurry?”

Glad you asked.

Because, every month you miss, you miss on this stunning record of profi t-making:

Over the last ten years...my buy and sells recommendations have

generated average gains of 320% a year!

Just $50,000 invested translates to $13,300 a month in lost opportunity!

That’s a stunning profi t record and I don’t know of any publication that could match it. Do you?

Four-Digit Profi t Rule #2

These are companies that we can buy and hold for a while.

I believe that we should have the confi dence to buy a stock once and make our profi ts on the long-term growth rather than chasing ups and downs in share prices looking for new buy and sell points.

The simple matter is, the best investor can be a patient investor. In fact, Warren Buffet has been attributed as saying:

“Successful investing is when patient buyers buy from impatient sellers.”

How true. When you buy any stock at the rock bottom price, it can’t help but serve you more upside than downside.

Using LLLI again as an example, it only recently became publicly traded, not by an IPO, but by an inexpensive, low-profi le reverse merger. Add to that the fact that Lamperd has been successful for about 11 years, this is a great starting point for any new stock.

It also takes more than a few months for a stock to grow 20 to 30 (or more) times its starting value. Sometimes it takes 3-5 years.

During that time, you do not want your money in highly volatile stocks that look good one day and bark like a dog the next.

Instead, we prefer to see a steep, steadily climbing chart like that shown on page 7.

Four-Digit Profi t Rule #3

Eiten’s TopTelecommunicationsStock for2004

Take advantage of my no-risk

subscription offer and receive this $29 value Bonus Report, FREE!

Page 18: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


(continued from page 18)


Choose the companies where sector growth adds additional fuel to share price growth.

Here’s how to get started:

Subscribe now with my ‘‘Best Value” subscription offer and you’ll receive all this with my Triple Pledge of Satisfaction:

• 24 monthly issues of my OTC Growth Stock Watch newsletter with portfolio updates, buy and sell recommendations, and market reports.

• My Special Situation Alerts sent to you exactly when I pick these hot buys.

• All my special e-mail alerts.

• Exclusive phone-in privileges through the Geoffrey Eiten Hotline (I answer this line personally).

• Plus...4 sector-focused bonus reports for my most promising stocks for 2005!

Call (888) 268-2479 right now (lines open 24/7) and let’s start working on making some real money!

Triple Pledge of Satisfaction1. I pledge to provide well-researched investment recommendations

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2. If you are not 100% satisfi ed with the OTC Growth Stock Watch newsletter, let me know within 30 days, and I pledge to return every cent of your money—no questions asked.

3. Keep all the information, bonus reports, and other materials with my compliments for giving us a try.

Eiten’s TopPharmaceuticalStock for2004

Eiten’s TopHigh TechStock for2004

Eiten’s TopTelecommunicationsStock for2004

OTC Special Situations Top

Pharmaceutical Stock for 2005—A

$29 value.

OTC Special Situations Top

High Tech Stock for 2005—A $19 value


2. OTC Special Situations Top

Nanotechnology Stock for 2005—A $29 value

OTC Special Situations Top

Telecommunications Stock for 2005—A $29 value


Profiting from the 2004 Oil & Gas Boom:America’s Next Great Energy Discoveries!Quick Reply Bonus!

My most detailed report on LLLI!Yours FREE! A $29 Value!

Subscribe in the next 10 days and I’ll send to you this FREE Bonus Report!

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Get all 5 OTC Special Situations Reports!

Page 19: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year


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OTC Special Situations Top Telecommunications Stock for 2005—A $29 value.

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Page 20: Homeland Security Bans All Stun Guns, including Taser! · Stun guns are under fi re for failures, deaths and lawsuits. It’s a market set to take off all over again and this 11-year

The rush to build new arsenals of non-lethal weapons is creating one of the best investment opportunities of a lifetime.

The war in Iraq…The battles for homeland security...The challenges of modern police work…...all create soaring worldwide demand for

the newest generation of non-lethal weapons.

◆ Here’s what you should know about a growing company poised to take a lion’s share of this expanding weapons market!

Geoffrey Eiten Editor, OTC Growth Stocks Watch

‘‘Read my revealing analysis inside and discover why you should consider investing in one company (also named inside) that is positioned to become the only big player in this explosively evolving market.”

The complete report begins on page 3...

Geoffrey Eiten’sOTC Growth Stock Watch300 Chestnut Street, Suite 200Needham MA 02492





News Photos: Associated Press