Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe June 2016€¦ · * Jesus meets the funeral procession of a young man,...

The World Peace Prayer Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe. Amen. Bible verse and prayer for 2016 "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:1-2 Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe June 2016

Transcript of Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe June 2016€¦ · * Jesus meets the funeral procession of a young man,...

Page 1: Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe June 2016€¦ · * Jesus meets the funeral procession of a young man, whose mother is a widow. * Jesus has compassion for the widow, and raises the boy

The World Peace Prayer Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe. Amen.

Bible verse and prayer for 2016 "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:1-2

Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe June 2016

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Contact Details Website www.holytrinitybickerstaffe.co.uk. Twitter @HolyTrinityBick


Reverend Captain Andrew Housley, CA 10 Church Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk L396SB. Tel: 01695 423204. Mob: 07788 256 776, E-mail: [email protected].


Reverend Martin Adams, The Vicarage Intake Lane, Bickerstaffe, Ormskirk L39 0HW. Tel: 07939 396934. E-mail: [email protected].

Requests for weddings and baptisms should in the first instance, be made to the Vicar

at the end of the Family Service. Arrangements for funerals and interments may be made with the Vicar by telephone.


Mrs Irene McCarthy. 01695 421800, Mob: 07818 205 597. E-mail: [email protected].

Mrs Barbara Morris

TREASURER Mr Stan Barnes (including. Mag. Finance) 07923 928863, E-mail [email protected]

CHURCH WARDEN EMERITUS Mr Merrick Rimmer. Tel: 01695 727848.


READERS EMERITUS Mr Colin Johnson and Mr Allan Powell


Mrs Jo Housley (Mag. Editor) 01695 423204. [email protected]. Mr Edward McCarthy (Webmaster) 07971 299606 [email protected]

ORGANIST Mrs Vera Gregson.

PCC SECRETARY Ms Anne Rosbotham-Williams. Telephone 01695 722034.

SUNDAY CLUB Mrs Ann Ashburner & Mr Jon Ashburner. Telephone 01695 721795.

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Letter from Andrew Housley Dear Friends,

In recent weeks I’ve rediscovered a forgotten passion. It is an interest I first developed while living in Lea Crescent in Ormskirk, over ten years ago. Composting! I managed to build quite a large compost heap with garden waste, which produced so much heat that steam could at times be

seen rising above it. I remember experimenting by digging various materials into the heap, only to check a few weeks later to see how much it had decomposed. In my first year of composting, I learned that the key to producing good compost was to maintain a good balance between green and brown waste. The leaves and the grass needed to be mixed with cardboard and woody material. We are often encouraged to keep a good balance in our lives, in what we eat and also in what we do. Likewise, to be a healthy church we also need to keep a good balance between pastoral and mission work and also a balance between fellowship and worship. A healthy church is something to be worked at; it doesn’t just happen. As we are all members of Christ’s body, we all have a responsibility to make sure that a healthy balance is maintained in church life. In John 10:10b we read Jesus saying, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” The verse suggests that Jesus’ interest is in our whole being, our physical, mental and spiritual state. Likewise, he is interested in the physical, mental and physical state of all people with in our parish and throughout the world. A balanced church is more likely to meet people where they are at, and give them opportunity to grow in their faith.

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Below is a prayer, based upon the road to Emmaus. In it we are reminded of the balance we read about in Jesus ministry; friendship as he walks alongside, teaching as reveals himself in the broken bread and the sending us out to make more disciples. Lord Jesus, When your followers walked the Emmaus road, Wondering what was true and what was not, You came alongside them and revealed yourself Through opened word and broken bread. Come alongside those we know and love Who wonder and seek at this time. Reveal yourself in your love, And make us ready to walk alongside them too, Until they see your face and know your presence. Amen.


