BrTfn, 1915. le hands u; I i troops now I toviu.t. An I fallen intol i trouble inj in the war. I km message,. ^puary 2nd, brs passed by I leir way to| IN DAYS. •transmission Bis. Writer.-, p the stage- and to the B>r more ago, BS look at a _hhe reign of By -taxed or Jtflier half of scarcely be Be is, in fact, ptween the; •uries " or m dawn o >, and the " flourish JYet the very (alism of theiP •George II.'s ; trustworthy If the times. M to Hogarth! Bay before us medium of] [Penny Post." is. To judge pier's yellow- paradise of R30 footpads •Dm Mile-end fanl's Church- m them, since, pt," says the 1730, " M r Bailey, was ppads, who breast, anil •frowns, and le." Later; - [daylight jus ler molester death if slut im a guinea, [money. At Sven bolder, ; miscreants, autumn of iunt of theit •ping, during \robbed foui !e coach tub of the town confederates ter than idle Sds to enable ling, dancing pre -making ii rtaae. This, confessions fche " Post,' locuments, a> Hat " they al ie magistrate.-) liled manfully ler, and oftei [In November frge Gonson, a |the law, " w ; b ja soldier am tat," and this fctorious pick K> Bridewell Tjuy Fawkes ' by, and,the ce came to his |y beat th* Have laid 'en wt not slipped Bs to houses the great es, gamester: ply men .Uonei' ich occasion- Mace. At one braided in th* lemselves wit! Bther, wo me 1 Bom the roots •(tables wei' L ss'd up like a' •Ipitting pot in (ENERALSHIP. B themes are rwriter in the insiders the [XIV. used to m strategy or fconduct of a lisplays itself- P* generalshii>. this marshals len they had corner so to racoliug from )mmand, and genius is. red that this 1 to a constitu- is than to a i. All the : at no loss for ew. A sisge operation of place vastly jes. Indeed, Jte tremendous land there, it able to the Id have made l»y main force )rts beyond there were Itelj' stronger for very many the defence! the attack. ' an< I stronger ins truments co) respond- Ito u se were Uarrisju than if surprise failed, blockade or treachery were the only means of reducing a tortified city known in Hurope until the time ol Philip of Macedou—or, as authorities generally put it, of Alexander. In Asia they seem to have been more expert, but we have no details. The Athenians enjoyed a reputation of skill in attacking walled towns ; but the real value of it uiay be gauged by their inability to reduce Deceleia, a tiny fort half-a-day's march from the city, during twenty- seven years. A l l the forces of the Peloponnesus could not take PlaUea, which, in its best day, had only a thousand citizens capable of bearing arms. After breaking an indefinite number of their necks against the walls for an indefinite number of mouths, they cut down the forests of Mount Cithseron, piled up the timber, and fired it. When this scheme failed they sat round the little place—a village, as we should say —in their thousands, for three years. Even Philip, who first made a science of these operations, had little success. The genius of his sou asserted itself at a bound. Those who read the tremendous story of the siege of Tyre should bear in mind how trivial other enterprises of the sort had been. Alexander owed nothing to his predecessors, but for seventeen centuries at least, until gunpowder became supreme, posterity was indebted to him. Arrival of Belgian Refugees at Barnard Castle. hOGA THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, JA , AND OTHER NOTES. MtH 1), I J. I! (ill-Irving, ot rleit to Scaarbo shell du 1 ju :io« were mputated. 1 ivowably. -o Second-Lieutenant Ch.irles Wilbram W«iate dl-Ir/ring, -I'sfcer-i-.-law of. Mr Rwkehy, wfei!:. nil a few ''aye' :<Uii-'. h«d hr.r left g rtuatl«**".td if-rt the bambardit.-'-ni. The So severe that tho leg was Sue >'s nuv7> bowevor, progreaolng of the Rov. A. H. Pert!, vic»r of oined an Indian (Gurkha) regi •rint. The young vffioer is nittetcon years of ge, and has juat been- on a visit to bia gtaod p. Watson, of Spring Lodge, o incident bes token place in h » War Fond r it art at fltaindrop ii2tl in the R»by esta.t's office Hum of money which Ma se.-.t opr.'|ior efficfein eiitiivrlerC value r >uti tobacco lor dtntrtbuti front' The &itigu)*.r feature lotto f Hurt ic tfco f»ct ih^t - 1 resonte lo 'l ifcka tbsi hardo of Lienterum th Honourable Ctristophor Vnno for disti-ibntioo, t a latter of hearty ackii.wledg- pi.et-c^rd to esoh sisbscribnr. o- Colonol Visional KsH 'iMid, commsuding tho irirss Sportsman's BaHali-.re, in f^thee of the Ion, lan M: IfcUnd wh<-. married the elder 'uoghter of K r J. J Kell-Irvu<(?. V-i ul».ivi ;jod tford, only son fJ'igahot,. i'as f i t h c r , M r "W. A nations concectico wit The clerical rabccribefl a t.'ivoogh a lit v; in cigarettes* Boldian &t fcn« the little pitti bud ae liM B6B moot, snd a s I s o r v i o g vsifch C -ir.«>i n Hithl.odfcrp atad v>a» nnabio tn Nnw Year. Ho * Ami! Je suis AngUis 1 "—«' Friend ! I i m an Englishman ! " New Yenr'a Eve, 1914, will bo memorable in local aiina'j 3a marking tho date of the arrival of ten Belgian u faget-B in this town, homolega but by no niaann fz-icndlosa—hr»ving been driven from their native land by tho ruthless Han. There w»s vtoh-i cndiKHa in the scene which presonted itso-f on Thuraday night, and 00ramiseration for the children in arms waa v .irj maDi ^'st in the large crowd which iuwemo'cd ont« ! 'Jc the barrier at »b«> railway stati'in. On *.fe p\n*totm to, meet the rofageoa were Misa a. M. Scarre, -U.A.. and Miaa Walton. »rd UesM H. Wslkor, J.P. (shair- man), aud J. I. Daws:.n,al! Li»-:Qbp-rn of tfci- Wsjt Broergfluci Comraittae, Mr John R.'bson, and maiy -;fc»r local residents, ftfisa M. A. ^milh, Grove P.irk ; aod Mias Molly Sicith (daughter of M r C . J Siar!;, Qalgate), me f tho party at Darlington, they having t ?avllod on the Great Northern K^Uway from Louden. As the refugees and their velcoming ftiends passed from tho platform to the f :;ur 1 T ;.-J motor-cars which were in waiting a luaty caeer was raised for the representatives of a nation who bnvo cnvered themselves with glory and >v» t as:i.-»g Coor »ge iu defending their heart to ind their hrm™e f.-om en inyadinj* foe. Mis3 •- >lly Hn.irh, wfc-i hsa resided some years Is Soigium, »p'-iks French fluently, and, as interpreter, aba nv'd si.ire cf tho refugees ooly could apeak a liitlo French, Presumably theirs is the Vlemlah tongue. In all thero were ten i-f the"., t'eeir tames an* birthplace)] being aa J-V^CT :—M. e.nd M d » . Beckers and two children—Virgioic, c. three yoArs, end Bartbs, *ged two -aud-a-balf montha, b j r a rs Yprea; Ydo. Uuyamans aud her daughter, Mde. Smot-M, find a, grandson, Frati .'ita Smets, aged se» M .vears. All the above are from Uallnea. -i. and Mde.. Guiaeuaertsand obild, Kurie, agad seven ye.trs, are from Antwsrp. V tho ab'jve were driron to the Startforth homes. Ths Arrivals or, Monday. Nine refugees arrived on Monday cveoiagt and are ciaite & JiSorcut group of '•- Igiaos- T.iey are uocupyi.cg lha fesidooce of thet late Miss Alice Bmitu, 5, Qiieoo-stroot, r,nd are middle-olsss people «fi.m Antwerp. Their nam as ara:— Jean, Jjacpha, r»nd Jeanne P&raaiea, r-nd Carol us. Mafia, Louis, Onfrmia, Mathilde, aud Josephs Praot. The old gentle- man usbd c-j so^» i n a church ai Antwerp, and he has two sons volunteer soldiers in the Kelgiau army. Tbo p»riy were met at Darlingtoe by Misa Mollio Smith, Mr Jr.mea Thomp8on, and Mr Wiseman, i.od U?o uiotur-nara wore r.t Barnard Ca«v!e ata'i -a t o convey t>:em to their temporary bou;t". The vehicles were kindly supplied by Miss 8 -utMr 1 :—who, thrr.ngbont this anxious auU trying timo has cf a very truth boon a gocd 8%ratr',' •— MrsSummerson, Dr. Adams, Mr Oh.-»rles 5 iilb, aud Mr Louis Smith. gatloave for Obvtstmaa in- the v *r, Colore! A. Baii-Irviug, 1).8.0„ Mr Vivian Pieroy, and Mr Roderick Bell-lrviag wove more fortunate, ard bav« eaoh spent two or three nights at Bokenj thit tasb wook. Lord Maitlar.c'. is i>p»7 forty -six, * qood shot, aujl a clover »n:*tfiur photographer. He wes in the Scots Gusrdp, and fater 00m- mancle'.! rougn riders in the Boer War, i.r.d wn3 mentior.ed in [dispatches O The ba'l-riotera find, orgti-biowcra connected with (She parish church at Barnard Ci.^tie wero entertained Bo sur.por by tho Rev. H. W. H. Bircbam •-.••r. Mrs Biioham, at tho Vicarage,or, New Year's me. Tho first bicycle, or foreruw. r of -what is now known m the b 'ovele, wa« produced io Rranco in IS 10, ard in ih<: >«ar 1818 eia\il«»r contrivances country. The Qyotlewjuaan" sppr,'ipri\fcely refais to the Duka oi -- cn bis apji 1 with the war. ceda -tiir- father of Lady QUmis intmecb to a poaittoa associated Mate Brcde 'irk William a-iwkrid.cje, wounded a H!s Maj'ia'y's ship D on. on tho oast cos<»i\ ia R sou of thu late Mi' S. H^wkridga, for rcany years coachraan to the lato Sir Frederick A. t-lilbank, Bait-., at Wemmergill Hail and Barningham ]'*rk. Mate W68 one ot th j lower dock commisciou who had. gotfitsi-'CiasscerMficates, and had College, ?ed tbTouch the Royal Naval Grcnnwich, last year. H e w i s pa< appointed to command, N J Gth of Decern Dccembor. their duty in youog f ! ioWs upon days at Barni af-fcsm, OI the ori C.tstie tbe pa north wall of aplayed ronn4-bea<s Thcr--> is .'qa*C'-l? io Er_ fliis ap th Lsngcni.-. Bsc ia ej.c'o din trace ot oivi Compaoy S^li tralla.-i Divll C . .' about made tni-ir a; pea ranee io thijt F. W. Hawkridgo men aaleoted for a lis Majeaiy'a shipDoon,ia aococd reuob. r oOth, arrived to t 'u'<3u.it 3 lor, and was in action on the 9th of Two of his brothera Rre alsy doing the Royal Navy. All those fino H.OIJ of their youthful rinal p»riah church ai Barnard y 1 x'.s.ivg portion is part oi the hhn chance), with its two widely- d windows. o a U-vo<ier tract myahr-t* nd. titf:r- ibe txp -»ii8-) of wild nioOf that whole aceij between A'sicr, aod Da' con, tlkeen milos across etion, with hardly a house or a :ica to be aien, , Privato libaph. Lssiio Wilson -son ol Mr Wilson, miibmikcr, Barnard CaaMe—of H Batta'ion, 2ad Brigade, let A as- i^.o, passed tl 'TOUgh the Satz fortnight ago. Soldiers' Festivities at the Guild Room. Jubilant Time on New Yoai's Evs. The scldhrs tf the 8c73ctceuth Daiham Light Infantry bad a festive night tr> Thursday last, among the four cilices preset, t beicg Lieuc. Sutherland and Lieut. Edmocdsou. All sorts of games were indulged in, a&d many towns- people joined the mirthful band. Messrs J. Brown, W. Nevison, W. Smith (Durham), aud R. Woodhams, and Miss Greta Graham all either sang or played. Lance.-Corporal Westwood, Private West and Private Blad. s, who has a fine cpuntor-tenor voice, and who interprets music very beantif oily, also rendered uongs, a feature of tho concert bii: •» the cheerful variety of clnrusfis in which everyone joined. Corporal Hall ghvo recita- tions with much dramatic power and realization. Im the interval there ware refreshments and cigarettes, nod the closing items in «he programme were Anld iang Byne" sod •'G-d save the Ki«>s\" There was a convivial interchar 30 of aeasonab'«< compli- ments, many "a hanpy n?w year" being fished in good old English stolo I t was a jolly time, and the fan was cr.biunded. The 'ullowing was the pr >grammrs: —8;ng—Asloep in the deep (by request) Mr Neviso;: ; Bi -og— Gund-bye (by request) —Private 31ad«s ; daot —Excelsior —Miss Grah-.-m a- d - Mi J. Brown ; (encore—Uoderneath the pice.*) ; song—The little grey home in the west—Lance-Corporal Westwood; song—Passing by—Mr Wn. Smith ; e.hcrufea ; song—I had a lUtlo garden - M r J. Brown ; iutcrva! ; chron.-*; ai p g - T h e rosary Ihy request)—Lance-Corporal West wood ; 'eoitatiou— How Kissing Cuo won the race Private HaB ; (encore-'In memoriam); sorg— The veteran's song—Mr Woiaibams ; soeg— Eobo—Mr Smith ; choruses ; Auld lang syce; and God save the Kiog. Du'ing tho interval Miss Graham played a scries of mg-time aelections. Woodland Band of Hope Social. The committee of the Woodland baud of hope held their annual social in th Temperance Hall, on New Year's Day. A gocd coaapajjy was present cor.i-ldeiiug tho stormy "•ttfat. A meal; supper was provided, of which 166 partook. The music waa supplied bv sue Elliott family, and Messrs J. W. uongstail »nd T. W. Wallace were the entertainers. Songs, recitations, ate., were given daring the evening by the following :-Mig 9 Cr-tpc Darlington ; and Messrs T. W. Wallaoe, J V Longstaff, and Private James Waiker. F Company, 0M> Battalion Dnrbam Light Infantry. Tbe following ladies presided at the tables «r* J. B. Sbieldt, Mrs R. R».ino, Mrs Sid. »hleWe,MraO. Blackott, Miss M. E. Marr, and Miss May Shields, Bowes. Crick: '. is i.he naHocal g\me of Kr glishman, and io aosse uiio form v-a; n idonb'oily piayed Mearly an tte* thirteenth century. I" bore the nam • of " c'ub ie.H " i n these far-off daj.s, the woM " cricket " beirg fliat used aboo'; r be year MiTli. 11 tho i.f.tucy of tho game, Stampa v;ero aba 'lit, In tfc'i di ling-room at Raby C^atle is a portrait tf Si'exand'r P->p.-, io his Iwonty- elghth yeav. by Sir Godfrey Kuelle.', ^ij;r.ed' and dated 17 19, Io his " Eas^y on "ula \" Ptope says: " Heaven from all creatures bides iha book of tf&l-e " Popo dio.t in 1744 Prlvata R. W. Berry, of Barnard Castlo, who ia in the Pcurth Battalion of tho City of London Fusilier*, has, with his regiment, arrived some whert, t-n U'.o coatiacat. T'-e Woodl ind b?aglos will moot on Saturday, J«>r,u5ry 9;b. al Cotherstoc, at twolve uccn. o A hundred aud-twonty cafalrgued varieties of plant J, many of tbom very rare, are fonod iu the lovely nursery of nature in Woi'.siaydale. llira*n Po^'eta, the American sculptor, wboae "Greek Slavte" ie in tbe octigoa drawiDg -room *t Raby Casjtlc, executed this work for Captain Grant. Tijia celebrated statne was first seen in tho Groat Exhibition of 1851, ar.d was subsequently purchasod by Puke Henry for £1.800. Tho local prizi-takcrs at the Ne^nsr.le Dog Show, on New Year's Dy, vrrre Messrs E. A. Metcalfe, Barnard C-.stlo, wire fox terriers ; Fred Helmor. Rom*idkirk, smoota fox terrier ; and William Porter, Cotherstou, smooth collie. His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught =»as vicar's [warden at B3gshut, Surrey, for the Rev. A. H. (Ford. Iste reotor of Middlcit.1-10 Teeadale. i The gard|ea gate at Raby w is o:r-.r.ght from ShipbonrnejChurch, rout, by Christopher, first Lord Earuard, Mar Frank Hoi.iday. halrdresaer, formally of the Bank, jBarnard C? 1 "I.e. who emigrated to Wynyard, Tasmania, has aad tha misfortune ot having bis jpremises accidentally destroyed by fire, which originated in an adjoining building. Mr Holliday_ procpt'.y aecared larger and more c.m.wdiou:- rooms. o The R-nj. C. H. Ughtfool, bl Park-tarcaaa, has ju»r, been bereaved by tbe eomowhat sodden death of his aintnr. Mhs Alice Light- foot, v. ho died w..il.st on a visit to her married sister (Mifs Wilson) at Darlington. Two of this woll-KnoT**n Primitive Methodiat preach er's sons! were at Barnaru Castle during Christmas^ Driver Hugh B. L*gbtfoot, late master at tbe Blind School at Liverpool, i s i n the Royal, Army Medic.I Corps, 1st West Lancashire Regiment, now stationed some <vhero in Britain ; and tho second son, Private Uatold J. Lightfoot, wbo is a 1 exrpert witelcsa ttlegrapList, is in tbe 5th Dragoons, iu the south.. Then ils a vilbgo bearitg the name of " Raby " in Swedes?, acd another in Z.