Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família...HOLY FAMILY PARISH 33rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 33*...

Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família

Transcript of Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família...HOLY FAMILY PARISH 33rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 33*...

Page 1: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família...HOLY FAMILY PARISH 33rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 33* DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM Malaquias 3,19-20a Sl 98 Tessalonicenses 3,7-12 Evangelho Lucas

Holy Family Parish

Paróquia Sagrada Família

Page 2: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família...HOLY FAMILY PARISH 33rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 33* DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM Malaquias 3,19-20a Sl 98 Tessalonicenses 3,7-12 Evangelho Lucas


Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família

30 Grafton Street Lowell MA 01852

Main Phone: (978)453-2134 Brazilian Community: (978)934-0622

Fax: (978)453-0933 Email: [email protected]

Administrator Reverend Nicholas Sannella

Pastoral Staff Reverend Donald G. Lozier, OMI Reverend Gilmond Boucher, OMI

Padre Elcio Antonio dos Santos Silva Sr. Joan Gregoire, SND Deacon Alvaro Soares

Business Manager David McLean

Director of Religious Education

Religious Education Secretary

High School of Religion Director W. Gerald Dockett

(978)808-4505 Parish Secretaries

Marlene Heiss (Brazilian) Cathy Martel (English) Custodian: Al Stamp

SATURDAY, November 12, 2016 2:30 PM Choir 3:15 PM Confessions 4:00 PM Joanne Coogan SUNDAY, November 13, 2016 8:00 AM Fr. Leonard McGrath 9:30 AM Choir 10:00 AM John Janeiro 11:45 AM Brazilian Mass 5:30 PM Brazilian Choir 6:00 PM Brazilian Mass MONDAY, November 14, 2016 8:00 AM Royal Estate TUESDAY, November 15, 2016 8:00 AM Deceased Members; Legion of Mary WEDNESDAY, November 16, 2016 8:00 AM No Intentions THURSDAY, November 17, 2016 8:00 AM McArdle Estate 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal FRIDAY, November 18, 2016 8:00 AM No Intentions SATURDAY, November 19, 2016 2:30 PM Choir 3:15 PM Confessions 4:00 PM John, Lucinda Muldoon Robert Mallett SUNDAY, November 20, 2016

8:00 AM Muriel Gorman 9:30 AM Choir 10:00 AM Roger C. Lefebvre 11:45 AM Brazilian Mass Brazilian Baptism 5:30 PM Brazilian Choir 6:00 PM Brazilian Mass

We Pray… :

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Page 3: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família...HOLY FAMILY PARISH 33rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 33* DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM Malaquias 3,19-20a Sl 98 Tessalonicenses 3,7-12 Evangelho Lucas


those who are ill, those who are now or have recently been

in the hospital, and those who have requested our prayers, especially:

Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Lucy Balkus, Doris Belley, Cressie Braganza, Cyril Braganza, Bob Brown, Carol Britton, Buote Family, Bill Calhoun, James Campbell, Bernadette Chartrand, Roger Chartrand, Helena Ciaravolo, Millie Ciszek, Robert Connolly, Dom Contardo, Br. Augustin “Gus” Cote, Anne Marie Countie, Jane Daly, Davidson Family, Debbie Demers, DeRocco Family, Jerry Dockett, Mary Dockett, Paul Ducharme, Cathy Durand, Claire Durkin, Cynthia Evans, Jean Gagne, Roger Geoffroy, Sr. Marilyn Gignac, Donna Gravelle, Ilene Hallisey, Len Hallisey, Havelka Family, Fank Holden, Rev. Patrick Hollywood OMI, Pauline Ignatowicz, Pauline Jankowski, Sally Kelly, Annette Knust, Jim Knust, Kozowyk Family, Fran & Jeromi Labadini, Jim Laitala, Maryann Lanzara, Anthony Lavina, Betty LeClaire, Jeanne LeLacheur, Pauline Letourneau, Rev. Robert Levesque OMI, Liz Machado, Betty Mallett, Donald Marcouillier, Steven Marks, Hilda McBride, Sheila McCarthy, McDonagh Family, Margaret Mello, Georgette Mendonca, Manuel Mendonca Sr., Shirley Letourneau Morrison, Aparecida Nascimento, Francis O’Donnell, Linda Paradise, Rev. Norman Parent OMI, Jeanne Pinard, Frank Quadros, Mary Richardson, Mary Agnes Rivanis, Mary Rivas, Robert Rivas, Elaine Robinson, Freeman Shepherd, Ann Sousa, Barbara Vayo, Diane Wingfield, Collette Wooldridge, Rita Wrenn.

