Home Remedies

Home Remedies By Aldo Sierra, Brian Lopez, and Eduardo Sanchez


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Transcript of Home Remedies

  • 1. Home Remedies By Aldo Sierra, Brian Lopez, and Eduardo Sanchez

2. Hiccups Swallow 1 to 2 teaspoons of sugar. It should reset the nerve that is irritated that is causing your hiccups. 3. Soothe a Sore Throat Like Brian you might occasionally suffer of a sore throat. Gargle twice a day chopped up garlic cloves combined with warm water for three days. 4. Reduce a Fever Drink linden flower tea it will better control your body temperature. 5. Treat a Burn If you are cooking and you burn yourself quickly get mustard and apply it to the burned part of your skin. 6. Stop Foot Odor Take a daily foot bath in black tea. The tea will kill bacteria and close the pores in your feet. 7. Bad Breath? Bad Breath keeping you down? Gargle a small cup of acidic lemon juice. By gargling the juice kills your odor-causing bacteria. Then eat some plain unsweetened yogurt to replace reeking bacteria. 8. Destroy Insomnia Before you head off to sleep eat a lot of cherries. 9. Bonus Remedy If eat cherries it can help you prevent any gout attacks. 10. Hangovers If you love to choose the wrong in life well show mercy and give you a secret to avoid a hangover just take a B-50 complex supplement and drink a ton of water. 11. Dry Skin? Rashes? Just bathe in oatmeal make sure the water is warm or hot and stay in the tub for 15 to 20 minutes. 12. Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehzX5N1n IB8 13. Bibliography www.youtube.com http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/na tural-medicine/home-remedies http://www.doctoroz.com/slideshow/dr-ozs- 9-best-home-remedies