-aland in Denmark. J o H- mo oi the BoIf|ian refogoes attended tho Wesley an recreation-room on Mew Year's night, and wore heartily weloomed. The Viofci via Hall, BartSid Castio.. baa boon commandeered by tho military on aud aft*r Monday next. Every public ball ' ' i t one iu the town v-ill then bo occupied by B 'Idlers. Mr Arthur Henderson,M.P.,has been Dreated a Privy Cromoillcr. o Imprgo*!ivo watch-night oerviec-3 were hehl ip. tho Wesleyan and P/imikive Methodist churches iu this town on New Year's Evo. o The -lumericil strength of tho soldiera attending the parish church and tho Wosloyfsn Methodist Chapel,' on Sunday morisiag, was about equal. Sergeant Thomas Gibson For3ter, son of Mr T. 8. Foreter, of tbe shoeing forgo, Horse-market, Barnard Cjsstle, is here on furlough, extendinc: to a week. He ia attached to the 150Sh Battery of the Riyal Field Artillery, pom«- wbera ia England. Ue joined the army r a t h o Sr.-*. o| September, sod was wade fall aerg ant on 'tis birthtfaj—the 23rd ot tho same month. Lady Rofialdahay gave '.>irth t • * daagh-Ve* on the l i - ' t J r «yof th'-told yearatSS.Gmsvonor- s*reot. She and Lord Ronaldsbay, *nb Warn married in 1007, now bava three obildrer, the othnrs beisg Lord Dnndao, who wan born in 1008 ; a«nl Lady Vivl* Dondao, b.srn In 1910*. Blackhoith is probably the oldest golf club lb the k'ngdom. '• ' o • -— In the early par!; o! tho thirteenth century tbo practiee i f fencing a" a fine aft was i< hfodneed iut-! this country from Francbut, M it WAS f- ui!-! to eoosnrage daelliog, feoeing schools were fornwllv p-oblbited iu Ljndon in tho reign of Eiward I. -o Mr Joba Morray, who for tho laa'; six. years baa jliscbs'sod tha-dafctaa of (the first) djatiflet taperioteo'teat in the Barnard Casile D^trict, has beet; ; IT -rod.sad baa accepted the super- btteadeooy -,f the Felling District, which is *t«»cked to tbe Nowcst-U District, where be wUl hfrva thirty ageats and fonr assistsot- aupe T interidra (3. Daring tbe term of his (dice ie this district Mr Murray baa created over £G,800 new income to the Prudential Assarauce Company (Limited) Mr Murray, who baa completed hia twenty-oinih year ':* the company's sorvice, Irarps this town or. Friday, aed will bo eu^ebedcU by Mr Nolsoo, of Ashiogtn -i. ID arcbory tha nse ol the bow ^.aiy bo traced to toe vary remotest antiquity, and Jjistory rcooads tho employment of ihe weapon by almost a i tbo leading nations of primttMta ;' imea. Tho long bow does not, however, appos.-- *o havo baan used by the Ancient Britons, and raferenco t o i t 13 found iu Eparlish bisiory before tho Battle ot Hastings, 1066, when it was keowsi la have been employed with doa.lly effect by the Normans. Although firearms wore Introduce, huto Earope in the thirteenth century, it was net till towards the end of the 16th oantnty that the d<;e*:!enco of tho b rts as a military Weapon commenced, the last < eoaeioo on which it wss employe-) in Great Britain, b«ing in 1683 in she glou Ijattle bettor.'! i.to Laird ui Maointosh aid Uaodocald Ktppocb. Yesterday, fcv. Fatbei Little, ot Peeritb .waa a little bettor, and passed a fairly gbodnlghl. M.s Hare, Rifig i'»rm, Lartiogtoo, baa just received a p ist-;»rd frjm Strgraiot-Major L. O. OhiMnbcrs, attached to iho Nuthusibefiand Hussars, in -which tho gallant, soldier sijs: " I cannot express 017 ffcaiks to yon for the gift ol tho p-.icel I recoivoil to-day (Saturday last). It carurt ,',t a ve.ry oppori u"o moraeat. Au you know i'w regime ui ia right at the firing line, Bfid we b-aye no chance ol gottiog any laxarios here. I ibank yoa hoartil.? for your kiadncsf." o Tho art of catching fish by rod sad line is, undoubtedly, an ancioot one, and tss,ovsr claimed many devotees Voluminous T-orka havo been written noon the s«Vji eat lies! recorded in this country balug IT 1G53 Iziak W»U>n'« faia-u* bank, Ccmpleat Angler," appeared, t*incn wricsrs on tha euhjaot havo bsoti legion. Oao bnedred moro trcons aro expectod lUroi,rd Caai.'o aoy o'ay- Tho R«v. A. Morria'n -upects t-: io: Barnard Cas'io for Sasaex about Saturday. I-, is sj'o tba^i the death sontenco ba Wm. ii:sJ»le, ol Leeds, the British prisoner ol war cop.d.imncd at Dobori'z, will not be carried ut, aud that i t waa part o l a plan to deter the EiglUh Irom entering tho army. The Rev. W. Riley, ot Barrow-ia-Eurnoas, conducted the services in the Congregational Church, Barnard Caatle. last Suu'i'iy. Mr Riloy was a fellow-oollegian o? tho R&v. J. H. Jowett, M.A., and hi3 son and daughter belong to the Red Cross Society. Out of the oight hymn=s snug during tho services three were composed by tbo late Frances Riley H.avergal, and oao by 0. Frances Alexander (both ladies). the u 1496. •' Tho when AO Nr F- C. Oalgarno's Orchestral Band at Wesleyan Recreation-Room. This baud has kindly conssnt9d to play every Thursday evening from half-past seven to oiuo o'clock. On New Year's Eve the following programme was much appreciated by the non- commissioned officers aod men of the 17th Durham Light Lifantry :—March—Tho Relief —D. Vacdcrveil; waltz—Gondolier — Otto Roedcr ; selection- Qu.en Bess—Carl Volti ; is v.-,oe—Happy Hollauders—Percy Raymond ; maroh —Tho wood nymphs—Carl Volti ; waltz Pitchouoetta—Aug. •? :<o ; Pizzia^to dance —Phillida—Georgo Aooh ; God save our King. Tho band is composed *s follows:-Mr F . 0 . Dalgarno aot' Mis J. Robinson, first violins ; Master R. Ooiiedge, second violin ; M r T . Berry, viola; Mr G. Scainsby, cornet ; M r W. Hunter, olarionetta ; M r H.Ward, fluta Mr E, W, Penman, cello ; M r Tom Borriwditle, bass ; and Miss G. Staitiaby, piano. UPPER OA LtSY OUR OWN fho new year's sdvsui was quiet In Upper Toesdale. sltuougb thejc ".stir, and in sorno of v^ere aruuid euro 1 n ; > was beautifully fiije Meeaodiat Church., M 'vddtoKBea v?ere givtr Rav. 0. Peltier) ncd wore tbe usual first-ft of Now Yesr's tnornlcg as a general holiday liurieg tho torenoon, a foil, making nutdew sblo. Middleton Sl^r choice solpeti "u3 of * Maeh-nics' las'it-<t Assembly Hai!, mfn Kvo.and WB « a great at anc'-i cbitsMtuted a roc passed eft very pleass d*r>c*« many as 50 tantaafcic tor to tba w> I ton Strii!r; Band. Oliver, Go-». Loeg slUARY 6, 1915; IE MQIcS. ORKESPONDBNT.J were a lew mnaiciana the villaecf tho e>.oir« gis.g. Itew Year 's Evo sad moonlight, aud a wahrU-rsigh! s.ervico w i s held iu tho Primifcivo t;>n, at Which nhor by tho minister (thr- i!r T. Bawrnn. Than te'rs i n t h o oarly hoBn The day was i.br .wed ju5 i t was bitto:ly colO later, anow and s'cet ;uvsaits very diaagrea* ng Band plr»yr-d several i».>c during the day. hall wis held in the leton, on. Nsw Year 's ciess. In fact attend' -trc '.^nd the proceeding?! ' ID Komo of the uuplea tripped t'-rligbt, a .mei ^triii snf '"Uddle- Hbssrs O. A. Thompson, T, bail, and X. ft. CI»rk« were the masters of ceremanies. Supper waa p-':- vided. Halt6i tho ptocoeda nl this yeat'a ball will be cir-i t - the e rinCe ol W->Ua's National lteiliel-Fiind. The. Ibmmittee -"ish to i.h*nk all whs provided a- d trsre ref»e«hmet>*a Mlddlef; :n. PrlmUmn Methodisra r-gaio he 'd their ieiriea' . I ''at home ; s"• avli'.". the New Year festivities. Tbi. first wae be'.U oa Thur* dav nfght, unde'' t-he nn-sHancy o{ Mr J. R. Robaoh. Miss B. Ni s^oteci w - tho r>Uutat, Solos wort; sung by l&ias -M. Hunt, Miss M Horn, Mis*:-a M. Be idl<» and £ai«bridge, of E^g'estofl ; a-id M r W .To j,upso'.i. RjciUii \.t> w;-re ooutrlbutea ly Miss A. Boadie, of Niwbi-rgi-i ; and o? ! ginaI poems by '"1 T. Bowron. ptaripnetw a.>U0 wero re der.u by Mr J. J. Thompson, a<:d tho orato voice parly, conaisf.ing of Mersrs W. Thompsor, F. ttwa K. Rajbinsoo, J. J. Tl cnipsoD, and 8 Pio savo two pieces.—Mr T. Biwrori pr>.-.ri-ied at Fridaj'a proc>.<edioga when the following con- tributed to '-he pragronme :-Songs—Misa M. Horn, ;".nd Messrg V?. Thorapr-jou, Middlot-m and G. V. Tarn, Mick sfon ; huraorou.i srogs Mr Leonard Tompto, BJW1-JO«J ; claripoatta solo—Mr J J. Thompson ; and recitntir;ns— Miss Parkir, MiokUiion ; and Miss 1/ >r. Mies L. Pinkcey wia tho acootnpr.nist,- Oa Saturday Kvening tb < chair v.as oooupied by Mr Wm. Thompeon. - I'ho principal part of the eight waa taken op witu a very uttoresting lecture given by tha R'iv. C. Pottlor, entitled Biily Bray, tbe King's Bon." C^ncorted i!:or:.a Were rendferod byfioo-.i Lunedalo friends. Miss Colliason a* Mitste? Col!ios-«i, of Woramergill; and Mip*Kipiing,of Stackooimo, gave instrumental el-:- *':tnna. Th'. vari us artistes performed i|< it parts splendidly, aod tpe audiences were w--'' entertained. Refef.si- lonts werf>, Handed f 11. d rac'u ovoaiug. arid the Rev. C. aad MrspPe>> i.'or ncHd r^s host ai*4 hostess. The soh ecorated lor the oc fc?,sija.—Special sermons ero pleached 00 Su bjy the Rev. C. Pet The nominations l< ejection of the Midjdit Iton CJ vreTO closed on Satuf: ycrtr comf-a uuder pot sono. hiving relf" the board al direeto?s' >poi'iiiive S jeiety y. The election this t;,rt r,ew niiiS. Throo d, there will ba three cforo needed, who tfrili si ! ; lot threo yeari*. I'hore wore seven nominations, et< that a keon cjootest is inevitable. *** A series of '.uteres uig oioturoH weio c:.owi at Middletou Picti "[The ravages o i w fkscinatiog film, tu trapper." Theie w o^iher interesting films screened. Gainford Literar) Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Correct Name of tha Product Prescribed by Loading Specialist now Ascertained, Although so much has been said and written concerning the new treatment lor indigestion and dyspepsia—the treatment which va* originally employed by a specialist ><\ fcia private practice, and proved so snocpasful i.a to warrant its adoption, by bospit:,ia through' out the court try—there aro still a 1,-ii-ge n u m b e r of sufferers who are donbtfol as to the tinme and nature of the preparation which ia giving BUC'U wonderful results. Wo are, therefor*-, glad to bo iu a position to stato deliaitaly that the product employed is an intneid known to ptiyat^anb and chemists as bisumted magnesia, and Are quantity nsually advised in tho :.<'•.;»* ti -erit of most forma olaaoataoh trouble is halt a-ceaapo'. nful in a little warm or nold water immcdiatcily aftrr o>c»!s. Tain \.ta the effect of neutralising the btrmful a c i . i n ,10 tho stomach, aud ireventii'g fermentation of the food, thus ensuring aormal dig«stiott and tree dom from pain acd discomfort. We learn that large supplies of tho genuine htstmited magnesia havo now beon s«core4 by Messrs G. Clarkson Barker, tho Baliol Pharmacy ; T. B lllsley, Market-place; Mnr.- '.'a Cash Drng Stores, 8, Horse-market; and Mr R. W. Raioe Market-place; and Middloton-'.n-Tooadale and wo are sure that mauy readers will appreciate the fact that ti>ey can obtain this excellent preparation locally. I An e xeeUect con institute ov. Monday ing prognitiimo was < audience:—Sobg fI Craig; .song—Plum Bowman ; s .ir .g -A Piac- ; recitat Rickiusjii ; aoi-g PaUetne; s^uf^—1 Rev. T . 11. Kuuckfy Suttca; song-Off to Craig; Bob C 'Rich Rickinsau; song- Br.ruld C:.'-ig; 0"">g Suttoa; H .vig-Mr P soog- liizzio 1 iodsay song—Son oftoiiaii - song—taui of hops Bowman upon for ;ers w-js ginn In ths voning, when the follow- tui cutad b-toroa orowded odium maJDJ— MrHaroid stouoa- Mius Mildred i isfcy fishing e t . t r y — M r K. on—The lifeboat—Mi a sjng—Slbepir.g—Hr Gor. !dHea?.'- fro hut o-i of Isie—i-tiss Dorct' y bqar 3 thrush at ei »e— t^ij ; s )Og~?ii! acer! by—M iss 1 r-hiladeiphio—-V e Baruid o'a Christmas part„-—Mrs itone-cracker Joun—Mr A May morning—Miss i|tt-Mr- Gera'd Ha-diain ; -Miss Dorotuy fuaeiue; :o Rev. T. U. Kouekey ; isod glory— Misu MUiirui Many of tjic performers wero called iiisa PuUoino singing Tho presideni; tho nn encore, Faithful Johuuie. institute (Mr R. H. EJleoton) presided ncert, and Mies and Mr HeadUm ablj tlso Robiiifcoa, Min?. liowma**, aot;:d as aeoompaniata. Whist Dnvt. Danct;. A well-attou.led w the institute on the Day. At the conclusion the prizes wo ;o handed by f.bo.Prcaidcttt to rentikmen :—MIBS Hill, Mr Tuues, and meats woto theu Karjved io „Vi •:<• »a : ar.d daco'.i-g followed Sale of The /"..-.tual salo the'following ladies and Frftcioca Boiisfi^ld, Mtts >|dr J. Alderson. Reiresh- rooin, Siturday cveiiing, ir institute, vhon Mr acted au auctioneer accorded t o M r De&c president (Mr R. H. Mr E D. Trotter. parcels received iu Mra Straker from knitted jersoya, 2 • mittens, i't pairs of E packets of cigarett from Hutton M«gn)« mufllorp, 9 piirsot s 2 pairs of jjloves; I Grove—8 molllarw, t/ps, \ud mit^ons lOpea'* pare- Id wer the front Hussars, who are not provide whoso Government; Soldiers' and Bailors Close forwarded a g Mag't i, aid i n- Christmas with i- Dowager Lady -It Belgian rofugeesn has also contribttad beautiful Belgian refugees aitdboy scouts Irving has received mittetos, aod withei must coutit.no ehr and dearest frienda all. ol-r-.om was tasteful!}' diy afterno.n and night 'or. H'.ii last wee!', end. id bt-Afctb " wast u very was alao " Robert, tbfl •re alao humorous aud Institute's Concert i«l drivfl t ovening cf ok olteo at No v Yoar's Newspapers. -.ewspfipers and m. i ^a- zincs for tho cutr^t-t jsar took piaoa on tbe rer.dkg-r'tota ol the R. Deacon very kindly in his cuabt mary able A hoarlly role of tha»jk-j was or, on tba motiuo ol tlia Edlestop), seoocdod by War Neeillework Fund. Mrs Jr J. Bell-Irvio j g -atefuily ackuo^ieogea De.cKmbor, forwarded by fenves working pnrty—6 lira ol giov £8, 8 p*ira of ickirf, 12 halts, 4 soirif, 2 is, and 2 pair;; of coff-); through Mrs Close—9 ski?, 3 pairs ot mi'fcoo.a,a?d rom Mrs Bentham, Rok*>by pairs of cuff^, 5 piirs socks, 3 lUtinei shirtk i«:d 4 nightgowns ; a i d from friends io Rokeby-soeke, shirt», nose- lo r-is, ons > to ucgen stii!i Co ctrij'a going to Infantry, llt't Highlanders, aid Koyal Garrisr.o Artillery, til- Sunderland ; also to {he B?lgiun military attache for Belgian soldieru i tor by their friends, and cannot do so much for I 4'.h Duba-tt lagt .t Camerou CQTHESST3N WAS HSLIEF COMMITTEE. them. Added to tlto comforts were xnelosed rtotci-paper, pencils, shooolate, cocoa, Irzenget, formUio, and cajpaicnm vascliue. ETor -uo Famiuea'Aaaneiation Mrs irieroua pares' fn m Hution ro Ktusir) ti'- i u .ti d ac toys hiiidiy s.ot the uk for the tJoldiera and Sailors' Familiea'Aa|sociatiou children, ard the Tho abov» com-jt-'t' --, *.iiicl' -vas f.>"i->r? t<tt tho-purpoaa of oaxkicg and aupplying ci i to our sai'.or.i aod s.,!d>- *.a. a n d alao to ha !?o'gi-ii3s ,aod to find a U. ue for t.ad m* . tals a Balgian family, have, up-*- -da'- •, <M»«. m*'ii»h-.d '.ba fuilowicg :—7.>- r,.;e A«-my thre? oa:osie havo bae:t ?ent, contai^ittg 29 shin-. Iti ti'-irc jf aooka, 9 muftisrs, 13 booy belt?. I p I - of cnSs,aiid 3 pairs ol mittsns. Tbeao been sent per Lady French, ar.n gratefully ackoow ir-dgcd. Toroa naroe'a haw beau jssns to ' •* navy, camprisicg 21 n-ufilsra, 3 pairs ot pyjamas, 2 knitted helmotts. 