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fftUUUe utMit pSnage Kposed il H ^ i ^ l l l B - P n a - medic » ^ ‘eaaol»l«> ^ pjv tober »omo „nf.» rm ld Tbi ^ B i J n ^ . t l m l l e d est. 1; B < ^ ^ p re P * m . »houl lorern* projr C “* ^ t 8Mtup Th« K S ^ “*"‘K ■-<n!nrofnn»ne- Uc»l ^ tiMpluI pendi would b« year. jff^wonnM *y»- S « > . P!"- eJ bal “■ retched medic toe lUnem- 8t0! ^ S i ^ e P r t s l . hsve ; -Btuljory heUtb weo i feden S aflri -lOClillMd HM man ‘Lip 1 Civil De OBK.D k . 18 (U.R)— A g r c I Pittidcnt-Elect Elser \ij^OB)y “lip aervJce” jotnhower, after rccciv: itArthur, pushed ahead •' ir poUcr, the atate defeii fceonB tomorrow the cou bt dri! defense needs. SiBce of the group's cor n i reported In a ' laatt by Lieut.- p J L Larsen, Den- v X prtsident of th e ^ ssocl&tion of S ta to « Directors. rfeMCffliferrlnswllh I n ;:ftu tfie execu- J .otltenUontlu- U> gB.iMr« ^ 0 BBppon iwonu Id tht Pruldent^ect maks tben “lh* tuUeat poircr *Uts >tM( bhiael sS ttgffiB ff njW t Uk drfflfD detenw ;itr tiwlred c deJ*-^ 1 n BtimblJan wn-' i n Ud ,b«(t»n Ob'8 too(wBJtrtnct«’? ith *o itoed to promote co- m ent Kntn Ui« eteeutlvB trt bHnchu of the raent 1 thU BC I VuUihBr b w ad up his pre- tatllei on Uie Korean f 'j ’J S mll!i4ArUiur.»hom oaa Ilnd u Korean "'“ L® ‘JT r md. Qsenhoffer aald durtnff tculblllt; of peace In m r e m WUfuUr refeVence to 5^-ta-«hleh._«f Sf roffl peace wouJd The that t adaoMUng,“ heta!d, 3,600^ w Wtad». General other ! «K r. bullet. We had unlfon Ren- bualnM « W In ifie wrld In Th- , AwiulUfaclory In new J Incr a u ^ fused J sr Faces ^ official urt Action for Arnold to the [J^chsmwl Wed- dlrccto “™‘®‘»iymanj)iiu«h- Indepe Dennie autono "‘2 JJ' has hftn aet commli ’>mui« Judge Jake sroupa rectly i arreil Wed- "«Snilnl before Judge ? ‘ WtnlniTThear- moaafc, |» S X ‘?S; Eis( ‘^krs meree S v;“ <».na ’“S; I c s'";s lil Dr bsiow compUl i(- ‘J^-iver-a '=UlnS;'2yi'>lhe «iti,..’ ean be «u‘^U:jMcar» slvlne I * S “« toumr bs- After fmded wjh alnee U>e b u r ^ T^ompion ^ per een women. ' Averi fkUllUes - Of Magte ------A Regional .' OffkUl CIW m i C«B&U Ntwapctxf tged Health Cs I in Report to . medicine” by ortanlzed doelon, had avei » Benerated too much controversy ror thro . uber conalderatlon now. it put It ot u ! ailde for possible ftirther ttudy at new (oma future time. thor I Tb« eommlaslon'a aW-paj* report Pe • latd this country, the world'i rich- vouJ i est. lan’t gcttlwr the medical care It prtvi should have tnd can afford. If.not undt . corrected soon, the (Kuatfm will eet lh« . projm»l»ely worse, the report aald. for t I The commlsilon plan — which Pa : congreaa may iJT may not consider— theli leaves partlclpaUon up to the atatca. woul . u coUa for added lederal heallh ex- man I penditure* of one WUJon doUaw e UenI I year. . remi o r thla. 760 mllUon dollan would to tl so to porUclpaUng ilotes on a fund- Mi basis. The rest would go ent . for training more doctors, providing ceml nore hospitals and financing more com] ; medical research. bltte . states taking federal money would Medl . havo to come-up wllh health Incur- onyv 1 w ee and medical care plans meeting by I federal apecUItallona. medl 1 H ealth Inaurance would bc mnde adm; ip Service’ aj Defense Hit ^ -k group of stato civil defense Eisenhower ' today President ch rvJce” to tbe civil defense pro- receiving the council of Gen. comn ihead w ith his deeds-ijot-words the defei\|e directors told him if " 2 ? he country would not bo ready y.. ^ eds. woe p's eonferenee with tho Presi- *™ * ^ * medic Group Urges 3 Continuing of Revigioji.I;aw cm WA6HIKQTDN. Dee. II (II OASt A 'Wnita TBam UMaory group ^tte) recommended tbdiy-that oeagreaa maks permanent the Proiaent’a f{|,Q pgirgPjly-lieotM totto ezBcutlTe jjoiar iw H ta Jt ^ JjJ The Presldent'a kdvlsory com- 5 ^ Blttee OD nitnagement, In a report to Trumaa. termed Uils arrange- m eat “the greatest tingle enahUng atep toward managemenl improve- ment In the federal goremment In UlU seneraUon." , Pinal Report ^ 'I'flB »-m emwndvltPry- nroppr - Q |; set up three yeara ago, la headed OJlc by Thomaa A. Morgan, board chair- man of the Sperry Qyroscopo com- D pony. In fta final report to the Xt President, t^e commltiee tald that during the last fiscal year the 1 government reallred savings of J some 36 mlUlon dollan ai a result of suggtsUona from employes. The committee said 11 believed York Uiat the govemment. wlUi aome openec 3 ,9 0 0 ^ civilian employes and an- ‘^ore oUier 8.800,000 men and women Jn “ P uniform, cannot be nm like private buslnesa.__________________________mobst Complex Problem The commlUee tald that “no busl- ness organltaUon has lU govern- iir; . Ing auUiority to divided and dlf- ^ fused and. consequenUy. Its policy An and program obJecUvea m difficult of InterpretaUoo by Ita managerial |ongsh official. t** Cl ■The congress legislates copious- «"f<l ly on a myriad of procedural and organttaUonal details. In contrast aoelaU to the uaual pracUce of boards of dircctora of prlrale cotporaUons. i ' ^ J Independent commlaslon* go their *“'n " autonomoua ways. Congressional ff- commltteea and private intereat freau groupa are accustomed to deal dl- rectly with fragmenled units of the * administraUon. No alngle cenU^l authority can'lmpose Ita will on this moaafc ” Proi _______ _ the gh Eisenhower fills S Commerce Posts pr, NEW YORK. Dec. 18 OR-Pt^al- dent-Elect Dwight D. EUenhower T, Wednesday announced Uie appoint- U ment of two eftldals.to Uie com- WAE meree department In Uie new Re- wage i publican admlnUtraUon. approv Elaenhower said In a sutement creaae Uiat after hla Inauguration on Jan. compM 30 he WlU nominate 6amu«I Wag- The ner Anderson. Waahlnglon, D. C.. aa the ne aaalatant aecrelary of commense for way U IntemaUonal affalrt.- and BoUert pay h: ntalnft- lbfurT .y,-jr^/<r_if^rr<«^”’Ti Pa., aa undcriecretary for transpor- Sylvan UUon. and se Driver Record File Completed by Bu BOBB. Dec. 16 ro-The alale deparlment < completed a file on evety Idaho driver. Cha; Mveta J/cenae bureaa, said today. T he flUng #y«t«m Has been In effect for abc history of eaeh driver. Including alt reported W hen-an applicant ukes an examlnaUon t< ean be precctsed within Uireedaya aftefr« giving the teat, th# bureau dlrtctor aald. After the appUestion Sora has been eom graded by the aherlff. Ui* appUcant's prevjoa the bureau befora Uia new llcenae U Usued. Bogge aald hU bureau h u 378,000 licensee per eent of Idaho's-driven are men and th women. <ATera<e o( u Idato driver U 19 yun, rional Newspaper SerrinK X . ' ^ Care Plan to President I available to everybody either I through expanded private aystema .■ of the kind no* exlsUng or through I new public bodlea,'atate ‘health au- thorlUes." Pederal. sUle and local tax money would supplement but net replace prlvately.flnanced health Insurance B under whal Uie commission caUed I the "most feasjbte" way of paytoff for the program, PaUenls would be- free to cboon their owTi doctort. And each doctor would be "free to pracUce In-th* manner he deema bett for the pa- Uent and hlmtelf under a system of remuneraUon which U aaUafactoiy B to the profeulon." Mr. Truman appointed tha pres- ent temporary commlaslon last Oe- cember after ll waa apparent his ■■ compuUtory healUi laiuranco plan, Bu bitterly fought by the Americaa Medical aasoclaUon, never would get anywhere In congreu. It la headed by Dr. Paul B. Magnuson, former B medical director of the Teteraai administration. AMA Leader. I Blasts Health Plan of Panel Gee CHIOAOO. Dea 18 tm -'Ibe Preal- (AI dent of Uia Amerlean Medical aaso- ------ claUon aald today one of the i^ o r recommendations of the Prealdent'a f | commlaslon cn Uie health needa of the naUon comprised “naUonal compulsory health Insurance." Dr. LouU H. Bauer. Hempstead. K. V.. said ooa ot ths coaiailssioa'i recocunendatlons provides “the fed- CI! eral government Uirough payroll de- “ >8 ^ ducUons, would pay dlrecUy for tha Wed; medical care of a large aegmeat of open Uie populaUon." •TTjJj Jl aaUonaJ compulsoiy health Insurance." he aald. Since thla one recommendaUon U “ao obviously obJecUonable we wlah to call attenUon to It ImmedUUly.” Tbo porUon of Uie report Bauer ^ cited re^: P-" • “Punds coUecled through Uie ___^ OA61'(old age and survivora Insur- aace) be utUlxed to pur- chftMpa*3Balltea}UiMrTtoe:beiu« tj( flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew * Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^ ^ e w o n d « r1 £ * !] : th*eom^W BO m ertbA wte (thatf Ib^ report sn- boartl dentood VM tun toplleaUons of Uila recommendaUon.'AlUioughthacom- »U'^ mission deea not use the term, Uila “ udU propoaal, In effect, reoommendt na- tlonal compulsory bealUi Insurance,” “ “i** Bauer aaJd,--------------------------------------- Thi --------------------------- - an ar Slaying C a s e ~ S Reopened for S Docks Probe M NEW YORK. Dec.'18 nn-The New York sUte crime commlsalon re- ° opened Uie grisly caae of a long- ahore union reformer who wound up In a Quicklime pit for hla efforts to rid Uie Brooklyn waterfront of mobstera. —Tha-eaaaJiarkad back to tha daya B'hcn WilWam OOwyer, iomtr , mayor and ambaaaador to Mexico. “ If*' waa a rising dUtrlct atomey. An atiomey for the lato Peter _ Panto, who organised aa Insurgent longshore movement in 1930. told !• I the commlsalon panto waa threat- comm ened by an officer of Uie AFL'a laws i International' Longshoremen’s as- alateni ooclaUon ahortly before hla deaUi. 3. . Marcy Prolter. the attomey. tesU- requlr fled. Uiat O’Dwyer In IMl told cludln him ho w*a "about ready to.crack" workli the caaa and offered to give Protter Only credit for lU soluWon. ProlWr tald now r that he “understood Uiat the price of naUor this waa Uiat I waa to'obtaln Uie 3. F aupport of tho American Labor porUo party In Uie coming campaign." mlnln Protter'a recoJJecUona aJao raised tc. the ghost of Abe Belea. a key wlt- a k n In the Panto«ase,-who-plttnged -r>~ to^U 'death while under'police K r guard. GE Workers Get Increase in Wage off ■WASHINaTON. DOC. .18 t^V^The Issue wage aUbllUaUon committee today school approved a' five per cent pay In- dlstrlc creaae for 300JXO Oeneral Electric nlgW company worterj. board, The acUon, flrat major move by day b; the new wage committee, jiavea Uie • The way for quick approval of almlUr anoUi' pay hikes for 100,000 employee of probal y jtfln ghmtite g ectrfo corporaUon. monU: Sylvania Electric Producta company* InCZTfE and aeveral smaller concerns. feated * m . T 'iie Is Nearly 3; Th O ' Bui-eau m btate tment ot law enforcement haa about r. Charlea A. Rogge, director of Uie T |i for about a year. It glvea a complete a < ported VlolaUons. Rogga aald. deaUi aUon to renew hl*-d(lvtr'i llcenae. It died i fterreCTiptTrom'ihe'county sheriff celved Id. ' day, y in completed by the applicant and Thurw jrevjoua drlvlngjecord Is checked at cordlni asued. tloyi Icensea on file, which ahow that SS held 1 and the remaining 31 per cent are neases UlR w l;ean,.Uir«aulllM^thoii-*d. held. : - -c ' \ \ ' \ I ’ ^ H/j TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THUBS d if •— SeleaUsU and englsecTS who woriced < ts front of the gUot taacblne at Brook L dedicated. From left are Lyle W. fimltb Oeorce Colllna. in charge of eemoiron. (AP wlrepboto) I One of Siame,se' . Operation G . CmOAOO, Dec. 18 W-Ona of (on . the Brodle Slameae twins, aeparated Ro 1 Wedneaday In on unprecedenled v ' operaUon. regained conaclousneaa buUe today but the other's condlUon con- u^i Unued “precarloua."-. pmvi LltUe Rodney, giv^ 'Uie better sa chance to aurvlve the daylong iur- Roge gery, regained conadmuneaa and la doub alternate aylns and amlllng. a or, bulletin from the hosplUl at l:U m rb p. m. C6T aUtod. ^1 -CiRKUtioQ. iM sUble,** ths doc- •jud Bowd Okays k zjPrograms, for 3 i^tat^^OtolsS BOlds. Doc. ii W-pUrt atate ^ board Of edueaUoa haa ad op led a nlne-polnt leglalaUve program to aubmJt to the 10S3 legislature. In- eluding a recommendaUon for In- ? , creoaed atate approprlaUons for the minimum educaUon program. The board alao recommended that w jjj, an approprUUon be made "to meel the aUte'a ahare of the reserves for dlUor Tng-T«U!Hefr- reurcnm ii <ygi«m." ^ Thla would require an approprUUon .Mm of *3.8614)13 to pay the ^ te 'a ob- fieuit UgaUons to Uie fund for past yeara und and the upcoming blcnalum. 77ie oidbc appropriation alao waa recommend- |m ed by a leglalaUve Interim commit- etun( tee atudylng the retirement ayatem. -w Ths governor's advisory commit- fjttes tee on educaUon has-auggested-an —-tt addlUonal two million doUara ap- pjj^ proprUUon a year for. the-mln- Th imum edueaUonal progfom. The ondr sUte board of educaUon suggested -rh that the upward revUlon of sUte _ _ approprlttUona *'be especially pclnu arlea sUtewlde lo meet the competl- Uve market and to .encourage furth- O er aehool cfflclencj-." . j3 The board also recommended: 1. Eslabllahment of a aehool code commlislon to rewtlte all school Wll laws removing conflleU and Incon- Satur alatencles. bonui 3. That healUi examlnaUont be while required of all school personnel. In- eelvec eluding custodians and p e ra o n a snow, working In aehool luneh programa. Ora Only teachera and bus drivers are 93 r f now required to uke healUi examl- Inche nations. celve< 3. Provlalon for more prompt ap- PalrfI porUonment to aehool dUtrlcU of one li minimum funds reieUed by coun- trace. (CmUm«4 m> tftU C*lfBii t) low I . - Sho B ^ d S lates^ S New Election EDEN, Dec. IB-Plans to hold an- oUier elecUon o n 'th e W50.000 bend Usue for a new Junior-senior high school for the Eden-Hatellon school district weta formulated Wednesday night at X meeting of tho achoof n board. Tho lame was defeated Tuea. day by a very narrow margin. • The aehool board decided to hold anoUier election as aoon aa poulble, probably around the middle of next month.’Earl Wllllama, aehool auper- JEI 1Hl<natnt.~i»ia.'"T liB plan-was-de^ -the-0 feated Tueaday by a vote ot 247 to may 1 m . Two-tWrds majority waa need- not i ed for Uie bond lasus to pass. , groov The board haa located a tlte for •‘cUek the new acbool mid-way between doora Eden and Hatelton and haa an op- Tht Uon on 10 acres oMand belonging ttreak to Henry Schwab. ^ c ^ Inquest Delayed A coroner'a Inquest Into tha throu deaUi Of Mra. Frank KruJger. who a- eou died aa tha-reault of Injurlea.re. and i celved In a truck-c«r crash Uon. on day. will not be held' at 3 p. m. kenloi Thursday aa originally alated. ac- Lake cording to Prosecutor Max O. Lloyd, nerve Lloyd'aald tbe Inquest cannot be a anu held because four, Important wit- electr neases-are In Nevada. It U unccN The 1 ulR when or If an Inqueat wUl be time held, ht said ntun j^Ss - raUBSDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1952 Big Day for Them worked eo ihe eeamotran. ths werid'f moat It Broekhavea daUonal Ubonterlea. Upton, I 7. fimltb. Ralph S. Kaaaser, MarUn FloiUn, motron. The taaehlne wdgha S.2M tona and Lse Twins Divided n Gains, Other Is of ien aald. rseema to be good.” ceaa ed .Rodney's twin. Roger. •‘aUU la hlat ed in very precarloua condlUon," the to < « buUeUn added, "Uiough resplraUon hea O' and other vital faelora have lm- T proved allghUy during the momlng.” Bro « Earlier Uie hoipltal reported the Roger “doloig badly” and ezpreaaed B u doubt that he would turtlve. aod ; Dr. Erio Oldborg. head of Uie de- iho U partment of neurology at ths Unl- all verslty of Illlnola. aaid surgeons real «- *had to make a chofce" ditrlfl« the the day-long surgical operation and to I m at Rodney Dee. Uie smaller ot the ----- twins, was ^ven the benefit because ^ he ahowed. the greater chance for f | ulUmate survived. \J Oldberv 'Void Burgeons found tbe . twins hN^jOoly a alngle fuaed outer 1 brain covering containing a single J 9 from ths brain baek to the heart. f. Rodney waa given moat of this hrala* covering and the drahsage -velo. ^ Oldberg aald ths chantxs (bat ,H ~ Roger Lee. Uie oUier twin, would «ton develop eollatenl clrculaUon 'were tnln< u* "almoat all,” aad that “Uie next Uier “® few hours wUl t«n Uie atotf." mln . He reported Roger Lee “didn’t do caui well durlnff U>e coenUon".and was tho In ahock several times with hla eon- Tl or dlUon ^ r e ^ o u a . V pum ’u geona found it wodld be more dlf- the »• flcult to turn the bralil covering be o ra and alnua over to Roger Lee. Dr. , Ll Oldberg said the surgeons 'more or pan lesa went for ene" and took a groi chance on the other. logli n. “Waa UiU to aid surrival of the no • ^ finest?” he was aaked. . wou « —•nra-inlgtit atU'lt-thftt."-h8-Te-- w « “* piled. In a Tho twhis aro Roger Lee and the » Rodney Dee Brodle, MoUne. RL pum |d The aeparaUoa was Uie first auc- to ei t- ' i t Sun Valleytfsts Snow as Rest of VaUey Gets Wet Si ol WlUl Sun Valltr alated to open amo »• Saturday the reaort received a level bonua of powder anow, Thursday tt )e while the reat of Maglo Valley re- the I- celved either Tain cr wet, aoggy undi Ia snow. . pum a. Cmtera of the Moon on highway ani re 0} reeelred between two and three Rob) 1- inches of snov while HaUey re- nilni celved approximately four inches, the i >- Palrfleld was given an addlUonal ^ sl one inch and Carey received a mere 1- trace. All of tho anow Uut leU be- . low Kelchum waa wet. Bhoahone. Jerome, Twin Palla. _ Burley_ and_ Rupert recdved rain A . durlag-lbajilghl—AhJund noon in' 2#P Twin Palla the sun waa making an Tblr effort to break" through Uio over- We<l Kelchum now haa 28 Inchea of norU tnow on tbe ground, Sun Valley 30 An ^ Inchea. Dollar mounlain SJ inchea, was > r Roundhouse 43 inchea and Baldy had “ mountain 61 Inches. PJn* I- Bruised, Beaten J( S Continues Its \ ■- JEROME. Dec. 18-The safe in yW V ihe-Jerome-eounly-audUozU-olflcO. day t 0 may be bruised and beaten bul ifa locK not defeated. It was bade In Uie ^ groove Thuraday rooming. A hearty mech T "cUck” aad it calmly opened Its burw b doora. datu .. The aafe developed a stubborn *rour 1 atfoak last Prlday atter ll had been jocea closed for Uie night and Uio Ume blank lock aet for fl a. m. Saturday. It after refused Ut budge Its Jaws Saturday, and Sunday and Monday and cn-Tues- doors day It waa roWed euMoon and put .jij,, a Uirough the Uilrd degree by a Jeep, , 0 a- couple of heavy tiedge hammers • and an electric welding torch- _ h a n d On Wedneaday momlng Olen Hlc- ^_p i. kenlooper. a aafe expert from Salt - Lake City, managed to touch a I. nerve center Inside Uie safe Uirough e a amall hole cut In lU back by tho ,^^0^. - electric torch and Uie doors open^- u.. ^ • Tho hole vwa fllltd wlUi nieUl. Uie ® e Ume lock repaired and Uie safe retumed ta tba sudllor'a olUca, ^ . uuUi \ Nine Irrijnlld Idaho C ^l 1962 r>. f . em hei cle Ide in is ] tai a moat powerful al«a anaaher. Upton, N. T., wbera ihe cosmotron waa > PlotUa. CUreBee M. Tnmer aad Dr. ons oad meaaurcf YS^eet In dlaaeter. J ____________ . to : inci [ed in Long E! ' Is ‘Precarious’ ceaaful one of Its’ kind In medical Is history. Ia two previous attsmpU tie to cut apart babies Joined st tbe >he in heads, the paUents dleT do^ n- Their parenla, Mr. and Mra. Royt <jev Brodle. were In the hospilal d url^ aU ed the operation. the ed Brodle, a farmer and meat cutter, to aod hU wife, a fonner autw. a n i' e- ih e parenta of four oUier children. Uia ll- all normal. EarUer, Btodie tald he the ns realized Uie great risk involved In aee le the operstlan but “we wsotad them id to bave a flonnal life." - ^ ” Officials See S S No C»ise t o Jd '• ,y - •• ■'4_ ' sen to Desert Mine s; Bt HA2LET. Dec. lB-0. a'Uvlng- Id ston. acting superintendent ot Uie re mine, reported he does not think IV zt there U any danger the Triumph X 1 mine wlU bate to be abandoned be- lo cause of the water flowing Into it at | as Uie 1.000-foot level J 1- Ttie problem la merely one of- _ PmPPl"8« be aald. and If the mine f- the job more equipment will have to ig be obtained. f T. .Llvlngatoa ««h the waler ap- Atl JT parently was coming from an under- < a ground channer between two geo- P^r logical layera and that there was » DO way to teU how long Uie flow Jusl would conUnue. Ho aaid the mine ^ B-- waa”nofe«ulppW to handle-water B.-: ia at;eh. volume ta Is pouring Into ^ ul the digginga and that addlUonal 1™ pumpa might bave to be obtained /' > to empty the flooded areas and keep “ t* an upper hand over ths incoming s^ The water now aUinds at six feet WCI over the 8M-foot level, mina offl- ^ t clala report, and the pumpa may not pm. get started before Sahirday. The T f rise of the waler haa alowed down few " considerably because ot the vast clus n amount of tunnel in Uie 8M-foot Uio a level. \ >y The 1,000-fOQt ditch being dug on out !- Uie 100-fool level to carry off Uie P 7 underground water as aoon as the Bril pumpa are Inatalled la between 35 “In and 30 per eent completed, LewU batl '« Robinson, KCting manager of the tar. mine, reported Thuraday. Bome of A *• the ditch work U through aoUd rock def< and Is *'alov{ going," he aald. “W1 y ^ ---------------------------- la a Power Fails SS 5 A* 4W>-V0lt electric powtr Uns fpr a- snap^-near-NlnUi-avenua-and ttoi a Thlr5^treefnorth'abouf7:Jl*pm.- wit* •. Wedaesday. cutUng off aerrice to un*' most homfs from SevenUi svenue rtn it north to Cook's subdivision. ~ fl An Idaho Power company crew noir t, waa on tho acene In 10 minulea and ttoi y had the break repaired about 8:30 al o pm. a Jerome Safe ] ts War of Nerves ™ n yW the close of builnesa Wednea- jmd n day tha safe waa rJosed and Uia Ume >^r., a l ^ " s e t for y a. hi. 'mmasr. ----- igS e W hen 0 o'clock roUed around, Uie graj 7 mechanism in the aafe whirred and ere* ^ buzzed, the tumblers clanked and t clattered and h u m a n ity atood qj, ^ around with amlfea of relief on their ^ tocea. But Uie amllea turned to ^ B blank exprcsalona of dUmay when, w s' t after ail tho whirring and buzzing n '. and clanking and clattering, tbe * doors didn't open. ^ They grabbed at the door handles o -t '• and pulled. Theif took fresh holds ,„ n » and j-anked. They aplt on their - bands and_heaved__PantIng. they ^ * stepped back and hurled abuse. ^ Marvin Harp, who had helped mas- - _ * aage Uie safe wiUi tledge and Jeep. ® I leaned agalnat the 3^00.pound ^ ® strongbox ,and beat hU fUU against ^ g the offending bit of mechanism. ^ e rc n ^ ". the j^ e Uughed In reply Hor ud^tbesvy'dooniwuDsapA moi ^ 1 > C ities ________ JOrderlj I Plans I WASHINGTON* Dec-lS. (fl> headed by Secretary of Comn B recommended an “orderly” et B Europe and a personnel slash ii H The sovemment has "too ms: K ‘ des In western Euro^,” the gi H Ident Truman. It observed tha H in Paris alone and 'said the samt H is duplicated In capitals throug Noting that the mutual secur tains missions In countries to w) I "for some time,” the group «aid I NATO Given I Assurance on Help b y ‘Dte’ ^ PARIS. Dec. 18 CUJl>..aea«t«r7 of S* 8Ut* Deaa Acheaon uated the "*• North AUanUo treaty councU today to have "full confidence” that the incoming’ admlnlatraUon of P r^- IdenlMIect Saenhover will support It la defending Europe against com- munist sggreaslon. ' • *1 aald to the councU th a t wo « • ' wish to recommend our successors," 0 Acheson said at a preas conference. : Sams Loyalty “1 nld that ws kasw them . , . aad that we havo fnU oonfldeaco they WUI carry oa aa we tried to do and thatf they wUl have the sama devoUon and loyalty to tba great ■ring AUaaUo organhaUoa. And X aaked Uiem to give their fuU coafldeae# ■tter. to our successors.” axe It w u Acheson'a "iwaa song” to Iren. Um NATO be helped to organise. 1 he Uie final meeting bo will attend as d in aecretary of stata. hem M m GmJs At tha final meeting, ths councD ordered IU mUllary chiefs to set sharply reduced 1»SS target goals for western defense by Feb. 38. empha- sising qusUty raUier thaa quaaUty. At to d i^ Session delegate after ) delegate emphasized tba. aeed for ... ■;e(irwnJo stahlil^ as th« flfst ea- ssflUairfor thelrestem emntrtes, • A and.eipressed fear that "wn might JIC defend ourselvel lato bankniptey* br spendlnsr too muc^ on defense. ■S ^ !S NATO Budget Is Cut Deieply SSJ-At-lPaiis^eet a to PARIS. Dec. 18 tfl-Tha NorUi ap. AtlanUc treaty naUons agreed today der- to spend <2JP.8W.000 te JMJ for alf- {eo- PorU and oUier soUd defenses was against Soviet sgsressloa. This U now Just a shade more thaa half of the Bine ^ mUUon doUan Gen. Matthew Iter B.'RJdgway, supreme eommandaria Into Europe, had ouUlned as tbe ”mln- jjhJ Imum” to provide aecurity. Ined ^ e Peven. Preach defense mbs- (eep ister. said the reduced figure waa Ilng agreed upon by tho NATO council ___ today, after a four-day debate. The TJST MOtuy Tattd wiU 'pnmde- enough )ffi. to b e ^ work on airports and other not projects as soon ss weatber permitsl The The final figure was decided a own few hours before the projected con- rast clualon of the meeting, called to get foot the 14 member naUons to vote all the. money they ootiJd af/OPcJ wlth- ; on out going broke. 1 the Pleld Marshal Viscount Alexander. ( the Britain, meanwhUe. announced that I 38 “In time of war” Adm. Lord Mount- !wU batten wUl be boas Of NATO'S Mfedi- I the Krraoean naval and air forces. j I of Alexander, Brilaln’s minUter of 1 •ock defense, told -a newa conference: ■> ''While Uie United Btatea alxth fleet > is not now under the hew Medlter- 1 ranean command, the new .conf- mander-ln-chlef wUl be' responsible 1 Une for coordinating the acUvlUea hi i md of_war ot Ibe American fleet 1 }jn. wiU) thoae of cither' naval and air < . to units operating 1a the Medlter- t nun ranean." Tbls was the flnt pubUo an- 1 rew nounccment on Just how much au- > ind thorlty the nev MediUrraneaa aav- i i;30 al oommander-in-chlef wlU have. “ Firm Praws Fine ll For Boosting P a y ' DENVER. Sec. 18 Ifl—Regional 1 wage tUbUluUco - board otncuis tald Thunday that Otto Buehner jea- and, eompany. Inc.. Salt Lake 01^ concrete producU manufacturer, baa igTeea~ia~S-ptnMty-tir»r.<03 for the granting unauUiorlzed ' wage la* ind creases. - Thu am'ount wUl be disallowed u 0^ an a*p«iSa-deducUoa-oa tha com- ‘71 pany^ federal.Ineoma tax rettmu ” for IflSl and IflU, Reid WinUms. 'en. •^vgB attorney, aald. ^ He said compaoy offldals had admitted,maktag a .S-eeat-hourly wage increase to 38 employe* In Octobw, iflSI. wlihout wage board “S approval.. .The boiord gave lU ap- provti thU month. • &EVENVE HIGH BOISE, Dec. 18 ifs-H. T. Nelson, wd regional director of the -ImrAu of recUmaUon esUmated todaTiax power sale revenues In tba first dgW , monUu of operaUon of the Bungiy >ply Horse dtm power plsol wonld total . nort thte.tajiftOott . a . _____ -------------^Em-T-ION:,— . " PRICE 6 CENTS ^ ly End . S. Aid ISUrged 8-(/P)—A presidential survey team, - Commerce Charles Sawyer, todsy y” end to U.S. economic aid to lash in foreign aid agencies. 50 many people and too many agen- the group said In a report to Pres- id that four U.S. ambassadors ara } same “confuelon and inefficiency” hroughout Europe. ^ security agency (MSA) still ^ n- i to which no eeoaomic aid haa gone' p «aid the solution to the overst^- ------ Ing Ifi “the abolishment of; emergency ’frgencIeB w'hosa'. task is completed or ean be absorbed'by the regular de- Q partmeBts” of the ^varo> ment a : . r-A* lbs.group e*Hsd far retom'of LC oostittt of (he foreign aid program . to tha slot* departmeat and-ahiiply. fT “ oppoisd a auggesUoa — Tolced -.l» many .MSA offlclaU>4ar ths clea- r s tlon of a alngle .department Iff ' tQ «wwnfiTwlw com- It said ths pressnt lyBtan. vndff. which defenaa-Mpportind eoonoole ’ t we aldareadmlnlst«redl»U8A.pUeM' tors.” tiie iUt« department -imder tt» .< •ence. handicap of tzylns to srtmtntiter SortSga PoUey with lU bands tlsd .- . . . behind I t” <n» defensa depsztOMSf lence now administers direct sdUtaiy-aid. > sd to Jq .^niwy {Of ao ‘’orderly'* end' to an aid czcept mlUtaiy, th t gioup 8 ^ ^ said the *teost knpostanr tsqntn-' mant for weatem Barflpeaa iw retf leaea prosperity now Uet la/“tt8 «?B _ . wUl to survive." At tha sama tin ; ^ It aald, Americaa pcc^sK y Amid “ !*«• be .'the tout'tmportaat eonsUsn^ aa firm guiding ottr 9oUci» . ,Tm«* Keadtd. luacD *TennanAit atnnffth and stiMUyi 0 eet for wettem Eoropyaa: a lll^ tasta Is for In'expanding their tcodoeUon.ahd ipha- steppine up trade yhth ths rtat et aUty. the world, thagtoti^ said.- ': after *'&i4stlalt«i. dependsao* oa.«ld.'' . “r" trlsl leaders. It oooeluded.» flva*V tr week laspecUoa^df Stropean betii ness snd tooSdtaU proUems. f « , - . Ituman Isst w eek.U isy Tlaltad Iv OreatBrllaln.Staaoe.'weateniOepi V many, Italy, Oreeec, Tmksy/Bdr gHan. Bwlterlaad, THe JTBtherlsads .......... ...V _ S Solon to Seek ralf- ,v ^ Probe of High K - Price of Meat ■ffASHmOTOH. Dee. « CH-rm» mln- 1« pronung from the .prices .tha 1 wu housewife pays for meat theaadaysr. lundl < RepresenUUve Burdick,- R. NJ>v oUw comffllCtee to make a formal is* TesUgaUon of the conUnued -high ed a priccs In the faoe.of lower amounta . con- paid to .catUe ralsera. oget *The fellow making the moosy It « all not Uie butcher shop 'owner." Bur- irlth- diet said, n t fs the packer aad tha slaughterer wbo la licensed, by ths nder. OPS (Office of Price SlabniaUon). Uiat SclUac at Ceniag nml- *Tlie slaughterer Is selling beef at ledl- the. ceUlngs put .on by tha OPS I. monUis ago although tha prlpa be rr of PVS to tha beef producer bas gone snce: -way down. In addition, .the OPS fleet Umils the. number ot Ucensea it ls< liter- sues to alsugbterera.” cont- a rancher. Burdick said. *T lalble know what I am talking about” Ha s hi raUes Abetdees Angus beef eatUa, fleet M wall as palomino saddle-bone*, i'alr on hU ”Old West" ranch-al-TOUs^- Uler- ton. N. D. Bunllek said ha bas ^km a at th* •a- best bett Ia tbe world" In hteberdi I au- hut that he Is *lacky to mH it todajr. nav- at 10 cents a potmd Ih t valgbi." -e. Bata OM Under OPS resuUUona, Boidlclt said, neither b« nor a betebar ean e slaughter meat for aala. ThU can , only he done by Ueeased slasgbtev ,^ y ^ long aa wa bara OPS tbat'slt^ lonal nation wiU oontlnne," .ba — *7 * 5 *^ do not bellert price* win go np." iton Burdick said ba wm TDte to end City kU wage, pdea asd other eontrols >bas except In oertald special dream- »■ fo r wi» |wii«i .. ......... y- ot aome areaa may be thrown ont e f' kUter becsnsa ot defense or sSmflar e d u eatahUahmenta. "Q " S SH O PPIN G had ' DAYS urr I B« In y /T T Y lf WV M l • J i ; . board (/■ f * L I ap- ,V W elson. ........ W ^ Binrcii$nu$^ ^ FINAL

Transcript of H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... ·...

Page 1: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]


p S n a g eK p o se d ilH ^ i ^ l l l B - P n a - medic» ^ ‘eaaol»l«> ^

p j v tober

»omo„nf.» rm ld T bi

^ B i J n ^ . t l m l l e d est. 1; B < ^ ^ p r e P * m . »houl

lorern* p ro jr ■ C “ * ^ t 8 M tup Th«

K S ^ “*"‘ K■ - < n ! n r o f n n » n e - U c » l

^ tiMpluI pendiwould b« year.

jff^w onnM *y»-S « > . P!"-

e J b a l ■“ ■retched medic

toe lU nem - 8 t0 ! ^ S i ^ e P r t s l . hsve ; -Btuljory heUtb w eo i

fedenS aflri -lOClillMd HM

man ‘Lip 1 Civil DeOBK.Dk . 18 (U.R)—A grc I Pittidcnt-Elect E lse r

\ij^OB)y “lip aervJce”

jotnhower, a fte r rccciv: itArthur, pushed ahead •' ir poUcr, the a ta te defeii fceonB tomorrow the cou bt dri! defense needs. SiBce of the group 's cor n i reported In a ' laatt by Lieut.- p J L Larsen, Den- v X prtsident of th e ^ ssocl&tion of Stato « Directors.rfeMCffliferrlnswllh I n ; : f tu tfie execu- J . o t l t e n U o n t l u -

U> gB.iMr« ^0 BBppon iw onu Id tht Pruldent^ect m aks

tben “lh* tuUeat poircr*Uts >tM( bhiael

s S t t g f f i B f f n j W

t Uk drfflfD detenw ;itr tiwlred c deJ*-^ 1 n BtimblJan wn-' i n Ud ,b«(t»n Ob'8

too(wBJtrtnct«’? i th *o itoed to promote co- m ent Kntn Ui« eteeutlvB trt bHnchu of the raen t 1

thU BCI VuUihBrb w a d up his pre- tatllei on Uie Korean f 'j ’J S mll!i4ArUiur.»hom oaa Ilnd u Korean " '“ L®

‘J T rmd. Qsenhoffer aald durtnff tculblllt; of peace In m r e m WUfuUr refeVence to 5 ^ - ta - « h le h ._ « f Sf roffl

peace wouJd T h e th a t t

adaoMUng,“ heta!d , 3 ,600^w Wtad». General o the r !

« K r . bullet. We had un lfo n Ren- bualnM

« W In ifie w rld In T h - , A w iulU faclory In new J

Incr au ^ fused J

sr Faces^ official

urt Actionfor Arnold to th e

[ J^ c h sm w l Wed- dlrccto “™‘®‘»iymanj)iiu«h- Indepe

Dennie autono "‘2 JJ' has hftn aet commli ’> m u i« Judge Jake sroupa

rectly i arreil Wed- "«Snilnl

before Judge ? ‘ W tnlniTThear- moaafc,

| » S X ‘?S; Eis(

‘ k r smeree

Sv;“ <» .n a ■’“S ;I c s'";s lil

D r

bsiow compUl i(- ‘J^-iver-a

'=UlnS;'2y i '> lh e

« i t i , . . ’ ean be« u ‘ U : jM c a r » s lv lne I * S “« toumr bs- A fter

fm d ed wjh alnee U>e b u r

^ T^ompion ^ per een

women. ' A veri

fkUllUes -Of Magte

------A R eg iona l

. ' OffkUl CIW m i C«B&U Ntwapctxf

tged Health Cs I in Report to. medicine” by ortanlzed doelon, h a d avei» Benerated too much controversy ror th ro. u b e r conalderatlon now. i t pu t I t o t u! a ilde fo r possible ftirther ttudy a t new

(oma fu tu re time. th o rI T b « eommlaslon'a aW-paj* report Pe• latd th is country, the world'i r ich - vouJ i est. lan’t gcttlwr the medical care It prtvi

should have tn d can afford. I f .n o t undt. corrected soon, the (Kuatfm will eet lh«. p ro jm » l» e ly worse, the report aald. fo r tI T h e commlsilon plan — which Pa: congreaa m ay iJT may not consider— theli

leaves partlclpaUon up to the atatca. woul. u coUa for added lederal heallh ex- m anI penditure* of one WUJon doUaw e UenII year. . remi

o r thla. 760 mllUon dollan would to tl• so to porUclpaUng ilotes on a fund - Mi

basis. The rest would go en t . for tra in in g more doctors, providing ceml

n o re hospitals and financing more com]; medical research. bltte. s ta te s taking federal money would Medl. havo to come-up wllh health Incur- onyv1 w e e a n d medical care plans meeting by I

federa l apecUItallona. medl1 H ea lth Inaurance would bc mnde adm;

ip Service’ aj Defense Hit ^- k g r o u p o f s ta to civ il d e fe n se

E i s e n h o w e r ' to d a y P r e s id e n t c h rvJce” t o t b e civ il d e fe n se p r o -

r e c e iv i n g t h e council o f G e n . comnih e ad w i t h h i s d e ed s-ijo t-w o rd s the

d e f e i \ |e d ir e c to r s to ld h im i f " 2 ?h e c o u n t r y w ould n o t bo r e a d y y . . ^eds. • w o ep 's e o n f e r e n e e w ith th o P r e s i - *™ *

■ * medic

Group Urges 3 Continuing of

Revigioji.I;aw cmW A6HIKQTDN. Dee. I I (II OASt

A 'W nita TBam UMaory group ^ t te ) recom m ended tb d iy - th a t oeagreaam aks perm anent the Pro iaen t ’a f{ |,Qp g ir g P j ly - l ie o tM to t to ezBcutlTe jjo iar

i w H t a J t ^ J j JT h e Presldent'a kdvlsory com- 5 ^

B ltte e OD nitnagement, In a report to T ru m aa . termed Uils arrange- m e a t “the greatest tingle enahUng atep tow ard managemenl im prove- m en t In th e federal goremment In UlU seneraU on." ,

Pinal Report ^'I 'flB » - m e m w n d v ltP ry- nroppr - Q | ;

set u p th ree yeara ago, la headed O J lc by T hom aa A. Morgan, board chair- m an o f th e Sperry Qyroscopo com- D pony. In fta final report to the X t P resident, t^ e commltiee tald th a t du ring th e last fiscal year th e 1 governm ent reallred savings of J some 36 mlUlon dollan a i a resu lt of suggtsUona from employes.

T h e committee said 11 believed York U iat th e govemment. wlUi aome openec 3 ,9 0 0 ^ civilian employes and a n - ‘ ^ore oUier 8.800,000 men and women Jn “ P uniform , cannot be nm like private buslnesa.__________________________m obst

Complex Problem T h e commlUee tald that “no busl-

ness organltaUon has lU govern- i i r ; . Ing auU iority to divided and d lf- ^ ‘ fused and . consequenUy. Its policy An and program obJecUvea m difficult of InterpretaU oo by Ita managerial |ongsh o ffic ia l. t** Cl

■The congress legislates copious- «"f<l ly on a myriad of procedural and organttaU onal details. In contrast aoelaU to th e uaual pracUce of boards of dircctora of prlrale cotporaUons. i ' ^ J Independent commlaslon* go the ir *“ 'n " autonomoua ways. Congressional ff- commltteea and private intereat f re a u groupa are accustomed to deal dl- rectly w ith fragmenled units of the * adm inistraUon. No alngle cenU^l au thority can'lmpose Ita will on th is moaafc ” Proi _______ _ th e gh

Eisenhower fills S Commerce Posts pr,

N EW YORK. Dec. 18 OR-Pt^al- den t-E lect Dwight D. EUenhower T , W ednesday announced Uie appoint- Um en t of tw o eftldals.to Uie com- WAEm eree departm ent In Uie new Re- wage ipublican admlnUtraUon. approv

Elaenhow er said In a su tem en t creaaeUiat a fte r hla Inauguration on Jan . compM30 h e WlU nominate 6amu«I W ag- Then er A nderson. Waahlnglon, D. C.. aa th e ne aaalatant aecrelary of commense for way U Intem aU onal affalrt.- and BoUert pay h: n talnft- lbfu rT .y ,-jr^ /<r_if^rr<«^” ’TiPa., aa undcriecretary for transpor- SylvanU U on. and se

Driver Record File Completed by Bu

B O B B . Dec. 16 ro -T h e alale deparlm ent < completed a file on evety Idaho driver. Cha; M v e ta J/cenae bureaa, said today.

T h e flUng #y«t«m Has been In effect for abc h isto ry of eaeh driver. Including alt reported

W hen-an applicant ukes an examlnaUon t< ean be precctsed within Uireedaya a f t e f r « giving the teat, th# bureau d lrtctor aald.

A fter th e appUestion Sora h as been eom graded by the aherlff. Ui* appUcant's prevjoa the bureau befora Uia new llcenae U Usued.

Bogge aald hU bureau h u 378,000 licensee per een t o f Idaho's-driven are men and th women.

<ATera<e o( u Idato driver U 19 y u n ,

r io n a l N e w sp a p e r S e r r in K

X . ' ^

Care Plan to President I

available to everybody e i t h e r I through expanded private aystema . ■ of the kind no* exlsUng or through I new public bodlea,'atate ‘health au- ■ thorlUes." ■

Pederal. sUle and local tax money ■ would supplement but n e t replace ■ prlvately.flnanced health Insurance B under whal Uie commission caUed I th e "most feasjbte" way of paytoff ■ for the program, ■

PaUenls would be- free to cboon ■ th e ir owTi doctort. And each doctor ■ would be "free to pracUce In -th * m anner he deema be tt fo r th e pa - ■ Uent and hlmtelf under a system of remuneraUon which U aaUafactoiy B to the profeulon." ■

Mr. Truman appointed th a pres- ■ e n t temporary commlaslon la st Oe- ■ cember after ll waa apparen t his ■■ compuUtory healUi laiuranco plan, Bu b itterly fought by th e Americaa ■ Medical aasoclaUon, never would get ■ anywhere In congreu. I t la headed ■ by Dr. Paul B. Magnuson, form er B medical director of th e T eteraai ■ administration. ■

AMA Leader. I Blasts Health ■

Plan of PanelGee

CHIOAOO. D ea 18 tm - 'Ib e Preal- (AId e n t of Uia Amerlean Medical aaso- ------claUon aald today one o f the i ^ o r recommendations of the Prealdent'a f | commlaslon cn Uie health needa of th e naUon comprised “naUonal compulsory health Insurance."

D r. LouU H. Bauer. Hempstead. K.V.. said ooa o t ths coaiailssioa'i recocunendatlons provides “the fed- CI! eral government Uirough payroll de- “ >8 ducUons, would pay dlrecUy for tha Wed; medical care of a large aegmeat of open Uie populaUon." •

•TTjJj J l aaUonaJ compulsoiy h e a lth Insurance." he aald.

Since thla one recommendaUon U “ao obviously obJecUonable we wlah to call attenUon to It ImmedUUly.”

Tbo porUon o f Uie report Bauer ^ c ited r e ^ : P - "• “Punds coUecled through Uie ___^

OA61'(old age and survivora Insur- aace) be utUlxed to pur-chftM pa*3Balltea}U iM rTtoe:beiu« t j ( flla oa .«pr«p*ym eD ttasli fo r te w * Xldarlai of-thiA i.ittinHaeft. tM S p; ¥1

^ ^ e w o n d « r 1 £ * ! ] : t h * e o m ^ W BO m e r tb A w te ( th a t f Ib ^ report s n - boartl dentood VM tun toplleaUons of Uila recommendaUon.'A lUioughthacom- » U '^ mission deea no t use th e term, Uila “ udU propoaal, In effect, reoommendt na- tlonal compulsory bealUi Insurance,” “ “i** B auer aaJd,--------------------------------------- Thi

--------------------------- - an ar

Slaying C a s e ~ S Reopened for S

Docks Probe MNEW YORK. Dec.'18 n n -T h e New

York sU te crime commlsalon re- ° opened Uie grisly caae o f a long- ahore union reformer who wound up In a Quicklime p it fo r hla efforts to rid Uie Brooklyn w aterfront of mobstera.—Tha-eaaaJiarkad back to th a daya B'hcn WilWam OOwyer, io m tr , mayor and ambaaaador to Mexico. “ I f* ' waa a rising dUtrlct a tom ey.

An atiomey for th e lato Peter _ Panto, who organised a a Insurgent longshore movement in 1930. told !• I th e commlsalon pa n to waa threat- comm ened by an officer of Uie AFL'a laws i In terna tional' Longshoremen’s as- alateni ooclaUon ahortly before hla deaUi. 3. .

Marcy Prolter. the a ttom ey. tesU- requlr fled. Uiat O’Dwyer In IM l told cludln him ho w*a "about ready to.crack" workli the caaa and offered to give Protter Only cred it for lU soluWon. ProlWr tald now r th a t he “understood U iat the price of naUor this waa Uiat I waa to 'o b ta ln Uie 3. F aupport of tho American Labor porUo p a rty In Uie coming campaign." mlnln

Protter'a recoJJecUona aJao raised tc. th e ghost of Abe Belea. a key wlt- a k n In the Panto«ase,-who-plttnged - r > ~ t o ^ U 'd e a t h while under'po lice K r guard.

GE Workers Get Increase in Wage off

■WASHINaTON. DOC. .18 t^V^The Issue wage aUbllUaUon committee today school approved a ' five per cen t pay In- dlstrlccreaae for 300JXO O eneral Electric nlgWcompany worterj. board,

The acUon, flrat m ajor move by day b;th e new wage committee, jiavea Uie • The way for quick approval of almlUr anoUi' pay hikes for 100,000 employee of probaly j tf ln ghmtite g ectrfo corporaUon. monU:

Sylvania Electric Producta company* InCZTfEand aeveral smaller concerns. feated

* m . T

'iie Is Nearly 3 ;T h • O 'Bui-eau m btatetm ent o t law enforcement haa about r . Charlea A. Rogge, d irector of Uie T |i

for about a year. I t glvea a complete a <ported VlolaUons. Rogga aald. deaUiaUon to renew hl*-d(lvtr'i llcenae. It died ifterreC TiptTrom 'ihe'county sheriff celvedId. ' day, yin completed by the applicant and Thurwjrevjoua drlvlngjecord Is checked a t cordlniasued. • tloyiIcensea on file, which ahow th a t SS held 1and the remaining 31 per cent are neases

UlR wl;ean,.U ir«aulllM ^thoii-*d. held. :

■ - - c

' \ \ ' \ I ’^ H/j



if •—

SeleaUsU a n d englsecTS who woriced < t s front of th e gU ot taacblne a t Brook

L dedicated. From left are Lyle W. fimltb Oeorce Colllna. in charge of eemoiron.

• (AP wlrepboto)

I One of Siame,se' . Operation G. CmOAOO, Dec. 18 W -O na of (on . the Brodle Slameae twins, aeparated Ro 1 Wedneaday In on unprecedenled v' operaUon. regained conaclousneaa buUe

today but the o th e r's condlUon con- u ^ iUnued “precarloua."-. pmvi

LltUe Rodney, g iv ^ 'Uie better s achance to aurvlve th e daylong iu r- Roge gery, regained conadmuneaa and la doub a l te r n a te a y ln s and amlllng. a o r, bulletin from th e hosplUl a t l :U m rbp. m. C6T aU tod. ^ 1

-CiRKUtioQ. iM sUble,** ths doc- •jud

B ow d Okays k zjPrograms, for 3i ^ t a t ^ ^ O t o l s S

B O lds. Doc. i i W -pUrt atate ^ board Of edueaUoa haa ad op led a n lne-polnt leglalaUve program to aubmJt to the 10S3 legislature. In- eluding a recommendaUon for In- ? , creoaed atate approprlaUons for the minimum educaUon program.

The board alao recommended th a t w j j j , an approprUUon be made "to meel the aUte'a ahare of the reserves for dlUor Tng-T«U!Hefr- reu rcnm ii <ygi«m." ^ Thla would require an approprUUon .M m of *3.8614)13 to pay the ^ t e 'a ob- fieuit UgaUons to Uie fund for past yeara und and the upcom ing blcnalum. 77ie oidbc appropriation alao waa recommend- |m ed by a leglalaUve Interim commit- etun( tee atudylng th e retirem ent ayatem. - w

T hs governor's advisory commit- fjttes tee on educaUon has-auggested-an —-tt addlUonal two million doUara ap- p j j^ proprUUon a year for. th e -m ln - Th imum edueaUonal progfom. The ondr sU te board of educaUon suggested -rh th a t the upw ard revUlon of sU te _ _ approprlttUona *'be especially pclnu

arlea sUtewlde lo m eet the competl-Uve m arket and to .encourage fu rth - Oer aehool cfflclencj-." . j3

The board also recommended:1. E slabllahm ent of a aehool code

commlislon to rew tlte all school Wlllaws removing conflleU and Incon- Saturalatencles. bonui

3. T h a t healU i examlnaUont be whilerequired of all school personnel. In- eelvec eluding custodians and p e r a o n a snow, working In aehool luneh programa. OraOnly teachera a n d bus drivers are 93 r fnow required to u k e healUi examl- Inchenations. celve<

3. Provlalon fo r more prompt ap- PalrfIporUonment to aehool dUtrlcU of one liminimum funds reieUed by coun- trace.

(CmUm«4 m> t f t U C*lfBii t) low I. - Sho

B ^ d S l a t e s ^ S New Election

EDEN, Dec. IB -P la n s to hold an- oUier elecUon o n 'th e W50.000 bend Usue for a new Junior-senior high school for the Eden-H atellon school district w eta form ulated Wednesday night a t X m eeting of tho achoof n board. Tho lam e was defeated Tuea. day by a very narrow margin.• The aehool boa rd decided to hold anoUier election a s aoon aa poulble, probably a round th e middle of next month.’ Earl Wllllama, aehool auper- JEI 1Hl<natnt.~i»ia.'" T liB plan-w as-de^ -the-0 feated Tueaday by a vote o t 247 to may 1 m . Two-tW rds majority waa need- not i ed for Uie bond lasus to pass. , groov

The board haa located a tlte for •‘cUek the new acbool mid-way between doora Eden and H a te lto n and haa an op- T ht Uon on 10 acres oM and belonging ttreak to Henry Schw ab. ^ c ^

Inquest DelayedA coroner'a Inquest Into tha throu

deaUi Of Mra. F ra n k KruJger. who a- eou died aa th a -re a u lt of In jurlea .re . and i celved In a truck -c« r crash U on. o n day. will no t be held' a t 3 p. m. kenloiThursday aa originally alated. ac- Lakecording to Prosecutor Max O. Lloyd, nerve

Lloyd'aald tb e Inquest cannot be a anu held because fo u r, Important w it- electrneases-are In Nevada. I t U unccN The 1u lR when or If a n Inqueat wUl be timeheld, h t sa id n t u n

j ^ S s -

raU B S D A Y . DECEMBER 18, 1952

Big Day for Them

worked eo ih e eeamotran. th s w erid'f moat I t Broekhavea daUonal Ubonterlea. U pton, I 7. fimltb. Ralph S . Kaaaser, MarUn FloiU n, motron. The taaehlne wdgha S.2M tona and

Lse Twins Divided n Gains, Other Isof i e n aald. rseem a to be good.” ceaaed .Rodney's twin. Roger. •‘aUU la h la ted in very precarloua condlUon," the to <« buUeUn added, "Uiough resplraUon h e aO' and other vita l faelora have lm - T

proved allghUy during the momlng.” B ro« Earlier Uie hoipltal reported th e

Roger “doloig badly” and ezpreaaed Bu doubt th a t h e would turtlve. aod; Dr. Erio Oldborg. head of Uie d e - i h o

U partm ent of neurology a t th s U nl- a llverslty of Illlnola. aaid surgeons real

«- *had to m ake a chofce" ditrlfl« th e th eday-long surgical operation a n d to Im a t Rodney Dee. Uie smaller o t th e -----twins, w as ^ v e n the benefit because ^he ahowed. th e greater chance fo r f |ulUmate survived. \ J■ O ldberv 'Void Burgeons found tb e .twins hN^jOoly a alngle fuaed ou te r 1brain covering containing a single J

9 from th s b rain baek to the heart. f . Rodney w aa given moat of this hrala*■ covering a n d th e drahsage -velo. „^ Oldberg aald th s chantxs (b a t ,H~ Roger Lee. Uie oUier twin, would «ton„ develop e o lla ten l clrculaUon 'w ere tnln<u* "almoat a ll,” aad tha t “Uie n e x t Uier“® few hours wUl t«n Uie atotf." mln

. He reported Roger Lee “didn’t do cauiwell durlnff U>e coenU on".and w as thoIn ahock several times with hla eon- Tl

or dlUon ^ r e ^ o u a . V pum

’u geona found it wodld be more d lf - the»• flcult to tu rn the bralil covering be ora and alnua over t o Roger Lee. D r. , Ll

Oldberg sa id the surgeons 'm ore o r p a nlesa w ent fo r ene" and took a groichance on th e other. logli

n . “Waa UiU to aid surrival of th e no •^ finest?” h e was aaked. . wou« —•n r a - in lg t i t atU 'lt-thftt."-h8-Te-- w «“* piled. In a

Tho tw his aro Roger Lee and the» Rodney Dee Brodle, MoUne. RL pum|d The aeparaUoa was Uie first auc- to ei

t- ' • “ i

t Sun Valleytfsts“ Snow as Rest of

VaUey Gets Wet Siol WlUl Sun V alltr alated to open amo»• Saturday th e reaort received a level

bonua of powder anow, Thursday tt)e while the rea t of Maglo Valley r e - theI- celved e ither Tain cr wet, aoggy undiI a snow. . puma. Cmtera o f th e Moon on highway a n ire 0} reeelred between two and th ree Rob)1- inches of sn o v while HaUey re - nilni

celved approximately four inches, th e i>- Palrfleld was given an addlUonal ^ sl one inch a n d Carey received a mere1- trace. All o f tho anow U ut leU be- .

low K elchum waa wet.Bhoahone. Jerome, Twin Palla.

_ Burley_ and_ Rupert recdved ra in A. d u r lag - lb a jilg h l— AhJund noon in ' 2 # P

Twin Palla th e sun waa making a n T b lreffort to break" through Uio over- We<l

• Kelchum now haa 28 Inchea o f norU tnow on tb e ground, Sun Valley 30 An

^ Inchea. D ollar mounlain SJ inchea, was > r Roundhouse 43 inchea and Baldy had “ m ountain 61 Inches. PJn*

I- Bruised, Beaten J( S Continues Its \■- JEROME. Dec. 18-The safe in yW V ihe-Jerome-eounly-audUozU-olflcO. day t0 may be bruised and beaten bul ifa locK

not defeated. I t was bade In Uie ^ groove Thuraday rooming. A hearty mech

T "cUck” a ad i t calmly opened Its burwb doora. d a tu.. T he aafe developed a stubborn *rour1 atfoak la st Prlday atter ll had been jocea

closed for Uie night and Uio Ume blank lock aet fo r fl a. m. Saturday. I t a fte r refused Ut budge Its Jaws Saturday, and Sunday and Monday and cn-Tues- doors day It waa roWed euMoon and p u t .jij,,

a Uirough th e Uilrd degree by a Jeep, , 0 a- couple of heavy tiedge hammers• and an electric welding torch- _ han d• O n Wedneaday momlng Olen H lc- ^ _ pi. kenlooper. a aafe expert from S a lt- Lake City, managed to touch aI. nerve center Inside Uie safe Uiroughe a amall hole cu t In lU back by tho ,^^0^.- electric torch and Uie doors op e n ^- u . . ^• Tho hole vwa fllltd wlUi nieUl. Uie ® e Ume lock repaired and Uie safe

retum ed ta tba sudllor'a olUca, . uuU i


Nine Irrijn lld Idaho C ^ l

1962 r>. f .




]ta i

a m oat powerful a l« a anaaher.Upton, N . T ., wbera ihe cosmotron waa > P lo tU a. CUreBee M. Tnmer aad Dr. ons o a d meaaurcf YS^eet In d laaeter.J ____________ . to :


[ed in Long E! ' Is ‘Precarious’

ceaaful one of Its’ kind In medical Is h isto ry . I a two previous attsmpUtie to c u t ap art babies Joined s t tb e >hein heads, th e paUents d le T do n - T h e ir parenla, Mr. and Mra. R oyt <jev

Brodle. were In the hospilal d u r l ^ aUed th e operation. theed Brodle, a farmer and m eat cutter, to

a o d hU wife, a fonner au tw . a n i'e - i h e paren ta of four oUier children. Uiall- a ll normal. EarUer, Btodie tald h e thens realized Uie g reat risk involved In aee l e th e operstlan but “we wsotad themid to bave a flonnal life." - ^

” Officials See S S No C»ise t o “Jd '• ,y - •• ■ '4 _ ' sen

to Desert Mine s;Bt HA2LET. Dec. lB -0 . a 'U v ln g -Id ston. acting superintendent ot Uiere m ine, reported h e does not think IVz t there U any danger the Triumph X 1

m ine wlU ba te to be abandoned be-lo cause of th e w ater flowing Into i t a t |a s Uie 1.000-foot level J1- T tie problem la merely one of-_ PmPPl"8« be aald. and If the mine

f - th e job more equipment will have toig be obtained. f T. .L lv lngatoa ««h the waler a p - A tlJT p a ren tly was coming from an under- <a ground channer between two geo- P^r

logical layera and that there was » DO way to teU how long Uie flow Jusl

would conUnue. Ho aaid the mine ^ B-- waa” nofe«u lppW to handle-water B.-:

ia at;eh. volume ta Is pouring Into ^ul th e digginga and tha t addlUonal 1™

pum pa m ight bave to be obtained / '> to em pty the flooded areas and keep “ t*” an upper hand over th s incoming s ^

T h e w ater now aUinds a t six feet WCIover th e 8M-foot level, mina offl- ^ tclala report, and th e pumpa may no t pm.get s ta rted before Sahirday. The T

f rise o f th e w aler haa alowed down few" considerably because ot the vast clusn am ount o f tunnel in Uie 8M-foot Uio a level. \>y T h e 1,000-fOQt ditch being dug on out!- Uie 100-fool level to carry off Uie P7 underground w ater as aoon as the Bril

pumpa are Inatalled la between 35 “Inand 30 per eent completed, LewU batl

'« Robinson, KCting manager of th e ta r.m ine, reported Thuraday. Bome of A

*• th e d itch work U through aoUd rock def<“ and Is *'alov{ going," he aald. “W1y ^ ---------------------------- la a

Power Fails SS5 A* 4W>-V0lt electric powtr Uns fpr a- s n a p ^ - n e a r - N ln U i- a v e n u a - a n d tto i a T h lr5 ^ tre e fn o rth 'a b o u f7 :J l* p m .- wit* •. W edaesday. cutUng off aerrice to un*'

m ost hom fs from SevenUi svenue r t n it n o r th to Cook's subdivision. ~fl An Idaho Power company crew noir t, waa on tho acene In 10 minulea and tto i y had th e break repaired about 8:30 a l o

p m .

a Jerome Safe ] ts War of Nerves ™n yW th e close of builnesa Wednea- jmdn day th a safe waa rJosed and Uia Ume >^r.,a l ^ " s e t fo r y a. hi. 'm m a s r .----- ig Se W hen 0 o'clock roUed around, Uie graj7 m echanism in the aafe whirred and ere*^ buzzed, the tumblers clanked and t

clattered and h u m a n i t y atood qj,^ a round w ith amlfea of relief on their^ tocea. B u t Uie amllea turned to ^B blank exprcsalona of dUmay when, w s 't a fte r a il tho whirring and buzzing n'. and clanking and clattering, tbe* doors d idn 't open.^ T hey grabbed a t the door handles o - t'• and pulled. Theif took fresh holds , „ n» and j-anked. They aplt on their- b ands and_heaved__PantIng. they ^

* stepped back and hurled abuse. M arvin Harp, who had helped m as- - _

* aage Uie safe wiUi tledge and Jeep. ® I leaned agalnat the 3 ^ 0 0 .pound ^ ® strongbox ,and beat hU fUU against ^ g th e offending b it of mechanism. ^ e r c n ^ " . the j ^ e Uughed In reply Hor

u d ^ tb e s v y 'd o o n iw u D s a p A moi

^ 1

> C i t i e s ________


I PlansI WASHINGTON* D e c - lS . (fl>■ headed by Secre ta ry o f Comn B recom m ended an “o rderly” e t B E urope and a personnel s la sh ii H T he s o v em m en t h as " to o ms: K ‘ d e s In w estern E u r o ^ ,” th e g i H Ident T rum an. I t observed th a H in P a ris a lone and 'said th e sam t H is duplicated In cap ita ls th ro u g■ N oting th a t th e m u tu a l secur■ ta in s m issions In c o u n trie s to w) I " fo r some tim e,” th e g ro u p «aid

I NATO Given I Assurance on

Help b y ‘Dte’^ PARIS. Dec. 18 CUJl>..aea«t«r7 of S * 8 Ut* Deaa Acheaon ua ted th e "*• North AUanUo treaty councU today

to have "full confidence” th a t th e incoming’ admlnlatraUon o f P r ^ - IdenlMIect S aen h o v er will support It la defending Europe against com­munist sggreaslon.

' • *1 aald to the councU th a t wo « • ' wish to recommend our successors,"0 Acheson said a t a preas conference.

‘ : Sam s Loyalty“1 n ld th a t ws kasw them . , .

aad th a t we havo fnU oonfldeaco they WUI carry oa aa we tr ied to do and thatf they wUl have th e sama devoUon and loyalty to tb a g rea t

■ring AUaaUo organhaUoa. And X aaked Uiem to give their fuU coafldeae#

■tter. to our successors.” axe I t w u Acheson'a "iw aa song” to

Iren. Um NATO b e helped to organise.1 h e Uie final meeting bo will a tten d as d in aecretary of stata.hem M m GmJs

A t tha final meeting, th s councD — ordered IU mUllary chiefs to set

sharply reduced 1»SS target goals fo r western defense by Feb. 38. empha­sising qusUty raUier th a a quaaU ty.

A t t o d i ^ Session delegate a fte r

) delegate emphasized tb a . aee d for

. . . ■;e(irwnJo s t a h l i l ^ as th « f l f s t ea- ssflU airfor th e lr e s te m e m ntrtes,

• A an d .eipressed fear th a t "wn m ight J I C defend ourselvel la to bankniptey*

b r spendlnsr too m uc^ on defense.

■S ^!S NATO Budget

Is Cut DeieplySSJ -A t-lP aiis^ eeta to

PARIS. Dec. 18 tf l - T h a NorUi a p . AtlanUc trea ty naUons agreed today

der- to spend <2JP.8W.000 te JM J fo r alf- {eo- PorU and oUier soUd defenses was against Soviet sgsressloa. This U now Just a shade more th a a h a lf o f the Bine ^ mUUon doUan Gen. M atthew I te r B.'RJdgway, supreme eom m andaria Into Europe, had ouUlned as tb e ”m ln- jjh J Imum” to provide aecurity.Ined ^ e Peven. Preach defense mbs- (eep ister. said th e reduced figure waa Ilng agreed upon by th o NATO council___ today, a fte r a four-day debate. TheTJST MOtuy Tattd wiU 'pnm de - enough )ffi. to b e ^ work on airports and other no t projects as soon s s w eatber permitsl The T h e final figure was decided a own few hours before th e projected con- ra st clualon of the meeting, called to get foot the 14 member naUons to vote all

the. money they ootiJd af/OPcJ wlth- ; on ou t going broke. 1the Pleld M arshal Viscount Alexander. ( the Britain , meanwhUe. announced th a t I 38 “In time of war” Adm. Lord M ount- !wU batten wUl be boas Of NATO'S Mfedi- I th e K rraoean naval a n d a ir forces. j I o f Alexander, Brilaln’s m inU ter of 1 •ock defense, told -a newa conference: ■>

''W hile Uie United Btatea a lxth fleet > is n o t now under th e hew M edlter- 1 ranean command, the new .conf- mander-ln-chlef wUl be' responsible 1

Une for coordinating the acUvlUea hi i m d of_war o t Ibe American flee t 1 }jn. wiU) thoae of cither' naval and a ir < . to un its operating 1a the M edlter- t nun ranean."

T b ls was the f l n t pubUo a n - 1 rew nounccment on Just how m uch au - > in d thorlty the n e v M ediU rraneaa a av - i i;30 a l oommander-in-chlef wlU have.

“ Firm Praws Fine ll For Boosting P a y '

DENVER. Sec. 18 Ifl— R egional 1 wage tU bU luU co - board o tn c u is ta ld T hunday th a t O tto B uehner

jea- and, eompany. Inc.. S a lt L ake 0 1 ^ concrete producU m anufacturer, baa ig T e ea ~ ia ~ S -p tn M ty -t ir»r .<03 for

the granting unauUiorlzed ' wage la* ind creases. - •

T h u am'ount wUl be disallowed u 0^ an a*p«iSa-deducUoa-oa th a com - ‘71 p any^ federal.Ineom a ta x re ttm u

” for IflSl and IflU, Reid W inU m s. 'en. •^vgB attorney, aald.^ H e said compaoy o fflda ls h a d

ad m itted ,m ak tag a .S -eea t-hou rly wage increase to 38 employe* In O ctobw, iflSI. w lihout w age board

“S approval.. .The boiord gave lU ap- p rov ti thU m onth. •

&EVENVE HIGH BOISE, Dec. 18 ifs -H . T . Nelson,

w d regional director o f the -Im rA u o f recUm aUon esUmated to d a T ia x power sale revenues In tb a f i r s t dgW

, m onU u of operaUon of th e Bungiy >ply Horse d tm power p lso l wonld total . n o r t th te .ta jif tO o tt .

a . _____

-------------^Em-T-ION:,— .

" P R IC E 6 CEN TS ^

ly End . S. Aid IS Urged8-(/P)— A presidentia l su rvey team, - Com m erce C harles Sawyer, todsy y ” end to U .S . econom ic aid to lash in foreign aid agencies.50 m an y people and too m any agen- th e group sa id In a re p o rt to Pres- id t h a t four U .S . am bassado rs ara } sam e “confuelon and inefficiency” h ro u g h o u t Europe. ^secu rity agency (M SA) s till ^ n -

i to w hich no eeoaom ic a id h a a gone' p «aid th e solution to th e o v e r s t ^ ------- In g Ifi “ the abolishm ent of;

em ergency ’f r g e n c I e B w 'hosa '. ta sk is com pleted o r ean be ab so rb ed 'b y th e reg u la r de-

Q partm eB ts” o f th e ^ v a ro > m e n t a : .

r -A * lb s .g r o u p e*Hsd f a r re to m 'o f L C oostittt o f (he foreign aid program

. to tha slot* departm eat and-ah iip ly . fT “ oppoisd a auggesUoa — Tolced -.l»

m any .MSA offlclaU >4ar th s clea­r s tlon of a alngle .departm ent Iff' tQ «wwnfiTwlw

com- I t said th s p ressn t lyB tan. vndff.which defenaa-M pportind eoonoole ’

t we a ld a rea d m ln ls t« red l» U 8 A .p U eM ' tors.” tiie iU t« departm ent -im der t t» .< •ence. handicap of tzy ln s to srtmtntiter

SortSga PoUey w ith lU bands tlsd .- . . . behind I t ” < n» defensa depsztOMSf

lence now administers d irec t sdUtaiy-aid. > sd to Jq .^niwy {Of a o ‘’orderly'* end'

to an a id czcept mlUtaiy, t h t gioup 8 ^ ^ said the *teost k n p o s ta n r tsqn tn -'

m ant for w eatem Barflpeaa i w r e t f leaea prosperity now Uet la /“tt8 «?B _ . wUl to survive." A t th a sam a t i n ;

^ I t aald, Americaa pc c^ sK y A m id “ !*«• be .'the to u t 'tm p o r ta a t eonsUsn^

aa firm guiding o ttr 9oUci». ,T m « * K ead td .

luacD *TennanAit a tn n ff th and stiMUyi0 eet fo r w ettem Eoropyaa: a l l l ^ tasta Is fo r In'expanding th e ir tcodoeU on.ahd ipha - steppine up trad e yh th th s r ta t et aU ty. th e world, t h a g to t i^ sa id .- ' : ■ a fte r *'&i4stlalt«i. dependsao* oa .« ld .'' .