Services in June

St Michael, Aughton

Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe

5th June Trinity 2 Green 1 Kings 17.17-24; Galatians 1.11-24; Luke 7.11-17

8.15am Martin Holy Communion 10.30am Chris Hall Service 10.30am Bill Matins 4pm Martin Holy Communion

10.45am Martin Holy Communion

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12th June Trinity 3 Green 2 Samuel 11.26–12.10,13-15; Galatians 2.15-21; Luke 7.36–8.3

8.15am Andrew Holy Communion 10.30am Martin Holy Communion

10 45am Andrew Family Service

19th June Trinity 4 Green Isaiah 65.1-9; Galatians 3.23-29; Luke 8.26-39

8.15am Martin 10.30am Andrew Church and School Family Service 4pm Martin Holy Communion

10.45am Mark Morning Praise

26th June Trinity 5 Green 1 Kings 19.15-16,19-21; Galatians 5.1,13-25; Luke 9.51-62

8.15am Andrew Holy Communion 10.30am Andrew Family Communion

10.45am Martin Holy Communion

Worship & Learning 5th June: Receive Luke 7.11-17: Summary * Jesus meets the funeral procession of a young man, whose mother is

a widow. * Jesus has compassion for the widow, and raises the boy to life again. * The people recognise the presence of a great prophet in their midst.

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A personal prayer Lord God, in Jesus Christ you gave me an example and offered me completeness and wholeness. Give me the courage to accept your gift, and let it create in me the

person you would have me be. Amen.

12th June: Give thanks Luke 7.36 - 8.3: Summary * A woman anoints Jesus’ feet; the Pharisees are outraged by her

scandalous behaviour. * Jesus tells a parable, that they might understand the woman’s

extravagant gratitude and their own negativity. * Jesus tells the woman her sins are forgiven, her faith has saved her, and she can go in peace. A personal prayer Who am I to judge, Lord?

Who am I to think I am better than others,

more deserving, more needy of your giving?

Help me to see that I am not always right and others are wrong. Help me to break down the barriers

I have built between myself and others,

so that I am more receptive to you

and more able to touch the lives of those around me. Amen.

19th June: Act Luke 8.26-39: Summary * Jesus encounters and dramatically heals a man possessed by many


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* The local community are fearful and ask Jesus to leave. * Jesus tells the man who was healed to tell everyone what God has done for him. A personal prayer I worry, Lord, when there are people I don’t understand, when there are people I can’t seem to reach and help. I worry that I am doing something wrong or being neglectful. Sometimes my inability frightens and disturbs me. Sometimes what I read and hear of you frightens and disturbs me, too. Teach me, Lord, to trust your transforming power and your abiding love. Amen.

26th June: A committed community Luke 9.51-62: Summary * Jesus begins a new stage of his ministry, directed towards Jerusalem.

* He responds to hostility with calm tolerance. * He asks for absolute commitment from those who want to follow him. A personal prayer

I am loved by you, Lord, I am wanted and called by you.

I am amazed that you love me and I am humbled and challenged.

Help me to stay focused and committed,

and to do my best to do your will,

even when discipleship is hard and challenging. Amen.

© ROOTS for Churches Ltd 2002-16. Reproduced with permission. www.rootsontheweb.com

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Bishop James The Right Reverend James Jones, former Bishop of

Liverpool is to be granted the city of Liverpool's

greatest honour. The Bishop will receive the

Freedom of the City alongside Professor Phil Scraton

and former manager of Liverpool Kenny Dalglish.

The city are also giving the Freedom of the City posthumously to the 96

victims of the Hillsborough disaster.

Bishop Paul Bayes, the Bishop of Liverpool welcomed today's

announcement (13 May 2015) saying "This is a richly deserved accolade

which aptly reflects the gratitude of the city and church for all Bishop

James has done in uncovering the truth. Bishop James was firm in the

pursuit of truth so that justice may be found but above all to help in

enabling the families to try and find peace. For him to be honoured

alongside Kenny, Phil, but above all the 96 victims, reminds us all of the

church's call to be a voice for voiceless and to find ways to bring healing

to the hurt. We will continue to do that as we continue to remember

that at the heart of this story is 96 innocent people who tragically lost

their lives.

Bishop James said “To have served the City of Liverpool and especially

the families of the 96 has been one of the greatest privileges of my life.

I accept the honour humbly very aware that without the extraordinary

dedication of the whole Panel and the Secretariat led by Ken Sutton

truth and justice might never have come to the 96.” I am humbled to

stand in his shoes and delighted that his contribution to the pursuit of

truth has been recognised.

