Holmes County Republican (Millersburg, Ohio : 1856...

The J. CASKEY, - F ? EM THURSDAY,:::y;::MA3ri12,tf5fe. rwh&TZB discoveries of gold bve re I cently been made in Yakima county, Oro-- guu, aDOUl oigus uiuraiwiiu . 1 XForney t rrete claims, tor'Do'uelas is empnafically favorable'To th& StLi .'Bights or Young Democracy of Bepnsvknriin ;3JGov. Seward" will, in a" few days, sail forSurorwleifieiftfees'Iblnd w m i iTkeTaiesCiiews froiff fTupeihws, ble.enUj.Iw4y COT.itoaps, sTrencli ana Austiuni.,-Tha9- s wrrrralia fidcirted Vh gtat rater&C5' Tn - . ,jtjii;;'-i- r f L'c:?,- - .jT3rTke Detroit i4&rter-.avkwt.i- ts 'conviction", tiaf isfc ireirdtiat;TJoTnina- - cans,!wili be; given; either te"tSswAi pr CazsKnd declares its eariise.X- - sup poWfhef.5" fci fii O i- - . h :. d ij ias ri J3T A' large German Association Jutr4 petitjoDe(ftba MeSfcaWi Minister ti Wash- ington, for Ibe privilege of plantTno;? y nzHe'JKriaie inat- - PjONBAru-j-yhree- , of the, JVseJIingv ton rescuers have given bail for each other da thisonl of 50dabh'ftl Ihe-U- t S. Ccfurt 'and tKus fet EetnselTes ouf of jaiC'They ra -- Lerin ailswQrtBDaoiet'jWk'ams and Eli fe4.w&3 'J dJsbfa4 w,i " The Democratic SandarV; publib- - ,e4atCoec-4-o4i- ib fbl&wlng'fi ' "Democrats stick to James 6whaiiaii er we shairalrgl,(S-i-Wethefr',i!- l' . Sticking iogetne7obsave3youi'l)ut onljcrowdthe passage. jlSSTie1 ivielllgeAcer. says ti$a.bjs passage Utreugk thai city,.: Jack- - ceoTBpa- - nied. by aWitf twen'tyT meDf'alf oTVnora were arme4ti). the. teeth, and ready to oa-- end lha distinguished : fiolared aadiridual to -- the death. The President 'is much, exercised, it is gaid", ittbe:aeUen of lha Britishi'ilin- - feter ; td' ife3fTcOf1ih Ihreatening to hold Vera Cruz Tor tie pay menl of 'theEnglish claims, f The jgliandrench , nations do oot'jippear; .Ut entertaja yery prXaodox otions;,i! tegard' to the Monroe doctrine". .' JEit)traht pard; wKo left the bor- ders of Missouri, for'ites'Peal,i in ' Feb- ruary aTiof March lasfPencounteftd terrific sno w s lorms. L .pou serea tyfivajij iles Jeyond tort Kearney, ynu sao? waiour V Ce?4eeU, $QfLJ& thbty -- vg "feourfe j bMfbtty-itt- i buried in4h tirifte-i- s jsrTka j ,lJ Illinois Cerrtabtroad Sf assAl'ia : 'iQCaai "llfee Iworkiuhe awfctti toieade feya.le-Eeri6v- a emfaittee'ot thVStartef AnctilfuraT efyWilEnoisJiiPtSn SO- - tibn witl three scientific' machlnisis,1'Jof ."p T S" Prepatat ioh for "ft e eVotTzStfott'of Arizoiajrare said joe makingjpn; ajarge jBcaletxAkeMnJ rao,wJieref-- r hiiir mations from CaliforBla,ofjdeSigB pl-- afat from ili'e'lowe paWIof-tha- t SSrSte a coriderabfe;fxte'riJffOTrtbriS ofSer.ti add , .. to Arizona, aod'.fbus constjtula nejv, :i ut caivi i i i- - tj .i and; robbjyr aflar4;tStte..uhiawiui4 wouli'soeaB lo be the best prospect Ihat Ss now afforded, in any quarter)- - for 'th' afly admission efjiny newrtlSre-litliEn-g State. -- " 3 m1- - "h' . j 'f ''. . ,0:i.h a -- ' JtSSP There. to ,bd an slandup fight in" Tennessee ' this y is throwtridVSnJ afl t)p position ' orffapizatfon enectedrthalfridoks formidable. ' Jt embraces.. su.cji tnerj jsiE- - the Hon.- - JereiaiahiCIemerisj'boaised.iI be a cbnsbieuos Demorat.Tho'ros'Dect f... . '2 T " . . t tnB?--fi- r Lcl r.na;:TT h'j 2.f ; m man whodeinan&iBtenetfatt; theTetff-torie- s; eitherto protect' b'abMisaafeWft ofif the CincinnatrMatfoVirf nd Sai of ifdl Democratie party fhen. Tise'jMasois, I 4HunfeAnd'jalniostt thej niilre-Soti- fBj Pemwyireroutsiders.'Ito Sipnej the fiama'catQrvra C1 ! rl;T : i-ulls a story of a JowJMwTioVad iecdtne so attached tea y6ung villain'in atplkcp that sbe used all possible, efforts to Jnarry him, Bot,w ithsjAnd ijBge taafc had jstiBceied seatonjceifiVefeMiijtht jtiyrfeoh. Ci When Taken ' A'ubh to 1 be incafcerare'cF, tneflowa'firhaiif "it . . 4 '3 t., . f lei repeatej socitfttiontasarmilwa.tp 6M and nibfqe kxist, lb?-.dcelarts,.,- will Wait till tae-fivea- r4 ha ' expired, and tbea faarry ier darling 1h Jepite "of Bnerms ana seepere. rfW Newspaper subscribers' are n'falli-U-e ifiJications'of me'ri's riidral IrfneSty. They wHl 00DWorlate (discover the-ma- If be is'(liihoncftrLavill cheat tho printe? ia some -- wayri-say tie p'aid'when fas-h- kot, oi,senttb,'mone7'"and it waslost it Xhe inail,J'OP will take the papef forjrears wliBout" jjlfyiDg, and then move w and ' leave it or nmg to the office be' left, a"5 Threatened Austrian Campaign in Piedmont. The London. Titnei, in a feadini articfe. desciifos as follows the present date off-- . -.- Hswia can piace apon mo jupmo SLjiV 000 mei Wtthin the three ivs of erace jxetervdeniap tHAj tnan Government. Sardina v occupies the opposite bank of the Ticino, with a force ahirh .fnulfl nnt prohaMy-jikia- y. Afr-o8- day iUxwndestjru9tion by that gigantic C'4fgifflyi that Sardinacansl.o ?MP?e?i,W,nnst including her free corps. After making redactions, fur her garrison, Sardinia may be abla'l arranged iOjnJirjeatyej,.;!..!! rce days oje- - Tprteareau tnatis siren: If the demand hAeefi-aTrKd- y j roadrf'ncxt Stibdny (April fffiay-teSWA'itsttf- t army in quick If 'Austria and Sardp 0k re lefTfo taemselve, we shall ltAr,: & Sran'ftiTaoh?ahd a battle: EhnW"poSrtFhH(!)Ut 'the natural wSe1kereafaryi'pof icv fonr.ed bf M3fe rff ler iutb'rejf- - if sne fc restSvSf rfpWv?ri"5f slw' feels" ihat eTAB5'ofepaiF'to' accept war, to Vfk&rn&i l&ucirraafirrnjr -- before' thg ffccMAtntfii assistance: The; m'afcK'ffelftbKbCs of the Ticino ' to Turifa rteWrfaeaiiy for the' advance' 6rW"Vreni fany; Three Jays ' woultf bring the- - Abitriait' general to t!ie Unpro- tected 6ty'f-TurinITher- e is .mith-regAwe- the lhntfer arid th'e'cifjiital but the artavj and the bodiei of 'trie1 40 009 ' Sardinian troops who ore"1 k 'Vastly outnumbered by the Aulnahi''T6rctush' that army, p ctteci by 'Toro8'"the jJisarrha-me- nt acraaadedflKnd to dictate" lerms'si Turin, would b but the effort of few'days rf J Batdiira'rtmaincd - iiirfrfended;' " The Timei examines the prospeet'of Sardinia' wceivlrrg"im!y 5kssistance5'and speaks" ns follows: "We may assuiri perhaps, fha the passage of theTieiriowiil be considered by the 'Emperor" of "fBe-- ; French as a decla- ration of war by Austrian are inarchiiiEr from llie east en Turin, the French' Emne- - 'rpr 'wilt pour his- - eolnmris Trim tlie 'tvegfj andniRreh tbronh the passes of ihe ATt) the Anstriah inrndhd to an ticipate) if p6ssib!e,--lue!r'ariri- at tie Sar, dibWa capital. aa q bcxa otiJ oi ew;a 5 " Bnf i s46HUBoTb yf'ridewt in irustirtaetafiy" of tbi KWgdorh 'W'The possibiliX!of uiidng broiBtiHiolumnS which had to penetrate the-'lAlp- and td arfitawfromMienoaC onacondition of the military subceas. of sudr operation were tbattliaiconeenintien would bo effucfr fveJn.tbree oefoni dyi ojreven fiveorsix dayst perhapatrte wtty ivaa something for the delay whiCh:asra reasonably Selected bi ihtvpos8d,fcj aY ardiniaa tnyj eiliar fighting erretjetting Watfctiifitg jb this, or those other ebancea: of war ivbich never anbf fuUy.wlculatedjjiJie, military beads .who,, seem to Lro xDc'ved plan 'of opeping ,.he;jCam'paign, hare not failed ia.strategetjc jabity,.;, jbe Time4 concludes , byjrernariing, ihat,',. physically speaking, the, wni is tomathV poiy er. which strikes the first blow, an4;choose$ its own field of action,' will have the .ad- vantage, Morally bpeaking, the picture is wrcerjid. Tb E mperor.NnpoIeon is threat- ened tfitba European coalition. 4.0 prevent a general jwarJj The SfVej y it discerns sp k o4 feope tlatjguis Tapoleea paay sot mak a: Last wish, to Uk: up the glpve that npjf m Js .fcbrowfl-- J s.5CIm. of Iha Jesb4ta&.-vys- , roustj tfy.jlm ikua hate mcdiiatod wi Ahe act thatj Rus- sia,: Germasj,dJSoglaad, havetassBioed already nassily'.hosulii ,'aod A;ie Bd i0g: tfi wad ,Vt ta-- of av n. coerr oiooj if Jbuune f hpukj gio, biire victory- - in the war, and u his ambition .fiyouW parry him Levond- certain very narrow limits .15Tb eh' Prussia puts' her' troops' iji'iiioCiprL im mpererivppoieoijr.inav oe asa'urea m, isr pot' wjlljotii Xoy knowledge yfthe pa'r wftich JKussia is preparea to pJay.As lo Austria, tlie!. i;Wraph''lhfts,b5: this time earned to 'tlie Court' of Vienna 'the 'strong- est protest of England to prevail lipoii Aiis- - tna-no- t t'preciRiLate-a- i Uiousrhrthe The Summons to Sardina. OOTg.LfilarxJpyaneioaeph, Ausy-ia- , nas adopted a.nold ojicj IJe- - ha; .senf. a jic3inpj,ory jsumj Jgonf -- Jo YcrEnu.irdkrais ie armed volunteers he has collected frorn-ya- ) K9P.s pa.r.iOotelii'fli'-rderai- n rfifibcjng attokja Uireeays kfjtmU)f)$ atfgkti it potj'fiy toi&MUifr kntiptm to.-- bJi quel 4t ernative; for Sardin.slie-cmplSjU- e irrevnej; blj ruiaed. in.Xbe,-es(mati9- n of tha Italian Jibeta (snot aheantsur (o havq iej .Jirniies qtlacsed, aotj tlelbald, aqd her teirias'ovjiH'un.py Austxiaus iitrpcLrff iku Fenhca succor-- . 4isn The. preach ttaye to paos lie Alps ; Wow tli9vvx:.L;ctfiitly ;aisnil tlie, .utriaps, altlia HWipJfcwKM if. jtlieir.piinbeT vere' equajjCuld frest therplai bom, thfljAHStrians,, id jladctsky easily defealetj ; them't liTpvaf a) and they. begau pocharge-eac- .other, wiijtreaphflryarth. witLjTheEngiytoyermejitjit seems protested lagauist liio-actip- of Aotrw-rr- t The latter fowe9,pwerern: yonldijliava been seryf ... fjoUbUa.eww.-tlio- s ' whojoen- . . !i 1 ."r' 1 ..."t r t!.i' aha had & complete and eulBcieut guiirarw .tee, lljai ,key ; woul4npjt .ajloera find etlst proposal tor geaerat disarmiug j&eaappabla and; i i'gmce;'ari4.; S.ardi; na ever intended that the projeotediConr gress fthoul4'rp?erve; the peace of Europe, baW"jLy tejecj47t. iTAu ibria f ow fi8j4 pf. 6ar4ioia.-r"j- f oij - sbaHpo 'SPIWy ttudelpitbteaUo, Wnd mena(al9wards us, SBd ptiUarada tbp CMseawneeYoUj-sball;- . dismiss nv ataater- - the Toreigi.ojnteers .yjiiave coJr lected or tb? inyasjeypf puj;.4erritpryr jot you abalj. fyffljfaW!eZ-3Ji$m- 3 wise anil ltnll pyilipymi Jf lligra t to be pai1, Anstritf bad-By.tbi- snlg58, by precipitating U. j, ecWf5 ea iajiM How the Slave Do It. byianeiof tLariIennuig3.iib nmedJiitek B,'bon84)f.tBa Kaw Orleauaalaie-dcoo- a few months agOKj Tlia nurderar flod to kiissonrir Aiwcrafcftion foa rhiut cn;th Governor of Missouri 'iwasi made! by- - tha Governor of- - Loniaiaim GoJ.-Perra- ult, of Louisiana,- - add an1 office' froar-fif-c' Louis, ent to Jefferson City, add reqUdSted-GoV-rao- r Stewart to 'make iftttii "Hecasary wipers td enable UienV ta obmiri oMeston of the!fieitivVi'Tk' Gofeirf i ivb) aa oaiAj'Teiusea 10 aq so, ana - natcnec. was permrUaci to' tsave 'th UtdL tiller of a' dog 'would nave been" mow asSerely deart with thftit Wks tbe ''nmrdererfof- - tha slave rwnitni '.fettMK.i--- r vd !n' The Fugitive Slave Case in Zanesville. sTbeen e4 roen-itealer- have again uted" tie soi erQhio a'nl !kta tff n- - thef tjcfcnl. Jatffcion, the fugitiw seized t isBesvIIle. had", resided Jiv Belmont Couat01ao.1br ibe lest thtee years. A w rf-- L . 8?c a ireauV'nanied' . . .I Honey cult, decoyed JacKson inrougn me agency of another ijegro to Zanesville, where he iwarfinWr- - S. Marshal Cox, who manacled, him and bore him before a U. S. CommissioneVwlid immediately heart! the cane in his office with thenleoa locked aodrTcmanjied tbe aegr toslwrWyV Cftsearl added foMtie ex- - ... . - -- - mtttetl to-- fa writ o habeas corpus- was ott.vned and n ettpn llre'Sberif antTtbe b.r6bXe&)ror!Ju(j5eiIarsh . After disc.ussioq If?, counsel, ,tuo Judge ordered fhe irqns. ;tp Vs repiove4 and declared lie prisoner at Liberty.". '.The ' Courier says': .1 9. sooner were uiese worus rouuoi iue mouUi of the Jtidfra, thaii'Mr.'Cox.'whosa ppsse surrounded tlie negro, pouncedf upon and casing "on" every. 'bbd'preB' to aid Li hi' in keeninsr possession oflim'ic.'i fie was.'ir'onedaod' jaken'tbrousbr- the ack uoor 01 iiitt court iiuuse 10 r oriu street, where a fcack wai jnwaitingi placed in' it aud conveyed to the dopot, for the purpose of toling he ' train jhenj nearly tlue for Qeiing guarutu oy a iarge lures 01 spe- cial depijties,"all armed, with loaded Jand cocked, revolvers and otier parapliernalia iDpyopriate' to their, delectable occupation, A large number of blacks bad pfeceded the carriage to" tlie depot! and on,, its arrival there; an 'assault .was lunJe, with a view oT rescuing the prisoner. ' Many of Uieassailr anls.foughi bravelyj but'lhey Were speedily dispersed Ilia bystanders,' 'without refer- ence to plpUtical .pYeferencesjl voluntary aid- -' iiig tbe officen in'' triabitainin 'possession o'ftlie fugitive.' .'In' he.'aSYay everj wga'p pn' that could' to. secured ,Was brought into tttp'attdrsome.'tn'yorj four shots were fired by the, 'officers' but without , . . tt AiWtpaxciBmen,; U19 jdejiotA writ ' of. .habeas.. eorp'Us ,&as served' on :tha Marslial, f.niiDvesiigatjon wjki. had before Judge. jMarjji, laud-rinfier- argument- - the iv.ourj, iSiiiUj Wiej uiy?juestiou. maueoy counsel-wa- s liie, uiconsijtutipliaJity of" ?the (aw),jUi4) Wie uciarwy.,(,efruficale graate.1 E by jtlie.Coniraissionero j the claimant,0(iyVe guo.gr.;,, j. fidfUport the repointirwammed.tliat tbe.;bw was.uncQnstitutionU; inibe provt-sio- iepbferrritig UltoO ,Ci6iinussioAe3 judt tipou secdnd 'point.tlial the certificate grouted. J.o,tliJ) elaunant dld not comjy the fedjiiHertienU;bf Ihe Elh, sectiob e ihe flcV of 1350, (Fugitive slate Uw) nml::iid. n.c;on&r! upbs tbe claimaat aiiUiecity M hojil-.th- alleged ,fr gitive. .rn?obai LsTheleWliiftailittadcubli fliie ty of tbe law in thatVesprct,'Tbl' in'soRiU'eh'aas it bad irebefved the feanction of the Supreme Court! tha United Stated and of arl0ff: Circuit QonrtS, ilVas tot the prrinee.of Aliis-Ooo-- rt 'toiiftt jtt iuteri)retat;on of the law ib' opposition1' to 0 sttch decisions;' The' only remainiiling qnestton in the case-t- o $ rolled tiporr by couiisef Wa; as"tcf the 'regular'it'y ,of th cer-- ! tifienW ranted 'to' was claimed that tbe certificates dld; Wot :se forth th eubfetnuliAl-fB- Ct of tlielaoor or service due from the'allogl4 fugitive to the CKimiant and'of hi- - escaptf from-Virgrni- to Obioi' i iTfle rule 'of oustructiort 'which ib? Court held 'wpassjtisirporliUe-- snIB. ciencyfdf?theTetirrH of tlwf'strielestf hnracWr(Hlje-Judge"holdin- that unless sucblrtifkali coimilied hot o- - ly with the spirit but 'ihwitrictiettei- X the tsWt was Jiisdaty foisi&rYroni Ctisioilyi? stJlfdeVtUiitoWofmttrpretatioH, he hold tbat the certilicatdb W&lith HojU!!"ef ibAiaw sntJ oustoi dy of the Marshal. Ji-x- s rrro nn 01 The fugitive washeld. by,, the Marshal afld bis "Jiossi nhtll thelext inbrbing'when he was placed on "board a train and tnu: tijiieittwwternariytsht.!.