“r"tr ls l leaders. I t oooeluded.» flva*V

t r week laspecUoa^df S tro p e an betii ness sn d tooSdtaU proUems. f « ,

- . I tu m a n Isst w e e k .U i s y Tlaltad I v O reatB rlla ln .S taaoe.'w eaten iO epi V many, Italy, O reeec, T m k sy /B d r

• gHan. B w lterlaad , THe JTBtherlsads.......... . . . V — _

S Solon to Seekr a l f - ,v

^ Probe of High K - Price of Meat

■ffASHmOTOH. Dee. « CH -rm » m ln- 1« pronung from th e .prices .tha1 w u housewife pays fo r m e at theaadaysr. lundl < RepresenUUve Burdick,- R . NJ>v

o U w comffllCtee to m ake a formal is* TesUgaUon of th e conUnued -high

ed a priccs In the faoe .o f lower amounta . con- paid to .catUe ralsera.

o g e t *The fellow m aking the moosy I t « a ll no t Uie butcher shop 'owner." Bur- irlth- d ie t said, n t fs th e packer aad tha

slaughterer w bo la licensed, by ths nder. OPS (Office of P rice SlabniaU on). U iat SclUac a t Ceniag

n m l- *Tlie slaughterer Is selling beef a t le d l- th e . ceUlngs p u t .on by th a OPS I. monUis ago although th a prlpa be rr of PVS to tha beef producer bas gone snce: -way down. I n addition, .th e OPS fleet Umils the. num ber o t Ucensea i t ls< liter- sues to alsugbterera.” cont- a rancher. Burdick said. *T lalble know w hat I a m talking abou t” Ha s hi raUes A betdees Angus beef eatUa, flee t M wall as palom ino saddle-bone*, i ' a l r on hU ”Old W est" ran c h -a l-T O U s^ - Uler- ton. N. D.

Bunllek said h a b a s ^ k m a a t th* • a - best b e tt Ia tb e w orld" In h te b e rd i

I au - hu t th a t he Is *lacky to mH i t todajr. nav - a t 10 cents a po tm d I h t valgbi."-e. B a t a O M

U nder O PS resuUUona, Boidlclt said, ne ither b « n o r a be tebar ean

e slaughter m e a t fo r aala. ThU can , only he done by U eeased s la sgb tev

, ^ y ^ long aa w a b a ra O PS tbat'slt^ lonal nation wiU oontlnne," .ba — *7 *5 * ^ do n o t b e lle r t price* w in go np." i t o n Burdick sa id b a w m TDte to end City kU wage, p d e a a s d o ther eontrols

> b a s except In o e rta ld special dream -»■ for wi» |wii«i .. ......... y -

o t aome areaa m ay be thrown ont e f ' kUter becsnsa o t defense or sSmflar

e d u eatahUahmenta. "Q "


h a d ' DAYS urr IB« In y / T T Y l f WV M l • J i ; .board ( /■ f * LI ap - ,V W

elson. •........ W^ Binrcii$nu$^ ^


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I m p n w

“i j ^ a R & g s Mht-jiiTini-

i - S i S f S K S *PottrtlloS In

mtOWlRf flW■ ■ • Liria II v n u ^ r ^ . ’ ^ B c* iuu o a And

« i r tn |f u r thl d w t d T ^ " ' ® » in Ihlrt T U « : ^

'«». v« , m« W o f f i i u M Thl uum -o- !r«H

“i" P “S l

Oon ol n . t s S i - ^ ^ s Kl»J.O>m, -w iw T b u ^ ' * ®

i ' f f i Sr M a i ib wm es c S f f a a l '<1 In rinei. ^ &n>Uu n ^ e ^ B ting viol*.

bit* J u d i i l l ^ t ^ H . itlm ip u k . 01 o U U s ta t^ H / IUl, l.in. P n to iaB iiiin « ) . r . j . ; , “ ®pi*iflniw«hiW), Robert kl*..8H«l»ot Axt.Jm\T> ^ O iU tt »nti m ltB en > funds la ibt t u t S (tw o).(nd ruUd U utO tU ata

)Ui tln i se t u t M l . Oott and two monlhi n m £> etch (or retrain Inn d r isb .J. S. Dlf- tnd m u i m w ! t l l poit«d - >uklns in Doc r« t i i t t4 | , t __________ O to b e M n tr m f t


/ L ri r w . (or hol.

j H l

W M m

VlM Men

H,d W ill w M®-"

,nklna...«m«"'“‘' ^ M

s snd ':c and

(j f f PACB W 0

Kl New Heads of

__LMa8on»,_0ES___ :Are Installed

nUPERT. Dec. I J^ o ln V IntU l- utisn of t tc e tw tu M S o f t ^ . o i iM R m r t MisoTrie *nd 0 0 M (« f

w J j i l a p. « , ntt<i»T » t the

^ ^ J l U 4 T;j>.fl iJ- ir t i In-' — ___BUlllnir officer a n d 'o . K. B*rn*ll.InsUSUos <sU nhtl (of th« M uoiu .Herbert U R tfe w i* j f t f t& d u w « i ahlpful mtttef: bT U. QHV. wnlor warden;' ItoM ld U. TiHi Juolof ffou WfcTden: w6M wbol/drd, I rr tiu re r. trnffii

K jusi^»a;s '!s:< rs v AUL.' ' B unU ). AptKrlnti*« ortleen.A am M ■I I I ’ by tw fww m «t«» »T# a « « e *

II ?r«:. a » i f c t t ’a- Dan■ I I more, lenlor deacon; Rolland Jonei,■ ■ I Jiftilor deacon: Eber Cartictn, ilew- ’ h t■ I afd] K artr MeMJIlM, ^ l o r tlew- ^ 'flQ Ii arrf. Phiiiip PinAio. tiler. r ^ , <

Cook w u IntUfJlna mar»h»I and P L Ut*. atetg$ 0 « w k , m iu i iin iI I ) nradelui. a m UUAi Id Ui« lniU l« . u «;<«I I J4iWti * « « « « . J lc k PkkfrW l, S f J f . ,PtfBl B, M, O tttf. M M ffeati. jM . L ift

!M. Benedlrt, M ri, BeH« m n « , M fi.Be«n, Mri. Boaa WoeWord «nd Kii.

0. « . B urihw . , AmoniAfi tnJW ftlkffl drtIJ’ of th« Jfl‘« fiwn L

oomln|.trf/lfl«r« WM itn by M n w hoiaj* 06ok, aldK«d hy Krt. Onrt. DVt- l ^ l oi Ini^ Uie ffiltall&tfofl of (he new broitn, w orU irmatrcn, M /i. A. A.Blehl « ld »»«>oe r Mr*. R. 0. A m n tm t. teem p tn M t j Oarel OURHtniluuR^ M ni. O th ff *" ^1’ ^ of/lceti iMUUdd ««r« B. M. O rw r, Olher* worthy M lfeni l l r i . i t H. D nw re, thalr ip. aMJeliw m atren : tr ie t e tu t. a i ' Broken i

W t> U . t . WHIU, b y M n .l M rt. S « tn , tm iu re r ; north; i

. U n .O r* tr , eonduotrM i.M ri. RoI>- sixth ai ■ M CVSler. u tM U U eonSuetreu!

'; M r* JU *r Oilfflor*, c in p u in : M n.'« Herbert LaRue. m v th a l; M f i .U: . W ard Woolford, c n a a U ti M n. Ann «•«<: ^ • m CUpnUr, Ada; li£*. i ld n i r John* • » « « *

tea, M n . itouaiid J m u .J , w i m i Mra. M m t RiilMhart,I Hi M irUii} U ra. Mltdrad W altm . B w f i ;I I U ] Mta. OtMt .vaicBtlna, warder? JW .,™ /I I Jo lia Btokea, a fo tln il, and Mra.I I . « o y d flt*war», na* N aier. “I ■ A eaitdla M nm onr wti bald InI I hMW 6f tha at« werthr matron.I ffl^STiC ChurI I J a » 2 X » r j ' K HcW " Jd b a tie k u , w ith O a« f OwmJa*. cburehH I t i m aa pkn li» and Mr*. CUrene* lejQ ohu

| | E aafsa lL rtadar. T b t ra tlrln i worthy u u niUcI M l patroa and w o rn / a a tro s , Mr. tn d B lrtM ar'p s U n . Ward Woolford, wara jireocnt* aerrlM fcI ad * J |5 J»**H br hU fflolhir, M n . ie«a 8un<Ik, . Rom Woolford, and a aoni la tba lr aounoad ’i j Ih hooof « u n m f bjr u ra . Woolford, Mr* CiI : Raft«*hmtnta wera *err*d by M n . nreaideat j TMBlc Hairla, o b a ln u o , M n. B lth l. b S i r

' r ' . Mr*. S u r f t e , M r t Anna Blta, Mr, which hai'..H and M n. Qtttx, Mr. and Mr*, (erlns u

Woolford, Mr. aod Mr*. Stokei | 1 % fn u and Mr*. WUlli, D l* Ohrlftmaa mo> church fuYjll t l f W u naad in tabla dteoraUoni. ,

I ; . Prosecntor Given luiB II ■ R e p o r t f o r S I C E ° ^ w ?

itfT St£': | , 16a a report fitno Atiomey “ Inliten

,|i • 0 *D *ralR ob«t8 m yU enjur*dayon - “M tba c h a rm which b a ra been mada I T n r l if | { aca ln it f i lo s relaU ra (0 tb* traffla H e r U

‘ In s e d lti. n io report waa fubmlttadto tba *tat« o f publlo in ttruc - L / l o l

■ jt tlon ^ BKJ» a l tb a raqueit of tba b u r lk■ a u t« board l u t month. Charlea > P Ntelaoa aaid ha b a i no t had a

i , ; m a ^ t o d* t«m ta« IC ihV Jo rd in tI credlU w u pracUced a t 810* and ^•.■3 if lu th aak* wera ^uitUlid. 11 wa «II, , fin d tb a t • pfD*«nitlon la juiUfled I t

• J. In cooperaUon with the *Ut« 5 , ; ^ J

Pair Released 3 3III « & i s E r « » s s s -

iT UJrealitlnc u m t . while MIm* Merren Jfardle, B M m d 100 da;a fo r drl»lnf a car without the ownefa ocnient. Bbe ^ orlflnally w u charred * llb frand larceny for tak lnf a city deUcUvo’a ear wblli be w u la tbe prDcen of —a neatto f In iram . ’ ■ p -

The Hospital 1 re^™' council tnc

Vlaltlnt hour* a t M afle Valley Memorial hotplU l are from J to 4 and 7 to 8 p jn . *?«


« £ •s mKWnkopf, Jerome: M n OeorBe

I Paxtca and Mr*. W. z . Nebeker, botbK to ^ ly ; ^ o iln t Claxton, Mr*. J — ■ l* a lUjBold*, M n. Albert Martin-' M

! *11 Suhl:

d h m i ib e d

beth Buhli Mr*. Roy Read, lumber- ^ P- ly: J ta . Le*iie « n e clmr.

• Walter M orrim n a » n Mur^ W hlttinjio U u ib : Ur*. Oerdon BUctaey Jer-

j | ome. and M n. John Bodily. Durley.

( Weatherr • rtwm i ; ? aad AP Eeporti morl

[ tf tow m of ra la er anow. Lew ic« cemnlffat W: h Ijh W d ay aear « . Tirin •'“ t* lh»'Falla tenperatiire a t S a A . IV, a t «htpMOB S9. daUoii fo!' —— — ' -

, , D«-1; n«c. IIM»i. Mix. P<P,A n««««m . t t )i

5 i “ " > ------------ i

S ! ^ ~ - - !■' !! ,

S . C-..' ■" jj - ]N o rY .fk ------------------ II 10 ]Ortni ---------------------- 11 I I"

■(bit Uk« a t r ________*1 1 *b B ^ ^ ix b c s _ _ _ _ _ «l Jl

\ t . ib _______«e :♦ .ee\ VuhlattM __________H U / ■ ■ ■ I


I K eep th e W h ite H a g 4 - E - (5f S a f e ty F l y l n j ^

L ft' _Gi3d r r ^ J

1' ^ •d tM ^ ^ It, Ujc a ia * X


nail. Mem)WM. ' \ I _ . them 1wor* *pon*ortnlor . *hone;mlof //Ol// twd day! wiihdUt a wim h V.-' o a r Maffic

SS Damagei Toll 'E For Autos up = ;

to ta l find*** were In- Oetw :actlT* W ^neaday n igh t, a lthoush aerrd b

“ i " report* o f Tueiday n U h t’* dam aae EduardiS : ■ « will being reeelred by d iy of- iwrfwOf

f le tn .-n i l la tw t laBUlatlon bfWisht jJem«f(!(5 . ‘W toUJ irtimbw of c a r i dafM««d n'Wth et ,5 ; Tiieediy n ith t to ss, in addluon to Brotheri i l ; 14 eir« damai«d in th4 InlUal ou(< Fr«4i. 1

WiTit Bunday. tott, C' Amons lhe fl*weit reporta l i one

Jfl. frwn L. Z. B artlett, e lty f lr l eWef,Mm who lay* Uis large red ligh t oa tha R»neh«[>ur. rear ol hU rtty-ow M d «ar w u AecorMW broken. Howard W ard, s r r s u t h by the iu d nofth, and D ean Pooler, SM enU ihnisd SerenUi avenui a u t , M portid brok- cared ft

an u n UfhU. ol th l rw r, Olherwlie Um vandala Ituck to lore, thelf ipwially, elde view m lrron.

ai« Broken mlrrora have been reported I"* Mtlllll, by Mn. Don Roae. 429 n f t h avenua *l<irer: n o rtt; W ird; A lbert Cllmer, i t i th m w;Ftob- SI*U> avenue e u t ; . S . H. H am - Miuni•eu! m on t 3M BevwUi a re n u e c u t ; H. e«l''« /M n. M riu tley , 13»9 f if th a renu* M at; n*I f f . J.'W . Plummer, a i5 Seventh arenue y ^ ih *Ann <•«: Wayne Modlln, 4Jd Pourth !"•,bn . a rm u i eart: * re r« tt R om jui, 520 hU ipoiJU* PWUj arenue e u t ; Bay Aaaendrup, h<rw so.^ M urtaufb, ear parked in fron t of the calf3,6. at. Edward'i chureh: Roy Field*, _A „ i SM Thlrd^'arenua e u t ; M n. R ay f a r eUM Butler, v a yvjurth a renue eait. and L / a r f i

Dick flffllUj, M> Seoond arenue r v i .I In nw th . ^ i n ,ron. ' “ ...... ' •* Two I

% Cliurches of God afUmo<

Hold Observance ‘ aT .'“«• Cburehea of Ood to Idaho will« » • Join ChurchaT of Ood th ro u ih o u t itn ick 1rthy U l, naUon in reoelrln i a “O hrtit'i by Bobiand Birthday* efferlnc for tha world avenue«nt* aerrlee fund of tbo ehureh a l aerv . car waiU ra leaa Sunday, M n , La* Oaroey a n - third abelr aounoad n iu n d a y .* Robert^ Mr*. Carney, Twin Pad*, li lU te »‘«e» "» a preaideat of the MaUonal Women'a Tba t•h i. MlaiSonary aoclety of th * church, and UieMr, which h u aebeduled th* apeclal o f- Hendrlc" * • tcrlns amons tta afforta to ralae astd.)ke* l a o o .o o o f o r U ie m l l l i e n - d o l l a r rnna tno- chureh fund Uil* year.*■ Aloac with Ulll aoUrlty. tba ao- mto an

cla tr h u uri*d tb a t th a ohurchea «nd a trI hold Ipeclal prayar aervioaa d u r ln t evenlns.1 th e holiday! to amphaaiM tha there nr n ObrlitUn memo of tbe aeason. hydrant■jE j The world lervlca fund la uaad-ior . « j_»_ horn* and forelsn mUalona. Ohrta-

lil a .g r s c - a ' a r “ “ g f“ i H e r b e r t C . W a r d l e H

■uc C l a i m e d b y D e a t h ™ .U>a BURLTV. D ec . 18 — Herbert K I A , Charlei WanlU. 70. died a t 4:23 a.• • m . T hunday a t hU hom e In Burley K l

| ° j Jord»n. Dtah. on Oct. IS. 1873. He m arried Annie Jennet Shield* on Jun* 30, 1884. in Uie LD S Umple i ' * P - .

* « a t Salt Lake O lty ..-a e y came to *** Oaaela county on Ja n . 14, 1814, and

Ured a t Uie W ardle-K lns ranch aoutbveit of Burley, m orlng lo Bur- .

- lay a faw yaan aso.Survlrln* are h l i widow, threo

,, daush ten , Mra. Prmncls K ins. Bur- ^ ley; Mr*. ParUy M eecham. Emer- “ ^ aon, and Mr*. U A. Laraon. Comp- * , “ ton , Callf.: three ion*. Raymond J . " “ *• ^ Wardle. Rupert; Leon I . Wardle,

^ ^ ^ f t ^ l M .* M ^ ^ d 'c h l l ^ e n - a n d

iv . Puneral (ervice* are pendlns un - 17 |-nd d e r tba direction of the McCulloch- ^o ', Burley funeral home. Everetlof ■ court T5

^ Report Made i;rp.'iRUPERT. Dec. 1 8 -O len Tolman aulomobi

reporUd on Uie recent traffic aafety o t Suhl <_ i council meeUns a t tb e resu lar meet- Oox c li „ in s of Uie Rupert R oU ry club Wed- of 40 mil, ^ neaday. The council will form ulate then akl(' * policy *oon. be aald. owned t

D r. O. M. Bm ore. prealdent, re - drove Inported on coniUtuUon chanse* and ley road.

™ on d u ll expenditure*. O ueita were K ar| iM Q*ne Sherfey, PorU and, and Cox.^ l^onard A. Winkle. R upert, (leld« m an for Uie Amalgamated Susar i t l ,»» om pany , 1^11ra. I------------- ■ -------------------------------- 1 SHOSIj ; M agic V alley T. F u n e r a ls o « h .

and BliljBUHL — Puneral aervlcea for nortar.

„ PhUlp R. Hudaon wUI be held a t h “ • 3 p. m- Friday a t th e B uhl N « a - care and• rene clmrch wlUi the . Rev. C. 0 . KohV coi

W hittlnjton. pastor, offlclaUns, care of ai BurUl «,-iii be made In B uh l cem- m e 1932 elery. 4.H *um;

-------- meeUnsTWIN PALLS—Puneral aerrlce* hl«h ach<

for Mr*. Lena K rtsejcr will be helda t 1:30 pfli. Priday In th e Twin IFaUa mortuary ehape) w ith th e Bev. CinOA.tqtpanl_Deyjlllera otfir.lat,lB8. ia « ber*-trift

ent Urment will be made tn th e T»1n Luke'a h(lc . Pall.i cemetery. The family *us- *Uad ofIrtn K««U UiBt friends donate to the p llli and, t local chipier of the naUonal Foun- nurae, w)

daUon for InfanUIe Paral^aU. tected Ui

“ TAXPAYERS i•»v t t T V th L DAV PT?; ESTATE '

PENALTY. All checka mailed m urt inter than mldnlRht. December 30Uu

^ O F F IC E O p c i^ 'T i l 5 P . M . T h ii

RO. - Coi

^ 4-H Members “ Given Calvcg ^

For Projecta8H<3B»oraj D«e; l» -;T «e 4-H “ o r t

i p o n id ^ calf p fttran f n a l m ade ^ K p a d b le for 14 U neoto eeunty _ , yotrth* IA set Itarted w ith fal-*teey , ptojfct*, Counly Asent Pred Kohl

Membera and penona apd!borin«U^em a r t RusmU Scott. DieUlclv iponiored by Jack Christensen, Sho- tMi.. •hone: C arr Seott, D iatrieb, apoo-

Ut a tv iM b f W u d fUw iM , a u th o M i Um h

» • f f iS : jiS. field; Leona RoW nio^ ftlehfleld,' uponMited by Katf«]I T nom s, Sb&« lUe*1

U D Dfone: Mickey OUlw, Hiehflefd, pvt

s r ' s a r ? & r r ;housh aored by 0. M. PithM l, B hothoni; all Tiamaiie Edward florttl 0hoihon<, field !iy e f- iponMred by Raymond aod J o fo t ba t <rodght Bernard, SlKxhon*! larrr Bamey< fantr:rM««d north Shoihffn*, tp o n te t t i by T*w« ern Cion to BfoUierit, norUi SboihoM : ArdlUtJ ou t‘ r t m . DletrioJi, and DayM Robert* W i

*oh; C letflth, both tpe tuo rtd by 0 .l l One RuiMil Thoffiu, D litr le tt and O ary filid enief, ffatibrteb, niebflild, tponiorad by a«ain

m th« R>neh<way fMdJ, RlehfUld. p luir w u Aecordini Id Ull a(ri«fiMnt Ilsned Pyfc^S U th by th* oluD m iffibin and U ulr p a r-

If, IM enU Ih* iponiorid ea lr f i will b* w « nbrok- cared for and f*d Id th* b«it ability _

of th* elub mimb*f. Th*y wilt b* *«»<ick to <»unly and dUtrlot ^iT tan . 8^rf«nb*f. and lold a t dau**DQrted th* ia t Itock u l* h«ld in oonjune-

tion with Ui* dUtrtel fair, Spon ion Rul>«r. i n then will ba paid aeeordlnf to Ui* tha Ci f u a - MlUni prlc*. 'n * iponior thua ri*Ml: n . eel''** f*^ **««’ p riou ier th* w ian - way <

M * ? er ealf ha h u prorldad, Th* 4>H ioln*<venue y™th keep* what U W t a fte r pay- a t Mi■otirth l” ( intufane* ooiU and rtpaylng1, 520 hU iponwr. Ills profit depend* on V T -,idruD how sood a Job b i doe* lo feeding X Lm t ef the ealf._________________

i,S; Cars Damaged in „ Three-Auto Crash™

]•* Two c an war* damased allghtly

in a Uiree-ear collWon Wednesday , afUmoon In Uie 100 block of Sixthavenui north, clly polloe reported. *

n C e ' A 194S Pord ledan driven by Oary gan, W tnehlnt. route 2, Twtn PalU. w u ohriatifhout itruck by a 1911 Pord aedan drlren »f «h r tit 'i by Bobby 0 . Hendrlcki, *43 T hird pi**#,world avenue c u t , when the Rendricka i in . ru r r - car w u h it from behind by m e . . j , , . ,

r a n - third car, a 183# Bulck. drtren byRobert L. ODay, 329 W aahlngton >0^ 0 ,

a ta te * t«et north.m en'a The trunk of tha W lncblns sedan m an 1lurch, and Uie front and rear bum pen of Muhlj al o f- Hendrick*' car were *llgbtly dam- Prairalae agtd. th a t l

i l l a r Lona Larten reported to polico on PUiat aha w u making a r ish t tu m which

)• *0- into an alley behind the poslofflce gramvehea ,n d atruck a fire plus Wednesday turesl u r ^ evenlns. The car w u damased. bu t Uielr :' tha there was no damate to tbe fire gueaU• hydrant. of a rr S l i " A. B. Newfold, JS4 Tlilrd avenue • . a ^ east, reported lo the sherl/f* offlco T ! /»• tha t Burnell SUhler, 20. T*1n Pnlla, JL ilO

backed h li 19K Mercury from th e r Stohler driveway and struck the \

l a Keufeld car, also a 19S0 Mcrcury, R n idamaging Uie laller. ly as

n f n ” ■;----------------------- -------------te r a:

PTA Slates Yule S ' toto Program Friday

, m v x iln - .S n o l-c .m p W r. O lrl. - g S1 Hb WiH preaent the Uncoln PTA p ro - „i gram o rer radio lUUon KEEP a t jimDle P- ^ C hain « ta Buren. Oamp Plre chairman for Uiei n d on ti*« Camp P lre j ju h ; ,

0 hri* tm u aervlces.a " ' r C h ris tm u caroli will be lung by j „ n i 1

Judy Van Buren. Judy Esllnger, the dlithTM Pammy Phillips. Patricia MarUn, in*tni(n ^ , . Carmen PIckerlns. Renlce Cox, Bar- o th j

bara Matthews. Marla Lovelady, vocal 1om ol Connie Osohner. BWrtey Howell, compa-rt J Donna Beeiley and Jeanne MaUu- Burleyu d l,; oka. . __________________Rupen

Damages Sought ,.S: For ’51 Accident JSS*

Everett Cox (lied ault In district and 1court T hunday agaln.1t prank P. of tbe Jonei. Jr.. to collect liM .M in dam - ^agrs plus costs u the re.tult of an Und.

Iman aulomoblle aecldent is mile* we*t p o m,fe ty o t Buhl on highway 30. Dec. 16.1831. f^nlU* neet- Cox claim* Jonei drove In exce**iVed- of 40 miles per hour around a curve, f ' l " ulate then akldded sldevayi Inlo a truck

owned by Cox. He c la lm i. Jonea ■ ■ , re - drove In a neiUgent manner on anand ley road. ^

were K ar| Jeppesen, Bolie, represenU ^ ^and Cox. , - ^ s '(leld — -------------- ;-------- y

Club Organizes------1 SIIOSHONB. D k . Ift-A t Uie or> 1- ■

ganltlUonal meeUng of Uie RJch- k~ ^ field Busy Beaver 4-H club recenUy,Oary Haubrlch wai elected preii- _ dent; Oene HubamlUi, vice president , and BUly Armsirons. aecreUry-re-

for porter.A a t Ben Raubrtcb, leader, apoke pn « a * care and feeding of an lm ail Pred !. O. KohV counly agent, also talked on Uns, care of animals and allowed slides of ;em- the 1932 fair and plciurea of the

4-K summer camp. The next club meeUns will be held Jan. i a t the

rice* high achool buUdlng.held ----------------------------rwin BOBBERS FOILED.Bev, CHICAOO, Dec. 18 Wi—Two rob-

r»1n Luke's ho.iptU1 early today. But. In- *ug- *Uad of narcoUes. they got vitamin the p llli and medicine. A Quick-wllled

ju n - nurae, who gai-e the wrong key, pro­tected the ni'rcotlc cabinet.

YERS NOTE!PIKAL DAV POR PAYMENT OP EAL ESTATE TAXES WTTHOUT 'I malted m urt be postmarked'not J e e e m ^ 30Uu ^

5 P . M. Thl8 S aturday Only.

ROSE J . WILSON,County T roaaurcr ! ^


* Twin Fallg Neit H a t r tM T * '

• r t a P .St i U i S p a . r t i d t y t t Q u ' t w t a n J U flotx

In eUetw i tee a t C hanuU air foroe and .baiei m r u ’h’*!'* M leav e tO 'ip e tw a rm j

Iboring ttolldiy* wlUl bi* pa r*nu , Mr. man; leu ic lv t t ld Mr*. W miam O , B ride , 2W ol c n, Sho- pu2 r,venue weat. »ven, apoi>- I I— —)*h0A<J M tt tU u U 6 ttu tt . a w

Urue* ft LuUoff, Twlo Talli, an^ ,**<

i S X ' i f f l r W l l M ' f . f f l ' i ^Bunifli, and tueill* Edith S fia litf, x im b«r ' ity 1

S ; t e w c s s ; . i r - aa'J. 8^ lUe*ttM T ratn ta iBhfleld, P v t Donild A n n g to n , huiband ^ihfu id j of M n. cie<m« ^ n i t « and *on ^

ipon - w Mf, and t i n . Koah w . ArriniUm,whon*! all Twin S pr’

^ J o fo i ba t oondluoni wlUi th* I 8U1 Jn* ehlld la m iy , fantry dlvulon In S a ra r ta la *outb- . . f T*w* ero Oermany, • “ f “

rtd by 0 , 0 . A!«I*f*on «<««» eoapany a G ary fll«d suit In dUtriet emirt Thursday r*d by aaa ln it Olln St«*l* a iU ng li,408.M

plu* tn u re it and eo*t* fo r lijod*alanad PUfohu*d between P ib , 8 andir n a r - ><^treh 10. S*nolt and 8 «oolt rip*iriil b* r tu M tb* eoa p an y ,

:S, v .y s ii . v; a » u , ^s r w * s ' 5fi* I j

m u r t R utUdi* 0*ntry , wbo wUl 111 ^ to Ul* tha ChrliU nu holiday* wiUi thim , ^ lUa r i . Th*y wlU r llu fo to Tw in PalU by w ian - way ef PocaUllo wh*r* Ui*y will b*

u 4>H joln*d by M arjiafl O fn try , a i t u d n l a r p ^ , . a t Idaho f l u u eolkg*. v ? , ,paying ^

'* 2 Yule Program ^O Tw in

Held for Qub SS1 Klwanls m em ben sUged tbe lr an - ^gg,.

f l g h nual C h r liu n u observance a t Uie , r - A mirican Legion ball T liursday q / J

'“ • ‘'. t v noon wim a prognam featuring mu- ^Slxth by club m em ben and * ,g o

ported. ““A tu r e d were J . Hill a t Uie or- " " S ’, r Oary g ,n , who told tho ito ry of the 3 ,^ ^ ll. w u ChrUtmas u conceived In th e mlnii drlren of 4 poor lltUe newsboy and who

played lereral other num ben; S » r - ulricka L4r*on, «1io *ang two aongi aC- » , ’y tlw companled by M n . 0 . P . DuvaU; a 'en Dy g y j , quarU t conslsUng of Richard Ington q ijj , Terry, J a m u O. Rey- ^n to i

nolds and U raon . Program chair- .w .i, sedan m an for Uie day w u Uie Rev. R. C.

»ert of Muhly who aUo gave Uie InvocaUon. dam- Presldeirt O. A. Kelker announced *

th a l tbe elub will meet nex t week L A pollee on Priday, Instead of Thursday

t tu m which U C hrla tm u day. T h e pro- lofflce gram will featura aound moUon plc- lesday tures ot comedy u m em ben bring d. bu t Uielr sons and daughten aa apeclal ( ; l | ' le fire gue*U. Prancl* D ougiu U In charge

of arrangemenU for U iat day, ]ivenue ' . ^

SE Lions for RupertCelebrate Events K :

Jcury, BOPEaT. Dec. 18-Approxlm ate- Amerly 83 penona attended Llona char- Thet t r and ladles n ight Monday eve- only.

. nlng a t Uie MeUiodlst church. Com* sued Ic; m ltte In charge Included Dr. A. P . en 0J Dailey, chairman, Dick Beeson aad doltsj f l V Wallace Wilcox. fortui

Maater of ceremonies waa Jam es parur

en t were Deputy DUtriet Gov. and pre.“ ,■* Mrs. Jack Bussell. Jerome, and Zono event

Chairm an and Mrs. J. C. Merrill, the cJ*® Paul. Club* represented were Paul, and 0

3 n r e jjuriey^ sden M,d Jerom e. T he any egroup was serenaded by caroler* chief

"8 b y from the Junior high school under of Uilinger, the dlrecUon o t Carol Cunningham, the niCarUn, inatructor. -. Bar- O ther program num ben included —elady, vocal aelecUon* by At Thaxton. ac- h Q Ilowell, companled by Jay Bam ia, both * _(aU u- Burley, and a one 'ac t play . by n

Rupert high Khool puplU. ^

-------- T r i p f f H e p o r t e d — o SSHOSHONE. Dee. 1 8 -Jac k M. ^ n

Q * i f M urphy attended Uie Idaho Con- dent.C I I I ; gres* meeUng a t Boise Monday nesda;Istrict and Tuesday u a represenUUve ^tr.'ik P . of tb e local Chamber of Commerce, f D-dam - Mr. and M n. Jahn T hom e. Hock- <lent.of an Und. vlslled their *ons. Burton MurU

v est T hom e and Harrell T hom e, and T*'ln, 1931, fam iU u Sunday and Monday. Me 1

| p r a r ™ | |


SdVnt The erdlnary walk of life h u J . i - r ? - 1, ^ out to be a .p rtjit fo r a v . , .

H I ------------Listendea off the ..

t'SS CHRISTM ASPlayed by Bill Ai

It. In- ' — on th o — Lamln

: r .H A p iO N D j~ 7 to 8 Friday'

• ' —at the—

- -r M U S I C C E I C O R N I

Opposite th e Post OfficeM r j


Ug News ia Brief |taHISbtt -----to B M t poUe* Thtlraday tbat A n lfh t Ught' rla WUI flotw and ao tlectrio Jw te r har* ' lUTle** beaa Uk*fl from U>* etUUlUhment n

' In (h« {lti( few nighu, bew

n ir tk te p e rM whyIltnictffl’ A eO flhaeW eobO rfildP lrttlU ul. eoerJ , ioroe and.M r*. Marlon T. MerriU a t Um >,t«s - m n i arToy-hoeplUl~li>-Augsburs.~-Oer'. tagrnu . Mr. m any. Lieutenant MerrlU U th e son chiliIde, a » ol CUlIord D. MerriU. W0% Second m

avenue weat. Tvln FiUi. Ueu“ “ ^1 grtlj

, a raaf*M **U ' tbelUt, «n^ Mduntain Bock O raai* will m eet dtiiin r, and a t • p. m. Mendiy for l u annual , t t\ttlt\i th , O b rU M u profram i t (h* eommun-Klfflbff' Ity hall, *ouUi of Twin f i t l i . Eaoh ^lio e n iu family u u k id lo b rin i eooki*i ori l i ? ^ «ak*70hlldr»n a n ^ i a U y lavlt*d.

huiband »nnwU*Loy*l Ord*f cf MooaeUld *ofi 0 h r l* u n u party for fflimben' fam -

Ul*a will b* bild a t 8 p.m . Priday nU nSr* tf>* Moo** hrnni. lti* r* will be 5 * 7 Id > p r o t r m u WlU u tr iaU for Uie ^ 8U1 Jn* ehlldfin . iryi,» aouth- ' fflv

U m a t t u Cblldna « iiiU o m elub m m ben will hold a m ii.

p a rty for Uiiif «hildr*n Prlflay will ooDanT <HCht In Ui* Amirlean L*ilon hall. h u S a r »*nt* Clau* will arrir* a t 7 and “ i t JOO M th*r* WlU b l a prosram a t 7:10 in « , r ' K wl>««h *»eh »*” *« lald8 ^ pr*a*ot a ipeelal number or itu n L ^ 1

“ W - t m i - n . - ■ I T .* r« r i lt BUTtni, d rir ir. and loe

RommiU, ownir, pliadid guilty of n , • _ ha rin g n o iu lr iw ilg b t on tb* axles

«f th i l r truek wbm m*y a p p * ^ tn JuiUe* eourt Hiuraday. ■ni*y, r S - ,

. paid a fini of 929 and 81 eoiU. 0 tah) ^

ra in by ^

itu d in l « u bem ■nw nday a l S pMacio VaUey Memorial boipital to \Mr. and Mn. Jkn Rhoadei. ^Twln : {!

M PaUi. Boni w in b o n W idnaaday. i n to Mr. and U n. KenneUi MMser, ^. - ^ T w in Palli; Mr. and M n . O*orge ^1 , , l . Paxton, Ximberly, and Mr. aod Mr*. ^X U J J C llnl Claxton, Buhl £ S e

le ir an - Bunim aie Bale Bet^‘ t Uie y ,u , ehspUr of Uie O rder c>hursday of DaMoUy wlU held a rummage jroU'

L TJrJ »*1* <1»J' Bslurdsy In a coverede n ana * ,g o n , announeed Dan True, chair- m att

, m an. Th* covered wagon wilt bc butt,. 7 ' P irked In front of Uie Twin Palls Th

®‘ th? B ank and Truii eompany oa M ain nounI* mind „ e n u e . theM Who _____*■ PrwotJee Planoed plan:

A Children's pncUee for the pro- .to be preiented a t Uie U. P . A f

Richard eiub’s Christmu party for -t**-3. Jtey- U nion Pacific rsllnjid employea and ¥

th e ir famllle* will be held a t B p.m. 1V. R. C. hom, g{ a . L. P e r- s «

guaon,J33 8*venUi'avenU8eut.The meetlOunced ^e held a t 8 \ j n . Sunday cwd« weex j„ jQopi building, 2J5 Third , t 0l u r ^ avenue east, and each family U Th« p ^ ^ e d to bring two doten cooklea ducU.“ b f i, '; --------------------------■

SSc Christmas PartyPlans Completed “ w

• • f All U In nadlneu (or the KlwanU gra*IV sponsored Chrlitma.i parly for Vli- _ i . _ under-prlrUeged children which will PialriS n i S be held a t 3 p. m. Sunday a l tbe duoe(Inuite- American Legion hall. IncluI char- The party Is open by InvltaUon ahawly eve- only. The Salvation Army has Is- aocej.. Com* sued the Invlutloni. while Uie worn- th e. A. P. en of Uie YWCA have repaired th e <3n and dolts whleh will be siren to Uie le.u T h

fortunate chlldrtn. The fire de- heldJames partm ent h u collecled wed toy*

)v. and Pred Rudolph, chairman of the ^a Zone gyjnt for the Klwanls club, reporU “ nxaerrlll, the elub wlU (umlsh candy, nuU th e 1’ ***T' “" 'i orange*. The elub took caro of s r w• T he any oUier expenses. Assistant Plre mlnli aroler* chief Bobby K. Bepp w u In charge l» tl cunder of Uie Ore deputment phase of «««11

jgham, the project.

Former Resident * Dies in California

i [fie deaUr 01 HofM. Hunt, farmer Ick M Twin Pall* and Mitic Valley resl- I c o n - <l»nt. In Rlvenlde. Calif, Wed- londay nesday.’nUUve M r.'H unt w u Uie ion of Uie laU imerce. E' Hunt, fonner Murtaugh rcsl-Rock- <i«nt. He atlended grade school In

Burton M urUush and was Rrsdusled from e, and T i'In Palls high nehool In J9l«.»y. He married Blodwen Hees In 1010^

I The couple laler moved to Long— —1 Beach where he entered the theaterjKm I business and Uien to Rlversldo f" ”n g j, where he became an ouViUndtng|OK/ ClUten and clvle leader o( th a t

eommunlty.Puneral servlcei will be held FYI-

f c day in Riverside. Heaiy Beei, Twlo^ Palls, will attend.



for Your Spetliil Messages• » " J . H ILL’S GIFT SHOPIW ■ D..k , T™i pk „ . I I ,

'isten to — ------

rM A S 'M U ^lC)y Bill Armstrong— on th o - ^ '

OND ORGANr id a y Evening j— a t th e —

C C E N T E R S 1 >R N E RO ltk a T»-in Fall!


F a i r P u z a d e d f

— ’ Over Row by L — E v F ilm S ia p g ;

lllhm ent WASHZKOTOX, Deo. 18 aU9*^AbewUdefCd dfiffla CflUd aod td\l- wft eator aald today U»*y c a n t imagloa a u *h y Shirley Temple charged com*

itL U u t. merclaUzaUon ot her daughter* ugi I a t Uie debut- a fU r halplng^ p ^ Kffg . ^ e r - . tftgraphn* nf uwth e aon child. earBecond u i a tttn p U . AOW tlw V U t e( up

UeuL-omdr. Onarlei A. Slack, an* bes grtly wiUidrew her daughUr from tbe k lndeitartar class of the ea- (d

111 meet ciiiilvtfKneywill Po tui^U on achool io>, annual , t geaiDr B eueida, Md„ yMterday. roo

^ u n - iDMoaad by Blvry itaU. Eaeh ^ to rnitr ohlld movie I la r *M Hei o k lu or tnc«nt*d by a itory by dnMna erillo dlti lov ltid . m ehard t . Co* of Uv* 'W uhlngW n of

p o tt referring (o the " itags debut" *lgi Df 4-year«old U nda Susan. MUS plu

1 Mooae xem pfai dau jhU r by he r fine m ar- p«r rtag* to film aetof /olm Agar, ^ , 001

' n n p i e aoeuMd' the »ehoo1 aleiof arranging far publleity and pho* bU

for Uie tognphert aad charged it *1iu been h*| trying to commerciallt* on m* or my daughler" Unc* Ui* child, wbo •»» will be fir* n e st m onth, w u en* I tJ

» rolled In October. M lu Temple, who W d a y wltl Be 15 In April, made h tf *or«n

on hall. rt*but a t 7 and -cemplelely Baffled- ^

" HeadmaiUr Donald W, Honeywell Ini t? latd he wa* “oompl*uiy baffled" by coi

r I tunL MiH lympla'* aoUon. "No attem pt vie ' n u *r*r been made lo oommerelal* '

. , la* her daughter o r any oUjbt ebU* dn “«• io* dr*n," h* *ald, pli!^>ty of n , Mid MU* T am p» brought h*r /oi S* daughU r'i oo«tum* lo Ui* *ohool me PP*"*** yMterday and “reiy charmingly" b ii ;• 2?l*y M lp«l po*t the children for photo*I*. S ta te m p h i from tbe Po*t and a naUonal « « «*ta- Diaga»lne, He u ld Ihe then went I

home “apparenUy perfectly happy." ■■

day a t Speaker Explains “ TOn Scouting to Cubs uS

SHOSHONE, Dec. 18 — W hat Ha:* * * “ • ScouUng m ian i to a boy w m ex- Mo

p u in e d t« ouh SoouU a l th * Decem- Wtber pack meeting Tuesday a t the E itLincoln ecbool auditorium. The Rev. netB. A. PoweU. MetbodUt mlnUter, do:

___ _ w u Uie Ipeaker. l» O rder c h r l i tm u aong* were lung by the P.‘ >^°^g* group and refreshmenU le rred by tmtcovered ^ n . Paul Orisham , Mr*. Claud* fan. chair- MatUiewi and M r t Richard M ab- 82wilt be butt,' d*n m othen. then Palls The January meeUnf w u an- — 3 M ain nounced for Ja n .‘30. RaUroadlng U

tb e January .topto and a tour oftbe railroad yard i her* b u been ,planned for te e boy*. ,■'> J

Area Odd Fellows ( '1'p‘s; Hold Loop Parley \L .P e r - SHOSHONE. Dec. 18 — A loop i*t. T he meeUng for district e lsh t of valley Sunday Odd Feltow lodges w u held Tueaday

Third a t the local IOOP hall, n lly U The buslneu meeUng w u con- Okies, ducted by WlUlam Haux, local noble

grand, and tntUaUon w u beld (or Dolan Thorpe, Shoahone, and John

V Dennison, Richfield. Tbe Initiatory , degree team wa* 1*4 by.LuU 'AuiUn.

^ t e d £«ptabi; B a a ^ d g g rH . t a t s n o b U c r a £ ? ^ ^ i ] ^ a m ) d * *

UwanU gra* leam rK « ’f r i i s 4 f V y for vialteia- f r a n <Soo|lnf«r4K«aM ' ' ' Ich will Palrfleld and Richfield were In tro i a l tb s duoed. Tbe refreibment celumltte*

included Edward Hahn, W. L. Open- 'ItaUon ahaw and Omer Shook. The group !iBs is- accepted an InvlUUon to a tU nd »worn- th e C hrU tm u party tponsored by epalred th e Opal iiebekah lodge on Dee. 33. he le-M T h e 'n e x t regular meeUng wlU be re de- he ld on Jan . 0. d toy* ' ------------ ----------------

o( the BOISE, Dec. 18 UWArUclei o f In-renorU corporaUon were filed today withr nuU th e eecretary of sU te (or the Ven-:'are of sroen Idaho company, a Ketchumit Fire m ining concem. n t 823,000 eapltnl-charge Uatlon. Incorporaton ire Theodoreu s of «««1 ElltabeUi B. flruener, and Olen

McRoberU, all Kelchum.


/ r e a l - 'u f iTimU? Chrtstmss* *W "l- OPEN SUNDAY

i . u d e c . 21I rcsl- fo r your shopping

t r n v r a io M e J Jt«. WILL BE CLOSEDn lOlO CHRISTMAS DAY ^

Longheater ' — . > —^ersldo ~ >uidlng■ Uiat

d Pr(- ^

' ^mM A .

) p■ i l l

More thnn two thousnnd Bethlehem to & manger bring into tho World “P« spirit lives on In tho hearl In thla, the season of Jes

____ _______ voice.i in thoao beloved ol'cflrols. . . and lift our heai

• - hope of His message,

, Attend the Church of Your Chc

Mr. and Mr*. SU nley P

T w in F alls M<263 Second Avenue North

D nya M N ig U A m b vU xi

----------------- : • ----------------------------

J , I S e e n T o d ^ S

in a g lM aU trtbuU nt ealendan , , 2 2 2 r t,«1 eleilt lo a fu g Uuough unexpS S S‘Ughter* lUcK t>«rtod durtng m o m l M ^ * Wu

«*W ng ehTir.'i^: i.^ r _ U » Udder- . - O e ca r- W r tg h t- d i i^ - it£

^ ear i . . B*r«rai uyp a y m * S * S Sw u* a t Up 4j o o u n tr a n en o f 'i d f S i t a S ,

^ b ^ t p a y m to l deadUni Kler from i»t« ChrU U nu ca^di s u n d S or

to une a t u t te r iiot m p<S 2hS 1lobby , . . ^ l a ' w a i w pourin* 4^

“ tenU y. roof la to alley , , , LftU model car UnItalled in middle of inUrsecUoo li 1

I la r *M H e a r t p e d e iu ia n traffic in m71a drilM dUtxret a* foU i r*ally g it inuT *^ ^ ( ^ihlngtdn of O hrltbuaa ibopplng . . , u l ^ u .s debut" algn In fro n t of Mrvle* itauan amm. MUI plugging regular gU for 33.3 oinU /.n t n a r - per gallon . . . Woman wearing (ur ihiar. ^ , ooat acoom panlid by fellow m *hirt vu.6 *ehool aleev** . . . and orerniard: "H* nxli *11

M ,3 S’pp-,?.

S2i »■ Marines Explain m Enlistment Plan^

* T »'o-year enUstnienU are now be- ' 1 ■ o n ^ ^ tog j't i" ’“i* " ' attem pt vie. reon ilte r her*. * ^

imerclal* T he tw o-year *nllstmmU wire du aer cbll* dropped In 1048. Reiumption o( Uie eoi

pU n provides a choice of two, Uirei. "K ught h*r four and ilx -year tour* of duty (or n l• fohool men in te re ited In **rvlng wim the rmlngly^ marine*.s pboto* - - - — ■

f 3 ParkingFines ^, City poUoa ootleoied Ml tn dnes, ‘IT If l M*te for parking viola* ^

Uons W ednesday. t>*P i l n a Posting 81 each for overUme pork- ***, U U U B lng war* Vincent Sm aul, Mr*.- W hat H arry W right, O . Kulku (lvD),E. J. f w u ex- Morgan, W .T . Mallby (IH),Robert Decem- WWtUe, R a y Lincoln. Vtti. irwln '

’ a t the Eihler*. Verlyn Jagels. Kermlt Ben- fu n ie Rev. ne tt, P . -A. V an Vllet (two), and ni DlnUUr, Donald. MelUen. hli

Mr*. A. J . Flnke. 0 . W. Oolt and t» g by ths p , A. Roblnaon posted U esch (or re irred by Improper parking. M n. j . 8. Dlf- an

Olaud* fsndarfer a n d Beryl Davl* polled rd M ab- 82 eaob for' orerUme p s tk l^ la 1

Uie poetofflce xone. 01 ' --------

i r l e ^

I thousnnd y a a rs ago , th ree Wise Jfen fo,

a m an g e r . . . t h e hum ble birthplaco of

W orld “P eace o n E e a r th , Good Will to J n th o h e a r ts a n d m in d s of m ankind. . . c*

ison o f JesUB b i r th . . . to l i l t our beloved old C h rls tm a a hytnna and

Ift o u r h e a r ts w ith th o courage M d ^

f Y our Choice T h is Sunday '

Ti. S tanley PhlUlp* H r ^ ^ B

Is M o r t u i a r y ; ! ^s r th F h o n e S i

i A m fcuZ ancs Service * , .

_____________________ ISDHJt

Page 3: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

E m $ | ! f l " .

l i %

9 He

■StiSy^ siz


■ ® K |A w 7 V l r*r

lm 'Sl 'S i

X L U . Rc(


n Panties J

4 4 c

rlon Tricot . . .Kt trim. Blue - . •ffhite - Pink.^^' ' V. l i t

M \ ^I X j

Bl ■ 1 tr in

‘ .J 1 broi

I FI Ak \

mPpea Friday,

“% aud Tuei

i » , i9 ia

‘ i l i ' i / i T l i


- u^'i- y -gy~-TT-»-« '.I '. ■■ii..iii'.if;»r~rr>--r:i--i


R egular 2 .98 .._ L99 ^

Sizes 82 to 40 . W hite -

P ink . B lad e .

LACE TRIM O 0 0 rtjalM 3Sa-_____ ^ » l f V


\ Reirular 3 .2 9 ..- 2.49 Sl!A ' y anf Sizes 32 to 40. N avy -

Red - B ro w n - Blnch.



' f R e g u l a r A

I ' ■' 5 .9 5

I — Zipper F j

] — Sizes 2 toI___________ — All-WoolI — Lined

I TH E G n 4 F O R W A R JtTH - C(

- R a y o n Satin

Gown sR e g u l a r 3 .9 8 | ^

2.99 -■ . .. I ■"

Y outhfu l ro u n d neck . . « |

trim m ed w i th sheer em - |

b ro idery n y lo n . P in k - I Rei

• B lu e -D o v e W hile. SIi m

Es t


R .IS P l

'iiutTii , ■.umiiTOt g

d a y , Sat., and

ruesday/Till 9 |

DAYSi m -



Sizes 25 to 42. Brown - T a n - and Grey.

^ — T H E GIFT H E ’LL




1.47!r Fron t )2 t o 7 .

S[ool________________ ■

^ H E


One Group Ta

Sale 7.88• H andm ade Shads

• M ilk G lass Bases

• Polished Wooden P edestals

• S-W ay Sockets

— O t h e r s v a l u e d t o 2 4


- S E T OF- 81—

Resrular 4.601 n Q f ?SA LE _____ - I , . H |

15-ounce size. F rosted . B eautifu l designs. |R R f|j

Homestead TUM BLERSET *

S E T O F 8^16-O Z . S IZ E \ * R egular 4.001, i ) n r f S P E C IA L __ _ m M

~ - - ............................................m \c.I



V Organdy j APRONS I

K “1 5 * 1 . 7 7 j

A ssortm ent o f C hintz H- Organdy - B a tis te , fl

/ Solid colors and prin ts |. . . many sty les; |

k s

- IMen’s Nylon Sport Shirt


2 .7 7 ^ V ' .

Solid Colors; N avy B lue - 1'L ig h t Bluo - W hite - G rey - ■G reen - Tan. S izes: Sm all, | | m ed ium and large.



Table Lamps , |

0 2495 . . '^9 .88 .1- . I .If iLU- ■■ I "-'H-IM

1 and rVES BLER

1 ' .

T O ? r A L L g . - n ) A H O

uI i f ^

I All-Wool j J : Knit Suits

•14.77 .• I Sizes 12 to 18. Colors:

I Gold - M aize > Green - I P ink - P u rp le - N avy - I and W hite.



I IN G S - i lA IN F L O O R I

I Combination D:

I R egular 19.95 V alael


g 110 V olts — 1600 RPM - ^


Reg. 33.95

27.50W hile T hey I V \ - l M

L a s t! i n i '

A P P L /A N C E S -D O




HOSEI 51 gauge - 15 denie

I Sizes 8 V2 to 11. Colors

Taupe - Country Beigi

: 7 7 c



B a r g a i n i m

\ ' i ■

I l in g e r ie - s t r e e t

Sp | ^ E O O I t— — r -


tt Drill and Sa r I

t - }4 .C npoclty — 4" B M o l |

E -D O W N S T A IH a


g W S ^ • No PhoD* cr Mifl f ■ Orden

1 I • So rrr Ko 1HiS«.Int

\ ------B - - • I Colan:—O rten -« -_ __I O re r - BiMk - I ro rrI USSbS ' HabocanT- S Tube*.

B lxe:. 7x14x64.


[ I j k SANTA Will BeV FRIDAY and

■ ■ ■ _ _

! £Y .E €

. -V A


M ors:


t M



and Frog 11R eg u la r 3.00.... 1.99 COLORS: B r o w n - M a - I ^

n roon • Green. All-metal | r I I vasfi a n d plastic frog , | (


R egu lar 8.98.™ i .8 S fC overed w ith good-qual- | ^i ty p lastic. Has padded Bback . 13" sizes in Red • I <Iv o ry - Green - Blue. | I

FU RN ITU RE | im ill iiyii i fiimriiiiiiii i i i i mi | ]

Sewing Baskets I ,

■' H cffular 4.-19. “

B u n W a r m e r s ^ I

O nly 1.39 . I :

Afn:]NiriON:sLL(Vill B e I n T h e Toy D epa rtn eo l* ^4Y a n d SATURDAY - a n d —

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’ f iS S S es •) 1 .0 0u I W a te r B oy a n d G irl Car*\\ I r le rs . V ase f o r p lan te rs ,

n C o l o r s : C h a r t r e u s e - 1 A qua - Y ellow .

I faBammmaammmmmmmm


I- I R egu lar 2 .25— 99cd a. I OulUi^ p * ^ o f m in a t t faQy

Q EUaxut«c<t fo r S r e u i l . . .I "O R IN D 'T O U R O W N PEP* a PER” kdda a tm ospherv to I 70u r pfttlo Inncheona or for-

a g m al lUimen. M ap la - N itu ra l •I - and Walnut eotort.


^ t ^ P L A C r - T - MAT. SETS ..

I R c ju U r 3.19— 2.9&

L L KIDDIESjI-A • J- -_ ;:m 6 N D A T u u l TD B SD A Td J l o S N I j I i U

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BT HAtl^PATABLB IN ADVANCB H____ Witk i Ztk, C*«air. Mmi*. ■ H

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------Olt 1ADENAUER’S LEADERSHIP ^

No one n e a r th e European aceno h a s any lft Illusion U ia t th e tlght-Ilpped K onrad A den- An 111 I Buer, chancellor o f West a crm any , Is a b u m - Umis tT ■ Ing Idealist. Y et aa time passes he Is w lnnlnR • b'l ■ | more and m ore regard In the cap ita ls o f th e I free world. . ' - m" When he flra t emerged to head th e re - fie« L vlvlng G erm an government a t Bonn, th e re a ioi

v a t broad alceptlclam, w hich ' hla m a n n e r I"* did little to dlapel. Many men were su re th a t u,j[* Adenauer would plot In every w aking m o- n i m ent to restore Germany's dld*m illtarla tlc most rule In th e h e a r t of Europe.

I t Is n o t thougE t today ho ts an y th in g but Intensely G erm an In outlook. Nor I s th e re e„ou,

I • doubt he la preaslng for every advan tage h e jotie can get In bargaining w ith th e allies. Still, »iTe

1 th e feeling haa grown th a t he U f a r m ore I th an a narrow -m inded, nationalistic po liti-

clan exploiting th e age-old inclinations of oonm hia people.

Tbe conviction In m any quarters to d ay 1* «?*« I th a t ho bears aome m arks of real s ta te s -

•ll manahip. Unless h e la a coloual actor, A den- , auer Is genuinely Interested In a ll j ta g W est wwh

1 aerm any w ith tho free nations of Europe. tjii More, h e seems honestly to dealre th e de- ^ velopment of a united Europe, w ith O er- many p ajU clpating . lU rv

At th e sam e tim e he ahows every a w areness tidert o f ths tru e n a tu re and purpose of R ussian imttti communism. He would n o t be a G e rm an ^

,1 If he did n o t w an t to aee bla own co u n tryre>unlt«d, b u t he haa* th e good sen se to of a

I recognize com m unist term s fo r u n i ty aa wen wholly fa lse . J j ' '

Adenauer’s , political opponenta can aound " the na tiona list them e an d urge un ity m ore

itriden tiy th a n he. They do n o t face -the But It practical problem of achieving G erm any 's th*tt

aims th rough delicate association w ith co u n - ^ 'tr ie s th a t n o t long back w ere O erm an enemies. I n France 's case, o f courae, g ro u n d m.jn,

ifor agreem ent m ust be found w ith a people At who fea r th e Germ ans more th a n th e y do «U11 the fully arm ored Russian m enace. i| His adversaries give h im trouble, a n d they il will m ake more before h e succeeds In p u ttin g o n H over th e pl&n for a European defenae a rm y *rti I and the con tractual agreem ents th a t would they f virtually end th e allied occupation. *

li Nerertheleai, A denauer handles h is op- , ii position skillfully. For example, a f te r g a in in g y J

prelim inary approval in tb e Bonn p a r liam en t for tho defense p a c t ond th e peace co n trac ts , De*i he set aalde lu i lh e r action im til th e cou rts could check th e legality of these proposals.By th a t m aneuver h e sought to sp ike t h e guns „n co of the Socialists who were p lann ing to cm - an us

I ploy a la te r court te s t as a device to Wreck of the program .

The free w orld is fo rtuna te th a t th e au s te re t o cil--------Adenauer h o m Jh e _ re ln s in W est Oerm flny. j r o i f i

for hls voice Is tem pem tc, h is p o litica l ta l - A-boo en t Is Impressive, and h is counsel Is fo r th - f rightly fo r th e un ity of th e west.

IKE'S TEABI GETS WORKOUTT he-activ ity a round G eneral E lsenhow er’s the*H

New York h eadquartcM these days Is im p res- h»v«slve. The general is operating on tb e assum p« < tlon th a t h la 33 million Votes on Nov. 4 w erea m andate d irecting him to b rin g decisive peiiaction to th e country 's problema. reache

He could have w aited weeks before p ick ing — ^hlaT cab lnefr-and -o ther-^ top -goY em m ent-^f-

fleers. But two days a f te r he re tu rn ed f ro m h is ume dpost-election vacation he announced th e f ira t or uof hla cab inet choices, and he 's been h a r d a t tto«»It ever since. “ **

Moreover, th e headquarters ac tua lly h av e sevtr,:been functioning as a kind o f g o v em m en t-to - t o orbe. For exam ple, a committee h a s been se t “ none up to consider govem nw nt reorganizationproposals, a n d Is curren tly delving In to th is “ retofield. Elsenhower haa named a ch ief a s s is t- wheant, n s e c r e u ^ , a special counsel a n d sev e ra l not ta; other assistants, nnd all are busy se rv ingtheir boas OS if he were already in office . ,

This docs n o t m ean the general is t r y in g ve harto usurp th e authority w hich belongs to ThePresident .Trum an until Jan . 20. He sp e c i- “ J*?flcally sta ted hc would not so ac t and w ould fiTd,.

------not-accept responslbliUy for any dcc ls lo n s 'ln : ifflniAothe ‘ interregunum." i t i i i

WbtLt I t d o ts m tan is th a t Ike la n o t o n ly *°5»ctlnB with aupu tch In bulWlns h is a a m ln - S Sb ™ti,« Uum, but 1, e i,i„g th . team a p ro c - . “o S

a re <lr.; lo familiarizing themselves w ith th e k in d of

S r r a “ "rSr„”' ' 7 " ”” 3 "In using ^ l a technj/iue. Elsenhower Is m «Ui

doing m ore th an keeping faith w ith th e vo t- ers wjio elccted him to gain a sharp, fresh on -

• • slaught on American problems. He Is go ing S in^ fa r to reduce the dangers of delay and co n - mean*.

„ ._ fw Ion .ond .g rccnncssJG herco t-ln -ftny -aw ltch ' -^Jop-wi• of ead e rsh lp -d an g e rs or e..pcclat c onccm In I*)?,* *?,

a time of perpetual crisis like th o p resen t, uo rid 1

______________r a e army now reveals th a t it win include

. • a a ann u a l request of 5175,000.000 for cargo wa i hellcoptera fo r th e n ex t four year.s. *'hen i

' ■ Goal o f th is program Is to glve every dU1- ilo n ehougb lieUcopters so th a t it ' can move -nie onQ .jeglm ent-by a lr - in cases o f-om crgencyr ye»n • Explaining CoL William B. Bunker of tha. tran sp o rta tio n coips says; j

“Whllo m a n y o f u s feel t h a t tb ls p ro g ram Is oau? “ still extrpm ely m odest, i ts twldness Is m ore pollster apparent w b en w e r e a l l a t h a t as la to a s 1930. * , the stan d ard p rim e mover fo r a n n y a rtille ry t«ii ^

, s ti liw a sth ftb o ra c ." niouid

I j - PAGB FOPB _________ ■


S t WABHWOTOM (KEA )-Cirl O ^ . J r , th e fro*.'t* Tclced boos of tha Teteruu admtmitnitloa, o u tu rned ^

-In *n-uaum l.perfonninef.M .h?» 'l.^ .«M t_iprftW lin i.. J * h ^ e ftseoer ipiodSni monfy a t a r i t« leoond only to W the d e p tr tm n t of dcfenu.

O ra r i l iu s e h ls f of a complete r*or>anluU on of .eo t t# VA. I t * time wJien every other L «

aiency In town U exljU nf In a tu t e In o( futpendad animation. U typical n . .- of hU unarthodn approM h ta tha ^

_ ^ ^ |^ ^ H j ! £ r u l d t i K - - E l K t _ E i 9 e Q h Q i u e J u e ^ I J •2* porud to think h l s h l r o f tb e job M Gray did (or htm u a t tn e r a l In

tha army U in tporta tloa c o rp i and■H aa bou of tha railroads la ru ro p e h*’j o ' durlnir World v a r-II . «40 I t b rtporU d th a t O ra y v a s u n e d n f,,~ t ta , ta r t hi* rcorganlraUon a t this • ,u yihj , time In the hopes th a t hU World conI f war II friend would keep h im on p ra

Ih t VA Job. TlWhen O my made public the details o f h is reor- hod

ganlraUon, he tU ted proudly that he h a d peraonally eelv'y vUIWd every VA IniUUaOoD In the V. 8 . obe«> And he h a i proper claim to having apen t more u t 1- Ume out o t town, iravillni. than ip y o(ber head ofItr » b lj agency. Ona aommHat iaeallous reaaoo ad-

vanced for thla moTlnf about la tha t ha loves to rids railroads. Ho haa been a railroad m an aU of h la We. t

Whatever good his exUnded trips to VA field of* tcet ! - (Ices and hospitals did for him. they also BOt h im Into ‘lui'i re 0 lot of ho t water In Washington. Plrst, I t antaB onltad and

the powerful veterans otjanlzaUona. T hey like tc the work cloaely v lth tho hesd of tba VA and rcglstar o their complalnta and suggeiUons pertonally, aud

>- I t Is a fac t th a t tho Teletani groups h tv e been the m lc most efficient and constnictlve poUcetnen o l th a t H

agency. ■, t One American Legion national com m ander told H

Oray blunUy th a t he thouftht he w asn 't apendlne ■ ■ 0 enough time a t his desk and lhat the agency had ■

IB sotlen ou t of hand. T*'lce Uie Amveta. th e aggres- H U, alve tn d m ost powerful World war I I v e te n u u or- H

fanliaU on. have made perunal appeals to Prealdent ■

1 Truman to h*T« Oray removed.* The moat consistent complaint agalnat O ray In k

connection w ith his lon; absences la th a t h la au- ^ thority haa been usurped by the old-tlm e bureau-

Is crats and th a t today he is thclr captive.U also Is reliably reported tha t tliero are m ore cases

from VA under atudy and IQvesUgatlon by th e gen- erol aceountlnf office than from any o the r agency In

>t Washington. iB. The blggeat publlo bobble he made by being oUt of H town was In connection with the nev h o a p iu l pro-

gram. Ho delivered a speed) one day In CalU omla D< a t tho alte of a nev h&Tplu!, which was Ju s t being Myri started,, and talked a t great length on h o v h e con- vnis

K sldered It Just about tho perfect place fo r such an Into n Institution. qulhn . A few hours la ter ho was shown a news a tory out- of Waahlngton revealing that tha t pa rticu la r projecty had been abandoned by -Uio budget bureau a s part Sa O of a m ajor out-back In all VA buUdlng. H a didn 't (ure la even know th a t such action vaa In the wind. good

The preas release which announced hla big reor- aomi ri ganlzaUon aald, " I t la based on extensive studies of a go

tbe Booz, Allen and Hamilton Report." O roy h a d or- tha t ° dered the atudy a t a cost of 1000,000. we ce But when questioned about It, Gray f la t ly a taU d way. 'S th a t the report had come up wlUi no n e v Ideas which ef th . he hadn 't already had on th f subject. '_ Ha also aald tha t he wM Ignoring tho r e ^ r t 's* tecommtPdftUonB. which wwiW have ctlec ted aome “ «« “ m ajor personnel cuts tn the agency. Wi e At this. Rep. £dIUt Nourse Rogers, R., Mass., vho P'lPt0 vUl be the nex t chairman of the house veterazu a f- by I

f a in eommittee and who was present, said: '

7*Tn th a t caae, generol, I don’t think you go t your wdney's worth." i

9 O ray replied: ,y “That dapenda on.your wlue of a dollar. A fter all. d they apent months on it, went through every office, ^

ta d I t la 10 volumes and IJOO.OOO words long." ‘

1 V i e w s o f o t h e r si t A D V rO ' O F THE HTOBOOEN BOMB;, Despite tha'evasive caution of the 'atomic energya conunlaalon, I t attm a cltw tha t m e -world'a I lis t, hydrogen bomb wta exploded a t Eniwetok on or about* Nor. 1. So fa r os the IntemaUonal armaments race la

5 concerned, the helllah blast .gave the UnlUd States- t n undisputed lead over Ruula In Uie development l£ o f nuclear weapons. As taUsfylng as th a t knowledge

may be, It Is also terrlfyUig. ro r, while we are the llr tt to fashion an H-bomb,

9 vo can bo sure t h i t v e shall Jio t be the last. Tho Jgn lted, Btfttca developed and__dtlonaltd the f lr tt

. A-bomb, but today tho Russians alio have it. I t is j , "

. only a m atter of time before Russian sclentl.its and . ,,i ,1 technicians will develop and explode an H-bomb of their own. A weapon capable of leveling Moscow In one crushing blast can do Uie same to Chicago ' o r any other Itrga A m erlu s city.

Yet, for some reason or another, the news th a t „* the H-bomb haa been detonated dots no t appear to „ , • ** h tve struck m « t people with ,Uie spine-chUUng . lorca th a t vas so evident vhen the world first becameJ v m * o l the Initial development of the w eaker A- ____

* Perhapa tha capacity of humans to feel t«rror reached t sort o i saturation point a t the Ume of notii

r Hiroshima and Nagasaki, o r prrhapi there la a Tti ^ ■lamistlQ_tCceDHnce_or. the DhllOSQnhi- th a t if audden

deaUi la to rain down on a city from the tkles. It m tkes c o i> UtUe difference whether the lethal aiient U an A-bomb o r; o r aa H-bomb th a t la anywhere Irom lo to i.ooo “ W i ; times u powerful as the former. ' pur,

If such Is Uie caso—especially hero In A merica— our thmklng h a t undergone a radical change In tho seven years.tha t have elapsed since Illro.shlmn. FntJiU a.m. i Ism of the aort vb described would hc ut\deratan<lo.l>lc ••i'*

, tm ong the people of Europe end Atln-who-have-Recn- h,X;® world va ra fought on the ir onu doorsteps. B ut fo r us. iim* < ta Americans, to feel the tame way Is something

■ foreign to our post. Sf^r,W hether It Is fo r the good or for the bnd. we can- tnum

no t say. Tbo exacUng reallUes of World wnr I I . Uie ‘®" *' eold v a r and Korea have undoubtedly worked pro- found chsngvC'ln our naUonal attitude towaixl Uie vorld tn d the role,w e m ust play In It. As a nntlon v a havs burled t l l but a le v vesUgcs o t IsolaUonlsm.

The overwhelming majority of Amerlcaru, w hether they like i t or not, ealmly and soberly acccpt Uic fact t h t t we have no tltemaUve to sur^’lval except u a * leader of th e .free world forcu ralIylng_agalM t_tn _ m

1 ImpTV^Mn /.nfnmnnt.t r n m y _____" ______________ _ ■I t Is possible— tn d most probable—th a t we t r e v lev - ■

Sns the d tv tlopm tn l o t tha B-bomb w ith th e aome I •obemess and calmness. As horrifying aa the new J weapon m ty be. Ita development was ineviuble. I t waa ■ In our ovn enlightened aelf.Interest lha t v e were the | firat to devise and explode the weapon. B u t we m ust realUe, too, th a t I t has Increased our burdens of rasponslblUty.

We m u tt do everything possible as a naUon to try to prevent tho use of either the A-bomb o r the H-bom b 1' In actual warfare. W e can best'aceompllsh thla by devoting m ost o( our energies toward the 'bu lld ing of permaneni world peace—ti goil to which Presldcni- Elcct Etsenhower has dedicated himself.

Man's unQuesUoned genius for devising ways tn d B( means of extermlnaUng his own kind Is no t likely to

. -atOD-TTlth ihr. fiCTelapment pf_thfl H.bomh. B/K-niim ____lh a l is Uie case 11 Is Coubly clear U iat mnnkind's hope tor turvlval m ust resl on Uio achlc^-emtnt of I] world peace through skillful negoUation ra th e r t h tn through Uie ordeal of another global confllcU T here ' Is no other way out.—Chicago Sun-TimcsL

THAT CLAIRVOYANT H 0B 8S BTWb like horsea, brown,, while and dappled. B u t

when 11 comes to the "clalri’oyant" m are of R ich- ' montJ. V a, and people taking her to solve problem s— w dli ■ M(

The o ^ e r says vh en tho bought the horse 2i- year* ago she d ltcovered 'm t'had—amnilnB pow ers" ' ------ ror mind reading tn d forecasUng future event*.

How como If this horse is such a whls a t "sccinR ,.into the fu tu re--'ah e -Isn 't rolling, in B old-pltted. . . - I oats? And how.come Dr. Oallup or some of Uie o the r 'pollsters haven't p u t her on Uio sU ff-U iey could uso t cltlrvoyant horses.

f tin k ly « don 't Uilnk Uie old horse can even teji us the next Kentucky D erby winner—and th a t ^ should b t mora in h t r Uns.-0re8Qn Journal.