9 pairs of aooka, 0 ahfrla, i body boita, ard 5 mite of mitt^na. These wore despatched per Lady J-j'lio-.o, and wers 0u\y •eoognlsed C bo-1 jacket 'i were s^tifc. to tho Northumbrian Ambulanoe H Bpital, N.-tve '.j Mrs K. Caii-Cook tiaciy auperinleudenl of t i a bospi:a'.) sondiog bar b :r .t ibaaks r:.r.-ivirtg them. T.» thoao In dia'iresa in Ba'g : am, who, our OT70 osu&*. i are lost t'aeir >.il, one reel has br.m Eout, wklob aottfnfna4 4 naire of in j'.:n:o-*, 4 p i t t i c a-""V> BbirtStand 3 pairo ot ike. M.J. Navaux,o1 the " C nai'.o flisiel aeeout a - ux victimfta B ;;?s do is, guorr"," acknowiadg -i .i the. recaipt of t-n-rse ai - icloo la th-» followit u. very r*^;-oc-i'tv-j '• rto.- rrl -ires- eed to Mrs Bourt'", the Green, Cot bet*too,:— DKAR .'•••••ADAM,—1 have mucU pleis-tr.) ir thanking you for the gift of ci.rr.bing you have forwarder! to ito for tho benefit of tho Belgian refugees. All tho garmcnto are mjsfc tuefa', rd ar- very muC: appreciated. I Hbalt forward them to Beigioaa, where there *tre btill sever, milliouaof any couulrymon, many of them in vet / great dlatreaa i ».ta Bondhag iargn taaigemanta tbers w.-okly tbo o\ro of »n Ameriean Commi-isiii", which fen; kicdly undettaket) to distribute aha garments ia tho _hl qa s •*;-.-::, '.n1 whio'i ?.ssurorf tai tb-jre is no risk of anything falling i^to '••he hard 1 -' of the German J. I sha'i bo glau if you wili BMW) y th-jnfcs to all tho ladios of your wotklng trly w^ » have ao IdadlMsd goner jualy givoa time, work, ana materials towards this gift. Every trticte ia acceptable, and will bs wore by w.o o{ the suffernra -..r U.-Igiuoi. —Your? voty c .uly, pp. J. NAYAIW (8"t'.^), jrlilcwu Boose, 8 aud 9, CniawaU-atreot-, La^dot, EC. Docomalti 15th, 1914. 1:; addition- t o t i n at ;.-ic »^«BweT .U' a -%a~x >,'. '•.•.• c.»t f at*.'- a:s IwflaWhas bs?rh £25, tbe Ci 'mmictoo have far&ishedahouge and ar-.: mri'itaiticgth^r'.io two Belgian, farallis-a, wha'expreaa shois very high appreeiatioa of all that 's V.iag done far h"tn. Taere is aiso i'i Cothereton another family of B:!gi*:is in a hpuae letit. by Mts Cox, who are being provided for by tho Ifieads ol the oauae in Rjai-ib'k'trk. Tito ftci that tho jbj.'cta of i\h omtni'iror a n ' n ^ mpathy with itu Inhabitants of C*jtber «t9rt g*aor:-.liy i* amply boruo rue by the to! ^wicg its'; ot sub- -tjribi.-ts. i;;. wtsich practic.ily every tt^me in tse to mmYiff ii represent-' Tho ta *, 'ka of the c •amtiitoo.r,.-. ".'so due to -hose whj have ao kitdly boipoi with tha (.jc.rts, art! to say wuoae oamea have ?>•»•• toadve tone'/ misaed f."(;in this lint:—Miss R Alders*a ; M^ - R Alderfor, Mrs Mien, Mr Ar:.r!rewu, Mr Aydoo, Mr Bainbriuge,, aft T. B.tyl-s, Mr Wm. Baylea, Mrs A. Biyie.;, Mr Birkett, Mida Biik.»i<;, »Vr T. Middy, Mr BoBvne, Miesca B ,uroo, idee B-IW.-.ID, ta.-f Bradley, Rnv J. W. cut, Mr G. Brcttvi-, Vtr J. J. Brawn, i?r t. Brow , Mr» Bolmer, j&t Burner. Mrs Cameron, Y. las OampbeU, Mi i Carlton, M* CJ:;» JU, Mrs Carter, Mr '.{. 0hapm»<, Mrj Oaipchaaa, M r J . Olarbaoo, « r J.G Olajrkaoo, Mr J. W.GUrkaoe,' Mr Vi'. l. Ciarkaon, X'rsa- K CiarksuL- Mr J. 3oultbard, Mr » . OouleharJ, Mr OottreiL Mra x, Mr VV. St. Dent, Miss Djsrsr.n, Miss Da-iu- ;to^.-, M r W. KtheriagtJC, Mr Portar, Mr (••'rater, Right; U j n . u r j h l e titwlo fry, *.ir 1* Qargett, Mr R. Qargett,'Mr Grwtor, thaj o. ihp.j -j, Mrs 0.:ili'. Ilea O. Gib«t>u, fanloc Mian Qiibe•, Kr <UH, Wm. G.o* ••», Ira UrauatUj Mr Uaig', Mr Bali, Missss Bead :, 'diaa Hendersar, Mr Beelop, M r f f . Heaiop, kfisa Bill, Mv Uing'^y, H OP, M»n Blnjdey, Bra Kii .dT .sra'v Mr J. Bodgaon, Mr Jack Bodgsor, "lira H. If. "..-d^s-.-a, Mr K. Ho-^s.-o, " "> T. Hcdgaos, Mr :". Bodge:-,:, M.- Vf. Bo--'ga»i>, Mr W, llo£;-.i>\, : 1 -s Howcrc, 'fii.a Iu"', Miss G. Uu-.t, Mra Hurwor.'.-., ZAizs Uatcbiu»'n>, Mr J. Ic-nan, T. Icetua, Dr. Jeuuiogs, Mta KicU, i i v J . Kipl'.og, 'ir- 4. Kipliog, M.B., i i r J. Kipling, is, .or W. Kipiing, Mr btirtley, Mr Koigii', Mr Lane, Wrs Laytue, tiartington aebo -!-c iilu--. , M r .-.jd n .'ii,« Law, Mr T . hoe, Mr Liagtoai, Uiaaaa OUg, M : aa Lvt,-'., Mrs Mctioo, Mies Moire, Mr. Nicbol, Mr No;-:iug'ian, ; »r Fa-kir.« • -, Mi33 i'sim .-u,. Mzs P.ige. MM VniMBOD, « l s Pearson, oiso Figg, Mr Porter, Jitss Po Mr Prica-Wiiitame, Mr Prieatoian, M r C. T . lliii t, Mr Reynolds, Mr Ridioy, ilie-t Rich ;- son, V! :a RichartTsoti, M - i !'. II. Rob ; a- 'r Robs:.:., Mr R-bsin, B . M r Bulla :, lira Seville, Mr «3oof Mi*i •Stephooej^, "xi i:i .a- bait, MraStouehouaev M>ss5*,-ut, jfeaedaie,' Mr Tturlbeck, T t?r Thomas, M-fa Fwcddeli, Mitts Tjorman, Cjtherstvd ^•niist'j Ut-ionisii As^ociaci Mr Walker, Mr Wailiy, Mios Wallit?, Alisscs V/.-llon, irtisa A W*lt a, Mr V/. Watson, Mr R. Watson, Mias 8. Walton. MJS« K. Watsut-. Mis-j Watson, Jar A. Wataon, Mr (>. Waltc., MT 'eikit-f, Dr. Wtlaow, Mr iliiamao , aod Mies Wooiacot. Miss Bonrno, Coiherstou work tor Mra Beil- oilers to knit huso-tops, pads lor tho horzes. As wo do not know ho' 7 long tbe war may last we eeueavours to suppty any felt want of our m i soldiers, or our allU-s who suffer so much fur us Sportsmen's Chanct. An Appeal to the Nurth-Gotst Co*.... Dp to tho preset-1 Boa muoh i.,-.s boos board i tho nori .it -^ast ouajat of tuo B^>: rtamen'a Baltaiioa t i tbe Roysi i'a_ili'-r- u* tiui-aiog ai Borochureh, In Kescx. As iti titleiadicatea it is c. mpoeod cf sp<>rt*im —a c impii. usive :erm it this oouotry, iu..i, tharef ire. open fir recruit* Iroiano'luejua bl body of ran::. Taore must be many iu this part of the country who would welcome too opportunity] of joining a epeoial corps of this kin'' ;ik.- sji.a el farujioa. rhis week,Private J.i,. Bi »ick AIH b.r visiting Darlington, Middlesbrough, and Wept Uarclo- poolfor recrulUngporposes. Bia f a;ul:> nd relatives resided 6t-ia oUttic 1 . for u*> , so thr.t iiia appeal will, oome with additional interest. Recruits arc accepted batw«-«ci tte ages of 19 aud 45 yaaru. They will be trained al Bornohurofe under Bpieedid soodittoas. Toe camp is ve/y well equipped and txc -.ed- irgly comt rtaWe. Social tvenmg at Bowes. The anr.ua! t ,.;ngrtg*'i.' tal toeira oreiiiog i-y. k place last Tuead,»y, -%i\i t fivi:u. :c by brilliant wejfcher, prevrd A vrry plaasa tl and fcuCOMefu! gat jerinK, in a pi to ol somo misgiv- iigs abuut holdirg ii ai year. S::nga wore contributed by Mis.i t\. Parker, Miss A, Walton, ai.d sitf.-irs V. Kurt -f, Jobns<;r, aad Wm. Billery, who »>s . abiy t .fliciated aatuuatec ot ceremonies. Mr R. s.-usfl Id had the •uterous post ol doorkeeper. Miss Hsycr kindly accompanied tho suogs, sad excellent -rusie ft.r tb'.. dancing w..; > •..vid-d by Mesars New bold br jtbera. A let t: i :t -.ui. g BompeUtioa and it -door atolsti: si> >ria oan^-.d in&ch iuo. A capital sapper, for which t'ko viands >ere nearly all gifuJ waa ao-ved py sever-,! wiUk-glady waitraaaaa oaring tco o -cuiug. Tbe tew thicga iotti over wen BOM by lur.ck •jacti' ri s f ; thet e'oso. Tiif. p 'oci .eds loft a bd »i oe « f £10 10s. alter paying » ; i . x; au that ail v.ao took jitt'; in tho evealeg'a woik havti ie-ison fei c ;>g r tulate ihciusolvea on iihe whole prococdti.gs. Aa a I al« the takings from this entertut-imont go to '.I o c a t of the Sunday eehoot tea acd prizes, tut. iuia year, on tbo huggost;.:-, tl so.ac ut their parojts. the jousigstero (who hi.il t:ieir Redcar wip as UMial in the summer) willingly agrood that tbe money should r-ll go to tho Bolgiati Relief Kuud— a piece ot self-denial iu which they are nut alone, but ot wbicti they may be proud indeed, and wili never regret. BOY SCOUTS' PRIZE DISTRIBUTION. Scene" in t--. Church Army Mission Hall. cpsech by Color.cw ;'.', fi. 0 uitsilo, D.S .0. A tappy time aada nif^lof rei -l pleusnre was exp rleoced in I h Cbwrah Army Misei. n Hall, Batik, B*roaro C^st'o, .-a Moodaj uig it, when as were dhrtributed lor competitive itii -i .ancy in ts:i ;.iii .-..--•••.ches f scout work. Ckdoaat u . N . Qaulieild, D'iO. \ad ssvorai c mmiaaiaMd ofSsstt of r .hri 17n Battalion Da .to Ligr^ i< f. ..ry aawnded, iu addition to t tut Vicar, Mr R.. I . Richudsjn, J.P., and nan) othaaa. Miea IL A. Smith, Grove Park, ,'b.,v -.rr tided, aao a misoeUaaooas ooncerk, a 'ueisting of auags, dr»mitic recitals, niano- forti duets, and au t-ttjl.able sketch, entitled A chip off thf; old bio ;k," r-jnd<»red by aoouta fr " V-.JI.UH pt.'.ois.liiaJ-. a vory out- rtainiog prt! r-imma.—Ab.us tae an 10 ie of the prooeod- iogs tbe b.-dg,.8 -voro presenu.-«l by Colonel Caulfeild; as follows :—Seoond class : Scouts T. C .arkaou, R, Woodhamq, U. Jommes m, J. Q. J.>nts, A. Urogory, T. Deacon, C. flopson, and W. Uo.-st ma». Cooking : Patrol-leader J. Sim'is.n. A &iba'..:.c.;: Soout W. Stoddart, Sec ad G. Skddari, Pttroi-ieader W. Neviaon, ^oit't R- Poaader, 3-^cand T. Appioby, Patrol- lea*! or i£. Ai ;.i :loy, and Soout I. T. Brown. Reaouer: Scouts A. Todd aud i. Layfield. MUs:ciac : 8 ^ n . R . H-i AT xta*. Naturalist : Sac id U. Btoddart Cyclist: Scout R. Woodhams. Maikaman: ticouc Q. Bowman) Patroi-leader E. Ainsley, Sc-ut T. Clarkson, Patr ji-loader A. S;«ai »irwig9, Pa'.rol-Ioaier W. Nevis >n, Soout*. R. Pouaa^r, A, lodd, W. Bsaitfa, and Q. Jemmeson, Second T. Appleby, Scoute J.T. Browt-, W. Stt-cd -.r;, R. Wovdoams, aud. W. SimpButi, and Second O. Stoddact. opotu: i airol-ioader A. oicuiaringj. Address by a Distinguished Service Officer. OoloneJ Ctalf-iiid, who is very highly ostesmod :iot only <n the '^OV»E ol bis temporary boms, but iu lis regim^ct.icd who has rendered lino iiilit»ry serric-; to his country, then tddresaod tho i,Ui& me caroLg ol scoutmasters /ad boy acouts i u a lev/encouraging sentences. The gallant C.a-.'i u aaid ue had groat pleasure a respoadicg ta tbe kijd invi'.a.ion to give out tbe b:,dg?s that night. The scout tttgaoiaattoa, wbioa wat origuiatea by Sir Robert Bade i-Powell, h t i , aiuoe ita inception, spaciaaoed a big aariaa of t>ucoe*sos, aud the mov-imsu'i .'i-»d .io-v soea recogoiaad by Bia Majesty's Qsveruoiaat, which official eouuteu- eaee it well doooivc J. Ibo success achieved waa mainly uue to cue acsuLs' own iutetpreta- ticu tt ths soaao of duty i^aigtteu to scouting, and t > the dtfforeu; inctivicies for efficiency in which the badges o -•; tUut ut,;M been given. Horn J .vore for s.viug iifa a .iu lor ambulance work, soiao lor cyoling, ocuers fcr shooting, nature study, and c-iok'-cg, -v ate sooood-claaa L-augCr. —" Ba propar-.-d —uad been earned, and ulnar dUU'-ctt. oa t..j..f orrod. Be reminded nia youtafV' a i . L> in A: mjie t h a n 100,000 me i were LOW &^huug,attd tu r »ay of them were old boy scouts, ii araa sare that if they ooutitiu'id to aorve r.s ayidi'ira thoy would be a Very raluable additfou to tho regular army. The bay scuts of B.raaxd Caatle had already proved thoij effioi.-: cy, aud it aay ot them took on fia prof eai Ion of at.ms as an active pursuit i.. life, hd traated that the) would comport tkanaaelres - v... . a barn soliiors. (Applause). —The Rev, A Mocaiann (.tanked Colonel C&uifciid t>r hia servioea ic ti.o presentation of badges, iad hoped thai Mias Uolmea would ucdartake tha -• arelariaJ duties. - Patrol- toid-jr a. Btembcldga tbeti presented the Rev. A. iljrruo -i with ..v»o vary jtacdsame silver oaudlceticbs, aappllnd Bf Jt J. T. Young, of Oraouaiiab Bcono, Barnaid Castio,cr oeiialf ot •ha Firss acd Haeund Troopa.—The Rav. A. .•J. j r i ie an s^id ice. gift had come aa au abaolule uu:priac, aa he bud aovor t.e:„ : ved ove-a a hint of a iy such ;h.t.g hoiug iu hjtad. Ho bhanked ia., donors, ao4 f la the course of at-, oocoaraging addcetss, ia wbica hu ozjoiued puoctiiiiuus adhaaion to tho - ^ u . U-.WJ, te said the sujcestioib of M r Q. Allen a:i.t himself, aa aeantmasters, would be aloasrs T. Bo.irdman aud C. Vv'atsot.. earnard Castle Man's Shop Fire in Tasmania. Big Blaza at Wy.iyard. On iiuudoy iji^i:- attctci - U-o oucurrod at Wynyard, (,«> Ola C. tl •-. I'^.CO aud barber's euaja id Guldio-' in as being toteily deatroyad. The C:fi>> Palace nd ia.^:-. unoccupied for Boca BMiltha. T abop was ooenpied b y M r Wr^uk Bolliday, fortneny cairdresser in the Back, Baioard Utftle, wha losi hia atock. Tbe aaly things aaand were the chairs aau mirrors f.-om the ahop. I; )A L< I, kuowo what., iosurauoe WM o n t i e buildiag. "out Mr Iluiiiday had £50 a tis stock. The ire brga-io did good vtotk id tatiog the adjoiaiag buildings. The Stainton Barber. T.to barber, formerly of .'.:i» vUlago, at .or hia rem.vl fr m Blabalou, took up hia abode at a •athot aowu ta Wescmorl-uid, but he was not iucky there, and he got. into tho habit of dropping too frequently into the oubhe -houso next door ^ > hts snop, and reareining till late al uight, wbict>. h .d tbe effect t imp>iriug the »'.9adi-:e8S of i.is baud th^ -.1 .^». g morciag. His reguHr customers, ba-aomicg painfully acquainted with Lhia fact, c««tpotied their I laving whoiaeTor i.: vv^a kr.c nu that the barber bad been it-dulgic-r i u a hoavy previous night :' •* \tl-:c. It is rolatod ..- a , .ode morning, a Yorfcahire ,ir ver passiug (brough t'o town— naooaseiaui, oi oouxae, that, cu the night b,:f iro, i'an b.-.rbar had had a long siiticg at the Inn, with the usual dcbrimoaiiai ktllue^ce upou his ocrves-stepped in to get shaved. The b -.ib ^r pi &cad him i. chair, lathered him, end Una applied tho razor. Tae driver bjre the i.^itable soarifyidg of hia face with great i .-.-'i .ude ; c-a!y once Luuu ^riafter the b -.rber 'a tAai U:id toada a considerable Blip, tlta:- he would like to go out again with his cosa on, if tho bu.be,- (x-uid p.bri'oly manage to s'oavo r-in eo as to preservo ccat feature. WhoT tho h-tibo-- had fiaisned, the drover viewed ••,. - oloedi-ig vittage id the lookup- gtasi'. T.n a, iu a grave voice, bo asked for wal ar, which the barber brought. The Yoikshiremau took a toge mou.hiul of the water, with which he puffed out his cheeks two of threo times, roiiiog hia eyes all the while i n n port - t u manner. The barber, aa.t. reheosive that tne blood-letting tbe man I •: undergone iiads^ruusiy affected bim, said, :: vi xii-u• t ;nes, "Are you ill, sir ? " Recoiving no answer, ha repeated tne queatiuii with - ial 4o H.. tapatLy. - Ns tta," at laat replied the drover, ejectiog tbe water, " Aw dincet ail mu'.:h." Aio tuttj ... i-j trying .'; «.jt/i..«i<. uxtd luiud in !" Tnen, depositing tba accustomed lee on t in counter, the Yjrkshireman walked sot'omniy out. The d. mioo knock-t ut. at the tleehnntoe' luatitnaa, Mitidietuu, terminated last week. 1 io tallowing wbie the winners : - l , Jos. BaiM, High Dyke ; 2, Ail. Shaw ; 3 and 4, C. 11. Nicholsou acd T. A. Clarke. JIRTIS, aiABRJACFS, AND HFATM8. Matha* ATKINSON. - On the.2ud January, Sttvia H«onah, y.ucgest daughter ol Mrn and the late Mr Ifaathnai Atkinson, No. 2(j, Uaigate, Barnard C»st'.o. -Deeply mouroed. In Memoriam. AotiisoN. - I n loving memory I . Tnomaa Addiaoo, our dearly loved husband and lather, who entered into roat on January 6th 1912,