-:- ! io fcThnlyfketia(lresih bf-rth- e proeeedi ing aside from sending a'lliirflatt "bein in to ')ife-lo- A bbndags, ' was tbe tsgnst-in- - speredQ tbe bosom of All intellisrsdfe'and Welldisped fiike '0 tettaa itf&iuk to Auifont thiit wfo, fot'a'palU'y pittance; becant4ti wilU inrTjafefeS, into''iliniJ(.'iAl4 jnss. .Klin iW'ntrreaW'tie MiSiX'6on'M ta I4a5( "rt mierin irgf aC 'J ' .OOD3 S OJ JfiftS M9W ild tfdj Ninety-Fo- ur Slaves Become Freemen. the'. icl 1 by ibe ipoiiu, iinu cuiorreu, n uujtu, is' fast JSecojing thgjreaf Snstruipentbf FreJ6'rjt't( 'tne?rbressiaVes''t)etDi selves."!. Ijore ftl iia'ctihen't, tbp1 xrnder erburid'Ilariroao's-coriveyet- i , but'hero "nai there a Dassenser now no roads in the country jif e irjote 'safejpertainj awl rliaifej aim uoiuf .py .suVUf priuBiuss uttiueifua the finesfbeneat the':'neart! ofallUhe bprJ e r'.SIa ve" 6 ta (es' with5 Winebes!t3. 'the Centrai and ext'rc'nieSouttiisrn;' The train's? seldom "meet wu.'h7dolay"lf tnisliari-T-t- br ueoperaiioB nwf, :.iienipieu eiicroacu-me- nt f'thenta'6ujSjFnr1Ue lant .hiv been so repuguint to all the better feelihi of.'mnj'-tba-t none. now d('iTits ,'slavisb, ts frord;Maiiie tO'ansas '," save' tlie jr few jf orthera, "'JpempfiratrcS.Oflw Who fo.r.tlie' Adihiriuiatipn voj-.k- jl?! tqun'- -' tv'ofiered bv the law, fo'r'huinno ' flesh.' de grade themselves eyenelo'Uier9epra red creatiircsl liighVniipde'd 'citizens 'f tbe ,,iJBder,cpl(r -- of J.ba Slave 4f Vrw rSlt $fttiSigm& eeB idnapperp Qb.ior.by taffy the r pres eason,.!:s.-ai- r Sset, feadthe giadfyiog intelligence. tb.at,.p (less tbafi JSTinetFour lwllP)tii ipcentlyifiifWjenjslFC opieimagirfJ1! rdy:B. tr.e .'oi ri fiWTE ArrTVA ON.iHIl5JDt88RpSMB R'iLnoAD.rr We ad thott ity' that seventy fugitivt strwiafrivedjoifl Oahada by-dn- e' train, from- tha'ntericifcp,f TonHesoeLXhirf isprobivlily the akfge&t number Hint evercscaped Bot a: week befora a .campany.'roJ!, tweli'e arrived and are now at the llepot neat Mat cn.Nearitha'eairre tiidarbao?. ?f siven and anotherTiof ve aafelyidanded uon,vth free soil of anaaajVinakingrAinetyifouriin 11, wortbral theTpreseiftinwirket price tlie kamrsoma Sumi of 4,0Q0b TlwUntfe gropnd .Railroad waa never before doing to flourislriog rr busine$s.r-A- t thef rate these ungrateful fellows are stealing tbymsalvfta, diDinariet'mu9i be erioukly affctel, nn-l- e a kept supplied iditeel from. Africa. ' New Orleans under Water. The New Orleans PiiSrjrune of theth WATBBTThegood"popltfof New Orl- eans are befcoinDgmorrfaid niort amphib-- - ions. We Te;sprrouBqed w faferthat we are peUmtr aecustoraej to lWa iit it and take it as easjLaftnyturg&VIa our front, the Mississippi keeps swelling and nsingr, nere and'tnere piaytuuy wasning ;; J- - ; .,"1 stteets immediately, beowf Above, the waier irom xne-vario- wusmsr reara' mi and spraadiug slowly okojun.van'a tear avrbead, cenuaaal sbeweraad4 their que- - tk-- t I the geaeral ?dattrpkJss aC4fli-aii- . coumiuig: watespljneci p jjuil own protective Jevees," bad ascended 0 the clouds1 in the. sbap "of potvso is. to Vi discharged bvefns'Sd Kgrani drops? . . Yesterday evening a portion of the lev- ee in Jeffersoi pil, wner8,dbere had form: efly been k snnce, suddeni j broke-out- , hd the water rushed pn1,!!. Considerable cnrrdnt.''Theij)eOpfe7':ioweyeriT;iwere;'OT theVyui Vive,' and tyrrpt'and vWeltdi-fect-(i efforts, sooircrosed thegspj'anJ kept thy Mississippi withfq tonhds, ? The sur-li- ls water-- , ' thus' tHr'oWTi'; in" horbnghiy was"he'dbo'streeran4 receded lo tntj'-rea- r of the towii The spneef between 1 Lpn aria' and Kapoleott-arenneJ'an-d ihfeTailroad named ffonie tirne:a'gd' Bbuligny" Like-- J bas ip';tti'itsitta.appWafbeei.kDd exten3srfibhe "oread "sheet ' of 'Watet.' It looks tery beaniiful at niglitj1 when it ts th'e, feitvery1 bearbssc? tMliioon, ted is Wpcli resorted lo' by loetjeaj stains and harmonious" frogs.' 4A V'cotue farther down toward townfwe find the treets frora Jaikson street,'Fpirrtn :DJiitrfei(' Wtbd Horse Station, Tirsl District, pne Tatyool of wa ter, . It is a conlirruaF and nraf sprashi as tbe gootf 'denizens of thalr sectrori'go about "to. attend- - to their risiial vbcations- .- Melp6niencr! CankT'Eas5 TaralnetflftS tieigli: borhood lo.su.ch an extent tbMinei Water reaen:eiJb1bI:5niWbk: nieiit; . At iis"; Junction :witb? h iWoaidv the jbndge lias ''partiJ bkefrJd'owii,t'krid Some' of 'its pla'nk.hav-- S florited' avay;51 wo 1 '.t'e will not attempt to oescribe ihe 'ap- pearance pf the other portions- - of the ityj especially rls' reaf,' "TTbe'dift in thft'streefe has" absorbed , a good : deal' : of ih'4' water, ahfl, where, we'dont glpasaVre;get' 6nr feet cloggJed.: With7'sof't ud.nAnd yet this state of fhings 'ijreabfs!'' tifclAaTii)? cLike-- a garrison resting quietly upon' A' str'eriglri of its stops waifs, ",we;mayiisreep 'ir peace, or follow, the 'tl.deljr pleure oT trade 'l burleres 'are; alF right ftrid';we defy' bW':aquatrcj:tehemy.Ii"-'fe- Weeks m'oreVkncf tbe greai'toTreflt will Teed, he burning rays' of )ak-- ' and'; pools if ! itulf'lt Vef feel dampjliwilf onTy bS with Ine perspiration oozing out.from our pores as ye gd ant IntT- - over BustTstreets afid bii'rnins' bot flaff- - sl,oner.!'V4e6.I-'dry- just to"tbink bf it, nd visions df swarms 'angry rbiisqUitoes hrisebefore'nrisyei- - Td t&e"bestr'em- - CUJ lucu, Ullto It .easy, nuu ICfc ua nwir iiTTi uselessly:-- AH these little annoyances' win abt preveut NeV Wean 'from betoi the place for business, wealth and pleasure'.' Further from Mexico. City of Mexico April 19, 1859. Tbe acta qfgkarbariiy; whic bavejieen commilUxLh'arejiuihe pi. eightdaW aie of such an atrocious, wautoBr and .Jt'WotI; tbirsty character tbatrpqa shudders it the mere jU .jtfhen), 7tt ..njust jcoh'gsss luafriu, enaeavprmg,on narrate, teuiroy Ll(KKLcbills sickens to" Uiiuk Stnfsa dcsVjpuid vpre odiois and ag- gravated f by ;hepay:..sno wn'by "jtbose wiiotiouiqjja,j9e oj;umanu,y ua ci!MluMafop,naw con forward to stanch liefer tfWWMiWsWitiw aW? helUsk. feasted iJt 1,1 B , ,f 0i. tlie-- 0,1 tjinstibq ted orals were "partially by jtlje dis- play rjprgy,bjl Kincipaliy js lelied, .bfuSM treachery pt sonjie.otuiejr owttgen.-ImLttikm- .The' afiaii..CQSt( the ."Go'verih ment pery- - dearly&f"everylblue (blq"use at; )easjtAldzeQ(p7f..pic Government.troops .wen'C down,., to rl&i. bo mora; jje.battle,. jas sanguinaiy one, arid was gallantly. susMunetl.pyfa Jew ngli-inr- jr nBenrL the: Fedei alt army, all. the Pinr tos.having 'iun,,Qf,'at oncet ifboat 'firing a; gunand; Uins eipqsjng feabout ,009 ,pf (Jjeir o'rnxiigf tcpdj $fajf&ty$fj (srooifnt .troops ani forty, pieces pt ,artm.ti- - ryro.i.nerpauia, comipe,ncea ai eeyen W"8 inorninc andiastod' nntilj after, lei,, when ike!su'peripfitj" of the.jGcjernrnent, r011- - ry. toJ4.,Karnu, npon .uieYWemcnqi.uifl Fe(leralists,.an jthey.were forced to.retreaL carry ing nearly all ihejj sjci . pocj y ounjled i(7The $pyernmenttrpp ps enterefl.Tftciiba,-y- a at about ha past: efeyen,,iiDd. finding but few of theif WQUfldedpppnets to.rer yongethernselyasipppn teyjorbmenbed a most "merciless peraijctkp( ; every fixji , person e.plao'Theoklferj were given ogUardieDle io .drink, and soon becqmrogwildlj driinjr.tcy. f(,;npp; all b ose, ,w bo - were atyilX; sUspec ted jqif ranpg aided jtheFedeJalis and carrie thern,!Q$ in the roost brutaj jjuinne.rfL,io places pXcpa-fiuepie- Thf aurgeons, w.bo bad-volun- r teer ir seryices-to.idth- et founded pf bpth parties; wio ha, kppft .bfongbt'io tbe bispitaL. Werei-.wiijl- e engaged in their niir rqane.,york, draggeL and, still woinfesame sipt-Iike- j dogs. Pewm):gah6craMb!Q'ab.:ut pff njdaken prpntfBr.d aevemjjet citizens, were shot at the same tiiiie. vi'Qi fae; snrgepn.s wprlf commeBceq-tna- t night nascontinuT.yiOjJittia.w to. the present, lime. many innocent rives have , hegn j thps-- , jut. jOffj-Gp- ; only knows. ,?--- : genetaL ;pr der.,,tp;ipt and not,. report' flearp jjrom person who has a right to know, tnai over one hundred persons have already been sacri Uiesa D(uUT'urderre ri iiS'mf'if&i fell" In ibo!meii(irri X3o'v6riimcnt pTrpers make W mehlioB xP these atrocities, prac- - d'updtt'personi'ndt' w'the' feasf deeree ciinipro'mised' .witU' tlie' 1?oiiftcaliJKffair3':of LU Vr Jrw V- r wii.u lip Ulianim wut tn'ostot whom Save 'be'e'n:bf fhe' laboring class pf population. But BptwitbsIaindiTig Hia iilence oP MPcfal-'rffan- I':haveJ been abfe lo "Collect ttnelfahTee fcf awfeety-S- re persons' wno navp utjnu iraummnu xncuf bayd'arrd Its c5ni1n;tn-pas-Iw4lrtrf- A Balm for Every Wound. ll'-- i sinled:1iftt-'MH:B:isli.op''n- e W Ih'e tlie.mbsiproni!ncirt!cn83Ww'ior-t- k of "Pateftts.VJ ,lts 'WPUiWs 'nre frier ibVnf'tb6o('of iheotueVrrdidiile1, j iiirit? ever lapi ttPMg begf pRediisiy tot Ae 'lia'tnjegl-EtreseirWtwer'- Sieretary'' GobbrSy toeTTrfeasiry are faK beyond; the" estimates, and as yet ie'has riot iToflmMtl Becegsary to tpnch dollar" of hi TrcftMiry ofes"aothorizd Wife Starved by her Husband. The Orleans (N. T.) Republican con- tains a long article from a correspondent in the town of Murray, detailing the particu- lars of a most outrageous domestic tyran- - V'On the Badge Road in this town (Mur- ray)' J about two miles east of tbe Tillage of Sandy Creek, there has resided for some years a man named John k uUerton. tie A comfortable house in'. thlckly f rtopuJated and wealthy neighborhood, and is toe owner 01 a taim and oiner property valued at near five thousand dollars.' i The community Las i Ton?' kaowa. Mr. Futlerton to' be a tyrant ih.his family, his wife "and ' daughters, and turning then) put. of aoors; but not.eveB tho; general. knowledge of bis character bad prepared the; citizens of that .vicinity., for the revelations; ; that ;bave , been' ' recently made of liia fiendibk barbarity towards bis wife. nt-- ioJ ixrtJ eJ ei bii&b til One niarht, near the last pf Marck gto&ns were heard preceding from the houfcaaf some oae In, greaMiSttressjaridutba neigh bors, recalling toe fact that: MiWauiliettoB had not been seen for some tjulej,.1!! to entertain suspicion pa'li jCTooity on bis. parW lr, iitcb a noigbbar, called at the iopse the nait day, nad was; relCt-tantl- y pcijiutted by Miv Sfktkou to i e hiswiMk ;He founder Jtft4,;haiBberde8i titute of .furniture, sava ft iserajbla bed in which she lay,' burxd ju sUlwtriUajdil'-t- y fealLoi bed fot a cwering, and- apparent ry.Bithout of;loj.IjiBg' apoaier person,' :t Still Rocking. as :was. reduced Jo a mere skebtpn 4ier hair; niattad ad dot ted with blood, and ber face i&qlf bruised). The scene was so sickening that Mfe Birck speedily sought the 'open air. "The".lsdies near were oon nlistadL'aQ4 repaired; following morning to the house,. where they were met with repeated'threata of 'Violence from Mr. Fullerton, but they, finally :!.p'r-ceed- to:put.thelktoa.fortn jn'- a, more tidy .aQd v comfortable; conditiont p.' Tkeir representations, pf :her situation are for repetition, n , several places the bones had worn through- - the fleb and her bodyas coveed w;th.tripea antt ter- rible braises.), When hoirriskment was ffiv- - en her sliQnte'ljkeJoejmiBb4.n3;'4ier mind ee medio, be upon. JUioc?i lifjerewas, Bvery..ndicaUoa of her having been , kept; for . JongT time wjthoutvood fire. or clothing, and'sub-jecte- to'.frequent . beatings hj' this-4nbaf- nian. illegaj propraetor o ner person.. 0r Death of the Giant. James D". Porter' Nrell known ins'be kentneky- - Giaht;t tbougti Moid aI- - Ports- mouth; Ohio, aS founVf dekd' in ms bed al his resideiioerf 'LooiWille on 'londay nWbirtg.iiHeai yars of age, irfve'ri feet nine incbes irtgb ahcf.Wbeti J in 'good health weighed 300 pounds. Triei Demo crat says that Jbr the. first fourteen years of tiiiife no was smalt for' his age. At sev- enteen be was hpprenVicfed ht'Coopering, and rvi rornarKacio rrovtn eommeneed. it is atatfedjtlkt the wioktiie! ever" gww". fn one week vnerifosfa ' ' It " was " hts babrt, wln'la'Wing, to irrtasiiro every. Saturday nightcand his own testimony". aiid"'lHaToT nisiiauniyttnu ineHUr ermenoe 01 lins emariuilJe.'fct' ear!t Ja e'iJfi'aiu J.f Mr. Portev eoon- - got sa'tall !'that it was iropoible Mm to fioopeliarrelsy and he was employed "on bogheads. This, boweverv became 'equallviiiiipossible,''wing lo. bisrilemarkable "baighljiand heWhs com- pelled' id abrifldon 'the busmesSi i ll then engaged hr keeping: aAd:driiag bacfest the. yeais J dr)t .' Eastf end ap- peared on the stage in one or two pieces written especially tbr-bi- He., returned to I6iri9Vll,-hd-nie'wyea- later oougbt tlie coffee houso frbtelf'fie was keeping at tWr rirri of' hir deaThF --' "'-- ; fknilfo fiift lBatba'rieS;;Drclens''camei IS'tbii cofintrytlrer was a'!''furois to 'see1 tf&zl As ;he passed "tEwngfr" the? tanal al 'L6b' isrille,; h4 seril a'messengcr tSa Mr. Porter, of whose remarkable proportions be'' Bad 4eaM?''intirnSWiWs WIsH to'see blrh."' Mr: Porter fe'piredto4b84flessenger that-i-f! Dickens3 wisbs' tr aeeJ me toiretnif!Fd lefe'i Wray'te jllc6ifie ,Jto mg."rf7Mft'pfclenjrb ing tbeeonvefeafipn jWief toFd tbe p'oVef-is-t that while he iWas'rowirig!.his: ''mother hiitf to StS a fool tea "bia-- 1 pantaloons every K"uMi. Porter's coffin is hine reet'one inch in length, and two feel ScVoss viber,'Breasf. ' silt - ViT i'-.-- - : f,r" Emigration in Chicago. In pursuance of a call througfttho it' large- - kud tery" espectable 1...