S h o t s ^ ^ ^ ^___________________ i ' hUier » ■ ■— —,1. . II. jgy

COKTESBrON IN A B tn tE T eye Dear 8lr: llt t

W on6« Ouy U tm e d he 'd re«W » b n t report card from kindergarten I tnd-imrn»dlat4ly-h«.wtnt«d-to knov aU

,10® v h a t t rtport c trd w ts . ^ r s . Hop- mo ^ ^ plegrtsi ezpltlned t h t t t report th i

eard vas supposed to sbov v h s t th i rope he'd bees doing. « lt

Wondtr Ouy booU d t t t t one- Jtn ^ e d um m d In his mind fo r avh ile, iln- u t

' tUy confessed, " I h a d to s it In the Joe orld comer.’* Then the whole. long-*up- abc

on pressed story came tumbUng out. an Thc one thing th a t surprised Mr*, t z

«<»- HopplegitM when th e finally ro- tic, leU/ eelved the card va* th s *'tverage" Uie

obedience. She'd h a d him pegged tab ’ore u being Just about a t contrary t s « ii 1 of JohM j^ H o p p le g rtti tha

ride jiOT JUBT A SONOlife. T hnt llttl# dllty abou t two fron t f 'of* teem being lufflolent for ChrUtmai

Into 'isn’l J u j t t song. L o u of youngsters 5“='Ized and soma adults have discovered! to the truth In It. 'ste r One of 'em Ss D ennis Dossett, 4. fr*Uj, M ^ i e r e ^ h ^ r o o f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

th t t j | | j j j j H j j |H HT

1!!: » » not

len t ^

tn L her■o* ^ aen

o t j

»es tlm<:en- dlffr In look

frlo.of t I

iro- (av,•nit Dennis Is Uie son of Mr. t n d Mrt. "I :lBg Myron Dossett An a u n t, Mrs. H arry g iti on- 'Vnison, thought the picture pasted rlgli t n Into UlO Dossett Christm as card v u prei

quite approprlatel Peg!out . . . pnxloct O im BULLETIN BOARD can' >art S tnU Claoa, Twlo F tlU - We'ro golr In 't sure your Idea Is moUvated only by

g o ^ InWnUona tn d t desire to do I •or- something for them . Unfortunately, som : of a good number of folks vould think argt or- th a t originated w llh P o t Shots and “I

we couldn't have t h a t T hanks any- chls t«d way. We're ture a good percenUge pass ich of Uje folks don 't forget. not

• • • amert-8 PUTS FOB KIDB D E PT . Whe m b D etr Pot ShoU; pa«

We have Uiree black and white Cral lhe pupplee who m ust have good homes >om t l . by Deo. M, U itt's f lttu rday . They I th

t r e S weekt old t n d v e rr cute tn d ' tuny . The moUior U t coUle. tho « “T father t stock dog. T hese pups will mske good peta for e h i ld w . We

all line teven mUes to u th . one mile lc,* e as ta n d o n i-h tlf mile souUi of Five

PolnU a ss t I t 's the green house, pon Hr*. B. M . W hltUagtoa

„ (R t. 3, Tw m FtUs)

Thete tren 't ex tc tly pups, but ^ they tre s couple of mighty flrie , ,

pooches. No. 1 U a golden cocker t-* spaniel, t male. No. 3 Is t femtio terrier. Itiey-re between 1 and 2 yeart old. You can g e t Uiem from , Mrs. S. W. WUson.' 347H Fillmore alreel, cr phone 19eS-J.

. TURN ON THE L IO nT SI!The kids thought I t was Rreat prif.

^ stuff a n d ^ a mlMUs pegged I t aa

4 has only one ftdvnnUgc, Since we »*<!>” ? quit smoking somc tim e ago, we

couldn't take advanU ge of Uie t l - K;:!‘i " waya-rcady lighter. r .n ,i«0 . . . ticul,, , rAMOUS L A 8 t LINE . "

. . He's wUllng for t h t J a n n tr? Eis ~ sales to do his Chrlstm ts ahopplng." 'U

2 “ OENTtEMAN IN 'H IE |f5,FOURTH ROW i..tA* -------------------------------------------------- .1,1

LEGAL A D V E R TISEM EN T Sof N oncx roB runuiCA'no.v. n r n i e .n'd" a TWS PBOVINO Adral

^ -iM-THa—MOBA.T*;— o t ^ i m -tfi^ ws COONTT OP TWIN rAI4-1. STATE ih. A

m “rSVtT<l!i.f,',ir!LSA™ 5 " ,Puriiitnt U in order ot itlJ Court, ih. I

mail* on l)i« iri a»r ot U«rmlnr. I9i:. bcfnr.nullr* U h«rtbr cl«.n ihol Tfl.Uy. lh# .mitih i , j ot DM«mb«r. IDS2. i t Jt o'elMk of J>

nl- A.M. of iiM <j>r. *1 U* Court Honm <if IIIilAlp ••Id Court. *1 tlx Court lUniir In tha » tun

Cltr_«f Tv|n,r»lli..C(!Uaiy.£i£_Tiir!i»_r*ii». bli-,en .HUI. ol ld*)<e. bu bMD .p[>0ln(..| • . lh. W e US, llm. .nd n l« . for Pf0.lns th* WiU et of ..1 nj. >.ld ( anV U Sl*t>h>ii, ducrutO. ami for of lU

• h*«rln» Ui« •pplttalliin ot IloUrt W. i.lUr airphaii for Ibt lnuinr. lo him st l.ilcr* llrmli

n - tfal.mrntarr. «hen an.l whu.. «nr per- "nn ton Int.rmlM tnir api>f.r and conml irKi

•0- “ Eairt D««nib«j Jr,!, 15SJ, he MAKY SAUMON.

rublUh: we. *. II. H. l»JJ Publliierict

% V M B ^

SALE V ^ STARTS r ;nb 1 1 :0 0 A .M . C

S A T Iflbeep and _____

3d Bog* la Early.____f ; ------------B M N G — —

u s V O U R C A R L E

BPECIAL T i m WEEKI i f 75 U«*d Good Block i : c tiv e t

Nle* SeletUoa 'ef O ther2i ____ ___A U vd

*■’ ^ -CO N TA CT b s FOB TRUCKIl

i STO C K G R < : C O M M ISSI

a l PHONE S U er tM T WA


“ " H O W T H IN G S A I

I PEGLER’SB l l j e troubls v lth Ui taU-commu- Uiea F— n lslr-vheft-v*-get-to te thsr Is-U iat Mra. I v e have toms no t udf-repulslve h a t

babes in our oU urv lts dismal cabal SUP vho veuld sdd mueh to the sum suu

—— Joy on tsrU i U th ty would arch an self t r eyebrov or blab a

lltUe b a b r . t s l k , H ^ ^ ^ ^ | ecaWa b i t never do. I G H ^ H n ^ larten Finding myself baesknov a U t a o U i e r . o r - o u r - & ^ ^ ^ B H Bop- morbid rejoicings m t i

report the olher day a t v h s t the-H otel Astor. « t a

vlUi Rabbi Ben- th s; one- Jamln SchulU In hearr, fin- Uis choir and Sen. laat*n the Joe M c C a rth y Lnfa'-sup- about to receive nighout. an award, I cast « „ m .i ,I Mr*, t not too apaUie- PatW* ••yy r*- tic orb upon Uie beauty tn d chivalry j to n •rase" there present ond reconnoltered tho lo r egged tables and Uio personnel wllh a vrorli ry t s caTculattd, non-polltlcal purpose ,j,.v l FM th a t fw ou ldn 't confldo to anyone.

■ Thus absorbed, like an old print of a prep school Junior a t t prom,

fron t I ton-number I had met onco In t n _ elevator while her husband walled dowa below. ,

. And. In cynical disdain of Uie 4 high intellectual moUvs, said to my „g, *■ baser nature, 'Pegler. cu t Uils one . ®

out of UlO bunch and vh lp her off ■ ■ to a btck table and, tnyvay , sneak

a fev peeks. There la no sense denying yourself,- pleasant UioughU

i W a t Uiese broodlngs and. If your M B conscience v sn ts to know, I t Is more S H Indccent lo pteicnd you d o n t even

noUce than to break ou t and.belter,I j B “H ll beauUful, v h a t about giving >'ou

me t great big autograph?'* ”! ■ "Ix-noy, lx-na>-"' I said. "Vou aro from

here to tave the vorld and such w hat aenUments are unworthy of a man "*h of your sUlus and pretensions." "you

- Ju st Uie same," I said, “when Uie “Ni time comet tha t It don 't make any Isabe difference whether they are good- said.

■ looking .or Uiey a ll look like old like i■ frlendi of La Boca. I > o n 't give.

t dam WheUier the world gets ’Weatved or not. - -------

Mrs. "Remind mo to consult my Uieolo- , larry g lsn .b u tlt Is my curb-stone opinionasted right nov Uiat Ood didn 't make -------1 WU pretty women to bo Ignored ond in ti;

Pegler you belUr ahow a lltUe ap- o r preclaUon of His hud lw ork or youcan 't tell how many- demerits It la Neti

Ve'ro going to cott you.J' ^

I do I had to concede th a t I had aMi'na itely, something there so I p reued Uie ' Jilnk argument. -

and “Look, Pegler," 1 said, "Uio cate- of o. any- chIsm says,'Can look; m ustn’t make »*nW lUge passes.' I t doesn't say T hou shall J.TnB

not talk anyUUng bu t resolutloni. or th* amendments, and biennial reports when thou a rt silting next to a p trty Ilka thU Mrs. LuclUe G trdli\

1,-hite Crain, of the naUontl committee for omes someUilng In educaUon'or Uiat Mrs. rhey I think. Bowman, you poor dummy. .K,d •'Besides.- l said, "all Uiese dull. t)ie sorry looking bucks are thinking the m t j ' win same Uilngs, so go ahead. Light her f h a ■We cigarette. Tell her you like her hat.

mile Talk about her eyes. D on'l u lk J k c P lv , about Owen LatUmore all Uio time, n o t Je. Don't talk about Dublnsky and xt«a Lov/stone. How do you knov she ktun^ l3, won’t lIip y • you piny It, right?" •• m

but Well. Uiese ore very grisly doings,

S S U G A L ADVERTISEM ENTS^*^5 NOIICt o r ADUINIATRATORS SAtE l'?»hc> ‘ Id 2 OF HEAL EJiTATE ATIrom rnivATi: balb n .^nore •

IN TIIC «ATrr.n ok Tiir.'rjtTATB o r

undmlsard Aitalf>l«lr«lOT vill itll at reav prl>al. t>l< fof <uh U ik* hlfhnt and PqW[,f t aa J'M'l'r; ■xWt't t» naflnntiloii br ih. —

tS io, air rlfb^ ml*. Intnn'T 'anf '■ we n l .i , „f th, ..Id 11. JUtllrr. rtr.^-e r*urd. and all Ih* r!{hl. till, and Inurnt

that „Aa“ rt.“ «UI.“ i;ilt,.‘i«l” | ‘ '^ l n flcuIitlr” a'’’f(,IJ ^•nd^dtactlW par.

•Th« Sotilh Ori-half et U>« Nertb.•“ * (fi'iNr.m of R«rlloa '» r y Klihwn ll*>. In Tuwiuliliy T«.lta

,ng." list -‘*oul!i, Ilanit Slilrtn IUI E.D.H.ti<(.th<r >IUl «trtalr> appurttnanl

»E » .i.r rlfbi. «rid.Dcd W ..n lfl.tu fur Oaa - Ilnndr.>l ‘n>lrir-lhr*« .nd

----- *lihlr on* hundradUit (laj-IO) •hir*tr s

All M,U or olf«rt muit U In wrillnra,s,.':,'5'"hs a . f . , ' s - a

ATE lh. AdmlnUtralor In th. FId.lllr -V.tional: o r « rrV “? ll id ^ 'a .’omr.'o*f'V h.'t:tiiS:ourt. in: Vlilt’■f”«tlf?..^a-“if“tb;."n^‘,rr ‘'a^J

iha ** ‘"'I >‘U aal.

'" thi «fAl^ bld .-o r,ir«a il.m *..T .^ .-tJl» -iT irS i• lh. m.,1. tor raih. pa/tbl* upon eontlrm.ilanII of of and lh. »tll.r ■.Ilf furnl.h aUlrul I for of IUI. or policy of till* lti»ur»nf». . t lha

llil»d I>«<-rmb.f i;ih, 1M-.J. »- WIIITK,

' i v ^

^ U R P A Y I

_ A h c n i/B Top^£rIcc8—^ - t r u c k in g rNFORMATION-

5 R 0 W E R S SSIO N CO.

W ATO M L I S BON, 0 . n m


A P P E A R F R O M ;

R’S ANGLES5 ; i JI ^ h iii s te p fa th e r, so th e inltlaU rt v a s u e sum sUU up to ms. N ov r found m y- m reh an self Deck on my own goal, fourth- vi

d o v s . 10, vbsn#ahe sold I rapped U: g f l l h e r luU ocal commlttte for some- If H f l t a tductU on one time v ty tb

baek In 1947. el _ l n a SltuaUon like tha t, you don't tt

1 ^ 9 h it tb e line, you use slralegy. so TH R | sa id to Ralph O vlnn. t congress- p] U e m tn who n tver v ill be nicknamed t l ■ B th s Itughlng boy, "Did you ever ol H r h e a r w hat H atton Sumners said to U]H m isabcU t O re tnvay walking acrou roP H h L nfayette park o n e moonlight yi; , 0 * n ig h t? - ee

No. he never.•atiai •'weU.“ I s tld . "to make s long viilvalry s to ry ahort, laabellt vaa one ol Uie U) ed tho 10 m ost beauUful vomen In the ->Ui a vrarld a t .U ia t Ume and the was urpose gjrvlDg a h itch m congreu from nyone. A rlson t tn d th is , n ight she was

print ,troU ing home from eom e.gritty .Pf?®- comojlttee mooting vlUj Judgo H aU 1*Jitue aum ners. the U ttli wry-necked *.i!2 fuy from Dallas v h o v s a chalqaan *>(

"'ait*** of house Judiciary u d about-as gal- P' f ,w . Jus " Oreelejf sU tue, from the '/ look of him.^ "eo .” I said, "to make • long itory • '* short, Uie bella IstbeU t babbled on C " ® V and on Uke these babes here about ’'I .M in «'ey» means, fiscal poUclcs.

l u ^ am ortltsU on and Uie like of UiatI ',!;! untU ahe taked Sumners a quesUon m and h e didn't answer.

' "Judge- Sumners." laabclla said. ,beiier. "I aaked you a queaUon. ' ^ y don 't ®Eiving you tn iw er me?” f '* "H uh?" Uie iltlle wry-necked guy “ IU are from D allas s tld . "Huh? You aaid ■

juch what?'* I. man ."Judge Sum ners," Iiabella aald, —J." ' "you aren’t paying tttenUon." •n Uie “N o'm .: the old Judge said, "Miss . 'e any Isabella, 1 d idn 't hear a w o^ 'you ,good- said. X Just been think ln ' hov I ’d i0 old like to k lu youl" ' » ,

give. ............................. ■ jgets W ell. Uiey d id n 't quite hammer j

l l S ; L E G A L A D V ER TISEM EN TS ~ ?

' ' S I S l °d k S ? J ;'• .i,’; 3 " i . ' i . a : ‘' . , " i ? - ‘’uu“'V '^ :n ssJamln Ilarrkon Sh.IU d*eau«I. to lha »h

v«.t «' • ’>,« •» P.T10M ha»lB|i tl.lm* mahad azalnal tha .aid dw«u*d. to (ihlbll thtm I1 the » “*> ..‘h* voiirt«r». wUbln fnurmuntha aflar Uia f ln t pabllMllsn of thli (Sl

nullM, «j> > ^ u U Ei*<uuli, at lha efflr* j>olcate- of O. I’, thiralt. AUomar. Tvla »alli — nuilco »‘ '>k * Trutt Oj. Dldr.. Twin Filli..h.it Er.''ar.'S:;:'SS?.';v.'Si'„!i;",Uoni, of lha tualnaat ef Mid aaUli. iport, ’'• 'v T ty r s i ' S u

" Eittuu-I* or tha Ital* *f Ctrd lli Banlamlo llarrlaai) Sbtll. 1.A fAT* dtcra.«0 \

PBbU.hfKqy.il, P*c 4, II. It. »SI I

i t s.':5 ' » n i 's i

talk itime. NOTICE IS iiEneny cive.v, hr Di* i

j j j j und«r»l*ntd. Clara U Adama, E*»«ntfl« of t* S e 5;hl7" aa Frank Aduni, clrcMiKt lot tha «r*d. S

liora cf and all p*nani"ba<rlor flalaa egoilnirs ‘''• i” ‘'‘ •'•c'-Mtd. ta wUiikli ihm in'ings. «|U, the nWattirr »ouchm. vlUiln four nat------ nY>Blha a tk f Ih. fin l puhlkalJon cf iWi thaTS . " " “Wf at lh. offlc* T

“ • i ' j r i*l I Mlomm at Wi*. . . _ La*. *•! Thin! ATrnn. Cail, Twin Falli dinbale Idaho, thli Ulni Iha plac. fo; lha tnntac- rMlion of tha huilnMi et .aid talal*. Hth

Baud Ihl* ISlh .I.r nf Nor*mb*r, I lll. p.p/• / CI.AUA U AUAH8. b

r n r of I<t*J “ »- A.laau. .tora.l!Bi.«; known u F. II. Adamt. lotD*.S . :i^and PoWIahi Non. :o, j ; , D«. {. n . | | , i j j j Pnt

f nIS I


i s'•"on

= '

I f

^ --------------

g i f ; t r o b e s

on - Beacon - or All-Wool Flan- n e l . In » variety of solid colors o r styllsli patterns. e \ AfT

from.......' 9.95 np


, a / f on th e table sn d start tlpoinB i,* . . U M , v a te r -o u t-o f - th e l r d t l n t y ^ p j j !

E tn d nobody h td Uie g u i p S K • t lnge r-sn tp a gareoo tn d ^ 7 -Olrls, hov-s about?" A fU r - tU .^ ' ^ t o e o l Of w orld^v lng i , n S T tS l

a jjj th ti

o f.O ld s o r t e r i r c a m n ie r t t e i tn d tu u iITS v a s Iflf h e r h e ld and Mrs. I Uilnk bS I Jmd m y- m tn puUlfii p retty lltUs mouei that i fourth- ve re n o t quito slmpen. tlthotuh rapped U itt g t l / has go t posilblUUes. a£h t

r some- If f tU Sad m inded U s ovn buslnaJ i Die v a r thera Is no te llln t v h t t ttm « \

of r*d bslU rs oould h tv s hadcm < ou don't to e lr o v n reseurces. " ;gy, so r Blit, lio, Joe UoCarthy took tha ’ ODgress- plaqua to honor and ehorlsh abori < :knamed t l l o thers and. from Uis force o f u > ou ever old reporter'a Instinct a t lhe break said to up of a ll standard hsrd-roU,. eelii! »

[ acrou r o u t and macaroon gslas i madi lo < oonllght y trd s In m y f ln t bound and vat ‘

second In Upe a t th# hat-check. I I suppose Mre. Craln'a poo n » '

t long valU ng dovnitalrs, u usual. Mr t * I of Uie Uilnk Bovm an, too, no doubt. 1 In the I

u 'f ^ Events Related *s*grit“ . A M IO N , Dec. ,18-R obert H on . , Ise H aU l«y- * n o recenUy vas reletaed from i

Balrman *>'*''5 injured while working on a Il iu V a l- PlPfi^n®' P<^ents, i ir . Irom the ‘ " ‘I Horsley. . 1

poUy Joanne Slmonsen, student ing Itory “ “*«e. San Jose,Aled on Calif., will arrive home Saturday to I•0 about Mr- “ d Mrs. c . E. «poUcles. Slmonsen. ,of Uiat ■ 1;|uesUon CLUB MBETB

la said ALBION. Dec. 16 -F lrst year 4-H .JT -.; club member* m et Monday after-

' noon o t the homo of Uielr leader. >ktd ITO Mn. Q l.m CliitH._______________ ,

**'“ ' l e g a l a d v e r t i s e m e n t s ■ ;HOTir^ roK p ^ u c A r to N o r th k !

"• - tim * ^ o i n t b d ro a m o v ik c « , Miss . WILL. ETC. ,

' IN TiiK m atter o r tiie estate o r s. JAUCS RICIIAROSON BELL, alw I:

knffwn «s JAMES R. BELL. D « t u ^ Immmer rurauant w,_al. ord*r ,af aald Court, I— . • i . i - f f X . ' S •:MTC' Mth dar of P « « « t^ , m t, t t Un o’clock•NTS A; ^ of aald dar, at ^ C«rt n is iI--------- £ L ," ‘5 •* “ s"* lac o n m :.- 'i s .“s ; ,IDAHO. «i^ plM* for ptOTlnr lha W III^ .aU •

JtHISON Jauc* BIthardMB Uall. alao knows u j4R.a< S . Dall. dacaaad. and (or haarlac

• «Mtr- tha a»ll<*U«n of Warm D»ll far th* I.. |of S n - aAn<* to him of l*tt*n laaUTnrnlarr alo lha Whta and w b ^ anr p trw InUnalad I

ir cl.Ima mar appoar an4 aonUat ttma. a

K g j '- i , - . II. i , . = . . i . . i ° ” ” ='“ ‘ :n r.lli. ORDER ' |,tho, Ihla Df TItB OISTniCT COUIIT Or TIIE I


ISI IT .IS XCROiy OnpCRCO T)>al th* s— ■ riaUa for Ih* «n*»nlnf af ih* T»mi of tL „ ,'l- i OIiUlcl Court In lia ir>*ral muoIIn Ir TWIN at lha Ilatanlh JadlcUl Dlilrirt of th* -

“ c A 8 s iV c o ^ im i‘l> ^ ^AOAUsI JEnO.MK COUNTYt r*bruaiy J l |

May IS: Nov(mh«r IS.hr «)ia MINIIWKA COUNTVi FabniarT l | U

IBtrU of April SO; Norrmber t. iBiUinn TWIN FA1.LS COinrrTl Jaaoar? Illa known AprU ST I S«pUmb«r II. . vha «r*d. Said tvnna of Court In oath of tha a ^ »r tialaa coaatlra to bnln al Uia hour of l*o o‘el«k liMl liam In ih* foratwon of tho difaa ahtrr* dialf A!<in four natnl. and to ba bald and oonUnufd uolll aiof ihli tha builnna of a.ch trrm U dlapoaad of. C

I* offlc* Th* Clerk ot i.ld CouMr. In *Mb cf I-nm at «ia t*»ara> Counllta ot taU Dlilriel. U 11In Falll, diraeud to flla and anitr thl. Ord.r of a<tnntac- rMortl. tad eauta th* ttm* te ba pah. Ii

Ilthad two conitcullra weak, la aoma Bawf atr, I lll. p.prr publUhad In Ih. touMr. SKS. fioHB AT ClIAkUifUU. al Twin Palla, B■lala of Idsho, UiU lit d.r of I>K«tnh«'. IHL Vim.lln«a IIUCH A. IIAKEII. - - li *. isffl*. Banlor DUlrlct Judea af Uia Adtaa. EI*T*nUi Judlcltl Dlalriet ef

tht SlaU et Idaho. (III. 1»1 Pubilim Pw. II, IS. »51_______ »


^ L a d i e s ’H osie:t \ n r s t Qupllty • PuU Fashioned.

^1 Gtnge, IS Denier 6 9 c ^

j j j jL * PAIR------------------------1-M

I s w e a t e r 7S c R a k ' All-WOOL Pullover and K R S V bu tton -dow n styles In t

. variety of col- -C Q K . o n tn d slsea_ t l a J u «p


C A G IFT CEB’nFICA ’I* : -----------------------------------------------IB'ALWAYS-----------------1 If J-ou don’t know his s t o 'D p C Alexander Olft Ccrtlfleatt -^ O can choose his own HAT - 1:tr . -R a y r . - - . . ap p ly .It .o n an y th ln g .» ,t« Vool Flan- >olld colora

3 - 9 5 „ p F r e p P a r k i n g

m mE S O U T H ■ . . - ^

- - - ■___________ thur

Page 5: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

B E IjProstbtSrJOD-

SpU» dl

MMoTtheNi- u

W Bcethu i ) ^ ^ t > ^ buslneu

U « t S

I■ S y i . " ' " " ” s^ f e S S t o r e i t . I

IM »»T. A■ * S r t t top one bU. |S

S(xpuulon p luu t » U

^ B L j HI million dotlAH M Dluu to spend » daUvi more In §

B S t f ^ o d l n g iirBen- Kflt the d e p a ^ U

" - S loa the wcuri- K cosunUilon U 5i A

S g fill *t»rt the new W is»lr»l« of nearly M M i r 7 lol of Uili. the H, ^ d e i i j » In build- »

0 dM to u n summer'i M

f’tftti tedwtry I* hltUn* aB tjUndeis now. Tha ^b BomI metalworklns f t

B ffdBe«l«r -optlmlMn ^

8 to Link I ge Power | Blems Eyed §Otbs. Dec. IB W l—A SpdfSm tpoleunuin dU> «W

t propoul of the ^.Octton Power e o m p w WU Tirtatlly link the P*- ^nrt'i Bonneville power S fl a v l th C a l l f o r n l i i ' i g f

liist. ehler of Ute com* f f . Rtu ot power, w ld the

palbboM don twocon- gtf

tiiM tpproral of the ^•0[t{on (Irm's applicn* ^te a * to build Iho Big f f i

: hjilreclKirlc project on g ?;ii riTtr In uuU iem Or»> M

ttea »pprovAt of ihe B f ^UaUon for a pr*- © smlt tor another Uam f t Cloud ilrer In northern M

Wlieallon h u yet been f f itr heulng. Jff■Id the propoul w u Mm la the la n couple of MI ll now under tludy. Sc

ion Planned fME, Dcc. 1 8 -n ie D t. XOim of the 6hftshon» ©c,.Ths Tntiler. will be f f tW Tttk ftnd dblrlbut. X

•» of »laft members wai ^jy mornlns and usl;o< f f i J lo iW enti for th e p#- W ai Biker u teicher ad- W j<Voap and Naomi Incaj f f i

* iM R a b b i t Feed*. A laa i Fttd C o - Adr. g ?

K j ^ ^ H i

I W B i l lf f


^ W I H A T O R i

B O b.B . W U F .b j« .u „ „ g ,K f f

r-^~ K t t . n * w »■i.l .. rm liutall th . M

•-.»)»( CoW^ f e

J ©


4 ^ 1

A r e C o n f i d e n t o f ' '

P r o s p e r i t y i n 1 9 5 3

umT of steel - ualnc nanufaclurers U ^n on Brewing by leaps and bounds.” 2^ n * "Mill “ Iw officials w e frankly « r ih e rerprlsed-*l-.th*-«>oUnulne.clan>or- «

for a t« l ■trom nearly all types of *, olio durable goods fabricators," U adds^ listing autos, appliances, oil and u

gas, freight cars. construcUon and PI ex- m ilitary Jmrd goods os “front-llae du u bulwarks o f demand.” C ineu stee l Is pouring out of tbe tnlUs rs to a t a record rate. In the lost twoIWW- m a n rn n iin n m s-h a re - tu m e d -o u V °

more th a a two mllUon tons a weele.N»- t a d most o f K was sold months ago. R

etlngmess | S

» of M

1 ! ; | SUGGESTS-c an &•” © I ■ - - . ■ ~




S U C K Surl- f taa5i % H a n d so m e Style " L is s n e r" " m g f Q u a l i ty Brown— T o n — •^ t^ f f - G re en . A ll s i r e s .

“■i . M0.9511'’* e f __________________Th! © • '

S I All Wool TweedI S L A C K SV 3 r a y a n d Brown. T a i lo re d

*12.5j0_A P A L L W OO L CH ECK S


I I 1 ^ o a b m o o b _ ] 3 . 9 S

la 'i W ■

)m- W - CO M PLETE H IS Cthe K?

r: I New Sp<Big ffi'


s Ieni W W o havo on o> ^cep tiona lly 'fcn f f i 4 2 , 44 a n d 4 6 S p o r t C eo ti

g BURLEy - j e r o m :

I *25.00 TO

L E IS U R E^ © T a i lo re d by M A U R IC E HC

rai f e R A Y O N CREASE-RESISTA w- g ERDINES; 3 co lo rs , R eg . om


- 1 ■

i B e F o o t

f e P a t te r n

© > E j a B LADIES— BO'S f f i 81zes9.10.il___

^ f f i S I B l r a . .

^ Lett—

i s a a f i a e s ^ ® ^ ^


r Transport Taxes ;q Debated a t Meet

„SA I.T i^ k e o r r v . Dec. I I m - s I , Keariy W experU Irom m ost of th e

23 s u i t s weji of lhe Mississippi r lv - ik ly e r met ta Salt U ke c ity today tonjor. dUcuM_unlfonn,U*Btlon_foc_mt“ -, of *tate trucks and busca, ' ~Kids The chairman of th e U tah eUM and lax eommlision. Patrick Heaiy. Jr.. and presided at the opening of the tw o- lla e day conference, which waa caUed by

G ot. j . Bracken Lee. U u h . lUls stlendance were sU t« tax a t- two flclals and representatives of the.<,uv matot-ttariBwrt industry. _________e e l e . ----------------------------ago. READ T1ME3-WSW8 W A W ADB.

9 g ! s ! s ! s i s i e t g t s ! s t e ! « ? @ « t e

J y O U R P R A C T I C A I

M a lfe H im_ sm u m



^ S t S . 9 5 TO $ 2 2 . 5 0



O A T S In a lly good s e lec tio n o f s iz e 4 1 , n C o o ts— R e g u la rs o n d L ongs ' | j


3 TO *39.95 IE C O A T S:E H O LM A N o f C A L IF O R N IA

SIS T A N T GAB- M ^ , 9 5 ^ sg. o n d L ong ............ I /


)5 *24.95_____________ A T A L L STO RES

oot Hoppy

(P O N S —s tte rn s— Alf S ize s A H E w

M M 'a ) ^ l l , U;



W l H u ndreds o f

f G L O V E Su .. ........... L T o th e r -p a lm "W o o lsr U n l/n e d L e a th e r

F l e e c e j g ^ e d L e o lh e r F u r L in e d L e a th e r

■ — ~ " A L i r S I Z E S — ■

^2.98,.’10.50s e e e g i g g i g i B B g i c e e t

1 -

T I M E S - N E W S . T W ]

. Santaj e i »A H O PALLfi. Dtc. tS Cfl-

Oov, U n Jordan U going to play Sant* Claus to goteroofi of other ,

‘ J r i '"0‘'1® ” «llo^ Boxes of choice Idaho niastU” are btlng seat under sponsor-

n t " ' -ah Jp ^ -th a -Id a b o -ad v a rU sln g -eUM ;

J r , *— -two> B0I5EAN DIES^ ^ BOISE. Dec. 18 (U J5-Puneral . services wiu be held In Bolte Friday

' for Elmer Sundell, 6J, retired meattn e Biarkct operator and president of

------- ihcJKaLBttniUnftiiliuuoflciyi______Sundell died Wednesday follow*

\D S . Ing a heart atUck.


I W E W I L L /M K E





) 5

W ^ Buickest I ^ way to a

S 6 . 9 S — a l l s i z e s

f I


^ Tie Specials — - ■ . . .

•r $ J .5 0 Volues

- ' -79c-^r :> 0 2 f a r » 1 J I 0

V ■ '

R g t e c i ^ g t B e e B e e c B e i

, T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

Engineers Slate »i- ■ Confab for I. F.

IDAHO FALLS, Dec.. 18 l*>-T«,’o o fflc e n from the U. 8 . army engl-

*■ , n e e n headquarters'm Walla Walla. W aa h , wlU speak betore a mceUnB Of th e Idaho flood ccDircl dlstrlcl

1*^*' M ix-l here Priday night.--------------CoL W. H. MUls and MaJ. O. A.

— Xewla will discuss flood control on th e Snake river.

« t © e i s i ® e ® © e s t s 3 g ! <

■nt of S ^


K c t ' ' /

jO K y ■v

l i f t a porT o f th e o u td

m i t b e lo n g il I t h o i o

J B B actlo n -ro o m ta i lo r e d

/(T.-. V ^ h ro u g h ^ a n d th r o u g

'^ “ re in th e W o it intc

1 0 0 % W OOL

Gabardine Shirts 3-B U T T O N CUFFS

J ---------------- - P f l f f d t B t O, ,



G i v e T h e m A R O P E R ’S C

" ! T 1 . _ o f _ O u i L S to r e 8 _ ( i i i c lu d i r i g

S T E T S O N a n d L E E H A

n on “If t fBl


*nood eoattol conoama a ll real- dtntA of the tecUon ot the Snake

■ i j i r lr e r between Heise and RoberU," , , X *. .laid John PocJf. president of the , .. flood control d litrlct ^■^■0 Aden Hyde,-one of those In charge

of the publle meeting, ta ld th a t Wa la. -E ven’ resident of Madison. Jetfer- « . I ? Sloshom and Bonneville coun- J ism ct ties lias a v iu l sUke In our in iga--------- tion-syBtem-whlch-rould-bc-TuinedO. A. by noods.-

fol on ---------------------------READ TIMES-NEWS WAOT ADS.

| t S 3 g « - ! S l £ i C i g l S { g ! g ! g ! 5 ! S i e S


i e o u t d o o r ! . . .Q P end le ton t t iH .

h o i c o m fo r t a n d f re e d o m a n d

□ i lo re d 'i n i A n d It's v lra jn w ooL

th r o u g h , P e n d le to n * w o v e n o i i t

e i t in to r ich , soft, lo n g -w e o r ln g

fa b r ic s . C o l o n a n d D o tte rn s a re

ex clO tlve ly P e n d le to n .

REGULAR SHIRTS---------SPORTTHIRTS---------$11.95 $12.95 $13,95

> ! t e w

i s

m F rom 6 .9 5 *>

1 1 ^ 3 . ^•CRn)UTM«(W».C«.

MILLER OABARDTOEM W o i te r n Sh irt* S 4 . 9 5

I M O N T E R ir 100% WOOL

I SH IRTS— $ 7 . 9 5

T FO R T H E B O SS,ThEEM PI R ’S G I F T C E R T I F I C A T E -» • 1

« d i r i E , B Q i 6 C l . ^ . S P E C I A L C E

3 H A T S , N U N N - B U S H S H O E

m iIfa From Roper^s^IfB Depetu.EY • RUPERT • JERO

fsSS; Teacher Aid Pay *°X'. Passes $800,00!n charge BOISE. Dec. IB W—The teachi tld th a t retirem ent syatem reported todi . Je tfer- th a t MB Maho teachen reUrt le coun> since m ? have been paid 1819,4: r in iga - in benefits.e-Tuined —T he-teaeher»-are drawlng-an a '

erage monthly benefit of tSS.T! as i June 30. the system said In Its ar

IT ADS. nual report to Oov. Len Jordan. C

s @ e © ® ® e ® 5 P ® © e ^

5 | — T O IT

p O U T D O O


^ 9 1 W C T j b

V'’- ^ y 9 k ' r ' i f l

Sii J n f nP fT h e ®

1 5 ^ 1V OUTDQO*^


• W EA T H E R G U A R D , Solf-( t . • .B O M B E R , ReverseTwill-K

• COLORADO, Heavy Gobc '« Long S izes for th e T o lU , • CAVALIER, M oulton Col . G o bard lneo rC heckF obr . Long S ire s for the Toll A

AH TtM A bort CoftU Wannly fii Xonerl

“ • O R L O N J o e — G obardlnB - W ith 1 0 0 % O rion Fleoc

H E L D a . S T R IA M IS B

, DOWN-FILLED !----------JACKETS------, 5 5 By "CO M FY "

H T. K K E I b i C O M l i r - C . .b i j l • .t .r - t .p .ll .n rp .p lln - Ullio.iquilNd

V \ > latin lining. OoubU poeli»t> •llh wo?'* kVT > ffn.d h*nd wirm.r*. InuU tiJ M '

> »P « 1 % proe..i«d Mrth.tn jo y » .^ \ down. e*n«teui m#utori eailif. r»ftT.

_____ 6 i w j 8 i o * t - $ 4 5 . 0 a •



■ EMPLOYEES, YOUR BES1' E -» • F R O M $ 1 .0 0 T O $ 1 0 0 .0 0 ,

4 L C E R T I F I C A T E S a n i ] M i l

S H O E S a n d A K R O W S H I E E

f mDependably L


^ reU rlm . n died prior to J t o

lA A A A ‘ MSdlUoR to th e aerrtcs n t t nV%UUU sy s te n h a i paid oDt ii

; ^ 19 disability retlremenU . Tboa’ average t i i S i a m onth aad tot4

! M194M b m t n u to ta ling W.TShave been paid in 88 cases.

i f - a n a T ' ••--------------------------- - —<$.77 as of Cuts In th e scalp o ften bleed n o r n Its an- freely th a n cuta In o ther port* c jrdan. Of the body.

s s s s f f l s e s s s ® ® ® ® ® ® !

5 I T T H E

)ORS-MAN a t M p E n i l

I' | r ^ f


| v J A S S E E N I N f ,

^ Slreain J I ' f j J m a o a z i n i ' 5

TOCK YOU CA N SEE THESE I, Solf-Collar G abard ine ...___$18.9S |Twill-Knit co llar a n d Bottom $19 .95 j y Gabardine S u rcoa t, Self ColL 2 3 .7S iToll Mon ......... ______ M J S . J

on Collor Surcoof, !h ’ #k Fohrie:-Toll Mon.....:____ ;___ ^ 9.9S i

rmly fiuulated W ith X00% Wool QaUtM . J ZonerUofogf ,. * ' S

\ Fleece Lining .................................2 9 .7 3 J, IS EXCLUSIVE A T ROPER'S J

® I| |

l i MTLOK UNCHnkyCOim—tM%' fl W Nrton coyirlng. Lsttrest qallttd wtla S

J llnlns. OeubU baliewt pocliiH whk V .yl|l,j«e«l>iln*d htnd wirmtr*. (biuUIH ff h wooN*"'' proe*n»d nsrihtm t

ilpp*r eloiur*. S*l»c>*d waUr-’fl, - i i ' " “ J ! " . i» ■ U n K u i U . S S T M : J


BEST CU STOM ERS? j0 0 .0 0 , R e d e e m a b l e a t A l l S i i j

L M I N I A T U E I L G I E r S J E O i l !

H E ' r a . I


,;T W IN ? F A tU S : 'fe k |


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Page 6: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]


a S i r ? S

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a n d w o m a o ' B

a n d c o o l ih i ' C

lememlRrl K

l u s p s e f p

Mties nn E into knots! K


G A R Y M E I M p

N iL D E G A R D E I i lM j o a i M e « > « n '

R e o i T B ^ a n . - i ^ ' ' S »

F ^ P J ^ a d B a U I 4S 1TC

# SUQiBT SOBRin^^E?'' OuokDdTUalMBb

■ O M A H A W K C R » [

> d a y 1

M M E P J !


^ T r u m a n C a l l s

t F o r B o o s t s o f — ^

i _ D S A B L E W e r . r ? J S i

' WABHIMOTOM. !> « . W » “ . _ AmeriM’i air power tniUdup c im t x . i , i . rbe puaJitd forward to keep lhe eom* i m n o t OumunUU from “plunging the world J j« &Into war," Pretldent T m n a n u ld ,,o i •KM<iiiatonight. *iii traitcD

CommenUng brlctty on "lU rU lns »'jo jc.W jit«hn lc* l advancej" made In mill- *"•*» tC y-lV liUB n, U14 President m W th a t only by au th deTelopni>nt‘'can n n we buU d-up the power which Unecetsary to keep asgreu lon and (uo ilucIit 1

tTrum an’< <ptech w u made a tth e t!” i’S£.''h ,

W right memorial dinner of the ij j ;

Aero club of W aahln«ton honorlns 5l?s ■cs« iJ,LleuL-Oen. Jam es H. DoolltUe lor »,m .,ir«i. ih ll llfe-Iong aerrlces to aviaUon. He jj :m JUb . mpresented to Doolittle the W rtih t >«■« “ f T'"memorial trophy tn r s c o ^ U o n of u h o : qumb( h is eoairibuUon* a i k clTlUan to

M) Truman aald m ost-a tartlln* tech- u : « m k«

talcal advances’* hav# been made In j i«o KtroU l. m m iw r i m . i l H u JU

•TVS are Uirowlnr our energies <,« D«kre«Jnto military avlaUoa because we f iiiw ant to prevent war," T rum an aald. «"We are developing new technlQUes «,ch) k .n .x -and new weapons wlUi the hope tio# •oui* * th a t they will never hav# to bo

n ^Utd. la'lSO >Dia o<Aim b r«M « • jrM riin ii r.

"Our aim Is peace. We m ust never lorget that. D ut we cannot have w v n

W LatTruman said DooUtUe's fame rasti m

tipon many outstanding accomplish* K f i v ments, but he wanted to lhank him * ^ ' ' 7 parUcularly for the DooUtUe report p .

I on the problem of Uie use axtd lo- tWW VOF I caUon of airports. DooUtUe headed ' a prealdenUal commission se t up tAke a back*

After a series of a ln » r t aeddeots. , , i q , io —-------------- — ------ Wbat hapj

Jl L u m b e r F u - m

S a l e R e p o r t e d- • BOISE, Dec. la W—T he sale of a '* p S ) n S "

the Rallaek and Howard Lumber a lltUe girl company, Cascade, to Boll* Payetle remjLumber company, Boise, was an- 19&2 as the nouneed Wednesday by u r B. Attn- »he took her strong, vice presldmt of Hallack ii«ps mto a '

I and Howard, and Joha I*. Aram, vlee u * w orld-

i prasldent of Bolse-Pkyettc's m asu- dergarten. Ai

Xacturlng division, er girl may :

AU Hallaek and Howard h o ld ls n It as the p In Cascade and In Valley and Bolsa which she fu ootmlles ara Involved tn the tr«M - te dyt h t r ! acUon. I t Includes mill properUes, par most Jog and lumber Inventories and Um- memorabU I ber holdlngi. Purchase price was not raUier then disclosed. * ths destiny 1

I Armstrong said the distance be- put on long :tween the company's W inchester Is more ilki operaUons In Idaho county and c a s- for that rea;

i cads made adei]uat« t u p e ^ o o dif* Britain lost

{Icult and was the primary consld- queen. •raUon In Uie firm's wUJlngness to By and li

•en. --------- ------Aram said the Cascade idan t will T v ' f f •

be operated under a new program I | ] f f | | ' ouUlned by BoUo-Payello and •changes wtll be made with a mini- -r mum o t personnel disturbance.’ X S JT

Custody of Two P.SSSS Children Sought

« n . e r a Bue CurUs, Las Vegas, f tN ev. filed a complaint agatnst her form er husband. Oecsr C. Johnson. v , , ^ Twin PalU. In district court W ed- R u h ^ W t o

^ U ie ^ o U W adopted children. rphu .In th e complaint, M rs. CurUs aoJ

tta te s ahe was divorced from her o7‘of dimblr husband Oct. 18. IMO, and took cus- H e „ ^ how tody of the children. Sho was re- afm ^ l e d D ^ i , 19S1. In L as Vegas,

________gtiB further i t a t f i . th a t h r r fiw— m nna a Mbtm er husband took th e children AlonffDloe M arch 3S and Uiey are being cared i n U ,^ Z M t fo r DOW by Ws aged moUier, She Bullens aim

• , claims th a t he refuses to le t her fe«u Uie lelt: have Uie children and will allow , ^ r e anj-om

Mrs. CurUa U asking fuU custody c f Uie children. She U representcH D U F g i a 6 , J . AU rr i m , .

Basket List Check Asked by Jaycees

------------In onJer to avoid dupilcaUon In to crack a salth e dellveiT of ChrUUnas baskets Entrance Ito needy families, the Jua lo r Cham - gained by fcber of Oomnlerce has asked o ther warehouse. T.orgaaUaUons expecUng to give bas- reported. Thi

, kets to check with Uielr organlta- broken opea 1.tlon before making up the ir final Into the wanlists. an employe, i

Eugene ChampUn, c h a lm a n ol when he camthe Jaycee Christmas basket pro- momlng.gram, asked Uie other organliaUomi The dial hlo call Mrs. Art SmlUi, aO «-J. and the safe but IJet her cheek the ir fsmllles off the forced open.Jajxee Ust before, FWdsy. ____

American Falls Student Burned

AktERlCAN PALLS. Dec, IB «V - Donna Barlow. » senior a t American

overturned In chemliuy clasa ^ disciusloBharon Stump »nd Mona Chan- followlnj

m an alao were aputtercd by a d d , * number, 1bul nclUier'was hurt serlomli- emslon earlle

----------------------- Ubled unUl aQtllLTT During Uie

- I ^ R T , Dec. la -D avld A. Fen- Mngs were su*’5' S '" '* >"8trounan M anln J . Snyder for fall- ouartel under

ure to have license pUtes on his Stnible. Shli traUer. pleaded guilty in Jiuiuee a Christmas r court Tuesday and wa.i lined *tO Hojleiies f »ad W costs by JusU « Prank W e - Mr, d ,” “ s !

................. ......... Pew nnrt


R & R CAIb u h l . ID A H O

T o Cdebralc Our n i t h Annlver

■ S U N D A Y , D E C . 2 1 — 1 2 :0 0 N o o ;V rOSTABLE 80tn»

____ , ______: . R O A S T . B U F F A L O _

' B R E A D E D V E A L CUTLETS_Creamed Cole SlAW.Balad . . Orcca Beam

Mashed Potatoea « a d Oravy I Sherbet or lo» Cream Coffee

j i — B R I N G T ’H E W H O L E . F


' '0

T \ ^ F a l l s R a d i o S i


__ TBUtStlAT ^m .it- 7 t « 'Top Our S;90 'Juntcr Mlu[] Til» Pnrr Cone-Dorl< Dir 7 1«0 Mlsllrweo FlirkeutS SiM 'MkhMl 6h*n» TiSO •Oiif CimVr° flO l'K mSIIm UlUoa S iOO 'IM Traut Kcwi

*ilS traltcB L«wli, Jr. SiftS LnaHurnrSSowE tlio IGibrkI ll*>lt«r SilO •VUlUi'TloK“ 10:S» nii>d.f. rrt>li» IIOO «l,«w.ll H»mMT l:Jfl ‘Mwi Kllll*™ ,i.a. }o!is suTmuf Srt>0 CiU U Pr.rn ' 11 ;U 'CHSi SiW auckT U lUneh raiDAT

, tiM •0*& Orrsd. Nf>* SiSO Altra Cloclr CI»be TllMiltbo » ••• 7i«0 N m . WmiImie SiM 'DrMlcrul ClHk 7iM AUrm Ooti Osk. IrllS KIK X.lrndir H i t *009 Hfwi‘ m s 'Cfirt HunU»r SlOO "Artlur CedfMTr »it« •llm k (h« Umk 10:00 *W«ft4r Wtrme I0:M M>n •I>4 hl> Hifla lllJO *Gul41u LUkt. lOliS 'H r Tcui Slorr, I tll t KclntrrVt &riphook ItlOO l i t a'clwli K mI

!r:S! t a i l . S ”. ‘ ” I S

' I l H S " ' ' ' ”'I ifflI SiM KMdU Kiralrtl 7 it« m t U sn t' Slto IWIld Dill ilkkok SiOt *rorw*>« AB>«rl«4• «lM k .H .ru » . MWI PlOO *L«w.II I W m e TiM *0ill« (ri4 Harriet S i lt 'U n lih. i:M 'CtMlttd* »r Spord (iS« >Hr. Kmi

»^9 Buk«U>4ll lOiOO N«walOiM >Dia IM ffC rln t lOilt SUrllfM Mtloila)1:M yilnltn Frollt l l iU . 'N o i

' W L a t H a p p e n e d t o Y <

• B o y l e A s k s i n R e v i i^ Dy HAL BOYLE year of wat- NEW YORK, Dec. 18 O B-Thls U erlng tensi

the time when m ost people like tb tremendousP cake a backward look u id weigh the except In

gains and Josses o f « w aning year, pciicles.W hat happened to you In '02t Ihere th

‘Historians a s s e s a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M the Amerlcia year by- th e ^ I I R ^ I ^ ^ H sUde victory

, mighty changes but the realUiat take place In euthquake

ple remember i t on l l l l l l * ^ No stars• a peisotial basis. B R V i f l B i K B but a pot f A lltUe girl m ay ■ M E B E r ^ 9 w u expfodi> always remember ■ B 2 & 3 | n ^ H whst U thi■ 1963 as the y e a r ^ M t ^ H M | H We do not> she took her f irs t ■ | S | i j K W . ksv rum> MW* iw^d‘-?lun* In Uie teet• d e r g a ^ . An old- I * * “ epeM n 1(

er girl may recall *•* ti, .I I t as Uie period of cris is during ^„oney> which she fmally made up h e r mind than hc evi• te dyt h t r h&lr t t i . Uon as a v , Por most of JU a year U made hog Uian a• memorabU by how It touched us ii, hUtcrv t raUier than In Uie way I t affecUd a. #

ths destiny ot naUons. A boy who hettei• put on long panta for th e f i r s t time r.et v a hai r is more likely to rem em ber ifisa ^ v i more gi• for tha t reason th a n th e f a c t th a t nifiicuiarlr• Britain lost a king a ad sa la e d a perity. w e■ It Ittstr*’I By and large, lOSS -h a s been a u has boi

--------------------------------------------------- II monUu,

I D i f f i c u l t T a s k £ S r 5

■ I s M a d e E a s y ™ £ "BOISB. D e c ie o ijo -T h e usual ap- most (

preclaUve crowd of sU tehouae work- « « '■ ers gaUiered around the big Christ- more gMtcf ; mas U « ln Uie lo tunda Wednesdsy , But right

lo watch electrician O eoive SuUens: shoot Uie Icicles on the boughs. « »iUe oldi

I t is Bullens’ Job each y ear to get more punl*’ out his vacuum cleaner, a tta c h his »•« »«ll. hi

Rube Ooldberg contrapUon. an d blow television scUie tlnfoU Icicles into position. vague resen

This year Uie tree U more than 28 “ use I t dlfeet tau, so SuUena savea hlmselt a onswer to Ulot of climbing wlUi his device. mind—w hat

Here's how the th ing w orks: — P i n t cf all, tha vacuum tle a n t t is

shlfC^ into reverse so th a t It be- O l l l C e

A long pipe, wiUi a funnel running R v A Into Uie aide. Is attached.-------------------------------- ^

Bullens alms Uie pipe, a n assistant KIMBEIU feeds the Icicles Into the funnel, and stallaUon o beforo anj-one can alng th ree chorus- Pleasant Vs rs of "Jingle Bells,” the Job is done. Granges wr

-------------------------- Valley h a l l '

B u r g l a r s F a i l t o J / ™ " !

C r a c k F i l e r S a f e " " i ; ”FILER. Dee. IB -K olhlns: was scheduled I

taken Tuesday n igh t when burglars the annualentered the'A ssociated Seed Orow- program wlera oftlce and warehoiisn a n d triiid. a AllJi mftKlilo crack a safe. during

Entrance to the building was A dnncegained by forcing a door In Uie been planncwarehouse. P. M. Hudson, m anager hall Sat reported. The offlee door also wasbroken opea and the aafe w as taken r ____Into the warehouse. R onald Engle, an tmploye. discovered th e burglarywhen he came to work W ednesday R T r f i lqiortdng. '• 1 | =

The dial had been knocked olf ’ t i fthe safe but the door h a d n o t been IEforced open. *

N e w S c h o o l P l a n s

O u t l i n e d f o r P T AKTMBERLY. Dee. IB — Superin­

tendent of Schools BUI Pow ers de­scribed p l a n s - fo r - th e - n e w - g ra d e -----------------school ‘building, a t a PTA meeUng - .........here Monday night.

A discussion on th e p ro jec t w u Jheld following Powers' address. M

A number of projects u n de r dls> J Bcmslon earlier In Uie meeU ag wer* J / MUbled unUl a la ter aessloo.

During the program C hrlsU nu songs were sung by a mixed chorus from IhB high school and a girls* quartet under the direction of Don stnible. Shirley K enry presented ^ I K S a ChrisUnas reading. E g l n W

Hostesses for the evening; wera e M B Mm . d »1b Schoth. Mrs. O ra n t De- 'Pew iinil x tr. T..»i« ________


c a f e ^ HID A H O t e w

n i th Annlvernar}'— '

1 2 :0 0 N o o n t o 8 : 0 0 p . m . _ fp

LO- ONLY £rTLETS _ ^ . I L

Oreca Beans ' ----------co,,„, 5 0 cJ O L E , F a m i l y - I — « n t i n e

l a d i o S c h e d u l e s | '

c e e p K T F I A M - P MIIL0CSCLE8) K IL 0-tft7 MEOJ _ „ A j

B uua iT n i ;u D A T

■£“i4lm.w SsiI.m !L £'’ U r t Tranter Mlu ZR07 Batrut J , Splngl

I 'T * " '

« ,

u te yesi?lu U<J«illM «!«» I«» Llmioca 's t«n» SlU Hm U v«u«y AsTl th a t he IraiDAT T iu D n ^ i w i ^ t n . "likeB S.tJ CSlUoara Cloeli Clsk SiU 8Ur Buat* COmmUDI

S MU..rCrffrt» JJ2 J . o n comil a ' i S ’ ' i ' . S ! K .% V i S S K ,

ikiKUr 1 IW sKtdi* DtaMM lng firmi i i w « tr fT jiu S.M ^ P.U OU Indus

■ koSfo"R. Hirrcv SKS xB V. x.«iuab«ra cartel re

r . ^ ^ r f a r . 4 . s i s a ' v j s . i i s u o f . gilU s n t SlIQ iNtm* Tbat TBd* WOrld Oi•w»r< Am«ri«4 JlM lUtt P»r»d« tXISSlbly

i i a r s . t e s - S j u : ; s s r : . f s ' u u ' 5 ! s .!;s£:ur%a - S S

--------- ■ ■ — Inveatlga'

s d t o Y o u i n ’ 5 2 ?

n R e v i e w o f Y e a ryear of watchful walUng and gath- **W

: U erlng tension raUier th a n one of everythin tb tremendous and dramaUo decision— ethics In

the except in the field o t dometUc Uon th a t ar. pciicles. . tiy the 1

Ihere th s deep disquiet among level Iten M the American people c r e a t^ a land- - Splngat■ sUde victory for General EUeahower. ful of Uii■ but the real results o f th a t poUUcal he had w■ euthquake cannot be kno im before enhower i H 195}'. govemme■ No sU rs coUlded In th e heavens, pendent i H but a potenUal H-bomb weapon stand ',‘'01 M w u exploded In Uie Paclfle. And govemme■ wlist U the fun meaning of thst?R We do no t know yet. ' f / "HI ’ Kew rumblings of un rest sUired JvOl*■ In Uie teeming mUllons of Africa■ and AsU. ‘Ih e war In K orea colled T J

deeper In Its long sta lonate. jThe average man earned more

'^5 money and paid more taxes in 19S2 BAN FUian hc ever had before." The n s- The UtaUon as a whole ate h ighe r on the h u slgne

‘.le hog Uuin a t any previous time ia pubUo of“ lls hUtory. improve2 ° As a people ws probably sever mines,

were better off. B ut despite Uie The cofact we had more moaey to spend. ie»s," u eand more gadgeU to buy, we weren’t jten delliparticularly happy about our pros- exceeding

* perlty. We worried, "How long wUl T uujjti

“ II has been a resUets and im euy — n monUu, probably becaute we 7 “ ^

weren’t sure wheUier the world w u teetering toward pcace or tottering toward war. ’The yearning for some : ”

> kind of certainty and security grewV “ • . f ^ ■,J Probably years snd years from ”,p. now m ost of us will look back a t “* . 1M2 and wonder, "why wasn’t I fonstrucU ,U more grateful? « w u a good Ume.»« Dut righ t now Uie average man ns feels th a t In 1D32 he only grew of Utah.

a lltUe older, grayer, w earler-end . Wayne :et more p ua led . He had a Job. he o” ",U ate weU, h e bought a new car or P""y >w UlevUIon set. But he stUl holds a manager i

vague resentm ent against 19S2 b t- n j * r 28 cause I t didn’t give him a clear P p T l T l a answer to Uie main problem on his

mind—w hat llea ahead? T p

i ; O f f i f P r s T n s t a l l p d / - S

■" By Area Granges «nt KIMBERLY. Dec 18— Jo in t in- of Uie eal Id staUaUon of officer* for HoUlsUr. The ests- Pleasant Valley and Mountain Rock p srt of lol le. Oranges was held a t Uie Pleasant subdlvislo

Valley hall TuMday nighL let autot, Roy D urk w m insiaUlng officer, personal ]Following tha ceremony a sodU In addl

_ hour was held-. survivorsC Next mcoUng of .the. Ottinge Is Elizabeth■8 scheduled for Jan, fl. O n Friday Mr«. RuU:rs the annual Chrl.^tmas community The couV. program will bc held with Santa man. Cre

Ume during the evening. Hearing u A dance open to the publle h u for 10 k Jr ,B been planned for the Pleasant Val- Raybom 1cr ley hall Saturday._____________ • peUUoncr,

ai r ------ - ' - ■e.

f e youE

I' M M O a s ^ l l Y' * ' jm All




~ U . s . O f f i c i a l A r e a

1 F l a y s A t t a c k | |

i s i - - O n O i l R e p o r tW ASmNOTON, Dec, I t SR-Ped-

r t eral Trade CommUsloner Stephen £J , sp lngam has accused Uie petro- “

« - leum Industry of w tglag a world- »I, wide propaganda campaign In an „- t effort to dlscredJt Uie p r o ’s oil

. cartel report Dr O--------- Splngam -told-»-new t-ccnferK ice niedlclM

U te yesterdsy the campaign h sd Qoodlng, reached such a high-pressure pitch m ed ica l.

L th a t he and hU feUow commission- ^ t Gales era, “like Alger Hiss, ara being ae- jo re mm

jue, cused of being Influenced by UiecommunitU'; and should be InvesU- ^ »at«d by Uie PBL S 11”Spliigam said Uie CaUfomla-TeXM county 1 o n company, Ltd., a .subsidiary of ,h ii u .

. B taadahl Oil o f CaUfomU. Insplr- «-a, p t t ed Uie campaign. He said It w u be- tral Ida

• ^ lng carried on throush the adverUs- 1031,** • Ing firm of KUl and Knowlton, the

oU Industry InformaUon commltlee '• and Uie oU lobby, ( ) F S7 , The moUve, ha said. Is to c u t "L ,

' doubt on the factual conteift of the P |» i cartel report. I t charged existence

« of a global combine to control BOISE world oil output and prices, and p o ^ b ly to S iea d off the current **•' grand Jury InVestlgaUon of the a l- “ ***

2 leged cartel." Bpltigam said he would welcome

—and may propose—a congressional The G — Inveatlgatlon of boUi Uie facts be- «udy of

hind the PTC’s findings and “UiU " e sh , ft bUtaaUy unethical attem pt to dls- credit It.” - prices as

T h e tnqulTT should show who l l * Inspired Uie campaign, w hat It U

oosUng and who U being paid." he lUi- said. “We w ant a f l l r forum on £ 1 ? " ^

of everyUilng. ThU Is an Usue on ^ * { ™ ' i n - eUilcs in government. The sugge<- ^ J f , aUc Uon Uiat we should be Inveillgated . f , '

br the F B I U the w ont gutter- S f f ju i? ’, ong level Item In Uie propafaads,” ? « « « « ' nd- - Splngara satd lie was so resent- , ver. ful of Uie a tU ck on ths PTC Uiat f ^ h r K leal he had w ritten Prealdent-Bect EU- !ore enhower urging th a t he defend the . T J ^

government's quaal-judlclal Inde- H O tns, pendent agencies ahd take a a early BOHL, pon stand ’,'on the Usue of eUiics In ChrUtlan \nd government." the Buhl

---------------------------- day wlUi

K o r e a n M i n e

“ P a c t I s O K ’d K^ lude and M2 BAN PRAKOISCO, D ec 16 un — AcUvens- The U tah Construction company Shields, <the h u signed a contract with tho Re- basco. O ia pubUo of Korea to rehablUtate and a n d 'P te t

improve two big Korean tungsten bearen ti»er mines. Bowers, J the The contract, for five yeara "or O. W. H■nd, leas,” U expectcd to result In lung- Cook. Flo:n t sten deliveries to the United SUtcs endorf. 1■ot- exceeding 60 mllUon dollnrs. city cem

Tungsten U a vital material, med „for toughening steel. ’The contract I J r n i lWlUl th e RepubUc of Korea waa U f U U

" , signed after the U. 8. governmentI contracted to purchase large qusn- i v U i

titles of K orean tungitcn over a BOISE,five-year period. adequate

Utah Construction company, now iix montlot San Francisco. U an old firm ommendei

, t WlUl a long hUtory o t mining and orojects t; T construcUon achlevemenU In scat- leaUUtuni j i tered parta of Uie world. Most of iS ,* Muin Uie firm’s princlpaU are residents qj tltw Utah. mendaUoimfl Wayne M. Olade. « , who h w p a r execho been wltlft Utah Construction com- nouBced rOf pnny about four years, will be ofllce _

, » manager o t the Korean.projcct. j^^AD T I

” Petition Is Filed S i In Estate Matter

A peWUon to dettrmliiB properly B i h '__ .n f jh r f i ta tr nf ffvalyn-Ar-Leveker

who died Oct. 3 a t Buhl, was fUed _k . , , » g In probate court Wednesday by her E N

husband, H arry W. Leveke. executorIn- of Uie estate. _____er. The estate consists of lot five aad t m >ck p srt of lot six In block 132 of Barry's I M v m t subdlvUlon In Buhl, a 1948 Chevro- i U i l i

lel autotnoblle and miscellaneous er. personal property.iU In addlUon lo the widower, the ‘ ^

survivors are two daunhtera, Mrs.U Elizabeth Rember. Triumph, and L l

lay Mrs. RuUi Easle. Boise. P *Ity The court appointed Jess O. E u t- Ita man. Creed RuUierford nnd Adal M M ,le - -BayUro-to-apvralso the tJUli;.------

Hearing on the petition was set « l u for 10 * jn . ^an. 20 In probate court. £ £»1- M d Raybom represent Uie

i l that says rou mm it! ^

f i

™ YEARS OLDAU Slraiirfit Whisky

l i i i i e . - ' f:h t w h i s k i e s - « p r o o f ' l!llll!ltl}i*iORPORATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA, • C A T

_______ TIMES-NEWS, TWIN-Fi!

[ Area Doctor Will f l i i L Represent Idaho 1 ^ At Medical Meet Jl ? f . BQIBR.Dec. U . t lL ^*• • ' Cromwell. Ooodlng, ha* beea deaig-^ nated by Oor, Len Jordan to rep- volume 1 ^ rew n t Idaho a t a meeting o f the

World Medical astoeUUon a t Rich- reduced ^ mond. Va., next AprtL ;

The governors of Uie 48 sU les Purthi^ irere asked to name a doctor 7B wot ot

year* o r over to be honored guests. • ThU •_ Dr. CromweU. 79, ha* j f f j^ t l te d ie re c u t

« « m e d le ln r60” years, ' 12 o f th e m in agricultihad Ooodlng. After graduation from report 0

medical sehool In IKO, h e pracUced job doaa t Galesburg, IU., eight years be- lng,"

•e - for# moving to flooding la lOlI. Tho p“ i* He waa a captain in th e medical second I

corps In World war I, and helped P ^ <esUbUsh what U now Uio Ooodlng PtJl of 1County Memorial hospital w here he ducts-r

' O' sUU U a member of Uie s ta ff. He dairy pwas presldeni of Uie 'S outh Cen- oveK-aU

be- tral Idaho Medical assoclaUon in mgn.•us- J031. ThUvUie ‘ --------------------------- of a se

: : OPS Claims Huge S ; 4“ Price Boost Total js”S,[trol BOISE. Dec. 18 l*v-price Increases punh,

on dccontnUed food 1 ^ have to- ig,- n t *1,000,000 In Idaho sincc cell- tnrtnUvi.1 Ings were removed l u t Ju ly , the ^he Ii

BoUe office of price stabUlzaUon 0^ . m,,esUmated Wednesday. two rcli

,nBi The OPS laid It was m aking a end orbe- etudy of Uie cosU to consumers of ductlon

'thU tresh, froun. dried and processed sevend i , . frulU and vegetaWes wlUi wholesale ond lai

prices as a basU. , , ' com, wl_*,o I t selectsd M Items la th e group caae. 6. ■, of foods, Including cereaS, dried those wl, and procetsed apples, p e a c h e s , .rtrage

on p r u n e s , cherries, tomatoes and hncco. (grapefruit Juice. I t said th e cost per h»nesUcase to Uie retailer of canned to - cherries,matoes hsd risen 28 cents, w g ar tree nut

i r P « « J9. jrspefrult Juice 38, dBed o u / i ipeaches 81 and dried prunes 88. UierevU

1“ Christian Voeller ’”™»i Honored in Rites S “

irty B U H L ,D e c . i e - 8 e r r l c e s f o r In ChrUtlan 0. VoeUer were he ld a t ,n i i « j ,

Uie Buhl MeUiodUt church Wednes- day wlUi Uie Rev. Pred H . Halt, pastor of the Buhl Presbyterian churcb, olllcUUng. v iJ m m

JVlUlam Roberu and O len Llekle I 1 s £ g a duet accompanied by Dr.Q P, A. KaUujky who aUo played pre- h ,

lude and postlude music.I — Active pallbearers were Jame.i H. any Shields, Oeorge Likeness. L. H . Pro- /■r'm m Re- basco. O. L. SmlUi, C. D. Boring | > / » tnd a n d 'F re d Hartlng. Honorary pall- lien beareri were J. C. Hamilton, Floyd

Bowers, Don Shaver, J . W. E dsctt, T H "or O. W. H anli, L H. HarrU, Jam es ng- Cook. Floyd Luft ond Olen E. Buck’- gcni itcs endorf. Burial w u made in Buhl —,

city cemeUry. '

Group Completes Wl Road Discussions Bo'

’ a BOISE, Dec. 18 (11 — The projec t padequate roads committee wound up

low alx months of dUeusstons on rec- Irm ommended' highway Improvexnenl

projects to be submitted to the 19S3 a t- legUUture.0* Kay McMurray, executive eecre- N O

ta ry 0! the group, said the recom- mendaUons will be drafted by Uie Bob HC PAR execuUve committee and a a -

^ nounced next week. ' ^ T H E



Ifk A '1' .1

CO-HIT . »



T H X I R a n d F R I .

^ W le ren a iy ^

m B i


iln a l USDA Re L Level of Farmi_ H . WABHINOTOW, Dec. 18 W - _ P o U t 4 l» . A m erS a fwrnera produced a rtcord o lif lw

volume of atriculturiLl pnsducts UiU AWJi ’ the year de t^to handicapa M diousbt.Uch- reduced acreage* and mosUy lower , Tbe " f a ra prices. • I»st y.,l4tes PurUieimore. m ost of the crops per a a ir 7S wers of generaUy excellent quaU^. revUed jesu. • ThU achievement, which bad been U iU ,rt lUced forecut euUer, waa reported In the by s ta t n in agriculture d e p u to e n t 's liaa i crop w h6 trom report of the year. I t described the 000; 39 Uced iob done by farm ers u ‘‘u toaU h- 8,438,0C i be- iDg," . B“ I',1. Tho produeUon of crops w u tha 000; S: <Uetl second largest In hUtoi7. being sur- _ _ _

passed only In 1IH8. A j-ecord eut- Kllng PtJl of UVestock and livestock pro- W •e he ducU-meat animaU. eggs, poultry. ■

lie dairy ptoducU and wool—pushed ■ Cen- oveK aU farm producUon to a new .■ n in high. I

ThU w u accomplished In the face I— of a severe drought th a t plagued much of the fann ing area a t one

A Ume or anoUier during the growing , season, and despit«' the fact th a t

t n \ farmers planted about 3 per ceot * " * lesl land than l u t year,'• « » . FurUitrmore. farm price*, which e to- lof-er thU year, offered leu

incenUve Uiaa a year ago,.O’* The harvest was a weU rounded

one, attested by th e fact th a t only two relaUvely m inor crops — rice

ng a end onnge* -se t Individual pro- rs of ductlon records, essed Several oUier crops were Uie sec- esale ond largest of record. Including •

com, winter wheat, toy beans, sugar joup cane, hop* and trapes. Among

those which wera much larger than 1 i e s , average wera oottcn, hay and to- and i^eco. OUier larger Uian average hanesU Included sugar beeU, pean,

' cherries, lemons, cranberries and }i**i tree nuU.» e d o i j /iDii JJ62 producUon esUmate,

tbe revised figure for ISSI. and the 10-year average. respecUvely by im­porunt crops locluded:

Wheat: 1^91.*i7,000 busheU for ’ final 19S2; N0,810,000 for rerUed . i

; e s i;««.904,000 for Uie 10- f. ,A . year averue.’ £ »

Com: S306,7».000: 1,898,189,000: ^i . r 3,011,«52W». H l i5 “ - OaU: U88J80,000; 1^31^88,000; 5,?5 X n WlD.mOOO.

Barley: 327,008,000: aM,387,000 and304.127.000.

'*'® Rye: 18^10,000; 31,801.000 and ^38.095.000.

P " Dty beans: 18,777,000 bags of 100 , JJ pounds; 17,S«1,000 and nfiVJfiOO. ■TQ j

IT H U R S . a n d F R I . V

Sequel to B ill M auldins F irs t Com edy H itl ^

WILLIE „ J O E I ns Bock .1 u,. Front

Fine for Uie Famllyl I-‘ “ P - V

i k s n z / m u MN O W T H R U S A T .

Uie Bob HOPE - Marilyn MAXWELL a a - in

'THE LEMON DROP R-----“ KID' —^ Return Showing of I •

Bob Hope's Funniest Cornedy j

COME EARLYI f _ 1 DOOns OPEN I 1 9 1

t L' i . i L

★ S T A R !

('■ starring-

1 a losEPH cir


j p s c o n B R A

ll a a s lB H ia E I .M .g m ic y M f.M r.C B

2 EXTRA! "Tropical Lowi

■■ ------------------- ^ t a i a s n i t Y

^ R eport Indicates Farm Crops DuringP) — PoU toei: M7M4.000 burtuU- no . . ® iw d m flO O -I» l-41 IJ35«0 : thU B tvar be«U: 10J17M0 tons- ie ^ ° '> n r

i jh t . «5fl00 a n d lOflWflOO. ’ :ower . Tbe rcrU ed acreage horvesUd

l u t year and Uiii year, Uie ^Kjpa per acre la s t year and UUs. and uS lUtr. p r o d u ^ l u t year ^been t ! ^ respecUvely, of Important oomI th e by sUite* Included: J^Opoi

— W H t tin a i l i5 - 7 5 r» 6 and f fl i 'I th e 000: 39J( and S lJ , *hd 31570,000 andlUh- 8,438.000. “ * « o t

m m m l i » . t u . OM; U m J »7, la .tp j w ' S

W M BWing

ceot ^


M JoniM on*

f t -------------------- CO-HIT—I C H A R L d STEWART • SUU I ■ Your Favorite Oua and PUa



/jif irO f)^r ’x ________________«« ■_ =

IH E ^ SE Y W I N T E I ^ p


;g| Low land"-ColorCortoo"

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Bls-Cars.-.i t reduced

OWliiia'* ■ S * X ^ Tbe 19U

f c S ? - « r '

B .» e isS “ “-

K S ‘«S5^'*^f t s i s s ' s s R ^ S rf«“»p®“*- *K r A * teth four-dwr ■ 2 , * S i t i n i m e “belt- ■ f p f l W ch*«et«r-

H f_ 4 x n k » T » b « o en- H M IM fow-door Aero H m t t tt*i“ 9

K s s s ” ™ 'ut n tt ^ JjiM lW Aero Willy*^(M B O dd_______


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K e> Icar-dxir ttd*!!.'JUS ““** " ""

f ,i,T r»H m ti •lih [jSrlat UfMie* «r»

»SfL-34^*cw nl:i,'*Ki” S«ood^ U r*.(T«l »t ts» .