Page 1: hOGA , AND OTHER UPPER OA MQIcS. CQTHESST3N WAS …teesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1915/January-06/January... · 2011-12-12 · In Asia they seem to have been more expert, but we have

BrTfn 1915

l e hands u I i t roops n o w I t o v i u t A n I

fal len i n t o l i t r oub le i n j

in the war I k m message ^ p u a r y 2nd brs passed by I l e i r way t o |

IN DAYS bulltransmission

Bis Writer- p the stage-

and t o the Bgtr more ago B S l ook at a _hhe r e ign o f B y - t a x e d o r Jtflier h a l f o f bull scarcely be

B e is i n fact ptween the bull u r i e s o r m dawn o

gt and the f lour i sh

J Y e t the very (alism of t he iP bull G e o r g e I I s

t r u s t w o r t h y I f the t imes M to H o g a r t h Bay before us

m e d i u m of] [Penny Post is T o j udge piers y e l l o w -

paradise o f R30 footpads

bull D m M i l e - e n d fanls Chu rch -m them since pt says the

1730 M r bull Bai ley was ppads w h o

breast an i l bullfrowns and l e L a t e r -[ d a y l i g h t j u s l e r molester

death if slut i m a guinea [money A t

Sven bolder miscreants

a u t u m n o f i u n t o f t h e i t

bullping d u r i n g r o b b e d f o u i e coach t u b of the t o w n confederates ter t h a n id le Sds t o enable

l ing danc ing pre -mak ing ii

rtaae This confessions

fche Post locuments agt Hat they al ie magistrate-) liled manfu l ly ler and of te i