Source: www.liverpool.anglican.org 13/5/2016

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Benefice News

Communion in the Community The Holy Communion Services in Stockley Crescent, St Michael’s Hall and Bickerstaffe School are a wonderful opportunity for outreach. Please invite friends!!

“For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” 1 Corinthians 11:26. * Stockley Crescent on Tuesday 7th June at 1.00pm.

* St Michael’s Hall on Wednesday 8th June (with soup £2), Wednesday

22nd June and Wednesday 29th June at 11am.

* Bickerstaffe School on Friday 24th June at 2.40pm.

Men’s Breakfast The next breakfast will be Saturday 2nd July 9am at Bickerstaffe School. If you would are able to help with the cooking, please speak to Andrew. New members welcome!

If you have good quality men’s clothes, then please bring them so they can to be taken to the Salvation Army in Bootle. Thank you.

Book Club The next meeting is scheduled for July 20th, 8.00 pm at the Derby Arms Pub. The book is ‘Hamlet’ in honour of the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. Also some of us are going to Edge Hill on the 8th June to watch the live feed of the RSC performance of Hamlet from Stratford – tickets for this £12.00 or £10.00 concessions. Further information is available from Steve Hall.

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Charity Collections If you plan to sort through your children’s wardrobes over the summer, we would be grateful to receive good quality children’s clothes and other school items such as football boots, and goggles, which will be donated to Litherland Moss School. We continue to collect men’s clothes for Bootle Salvation Army, and the Skelmersdale Food Bank remains as important as ever during the school break when there are no free school meals available to needy families. Non-perishable food items are therefore very much appreciated. Please leave any items at the back of church. Thank you so much for your ongoing support.

Confirmation The Confirmation Service this year will be at St Michael’s on Sunday 2nd October at 4pm. Confirmation groups will start early September for those in Year 9 and also an adult group. Please speak to Andrew if you would like to be confirmed.

Fusion Youth Events for the 11plus Aims – 1. To bring together teenagers (11-18 years old) from all churches in

Ormskirk & surrounding areas for encouragement, fun & friendship 2. To give opportunities for young people to invite friends to join in 3. To encourage and give opportunities for Youth Leaders whose

numbers are small. 4. To periodically introduce meaningful Christian input

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Calendar 2016: Friday 10th June Beach party at Ainsdale

(Pontins from 7pm. Bring own games & BBQs) Sunday 10th July Roller Skating Wigan 6-9pm August (dates t.b.c) Camp holiday with MYC Friday 9th September Laser Quest St Helens Sunday 23rd October Worship event – CURIOUS Sunday 13th November Ten Pin Bowling Southport Friday 9th December Youth Club Night Christmas party event.

Music, karaoke, games.

Curious? Curious? is a contemporary youth service for young people. It meets on the 4th Sunday of each month at Cottage Lane Mission at 6.30pm. It is a wonderful opportunity for the young people from the Ormskirk area to meet in friendship and also to grow in their faith. The next service will be 26th June.

Holy Trinity Dates & News

Dates for your diary 26th June Burial of ashes 12noon. 27th June Bickerstaffe Educational Trust AGM 6.30pm. 5th July Parochial Church Council meeting 7.30pm. 7th July Shared Ministry Team meeting. 9th July Bickerstaffe Summer Fair with Royal Celebration. 10th July Royal Celebration Family Service. 8th September Shared Ministry Team meeting. 10th September Wedding. 18th September Men’s Service at St Paul’s, Skelmersdale. 25th September Choral Evensong at St Michael’s.

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Bickerstaffe Summer Fair with Royal Celebration The Summer Fair this year will be held in church and on the front lawn on Saturday 9th July 2pm – 4pm. During the event there will be the usual stalls, live music and also an exhibition celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday. If you would like to run a stall or get involved then please speak to a member of the committee: Rene, Sue, Lesley, Ann, Irene, Hilary or Andrew. The Summer Fair will be opened by the Bickerstaffe Rose Queen, Isabella Blaine. In the weeks leading up to the Summer Fair, please help by collecting the following; Gardening items for a gardening hamper Cosmetics for a cosmetics hamper Chocolate for a chocolate hamper Food for a food hamper Children's items for a children's hamper Also, chocolate, sweets and new items for the general tombola and bottles for the bottle tombola. Many thanks!!

