HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City...

HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 02-07-2013

Transcript of HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City...

Page 1: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite


St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church

Architectural Survey File

This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse-

chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National

Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation

such as photographs and maps.

Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site

architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at

the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft

versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a

thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research

project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment.

All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust.

Last Updated: 02-07-2013

Page 2: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private

St. Paul's Cathol ic Church is a t r u l y ec lec t i c bui ld ing constructed o f gran i te blocks, w i th i t s Gothic entrance doors blending with the roman arch nratifs in i t s stained glass nor th , east and west windows, i n t e r i o r and bel l tower decorat ion. The conical roof o f i t s central pro ject ing bay bel l tower lends a French medieval a i r to the structure providing east and west f i r s t f l o o r and north ground f l o o r entrances. I t is three bays wide and four bays deep.

A semi-c i rcu lar apse addit ion used for the main a l ta r is f lanked by an east wing one story sacr is ty and west wing one story high chapel, a l l l y ing on St . Paul's south w a l l . I t s gabled roof runs north-south.

Page 3: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 D i s t r i c t 2





S t . P a u l ' s C a t h o l i c Church A N D / O R H I S T O R I C :

West I l c h e s t e r


3749 St. Paul Street C I T Y OR TOWN:

E l l i c o t t City S T A T E


C O U N T Y :


CATEGORY (Check One)

Distr ic t r ] Building

Sif» [ 3 Structur*

Ob j .c f


Publ ic

P r i v o t *


Public Acquis i t ion:

In Process

B«inQ Considarad




Proservction work

in progress



Rdstr ictad

Unrastr ictad


PRESENT USE (Check One or Afo,-8 OS ytpproprlotej

1 i Agricultural

I I Commerciol

^F^ Educational

{ i Entertcinment

! 1 Government

I I Industriol

• Military

1 1 Museum

D Pork

I I Private Residence

[ 3 Roliglous

[ [ S c i e n t i f i c

I I Tfonsportotion

n Other (Spn'zlly)

I I Comments


S t . P a u l ' s Roman C a t h o l i c Church S T R E E T AND N U M B E R :

3749 St. Paul's Church


Ellicott City Maryland




Hall of Records S T R E E T A N D N U M B E R :

Howard County Courthouse C I T Y OR TOWN;

E l l i c o t t C i t y Mary land 21043 T i t l e R e f e r e n c e of , C u r r e n t D e e d ( B p o k & P g . # ) ; E l l i c o t t C i t y Tax REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS M a p l ' = 100 342 /146 P . 121 A c r e a g e 1 1 . 9 3 3 1

I I r U E O F S U R V H Y :

Ha-/ard County H i s t o r i c S i t e s Inven to ry D A T E O F 5Uf<VEY. 1977 • Federal ^ Stole • County • Locol b E » - O S I T O R Y FOR S U R V E Y R E C O H D S l

Maryland Historical Trust S T R E t l T A N D N U M K E R :

21 Sta te C i r c l e C I T Y OR TOWN:

Annapol is Maryland 21401

Page 4: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 District 2


CONDITION ExcelUnI Good Foir

(Check Ono)

D»f*rioratod Ruini •Un.xpoi.d

fCheck OnoJ

Altered Uncltered

CC/ieck One;

Moved Origir.ol Sil» D E S C R I B E T H E P R E S E N T / JD O R I G I N A L (II known) P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E

St. Paul's is a three bay wide four bay deep two story gabled roof (running north-south) ashlar granite structure which faces north and whose front facade holds in its east and west bays twin roman arch windows sur­

mounted by a rose window all of which are encased within a roman arch lintel with keystone. Full columns separate the double windows and three quarter columns flank their east-west sides.

A tall bell tower takes up the central bay of the front facade and holds east and west entrances which are approached on the east and west by 20 granite steps encased within a wide granite staircase composed of wide stone walls and knewel posts which lead to double rectangular wooden doors paneled with roman arches and saracenic decoration. A gothic arched stained glass and wood transom lie above the east and west doors surmounted by gothic arch stone lintels. The bell tower has a third floor rectangular opening on the east, west and north walls surmounted by flat stone lintels and decorated by projecting stone sills. Each encases a double roman arch vent separated and flanked by three quarter columns. The north wall of the bell tower holds a ground floor entrance similar to the east and west entrances and a roman arched double window above similar to those described on the north wall. A marker

1838 1896

lies above this window below the rectangular vent opening.

The church is built into the slope of a hill and holds two double east and west wall ground floor windows in the two north bays. They are each 8 lite casement windows surmounted by flat stone lintels decorated by flat


The tall tent roofed spire holds rectangular vents on each elevation flanked by decorated pilasters and surmounted by a rectangular blind transom decorated with a roman arch panel.