[ I n N o v e m b e r frge Gonson a |the law w b ja soldier a m ta t and th i s

fctorious p i ck Kgt B r i d e w e l l T j u y Fawkes

by a n d t h e ce came to h is |y beat t h Have l a i d en wt no t s l ipped B s to houses

the great es gamester

ply men Uonei ich occasion-

Mace A t one braided in t h lemselves w i t Bther w o m e 1 B o m the roo t s bull(tables w e i L

ssd up l i k e a bullIpitting pot i n

(ENERALSHIP B themes are rwriter i n the insiders the

[ X I V used to m strategy o r fconduct of a lisplays itself-

P generalshiigt this marshals len they had corner so to

racoliug from )mmand and

genius i s red that this

1 to a constitu-is than to a i A l l the at no loss for ew A sisge

operation of place vastly

jes Indeed Jte tremendous land there it able to the Id have made lraquoy main force

)rts beyond there were

Itelj stronger for v e r y many

the defence the attack

anlt I stronger ins truments co) respond-

Ito u se were Uarrisju than

if surprise

failed blockade or treachery were the only means of reduc ing a tor t i f ied c i t y known in Hurope u n t i l the t ime ol Phil ip of Macedoumdashor as author i t ies generally pu t i t o f Alexander I n As ia they seem to have been more expert but we have no details T h e Athenians enjoyed a reputa t ion of s k i l l i n a t t ack ing walled towns b u t the real value o f i t uiay be gauged by the i r i n a b i l i t y to reduce Deceleia a t i n y fort half-a-days march from the c i ty d u r i n g twen ty -seven years A l l the forces o f the Peloponnesus cou ld no t take PlaUea which i n i ts best day had on ly a thousand ci t izens capable o f bear ing arms A f t e r b r eak ing an indef in i te number o f the i r necks against the wal ls for an indef in i te number o f mouths they cut down the forests of M o u n t Cithseron piled up the t imber and fired i t W h e n this scheme failed they sat r o u n d the l i t t l e placemdasha vi l lage as we should say mdash i n the i r thousands for three years Even Ph i l ip who first made a science o f these operations had l i t t l e success T h e genius o f h is sou asserted itself at a bound Those w h o read the tremendous story o f the siege o f T y r e should bear i n m i n d how t r i v i a l o ther enterprises of the sort had been A lexande r owed n o t h i n g to his predecessors bu t for seventeen centuries at least u n t i l gunpowder became supreme poster i ty was indebted to h i m

Arrival of Belgian Refugees at Barnard Castle





MtH 1) I J I ( i l l - I r v i n g ot r l e i t to Scaarbo

she l l du 1 j u i o laquo were mputa ted

1 ivowably -o

Second-Lieutenant Chirles W i l b r a m W laquo i a t e

d l - I r r i n g -Isfcer-i--law of M r Rwkehy wfei n i l a few aye ltUii- hlaquod hrr l e f t lraquo g rtuatllaquotd if-rt the bambardit--ni The So severe t h a t t ho leg was

Sue gts nuv7gt bowevor progreaolng

of the Rov A H Pert v i craquo r of oined an I n d i a n (Gurkha) r e g i

bullrint The young vffioer i s ni t tetcon years of ge and has jua t been- on a v i s i t to bia g t aod

p Watson of Sp r ing Lodge o

i nc iden t bes token place i n h raquo War Fond r it a r t a t f l ta indrop i i 2 t l i n the R raquo b y estats office Hum of money wh ich M a se-t opr|ior efficfein e i i t i i v r l e rC value rgtuti tobacco lo r d t n t r t b u t i f r o n t The ampitigu)r feature

lo t to f Hurt ic tfco fraquoc t i h ^ t -1 resonte l o l ifcka tbsi hardo of L i e n t e r u m t h Honourable C t r i s t o p h o r Vnno for d is t i - ibn t ioo

t a l a t t e r of hear ty a c k i i w l e d g -piet-c^rd to esoh sisbscribnr

o -Colonol V i s i o n a l KsH iMid commsuding tho

irirss Sportsmans BaHali-re in f^thee of the Ion l a n M IfcUnd whlt- marr ied the elder uoghter o f K r J J Kell-Irvult( V-i ulraquoivijod

t ford on ly son fJigahot ias

f i t h c r M r W

A nat ions concec t ico wi t The c l e r i c a l rabccribefl a tivoogh a l i t v in cigarettes B o l d i a n ampt fcnlaquo the l i t t l e pi t t i

bud ae l i M B6B moot snd a

s I so rv iog vsifch C -irlaquogti bull n H i th l od fc rp atad vgtaraquo nnabio t n Nnw Year Ho

A m i Je suis AngUis 1mdashlaquo Friend I i m an Englishman

New Yenr a Eve 1914 w i l l bo memorable i n local a i i n a j 3a mark ing tho date of the a r r i v a l of t en Belg ian u faget-B i n th i s t own homolega b u t by no niaann fz-icndlosamdashhrraquoving been d r i v e n from t h e i r na t ive land by t h o ruthless H a n There wraquos vtoh-i cndiKHa i n the scene w h i c h presonted i tso-f on Thuraday n igh t and 00ramiseration for the ch i ld ren i n arms waa v i r j m a D i ^ s t i n the large c r o w d which iuwemocd ontlaquo Jc the ba r r i e r a t raquoblaquogt r a i lway s ta t i in On fe pntotm to meet the rofageoa were Misa a M Scarre -UA and Miaa Walton raquo r d U e s M H Wslkor JP (shair-man) aud J I Daws nal Liraquo-Qbp-rn of tfci- Wsjt Broergfluci Comraittae M r John Rbson and m a i y -fcraquor loca l residents ftfisa M A ^ m i l h Grove Pirk aod Mias M o l l y S i c i th (daughter of M r C J S i a r Qalgate) me f tho party at D a r l i n g t o n they hav ing t a v l l o d o n the Great N o r t h e r n K ^ U w a y f rom Louden As the refugees and the i r v e l c o m i n g f t iends passed from tho p l a t fo rm t o the fur 1 T - J motor-cars w h i c h were i n w a i t i n g a lua ty caeer was ra ised for the representa t ives of a nation w h o b n v o cnvered themselves w i t h glory and gtvraquo t asi-raquog C o o r raquo g e i u defending their heart t o i n d the i r hrmtradee f-om en inyadinj foe Mis3 bull- gtlly Hn i rh wfc-i hsa resided some years Is Soigium raquop-iks French fluently and as in te rpre te r aba nv d si ire c f t ho refugees ooly could apeak a l i i t l o French Presumably the i r s is the Vlemlah tongue I n a l l thero were t en i-f the teeir tames an birthplace)] be ing aa J - V ^ C T mdash M end M d raquo Beckers and t w o c h i l d r e n mdash V i r g i o i c c three yoArs end Bar tb s ged two -aud-a-balf montha b j r a r s Y p r e a Ydo Uuyamans aud her daughter M d e Smot-M find a grandson Fratiita Smets aged seraquo M vears A l l the above are f rom Ual lnea - i and Mde Guiaeuaertsand ob i ld K u r i e agad seven yetrs are from A n t w s r p V tho abjve were d r i r o n to the S t a r t fo r th homes

Ths A r r i v a l s or Monday Nine refugees a r r i v e d on Monday cveoiagt

and are ciaite amp J iSo rcu t group of bull- Igiaos-Tiey are uocupyicg l h a fesidooce of thet l a t e Miss Al ice Bmi tu 5 Qiieoo-stroot rnd are middle-olsss people laquofim A n t w e r p The i r nam as aramdash Jean Jjacpha rraquond Jeanne Pampraaiea r-nd Carol us Maf i a Louis Onfrmia Mathilde aud Josephs Praot The o l d gen t l e shyman usbd c-j so^raquo i n a church a i A n t w e r p and he has two sons volunteer soldiers i n the Kelgiau army Tbo praquor iy were met a t D a r l i n g toe by Misa Moll io Smith M r Jrmea Thomp8on and M r Wiseman iod Uo uiotur-nara wore rt Barnard Calaquove a ta i -a to convey tgtem to t h e i r temporary bout The vehicles were k i n d l y supplied by Miss 8-utMr 1 mdashwho thrr ngbont t h i s anxious auU t r y i n g t imo has c f a ve ry t r u t h boon a gocd 8ratr bull mdash MrsSummerson Dr Adams M r Oh-raquorles 5 i i l b aud M r Louis Smith

g a t l o a v e for Obvtstmaa in- the vr Colore A B a i i - I r v i u g

1)80bdquo M r V i v i a n Pieroy and M r Roder ick B e l l - l r v i a g wove more for tunate a r d bavlaquo eaoh spent two or three n igh t s at B o k e n j t h i t tasb wook L o r d Maitlarc is igtpraquo7 forty-six qood shot aujl a c lover raquontfiur photographer He wes i n the Scots Gusrdp and fater 00m-mancle rougn r ide r s i n the Boer War ird wn3 mentiored i n [dispatches

O The b a l - r i o t e r a find o r g t i - b i o w c r a connected

w i t h (She par i sh chu rch a t Barnard Ci ^t ie wero en te r ta ined Bo surpor by tho Rev H W H Bi rcbam bull-bullbullr M r s B i ioham at tho Vicarageor New Year s me

Tho first b i cyc le or fo re ruw r of -what is now k n o w n m the b ovele walaquo produced io Rranco i n IS 10 a r d in ihlt gtlaquoar 1818 eiaillaquoraquor contr ivances coun t ry

The Qyot lewjuaan sppriprifcely refa is to the Duka oi -- cn bis apji 1 w i t h the war

ceda -t i i r- fa ther of Lady QUmis intmecb to a poaittoa associated

Mate Brcde i r k W i l l i a m a-iwkridcje wounded a Hs Maj i a y s sh ip D on on tho oast cosltraquoi

ia R sou of t h u l a t e M i S H ^ w k r i d g a for rcany years coachraan t o the la to S i r F rede r i ck A t-lilbank Bait- a t W e m m e r g i l l H a i l and Barningham ] r k M a t e W 6 8 one ot t h j l ower dock commisciou who had gotfitsi- CiasscerMficates and had College

ed t b T o u c h t he Roya l Nava l Grcnnwich las t year He w i s palt

appointed to command N J Gth of Decern Dccembor t he i r duty i n youog f ioWs upon days at Barni af-fcsm

O I the o r i Ctstie tbe pa n o r t h w a l l of aplayed ronn4-bealts

Thcr--gt is qaC-l i o E r _ fliis ap t h Lsngcni- Bsc i a ejco d i n t race ot o iv i

Compaoy S^li tralla-i D i v l l C about

made tni- i r a pea ranee io thi j t

F W Hawkr idgo men aaleoted for a

l i s Majeaiy a s h i p D o o n i a aococd reuob r oOth a r r i v e d to t ult3uit3 lor and was i n ac t ion on the 9th of

T w o of h is brothera Rre alsy do ing the Roya l Navy A l l those fino

HOIJ of t h e i r y o u t h f u l

r i n a l praquoriah church a i Barnard y 1 xsivg po r t ion is pa r t o i the hhn chance) w i t h i t s t w o w i d e l y -

d windows mdash o a U-voltier t r a c t myahr-t

nd titfr- i be txp-raquoi i8-) of w i l d nioOf tha t whole ace i j between A s i c r aod Da con t l k e e n milos across

e t ion w i t h ha rd ly a house or a ica to be a ien

P r iva to l i b a p h Lss i io Wilson - son o l M r Wilson miibmikcr Barnard CaaMemdashof H

Bat ta ion 2ad Brigade l e t A as-i^o passed t l TOUgh the Sa tz f o r t n i g h t ago

Soldiers Festivities at the Guild Room

Jub i l an t Time on New Yoai s Evs The s c l d h r s t f the 8c73c tceu th Da iham

L i g h t In fan t ry bad a fest ive n igh t trgt Thursday last among the four c i l i c e s preset t be icg Lieuc Sutherland and L i e u t Edmocdsou A l l sorts of games were indulged i n aampd many townsshypeople jo ined the m i r t h f u l band Messrs J Brown W Nevison W Smi th (Durham) aud R Woodhams and Miss Greta Graham al l either sang or played Lance-Corporal Westwood P r iva t e West and Pr iva te Blad s who has a fine cpuntor- tenor voice and who interprets music very beantif o i ly also rendered uongs a feature of tho concert b i i bullraquo the cheerful v a r i e t y of c lnrusf is i n wh ich everyone jo ined Corporal H a l l ghvo rec i ta shytions w i t h much dramat ic power and realization Im the i n t e r v a l there ware refreshments and cigaret tes nod the c los ing items i n laquohe programme were A n l d iang B y n e sod bull G - d save the Kilaquogts There was a conviv ia l in terchar 30 of aeasonablaquolt compl i shyments many a hanpy nw y e a r being f i shed i n good old Engl i sh s to lo I t was a jolly t ime and the fan was cr b iunded The ullowing was the pr gtgrammrs mdash8ngmdashAsloep i n the deep (by request) M r Neviso Bi-ogmdash Gund-bye (by request) mdashPrivate 31adlaquos daot mdashExcelsior mdashMiss Grah--m a- d - M i J Brown (encoremdashUoderneath the pice) songmdashThe l i t t l e grey home i n the westmdashLance-Corporal Westwood songmdashPassing b y mdash M r W n Smi th ehcrufea songmdashI had a l U t l o garden - M r J Brown i u t c rva c h r o n - ai pg - T h e rosary Ihy request)mdashLance-Corporal West wood eoitat ioumdash How Kiss ing Cuo won the race mdash Private HaB ( encore - In memoriam) sorgmdash The veterans songmdashMr Woiaibams soegmdash EobomdashMr Smith choruses A u l d lang s y c e and God save the K i o g D u i n g tho i n t e r v a l Miss Graham played a scries of mg- t ime aelections

Woodland Band of Hope Social

The committee of the Woodland baud of hope held t h e i r annual social in t h Temperance Hall on New Years Day A gocd coaapajjy was present cor i- ldeiiug tho stormy bullttfat A meal supper was provided of w h i c h 166 partook The music waa suppl ied bv sue Elliott family and Messrs J W uongstai l raquond T W Wallace were the enter ta iners Songs recitations ate were g iven d a r i n g the evening by the f o l l o w i n g - M i g 9 C r - t p c Darlington and Messrs T W Wallaoe J V Longstaff and P r iva te James Waiker F Company 0Mgt Battalion Dnrbam L i g h t I n f a n t r y Tbe following ladies presided a t the tables laquo r J B Sbieldt M r s R Rraquoino Mrs Sid raquohleWeMraO Blackott Miss M E Marr and Miss May Shields Bowes

Crick is ihe naHocal g me o f Kr gl ishman and i o aosse uiio form v-a n i d o n b o i l y p iayed M e a r l y an t t e t h i r t e e n t h cen tu ry I bore the nam bull of c ub ieH i n t h e s e far-off dajs the w o M c r i c k e t b e i r g fliat used aboo r b e year MiTli 1 1 tho i f tucy of tho g a m e S t a m p a vero aba l i t