Andrew Children’s Fun Sheets Children’s Fun Sheets and crayons are available at the back of church, plus fun bags. If you see any children in the service, please make sure they have a sheet and a bag. Thank you I would like to thank my many friends from Church for their cards and good wishes during my recent stay in hospital.

Phyllis Walton

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The Church website www.holytrinitybickerstaffe.co.uk has had 45647 visits since I started it in August 2014. I would love to include more articles so please send me things if you are involved in Bickerstaffe and its wider community such as the Book Club, School, the Church, the Choir, and Sunday Club for instance. There is a lot going on and I will gladly publicise it. Plus please do send me photos of our much loved community events.

If you are / know of a local organisation/ business that would like an advert / logo on our website for a small donation to church funds please get in touch.

Edward McCarthy, Webmaster Wigan Ukulele Band

On May 20th we had a very good night with the Wigan Ukulele Band. Many thanks to everybody who helped, made cakes donated food, wine and raffle prizes. We raised over £500 for Church funds.

Irene McCarthy

Retreat Day The ladies of Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe are warmly invited to attend a retreat day at St. Paul, Skelmersdale on Saturday 25th June from 10.30am to 3.30pm. The leader is Donna Worthington and a team from the Tabor Carmelite Retreat Centre, Preston. The theme is "The Woman at the Well." Cost is £12, which includes lunch. Places are limited to 34. Further details and an application form are on the table at back of church or contact Eleanor West 01695-722328.

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Finance News Parish Giving Scheme The Parochial Church Council (PCC) voted in support of joining the Parish Giving Scheme. The PGS gives members of the congregation the opportunity to give to the church by direct debit, while taking a bit of workload from the treasurer. At the annual meeting, more information will be given, but you can also find more information about it on the following website: www.liverpool.anglican.org/parishgivingscheme. Further information is available from Andrew. Finance Statement

Financial Statement April 16

Income £ Expenditure £

Free Will Offering 667.90 Quota 2269.08

Plate 194.10 Insurance 618.68

Standing orders 370.00 Vic Expenses 58.72

Fees 1070.00 Water 129.48

Interest 24.02 Electricity 243.72

Organ maintenance 144.00

Printing 52.33

FWO Envelopes 171.63

Total 2326.02 3687.64

Contributions towards the cost of maintaining the churchyard are 91% down on 2015 contributions. So far we have received £80 in 2016 compared to £900 in 2015. Grass cutting is due to commence in June and your contributions are urgently required to meet the cost of the first cut.

Stan Barnes

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Poem Time: Minus or multiplication? Ten little Christians went to church when fine But it started raining, then there were nine. Nine little Christians stayed up very late One overslept himself, then there were eight. Eight little Christians on the way to heaven One joined the Sunday Rambling Club, then there were seven. Seven little Christians heard of Sunday "flicks" One went to the cinema, and then there were six. Six little Christians did their best to make church thrive But one got a Sports channel TV, and then there were five. Five little Christians seemed loyal to the core The vicar upset one of them, then there were four. Four little Christians argued heatedly Over all the changes - then there were three. Three little Christians sang the service through Got a hymn they didn't know, then there were two. Two little Christians disputed who should run The next Garden Party, then there was one. One faithful Christian realised what he should do Got a friend to come to church, then there were two. Two sincere Christians each brought one more So their number doubled, and then they were four Four sturdy Christians simply couldn't wait Till they found four others, then there were eight. Eight eager Christians at Communion every week Soon encouraged others, troubled souls did seek Now all the seats in church are filled - not an empty pew O Lord, supply this grace and zeal in our Parish too!

Author unknown. Supplied by Sheila Beeby

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The Creation

God made the bang Which started the earth And began the creation In all it’s worth. On the first day he said “let there be light” Which created the day And also the night. On day number two He made a dome In order to protect His perfect home. On day number three He made the plants and the land So that his future beings Could run jump and stand. On the fourth day He made the moon stars and sun The moon to rule over the night And the sun ‘til the day is done. On day number five He made the birds and the fish To fly and dive To live and wish.