Within the church the 4 tall rectangular double-hung stained glass east and west windows are flanked by 10 stained glass lites and surmounted by roman arched transoms. Nine lites formed in the shape of a roman arch decorate the transoms encased into the rectangular of the window.

A choir loft lies above the north bay of the nave and is supported by two full doric columns and two scrolled brackets. A staircase on the west with lovely wooden bannister and knewel post leads to the choir loft.

The window transoms on the east symbolize the death and resurrection of Jesus through the cross and crown, the holy spirit through a descending dove, the sacred heart of Jesus and the pascal lamb slaughtered for the world.

The west wall transoms symbolize the holy eucharist through the chalice and paten and the sacred heart of Mary.

Page 5: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 D i s t r i c t 2

S t . P a u l ' s Description - continued

The interior nave holds a central aisle and side aisles. An apse con­structed at a later date holds the sacristy and the main altar, above which is a statue of Christ standing in a Roman arched alcove flanked by two full fluted columns surmounted by a double roman arch lintel. The base is held by three scrolled brackets. Crown molding decorates the interior which is deco­rated by large scrolled double brackets between each window. The plaster ceiling is early renaissance in character utilizing geometric shapes - rectangles, triangles and octagons. A molded wooden chair rail runs along the perimeter of the nave beneath the windows. Marble side altars are located on the east and west sides of the original south wall of the nave holding statues of Mary, Jesus and Joseph. Stations of the cross run around the perimeter of the nave between the windows and above the chair rail.

Page 6: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 D i s t r i c t

:3. SIGNIFICANCE St. Paul's Catholic Church

P E R I O D f C ^ " C * Ona or *for» mt Afproprlttt)

Pr«-Colunibian '6fh Century

ISth Century 17th C»n»ury

18th Century

19lh Century

20th Century

SPECIFIC DATE(S) (7//Ipp/lcab'o and Knomn) 1838 AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE fC/ieck One or More *e Appropriate)

Abor iginal











Indus try



Architecture Literotur*








Socio I/Hum on-




Urban Planning

Other (Specify)


Doughoregan Manor and the Sulpician Fathers from St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore provided the Catholics o f E l l i c o t t M i l l s and i t s surrounding area wi th services and pastoral care. In 1822 only three Catholics were found in E l l i c o t t M i l l s : Mr. Mooney, Mr. Air locker (Erlougher) and Mr. Jones, and a black man named John Joyce, a freedman of Charles Carrol l of Doughoregan Manor.

With the i n i t i a t i o n o f the B&O RR from Baltimore to E l l i c o t t M i l l s in 1828 and the construction of the National Pike from Baltimore to the Ohio Valley through E l l i c o t t M i l l s , an i n f l u x of I r i s h , German and English Catholics came to the area. St. Paul's Catholic Church was begun in 1836 to serve them.

The date on the stone marker of the bel l - tower is 1838. The f i r s t baptismal reg is t ra t ion is also dated 1838. Two lo ts were presented to Archbishop Eccleston and Henry B. Coskery, f i r s t p r ies t to E l l i c o t t M i l l s , from John, Andrew and Emily E l l i c o t t " f o r the nominal fee of f i v e do l l a r s " . St. Paul's was blessed December 13, 1838.

In 1859 a semi c i r cu la r apse was constructed on the east wall wi th a sacr is ty and small chapel to the east and west respect ively.

Father Coskery, D.D. General.

Piot came to St . Paul's quite early and followed Rev. Henry B, in 1840 when he was ca l led to the Cathedral and made Vicar

Reverend Bertrand S. P io t , S.S. served un t i l 1851. He organized the St. Paul's Temperance Society and was s t r i c t l y opposed to slavery.

Father Piot was followed by the b r i e f two year tenure (1851-53) o f Father McManus, personal f r i end of His Eminence James Cardinal Gibbons who said o f him: "My soul is kn i t to the soul o f Father McManus, as the souls o f David and Jonathan were kn i t together" .

For the next f i ve years (1853-58) the Rt. Rev. Augustine Verof, S.S. served St . Paul 's , l a t e r becoming f i r s t bishop of St . Augustine, F lor ida . He is also knownfor w r i t i ng one of the f ines t Catechisms ever publ ished, as well as bringing many black sheep back into the f o l d .

The future Bishop of De t ro i t , Rt. Rev John S. Foley , D.D. took charge from 1858-64. His bro ther , Thomas Foley was also consecrated Bishop.

For the next s ix years the dynamic, f i r e and brimstone. Rev. Thomas O'Neil served. A story is t o l d o f him reprimanding the students from Rock H i l l College about put t ing buttons into the co l lec t ion box, then a f te r a


Page 7: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 D i s t r i c t 2

St. Paul's Cathol ic Church Descript ion - Continued .

short pause, bel lowing, " I want sound, hard cash, not but tons! " .

