Holidays are a time of giving, but don’t give your home to the bank with a deed lieu

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deed lieu of foreclosure doesn’t have to be the only way to stop foreclosure of your home

Transcript of Holidays are a time of giving, but don’t give your home to the bank with a deed lieu

Page 2: Holidays are a time of giving, but don’t give your home to the bank with a deed lieu

The holidays can be a stressful time for a lot of people, let alone those who are currently facing foreclosure and are worried about being able to keep a roof over their head, let alone spread any holiday cheer.

A lot of people who have been seeking foreclosure help have been told that all they can do is try to short sale their home, while others have attempted to obtain a loan modification only to be told that even though they are struggling or have fallen behind on their monthly payments, they either make too much or too little to qualify for a loan modification.

Other people, tired of spending so long fighting with the banks and just want the ordeal to be over with have looked at a different way to prevent losing their home to foreclosure known as a deed lieu of foreclosure.

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Page 3: Holidays are a time of giving, but don’t give your home to the bank with a deed lieu

For those not familiar, a deed lieu of foreclosure is where the deed to your property is given over to the bank in order to avoid foreclosure proceedings. The appeal of this process is that the borrower is able to avoid the public stigma that accompanies a foreclosure auction.

It also does less damage to the credit score of the borrower and can give more favorable terms than what the borrower might receive in a formal foreclosure proceeding.

Foreclosure, short sale, or deed lieu do not have to be your only options to avoid foreclosure. Solutions in the form of securitization audits and forensic loan audits, as well as working with a qualified loan modification attorney can help prevent the foreclosure of your home as well as help you get a loan modification that would adjust the terms of your mortgage to a more reasonable and affordable amount.

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Page 4: Holidays are a time of giving, but don’t give your home to the bank with a deed lieu

A forensic loan audit will examine your loan documents for violations in TILA and RESPA on the part of your lender, and can provide the leverage you need to negotiate favorable terms on a loan modification.

A securitization audit is there to determine if your home loan has been securitized in a correct and legal manner. If it has not been done correctly, the same bank that is trying to foreclose on your loan may have no legal right to do so.

These loan audits can be very important pieces of evidence when mounting a legal defense to stop foreclosure.

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Page 5: Holidays are a time of giving, but don’t give your home to the bank with a deed lieu

This is why if you need foreclosure help, you should not hesitate to contact Tila Solutions to give you the foreclosure help you need. For over a decade, Tila Solutions has been looking out for the homeowner with their forensic loan audits and securitization audits.

If you need help stopping foreclosure, a Tila Solutions Consultant is available by telephone at (702) 508-0335. Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at deed lieu.

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