- - li.il.. l.j.l.' . L '.' '.I. niceyitjj oi- luo wiww wupits ut ijjis ciiy eontfenetf last i ninff1n: tbe lecarroi iroom UtAhi AWcafl MetbodisinChhrerj oh T.fche eomer of Jackson ' aha; ' ;BufKild .streelsvno take into considera'tiofcthe'- - recent 'invita tion of President. Geftrand-,- ' Haytr, to the colored pdalatiori of the United States to eraiarate oenraoo xsv 'The feHolofesolntioW"was''iadopied, nu cutiiiutneo"iij'ioHiiuu xw .wrregpuou wittiUhd Haytieil'-autbot'itie- on the sub-- f8tt) ,anJio1 eiili o tiA Ui:f? ivO the liepHbH of Hayti offers to-t- oprdd'e'm!rralit", frorn-- ' a life of degradat ujfi and. sfawry in the - United btace, .laohiles for-th- t fmptoyrnent of his nioAil and ihtielktUial cobditfan, Superior StiaCaii '7snol en ' -t he1 cAmerickn" : Continent ; 6d we believe it (o tft not only a' wise stroke Of pottcy lit dutyf j -- y 7 bit vuiuicut'iiiiHi" m .'uju-'VUIU- Stales to make Hayti hit future b'oniev and which be owes to himself and the four"miP- - Tsif )l t r ,"i 1 j e'iam i."1' i;r.' ':-?'.- ': hada ' some what Bacchanalian- - sjroiise - resolved te frighten him into temperance.',''She thertf-fvir- e e iff aged a 'aiciriuaii.lfor a stipulated teward to cam! 'PhUirnder-tc- i the watcbr bonsev wiutoyet snsUto of Jrijensibility, and o frighted bim a nlitle when be ! in conserjuence'of ih iel w.as TBeka ap nbeut'tLld'clock, and , found. r'himsolf npon i7eibowi'L-H- e looked nroxind .untii birfey ai r.restud bni-- a man . sitting byi slrilra-jan- d "traokmg'a ci- gar. "Where am I !" asked.! Philaeder. "Iu mnwlicnk coUegpsaidtUejcigar.saio-kMr,- ; ,,V.yiiat;a dw.og .ere'rfiGoog to be ciit pp. .(Julj comes that 1" tW'b.Vy " :ljedytdny,;wjii drijukjand m kve broughfc your; jbpdy iqra' to, ,rpake nn 'ftii'iltomy.!!2.".ICs,a ijeHL.rWa'i 4ifl k" f'o. niattef,; ,we; Lsya-.bouf'h- t your t careass anyboy rnnji youfifo. ho; bad. a. riffhtJ ti : e . :.' 11 i n. . i T gctvftut of ou,r;.Jf;you re uot dead its no.fauljt of tha dootors.ud tby 1) cut ytu. p, dtd fit iYe.'i':Ypo will dor it, tdji" esked U;tld,sot;1 "Jo be sura we williiflw-iBiinediateiy.a- s. the'trescr bite answer, - !Yall, lopk o'bere can't yon let us have something to drink before, yon .begin 1?., Ei'.; . r;-- i 'f;.-.-r ,Y" Reform in the Methodist Church. An important change is discussed among the Methodists in regard to-- the ' govern- ment of the Qhurcb and the itinerancy of the ministers. Layman's Association of the Cincinnati Confurerice; recently J"1 session, resolved that it would conduce to the welfare, of the wholes Church 'so 'to change the present system as to allow of lay representation ia tbe general and other eonfereocesir . . , . ,. - They object to being exclusively govern- ed by ministers. They further say tbat the good of. their children, the church and the world, loudly call for more intimate relation between pastor aad people, which can only baj?biined by. more protractetjias slay of the pastor wih the people." OI lao reasuus vucjruri; Bniuai. ua uiw ent; System osf icinerancy-fs- ,' thatritis .a grieVoda'anrl unnecessary .buTtlen 8po(. the church. ftf dispfaeing their 4,Q0O ministers t frq'nr'eldr''yrSere tbey have just beguir to labor witk success, kna Hetin' jhmio''iBw'&e;fIer six .months- - tff M rfifmr'lbf malaci qusjintanceS, kre3penSeLfe iocfTIHvery twd tears f T20:60errbr morals? nd atiotheY f 120,006 itf ibe ejniati&tf iof household ,gobdsniakmga-nggvegnt- e which exceeds the whole sum contributed by the Methodist Epiepnl Cbtrren- - W also re'dboitkal'y Isry t'wo years a' thoa'skhd years'WiBisI riaITaooriire!Tcfet'ii'"the p'rqeeeeof 'euo al, and argue that he system is xt!i. gan"' TOyralsO'r-pTOl- es ftgai'Bkttbekb-aorptii- m of tlre kime-o- f minister ia edUng leaeEng tatih 'and ,m'atberoalicsi'ndidK reclirig book Concerns, "Mit bol that d'bb to' attend -- ti iaBy tbihgs' VIimS Wow'- - divert ministei ika their proper work. .bt jj r:tji'i'i ,,-'" "?' ' War Apparently Inevitable. The next breeze that blows froiarthe Saei .acrpsa tlw " AtlanUc- - wiHjproVably bring the clang of resounding arms frfEw-irtpe.i'rb- last nows is edtha- - a fictfon' or tbo crasn has alreadjr ctnne INonedfrthe bloody and fcryj wars-o- f tbe-lasf- hiinaeed years' ifr Europe-wer- e; a their enriuneneev ment; fraught wrtrr tea importance tuao to-- the present apptwebing; sbatest. Those; Wero- - eonlest between "sovereigns, while attbik timd the musses kee: stirred 60 the very bottom,! and only to assart their tights, and shake tbe thrones of tbe erttwndJ headitno ni ra ;i Wbrtt tbeeffectif a EtwojpeiuT WMwiU b none carl foretell neither eat its eadbe keen ; it will te bloody j whether a long war or a short one. ' ' tiirftoo jo sl:-- J j.The news bytbe NingWraisof ,UioT)fgh-'es- tt importances' Peace' aeenie bo.'.'lo'nger possible, and War looms Bp, whir alarming front." Austria had.sent aa nrtflnafonp to Sardinia, demanding ler disarmamenb and tbei disposal of Jier y'oTunteersi frordJthe therr Italia StateerKTbredi ilsitNie given' ierib which toslreplyj and bfaetame would expire 00) the' evening of Uie'24tlt In case of. her; rnfusal, wbicfe icir'y oap-tai- n Austria; wonldj declare rsrar.,- rlhe English Government h:MM(jegrhphIl-i- t Viferma a'strong'iicotesb hjhst?ixAuaria's iiitiint'ft'.-tol.Kmilmi.'i- f ikI A' .vai.'riBjirtJd llmt Austria' rpUed,'iefiisrrfg--to,rcMisist-- r Br detertiimaiiorr; am& th.-itih- liadaL-fead- y 'pTepai'tc'i a declaration of id more Austrian tiaops Lad butiovurdarevl io lb' banks t the.Tienoi: vThe:Frek troops were in p'oeci of rapid- cbncenbrsf 11011 on me ironiiers 01 -- ieuinoabnsa:i.ini-1on;: The fianl propnertionrrmado.-b- Eng-Itfn- il ta Austria was tfcr;garieiiaL disarm mentby nwim-o- CommissiQrieisiincijid-ihg'SwUlaia- ; and I6i the admifisiohJof the Italian States to tha Peace 5nyfes3Va at LaybatliLi rTe-thi-s proposal ell lb e powers gavd assent except Austria ir.r.h Jrr Taking it Cool. A delinqrient buSbtOid lthBdversid fe'CttBtaAweedltPNet'-Yobys-Di- s "'LOSTSTftAtED ORi &t6tKN--A- n individual whom, in an ungarded4no'-"mer- it bf Tobeliness,! wa9"ffi6tt'gtles enough tidopt atf 'hu'sbaBdi'' e k fgood lobking' 'and t bte'f hknvidal'tnoking enough,"hoWevr, ? ir: wkeri it' hkjt, unless" som giJoU Vkgri--'CSivU- t dmWA&.VTi Adsw'ets; "Id 'the name of Joe '. WadTflst' sebik'cc!ttpanyJuHa around byarisf,'To0k-in- g 'more like a fool, if possible, thai ever. Anybody' that will catch the poor 1Uote, iarid briBg',hiuj caiallyback,eoilhal Ioay chastise him w running away, win brf ask- ed Wstajo' ien,'bf ii:i-r.- d HENRIETTA A. SMITH. Life it1 A singular ocenrrencesay the Albany Amckerbocker of tbealtlv wasi' dispovfer-ed'ib.k&u- lc attached to one groondtf p Sunday last.. If was-- trhaC-o- f young female, wbe wasJddposited-tkemi- n for dead somo two monLhs1 -- sinea, baicg fblind Afropehiogtrteieollln, toXe-lyin- g oh bar side with one band under the head. Profit thisi it was evident that the .woraaa was- - afi wben" plac4(l tberw kwakesine frdfo-t- be tarceinto which he'lisd fallen, endeavoned to txtncaiei herseir- - from: kar entombroentj: Tkis,couKefaai:aa.ia. possibility ; the cover was not only screwed ddwfl tigkily, bnt'tktt'apacp wnsp too 'cont- racted- to' allow of even an efflin.: . It 'w&'t evident, howvr, tbat tlie unfoftunai Wo-ina- tf 'became e'tnViiiced this fact, and concluded to diai She-- therefore took the easy pbstara in wbickshes fouridV'and breathed her last. The thought' that the? ti4 iirie4-b- er while et relive: get"1ier friends almost crazed. The bod v kas that; f4 woman wjirbraerly7 issidedt inTtheJ bowery. Ibe father and rottieiriQf w; fleceasetf liiad juet arnvett itvon uiold COflntfy fcaayeelf,and jvere brcogSitta the Tmilpto- - see tkeir; ehikh The ceneas reHttedas LearttieiMling.vTbi foKnzrtkBr jnstahee of Itexf basiyborial. I We have Teflen heard of ': similar cases to thisin aether parts 'f tb4 OOUBtrvi buUnobe' niif tbit "BeiifltbOfkodd.3 ,"i;aj i'l In lrtt;crtM itoHl speaniix;diUJtadHCivtctMie country, tlie Upper Mississippi r .V wr;;jiiitt sending .1 ff-.fSn- floods, At TimliWoi'pafl (Jow.of iaukviCun4erjd')le;an die. fiver jisinir. and at St4wa:tlu.tiverf rasa so Kipidty oit TiKiJaykaJ 11$ amount P ac,-j-( sioi pf a iarge'.uantiiy of freight "onU .ler"ea..ii?t''a was three feet m tw"11-fo- ur honrs. . Af uT aslppbsJtBa. Missouri, rose six "Aie't in twentv-four"- . uburs, and ibe. great rise was stilj'cjmiug front the ioua-taiu- s, Great appruhension ' ia folty e LlQ-o- t tbe Lower Missroj. when, the mountain floods sbaU be. addtd to the .tor rent of the preenC.dMtvei-?r?vse81 and overflows. j r.- -t " i ' The Rescue Cases. On yesterday, Wednesday, JenniDgs and Mitchell ventured into the street Mitch- ell says &e has. concWedt our streets are perjectly Safe. ': llrbas taken twenty days, of close eonfinemenj, fb bim to realize the difference beteen Kentucky and Ohio: As soon as tkese. men "were satisfied their per- sons were-i- no' danger, they rery wisely concluded to meet the indictments in Lo-- ounty,by giving bail for their appear- - tnce. we uuaersiana tuey in icq av ao Another pIagnjlQvjgwLye3 up to the Sheriff of Lorain, county, and then ask Judge Wilson lor a.wriivpr.iiaop- - Corpus, The decision ofouru reme .OneTConrt-ha- s jwwwelrenrlerednat one of doubtfatwemeSteAtfrss tbe U. S. Court probaoly V ouTd'saVtbef befoje rer-dic- t, at'Vaaf,' IrwouldtTeri th'e'StaUtlauttsr BnrrepWlfjaef Inlay, Jbiirsdaji iJji JEvjeen. jJhatyBnslmeUV counsel ask for his iwwediaie'sentenceon the gcWTfetrtoWbee 5aJltkenty jtf ltbfcintoiiipijpHkppiy to tlto6t4eipt;.CfUjf0irit.)of Habeas Corpus, to release him frouruck sncttjsot&jemenfcei TheeCjiutt eaid MlBunea aaeopettbe'ese; lril je diepbe4f. rrf jxl.ivrs liiytAi i.!VVe-notiC- UttV-:fm.;Cgvi(ri;- f Dliift ns woarned. 6ntilj 'f ber- - Of eotes,.wbdnippkc-io- fo tejrijl bo nasde tU!iU..bencJ.if Judges-rW.-i- f they see fit, act in concert in Chambers as J1 aa f .regulaE;JHa Uawi Xbjj.iaw so, pidiWAfincerijlrgBat jn.a ipatle gf such deepiwonMnnqonJluge wiltjkcjtlone) bV tbtke fujlnchwul W epnsuled)c4w&(i4raiSFow bfl.i etai a'aai.to ti t- Good News Wives. brnrriahe- - mirfi a'gafWiBt 'tnaftf nda: geMVi TUItm i 1JU IU LI Ulll VI W f ment' will to:apffffreEni fr fcdr-l3- f mdom. at leasV wbetf lieyshaS have lead frtftottf- - oy theJudicialvalfei'irPfteestic e?os-i.- i -A iaff basf.tio .rigbt t'Wbip tk& Wife, but stiduiiee severely rmriiijrH?l iTii ') gSirftf oT"4c1i"kd"eolrjet.b rrtrnb"-rre- t; W llifrrigbl 15 btp their husbands whenever tltiySgaseds-ol- i as"rf prerbgniiv eegingtoaeilrpecu-liarl- y ahi'inarifeDable.'JH 'wJieJ oifly 11-prisei- not eSe'refetdir tgliftfer bit- ten L". bsea KM? .bs?b e.l V eoai Kil.VIMfcrn.liMfclt . l'r Coshocton County. i"TIM istaUr iatiDeboctoii touch- ing tin4iOaTB)y oTlvSie j.sappbd. to twaWeemaBeaii WeBt latavBiaii- - It is stated tta ike eM has beeo toip to'ike Philadelphia mib't aad'Kaspjdnbnnwdiha Tlcbrab ercircceiredfltbeioeW.iteate pounds of ore naiiingimppaadii' pare siW(n;:w'Tlia)ora:is-lown4'-intbl- ey yWda wit&wui' ihrcaieetria'ckv exerlsm witk fflveidn-ifchdoTi4fo- thick. siCkeae-ic- al tests have also been made, and tlnrsti- - t, JiAd wasdiseizl;jralre j trimetl Cufdrnrfi8.:v K.is heliead'lo be a vulual'tii eW&etbeTwSii'verlorLsoinbing bisej iioRt probably tli3f.laltnrti oTUe-t'ar- Wnsqiprcfeasfdi .iS 3t.psacre,tHid-.-3ine- e tdni''iliicosery' oettnriotiered $10,00(liiBxwa;esi xiTbeTi ksubetsm Deaxitrait wars ikeireetal &oml kwaiefrtd bMaqbsear-pmit- e lis lif pe .metaLtd td lad) bsinorsa zra li 7 l'iirt ilTni Ceh' t'Jtfcfe LjCW "BkiSr.i-T- fi eonnty tf Pta'poba1ly4atB1wijOT of the first'proseorti3-eftdie,,'- tf HAftik la" passed fesf winter by the 'Ohio rwbibilir'meW 'deputed "t bae gro--' blood 'ib theif eifts from vefmg;7 citizen,' re'pvtectto info VI066. "offtir-e- d bis Voti"afid wasf'balfengu41)y toebRlcel' ftifstaedei "TtSlrke4 IbaVWliSpintej'tkeJiedKid-Ba- l tiori bid1 iglftit.jr'-TBe--' ots eeefverl?'Wneretfpoic.th hbeofxiciiktlif-Tutted- . l'Jtesi jo'i asi-- in r l'.s su', bBeetri',oW of f'Bef'sMfcftl swbf ebt Vraigkins the'fcjtnnder WkWxprsseelhtilre SeejWM;-laiigii-u- s "opinitfn, for latinsnit Ww agaiHrt reputed negW ,bleod"l;-'Tlie8aidit- was arrested anil talcea forw iietiee 8a!-by,- T of PWns. i "IJ'poa tfie' beirinof the 'Jus- tice b)dnl'tne acfcuSed dferti thtfCom-nidn-Pfei- W Oeurt itl three bnndrea fioUars. At tbe late term of The' COmrtioB PJeUe t3c4jftbe'Meas(l:-'krtuWt- e Gran Jdry.WhrfWfviSed; to present a bill trt-eii- 2fcJ.?'Hqyufi3 eiurmi s -- .wOi ei f,t'Q7 ft - mm .1 ivi j 1 7.'v Ok T)ab Poi.tiR9 ITA'A.e'SsR Atteifi(fiko'B ArkKftM?Wrjf4. iTh jary ro thk na Hf Lucieh-'ArB-r- s gaini irn Preston argireCkis wife, and Aaron IL'OrpMr-KeiwnlM-tio- "to recoWr nffigek jrf He Sstim of $15,000 for alienating die affection ef'lbe wrfe-'i- the plaintiff- - anJ atisin!4ier lo Jeave k led and teard; th esarainatioe of which occupied? toe1 "Superior GenrV tN last w'eokyesterday" tbornitunied a verdict iKfnvof of BowrsWoe tbtibsjtftd dollars, Tkls probably tbe only; hiatnoce on'iidof'a waeoimaencirie''arl)i sdo- - eessftilly earryiog'onf euit'to TeeoverttwB-age- s for the loss of his wife's affection. 'TTils pf-tiee'a- ail. biyspeetatrferc'9iCBow- - era i9 knioteltigent man, ST'yeartCgag3, and of good kppekraaee. -- "His 'wife about 20 years of acre, is also intelligent' ins pepoesesaiagin spparacei.TheyiWere was not a few WwieD-- " 6ii -- .be It of 'JJi. HholTfe!- - tbrengb perseiisle of friends' an4 earesllwiir.IMl lieea" married but ftert' tiWe hek tlie AAfiniawerifuSderl her 44 leave - sr. warier Ibiier triMis -- 'Jo OkM. vis oTertaeivtBowe'i(, afnf dfsi4 nwl Be?lVfJHilrJfiaRV sertiWay Tw(I trie oarrmiys ut urn.- - - 1 nn(l m T a The jury srfnpatriizw -- ju y '"V, ,-- T7 . Since tlie murder of ?"Jeby War !n Xouisvllle, school teasUe..4lborecav( . 'sorrV time witk tbeirpnpirs. t.tba teacbej of tbe.FourtU r!fiscb"eorrKt'eTy,.JteJnpA; whoreunon the' uxmL ieiiert tr baker." aad struck.Uie 'majti p sever pw upon, "the side 'ortbVhead ,Tbe latter 'thetv eftbe scndo! room followed by IL tbe Toy Vc? pnrsnedjiuwmi brc,kbt3, and stoneafor some distance. . , - ,