" r aHIU rtfkl te r«J«tTIWW TALU. IDAHO

ttsniNCE J. u t s r A .iw.

rra t iiKD PLACE roB m * « y » r ^ r tw w

naWTON. DKKASED.■ >1 irdtf M mU] C«irt tta iir of b«rfffflS<r, lOw.i S HIUOY niVEN •n-il M<» ridm'd Cwn. tl Ihf Countr '

’’r'r.4 v u li »id*tjf^rc«fins *ht

< 1. Ixt ;cbni<»n for tS« ta <( Uilm T«um»Iifr>

*IT. I'lAWll.TOH.£ss»,;.'' 'I; KART SALUOK.D-ratj C).tV

•I>. II. IM>. Jm r I. IKI Bitiisn m i n u s ron


rtu or Tltt GUAMIIAN*K i rSTATt o r CAItL

IIIIIRR. A MINOn.3 ur.Rtiir r.ivM.s Thit»liWn, • Blnnr, h>i fll*<l• I*' nn^tourUi• III, :v»* J)' ■[?;« (I)(.nil Blak .Mn.-r.<li (t6)I nni ro««>iii o ir et

1,Uhn-_______ I

u rram rir'd ivra ih .i•«J* br lh. C®un r ll Darmbtr, | | i ! >l (hi

■ rtWk A. U. .1 1).. CouM]lo<ui

"J* " . If *nr Uin" V»»t. r«Kii. >«in„ .tioiiM notn KANO lU till M*t »( i Cwrt mi. lJ,k 4 ., rf 1>■ HAkHTOM,

11. mt. __ ^

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ariffS'Jf‘•'T OT m.lnl.In

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..!• o r COM.

C^i'rtn.a ' Bi

nd <

* c5 )1


4.98h. . Soft. Telvety, wavy-line ehe* i nllleal Deep WnRe edBtnir.

All th # new decorator colors.I.. Twin or full.et

m i!

r # w

; Fur-LinedE


3.98W arm und comforUblel Soft Jur U n ln j . . . durable cape-

______ ik ln kIovw. Brop.'n or Blnck.______

FLANNEL UN ED_____ 2 i3•II


! '

All-N ylon I Blouses

1.98Bo easy to launder . . . snd ;pretty, tool S he ll wear It (er .<ic h o o l. . . for dress up. Blxu .. i«10 '14. I



18.00 •' s tu rd y atee] oonstrucUon . . . 3

brlBht. red Tlnlihl BpecUl Jlow p rice for aow l H uny lnl j

m i9 5 Z


)) ^I Guilt-Trim/TH Safin Robe

7.90. . . In 1u.v;lous nrw coloni A Blfc she ’ll love the year "rtund. Full-sweeping ik t r t . . . belt Ue. 6iz«s 13 to 20.

Heavy-W eightBlankets

7.90Oortteous 3H-pound. 10% wool blnnket. Deep sniln blndlns. .

. S h e ll love these new colors.Sizes 72 x » .

rk California ^ S port Shirt

2.98New, ribbed rsron t/wt fsun- d e rsM welll So many brlsht, n e w colors lo choose frotnl Button-over collar. SUcs aro sm all - medium - large.

G abardine W csf’crn Shirt

4.98T rlm -fltU n* stylel Wajhibl* ssbn rd lne v lth mother*oN

color ronge. Sizes 14 (o 17.

M Slipper Socks

2.290 * 7 Colors. BnuEmUnsI AQ le a th e r soles. Pertect' Eltt for t h s t UtUe BlrL


2.98Kew tAffetft cotton. Looka

.d r e s s y . . . , . yet launders like»ny .co tton d r tu l New colors.___ .B l« s J to 13.----------------- — ----------

Q Puckeretfe Shirts

2.98__ru r t '. l AM Twnm _____________

WlU Ilka th e way they laun* derl B righ t, nev colon . , . a llN y lo a . S U e sO to lL


6.90ZdesI s i f t fo r the UtUe fellows. A ll-leather Blovea . . . aalel^ poddedl S e t of 4.

\,:....... ......... i



2.98A . . . in sheer, tricot knlll - I. a tam oro tu ityJef ta p l e s i eIt h e r I Choose from tirllllant.

sew colors. Sites S3 to 40.

3-Pc. Dresser Sets

1.98ll B nish - Mirror - CombI All

. boxed . . . ready for you to 1. «lvel Several new patterns

and new colors.

19-oz. Whipcord Pants

5.90. . . Xn ffrsf o r sreen .nSew blend of rayon, acetate snd

I nylon! Msde (or top w ear. . .) tr im f i t . . . good loolcal Seo

these. Sizes 20 to 40.


4.49, W arm . . . w d oomforlabla,

Jong-wearlns. too. In Brown Suede Pinlih. Leather «Je*

;_______ nn d nibber heels. Fur collara ty lel 8 l« s e to l l .

IPretty New


2.98. . . In Bsbwdlset . , . wool pUIda . . . eorduroysl A new s h ip m e n t . . . new colon . . . sizes 7 to 14.

3-Pc. Panty Set

1 . 0 0. . . In pastel colors. OKt- Boxed •. . . Besdy To Olvel

~ ~ - . '-M c a trtTTn.-aiim 'a to 11~ - —

G abardineShirts

1.98_ Bm ooth WTOO K a b ^ lne a h ^

m e n t o( colorsi CaUfomla styted. Sites 3-lS.

H aw aiian P rin t Shirts -

1.49New i cnnkle crepes. . . th s t d o n 't need to be Ironedl Bis. ncw selecUon of bright prtnUI ■tyled. s u e t 3 to 18,



• . Twin Falls Store

p Friday and ird ay 'til 9:00!

Fur-Trim m ed 'H u g g er' C op

2.49nltl ■ n ie "(ashlon" B eanie you'v#n o been waiting for( New *hlp»tnt. ment . . . a ll colors. Snug<0. fltUnj. •

' I-Lb. Box C hocolates

79cDelicious M sortm enti Cream*

fn , - m i t s - N uts. Covered wllh light snd da rk chocolata.

d Gift-Boxed H an k ies


Beveral pa ttern s . Colors ■ ice Whites • P la in • InlU als . « .

-Stocklog S ta ffe r Idea .”

A ll-N ylon Dress Sh irts

4.98lls.wn Soft, luxurious, 100% nylont Ie* Jlere'a » sh ir t th a t wll] elva lar plenty o( w ear . . . so lltUe

iiOnBls Ul la«ndcrt~14 !t* lT .“ '

IT a f fe ta

S lips

1.98ioi~ ■“rrrwiunoirah-aiotromf—iw flesl W hite ta fe tta —« nisU . . Ilng lUp to w ear under her

frilly dresses, a ises 3 to 13.

M uffler and M itt Set

1.98t - All-wooll B righ t, new knItsI e l Sizes (or Uie toddler g lr l i . . .■ ■ a i f f Boxed.------------—

S lipperSocks

2.29■ts . . . t o fit a ll ajje boysl Bright,i : — —iew ToIofi'ana-coinblnsU on*.—la Warm and coo3(orUblel O lft


Sporty Slock Socks

29cs t DursMe cotton s lack aock*. . ,i . nylon relnforcedi B righ t b ia t- | Jal er airlpes. ElasUc topi. Sizes f t

t to 10'.i.


. . . S t i l l a t e i

s e l e c t i o n o i

I ■

' E i■MkS Frilly Locey

GiftSjips •S M X m A dream of a allp

tl(y. get on Chrlstmss t Ke'" ’B ' IMUtel co lo n . . . lo U '

^ K r J W l a c e 'a n d embroldeW / M trims! Sizes S3 t o t

" All-Nylon KiLocay Slip

H l U j l L aunden la a wlni Brilliant n t w ooloi Deep l a c * and n i

K ^ J tiim il BU u S3 to *

^ Draam Of R k I Glomour Gov

IthSmooth rayon crep

■ J m R 9 . . . f in s n y o n ItnilAll WlUl e x p e a s l i

■ / j H I l a c e and embrolde: K I touches. See them i

Wujm 'Gold-Dustei^ | 3 ^ 'TV ' Pajama:

New Prlntal . . . Ne E c‘^ 9 Slylesl LonB-cost<

Pajamas. I n sever H k e S jI I aparkllng c o l o r s .

lovely gift! Slzea I

" Special RayaH | M Gift Gown

*■ w l w wlUt lota of la c i a i

ne t trlm il B lK coli ' usortm entt 33 to 4


S Dull Twist 6fl■ A j H . . . I n all .the la te s t

New, hlgb-twlst bIvw lah. n im r , sheer, «

■ 1 ^ ' ^ porUoned lensthsl f

Kew FashionA sU s-iU m m lns heel . . . new ooitume color

b I a M —Mveral patterns . . & \ Z 9 ' pick up several pa in

sizes to 11. •

r ~ ^ i | Chifton M « fl l r E ! ^ The (Ine. sheer m e a h : V j « U F a m o u s (or Longe: r / ^ m S h a d u l Sizes S S -to

' i f l ' ^

...i w


t e r r i f i c

o f w o n d e r f i


B c o y

[)1 ; . (: a slip t® \ \ Ito ia sIK ew g\.9B \ V...louof M \ \ fSWsmbroldery ^ \ \s S3 to 60. \ *! V ' . v

o n K n i t

l i p 1 :9 \

I a w lnkl Q Q I IIW colors. • « » '' t

and n . t 3 ,a « 3 t o 4 i ^ 1

m O fAi r G o w n ^

-on c re p « - o », t fj o n toiitfc p e n s l T * ^smbroldery -jW• them I SUes 33 to 4B. W

u s t e r ' M ^

j a m a s i M S

. . . N e w ^ O f t f f / ' 9 B g-coaU d ^ 3 ' ^ ^ / ‘f / g f l Cn several } l o r s . A

Slzea from 33 to 40.

w n

Icolta. 'O ay _U ci a n d ^ A f f

B lB color ■ f f ^S3 to 48. ■ | \ / f

YMODEolwoyi f irs t quality

i s t 6 O - G a u g 0 S h e e r s

le la te s t holiday colors she w aoui _ .rlst Blvea h e r a fU tterln* dull fta - ^ “sheer, W Bausa, IB d ssler. Pro* Iis th s l Sizes 8H to IL *

s h i o n H e e l s

i ln j heelstme colors I B i l S te rn s . . . ■ iral pa lra . ■11. .................■ - ----------

-JXaf 'er meah hose ahe loves!ir Longer W earl New .a 8 ‘4 - to I I .

1. 3 5 ^ ^ 1 1

GIFT-BOXED 1a-wBiirierfnl-aisoftmenl ...e h e m U e t u t t e d . . . I P>*lMl A gUt sha ll ll aUt-Boxed. xeady Xor ;

CANNON TO'V • P to o u s Towels by Cant

5-<i- X Uant new ahades . .rTffik^ • \ *^6 ChrlsUnaf t wrapping.


lis t . . . for Ui# hoiiM w ho likssprsU yliD ouI

hroldeiT on white or col

SCRANTON I& i ' V \ ____ ExquWte pattem a she'

a a izaJO uretx-U hldL g ^ n u r \ and lore for years an<

‘ ou r selecUon.

DECORAflVE. . . In gay coreraf A . . . add a touch-<tf:i n n MlBUoi.. J in t » Chriitmas. Plc* up-se

rfu l...

ED TOW ELSo rtm enl-.-^ .-.am hroldvad— cd . . . sere tn pa in ted . .■* - * « " U 1 | - shBll lova for h e r homa. ty for you to glvel

TOWEL SETt j Cannon. AH th a lr brQ- . M es . . . BOW O lft-B oxed ^ f k | | h rlsunas t n e l . B parU lng ■ . | | 7 ping.

lERED PILLOW CASES* -tha» -m n t-lady -«» -yo« r------ ■ — A A» hotus iHfe . . . aoyona ^ | |Xlinou l-I> 3« tty p a s ta )« m . I ^ / V e o rc o lo r« d ea ses .B e to f 1. ■

JN IJ^C E CLOTHSt iu .bG-U lov.) T lieT .:i A A

u l ytvM . . . ~ «

fIVETlLtOW S — —

j i i n ' a X d m tlm a fo> l e J V k; up-ssreral. ------ -


Page 8: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

iRTiin*. wenD t 1 ^ 1

md Gill,' irtuu-- If'*'*0b7ih“ king taij

t p»ir of ^ e r i«..i« yu iK i f '2 " ? « L r o , - S £ £ M

■■'5.£ Opened to t *

mI j j^•rry'* OlyMYoDSovInj, t h r Ivtry Htmhtr ol thf 'I I 7 / i t i t Voluit. Huny Is, H f

hm gift nhl K i a i l t t ’ t r t „ ■

S \ g o w M I

2’" I\ A nol And ol Ihli liny priet \ Itny'f* e«quliilt!y i=tii d

ffldii-riloniinl trtp*. loiA lact Irim. Poi’ili. ]4 lotf.

guy gM«S' is pure illk sqoMom f c 8 brigkl nrp«t i I

^ C k r i i t n o t H i |C ltocHnj.33 i n n Y 35*lnobl9 f l J

vofltlY of c^- 1 ~ |

s ltn f« glfu.'

■ f l

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l i History Work SBi fy Is Dramatized ^ |l i___ Eor_Studenta.j | i BH06H0NE, Dcc. Ift-H lg h tlg h UI I I ot Uie Amrrictn Revolution” wntI I Uie name of in avcm bly prorrsmI I prtM nW by members of Mra. L.I I M. . KatRitkcr’i flfUi m d e for J l fourth, fifih »nil ilx lh grsde puplli •I I I ftl the Khool W tdntad»y mftemoon. /C’':^-.- ■ ■ The prom m v u complied by■ -------H l^H »tm »l:^r■ ^n(^the^w d^nl.t-n -

ft conclusion to th e ir study of aI I period of Amerlcftn hlston-. U wiuM presented on the tU s e of the school ^

ftudltorlum with Dehble no»i tcU ns 6 ^ftl ftnnouneer. Prellm ln»ry miwlc l b

I]' Wftl pliyed on the pU no by Ver*I dene Johnion «nd Conrftd Thome.

II The playlet wm conducled as « t « -I elflM room * llh Carol Coffmnn i\s fe*:.I (eacher tn d olher stu d e n u ansn'er*II Inff QucjUoni tn d acting out hit*ll torletl Kenes.J Indians for the B otton tea p trty' wer« Robert Htlmftker, Noel Meyer. UGoi1 Johnnie Sllvt. Calvin K night and ^I Lonny Kulhtnek. Ofte* Carolhcn

recited p»rt of P a trick Henry’i L ——k tpeech: Verdene John ton told thoI tlonr of Nathan Hale: R lch trd Mu- T bli oeI rua tnd Roger Dudley drtm tU zed nual polai

J. ft navy battle; the atory of the ftag a Novem^(jlu, was presented by Carol Lowe with crop and[ l ili Bharon OInuner le lllns the atory of rieullure'tIHI **I I I hUtoiy or Valley PorBo and Oeorse The Natlo H I Btapp led In recltlns Paul Revere'i indteailon]■ I■ k Olher Itudent chftraclera who ---------------

, l | | l answered queitlona were Deverly •I J I Burseu. Judy WhIU. Rochelle Ed-1 | | . wards. Bandra Mills. Hetty Murrll JL U > T \f n l and Lomt Ltrten.Q I Petlured In a dram atltaU on of

N |. the signing of the DeclaraUon of \ 7 u l . I l l ' Independence were L eonard Bayer,j l * Edward, Btowell. O len Dourquln,■.'.I Conrtd Thome, Roger Dudley, Lo- V 7 l

: r«naj flolJar, BU nler V titt tn l. Be-• '* r win McCamraon. Byron Hall. L trry ,, i etrugen, Jeny CookUn, Kenneth Langlle agiJ l Bmlth and Mlk# G risham . M artha propost foi

™ s " . ” "p .° iI'.l. Under tl|))|V * T 1 board appolI Grazing Land sssfs'I Check Sought SKJ.J B y D w o rs h a k s s > . ‘iI I WASHINGTON, Dec. IB W -fien - sovemment

ffl’ fttcr Dworthtk, R.. Ma., h u atked m ent’i Invi H I the air foree to explain a report the proJecU wc m federal government w ants to con- paid off. n demn prlvale livestock grnzing He lald u ^ 1 landl In the Cratert o f the Moon financed m i i , u m in Maho. government . : 'Hi# ar*^ cavered w ith ItVft from gram ihouk* i andent'voleanoei. i t n e a r an atomic needed com

; energy p lan t Surrounding land Is be handledtued. for grazing and trailing Jive- The proj Itock to end from m otuitaln range board waa It

iDwonhtk told • reporter he had 5fe*Si'w t o '

. . u k « l MtJ.-Gen. WlUlam P. M e- m ent Dower Kee, air foree a itls t^n t ehlef of

Itaff, to look Inlo a report th a t the r u ' •goremment wanUi lo U ke over land S t r a i n there for an air gunnery range.

I Dwonhak tald he had received I i f / l • proteit from John Noh. pre.sldent of the Idaho Wool Orowera aaiocl- WASHINC Atlon.---------------------------------------------oIlc temper

. Noh ttld In ft telegram the nlr predlcied a ‘1 foree h u lU rted condemnntlon Yusonlftv re: I ■ proceeding! which "would destroy Marnlial Tl

mi lli ent of do lltn In Ureilock In- break with Tftitnitalt." Noh ta ld lease agree- M tgr. Tho meaU eould be worked ou t for te a - NaUonal Ct tonal tue of the land, aa w ai done ence charge during Worid w tr I I w hen the area feren t from w u uted u a gunnery range. a ttem p t to

---------------------------- llglon.

Study to Continue uFXZ% — On-P-oUution4.awJ“ «

BOISE. Dec. 18 l ^ - n i e Idahowater retourcet advisory commit- . lu ,le t wUl meet here Ja n . 1< to tludy ? i ‘ • proposed ftUte w ater pollutionoootrol law, U J. PeU rton, admlnls- « « ' tr»U?e director of the a u to healthdepartment, aaid T hunday . ---------

PreJlmlntiy drafts of th e meas- Sake, the. ur# were studied W ednesday by Japnn, Is a ir commlttM members.___________ tween beer ti

|i PflV ''her" the highest o f com;

I tiilf/i gitis from T lie Vooob in Tu.

: --------- R oB t3.fo.3uit.ftcr-«t)cn/.u)ft<m -.-.-,

{ - J rw ru Y - LiNGtRii - and ]

. . . jtiit a few of the lovely gifta i . tJ o n j that we have to thrill "h

I ChTlstmait

For G if tx o f d is t in c t io n . . . and

pleasure , , . i f» T i t t V o co c t


_____ . . _____ A N D ,.S A T U R D A Y _.U N T1L 9.

The Y O G I' ■ ■ . . T W I N FA LLS


jff l - PAGE EIGHT__________________

or SUle dlsL

IS b ^ ^ ^ l n j

t- r « d c*

ly l>« Bol.ie Wed■r. te o t 'r . oeci fW iV I lo reslrnljid ccutlng hi

__________________ IB E B 55 h | r ™ ‘ic:le firm'.! osstJ- T hli oewKhari eomptret a a - der would;d nual poUle eropt tlnce 1040 w llh govemnicri,g a November eillm tte of lhe IDS: 6i:h crop and lhe department of ag- Boundnrsf rieullure't |oaI for 19U, eipeeted Chappcl sie to meel “all known re'iulrementt.'' court ordite The National Potale coancll ta y t Wednesdt!’’I Indleallont are lh a l the gotl will heard of 1

be met. He tald>0 -I eelved ihi|y ^ time Inter

!: P o w e r P la n s ;; G am O k a y o f rdloS,; J G o v .L a n g H e l" " -1 OLYMPIA, Dec. 18 On-Govemor ■ t 'X p e iJ, Langlle agreed Wednesday with a T a o f, proposal for U klng the federal gov- X C 3 L. em m ent out of the power buslnesi SALT L

In the Pacific northwest. CaliforniaUnder the proposal a regional lu ted u ti

board appointed by the governor# of le.itimonythe northwest su te s would Uke over esU te o t tlcontrol of the federal power p ro j. z . O. Heecta, generating faclllile.s and trans- th e Unlverm lulon lines in the area. ology facsi

Langlle made It dear, however, handwrlUrth n t ft cooperative arrangement cases of tl

^ should be worked out between tho The tultreglontl authoniy and the federal R e ia 0 . I

- government to the tederal govern* Madsen, tid m ent's InvestmenU In the power prevloui ie proJecU would be protected unUl sharca and• p tld oft- Realty corI He laid some project-* could not be valued as

financed except through the tederal lars.government and a cooperative pro* —gram should be nrrnnged to finance C / t l i n nneeded construction th a t could no t O L l l U U be handled In any olher way.

The proposnl for tho regtonal o 6 l S board waa laid before lha Bonneville b u r l e y regional advisory council in SeatUe „ h o o l stud Tuesday by the area’s No. 1 govern- homecomin m ent power man. Dr. Paul J . Raver. g „ S y . "

---------------------------- with a coll

Strmn Grows in Tito-Pope Break

WASHINOTON, Dec. 18 (UV-Cath- ollc tempers flared and dIplomaU i®£, “ predicted a new strain In U; S.- Yugoslav relaUona today because of Marsiial T ito's abrupt dlplctnalic ■break with the Vatican.

M tgr. Thoma.s J. McCarthy of Uie r ' - f ^ m NaUonal CaUiollc Welfare confer- • > * • ence charged YugMlavIa is no dlf- f» |1 feren t from Russia In ita “ruUiless" t L a ttem p t to destroy organlied re- ^ 11 llglon, t r '*

Diplomats said the move w u cer- A '* '" -< ta in to fan opposition lo the tdm ln- ® IsU-nUon's policy of limited coopert- J o n - w ith - n to- in - th t - to te r e n m r —European defense.

B u t the sUte department le- m alned silent. OfflclaU were f i- iue tan t lo Ulk in view of Uie i ' explosive dlplomaUc and domestio religious overlonea involved,

Sake, the national beveraRe of ' ^ . . < A Japan , Is a concoction midway be- 'ween beer and wine. i j M

'.est of c o m p U m c n fs

V o o o b In r m f n F a l lJ . J .

. GL0VE9------- ---------H -----------

R ll - a n d PcnruM B , \

lo v e l i / f f i / t s su ffffc st- '^ \

to th r i l l "A e r" f h t j

ffon . . . and fo sffn p \

E VoGCEt \

O PEN FRIDAY ‘- ^ 8Y_.UNT1L 9. P .M , --- - - - -______ 1 ^ - ^

)G U E ' V ■»"A L L S .



i] Coiu't Orders Af Conflict Over H Grain Lawsuit

BONNERS TERRY. Dec. 18 OH- T he Boundary G rain and Peed b ‘7 c company has been terved two con- filctlng court orders—one from a SUle dlslrlcl eourt and Uie oUier from tederal court. S f

i The Jurisdictional ditpute begfto F la st week when the federal govern* Ftf - " TTicnt b roughi' iu li fm- $ioo,«t>; "I MOW

clftlming the company toM grain I t \ j ^ stored for lhe commodity credit cor- porftUon tn d asked U u t a receiver xhis be.tppolnted.

Ju d g e ae s t Oiven On Tuesday. D istrtct Judge Ev*

~ e re tt Hunt granted E. B. Campbell, v u n r . Bonners Ferry, one of the com- pany’* creditors, ft Judgment giving ,, him 1 « tons ot oaU belonging lo „ ‘l , , the feed company. S *,

U. 8 . Judge Chftio A. Olark in Boise Wednesday griJited an order " " " j l , lo reslrnln Judge H unt from ex- ,ecutlng his, order. A tiiiU n t U. 8 . '

3 Allorney, Uerman RottI ta lif the SJ oats represented 75 per cenl of th e ¥ >

flrm ‘.i asseu and contended the o r- i T O t a- der would be detrimental to the lh government and other creditort. C - . s : Served SU te Orderg- Boundary County Sheriff Claude ed Cliappcl said he served the stnte ] y [ I." court order on lhe feed company i 1 y t Wednesdty afternoon before he III heard of Uie federal order. POC>

He aald Uie feed company re- den fin — eelved the federal order a th o r l im l Wt

lime inter and apparenUy had de- InK bel elded lo obey it. Ute prei

The Iherlff had been threatened m «P« w ith contempt of court if he re- The • fused to serve Judge H unt's order <1 1 and contempt of federal eourt It ho •served it. Pl»ye<>

IA __________________ structui

Expert on Writing ,v t Testifies a t TrialBSI SALT LAKE CITY. D ec 18 W -A from ro

Calltom la handwriUng expert w ui Mo.st« 1 listed u Uie top witnest for today't nons neof tc.stlmony in a court dispute ^f th e tween i

'e r e su te of Uie lale E. W. Madsen. Losses p3j> E. O. Heinrich, former member o t ore onu - th e U nlvenlty of California crim in- the Por:

ology faculty, has appcftred fts fter, handwriting expert tn many -noted Aboutm t cases of the past. ond-stoih e The tu lt was brought by M rt. L a- rire Belrat R e la O. Madsen, widow of E. W. dub beln* Madsen, against his two to n t by a The I'e r prevloui marriage. A t l«iue are btlUl shares and stock In the Madsonia known.

Realty company which have been ^ . 0 owibe valued as high as two mlUIon dol- e.iitlmateral lars.

E; School in Burley..1 Sets Homecoming . ^ o i i

BURLEY. Dec. IB-Burley high first twi^9 achool ItudenU are preparing for a signed t

homecoming celebraUon Priday and today w:Saturday. The affair will commence Lieut.-C<with a colorful parade a t l p. m. elRhlh aPriday. Fioals will be deeoraled by The Vthe various echool clubs. The tam e James.

kday there will be tn assembly lo th e Gen. Jaihigh tchool auditorium. and Cpl.

u A basketball game between B ur- Mont., nley and M titd will be pltyed S t t - tigned.

, urday evening in Uie high tchool■f Rym natium.,The game. wUl-be-Xol. —Dog-F

Uj lowed by a dapce. ________________ Globe Sc

10 ) II I f — |Mi liwf* ' ^ ^ ^ 8 $ _ f - f- ^ t I S m T i r t t»- t u n u ' * ^ ( u



f e . ■ ^

- k S a i a i i S. in The

l>etwdlcr Bulldine ,|K flACROSS.FROM


1 ^

3 African Hot Spot P n

m ia . -T ^ ,^ WASl . t j . S f l f . u ^ e n

i w Uon goiPeed i 1 e l I«43 to. con- ESExjeSTMoToceo ? m ent ai

't**’ I*oUier \ \ / Korean

Y s :o ,« o r-fM o w cc o ------------------- r M ats I • o r u i^ llin I t g a ^ E L # — i » a b o u t)«>■- --------------- --------: ,- l! i the Ull

This newsmtp thow t ,where fire vlous I theo ttn d Trench troopt ttood began i m a rd lo prevent f r t th outbretkt asiure i of naUonallil rioting i s Cat*- Alum bUnca ( i|. MartUI Uw waa de- meanwl eUred In Ihe elly a fte r the big- m ent o

ivlng ,nU-European rlo lt t y Arab c re u e < ^ “ mobt Ilnce the Riff W ar of lff2S* ' primarj . , U . Trnilon m as high throughout end 4 ; ‘ North Africa a t the rcsoU of lha inum p

murder of Ubor leader In Tn* Defer , * * ' nb la (2).---------------------------------------Ued U«

-------------------------------------------------- vision I

i r PocateUo Fil ethe

Sweeps Hotel; | w™ No One Hurt

POCATELLO, Dec. 18 Ifl—A sud- re- den flre swept through the Porters

ihort '^ '1 Walters iiotel enrly today, driv- ; d e . ine between 30 and 40 penons Into

thc predawn winter,coid. There were ened »o reported injuries.I re- The flre slarted ot about midnight ,rder quickly spread through the an* 'If he clent, two-story building. Firemen

played five streams of w ater on the structure for nbout two hours be-

, fore conlroIIinR the blaze.(F S RetcuedP . Tu'o persons wera rescued by lad- | q | der from the front ot the building.“ ** Several o then were helped to safety

from rooms on the side of the hotel.WM jjo.st of Uie roof burned. Parti-

iiiy* lions neiirly al! were burned out be* th e tween rooms on the second floor.

Losses were restricted lo waler dam* - ^ of ftje on the first floor whleh housed n ln- Uie Porters and Waiters club.« » 10 In Hoteloted About 10 persons were in Uie sec-

ond-stor>' hotel nt the time of the flre. Between 20 and 30 were in Uie

w . club below.’y • The flre sU rled In an tip.sUlrs “f* room but the exact cause wa-s not

onla known, Nor eould Joe Hamilton.who owns Uie building, immediately

<>ol- e.sllmate the dnmage.

, WACs Assigned i „„ To Korean Jobs1*0 SEOUU Korea, Dec. 18 W -T he }“ 8h first two WACs petnianently as- '

^ signed to Korea arrived a t Seoul •n d today where they were greeted by « c e LIeut.-CoI, H. V. Logsdon of Uie

ns- elRhth army personnel secUon. j: by The WACs are M/Sgt. Carolyn "ime James. Miami, Fin., avslgiied lo th e Gen. James A. Van Fleel's office,

and Cpl. Louise M. Farrell. BilUngt, Mlur- Mont., who has not yet been as- f , U t- signed. Alool --------------------------- ^fol- —D o i- F o o d t-a n d -R a b b H 'F e e d * .--------

I■ ■

Ii i u i i c8 y E N T E R ^

I r n o N E « «

________ Tm ES-NEWS. T w n i

ot Production Goals i As Steel Use Bo(

WASHDiGTON. Dec. 18 Ifl — amoni Makers of automobllea and oUier right i

^ clvilUn goods'ra ised th e ir produc* ptalH

Uon goaU for Uie second quarter of Inum IU3 today, on the hasU of govern- years, m ent atiurance they will htve niore pow iteel than a t any Ume tlflce the idenUi Koreaa w tr began. eompi

The defente producUon tdm ln- Alumi lilraUon authorized th em Ute Wed* Uon t ne tdar to use steel u s to 70 t>er cent ptny.

i n ■ onJilT r'^r-e^K orean ' rate .1C8 | about 18 per cent more th in for.J crease = u the third quarter of 1953, Uie pre* vasn't five vlous high tlnce the government pantle tood began raUonlng scarce m aU ritli U> for an t t k t assure adequate supplies for defense, tta* Aluminum producers weighed, nitter: de- meanwhile. a condiUonal govern- qutrU big- m ent offer for a celllrtg price in* in Uii trab c re u e o t one*htIf cen t a pound on alumli m * ' primary aluminum pig ond ingot m euu bout end 4 per cent on fabricated alum* n-m c<

lha inum products. KoreaTn* D e f e ^ MoblllMr H enry Fowler per ce

Ued the proposed increase to a pro- AcU------- vision tha t Uie big th ree producers said I

agree to cerloln changea In their ing up0 contracts wllh th e government, long s

■ U M’rlers & P B B B S U K V

i^ M w A w mnight

emen K ff lr in the B j r ^ ^ |> be- I I

h I l ^ding.afety

be* I Illoor. ■ 1 J I Iiam* ' ^ I f l I Hlused I \ I I B

I ^ ■ I 11 Uie I M *

UIrs 1

jtcly ,

b s f u l l FA SH IO N I

3 P |5 d e n ie r Ii^by W G if ts o f s h e e r b e o u fy o n d

M to o , f o r e v e r y la d y o n youi oiyn * ■ fo rc e d to e s , h e e l i , f o p j , Ne tlee” f o l O ’/ j .D o n 'tp <

"I_____ ^ i s f i M J a s h l m - h v y L —

— K ladles’ crapeI b l o u s e s

- j $ | 9 8 1

^ 'T h i i e mitllN fnom eni t t e p o ^ ' ' beouliei look far more fhpn \

^ 'o u f ”ip e c lo r 'p fic » ond Ihey • 1 m uiuolly do e o n much moro,



m y i n a s l l | ]B e o u tifu lly f o jh lo n e d s lip s > tru ly b e p r o u d to g iv e . The 0 o n e - y e o r g u o r o n te e . Bi

w ith “ V " n ecks. S ize s 3 2 to

n y l o n s l i p■lore's a r e a l ly u n u su o l g if t > im o o th fillin g ny lon tr ic o t, oo k in g n y lo n loce tr im , Eg o u n d e r . S iz e s .3 2 !o 4 0 . ------

M a n n e i s h i iThe c o m fo r ta b le , g e n e ro u s k ind b o y s g o fo r. O f s a n f f lan n e l t h o t 's s a fe t o w d b r ig h t c o w b o y p la id s . S i z e s :

m e n ’s^ tfesJ u a lity n y lo n a n d r a y o n tie i iold th e ir sh o p e . G r a n d gift a u s e i f s e a s y to f in d h is'fo> TlnU o r s o l id c o lo rs .------------


: h h h i b

TW ni PALLS. roA H O _______

Goals Ai-i Raised Ise Boost Approved ,

— among them the deletion of theoUier right of the gorerament o r the com- .f,^

^bduc^ paalM'to cwictl c o n trtc tttc r-a lu m -irter of Inum before Uiey run Uielr full flvo P™-toveni- years, **’Te niore p^Bier'i propostl w u m tde tn , ®Ice the idenUctl le tte n to the Aluminum ‘(“S’

company ot Amerlct, Use K aUer coroidmln- Aluminum and Chemical corpora- I umB Wed* Uon tn d the Reynoidi MeUU com - Eier e_ent ptny. He ttked ImmedUte replies. c tn trfflj is The companies gol a bigger in* 'DMJtn for.J crease last August, but they ta ld i t w hale pre- wasn't enough to meel their ex- unU:mment pantion programs and asked Fowler Cs-isis to for another, hike. andefense. alloUnenU of controlled Asseeighed. nitteritU tor the Aprll*May-June lo n ;lOvem- quarter of 1933 mads no change GreiIce in* {n the rate of use of copper and Braemd on aluminum. The agency ta ld these Mj

Ingot nieUU sUll are scarce. Copper use dantalum* tt-iii continue a t 80 pcr een t o t pre*

Korea levels u d aluminum a t 55Fowler per cent. 'a pro- Acting DPA Chief Ralph Triggxlucers said Uie tleel supply now U Jook-1 Uiclr ing up. after being hampered by the Donment, long steel strike in the summ er. Glob

m m

TSIAlJj.. FA SH IO N N Y LO N — W > | | r ^

flier hose 7 0 j l |b e a u ty o n d p ra c tic a l ■ . 1la d y o n y o u r lis t. Rein* I M ^e ls , to p s . N e w s h a d e s , n . , . 11 ^) y j .D o n 't p a s s t h I s u p . j | f j f

I s l i p s S J 9 8 | J ”^Io n e d s lip s y o u c an I l f>0 g iv e . T hey h o v e . - I | ' J'o r o n te e . B ias cu i i | | , ^, S ize s 3 2 to 4 0 . ■ ■ | « \

I s i i p s $ ( l 9 8 In u su a l g if t v o lu e . I Kly lon tr ic o t. Rich mice tr im . E asy to H f

M o 4 0 . --------- V —

I s h i r t s $ | 1 W r ^e, g e n e r o u s ly c u t Ij m *or. O f s a n fo r iz e d H | f v/ / *la fe t o w a s h . In - H f l a i d s . S i z e s 3 t o 6 . .

d r a y o n tie s th o t M G r a n d g iffs be* f l \

> f in d h is f a v o r i t e f l B i l i V llo rs----------------------


[ Royal Coronation p,, ,e d Highlights School ]

Christmas Dance "<>FILER, Dec. 18 -F ller high «hool W «i

J S S . - w lU - to W -a - C ^ tm a t d « « ^ 5 ^nil flvo P® - e«turday In tho tchool gjinn*.

IcjtojIde tn . Sponsored _^U ie-B oyi'and GUI,, coaie mlnum letpJW" U «'U1 be highlighted by Uie '“ ^tr K aUer coronation of a hoUday king u ij irpora- queen- Pn,I com - Each c la u h as pretenied a n»ir nf ^ e :

candldate i for royalty. The »urtw-‘ “ We: :er Jn* U « i r ^ n 'W e i lhB“kihT ana qute.n ^"7= ««M It whose idenUUet win no t be dlsctouH' >i ir ex- unUl th e coronation.Fowler Candidates include Don Mtrtln A*

and Eleanor Reichert. senlor»ro»rT A l l itroUed Assendrup and Sue U ncasler, Jun. «y-June lo n ;,M ik a Monoc and Helen Me 111diange Gregor, sophomores, and Ronnlit i■J and Brady and Judy Carlson, freahmtn.

these M arlene Cole U chairman of the■er use dance. T he them e U "Blue Moon" a f l s y*culty advUen aro Chet Dowetr

Boys* league, and Mrs. EUabeth Roland. OlrU* leoguc.

b y th e Dog Foods and R a b b i t Feeds, a u i"oer. Glob. Seed and Feed Co.-AdT, 3 ,

ffflog fnel N o w b erry 'i Olvei 1on ExtWng Olht hr tvtry Mtram M y .D o n ’rM Iii7iim VoIu<

jii /| I:: Na itoi And

^ '1 Viilll-filorat

line quality gift ^ ladies' dress gloves ^Fine double tu e d id collon, <x« 'J , >

|[ ^ to iled m okes ^ ^ ^ ^ 0

, I for the kiddies j ? * bright wool gloves pureJ i Coy pollerni on inus,,w orm e bi' € . Wool. Rib eufft . C h f lll^ fer axlro draft f ! nocliln;.^ r o t l t t o n e e . I I I I * 35’ In <

fl Chooi't H v e r ^ ^ L I S K ' vorltlyc:I a l pa .r ot this " I f I n r , orlul (If

I , low price 1-3, ^ 1 ^ 1 iwiHlsr

II l o p g i f t b u y

k men’sI s h i r t s

| j | 9 8 _ |

i l l K W hile d re » ihlrli o f quoliiy f l Ir t o n f o r i z t d . m e rc e r iz e d / j l l i . broodclolh, fu i td slond-up \I M m or sott collars wiih sloyt. In V f j y j m j w iliet 14 lo 17“. J l

L a d l e s ' S l i p7 ^ 1 F I H I ^ a l S T M ^ I ^

' ' ' 'nnjHspA

Page 9: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

. 1 0 "

» 5 ^ t h « cool.

w J - A ^ ? P * ^

>.nt ifitsouiUe cin*

Ilr nndlUon- baler h w

iM d«Te!opment

w y !*«>»*

could pro- “ “ ■ l ^ i S n o f re .

e*P*»>lU-G r o u n d *lr

p r t« n ln Jmd other pcnsn*

or (MdJ ftnd

^ f t fo o u p in fU te s D isp u te .

we. H W - T he .M the Spokane

^ ■ T c a B a e t t e announced l u u <0 nrire the Bit* luocUUon. t

^ ^ H M e a ffD ti im ihlpp«n> ^ ^ ■ tfc o a a sR te and othen ’V ^ n r t s u l of Uie lone aad ,

la the 1930't. , ^ K ss m took lt« action u < ^ E e b I u v (i{ht to keep ^ E v r t i lo s cr repeal of It. ,

oU. could mean It ^ ^ M i e x t lo Ihls Koodi (rora .

to 8pot*ne th in from ; ■ ^ l a S M tU e .

I ^ k t n r k l H that no more ' ^ E i e l (or a ihort haul ‘

I a i loTtitcn are be-U rtpnl or revlie It. '

^ ■ a ^ but he wame<t U '^ K a ii (0 (0 congTtu w ith '^K i*n ie)r «1I1 have a sU(( '

, bt ilio h u re> ^I ^ B tn n th a e c iitU e T ra X . <[ H a It win (Ight any *I ^ B l &l cltUM. i t H tb e lu d A l ftroupi (rom \

^ A u o lc o u d existed trom after de(eat o( the

H i a i e trpHl the long and ■ « dtOM. lu laid.■ I — :-----------

‘ Blinas Phone d lervations E n d ;II Dk. I t 01 — O hrlitnsu i

a2«.froa.or»-ln-Japan t li>itieUntt«4 state* nail ■M todiT. t *78 telephone compftivI Kcept further rtierva* rOr. » . U m d 3S. More c<I ani ilr tid j ara book- c u (trM m ln i t 8SS Xorb e lu t year. n1. Ibe onl; place a O I nI all to the * w ta Is In un the communlutloni ij iWajiotquMte through dc (Ttan Dm. 35 to J a a

nM(tellltles (or talking b Seoul, only 35 mile* lral. Kovever, cable* “

J !• Mnu n

fArtRfl n U D • tDk- la l.?'-IncorporaUon t n been (lied for the F(irmw in tf Sfrtice compnny t.. cjplUllrrt (or J07JOO »». Bwmon. Lloyd D. E iMJahnH. W ebb.Poea- B. H*ce. Aberdeen, and

gu rie , DlKtfooL_______C

. Wha

a A Co « « < »10 wtD-b T llll cour

\± - - Z Z


' U t i j u i u j i

[g New Hope f o toion _M ~ ^ T ir ' I i j ^ r f l M f N l f 7 ^ fecooi-nt c » ’ V\-.lU eert .

lepert- ■■ /

r V \ \K ana, R -. '.iiV ;, ' - , , \ . \ i

(orced f-,........ ■ *

HUon- ■'•.♦" .:•'•• •e rh a a . • , • ........ ,. ypment •- ~ i L - ■ichlng ; • - S jS w M f i ': : ' ' - .‘' iJon lr»«o m e ^

1 pro*o( r e . S g f i ) I - ^ f i i M K S g a j M[labiii- ■ ■ l 2 i f t ^ ' > a r ? l 9 i K S b ]


Is and U>| t ^ ..

^ Clear.lmage lenM*, derelepMl'by :, U Fteablaom, tU a d la t, eaaii« Ihit T‘ T l newipaper. T he thick, fpetially gio

" to open new vUUa o( vUlen io pwj ■Ifbt. Dr. FclnblMD) a U a a t a lhal

i t C Ufflltcd-TlaloD pcTMU la the

S Wendell Scouts I Clu’istmasforl

j th e n WENDELL, Dec. IB—Boy BeouU at J “ “ troop fl8 arc leU-iupportlng tro a

th e itandpolnt of a troop. Thli hai 2 “ been much In evidence the pa»t 10

' day* aa the boy* *eU C hriitm u

I t U CBt Ju it a Job of »emng treei f S fro® door to <!oor o r ca a itreet ‘™“ conier for tomeone el*e. Ihey are

In buslneu and aro buying and sell- h . ^ Init the trees on th e ir own.

The BeouU are enthuslu llc about ^ th e task and ipend a lot ot tine on :

kfl IL the Job. They U ke turn# manning ^ If the ir bujlnew frem 10 a a i. to 8 p.m. ^ U , on week d«>i and to s p jn . on Bat- '

, - ilff urdays.The project originated with D. B.

, r t . Bradslmw, chairm an of the Bcout committee. -Ho ipend*- houn asd

any i

<n.m Guam’s Governor ! fJ j To Resign Jan. 20!

AOANA. ouam . Dec. IS KA-CarU . ton Skinner, governor of Ouaaj, an- , nounced today he will reilgn hU .

Q position Jan. 30., . Skinner, whoie four>yeftr term r n r t «a* due to expire In SepUmber, ,'

19M, waa appointed by Preildent \ i t a ju T tum an. Tho laland w ai tr»ni(eired 'apan to-clvU lan-adm ln lstratlon-ln -lSM , I had a lter a ha lf*«n tu r7 o f o lv y con- .

troL I'PftiV Skinner la ld Interio r Secretary- ( erva- Designate Douglaa McKay hi» re- More celved ’‘leveral (uggeiUont" that x » k - Guam b« returned to the navy.S to r However, Skinner aald, “the new

le aa ta ry of the Interior advised , I O I me th a t he opposed any change In Is In the present aystem of clvU admin- . tlon i utraU on In Ouam.” , tm gh __________________ _ *

;^ -Q u a k e lle c o rd e d - |mile* NEW YOBK, Dec. 18 OB — Two « able* “fairly iha rp” earthquakei la an '

undetermined lo ^ tlo n aboul 8.000 j, mile* frem New Y ork were recorded . today by the Fordham unlrenlty r

aUon seismograph.Farm Father Joseph Lynch, director ef ■pany the Tterdham obsen tto ry . said the I n.SOO shocks registered a t 6:15:38 a. m. |1 D. EST and 6:23:01. |»oea- -----------------------------, and D ot Feed* a ad R a b b l i Feed*. ;

Oloba Seed and Feed Ce.—Adr. j.

What makes the Boston

\ G ood Companio w nifeR d too n a p p r . A e Bocoq T m l(

> wtD-beb*red be U called "TTk American Ge h i l c n u i to u csoijD a m aie* him a "Good G u

I f i ^ r ^ S u p e r f a Kei makes tl



- ' ---------............................ V t ^ u r n h

1 . ■

H O U f l V - U U M f i * C J 3 M t U i L ^

3 for Near-Blind| | c ; o s c, J ~ i

1 - L x u I | e r i H — - r |

^ I

t a j M .* X

Wd'by New York opt«melHsi Dr. WDllam (hlf yoong pa tien t to onee a o n r t t i a Jly groand "clear-lmage" lenses are lald to people with only a fraction e( norrsal «i lhal the lentea could benefit a t leu t

la tbe United SU tea alone.___________

its SeU Trees for or T roop ExpensesuUo( conslderftble ,effort promoting proj*from ecu to keep the boys busy. Each* h u spring th e y wage a clean«up cam-tft 10 palgn In w hich the ScouU hire outItm u to buslnesamen and resldenU to

clean up around the stores, buil-trees ness house* and homes'. Also In the

itreet spring th e city eouncll hires ther are boyi to clean ditches In the town., sell- Receipt* from all the work go Into

the Scout fund to defray expensesibout throughout th e year (or the troopie on and help* nend the boyi to SeoutUilng camp a n d th e NaUonal Jamboree.I p.m.

Flatnes Consume Scout Church in Boise

BOISE, Dec. IB m -S a d d e n e d member* of th e W right Community

„ CongrcRatlonal church orginl«d L work partle* today to remove the

O A «l«hri* le ft a (t« r (Ire destroyed the fiijJ 10-year-old building.

The f i r s t alarm wa* reported yts» terday a b o u t S:15 p. m. Two houn

■ ?J}; later, onJy a blackened *hell re-

Dam age wa* estimated a t $78,000. The Rev. Eugene V. Haynes sild

fll ; Insurance would cover about »1«,000 e f the lo u .

The c h u re h 1* Ju*t .outside Boise eity-Umlt». It'waa-th*-eecond-tlm e In allghUy ftioro th a n 9, decade that the congreBaUoa had lost lU church ta t in .

I re-

' ParticipantsIDAHO STATE COLLEGE, Poea-

tello, Dec. Ift-T w o Magle VaUey student* a t Idaho S late coUege par* Uclpated In th e ChrlsUnas assembly pu t on th e by th e freshman cUss.

Ann R eed , Filer, w u script co*4 chairm an. S h e also had a part In a U ik lt. A ppeann* in m e u e w n Buea Two on Ufe in th e girl*’ dormitory w u I Verla A akev . Jerome.


” , I C H R IS T M A S CARDSImrrlcil^l «T ru in At Tw Wlib

„ C H R T S T m S NOTES' j for Y our ^ c U l Messages

! J . H IL L ’S G IFT SHOP•edl. I U»4>r IUnk * Trait rkint IM

ANION? ^ b !

«d Compuiioo-'' H n 1

I KentuclQf flavor BS this vi/hiskey od.Companion’’ ^

b t the rififrf-w liiiker to im 1» thil o o p le te ? - j r t r 'B o o d - & - L i lM - -------------i ) w aod yoat gaetti like i t , ..id u f o U o f f iP o d K c a t o d x J r a d ___ -

f c m h ^ i i i * S i m 4 l 8 $ S ^ ^

i o m s v u . i J . i t E N T i ] . ; | t t

S an ta h a s practica l

ab o a rd .'' It w on't [

■ ■ ; he 's closed th e book:

still HaW tim e to get

■ j th a t the special som

will be looking for. [

son 's . , folks expei


Pni)«m V

rad a Ilaid j .

irrsal /le u t 1 Every lady In the family

u Joyce'* newest candidate (01------ I fit on the roomy ipoonblll

| \ anug. laddle-sU tehed strap« ' a shiny brass buckle. Done

s e s f -

re out iU to

bull- ^ ■------In the —ss tha

;o Into T penses A

~ t t)iseRUnlly

r i : 1 0 . 9 5 '

d yes*hem Round and round I t s

I l ittle b rasu r in p on Jo 78,000. I coBual th n t 's rcndy n

m crry-jro-round of fu ‘ ’ 3n flo{t suede w ith kiiBoise J B l

l-tlme ■ — --------- ----------- i--------- :e th a t ^ . hurch

l i .jf e

m____________ R L ike tonsU ng yc

Yl ou tdoor boot to

IY Boft Coltskin wi I .w aterproof crep

I ^ for dads t


:ticolly sounded th e "a ll on 't be long now before

books-for 1952. B ut you

to get tH e ^ T f r tir t f r s ^ c k -----

I someone in your fam ily , for. D on't overlook H ud-

expect you not to .

family can hop on th e bandwagon In lldate (or a wlnUr full o f fun. Shaped (or ipoonblll U*t . . . trimJy banded wIUj a ed strap . . . fastened on th e side v lthJe. Done la amooth black box-Blove.


nd I t goes . . . th e t in y llftle r on Joyce'8 sm a rt square-toed cndy and willing to go on a

of fun—nil th ro u g h w in te r. , vith kid trim .

Sr*-. jNovz-TOPPa

^tlngyour toes on th e h e a r th ! Joyce'f boot to Keep you w a rm ln w inter. Oi skin w ith a cozy lin in g o£ flcecc and s tof crepe sole in re d o r w in te r white,

ads and dads’ boys

^ — Engineer Boots

BOYS' 7.95 10.95 H «rv .._ :il.95 J7.95

Give D ad a p a ir of practical boots; ju n io r , too.-M en's sires 61^ to 1 2 ; boys’ sizes 11 to 6.

1 '


:k A

l v .


fl 0 1r. I FIrith \ y ^ = ^ = :

I f l



Joyce'B. y \ h«r. or* ff V I0 a n d » j r j L •

ots-- I

L0.95^7-95 y ^

rad ica l k 1i's sizes W w tI I to 6, ^ ' W


■'!/■' -

D S O N ' S L a s

t i S M


O P E N T I L 9FRL, SAT., MON.,/ / you don't knoxv what they

^ GiftCe

a C e r m a r is

1 ^ You give a handbank safety pap

V W W g P * value for any *:. * ^ r i / hav* a m l

th* tre«L

. . ' S S H 1

- J 9 ^ ------------)

An sizes fo r l ittle b ro ther, b!ff Oiled tan uppers w ith h eav y i hard wear. Youths* and bova fo r men 6 V2 to 12.

^ P O R T

M ^ 6 C‘Footwear /o rJA e 1


ost Week

‘o u n d - u i i !

9 P.M. JN.,TUES. %they vjant, give k

C e r t i f i c a t e s U

Availabl. fl

Iamount I

a handsome eerUflcate printed oa . I \y paper reedeemable a t lU faoe / any *hoe. And a* a gift token

t ft m iniature iboe to pu t under


---- $otKrast-™-10.95----- jf---

^ E N -i — 14.95 | |

r, biff brother or Da3. Ieavy durable sole for 1ton’ niwi n to 6;-----i

: an d moms both' fjbo misled, these are fo r alt ■

id women.) J


iDiES'_______ 14.95ENS _ 16.95 tc 18.95 I

The f a m o u s Bed I] Wing—w ith th e fa- ]/ mows Red Wfag Moc /Toe. A full range of i ■ires. N

^ E n tire F w n M f•4.

Page 10: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

a R e d i *

n ^ l O'tlot J f [2 * a :^ ^ H

^ <a Uil rtirabitd clu u r UMd M . 'J ^ I ^ Bu 1UUoq^ \ » ^ ^ B

^ 1 . ^ U c r « ^ KCOausUBM


W M ■ « - ' i » 2 u ‘» £ *

B M < « U ! ! £ * « ,

C PUtsi■ ■ u T ^ t

nid . -Troua nu*. J ^ ^ C™ ^ A » / n » a « r S ^ EW ! nm in ln (« n ^ j " J s ^ E

f B*r JOU- * ‘ * ^ KES

------ -- tloa m d: “nu*diK u t, ! “ i W i l « i ; h a a u i ^ KitiuioQ. ™ 5 « [ « r w L i f , a * f t •lytlrtd «“£ * > t> t o t ia th l i^ B t t <no(her riclurt t u ^ H r. Khool X h f t « a H * 2 ^>e blood

______ . " W X ”*

mer and mu* u lli is>-... Doris. — _ _ L _ ^ E blrtJidaj D«f r t t d t u T i n ^ K * ________CltU M tad r m o B r o

W ^ \ M ,


• • * - ^ K l I^ ^ ^ ■ U ll

»r t o o Ion?—M U S T G O R f

i F o rf lU flfiV f/ii iB p rft^ B d S

a t e a n d c n jo f for J M W S

> 1,SAIE R

r — $ 4 4 ( W 0 - r

; $ 3 2 0 . 0 0 - | o |

; $ 2 5 0 . 0 0 E

; $ 2 9 d . M «

; $ 2 4 0 . 0 0 S

; - $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 M

; $ 1 9 0 . 0 0 *

$ 1 9 0 . 0 0 «

$ 5 2 5 . 0 0 K

$ 4 0 0 . 0 0 : K

rr 't e »

j jf f i f x n n T m __________ __________L ______

D Richfield Unit ;y Preparing for

J M lU aiF lE L D . D<C. le -T h e fsrm■ I f InstliuU « 'u dlscuued t t Uie lUch-I I I fltld Lioni club'meeUns and platuI I I vere made (or the annutJ event onH U J u i . 6 and 7. President WiniamU H Rwan appolnled Ben ITaubrlch. AI-i m bert Pelley and Bob Mjrera to work■ I I ru t tlie nrogram-yHh-Counti_Astnfe■ I Kotil. llaubrich .will ac t u■ I chairman a l lhe ImUlute.I I I The Initllute committee., meelingR I I a l the close of the resular Llon*

club meetlnK. dlscuued .possible*'.• i’ tpeakert and made up a tenlaUvp'V .p program outline. The prevbUBl i i year's profirnm were studied and anI l k attem pt made to plan somethlns

l l The tentAUvB lli l of speakers andI I tubjecis they will discuss Includesi l O. C. Andenon. ezlenalen dairy H I fpcciallst, trends in the dairy In-

du ili?: Roberl Wlleox. extension ll i l eeonomisl. I e m price outlook: Dr.i n ' R. W. BUpp. Shoshone Tetertnarlan. l .n common ailment* of llvesUck; Owen

I t . K. Brown, extension arrlcullural ■ I rnKlnecr. equipment and bulldlntr* m for eu lo r feedlnn of hay, coneen- I* Irates. and altenRe: Anion 8. Hom.

t extension horticulturist, Improvlnic

the BpprnrAnce of lhe farmiitead; and Marjorie IlatU n, 19S3 Inter- national farm youth exehange del-

O ther nrranRcmenU are being made under lhe direction of Bwan.A dinner probably will be served a l noon Jan. 7. Theo Brush h u volun- teered tha use of his theater build- lng (or ths Institute. I H B I

Attorney Asks |B-:i Check of Jury H

M' For Red Trial templo n

NEW YORK, Dec. 18 «H-Coun- h[,/ier. ISK l for IS second uLrlnft commu- ,||n f

I - fiU u on trlU tor ewvsplraey eharsea .

demanded ap InmUgatlon of al­leged prejudice on the Jury today, n * - raising U;e poMlblllly of a mlntrlnl I V I n g l In the case thal has co^l the federal fovemmenl thousand* of dollftrs. T

, Defense Attorney Mary Kaufman 1 1 1 u k e d Judge Edward Dlmock to in- resUgale the entire Jury box on Leland

Btiie groundi th a t a dhmlsied Juror nev worthhad Informed her tlmt a l leasl lodge Ko.

four olher Juror.< had expre.ued public ce«opinions adverse to tJie communlst-i temple W«on tfUI. eeed* Lesl

Mra. Kaufman u ld her.pe tition Claude <w u the first move to renew a de- Junior gra

I . • (ense motion for mistrial. Only lodge of 1ll yeiUrday D lm xk hsd denied the mister. H*1 ' motion lo throw out tlie trlnl. In In.MAlllng' , itJi SOth week ll hs.i rrnched the o the r ol

stage Ior Ilnal mollom and sum m a- Bnmes. scUon#, leln. Junl

{k Mrs. Ksufman said Mrs. Sybil Clark. sc<y J Kane, diunlued yeiterday because treasurer;H ahe discussed Uic trial a l her week- Prank H. 1n ly card party, called her this Kail, .wnicI™ momlng. saying. ‘'I f you Ihlnk --------------|lk I'm bad you should have heardI “’"“>'2 ______ Plan:I Stepinac Assailed Ma if; By Slav Mim’ster ular mnll i

• BEXORADE, Yugoalavla, Dec. 16 2®- ‘W^-Ftorelgn Minliter Edvard KarclJ bitterly M.-u»lled Archbbhep Alojrljc *^!lL’ ’’° Steplnac today as a “sinister and ^ h e po.-

■ Inhuman person." KardelJ abo nc- f"®*!*'", eused lUily of u.'InR Uie Vntlcnn as a tool In a campaign agalnsl Yugo- .T*»e dcpi ilavla. •! Parcel

KardeU's one-hour speech before o” 't special session of parUamenl'a (or- elgn policy commlltee was n follow- Tlie dep

------------ up4o^aoelftVlR'«-eetlmHVedn«dnr •piorcs-foicIn breoklnu off dlplomaUc relaUons or Dec. 20 with Uie VaUcan. ater.


LARD‘l - L B . P A C K A G E

I 11- ............. .......JK( ^ = ■ M

L E A N C E N T E R C U T ^

= . l » O R K - - 1


i \




- G M w

’ Is *.

Masonic <


lamAl-orktn i'u


UlddesaryIn-lonDr. 'm

rentralng*tn -im,lngad;e r-lel-

ingan.a t

in -Id-

f I IH IIIIH IIII iH I. 1 New efflccn for Twin FalU lodge No. 45, AiI I fetnplo Wednesday nighL U f l to right, leatei

nf (he grand lodge of Idaho, th e intU llln r ma.'n* halter. IsuoedU lr p u l w nnhlpful maxlrr; lUr

ling marshal, aod Earl Darncx, senior warder » ; » .* » . .

;;i Masonic Lodge’s Off“ Installed ni Publicon Leland Brlsee was (nstiilled u Junior diror new worshipful master of Tn'ln Falla senior i l fIII lodge Ko. 43. AP and AM. In a steward, i ied public ceremony nl Uio Masonic Followln Its temple Wednesday nlshU Ue auc* reeU of

eeed* Leslie E. Burkhalter. Relre-’ihmfon Claude Oorden. rU hl worshipful the meetli le- Junior grand u-arden of the gm nd —lly lodge of Idnho, was the Installing T l l ^ „ he mister. KelUi L. Jenkins was the iV ir S * In In.Mnlllng marshal. »ho Other officers liutalled are Enrl 1 ,3 $ a - Bnmes. senior warden; Dale Ebcr-

leln. Junior warden: Welden E. bll Clark. secrcUry; J. O. Bradley, ise treasurer; John Nelson, chaplain: k- Prank H. BrlgRii, marshal: K enneth lls Kail, .wnlor dcflcoii; Fred Hlggliu, «"CAruiui[ j lc __________________ :_____________ M” ' “ UM LU and Mi

Plan for Holiday I ° *"lbt “ Mail Service Sel|p7-;^

..WASHINQTON. Dee. 18 ~ n -ncg - CondiHllI Ulnr mall dellverlrs will bc mnde on , t q,e pii!ig Dcc. 28. Uie dny' after Chlrslmns, _.1. even though il la a holiday for fed- *17* V

eral worker.1. V lS l iThe po.tlofflce department said v ik tu tn

J . enough workers will be kept on the- Job to Insure rtRuhr mnll sen'lce. m rn nnd '

0. The dcpnruneiil abo said the U.1U- j„k v llh Ial parcel pon deliveries will be „ im

f j mado on Chrbtmas day. alUiough w nlker rep. no regular mall service is planned. Friday 'V- Tlie department said nny em- postofflce

13 or Dec. 20 will be given Ume off 12:15 p.m, later. office fron

W * ^ ' ■



t 4 9N D

i L Y l ---------------------------------

) 0 D C A K E S i t Y

iLECTION Holiday Candyt I C E S E F F E C T I V E F R I D A Y - S A ’


- • ------------------■■ —

tsonic Officers Instalh

lodge No. 45, AF and AM. were IniUlled in publle to right, leatrd. are CUnde M. Gorden. right w on

le InsUIIlnr m ister; Leland Brliee. worshipful mt fui master; aUndlng. Dale Eberltln. Junfnr warden ••, senior warden, (Slaff pholo-engraTlnil

* * • • * -----------

;e’s Officers Ai’e J“n> Public Ceremony wa£

J govenwu Junior deacoo; HowanI Moffat, day foi

''alls senior steward; M ark Swan. Junior producUn a steward, and Oscar Peterson, tyler. ing autoonlc Following the ceremonies, two ter of r lUc- reeU of movie film were shown, x h e c

Relre-ihmenu wer* served lollou'mg traUonpful the meeting. for civ:■nnd ----------------------------------------through

“S5 Mrs. Drake Paid alumlnu

Last Honor Here o\JMnersl «rvlce* for Mrs. Mae “B® ."pd

Nellie Drake were held Thursday «sulU ni-I afternoon In the Twin Palls mor- ‘ S**-

tiinry chapel with th e Rev. Walter , The , MncArUiur offlclaUng. '

Mr.v Russell PolUr wns the wlo- rftHonln LU nnd Mn. Stanley Phillips played ®‘orsnn music. adequnt.

Pallbearers were W . B. Long, LouU ductlon.I A. Thorson, E. H. Maher. Thonina ^

G l C. Pcnvey, W. O, Broa-n and Eugene T 1 ?Dnvls. J . • A <Concluding riles were conducted — T l

1^0" a t Uie Filer IOOP cemetcry. L

Visits Scheduled S'H '“ VIMU to three Mngic Vniley towns Wooster,

“ *® lo nnsupr <)ue.itlons nnd interview as ctialr *■ m n i nnd women itilerc.sted In serv- mission •-''J*' ing wlih the nnvy hnve been « hed - A Jun

« uled for Frldny by MMC George Gory trWnlker, recruiter here. fnll aftei

Friday visits Include tha Jerome unlver.ill!m- postofflce from 10 to 11 n.m.. Wen- Mr.s. J.m tr ■neil-IW.sWTricVn r d n r i l l ir n-t.rii' nUl - H ~ u lloff 12:1S p.m. nnd the OnodUig poat- d»y.s vl.sl

office from 12:30 until 3 p.m. Tex,, mu

I V ^ ;


LLO ORAI^ ^ ^ 1 1 P O I

F A R ]

© -- S I ^ 1 ' R

1 1 ^ / L O A E

— ------ III ®t v s I Toilet ■

' C andy - N ufs - Hams - PoD A Y — S A T U R D A Y — S U N D A Y S



---------- 7 ^ " ~ ^ i ^ n i ! S . v y , W S . ~ T W I N F .

n s ta l le d • 8 C

IB H H lH i A (

M o tc h r u uchUdreacciderm a tte r

childre eat* or togethe

Jo h n t e m p t ' th e orj; relative

But chance

i J chlldre:I

killed 1

' A ' va lk edh a d Ul


togethel lam ong

nnvy Ji wc

du ty il here

V‘ - broughi

Live lr V icky ,:

lied in publle ceremonies a l Uie Masonlo IDAIl ten. r iih t w onhlpful Junior grand warden Idaho worshipful m astrr. and I.nllc E. llurk- ntomic Junfnr w arden; Kellh L. Jenkins, ln»UI. nounce< Tlml n lfh ing

Jump Readied for Goods Production S

. I V WASHINOTON. Dec. 18 W -T hegovernment cleared lh* way Thurs- m

iffat, day for record post-Korean w ar t omlor producUon of civilian goods. Includ- g fly'*!". lng automobiles. In the second Qunr- W

two ter of ncx l yenr. M own. T he defense production admlnls-wmg traUon increased steel allotments W

for civilian producUon In April RWIhrough June to 70 per cent of pre* A '

' Korean war levels. Copper and ^aluminum allotments were set a t Maboul hn lf pre-Korean levels bc- ^

s r e cause of a conUnulng copper short- aj j a j age nnd Iomm In aluminum output M^ a y reiulUng from recent pon'cr short- A

ajier The steel allotments were the 5& largest since the govcmincnl becnn

toio- rallonlng scarce m ateria l nfter th e f faycd Korean wnr to nwure W

adequate materlaU (or defense pro- ^ I^ u ls ductlon. g r I

= T .F . Youth Fills I ‘ University Post ©

iOnry WUson. Ta-ln FalLv has been Bff

elected to the cabinet ot the West- Sminster fellowship a t the College of “ ?

iwns Wooster. Woo.-.ter, O. He will sen.'c grfview as clialrm an of the tctloaslUii com- Aerv- mission during the comlnif semester. ^ ^led- A Junior and an Encllsli major, ffif ■orge Gory tran.'sferred to Wooster thla S

fnll a fte r attending Lewis and Clark S f-ome university. He Is the son of Mr. and ®^en- Mrs. J . V. Wilson, To'ln Fnlls. g j, ,ititJi ~iic~ulli''ai>c7id ilie ChrUtmas holl- i Soat- dsy.s vl-sltlng clnssinate.s In Aumrlllo, M

Tex,, nnd Kni«ns City. Mo.


■ ^ f —- .. .......IE W C R O P N A V E I , ^

)R A N G E $ It P O U N D S W

-------------1 ??= ^ ^ = = = ! 1 ^

F A R M E R S T Y L E ^



8 ROLLS I IS I E R R A _ ^ _____ ;

oilet Tissue |= = = ^ ^ ^ J 5 ?

' ! W •

ims - Poultry:, Etc. |M H A V ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ — ! ■ —



8 Orphaned in Accident Face ■ R ip g if H n lif ta y BI I MOUNTAIN, N. D„ Dec. 18 n n -

C h r ls lm u for the eight B)Tcn ChUdren, orphaned by a highway accident, r/Ul be a bleak one—no m a tte r borr many gift* ll may bring.

" I t 'j u s t doesn't uetn like Christ- m as a t all." said IS-ycar-oId Bev-

11 will be" i>ie " d m U m ^lh® ChUdren have nol opened Ihelr pres- eat* o r had their Christm u dinner together.

Attempt FUnned ^ BJo h n Byron, an uncle, said an i t - ^ B

te m p t win be made to gather six o! th e orphans a l Uie home o( anoUier rela tive (or Christm u dinner, ^ B

B u t he admitted there wa* “no chance” of getUng Uie oUier two children to Uie dinner.

M r. and Mrs. lliUdor Byron v e rt k illed Nov. IS near SeatUe, W aih , w hea a car itruck them as they w alked along a hlglivay. H ie family h a d Uved tn Washington for se r- I ^ B e ra l y e an after leaving North Da- t f H k o ta . 1

Couldn't SUy United | . .Beverly. Uie second olfltit of Uie

ChUdren and Uie oldesl living at home, attempted to keep the family together. But she eouldn't manage - l l and the children were icaltered a m ong reUMvts.

Robert. 17, began service In the ^ nnvy Jusl 24 houn beforo h b par- en ts were killed. He b now on active du ty in California. Beverly cams — here to live wlUi relaUve* and b rought KelUi. 11, Harry, 18. Darrell, .13, and Jolm. 0. along.

Flora. 12, now. lives with a reU - f , Live In Vancouver, Wash,, and Vicky, 5, lives In Grind Forks. N. D, ^

Bids Called —IDAJlO PALLS, Dee, 18 « n -T h e tumtab

tdaho opcrfitlons offlee o f the propulsntomic energy commission an- Jnn, 22,nounced today Ulsl bids (or fur- Planai lf h in g . and Installing a railway able a l

I^ W -

I 5 ( f I big /IjI d a y s [ %& . • - ______

I O P E N / ® ^

g E V E N I N G S /

I F R I D A Y (


^ - M O N D A Y


'“ o- W S o m e a r e s l i g h t l y d a m a g

— f N O W . . . R E G A R D L E S

^ s e e UB N O W f o r C h r i s t i

i "■ I ------------1 o n l y , 1 9 5 2 1 2 ;

I 1 o n l y , 1 9 5 2 1 1 .

i 2 o n l y , 1 9 5 2 9 .


II 1 o n l y , 1 9 5 2 D e l

I 1 o n l y , 1 9 5 2 S t a

- 1 : - ^ — 1 o n l y , J 9 5 2 J u p

I 1 o n l y , 1 9 5 2 3 7 -

I 1 o n l y , 1 9 5 2 3 0 -


T ■ '

i 2 o n l y 2 3 C u . F t ,

f — -------^ I - O n l y r l i - C U r F t ;

I 1 o n l y , 1 8 C u . F t,

! | 1 o n l y , 1 4 , 5 C u . I

I I teff . : ' ....... ; ' ---------

I R o b e r tO p p o s i t e R o n d e v o o B I d f r .

^ i S i a a 2 i 2 i § j a 2 a a i 2 ! a a e s

in 300th Transfus ce

im -B)Tcn

ghway ae—no bring.

;hrist- I Bev-

'^ r u -dinner

a n a l-six of noUier


I v e rt

1 they family r tev- a Da-

ot Uie ----------

anage - . * ^ I U l S 5 j g s r > ^ . ..itered ' '

n Uie » p®*'" . . ,active — ’• • • . T ' - — L

TtalriMn-year-oId Gary Miller, L«* Ange hypepluUo anem ia, geU bU SOOth blood

, . . . began when he waa 7 weeka old. Whenetei aod lU rl* to get pale—bit aymptema of It

„ n Pinl ‘■■■xx’* G ary pU yi mildly ilrenno wim other children who are physically reat i tora U T tehnlcU a Connie Steetner. (AI

-T h e turntable for the a lrcrafl nuclear I the propulsion project will be opened PAIan> Jnn, 22, a t Idaho Fall<L h li :fur* Plana and apeclficaUons nre avail- were

Uway able a t the AEC m ain office. party


L ly d a m a g e d . . . o t h e r s h a v e b e e n o

l A R D L E S S O F F O R M E R C O S T o i

o r C h r i s t m a s G i f t s t h e w h o l e f a m


« 2 1 2 . 2 C u . f f . 2 - D o o r . .

W 2 1 1 . 3 C u . F t ..............................

? 5 2 9 . 3 C u . F t ...............................

RANG? 5 2 D e l u x e E l e c f r i c ..................

? 5 2 S t a n d a r d E l e c t r i c ............

? 5 2 J u p e r - D e l u x e E l e c t r i c ^

? 5 2 3 7 - i n c h E l e c t r i c ..................

> 5 2 3 0 - i n c h E l e c t r i c ..................

FREEZEC u . F t . C h e s t T y p e : . ............

> - C u r F t r C h e s l - T y p e . . ; . ; .

I C u . F t . U p r i g h t M o d e l . . .

1 ,5 C u . Fj[.“ U p r i g h t M o d e l .


e r t E . h e io Bldg. 238 Main

\ I . .