May they experience God’s healing love and comfort.

Sr. Theresa Coughlin, ssmnSr. Theresa Coughlin, ssmnSr. Theresa Coughlin, ssmnSr. Theresa Coughlin, ssmn

Passed away October 31, 2016Passed away October 31, 2016Passed away October 31, 2016Passed away October 31, 2016 Former principle of Sacred Heart. Her funeral Mass will be celebrated on Saturday morning at St. Mary Center in Buffalo, NY. She will be laid to rest at Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Tonawanda, NY

Dear God,

When exactly will hell

freeze over? My dad

said that’s about the

time I’ll get my new



ny Age 10

Page 4: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família...HOLY FAMILY PARISH 33rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 33* DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM Malaquias 3,19-20a Sl 98 Tessalonicenses 3,7-12 Evangelho Lucas


Holy Family Religious Education Grade 1-8 Immaculate Conception November 20th, 2016

School Cafeteria 10:00 AM-12:00 Noon

Student’s and their families may participate in making Christmas Wreath’s November 20th 2016.

Cost is: $12.00 Time: 11:00—12:00 Noon

Immacualte Conception School

Meeting to be held next Sunday November 20th immediatley following the 10:00 AM Mass.

PRAYER AND REFLECTION Prayers for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 13, 2016

Today’s readings touch again on the future, focusing on the end of time. People have always been fascinated and frightened by dramatic signs and warnings of what is to come. And the signs always seem to be occurring right now. In fact, the warnings are communicated in highly symbolic language. They don’t really tell us when Christ will appear for us. But they keep us on our toes, so that we may live in readiness for whenever and however he comes.

For the baptized and all who believe in a loving God: that we live our convictions each day…we pray, For those who spread fear instead of hope and courage, and for all who live in fear…we pray, For those who stay focused on the care of others: for first responders, those in helping professions, loving families and friends…we pray, For all whose work involves planning for a future that serves the human race…we pray, For calm in our national election and for elected leaders who will work for care of the most needy…we pray, For a renewed confidence in the power of institutions to benefit the needs of all citizens…we pray, For those among us who are suffering in any way, and for our efforts to serve them…we pray, For those who have died, for their families and friends, and for those who minister to the grieving…we pray, PRAYER: God who loves and protects all that is, we pray for hope and perseverance in uncertain times. Let our trust in you keep us calm, unafraid, and focused on being the face of Jesus in the world. We pray in the name of him whose presence we watch for each and every day. Amen.

Page 5: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família...HOLY FAMILY PARISH 33rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 33* DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM Malaquias 3,19-20a Sl 98 Tessalonicenses 3,7-12 Evangelho Lucas



Malaquias 3,19-20a Sl 98 Tessalonicenses 3,7-12 Evangelho Lucas 21,5-19

Façamos a hora, não esperemos acontecer!