I n tfci d i l i ng - room a t Raby C^atle is a p o r t r a i t t f Si exandr P-gtp- i o his I w o n t y -e l g h t h yeav by Si r Godfrey Kuel le ^ijred and dated 17 19 I o his Eas^y on ula Ptope s a y s Heaven from a l l creatures bides iha book of tfampl-e Popo diot i n 1744

Pr lva ta R W Ber ry of Barnard Castlo w h o ia i n the Pcur th Bat ta l ion of tho C i t y of London Fus i l ie r has w i t h his reg iment a r r i v e d some whert t-n Uo coa t i aca t

T-e Woodl i n d baglos w i l l moot on Saturday Jlaquogtru5ry 9b al Cotherstoc a t t w o l v e uccn

bull o A hundred aud- twonty cafa l rgued var ie t i es

of p lant J many of tbom very rare are fonod i u the love ly nursery of nature i n Woisiaydale

l l i ran Po^eta the American sculptor wboae Greek Slavte ie i n tbe o c t i g o a d r a w i D g - r o o m t Raby Casjtlc executed t h i s w o r k for Capta in Grant Tijia celebrated s ta tne was first seen i n tho Groat E x h i b i t i o n of 1851 ard was subsequently purchasod by Puke Henry for pound1800

Tho local p r i z i - t a k c r s at the N e ^ n s r l e Dog Show on New Years D y vrrre Messrs E A Metcalfe Barnard C-stlo w i r e fox t e r r i e r s F red Helmor Romidk i rk smoota fox t e r r i e r and W i l l i a m Porter Cotherstou smooth co l l i e

His Roya l Highness the Duke of Connaught =raquoas vicar s [warden a t B3gshut Surrey for the Rev A H (Ford Iste reotor of Middlci t 1-10 Teeadale i

The gard|ea gate a t Raby w is or-rght f rom ShipbonrnejChurch r o u t by Chris topher first L o r d Earuard

Mar Frank Hoi iday halrdresaer f o rma l ly of the Bank jBarnard C 1 Ie who emigra ted t o W y n y a r d Tasmania has aad tha misfortune ot hav ing bis jpremises accidenta l ly dest royed by fire w h i c h or ig ina ted i n an adjo in ing b u i l d i n g M r Holl iday_ procpt y aecared larger and more c mwdiou - rooms

o The R-nj C H Ughtfool b l Park-tarcaaa

has juraquor been bereaved b y tbe eomowhat sodden death of his aintnr M h s Al i ce L i g h t -foot v ho d ied wilst on a v i s i t t o her mar r i ed sister (Mifs Wilson) at Dar l i ng ton T w o of t h i s woll-KnoTn P r i m i t i v e Method ia t preach ers sons were a t Barnaru Castle d u r i n g Christmas^ D r i v e r Hugh B Lgbtfoot la te master a t tbe B l i n d School a t L ive rpoo l is i n the Royal A r m y M e d i c I Corps 1st West Lancashire Regiment now stat ioned some ltvhero i n B r i t a i n and tho second son P r iva te U a t o l d J L igh t foo t wbo is a 1 exrpert wi te lcsa t t l e g r a p L i s t i s i n tbe 5 th Dragoons i u the south

T h e n ils a v i l b g o b e a r i t g the name of Raby in Swedes acd another i n Z-aland i n Denmark J

o H- mo o i the BoIf | ian refogoes a t tended tho

Wesley an recreation-room on Mew Years night and wore heartily weloomed

The Viofci via Ha l l B a r t S i d Castio baa boon commandeered by tho m i l i t a r y on aud af tr Monday next Eve ry pub l i c ba l l i t one iu the t o w n v - i l l t hen bo occupied by B Idlers

M r A r t h u r HendersonMP has been Dreated a P r i v y Cromoil lcr

o Imprgoivo w a t c h - n i g h t oerviec-3 were hehl

ip tho Wesleyan and P imik ive M e t h o d i s t churches i u th i s t o w n on New Year s Evo

o The - l u m e r i c i l s t r e n g t h of t ho soldiera

a t t end ing the parish church and tho Wosloyfsn Method i s t Chapel on Sunday morisiag was about equal

Sergeant Thomas Gibson For3ter son of M r T 8 Foreter of tbe shoeing forgo Horse-market Barnard Cjsstle is here on fu r lough extendinc t o a week He ia a t tached to the 150Sh Ba t t e ry of the R i y a l F ie ld A r t i l l e r y pomlaquo-wbera ia England Ue jo ined the army r a tho Sr- o | September sod was wade f a l l aerg an t on t is b i r t h t f a j mdash t h e 23rd ot tho same month

Lady Rofialdahay gave gtirth t bull daagh-Ve on the l i - t J rlaquoyof th-told yeara tSSGmsvonor-sreot She and L o r d Ronaldsbay n b Warn mar r i ed i n 1007 now bava three o b i l d r e r the othnrs be i sg L o r d Dnndao who wan born i n 1008 alaquonl Lady V i v l Dondao bsrn In 1910

B l a c k h o i t h is probably the oldes t golf c lub lb the k ngdom

bull o bull -mdash bull I n the ear ly par o tho t h i r t e e n t h century

tbo pract iee i f fencing a a fine a f t was ilt hfodneed iut- th i s coun t ry from F r a n c b u t M i t WAS f- ui- to eoosnrage dae l l iog feoeing schools were fo rnwl lv p -ob lb i t ed i u L j n d o n i n tho r e ign of E i w a r d I

mdash - o M r Joba M o r r a y who for t h o laa six years

baa j l i s cbs sod tha-dafctaa of ( the first) djatiflet t aper io teo t ea t i n the Barnard Casile D ^ t r i c t has beet IT -rodsad baa accepted the super-btteadeooy - f the F e l l i n g D i s t r i c t w h i c h is tlaquoraquocked to tbe N o w c s t - U D i s t r i c t where be wUl hfrva t h i r t y ageats and fonr assistsot-aupe T in ter idra (3 D a r i n g tbe t e rm of his (dice i e t h i s d i s t r i c t M r M u r r a y baa created over poundG800 new income to the Prudent ia l Assarauce Company (L imi ted ) Mr M u r r a y who baa completed hia t w e n t y - o i n i h year the companys sorvice I r a r p s th i s t o w n or F r i day aed w i l l bo eu^ebedcU by M r Nolsoo of Ashiogtn - i

I D arcbory tha nse o l the bow ^aiy bo t raced to toe va ry remotest a n t i q u i t y and Jjistory rcooads tho employment of i h e weapon by almost a i tbo leading nat ions of pr imttMta imea Tho long bow does not however appos--o havo baan used by the Anc ien t Br i tons and

raferenco to i t 13 found i u Eparlish b i s i o r y before tho Bat t le ot Hastings 1066 when i t was keowsi l a have been employed w i t h doa l ly effect by the Normans

A l though firearms wore I n t r o d u c e huto Earope i n the t h i r t e e n t h cen tu ry i t was ne t t i l l towards the end of the 16th oan tn ty tha t the dlteenco of tho b rts as a m i l i t a r y Weapon commenced the last lt eoaeioo on w h i c h i t wss employe-) i n Great Br i t a in blaquoing i n 1683 in she g lou I ja t t le be t to r ito L a i r d ui Maoin tosh a i d Uaodocald Ktppocb

Yesterday fcv F a t b e i L i t t l e ot Peeritbwaa a l i t t l e be t to r and passed a f a i r l y g b o d n l g h l

M s Hare R i f ig i raquorm L a r t i o g t o o baa jus t received a p ist-raquord f r j m S t rg ra io t -Major L O OhiMnbcrs a t tached to i h o N u t h u s i b e f i a n d Hussars in -which tho gallant soldier s i j s I cannot express 017 ffcaiks to yon for the g i f t o l tho p- icel I recoivoi l to-day (Saturday last) I t carurt t a very oppori uo moraeat Au y o u know iw regime u i ia r i g h t a t the firing l i n e Bfid we b-aye no chance o l g o t t i o g any l axa r ios here I i bank yoa hoartil for your k iadncs f

o Tho a r t of catching fish by rod sad l ine is

undoubtedly an ancioot one and t s s o v s r claimed many devotees Voluminous T-orka havo been w r i t t e n noon t h e slaquoVji eat l i e s recorded in this country balug I T 1G53 I z i a k WraquoUgtn laquo faia-u bank Ccmpleat Angler appeared tincn wr ics rs on tha euhjaot havo bsoti legion

Oao bnedred moro t rcons aro expectod l U r o i r d Caaio aoy oay-

Tho R laquo v A M o r r i a n -upects t- io Barnard Cas io for Sasaex about Saturday

I - is s j o tba^i the death sontenco ba Wm iisJraquole o l Leeds the B r i t i s h prisoner o l war

copdimncd at Dobor i z w i l l not be car r ied ut aud tha t i t waa pa r t o l a plan to deter the

E i g l U h I rom en te r ing tho army

The Rev W R i l e y ot Barrow-ia-Eurnoas conducted the services i n the Congregational Church Barnard Caatle last Suui iy M r R i l o y was a fel low-oollegian o tho Rampv J H Jowet t MA and h i3 son and daughter belong to the Red Cross Society Ou t of the o igh t hymn=s snug d u r i n g tho services three were composed by tbo la te Frances R i l e y Havergal and oao by 0 Frances Alexander (both ladies)

the u 1496

bull Tho when


Nr F- C Oalgarnos Orchestral Band at Wesleyan Recreation-Room

This baud has k i n d l y c o n s s n t 9 d to play every Thursday evening from half-past seven to o iuo oclock On New Years Eve the fo l lowing programme was much appreciated by the nonshycommissioned officers aod men of the 17th Durham L i g h t L i f a n t r y mdashMarchmdashTho Rel ie f mdash D V a c d c r v e i l wal tzmdashGondol ier mdash O t t o Roedcr s e l e c t i o n - Qu en BessmdashCarl V o l t i is v-oemdashHappy HollaudersmdashPercy Raymond maroh mdashTho wood nymphsmdashCarl V o l t i wa l t z

Pi tchouoet tamdashAug bull lto Pizzia^to dance mdashPhill idamdashGeorgo Aooh God save our K i n g Tho band is composed s f o l l o w s - M r F 0 Dalgarno aot M i s J Robinson first v io l in s Master R Ooiiedge second v i o l i n M r T Ber ry v i o l a M r G Scainsby cornet M r

W Hunter o la r ione t ta M r H W a r d fluta M r E W Penman cel lo M r Tom B o r r i w d i t l e bass and Miss G Stai t iaby piano


fho new years s d v s u i was q u i e t In Upper Toesdale s l tuougb thejc stir and i n sorno of v^ere a r u u i d euro 1 ngt was beau t i fu l ly fiije

Meeaodiat Church M vddtoKBea vere givtr Rav 0 Pe l t i e r ) ncd wore tbe usual first-ft of Now Yesr s tnornlcg as a general hol iday l i u r i e g tho torenoon a f o i l making n u t d e w sblo M i d d l e t o n Sl^r choice solpetiu3 of

Maeh-n ics las i t -lt t Assembly Hai mfn Kvoand W B laquo a grea t at anc-i cbitsMtuted a roc passed eft very pleass d r gt c laquo many as 50 tantaafcic t o r to tba wgt I ton Str i i r Band O l ive r Go-raquo Loeg

slUARY 6 1915


were a l e w mnaiciana the v i l l a e c f tho egtoirlaquo gisg I t ew Years Evo sad moonl ight aud a

wahrU-rsigh servico w i s held i u tho Primifcivo tgtn at Which nhor

by t ho min i s te r (thr-i r T Bawrnn T h a n ters i n t h o oar ly h o B n

The day was ibr w e d ju5 i t was b i t t o l y colO

la te r anow and scet uvsaits v e r y diaagrea ng Band plrraquoyr-d several iraquogtc d u r i n g the day

h a l l w i s h e l d i n the l e t o n on Nsw Years

ciess I n f a c t a t t e n d -trc ^nd the proceed ing

I D Komo of the u u p l e a t r i p p e d t-rligbt a m e i ^ t r i i i s n f Uddle-

Hbssrs O A Thompson T bail a n d X ft C Iraquo rklaquo were

the masters of ceremanies Supper waa p- -v ided H a l t 6 i tho ptocoeda n l this yeata bal l w i l l be c i r - i t - the e rinCe o l W-gtUas Nat ional l t e i l i e l - F i i n d The I b m m i t t e e -ish to ihnk a l l whs p rov ided a- d t rsre refraquoelaquohmetgta

Mlddlef n P r l m U m n Methodisra r-gaio hed t h e i r ieiriea I a t home sbull a v l i the New Year festivities T b i first wae beU oa T h u r dav nfght unde t-he nn-sHancy o Mr J R Robaoh Mis s B N i s^oteci w - tho rgtUutat Solos wort sung by lampias -M Hun t Miss M Horn Mis-a M Be idlltraquo and poundailaquobridge of E^gestofl a-id M r W T o jupsoi R j c i U i i tgt w-re oou t r lbu tea l y Miss A Boadie of Niwb i - rg i - i and o ginaI poems by 1 T Bowron p tar ipnetw agtU0 wero re d e r u by M r J J Thompson altd tho orato voice pa r ly conaisfing of Mersrs W Thompsor F t t w a K Rajbinsoo J J T l c n i p s o D a n d 8 Pio savo t w o piecesmdashMr T B i w r o r i prgt-ri-ied a t F r i d a j a procgtltedioga when the fo l lowing conshyt r i b u t e d to -he p ragronme -SongsmdashMisa M H o r n nd Messrg V Thorapr-jou M i d d l o t - m and G V Tarn M i c k sfon huraoroui srogs

M r Leonard Tompto BJW1-JOlaquoJ c la r ipoa t ta so lomdashMr J J Thompson and recitntir nsmdash Miss P a r k i r MiokUi ion and M i s s 1 bull gtr Mies L P inkcey w i a tho acootnprnist- Oa Saturday K v e n i n g tb lt chair vas oooupied by M r Wm Thompeon - I ho p r i n c i p a l par t of the e i g h t waa taken op w i t u a ve ry u t to res t ing lec ture g iven by tha R iv C Po t t l o r e n t i t l e d