........... ............. THUBSD4

a n s f u s i o n G i v e n ^


^ H I H I H i H H B t l B H c qm M B ^ W M j l P r r W W I


iciB ^ ^ B b H H I B H b V^mH *


fire < resna nsUy u lla



m . .

Iller, Lo* Angelea, b o m wiU> a blood disease : sooth blood transfcu loa. The tnnsfusions old. Whenever th e boy become* overly tired rmplorna of th e disease—he'i given another illdir ilrennou* ga rne t and attends Khool physically restriclod. Checking off the blood ‘'"J: Bleclner. (AP w lrepholo) ™ _______________________________________ of i:

luclear BIHTHDATS HONOnED ipened PAUL. Dec. 18—Alex Roemer and mu*

hl.i 10-ycnr-old daughter. Doris, avail- were honored n t a Joint blrUida; Dai

party Sundny a t their home. gUm

!!a 4 m srM ^lANCE

m m



v e b e e n o n o u r s a l e s f l o o r t o o Ion?'

; C O S T o r P r e s e n t V a l u e ! F o r f lu f l i

h o l e f a m i l y w i l l a p p r e c i a t e a n d cn


) o o r T . . . : $ 5 I 9 : 9 5 “ $ 4

........................ $ 3 9 9 . 9 5 $ 3

........................ $ 3 0 9 . 9 5 $ 2

N G E S...........................$ 3 4 9 . 9 5 $ 2 '

c ......................$ 3 1 4 . 9 5 $ 2 -

e c t r i c ^ 3 5 9 . 9 5 . $ 3 1

........................ $ 2 2 9 . 9 5 $ V

........................ $ 2 2 6 . 9 5 $ H

E Z E R S............... $ 6 5 0 . 9 5 $ 5 ;

- : T 7 : r : T $ 4 8 4 ; 9 5 — $ 4

del . . . . . $ 5 5 4 . 9 5 $ 4

y e l . . . $ 4 8 7 . 5 5 $ 4 <


bet Sales138 Main Avenue North

Page 11: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

^ ^ s s a r y

ibooM '

told tbe .i B ^ ^ W ^ ^ j - g p i t i h t - U i -

^■'H.^Towo '

,'^Bfiiol *>*:»“ '•■ :

, . . ■ 1' VKbfloL Aa « • ,

^ ^ ■ 9 ■ “ va m coocem- o S menUl

u d dd to combat

* ^ f c ^ a 5 = r o « l .bout ’ * ^ » « i i ^ l a o u r c h l l d

# £ H n s “. s .

^ ^ » ^ , M } S r r e U g l « m

' *^K£}sS55« of ‘ P”* I" ^ ■ ^ . i S S M t be IwU. '• ^ ■ S S f tS S o r a W tM c h - * ^ B S ^ ls ie lw o U U deilf- j

n s lAtroduced by pn«»ra t

a ^ K w » ^ Other p tr tld - j

u n . Ctiules ‘

‘ iI7 U uhen of Uie ^

■ ^ t r ^ tbt m m en- : 00 dItpUy lb the

i t l ^ K ^ ) t i BvTtll Thome

ttt^ e n ot th t two P

io ehtrfe.

\^Ei^o* ^ ^I ^ K , Uaeoln ichool fourth *Ua Joe Broylei ^

naU non v ltb ft ^ ^ B ^ 'i t tc D d t s e e for tbe t

KbooI. ftnd tbe a^ M > « » b th H h « c b o o l . p

■(Champion Htime Ambiti^ H n n r w. Nicaoia' t^ ■ E w , Dee. U in - Jo e t^ ^ K i k U r did more to blow v^ ■ ( M l - T e x u cblU, tba t r P ^ M v s i a tn hli tine .I ^ K k * ttk In D tU u. tmt n^ ■ ( M t d on he reallied "

«(* FaiiKr«ii c^ ^■ itR p U J C

Sipoonl o I h D l g ^ ^ ^ y f l t

. . i . l "■“ ■ ’"•*•“ ’.;u t o( an icllve ]l(«tlme tRpaptr BwJ public rela- a

LoDg Bto lie betftn ft uUu trae orlsin cf chlU. a

f aaathi mining fnr th . i td found hUzuelf bccomlns li a a t tm of conflict. Aty a i to the high com- U

ovxe of uiefu] Infonna* fjUiher Htrrli Evans, ll- e.lhe ijbrtrj ef eonjress. U

Ihta: b nbleo h u had the InUr-•4« of our general refer* t bMographlcal dlvWon,

«rti to me that an ex. ^W) h u produced onfr b7 bib of Information Ui>a»7.flnd helptul." *

on hit own from

Bp the w sy

^ 9 1s h i r t s f t r D a d i

H ^ r c c m f b r t o u t

K ^ C a l v e t f s f l a w r

and „ r v

■ f l i v e iB y

p Poor InBpection Blamed for Bad

■7 , Spud Shipmentsm aV ? ■w'jaHlNU’lVlW. D ie n * = « « a to r

WelXar, IU K U . b tU tn t isip tetlai lazlCT OUT b« bU m cd for ihlpm mt o t InferJar Idftbo poU to * to tbi

f ebU- a p p ea r th a t poUtouUKodt u , v 9 t > ^ th lpped out ot Idaho lid tbe v l tb n tU tf tc to rr ouulde appear-

■SS^ w S e r ta ld la ft lU tem eat.

*» • -stfrarftl carloftda ef th e u po- idran* have b«ca rejected by eut«mest,'* c m retallert- U o n flt for aalt, but . m uit J« n e h a w found tb e lr w»y to mar •

. k e t m yw ay.“Her« v e b ftte aij example el

^ leveral carlowU o t potatoea ap. * l l r DTOTed t>y federa l Inipectora In

S th e w W t t . p a d e and ” ? 7 i ahlpped acrosi country a t great ei*

penae only to hftT* federa! Inipec- t e n In thla ftrwk reject them u

I t S t un lit.- _____________ _____

'puuio Benson VisitskJ by _ ^ ,

In SouthwestIt al- DAJLUW. Dec. 18 m-Agrlculture ‘ P*f* sec3-»tftry-Dealfnat® E ira T. Ben- .IMJ}* son w u buiy hero Wedneiday In.

tervlewlng doiena of farm Induitry leadera from T exaa, OUahoma and LouUlana.

ed by L aler W ednesday n lgbt he flew cha^- to Kanaaa City, Mo„ to conUnue a rtld . e ro u > c o u n t^ lurvey o t fann

condlUona,In Ulka w ith reporters he g»«

some h lnU o t th o broad obJecUtej arVene beginning Jan. 30.Utuey He aald he v a s anxious to "make

th e departBJW t o / afrlnUture aene , the fanners, tb e anloullure Indui-

“ « try a n d the naU on u a vbol# In the beat possible way.”

hnme "Obrloualj." hft aald. -X win do menu ™y lo improva the exliUng e two programa aad operations o f tba di- ,h o i . p a rta ie n t

"I hope to c u t expenditures vben , they prtjra unnecoaaaxy bftcause wa . 'I 'L all realize h o v Im portant H U to

1th ft Benaon prom lM d ba would at- r the tem pt to <lrav " th e beit men aTall- ] tbe able" In to the to p poiU of .tbe d i. jmL partm ant.

ion Passes After ibition Came True9' th tre . H e pa^ed hundreds o f hit —Joe M ends and aequalntaaoei cana blow up w ith Just abou t la a a n y tn*

, tha t flvcn.I . D« Ooljrtr. w orld-tnveler tour-

I. tmt m st cata lofued tn Texaa as the Ulied ’'aU te’a Solomon on the chIU bowl.”

came up v l th th e comment that chill “U an ftnclent dUh." That v u nevB to a lm oit nobody,-etpeclall7

j H folks In Texas.O lb Sandefcr, a native Tezan and

p m e a tiy eoDcert manager of the 1 X V .-n e iT band, said: *OblU U unU

*U & I. make i tm Ohlna,S u n n a aad « l« w h e » ."

w ill O. G ran t, a former newsman, | H | wrote Joe: IV H “Once « e w en t down Into Mexico, - H thinking th a t he re a t last In the i , ^ supposed home of real chlU. wa

would be able to end the quett for (time the best. We w en t Into a resUurant rela- and asked for ch ill. They looked at an a ua In am azem ent. Finally v e found llll. a place th a t had some. Know wheref «>IW It r tm n frrtm? O iit nf % f in pi ftrxlming la Austin, Tex."L. At Joe hlm telf sa id , “A majolrty of com- those wha hold for T ex u origin, rm a. fasten U to th e bnu h country of s, 11- southw est T exas whtre cowpokes tress. Uved long stre tches out o t the grub

box o t a chuck wagon." nl«r- From Mexico o r Texas, you can tfe r - take your pick.Islon, B ut Dick W est of th s Dallu I ex. M omlns. News h a a aa aasver vben onfy Ms U ds ask h im if a certain rel­

ation U u ra n t bas good chlU. He alnaya answers:

from “T here never w as any bad."8 r r — — =

isy Calvert wayi

. - j f e V & K X

D a d w i l l p f e a s e f i l m m o s t

t O u t - o f - c f o o r s . . .

f la w ? r l i e w i l l - ( p a s t

a . d r m k - h f t - p o u r s _ ___________

>»ii4 OIPI CAITON ’ ■*

g j-n ri s t i ------ ------------

1 .

i n t s ■ wjftctlm ipmmt t« tbs


ppear-ge Kit ____________ _______ J____________

« po- e u t.

I t, but I m a r.

pie el a ap.rs In le and a t ex. nipec-em u

S 'e s t S T O C K N (

. T-1097ly In. duitry a and

• T - 1 0 9 8ntlnus


T - 1 0 9 9I. 30.■make

. r F - I 9 9>1« In

S u S ” F - 2 0 ^le dl-

r s R - 2 3 3U to

T - 1 0 7 5 .le d |.

r F - 2 3 0 . >

uet m ^canar an. I — '■


i M A Kdally • ■

3 A N OIhlna. _______________ __ _____ _

“*"• We d o n 't know h(exlco, . . ■I ^ Y our offer ma^it for

K 19S7 STUDEBAI'ound , Custom 4-door. Radio, bfhere

^ 7 -----19H-PUYM0Uty of Radio, heater, lov mUe

[jokes 1949 PONTi;grub 8 Oyliader Coupe. Radio,

1951 STUDEBA>aUu Custom 4-door. lU dlo, heater, vben mileage, exceptionally c

In-aya 19 4 # DODGE IRadio, heater, fluid drive, exo

■ * - _____________________ finlAh. BtaiA

/ 1950 CHEVRlr J _ Deluxe <-doOT.^^to^. h

I N E E D iI butF

| = ^ N OSee us on th

I m T p L Y M O US p ec D lx. 4-door. Radio, h»

I 19Spec. <-dr. R

.1 T946 MEClub Coupe. R

1 9 2 9 FORD^ Model y iT Tudpr. 'We

s' II - I / Super Dlx. Clb,

- . - ..........- - —

I 1 9 4 0 D4-dr. ]Udlo, b u ta r ,


■ : ■ ' " i- • __ _

VHATSI t i s o u r

Magic V e y f o r u s

’ l o w e r i n g

p u t i t b l l



097 1949 NASICustom 4-door. Radii Tlreallke nev .

098, 1950 FORDCustom v-8 . Radio, b TbU U perfecL Tlrts

099 . 1946 CHR'14-door. Radio, fluid

)9 1946 CHEVI-door. Radio, baat«

' 1949 PACK4-door. Radio, baat*

33 1947 STUDClub Coup*. Radio, 1

075-B- 195fl( PLYK^Tudor. Radio, haatai tires llk* aaw.

lO-A 1951 DOD(T udcr. Radio, hsftUi



kV how to price th ese m ay be, accepted.

EBAKEft Champion•dlo, heaU r. Stock No. P -n 4

^OUTH-Suburbon------------« mUeage. 8U«k No, F-IBJ.

^TIAC ChieFfoinftadlo, heat«r. Stock No. P.IM .

EBAKER Championheater, autom atic tronsmlialon, low sally clean. Stock No. F-234.

GE Ciutom Tudorve. exoepUonally dean, ahlny black BtaiA No. T-iaoS. ____________ _

EVROLET Stylino.tdlo, beater, rery t^es.I Ho. KB-333-B.


i t h a v e

E A r S H ? —

1 th e following >

rM O U T H ~ IUo, heatfer, delroctait

1 9 3 9 iU I C K *;.dr. Radio, beater, new Utm.

6 M E R C U R Yupe. Radio,.heaUr.

FORDlor. New

1 9 4 6 FORD nX Clb. Cpe..UeaUr, delroatcra.

4 0 D O O G fbaatar, new aeat coven'

--------------- nU ES-N E W SrT?

S NEWour opinion tha t 1

c Vallev have beer r used cars. Start ■ing ourprices'toc bluntly, W e are s /ABOUT YOU?


lASH .A m abassador«r. Radio, heater, overdrive, bed, perfect though

ORD C onvertibleRadio, beater, orardrlvt, beauUful Bev palo t CL Tlrts like nev.

:HRYSLER W indsorlo, fluid drlTt, perfMt Interior, Xxcellent tlrei

HEVROLET Stylemasfe0, baatar. vary good Urea, exceptionally (leas

ACKARD Supero, baat« , electrle elutcta', oTerdrlve.

rUDEBAKER Regal DeRadio, heatar, o r s rd r tn t U tchanlcally perfw

LYMOUTH Deluxe0, haatar, nceptlonaU r elean, ntehanlcaOy p w.

lODGE W ayfarera, hsatar, lov aotual mUtaga^



C AIf you own a '4 6 , '4 7 or <4 give you 0 down poymenl below ond up to $250 cos

---------------------- 1951-FOR&Tudor. Radio, beater, defrosten Btock No. P -185____________

1949 FORd u b Coupe. Radio, h u te r. defi Stock N o. F -IB 9-------------------

1951 F0[Club Coupe. Radio, h u te r, ver? aew. Stock No. F-IU . ____ .....

J_______ 19 9 FORTudor. B eater, defrosters, very 1 Stock N o. B.194 _ ,

1950 FORV.B Tudor. Radio, heater, rery Stock No. F -1B8 ____________

= 1949 FORV .« 4-door. Radio, beater, orar Stock No. F - lB l'A __________

1949 FORT>S Club Coupe. Radio, beater, sharp. S tock No. F-301------

1949 FORv -8 Tudor. Radio, beater, axce;

_______ . . . . e to c t N o ..gB ;3W ;A .- -


U N I_ J O p e n E v e n ii i!

ISrTW IN -rALI,3rn)AH 0 ------

/ IN USa t the used cor I een paying too m arting immediate to our used car bi re sick of this infic J?

> OF O U R PRICE REDC allin g P

r $162:t thoughout

$186!’ pa lo t

$105lent Urea.

lasi’e r $ 86!lly (lean.

$ 179;

I Deluxe $111ilyperfwl.

$143!olcally p trfae t,




kSH?17 or U 8 m o d e t o u to m o b ile w e con

loym ent o n o n a o f t h e cor* lis ted

150 cosh .

ORD-Cuatom V-8~----------Icfroateri, low mUea*e, ^ -j J

FORD Customiter, defroaters, new pa in t. ^

1 FORD CustomIter, vtry low ikneajta. Like 4 9 5

LEORP_CMgtomn . very iood Ut m , n n r paint. ^

FORD Custom$1095 •

FORD Customto-, o m ilriw . nw p p .jn t .

FORD Custom. baler, ovcrdrlv .. B e l ly ^

FORD Cuftom$ 995


• i'"-

I I O N i-------- — M A IN -A ti

n i n g s a ^ d S u n d o )


ISED aor buyers of 0 much mon- iately, we are r buyers. To nf lo tio n ...,

REDUCTIONSa ilin g P rice F o m ie r P r lc «

$1620 . $1295

$1865 $1595

$1057 $ 895

$ 867 ' $ 845

$1793 $1495

$1111 . $ 995

$1439 $1395

$1854 $1595

And here is < fo r o u r us


= 5 (195 8 r ^

Goes FREE >95 carrying

LOOK!WS - ----------------


“ T R U C KW5 Our tru ck del IJJ sam e opinion

flation , a n d 195 accordingly.



idoy ' /T

:a r s. y - :

I c . N O W

1 $ 9 9 5


$ 695

$ 5 9 5


. $ 645



is ano ther g o o d deal r used car buyers!



O f ^ s - "

REE with every c a r i ing a Red Sea l.X FORTHEM i ; •

T E N T I O N ! ,

: K B U Y E R Sdepartm en t is o f th e

ion a s we a re a b o u t in­nd is reducing prices



P A Q B 'H i^

Page 12: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

all cashmero


n r o N A B t a] Down, 6 ilonllu I« fl

..... l_IU.M^


i s g m

M E S E E .S ^ ^ B

Hj Durkin Picks C y Westerner to p

l l ------B e-T o p ^ d e -|—-9 LOS ANOELES. C alif, Dec. W W 1y -Cftllfoml'ft Labor Commlaiantrn LloviJ A. M w hbum confirmed todayI I he hail bten offered the post of a** |P | ib U n l ieeretivry o ! Ubor underi i n Martin P. Durkin.I I secretary of Labor-D«lP>aleH ------- m r lUii utfered-hlm-th«-po*^ ....... . ., ,,.■ thU monlh. M w hbum »'<!• J«‘ *'«■ walled until he conferred » lth Qov. . n Earl Warren before McepUm. | h I "Durkin called m e • week or soI ■ >Ro and asked roe w hether he eould

.ubrnU my name." w ld Ma»jiburn,J . .! ' . "I talked to the governor and then I H l • told Dutkln to BO Jhend. • ^III “However." he added. " I « heardI I I nothUiK personally o n It yet.I I I The 55-year-old Maahbum U a | | ^I I I Republican and has aerved aiHll b b o r commlMloncr slnee November,(^11 1551. He formerly wa*},tk treasurer of the Los Angele.i Build-

H i Jng and COMlrucUoa T rM ci councllI 'M Ih e re he acU d asIIIl more than 315.000 southern Call-ll rom U construction Industry workeraill for 20 yeara. . . ,'M* He wa* a Wftnen*pie(lBca oeic-

I saw to the Republican naUoniO con-

ventloM in 10«<. HK8 and 1053. , H | j

Board Okays H Sale of State ■ Land, Leases

BOIBE. Dec. IB tffV-The aUU land boMd approved th e aale of more ; th t e 3.8P0 acrea of stale land and ^ .pproved three jrav e l leases Wed-

'1 ;

i S l s S l s S s CalifI I ’ to protect w ater fuppUej for mu­l l nlclpalltlea. Irriaatora and other p ^ j

l l T. F. Loi Ineloded

! s S r n S i ? r ' . ; ? , s s k I I SMnWlb Wlrea - r o m «■

h : ,r a I t approved th e sale of Inia operat

K board feet of tim ber In Clearwater -ph«icui:the S eoh-000 ou-ned by th e fUh and same de-

I partm ent In BoUe county. ---------------I t eronted a quarU leas® In Koot-

ienV l'SSnty to’ Robert B Wilbur.Post PaUs. a phosphate h tw In l U U V l C Bear U ke county to the Tertellng t t Land company. BoUe. I l l

---------------------- - ' LAS VE(

Hughes Takes Top s r . ‘ 2lS Position for RKO nlne-foot a

-------------HOLCVWOOD.-CftlllrDjC. 18 ror;- -M illionaire Howard Hushes took The w p!!' over duUes aa chairm an of RKO mKwfllm ck • itudlo‘8 board of director* today, gowlp colui

three montha a fte r ho aold hU con- *troJIlnf Interest In tho studio. the new »5,

The airplane m anufacturer was Also pim chosen to head thb board la it night tmure h U t M A lueceuor to Attomey Arnold ftnte'a h a t O rant who resigned recently. hU life; a

Hughe* wa* requested to rejoin the ging Crosl company by Chicago bu*lne«man trey'a ukuli Ralph Stolkin, head of the syndlcata Julah Bank: th a t bouRht H uahes’ eontrolllnc During tl

: 1000,000 iharca'In'lhTTiluaiff;----------TOtBriUfs'VHe wa* elected to th s board of to the capsi

dlrec ton Dec. 13. ' feel under------------------------- -- Dec. 17. IM

BarlyC hrlitlana wero often faUjly -----•ocused o; hum an sacrifice* In their Dog Food religious ceremonlea. Olobe Seed

r f f lAT O.P.S.~WOUI____________________ TENDEt


STEAKSIRLOIN - Well trimmed



Ground Be

< M P . s^ ^ 2 26 ShosI

i ,

jm -PAOE-TWELVE______________

Crew Rescued Fr

.S i ......VI

■ JfSi u . ____________he \ V K \


%id- "■ / .


le- '

Aa other n l lo r a line the rail, a crewman o ahlp G rom m et Reefer climbti down ladder (ai broken vraaeJ to reseoe c n f t below. The ahlp, i

,r . ma* tnrkey* f o r American troops, i ^ l l la hall a on LUorono reef n e a r Leghorn, lUly. All 39 crewt

Ulephoto)8 - --------------- :-------------- ---------i-------------------------

" California Man Qain Perfected “Perpetu

I« MERCED, C alif.. Dec. 18 W - The glarre Charles E. Spurlock. 38, a lumber *Tzeklal 'In company executive, tald today he book, actuilot had developed a t'perpetual motion 3( feet ina . machine" pow ered by "faith" and They ai

canstructed on 'd irections from ths rods and h,I8 Bible. 3>.4 tons. IIn Spurlock, w ho said he was con- IS welghU

vjnced th a t a •■maitard seed of la llh pivot pnwill move a m ounUln.“ said he aUntly cl

/y< would pu t hU ' ‘amazing’' maclvlne the force r, , Inlo operation ChrUtmas day. running., PhyalcUls hnvc demonstrated tha t The Imr

the Uxeoiy of perpetual moUon Is adn wld tl' Imposalble. sulllng frc^ ■' ' would dev

S Movie D ata Put ' In Time Capsule Mj,™

LAS VEOAB. Nev.. Dec. IB SR - X . I Present day m ovie sUra were plan- I I n ' nlng a 'b U ,o r long-range publicity :rv today by p lacing momentos In a COEUR l L/ nlne-foot olum inum time capsule to Waho publ(m be opeaed-to-tbc-year-3051.---------ordered., t8k Tlie capsulp nlready contain* a Power com :0 microfilm of m ovie trade papers and and flgurt J . goMlp columns, i t was unveiled here a hearing 1- yesterday a t opening ceremonie* of cation can

the new »5.900.000 Sands hotel. Ths PUiu Also placed a t the disposal ot the hmrlnti ' t future h is to rians was Jimmy Dur- a WWP n Id ante’s h a t together with a story of open until

hU life; a F rank ie Lalne record. addlUonal 10 ging Crosby'* pipe.' Arthur Ood- Commlas! n f ^ ‘« ukulele a n d a copy of TaU company :

lulah Bankhead 's autobiography. a temporar: ■S During the n e x t 13 months other on the am - eeitBriUfs'Wlll ndd Uielr Iradcmnrks- Kinsey )f to the capsule before It U burled 30 WWP. waa

feet under tho hotel building on fy. Hs sal Dec. 17. 1953. needed to i

T -----------------------------expenses anX Dog Foods a n d B a b b i t Feeds, company's '

Olobe Seed and Feed Co.—Adr. north Idah<

- “ J S T IL L LC


VKS lb ^immed

l b / !

> N e & b : j

Beef ib;4.SKAG<226 Shoshone Street East

:ued From Ship I |

' - * • i i ^ n r i



II. a crewman of the U. S .,nary supply jJ Idown ladder (arrow) (rom alem of the Iclow. The ahlp, with her o«rgo of Christ- > I)*, i]/lll la half a fte r groundlag on Qoeen f . 1 sly. All 3$ crewmen were rescued. (NEA ^

n Qaims He Has i*erpetual Motion” i rB — The giant ateel machine, called an ? nbcr “E«klal wheel- a fte r the BlbU■ he book, actually consUts o t two wheeU [iitlon 3« feet In dlometer. f.and They are Joined by connecUng i, ^ths rods and have a combined weight ot T m

3!i tons. Spurlock sald .there were t ■» n - 18 weights of 04 pound* each which • 1allh pivot pn bearings and their con- V M

he aUDtly chapglng position provide ^ ■'( ine the force needed to keep the wheeU 0 * ,

running. f.that The lumberman of nearby Plan- i; -ID Is ada said the "perpetual motion" re- p

sulllng from the odd combination t----- would develop aome 33,000 horae- k

power which Spurlock beUevca can Kbe harne.Mcd. F *

^ More Data Asked [IS; On Power Boostsn » COEUR D'ALENE, Dec. IB ftn-The H s to l(l^bo public uUltles commUslon has p,___ordered., th e .—Washington. W ater d tu iIt t Power company to substitute "fact* Unnd and figures for esUmates" before J ^lere a hearing on a rate Inaease oppU- }iI of caUon can be resumed. g

Ths PUO Indefinitely poatponed I (ot the hmrlng yesterdoy. but It granted f »•

)ur. a WWP motion to keep Uie case |r of open unUl the company con prepare ■,ord, addlUonal evidence. h od- CommlMloners also reminded thefaU company It- could make possible [.

a temporary' Increase unUI a decision f her on the appUcatlon Is delivered.irEJ Kinsey itoDliwon. president o f T]1 30 WWP. wna the ln.<ii witness to tesU- ;•on fy. Hs said Uie rate locrease was ^

needed to m eet addlUonal operaUng aexpenses and to properly finance the H

ids. company's Cabinet Gorge project In nnorth Idaho. 1'

n c H i p


K __________________ ___ \

b . 4 9 c j I

I b r 5 5 e

i b ; 4 5 c 1 1

. G G S " i ■“

ast /I


7 T S Bi -D O T IA L E aB E L l

n i '

iLonff w earing M ATCHING CALI

■ Color. Sizca'28 to 42— 2.50.

i T 5 EI I

een .rEA ^ ■ y l

i ” ii ■' d an r '.3ibu . leeU

It of ’1

hlch [;

ivlde ll

lan- ^ -a:

.tlon p • ^ |H ™ 3 |a B w |B g ^>ne> kcan K '.

I [ ,

I t s•The H f ► C*'has p, . - W f l p ^ r ....a ter d ^ .V r.v"-.»act* H —fore ____________ ................................... .. . ...,pU- M ---------------- ---------------------------------

S I Shop Friday and Saturd ^ I? . 9 P.M.Uie f.-

IlnB gthe 9 ^ ^ I v i i f l \ W ^ l l \ l \ l / 4

r ^ p l

\ Hi



S iB i iB * .

: d - b e l t - b u c k l e — — uRj2 . 5 0

•lING CALFSKIN B E L T . B row n >

-2 .50 .

Men’s Argyle

NYLON I m w SO X' ^

I 1.50 I■ ■ Sizes 1 0 J/2 -to -13 .- :

W A sso rtm en t o f []colors, Th


H ' ' i

■ ' 1.50 ) ^h ^^HK

An a sso rtm e n t o f j .colors and deaifm s. ^Thc pc rfec t C h ris t- p)

^ mas ffift f o r H im . i



BHSi Flannel | H | b Pajamas I

B i u 3.98 I iE x tra fu ll c u t fo r 5I sleeping com fort, i

:• Tailored w ith | clastic w a is t- ■ band, a sso r te d p a tte rn s an d 1 Cap

' Btripcs. A .B.C.D. g ------- -— ------ -------------------------- p J.«,

d Saturday ’til M l


Jieg. Dres Just

. B B■ = P T v r v : r ' T ? r r r - m r c r r r - - 3

- ^ ; q --------D O E C IE -B A T H ---------------

yi' n ...„3 .49 SfcT l . , I IJI."■-U Hcnvy meUl. rubber-tlppcd \

'■“'” 6 with swlng-up drea.ilng tabls top of washable plaaUc.Doll measuring acale. roomy

F pcxkets. plastic tub. and hose SilOP' with shutoff. Daby blue frame.

20’' high. 2I'i" wide and 13"; deep. PlasUc apron ts Included. H«e

' ......... ..? E T . Q 5 . r a S > ^ i ■ ' . / y i

n i u i a l

Hurr>-! Hurr>' ! Here’s Y our ‘ TV F a v o rite ! . ............ - • " 'i . 'iU

Super Circus


R Y S E R V I C E ! f T | w l l

C A P P I N G !

n r o FAIXS. i D ^ o



yle ,

1 Men’s Hats1 3 . - ; 5.00 p< BlgselecUon.br styles. ssNjrt*- I h

Ij ment o t ahadea. many sUes. VV‘ There's a B a t fo r Every Man. g

An excellent g ilt idea. p^ I "


„( J Handkerchiefs | j

it i 50c ■ I c!n. e “The T houghtful OKt." Whlto b\ .

<1 only. H and rolled edges. | »

I I ^

!S I I

for J F u r Lined I

, G L O \ T E S

i 4 .9 8 ^ I L.1 CapesWn wiUj so tt rabbit fu r [J Ni

n !; lining. Lab tested. In London {<| a Tan, su e s 8 to 11. Wool Lined [P S.«. ■ ' •

, ( l l% D E R $ O I 1*MA?idfBWMO*T c o M n m MMJiTMiMr r o * r

jn^heclrTheseDOLLIE I ■■

! HAT BOXES i_________ 1 . 9 9 I *

Dreas your dollle up In a ha tl Q | f l | Just like mommy's. M U H

. W BBiaEOTBI I U lll ll IIIIIII illlM 8 m l

S K I R O f, S------------- PfcAN-ES------

________ 2 . 4 4 IEXTRA 'LARGE SKIRO R 17 PLANES. Reg. priced Q A Q 'Q

.J « 8 , o n ly ......................0 * ( ^ S

? ' I T R U C K I N G y Z !■ T E R M I N A L 1

r n«r. s j a ..... ....... ..........3 . 3 3 ™i Here's the toy to delight any ^

lltUs boy.


C I R C U S - ^ ^

R e g . S .9 8 . 1■ H they

. . 4.44 . 5f ^J Mary Hartllne. ciUty th r Clou-n, |>-

Scampy, Claude KIrichner. Nlcta? - ['

—the -!& »m p-are-«m (m ir-thB“ I8— tf — own ‘ i and

circus people in UiU colorful 0

•Super Clrcu.i" s r ti Complele ^ '

....... steel ^ n t. ' 18-frUky fi

circus animals. 10 wild anlmali ^

------ and alhhencccMOrlcs Uiat make- ^ -Reg.u p -a llfc-llke piny circus.- . . ■]

fl |!!!^aO > main AVtNUt IAIT I I

K P D E R S O n i• M A c r t j w n MOT co* .inm ct^AWMiNT t w r


I K iV Shorts ’H I

s 1.69 ' \ f te x tra fun cut. \ ^

I; PracUcal eaay w u h . " • r j i •A-'isort* ■ I Ing, quick drying. csUes. W hite, blue, lan, • A ' •%■■Uan, green, assorted fanej p " •”rV “ ■'%

patterns. Sizes 30 to *V= a ” ■ \

V it i ’j


3.50 1® I In te n v o v e n . A ssorCeJ Jj

0 c o lo rs , h n c y p a t te m J |

1 t o p . S iz e s Sm all, M cdi- M

u u m , L a r g e . V

i '

f I MEN’S N E a

l\ L u x u r io u s , im p o r td 'a l l cashmerefur f. N a t u r a l .don Nned ri J I E N ’S D E P A R T fllE N T -S I

t n i f c ®^oNAv U H y f 10 ; ^ D o w n , 6 i:rM w rro * r

n ' ^

i e

'9 Istl I

4 I. ! F U R N I S H E D 7 -R O O M I

Iu H Two-story, 7-room doll house of sluidj u fn orated inside, and every room U ccnpWelyft dining room, kitchen, bedroom, battotea. nI room. Outdoor paUo U fumUhed, tool Ksir

3 .....— ________J i And These!

I ...... ..................I . SERVICE ( O f

^ . S T A ' n o N ~ | r a i J -

_____ 2.99 | MBrtghUy colored. mlnUture K j f ^ i t

■ <3 m etal station. ThU U a toy r / » ^ | | l > ■ H theyni a ll love. ' t / j ^ 1/


^ ' 1’ Your UtUs boy can have hU .] .„ — u— ow n-real-U ks-w estem -janrn,_j---------- :” i T ^ d afU U s LOW price, loo. J p _ 17.1

li :i

“ I ■ ■ FORT ■’ 5 DEARBORN ‘* 1 1 Q Q Q i* • h -Heg. « 8 ----------------tJ 'Q y .i .B ia p lt t t^

■1 Here'a w hat will please htoil «] JO ttbkB~ 1.1 SCO theae Big Values on toy*, fl t »

. J: DowMtairspBasement g


ions- “S3

’ _______

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I - _______ Z-„ tH.'il 1----------------------11.14 J

k Averages _jIf TV« jLmcIi M Pm .

«■ *11. mil. SMU JIU--- Hfl---- u i --- il*’*' ” **m i i i i !J;! ‘i t i . |j ‘ '

Bin Fallg “| ;stock Prices “3____ ________________“ ' ’‘irS«T*lBr»UillT»*tock “v*

^ Ol* T *la U li, aa Oemmliiloa oem-

— , - r a jQ . t^ jo B « i

. 7 ^ -IU.CO.27JO *'rh « Cnutn _I10.00-«3,00 JJS 1 --------------- --------------- --------- i n j 3 ^Mh

topn • Nortl

wmpany’s e«8 Retained ”«!”^ 11 in-O f(icliU ot p'lot- •a iW fiuiir w m pioy ^ h o » mrl ^ boirt ot directon. • i«

“ «l th« botrd ll M tr.

« I f c t l m ta u e r . Kr pr«J<|«nt ‘Wr.

£ K rs;"i , Ktes .s;'?

^w in Falls H- _ . i . , „ J S "

> a*. lb*—l a w “ *t ? = ! !::i; B . ;

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ul- Iteu ttirm 10.00-ll.H Is ilMiBp W»d*. *>

S»S‘.k‘S i3“ sJ fOKUND **

„U, fOUTUHD. B » -11 (Uf tM I

.S « s- |,^ il.M.II.00; »belM m-4UU. »M>i t«.«0.;t.

60! «Mt»H.»«t,In.ll UU W«ln«. H ** *’ * ‘‘‘

[J,. L0« ANOILU|C LOS ANCELU. D«. II UV(PSUN)- iS C«ttl« M«t w<n lUMr <• In.|U iU»r« U49 hlibtri «th«r «1mm* «W it D<

fi | i S S S ' S L t i i s »:MU ultM 1T.0MI.W. Ml

■I ”■'“ h<0 Sb*«» BOD*s f«w «tUiv btUmr U aU |S ttM4/ *t ».«». ______ g«ITU catU Q o m!

S ■'sa.'asfirJteK-.u.™ s<H f«ur l u ^ i bdrm u«gt ttM ^t suu tr ^ >H tBd •ocutrvld tein <U»d7 W M laoiri <H bulk ilM r ta t t bl«htri «Mlm lU t^r iS‘ «JU m IIM-U.OO] uUlllr ud temmirtlal > eon ll.M0 <.1i t uilllly lad eeom^nUl !;- ] „ Irallt JiX«.ll.«Ot tMBBittUl U> clHiM

Unte tl.(6>U.OOi ilui<hur rrM (U%dr

•» m k v B \; OtKVeit. Sk . iliJ HO: uU n 10; all cUh« nonliul.■ I llc«« i«0: ilMdr te Jl bitfatri bnlckm r "f* cM « IM-UO Ibt «hole. It,bl!u » t |h t M»1 1I.M.•C Sm p I.OOOi («« ((Md ihMrlDr Umb(lit tbout ftwdr I t II.OMI- ■ItwhtM' (IiiMt

not «tUlUh.d| Wtdnadir <b»lM «nd ^'2[a EANBAI CtTT 61}

|5 Jlit C«IU« 1,000; cil>n tooi >l>i«bur iU m *tn

(U Umta n,S)JO,«0._____ eh.1’‘ o n m *"c

OHAJU. Dm. II (OP) - llof« ll.«O i J f. 5 r i«of,'T(S “ O '

‘ •J Ilow ck>««; II!0»1 fond tnd chok. M " !i ^ r i bMrr E

HS imJ M i'n U.Oo.tJ.Mi { m 'u n i l rlM.4rMilllI» *l>d Maia.rtUI 1I.00.1I.00. J!];

(ladlw w n . jrim . *ool»l UmU II.M.

i i ! P o t a t o e s - O n i o n s

inxno FALLS 1!!—U)MIO FALUI. I>K. . | | (UT)—FoUto ^

- J otr>rlRn llsht: llfbl »lri lMnlrr< •lo<r. ^ •lull. iHthiir •rrtktr; ft* mImi k r i .

. « n tdIIkI unMld. RuMrU atckKt\ cwt. IH minimum Ai U<■! D*)l»r«d ••)» •klrrlsr colsl buU And c*n*•»• m tr- re r-n rn w rv m r-ff in iK -ie irT e r —

M<k u s 1 m^llum In U n. IJ0J.70 | U •m.ll (£ m«llun< I.S04.(t;Ua ] t.M-MOl o n

'7-« 10 lb. uck US J ».»«■ t.» .» .«: 10 lb.M Mtk US 1 mah i.r»-<JO! (n nuU r con-

u lntn «.ao-4.U; ;tp«p AMh «lndo* t.OO. can I.U: In mMt*r WBUlnm 4.:o-4.»l t Inek alitliaum A wttiui }tt li. tjuk t f t 1 » mtdlan to U « . li« .1 U 10 lb, u«k „ US I »t»«r oMulcail U rt. 1.104.71, N

B«Im fob ctih trMki Vw)>.d l«0 lb.■•ck tUS 1 in.dlam to -Urn 1.104Jo ; 14

• J im.tl to (nwllum t.I»4.IOi u£ I 1.7t.l.«li ^ « lh. laek US I WI«T l.U4.4ai 10 Ib. H ** iitk U3 - m«h t.M-<.10i la sinMr cfl»- rui ulnm

^ CHICAGO. oS!"l^*'(IJPl-T#Utt »T-rinli IS; trtck lt t ; (ouj U. 8. .hlsx i-v

'.00 B « U M . SoppIlM lltxrtl: dwB.nd ll^ht; \ j

■00 ftoo Ili.li Malia B w .U.00 US IA 4.«M.U| un>uh«l 1 c .n 4.1liu Colorado MeClurn U8 IA 4.04-4.]!: Mln* .

BMOU .Bd NMtb DakoU rostlM. US lA ^J3 ««h«] tnd 1..I.1 c.r 4.a. tat4

ElrMt ulM (100 th>.)i Idabo R autt. jm^ t,« 4 J0 ; Colotado McCIan. 4.T84.(»iNorth Dakou rcnt!»e» 4.I9.I.00; WUcon- WC'■ In rountf «h(U. 4.!<>4.f0. . ’ '«CU

QAlon aupvIlM lUht: demand nodm ttl i

d ”/ " V , ’{■?is kS^ i.7l; US ] tar l.tt : Mlnn>wla r«1lo« r.ue Ot

ft Rtr^^talw 'ao^'lbi.U Idaho SvanUh *imu r . v ; i , j c^ WOOL tu n

KKW YonK. D«. II C*>-Wo<4 fulur- xw l a t jJ""* »>«o J.’ <*»U hwni D*e. m J I J ; * « March 141.4; M., UO.IR, JuIt lU .llIi «

OcU 111.«ll; Dm. 1II.7U; Mirth lll.tU i eXK P. Mar IM.tH.8. O nilllu t^ ,„ol aiMt iiJ.«H. .

« D sr 'p o o d . and I l s b b U Fcefli. rea l Olab* Beed knd Feed Co,—AdT. « o »

_____________ ______________________ day

l l s M a i k e t s— _ J ju n i

d~ltr and rajar t i . l«s. H tb. mtrkrt T h» .*?* “?* **'"• *b. tormim wl OWe

.00 “ • “ c S V w "t t Salt wheat. p»r biutitl __________ ll.Ot.00 ll.rIcT IV. t... ---------------- t h .« oitrr^M-TK.:^ .............. ■'••« ..«

l i S o ^ . » u , = = F = = " - - ‘

„ — .E

Ucborn m k t - u " „ (6>l(| ,Bd conpanr pHcal Itnd

„ . . . o u n u m . , _____ ___ hJd IR St! S:a! - ■- ■ - !!: »r C'•• ICQ POOL • newl” Wltwlni prlM. o tt. .BBvtlad » Th. W fti

rrodacin tf Twla rill* C«r o t I^ .................... ... . aou i» U tt . A 1 t ?! T f

i S5nIB hBallA** ------ — ■■ K * wWCf T»*<» r ------- • ^ n u l l

i i t , m ._________

finance ’------------------ _____________________ _______

Grainoa matktt onlh. boiH af trad* lodtr. ib*r« q

een "■*" < Moh rwor.rr. howmr. ,

l.OO. K.*'' '■ Itncitt, bowmr, »rlo« 'b.UBbo>. W«ltiMU7‘t k>wb Thb rnUUko* CSOB “*'** Pa«*rof«f» (\tr t . WbMl .load H lowir to H blck.r. ^

s i cncA oo. K . '” ,! ''! !K -w .» . . . .V “,.«£<&] '»:"T .'J'liSA' Ss i ;. » ! V

PliTUREi Table ' ^CHICAGO. Uk. II (U r i-

) - Opta link ' Uw Clo«« IJT)tc t.JOU t J t }.»U f

i|yi*‘ lSM!|Rii ®*Si« * • " ? S

STr :lilj 1:«J, IW* ^i i i i i : „

X i % , :!1^ : l l l # s SI W i i» « I II a iu IMMBT l in a liiiK ;i i3 i;»i v

s C . i : ! : S _ r f ;!!5 , ! : ! ! ! ( ,

s i

S £ ;t.‘y K ^ "' , No. 1 «hlU l"l't t^ n °7 N ; Ho. t U.ol O'

N ° ^ ' ^ u . m i iT itvSnsI ^ ^ «Milo BiUo M4», ’ ^

11.01 ta ti-OlK.Ub . J l , , |t.M to II-ltN. I

[!! Batter and EggsUS L "' .... ........ ' " " .rb- RAN r&AKCIBCP

BAN nUNCISCO. Dae, 11 <UP)—Z m i OrBdo A U it. HU4tMl «nd« A Btdlom

“ * “ ch ” .I''or5S*A®lo‘i?f’« 4 f l" ’*ri4 . Am daU|.B 4l.4t____ dl

ehBB«a* «lnc< r«Icrdan lltfill ColOHd tli ortT I Iba. 14 onU B pound.

ChMt.i BIa«U dalaUt 4tH>44 mbU ■ >"!a’itj,‘Kir„r5!'i.5ST-sn.!s! „

iij “r.rtu’i-'s.rs i2 Bcor* MK: M .cor. l l ' i ; M acor. U <i| at

carloUl >0 acora UVi : II acer. «4K. i.« 4 ? .rp ^ u s> t r i i d i ’v ^ u

“ #«■«*.» par «»«l A <ad artr f t : eatitat i , rMlpU 171 dlrtlM III tbatkt 11. i lJ- — -------- ------- . co:

P o t a t o a n d O n i o n o>

F u t u r e s Wl(C o n tc t; C. W. MoKeboU aod va

ta O o a p u y . C U Bide. Fbotto WO)

"* n«C2MDEt OKIONS “*“" M.11 hlfh, 11.10 low and .bMS U ^t --------------SOl *“ thlb! PBIlRtJAllT ONIONS 1n. 12.41 hWk. 11.30 low. IMO cIqm: U sti0. u t t Wh1 ll.TObltli.Iawandcloaaic.nacartrBdad. >'0l

'k a . . . rojA T oss

f; ] \ i l l , u . „ . . , .“■ DECEMBtR ITJW ry* |

A \ bU. » n a d ; m mU. old

[l Decrp.fi Filed for Ss Jess King Estate* A decree of dUtrlbuUon tn the « - uir

ta t« of Jaw la K ln i, wbo died here decu Ju n o 32, WM filed in db trlc t court toi i W cdntaday b j Jess Ray K ln j. « t- noi

ecuttir c t the eitat«. a J •I T he esUte it valued a t M.035J3S. c,s S unlT on ar« » eon. Jes# lU y wa [B K in s : ft Eranddaushter. Orftce* Lucille Orey, end a (trandMn. Ko*. T l iR b e rt T . Wftticn. all Twin PalU. T

T he frandehlWren wlit receive h $100 each, wim the remainder ot

th e etU le Rolng to the ton. I t con- ^ alata of «3,82SJS In caab. houiebold . ^ rum lihlnge and lo t el«ht, bloclt 111,

- T w tn Palu . ^ ^ “ ? ;! B enslt and Benoit retiresented the‘ _______ K; Givil €oinplMnts

Filed by Bureau sThe Profeislonal AdJuiUnent bu- P™

u reau . Twin PalU. flled two civil “ P eom plalnu in probate court Tues- “ or day. •

The first ecUon names J . W. . Pritchard as defendant and a ^ ft ' totftl of 1187 plus Interest from Ju n e 90. 1049, and coits ot the s u i t JV]

T h e 'bureau ita t« i thftt PrltchftM *’'* t owes themoney for medical services. .

J . W. O'Donnell 1* named defend. . t a n t tn a almllar action fUcd by P I th e bureau. The bureau seeks a to tU Rot » o rw o rp ii ir t iitO T e itin d -ro j tro f th e -wa;

su it. per0 J . H. Bam ei Is the attorney for intt1 th e plaln^fl In both actions. sUc

: Boise Firm Gives S“ i LowBid on Canal ‘c; BO ISE .D ec.l8M <-P .A .T erteU n8 f t i

a n d tons. Bolte, submitted tho low perl- b id of lt.Sl3.3T8 today for 7.6 mllet on• o f concreie-llned canal on th e K en­

newick division * of the Yeklma., Wftth.,'ProJect. the rejfonftt oWcer o r the bureau of rfclaraatlon a n - P

nounced. . Sir, The canal irill c a ^ w ster from lu aI tb e Tskifflft rlrer tb the C hsndU r coir■ p um pln t plant, still, to be built, In i; w hich .wUl holit the water tnto the hes• m a in csnal for Irrigating 19.000 S. , a cres of land of whleh IB^OC wiU the-

b* xiew acrCAfk ’ cX i• - i

~ Revenue Bond S Plan Sifted by Special Panel S

B X A T Itl. D«>. M UB-A tpeclal reeeart^h commlttM Is to ln i to b« a.

crsiB asked lo prepare s rtoom atndstie s u fbtf» on w hst siency would be belt fitted rj ( llon to rtrenue bonds tor Colum. tc n t t . blft river power developmenu. r

-T O T -B m n*7nirT iiton il-p l»nntnr wBIM eoui^eil dtelded W ednuday, a lte r a 5 r (wa.(fsy teuion here, to s ik the

commltue for the new report. to l>o. The rtM ireh froup Is hiided by e:

J Dean Miurica W. Lee. disn «( b( •o)! economlci a t W ashinston 8U te ^

ed to th^ p lann ln i oouncU et T uei. day’s teuion the t revenui bond “

. luues would be a feasible Interim _ melhod Q( flnftntini muchly needed ^

^ s. power IfttlllUes. . jJ• , 8m B d K a a Eyed »* w ry The commltue aleo Is expected te , , . study the luneiU on o t Paul J, Rav- I

er. BonnerlUe power admlnlitrfttor, * iHBii th a t the entire present teden l pow. . ••2®i er eyitem ihou li be taken over by■ *“ a rejJonsl or»snlM «oo ot $oa t

kind,PoinU to be Included In the bond

Me Uiue propoial study Include wheth. „ „ er tuch bonds should be tsxsble or »aZ tox-exempl and Whether govern- tl. i«^r ment suarantees of payoient thould tr IS c be louRht. Revenue bonds normally

? represent a clslm only against the in revenuei produced by th e project, sc

* L aome CriUoisD ciTS Some criticism was eiprested i t cl

the sesilon of both the bond and 10 e«u tho rtjlonsl authority tujteiU oni, u M « Some critics thought th» propos^J : might dUtract congre«s from the ot S4 need of ImmedlsU appropriatlom ft( ^ for further PftcUle northw ett power ^

M*« ’^p idM cK ee, president of the P i . 1» » H clfio Power ftnd t ig h t comp«»y. »

Portlsnd, said Joint action by power ®I 71 dUtrtbutcr* in buUdlng new gener. «

ftUng plsnU might heip supplement « v» federal eonitnictloni. ■ ™

, B, E. Torpen of the anny engU P* s!oi ne e rf Portland regional office, told .»«i the council th a t u p s i m m - i t o w “ , w oJerts now under conilrucUoa “

b{J.' eould nol prevent a Columbia river nood of IMfl pttportlons. . ^

-1 Order Issued |1_ To Stop Side i1 Jobs of Aides ,

• A WASHIMOTON. 0 « . U W -A U

■ * . .luitlcB department a ttam eyi and

i_ , olher employei from pxactic^g Hw O;K i privately or engs,star to o» 5 ouu ^>Hd aide buiinets acUvlUes without de.

partm ent permltilon. . toU r a " oM-r. j W *•III cBver. 18,000 departm ent emplWM.. . Is effectire Ja n . 1. w e p t f « £■ »• lo

attomeyH, essiiU nt „ .lii i and their tpeclil asslstanU. In the

Istlc r cate, th e order would bc ef. ^ 1‘v i; fectlve Jsn. 1. 1654. ^ ^ ^tTB. The order prenanably win be s p .

" n ” M c O r a K * * i ia ‘% ^ i ^ te «enjtftse In outside buslnets acUvlty J*or law pracUoe will be given only “when "unutual clrcxsmttances* pre- oi

S vail and only upon written reque tt ».) McOranery said the extra yeat t N« _ delay for U. B. atlomeys and their

Bsslatants item s'from the fact th a t nII their salaries were tlxed oa the ^ “ prcjumption they would be perm it.

^cd-to -p r*oU c*-U «-4 jilwtfllz_^n. _ the side.

Under present I«w, a department M attorney may prseUce law In casei Pt

where the govemment is no t in . fa lad. Wived. Sft

. ..I — J

Man Killed ^ e n "- Derrick jSits Line “

BOISE. Dec. 18 OUH-A lO-rear- “ old Boise mftn. Jess E. Xkstrand, ^ w u electrocuted yesterdsy wh*n a crane new which he was e tftnd in t ■ camo in contact with a hlgh-TOltage “

— M W fnw f:------------------------------------, 0 o th e r Workers tald aesCrtad wss ob

leanlns attnlnst the crane a t tho a - time the crane hit the .line. A lire T . « department rcsusdtator'w as rushed J J >rt to the scene. Ekstrand was pro*■X- oounccd (Scad a ihort time la t«r at

a Boise hotplCoI. .O. S . Eaton, opcrater of the crane. „

ay was unhurt..ee --------------------------- .

France to Draft « « Alien Residents

PAIU8. Dec. IS O L ra -Y o u n g ‘I, Americans wbo live in Prance lor

more than • year wUl faco la m onths of ’ servlee In the French army under ft law passed Wednes« day night by tho French national assembly.

"AU youiig men between 16^ and J M years of age residing lh Pronco sto

I I pernmnentJ/. o r more than s year, fro U WlU be subject to mUltary scrvice r«i u . provided th a t the ir home country I iru imposes oi\ Prenchmea the obUga* gxu . . tlon to serve in the ir armies,” the Hs

Uw said. Ea» The la v w i t adopted unanlmoiiily ^ by the full chamber.

S Murderer Draws J t D fe Prison Term sjy ■pOMEROY'. W ash. Dec. IB (IIV-. te j U Robert U . Day. S8. Lewiston, Id a , 1 \ t -w as-eenknoed-lo-lifs-ia-th ft-sta te » n

penltentUry for the fata) beating o tt or Intt. August of Mrs. Myrtle Smith,

also o f Lewiston.Superior Court Judge Olenn L.

- B ean. Wall* Walls, p u se d sentence, a lle r denying ft deferue motion for

Ja new frlsl.

D sy plesded Innocent to a charse ,2 of second degree mfirder, but » su> w perlor court jury found him ftUlty SJ on Monday.

• Leader Named1. PARIS, Dec. IB lf l-L leu t.-G en ,. Sir Robert Mansergh or Britain wlU -

tn lusceed Adm. Sir Patrick Brlnd aatr commander In ctflef- of allied forcetIt, In northem Europe, ftUled supremele hesdiiusrtets announced n u rs d a y .’X) SHAPE Commander Oeti. Mat*U thew B.Rldgway said'B rlnd’stenu r*

’ cf appolnhsest ends April 1, u u .


id Suspect Detected ] Before Burglary

l y p o OATSl Lo . Dec. l l I«n-0 tena

t C l found o u t about the budU ry of ft looftl firm

P«cW Bm lth .* a « ftiretted b w ftw ^ ^y > .^ ftouont were susploiout. WHsn De. I

teoU rt Pete R o u n t r * * checked <jfltU d sm ith 's story U u t b« w u looking i)lum. to r & Chevrolet sed fta 'la the area, ^

Rountree found ft sftf* ob tha side* ,im tnr w*l t in fron t qf th e-eid-Fftlthtul -ylu r a Bottling company. . . > : the fihaCtered pieces of f l r tn U Mck,

found In the ouffs of 8m lth1 traus*ed by e n . m atched brick chipped ftt the f

Btftti t t ' f o u n d the Chevroletaend. **dftn Bm lth told them ftbout a sd pru e i. lU ow ner JU y L. O urU l.’S i w u bbond ftiTWted. Dtartm ■niey were charged w tth burglary f,eeded W ednesday and Justloe ot the Peace ,

° Ja m et B. o ree n ie t tbe lr bosdi a t *88,000 each. ,

^ — t t ; ------ b

S», Board Okays ■ S Programs for j K State Schools 5

W (Tnia P tf . Osa) bties for common snd d a u 0 dls» c

lOuId trtoU.mally 4. Sinking funds for school buUd* « t tho lng purposes be legallied and th a t u ect. school d istric t bonding UmlU be In .

c re u e d from 6 to 10 per eent In . Kl I t c la u C ftnd oommoa dUtrloU and j

and 10 to 18 per een t In class A, B Uom, and- tndependent dlstneU. losals e ; The curriculum program may * > the be continued and suppoiM by an ' ,Uont adequate approprtaUon. Jwwtr B. T h a t In ftppUeatlon ot the *

school tn n sp o rta tlo n formuls. the '• P a . law be am ended to prorlde th a t puty. traatportfttlon-ooeU o t the yesr lm> ove r medlfttely preceding be used In de- 5„ er. term lnlng moaUily traareorUUon Qjent U nder the preeent Iftw d a u

m ust reftch bttck to the secoad year preceding receip t ot t u u aid.

7. T h a t ft maximum of ♦ » ft m onth p e r chUd be allowed fcr pay*

.H m m en t of board and room In lieu ofH , . . tn tasportaU on in cases ef e z to n e

IsoUUon.-DUtrlcU now are aUowed a maxim um of tlO.

T he s u t« board adopted muslo textbooks to be used for the next Tlve years, b u t delayed until next m onth seieotlon of textbooks fo r

A toclal studies. T h is wUl be consld.C ered a t th e nex t meeting beginning

Ja n . as in Boise.

Cardinal Spellman Idt En Route to Front

ft»d k e w VORIC. Dec. 18 (t» -P nno i|: C ard inal speUm an took off f ro a

ZdtowUd ftlrport todsr tor K oret/' w hera h e will n a k e ft OhrliUnat

to u r o f th e bfttUefronU. and cele. ^ b ra te th reo masses Chrlslm u day.

He said b e was taking with him ®: 100,000. cigarettes, 30,000 reUglous

medals, 1.500 holy cards and ^mes.I. scaget o f love- from hundreds ot* Amerlcfta fam iliei to their sons aad ^ fathers.L ’ T he card lnftl-w u dus to ftrrlve In •Uan Eorcft Tuesday, where bs will re«

m>in untU New Y ear's eve. Cn his , tn r e tu rn tr ip , h e said he would visit i,it« T aipeh on Pormosa. ManUa abd Le. on], banoa en route to ths osnslitory Drt. Ot card inals in Rome Jan. 13. Alter u a t . ft slop Jn Paris, h e wlU u r l r t in e i t ’t New Y o rk ,J an . 18. their —

Zoo in Pocatello SS —Seeking-Boffala _nent POOATSLLO, Deo. 18 III - The ;oses PocateUo city too Is seeking a buf-

in . fftlo. C ity Pa rk s Bupt. Pete Hlskey tftld todfty.

4Mverftl a ttem p ts ha re been made , to buy ft bison from 'Wyomini, but I th a t s ta ta Is n o t reducing lU herds _ a t present. Hlskey said. n 6 Yellowstone pork ofllclels are not MT. shipping o u t any buffalo beause

the anim als m ay potilbly be ln« a : fected.l ln . Hlskey p lans to soUclt the sld e t

the sU t« lU h and ^ e departmentIr ffln iaftlny fi^eral t t fneles to _

tvai obtain ft buffalo, tho ' ; ^

ihed Indians Given Oil Royalty Payment

RbOSEVKLT. tJU h, Dec. 18 IIJV- ’ More ttiftii 1,700 members of the Ute

Ind ian Uibe todsy picked up checks totalling IMOXKK) for oil royalties from th e ir U nds »nd went Christ-

, m as shopping.i t s T h e.checks ftveraged sbout » »

fo r each m »n. woman and child ' " 8 and were handed out by tribal clerks,

a t R andle tt, Whlterockt. Pt. Du* chesne, O uray j n d Mytoa

”■* Autos Lootedand A pum p-shotgun ftnd.camerawere —Jieo stolen T uesday n lg h r tt'M u rtau g h -ear, Jrom two cars, the sheriff's officeirlce reported W ednesday,jtiy Leslie Hestbeck reported the ihoUIga. m a m issing and Mrs. Ed Slsstny,the H ansen, said an eight mUUmeter

E u tm a n movie camera was taken,osly — -----------------------

Transform ers StolenSix 300-poimd pow o trsnsfoRnei*

■ ware stolen from th s idsho Power

nin - . teported Wednesday,da . Two of th e missing trsn tlcrm tntat« f ra «W> kilow att capacity and thetine o thers th ree kUowatt.ith, ^ 5 e i e 5 5 5 * 5



. PHONE COLLECT rtU Goodltiir<7 Eupert 56 “ Twin FallB SM .

te t?; IDAHO Hn»:

8 TAIXOW CO. s. L m h w h b i h h


d Budge Seeks Official View

fl; “ OnTDamPlanM tils WABHINOTOK, Dec. 18 in> «ep . n De. H am er Budge. R.. Ida., dlselosed to- Ijcked day ho h sd asked Secretary o f th t

In terio r Oscar C hspoan whether th e re Is any tru th to rumors th a i

j 5 S ^ IntendM o a \ i t h ^ ^ U s

before he loav^ oftlce. tiom . Budge said such authorlsatloa kt tha could be made under the reolaoa*

tlon act of 1038. iTTOlet T h e Idaho repreienUUve. an op- t end ponent of the proposed leclamatlOQ . WM burwiu dam on Snake H rer in Ida*

ho, satd th a t when a houte tubctcn- 5 « y m l tu e held hearings on l l l u t

ip r ln g Chapman ssld he su tin liud >“ th * project to congreu Tather thaa

ftuthorUlng i t by execuUve order btcftuse It w u "highly coh tro rt>

R slaL-° Xn view of thU and the lubcom.

m lttee 's unanimous reJecUoo o t the l | « ItflsiaU on. Budge said h t “simply

oould no t beUet-e th st « n e m b tr cf I th e cabinet would proceed In th t

l l s h igh-handed manner ot Ignoring th e expretaed opinion o t the mem* b e rt of congress who served on the

J dls* committee. ^"However, since the rumorf are

buUd. K> rtcu rren t th a t the secretary does I incwid thU authorlMtion by execu- * tlve f u t . 1 have decided to ask the

'2 secretary f o r ft itraightforward a “ b *** nim on."

Told of Budge’s lU tem ent Chap. m a n repUed "No comment’' B t tald

„ u h e likely wiU make a slmUftr reply w ben Budge't direct query m c h e t

the «, the --------------------------------------

thftt r lm>Q de- K wtationd a u ' ■ytftr . | f l ■


eut« a »lowed 1 ^ ^ V J

nuslQ ^ M wnext M

f fo r ^ ^

mt■unil r

■X I K ? own K 1 » l t

A I 5 2 , 5 0 P o r t a


I 47.50IL e .utotyAfur Y O U t '

■ I S t W

, H w i A im Q O B /

u a — ■ — rO O -D O L L S ---------

t t w 1 .0 0 K U B B E B A

nade . qq tV IL L RO I^

1 .00 c l i m b i n g

B h t o y s OAlOV

Beg. .L j . o e H E X A L T

int H P f l 1.25 PLA8™.■ss i u a lS ,1 .09 C O L O R I

gjas=>>0 I M \ t o y s m s

silt stui<

O p o n V

P f ir e s t o n

410 South Moil

^ Phone 75 ^

' ' ■ ___________. ■

® RepeaterWUUam T. U altby. 3M Blue

. / W • Laket boulevard north, became ______ the second man Ja two dayt to ,

'T a y ~ « r ~ u n i w m * ^ m i rl o l l fine and ft number o t U a tU he

hsd Ignored when h e appeared in poUce court Wednesday,

a ed to- Maltby w u fined 88 and 18 o f (h» MiU ca ft z>ec.» ticket whleh he ;

vhethtr had Ignored. Be then paid oft n th a i teren o th trt a t the regular r a uie HeUs ftt ft cost o t 818;________t 'o rder OltynSMKI- U ia~BU 'pU X llH

Ttoiatlcns daUd back to sept. 18. r t„U g - He w u arrested by city poUoe S a ^ Wednesday when th e U U st park*

tag tleket w u plftced oa hU car.

s r Mrs. Edna Shaff 2 ^ Claimed-by Deatha th a a lUXIt* Dm- l l - U n - Sdna Mob I Bhaff. 81, n ie r . died a t 8:48 'p mt t ^ Wsdnetday a t Wtglo V altiy Memo-

rUl.hospluJ. ubcom. **” • ^ Clarkston

r f t o e Nebr.. she came to PUer In 18» "iiranlv her parents, t h t l a u Mr. ftn(

Mil. Edwftrd Noh.In th t She w u a member o t the Pr«s.

riMrlng byterlss church end th e Rebekat , mem*on the Buldes her husband. Chariet B

. Shaft, she Is sun lved by toUr sons - Pr«d B M t. QiDt 6h« ff and Boi

Shsff, aU W er. and Bd 8hft«. ftt officer tn the U. fl. merlne corpi ftir force lUUened ftt Xt Torro callf. A dftuehur died la Infancy,

forward Q th „ lurrlrors Include th ;ee M ten . Mrs, ZUfs Slmptoa, S Centro

; Chtl>. CaUf.; Mrt. Charles Zach, PUer, an( Be tald Mrs. Oale Bevercombe. Twin PftUi ir reply aad six grandchUdrens m c h e e Puneral ftntngemeaU.wUl b t •&'

.nounced hy the W h iu mottuftry.

.ortobte 1 1 ^ 1■PHOKO^ : ^ ?e BftdlO. ^ V BIATE 68^

V w t c i o s i

',50 ' ®“*■ le K f O C ;

; - n jA s D a a o * -

q O B A IT IO B I ^ j S n S o i

--------------------- — S-----------------a i f WD BU M B ; A T I

8 E E A W M M .3 .

,L HOUSE • - u l B O U - ^i i m i B E . ,M B IN G T B A O IO E ,

« 9 y j jyI . OENB

J X A L T E A S E T ; ‘ •’ s o t . ’

j k S I I C T E A S B T . t u S P i B

^ T B V B E T .O L O R B O O K S . . .

t ‘• t r a in_ _ • MECU

. j M D U C ID | J 9 V lEAWS t l S C t l O M

!85 D O L L S ;69 DOLL3 _ > 3 . 9 8 i

SET •, 4 . 1 9

II ^ i i n

,e„ U n t i l 9 P . W. Vw . ,^ ^ o t u r d o ylondoy-Tucsday .

. B i c


Solon Pledges- ecaiM Help for State

~ ^ a te r RightsSAN PRAMCISOO, Deo. 18

I« sen . Hugh BuUer. R . N ebr, chftir>,fw m ftn-designau of Uie senate eaa*sI? nf. m ittee on Internal tn d Insular ftf* F V l . “ ?* W*‘ tuppo rt behind a bUl banning gor-0 ^ t o U M a l - i e l t u r i - i i t - s t f t l a - J ^

m Um in ^ ^^ v . fann." Uio veteran senstor laUt .U it n ight. ’’Anything U u t beneflU th * <

* '**• sU te . beneflU the n f tU ^"Tldelftnd S e t m

i f f BuUer said he also would e m « .. tlnue to press for .ft return ot t h t

C t n f l l dUputed Udelsnds to tndlrldual e a u l SUM oontrol. 'Hie T4.yesrH9ld t t a - Oft Mob a to r tftld Uit Udelsnds pioblwiotBM 48 'p m . uader the same principle Uiat tA a o . t m t o th tr s u u s righu Issues.

BuUer said u much u 80 p t r trk itnn ^ ^ In 10I« owned by the federal goveram trt Jf, t a d h e w anu Uie land returned to

Ute sUtM. He said guch tftod ___ should be sold to ’'free ea to p rltt*

• to U would produce Ux revenue*.VUiUd BftiraU

irle t B. SarUer BuUer. Just relumed fromUr sons, a three-week visit to HawsU. pr*«'nd Bob dieted the HawaUsa Islands wouldiftft. ftn be ftdmlcted to staU hood 'ln t h le corps aex t congress.

Torro, B u t he said Alaskft probably wouldifancy. a o t be tocepted becauie t t Is toei;te s it - poor to support sUtehood.Centro. BuUer said he prerlouily hsd b«ioler, and opposed to sUUhood for HawiUa PftUs, b u t reversed his stand U tt su m a tr

'. b ecauu “Uie dangtrous eonrannlrtb t fta- th re a t there aow teems.pretty weU

iftry. tf tk tn o r t of."

1 1 V

I r « i ^

n r ^ w t \ I 9 S

m t t t \

;ioskow. 1 9 8 Sm t P M C t ■ ■

___ _

n i r r « t o i t ■ ■ 'J i g s a v I N O J ^ ^ ^ ■ ;


• f t « " " . i S n i i a ■ i n s t o R s t o i H t a a

a - i S S ^ - 1„ „ „ „ H

m S u m o B . n i B O H i ^ HCRAIN -----------------------

. 9 8 A C C p R p i O N ■

4.19 T e l e y i M n . S t » ■

c H m s w i j i s * W " “ 1w « t f l l l h » Y .' 0 e o m p I« ta |

^ itK fc 'O f ' ■ Ib i c y c l e s a n d |


T r i e y e l t t . . . .

i B . e y i l W ~ r - - M - ’ S V ^


Page 14: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]


» . s S '

L S gMethodUt » * ? * lh

S ’“" ““iS,S

S 'S S '-F " “~ “ker. Mn. : . ^ “ »« ud y„. ^MKe 01

m toup> i t i i f ^ Wp Uireujh c t^ 5, *

:ll hold . to C l S ti f In the «hert B e n a S ^ t Oranu- “oMd- Por ha i n n i y. 171056 “''W d j tb w * ^ e S Ins Mke ««lt. •

.■n>e bride n i llll-,

fcS^ *f*S’’*£''S5I Chrlsi- jchoojjjj.jj,'" ^

- -< lln |[« r* U ftU c ^

5r Ho)-al *«« n « n da t 8 p. • * » ;

iere^in D o n C 6 RgpOfI chargo 8H06H0KE. Det [Jj d Brlit. dance * u htid Bilste . Mabel t^e U « rtcm Uoa^l

dlrtcUon of Itr. ib Louder, Rclmlmali m b r lh o M l A .^ ^

m n a l d i w t a i , iiS Mm « l bt m t,IW T r t ‘ tmcUon asd tro hoam n l Slawklw _ ------------—md Mr, „ D'»«w (» (

Superior Cb*Mli:<i;i.{

N ipuu, n u « ciH

.r. „ < ' - 1 r - ’. " “ ‘ » ' alolned „lU club Weddlsi B o ^byMri. J . HILL’S G int<0 Hjf- QuiB PifV ^ 7


1 ^ P A G E r o U B T E E N

^ Dance Planned

f .Friday Evening —At-High-School-

A senior queen and her Iwo at* undents. reprcMnUng the junior and tophomort claues of Tn'ln F&Ua hlsh Khoot. will be ehoKti to relam OT«r lhe nnnual Holly ball sponior- e(] by Uic Boy»' club o( the high

will bcRln nl 0 p. m. Friday In the nehool Rymnnjlum. will be ".Wreaths of

Oaylc FoUman a n d Barbara Johanson, oenlora. have been nom-

• Inolrcl for queen. The atlendant*

!wlll be cho.ien frotn Kathy Swim nnd K nthlrch 'M lnso, Junlori. and Afton I’ed m en and Sue Lenard- H I H B I aon, aophomores.

Music for dnnelnR will be (umlAh* rd by Arloti Dnstlltn'ii orchestra. I | B h |

Joe Ulrich Ix seneral chairman of Uie nophnmore committee]. Rich* ard Borin^.e and T td Dlnxman are

, tn chargf^ of the Uckets and Oary m r s '< Kellard nnd Ed Manifleld; publicity, ',E

' Cleanup clinlrmen ara Sidney John i . .and Bob O'Doy, "

I Gary SImmona heads Uie Junior 1 i * _ r d a « committeemen, wim Include f V M S S L Knute Westcrgren and Stan Plcrce, . ^

J : , . decoraUon chairmen. The throne | p n m i will be dccornt<d'by Lon Eberleln .l y i l «Dd Olen Smith and chairmen for A fl n l the theme committee are Dan Davis IMI and Dnvld Chnney.H I Bill Johns U chairman of senior Mr. and M ■ I clnM committees. Jerry MoVcy heads P«c. Clyde I k the ticket eommlltee and refresh- “ nd Mra. D

'1 1 mentA will bo planned by Joe S U r- <«1 In marr IU* key. Dudley Creed U In chartre o t fonned last M i IntermlMlon nrrengementa. Olfla for F irs t Bnpi: B | the queen and her attendants frill be Shelly Rob O ' selected by Dill Johna and program The bride I lk chairman Is Gordon KIbbe, dress, ball(

I j l l Patrons for the dance are Mr. and occeAsorlea. |0|i. M n . C. V. Hovey. Mr. and Mrs. CaN of pink am ,•;!• vln See, Mr. and Mra. Kenneih Kali, w hite DlbJe.

My. and Atr*. John D. Flatt. Mr. and Mr. and i M n . W. H. Bnm ard and htr. and brother-ln-1 . J* « . P . Tilley, bridegroom.J l There will be no corsages. A receptlc

; ‘ ^ » * * * th o ncwiywi

(Students Present

Concert ,at Filer

BOHL, Dec. 18-Plano students of vo te Bume Mra. Roger Vincent presented a rc- Stoneman. cltAl Monday night a t Uie First signed to n BapUsl church. Fllw, T h a formi

ParUclpatlng were Jatkl# Ram - Tw*"I j l l «8T. Carole LooklngbUl. Mary Leon- j l l ftrd. K aren Klrkman. Deanna Pe- A rk.H | terson. Dennis Anlauf, George Won- ■ I enbenr. S andra Tegan. J«;ielV lel«1 1 . eon. Jack Peterson. Patty Leonard, L . ' i r i m Della Ann Williams. Rachel T rapp, FILER, E P!. Doris W eder. S ueun Cox, Donna n c r for mei l>i; Albln. M arilyn Kullk. Mike Tegan, t* g io n post Ik, Sally Hauser, Patricia I,ancAsler. th e Monday ,. . Beverly Anlauf, Karen DeKloU nnd Blancha B r

R u th Ellen Rleder. Filer. Connoi'w enOthers were Janet and Judy Piper.