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On the sixth day Came the animals And mankind, the protectors Rulers of the universe, and Earth, its capital. He blessed the Earth And all things in it In the name of The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit.

Isobel Housley, Year 8

Creator God who breathed this world into being, who is discernible within the harmony of nature, the perfection of a butterfly's wing, the grandeur of a mountain range, the soaring eagle and humming bird, thank you for this world which you have created. Thank you for summer sun, which reminds us that your creative breath is still alive and active. Thank you for the warmth of your love, sustaining this world, your garden

© John Birch, 2016. Used with permission.


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Community News Social Media IT course for over 55s

If you interested in learning how to use social media and you are 55 or over and live in Bickerstaffe or are part of the community, you are eligible to take part in this computer course.

This course will enable learners to keep in touch with family and friends, and potentially create more opportunities for friendship through the social network.

Learners will be guided through the benefits of using various forms of social media platforms such as Facebook, Facetime, Twitter, Instagram, and Google plus. The course will also help in supporting learners to access a vast amount of valuable information, and help to banish any fears and uncertainties about social media.

The course is for 2 hours for 5 weeks, and will take place in Bickerstaffe. You do not need to have your own computer. If there is enough interest, this course will start in Autumn. Please ring the Parish Clerk, Jackie on 07715 156 744 to register interest. It is hoped that funding can be raised so that this course is free to senior citizens of the parish/community. IPad Course in the Parish Would you like to learn how to use an IPad or improve your knowledge? If so, please get in touch, because if there is enough interest, a course could be arranged for September via a Parish Council Project in collaboration with Lancashire County Council. Parish Clerk – Jackie Smith, Tel: 07715 156 744 email: [email protected]

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News from Bickerstaffe Church of England School We have been very busy in school since my last letter: Guinness World Record Attempt ‘Team Bickerstaffe’ were synchronized and in good voice during the singing of ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’. The attempt, which included over 5,000 school children, teachers and parents, was organised by the West Lancashire Schools Sports Partnership; the aim being: to perform the song and actions non-stop for 5 minutes, all at the same time! Bickerstaffe School certainly played their part well, and thanks to our team of adjudicators – Mrs Rene Forster, Mrs Norma Rimmer and Mr Merrick Rimmer, and photographer and videographer Mrs Kim O’Brien and Mr Jon Ashburner, we had a full set of supporting documents, to send to the organisers. The children were fantastic, and so were their parents who came to join in. A donation of £50 was also forwarded to local charities: ‘Young Carers’ and ‘Alzheimer’s’. When everything has been collated and verified we will let you know whether the attempt was successful - fingers crossed! Easter Lent Services - We would like to thank Reverend Andrew for his inspiring talks, and all the teachers and staff who helped with the Breakfasts that followed in the school hall. 30 children attended, (including ex pupils and babies), and they were supported by parents and members of the parish. Passover Meal – we would also like to thank Reverend Andrew for explaining the symbolism of the different elements, as well as the significance of ‘The Last Supper’ for both Jews and Christians. Easter Service and Easter Bonnet Parade - Once again this made a fabulous end to the Spring Term, and children gave excellent presentations of: The Stations of the Cross (Class 4); Easter Symbols (Class 3); Signs of Spring (Class 2); and of course the ever popular rendition of ‘Spring Chicken ‘(The Gruffalos).

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First Communion This was received by Lilly, Sophie, Freya and Harvey in May at Holy Trinity Church. It was a wonderful service and lovely to be there to share in this special part of their Christian journey. This is what the children said about their experience: “It was exciting to receive the bread and the wine for the first time, and to become part of God’s family.” “I enjoyed it because now we are able to fully take part in our Holy Communion at school, and remember God in a different way.” Sir Chris Hoy Junior children met Sir Chris Hoy at Edge Hill University, where they learned about the inspiration for his books on: ‘Flying Fergus’. Children also listened with interest to his experiences as a cyclist and 6 times Olympic Gold Medal winner. They had the opportunity to ask many thoughtful questions and they received detailed answers that provided an insight into his inspiration, courage, determination, friendship (one of his characters in the book is based on Sir Bradley Wiggins), excellence ….etc. The Olympic Values were much in evidence, and I have promised him a set of our Olympic and Paralympic Value Bands that we will send to him, alongside the children’s reviews of his books. ‘Perfect in God’s Image’ This was the name of the presentation delivered by Mr John McCorkell. John who has cerebral palsy provided children and staff with a greater understanding of the Olympic and Paralympic values when he raised our awareness of disability and inclusion. It was particularly interesting to hear about his personal determination to play basketball in the National League, and how it took him 2 years of practising to score his first basket. He was an inspirational speaker, and the children learned a great deal from their experiences within the workshops.

