Holy Days As Announced

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Transcript of Holy Days As Announced

241 Broadway

Saratoga Springs, New York 12866

Summer Parish Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 9 am - 3 pm



A welcoming community that celebrates our faith through liturgy, sacraments, ministry, music, and outreach to

those in need. Blessed by the grace of God, the love of Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit,

we strive to live out the good news of the gospel.

Pastoral Staff�

Reverend Thomas H Chevalier, Pastor�

[email protected]

Reverend John D. Kirwin [email protected]

Deacon Ed Solomon [email protected]

Deacon Brian Levine [email protected]

Office� � [email protected]

Cemetery� � [email protected]

Mary Deyoe [email protected]

Gail Jordan [email protected]

Philip Spaeth [email protected]

Faith Formation�

Rita Usher, Grades K�6 518 587�4487�

[email protected]

Linda Shufelt, Grades 7�12 518 587�5182�

[email protected]

Outreach Office: 518 306�5243�

9:00 a.m.�12:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday�

Staff: Thomas Gould, Patricia Gould, Janet Monaco�

[email protected]

The Twenty Fourth Sunday of�

Ordinary Time�


Sunday Liturgy 7:30 - 9:00 - 11:00am

Anticipated on Saturday 5:00pm

Tuesday and Friday 8:00am

Holy Days As Announced


Preparation for infant Baptism, which is celebrated

seasonally, is scheduled throughout the year. Baptism of

adults and reception of baptized non-Catholics into the

Catholic Church normally takes place at the Easter Vigil.

Those wishing to participate are invited

to contact the Parish office.


Those wishing to be confirmed in the Catholic faith are

invited to contact the Faith Formation Office.

Anointing of the Sick

Intended for the ill or infirm, anointings are celebrated

seasonally, and prior to hospitalization,

and by appointment.


Communal celebrations occur seasonally, and individual

absolution is available Saturday at 4:00 PM,

and by appointment


A registered parishioner wishing to celebrate a sacramental

union is invited to contact the Pastor before any other

arrangements have been finalized.

Masses Lectors Communion Ministers Mass Coordinator

5:00 p.m.

Saturday September 18

Tim Sinnott

Margaret Pearson

Candyce Robenstein

Mary Rose Turo

Leo Demers

7:30 a.m.

Sunday September 19

Mary Catellier

Stan Drosky

Mary Catellier

Stan Drosky

Tom Hatlee

Rob Spratt

9:00 a.m.

Sunday September 19

Fran Moore

Michael Watkins

Maria Forbes

Marc Limeri

Rita Usher

Mark Phillips

11:00 a.m.

Sunday September 19

Joe Rocco

Laura Darcy

JoAnn Clements

Laura Darcy

Shirley Tellstone

Cheryl Dudinetz

The Evangelist

To stay informed about

our Catholic faith and

news of our Diocese,


The Evangelist,

our Albany Diocesan


To subscribe, please


(518) 584-2375.

Family Perspectives

By Bud Ozar

If we want to be happy at home we

must commit (“lose ourselves”) to

our family. If we try to be

independent from others (“save

ourselves”) we end up lonely and

alone. Happiness is found in

commitments. The gospel is true:

We save our life by losing it!

Marriage Moments

www.Susan Vogt.net

Are you in a “mixed marriage”? Often

this term has been used fr Catholic/

Non-Catholic marriages but it could

mean mixed races, mixed classes,

mixed ethnicities, or even mixed

technology (PC vs MAC). How has

your life been enriched by the

difference our spouse brings?

Parenting Pointers

www.Susan Vogt.net

Twenty years ago, on September 11,

2001, terrorists attacked NYC and

Washington DC. How old were you?

If your children are old enough, share

your experience of how you felt. Are

there things that frighten them

today? Remember that brave people

in one of the 4 planes sacrificed their

own lives to save unknown future


The Church of St. Peter�

Saratoga Springs, New York�

September 12, 2021�

Please remember in your prayers all those members of our parish family who are sick or suffering in any

way, all those in hospitals or nursing homes, and all our shut ins. We pray for all those who have died recently.

Let us not forget the victims of violence at home and abroad.

We remember the men and women serving in the armed forces and their families along with all

first responders and health care workers during these extraordinary times, as we continue to pray for

peace and resolutions to worldwide disease and unrest.

MASS Intention Requested by

5:00 p.m. Saturday September 11

Nicholas Kapusniak and

Maryellen Celeste

Arvid, Evelyn and Norman Browall

Ronald Torncello, Sr.




7:30 a.m. Sunday September 12 Genevieve Auvray Marie-Pierre Yunes

9:00 a.m. Sunday September 12

Martha and Joseph Niederberger

John Perfetto

Betty Jean Doyle

Edward Hallahan

Daughter Rita


Charlie Fricano

Beth Hallahan

11:00 a.m. Sunday September 12

Richard E. Robenstein

Marianne Knapp

Bob and Diane Beyer

Michael and Cheryl Dudinetz

8:00 a.m. Tuesday September 14 Terry Herrick Dorothy Martin

8:00 a.m. Friday September 17 Joseph J. O’Neill Bob and Philomena Murphy

The Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 134: Wis 2:12, 17-20 Jas 3:16—4:3, Mk 9: 30-37

Because of an early publishing deadline,

collection amounts will be published next week.