: : eharrcn , Jerline and Audrey D u l- „ 3 ®• I tan , Onah De« Mackle, Linda LeUi,

■ I ' •Rose King and Nancy Prather: Buhl. i f j l . . St.S J n and Douglas Schroeder, Mary Carol JI P Hill. Judy Heldel and Bonnie Weg- “1 1 cner. CasUeford.H Ushers were two niece* of Mra.H Vincent, M yran Roe Wills, T(rtn V■ FalU. and Carol Wills,.Goodlng.M The progrnm was given by be- V r ginning and advanced students.

II Slides Shown

..... c i^ i? tS .S " p ”r t ^ ” 'f

w as held Monday evening a t tho o f ^ i J ^ i . ' UlO ehurch. Oroup singing of car- ®

I oU and dancing were followed by faucolored slides of Korea Uken by w - " “ u j^ . ' P r t Roland Hulme and shown by S c I m on ree h is brolher. Lurry Hulme, and j t jess and

_____ mother. Mrs. Ralph Hulme. A gift r>>roneU iln(e»ehannB 'was-held, Meetlnp -ot’ t h ff m m pcpuim M IA will b« resumed Jan. 8. ness.* N o t long

\ M orion Mortin t' P , , , th e m h6m 8P a tte rn o n # of tho j

, -- • early . Lei's gihavo anoiher

I \ ^ • “*'I > p ro m ts ^ to b<

y C l / y * ^ a f s ' r i g h t

I I th ^ * h a d * ^ pV S X f r ^ / s w a g g e r e d off

___„ . \ happened afK


t y H r f c w i n l f w i e . . :1

- reT ? T E A S r'm U A LQuick, m ake a iasual dreu—one i

, th a t stays c risp . all day-always look sm art and neat whether j-ou 'i 80 lo w-ork. shopping, daUngi Chooseft chcck or p lald for a smart effect. ...................... ..P re tty collar, pa tch pockets.

P a tte rn 9204; Misses’ sizes 12. 14. ■,J8. :a ,.30 ;. 30,.3a, « , M. M, 40, 42. .-I

• S lie 18 takes 4 4 yards 54-inch: is y a rd contrast.

T h is c*sy-to-us# p a t te n glTM I; p c rfec t fit. Oorapleto, Ulustraled sew f

_chnrt shows ro u «TCi7_itcp.____ t ___ _ ___ 'S end thlrty-flTc cents In coins for g ____ '

Uii5"p atiern —* tf d '5*cenM T of'tich n ............... .........pa tte rn IT you wish tlrst-c lssi cnaU- RIRg. Send to M arian Martin, care of fiTlmes-News. p ^ t o n department, SP. .O. box 9740, Oblcago ' SO; IU. tt V * O K l JP rin t your nam e, p in f_ |5styla aumber.

. r ' ' ■

Newlywed Yule Evei

I- F o i

_ J j clety met

or Januaryllsrnr-ih thetheoli:h- —H itrc . 'he Vhs 1 ■ olflcen' i

ra to[)- I

m Uie work'' ' SS '

i- H I ^ H I ^ H v . '■* >'’9 0 chante of: y jM w .-L . 0 ]

1- ’ . } m cooked fcW B M B S ^ K K 'in H H piled to i

I- The offici’ • . ' - . ' J H I elded to

J MRS. CLVDE A. nURNEY chwch kl^ (BU ff eorravinri The dei'* ' * * * * enterUlnc* * * . p „ ty a t

Miss Boehm Wed SSiJ'cil « In Evening Rites » A t T. F. Church Race[

Dorothy Mne Boehm, daughter of P n !IJ. Mr. and Mrs. John h. Boehm, and r u iIs Pfe. Clyde A. Burney, ^ n of Mr. DIETRI'(. ond Mrs. Bert A. Burney, were unit- Alan Johi•• ed In morrlnge in a eeremony per- wedding nif fonned lasl Monday evening in Ujo <n Uie Onir F irs t BapUst church by the. Rev. Cliffordle Shelly Robinson. master ofn The bride chose a pole pink saUn B” *"-

dress, ballerina lengUi. and blnck the lUChiii i accc«orles. She iarrled a corssgs'• of pink and blue sweetpeas wiUi a

!' M ,.. H . r N ..b ,n 7 ,1 brother-in-low and sister of the ^

bridegroom, ottended the couple. • rw inA reception and shower honoring ^

th o newlyweds was held Friday eye- n ing by Mrs. Nflwberry and Mrs.M erle LewU a t the Burney home. r i ^ . g

. After a short wedding trip, Uie Dobride will reside In Twin Falls. P r i- " gj,

f voto Burney wiU return to Camp ucredcake. stonem an. Calif., before being as- piimait signed to service In Japan. Olenn Neli

T h e former Miss Boehm attendedTw in Falls high school. H er hus- «*-►-

. band attended schooU In Kingston, I O U r f

! M ¥ ¥ List<; D inner Heid n.JiS", FILER. Dec. 1»—A n»-host din- the VeneUi k n c r for members of the American bave been , » g io n post and. auxiliary preceded They ai , th e Mondoy evening meetings. Mrs. women's hi I Blanche B nune t and M n. T . D. son. seconc

Connoi'w ere In charge o f 'arrange- third. F o r t m ents. sr., recelvet

T ^e program locluded-a ta lk on tan. second ■‘Juvenile Driving* by M. J . Bays, The com: Jr., and p ictures were shown. Quests Mrs. Euger w ere Mrs. Leo Graves, ,Mrs. Owen L. 5. Shur Agenbrod and Mrs. Jack Jordan. J . E. Franc

C o r e o f Y o u r C


D ear boys and girls, can you smile the morrUn a n d ssy “No thanks.” and feei parenU of stronger In your beUef than 8»er7 g ir l and th I f you cao-you have created a power W hich se w ith in you th a t Is a valuable asset th a t momin of Character, a real force for per- in the hot aonal happlneas and success. had said. "I

W o all know how nice i t fetis to Ised." Theli be ‘‘popu^&r," a word Uiat ts rapidly closely th a t ta k in g on meanings Uiat aro making Tliey wero i I t less and. less of a compliment. Uie town. F o r one thing, it is beginning to hint You want i n a i popu inq iy nuy'b^(ah~v,'eak- n m n n r e ness. can be don

N o l )oni . t o . BToup « h lih « * o o l b o ;, . n a g ltu h . a , . t a c t . “ ' “ S ' , ! O f course, the ir parents'expected yoitfw ordtc th em h6me promptly afterwards. chum. I Ono of UlO popular boys said, "It's No ^ im k early . L efs go to Uie roadhouse and “ 'havo ano iher round or so of dancing, wrong or n I t w on’t keep us very lale. And if I t does, so what?" W hat I at

A glrl said, “No Uiank you. I ^promUed to be right back home after e°“«B e. U » W8 broke up." T he boy wiUi h er said. 'n i i a f s r ig h t They expect us.“ Ba

-H u h . Uiev nil rxn^Tt, th . ll“popular^ boy M ld T - '^ a t can Uiey '“IttUTTOUH do abou t It? Let's havs a llltl# **” fun. A school dance—hooey—come companions.

"•M ost of th e group w ent home as

they had promised, but oUien [."""r-ii" bT‘‘o iwaggered off to Uielr c a n and went book i.10 dance a t the roadhouse. What ■? «« “ lap p en td afterw ard made news In }»; ?; * •

‘ " Ik Jl I

PleaM send m » th e foDowInt __ haU MM adTtftl»»dr_________________ ■ —-

. 'I f. ■I _______________ •! i . ' . i..

i a ly , S tota.______________ I ' ■• Q C ash Q C h a m p C .O i) . I.

Cj i O l P E l S b r f ^


Yuletide Season ^ Events C anceled K '' p For LDS Society

clety memben decided n o t to meet ; ' f H again unUl Uie f irst Monday In

January a t Ulls week's .M ulon held ----- --■ a t the chureh In conjunction with ^V- the prtesthftod meeUng. Tbe next

• evenl a t 8 p in . Jan . B wUl feature . the theology Ifssoa.

T hfre-w |ll_be.a correlation meet- ’ Ing Dec. 29 a t the church and all

i • officer* and teachers of auxlUary . organlMilons of Uie ward aro asked R g ® :

to attend to discuss plans for next month's acUvlUes. ,

M n . A. O neida.was ini charge of irolaB ^ Uie work les.'san Monday n igh t wiUi

Mrs. L. T. Sorensen, president. In j B u . i f l chante of the business session. Mrs. H f * '- ' * ■ W.*L. Openshaw reported on Uie lE g ; \ i n cooked food ssle and bazaar lield.' H f |M The proceeds of 1118 will be ap* 0 N■ plied to the church building fund. B ’C^' H The offlcen of the organlsaUon de-■ cided to purchase dUhes for the

church kitchen.T he deacon priesthood class was

enterUlned by Conrad T hom e a t a party a t hls home during the regular priesthood class period. H I M O ther clo-ues were held a t the

s . . . ; ^:h Raception Fetes .

Pair a t D ietrichMr. DIETRICH. Dec. 18 -M r. and ISit.nit- Alan Johnson were honored a t o ' r e)er- wedding reeepUon Saturday evening t>...the In Uie Orange hall. .Xtv Clifford Ward. Richfield, was "

master of ceremonies fo r th e pro*,Mn gram, which Included num ben hy.,w Uie Richfield' girU' sextet; a duct by _ V '“

Mrs. ^ack Ward and Shirley Bab- * bliu by M n . H.nrj.Babblit: a duet by Mrs. Johnson “ “ ~

_ and Phi’llb Pllman: saxophone soJo “[? • by Corene Bush; vocal solo by Bev- *

e ly Dridge. accompanied by M n. J",■ Elden Dormler. and an accordion “ "*■^ selecUon by Marvin Pitm an. pcaranJ l ' Background music was played by movies^ Ployd Anderson and Mrs. D onrler. Jtinlor

In charge of Uie gifts wero Miss J e » « n“ )® Bridge. Darlene DavU. Frelda Caa- events.

pcr and Shirley Domiler. T he Uuee- ----------Uered cake was baked by Mrs. How- .ard Pitm an and decorated by Mrs. P n t t *Olenn Nelson. ‘

led « « « A i

^ Tourney W inners i Listed by Lodge

W inners of the B ks bridge tour- jn honor nament, held Tuesday evening in

In- the VeneUan room of the Elks club, moving » n bave been announced. . held Moi ltd They are Mrs., Ivan Skinner, jur. and [rs. women's high; Mrs. Armour Ander- u y „D. son. tecond. and Mnt. »eb Kohles, c h m h i

le- Uilrd. For Uie msn. John Feldhuscn,sr.. received high score; A. L . Nor- . .

on ton. second, and Sam Rabin. Uilrd. i m ys, Tho committee Induded Mr. and p_ , _ sta Mrs. Eugene Davls, Mr. and M rf en U B. ShurUeff and Mr. and Mrs.

------------------------------------------------------- 1 by John/ —• ■ • I I Russell V

o u r C h i l d r e n

GELO PA T R I brM i?*^' . by Prlscli

lie Uie momlng. iraglc news for the tel parenU of the "popular'* boy and tl? g lr l and Utelr group,•er W hich se t was Uie most popular et th a t morning? The one Uiat finUhed r - In UlO hosplUl or the ono Uint

had said. “No thank you, we prom- ^to Ued." T heir parents hugged Uiem ,ly closely th a t morning, l can tell yoQ. ig They wero really popular e ll around ^ ll. Uie town. f ^ / - |U You w an t to be liked, looked up (T t A 'u a IdlHlhid? W116 dMsH't? 1C Mn."Dl

can be done. SmUe whenever you a t the pc .k meet somebody along the way and nias gift e help Uiem If help is needed, ke ep Ui# Dou! ^ your word to father, mother, teacher Monday.. and chum. Make a habit of It. 6ay, Prises a

"No thank you." when you' are Hemingwn i invited to do w hat you Uilnk U second hlj . wrong or reckless and smile when ellng, and V you do so. M n, Bd .

W hat I am trying to tell you U Prt*e.I Just th a t Inner strengUi. bom of Mra. Te . courage. U w hat will maka you feel the club J I secure and make oUiers fetl secure ' wIUi J'OU. Saying "Yes” a ll the Uma Many t . U a sure indication of Insecurity candles hi y w ith in -youT je ir-w nrirh ia j^ n iiakT v n m :— ' you less Uian "populsr" wlUi upright J companions.

I Do m i»n> m rtlld-. R U MA r^ord Wk It ,»lu*l,U not\ SATI


G O R O N ]-I A Q OUmorous. Toast;

I ; > 1 . 5 / 0 Around VUor of SoI o r D ovn Uw MeUllI - - -Visor U Sm art ahd Pe/fect for

. . I _ -------- w anlsaveral a t UlU prloel Bea\I . colora: 'White - Light Blue - 1

k \ Black - Coffee - Brown - Llj\ Green - Purple - Grey . Wine.




T Betty Espinosa Beo ;d K '' , ’1^' '' "ji etv ^ wmeet fc

I held I ------- '

f e ' . ' ’ meet- tId au p t t f e a '

next f f i r a "

\r lU l ! . ' ' j


■ : p

:rl . £ i^ l i

I I M il. AND MRS., DONALD(Sherrod pholo—staff enj

. f i Fetes P lanned NucTwo Christmos parties hsve

been arranged for this week-end y y g"** by members of th e Veterans of .

P” * Foreign W ors auxiliary. A if, “J “n ie auxiliary and Uie VFW ' V

® P- “ • 8*‘- « ^>nr^ urday in Uio T u rf club for din- S ,’ ner to be followed by dancing,

J and the fct« fo r members' chll- ^ . R „ . dren will be held o t'5 p. m. Sun-v |r . day In the o ld hospltol htilldlng. i 5 |‘„ Santo Clous will make h U a p ..

pearanee a t Sunday’s parly and g j i4 Jjy movies wiil bo ahown. Mn. , >10 fnler. Jtinlor MarUn and Mrs. Clyde , SalieriMla' Jensen aro in charge of boUi |« h lo n eCaa- events. pointedree- - I Her vel)'® *' n . . I t I orange 1^ Poir H onored

A t LDS School “Si ’ Party , Program L lroso , s

CAREY. Dcc. 18—A farewell party 5“f- in honor of Mr. and M n . Owen Bar- '; ton • and UieU- children, who aro ^ub, moving from th e community, was ,

held Monday evening In the chapeL Mr. and M n. B arton are Carey na- P' Uves and hove worked In LDS ju iH church ond com m unity organiw- Jy whlU

fiM* program w as arranged by UieTJ36 ward Sunday school officers. }Cs„ n J Por Uie past Uiree y e an . Barton had been w perlnt«ndent of the Sunday g ^ t Lak school. fn nam r

Included were a musical number - iii — 1 by John Adamson. G ran t Pyrah,

Russell W eaver and Ted Pyrah: a r e a d la t J jf Mrs. L orin Priee; a vo­cal selecUon by Ronald. Peck. Ross Peck and Max Peck, accompanied gby Mra. Leon Peek, and a reading

I by Priscilla KlmbaU. f 2* *5 PresenlaUon of a g ift from Bun- 'I K

day school o fflcen and teachera was made by Bert WheaUey. Conclud- ^ Ing remarks were given by Cloyd ^Mecham.

The evening was spen t dancing. jj„ RefreshmenU were served by the

ou <tt the poUuek dinner and Christ- \ nd mas gift exchange for members of \ m the Double Fou r Pinochle elub 1 , ier Monday. 'May, Prises a t cards w ent to Mrs. BUI { ■iro Hemingwny. h lB h;,M n. B ^LReU s, Z S U second high; I>IrA. Amy Morse, trav- J N

en ellng, and M n . c . R.'Wilcox, low. A M n, B l Jones received the guest A '

U priie. ^of Mra. T ed D arker will entertain \;el Uie club Jan . fi. re V « 4>no Many of the so-caUed llurice H j f ^ ty candles have little or no licorice InEe- Tnmir----------------- :----------------------------------

____ _____ _ ' f l

I . R U M M A G E $ A L EJ : S A T U R D A Y , D E C . 20 j,‘* B ank & TruK l Corner

Sponsor; T . F . Order of DeMoUy

) R O N E T ! T ■ i i i ,lOrous. T oas ty -W arm . W r a i s ii \Id VUor of Soft Suede C loth I Up '<vu Uie MeUlUe and Suede Cloth 'Id Pe/fect for a ift-O lv ln g . Youll ■* lU pricel BeauUful ossortm etn of r- •Ight Blue - Navy. B lue • Red - . ^

Brown - Light O reen- - Dary l ■— (. G re y . wme.

IE R — M E Z Z A N I N E i T U Et'

a M M m a m m a a m m m m m m m a i

' T W I N T A I r L ' g r i D A H O '■

osa Becomes Bride Sqi



~5qll ley h week.

U i ^ ■Hiiur Moose Uie d l l I l o rosy I

The WlU 'n Haieli wIUi 1 er. 1 will b Twin WlUl and I

S ? a y

b “ th'nighlMyron

RS.. DONALD F. DAVIB I J hoto—staff engravlBfl n ----- * * • * * 6110

i N uptial Services'S Wed N ebraskan^ A nd Burley G irl "to,;

BURLEY. Dec. 18-B«tty E sp ino- be heli 1^ . sa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C loude Advl

Espinosa. Burley, cxehanged m o r- were A riage vows wlUi Donald F . Davls. Daughi aon of Andrew HarrUon DavU, cn.

r Cody. Nebr.. a t nupUal masa. celc- ley, On bratod Fridny by Uie Rev. P o th e r cn, wai

“P" • FrancU J . ODriscoll In Uie C hurch J"'’ of Uie UtUe Flower. _

T he former Miss Espinosa chose ( n r y?® a baUerina lengUi white saU ngow n oU» fashioned princess style wlUi long T

pointed aleeves. accented by loce.----- 1 Her veU was held by a crow n of HANi

orange blossoms and she c a rried a and M coraage ot red roses and w hite Ulned chrysanthemums , Ued with w h ite evenlns

I saUn streamers. Her Jewelry woa a event ' ' . pearl necklace. party 1

M aid of honor was DoroUiy E s- M«. I l i l plnosa, sister of Uie bride. B est m o n Ralph) .>rt« PhUlIp Chaves. Pueblo. Colo., priits; ^ Uie bride's uncle. Clara 1

„ FoUowlng UlO eeremony. » w ed- Hlli a a ding breakfn.-it for members o f th e ellng. family and close friends was served Mrs. in Uio parish hnll. HIU, T

• rig The Uble wns centered w ith a Jones 1 Uure-Ucred wedding cake flan k ed were gi by white candlea In sUvcr candc l- abra. The cake was served by M rs. • ( 7 , \ f Donald Chisholm. asslsUd by M rs. ‘ Don Gniyot. HAGl

Following a short wedding tr ip to change S alt Lake Cily. DavU will x e iu m ning w

. lo Camp SU)ne. CaUf. Mra. D nvis cntertal will conUnue her work a t the M oun- a t card;

n n , U ln SU U s Telephone company h e re . andM n

TO- lo u

^ C H

Lovely^ In coloi

/ l \ ^

. ............ V 1' --' -O PE N ’TIL 9 P .M .-

' ^ M O N D A Y . A ^ 'tb D A Y — B efore C h r i s l m a a l

a • ^

Square D oncers r 1 Of M agic V olley ■

Schedule Events HT . " ----- 5qUire~dancyctntB~s f M >glC'Vfl? S S

Irr have scheduled parU es fo r thU B B 'i‘1 : j v>>ek>end. Friday evening th e Happy B B

Squarcn of Burley will hold a dance B H •.*■’^ 1 tn Uie Overland Inn , Burley. wlUi n |

m n EsUs. woody Estes, & n le Day- f f l and Clyde Rlchlns as callen. K |

The annual ChrUtmaa party of S £

fthe Rupert Hocdownen wlU be held B iiu ra iy ertnlng in the 'R u j« r t Moose hall. Aubert Craven wUl call the dances. A poUuck dinner in d H i.- glflezchange are planned and guesU m ] rosy be Invited to the event, K.-y

The FronUer Squares of Hazelton K wlU 'meel Salurday evening In tho Haselton high school gymnasium O j wilh Dorel Andenon acting as caU- er. The Maglo Squares club party will be held Saturday n igh t. In tho Twin FalU American Legion hall wllh Bob Daley, Jerom e, as caller and BIU Cleveland wUl call a t the Buhl Rounds 'n ' Squares dance Sat> urday In the Fairvlew Bohemian ball. * i i *

An open dance wlU be aponsored by the Ooodlng O range Saturday nighl in the Gooding O range hall. - L - Myron Bliss U the caller.

Theta Rho C lub i— Holds C erem ony « "

SHOSHONE, Dec. 1ft—AUcla Bolld wns InlUated InUi Uie T heU Rho

c ' . Girls' elub a t the M onday n ight Uie P ^ mceUng a t Uie IOOF haU.

Oaydena Brown. Zelda W arburton. d . l „ J ' ' Mary Dene WlUlams and Wllma Cole ' : , . I were In charge of th e aoclal hour.3 1 1 I InsUUaUon of ncw o fficen will tpino- be held a t the nex t meeUng Jan . 8. g,. lo u d e Advlsera present fo r th e meeting m a r- were M n. Golda Young. M n . Roxy RA

□avis. Daugheriy and Mrs. Arnold Brand- soclet EWvU, cn. Mrs. H. R. SchUUng. O nu* Val- m ast c ele- ley, Ore., who U visiting Mrs. Brand- day s

'o th er cn, was a guest. * Rexlu rch If. 4. . Panu

- - C a r d Club H olds 7 . Christm as Party S f

m of HANSEN. Dec. 18—M rs. A. 7 . Daw tn Frl led a and Mrs. NorrUle Reynolds enter- claus w hite Ulned Uie Pinochle club Monday be irei whito evening a t Mrs. Daw'* bome. The of Uii 70S a event was the annual ChrUtmas ,

party and gift exchange. youngE s- Mn. Frank W right and Mra. “

m o n Ralph Slmmoos received high score Solo., priics; Mrs. Edna B ally and Mrs.

Clara Kopp. low, and Mrs. M. L. w ed- HIU and Mrs. Tom SUfelsmlth, trav- f j h j ellng.a v c d Mrs. Robert Dsy and Mra. M. L.

HIU, Twin PalU, and Mrs. W. E. th ft Jones end Mrs. R a lph Simmons ' nked were guesu. m«1M3del- ¥

S Gifts ExchangedHAOERMAN, Dec. 1 8 -A gUt ex- SHC

ip to change was featured M onday ere- Mn.lUim ning when Mrs. Thooia.i Owsley tlielr 1>nvis entertained her bridge club. .Prises thU wo u n - a t csrds went to Mrs. Owsley, high, Rhea 1here, and Mrs. Alfred Sandy, low. borg a

^SL maa r le a , l o l


Lovely . Soft - and Practical ChenlUe , In colon of B lue. . Rose . . and U«lr< Sli Xrom 12 to 20


O ny . . Colorful. . P rinted Seersucker-alws — a .fovo ritc -so comforuiile.-so easy to care f<

8 l« s 'fro m 12 (o ao,_______'

F L A N N E L •

X fai-orite of many are Uiese pretty, soft ai warm flnnncl robes. Red - Black - Oreen. Blres from 12 io 20_______________________

^r^cs^firnmea-T^Si^r— -

^ G O W N S I . . . j ,

i ^ r tha t “Be.« Qni"_younK o r older. PracU L oh. so ensy lo care for. Offered Ig colon \ Sixes 34 to 40.„.__:___________ ___ ______

I V f . - l - F or - T h a t L a s t - m n u .

^ m N D A Y ‘t n e s ta r e ,o r

i s l m a a l W o m e n a n d Q U lsl


.................... ■ ' " 'm u R SD,

rs M arries ^

for thU ^ 81 > Happy

fe ^Uen. exch


nasium ^

l” c a ^ a t the

c esa t> ^ ^ K v r i T r i S T l R l ^ ltiemlan ^ t i

msored MRS. J . D . TEBRT ^lUirday (S taff c o g ra v l^ ) e<L ;e haU. •

C a le n d a r 1 £ID ----------------- ,1 eanii

• S H O S H O ip^B apU st MUslon aid JD n y wUl meet a t 8 p jn . Priday a l the i? '

n Rho Lennie W akem wUl be In charge of S l n ight the program. ‘n

Twin G range W b ln e n will hold a ' ?« p. m . Saturday In the

Twin P«H» O range hall. All Ommt- “on*‘ e n are invited to th e party. UM e I

« attending aro asked to bring cake ‘“'t-or sandwiches. -n,leeUng # « . ?

. Roxy HAOERMAN— T h e LDS Relief J I J,'3rand- ,society will ho ld Its annual Christ- L w » V.1- k u p .r ty 1 ^ 1 j i t t o « h « » K s ; .Jrand- day afternoon o t Uie church. Mrs a !

Rex Bariogl and Mra. Wnrren th e iFarnsworth have been named pro- om

I j » n o h t o j . n . ^ ^ JJ ,,

The ChrUtmas program for Roj-al i r f V Nelghbon of A merica membera and" * y their families wlU be held a t 8 n '• Daw ni. jviday In Uie lO O P haU. Santa P \,e n to - Claus wlU be n guest and Uiere uluonday be treaU for th e children. In charge SIK !. rh e of UiB event are Mra. Pred Britt, dsoeeIslmas Mn. ChrU Sims a n d Mrs. Mabel the I

. . Young. dlreett o . i f I f ^ Loudt

iM E n te rta in ‘'tSPILEn, Doo. 1 8 - M r . . .n a Mr.. J

E. M. Raybom he ld a dinner snd L . ' i M. L. pinochle pa rly Sa tu rday evening.W. E. ' ‘'«" t to Mra. L . W, Hawkins _ unon, and Fred R eichert, h igh, and Mr,

nnd M n. Eorl M oreland, low,

sd C lub F etedt t ex- SHOSHONE, Dec. 18-M r. and

eve- M n. Prank B u rd e tt enlertalned twsley tlielr Sunday evening cannsu club E»rUes this week. Prizes were won by Mrs. J . high. Rhen Corwin. Mr. ond Mra. Leo Ny- (jndi

borg and George M oore. I

I ^ d e . . . 0

>1 Chenille , . . „ filnd Malta. Biies g g M

m c k e r always■ to care for. - ----- '-----

iretly, soft and ck - Green. g g

jn— ^

older. PracUcal. y e t p re tty and ed Ig colon of Blue e r 'W hlto. g g

L a s t - i J in u t c /m o m b e r T h e ^

s to re lo r

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tlMoore PoiB BloodjrHiI Light Heaf f l _ S 3 U X a J I f l , . P w . . I B .6 S t = O r i j ter frUBtmtion Wednesoty nlghi ^ « blMdlng hulk to win the 17S*p IlBS ifter another lor over five yeai

I Dodger’s Ne I Defends Stai

NEW YORK, Dk. 18 di he had talked with commiBi * television Interview In which accuied the New York YankeeiU»l • ~ ^

■sa t C ‘’ , r Z Z = L m 1« n j u i

nent T%!y* u« n j n u i P' hlS V.n }>«)k ~1«1 111 ;* *« * the Cooinsn* -------------- ^ _1M «> *“ tf

[)cnt ___________ I7J IXJ U l HM “loud C iiN _ •

JlandlMp__________ »» »l » m 81

g " " -=— li! K ! !!! JQwlS tT'"" ' " i n II M 444 to

in- R .a ^ t « --------------- m'• tM»u’ • — u t *T» m IW wit U ------— , In

dn’t M L r Z Z Z Z r i i ? u t i « 4« M

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on'* T « » i , ----------- :— Ml I t t m i n i i t"ll ---------- f#

----------------■« 1« ! u m BClM f li«hn i.oa------------- I tl irJ Ul »«» M

...............— v . \ 111 }.i w." Vi’iifhi ____ _______ no m J tt K

■" “ m Sin II. u . ....... ................HI ;*! »o* *«

- ■ 5 E - = ,1 i SJha t c. u Z h .....ii» t l l J U 2 ;

I,™ -----------Ider luinWir B u k .«P‘ iSSr.” — = ! . ‘! ,S S .S Snil. 8io„, _______ UI> u t 01 I 4 tlr

f i 1 1 j j S ,

and -n>uu .-...-_______m* «n m 4 j iu

s i S ^ i l i hTbuu ___________m IU i « H it n

KtN'B HINOR LSAGUB VlII Km i fll« Htrkrt,11 H in 4 l» p __________U UT UT 4«l I

H. Willon » J« • jJ* ^>ca) lUroK w a tw i______ u II IU III ne

a . . . ---------- .. {■ i i ! a “ted T^UI. IM n i m i* " i l l m “

- t S - ^ E E E i i i i i i s i i i S ! - s a r = i s i | ! j i ! ynne -------- -------- u * t i t tir

woua, 1 :__________ U Ite M 4tl MI^ 8 l*«r»U --------- 10 ' tio 41 lti Ca

S : S - = l i ' i i i i l i i i "md - - . —___ ToUk __________III 141 141 HIT Va

, — ^ i! I l l l l i 11! ™

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T.U1. — -----------. . I " r a . 1 . 1 ... „S

c a 1lly, __________ u» III » 411 tno---------------- ,’If 'i ! ' ‘0

'..I ChllWR _ _ ~ Z _ _ . I I I u t H 4H »18W8 IU-Wb, ___________ I t l III t» (t4 U l

A4*ni6l,----------------^ »4 4IT ^^1Touu __________ H4 H4 t v HIT

7 . f c t t U - = = = = l l i ffi 1!! ! l i ^to ! i 5 . 7 „ - j z = = d i ! j S j S j i i BJlfe TbUU _________ l l l t u IUH40 1

s r £ ^ ' i i y i i i i i ™, C«wi,r t u II u |»4 for

s ; - - = = = = ™ _ ^ J i ! ™

“ n. ."Z5E!arI!l "I “I ”ltd 0. ---------------- I t If IT 4U

■■■:..... i! I! !! H i H.”'"1 J. MIUBi _ _ _ _ _ _ It II II 411 0»ftr R. OlWu-----------------„ „ ,M 4«•*'“ TW .1,__________ t n " S i 141 I tu d k

wowrN-a m s o n itACVM‘11* U.n^lc.n I*"*"* '^ ‘ *7t""„l , t t4t K «ith R. II.nr^ :............ ...... ti? UT 1 t 411 fi. •ng . I 'W on --------------- Ul Ul I 9 Jll {- 1»W ! ;r 4 ? ! ■ 'i*, '» » - tt t M.iixt A..T..U, • I Z r j H j i n _ M - J “ “ •

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i r i s i i t i i i ; i i i p

‘ - . ■ , , _ „ w IIO w i m To

t i t , m '__________________ _

^ounds Mas Hu lk t o C a] eavyweighi: rin>;faccd, daterniined Archie M night by battering light hwvywelj 175-pound, title by unaniraoue dede B yeara, the “uncrowned champion'

N egro Star tatement:V-Jackic RoblnBon said Wednea- umlBiioner Ford Frick concerning which the Brooklyn infielder hod ankeea of discriminating against— Nfgro players.Robinson nddod, however, ^ hs h id no t txen “tUaneed'’ b ; the " commitsloner but ilmpljr had beea J . ulced to avoid lUOh l u u u in tbe ^ fulure.

“M e k called me," expliOned the Dodger tecond batem ui, *'and uk e d

t l l for a ttaM crlpt of the Interriew. il* I told him exactly w hat h td taken *11 place a t tha itudlo, T h e question 414 w u braught lo me, 'Do you think

the Yaakee management I t preju* Hm diced against NesTo bait plByers7'

. " I antwered •yes.' T h a t 't a ll. I IU said. 1 didn't elaborat* except to t ; i add th a t 4u far aa Ihe Yankee ball 411 p layen were conecrned, they were ]<« tome o f’the f in tit I've e re r meL I *** merely la id w hal I honestly felt. ,

l l t l W hether I t 't true I do n o t know, , bu t tha t'a the way I felt^ ,

114 •'Frick atked me W avoid th e If- ' «it tu e In the future It 1 eould do to f | j and I la id ' 'eerUlaly.' B u t I t i w ; IM toM him while 1 w u n o t looking i H I for any arguments with tha Y an- ]

kees or anybody elie, I would give ■ tbe u m e aiuw er if I were «ver i

I atked th t tame <jueiUon again. i M "A t I told the commissioner, I'm I no t looking (or any argumenta w ith i t anybody bu t 1 have to live honoiUy 1

— with myteir. T hat's the woy I felt < n i l about l l then and th a t 't the way 1 <

feel about i t now. There ara thou- < ,M ta n d t upon thouiandi. o t people In | 411 Harlem who feel the tam e w ar. IHI Maybe we're wrong. B u t th a t 't tha i111 I ^ '414 honeat a t In averylhlng iT e done. ,

— I've made m liu k e t before b u t they •*" wer* honett onet. I hope m mlt* J 111 taken In thU too.^ '^ ‘leate remember thU. I didn 't t u bring It up. X w u Ju tt atked a

queiMoa and I merely antw ered I t j _ tlmply and honetUy. B u t why all I tll the fUM? Nothing more would have

been said about i t if the Yankees f t h a d n 't blown it up. I've been u k e d

t u th a t u m e quetUon a num ber of ‘ * times before and I've aiw ayt given . I the t&me answer. Nobody, ever made

I I much of 11 belore. ^

gj GindereUa Man ill Takes GoIFs ““ Money Crown ;4it CHICAaO. Dec. IB (A —Julius aH* Boro*, g o ifi Cinderella m an , Wed- a

neulay officially v u crowned 1SS2 [u t money-winning c h a m p i o n and «

tharp-shooUng Ja ck B urke. Jr., cer- aIII lU iH u vam an truuliy wliiiiei-for -

the best scormg average. ^n n a l POA labulatlon t of cath- «

,11 coUecUfig- along the toum ey trail t 414 credited Boro* w ith t3T.032 agaln tt «

a paltry 94,G97 in 1991 w hen hs fin- t _ Uhed s t t h money-winner In . h it !■M l i n t tuU year o l pro toum ey p2ay. *

Boros, th e . sllent-su 'eet twlnger t from Mid Pines, N. O.. finlthed

,1, some tS.100 ahead of runner-up bt»i Cary Middiecoff, who earned *30.- c<« 8M. cJ l, Burke, whose 70.6«-8lroke aver- -— age for 7B rounds won th e coveted _— w m o n e y - J

II! pro from Houston. Tex., also leads' ?In Ryder cup points a t o f Dec. IB 1

*}} w ith 610 7-lJ, about 17 ahead of 4U Sammy Siiead't SOa 3-3. £— Snead w u fourth In eam lngzw lth a '** |it,90<. ri

In tU , 14 players won 110,000 or ^411 more including T ed K rol), |17,S00; tl* " Jim Perrier, U5.fiIJ; D are DougJa*. n III 118,173; Doug Pord, tU M B ; Uoyd U4 Mangrum, the lOSl money-winning“ J champion with I26.0M . who earned -

»13.i33 this year; Ed Oliver. tl3 .- ^Si9: Jim T um eta . >19.356; Tommy «

i*J Bolt, I l l ^ U ; Johnny Palm er, 111,-Ul ■ 005, u ig-A r-B 8n«m K r-« io.owj------- ^

» Bryant Gets Vote ‘HO U T T LE ROCK, Ark., Dec. IB (fl *J,

—Prealdent John T . CaldweU ^aidtn W edne eda y-n lgh t-that-a-ic reen lng Iit! committee of influentia l fan.i hod[U recommended P au l (Bear) B rrnn ti»i for the University of A rk a n su fool-w> baU coaching Job.

TOP ^^^rTEB8 MEET 101 SYDNEY, Dec. IB «V -T he No, 1 ^ tennU players o f the U nited SU tet lie and Italy, Vic S e lx u ^ d Fautto IiT Oardlnl, m e t 'Thursday in the open- 121 ing single m atch of th e In te m o i I u t Davit cup finals. I

([‘ p i t — — j l j i |J I

iH U. Orah.m _________ l» U t m »«l ~

I!u ai'C ooiJ^r ..Ll--------U7 - m - l ’of-Mo Ij! ;i! s

I I T ^ u ___________ HI " m " m 1411 I

„ ......■ ■ £ E ; b m1! f : K f f l i r z z r z , : ; !H !! ! «III |5 .

i i Totoi* ___ .........T» * m rn » ssooU w rr^ ar*

ii [ ' £ - = !!! iii ii a ■ i f S ^ ^ i i J s i j iW ToUlt I t t . IU 3t4l '

axim Into iapture^ ht Crownh ie M oore mfldc up fo r y e a ra o f b it- yw elgHrchsmplon Joey w a x i m into decision. Ignored by o n e cham pion

ip ion" made it official by b la s tin g------ th e stecl-chinned C levelander

w ith a bliBtoring b n r r a ^ of punehu from beginnlns to tnd., A roaring crowd.tff 19,610 in the SL’ Louis arena and m illions more

' along the eoatU lo-coul t«levltlon beam, walchid the pow erful, 30- year-old Negro acore h it one-tlded

■ triumph.nes- •niut Moore became th e oldest n ing light hfivyw lght king tln c e Ruby hnd Fitsmmoni grabbed th e crown

* * t ‘he i f c o t 4}. M uclm 'a defeat iin si Jjj yjipjj defense of the

crown h t won nearly th re e years !ver. •8o-, u , , 'The challenger, tired up for his he«n' moment, rocked the ohunp lon

I U e ^ round, tU gg tred' him often afterwards b u t couldn't I *h* Kime Maxim dow n..irlli Afaxlm Wju U ttd -

r r , Ing from cuu under b o th ejet, ’ ‘A *' from a ginh on his le ft c heek bona TH«n ^roin the nose. T hero w u no

doubt ss to whal th e decision w u lo to l 'K b t.

” •','1 Judge Hott-ard H e u scored It BJ- SB; judce Fred Connell h a d it <7- S3 While referee H arry K e u le r , who

h.11 ‘‘P * nmnlng t i n o t e h t tu r '. I r J . throughout the fight, h a d ' i t lu r-

prUlngly close. 79-74.#.1, Asjoclated P r t u h a d Moore ." ‘r the winner. 87.53, glvln* M o rt 13

roundi, Maxim two t o d oalUng one evtn. One of the roundi, (h e fourth,

• I t- went to Joey becauie o t a low blow, lo to Moore, who w u outw eighed < »!*> 17<K lc 172H, WM th e a to S t t - \

Iklng vorite vheh the nationally te lo cu t ‘ STan- bout itol under way. B ut a f te r the < give tevenlh round, you coUld h a v e got- ' ever ten a 100 to 1 on the battered ,

ehamplon., I 'm The challenger, w ho ha« lo s t only T lth ona fight in nearly th ree and a lostly half yean, poured o n th e pace in '

felt * reJenUesa fistilon. PJshU ng out ray I of a crouch, he..w haled Maxim's ' hou- body with devastating body punches ‘ [g in tha t took the tprlng o u t of Maxim’s way. legi. cut hll face to ribbons, and ' I tha rocked him in alm ott every round ' ■4) be afU r tha tevenlh. ' lone. When Maxim hcld on f o r dear they life, Moore snnrled a t h im : "PSgbt." • mis- Uu:>Qiiu({ie:d..

■ AU Ih tl Maxim could o f fe r were ' id n 't ^ Kculonni left jobs a n d short I ^ . Isft'hooks plus a few r lg h te th a t ’ ed i t brought i imUe to Moore's :

hfl.^ Tlie crowd which contribu ted to i ik u s S l.'l«u ls sa te o f M9.487. ILikKi roared for Moore to "put (J, him away” and (o Moxfm to 'ho ld <liven _______________________________Jnade

G-Man 0 1 :^ p *” Nod as Arnat(

Dy O S C A lt'F E A tE T • j NEW YOnK. Dec. IS (IB— Ten ,

, Olympians were receiving voK s Wed- i 1 ne»day In balloUng fo r th e Sullivan I

award as Amtrlca't top am ateur i ulius alMete and, while two p ilm e candl- i Ved- dates wire Ignored, th e h o n o ii op- i 1852 peared tfestined tor an P B I agent i and who coJlared one of th e -ta ;)’-red«— i cer- athlelleaUy speaking.■■for "R urace Ashmfelter o( 'U ie~N ew i

York A. p ., the galloping G -m an , ath- who tcored one of th e moet thrilling , trail triumphi In the Olympic g to e s i ila i t when he won a bluU ng s tre tch baU fin- tie with Ruulan champion Vladimir h it KaunUev to Uke th e 3.000-meter }

pJay. ittep led lu t, Jooted-Ule th e poten- ‘ nger tlal winner.thed Bul. u usual, th e re w ere n im - r-up bllngt becausc a t least tw o g ira t ' »30.- Olympic performers — decathlon

champion Bob M athlos an d h u rtle rs j

;“S Meet Starts Jan . 9 i1 of PEBBLS BEACH. Dec. IS (A— :

Bing Crosby’t 110,000 p ro -am ateur with goK tournament, fo r w h ich the

famed croonv pays aU th e bills0 « and donilei the protiU to chari-

tlei, wlU be plaj-ed here Jan . 8,10 and 11.

The 64.hola affair will b e played on thrte courtes, one round each a t

[V, Cyprest Point, the M onterey Pen- insula counlry elub a n d Pebble Beach.

*” '• ■ A tltld e t M pro -am ateur teams will be cut'to eo lor the J in a i rounT a t Pebble Beach.

1 Six previous tournam ent* here a ,!• have netted more th a n $113,000 for ®JS charltiei._____________________

a te tUito ▼sen- ^ ________n n i



I M I T l T f H A V I I ^ A N D

m I M O O T H I R f T O O l {SM # Ju a p re ti the button and ou t ihoou|{! '■ to t t s t latherl ----- -----------

---------« ltic lw tt ;tb !e k e tt.a e in k s t la th e r^S5» j-ou'vs ever known IHO •t^ o ra x o rsa a p e o rp u lll '4u • One can thave* you every d ty t e '

Dwly 3Vi moatbal


\ ■

Bulii Juniorsi S Win^Slioot------S From Gooding

o f BOHL, Dec. IB -B uh l Junior riHt “ thoottrj defeated Goodini In a Jun-

lor rtria club match Tuetday total- I m « e *'*** P®'’'** “ *•***

il' **3fl- match two Duhl tcored 1.7M to Ooomng't l ,» j .

The results: oldest B uh l-S U nlty A i tn 154. Mlchtel

! Ruby Foster 347. Duane Hlgbee 341. Alvin crown Wonoaberg 340. tolal—UB). defeat QooAlng-Joe Clarle 358. Bob R tg-

of the land 238. Roberta D unham 324. years Ralph McCray 315. to ta l- i iS J .

In match two, w ith a possible ror his score ot 300. a one poslUon m ilch , implon Buhl's team made the following: iggared ourtlsi Je u 191, Johnny JonM ouldn't i » . Dllly Cleveland 187, Francis n. Karel 183. Billy Shriver IBS. Mike bleed- Aaland 181. JoAnne Joltnston 177,

e jet. Chuckle Major 170, Robert Pieree k bona B7, Dick Fierce 107, totaling 1,794. f U no Gooding's team tcored u foilowi: >n w u Oarl BIsener 187, V irginia Brown

1B8, Ralph Hazelton 182, Herman I t B2- W iber 180, Roger Kinney 179. Lyell it 87- King 178, Sally Dean IBB, Larry

X, who L ant 188, Bob Enyart 139 tn d Carol 'Jiitur Jntttn m. icuiint },eu. ■,t tu r- ■■

Moore Mape Valley Girls 5»;PIayVoUeyballrWow! POOATRLLO. . Dec. IB - iTiree t lg h td Maglo Valley coeds a t Idaho Gute

9 U - coUiff a r t among th e tw e ln whoe locut hkve bean rwommerided to r posl-« the Uons on a wotlien'i a ll- iU r Yolley-re Eot. ball team.Htered <ire Virginia Brtoken, Twin

FaUa and Donna Leatham, Hager*>t only >n>n. nominated by th l dpude iu tand a team. PhyUls NeUon, Kimberly, w uace in nominated by Boulh oraveley team.:e out ^Tieall-slarteam w lllbeanaeunc-laxim's cd In the spring a t the Women’s !^ (h e s Athletic association banquet. 'Ih e '

WAA councU wJU moke the teleo- ', tlon t and p reu n t awards to th t 'round wlnnen.__________________ |

Aggies Play ,’Cats .BOZEMAN, U o n t. D ec IS <

r were The somewhkt battered Montana short S tate college Bobcats entertain the

s th a t Ulah Aggies this week-end. Coach - Joore't Brick Bree<len of MSC tald the Pri­

day night tla rtlng tim t would be ted to deltyed a halt hour from th e usual ;89,487. 8 pjn. elarUng Urns because of the 3 "put Chriitmu>party on the campui. The 'ho ld Saturday n ight tfpoff wlU b« a t

eight o'clock.______________________ |

mpie Star in Ru: jateur A th lete oi

king Horrlion DiUard—were ignor* I—T en ed on the baUot. Certainly there 1I Wed- w u no ’ greater am ateur aUUete 1ilUvan than Ute Callfomlan who .won the inateur moit grueUng event a t the toler-c tnd i- naUonal games. And Dillard de- ,i t a p - terved a t least a menUon for b it agent triumph against one o t the (u le s t

reds— U tldt ta the conKtte. ‘Under a hlghly-debalable rule. 1

'■New M iiwUM" II ' ipf )ip m n—f l "l*<* ,- in * ” winner. -But when you ta y “top ,ruling im ateur athlete" how can you legli-h h S u 1 * W h i m ? • jidim lr ntmed. however, undoubl- ,

edly belong In the running and any i '^ 'e of them would be a fltUng win- ; ner. Yet the mental picture o f t Ashsnfelter't amazing race a t Bel- - alnkl makes him a good choice,

tth lon This, too. I t a grueling evenl,'«the irtle rs 3.000*meter steeplechase. And the . . i favoHta w u Kazantoev. the stream- . lined Russian. A ihenfeller. ths lean, f gangling former Fenn Elate nm*

9 the llnal le g .^ ^ av l^ '< w le T * S t

burden of the pace over the bar- ( A _ riert and through the waler holes.

I™ Justice0RAYVILLE,1j i ., Dec, 18 «

' Oams rangers found Justice ot **«M* Anlcet Kllbert hunt-

ing rabbits with an iUegal fiood-

The rangers oonfUcated h it ihotgun and aaked him to ap-

team s court 'w hich it In KU-

pletded guUty and fined him- " here U 2JW. TTiare were no court

» for I .________________ •


T W lN rA tL 3 . m A H 0 "

Hornets S ig To Edge I l ln 4 3 4 1 '

to KIM BERLY. Dcc. 18— T h e 43-41 ,in an exciting basketbal t h a t aaw HanBsn tak e a n ea:

cehtei w ith in two polnta o f a tie In t . Alvin — I- . . . ■ I

S Shrine Coaches Talk Over

^M lk*Coming Game

n J.77, SAN FUANCIBCO. Dec. IS «* — Pieree i i ^ e d football coachet who will 1,794. combine Uielr talents to coaeh ths

ollowi: e u t and west teams in the 38Ui an- Brown nual charity game here Dec. 37 u - [erman aembled • Wednetday for a .brief '. Lyell rm ind Uble discustloo with th t , Larry p ^ u .I Carol J5-man tquadt a rt loaded

w ith seniort who h ire pliyed th e ir , • , l u t college game*. Rival ooaohea l |* | a ag rted I t thould be a eloae eoata it.

ihB E u l won 15-14 l u t ytar.Olarence (Biggie) Mlmn Of U lefl-

Igaa B lau , the naUon't No. 1 taam Ih re e la th e AMOCltUd P ra tt poU th li 6U te seaaon, wlU terve u head coach of

> who th« e u t tm u n tlag tn t. Co-coachet potl- will be Ray Eliot of QUboit in d Dr,

roUey- zd d le Anderson of Holy O roit.__ _ Form er m enton Bem lt B ie tnon of

. Twin M innesota and Andy K err of Col- « a g p gal* will assist. •L Howie OdeU, who expecU to be

>'..m deposed as coach t t tha TTnlrenlty of W uhlngton becauie of -pertonal differences" with AthleUo D irector H arvey CosslU, win direct the W e if i

' . ,ie a . coaching staff. Hs said h s w u torry ^ >h. tha W uhlngton incident h id eome

to llgh l Tuetday and preferred not to dlscust It:

x - OdeU Wiu be tssUted by JuUe l o S lket ot K an su and Chuck Taylor r CT— of e taaford. jntana ^

Meet ThursdaySd be 8TOLSY. Deo. 18— T h i CataU I usual Rod and Gun club h u scheduled a of the meeUng for 8 p. m. Thursday tn the u. T he fo r t i t servlee ottlce. b t a t Membert wlK meet and the board

o t director* wUl hold a n sd o a .

R unning for I o f Yearignor- B ut r ig h t a t hlt.thoulder.B lm ost.lnUiere lockstep, w u the Ruislan, tpparen l-

kUUete ly biding h li Uma for oqa flnalin the winning bid.Inler- T hen , u they ita rted down the

backstretch fo r -U it:/-U it Ume,f „ l S t K aianuav chargtd in fnm t fo r a‘ few Itrldes. Aahenfelter puUed even

, and then, u . Uia tortured yards r ^ a fl** under Ihelr

, y P ahead. B ut u Uiey came off Uie l u tl« li* Jump Just before Uia Uim Inlo the

stretch. Ashenfeller opened up likeloubl- a ip r ln U r and left Zaeantser farid any behind wiUi a blailng flnlih which; win- produced a new Olymplo m ark ofre o f 8:45.4.; Hei- ’■

it,>«the d Uie ream-ilean . -


afilL. ______llm- • J . /ourt B ; . . 'i

—...iv-V ir K j

r I 1-^1 \ . | k

IU S e a l ' s 7 C n m Blended W its

■ ^ y.

sStingHard e Hansen 1 ThrillerS—T h e Dcclo H ornets s tu n g Hanse: ske tba ll game here W ednesday nigh I a n early lead, lose i t , th en pull t tie in th e closing seconds. Dcclo le

------ 8-5 a t th e end of t h e ' f i n1 quarte r, b u t H ansen pulled ou; h 6 S In front Ifi-lfi t t halfUme. Hanse

held itl lead until near the end ( the final period when Declo too over 38.28. •

In Uie l u t period Declo buUt u a ti»*-polnt margin, bu t Hante

1 6 nlbbltd away, icorlng Uie l u t flel goal WlUl five seconds le tt to p la

IS («)— Hanses mlsMd Uie vlelorf but 'ho will freshman eager, Eugene Tutor, too te h the home scoring honon for the nigl Uth a n - a t ho swished 17 points on sU flal

37 a s- goals and five foul Uisses. a brief High point honors were about d ith t h t vlded among three Deelo s ta rt. Aim

'T uner tcored 13 polnu, Dick Law ■ I a ^ h I R- Anderton added n in

S i i i i i " " ! r'.■SS:ou th l i Touu 11 1 11 III TbUIi >4 i l Jl < *ach Of rJSr ^ „ t t ,

[man ol Peoria Hurdlei Vandals by

S 61-52 Score# W e if i MOSCOW. I?ec. IB l» - 'T b itra re ] u lo rry jsg P u r la CaterpUlan had aU Uia Id eome eould handle In the Idaho Vanda: Ted no t wednetday night, and u s« l n ir

free Ihrowt while ih e three'^mlnul 7 JuUe rule w u In effect to w in a 61-( ; T aylor baikeUjaU victory.

77:* fparkling shooUaff o t R c Boniemp provided the O tt t w it their tecond-holf tupretnacy after

r late I la rt th a t u w ihem tralltn 13-11 a t Uie end of the f ln t quarU

C a ttU and Uien leading by a narrow SS-S tiu led a margin a t halfUme. y 1a Uie ^he V andtlt Ued up th e O nte i

______ o t 30-30, 34-34 and 8B-SS d u ils t th2 Uilrd period. T hen Bontempt w w

on his tcorlng. spree, gettUig thre contecuUve baikela to inereate th vitlton lead to 41-38. By U iat Ub aU but Uvee m lnutei o f th e th li quarter were gone and Idaho traUt tbe re tt of the-way. .

' Tommy Flynn waa tha .iparfe ith e Vasdali took a lead 'in th a f ir

m ost.ln m inute and held It.un tU weQ Int 'parent- the second period a fte r buUdlnf u It final a 30-13 edge. Dwigbt MorrUon. E a i

la a Melton and Bob Falash alt w n th e Jolnod In Uis Idaho ne rln g . u th

OaterpUlars moved eu t to a 91-2 ; lead and lost I t th rae Umet befoit ro r a (jjg halfUme gun loundtd .I The tcore w u M-4a w ith t h t n t

e tiT S ! I K J i S S S j S w Mfeet. Dan Tlppen connected o ^ i l i

^ the consecuUve free throw i u Idah( im like frequeaUy In de^e ra te a t

tcmpU to get the b a ll I which ' ■ 'aark of Deg Food* and- B a b b i t Feedi

Oiobe Seed aad Fe«d C o ^ d v .


.- - \ . u i d i

A . A V ^ A to.pl<


1 2 3 4 0 T

L 9

ded W itsker. 8&8 Proof. SS% G rth B totrri S|

CageMeetiiigThere wUl be a mecUng of lit-

dependent bukeUiaU enUiuiluU / in Magle VaUey i t VM p. a .----------- -1tmrtday-«nd-Friday-aV -Ch»U-

Llfit L uU ier store, M U tia av»- nu t leu th , ‘Twin Falk. -

— ------- P U bt wlU be dlteusted a t the.meeU np for th a orgaalaUoB of

JL v l . AU pe rtoa t wilhing to anter U tm t ahould attend the fflwtlag

Ui» s t a r future.

Colorado Near Qean Sweep

f night In Kick Racesv t n TORK. Dec. IB U l-A m it-

3Clo le d ter ot U tl than four inchei p tr kick e ' f i r a t Colorado from mtklng a cleanIkdoutt t a ^ n o ,j margin by whieh Del Koch,

B end of SouUiem CallfomU, belt out Oolo-clo took nulo't Zack Gordon f a lodlTidual

honora.buUl up Jordon, champion kieker to weeH anien and trying to become Uit leCond

lu t fleld player In modem Umet to win the to play, tllle twice, finUhed wiUi a 43.4-

rr bu t a y trd a vem e to Koch'a 43. In flaaltor, took staUiUcs released Wednesday bybe n igh t Uis NCAA aerviee bureau. Koch'tsix field narrow margin relumed Uil punt­

ing crown to the Paclflo cM it forabout dl- Ult f lr tt 't im e tlnce Bob WattrfleldJ't. Alma won i t fo r OCLA in 1944. ck LawU Colorado.' in winning th t t t a a led nine. punUng a r tr a g t wiUi aa a v a n n of « n 1 t> i ) , i yards par kJxdc, w u well a & td[ • * of _ Uie leeond team, SoulhemI { { ‘ MiUiodUt, WIUl 4IJ , aad BoaUiem1 1 * 1 CaUfomU, w ith 4 1 iI t • ChUck Bpauldlng, Wfoolag, d»-I I i f ta d ln f Individual U citof cham- - - - - - - plon, mUsed a chance to malch UiaH I 114 f e , t o f Owen Price, T exu M lnaII t l 41 punter of. 1940-41, by wlaBlag a It t t 4t ueoDd UUe. S p tu ld la g 'lU j^ e a

Uie htaU o t Koch and' J o r ^ a al ^ l A a lUpped la hU U lt tim eL U C S toe]ev«ath,finU hlngw llh40i.*

Utah State Ag es Edge WSC 72-65 -

LOGAK, U tah . Dee. 18 ( IM h a t tra re l- S tate Aggies led sn tb way: all they Wednesday b ig h t to h u d a touting. VandaU Waahlngtoa S ta ta baikltUU t e t a ed n ln t th to f ^ o B i ttn S g b t ! m to D uh , l^mlniile 73-B5.1 . . ..^a The Agglet etarted e tt Uka »

g a J r ie jA tiw ln d - and took a ta a ^

,u ^ B ut Uie WBO O ougtn to t ^ t S ^ Into the ball gam t and eT anaaa.* '

£ i ^ n 5 17-polnt deficit to Ue the Igttai a t, J l S g ^ « id p tD tld . a ipeoucpflfr n n ,

9WJS-M The Agglet h i t Uie 6oopt « lth « ^ per een t of th a lr ihoU te Um O n t'

r ctanteat half and racked up a 33-34 biOfUma in&C the margin, then pushed Uieir Uad to ipt w ea l 61-SS midway in Uie UUrd qnartw ig Uiree before W aihlngton BUU found Uie eate the range.ba t time ■ i ,•

S-uSS U.S.Davis Cuppers wrt u Wiii'Firat MatcniealOUf up opening matohea of the Davii Cun ^ H u - interaona ilngU a fInaU wtUi' Itoly» ^ ^ a t 8ydney,,Radlo AutltalU repoitad.

“n ie teoadcatt, baard bere S ’ the;

Fauito G ardlnl in tha Hrft niatch.- t h t n t - s-T, g-d. «-f. M asd 7 W m b e i t

ngw hen c t ClnelnnaU defeated O U hni'O a.' J n to e t- f»iii m . a .1, ».a.________ ' ■ '

I Idaho SHU WINSrale a t- DALLAS. Dec. 18 l B - 8onUiera

MeUiodUt Wednesday nigM beat Colorado A aod M 't Ramt 6f to a

t Feedt. In Uie l u t U aecondt of their la - ,dv. tenecttoaal baakettaU Uttle.

N o h u T T y - t a k e a l e t t th n i 7 tea* '‘ _ o n d* to t a r *‘3otgrag»*a 7 Cffw a t

p le a te l A nd n o w o tty -< m c e y o f fr i la id i t Sc tg ram ’t 7 C row n i i BtW to b e w elcom ed b y th e m o tt h a ^ to -p le u e o n y o a rC h rli tm * il litI t* BA xncrica’t m o it p o p u la r w hltkay. i

; ■

‘ ‘PAdB llFTEI^

' ■

Page 16: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

>7 w jB t/tsM:o th '-^ |H 9 ^ H

■73 rd


Button Dcwn Cillor


^ ' 4^ Fine Oxford CloA

/ Ten, Grey, Blui

> Siiei U Y t to 17'

^ French .Cuff


m a stim s^

I e a s y ^ j f l

% s S h B I

a m uum f l

i l l u ^

, toys'


tep* —

* f l ^


I J ^i | ^

C M ' • ^


il' I In quilted ^--------- -'-styles fo r com—

plete comfort.In satins', cot- f lH

. tons & crepes VH^ in sizes 10 to BB

— ;.■ 4 ------ 20 .— ------- f l

^ The New V

~ T Automatic I

------------------B --------F o '- th e■ m „^ ,^ 5 ^ f„ ,-5 l5 Jp -y JJ

, m o u t fl tfo ce o f w e ig h tiD u o l cc■ ind iv idual c o m fo r t . .-..

T j G i r l s ' P a j a m

. ■ ''fip«ck l c l ^ up on flannrl pajnm; ■ tty i tt M d co lon . S tiea 4-16. Rtg.

I ■ ■

g ift w raiChristrr

Gift Spe


W S U PlA of fine acetate n)

i ' 2’iM ll Regular 3.98

^ i • A L L FIRST Q U A L IT Y

m M \ • LACE T O P a n d BOTTi

j W \ • W H IT E , M A IZE, PIN Ka • SIZES 3 2 T O 40

\ g ift wrapped



(ew Westinghouse

natic Electric Sheet

rfo l-s lccp you e v e r e n |o y e d — W o rm th wifTvligh tiD uQ l con tro l for y o u r

' Pajamas and G6wiisf lan n d pajnmai jind souTu. AttortM i r n

te a 4-16. B ts. 1J8 to 3M prlccs »t_____ I . b U

^,-1962______________ __________

rapping °:hristmas ft Special

GENUINEERS MODEL aIIIP S ^acetate nylon crepe

2 9 8 ftlar 3.98 V alues £T Q U A L IT Y

P o n d B O T T O M A I

M IZ E , P IN K a n d SE A FO A M c h iT O 40

t wrapped free!

Pi «



’ Children's o u s e SLIPPERS

T h is g ro u p inc ludes f p lu sh a n d so tln s w ith tr im s .

1.99o the r tJlppm In »I1 ^ u d i t r i n — 1 .4 9 ( 0 3

/ / J CHILDRENS SHOE DE ________________ DQWMSTAina

"Children's /d-rJ^ Tomahawk

BOOTSJ G lovo so f t l e a t h e r ,

^ J f b u c k s k in red o r b row nw i t h no tu ro ! leal f r in g e tr im .

V o F m lh w U H T - — ----------------------------------------


G i r l s ' ^

___-One sroup iillghtb'Bolltd

1_ . overt and cin11{ftns. Atsoi5 0 3 U> 14 u d ' Prctnnjt. Va:

- - f n a jS f n rn n l r - - - -. -

1 ^

/ ;

Our s ta ff q f professional ( j gift purchases in gay gif

& . . . all ready for giving . .- I r --------------------- ^ -------------------


A la rg e s e le c t io n o f sco rfs In pu re

c h if fo n s . G a y a n d c o lo rfu l. M okes o

LOO and u

IRTS and\LTERS /sk irts in t a f f e t a s a n d

B a n d v e lv e t. H a l te r to p s r you r g o y e s t h o lld o y s . j /

1 n

r SKIRTS A P 8.95-10.95

I^H A LTERS ------8.95

PPERS I JACKE1P inc ludes f e l t s , C P E r | A |I so tln s w ith f u r J l C v l H K

I A A s lo g coot, i I' , y y p o c k e ts , tw o slosh

k e ts . F u lly lined ( » ~ t a . n » l « . . p o c k s l. S izes 3 4 1 0 * — 1 .4 9 (0 3 .9 8

NBSHcnzPT, Reg. 15.95MfSTA ina ________________ _■_________

T S ; 9 9

Idren's : -------^-----lahawk Men s CottflJ O T S b y MUNSINGW EAR

t l e a t h e r , In red o r b ro w n . . . lo tura l l e a th e r ■n.

2 n e w diam ond pc I O Q te rn s , o il cotton, fc C a Z Q __________________C0lDrJ_Si2C5_Lfl.t0.12


r l s ' ^ ' W ^ e n r s —

Eb 'soiled BU'catCTS In-ftlip _ I f l l tns. A tso r t^ colors. S Im s ■ ■ ■

«n*. Values _ 2 . 0 0 A V I

________ TIMES-NEWS. TWIN Fj

J r a ’f f l t e i t o

fessional wrappers will gladly n gay gift wrappings . . . neatly giving . . . FREE!


:o rfs In p u re silk, s o t ln s a n d l ^ ^ ^ ^ H i l l

-fui. M okes on ideal g if t .

and up n | i |H



K N IT FOR Fl w l B Y ou 'll lovo i t .| . | l f live in i t ! . . . I t's

----------------------fti-QU--------i— le s s ^ o o f-k n it-n- like o c h a rm — f

|T f ig u re fro m evej o h o s to f w o n d e r


icTAL! J mo g coot, 4 sw ing . tw o slash poc- u lly lined gom o S izes 36 lo 46 .

!g. 15.95

's Cotton Argyles H |^JSINGWEAR 8. IN T E R W O V EN

diom ond poN i T

iiz u _ lf l . to .l3 , ^ —



t w in f a l l s ,-IDAHO

I gladly prepare your ■. . neatly and quickly


Gift si SCARFS

O ther 1Pre tty on d p r d c t ic o l , o n F rom ...ideal g if t f o r e v e ry a g ein co lo rfu l o rg o n d y sofid fin e p e rc a le s , w o ls t f” "” "and covera ll s ty le s .

1.49 an d up

«<NIT .andth< SUITS . ^Sizes 1 0 -1 8 '

16.95 upIT FOR FLATTERY. .j 'l l lovo i t . . . Y o u 'll in i t ! . . . I t 's ou r p r ic e -

^ o o f - k n it- m o d e - to - f i t -------------------o c h a rm — f la t te r y o u r

jre fro m ev ery tu r n . In )St o f w onderfu l co lo rs .

-----—— —^ ------------montha ircm-.I filiei 8 tolO'.4

6 D e p ’

— O P E N ^ t -----------------

9 P.M. IF r i d a y tm d S a t u r d a y M j

------- I > c c c m b c r - 1 9 t h ~ Q n d '2 0 t f i ~ ^ ^and

Monday and Tuesday December 22nd and 23rd

M IN 'S P L E A T E D ^ ^


S o lid co lor

N ew sty le

and the shopping Is easy

o ta o mO K U

BOYS^HOSE— mYtoulUc top*. Bright eolort. Nylon New ihlpsjeo*' nforced. 4 -pair piiirMteed 4 _ Bright,2i® n th# wear. I ' f l r t ------- .vl

p’t. Stoi f f -

’nm sn ,

Page 17: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

^ B S flsS t9 a i

1 8 ^■ i q Z29

H m he

ituiT a" a festive d inner, tr e a t-

■ m I os Santa . . . spicy, Rich bolter lavishly fill

H t r f Inn two VAAh. pro-i

H h f l i t n Butter B atter ....

_ _ H lC (llo s g 5-lb. fru it caki

~ J i M n i ^ o o t g f » O f Th

I A u t o R<B . 5.00 Month ^ ^ b l n g deiign ^ W o n tuning

low-prlccd c l ond sensitivity. Eos

^ B r^ » » « w ^ l l5 tQ te - feQtu ri^ V r . Instollotion con b e (

JortR tfli

| l 2 - I n c h

o" *tcel modelnetol taddio

^ B e ' t l ' ^ rio h t Iand S ° '

s lic als< spring soddi

CAKEStr e a t t o h o l id o y w ell-w ishers, spicy, d e l ic io u s B a rb a ra Jo n #

shly t i l le d w ith f ru i t s .a n d n u ts .

b. p ro -i lic f ld loavA i/ 3 .9 8

tte r .. . :_______________ 4 .9 8

J it c a k o i ____________ 2 ,9 8 |

I Of Th* Lof>g Ktmg« ABrtoM

R a d i o s

58.50Iced Q uto r o d io w ith " c o n s o le ":y. E as ily in s ta l le d In side your- -fe o tu re a h ig h pe r fo rm o n c e 'o n d — :— on b e a r r a n g e d .

o tt Rtoht F o r Orewfcifl TykMl

c h T r i k e s

9.88b righ t r e d t r ik e s w ith w h ite t r im ." t fendo f-Q nd-bQ H -b » J r iria - f«o<it— . i ic a lso Q voilab 'le i 1 -in ch solid 9 soddlo.


18.1952 ■

i l D O N ' T M






: Vk th u e Ixwlu lust Ulu a u h tttfouf I In tlO, «1B, *30, t3S u d ISO dettfinl]

* EASY TERM PAYMENT PLAN, G roup your p u rc h u a of 130 o r mo I . loen t plan.

h a r m o n y h o u s e r

^ P r i s c i l k

« x 8 T *Inch Size 4

. • S c a r s e t f in ish c u ts dow n sh r i• Finish slays crisp, new, wher

---------*_5^nch-fr«r>ch-hoodcd-m iili


40 X 63 Inch ................40 x 72 Inch____40 X 81 In c h ................40 x 90 Inch _______

' • S e a r s e t fin ish re q u ire s n o s t ' “ • S e l v a g e s rennove'd

• 3 " B o ttom hem

|b r¥ o « rH L M ii ■ iiH U

R o lle r• I W I ih < .• ■iliheii II J J iM iJ I liiM i

H w y ’r e * • s ir o o g a n d s i k n

_______ w h ^ o r e f o i t . o w t o n d

f ' C\ihdn s ta iK fcm h iv h M is : ^ 'pod on le a th e r , s t r a p . D oul:

- . - — --------------- —


M I S S . . .





P FROM 9:30 A.M. to

CREDITP O N BOOKS *througbout uiy Scarf ito re . Avall&bU ettfm lnatlooi.

P L A No r more lo d buy on 8 c m X u y Pn7> ,



3 -” Mn s h r in k a g e p P f i u ^ n ^

w h e n w a s h e d • n u j u i i l a ___________________

A N E L S ,

....................89c ■

..,1 .............93c ^ \W m.............. :.....98c | w Sh....................1 . 0 9 - ^ g ^n o s tre tc h in g ___________ - ,

, a * i t M mmM ‘ • M M W h M T

ir S k a t e s

J ii!« T r tty p « lT l» r o b b e r - o n W o n ^

t a n d w e o f o v e r f o w ttm c s io n g e r J . E x tra s tro n g s tc c I f r a m e , • a n k b

D o o b te r a c e b a ll b e a r in g w h e e ls .


---- ------------- ^H I S


It. to 9 P.M.

m mH

W o f t i * B a t k M i

eerdt, ftofd p®»- t*n» . Hfflvy 20

l o p ^ M q - M M t a c f V I

T i n e B" S ' 575<rbowii, 5 .00 MonlTi

l 3 * W " ' S - 'P " ! ! I’“ l> 5 " “ '^. • S m o o th m o M llic f ln iih

^ Tko Y err f ln e j t f S p e c ia l, :ia » r hi.h y h rM" 'J ? ■ • lioo— w e ig tB just 3 6 .poun

ja d d Io .R e d willi Irim fof I





I Fbod MiI 2.95 DRINK M IX Ih



I 31Sk-R«g-36.95 Food M ixer a i ■i C ltrui Juicir and Recipe ★ Soda Fountain Type Agil ^ Toll Glo«» Mixing Conlol

er. ^ Hondy Ploitic M olt M eei

n PlastiO u r C h r i s t m a s

j l G i f t t o Y o u

19*®too SOWN, S.M UOTn

---------- Priced-Ehewhero—to 29.95

• Made o t Baran W oren . PlastJe tor long wear. ea*y ' care, s«dtsiuislo&al QuUt"

ed trim.

• Bar-Taclccd i tn lo points; double-iUtchcd seusa.

• Tour cholea of many lux- E S urbus paUcroi, colon.

^ ------------------— AlUhcsc-l^mostigonsides of front backr

J scorn construction.

