HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond...

HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família

Transcript of HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond...

Page 1: HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Roger Chartrand, Millie


Paróquia Sagrada Família

Page 2: HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Roger Chartrand, Millie


Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família

30 Grafton Street Lowell MA 01852

Main Phone: (978) 453-2134 Brazilian Community: (978) 934-0622

Fax: (978) 453-0933 Email: [email protected]

Administrator Reverend Nicholas Sannella

Pastoral Staff Reverend Donald G. Lozier, OMI Reverend Gilmond Boucher, OMI Reverend Cristiano G Barbosa

Deacon Alvaro Soares

Business Manager David McLean

Director of Religious Education Claire Couillard

Immaculate Conception

High School of Religion Director W. Gerald Dockett


Parish Secretaries Lira De Moraes (Brazilian)

Cathy Martel (English)

Custodians Marlene Heiss John Perry of

Immaculate Conception

Mass Intentions & Memorial Masses

throughout the COVID-19 quarantine will be rescheduled at a later date.

Be safe, be well!



Updates will follow at a later date!

Video Recorded Mass to

St. Peregrine will be celebrated for the many cancer patients, family members, and friends

who come to pray and find comfort and strength.

It should be available on Facebook and on our website

iclowell.org no later than

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Please remember those in the armed services—keeping us safe.

We also pray for all who have died serving

our country, that they may be welcomed into paradise, where they will live forever with God.

Page 3: HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Roger Chartrand, Millie


We pray…..

For those that are sick or recently in the hospital…

Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Roger Chartrand, Millie Ciszek, Robert Connolly, Anne Marie Countie, Davidson Family, Debbie Demers, DeRocco Family, Jerry Dockett, Mary Dockett, Cathy Durand, Cynthia Evans, Joshua Geoffroy, Roger Geoffroy, Sr. Marilyn Gignac, Andrew Gosselin, Susan Goyette, Donna Gravelle, Karen Graham, Sr. Joan Gregoire, Ilene Hallisey, Len Hallisey, Havelka Family, Frank Holden, Marge Keefe, Annette Knust, Jim Knust, Kozowyk Family, Fran & Jerry Labadini, Nora & Bob Labadini, Maryann Lanzara, Anthony Lavina, Betty LeClaire, Jeanne LeLacheur, Raymond LeLacheur, Carol Leonard, John Leonard, Terry Lesard, Pauline Letourneau, Rev. Robert Levesque OMI, Liz Machado, Betty Mallett, Donald Marcouillier, Steven Marks, Barbara Matyl, Hilda McBride, Sheila McCarthy, McDonagh Family, Chris McHardy, Margaret Mello, Georgette Mendonca, Manuel Mendonca, Caryn Misquita, Pauline Moore, Sr. Shirley Letourneau Morrison, Aparecida Nascimento, Francis O’Donnell, Linda Paradise, Kim Peirce, Jeanne Pinard, Mary Richardson, Mary Rivas, Robert Rivas, Joel Rivera, Elaine Robinson, Ed Rotondi, Sr. Jeanne Rouillard, Freeman Shepherd, Donna Sherman, Bea Stamp, John Stamulonis, Marilyn Sullivan, Rose Sweeney, Lorraine Trahan, Diane Wingfield, Collette Wooldridge.

May they experience God’s healing love and



May 17, 2020

6th Sunday of Easter

Depending upon where we live, many of us are unaware of those who actually suffer because of their faith. But many circumstances can challenge our commitment: politics, economic choices, job decisions, or lifestyle. Like the early Christians, we are promised the guiding presence of the Spirit. How prepared are we to suffer for or at least be uncom-fortable with living the Gospel? How open are we to the Spirit’s influence in our lives?


Let us pray now for the needs of the world and for our own commitment to fully live the Gospel. For the whole church: that we may stand in solidarity with all who suffer for their faith ... we pray, For peace in a world divided by politics and reli-

gion ... we pray, For the desire to be fully committed Christians in a

culture that includes secularism and sectarian-ism ... we pray,

For the honesty to question our own commitment to love as Jesus loved ... we pray,

For those who fear the ramifications of living the Gospel ... we pray,

For all graduates who are embarking upon next steps and may be questioning what the future holds ... we pray,

For the poor and disenfranchised, the sick and the weary; and for all whose lives are fragile.

For those who have lost loved ones ...and for those who support them ... we pray,

PRAYER: God who protects and walks with us, help us to remember your presence as we seek to live as committed Christians. Dispel our doubts and our fears while making us aware of those who need our support. We ask this in the name of your Son, who promised us your love. Amen.

Thank you for using Online Giving. Parishioners who use

the service are pleased with how easy it is to set up and

manage. If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving,

please consider this option. This is a perfect tool for any-

one who shops online! By using Online Giving you are helping

the parish improve it’s operational efficiency.

~Parish Staff

Page 4: HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Roger Chartrand, Millie


From the Desk of:

Fr. Donald G. Lozier, OMI

L.J.C. ET M.I.