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British Values PC Jackson – visited school; children learned about the role of Police Officers in keeping us safe, and in preventing crime. Magistrates Court Visit -The visit was excellent, and it is a great pity that the opportunity to visit this building in Ormskirk will not be available for children in the future. They learned about the ‘Rule of Law’, a key element in learning about ‘British Values’; we are hoping to follow this with a re-enactment of court proceedings later this term in Class 4. Visit to Bickerstaffe Hall Farm Class 3 enjoyed their visit to the farm in glorious sunshine, this is what they had to say: “Our visit to the pond was really fun; we saw goslings that had hatched the day before.” (Issy) “It was fun because when we took pictures we were able to capture the ripples and the reflections of the water” (Louisa) Sport Swimming Gala - It was an amazing night with ‘Team Bickerstaffe’ collecting 14 medals – 2 Bronze, 8 Silver, and 4 Gold! Well done to all our swimmers! Cross Country – our team achieved: Bronze medals for the boys and Silver for the Girls. Well done to all our Year 3 & 4 competitors! What did our children think about Sats Week? Year 2: have asked Miss Wilson whether they can do them every day! Class 3: “It has been a fun week; we each have had a chance to show our strengths” (Oliver) Year 6:“I thought they were enjoyable” (Bailey) “It was stressful and hard work but the toast was great” (Eleanor) “I have grown in confidence each day” (Izzy) “Tea and toast helped us get through!” (Charlie)

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“I was nervous at the beginning but once you got started the nerves soon passed – Tea is key!” (Jake E) The Sound of Samba – I was in the privileged position to be able to drop into each workshop and see first-hand the enjoyment that children were experiencing from beating drums and other percussion instruments. It has definitely given us a taste of ‘Brazil and Rio’ – and with that in mind, we are looking forward to incorporating a touch of ‘carnival’ into our opening ceremony for ‘Sports Day’ this year. Make sure you have the date in your diary – 28 June in the afternoon. ‘Good Luck & Best Wishes!’ Were just two of the sentiments that we said to Mrs Cartwright when she left us. Although we will all miss her, (and she us) we know that she will enjoy the challenges of her new position and we wish her well. Once a part of ‘Team Bickerstaffe’ however, always a part of ‘Team Bickerstaffe’, and her legacy will include all the effective procedures and processes that she has established in her nine years at Bickerstaffe School!! Congratulations! We welcomed Miss Boyle onto our team this month, and in her role as Administrative Officer we look forward to working alongside her for the benefit of our children. Street Party to Celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th Birthday We would like to invite members of the Community to join us on Friday 10 June at 2:30pm. Each class will perform a song, dance or both, and we intend to have a Street party for the children. There will also be refreshments for adults and so any donations of cakes will be gratefully received. We aim to make it a special and memorable event for all. Please put the date in your diary and come along.

Best wishes from Jeanne Hall and Bickerstaffe School

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Bickerstaffe School would like to invite you to:

A Street Party to celebrate

Queen Elizabeth II’s 90th Birthday

Friday 10 June, 2016

Donations of cakes welcome!

Entertainment by:

Each Class, Dance Fever

And School Choir

Refreshments available.

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Parish Registers Please continue to pray for the families mentioned below. Thank you. Baptisms

Faith Lycett Dargan and Charlotte Jane Dargan daughters of Samantha and Michael were baptised on 1st May.

First Holy Communion Please continue to pray for Sophie Ralphs, Freya Ramsden, Harvey Speakman, and Lily Cox from Bickerstaffe School following their First Holy Communion on 8th May.