I * « l U l i i tM la l i t , f t i f l M M e

i B ic y c le s

= ^ - y 2 T f j»c»o!, 3 - s p e e d 'a ^ ' iti reor'w heet iffortle s i r id e . Ughtwelght constnjc- 6 ,poundsl E xtra comfortable spring Im for boys, b lt» with trim for gtrls;

EE P A R K »I'


g n i n s j w

Save 8.00 > ^




P R I C E 3 6 . 9 5 J

. 8 8 ■ ^ \aiO D ow n

B.OO Monlh ^

illxer a n d 2 B o w b l f t . ^ KC T Recipe Book w l pe A g ita to r, C onio lner . •lit M easu rer

Stic SEAT C<

lO T n

le ro -

WoTcn w M v Hh | | ^ H | ^ E S ^ 5ar, eas; ^jdflll quUt-

points:usa. M;iiy lUX' '

lost-wonted" feotures, m oderotely prIC' It b ac loest. 'D oublo-stitched seom rfo jction. P lastic beading on Importorit


‘ End W9 5 6 W renches In holdei

H ''r o V 'S l* e s

^ _ S e t w ith 9 V»neel

■ Ligh t, yet s t rong h eo t tr< p ^ g hanHy m e ta l stoni

your choice In m btol stoi

[IN G "• > -------- •

1 ^

^ / 9 r A

’ # *


Iy priccd . E lo stic In s e r ts on b o ths m r f o r t l ier ' p r o te t t e d - b y h idd ert---------->rtorit seo m s. ,

MAN Q u a lity — S e a n S o r ln g t

i/\french Seth o M ., ■

th 9 _ W « n c ! « t , fielder,

i ls to n d . S u p e r io r le v e ro g e h o n d l^ ;o l s to n d o r p lM t l c p o c k . . . '

V 1 ..............

. , ■ ■ . ^ . . . .


Page 18: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

•U iautni

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ivf hfii/>ll

I T radi^

^ k i n t u ISTRAll

s f ? boukbI

C O M P A N rT ^ ^ ill J

~ i I

u - i\HG/ m

~ m ’' / i f ‘T l o . *

KSBBS B i Q i u d iRcdvitlilloiH H I 8 ] p . . u t f

—ro ff}4b9 il


?• " ' f l

. L a d ie s " f l

C a n e s k i n M o t a J

Re8.s.95 2.99 IB l a c k . BIM

-trim . FMtyB»lPi“" * In e . W u ' i t a ' a

' '

Ladio’Leopard Outt

— irk

i ■

tl s r P A G E ET G H T E E W

lyi Models Shift

Is Quick for ~ Car Industry

-------- B rU A vn> ’J.” w i i j n E ' " "•A F ABlamoUTe Editor

D c n to r r , Dec. le u v - a u but two or tbTM o t U u outomobile In* duiti7‘< U ftm blr Unes cow urs . rolUnc out IBU modet -piuenser

T tu fwlUhover to new modeli ^ h u 'b e e o ont of the quickest asd | | n n ro tliB tT Jifln iIu itpyT iir« If« tM ' t In mu)7 ;e a n . No extended «hut> d o rm hiVB occurred and worktr

1' , UyoHi h«ve betn mlnlmlied where-

I'« ; , e ter poolbie.

The, Induitiy b u been mevtns H alens n t » h l(h producUon level

■ for moit ot m e l u t m e ;e tn .I Deiplte Borimm ents] oontroli (he■ yeor now running o u t will lee the■ production of about 4^00,000 cfjs■ and UOO,000 trucks. T h t t will make9 1P53 (lie Industr^'i 'fourth hlgheatI producUon year.Ijlll; Few SUII tlCMld jJ: Authoritative catlm atcs tty more ^I k th in (our million new car reglatn* / r 'I I I tlow will be recorded thU 7 *ar. T hat - / J I * ' will mean a relaUvely smallj field .‘I

J . . stock ol untold ncw pauenger can Viiliii ' a t the year.end. . am i l All th lt turgesU the year*end wilt \ 1n i l find the auto Induttry In a mott ■ H (tvonble potltlon. bu t the ear \ ■ ■ makert aren't tetUng their dealers i; . ■ I I become toft. J u tt about every deal* '({|0

U ^ c " of new model cars has ^'V I developed Into a “pep" meeting. Z 2 llJ ^ t netaller* are being told they will ■ l i have more cara to sell In 1033 and

I n i f *•’*5' *1*'lufWP< B to 6 MllUen O alpatI.:!; Industry circles generally are •

!.• talking about the producUon o( from, ! B'i to fl million paatenger cart next

(, I year. The sales managers nay up ''i i s b i ^ mlUton cara can be delivered ,l*T^|] a t retail. '‘v ' If the figures look big a t the j Sihiiw ' volume ot a tlxth itra lg h t year o( . S■ I I Msti level Industry acUvlty It thould b S■ I be remembered Uiat around SU mil-

| B I Uon pattenger car« 'are going to Uie -----■ I annually. Obvloutly -m r .■ I I m tny prfl*war patsenger cara tUU JyIO L IH N t>*^ But they ara rapidly _

H l i dwindling In numbert. I f*•!■? • - Thote ttlll In uee are being re-I l k m ott p a rt becauta JERO:ll l l f Uiey bave virtually no trade-in WendellW |^ . value. M ott cf Uiem Uck the more juries aH | i modem engtoeerlng advaneet and JeromeM B styling ImpraTements of Uie poit* tween ti m war modeli, on hight r ' ?? tha replacement market offen ona-hali

, • big field for new c ar ta le t In the B :n a jr ^

1 BPEAKEB LISTED ^^MlS”'. HAOERMAN. Dec. 18-Bvangellit Plynsout

• : f ; C urt^ . Bpokane, W ash, w u w a^w h. | i the tpeaker a t Uie Monday evening of a 18'

meeUng of Uie Reorganlted LDS by Arthn mately

h J E U D T IJIE S .iiiw a WAOT JIDB. S jo m '*

I (t h e e


\ f r ^f T h a tw u p r ie id tv l l .Q O

HOSE . . . .3 for $ 2 .0

W f SKIRTS I'n i m W irt priced h) «.00 ^

Miny, many moro --------------------------{ l o l i d a y t g i f t !

;— ------------— - ^ ^ ^ d u e e d ------------------------------

f l e tu corns u r iy ai E

l i m i M , '

i TrumaDs

!.r ■tenger — —T* _ . v T

nodeii 0it and ) A rTKtM — T \ —

= 71 A RE»here- ^ 1 > ^ I

wvtng •z iG s, t \ v o \level • / S h v

yetn .‘he r .i i v ^ o * * * S w r U

re the L - ^

make E T e w r a “ / JtXIghejt r i l l I


.T hat1 field .•( C- ^ c a n I

Id willmo»t .

) ear ^calen i; .deal- N L , ■ j,

•s has 'ellng. t will3 and S<effort

from \ ^ sg , \« B1 next I \ y V Ily up ' I II, I ' f i - Z i M .vered G S ^

. t h ea ro f —hould t * e E f c g % ^ = C - . —imll-0 Uie ------------- " ■ - ' ■—

2 Motorist Hurt iji KJerome Accident

cauia JEROME, Dec. IS—Connie Prince, u n £de-ln Wendell, was treated for minor In-more Juries a t S t. Benedlcfs hotpltal In ^

and Jeromo following a colUalon be .po«- t r a n h t r .ulomoM I. u d > track S'?.'” ,

on highw ay « aU miles wett and ,u -iffen one-half mile norUi of Jerome a t wUf1 Uie B :n a jn . Wednesday. State Patrol>

man Eugene Hagler tald fog was to blame for the craah. r “"” ~

M lu Prince was 'driving a IBSl gellit Piynsouth sedan touUi on the high-

w u way w hen It collided with the rear ining of a ISO Studebaker truck driven - ' LDS by A rthur Sims. Jerome. Approxl* J o r

m ately tsoo In damage resulted to j . ; the automobile and MIts Prince waa tin4«r

AD8. throw n to the pavement. [ _ _ _

2R0SA15 PRICES! We Have irings C ount-Just B

" } W ^ b l o u s e* ^ W m J u t t r ig h t fo r giving

1 .1 1 .0 0 ? * • ' < » 3 .9 !


.............69c I n3 _l« S 2 .0 D _____________

I f ) W ^ DRESSESto 6 . 00 \ \ in i! r ig h t In to i p r

*™ Overstocked, Ove _______ __and OjcejLHe*

R o s a n a '_ 153 MAIN A V t

"ruman Press Confere

^ I ' C t '; I ' t h e r e s o n e•’ k c o n s o l a t i o n - . \ r ., “ A f T E R J A M 2 0; — 7 - m a ' i'b e - w e - c a k I ;------------

& I T ^ '

I i flH H urt in Crash iBm:' p u t RUPERT, Dec. Ifr-D elores Mey- *

er, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Prlrwe, y „ _ Eniu ^jeyu-, Rupert, received M ltal in medical treaUnent Sundoy for,mlnor L u l" cuts and bruises recdved In an ac-

c ldent a t BMS a jn . a t Uie lnten.cc- ilfl!; It tlon o f eounty road* one mllo west p ” „ “ " 7 of th e tugar company road.

Mr*. Meyer, who waa driving narU\. tald her brakea failed and na

‘ I CHRISTM AS CARDSe w a r Imptimrt or PUIn At Yoa Wiih^ v e n . CHRISTMAS NOTES iproxl* Your Spccial MeaaigesMO 10 } . H ILL’S G IFT SH O Pce waa Un4«r Kink * Tnul Tktna 4M

ANA SIHave Slashed Price

Just Before Christm

BLOUSES f ) m i te ig h t f o rg iv in g . W « ro V i / p rice d to 3 .9 9 M J f n ^ V(

N O W c J ^ - y

SLIPS............T A F F rT T A o n d CREI

PRESSES V j W ^ pIW, th ro u g h w in te r ^ j ^r ig h t }nto ip r ln g . 9 1 ^ '* O rigin 1 ptlM d to U.OO . ^

A®® i)

3 d , O v e rb o u g h t_________v j e j L H e j f e _ a l L _ . ^ _______________ _ ?

' / W

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■ r .

)nference R

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h e ,V W / ^ v j rad

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I H H * ^ H e 3 P l t e ^ F 7 \


f£ • give

quei ann

M f

— t e Uye

^ —:s> ~ findil'U

I , . the ran Into a c a r d riven by Mrs. * 1 1 Bill Powler, Rupert, who was travel* 1 a I W - ^Mr. and RETURNS TO SCHOOL rceclved DIETRICH. Dec. 1 8 -J o h n Thom- . as h u returned to the U nlTsnlty ot ir.mmor vlaltlng h is parentantert.cc- ____________________________llo west I - ------ I


*apr, ralonkb «I*ctrs*'l^tr»p7. ate.)3S

. . . announeea . .J “ Opening of His Office

« « MONDAY, D E C . 22IO P t u Filer Avenue West>na 4M

SHOP IPrices W hen

iristmas!______ _ J

f TEE SHIRTS I•' Voluci lo 2 .9 9 ^ F

' 1 '” \

. . . . 1.79Ik ond CREPE

_ e:


f PANTIES fJJ O^lglnolly P rlc id 7 9e Jj

N O W C \

\ 3 p a ir fo r 1.00 \ 4 J

------------------------------- ------------- -IIREMEMBERI

W e a r a n a v a r

^ . s a t i s f i e d

i l n t i r y o u a r e I ---------- — '


Radio Station •— Defense Plan |

Cited at Meetaix

---------- ----- IDAHOTAILS. Dec. l i tfi — A* hoi. part of the naUon's defense, all Ch:

radio ttaUoos Is the United Statea of .would go olf the air minutes after ent

I Uie alert of an air raid. wlLAnd. under an cxlcntlon of the tch

plan, radio itatlons In Uie same\ area would alternate In broadcait- n) Ing messagei ot Instruction to dvll I >

>J ■ DetalU DUetitsedDetails' of Uie program called S

'Conclrad" were discussed here by dre Roger Carey, a representaUve of to Uie federal wmmunicaUons com- » 0 ' mission. Carty conferred here with Linlocal radio staUons. e™

By Uw. tUUons are required to quo go oH Uie air and remain silent L unUI an all clear h u been sounded.he/pointed oul. The tllenclng of “"<=

J radio tlaUoni during an a ir nttaclc( Is neces-tary lo prevent enemy navi- “»\ •• g ito n from guiding Uielr a ttack nj*J

from Uie tlgiuU. Cnrey erplained. « f 'W Japanese wed the signal of a Ho- ciw

\ wallan atatlon to dlreet the ir a ir , “' } attack on Pearl narbor. - .........-

y , . Voluntary PUn ^ ,1,A .tecond phue of Uie federal u i t

' f plan Is voluntary on the part of the0 itaUons. Under It. all staUons In a1 • given area wouid change the ir fre- n p , P quentles to either 13<0 or « 0 for _

announcing the emergency mes- p - J r '* sages. i

"In Ulls ares all etaUons would ' ^ broadcut on 1340.” Carey tald.

WlUl Uie mmi mesiage being re- \ Uyed to dUferent Uansmlttera In ,,

^ an area, enemy planes could not find Uielr dlrecUons (rom a radio ilgnal.____________________________ ^

Jby Mrs. ^ f f l fs travel- i | V V | hNI W V T

I Thom-(n lty of ta v .w ijw .m -rii» m iy p a n > iv iiu ira i parenta

= . S P E O A L V A M

L»atb) ■'


T \M E N ’S L E A T H E R O P

Hcdular 4.98___ 2.91Sturdy leather tops nnd so les, and Wine. Fult sizes fro m 6 U

c ssp s:..;- ''- ;

Men’s Shearling-Lir HARD-SOLED K ID SC

R e jn to r 1.08...... 3.9JLeather solo. Brown - W in e * ekin lined. Half sizes f ro m 6 t

y MOCCASIN-TYPI --------------StlPPERS-FOR-M E

™ Rcftulnr if lS ....... 3.9S-I l .ird lM l l ic r - f0 l r5 .- K m u p p e r nnd Wme. Half sizc s-frtm 6 to


_ nnii SATURDAYD c c e m b c r ia ih and 20th


un 1 Programs SlatedPAUL. Dec. l ^ P a u l churches are

1 preparing tor the obaervaUon of bI d l f C h rlsunu wlUi programa during tt

C h rlsu n u week. « J f ^ ^ h T he P in t BapU it church wUl C ' I t S C l ' p resent a 'prognun a t S p jn . Dec. 34

and the CongregaUooal ehurch 'vm «L H '^ A * h o ld r" lU ’ 8nna*y~icJiool~proiT*m nense. all C h rlstm u eve under Uie dlreeUon yied States of Jake iCnopp. aehool auperlntend- uites after ent. The Paul Community chureh w

will hold ita program durlog the « n of the aehool hour Sunday, he same ~

Blood Is Donated S InSEoshoneAre^

n called SHOSHONE. Dec. IS -O ne bun- here by dred and five persons donated blood

:aUve of to th e Red Crota bloodmobile here ns com- Monday. The u n it waa set up In.Uie ,ere wlUi Lincoln Khool audltodum aod op­

erated frooi 3 p jn . to 0 p jn . The rulrcd to <Juota w u J50 donors.In silent t^Kal nurses who assisted' were sounded. M ra.PatKenny,M ra.LeRoy Albright nclM of And Mrt. Clyde Rapp, with Mrt.

nttaclc n o u Haddock and W anda Nebeker Tiy navi- “* The canteen ww fur-r nttaek nUhed by Uie Rebekah lodge and rplained. Mrs. Mary PeUilclc auU tad as a if a Ho- c le r tLhelr a ir Mra. Precllla Prldmore, Richfield; v

- Mrs. Ben Walker, Dietrich, and Mrs. a M. Hall. norUiwest Shoahone.

. . , helped In the ir dlstrlcU wlUi reg* federal i^^aUon of donors. Mr*. P. H. Dlns-

r t o f t h e more U eounty chairman.

‘f !r TIMES-NEWS W A in ADS.7 mes-

, DR. GEO. P -S C H O L E Rey tald. OPTOMETBIBT > |elng re- vUual A n a i ^ Cohtaet Lenses .1

li.'S’nS “ “ ^ N - Ia radio Twla FalU ^

m i0^ --F O S l CHRI



,_2 .99 —nnd so les . Brown i;

. fro m 6 to 12. |j ] \ I o c p a S

a • -

I 4'ling-Lined [j ' ^ 9 K ID SCUFFS I

.3 .9 9 In - W in e - Sheep-!S f r o m 6 t o 12. c = a = c : : ; s = i =

. ■ I'_________________



.'•■ P ink F low er D(


V -T Y P E '?OR'-MEN------p --------

3 .99 'K lk u p p c W . ' T m T “‘ ' v f l B P

5-ff6m 6 to 12.

■ r C . a p B E>uuui M BW T aciT c o w n jri i

J ■

( -________________ ___- _______________ ■

ated Wins ContesFurches are Jonea. *4« Blue U v :. ,■nUoD of boulevard, has won a one.»eek7i? J u during Jl to Apple Valley. CaUf, f o r h « ?®

self and cne companion In a n ^ ' , lUrch wUl CallfomU desert statement e o ^ , m. Dec. 34 Mrs. Jonet' winning i ta te « « . “ hurch VOI w u ’ ^ would like to vUii J-p r o m m B ta l-d e a e r tr^ e r ta n d -b e c tiS t’^ S dlreeUon yeara. I’ve ahut ray eyei and

jerln tend . ttired Uie beauty of desert ^ 2 ' ty church wild flower*, cac ti-now i Iom T I urlDf the see It wllh my eye* open."

"■ The volume of tha planet Safam. .n*

i te ^Are^ ------Hta

One ban - » .Ited blood ^ ' N

p jn . The ' y 1

r A i b ^ . irtlb Mrt. t Nebeker ' w u fur-

l o ^ and

Richfield: I v l I .a n d U re . ------- I | - | yB h ^ o n o , J J J

)L E R

Lenses la in N.

____I GLENM O RE D lST IU E fllE S COj^

^ A s0 i.gD S>:n^xz::^rr:c :aB B S 3SaiaataB B 3E aeB m a5

[ocpasin Slippers

2:B9 ^f fy F u r T rim - Beaded Top.•utiful Colora.

im-.u i'-:i"T^i,''JT-m .-.-i*^ nij

C a n e s l

Foot-FampW S S B ^ . B lack -B la t

trim . Fane^ Infir. l ^ e i

Ladies’“Honeybugs” .

2.98 A;e \vlth‘‘ Palo Green - B lue and : F low er Design. Ladles ' sizes.


1 Leopard

D a rk Brown V---------------a n i d e s H n ; » J

c o K . U d lM '* "

i B E R S i r f s JMTCOMMnOffA«TMlKrlTOtr 10 j6 IW*

Page 19: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]


( i ^ ^ B | i / ' k It

.rilkC fiar h lf made » drii ,ik<(M inthe G n m e ha ll ^ SUB,burr. H»rrey Quw f-jK, tart b«enm *kln j» drl

» ♦ ♦

Grange Me ives; Dinnei

e( tts Twin l^ilU ers iikffl nrktni; up some of thtOa nllttUng scrap Prt

lucdSff.tbt wmen of the Oranp t f to reward the Th

e sa pwty or the men flgurbR to nislle up Uiclr to iulal dinner Ior the poun

ictlni » question. OuiI era ire Bnthcrlng lum t rcta u e collecting the i » drtre that neta tho M n.II All bring lt4 work* th e ^

portunities ie, Continues ™=!Ue» In M «lc Val- S f ^luthov a decllnotlils twCClItf, Twin FiiUs ftn - HfftsUr Ofllce manaBcr, * *

^B eritd i toU! of 5S u n - M en lilt l i l t Sn tur- A

U one le.u than ^perloui vcclc. M

^ ■ rk u liu n l openlns* re- f t^ p d ' i t the elojc of the S

Use Tctk TO openings &^ M tT-Maslc V taier-of- f t

I] ^ re BRrlcuUural W^ m a n a a rtport a suffl- M^ B if'P P llca iiU available f t

tll job openings re- S

^ W & d ln e la job open* ^^ W U U d . A total o( 410 f f

«ere on (lie In Wu of enturdov. Rtf

^ ■ t o m e ot 00 from th e ^ iryorted ihe prevloui

l / 7 v ^ '

j S .: ■: J

W b ^ --'/ a

. 18,1862 ___________________

s Grange Collects Sc

| K | | | j | | r I ;

Je a drire io r aerap Iren, w ith proeetiU from t ehalL Aboul to dump a load of scrap ther'vc ey Quewjell, Lloya Mftehtll and T m y fiulllw n r » drire for rar*> (Staff phelo*eticraTlD{|

# * ■ * J»

Men, Women Coir ner Party HangsIs ers a 'd inner party a t the ezpeue thoujle of the lo.ien. “PolnP Proceeds of the drive* v lll be dlnne

used to Jielp pay the debt on the smle Orange halL whi:)le The men were opUmlsUc. TTiey nionen figured they gathered about four en la lr tona cf ifm p. which a t a ' cent ale pound, vould bring ISO. ^

Dut the women olready haw g turned In »«7.M from the sale of g the rags they have collected, aort0 Mrs. Irvln Dodenatib, chairman of “ *?, ^- th e vomen's drive, said they have “ ‘7 ,- more rags to sell.

Murrell 6 tansbury Is chalnsaa of - the jnen'i drive. • Cat

Mrs. BodensUb said the women, as me

3 glg^gglgiag(gt{o«aslglgij- S f ^ -,11 ttp


1 EGG \e f t

■ © A m erica's Holic; m NOW A V A IU. M A T ALL M A G IC VALLIe f t

Of give EMlDr3 ^ — ■ — « i

3 ' J


" 1


m m i• o U h c e a M ^ t i s


l e r y c o m p a n y , l o u i s 'v i l l s

8 Scrap Ii’ou Cl





• -inrUtAJoseprln:chm

narr lo c:

T t leag chui 8 p. be 1 M ar M er and



the : 8 p. hout of t

from the tale of ihe acrap lo be u e d I they're collecled are, from left, Ken- H fiulllran. The women ot tbe Graoge, XI *Tlng( fe

¥ ¥ ¥ * f

lompete W ith tIgs in Balance II though, look for the men to win. §

“Point Is we’d have to eook tbe ^! dinner whoever von,” she said. «

SUU Ifs hard to figure a loser »whiehevcr drive neta the more &

' money, because both men and worn* & ' en launched Uielr eftorta Tuesday v' noon v lth a poUuck luncheon. g

Besides' gathering nearly IM »' worth of rags, the women had Ume ^

Tuesday afiem oon tb houseclean Kthe Orange hall and make popcorn xibftlls for the Orange Christmas |<parly. 9

Cakes of sa lt often have been used . as money. §


HOG Iloiiday D rink ®r 'A IU B L E §VAILEY G R O CERS A J

r i m r '

5 ■lYSLEFT ■

R C M IU M - S T R A IG H T —

mm K Y » u n o c r

/ILLS 1 , K i N T U C K Y _


C h u rc h e s S e t » C e le b ra tio n o f ^ A n n u a l E v e n t

J ““H A S S Iv a N . D e c T ll- In keep- 1 lng WlUl the Chrlitmaji sesson a ll , - 1.1 • of th e Hsgerman churches are a -3 p lanning speclil serrlces during th e ___!-J holiday »eek.

On Sunday momlng the LD3 Fl ■ Sunday school will present a Christ­

m as program. At the evening meel-

U t* under Uie direction ef M n . 1 Joseph H«}'coct. A taljtesu* by (he prim ary group will be glveti nt the chureh a t a p. m, on ClirUtmas eve. Mrs. Jack MarUn vlll be lhe

• n a rra to r and Mrs. Leland Oreen Is : In charge of lhe producUon.

T ho Junior league and Zion's league of the neorganlied LDS ‘ church will presenl an operetta a t Mt 8 p. m . Sunday. Leading parU wilt fro be Uken by Rleh&rd Conaii. LoU Pet M ario Condit, Henrietta Jenkins, No Merilou Qllmore, Lela Rae Qllmore I’v and Laura Ann QUuner. Lysle o i l - ^ Biore, Mrs. Hovard CsrUon and Mrs. Leonard CoBdlt are supervls- **” lng. *«l

A t the MeUiodlst chureh a ChrlsU ?k[i mas pageant vlll be presemed by I.*! the Sundny school snd the choir a t 8 p. m, Tuejdsy, Mrs. W. C, Cal- houn. superintendent. Is chairman of^ U i^program and Mrs. H any " '

11 [I w






F L O USH O P Y O U R \Gfi


. For a flavorful coffee lhaf's econo

IG A D eluxa D rip o r R e g u la r


O R A N G E S ! o i 2 5 L _Jombo Site F e r Chrlstii

G R A P E S _____


h e m : A R E M A G I C

T ^ T h erefT in I J I .« BT7HL « D K T O

V Crb BroUien V Die • H aik rt • . - ---------

' • FILER. .V 8 V B L R - ........................

Y Eoonemy Orceery « GOODI S/ Barley Drira-la , y 3, {

V CABTLEFORD *V O A M F o e d .S e rn t, J

• b ic L O • i ”i u ^y B bs«^ Market V Pip


HAOERMAN. I»c. 1 8 - ^ . and , Mrs. aie it iU ntiall *n<* children.

Patterson. Ctllf.,.vl&iced bU sister.Ml*. O rris Bhelby, and fam ily Bun-

----------------------— LeMoyne-Ll dlrecting-the choir,------ --—

Chrlstmns morning m a u ' vilt be celebrated at the CiUioUo church a t

fe a a . m . _____________________

'I FROZEN ORANGE JUICE !: HAKES FINE JELLYn . T o k e i O nly a F ew M in u les[;® to Mok« 8 G f a i s e ihean 1 Can FroitnOrugehe .’Juice (Osu.)U 3 '/ ,C up .W it«

. lP « las f(J i/i-o t.)M .C P . U m indJtllrPK tia

33 41/ i ^c^•tl Cup* Sugar a t M tuure lu^jf into dty di»h. Put llie lit ffojen ofangt juice, wiief, and M.C.P.)ta Pectin into kciile snd brin£ to s boil. r u Nou-, (dJ the rnoiuied su^ir, btinR ,re b«k to t w ; rollin toil, and BOIL II. EXACTLY 1 MINUTE. Remove ftom [,(] fire, Ict boil tubilde, ikim. Pbur into I ,, sterilited g lm n leivio|; ^ in c h for

»e«tin;i with fttth p in £ a M tkn .8 lix-ovace gitim . (Cst out asd lf(}>

^ Ihli fteipe.)NOTE: T il/; bem m tA t }tlUei n d

,, pTtitrrn makt ianp tn iiv t but v t l - -----lom r s ilt, l>r a j ottatloH.A extra btiib far lU i purfo it.





H O L ID A Y GOODIES '.RE CO M PLETE._______________

ivorful cup of2conomical loo. . . ^

e g u lo r


S ! ______________ l i e - 5 ’Chrlstinaa f i t e ^ o p N 1

. ______ lOe l '____3,„2S e S C



U G T^Store Near FiD t t r a f ^ ^B D P E B T

V D letrlcb HereaaUl* V Foodland • ' ................... ................... —V-MeaebMBl

V Den’i U aiV n ie r H ea t Coopany

GOODINO * SBOSnONBJ . a Painler A Co. V Economy 1

V Cffy Market ^

. . y ® : " ! * / ^ _____ .V; W ahra .F «U C H FIE L O V 8 he lb j> I

V Flper'e Market V C ardinal i



_ _ _ j k ^ " ^ ^ u E » S » Z £ ^ e

!• , \

^ ^ —




^ TESthefM

d o ing* o t y e u r

B r ^ — 4 . S to r i ;

23c 'A^ i . . , 8 9 c |^

____ 33c I

9 2 * ' [i, ■ IDA DELL . f GARDEN RUN

PEAS2 i s O K 'A C a m ^ 0 C a n


DATESnsPEACHESSYRUPS O U P 'S o o d . ,. . . . . . ,


rT o w

«dlaBdsacbais Feed Blon -«*■ Market H

IONS 'onomy Market H S ^ ^ r

f A L ^ .3se> FoodUner / , 'thTa Feed Center ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ [ P P H m m elbT^ Blarfcet. rdlniU Food MM.

I ■I'

i?S KNOW FLI~^fr- - Survty shows \


d o in g a l l y o u r shopping ^ I rt y e u r frltndly> IC A E o ^ ^ ^ S to ra ; w h t r a you ^ ^

: OtMti Sprc


^ ^ E H E S E



Payette Valley J Cream j

CORN y1 4 ' I

- H ^.RY PITTED ------

ig g c d ' cons I . U U ' L - : : -

.. . . . ....... 2 8 c ~lie___ 2 Cons 35c

life.y C ro c k e r 20 oz. ^ g P t t ite o r C hoc Pkg. < 3 9 C


N • ■ _ •


AVOR!OWS w h y SO m a n y W « s t * m ir d s l I d o u r A l b o i r O t t t n f M l r '* ^

OVT m u rtA v o t TAUUI l a B » re t h u tw o th o u s a n d W e c te ra hom es, independent faet*finders u k e d . "W hy do you p re fe r tho bm ndofoatm eiilyou& reuglnsT "

Th* ra tu lh A lbers O atm eal------- in * r iR r? ia fo r« 5 ? S l

OWN n o o i i i A}ber> Oatt ara ovcn-TneUoioed. . . the exclusive Albcro procca* aasurca you of a "loekcd'ln" soodneas no other oata can m atdi! Ye«, Albers Oata gives you nourishment p?ua llavor!SMAU eo n i A lben Oata for a family of four costs only threo centa! Westerners know bar* sains, too!

>,„and lor that otd>«m« htarlg

goodneu...M StU O ld Poshlonod ROLUO OATS — -w heretw r w e a ls art loW



N A L L E Y ' S


K e l l o g g ' s



S p r a y T o l l -C o n '

RY 2 1, '

" h r i s t m a s l* r e t __________ _ _ _

1 9 '

£ 73*

CHEER IS . 30c S^‘73c


Page 20: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

T H I J S S D A t . B j j K ^

• m u -"»«»• uS?m“ » S f 9"•“»• jSSv'Sas®i r t ^« n i 5 : i i r i J i M

V a p 35f*huTtaS

ID8 1

t s ^ ~ \ j W e h m » iu « J o m S 9

H M ». H i l / l i w M l ?

«ainn. -rHONij;:I » x 4 0 0 'i . .(U m lt 2)___ ______ ' ‘

i i i f e [

m s s j

2 E I I = , ,

j»cfiire iR ii I H ruoiiH RosEWATu B e m r u

a r2 3 » £ 2 ii5 '.

I N I N E OroT*’i . i n ____

I A ra#dlum « itt -

I I C A P S « to ______ _

N ’S . Tooth F o w d tt_ _ '||l

T T " .imo- f "MW IILT2ER B

e " » e B ^ iriicMI D / ^ ^ ^ C t o V

n l f U t e M O l

.u] ^

!_ > A G E _ T W B I ^ . _ ________

Foreign Help KimI Fund Slashes

— Certain in ’53

W A ^ O T O W . Deo. « tfl - A “ “ PW'ffductlon In United BUte* foreign f ‘ 4>e J

- bid fundi it f t to n d b r 9 m l o t JO NIghi • incomlna c o n im u n in wllUni to

take a iiin d In t n AiMoUted P r tu T® Bun'ty

Somi of thl* «0 p t r e«n t pro t« it« l .“ >‘1 * 60-

poor retuiu in tha a? blllloo d o llm Khool rAmcrlcA h u len t Its a lU u durin t .ptlbllo lithe p v t 12 y e tn . no adm it

Othen. unofif the 10 per cent, -x^gdefended.the p ro frtm u prorldlnr Junior hi.

ithe mott defenio p t r do lltr. - for th« z

TJilrly • ona i m f o r i ctUed for itudent b

forclim tld cuu in th e ir repllcf, • While Senator Langer, 11.. K D..

■ u id flatly, “N othlns for foreign ° m S

* Six houie m em ban m f ed no new 2/. fortUn m li tin o * •ppropriaUoni and HS propoied cuU, xulnit wordi

. lUce "»ev«rely" and “droatlcilly." Band i , | | |« Four tennton. some w llh m « r- . Nonna . / ' • ' vaiions. oppoied reducUoni. while '| i replies from M a en tto r t ihow td no ■ I pronounced leaa ln ia now. Only Ifl

ll lV reprc.ienlBUyei—i9 D em ocn ts and T hepo; '■ tliree Republican*—Indicated lu p - 38 million

:V port for anything Uke th e pre.ient more thaiUilj program. ?orty-two representatives -------------■ 1 1 made non'CommJtUl repUot.M B SuRRuUons Included:■ ■ 1. A complete new study of the H n whole program.■ r 3. Making loam Instead of out>■ i right granu. Am

3. ShifUnf eaphftsU from Europe J B to the middle and f a r a«st.

■ 1 4. Ending economic aid g r a n t sn f ' bu t keeping a lU tary ae ilitinca and j | . the polnl fou? program o f teclmleal ■

Among congresinen v h o men- R , tioned tpeclflo flgurea, th a m ott

popular foreign afd aura w ot four M r to fire billion dollan.

'ijil Emerson Citizens Travel, Entertain

I H | EMEItSON, Deo. IB — Mr. and - I H U rs. Spencer Toone and daughters I I have relum ed from visiting h it par* i n enu, Mr. and Mrs. 3 , M dvln Toone,I l n In Toronto. Canada.IIH Mr. and M n. Ray O off and chll- f> " dren spent l u t week-end In Salt

B ta k e City.

. M n. R. X. CorU u and aon have relum ed flvra Jtlohmond. Hfah. w hen they had vltlled Mr. and Mrs. .

A. J. Afeoilenhall and family. AMr. and U n . A. L. Oulllet and / e

ehlldren left Monday fo r Oortet. m a l Oolo., after visiting he r sister, Mrs.

;< ZJouglas Coleman, and family.'I* Mr. and M n. Albert McAxseo have i J H II- n tu m e d to Darlington a fte r a t- f o P M I ' tending funeral aervlcea for M rt. § m m f&

MyrUe MeDonald. I /M u M

i Activities Reported I l i i im w , Deo. 18 — Mr. and Mra. I i I m W

III, n oyd D nney have noved to Mosei I f n i l I ta k e . Wash. y S M■ I Mr. and M n. I>. & M offett and ■ i daughur epent U it iiM k>tnd ta ■ f PocaUllo. w i n

Mr. and Mrs. Leo D an» and Mr.* and Mrs. Ed Dana spent lo s t week- ^

. end In Ogden. ^•Sf Mr. and M n. *Uls Soden ftre rls-

Itlng their ion, David Soden, In ' Washington, d T 0 . ' ‘

b a r Foods and K » b b l t Feeds.Olobe Seed mod Feed C o . - A d T . _________


■ i^ v - • '

Kimberly Chorus, Rui g Band Will Give . a ■o Holiday Pageant

- K m B E R L y. P e o n » ^ A ~ o H H ie y an w u V_ t m u p a g iin t unfolding tb e ito rle i and eon•iim of the blrU) of C h rlit t n d " T w m Christ it 10 the Night Before C hrU itniaf will be and ton

to presented a t fl:30 p m . Bunday In At 8 Ir t u Kimberly h igh Khool Brnrna- turlng <

slum, fea turln i a 130>volce chorus held a tIted ‘ SO'pIece band. der the nnd, _ '5 i e dlrecUr^ D gn_nj5trHb)f,Jll«h.la n Khool muslo instructor, said the mely cl■ing .pdbllo U Inrlted and there will be choral i

no adm lulea charge. ^untor < snt. T he high school chorus' and the

Junior h l jh fohool chorus will join At th«for the program, supported by the ■ prpgnstudent band. Bunday

John D. Sims will narrate “The ,'1^"C hrlstm u Story." the itory ef th e “eoming cf ChrUt os told In the books ®hl*of St. Luke and S t. M atthew of th e ^ > 7 , «

AM ®»>le - featuring a c u t of 14 In Kfl? ?• ,Ubleaux and carols by th e chorus. j

Band muslo wlU be featured u church s,«r- l^orma Je tn MoAllUUr narraU s i,htle " T w u the N ight Before Christ* ue ,- -phno b t beldIfl ---------------------------- wiU be

m d 77}epopuIsUono/2r}Ulfllnc3u^ei of theup- 30 million females, o rer IH million directionent more than the num ber o t males. denu

the I ^ nT f

>ut* JK F W Sw

I t s M

" r 7 M / T )lott H W m ■ jur p r

:n ' I H H | H : Pnd - I B U l B l t l B i i i i

ir* l ] l | | J | f lne. •

ill-a lt

irt. I f f l M f l N



m\EiVRS enhance t

at Boarbon Taste o f

^ h i c k o k t— nuimBOTIMOII*“®

5 T ------------------ ------------------------------------

s, Rupert Churcjbes ] Annual Ghi’istma

a n t RUPERT. Dec. I8 -S a n U Claus Tht *11] be a .g u e it a t m ost of the tm dn

w u tJ - a iU f« n in irR u ije n -c n m ia iu w e e k ; be h) itorles and commenwraUon of tha birth o f choir, T w u Christ will be atressed in pageant U h ffill be and eong. ........ , ta t*

In At 8 p in . Bunday a p ro p am fea- WUia Tnna- turlng the cherubic oholr will be of th' chorus held a t the Methodist ehurch un - Thi

der the dlnctlon of Ray Llnard. held • high Sunday achool su p e m u n d en t . PrU i Ih l' w D rf f lM K B T n fiT iir a o ip iB -» ia r - n S .(U be choral speaking and aong and the . n i

Im lo f d e p a r ta sn t will p r f« n t « gundi J y j j pageant. .jj,,I join At the ChitsUan church Sunday of Qt. y the ■ program will be p reu n U d by the — —

Bunday ichool children a t • pjn.~XhB The Baptist'church program, con- ^ f th e il*Ung of recltatlone and songs by ' books U’e children and the ChrUtmaa , if th e *^>7 In pantomime by the young i u In P<0PIB- *Ul be beld a t 8. o'clock u m t Ohrtstfflu eve.

The three wards of the LD8 church are planning Christm as pro. grama In addlUon to other actlvl- Uei; The f ln t ward program will b t beld a t 7:30 p ib . Tuetday and wm be praiented by tbe children

Ju^ei of the p iim tiy Auociatlon under ‘ ilUon direction o t Viola Fairchild, presl-81. denu_______


i W '

____ i

% . U - . S - r

Iance §

ste o f ' ' ^ 1 I

D ^O R Y « i

-------------i f l. 1

...............TIMES-NEWS. TWIN, I

•ches Prepare for ristmas Celebration K

Claus T he second wtrd program will ^ «u] , if the Wvdw.dirfcUon of_li»?.>aA.fn«.W)jl halL i I wedc. be held i t 7:30 pan. Monday; The wUl <lrU) o t c ho ir,' under dlreeUoa of Mr*. ZU' will I ■ageant U h Humphrlei, will p r u e n t a oan- t

ta ta at. 7:S0 pJS. Sunday. Mrs. ..v , m fea- WUlard Haywird wUl have charge v- m * irllt be 0* the tableaus. .:h un - The third ward p ro p im will be moiuc Llnard, held a t 7 p.m. Bunday. tnact

—lh,4U v.-V /llln a h ah» of th a . i i-------At.sembly of Ood church announces progr.

nd the infonnal C hrU tm u program V0U0 | sent « Sunday evening. tharn

T he Rer. F ither H. X. R eltm an progri Sunday of Qu N lcholu'C athollo church a n - be hj

I s tm uyoung

o'clock i ^ S S m


acllvl-mlyalldren under ‘preil- -• I I 'y y i


J f ' L A S T M I ]


M O M TU tfferCfir& ni I WALORIIN'S I!


i l >h{ I wheel toyi fiI J e ' L o u m

S-Ib. CHOCO LA TES ^Thrill the family with B uhI / s ^ t wonderful aitortment in m m p y Cliriilmas box f o r . . JL N

• T o y S u r p r i s e s L

^ ----------- ^ ^ V V - * R A I D S " --------1 -16H " doll with tuuAoM^ hoir.Dretted io nightie and A U ’ tucked m cute cradle.. . . W ^ .

WRECKER TRUCKTool chesti in tide hold cx lra tires, jack, wrenches. 4 4 9 more. Hood iif it hiRh. . . I — j

IB-!n. CARRY T O Y S -.T ,Adonble dollt o r cute onimali ! in pUitic ■119

_________m tnU ikcU L sS-tfJ/ii___ I — ------- : -

• G l a m o r '

■ “ “ T W H D IA T trD U o " ISil>Y(y*ribbon links Lcnthrrir r Bouquet io6 « t . box of ATK H eeenlcd Body Powder.. . . L ! Z m

C H A N T I U Y C o n a g t -Lac^Iove]y Houbigani P tr fu n t H show ote-boxed with a 48 B ■ ^i'ii>M bolidsy c o r t t f t . . I ~ * ■

M A X F A C T O R T R I O u |--------- T o matth.Jlff'celoriBg::Rourek------- H

Faee Powder. Indelible A |0 ■ L'pttick In glamor b o x .. L "~ ■

% - L j : |

. TffINfAI,LS.:iDAHQ .._ nouncea tteaU for the ehlldran a t eve. .

l l * 11 o o . Saturday In the pan in haU. a mTlie A ltar society women will bold Thi

■ A M * Potluak dinner and gift ocehasie ; ^ lL O n a t 7:S0 pxn. Thuisday. At 8 pjo. ^ U c

. , Monday the DoBalet club memben w ip W wm exdhiflie |U U a t the paiWimdwlll IialLDie.UiUil m*“ MOiiir . ^ e wUl be celebrated and low m au Rbear*. ZU- will be celebrated a t 8 i jn . and a <* ous- t Bfll. OhrUtmU. - in U

Rw rganued LD8 chureh will T b t hold a O hrlstm u reiper sen lctSunday evening. The profram will chur<

be inoiude a chorus with a pantomiae Donenacting tbe birth of Ohrtst. Oood

iia .jU - -A t-f l-p jB .J 3 u n d ay -a -C h rU tP U . 0 4 -Jounces program will be presented by the opnyrogram young people of the Trinity Lu< aingu

ihcrtn ohurch. The Sundsy eohoo! for teltaian program, with 100 participating, wlU dl««'rch an- be h^d at 7:30 o'clook ChrUtmu organ

E @ W 0 W 0 W ^ l i @ ^ l t @ W 3 W

N ^ ^ f e r - f l

r M I N U T E I i

iifilESTIONS ] IW a e g x e e tO A ^

a t d r a r l l l m i a s t i i v p l i i s l O R I I N 'S i s O P C N IN O , N O O N , N IO H T . '

) a r * s v N i M y ; t o o l ! ? § ; f

C H R I t T M A S T O Y S I T L e a d « d w l l k C a n d y ! ~ - «PU itlc SanUi, eute reindwr. rj!* ^

W h l » m p i i ' i S a i t | | i I i r ______^ ------- psnrounjld^ashloned-hndmn-------- ^

chocolates, fru il. earaiiifl, ) A ^ and ertam cenlen. Peuiid m ^

I • T o P l e a i e a S

I S " — 1 — f f l

H H Iex lra

I V E IV E T -.1 P I p tW PH I*»YS - - SmooM P;#oiur*fp . » ; •

i l l s ! C O RIN LARKS, box o f SO .


j R O I-T A N BANKERS, b o K o f^ l


I RALEIGH TOBACCO, 1.4 o « . t


I S EDGEW ORTH, n o d y lu b b c d , I

s S HIS FAVORITE CIGARSS w » Old Coldi,.Philip Morrii..Raleigh

..Luckiti..C»mtli..Oie»terfields. ClFT-WHAP CARTON O F 2 0 0 .. .

agt -H ^ P W W ^ H n i

f l ! W M i ^ l U r B a

RIO 1 ^

H E B S H1 “

Idran at eve. A ChrUtmu day aentee a t U U «u « u 5 . ’ 'in ■*rill hold “n ie apostolic rite of confirmation ^K i e will b e ^ l d in TOnlty Mtmerlal J*? 8 ^ tpucopal chunh by tpe Rt. Ret.

am&M A. Rbaa. BduS. bUbop e l [" S S h S S o . a t t om . foUowed tn tJj8 ih-nata jaoriM^oLJloIj'.SOini&uiilWi.SU^P. _ nw man Rbea wUlSl celetnnt and epeake.jn. and a ChrUtmu pafAut will be bald itu<

in tha tplaoopal chureh Deo. U. tpprth will T1« church aohool. th l .AcolyUa nuu wrvlct fuUd aod the yeuai people of th i ^

tm WUl church, under thl dlreoUca of Mri. itomiae Don Wilkinson and Mr*. RodDty Ooodman, will pn ttnt th i patiaa t.

i ru to u The pageant li arran iW -ia-ttH __br the congregation partlelpalti in tAi

li7 Lu< alnglnt of ChiUtou.earflU. Uutlor Lhoo! for the poffiiflt will be under th iing.wUl dliMUoa of U n. Oiorgi Hawk, uiirlitm«« organUt and choir muter of TOnltar L .

' W M M C V TRIMS TO I ADORN T H I a i r r s

] ............ .. i

« o . Y « l M l l b k i a l n 4 l l | 'GaU aii't of nuny kIndivV |Seals ft T «it peck S i& IO l «W n p . P a H f p w i t l f l « i 2 6 l j

, GAY TM E TR IM S. ? - POIL i c i c i i t i h e I

l.v.-' Fireproof! P ictap I w M « ■:g ;.n FOIL ROPING O E c « < • ^

Fireproof metallic *WI TINSEL GARUND A Q e

^ 1 ^ Red & tilveMiiver. 18'. ■f®

. S i t o f S M g M sT o D ick i h t T r n

Wwtfo’j String of. W;Af uper ^

!l?L 59^ '* 2 « eA m lco B U L B S 2 fo r7 e

M agic FLASHER Plug 2 5e

ur*f Smol:®r«/ .'• * A.mildff lobictowiih ____

f 2 ^ m ry a -b iic .-p W ... .9 2 ^ (

iG A R s r j r a s K T a r Z s s ^ ” ? ! 'box of s o ...................6 5 0 V •

ECONDS,jioxof S 0 ^ 3 .S O J ^ 5»RS, box o f 5 0 ................ 4 ^ 2 5 / !

LLOS, b o x o fS O ....... 1 ,8 5 yCO, 1.4 0*. t i n _______ 9 3 g 1%

: C 0 , 15 oz . tin ............. 3 9 ^ j r

idy rubbed , Ib ...............1 , 2 9 l l

E C lG A R iT T E S K!orrii..Raleighi..KooIi Vhettcrfields. . q - U .


— .........- . - ' THtms p /

• a t a M BaorUl sburch, Rupertc, •n« Rir. Carl W. Adimi uurm^yoj, Douncw » Chilitznu prognutj at ».

F S s?.""" “““ ^

b* h ild etudinti a t thi t ; n l r i i ^ f i5S2 «PP«*«d la ihi annual w iJoffiS m u caodlilight eooeert g iS Pci.

of M n. ■'lioaoty CHRISTMAB CARD8 1

— ^Sd!in{S*^rar^SpHlal Uuugu

d g th l J , H lL L 'fl GIFT SHOPU U ira u k .A l^ t M-iijM

T M M m V , H IM V , ufiiit t — ■ lo j main n. •

r o T I S S U E S . & ■



D _ flL K A -S E L T Z £ R :a . j;;^_

5 S HALO B ' fiLYeiRil I » I S H A M P M B rosEWATU

6 . | . p s 6 y f l a r 2 y



19* f ' " • .'TIT ‘I-1 IM UVM B BnOHO- i MFIMII B ULT2ER

m • M o m W a n l i U w

f lf “ li. y | g ' i-Cup Ptreelator

^ s H i S l S ' 8 1> N U T B O W L S E T l | g

For the nut-cncking season—• 7"Aotrf/nickeI-pUted • _ f M m

m ct« r and four/Irli..

I t ! GIv» "D A R K f iY B r ~ ^ S 2 5 c "

I diroot

j |C H R /SrilA S/*TA »T/m #lfo r FAMILY PHOTOSl * | S M

I . -Sto^clc^^Up " l" W |

J • Y o u r^ C h ris tm a s T ree t ' ^ ■ S

' F L A S H J l

B U L B S i Hy Famouf Brands , '*

/ [ . . , p r i f d rlghU

I I I Lecki

2i j - . T O A MAM’S U

Y I U O . B O I * P I P I S ^H oney<ured bowls iMrt »w«J. m o k t sweet, sloy 4 BQ-OSO iw eetl Choice at. I — * — “


epeciRl at on ly--------- • *

Cl® A R B ni CAII ®"r«_ H o ld ! . lull W j r i U y i n K ____

U r paek» kogm e l fjuSlii^ Lo*. all m ettl case.............. ■’ . ^

> r “ C I G A R E m r f ® ^- | T Dunhill

I--.--. t iM lIO c iy > u l» p'••i-.'J New ihort loe or f«-* •,

Page 21: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

V fRo:mlm x r e a s t«ini«i s»<

§ Cob C o m r

1 1 M ix ed V e g e l

A s p a ra g u s n"

( S tr a w b e r r ie s

' ice C re a m ■»


I h e r r ie s

I a t in m i■mJIrppsiK^ ■lilt ClustersH n k *

MixedH M b r a z i l n i

1 1 ^ W A L N U T S

■ PE A N U T S I


. 4 3 ^ -



1 9< -- P i

rn S - j : ; : . '," ” ' ' R i

V e g e ta b l e s r r r - ^ ' T S . 1 9 / R(

gusw M*i“' ''"' io«i.pv#. Si B rrio s t” i f toil*!. G r

a m Aiwfttd rlovan ^ 4 3 > ! Co

5 Effect!

m m r tm s a A s s o K r iA E H T i

h ^ Roxbury, Richi a v ChKoIals C ovtnd Ib. bo

H i m HIohMt Quality,W l l # \ Auorlsd Flavon Tb

“"■r25i? ChotrDrops floVB ■*s:49>? Krunthies S?;.-:;

Caramels S 2 »': * -.29?' Marshm'lows'

l e d N u t s ~ . 8 5 i (

; i L N U T S » . u . . t S 5 <

N U T S C S u . . . ■ ^ 3 9 /

l U T S S s , . . » . 3 5 » f

ED P E A N U T S : s r - » > 3 5 <

J3 j^ — C ashew s f . W S i . 7 « : 5 5 *

J9 j^ - A l r a o n d s & w . : 4 9 /

118,1552 .....

a i m m i s v ^ s s v m i c m


. P i c k l e s WjlcTriwHl 34 01

R ip e O liv e s

R e U s h r i -

S w e e t G herk ins h....

G r e e n O liv e s ; “ r ™ ' 7 . .

C o c k ta i l Sauce

tive ThuT P r™k I J C-r»«rt,Unv


f B e l - a i r

G r a p e ,

G r a p e f i

« W A « P i n e a p |

M T o m a t o

C o f f e e

m O F P a r a d e

I5-A0£«14ra------ ’ -----------

2 3 9 CranI‘ Ocion Spre

- ; WhoUorSt N0.3CM

2 9N u t - M e a b

W h ip p in g C

D re s s in g S

A Q ^ C ock ta il

i b . b o x H - 7 ; " P i n e a p p l e !

/ M a r g a r in e !

. N o b Hill

LxkafT.CW 3 1 « ^Uv.Ptanm ■•!. « ^ 4 / r

i - a p - p l i

11| £ nrffitu O Q j f P oiturlied' <5="°"........

j p

M o o n b e a m ^!■ , SentaHonol %5 / _O K "r_______

5 5 < --------

3 9 /

l E1

? T i i 3

g ! f e ! : L : . u . C T i j i a : L m i i » . ; i - j

f foobs foi> SID E D

« . . 4 9 / S o u p l ' t S r -

NR can 2 5 / B e e ts n ^ d i c j

II . . . 2 5 / G re e n B e a n s c T '

n ,. , . 3 3 / U m a B e a n s i» .u .

7 . 1 4 5 / D iced C a r r o t s ,u,..

u . . . 2 3 / M u s h ro o m s

ursday/m m ] p l

o i r L e m o n a d e c.‘.V.'tn,..d

s e J u i c e

j e f r u i t J u i c e IwtdatNolurat *

l a p p l e J u i c e LaUnl l|

a t o J u i c e_ _ Alrwoy, T k . Weili'» M»il C C Papular CefrMrlofor", J - “farD iA n.r l a e Laufttfry"

anberries DAn S p re y , ) FrM h Callfoia o r S a u c e V l / / < D tse rt 4 o .3 0 0 c a n A t r < 3 1 b .g lH t

IC d tS WoimlH U u . O f f J W U r l

i n g C r e a m » , i .3 7 < ^ C h e e s e

«g S S T m , , „ . 3 3 / V a n Z e

i l £ ' i 7 r t ' : » „ 3 3 / E g g s i - ;

p lB ? „ a ' - C i „ . 2 5 / C r a c k e r

r m e F iw T ^ 'n j ^ . 3 3 ^ P o p Coi

ill AtASmtns" 1 8 6 / D in n e r I

l i - C o H e c t C ; ’ » 9 1 / . B a p e i J


H " L Z . . 7 5 c 6 ! ^

--------------------------------------- i --------------

npkin « y c g n s ^


'or your fe;BE DISHES" . . . . . 3 f o r 3 3 / P u d d in i

Ml N l.M )ra- 11^ M fn c o I

! J e l lo ^

jH ild . N>. 101 ara 1 5 / P i e Fnii

ts rk m 't Ni.S01« a 1 3 / C h e r r ie !

1 7 / C ru s t Q

r, Friday,''"o BREAD I H p

. 1.1 • » . , 1 5 / T h is X m a i

O w n - R

1.-.1 « . L » . 2 5 T O J

2 9 < T U i

« . . . 2 7 / H E h^ 7 9 < ---------------

3 0 / ___ | jfl,, w „ i (

)A T E S1 Californio Shank Pilb.giHbox l i r Centers

i r t r P o t a t o 6 r S f ^ C s r 3 3 ?— “/

l e a s e r i . » , 5 9 / (

a n Z e e ^ w 7 9 «

ig s i l '!S . ,u 7 1 '*

a c k e r s PanyCrciLan . ^ 3 3 / , (

gp C o m r , '> ^ r .v u . . I . . 2 0 /

in n e r N a p k in s l s ; S « , 1 4 /

i p e i J o w e l t . « . » - i r » » - 1 9 / ---------

Popcorn Balls

6 hr^'" 29c :: '.................... i . „ ■■ <

No. 303 can

i 5 - / | -



w W li ipi

festive fareDESSERTS

u d d in g s 49/ l i n c e M e a t a » „ ..„ 3 5 / lilo s r : ' • 3 fo r 25/ i e r a i i n g i r S . . 2 fo r 15/ l e r r i e s f r* ;,L r « . » „ 19' u s t Q u ic k £ S . . . 19/ _______________________ J

Y, Saturc

ruRX m a s E n jo y a R e a d y -to -C o o k

ren-Ready Drested orfd Diw

OMS lb.59 ENS lb.63jhamO jU td*«I Chritlmoi Olft, Amoor'i IK«rt ’ I

thank, luy n.«m WhtU or n*u fc

/hole OT Bult Piece jb. 5 9 / E hanic Piece Ib. 4 9 / m enter Slices lb .98/ 3

f^B U Y T H tM ^ BYTHBeAS^

Large Fancy Naveli

7 ^ 6 2 9 - -

m p aW — G o ld e n

R ip e


M ISCELLANEl . . 4 9 / O y s t e r s r r * “

» 3 5 / S h r im p S l i '

t 2 5 / f l e e t M ix s r

i r 1 5 A F r u i t M ix

» 1 9 M S u g a r i r r '

. 1 9 ^ R a is in s S -Jr™ ,

irday, Su

l i c iC o o k T u r k e y - N o r b e s t A G ra d

ID to iM ' N «w Y

5 9 ^ T O M S

5 3 / H E N S

Beef Roast ChSc Link SausageF r e ih " A " Grarryers c u t u p , R eody Sliced Bacon !

- , - v - T - Y - r ^


% ^ oy4n ar0A M ktLBUrTHBAABtf ,


I LargB Fancy Novels .

c a r t o n ^ ■

B a n a n a s I Avdc

5 o l d e n , L - C vB p T - i b r i s ^ • i r ,

1 ’ -


^ j | I

AHEOUS H 1 3 f o r 1 . 0 0 ■ 1

. . . 3 5 / ■ i

. - ^ 3 7 ^ I I. , . . 3 9 / I I

ISl 2 «27 I I< > . 6 5 / I I

Sunday |

N s \G ra d e G u a r a n te e d t o P l e a s e 1

I W Y o t f c D r a U a d . |

I S I b 4 9 / I S I b . S S ^ ^ iU. 5 . Good and I L 7 3 c * C h o ice ,rW b C w t I D * * ^

ge /wr k Ib. 65c ik " G rad e, O f i ^ WR eody for th e P a n — E A . Y O C ®

n ag auDirtr lb .4 5 > < |

BUY W£M •s iJ

Large Foncy N o v e lt )

‘ 4 3 r |

A v o c a d o s S k J S :

P o t a t o . i ' ^ ' - ’^ N ' C S i i l K i , -

' ' i .: r


Page 22: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

V f 1 |


^ B

o |

— R eg.I!.!ll,r. ■ l i

; UMPS mI lampi for ta l UU« j o t b ^ V ChrUtniu llH. Ia nd ud ftnd KR«n, ;eU»

em udBjr »l Sean. ^ B

• ^ 1


NY HOU«WU ■ . <


.. 2991

TUES. A phon^^B

^ I S . i m ^

f '■j j » .....^! i f SP O T BEAM

( FLOOR UMP .17.50 - - M


SUel w ith b n w -p U te d finish l l l l nexlble a m h u ipnyed flnlih . M V . - . ■ J With 18-Inch cooU«ih»de.Bwlt«h ^ W . - , S I I workt M th a t rou m ar u*« ona ' 'H U |h l or both. Cotnblnei cm&rt* ^ B \| | |P n e u a n d infornialltr. Beveral ^t j ■ ' colora to choow from. _ ■ . .

Jjll^ *wy


2 - P I E C E S' Matching Fringed Trim

j— : F T g a r e d " F r i 5 z e " e D v e r -----------------------

i n H a r m o n y H o u s e D a w n G r a >

, Meal for today'i modem home# and im all apartmei Closfd-ann atyle, hardwood legs. Comfortable,-1 . . . Ubs nnt-lfu gprlnRt In bolh the seat and ba Thick Insulnllon pftflduis.

j - ., . I . .

■ -

8 .1 9 5 2

w w ^ w

VI M k

M ' - ' E S\ 1

4" ■ -i


' W ‘ PLATFOR■ F " REG U LA R 6 4 .9 5^ W ' ' ' ' y ‘'r D ow n G roy . M in f ^ B '. V.'< G ro e n , C h e r ry Rod Pla

V a- ' S a m e C h a ir in S m art Friex

. B ■.. • .- 'I 'l D ee p c o ll s p r in g s in s e a t c I b e r iz e d h a ir .

V ^V ;


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3wn Gray | “ I "

O N -S E A R S IE .,e aeat and back. PA Y M EN TS 0

1 5 .0 0 D ow n, 10.0(

^ --- , Latex


h | ^ » 5^ 'i jj prlcelcureluiAliDnl

WjKf^' 1 rocker has a loam r

**" hnVdwod frame.

{ O t M c l k a o z - ^ o a Z ’ / r u m e y S c u

T i l

I i. iP/i*' J

* ” F ^ 3 7 * $ 7 5 9 P * P f ^


TFORM ROCKERC O 8Sy Rod — P la it ic ^ 0

n S m art Frloxo, R eg . 6 9 .9 5 ........ .. .........6 4 . 8 1

in g s in s e a t a n d b a c k . A rm s e a c h w ith ru t

DNAl ,

i n - S e a r s : e a 5Y _____ * -i^YMENTS O N LY M S f . iI D ow n, 1 0 .0 0 M o n th M m \

Latex FOAM RUBBER ‘ ' fri

Platform f Es R O O a R - t f

s 5 9 ’® ® ^Ix^a low-cost luxury In terms of elcas relaxivlionl T tiafa bccame thla :er has a loam rubber seat and back• non-WBjupportlD J iprlnfs, Stronff______ F j P•dwcxi frame. ^ • "

u»cey ae£' :SEIIR5 4(I

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L

• •

W M M * W ~ t Y \ ~


9.88 ML...... 64.88 M ^)ch w ith rub-

I f *

y s n / 'M l/ USE YOUR f f l ■

H ----------- — P T — 1U Aik about Seara W ^-M , . d H Credit PurthaM U B Bw B Coupon Hooka. . . m m . . .m ITie Ihtm juxt Ilka ^

cash In a n r jK W B R«q.I B department! j B m M ^W k . . A s m ?.'* ^

^ d S S S B l^ M Houm apron

* centei

^ B S S g g j g ^ m * Btalni-k p


t ' ' r ien ty of ilorewlde I' v I -s parklnr loU for V ■ •

jouT tM itttilent* \^ ne tlrketi. no I '

_ _ ^ ^ L w a lU n f l___________ I *____________

mLgrdr '

— ^


. FREE FounlUnt(


OPEN ' 403 Main. Ave.

I N F A L L S . I D A H O ___________________

IJ K * A tf ti/iA ffl I


RECLIIi Ceiling Price' 103.42

9 .0 0 D O W N8 .0 0 M O N T H

Dealfned to td d to th t appearance of rour Uvlnc

'* v ^ ^ B room. Each ono la aolldlr . . ^ H conatrucUd to give yean

. . : ^ H of aervlce . . . and thickly ' padded to t teaUul tllUne

'E ‘ K ^ l comfort. Remtm ber loo . . ,■ > furniture prlcea are always

’ Vi i “ *■

'■ 'y '. '-g B

'rM., Plastic or Frieze I-W • ' In Green or Browng Frieze in Grey or

r a ^ ’r



Chrome SetT a b le 3 5 x 4 8 inchcs

i 1 1 0 ‘Inch L ea fk f t 4 H ea v y P o d d e d C ho irs ^

in R eg. 1 1 6 .9 5 I

, f ^ - 1 ^ 9 * 8 8 —g 1 1 .0 0 D ow n, 1 0 .0 0 M on th

a W ith . 2 1 0 - in ch leavesI R tg . 1 2 4 .9 5 , now H 9 . 8 8r Big plasUe top Jn tlve Harmony r HouM colora. 3-lneh aluminum ,

apran on table and maichinc i t center leaf. Genuine plastic U b lt f ,

top exteremely retljlan t to heat. U aialni, acratchlng. Waahable vinyl plastic on chalra.




Biurd:atruct:enamim ake<]oor^



2 2 5 0 IG le c m in g W h ite

. Two doon are Intulated for IquleUr opening and cloalne. I

F ourilurdy shelve* for auppllea. jH anjer hooka for brooms, mopi. L X >»»«per in ilarsc .lu lU U ngth '* - ••• •-•'••»P»ce. Exlra storase apace. .........

S iT 'T IL 9:00 P.K Ave. W . PLENTY



fil»3WN I I I\O N T H ^

I to th tmr llvlnf ^ — - r —la aolldlrIvc yeara , 'Id thickly f ci\ tiiune y b „e r l o o . . .re ^

r Frieze Covers U 1 9)r Brown PlasticGrey or Green M ^

Bf ’ I s J l t f i l

.8 8 / l - l T ^ j | ^ 2nony n III I t tinum / / I I '^D&T!Sm S Shlne / / It Ii»bia / / I \ J r nheat. U III \ l lvinyl W { / / n %



2 S 9 5 ^^ • W a ln u t Finish ' ^

Biurdy'apouweided ateeT 000-” ' 'atructlon. A t t r a c i l v # brown Menamel finish . . . bnkcd on to m |make it touRh, durable. Slrong B |door hinges and catches. Hand’’ ^ Bahelf a t top for hai^ d ({

3 P.M. FRI., SAT.,e n t y o f free P,

. t h t o s p a ^

w i i t i s mlo u n g e

Q l

PKne«niis CHnon —Reg.I!TABLE UM

Beautiful flgurlnt lampi for nd the Udy on rour ChrUtniu lltt.

' green, chartreuae and green, jel ' and black. See them today at Se

-------- SOPA-BED^__________________ ______ . f l

Salem Mople L3 0 .0 0 Down, 1 7 .0 0 M o n th ^

S o fo o pens 10 7 2 x 4 « . ln to W * p o r fm c n t. S o fa -b e d o n d tnp e b b le c lo th . W id e a rm reijs „


Page 23: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

Iffl1 ) 0 0 W o rth (

I ' m

^ L ; ■.


SPECIAL PJ u s t I n T i m e F

' H B

Silvertone CoDeuble your p lm urc with a R«llo-Phono«raph. Notice 1 *<Ie]u« Ml- fMiurej you se t i*Tf Wt prtjMf Urge tM e«..ll£hl«llw ea*ler#U U oni




l i H k n v r i j y l

B i / K 1 * I j *

6 6 . 8 8

'^AutotetnrSm^j-^yj [I™ Tub Holds Giant

Jj'f Asitator Cleans

S f f i ! H a s 28

Sj"!’' P""'P Drains Tl

‘V U i j L j M

th o f Kiddies Rec


^ , | | i n r k

l p u r o Ja s e ^i m e F o r C h r i i f m a t I

3 Console RadioI with a compact 1 ^ A , 9 5 Notice the many l O V you se t a t "ordln. 5.OO Down 'Bff a itl a.W M m ibitAUon Bciectlon. Simple tunlnc.


IB.M Down H l j l '. ; ' e ® o " S.00 Month D | w ^

'■3 W o r i n

Giant ^ \ '

cans * __■•

las 28 I- ' IjSfl^Bn

ins Tub •

ES.1952 .

■ (

I r z i T z i ^

lecords At No E:

^ with the pu

I ^W Kiddie

| P H C

■/ V\ ^ —--1

• U. L. Listed—Comp

Give th e p r e s e n t w ith 0 ho. m ost r e a so n a b le p r ic e to g t T h e a ll w ood lo c k -s e a m c a s n u rsery f ig u re s o n p la s t ic . 1! reco rds a re a ll p ro v e n fovoril



6 ^ N n<P * w * > ^ . V >

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^* 3 ^ imim ^

, j X J : W

W i i .... ..^ H l ^ n \ ' hoiI B y V n v tc«

hei\ . - »n<

fM m o fu y ^ a e ^ ’ ^


Extra Cost

purchase of a

^ v e A i S i u .

lies' Gift


) 1 3 «

!!ompleteIy safe for children

0 h o p p y tu n e fu l fu tu re o n d th a to g th is s id e o f th e N o rth Pole!

m c o se is c o v ered w ith im p rin ted itic . 15 p re -se le c te d 7*inch p la s tic fovorites. ^ v e today l

C o m p a c t A M

R R a d i o - P h o n oH - V d u e - p r k e d o t S so rs

I n its ' 9 9 .8 8I Our bwMt prte*d concoU IhotI It detlon«d to (U M o imallI apartm *nti or hornet. Th* bui*«I inrodiooet anienna brinot clear*1 •r.moredeflnedreceplioA.Youll l l like Iti bondiom* Mahogany ij' veneer cabinet oil hand rwbbtd J >0 a w liny unooth flnUu


r e i T “^ • M * to l c o b in i t , b row n ;.1JJ e r Ivery

H a n d -T o o la d S a d d la iOiled. Antiqued W axed Leottier_________

Ties. IM.18 0 0 QQ J .C . IllBBln*------------7 7 . 0 0

M d»bi*^e u * ^ m , o r m i lr«». »w«IIM hand

— b»«t> M *.«t>«nl_________

Saddle Blankets ‘f Cofcved iodton 5 ^ * '

When >tni **<iaie-up, f ire your hone lhe be it underwddle pro- t«l!on. Clcif*. th i t t venTe. he»»7 nap slvei more comfort and protection.

: m


% m / 4‘ « / j ^ i A i I

^^31A Com pItU Bath Enttm ble •

Bafhroon• C e tt tron• Porcelain Enertiet• Quality Trim

M o d e r n l ie your ba th ro o m w ith e n s e m b fe ! Heavy po rceJo in 5-<

h o In . v itre o u s ch ina lova tory . Q ■le! d u r o b le sco t, e d tic

8 ' ; ' ; 1 * "i

r t k . "■ i

■n•y Homart Electric

Table-Top Heater

4a-amion____ 1.119.95P .rt.I .ln «ni»WJ tikl. m ii'.l'*■ (•d tr li lo'lo. )<l(h. •ii>. at >11 . ■tandard •l»M. tlidii lAd (ibln.K.Til. I.P .u>t cmU Ca>rtnl..d t rmit.

r " r j-A . " . ' -s. ■- ~ r' ; BD ■

: i • i .

, , . [ ■

" i Z t e f c l L . "




17 ^ . s .•,« n -u a X fX /

9 ^ | i 3 i a 5 | |

W lI ilB

I j H

m bit . . . At Sear* R educed P rlee l

o m Outfits 179.95

im w ith t h i s h o n d so m e H o m a rt b a th 'o in 5 - f o o t recessed tub . Big 22x)8- ;ory. Q u ie t r e v e rse tro p to ile t w ith

J Seon h youf heodqiw fl—~ tartfofalltrpeiofpumpt

ond pump paiU. . . •jla^•ver you n««d fo* youf w o te r ly ile n , buy « l S«erf, Koebudi ond Co.


5.;;; E A S Y P A Y M E N T S

- H — H o m o r t F o u c e t s —

j;; /'- . W i th M ix in g Sw ing Spouts

N o w O n ly ... ........7 .9 5k '- - | Chrome-pl*t«d b r w Homart^ 1 JauceU of WshMt q u i lU y .U ] r ia n s e s &re adJuiUble to III any^ 4 ■tondord wall mount alnk.

H — - H o m a r t - t o e l —

[ ; S h o w e n

11 C h r o c a e 'p lo f e d H xtvres

j: ' 5 9 .9 5, Enjoy Iho 1«w y ood correrf*

! enco o f o M porota thowerj .. cabinet in yovr bathroom, bot**1! Hwnt Of eottope o t moderote:j • coitl AAodem deiign cabinet^ j wilh smooth, rounded comenI i b com poct,’r«<}ulr»f only 32x*

32 InehM of floor ipoce.

r ~ r E l e c t r i c W a t e r

H e a t e n

With 5 - Y eo r G yoran te®

G a l lo n ............. 9 4 .9 5H o m o r t e lec tr ic w o te r he o t- c r w i th g a lv a n iie d ta n k t h o t w ill resis t ru st, corro-

__ ______ s io n - O u ta f - jo tk c U s i in is h :—e d in g lo ssy w h ite b a k ed e n o m e l. U nderw riter Lob- o r o to r y (nc. opproved . A

..........— f in e - o c p e n d o b le . w o t e r' h e a t e r a t S e a rs b udge t-

p le a s in g pricc!



• ; r




I*rleel D li t ie i W a ih C le a n e r . . . Di

s DIshvuA lia S o ld e n S e a n

^ E a iy P o y m tn f Plan

1 18 H e r e 's o c om p lete k itc h e n 1 w o rk e a c h dey! S ink a n d dis c o m p a c t u n i t . . . c o m p le te tim e r , r in s e r spray , o ve rsize

.^ ^ 3 3 3 0 ^

I H | B■ I H I H I

4 T S

e t s — Sfeel4ub» u t$

O U R L O W E S l

r d N o D ow n P a y m e n tU p T o 3 6 M o n th i To

“" f f j P a y O n P .H .A Plan

llany■ Y o u 5< r/« w h en yixi b u y 0 co t

a c id - r e s is t in g fin ish o f g lo s» s t a in p r o o f v itre o u s c h in a t

b I q lflom .