Transcript of Holmes County Republican (Millersburg, Ohio : 1856...

Page 1: Holmes County Republican (Millersburg, Ohio : 1856 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028820/1859-05-12/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · the j. caskey,

TheJ. CASKEY, - F ? EM


rwh&TZB discoveries of gold bve reI

cently been made in Yakima county, Oro--

guu, aDOUl oigus uiuraiwiiu.1

XForney t rrete claims,

tor'Do'uelas is empnafically favorable'To

th& StLi .'Bights or Young Democracy ofBepnsvknriin

;3JGov. Seward" will, in a" few days,sail forSurorwleifieiftfees'Iblnd

w m iiTkeTaiesCiiews froiff fTupeihws,

ble.enUj.Iw4y COT.itoaps,sTrencli ana Austiuni.,-Tha9- s wrrrraliafidcirted Vh gtat rater&C5' Tn- . ,jtjii;;'-i- r f L'c:?,-

- .jT3rTke Detroit i4&rter-.avkwt.i- ts

'conviction", tiaf isfc ireirdtiat;TJoTnina- -

cans,!wili be; given; either te"tSswAi prCazsKnd declares its eariise.X- - suppoWfhef.5" fci

fii O i-- . h :. d ij ias riJ3TA' large German Association Jutr4

petitjoDe(ftba MeSfcaWi Minister ti Wash-

ington, for Ibe privilege of plantTno;? y

nzHe'JKriaie inat- -

PjONBAru-j-yhree- , of the, JVseJIingv

ton rescuers have given bail for each otherda thisonl of 50dabh'ftl Ihe-U-t S. Ccfurt'and tKus fet EetnselTes ouf of jaiC'They

ra -- Lerin ailswQrtBDaoiet'jWk'amsand Eli fe4.w&3 'J dJsbfa4

w,i "The Democratic SandarV; publib- -

,e4atCoec-4-o4i- ib fbl&wlng'fi' "Democrats stick to James 6whaiiaii erwe shairalrgl,(S-i-Wethefr',i!- l'

. Sticking iogetne7obsave3youi'l)utonljcrowdthe passage.

jlSSTie1 ivielllgeAcer. saysti$a.bjs passage Utreugk thai city,.: Jack- -

ceoTBpa- -nied. by aWitf twen'tyT meDf'alf oTVnorawere arme4ti). the. teeth, and ready to oa--

end lha distinguished : fiolared aadiridualto --the death.