The Rt. Rev. Wil l iam E. Starr fol lowed Father O'Nei l , serving from 1870-73 wi th the Very Rev. John J . Dougherty serving the fo l lowing years a f t e r b r i e f l y exerc is ing temporary control o f the diocese a f te r the death of Arch­bishop Spalding and his assistant the Rev Coskery.

Reverald Peter Tarro, D.D. came next to St. Paul's serving from 1883-1907. A native of I t a l y ordained a pr ies t before the canonical age, he was most energetic and en te rp r i s ing . I t was he who added a f l oo r and mansard roof to the rectory as well as erect ing a parish h a l l .

The fo l lowing pastors served St . Paul 's :

Reverend Michael A. Ryan (1907-12)

Reverand Dennis Keenan (1912-1914)

Reverand Thomas S. Dolan (1914-18)

Reverand Edward Southgate (1918-20)

Father Ryan returned in 1920 and fo r the next twenty-seven years served the par ish. He was responsible for acquir ing the o ld Patapsco National Bank as a school.

The fo l lowing pr iests then served St . Pau l ' s :

Reverend Linus E. Robinson, Assistant

Reverend Daniel F. Cummings

Reverend Casimir F. Keydash

Reverend Nicholas W. Dohony (1962 to present)

I t has been through the e f fo r t s o f Father Dohony that a new school wi th modern f a c i l i t i e s located on a 20-acre t r a c t of land on St. John's Lane north ofFRoute 40 opened i t s doors in 1966. Masses were said there fo r the f i r s t time on May 7, 1967. Since that time i t has become the Church and School of the Resurrection, a t h r i v i n g f a c i l i t y serving i t s surrounding neighborhood.

Plat 1 , found in Deed Book 2 of Howard County, gives a drawing of the area surrounding St . Paul's Church. See Attachment 3. The fo l lowing l o t s are described on the fo l lowing pages of th i s book:

Lot 25 42 2-40

Lot 26 42' 2-63

Lot 27 44' 2-6 conveyed by Roger Brook to the Archbishop

Lot 28 109' 2-6 (road leading to the house formerly occupied by Isaac Sams)

A l l these lo ts were located on a t r a c t of land called "West I l ches te r " . Two parcels, one the s i t e o f o ld St. Paul's School i s also noted. Other references to St . Paul's property can be found in 21-367, 112/354, 213/500 and 342-146. Book 3, page 221 shows another drawing of the area.

See also St . Paul's School, HO-76 and St. Paul's Rectory, HO-347.

Page 8: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 District 2

St. Paul's Catholic Church ' - Continued

As the oldest Roman Catholic Church in Ellicott City after Doughoregan Chapel, St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church has outstanding historical sig­nificance and should be included on the National Register of historic places, included in the State Program for Critical Areas. It is already included in the local Ellicott City Historic District.

In addition to its historical merit it is an outstanding example of American eclectic architecture, blending elements of the Gothic and Roman­esque in its fenestration and entrances with simple granite architecture so indigenous to Howard County.

Page 9: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church 3749 St. Paul Street, Ellicott City HO-348

Page 10: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

Attachment 1 HO-348 St. Paul's Catholic Church Tax Map 25

Page 11: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

Attachment 2

HO-348 St. Paul's Catholic Church

U.S. Geological Survey Map E l l i c o t t City Quad

Page 12: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church 3749 St. Paul Street, Ellicott City Martenet's Map of Howard County Maryland, 1860

- 1 1 n i T i i i » . » < I i ^ r -

G.M. Hopkins Atlas of Howard County, Maryland, 1878

Page 13: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church 3749 St. Paul Street, Ellicott City Sanborn Maps

Page 14: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church 3749 St. Paul Street, Ellicott City Ellicott City quad 1953, Photorevised 1966 and 1974

Tax Map 25A, Parcel 121 National Web Map Service 6" Orthophoto Map, c. 2010

Page 15: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church 3749 St. Paul Street, Ellicott City Photo by Jennifer K. Cosham, 12/5/2012 North elevation

Page 16: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church 3749 St. Paul Street, Ellicott City Photo by Jennifer K. Cosham, 12/5/2012 West elevation

Page 17: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite

HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church 3749 St. Paul Street, Ellicott City Photo by Jennifer K. Cosham, 12/5/2012 Southeast elevation

Page 18: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite
Page 19: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite
Page 20: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite
Page 21: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite
Page 22: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite
Page 23: HO-348 St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church · HO-348 ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1838 Ellicott City Private St. Paul's Catholic Church is a truly eclectic building constructed of granite