B i i l y Bray tbe King s Bon C^ncorted iora Were rendferod byfioo-i Lunedalo friends Miss Coll iason a Mitste Colios-laquoi of Woramerg i l l and M i p K i p i i n g o f Stackooimo gave ins t rumen ta l el-- tnna Th v a r i us ar t i s tes performed i | lt it par ts sp lendidly aod tpe audiences were w-- en ter ta ined Refefsi-

lonts werfgt Handed f 11 d racu ovoaiug arid the Rev C aad MrspPegtgt ior ncHd r s host ai4 hostess The soh ecorated l o r the oc fcsijamdashSpecial sermons ero pleached 00 Su

bjy the Rev C Pet

The nominations llt eject ion of the Midjdit Iton C J vreTO closed on Satuf ycrtr comf-a uuder pot sono h i v i n g relf

the board al direetos bull gtpoiiiiive S je ie ty

y The e lec t ion th i s trt rew n i i i S Throo

d there w i l l ba th ree cforo needed who tfri l i s i l o t threo yeari I hore wore seven nominations etlt tha t a keon cjootest is inev i t ab le

A series of uteres u ig o ioturoH w e i o c owi

a t M i d d l e t o u P i c t i [The ravages o i w fksc ina t iog film tu trapper T h e i e w o^iher i n t e r e s t i ng films screened

Gainford Literar)

Indigestion and Dyspepsia

Correct Name of tha Product Prescribed by Loading Specialist now Ascertained

A l t h o u g h so much has been said and w r i t t e n concerning the new t rea tment l o r indiges t ion and dyspepsiamdashthe t rea tment wh ich v a o r i g i n a l l y employed by a special is t gtlt fcia p r i v a t e pract ice and proved so snocpasful ia t o war ran t i t s adoption by bospitia through ou t the court t rymdashthere aro s t i l l a 1-ii-ge number of sufferers who are donb t fo l as to the tinme and nature of the preparat ion wh ich ia g i v i n g BUC U wonder fu l resul ts Wo are therefor- g lad to bo i u a pos i t ion t o s ta to de l i a i t a ly t ha t the product employed is an i n t n e i d known t o ptiyat^anb and chemists as bisumted magnesia and Are q u a n t i t y nsually advised i n tho ltbullraquo ti-erit of most forma olaaoataoh t rouble is ha l t a-ceaapo nful i n a l i t t l e w a r m o r nold water immcdiatcily a f t r r ogtcraquos Ta in ta the effect of neu t ra l i s ing the b t r m f u l aciin 10 tho stomach aud i r e v e n t i i g fermentat ion of the food thus ensur ing aormal diglaquostiott and tree dom f rom pain acd discomfort We learn tha t large supplies of tho genuine htstmited magnesia havo now beon slaquocore4 by Messrs G Clarkson Barker tho Bal io l Pharmacy T B l l l s l e y M a r k e t - p l a c e Mnr- a Cash Drng Stores 8 Horse-market and M r R W Raioe Marke t -p l ace and Middloton- n-Tooadale and wo are sure tha t mauy readers w i l l appreciate the fact t ha t tigtey can obta in th i s excel lent preparat ion local ly

I A n e xeeUect con i n s t i t u t e ov Monday ing prognit i imo was lt audiencemdashSobg mdash f I C r a i g songmdashPlum Bowman sirg - A

Piac- r ec i t a t R i c k i u s j i i

bull aoi-g PaUetne s^uf^mdash1 Rev T 11 Kuuckfy S u t t c a s o n g - O f f to C r a i g Bob C R i c h R i c k i n s a u song-Br ruld C - ig 0gtg S u t t o a H v i g - M r P soog - l i i z z io 1 iodsay songmdashSon of to i ia i i -s o n g mdash t a u i of hops

Bowman upon for

ers w-js g i n n In t h s voning when the fo l low-

tui cutad b - t o r o a orowded o d i u m maJDJmdash M r H a r o i d

s touoa- Mius M i l d r e d i isfcy fishing e t t r y mdash M r K onmdashThe l i f e b o a t mdash M i a

s jngmdashSlbepi r gmdashHr Gor dHea-f r o h u t o-i of Isiemdashi-tiss Dorc t y

bqar 3 t h rush at eiraquoemdash t ^ i j s )Og~ii acer bymdashM iss1

r-hiladeiphiomdash-V e Baruid oa Christmas partbdquo-mdashMrs i tone-cracker JounmdashMr

A May morningmdashMiss i | t t - M r - Gera d Ha-diain

-Mis s Dorotuy f u a e i u e o Rev T U Kouekey

isod glorymdash Misu M U i i r u i

Many of t j ic performers wero cal led i i i s a PuUoino s ing ing

Tho presideni opound tho nn encore

F a i t h f u l Johuuie i n s t i t u t e ( M r R H EJleoton) presided

ncer t and Mies and M r HeadUm abl j

tlso Robiiifcoa Min liowma

aotd as aeoompaniata

Whist Dnvt Danct A wel l -a t tou led w

the i n s t i t u t e on the Day A t the conclusion the prizes woo handed by fboPrcaidcttt t o rentikmen mdash M I B S H i l l M r Tuues and meats woto theu Karjved i o bdquo V i bullltbull raquoa

ard dacoi-g followed

Sale of The -tual salo

t h e f o l l o w i n g ladies and Frftcioca Boiisf i^ld M t t s gt|dr J Alderson Reiresh-


S i t u r d a y cve i i ing i r i n s t i t u t e v h o n M r acted au auctioneer

a c c o r d e d t o M r Deampc president ( M r R H M r E D Trotter

parcels received i u Mra St raker from k n i t t e d jersoya 2 bull mit tens it pairs of E packets of c igare t t from H u t t o n Mlaquogn)laquo mufllorp 9 p i i r s o t s 2 pairs of j j l o v e s I Grovemdash8 molllarw

t ps ud mit^ons lOpea pare- Id wer the f ront Hussars

who are not provide whoso Government

Soldiers and Bailors Close forwarded a g Mag t i a i d i n-Christmas w i t h i -Dowager Lady - I t

Belgian rofugeesn has also c o n t r i b t t a d beaut i ful Belgian refugees a i t d b o y scouts I r v i n g has received mittetos aod w i t h e i

must couti t no ehr

and dearest frienda al l

ol-r-om was tasteful

d i y a f t e rno n and n i g h t or

H i i last wee end i d bt-Afctb wast u very was alao Robert tbfl bullre alao humorous aud

Institutes Concert

i laquo l d r i v f l t ovening cf

ok o l teo at No v Yoars

Newspapers -ewspfipers and m i^a-

zincs for tho cu t r^ t - t j s a r took piaoa on tbe rer dkg-r to ta o l the R Deacon very k i n d l y

i n h is cuabt mary able A hoarlly r o l e of tharaquojk-j was

or on tba motiuo o l t l i a Edlestop) seoocdod by

War Neeillework Fund M r s Jr J B e l l - I r v i o j g -atefuily ackuo^ieogea

DecKmbor forwarded by fenves w o r k i n g pnr tymdash6 l i r a o l g iovpound8 8 pira of ickirf 12 halts 4 s o i r i f 2

is and 2 pair of coff-) th rough M r s Closemdash9

ski 3 pairs ot m i fcooa ad rom M r s Bentham Rokgtby

pairs of cuff^ 5 p i i r s socks 3 lUt ine i s h i r t k ilaquod 4 n ightgowns a i d from friends io Rokeby-soeke shirtraquo nose-

l o r-is ons gt to ucgen s t i i i Co c t r i j a going to

In f an t ry l l t t Highlanders a i d K o y a l

Garrisro A r t i l l e r y til- Sunderland also t o he Blgiun military at tache for Belgian soldieru

i tor by t h e i r friends and cannot do so much for

I 4h Duba- t t l ag t t Camerou


them Added to t l to comforts w e r e xnelosed rtotci-paper pencils shooolate cocoa I rzenget f o rmUio and cajpaicnm vascliue ETor -uo

FamiueaAaaneiation M r s irieroua pares f n m H u t i o n

ro Ktusir) ti- i u t i d ac t o y s h i i id iy s o t the

uk for the tJo ld iera and Sailors FamilieaAa|sociatiou ch i ld ren a r d the

T h o abovraquo com-jt- t -- i i i c l -vas fgti-gtr tlttt tho-purpoaa of oaxkicg and aupp ly ing ci i to our saiori aod sdgt- a and alao to ha ogi-ii3saod to find a U u e for tad m tals a Balgian family have up-- -da- bull ltMraquolaquo miiraquoh-d ba f u i l o w i c g mdash7gt- re Alaquo-my thre oaosie havo baet e n t con ta i^ i t tg 29 s h i n - I t i t i - irc j f aooka 9 muftisrs 13 booy b e l t I p I - of cnSsaiid 3 pairs o l mi t t sns Tbeao bull been sent per Lady French arn g ra t e fu l ly a c k o o w ir-dgcd Toroa naroea h a w beau jssns to bull navy campr is icg 21 n-ufilsra 3 pa i r s ot pyjamas 2 k n i t t e d helmotts 9 pairs of aooka 0 ahfrla i b o d y boita a r d 5 mite of mi t t^na These wore despatched per Lady J-jlio-o and wers 0uy bulleoognlsed C bo-1 jacket i were s^tifc t o t ho Nor thumbr ian Ambulanoe H B p i t a l N - tve j M r s K Caii-Cook tiaciy auper in leuden l of t i a bospia) sondiog bar br t ibaaks r r - iv i r tg them Traquo thoao In diairesa i n Ba g am who

our OT70 osuamp i are lost t aeir gtil one reel has b r m E o u t wklob aottfnfna4 4 naire

of i n jno- 4 p i t t i c a-Vgt B b i r t S t a n d 3 pairo ot ike M J Navaux o1 the C naio flisiel aeeout a - ux vict imfta B s do is guor r

acknowiadg-i i the r eca ip t of t-n-rse a i - i c loo la th-raquo fol lowit u v e r y r^ -oc - i t v - j bull rto- rrl- i res-eed to M r s Bourt t he Green Cot bettoomdash D K A R bullbullbullbullbullADAMmdash1 have mucU pleis- t r ) i r t h a n k i n g you for the g i f t of cirrbing you have forwarder to i t o for tho benefit of tho Belgian refugees A l l t ho garmcnto are mjsfc tuefa

r d a r - v e r y muC appreciated I Hbalt fo rward them to Beigioaa where theretre b t i l l sever m i l l i o u a o f any couu l rymon many of them i n vet g rea t dlatreaa i raquota Bond hag i a rgn

taaigemanta tbe r s w-okly t bo o ro of raquo n Ameriean Commi-isi i i wh ich fen k i c d l y undet taket) to d i s t r i b u t e aha garments i a t ho

_ h l qa s bull-- n1 w h i o i ssurorf t a i tb-jre is no r i sk of a n y t h i n g f a l l i n g i ^ t o bullbullhe hard 1- of the German J I sha i bo g lau i f you w i l i B M W )

y th-jnfcs to a l l tho ladios of your w o t k l n g t r l y w^ raquo have ao I d a d l M s d goner j u a l y g ivoa

t ime work ana mater ials towards th i s g i f t Every t r t i c t e ia acceptable and w i l l b s wore by wo o the suffernra -r U-Igiuoi mdashYour v o t y c u l y p p J N A Y A I W ( 8 t ^ ) jrlilcwu Boose 8 aud 9 CniawaU-atreot- L a ^ d o t E C Docomalt i 15th 1914 1 addi t ion- to t i n at - i c raquo ^ laquo B w e T U a -a~x gt bullbullbull c raquo t f at-as IwflaWhas bsrh pound25 tbe Ci mmictoo have fa rampishedahouge and ar- m r i i t a i t i c g t h ^ r i o t w o Belgian farallis-a whaexpreaa shois ve ry h igh appreeiat ioa of a l l t h a t s V i a g done far

htn Taere is aiso i i Co there t o n another family of Bgi is i n a hpuae letit by M t s Cox who are being prov ided for by tho I f ieads o l the oauae i n Rjai- ib k t rk Ti to f t c i t h a t tho jbj c ta of ih o m t n i i r o r a n n ^ mpathy w i t h

i t u Inhabi tants of Cjtberlaquot9rt gaor-liy i amply boruo rue by the to ^ w i c g its ot sub--tjribi-ts i wtsich p r a c t i c i l y every tt^me i n tse t o mmYiff i i r e p r e s e n t - Tho ta k a of the c bullamtiitoor- so due to -hose w h j have ao k i t d l y b o i p o i w i t h tha ( j c r t s a r t to say wuoae oamea have gtbullraquobullbull t o a d v e t o n e misaed f(in th i s l i n t mdash M i s s R Aldersa M^ -

R A l d e r f o r M r s M i e n M r Arrrewu M r Aydoo M r Bainbriuge aft T B ty l -s M r Wm Baylea M r s A Biy ie M r B i r k e t t Mida Biikraquoilt raquoVr T Middy M r BoBvne Miesca B uroo idee B - I W - I D ta-f Bradley Rnv J W

c u t M r G Brcttvi- Vtr J J Brawn i r t Brow Mrraquo Bolmer jampt Burne r M r s Cameron Y las OampbeU M i i Car l ton M C J raquo JU M r s Carter M r 0hapmraquolt M r j Oaipchaaa M r J Olarbaoo laquo r J G Olajrkaoo Mr J WGUrkaoe M r Vi l Ciarkaon Xrsa- K CiarksuL- M r J 3oul tbard M r raquo OouleharJ M r O o t t r e i L Mra

x M r VV St Dent Miss Djsrsrn Miss Da-iu-to^- M r W K t h e r i a g t J C M r P o r t a r M r

(bullbullrater Right U j n u r j h l e t i t w l o f r y ir 1 Qarget t M r R Q a r g e t t M r Grwtor thaj o

ihpj-j Mrs 0 i l i I lea O Giblaquotgtu fanloc Mian Q i i b e bull K r ltUH Wm Go bull bull raquo I r a UrauatUj M r U a i g M r B a l i Missss Bead diaa Hendersar M r Beelop M r f f Heaiop kfisa B i l l Mv U i n g ^ y H O P Mraquon Blnjdey Bra K i i dT s r a v M r J Bodgaon M r Jack Bodgsor lira H If -d^s--a M r K Ho-^s-o gt T Hcdgaos M r Bodge- M- Vf Bo--garaquoigt M r W llopound-igt 1 -s Howcrc f i i a

I u Miss G Uu-t M r a Hurwor- ZAizs Uatcbiuraquongt M r J Ic-nan T Icetua Dr Jeuuiogs M t a K i c U i i v J Kip l og i r - 4 K i p l i o g M B i i r J K i p l i n g i s or W K i p i i n g M r b t i r t ley M r K o i g i i M r Lane Wrs Laytue t i a r t i n g t o n aebo --c i i l u - - M r - jd n i i laquo Law M r T hoe M r L i a g t o a i Uiaaaa