The President 'is much, exercised,it is gaid", ittbe:aeUen of lha Britishi'ilin- -

feter ; td' ife3fTcOf1ih Ihreatening to holdVera Cruz Tor tie pay menl of 'theEnglishclaims, f The jgliandrench , nationsdo oot'jippear; .Ut entertaja yery prXaodox

otions;,i! tegard' to the Monroe doctrine".

.' JEit)traht pard; wKo left the bor-

ders of Missouri, for'ites'Peal,i in ' Feb-

ruary aTiof March lasfPencounteftd terrificsno w s lorms.

L.pou serea tyfivajij iles

Jeyond tort Kearney, ynu sao? waiourV Ce?4eeU, $QfLJ& thbty --vg "feourfe j

bMfbtty-itt- i buried in4h tirifte-i- s

jsrTka j ,lJIllinois Cerrtabtroad Sf assAl'ia :

'iQCaai "llfee Iworkiuhe awfctti toieadefeya.le-Eeri6v-a emfaittee'ot thVStartefAnctilfuraT efyWilEnoisJiiPtSn SO--

tibn witl three scientific' machlnisis,1'Jof ."p

T S" Prepatat ioh for "ft e eVotTzStfott'of

Arizoiajrare said joe makingjpn; ajargejBcaletxAkeMnJ rao,wJieref-- r hiiirmations from CaliforBla,ofjdeSigB pl--

afat from ili'e'lowe paWIof-tha- t SSrSte acoriderabfe;fxte'riJffOTrtbriS ofSer.tiadd

, ..to Arizona, aod'.fbus constjtula nejv,

:i ut caivi i i i- - t j .iand; robbjyr aflar4;tStte..uhiawiui4wouli'soeaB lo be the best prospect Ihat Ss

now afforded, in any quarter)- - for 'th' aflyadmission efjiny newrtlSre-litliEn-g State.


3 m1- - "h' . j 'f ''. . ,0:i.h a-- ' JtSSP There. to ,bd an

slandup fight in" Tennessee ' this yis throwtridVSnJ afl t)p

position ' orffapizatfon enectedrthalfridoksformidable. ' Jt embraces.. su.cji tnerj jsiE- -

the Hon.- - JereiaiahiCIemerisj'boaised.iIbe a cbnsbieuos Demorat.Tho'ros'Dect

f... . '2 T ". . t

tnB?--fi- r Lcl r.na;:TT h'j 2.f ; m

man whodeinan&iBtenetfatt; theTetff-torie-s;

eitherto protect' b'abMisaafeWftofif the CincinnatrMatfoVirf nd Sai of ifdlDemocratie party fhen. Tise'jMasois, I

4HunfeAnd'jalniostt thej niilre-Soti-fBj

Pemwyireroutsiders.'Ito Sipnej

the fiama'catQrvra C1 !rl;T :

i-ulls astory of a JowJMwTioVad iecdtne soattached tea y6ung villain'in atplkcpthat sbe used all possible, efforts to Jnarryhim, Bot,w ithsjAnd ijBge taafc hadjstiBceied seatonjceifiVefeMiijthtjtiyrfeoh. Ci When Taken 'A'ubh to 1

be incafcerare'cF, tneflowa'firhaiif "it. . 4 '3 t., . f

lei repeatej socitfttiontasarmilwa.tp6M and nibfqe kxist, lb?-.dcelarts,.,-

will Wait till tae-fivea- r4 ha ' expired,

and tbea faarry ier darling 1h Jepite "ofBnerms ana seepere.

rfW Newspaper subscribers' are n'falli-U-e

ifiJications'of me'ri's riidral IrfneSty.They wHl 00DWorlate (discover the-ma-

If be is'(liihoncftrLavill cheat tho printe?

ia some -- wayri-say tie p'aid'when fas-h-

kot, oi,senttb,'mone7'"and it waslost itXhe inail,J'OP will take the papef forjrearswliBout" jjlfyiDg, and then move w and

'leave it or nmg to the office be' left, a"5

Threatened Austrian Campaignin Piedmont.

The London. Titnei, in a feadini articfe.desciifos as follows the present date off--.

-.- Hswia can piace apon mo jupmo SLjiV000 mei Wtthin the three ivs of eracejxetervdeniap tHAjtnan Government. Sardina voccupies theopposite bank of the Ticino, with a forceahirh .fnulfl nnt prohaMy-jikia- y. Afr-o8-

day iUxwndestjru9tion by that giganticC'4fgifflyi that Sardinacansl.o?MP?e?i,W,nnst including her freecorps. After making redactions, fur hergarrison, Sardinia may be abla'l arrangediOjnJirjeatyej,.;!..!! rce days oje--

Tprteareau tnatis siren: If the demandhAeefi-aTrKd-

y j roadrf'ncxt Stibdny (Aprilfffiay-teSWA'itsttf- t army in quick

If 'Austria and Sardp0k re lefTfo taemselve, we shall ltAr,: &Sran'ftiTaoh?ahd a battle:EhnW"poSrtFhH(!)Ut 'the natural

wSe1kereafaryi'pof icv fonr.ed bfM3fe rff ler iutb'rejf- - if sne

fc restSvSf rfpWv?ri"5f slw' feels" ihateTAB5'ofepaiF'to' accept war, to

Vfk&rn&i l&ucirraafirrnjr --before' thgffccMAtntfii assistance: The;m'afcK'ffelftbKbCs of the Ticino ' toTurifa rteWrfaeaiiy for the' advance'6rW"Vreni fany; Three Jays ' woultfbring the- - Abitriait' general to t!ie Unpro-tected 6ty'f-TurinITher-

e is .mith-regAwe-

the lhntfer arid th'e'cifjiitalbut the artavj and the bodiei of 'trie1 40009 ' Sardinian troops who ore"1 k 'Vastlyoutnumbered by the Aulnahi''T6rctush'that army, p ctteci by 'Toro8'"the jJisarrha-me- nt

acraaadedflKnd to dictate" lerms'siTurin, would b but the effort of few'daysrfJ Batdiira'rtmaincd - iiirfrfended;' " TheTimei examines the prospeet'of Sardinia'wceivlrrg"im!y 5kssistance5'and speaks" nsfollows: "We may assuiri perhaps, fhathe passage of theTieiriowiil be consideredby the 'Emperor" of "fBe--; French as a decla-ration of war by Austrian are inarchiiiErfrom llie east en Turin, the French' Emne--'rpr 'wilt pour his- - eolnmris Trim tlie 'tvegfjandniRreh tbronh the passes of ihe ATt)

the Anstriah inrndhd to anticipate) if p6ssib!e,--lue!r'ariri- at tie Sar,dibWa capital. aa q bcxa otiJ oi ew;a5 " Bnf i s46HUBoTb yf'ridewt inirustirtaetafiy"of tbi KWgdorh 'W'ThepossibiliX!of uiidng broiBtiHiolumnSwhich had to penetrate the-'lAlp- and tdarfitawfromMienoaC onacondition ofthe military subceas. of sudr operationwere tbattliaiconeenintien would bo effucfrfveJn.tbree oefoni dyi ojreven fiveorsixdayst perhapatrte wtty ivaa something forthe delay whiCh:asra reasonably Selected

bi ihtvpos8d,fcj aY ardiniaa tnyjeiliar fighting erretjetting Watfctiifitg jbthis, or those other ebancea: of war ivbichnever anbf fuUy.wlculatedjjiJie, militarybeads .who,, seem to Lro xDc'vedplan 'of opeping ,.he;jCam'paign, hare notfailed ia.strategetjc jabity,.;, jbe Time4concludes , byjrernariing, ihat,',. physicallyspeaking, the, wni is tomathV poiyer. which strikes the first blow, an4;choose$its own field of action,' will have the .ad-

vantage, Morally bpeaking, the picture iswrcerjid. Tb E mperor.NnpoIeon is threat-ened tfitba European coalition. 4.0 preventa general jwarJj The SfVej y it discerns

sp k o4 feope tlatjguis Tapoleea paaysot mak a: Last wish, to Uk: up the glpvethat npjf mJs .fcbrowfl-- J s.5CIm.

of Iha Jesb4ta&.-vys- , roustj tfy.jlmikua hate mcdiiatod wi Ahe act thatj Rus-sia,: Germasj,dJSoglaad, havetassBioed

already nassily'.hosulii ,'aodA;ie Bd i0g: tfi wad ,Vt ta-- of av n. coerroiooj if Jbuune f hpukj gio, biire victory- - inthe war, and u his ambition .fiyouW parryhim Levond- certain very narrow limits

.15Tb eh' Prussia puts' her' troops' iji'iiioCiprL

im mpererivppoieoijr.inav oe asa'urea m,

isr pot' wjlljotii Xoy knowledge yfthe pa'rwftich JKussia is preparea to pJay.As loAustria, tlie!. i;Wraph''lhfts,b5: this timeearned to 'tlie Court' of Vienna 'the 'strong-est protest of England to prevail lipoii Aiis- -tna-no- t t'preciRiLate-a- i Uiousrhrthe

The Summons to Sardina.OOTg.LfilarxJpyaneioaeph,

Ausy-ia-, nas adopted a.nold

ojicj IJe- - ha; .senf. a jic3inpj,ory jsumjJgonf -- Jo YcrEnu.irdkrais iearmed volunteers he has collected frorn-ya- )

K9P.s pa.r.iOotelii'fli'-rderai-n rfifibcjngattokja Uireeays kfjtmU)f)$atfgkti it potj'fiy toi&MUifr kntiptmto.-- bJi quel 4t ernative; forSardin.slie-cmplSjU- e irrevnej;blj ruiaed. in.Xbe,-es(mati9-

n of tha ItalianJibeta (snot aheantsur(o havq iej .Jirniies qtlacsed, aotj tlelbald,aqd her teirias'ovjiH'un.py AustxiausiitrpcLrff iku Fenhca succor-- . 4isnThe. preach ttaye to paos lie Alps ;Wowtli9vvx:.L;ctfiitly ;aisnil tlie, .utriaps,

altlia HWipJfcwKMif. jtlieir.piinbeT

vere' equajjCuld frest therplaibom, thfljAHStrians,, id jladctsky easilydefealetj ; them't liTpvaf a) and they. begaupocharge-eac- .other, wiijtreaphflryarth.witLjTheEngiytoyermejitjit seemsprotested lagauist liio-actip- of Aotrw-rr- t

The latter fowe9,pwerern: yonldijliavabeen seryf

...fjoUbUa.eww.-tlio- s


. .!i 1 ."r' 1 ..."t r t!.i'aha had & complete and eulBcieut guiirarw.tee, lljai ,key ; woul4npjt .ajloerafind etlst proposal tor geaerat disarmiug

j&eaappabla and; i i'gmce;'ari4.; S.ardi;na ever intended that the projeotediConrgress fthoul4'rp?erve; the peace of Europe,

baW"jLy tejecj47t. iTAuibria fow fi8j4 pf. 6ar4ioia.-r"j- f oij - sbaHpo

'SPIWy ttudelpitbteaUo,Wnd mena(al9wards us, SBd ptiUaradatbp CMseawneeYoUj-sball;- . dismiss nvataater- - the Toreigi.ojnteers .yjiiave coJrlected or tb? inyasjeypf puj;.4erritpryr jotyou abalj. fyffljfaW!eZ-3Ji$m- 3wise anil ltnll pyilipymi Jf lligra t to bepai1, Anstritf bad-By.tbi- snlg58, byprecipitating U. j, ecWf5 ea iajiM

How the SlaveDo It.

byianeiof tLariIennuig3.iib nmedJiitekB,'bon84)f.tBa Kaw Orleauaalaie-dcoo-

a few months agOKj Tlia nurderar flod tokiissonrir Aiwcrafcftion foa rhiut cn;thGovernor of Missouri 'iwasi made! by- - thaGovernor of- - Loniaiaim GoJ.-Perra- ult, ofLouisiana,- - add an1 office' froar-fif-c' Louis,

ent to Jefferson City, add reqUdSted-GoV-rao-r

Stewart to 'make iftttii "Hecasarywipers td enable UienV ta obmiri oMestonof the!fieitivVi'Tk' Gofeirf i ivb) aaoaiAj'Teiusea 10 aq so, ana - natcnec. waspermrUaci to' tsave 'th UtdL tillerof a' dog 'would nave been" mow asSerelydeart with thftit Wks tbe ''nmrdererfof- - thaslave rwnitni '.fettMK.i--- r vd !n'