Local Musical Events An Evening with Dave Bilbrough Dave will be in concert on Friday 24th June from 7pm – 9.30pm at Christ Church Ministry Centre, Aughton. Tickets £5 with interval refreshments. Queries via www.cto.payway.uk or 07896 991 090. Please visit www.davebilbrough.com for details of his latest album ‘The Song that I Sing’ and song sheets. Aughton Children’s Music Camp 6

Dan and Caroline Hollinghurst will be arriving back in Aughton to lead Aughton Music Camp 6, on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th July.

Places are limited so please book. For further details and to book, please contact Paul Coggan on 01695 422079 or e-mail [email protected].

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Bickerstaffe Hall Bell by Owen Taylor

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Church cleaning rota New, fit people would be more than welcome to help on the cleaning rota! Hours to suit on Friday or Saturday on a rota once every six weeks. Could you help with this important ministry? If so, please speak to Irene McCarthy. Thank you.

June cleaning rota 3rd June Team 5 F Brownbill, S Prentice, M Prentice

10th June Team 6 M Clarke, V Heyes, B Morris

17th June Team 1 E Short, B Bell, F Brownbill

24th June Team 2 I McCarthy, M Johnson 1st July Team 3 A Banks, G Banks, N Rimmer

8th July Team 4 Barbara Fairclough, B Winstanley

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Liverpool Cathedral News

Special Celebration Service to mark the Queen's 90th Birthday

Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Merseyside (Dame Lorna Muirhead DBE), will lead a ‘Service of Celebration’ to mark the 90th Birthday of Her Majesty The Queen.

This will take place in the Cathedral on 12th June 3.00pm – 4.00pm (please be seated no later than 2.40pm). Dame Lorna would be delighted if you could join with her on this special occasion. The Service will be complimented with music by the Liverpool Philharmonic and Liverpool Cathedral Choirs. Full details– including information for holders of Individual UK Honours– are available online at www.liverpoolcathedral.org.uk. Twilight Thursdays with Bells Bells & Simulator: 2nd June Twilight Thursdays: 9th June, 16th June, 23rd June, 30th June Please check our website for opening times and further details Catch this truly special experience of a sunset across the river as we continue our seasonal Twilight Thursday evenings, with bell ringing simulation on selected Thursday evenings throughout the season.

Experience what it is like to be a bell ringer with our fabulous new bells simulator. Meet some of our bell ringers and see the bells up close. Have a go at hand bell ringing. Take a photo of yourself or your favourite view and share it with us on Twitter @LivCathedral and #tweetfromthetower. You can book your tower trip (Attractions Ticket) on-line from the Cathedral Shop, or via telephone 0151 702 7255, or e-mail [email protected].

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Ormskirk & District Historical Society

Non-members are welcome to join us

on our outing to Arbury Hall, Nuneaton

on Tuesday 10 May. Please contact Mrs

Betty Benson for full details Tel 01695


Please visit the website for our latest

programme of events. Meetings start

at 7.30pm at Four Lane Ends Mission.

All visitors welcome (£3). Further

information from Mrs P Nanson, tel.

01695 574364


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Church Flowers Rota

5th June Mr. Edward Mercer 12th June Mrs Barbara Bell 19th June Miss Hilda Rawsthorne 26th June Mrs Kim O'Brian 1st July Miss Hilda Rawsthorne

Bickerstaffe WI

At the June meeting of the Bickerstaffe Women’s Institute, Mrs. Hilary Webb is coming to tell us about The Life Of A Guide Dog. Please join us on 27th June at 7.30pm at Four Lane Ends Mission.

Visitors and new members are always welcome. For more information please contact Margaret Fairclough on 01695 729161. Bickerstaffe Mothers’ Union

Our speaker was Dr. Adrian Ball, who gave us a very interesting talk about his career as a G.P. Dr. Ball’s career was at various places in the area including, Mill Lane, Alder Hey and also in practice in Maghull and Ormskirk.

Irene McCarthy

In loving one another through our works we bring an increase of grace and a growth in divine love.

Mother Teresa

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Editorial News

The deadline for the April

magazine is Friday 17th June

As always, please pass articles

to myself or e-mail it to [email protected].

I will do my best to publish articles when space and

copyright allows. Thank you for all your support.

Chimney and Multi Fuel

Stove Sweeping

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