OUg M aa Lvt- M r s Mct ioo Mies M o i r e M r N icbo l M r No- iug ian raquor Fa-kirlaquo bull - Mi33 i s i m - u Mzs Pige M M VniMBOD laquo l s Pearson oiso F igg M r Porter J i tss Po M r Pr ica-Wii i tame M r Prieatoian M r C T l l i i i t M r Reynolds M r Rid ioy i l ie- t R i c h bull -son V a RichartTsoti M - i I I R o b a - r Robs M r R - b s i n B M r B u l l a l i r a Sevi l le M r laquo3oof M i i bullStephooej^ xi ii a-b a i t MraStouehouaev Mgtss5-ut jfeaedaie M r T tur lbeck Ttr Thomas M-fa Fwcddel i Mitts T j o r m a n C j t h e r s t v d ^ bull n i i s t j Ut-ionisii As^ociaci M r Walker M r Wai l iy Mios Wallit Alisscs V - l lon irtisa A W l t a M r V Watson M r R Watson Mias 8 Wal ton M J S laquo K Watsut- Mis-j Watson Jar A Wataon M r (gt W a l t c M T e i k i t - f Dr Wtlaow M r

iliiamao aod Mies Wooiacot

Miss Bonrno Coihers tou w o r k tor Mra Be i l -

oilers t o k n i t huso-tops pads l o r tho horzes As

wo do no t know ho 7 long tbe war may last we eeueavours to suppty any

fe l t wan t of our m i soldiers o r our allU-s who suffer so much fur us

Sportsmens Chanct

An Appeal to the Nurth-Gotst Co Dp to tho preset-1 Boa muoh i-s boos board

i tho noriit-^ast ouajat of tuo B^gt rtamena Bal ta i ioa t i tbe Roys i i a _ i l i - r - u t iui-aiog a i Borochureh In Kescx As i t i t i t l e i a d i c a t e a i t i s c mpoeod cf spltgtrtim mdasha c i m p i i u s i v e e rm i t th i s oouot ry i u i tharef i re open f i r r e c r u i t I r o i a n o l u e j u a bl body of ran Taore must be many i u t h i s p a r t of t h e c o u n t r y who would welcome too oppor tuni ty] of j o i n i n g a epeoial corps of th i s k i n ik- s j i a e l farujioa r h i s week Pr iva te J i Bi raquo ick A I H br v i s i t i n g Dar l ington Middlesbrough and Wept Uarclo-poo l fo r r ec ru lUngporposes Bia f aulgt nd relatives resided 6t-ia o U t t i c 1 for ugt bull so thr t i i ia appeal wil l oome w i t h add i t iona l in te res t Recru i t s arc accepted batwlaquo-laquoci t t e ages of 19 aud 45 yaaru They w i l l be t r a ined a l Bornohurofe under Bpieedid soodittoas Toe camp is v e y w e l l equipped and txc - ed-i r g l y comt r taWe

Social tvenmg at Bowes

The anrua t ngr tg i tal toeira o r e i i i o g i-y k place last Tueadraquoy -iit f i v i u c by b r i l l i a n t wejfcher p r e v r d A v r r y plaasa t l and fcuCOMefu gat je r inK i n a p i to o l somo misgiv-i i g s abuut h o l d i r g ii a i year Snga wore con t r i bu t ed by Mis i t Parker Miss A Walton a i d sitf-irs V K u r t - f Jobnsltr aad Wm B i l l e r y who raquogts abiy tfliciated aatuuatec ot ceremonies M r R s-usfl Id had the bulluterous post o l doorkeeper Miss Hsycr k ind ly accompanied tho suogs sad excel lent -rusie ftr tb dancing w gt bull vid-d by Mesars New bold br j tbe ra A let t it-ui g BompeUtioa and it-door a t o l s t i sigt gtria oan^-d inampch iuo A cap i t a l sapper for which tko viands gtere near ly a l l gifuJ waa ao-ved py sever- w i U k - g l a d y waitraaaaa o a r i n g t co o - c u i u g Tbe t ew t h i c g a iotti over w e n B O M by lurck bull j ac t i r i s f thet eoso Tiif poci eds lof t a b d raquo i oe laquo f pound10 10s a l ter paying raquo i x au t h a t a i l vao took j i t t i n tho evealega w o i k havti i e - i son fei c gtgr tu la te ihciusolvea on iihe whole prococdtigs Aa a I a l laquo the takings from th i s entertut- imont go to I o c a t of t h e Sunday eehoot t ea a c d prizes tut iuia year on tbo huggost- t l soac ut t h e i r pa ro j t s the jousigstero (who hi i l t i e i r Redcar w i p as UMial i n the summer) w i l l i n g l y agrood tha t tbe money should r-ll go to tho Bolgiat i Relief Kuudmdash a piece ot self-denial i u wh ich they are nut alone bu t ot w b i c t i t hey may be proud indeed and wili never regre t


Scene in t - - Church A r m y Mission Hall

cpsech by Colorcw f i 0 uitsilo DS 0 A t a p p y t i m e aada n i f ^ l o f r e i - l pleusnre was

exp r leoced in I h Cbwrah A r m y Mise i n H a l l Batik Broaro C^st o -a Mooda j u i g i t when

as were dh r t r ibu ted l o r c o m p e t i t i v e i t i i- i ancy i n t s i i i i ---bullbullbullches f scout w o r k Ckdoaat u N Qaul ie i ld DiO ad ssvorai c mmiaaiaMd ofSsstt of rhri 1 7 n Bat ta l ion Da to L i g r ^ ilt f r y aawnded i u a d d i t i o n to t tut V ica r M r R I R i c h u d s j n JP and n a n ) othaaa mdash Miea I L A S m i t h Grove Park bv -rr t ided aao a misoeUaaooas ooncerk a ue is t ing of auags drraquomit ic r ec i t a l s n iano-f o r t i duets a n d au t - t t j l a b l e ske tch e n t i t l e d bull A ch ip off thf old bio k r-jndltraquored by aoouta fr V - J I U H p t o is l i iaJ - a vory out- r t a i n i o g p r t r-immamdashAbus tae an 10 ie of t h e prooeod-iogs tbe b-dg8 -voro presenu-laquol by Colonel Caulfei ld as fo l lows mdashSeoond class Scouts T C arkaou R Woodhamq U Jommes m J Q Jgtnts A Urogory T Deacon C flopson and W Uo-st m a raquo Cooking Patrol- leader J S im i s n Aampiba c Soout W Stoddar t Sec ad G S k d d a r i P t t ro i - ieader W Neviaon ^ o i t t R- Poaader 3-^cand T App ioby Pa t ro l -lea or ipound Ai i loy and Soout I T B r o w n Reaouer Scouts A Todd aud i Layf ie ld MUsciac 8 ^ n R H-i A T xta Na tu ra l i s t Sac i d U B t o d d a r t C y c l i s t Scout R Wood hams M a i k a m a n ticouc Q Bowman) Patroi- leader E Ains ley Sc -u t T Clarkson Patr j i - loader A Slaquoairaquoirwig9 Pa rol-Ioaier W Nevis gtn Soout R Pouaa^r A l o d d W Bsaitfa and Q Jemmeson Second T Appleby Scoute J T Browt- W Stt-cd - r R Wovdoams aud W SimpButi and Second O Stoddact o p o t u i a i ro l - ioader A o i c u i a r i n g j

Address by a Distinguished Service Officer OoloneJ C t a l f - i i i d who is v e r y h igh ly

ostesmod iot only ltn the ^OVraquoE o l bis temporary boms bu t i u l i s r e g i m ^ c t i c d who has rendered l ino i i i l i traquo ry serr ic- t o his coun t ry then tddresaod tho i U i amp me c a r o L g o l scoutmasters a d boy acouts i u a lev encouraging sentences The ga l l an t Ca-i u aaid ue had groat pleasure a respoadicg t a tbe k i j d inv i a ion to g i v e

out tbe bdgs t h a t n i g h t The scout t t tgaoiaattoa wbioa w a t o r igu ia tea by S i r Rober t Bade i -Powe l l h t i aiuoe i t a incep t ion bull spaciaaoed a b i g aariaa of tgtucoesos aud the mov-imsui i-raquod io-v soea recogoiaad by Bia Majesty s Qsveruoiaat w h i c h official eouuteu-eaee i t we l l doooivc J I b o success achieved waa mainly uue t o cue acsuLs o w n i u t e t p r e t a -t i c u t t ths soaao of d u t y i^aigt teu t o scout ing and t gt the dtfforeu inctivicies for efficiency in which the badges o -bull tUut u t M been g i v e n Horn J vore for s v i u g i i f a a i u l o r ambulance w o r k soiao l o r cyo l ing ocuers f c r shoot ing na ture s tudy and c-iok-cg -v a te sooood-claaa L-augCr mdash Ba propar--d mdashuad been earned and u lna r dUU -c t t oa t j f o r rod Be reminded nia youtafV a i Lgt in A m j i e t h a n 100000 me i were L O W amp^huug a t td turraquoay of them were old boy scouts i i bull araa sare t h a t i f they oout i t iu id to aorve rs ayidi i ra t h o y wou ld be a Very ra luable addi t fou t o tho regular army The bay s c u t s of B raaxd Caatle had already proved t h o i j effioi- cy aud i t aay ot them took on f i a profeaiIon of atms as an ac t ive pu r su i t i l i f e hd t raa ted tha t the) w o u l d comport tkanaaelres - v a barn s o l i i o r s (Applause) mdashThe Rev A Mocaiann (tanked Colonel Campuifc i id tgtr hia servioea i c t i o presentat ion of badges i a d hoped thai Mias Uolmea wou ld ucdar take tha -bull arelariaJ dut ies - Pa t ro l -to id- j r a Btembcldga tbet i presented the Rev A i l j r r u o - i w i t h vraquoo vary jtacdsame s i l ve r oaudlceticbs aappllnd B f J t J T Young of Oraouaiiab Bcono B a r n a i d Cast io cr oeiialf ot bullha Firss a cd Haeund TroopamdashThe Rav A bullJ j r i ie an s^id ice g i f t had come aa a u abaolule uupr iac aa he bud aovor t ebdquo ved ove-a a h i n t of a iy such htg hoiug i u hjtad Ho bhanked ia donors ao4 f la the course of at- oocoaraging addcetss i a wb ica hu ozjoiued p u o c t i i i i u u s adhaaion to tho - ^ u U-WJ t e said the sujcestioib of M r Q Al len ait himself aa aeantmasters would be aloasrs T Boirdman aud C Vvatsot

earnard Castle Mans Shop Fire in Tasmania

Big Blaza at Wyiyard On i iuudoy i j i ^ i - a t t c tc i - U-o oucurrod a t

Wynya rd (laquogt Ola C tl bull- I ^ C O aud barbers euaja i d Guldio- in as being t o t e i l y deat royad The Cfigtgt Palace nd ia^- unoccupied for Boca BMiltha T abop was ooenpied by M r Wr^uk Bo l l i day for tneny cairdresser i n t h e Back Ba ioa rd U t f t l e wha l o s i hia atock Tbe aaly t h ings aaand w e r e the chairs aau m i r r o r s

f-om the ahop I )A Llt I kuowo what iosurauoe W M on t i e b u i l d i a g out M r I l u i i i d a y had pound50

a t i s s tock The i r e b r g a - i o d i d good vtotk i d t a t i o g the adjoia iag bu i ld ings

The Stainton Barber

Tto barber fo rmer ly of iraquo vUlago at or hia r e m v l fr m Blabalou took up hia abode at a bull a tho t aowu ta Wescmorl-uid b u t he was no t iucky there a n d he got i n to t ho hab i t of d ropp ing too f requent ly i n t o the oubhe-houso next door ^ gt hts snop and reareining t i l l l a te al u i g h t wbictgt h d tbe effect t i m p gt i r i u g the raquo9adi-e8S of i is b a u d t h ^ -1 ^ raquo g m o r c i a g His r e g u H r customers ba-aomicg pa in fu l ly acquainted w i t h Lhia fact claquolaquotpotied t h e i r I laving w h o i a e T o r i vv^a krc n u t h a t the barber b a d been it-dulgic-r i u a hoavy previous n i g h t bull tl-c I t is ro la tod - a ode morn ing a Yorfcahire i r ver passiug (b rough t o townmdash naooaseiaui o i oouxae that cu the n i g h t bf i ro ian b-rbar had had a long s i i t i c g a t the Inn w i t h the u s u a l dcbrimoaiiai k t l lue^ce upou his o c r v e s - s t e p p e d i n to ge t shaved The b- ib^r p iampcad h i m i chair l a thered h im end U n a applied tho razor Tae d r i v e r b j r e t h e i ^ i t a b l e soar i fy idg of hia face w i t h grea t i--iude c-ay once L u u u ^ r i a f t e r t he b- rber a tAai Uid toada a considerable B l i p tlta- he w o u l d l i k e t o go ou t again w i t h his cosa on i f tho bube- (x-uid p b r i o ly manage to soavo r - in eo as to preservo ccat feature W h o T t h o h-tibo-- h a d fiaisned the d rove r v i ewed bullbull - oloedi-ig vittage i d the l o o k u p -gtasi T n a i u a grave voice bo asked for wal ar w h i c h the barber b rough t The Yoiksh i r emau took a t o g e m o u h i u l of the water w i t h w h i c h he puffed ou t his cheeks t w o of th reo times r o i i i o g hia eyes a l l t h e w h i l e i n n port - t u manner The barber aat reheosive tha t tne b lood- le t t ing tbe man I bull undergone i i a d s ^ r u u s i y affected b im said vi x i i - u bull t nes A r e you i l l s i r Reco iv ing no answer h a repeated tne queat iui i with

- ial 4o H tapatLy - Ns tta a t laat r ep l i ed the drover e jec t iog tbe water A w d i n c e t a i l muh Aio tuttj i-j t r y i n g laquo j t i laquo ilt uxtdluiud in Tnen depos i t ing tba accustomed lee on t in counter the Y j r k s h i r e m a n walked sotomniy out

The d mioo knock- t ut a t t he t leehnntoe luat i tnaa M i t i d i e t u u t e rmina ted last w e e k 1 io t a l l o w i n g w b i e the winners - l Jos B a i M H i g h Dyke 2 A i l Shaw 3 and 4 C

11 Nicholsou acd T A Clarke


Matha A T K I N S O N - On the2ud January S t t v i a Hlaquoonah

y ucges t daughter ol M r n and the la te M r Ifaathnai Atk inson No 2(j Uaigate Barnard Craquosto -Deeply mouroed

In Memoriam AotiisoN - I n l o v i n g memory I Tnomaa

Addiaoo our dear ly loved husband and la ther who entered into roat on January 6 th 1912