The Fugitive Slave Case in

Zanesville.sTbeen e4 roen-itealer- have againuted" tie soi erQhio a'nl !kta tff n- -

thef tjcfcnl. Jatffcion, the fugitiw seizedt isBesvIIle. had", resided Jiv Belmont

Couat01ao.1br ibe lest thtee years. Aw rf-- L

.8?c a ireauV'nanied'. . . I

Honeycult, decoyed JacKson inrougn me agency

of another ijegro to Zanesville, where heiwarfinWr--

S. Marshal Cox, who manacled, him andbore him before a U. S. CommissioneVwlidimmediately heart! the cane in his office withthenleoa locked aodrTcmanjied tbe aegrtoslwrWyV Cftsearl added foMtie ex--... . - -- -

mtttetl to-- fa writ o habeas corpus- wasott.vned and n ettpn llre'Sberif antTtbe

b.r6bXe&)ror!Ju(j5eiIarsh . Afterdisc.ussioq If?, counsel, ,tuo Judge orderedfhe irqns. ;tp Vs repiove4 and declared lieprisoner at Liberty.". '.The ' Courier says':

.1 9. sooner were uiese worus rouuoi iuemouUi of the Jtidfra, thaii'Mr.'Cox.'whosappsse surrounded tlie negro, pouncedf upon

and casing "on" every. 'bbd'preB' to aidLi hi' in keeninsr possession oflim'ic.'i fiewas.'ir'onedaod' jaken'tbrousbr- the ackuoor 01 iiitt court iiuuse 10 r oriu street,where a fcack wai jnwaitingi placed in' itaud conveyed to the dopot, for the purposeof toling he ' train jhenj nearly tlue for

Qeiing guarutu oy a iarge lures 01 spe-

cial depijties,"all armed, with loaded Jandcocked, revolvers and otier parapliernaliaiDpyopriate' to their, delectable occupation,A large number of blacks bad pfeceded thecarriage to" tlie depot! and on,, its arrivalthere; an 'assault .was lunJe, with a view oT

rescuing the prisoner. ' Many of Uieassailranls.foughi bravelyj but'lhey Were speedilydispersed Ilia bystanders,' 'without refer-ence to plpUtical .pYeferencesjl voluntary aid- -'

iiig tbe officen in'' triabitainin 'possessiono'ftlie fugitive.' .'In' he.'aSYay everj wga'ppn' that could' to. secured ,Was brought into

tttp'attdrsome.'tn'yorj four shotswere fired by the, 'officers' but without

, . .

tt AiWtpaxciBmen,; U19 jdejiotAwrit ' of. .habeas.. eorp'Us ,&as served' on :thaMarslial, f.niiDvesiigatjon wjki. had beforeJudge. jMarjji, laud-rinfier- argument- - theiv.ourj, iSiiiUj Wiej uiy?juestiou. maueoycounsel-wa- s liie, uiconsijtutipliaJity of"?the(aw),jUi4) Wie uciarwy.,(,efruficalegraate.1 E

by jtlie.Coniraissionero j theclaimant,0(iyVe guo.gr.;,, j.fidfUport the repointirwammed.tliattbe.;bw was.uncQnstitutionU; inibe provt-sio-

iepbferrritig UltoO ,Ci6iinussioAe3 judttipou secdnd 'point.tlial

the certificate grouted. J.o,tliJ) elaunant dldnot comjy the fedjiiHertienU;bf IheElh, sectiob e ihe flcV of 1350, (Fugitiveslate Uw) nml::iid. n.c;on&r! upbs tbeclaimaat aiiUiecity M hojil-.th- alleged ,frgitive. .rn?obaiLsTheleWliiftailittadcubli fliie ty

of tbe law in thatVesprct,'Tbl'in'soRiU'eh'aas it bad irebefved the feanctionof the Supreme Court! tha United Statedand of arl0ff: Circuit QonrtS, ilVas totthe prrinee.of Aliis-Ooo-- rt 'toiiftt jttiuteri)retat;on of the law ib' opposition1' to0 sttch decisions;' The' only remainiiling

qnestton in the case-t- o $ rolled tiporr bycouiisef Wa; as"tcf the 'regular'it'y ,of th cer--!tifienW ranted 'to' wasclaimed that tbe certificates dld; Wot :se

forth th eubfetnuliAl-fB- Ct of tlielaoor orservice due from the'allogl4 fugitive to theCKimiant and'of hi- - escaptf from-Virgrni-

to Obioi' i iTfle rule 'of oustructiort 'whichib? Court held 'wpassjtisirporliUe-- snIB.ciencyfdf?theTetirrH oftlwf'strielestf hnracWr(Hlje-Judge"holdin-

that unless sucblrtifkali coimilied hot o- -

ly with the spirit but 'ihwitrictiettei- Xthe tsWt was Jiisdaty foisi&rYroniCtisioilyi? stJlfdeVtUiitoWofmttrpretatioH,he hold tbat the certilicatdbW&lith HojU!!"ef ibAiaw sntJ

oustoidy of the Marshal. Ji-x- s rrro nn 01

The fugitive washeld. by,, the Marshalafld bis "Jiossi nhtll thelext inbrbing'whenhe was placed on "board a train and

tnu: tijiieittwwternariytsht.!.-:- ! iofcThnlyfketia(lresih bf-rth- e proeeedi

ing aside from sending a'lliirflatt "bein into ')ife-lo- A bbndags, ' was tbe tsgnst-in- -

speredQ tbe bosom of All intellisrsdfe'andWelldisped

fiike '0 tettaa itf&iuk to Auifont thiitwfo, fot'a'palU'y pittance; becant4ti wilU

inrTjafefeS, into''iliniJ(.'iAl4 jnss. .KliniW'ntrreaW'tie MiSiX'6on'M

ta I4a5( "rt mierin irgf aC 'J' .OOD3 S OJ JfiftS M9W ild tfdj

Ninety-Fo- ur Slaves Become Freemen.the'. icl


by ibeipoiiu, iinu cuiorreu, n uujtu,

is' fast JSecojing thgjreaf SnstruipentbfFreJ6'rjt't( 'tne?rbressiaVes''t)etDiselves."!. Ijore ftl iia'ctihen't, tbp1 xrndererburid'Ilariroao's-coriveyet-

i , but'hero "naithere a Dassenser now no roads in thecountry jife irjote 'safejpertainj awl rliaifejaim uoiuf .py .suVUf priuBiuss uttiueifuathe finesfbeneat the':'neart! ofallUhebprJ e r'.SIa ve" 6 ta (es' with5 Winebes!t3. 'theCentrai and ext'rc'nieSouttiisrn;' The train's?

seldom "meet wu.'h7dolay"lf tnisliari-T-t- br

ueoperaiioB nwf, :.iienipieu eiicroacu-me- nt

f'thenta'6ujSjFnr1Ue lant .hivbeen so repuguint to all the better feelihiof.'mnj'-tba-t none. now d('iTits ,'slavisb, ts

frord;Maiiie tO'ansas '," save' tlie jr few

jforthera, "'JpempfiratrcS.Oflw Who

fo.r.tlie' Adihiriuiatipn voj-.k- jl?! tqun'- -'

tv'ofiered bv the law, fo'r'huinno ' flesh.' degrade themselves eyenelo'Uier9epra redcreatiircsl liighVniipde'd 'citizens 'f tbe

,,iJBder,cpl(r --ofJ.ba Slave 4fVrw rSlt$fttiSigm& eeB idnapperpQb.ior.by taffy the r preseason,.!:s.-ai-r Sset, feadthe giadfyiog

intelligence. tb.at,.p (less tbafi JSTinetFourlwllP)tii ipcentlyifiifWjenjslFCopieimagirfJ1!

rdy:B. tr.e .'oi rifiWTE ArrTVA ON.iHIl5JDt88RpSMB

R'iLnoAD.rr We adthottity' that seventy fugitivt strwiafrivedjoiflOahada by-dn- e' train, from- tha'ntericifcp,fTonHesoeLXhirf isprobivlily the akfge&tnumber Hint evercscapedBot a: week befora a .campany.'roJ!, tweli'earrived and are now at the llepot neat Matcn.Nearitha'eairre tiidarbao?. ?f sivenand anotherTiof ve aafelyidanded uon,vthfree soil of anaaajVinakingrAinetyifouriin

11, wortbral theTpreseiftinwirket price tliekamrsoma Sumi of 4,0Q0b TlwUntfegropnd .Railroad waa never before doing toflourislriog rr busine$s.r-A- t thef rate theseungrateful fellows are stealing tbymsalvfta,diDinariet'mu9i be erioukly affctel, nn-l- e a

kept supplied iditeel from. Africa. '

New Orleans under Water.The New Orleans PiiSrjrune of thethWATBBTThegood"popltfof New Orl-

eans are befcoinDgmorrfaid niort amphib-- -

ions. We Te;sprrouBqed w faferthatwe are peUmtr aecustoraej to lWa iit it andtake it as easjLaftnyturg&VIa ourfront, the Mississippi keeps swelling andnsingr, nere and'tnere piaytuuy wasning;; J-

- ; .,"1stteets immediately, beowf Above, thewaier irom xne-vario- wusmsr reara' miand spraadiug slowly okojun.van'a tearavrbead, cenuaaal sbeweraad4 their que--tk-- t I the geaeral ?dattrpkJss aC4fli-aii- .

coumiuig: watespljneci pjjuil ownprotective Jevees," bad ascended 0 theclouds1 in the. sbap "of potvso is. to Vidischarged bvefns'Sd Kgrani drops?

. . Yesterday evening a portion of the lev-

ee in Jeffersoi pil, wner8,dbere had form:efly been k snnce, suddeni j broke-out- , hdthe water rushed pn1,!!. Considerablecnrrdnt.''Theij)eOpfe7':ioweyeriT;iwere;'OTtheVyui Vive,' and tyrrpt'and vWeltdi-fect-(i

efforts, sooircrosed thegspj'anJ keptthy Mississippi withfq tonhds, ? The sur-li- ls

water--,' thus' tHr'oWTi'; in" horbnghiywas"he'dbo'streeran4 receded lo tntj'-rea-r

of the towii The spneef between 1 Lpnaria' and Kapoleott-arenneJ'an-d ihfeTailroadnamed ffonie tirne:a'gd' Bbuligny" Like--J basip';tti'itsitta.appWafbeei.kDdexten3srfibhe "oread "sheet ' of 'Watet.' Itlooks tery beaniiful at niglitj1 when it ts

th'e, feitvery1 bearbssc? tMliioon, tedis Wpcli resorted lo' by loetjeaj stains andharmonious" frogs.' 4A V'cotue fartherdown toward townfwe find the treets froraJaikson street,'Fpirrtn :DJiitrfei(' Wtbd HorseStation, Tirsl District, pne Tatyool of water, . It is a conlirruaF and nraf sprashias tbe gootf 'denizens of thalr sectrori'goabout "to. attend-- to their risiial vbcations- .-Melp6niencr! CankT'Eas5 TaralnetflftS tieigli:borhood lo.su.ch an extent tbMinei Water

reaen:eiJb1bI:5niWbk:nieiit; . At iis"; Junction :witb? h iWoaidv

the jbndge lias ''partiJ bkefrJd'owii,t'kridSome' of 'its pla'nk.hav-- S florited' avay;51 wo1 '.t'e will not attempt to oescribe ihe 'ap-

pearance pf the other portions- - of the ityjespecially rls' reaf,' "TTbe'dift in thft'streefehas" absorbed , a good : deal' : of ih'4' water,ahfl, where, we'dont glpasaVre;get' 6nr feetcloggJed.: With7'sof't ud.nAnd yet thisstate of fhings 'ijreabfs!'' tifclAaTii)? cLike-- a

garrison resting quietly upon' A' str'eriglriof its stops waifs, ",we;mayiisreep 'ir peace,or follow, the 'tl.deljr pleure oT trade 'l

burleres 'are; alF right ftrid';we

defy' bW':aquatrcj:tehemy.Ii"-'fe- Weeks

m'oreVkncf tbe greai'toTreflt will Teed, heburning rays' of

)ak-- ' and'; pools if ! itulf'lt Vef feeldampjliwilf onTy bS with Ine perspirationoozing out.from our pores as ye gd antIntT- - over BustTstreets afid bii'rnins' bot flaff- -sl,oner.!'V4e6.I-'dry- just to"tbink bf it,nd visions df swarms 'angry rbiisqUitoes

hrisebefore'nrisyei- - Td t&e"bestr'em- -

CUJ lucu, Ullto It .easy, nuu ICfc ua nwir iiTTi

uselessly:-- AH these little annoyances' winabt preveut NeV Wean 'from betoi theplace for business, wealth and pleasure'.'