May 8, 2020 Very dear friends,

And the days move on in their rather quiet rhythm. Fr. Gil and I are grateful to be living in this large community where we can enjoy the blessings of being with others. Our schedule includes most of our traditional activities, daily Mass, common prayers, pleasant meals and a series of special times like movies, high tea, bible study and even exercise classes. Fortunately everyone is well as far as the Corona Virus goes. The phone is an important link to the outside world. The internet adds an-other special dimension. The grounds of the Residence are striking. Spring in New England is a beautiful time. Some of our neighbors walk (run) on our property and they are careful to keep their distance - smiles go a long way. We pray that all will continue peacefully. We are using our masks – when we go out. I go to the parish a few times a week for a short visit. All seems okay. Cathy and David are keeping everything on track. We miss you and look forward to the “new” normal. Love and blessings,

Fr. Don

Page 5: HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Roger Chartrand, Millie


Não vos deixarei órfãos. Eu virei a vós.

VI Domingo Tempo Pascal (Ano A): At 8, 5-8. 14-17; Sl 65 (66); 1Pd 3, 15-18; Jo 14, 15-21

O evangelho afirma que amar a Jesus consiste em guardar seus mandamentos, sua palavra. Jesus assegura que o Pai dará outro Defensor para que permaneça sempre com os discípulos, o Espírito da Verdade, que dará aos discípulos a força para continuar a missão no mundo, testemunhando a fé em meio aos que se opõem ao projeto de Deus. Após a glorificação do Filho de Deus, o Espírito atua nos fiéis como um rio de água viva (7,38-39), animando-os a prolongar os gestos misericordiosos e solidários de Jesus de Nazaré. O Espírito ensinará e recordará aos discípulos tudo o que Jesus havia dito (v.26). Ele revela o novo modo da presença de Jesus com os seus. Os que acolhem e seguem com fidelidade os ensinamentos de Jesus experimentam o amor filial do Pai.

Na 1ª leitura, Filipe anuncia a Boa Nova de Cristo na Samaria. Pedro e João são os enviados da comunidade de Jerusalém para acolher os novos convertidos. Eles rezam e impõem as mãos, invocando o dom do Espírito Santo sobre a comunidade. A ação do Espírito rompe as fronteiras e une as comunidades no amor e na solidariedade. O salmista, ao lembrar as ações libertadoras de Deus, como na passagem pelo mar Vermelho, exclama: como são grandes vossas obras! A 2ª leitura acentua que Cristo sofreu a morte na existência humana, mas recebeu nova vida no Espírito (v.18). O testemunho da esperança em Cristo leva a transformação social, a manter a firmeza na fé, a praticar o bem em meio às adversidades.

O Espírito permanece conosco para que possamos amar a Cristo, praticando a sua Palavra. Ele nos ajuda a conservar a memória de Jesus, que sofreu e morreu para que tivéssemos vida nova. Em Cristo permanecemos fiéis ao projeto de Deus, sobretudo quando somos difamados, perseguidos.

(Extraído da Revista de Liturgia)

Nossa paróquia oferece“Dando on-line”, baseado em uma

web aplicativo eletrônico contribuição.

Confira-nos em… www.osvonlinegiving.com/3125

Obrigado por usar a doação online. Os paroquianos que usam o serviço

estão satisfeitos com a facilidade de configurar e gerenciar. Se você ainda

não se inscreveu para doação online, por favor, considere esta opção. Esta

é uma ferramenta perfeita para quem faz compras online! Ao usar o Online

Giving você está ajudando a paróquia a melhorar sua eficiência operacional.

~Funcionários da Paróquia

Page 6: HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Roger Chartrand, Millie


The following is a summary of anticipated and actual offertory from all sources between March 1, 2020 - April 30, 2020. The totals are a compi-lation of envelopes, basket, on-line, mailed and hand delivered offertory. Several of the gifts were a dramatic gesture of support; all gifts have been received with gratitude on behalf of the parish.


ANTICIPATED: $ 22,165.00

ACTUAL: $ 17,562.00

BALANCE: $ (4,603.00)


ANTICIPATED: $13,828.00

ACTUAL: $ 7,250.00

BALANCE: $ (6,578.00)

So many ways to give,..

Our parish offers “Online Giving”, a

web based electronic contribution




It is at times like these our faith reminds us that we are never truly alone, even as we face unprecedented challenges as a parish community. Though we are not able to join together in the celebration of the Eucharist, we continue daily to pray for the health of you and your loved ones.

The link is:


Page 7: HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Roger Chartrand, Millie

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Holy Family, Lowell, MA 4584

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Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses and consumer behavior

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Please consider supporting the sponsors on the back pages to help

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Also, visit their websites to see how they can assist you with any of their services

you may need through these difficult times.

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Page 8: HOLY FAMILY PARISH Paróquia Sagrada Família · Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, Bob Brown, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Roger Chartrand, Millie

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Holy Family, Lowell, MA 4584



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“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God

is love.”

1 John 4:18

We extend our sincere appreciation to our sponsors, without whom this bulletin

would not be possible.

“Thank You”


Remember to say

to ourwonderful

Fr. John UnniPASTOR

Saint Cecilia Parish, BostonAssociate Fire Chaplain

Boston Fire Department


Pine Street Inn

Healthier Priests. Stronger Communities.

The strength of our communities depends on the well-being of our priests who tirelessly serve others.

Please support our priests at clergytrust.orgClergy Health and Retirement Trust is an independently managed trust for the care of active and senior priests in good standing.