Mass Intention Requested By

9/18 Sat 5:00 p.m.

Richard Robenstein

Jackie White

Maryellen Celeste

Robenstein Family

Candyce Robenstein

Janie and Pete Enzien

9/19 Sun 7:30 a.m.

The People of the Church of

Saint Peter

This Community of Faith

9/19 Sun 9:00 a.m.

Norma Hurlbut

Bernard Conklin

Friends of Dawn Weber

Friends of Judy Pierson

9/19 Sun 11:00 a.m. Mary F. Izbicki Family

9/21 Tues 8:00 a.m.

The Deceased Members

Of Saint Peter’s

This Community of Faith

9/24 Fri 8:00 a.m.

The People of the Church of

Saint Peter

This Community of Faith

The Twenty Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time�

In Our Parish�

One of our week end Masses will continue to be

filmed each week. This celebration can be

viewed via our website www.stpetersaratoga.com

Click on “Mass Broadcast” at the top of the page.

Have you changed your home address recently? Or

your e mail address? Have you dropped your home

phone service preferring a cell phone? Or gotten a

new cell phone number?�

If you have done any of these things, please let Gail

know at the parish office: (518 584�2375) OR e mail her

at: [email protected]

A Word from Pope Francis

You may know all the command-

ments, all the prophesies, all the truths of

the faith, but if this isn’t put into practice,

is not translated into works, it serves


A faith without works, a faith that doesn’t get you

involved, isn’t faith. It words and nothing more

than words.

Homily, February 21, 2014


I am grateful for the gift of faith.

Help me to practice what

I believe in my heart.

From Faithful Meditations for Every Day

in Ordinary Time, Rev. Warren Savage &

MaryAnn McSweeny

The Sanctuary Lamp will be burning this week in

Memory of Martha and Joseph Niederberger requested by

daughter, Rita.

If you would like to make a gift of twenty dollars

to burn the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one,

please call the parish office at 518 584-2375.




Go to our website www.stpetersaratoga.com

go to page 2 and follow the prompts for

“Online Giving” OR click on

“Memorial Donations to the Church” from the

list on the left hand side of the page.

This will navigate you to the

Memorial Donations page.

� �

� Thank you for your continued �

support of the food collection for those less �

fortunate. �

� Please leave non perishable foods (No

glass containers, please) on the back porch

of the rectory Monday through �

Friday from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm. �

� Parishioners who cannot gather with the �

community for Sunday Eucharist, but are healthy and want

to receive communion at home, should call the office at

(518)584 2375 and leave your name and phone number.

� We will do our best to make arrangements for you

to receive communion in your home. �

Anonymous Donations have been made to

the St. Peter’s Needy Association

Sponsor of the Week

Little Angels Home Care LLC�

� 745 Osborn Road, �

Naugatuck, Ct. 06770�

203 278 1436�

Providing personal, high �

quality care for the elderly�

Thank you for advertising in our bulletin

When doing estate planning, don’t

merely pass on your valuables but also try

to pass on your values! Please remember

The Church of Saint Peter in your will.

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� Knights of Columbus #246

Fundraiser Italian Night Takeout

Friday September 17th from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.�

Choice of:

Lasagna, Bracciole or Chicken Cacciatore

with Salad & Bread $15.00

To order, call 518 584 8547 Wednesday, Thursday

or Friday between the hours of 12 noon and 3:00 p.m. for

pickup on Friday 9/17 beginning at 5:00 and every 15

minutes thereafter until all orders are filled or food is gone.

You may come into the building to pick up or have

it brought to your vehicle by calling from the

lot and giving your name and description of

your vehicle.

As always, Knights of Columbus

events are open to the public. Thank you…

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Catechetical Sunday

September 19th, 2021�

“Say the Word and My Soul Shall Be Healed”�

This day gives us an opportunity to reflect

on the role that each person plays, by virtue

of Baptism, in handing on the faith and

being a witness to the Gospel.

Those whose vocation it is to serve as catechist

will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry

during Mass.

A special blessing will be offered during the 9 a.m.

Mass for those called to be Catechists for our

� young people.������������� �

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� Are you interested in a Bible

study covering the entire Bible in

chronological order over a year? We will

read 3 or 4 chapters a day along with weekly meet-

ings for discussion. Reading the Bible in the order

that events actually occurred makes it more clear

and highlights connections between the Old and

New Testaments.

If you are interested, please e mail

Deacon Brian at [email protected]

After a long hiatus, we’ve begun having servers

during our Masses. If you were an altar server before the

pandemic and would be interested in returning to this

ministry, or if you would like to get a start,

contact Tillman Nechtman at

[email protected]

Children who have received

First Communion are eligible.�

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