Further from Mexico.City of Mexico April 19, 1859.Tbe acta qfgkarbariiy; whic bavejieen

commilUxLh'arejiuihe pi. eightdaW aieof such an atrocious, wautoBr and .Jt'WotI;

tbirsty character tbatrpqa shudders it themere jU .jtfhen), 7tt ..njust jcoh'gsssluafriu, enaeavprmg,on narrate, teuiroyLl(KKLcbills sickens to" Uiiuk

Stnfsa dcsVjpuid vpre odiois and ag-

gravated f by ;hepay:..sno wn'by "jtbose

wiiotiouiqjja,j9e oj;umanu,y uaci!MluMafop,naw con forward to stanch

liefer tfWWMiWsWitiw aW?helUsk. feasted iJt 1,1 B

, ,f 0i. tlie-- 0,1 tjinstibq ted orals were"partially by jtlje dis-

play rjprgy,bjl Kincipaliy js lelied,.bfuSM treachery pt sonjie.otuiejr owttgen.-ImLttikm-

.The' afiaii..CQSt( the ."Go'verih

ment pery- - dearly&f"everylblue (blq"use

at; )easjtAldzeQ(p7f..picGovernment.troops .wen'C down,., to rl&i. bomora; jje.battle,. jas sanguinaiy one,arid was gallantly. susMunetl.pyfa Jew ngli-inr- jr

nBenrL the: Fedei alt army, all. the Pinrtos.having 'iun,,Qf,'at oncet ifboat 'firinga; gunand; Uins eipqsjng feabout ,009 ,pf(Jjeir o'rnxiigf tcpdj $fajf&ty$fj(srooifnt .troops ani forty, pieces pt ,artm.ti- -

ryro.i.nerpauia, comipe,ncea ai eeyen W"8inorninc andiastod' nntilj after, lei,, whenike!su'peripfitj" of the.jGcjernrnent, r011- -

ry. toJ4.,Karnu, npon .uieYWemcnqi.uiflFe(leralists,.an jthey.were forced to.retreaLcarry ing nearly all ihejj sjci . pocj younjled

i(7The $pyernmenttrpp ps enterefl.Tftciiba,-y-a

at about ha past: efeyen,,iiDd. findingbut few of theif WQUfldedpppnets to.reryongethernselyasipppn teyjorbmenbed amost "merciless peraijctkp( ; everyfixji , person e.plao'Theoklferjwere given ogUardieDle io .drink, and soonbecqmrogwildlj driinjr.tcy. f(,;npp; allb ose, ,w bo - were atyilX; sUspec ted jqif ranpg

aided jtheFedeJalis and carrie thern,!Q$in the roost brutaj jjuinne.rfL,io places pXcpa-fiuepie-

Thf aurgeons, w.bo bad-volun- r

teer ir seryices-to.idth- et founded pfbpth parties; wio ha, kppft .bfongbt'io tbebispitaL. Werei-.wiijl-

e engaged in their niirrqane.,york, draggeL and, stillwoinfesame sipt-Iike- j dogs.

Pewm):gah6craMb!Q'ab.:utpffnjdaken prpntfBr.d aevemjjetcitizens, were shot at the same tiiiie. vi'Qi

fae; snrgepn.s wprlf commeBceq-tna- t

night nascontinuT.yiOjJittia.wto. the present, lime. manyinnocentrives have , hegn j thps--, jut. jOffj-Gp- ; onlyknows. ,?--- : genetaL ;prder.,,tp;iptand not,. report' flearp jjrom personwho has a right to know, tnai over onehundred persons have already been sacri

Uiesa D(uUT'urderre ri iiS'mf'if&ifell" In ibo!meii(irri X3o'v6riimcnt pTrpers

make W mehlioB xP these atrocities, prac- -d'updtt'personi'ndt' w'the' feasf deeree

ciinipro'mised' .witU' tlie' 1?oiiftcaliJKffair3':of

LU Vr Jrw V- r wii.u lip Ulianim wuttn'ostot whom Save 'be'e'n:bf fhe' laboringclass pf population. But BptwitbsIaindiTigHia iilence oP MPcfal-'rffan- I':haveJ beenabfe lo "Collect ttnelfahTee fcf awfeety-S- re

persons' wno navp utjnu iraummnu xncufbayd'arrd Its c5ni1n;tn-pas-Iw4lrtrf-

A Balm for Every Wound.ll'--i sinled:1iftt-'MH:B:isli.op''n- e W Ih'e

tlie.mbsiproni!ncirt!cn83Ww'ior-t- k

of "Pateftts.VJ ,lts 'WPUiWs 'nrefrier ibVnf'tb6o('of iheotueVrrdidiile1, j

iiirit? ever lapi ttPMg begf pRediisiytot Ae 'lia'tnjegl-EtreseirWtwer'-

Sieretary'' GobbrSy toeTTrfeasiryare faK beyond; the" estimates, and as

yet ie'has riot iToflmMtl Becegsary to tpnchdollar" of hi TrcftMiry ofes"aothorizd

Wife Starved by her Husband.The Orleans (N. T.) Republican con-

tains a long article from a correspondent inthe town of Murray, detailing the particu-lars of a most outrageous domestic tyran- -

V'On the Badge Road in this town (Mur-

ray)'J about two miles east of tbe Tillage ofSandy Creek, there has resided for someyears a man named John k uUerton. tie

A comfortable house in'. thlckly

f rtopuJated and wealthy neighborhood, andis toe owner 01 a taim and oiner propertyvalued at near five thousand dollars.'i The community Las i Ton?' kaowa. Mr.Futlerton to' be a tyrant ih.his family,

his wife "and ' daughters, andturning then) put. of aoors; but not.eveBtho; general. knowledge of bis character badprepared the; citizens of that .vicinity., forthe revelations; ; that ;bave , been' ' recentlymade of liia fiendibk barbarity towards biswife. nt-- ioJ ixrtJ eJ ei bii&b til

One niarht, near the last pf Marck gto&nswere heard preceding from the houfcaafsome oae In, greaMiSttressjaridutba neighbors, recalling toe fact that: MiWauiliettoBhad not been seen for some tjulej,.1!!to entertain suspicion pa'li jCTooityon bis. parW lr, iitcb a noigbbar, calledat the iopse the nait day, nad was; relCt-tantl- y

pcijiutted by Miv Sfktkou to i ehiswiMk ;He founder Jtft4,;haiBberde8ititute of .furniture, sava ft iserajbla bed inwhich she lay,' burxd ju sUlwtriUajdil'-t- y

fealLoi bed fot a cwering, and- apparentry.Bithout of;loj.IjiBg' apoaierperson,' :t Still Rocking. as

:was. reduced Jo amere skebtpn 4ier hair; niattad ad dotted with blood, and ber face i&qlf bruised).The scene was so sickening that Mfe Birckspeedily sought the 'open air. "The".lsdiesnear were oon nlistadL'aQ4 repaired;following morning to the house,. where theywere met with repeated'threata of 'Violencefrom Mr. Fullerton, but they, finally :!.p'r-ceed-

to:put.thelktoa.fortn jn'- a,moretidy .aQd v comfortable; conditiont p.' Tkeirrepresentations, pf :her situation are

for repetition, n , several placesthe bones had worn through- - the fleb andher bodyas coveed w;th.tripea antt ter-rible braises.), When hoirriskment was ffiv- -

en her sliQnte'ljkeJoejmiBb4.n3;'4iermind ee medio, beupon. JUioc?i lifjerewas, Bvery..ndicaUoaof her having been , kept; for . JongT timewjthoutvood fire. or clothing, and'sub-jecte-

to'.frequent . beatings hj' this-4nbaf-

nian. illegaj propraetor o ner person.. 0r

Death of the Giant.James D". Porter' Nrell known ins'be

kentneky-- Giaht;t tbougti Moid aI- - Ports-mouth; Ohio, aS founVf dekd' in ms bed alhis resideiioerf 'LooiWille on 'londaynWbirtg.iiHeai yars of age, irfve'ri

feet nine incbes irtgb ahcf.Wbeti J in 'goodhealth weighed 300 pounds. Triei Democrat says that Jbr the. first fourteen years oftiiiife no was smalt for' his age. At sev-

enteen be was hpprenVicfed ht'Coopering, andrvi rornarKacio rrovtn eommeneed. it isatatfedjtlkt the wioktiie! ever" gww". fn oneweek vnerifosfa ' ' It " was " hts babrt,wln'la'Wing, to irrtasiiro every. Saturdaynightcand his own testimony". aiid"'lHaToTnisiiauniyttnu ineHUr ermenoe 01 linsemariuilJe.'fct' ear!t Ja e'iJfi'aiu

J.f Mr. Portev eoon- - got sa'tall !'that it wasiropoible Mm to fioopeliarrelsy andhe was employed "on bogheads. This,boweverv became 'equallviiiiipossible,''winglo. bisrilemarkable "baighljiand heWhs com-

pelled' id abrifldon 'the busmesSi i ll thenengaged hr keeping: aAd:driiag bacfestthe. yeais J dr)t .' Eastf end ap-peared on the stage in one or two pieceswritten especially tbr-bi- He., returnedto I6iri9Vll,-hd-nie'wyea- later oougbttlie coffee houso frbtelf'fie was keeping attWr rirri of' hir deaThF --' "'-- ;

fknilfo fiift lBatba'rieS;;Drclens''cameiIS'tbii cofintrytlrer was a'!''furois to 'see1tf&zl As ;he passed "tEwngfr" the? tanalal 'L6b' isrille,; h4 seril a'messengcr tSa Mr.Porter, of whose remarkable proportionsbe'' Bad 4eaM?''intirnSWiWs WIsH to'seeblrh."' Mr: Porter fe'piredto4b84flessengerthat-i-f! Dickens3 wisbs' tr aeeJ metoiretnif!Fd lefe'i Wray'te jllc6ifie ,Jto

mg."rf7Mft'pfclenjrbing tbeeonvefeafipn jWief toFd tbe p'oVef-is-t

that while he iWas'rowirig!.his: ''motherhiitf to StS a fool tea "bia--1 pantaloons every

K"uMi. Porter's coffin is hine reet'one inchin length, and two feel ScVoss viber,'Breasf.

'silt - ViTi'-.-- - : f,r"Emigrationin Chicago.In pursuance of a call througfttho

it' large- - kud tery" espectable1...- - li.il.. l.j.l.' . L '.' '.I.niceyitjj oi- luo wiww wupits ut ijjis ciiyeontfenetf last i ninff1n: tbe lecarroi iroomUtAhi AWcafl MetbodisinChhrerj oh T.fche

eomer of Jackson ' aha; ' ;BufKild .streelsvnotake into considera'tiofcthe'- - recent 'invitation of President. Geftrand-,- ' Haytr, tothe colored pdalatiori of the United Statesto eraiarate oenraoo xsv

'The feHolofesolntioW"was''iadopied,nu cutiiiutneo"iij'ioHiiuu xw .wrregpuou

wittiUhd Haytieil'-autbot'itie- on the sub--f8tt) ,anJio1 eiili o tiA Ui:f? ivO

the liepHbH of Haytioffers to-t- oprdd'e'm!rralit", frorn-- ' a lifeof degradat ujfi and. sfawry in the - Unitedbtace, .laohiles for-th- t fmptoyrnent of hisnioAil and ihtielktUial cobditfan, SuperiorStiaCaii '7snol en ' -t he1 cAmerickn": Continent ;

6d we believe it (o tft not only a' wisestroke Of pottcy lit dutyf

j --y 7 bit vuiuicut'iiiiHi" m .'uju-'VUIU-

Stales to make Hayti hit future b'oniev and

which be owes to himself and the four"miP- -

Tsif )l t r ,"i 1 j e'iam i."1' i;r.' ':-?'.-':

hada ' somewhat Bacchanalian- - sjroiise - resolved tefrighten him into temperance.',''She thertf-fvir- e

e iffaged a 'aiciriuaii.lfor a stipulatedteward to cam! 'PhUirnder-tc- i the watcbrbonsev wiutoyet snsUto of Jrijensibility,and o frighted bim a nlitle when be !

in conserjuence'of ihiel w.as TBeka ap nbeut'tLld'clock,

and , found. r'himsolf npon i7eibowi'L-H-e

looked nroxind .untii birfey ai r.restud bni-- a

man . sitting byi slrilra-jan- d "traokmg'a ci-

gar. "Where am I !" asked.! Philaeder."Iu mnwlicnk coUegpsaidtUejcigar.saio-kMr,- ;

,,V.yiiat;a dw.og .ere'rfiGoog tobe ciit pp. .(Julj comes that 1"tW'b.Vy " :ljedytdny,;wjii drijukjandm kve broughfc your; jbpdy iqra' to, ,rpakenn 'ftii'iltomy.!!2.".ICs,a ijeHL.rWa'i 4ifl k"

f'o. niattef,; ,we; Lsya-.bouf'h- t your t careassanyboy rnnji youfifo. ho; bad. a. riffhtJ

ti : e . :.' 11 i n. . iT gctvftut of ou,r;.Jf;you re uot dead

its no.fauljt of tha dootors.ud tby 1) cutytu. p, dtd fit iYe.'i':Ypo will dor it,tdji" esked U;tld,sot;1 "Jo be sura wewilliiflw-iBiinediateiy.a- s. the'trescrbite answer, - !Yall, lopk o'bere can't yonlet us have something to drink before, yon.begin 1?., Ei'.; . r;-- i 'f;.-.-r ,Y"

Reform in the Methodist Church.An important change is discussed among

the Methodists in regard to-- the ' govern-

ment of the Qhurcb and the itinerancy ofthe ministers. Layman's Associationof the Cincinnati Confurerice; recently J"1

session, resolved that it would conduce tothe welfare, of the wholes Church 'so 'tochange the present system as to allow oflay representation ia tbe general and othereonfereocesir . . , . ,. -

They object to being exclusively govern-ed by ministers. They further say tbatthegood of. their children, the church andthe world, loudly call for more intimaterelation between pastor aad people, whichcan only baj?biined by. more protractetjiasslay of the pastor wih the people."OI lao reasuus vucjruri; Bniuai. ua uiwent; System osf icinerancy-fs- ,' thatritis .agrieVoda'anrl unnecessary .buTtlen 8po(. thechurch. ftf dispfaeingtheir 4,Q0O ministers


tbey have just beguir to labor witk success,kna Hetin' jhmio''iBw'&e;fIersix .months- - tff M rfifmr'lbfmalaciqusjintanceS, kre3penSeLfe iocfTIHverytwd tears f T20:60errbr morals? ndatiotheY f 120,006 itf ibe ejniati&tf iofhousehold ,gobdsniakmga-nggvegnt- e

which exceeds the whole sum contributedby the Methodist Epiepnl Cbtrren- - W

also re'dboitkal'yIsry t'wo years a' thoa'skhd years'WiBisIriaITaooriire!Tcfet'ii'"the p'rqeeeeof 'euoal, and argue that he system is xt!i.gan"' TOyralsO'r-pTOl- es ftgai'Bkttbekb-aorptii- m

of tlre kime-o- f minister ia edUngleaeEng tatih 'and ,m'atberoalicsi'ndidKreclirig book Concerns, "Mit bol that

d'bb to' attend --ti iaBytbihgs' VIimS Wow'- - divert ministei ikatheir proper work. .btjj r:tji'i'i ,,-'" "?' 'War Apparently Inevitable.The next breeze that blows froiarthe