O fim do mundo! Não podemos descobrir no nosso tempo todos estes sinais do fim do mundo tal como Jesus os dá? Há de erguer-se reino contra reino. Haverá grandes terremotos e, em diversos lugares, fomes e epi-demias. Dizemos hoje, epidemias como a Aids, a gripe das aves… Muita coisa pode servir para manipular o medo e a angústia de muitas pessoas. Mesmo no cristianismo vemos surgir regularmente abusos de várias espécies. O “regresso do religioso” toma muitas vezes a forma de uma procura de sinais milagrosos, de predições sobre tudo e sobre nada. Há mais ma-gos, adivinhos, cartomantes, astrólogos e gurus de toda a espécie, do que padres. Quem nunca leu um horóscopo? Enfim, o esoterismo está na moda. E, para tranquilizar a consciência, até nos apoiamos nas pa-lavras de Jesus. Mas Jesus adverte-nos: “Tende cuidado; não vos deixeis enganar, pois muitos virão em meu

nome e dirão: ‘sou eu'; e ainda: ‘O tempo está próximo’. Não os sigais”. Em São Mateus, precisa mesmo:

“surgirão falsos Cristos e falsos profetas, que produzirão grandes sinais e prodígios, a ponto de abusar, mesmo os eleitos”. São Paulo diz mesmo que Satanás se disfarça em anjo de luz. Então, nós também, hoje, somos convidados a resistir a estas tentações de esoterismo. O nosso futuro não está inscrito nem nos astros, nem nas cartas, nem na borra do café, nem nas linhas da mão. O nosso futuro está em Jesus. Queremos sinais? Só temos um: a morte e a ressurreição de Jesus, que nos são dadas em cada Eucaristia e que são a prova última e definitiva do amor de Deus por nós. É verdade que este sinal só se pode reconhecer na fé e o próprio Jesus se questionou: “O Filho do Homem, quando vier, encontrará a fé sobre a terra?” Desde então, a nossa primeira preocupação deve ser vivificar a nossa fé, reencontrar uma intimidade com Jesus: “Jesus, eu creio, mas aumenta a minha fé!” Então, não teremos mais medo. Preparemos nosso coração para a Festa de Cristo Rei do Universo, próximo Domingo. Participemos da Santa Missa e percebamos a imensa Misericórdia que o Senhor tem por nós.

Pe Élcio Antonio dos Santos Silva

Padre do Apostolado Brasileiro na América

Fonte: http://www.presbiteros.com.br/site/roteiro-homiletico- XXXIII domingo-do-tempo-comum-ano-c

Leituras para a semana:

Segunda-feira Ap. 1,1-4,2.1-5 Sl 1 Ev Lc 18,35-43

Terça-feira Ap. 3,1-6, 14-22 Sl 15 Ev Lc 19,1-10

Quarta-feira Ap. 4,1-11 Sl 150 Ev. Lc 19,11-28

Quinta-feira Ap. 5,1-10 Sl 149 Ev. Lc 19,41-44

Sexta-feira Ap. 10,8-11 Sl 119 Ev. Lc 19,45-48

Sábado Ap. 11,4-12 Sl 144 Ev. Lc 20,27

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A Thanksgiving Prayer #1

O, God, when I have food, help me to remember the hungry; When I have work, help me to remember the jobless;

When I have a warm home, help me to remember the homeless; When I am without pain, help me to remember those who suffer;

And remembering, help me to destroy my complacency and bestir my compassion. Make me concerned enough to help, by word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted .

MASSACHUSETTS FAIRS AND FESTIVALS http://www.massachusettsfairsandfestivals.com/ (listed below are some local fairs for November)

Fes�val Name City DATE DATE DATE

Hornet Holiday Marketplace No. Reading, MA 11/12/2016 - -

Jingles & Bling Billerica, MA 11/12/2016 - -

Sts.Vartanantz Annual Bazzaar Chelmsford, MA 11/18/2016 11/19/2016 -

& Food Fes�val

22nd Annual Castleberry Faire Wilmington, MA 11/25/2016 11/26/2016 11/27/2016

Page 7: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família...HOLY FAMILY PARISH 33rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 33* DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM Malaquias 3,19-20a Sl 98 Tessalonicenses 3,7-12 Evangelho Lucas

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During November, it isCatholicTV’s privilege

to pray for the souls of yourdeparted loved ones

at each Daily Mass


Page 8: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família...HOLY FAMILY PARISH 33rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 33* DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM Malaquias 3,19-20a Sl 98 Tessalonicenses 3,7-12 Evangelho Lucas

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