Saei .acrpsa tlw " AtlanUc-- wiHjproVablybring the clang of resounding arms frfEw-irtpe.i'rb-

last nows is edtha- - a fictfon' ortbo crasn has alreadjr ctnne INonedfrthebloody and fcryj wars-o- f tbe-lasf- hiinaeed

years' ifr Europe-wer- e; a their enriuneneevment; fraught wrtrr tea importance tuao

to-- the present apptwebing; sbatest.Those; Wero- - eonlest between "sovereigns,while attbik timd the musses kee: stirred 60

the very bottom,! and onlyto assart their tights, and shake tbe

thrones of tbe erttwndJ headitno ni ra;i Wbrtt tbeeffectif a EtwojpeiuT WMwiUb none carl foretell neither eat its eadbekeen ; it will te bloody j whether a long waror a short one. ' ' tiirftoo jo sl:-- J

j.The news bytbe NingWraisof ,UioT)fgh-'es- tt

importances' Peace' aeenie bo.'.'lo'ngerpossible, and War looms Bp, whir alarmingfront." Austria had.sent aa nrtflnafonp toSardinia, demanding ler disarmamenb andtbei disposal of Jier y'oTunteersi frordJthe

therr Italia StateerKTbredi ilsitNiegiven' ierib which toslreplyj and bfaetamewould expire 00) the' evening of Uie'24tltIn case of. her; rnfusal, wbicfe icir'y oap-tai-n

Austria; wonldj declare rsrar.,- rlheEnglish Government h:MM(jegrhphIl-i- t

Viferma a'strong'iicotesb hjhst?ixAuaria'siiitiint'ft'.-tol.Kmilmi.'i- f ikI A' .vai.'riBjirtJdllmt Austria' rpUed,'iefiisrrfg--to,rcMisist--

r Br detertiimaiiorr; am& th.-itih- liadaL-fead- y


a declaration of id

more Austrian tiaops Lad butiovurdarevl iolb' banks t the.Tienoi: vThe:Frektroops were in p'oeci of rapid- cbncenbrsf11011 on me ironiiers 01 -- ieuinoabnsa:i.ini-1on;:

The fianl propnertionrrmado.-b- Eng-Itfn- il

ta Austria was tfcr;garieiiaL disarmmentby nwim-o- CommissiQrieisiincijid-ihg'SwUlaia- ;

and I6i the admifisiohJof theItalian States to tha Peace 5nyfes3Va atLaybatliLi rTe-thi-s proposal ell lb e powersgavd assent except Austria ir.r.h Jrr

Taking it Cool.A delinqrient buSbtOid lthBdversid

fe'CttBtaAweedltPNet'-Yobys-Di- s

"'LOSTSTftAtED ORi &t6tKN--A- nindividual whom, in an ungarded4no'-"mer- it

bf Tobeliness,! wa9"ffi6tt'gtles enoughtidopt atf 'hu'sbaBdi'' e k fgoodlobking' 'and t bte'f hknvidal'tnokingenough,"hoWevr, ? ir: wkeri it' hkjt,unless" som giJoU Vkgri--'CSivU- t

dmWA&.VTi Adsw'ets; "Id 'the name of Joe '.

WadTflst' sebik'cc!ttpanyJuHaaround byarisf,'To0k-in- g

'more like a fool, if possible, thai ever.Anybody' that will catch the poor 1Uote,iarid briBg',hiuj caiallyback,eoilhal Ioaychastise himw running away, win brf ask-ed Wstajo' ien,'bf ii:i-r.- d



it1 A singular ocenrrencesay the AlbanyAmckerbocker of tbealtlv wasi' dispovfer-ed'ib.k&u- lc

attached to onegroondtf p Sunday last.. If was-- trhaC-o-f

young female, wbe wasJddposited-tkemi- n

for dead somo two monLhs1 -- sinea, baicgfblind Afropehiogtrteieollln, toXe-lyin- g

oh bar side with one band under the head.Profit thisi it was evident that the .woraaawas- - afi wben" plac4(l tberw kwakesine

frdfo-t-be tarceinto which he'lisd fallen,endeavoned to txtncaiei herseir- - from: karentombroentj: Tkis,couKefaai:aa.ia.possibility ; the cover was not only screwedddwfl tigkily, bnt'tktt'apacp wnsp too 'cont-

racted- to' allow of even an efflin.: . It 'w&'t

evident, howvr, tbat tlie unfoftunai Wo-ina-tf

'became e'tnViiiced this fact, andconcluded to diai She-- therefore took theeasy pbstara in wbickshes fouridV'andbreathed her last. The thought' that the?ti4 iirie4-b- er while et relive: get"1ierfriends almost crazed. The bod v kas that;f 4 woman wjirbraerly7 issidedt inTtheJ

bowery. Ibe father and rottieiriQf w;fleceasetf liiad juet arnvett itvon uioldCOflntfy fcaayeelf,and jvere brcogSitta theTmilpto- - see tkeir; ehikh The ceneasreHttedas LearttieiMling.vTbi foKnzrtkBrjnstahee of Itexf basiyborial. I We haveTeflen heard of ': similar cases to thisin aetherparts 'f tb4 OOUBtrvi buUnobe' niif tbit"BeiifltbOfkodd.3 ,"i;aj i'l In lrtt;crtM

itoHl speaniix;diUJtadHCivtctMiecountry, tlie Upper Mississippi r

.V wr;;jiiitt sending .1 ff-.fSn-

floods, At TimliWoi'pafl(Jow.of iaukviCun4erjd')le;an die. fiverjisinir. and at St4wa:tlu.tiverf rasa soKipidty oit TiKiJaykaJ 11$ amount P ac,-j-(

sioi pf a iarge'.uantiiy of freight "onU

.ler"ea..ii?t''a was three feet m tw"11-fo- ur

honrs. . Af uT aslppbsJtBa. Missouri,rose six "Aie't in twentv-four"- . uburs, and ibe.great rise was stilj'cjmiug front the ioua-taiu-s,

Great appruhension ' ia folty e

LlQ-o- t tbe Lower Missroj. when, themountain floods sbaU be. addtd to the .torrent of the preenC.dMtvei-?r?vse81

and overflows. j r.- -t " i '

The Rescue Cases.On yesterday, Wednesday, JenniDgs and

Mitchell ventured into the street Mitch-

ell says &e has. concWedt our streets areperjectly Safe. ': llrbas taken twenty days,of close eonfinemenj, fb bim to realize thedifference beteen Kentucky and Ohio: Assoon as tkese. men "were satisfied their per-

sons were-i- no' danger, they rery wiselyconcluded to meet the indictments in Lo--

ounty,by giving bail for their appear--

tnce. we uuaersiana tuey in icq a v ao

Another pIagnjlQvjgwLye3up to the Sheriff of Lorain, county, andthen ask Judge Wilson lor a.wriivpr.iiaop- -

Corpus, The decision ofouru reme.OneTConrt-ha- s jwwwelrenrlerednat

one of doubtfatwemeSteAtfrss tbe U. S.Court probaoly VouTd'saVtbef befoje rer-dic- t,

at'Vaaf,' IrwouldtTerith'e'StaUtlauttsrBnrrepWlfjaef Inlay,Jbiirsdaji iJji JEvjeen. jJhatyBnslmeUVcounsel ask for his iwwediaie'sentenceonthe gcWTfetrtoWbee 5aJltkentyjtf ltbfcintoiiipijpHkppiy totlto6t4eipt;.CfUjf0irit.)ofHabeas Corpus, to release him frourucksncttjsot&jemenfcei TheeCjiutt eaid

MlBuneaaaeopettbe'ese;lril je diepbe4f. rrf jxl.ivrs liiytAii.!VVe-notiC- UttV-:fm.;Cgvi(ri;-f

Dliift ns woarned. 6ntilj 'f ber-- Ofeotes,.wbdnippkc-io- fo tejrijlbo nasde tU!iU..bencJ.if Judges-rW.-i- f

they see fit, act in concert in Chambers asJ1 aa f .regulaE;JHa Uawi Xbjj.iaw

so, pidiWAfincerijlrgBat jn.aipatle gf such deepiwonMnnqonJlugewiltjkcjtlone) bV tbtke fujlnchwulW epnsuled)c4w&(i4raiSFowbfl.i etai a'aai.to ti t- Good News


brnrriahe- - mirfi a'gafWiBt 'tnaftf nda: geMVi

TUItm i 1JU IU LI Ulll VI W fment' will to:apffffreEni fr fcdr-l3- f mdom.at leasV wbetf lieyshaS have lead

frtftottf- - oytheJudicialvalfei'irPfteestic e?os-i.- i

-A iaff basf.tio .rigbt t'Wbip tk& Wife,

but stiduiiee severely rmriiijrH?l iTii ')gSirftf oT"4c1i"kd"eolrjet.b rrtrnb"-rre- t;

W llifrrigbl 15 btptheir husbands whenever tltiySgaseds-ol- i

as"rf prerbgniiv eegingtoaeilrpecu-liarl- y

ahi'inarifeDable.'JH 'wJieJ oifly 11-prisei-

not eSe'refetdir tgliftfer bit-ten L". bsea KM? .bs?b e.l V eoai

Kil.VIMfcrn.liMfclt . l'rCoshocton County.

i"TIM istaUr iatiDeboctoii touch-ing tin4iOaTB)y oTlvSie j.sappbd. totwaWeemaBeaii WeBt latavBiaii- - Itis stated tta ike eM has beeo toip to'ikePhiladelphia mib't aad'KaspjdnbnnwdihaTlcbrab ercircceiredfltbeioeW.iteatepounds of ore naiiingimppaadii' paresiW(n;:w'Tlia)ora:is-lown4'-intbl- ey

yWda wit&wui' ihrcaieetria'ckv exerlsmwitk fflveidn-ifchdoTi4fo- thick. siCkeae-ic- al

tests have also been made, and tlnrsti- -

t, JiAd wasdiseizl;jralrej trimetl Cufdrnrfi8.:v K.is heliead'lo be a

vulual'tii eW&etbeTwSii'verlorLsoinbingbisej iioRt probably tli3f.laltnrti oTUe-t'ar-

Wnsqiprcfeasfdi .iS 3t.psacre,tHid-.-3ine- e

tdni''iliicosery' oettnriotiered$10,00(liiBxwa;esi xiTbeTi ksubetsmDeaxitrait wars ikeireetal &oml kwaiefrtd

bMaqbsear-pmit- e lis lifpe.metaLtd td lad) bsinorsa zra li

7 l'iirt

ilTni Ceh' t'Jtfcfe LjCW "BkiSr.i-T- fi

eonnty tf Pta'poba1ly4atB1wijOTof the first'proseorti3-eftdie,,'- tf HAftik

la" passed fesf winter by the 'Ohiorwbibilir'meW 'deputed "t bae

gro--' blood 'ib theif eifts from vefmg;7

citizen,' re'pvtectto info VI066. "offtir-e-d

bis Voti"afid wasf'balfengu41)ytoebRlcel' ftifstaedei "TtSlrke4

IbaVWliSpintej'tkeJiedKid-Ba- l

tiori bid1 iglftit.jr'-TBe--' otseeefverl?'Wneretfpoic.th hbeofxiciiktlif-Tutted-.

l'Jtesi jo'i asi-- in r l'.s su',bBeetri',oW of f'Bef'sMfcftl

swbf ebt Vraigkins the'fcjtnnderWkWxprsseelhtilre SeejWM;-laiigii-u- s

"opinitfn, for latinsnit Ww agaiHrtreputed negW ,bleod"l;-'Tlie8aidit-

was arrested anil talcea forw iietiee 8a!-by,- T

of PWns. i "IJ'poa tfie' beirinof the 'Jus-

tice b)dnl'tne acfcuSed dferti thtfCom-nidn-Pfei- W

Oeurt itl three bnndrea fioUars.At tbe late term of The' COmrtioB PJeUe

t3c4jftbe'Meas(l:-'krtuWt- e

Gran Jdry.WhrfWfviSed; to present a billtrt-eii- 2fcJ.?'Hqyufi3 eiurmi s

-- .wOi ei f,t'Q7 ft - mm .1 ivi j 1 7.'vOk T)ab Poi.tiR9 ITA'A.e'SsR

Atteifi(fiko'B ArkKftM?Wrjf4.iTh jary ro thk na Hf Lucieh-'ArB-r- s

gaini irn Preston argireCkiswife, and Aaron IL'OrpMr-KeiwnlM-tio-

"to recoWr nffigek jrf He Sstim of$15,000 for alienating die affection ef'lbewrfe-'i- the plaintiff- - anJ atisin!4ier loJeave k led and teard; th esarainatioeof which occupied? toe1 "Superior GenrV tNlast w'eokyesterday" tbornitunied averdict iKfnvof of BowrsWoe tbtibsjtftddollars, Tkls probably tbe only; hiatnoce

on'iidof'a waeoimaencirie''arl)i sdo- -eessftilly earryiog'onf euit'to TeeoverttwB-age- s

for the loss of his wife's affection.

'TTils pf-tiee'a-

ail. biyspeetatrferc'9iCBow- -

era i9 knioteltigent man, ST'yeartCgag3,and of good kppekraaee. --"His 'wife about20 years of acre, is also intelligent' inspepoesesaiagin spparacei.TheyiWere

was not a few WwieD--" 6ii --.be It of 'JJi.HholTfe!- - tbrengb perseiisle of

friends' an4 earesllwiir.IMllieea" married but ftert' tiWe hek tlieAAfiniawerifuSderl her 44 leave -

sr. warier Ibiier triMis --'Jo OkM.

vis oTertaeivtBowe'i(, afnf dfsi4nwl Be?lVfJHilrJfiaRV sertiWay

Tw(I trie oarrmiys ut urn.- - -1 nn(l m T aThe jury srfnpatriizw --ju y '"V, ,-- T7

. Since tlie murder of ?"Jeby War !n

Xouisvllle, school teasUe..4lborecav( .'sorrV time witk tbeirpnpirs. t.tba teacbejof tbe.FourtU r!fiscb"eorrKt'eTy,.JteJnpA;

whoreunon the' uxmL ieiiert tr baker." aadstruck.Uie 'majti p sever pw upon, "theside 'ortbVhead ,Tbe latter 'thetv eftbescndo! room followed by IL tbe Toy Vc?pnrsnedjiuwmi brc,kbt3, and stoneaforsome distance. . , - ,