?5-swer r f ^ ]''O f ['. r ' P ^ J h R•role f-' I . ( i R Q

“ ■ I T v ^32*. ; * r * r r f i U B.-'(l>orla)Ustar>P«. 'I loce. »*w«.i.ac • 'I / / '

'er j E Z l S S x

i tM Get A m ple Hot W a te r Q

?5 W ater’ ' “ I; S 2 -G o llo n . .

o rro-n lsh . E o iy P o y m e n t P lan________ak ed

S e a rs e x c lu s iv e g lo ss - lin ed 1 j g j . t o s t e e l — c o n n o t r u s t o r <

jg e t- o d ju s to b le f ro m 120 t o 18 p ly p le n ty o f h o l w a te r , ecoi


403 A4i PH

D E S D A T , D B C E M B E B 3 ! , J9 6 Z



i j i T 7 r | ' ~ — — V -----------

p y ®

■ i T a a

». . . D ry Dryer in Kenmore A uteinetle


c h e n u n i t t h a t ' l l tove y o u a n h e u r* i m d d is h w a s h h e r a re c o m b h e d In o n e n p le te w i th 3 -posItIon Ild, r e c y c l in g s rs iz e I m p e l le r . S e e I t a t SeorsI

iib -E nsem U es—)W E S T P R IC E O U TFIT ^

13455y 0 c o m p le t e o u t f i t . 5 -ft. stee l t u b h a s ■ fllo ss -h o rd v i tr e o u s enam el. T o i le t o f h ln a t h a t w ill n o t discolor o r l o u I t i

1“ m

M f Ij i

— U i l iiK r Q u Ic M y W M i H otA oit i l M r i l

»r Heaters■ I

l in e d t a n k ! M ir r o r sm ooth g id ss f u s e d s t o r c o r r o d e . A u to m a tic th e rm o is ta ti t o 180 '* " Q u ic k - h e o t " 'e I e m e n » »up i r , e c o n o m lc o lly .

A Y O N F . H A P j l ^ ? IO N -P H O N E 2 ^ .



Page 24: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]


w\v5« « j I!x b * S ^ • KiHiMsift r r r * ^ ^ J

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n r r '^ s '^ te t ta Y T i► rtaaimjj j j j

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l p g l [ § ^| 1 t ^

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3 _ HT V 4 V 6 0 r i B \ l | ; i l d B

■s. PINNEOCavU \ i t f j i X■ < s w m JH o aa w y • . ; I t «

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s r 7 - | f ? ^ ^ Mi gi C / 'A V T " ''T r ^ ( W ': ^ B

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■ 1 1 *• Poorlr^ , 4a. Move Irom A N )U E ____ JO. Nour^ t d jld . to ild> [g[gfi

H | a l Small s:! Dans • i ,m u 4. Wlthdr*w s l EleTOlU

■ n a. ^ l e r fiS. Killed , - . , , .H | t t . Cry of • erow jg . Sound *• ° ‘l* “R i r M. W eiry 87. Turt *"f*', ' . ’ t. Perform -/,u /h 4. RuisIm

j|ij;i! “c g s ^ r s s ; L 'gfJ 'S i.ch ; : f rm i l tu la lu ra ' coin 7. Dosma

IIk, *f N««ifMi»tt


|! BOARDING HOUSE - MAU^JciB ^ L 6 V ,X Kr40\M VOO •}%) HNX-k

'•: U K E TO AW^KS P S 0 P L 6 • LEAMt i l l HAPPy AT CHRISTMAS/— ' ^ ARTICl i VJllU 'lOO PASS *ft4B WOftO ^ A 8 rI I ^W H A T T D L IK E ? — A LSO rVE \■ 5lD £

H I (SOT NIME TWlNdS 'THECB A 1I I I <5>l MY L IS T -^ W IL L Y C U / (A G E ,'

I I ■ V r C h e l p a\e c u t it 4 V Tici-I I • tXJWNJ? —I6A KAlW " I S I t r T H 0 O < E V ( 5 0 A L ie ’5 ^ _ V A t

H r < I O J r F I T TC O ____/ CI v S

I I I S n s ^ ^ t o f h i s{ M j OVJNi.L&Ar^PER*


*1 "HcW o, infD TOintion . . . w haV fl go

THE GUMPS' - ' . ' '') f LCT ME %TAY,- ' S a » . « . p i , c « l O T ^ L " K p r ^



l y f THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18,.1951

■ ■

1 pi>■ B t r i s F i a E l E T M m e l B \

i tu ------- H H ’L U A k i H K w w A - 7 - v ^p g L f T l l A N E N r r p T C [ TH

' ** ^ ■ m U e Ie S m F ^ I E V * o

‘J* l c P ^ y i i l p |g E l K ! 5 i

SoIuUoD c f Pre»j0M Poni*I. Give Ul# I. Go down at

meinin* brldi*

’’I s s r f1 «..rour 10. SmiU I»l4ad

Z Dogma 11. p«rt of • /> ______ __ __________ himmer ^

It I'o W 1 heJdi( :,' - 18, Go by *1»

• 73------------- -------- ta. U teriryi,'.:; iuperv[*o» Ua

. ^ --------------- — }0. Not miny'* 22. Motion of lh»

’ V . MetalH . Be»» ' C '

- n ------------ r i ' Itfl' Short Jacketu « *u JQ_ Tropicil trult . ■■

------------- B — ’ - “ S f S I D IV • 3.1. Color

------ — 3!-------------- 3S- Silly: Scotch

: r : = = ; : ! s “ E,; n r <1. Fruu V ,vi'.x 41 Armr meal ' ' /

■ ---------------55“ ? y <.1. IndlRo plant \ A45. Identlcil * I •

— ' - ^ r r ----------m ; p 5 J ^ S “ * . - 2______ s %_ - .5 3 . DehSd W

S E - M A J O R H O O P L E

;jJ% } H N X -K A P P -f” ^• LEAM DER f tM E S S ^ a r t i c l e s 4 B B M t o Q S

■‘o A S i r o n i U 6 e jcp fr tS N s r V E ) \ ■ S id e /-* - WHEKi I W AS ,

;B A T A t J R X e y o o Q . / j y ' ( a g e . i w a s /M M e^J6eL y,1 V T IC K L SD T O s e t a <A { C A P WlTW E A R L A PS )

I . I C A F

K T B y N E H E R

1 u s /M 'o d e e n T I 1

. . w h a l’B good l o r W ccupnT' .

__________________________________ , 'T l l .

LCT ME %TAY, \ | r WBLLf \ O N C L eB /U ..) WUAT PO !

n t 7 i m — --------------------------------

OUT OUR W AY ^ r 7 « o o E ^ ' j i ? r ^ e 7 i “ T ’ “ * “ * “■JlT a MAO TO Live tVJ S,UCH \■ 1 PLACSS WiTT CV MV KID \n g I DfcV&-AfO&»OSHOP» If S . /.V A E RE X W C W K E D /.N O w J------------QC I THAT I CAN AFPORD A /5rT \ H O U S e .ID O JT WAMT SdW V C*)S w rm T K PLUMBIKT )t f V . E X P O S E !? /^ ________ /

It I V l T^l^n

F l ^ ^ f s SKa ^ § S ^

et ^ BORM IMtlZrrV VEAR*m lt


' i # ^ S a

!P "W hat’a n ob le r th a n ffe ttlng ma

< fam ily? T h a t w e ird chem istry ti 7^ m ind!”

Ij c a r n i v a l By


^ '

i f » I r a * ■ O l /

? - J M / — f,

, “T h a t’s a nicc one, Lucilc! How

X 'N ,1 Ha.Ma.M:i)U:I WBCW M8, ilK . .TU6 MOT &EPARATI

_ / ___ u m e t o v ^eeueo -iM - - - fr o u -my-beuJ tyCH p e s p TROUBLE.. NEPHEWS. .£k f \ J. £R.. .THOIKSHT ICOULP VOU'Rt FWM


^ ■' ' B y ’

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------------------------T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N

r By W U A A Am■I V

\ /w ELL.TH 'PU JM eiN ' \ 'S v.Aa W Htfr H E L P UP I

:iD \ y TH'&ECONO FLOOB. ^ iI / OP SOME O U ? CWE5. 1 f J

^ t f J ------------ BOT.THeSE P IP E S ______J -. y \ CCMT HAVE MUCH T5 1r S ^ ^ HOU? u p : ^ n

? jl ' I


** O 'jy w itjjA * ^

<ttZTVVEAg»TDO 500K» E


p S

M ^ *

p i ^ : I^ t


ffc ttln s married and r a is in ? a nice rhem istry teat today m ad e u p my


By DICK TURNER g I s-------------- BW T ( ? M U

w ^ m i N


r f i r r ' ^' f w t l i J u ly ] I

m u f ^ s

y ^ i> R ____________C.ucilc! How much is i t a p o u n d ? ” H---- ------^« x .w a .M:i) UUfrT r^W AfBlVA TE 1MOT SEPARATE ME I C m Z 8N ,^IC .. ,FROU-MY-BElOVEP-l— t-COM E^O------------^ T TNEPUSW&. .1 kMOn ^ OCPEK Aip VOU'Rt MOM THE . \ TO A PELLOW pWELI^ARE BUBEAU. ) HUUAM. . . U

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^ ' ftippy .w hv a r e t h e r e "'H Tw, S 90 t t^ S a n to C la i r a e s P y ic * I

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' n ( c u o t i M i l rfV 7 “'S -. V .K AA Rym »u*,

1- 1 5 ^ : ? ^ ^ ^ / KAppy AAoie / y . T u MAWKIMS OAV


. •' • • A [mTSYTO REAOi AWTMNG??^ A Aacv. BUT n ic w ' v ■... vf ‘ ^ I THIS M«:niNr; r , V 1 0 .0 tr


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kIm’ THOSb /^W ELLIW U I i w r e x ^ t m c

______________ _ ' D o t i e h a v e thh e r e ^ T h e re a r e a - U . s a m e o n e a s ln i ( v i? / lc * mere children S a n d r a d o c s


T BUT HE'S NOT w a i ,0 S A ?5 SHRINE iS O n ^ ^ ^ N T 5EEMS

5 s ^EhtO M .SA M li'#A H RSM <lK SPM m '»A A nasiM ' ARYUPU* ^ GAME.'.'-MAH Lire's AMtSlSHUM m a A O i e i WASrPEBPCPMTM-"ttHATORUI. .WKIMS OAV I *PtC lA C WCDDIH-- BUT-SoO.?- O O P U tS .r SEMATOP n o s c iw tv GOOJCV <___, j f l BfWTT-IERHAvIinH'PRtSIDCMT



V X o^CN Tt i ^ r l j


— -- - . ------------ TKn t s

P O ^ A tr ^ M I 1 rrr

1‘ g X A > » A r - n « ' I m .

we have th e Y M».a!l th c Wda 1 f But im e o n e a s I in each neigh- I d if fJ

TJSr M 4ffJ I TVtfV G/ M m / w s 'a PIMNSO

, ^ ^ P * , I o (m .e e a jM D l - ^ wmJHO \ w ^ c < 7 A ^ ) r



Page 25: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

S B f e - s s r . " I • “fe-Ci?*" ,^ ■ ■ j j g f f i n l W Uii ;

^ ^ E T ii MfoU puMnttr

bUi «of Uu c«p- I

I ^ B L n^ rwniiten.jO «U etn crowd

„fH >M urt of tht

f e s f S ^ ' “”' i « .“hE ?

l^KieecopHrii’more thli

« ^ K , a m rUBon: Oan. I^ ^ T o t of .Muisn for ilx

rtMM ilne«

MffO VU ' n ^ tor in th» fUeti

lu t July 1 »nd

w j w w i i w w

I e y e

p wfo N CH

oU incL#an,TMdir,C

o t R<Tiadir, Juicy, Full Flav<

U. S. Prlmo and

i r o u h

H o h TW n , Juicy, C ut (

o u n d_ Cut Frc

i t S t iFlavor, Good I

•B o n e S^ U. !


SB It. I g C T ____________

g I Convenient. SBOSBONe. Dec. IS-The Ht*.■ 6 and Mrs. G ile Bryan, who be*

u m « utitSpetted g u u u U Sho.I iJjone i* * result o l au nutomo.i n C :blle.s«cl(itn(.eun(]«r,.iTert.feft«

tu n d U Ip tU e r i u u l mu«Jelsn«-Sen- for Uje Awembly of Ood Sundiy» tn d ereniflffi Mrrie«i. They were et|yne rt rouW to fiUckfool when ihelftd to sutomoblte w u wreoked north ofiWny. RlcbfleliL l l l l t o o l d e n t w uaewly c*u»ed by ley roidj.' 10Q. Tliey pU y the electric guitarinK U ' and tccordlan and tins , tn d th«h ^ n r 'R i r n C T B i W l p o i e r ------

* moat of I t U b tln i ip tn t In Uie cur* ‘T ^ ren t tU^moDth pMod. K m tr«

tome of th e other jobi: w K tptloU njr of Ui8 dom i tn d all

I U l portion oX th t buUd>

Fainting Of. 77 otflcei tn d italr* w ty t Wld corndort.

u n ttr O onvirU nt wm« i l m t o n fn m u u ih m a s u tl to tutom ttlo oontroL A n - O tftnlnff o t so o r n a t t crytU I

| i of A o o m p l e c s a o ap -an d -w a te rt th l acnibblnt fo r every > ta tu^* th lrecap. a r t dO H U of thim .

jte n . ■— - 11' '^*4 C o n ce rt.P lan n ed, the 8HO0UOKK, Deo. Ift^A band to d >tnuD ohorua eoncarl will be isresented a t

• p m Monday t t Ull Ltsoolfi ichool auditorium by Uit tchool mutle dt>

. . . partm ent, Howard Knowles, mutlo £um w to r, announcid Tburtday.

Ulll | » » ■»

Z ‘ HOGGAN'S• »1* CUitom DecoraUns - D raperitt unce Dpbo2at«rln«~W aUpapert-

OarpeUns •. w f „ rb«» t l l . r m i l



y P R I: h o ic e & f

mn g - B e e f ^ndtr, Cut From U. S. Top Qradet of Bi

toastsII Flavor, Became U't From U. S. Frlm

10 and Choice, Round Bone, Tcndtr,

lid Beef nSteokiC u t f ro m V . S . P r lm i o j id C ho ice C

id Stea klFrom U.S. Prime and Choice Beef

teaksG ood E oH ng, Cw t From P r im e e n d C

»SteaksU. S. Prlmt. and Chok# Grodet

King Hill Church !».. Schedules Event3ho- *nLL, Dec. i»_T he Com-

rounjly church w(jj hold a Clirlrt-

i , n , cnruiniM i l ^ n v iu be toj<j m ajday 6oiptur< i.«a iJ. Mutle will b« fur*5 rt, nhhed by Uii eholr. lie lf M ^-M ordant Youree baa charieh of of th l proiram. aailaiec. by Mr*, waa Richard Bolce. Donnie Slonaker w|U

live lhe welcome oddreti. O lhw iilU r taklni pa rt wui b t A n iu B a n t l .th l Sherry Bamea. Laura Barnes, Vicky

— p i r t r - m c n i r a — T o T f f e e r t e t fRoliJi. .Worm Malm. Jerry B a m u , Leon YoUree. Don ruih. G rant Olb-

“ boni. Anna B am ei. Lorraine Pink, ’ Ruih Orali. Donna Lalb. Nancy To.

mlla. Jonalhan Bamea. Donald An- *°,«u derton. flharon O rw r, BeUi Up*. 6uUd. Allee C n ll, Annabelle P a rrr . naney

Rolce. Donna Rolet. Larry Moort, •t*lr* Jim calUton. Tom Eolce. Kay C tl- , , , , Uton. LetUe P arro tt and Dick Oal- fitim Uwn.

Teachttt tatltU nc w llh lh o pro- p a m tnclude Mra. OaU'SSiw. M r t MUdrtd Carnahan. K tU ierlnt Afl. derton. Mrs. P n n lt Jonet, Mi*. I. a .

uiire Btnitt taa u>» m r. Mr. awnea.

H H f f i S S H ila n de d k tchool I I I0 dt> A J ■nUtlOO'.

AH H H l H j H j H H





1 - i -2 5 -t - :I of Beof Plotet i

ib 49'I. Prime ond Choic« Beef ' I '

I »-53t;;nder. Juicy Cult .

f > 45c«iE79c |;olce Grodei 6f Beef *

ks">89<eBeef I |

'79ceni Choice Beef____________'

s ' ‘89c

i ' \



entcom - ( .

'AAarie I 4*/S

s sMtmti, ' ,t a ib - I ' ^ \Fink, ' , ^

Kinoy .<oort,Oa].





: MILKI ' M .D .

TOILET TISS1 v r r s

D 0 6 F 0 0 P' I ' I V -B


I PEANUT BUJ , ' H O LID A Y ____________________



: T R U i T x a f f




Pies ^' -------------------F o r ^ l


I For Your Holiday HOME^DEJ

: ALMOND CRUNCHI ■ ‘ » / _

l,-T W IN -F A L L B rID A H O ---------


% ____ f. * . .

3 C . D R

V N U T 2

i i m i

> R T E N

_____4 Toll e«M 61

ISSUE ,8 . ,,.8

ID.........Mb. C n ........3 lo r 2]/

L JUICE . o . c o „ 38 BUnER , . .r43


N . . 2 V i C n _ . . 2 f„35

D A Y - ^ - ---------------

C £ o r j

iP K I N

49^ IA -H olidoy-T feat! ;E CREAM and i



* 7 ^ ™ ^ . 1

R O P S s

^ J u m b o R o c

T S O r e g o n ..

^ 4 iN ^


4 3 c H A LFo WHOI

2 9 c— BACOI


.MINCED HAI '__________________ -.H . -----------------------

— S A T U R D A Y —

f e a t u r i n g


a a t! T r y D u tc h C

id C R E A M E D O R

lave 'I -

'RALINEsf p B m


^ S o c i e t y ^ Ib. i

R o a s t e d ........P o u n

in . . . . . . ! ................... ... Poi

I B a k e r i t e .^ Ib.



ITERS . J( ON SquaresS- ........■;■;■■ ---------O L O G N A .. . . .^ | |) .(H A M .. . . . . ;

y yI g 7 " C

l i S ™ '

S \ E ac h ^

h Girl Holiday 1 ORANGE SHER

--------------------- FAGB-!l'V(BM Ty*l1V1

lb. bag 6 9 1

>und 3 9 ^

P o u n d 2 ^ 9 ^ :

Ib. can 6 9 1

Jar 5 9 c e s lb 2 5 c


Cocoonut EIT CAKE

, 4 9 i : ; |y M arble.ERBET


Page 26: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

« t e r T i c k e t s

of the paptr to Ciiike uo > h S ?

J m , „ „ a i . t K S '

S.«srs. ;,??„£™ e k l y pr izeGRAND PRIZE

tAM P. from 6Mti m BERVINO CART, frem 8>m <.


a n d P r i z o

KCY WINNERlONES, Twin. F«1U Cltchen UHUty Btn'lng Curt rom 6weet'»

| S ' » » r 5 f . - . : im l hwd tept w 'll Ilnj riM



Twin F*lt»Wins 2 .TlcitU lo 6 » -

“U ni Mnrltne" lal •■Bnl Tubwla"

1 or lhe comtni attmtleo a t the Roxy TJietto.

j ; HERE IS THE CHUCm;I ^ l n >lclnllr e( Coutlr tiio itiairI«Ur «»;<ra

'* rvdKariiM aM m i/ I4 tmtpj«ni

10 t i c k e t s ' " ' ” ' ’rwtn Fnlls, Wins 3 TlckcU to ^■na -Raiders ot Tom«li»«t c r « r tcUon lit the Idaho TTicat«r.S THE CHUCKLE ] KlfflUrIr H04(L 7«b iriM . . . »SI>M’our l>ock*t lUsa Sine* JttO



“T.it II r wWllh 1 Kii» Ctnm Tra

COnONKTCAMUU c am in __


bor or'iirt•kiU*. iktl* tun.

~ l IM !>«;« •Dd oUft .Itltel »•Dct-i «a . «rt« »nl jmtTnM BOOtatie 2i>d Art. Cul n w t u



— I Ja.t md«< Uf** 5 ^

'* _ noHnrtiniRBTi^ ' M. H. Kiwo CO.



II. U l, i « i r " '™Twto r*in

te rg u l 8clecllaa of 8a»fl

- J * T o 'T g 'rT R E n fiM S ® ® *

— I In Twin Wl**


^ Put ono cf UB* under the trt*

tiiu Chrlilau

m u s ic a l ROCffiBS d o l l BABSINErSYABLE AND CflAIB SEfl d o l l B o a a n s .... _.k it c h e n OtJPflOABM

SWEET’S__ * r * ”

“ I o i r r c B « w o A « ?


u , in W A i'® ®

98’ ' nndtf t t '

“ liirosoNS K

P-MBETrffEwrrsDc--------------H Mechanical Gadgets T !P Of Hank’s Mexicani f .n r wwvwv M,TJCMftpg___I t i ZACATECAS, Mexico — Loving thelr necka s.jDII Uexico u I .do. X hop4 MroeUme order «nd wilI B to be Btle Co build the countr? » um the -stJilnI I grrat ioo. with tigers, elephanU. T here a re aI I Uoni. K brss. cameU acd all the jn Mexico, bul l other thing* on the (Ingc■ ■ are part of a wo. An elevator^ 1 T h o o o I t i o p e t o ^ ^ ^ H B I S man v h o dirW tnilirt Inr Mfilco .italrs._______I B would be a b a d l f * ^ ^ ^ B y r i l | The InlUnl1 1 ferent, t h o u g h . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 will be prelt]H The Uons and the keep w on 't b«n elephanta u i u a U r ^ ^ E X ^ J UtUe, to beglI r hold tfie places o f ^ ^ B M n B average elevP‘ honor in the bananax. a dr

but the king' o f H ^ ^ C ^ I «-{eh and It'ibeasts and h l i ^ ^ ^ P ^ I hour». O h. yi h e a v ie r f r i e n d s g r e a s e every

1} will havp to keep i t in gcI second place in Pew MexicsI my Mexican roo. th a t work orI As one enters the ioo I plan lo leave th e big iI build for Mexico, on lhe right will many, th e ef t be a csge of elevalon th a t w ork- Mexicans hnv

j f l elevatora which actuallr go up and the went mt


_ " __________ ^ - . .■ » > .■ > ..... - , A .Id e a l G ift F e r ' P la jr t lm t 'F o r m a n ' I H

I Pedal Trocti

»• E a iy t o p td o l c h a in d rive ■• 1V a-in . u m l-p n B u m o tlc t i r e t U

• Regular 21.S5 |

Ll Nor iusf o bike . . . b u t ocfuoll/ designee !; heavy m etal tubufar construction, yellow

finish. S-Inch steel double disc fron t wheel, disc rear wheels. M ode for ploy. . . long use Standard Model, reg. 15.85 — N O W ..........

G irU * G l i t t f t^ F o ld i n gCordboord Choit Wllh Drower Vhy? J*’"*'*'':

Beg. 1.89. ■ *1 i l J IBxftxIH-ln.■ 17 Plw** —...... ........ 1 .H H Reg. 5 J8 ____

Fun for IM« «,b.d.b.l M of e «cldS £ . ^ , ’5

S e w in g M a c h in o i N e w M o*a.D »y Con S.W O o h Slllch ' T ruda «>d IReg. 3i)8 « MA7UxAn»;.in:— I . V 7 Y ow O )ofc», E

£>I W*VabJi!rT‘‘ S

’ ^ q * t F r e ig h t T r a in slococnoHv* S p o rb a s 9 G o«d M -

iMInlsft...- 3.49-------6.1 amht$ e i

iporid^ f«Ad«fr co6oa^ 2

■ 1 ■ ■ .

gets Top List I m y'flret pun

jxican Zoo Itemsn * ^ l a '^ g ^ ^ e y * ”??^wt^'ot f|d^?fdi»ior 1

order a n d will the customer* please All the llmuse the -stJilrt. i have seen :

T here a re a few working elevator* they were mIn Mexico, but you can count them generals aldion the fingers of Venus de Mllo. any hot air. <;An elevator opernter is a young Jusl as mucliman who dirw ls customers to th f in a hotel lotilalra.____________________________

The IniUnl coJt of the elevators I r e c i n o OHwill be prelly high, but Uieir up- K«la w ld a t 1keep won’t be much. They cat very of Uie year.lltUe, to begin wiUi. You give the rndlntor-lf ;average elevalar two or Ihree thing,banana*, a drugstore tunaflsh sand- 1 asked thewlch and It’s happy for a full 24 Mexico Cily whoum, O h. ye.1. a highball or axle the rooms, angrease every once In ^ while will arutner thntkeep i t in good spirit*. in Lima. Peru

Pew Mexicans have seen elevator* "Amerle/insth a t work or don’t work. Once you accu-itomed «leave th e big cities, and there aren 't see a radlatoimany, th e chance* are th a t the "Do Uicy 1Mexicans have seen the sun rise in all?" I askedthe w est more often lhan tliey "llow cou]

3pZ Z Z Z H Z 2Z Z 2H

^ a w e n d e r i c

OUR FREE BALLOON FRI----------------- --------------------------- 1 J . . . .

: ? V. *■ B o y i’ S'Sup«-Cw

* 28xl3x3^<~ • a •» f AtwcrtiWdi' I I IM r»d vHlh pro)

I M.........- A ............a rm e n 'I Heavy M etal

r a c t o r s . ' f

- 19.88 , [ £lily designed Ilko o tractor,. B o w - ltion, yellow boked-enom el Irt Bright fron t w heel, 10-Inch double, . . long usage. »’* J>N O W ........................-...1 4 .8 8

kf.lA .lnM f

F o l d i n g D o l l B u g g y Toyland eV M « — *‘*' r«Mo Body, Hood ^ 9 ^ 0 0 P.W

IBxftxIH-ln. A A A 'R tg . 5 J8 — ....... H « » W » QfOQ ? .K

BoM ftt»«rtxKinl kwrt, reM iImI Tueldoy I tHim. G «y vi-ri -« I -on)o^ i bo« p .M .folding hood, to* oti««Uen. hokal

* '

r flT i« a l i m

1 -N e w M o v i n g V a n s _

Truda o o d Auto Irow port*

Tow Oioicm, E ocfi... 95c JI*a:Ulcolr M g r .^ oni !-*» Motm*lolandplotrtc.1n>tlnh<mtnb‘ »bw A $*en voWol ^

M o d elin g *• O o y S e n # ;

98c M"I ” loekc»l o«n.iH«v 33 0 ®

1 •/ o>d J piMk V vV'-'-yHuI.- iu. u ^ ^ L

U p r - " l O O P i a c a H K■ ^ ^ ^ 1 | ^ - | ~ T l n k e r l o y ■' *

\ v 5 S > M ’ s ««»o»'> »fcii«

BoW »«r k* of 1>dK>oloo». •_______


---------------------------------------------------------— T

have seen an elevator. So, tha t'* 'rrheT’fe imy first purchaae for the Mexican thhig In.Uzoo. (Ing there

, I have given m u c h 'ttw u g h t to So m]) what 1 will buy for the too a fte r Mexican u

I install the elevator*, and I have ator thata jlediltiL pn.a radiator. Ju s t a plain row IT lp it old radUlor ih a t give* o7f“heat. p e a U lo ^ '° All Uie lime I ’ve been In Mexico Jr.. lo capt

I have seen no more lhan alx and 1 have iie* Uiey were a* unim portant as some fight bad 1 general's aide, they didn’t give off cornered I I. any hot air. Completely om am enU L doesn’t wa K Jusl as much so os a rubber p lan t s u t I wi f in a hotel lobby. no matter _ Pfobftbly Uie quickest way to cost.

f S ? S 7 . 'n K ’ ’SPSS'wrf/ of Uie year. U to snuggle up to aI rnd lator-lf you can find such ae thing. K ETCm. I asked the m anager of a hotel In • nu»riJ Mexico Cily why he had radiators in ! „ "c the rooms, and he gave me the eame Wednesday1 answer thnt a m anager of a hotel to Join he)

in Lima. Pent, did. Jack PfelI "Amerlc/ins like them." They are LieutenantI accu-itomed to them . As toon as Uiey ualed fr(I see a radiator they feel warmer.” aehool. Qt; "Do Uicy give off any heat a t *taUoned II a l i r I asked. —I -U ov eould they?" he said. READ* TIS

mnumnmmrriH SToY *^B n d e r l a n d o f d r e a m s ci


^ o y s ’ S u p e r tW ^ ^Supw>Cush«n Rubber T)r«i ^ N <

2 3 x 1 3 x 3 H -in .... 4.95 1A •■wrt iMdr »ooo« o«d boYl trlsM i S Sfondi rod wllh proy wftotli. Con?o iifoilMo loodimboorhfl.. iy»ln.rvbWtirM. Sovol M (ndepe

B o w - b a c k R o c k e r ^Irt Bright Rod &tamoI FlnUh ^

looU »’i J w t.......... u r n BioHny toH fool roel cnjwn «p bilhh olt U lb o r d ^ lockor. lo e -r 9>9-h. Mol @ 33-In, k94> .ii« .fkw . Ia.|n.hl4t<. fclsMi


I Ob lm«n Itom f»rthilM ffij. t

U Aik A nr S a la ip ir ia n ^ ^ V | n

[ S a n ta C l a u i w ill b e In 5 e a r« ^ i / / ^T o y la n d e n F r id a y , 7 : 0 0 't i l M ■ J9 *0 0 P .M . S a tu rd a y , 3 :3 0 r - - -' t i l 5 :3 0 P .M . a n d 7 :0 0 't i l T o t » ’

» 9.-00 P .M . M o n day ° fS SolidT u e ld o y f ro m 7 :0 0 to 9 :0 0 jO hv

p food.* M L falMloc

______________ K M k d ^r s s r r : | Tots’ R e d i T p .......

* i l i l V I"« 1.98 1 ^

L ^ f k ^ fi SU fdlly ••o<»« S 8 f . '' L < ia I ^

D u j n • ^ ^ 1

_ K itch en M ^ H |r ^ Y S e lf j g

7 <Monot iMtal Wi^T \ iy I **•**<>■ J r\ U MMi frrf 2 <o4«r £

n l p 'a x k baadlot. C«► J "*■ t

H H g p O p w i S M o l T * * * “



— ---------- T I M E S - M E W S r - T W I N - P A

■ t •rrhey’re nol connected with any- _ ,la thhig In.Uie world, they*re ju s t alt- K eal

flng Uiere on Uie floor,-" • Cnfe:lo So my Mcond exhib it In Uie T er Mexican too will bc a working radl- re ator tha t throw* o ff b e a t. Tomor*

In r ° ^ u ^ o y “ ^ w * ’ii^ in o iifV ________» Jr.. to capture two o r th ree o f 'them . s"*Id 1 have Jieard y ia t a rad ia to r will u 'le fight back pretty viciously when ' ' ff cornered In nn office bulldUig ItiL doesn’t want to leave. w.lrim'S

But I want to do th is for Mexico o«ib«n vino matter w hat th e trouble and Jl"-,

5® Mst;______________ ■________ MirliB aJS >' ■»<.ia ■ Kr«J CfTb«“ LEAVES FOR W ASUINGTOV 'V . , r .n i ,

p r c i l U M . Dee. 1ft—Mr*. K ath-[jJ lee'n Dujrlg P feiffer w u to leave w.rr’ w,,8 Wednesday fbr Wft.nhinBton. p . C , m in w T " el to Join her husband. Sccond Lieut.

Jack Pfeiffer, - fo r ih o holl^Jays. 7\,,atr'i are Lieutenant Pfeiffer ha*-been grad- w»^«ai»•y ualed from ’officers . candidate J,-

achool. QunnUco. 'V a. H c will be !!i t ftaUoned In Virginia u n til May. The pr

----------------------------- (wobblingd. READ" •nMES-NEWS WANT ADS. Uke* plai

. . 4- •

im m iin iin m ii

y r c s M f j( a m * c o m e t r u e l

ATURDAY, DEC. 1 9 -2 0 -

M N o m a S a f e t y P l u g 1^ T hrifty S a fe r Treo LightsH Sfondord reploceobte fuses protect you ft

loodino—h«lp ollmlnafo oleclrlcol flreil E | f bdependentiy, Alto 15 independent booiln

. ^ T o y W h e e l b a r r o w * R a d77 Big Bed Holds Large feod B<|« 33-In. long........ 2.19 Onty:Q *'••1 b*<ly. V<M» -n d ..p ' H.Tt h<- I ? ' l«r-orip pint 34.fc».,f c . k«»dI.i,rMbbMllr*d*(>WuB.yno^ *kH i««


T o t s ’ U n p a i n t e d S e t s.^ id -O .q k J j jm e ^ f J n tL J p p . ..Siaal

2pIn.HIoh........ 8-95 RedEKnock down twfnUvr* >1<npl« to !•> »p. Any thi falMlod i«g cltelr Sotid ooli from*, m«lna Mkd ^ d t to to pln« lebu lop. !•□!. «,

V I d M lF o r M o k s B o l la v s C o w b o y i lA v l

L 4 9 = & c » - l l o <

P • Regular 3 .9 8 ^a •R M * m b i« R o y ' i o w n r o n th

• P fa ftk S g iir« a ,_ cK G « * fo rlD i ^

M Your b o y c a n r id e the rodeo ranget s cojly sca led i r ^ e l . 49-pc . set inclu• r chute, 10 c o w b o y s including Roy bin

U sqddles ond re ins,.p lastic buckboarc

: searS '^ a^ ° o

r T O f N - m L g . - - i D A H o —

S t- R ea l E s ta le T r a n a fe rB

me Twin ^ ® P "idl- T m t ConpaB7 A>or* I A

^ W»rr*iHT N<IU<a to M«rl C.em. Sm.Kk, Si«; kl I. U'inutlwWr Bub. A Will Ctrtul r , ttwrn lo r-i. o f

lim««rd I. M«|n to F. SS ^ A. IiebltVioa. IIO; iol I, RobbitM Sub. V t Warrant, df^i 0. K. Vliverpt to J«m«*

W___n . § --------------------------------------------------------

. Warrantr dnili CUra E. Kopp to Er- Wr *• &ave Warranlf M l Dva C. Crsrot to I‘»«l OJf t—„ II. Nnmaiin. |U I; tot 11. block *«. X ■C , 1„ .MitioB, f fa —

•ut. , tl*lm d««li C. D. Crtwo to VII- SSIw . ur Klo.Wilr. II: p*rt lol J. block 4. Sg

»>«. ■n.ra.r'i Adda. “ »ad- Warraalr dMdi Juk T. l[ndn>oa to Mlalfl C«»lord r . CkMU. Il«: lot 7. block I« . f f

lit »m.nd»j »!■! W«» U -n flub. grf

The precession of th e equinoxes M (wobbling of Uie earlh on Ita axis) A

3S. takes place in n 2S,000-yeor cycle, s

# 1 =

1 9 - 2 0 - 2 t o 4 P . M . I

f j t -m —v ir» » i* y I 'J W p “/ / : . i ?

i a v w w j 5 w l A f f

f P l u g S e ts A A j n |Free L ights A e W V ® ^

protect you frem short drcuils o r oyer- W r - nctricol firesi Each of Ihe 7 llghls bum ^jendent booiIng Uehl seh cyo llab l* . ^

« R a d io F ly o r W a g o n s ^ ~I Big 1%-ln.Rwbbef Tire* ^

9 c « y . . ................. ... 8 ' . 9 5 p ,>*P HlU hov* a cooiibg eoodltao U Mt W il"« 34-In. wagon vWi RIdi llm. booHngi M A0 ^ •MrtMod'-tnOng.SlMl dMMh. 2T «

J ^'5 RedBiam elRnlih...- 7.70®■f>- Any thtd un bo IV. cW.II r o o tm W *•* ilitflnfl whc.l, Mtrioclting loddMi, 0% f —

»ir<n ond bll. blibtf llr.d wft.olk f f


p ;

^ w b o y * I A r t ^ k R o y R o f l o r » ©Rodeos— I -

ro n th J A A W I

Ia d e o ro n g e vrith this o u th e n ti- M

se t in c M e s p lo jtic r o d e o W ding Roy him self, 6 oninKils, 6 ^ 1 IC b u c k b o o rd , fen c e , q r c h w a v . ^

403 Moin-Ave. W . | V P ' h o n o 2 8 6 0 |

—| leesfsw eeeeeees^& f T B I K E S 1

___ I S ? 4 .7 9 ^

— c5 csfiijntwrocK ^' • '■ § 5 F IR E S T O N E

f t ■ S T O R E

M G ood S e le c tio n o f G -EL _ ^ ^ , _ f l M A ^ A P m ^ c E a ______n to ^ l‘>« Cbriitaut (irt ' J1*.V I ? IU,-. „ r . U p l~0

•„ 'r . E . W A L K E R ’S ' • Ii-.«l f fa I—----------------------- ------------------1 B

e r ____ . rr

ck'i" ffa of All ^

"m W ^ £■ i PHILCO! ^

oxes ® «g W IL S O N -B A T E S t

___ ^ I . — .1 .. I dJ

I 6 . E. T A B tr , MODELf f RADIOS, u m upW CLOCK RADIOSP . |31J& -«igJ6 ^

S J IiTOSIC C E N T E R •V AcroM fram tlM ?oat. OfllM ^


Sp ruau-D im oN bpbayb . . .M GIFTS. WINDOWSW ORMAMEKTS. TREE!^ S9c and 7Be

® S A V -M O R D R U G

^ M A O NETH O ar

\ i I « g r u 7 . . T s r . r c J l ^ i ° £ ; -A M 99c

M SlM IH to it

J ^ R o s a n a

■ M G if t-B o x e d yg f J e w e lr y S e ta byM Coro 0

j l ® »1 and t3 ■

J g ’ F A L K ’S^ ^

or- p r - r ; ----------------------------------------1Jm & ME31RY OBRIffTMASr

Wh ■ On=TS-CARDS H? STATIOIfERy SI^ from " i^ R U N N IN G 'S

; ® PTUE2E & TAPESTRYfcf’ ® P L A T F O R M

I R O C K E R S ____

t».«S op ______


La*t-minute gift probfeo* .are never problem*

« t * S t e r l in g J e w e lr y G o. ^

A family tradlUon since lOIO COMPLETE C irr 8ELECTI0N8

!■*” t-rit.-. Chfoin^


Sprclal R^iiKtlm (or UChrltlRiii Oalr 6


L ’H E R R IS O N ’SJtfOBif


We*Unjhoi«e eleelrlc aheeU O . E. E tcU lc EU nkttt

--------- M A €IC -V A -L -L 'EY — --------- ^A PPL U N C E

' I L —

, r t o TIMES-NEW S -------, I* PMturlng A

Lovely SelecUon

C H R IS T M A S C A R D ^

------------- W ith-aignalure*--^--------


I «i g ? T elcchron

lj S —I] BELr milTISC1 “ P 8II.KKT' M ■ ACCUHATr,[ • g , NO WISOISO on OIUNO ST

j A CtJAnANTELDI5rt I4.D3 n m5? ri.U.S TAX JAN-

SEAR.C!W^ -------------------------------------------- 1 '---------

a I --------) I------, l ---------- G om iiue -

p P L A Y T E .X

g R U B B E R P IL L O W S Regu

^ I lUgular m d a \ Exlr.\ Htighl

— p ^ noJT


- isaiasisaiJaaaaaiaaaiiI

______________________ --------------- t h d b s d a

KRIS KRINGLE’S ,- - ; - G I F T - e U i D E ^ ---------



FREE Theater ‘— — I Every day tU Christm u 3 Free Tlcke

• T lckeu to tbe Idaho and a 'Tlcketa Awiu^ed as prlies In the Chuckle Coi Weekly Prlreal All you need to do Conplete Line from the G ift Oulde •SCO of the complete line* (up to Q) of the classified *ecUoa of the paper sequence. Paste up the lines In the mo> tlon possible and mail o r bring it to' Tlme*-News. W lnnen will be annou

_ J daily. Call for your UckeU a t the T





-----, Grand P r i z iMAN’S M.JEWEL WALTHAM

fron SlefUng Jewe


, Wins One Cauo K itchen UtiUtt Prom Sweet'*

I WiUrUwn. Wmi.0 b» ^ ^ ^ nkal bwd topi

^ CotbTi^clSi 8u1p«


' MBS. V. E. JONES Twin Falls

W laW lni a Tlckeu to S e e - “I

'D nlam ed PronUer” o r the coming atlracUoa or U a t the Orpheum Theater. a t


____ Ch.rta"fi2Sdllioat. All Jlsnro ,I . Yoo-il 8.y* 1,!"'.®

A I»oau«of lii.lbfc OwntrID A H O T I C K E '

SIRS. W. W ; TURLEY, Twin Fall*, V -N ig h t W lttiout Bleep" and "Raider*

or. the coming attracUon a t the , HERE la THE CHU(

’ Wllk Goal, noo Klmb«flr Ho4_____ I'uih.Uullon HpriM . , . •

All Htkn-AII SlM.7 Mu rlihl In rour rock*t

A Kamlir TndlUoa Sine. ]tl

, n I T o r m H o T m I LO'W* Junior 0«k,ik.ll Kil,

nrrBWAY hdwe. | , *

» if BE SURE •

W ITH QREAT NAMES All or them caa b. lauad *l

1010 U ^ —o»« Riser-Cain ------


8UNBE3iM‘’A ^IA N ^^rroo tie 2^

R o b e r t E , L c« ---------S a le s .C o . ----------

— UlxTRul«r»—coirM Bitkcn

I ■■ I Jait r*mia. Rl

BIO M" M A ^ ^ n E O CHtNA

* B*«»tUuM tourTl«|«^8»M gkad. , ______- ~ : a *


I ---------------------------------------------- J

OIVE THE t i t UmI

A M A N AHOME PR E E Zm l . ^

from --

I.S___ M & y ELECnUO Large— J----------------- -------- J- -toto-

Tht» ChtUlaiM i t n krp PARKER 31 OR Bl >^ FounUia P o ■£—-- --------ind'PtncIl i«ti.-------------------

• OMk tnu

------ 1 CLOS BOOK 8T0RB I ^-Hacio V.IIn'a Tc. ilMdqoirtan


r ROPER’ST our PracUcal SonU DOLL.



I au*

TOYSD o lly B n sa ln c tto

3 Regular -----H-49

. T o y C irc u s p i•Regular — ' ~ j im a ' '

- Now ------------^

C . C . A n d e rso n ’s .

Si5^aa5i^aiSia l i3l^a^

Page 27: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

^ K ^ s r s . t j ; ^ “*^" ^ y £ w » n ?a.*,‘£"S...» S.lgn,

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cf'c . AnU«m7.

^ E ^ s ^ T T s n r a n r i i i^ ____________» » S s W A N T E D _^ U j - 5 T b . b r . c.il u m

^ p f ^ « r c r " s ~ K ; r " 7 n s

^ K s ^ ln ib . <lxn>>» ]'>'^' ^ K iC im ______ _________1

Uitilh l» i kT«DU« ^ ------

............ . ~".:lK rK s a .r ' ■"'“ 7-^ ^ n i r ^ U i w ktr Bttillaf. I'Ooa*

K j : ^ : , t . ^ . . . .h., 1^ ■ i«<.r.. rt^. 1":°-J.________


■ c iE H 'S TRUCKING ■ s O K - P ilO K C 5ST>NW'<

H Tl Buy ind 8eU

■ Dim sP E aA ury ,.■ BALED ItAY

B l f WANTED— FEMALEAppl7 In p«rton.

5: ^ ’Kli:


a: (!nRtl ■!>!( nunn. ].lb«r*k u4 Mlcln. 10 hnur >nk. D»lo

with mnlnr «nd nllhtiwfr«Vpr»J. ISO-W kfuplul. Ko Ib lt’•M •ll'> »rlu Dimtor e «l^lc».^H.tle V.II./ M«mcrU

tf WANTED — M A L Eatj^renilw^on.^ JoMrti^mtn fc< tOnririlkx.' Arpll'iil'm SuM«

a p p l ic a t io n sWANTED


^ -W n iT E - afsliUoo Dfpirtmcne


HtLP W A N T E D ^ ______ _r y & FEMALE

?INBS O PPORTUNITIESi T ^'^o »,'.; ,nur« t .»a^ Kranli. On, IfcC, Tlm—

^^«ILU Imiii »uUon for Im i*4 I.1 ''- °" >’• <’•’«''■ <“ •

w.u,B ...ii.blfc Idral

SEeShIES• • rn’o U 'i-

r i2 * R D & ROOMrhe* j;7*.u^

■ IS H E D ^ R O O M S

S ’ "*. 1‘niii* Tnllt------

•' l>4 iitJiwn .tf« u??*^5rTu:7T------ r-----------

l'h.,n‘. ii.'-.u" *”'*•

tits, TTtiic cir ,„ .w . ,fu r .

S f e w A R T M E N T S -


nomkL .»„d„

IBEE-18,-1862-------------------- -— ^------

5 y

Su rk » « — ------------------------------------------


_ _ _ ^ «U» »»lr«ai«. rUBBi o^ifl.Rl,S K00M5. tnutftm. ('r>»» biU »i

• I- «n»r.tx.. Cl«.»1n, Phon«10H.— CLEAN, comfotlibli I room <p*rtatars - —H i . A ~ In. Mtlr. 8lr»tt Motol. CtO M.ln WurV n. I'boni SMALI.^^ttlmtnl.^ cli*n.^cji»i ^In. I'r

} ANU l-KUOH >p>rtBi«0U. UtlllUn (u_______ nUh«4. KiMonibl* ratM. Lr«nrM,00, t iM . LaUt. llt t KlBib«rly ro«<l._________


FURNISHED HOUSESl-KOOH hoaw. ird hotu* wat ot Tea

— rr-JJJ- C.l Inn. 171 Wr»l llryburn. ______J ™ aI UlCt tnodira hom«, food li«*tlon. J'n

■ rer.l.tr .Julu. rfcnM 2:_8!;W\___SMALL tnM<m hogit. rutnlsilabir fui

Q ^nllh«l. Inqulff 1l» »lli «T«nu. »««1.

t- i’lwn* gS2 IocmSd. Ctll t l »» Jirf »»«<!

« I.U^DnUUtl nnXcm h n ... W .IM .'.* dnirahl* locallon. Hos >}

» t ..n C. Tlinwt<f«.._____________________

U N FU BN ISH EP H o u s e s; ' : j^ARCE rcomt ptrllr Dodare. I>tB

* »»*“"• g.ii(3uu iiowf will* btih. I'luMif oetTTi

« u S S w - i = r - j = r - T C :

■EDll ;ill<M. MltmiUUM. moltrn m * rt hMU I'nm

. y«(d. «irii». liO.CO, »«H-J..« NKVi (.bolrocm horn*, conplftilr nd*m

■ IrH. I'ull bitnnisL la Twin Ftlli«t pulp. «-JlL MutHurt.

MfSC. FOR RENTproducU. TADLE5 ttd <>itlN <«r tO OMUloa*. Bala _______ toll-1, fnant Ul



f IDAHO- , , 0-DRIVB. te c .


,d « .n u ------ — ' -'“ • * '•" W A N T iO T O B E N T , L6ASE

H TO ISO. rull linf mulilB.tT,wiwor. raltrtwvi. fln«nt»j

Q I HOME IMPROVEMENTSP^PCKISa. ulisllar ^ e r i n M i l m i

' »Bpl«. a li. BrMtlk. rioa<

Tl(kt bCUCP.RY. trjiBBlnc, IoppIb* t»d rvmaTiL Viutns'» L^BdMtplas and Trw 8«prn«. I’haiia IUt.

. WOOD COJ.IBINATION---------- SUOTI Wlndowa and DooralALE ALM t^ULATION

m r ARTS SER V IC EiuB Val. Id Bkoahon.lL Nortli

_ Phoaa Ui cr JI4T.Il"'l-Bdo. " - .


Ilml. Kor FUH SALE br ovntri l^lwlroam hotnv,S ^ r u i phU' IffT*'**' *'■**---------- ljy~OWNtHl NIC. <.r«nn hana »ll|i

balh. J lou. Will Mil rtaap. 409 41h ^LC AotiiK Wal. Jtramt. rnrrman MIKUKOOM I«mm. T<i 90. Lortlr vKlnitr,

‘naru" full baiRT.nl. flnbhad Mfoom. oilloi*«5J* forrar lo l.'" FHA loan atallibla. Call

' tilt.M. _________

* g K ' ' a n r ‘» v >.’SUUiTekN 1 bMlroom hnmt. tomp .wlr

Ttrm'c D.ra n.al blala and t'nauriiB«a Phin. ;m . tMU.

AcitKs.nar.;'dnifSl'a"*Iocal!on. Oood TBlaa.

— ,p isF"--------■ -nm . i . / . i " - ! ' ' - " "

• l.rtKjtn B8d.ni hoBia. Hardwood floan:T IE S S i ' ; ,Ji— » «™o*. I>r» l'nmai harJwaod floart.

Tlm... cll Jr««l{ gwett*. CJ»I<« Jo-callan.C.n«a1 lB.aranet. Loana and Bowl.

)na 4BI. W. O. SMITHOrar Weol»orll.-a Piona Itl

IM ^ I A T C .T O ^ E S S r o N

lU iln ^ T ^ ' Wny.mi.TiBa ]^Vn« a'nd' dVnln* «a^ to r room.. ulllll)i. .loirr-Iurnata. »ar«... TItna*. Prlc, D«*b rarra.nl KJOO.--------- r.ll W. A. OilranJ.r--------- LEM A. CHAPIN AOBNCT

ri« rhona- i tu

. COOD ISCnME rnorERTY-Trlplo.--------- I balhi. Uunitry. Partlr furtibhH.

Klolrr. c rtf a . MS'*27*-W. NC^%Vde1?H00m"!?6meTi'|u* liV n— * ' a s . '• o T i - .S i ';> llt.iM; Timi.

— CECIL C. J0NI3“ U riuln r .rk * Tn»t Phona SOU . Trada

. atr.au______ UNCOLN STHEET locaUon. U ralr I-h.atBl. b«ln«m hom J faata oU: full

bii.mint «Uh itoVrr-rurnual 7>ri •phona. lind.capri and fanrad. Ill.»»-

•(mW.. TBrnniEDnOOy ttOME.—1<WI»J >«r-1 QMifk aal.. Larf. Il»ln» room 'wUh

** », f*fT^Uni. plmu af eloaala and bu»uafl.r- In.; ra.;tTti|An room and ««lr»_____ room In ba.amrall oil haat.

t i l t ’ " ~ 8 w iM 1NVEST.«ENT CO.I'- »•< 111 Khohont 81. H. rhona HJImbarlr

^ ■' BRICK RAM BLERAdulla. fortsoala to oftar ihla baanUfal

■ , ranch.lTPa born.. Localad la >T haau K,ii,. „ j„ ,«:tlon. Thrw_____ Mmm..-aiid »ll-ika-trlnii»ln»aj^for• alar. a (ii,, nom.. Onir IMM

p»«nii.(i09.------ :------------------------

L U I TWIN FALLS REALTY r ! ! ! & INSURANCE•andr, uU-------- TWIN.FALLS IDAIIOroom*} > L


' * Ini^Twla r»rij'Vliy'"l*miLi7'-fih^baU astf morf.rn. Bot tl

partatat. A1Tt.ST10N FA«Mi;ng: »oui« w

'in '^ n h !^In. I'ri. — “‘ ‘"V—-----— •* • ■ ----

ITj ; r tur. 3 BEDROOMS?ET*nra«B Tbn. foturra ara offrrw!!

= — '■K n,«.h,»on.forlhabor.aa4..rl


----------- TO LOOK LV ON THESE 1 DUTS£S ontj^uoo’dn”'”*' *'“ * *"■ '*'***———— ,1 IlrtjDom hom. In WaJiiniton Schoo

ot Tam dlaulcl. prlc. t».tOO. l l i io down.

R E A L E STA TE: b i r 7 ;^ s e r v i c e a g e n c y

« • >«.Ib" & *''” ®“ "p"bon. JM.

5 ^ ‘ | --------------------------- VERY COMTORTABLB

ISES f s r , V n '^ ^ ; 3 T . . ' ' . r n . s ? t t ' : * : • rkap. :r.Ti;bi2"‘* i ; : ‘‘£ ; n ^

NSW BRICK. flHsa t-Wr«rtn naw brick ramblar. Bpaalov

irMnda. pallo. doubla laraxa. P tM yJ 6= , at n.OOO b .l« . c a l l( .old balsr. ^ Jtfiuarr lOlh. Hic.ll.nt Uraai.


»"1rSS: III Shoahoc. 8U floulh. Phona t i l l «r :»»-M araslata

a». Bal»- I I


<0 t Badrooou. full baa.m.aV, InaIr Ilr*i M K S i s r 't Dadrooni, ailrm n«a In baaannl.

1C I_^___ t Dadrooma nawlr dacoralwl. Nlca l.fta

Il'In* room aod bfUkt kluh.B. IIO,.

.EASEMhiB,,,. C. A . Robinson Agencyva iUB- -Drlv..lB Raaltora"

TIT Main V m t Tal m


" p E S h o m e s & ACREAGESlB» a»a C,ioi t b«JrooBi bom. on AaS. Onir as a«4 li|We. wllh food Urma. Should ata

' r,ac4 2 bwlronm mnd.fn homa. Full '—• ' b..«B»nl. io.«I locallon. II.MO.car(lM

•I r M K^l.ral Loan.Varr luAd > tcrx- 3 Udroom■ra modnn hom*. Prlcad (or Qukk ial.at 110,000. Good l«ma.

Wa har. ..r.ra l «ood prt»p«il». hom. hur.ra

and would appmlala rour Itallnii

A RTHUR T . WATSON --------' R ea l EsUitc

Phana M» Pm '*» Tab« BMf.

irr.non. — —'r - w T FARMS FOR SALEarra.nt' iHmuVcU >0. (IB,OUll. I 40a I7,0<K

i p S i T______ SKVKNrV ACUE.S. SO acm t.rm l.n<S " 'S i ‘w i r u f f ’S b .)l.aHr. l i t Main Ay.Buar.aiL

Tt,l. I.nd lara ~ a l of Twin F.11.'. ard—;:n " >• proJufll.a. rroducH too lacU"Sl I »f polaloM Ihla r .ar. Clir «» .r In lauriiM. houaa. Cxcall.Bl tarma (01

T ! ^ MAOIO VALLEYI h S INVESTMENT CORP.TBlaa. I l l aho.hona 81. Soolb

rboB. .jM i •

F~li ^BO M E O.WNERt

~ ~ a««n homa In JlanMn araa. Will trad. ” ■! for boma In TwIb FaUa.

E».11ral to aeraa with i hea«. Alch HO. dep rartnfur allt loam .all. Hm iOIloart. ahUM ot walar. Prlca tJV.MO tarma. ca


■ ’‘Aero** From Saar."Ul UalB Nerti Tbona 1M«

)N I___________________________ -J

’ ■g" •;


F o r Snio - ^ U - . . B y - O w n e r .______

a l ,j :sKlmbailr. Flla^ DuhL Jarsm..

1 140 Tarma ar* :t<% caah ani baltua aa U kn » rM eoBlrut e( aala.Eiira I

PE A V E Y -T A B E R CO.» a Eiclual.a AsaaU for Owe.f____I rwla Falla Phoaa Ul

.Ir I. - .................— ^full

r .r i HO ACRCS wll6 140 aham o( walrr. I.IH. naar llaK.rman. 1» aeraa culll'alrd.

hal.nea can 1>* eulllraM. 4 rocm laod.rn bauao baal. 110,000.

bullu llOACHrS. to aer«B coltlratad. hal.ftc. b<.V. In pa.lura (rata. Fair honia. fo»dmilMilldlora. plralr at fna waUr. tl<.0«0. li:.WO dewB.

"40-”ACnES iina" irrv4.' 'L i» .t“ ii aI i*l nmt. planlr of froa w»|.r. i nora

aulcltr modanx »aw homa. » t«T.a_____ In e.alar* »maa. balanca In allilU._____ Will taka car* nf I0.70 baad Of calU.“ “ ■n rrar round. IIV.OOO.

ie» ACRES fina atock ranch. Pl.nlr lUfal of fr.. waur. In har and paiisr..Twin liO.OOO. UUht coaaldar tnda (orrhrM boalnaaa prop.rtr.

ro“ > OTIItR LtSTIKCa ------ -tf TOO want to bwr.-wa hiT* It for r«»

^ D . W . CONDITH aeim an, M«ho

u u niO N E tu t

' . I

------------------------T I M E S ^ N E W S n



!.'“ c ?o ^ ? '

pliid*aT»^ iJJ *V**M ^ y*!? '*Cll'l*

a ? ™al P~"lb‘rilll.l!'on^r*HI.W.‘'TloToodown f,ir a rf.pon<lbla buj.r.a tamllr, m ACKES B„r Goodin*. I l l c«Ii: er EX' ,>al*d. >Iaa ro»i Impro.m.tita. Tbi

o . i c r . . . . ,M ACRM rl(hl rl« . to Twia Fall Clir. i i a o n ui>J.r culll>all«n. bal

Duys buiUllJ? !’ *'*’Vl'Jid‘ (JT* Im niuw ‘.alra M.m. «

jn schorf ARTHUR T. WATSON Real E sU te

3 Phor. tOI p ,„ „ Tabar DMiCY —

m .io i4 FA RM S FOR RENTlOACllE alock tatm naar U.ll.rua.

— ' oulr. llo. » K . Tlm«.M.w..


EXCLUSIVE LISTINGUA Ims DmuIKuI (4«,ln>>m hom.: full fin

l.h».| ba.nr.ni. OE oil (urnafr. al lachaH (arat.i 01 and fllA tlnanca.1

I l-MMMlon Janu.rr lit. -NORTHSIDE FARMS

d M ?a M Acr~; no .and. III.OOO. ’ b IU Acrr. rrlrH al onir tt:.000.

48 Actra n.ar Duhl. j-rlcad rijhl.p CmZE^J-S AGENCYb Phon. 111: 4'^ '* ' s i" ? * !! -:!:? - ;!B(t


_ r.raWr outarja"urilmlU.*Al.""o a«o M acrn. Hart burar wllh aubalanlla

ca.h parm.nl on l-hadroom i.r S-bad ».Ir 1!». ftnl.had ba.am.nt. Ilr s a ^ I rou want to aall. aaU K4 aod 1 wll.* “ • ” eoaiacl r«>.

C. E . ADAMS111 Flllmora Phona 104

(Offlc. In Bir rt.ld.naa. corn.r Ica I.rt. ' Flllmora and llnbura at.nut)


FERTILIZER______ $2.50 Yird, DeUvereg

I Kaal (ln», irr, waad (r...j ES

K E N ROYER«ld m Phona 3388-R

»■ Full.e arn - . b a b y CH ICK S

Ua^U IN u a.»7'^riila>-t^>choU~N, **" llampahlr. krallat akcka. tha b«l broil

ahlck oa Uia markat. Beak aB^Usa. (Iwi llatcharr. »hoi,/«3l.G d O D T H IN 6 i f o E A t"

bkESSCU. All... Blc. fal tutkna b'r tV «aaa«. Call flll.M, Jaroma._________

fUTATUt;b, applw and wlatn p«ara. XO Addlaon UiL Kotla-Noob.

" » « • ^ ! i r a » B u r “ **iir-oli“ £‘n^ifI ‘ Maralpan fruit ..bw. lluddr'a.

JONATHANS. U.lkloua apd Ksman Un e (laa. Drlnc canUlaan. liVlB Dodm.iJ* orckartf. t Boith. 1 waat tf Wa.1 Fl ~ 7W . ______________________

Biodtrn >VliITC il.llaWUa lurkm. av.a draa.ad < Ba TMI. all.a. Phona IUI. I tnllt north. 1 w«

Waal Flra Polnla. ar Wahl'a (irocarllo.pll.1 cornar.^_______________

IJ1.«S. btXIClOUb apMta tor Chcl.Unaa Kid ■la Falll Romw. Jonal&tni, polalMa. awttl auui!______ rama- onlona. Chrltlm.a trna and raai---------- othar luma. Coanor'a Mark.l. U2 Add

V'lHM oiap IHlleloui. |] J» par buaht

■ r a r i i

TKKINUESIS papplaa and canarr bird

ruuKiiii"i> sV .r^ .' k'i».M7 f S a ~ t :, Call CP4.K8. lluM. Id.hn. ----

CANAKIE8 and talhlni cocall.lii «i inl A.anu. Ksrih. Phnn. l i l t . -

_____PAUAlkCSTS. CIM. tropical (lah. aquar---------- Bma and aSBalla. I l l llh i* m s . I lu

I pAona t l t JU cK iii- puppr. hcBar craam baaut

I black aaal af Big. Ukaa ob Fal

rt Uck llbllSTEkLU Unlcan” Chihuahua. I. ' ] .b ^ Chriatmaa, 140 and ttp. D.ll.arad I lltrad. Twin FalU. If Ul.ralad call «7»

CaldwaM. aflw t Vw._____________Bkh FA R M IM PLEM EN TS

H m ^ ■ ------- --


^ B aler Twine

" I 40 lb. BALES

--------1 ?11.00 PER BALEtMS

. Avftll»ble Now

' McVeys/Inc.

T " — —

■O- B U S IN E S S a n d

^ 1 . p m E (walrr, » fllC rC L E SALES ft SenV iCE

l.oJT* • CLEAN£BS ft OrEflS

> C O m iE R C tA L m N T lN GwaUr. uaaliir prlBllM ef all kla-tfc TUa a^ N w

Phena IL— a * SM U IN O ----- - --------- -

’,5 ',^ H«>ra aaBdad asd rallalaSad. Pha» 01»».HL

•« »A 7T £nS-T A iL 0K » ---------

I 'J :" “ lK > i“ ‘i . S S . . S S C!• '« • •M A lT H tS S R E SU VA ItN U ~

Maunaaa r.B«>ata4 Ew Iob MaUw Fattorr PhiOa ll.W --------


***C. JOBM far aaa loaaa. Uomb I

, Ban» > Tm.l BaBdlai. fha»a Wll.

W S , T W I I T F A t L S r T D A H O —

m miLE FARM tM P L E M E N T S

'A K J I 7 ■

Foruble Pot*to So rte rs_

1 i.'n*pl~ Ellmlniiton, O ln e rs .'“farm'Ji'ih Truck BcdJ. O enera l .

110.000 Repair Work,

m c ^ i i . ..One Uted B oru r

:•% do^i! POTATO EQUIPMENT CO.TwlB Falla 5-“'l> A^E. SOUTUallvn, bal. PHONE UM

r S O N Post H#rvc»t Rep&lrj BugsetUon

'ab«' DM*. I “*fo'. nwi farm «mjBiaa» U »lef' (ur tht >lrt.r. whr nol chock ll o< ■ I (or •otn I'.ria aad nt^lad t»palr ai

--------------- ».l lh. .QuJps>.Bl la food eoBdllloB f:n tJ.ll.rua. Ilf TRUCK MANURE 8PREADEH8 k U.nur. Load.rt

SALE ‘, S r S k ^ “" .


, '" « n c a : WELDINO SHOP

A J S --------------------------------------------- -H AY, G RA IN & FEED

Hlh?; iw juN «M r.l...cond. iMrJ, Will d'.ll

0 ^ MO UUjfJJtLS /ml oata. I'bona 71Klmhrflr.

kLt-l. „ l.d lr .. >ior.laBd MUIIbT STV

-------------- m TON t.ltd bar lor aala. Fii— ' o:>3-H3. JfKmf.________________S7PQ ijALKi M tiuih'l. mlitd sriNwO ^1'hon. (ii;i.fl;. Twin Fall.._______

L""'o an^ 8«rTlS'’p h w "xii-NR'“^ ‘:."brtl 1.00H bUSllEU corn on cob. Any ama, itmtni; If C«ll«.‘ •o>»h. W.ndtll. I'h

ttlllNUIMi asd molauta ciUlns. Hon h.B mlllin* .arvlc. BO%t Oabora'a tl

I fnt. 1-liiir. <D«|.RI.___________’ ro ll SALEi 6uam roUad mliod *ral»corwr *' **“ •

kAUlu’ vALLEy'MUlIn* S.r«Ua. K ■■" b»flr. Call ra.l4.nc. 1( no aB.«

------------- Phan. IttO. t.la a m. lo 1 >10 P. m,ATTtNTlUN (aadK. aPd (armani Bla

------------" “ Ahar at I’a 'p tr ton, 4 mlln nctrlh C*Si"?.*'"'' ^ fed Uyti'._________________________

rM. *00 TUNS, all «llUn*a, baltd, to b.-


Lia'- Mtw F A E M B tis 1 R A N C H E R S 1i ‘n‘d SS'M‘ £ ^ b i? . r '’."l,i:^'b.*r'',‘i[

r j A T ~ "*•'.nd f a n c y a l f a l f a

------------ , SEED . . . 3b, 35cpaara. XOIIyj, G L O B E S E E DM EniiLb Sl f e e d C O .>m'an Unu'. Twin Fall. . ' Phon. 4e' WHl'^FIra Atk tor our prlca ll.l nn all SMda.

"U V E S T O C K &■ PO U L T RYwttt ayuila. OKWK. rsun*. iraln («L Mo IiT 1 I and manr w»iiht. l*bnn.. 222 Addl. aLAUUHTKIllNli .1 rotif farm. M.________ (llulthl F.ack.r. Oiat^ll.__________

s . ' s ' i i i r i, ^ » h Molor.Va cr.rn.r,

— “ TWO VKllY tint Quallly r«lalcrcd II*“ .loci,. I north. *; . . . t nf Klml.»rlr,

__ _ ; , WII.I. TIIAUK r«*l»l»r«l Shurlhotn coS^*?o?M Indl.ldaal-.for Kot.uCn cowiC a uaM 1-^'RMVaal.* A'll^hw---- ;;------- ----aprlrifr.. Vacclralad and taalad."oB^aU a »°“'h Ea.l Flra Polnlr.

ahuM 7m Praispt m oral et daad aad awlanill’ trad to aBliaala. Pboaa aellaak Twia Falla, tu rail «7{M,________ IDAHO HIDE * TALLOW c a115___ I ------

Blstfijaw AnltlalA JuamlpatloB Sarv. V- Ic.. HoUidn. Ooamaar. J a n n and* Ullkln* Shoribem Phoca ML Jaroco..

It no v>»w.r. c ll IT*.

W A N TED T O BUVWANTCUl bhm .had. Pan.Ik fa«ln Wrll. U.« Uf. Plcabo. Idaho.WANT (srnliur. aad appllaseaa. llUk.

------------ ■ nrlra jiiWl. I'hnnt StlU-i-■E TU[<KKVai Top markrt prlcM pal

Snn-'i. Inc.. Ilurl.r. Id.ho. Phona MFOR SALE O R T R A D E

Co.sirionXuilT.'Sod.l aln.lana. *ou Ilk. lo trada for Llon.I iri ln. 1 mil

f.it. t ’i-aoiilh Klmbwlr. Phona 241-R------- - M ISC ELLA N EO U S-FO R SALI

KMH MOVIE }ro)a«lar, Pbaaa 2>), rjUr. Id.ho._______________UONKL train and acc«wrl«. Call !»».’

_______ c£oi> uiad Soulh Wind aala baatar. Firatona Elana.

5 a n d P R O F E S S IO N A L

ECTORYVICE ♦ Pl.Ul,IBlSG ft //EATW C“* ***•--- Mam. Plumbln* .nd HUr. Co. Phor. »l:



^ *‘ah?m-aTAppT^cV^.jalr* Ph.

_______ • THEE S E n v iC E ___________i *»“*hn'a UadKapln* frcrrlca, VB. w l

*»«. W. » 77PEU'fli7EnS

~ W atum woc ” T f ‘rnw‘*S‘” °PP°*“*_ ■■ ■ — • V^^cut M^CLEANEBS

- f ...,,, H_| • VENETIAN flUNDS

~ ■ • waYep softenersIT atb . s . ObUKu aea Waw Itaf»lafc n c m a*,.'


f i o — -— -------------------------------

ENTS I MISCEUANEDUS Wll SA^p5j^J^^lM USKKAT^rr.i, all. U. Hk. aaw. „am,.

irle rs iDnr a itle w.» i . inurmouauiB . SK en 1'h.m^llf —

window .hadn. :»C up. Odd alaaa* " • (r». KInt'p ll...B)«nL__________eral • apple - ,..l f-r rirn-l.t^ dalln

Phon. ;ii:4.1. Twl.. Kail... - CtNTLKMAS-'S Tu.^Jo. .1.. Jl. Eica:

J con.llU..n. i» . l-hi.B.

r r CO.m i FlKtrLACK »Dod. prach IU.M lon.

Arrr tm-n/nl. I'hrvi. JW.M.

•* ^ aul«w?ik rln'in'L*,' tM^w' afMr’ t ' t_ IUi bCllKAMM [>iilabl. comarMMir, . 'I Irnl cndUhn. Uo. t i; , Hallrr. Id.

la lr JUbT rtcthH a l.rT. ihlpm.nl a( r< lumbtt. Cl)d. BUhop LunUt Comp

• " " " " lilli ; '" ." '-1 _____________" . ' I ' . v n “ s s . v r ' s . ' - c s . ' - . s ' r ™ ;iBdllloB far »lwr. Uurlrr.

UUOU BllklK* macKlr., I vnlu, u.td: . T n i~ .

FOIII) lluik an'i ~m |.har has ifflra ' Or«on, Kot ». Call III or Jll*. II.

tlKUINinON „ul.l .l.lui.'p.riat.1. I

T a t d.U..«^^^T»m ^FalU Eatlpsiral C

^ FAIIM MASTLll mllklr* m.cl.lB.."“ii»I munlhi. Ilk. naw. I wci. ll^ aoutl

« “* CTiILL '. ;> '~ l ra pump, ba^r Lunr.Plrnouth raiup.. Tmsj. Nka Ini

I'bona TM2, MaiH in .IrnL Flurd Jau MiTT— I’l.rcf..lias birvlca. 2 OVUIIIKAO sara»a doara wlih h__________ war.. On. pl.Kotm rock.r, n r. aalb I'hona rorlitr. ^potlabr* cIrcUlo wubln*

m td sraln. CUT au»««llon.i Camrr.a. prolKi tcm u . blnoculan. motl. ogt/lu, ' y .|i nhoto l.nan, lap. rtretd.r.. can

f c ' i i K , ; r '^ i . S ; i . ' ‘„ii“; . S_________ rholccrapkla aupsllaa In 8oalh.ni IdAny amagnt. Wall lllarlMk'a Comnrt Cam.n C.l ad.ll. I'hona ■

Ins. Monaa. V8E0ibora'a UlU. BUBROOOnS bookka.SilW aad pMlli

mactfsa. A.| aeadlttoo.MaVaj-a. laa. Pbet« I

tIL Oaklar.

A R M Y --------------NAVY

Fr'5*?!!? SURPLUSBOod balA

hona‘ «li!Bjt Op«i Fridar Nliht. liOO P. K.1 to' bT faij Etanlnn. « rtl P. J t\i.ad calila.

y HARRY K O PPE L CO.TS rhana «»-W ' 112 ln l Am

HERS I FURNITURE & APPLIANClLAHUt alia babr b«l and hlihchaK,

«r AKaKa Pll.r Ar.naa W..L_____________*«th CU5TUM bUlLT Law.nn loua*a (I

(nam rtihbar. I'hon. TtT. la li. E. IIKFIIKIKIIATOII. UV.tl. 14 d<^ 11.00 n .r WMk. Wll.on.IlalM.5c viilTUMA-tlC HaMli. maoB.W pH

m Main norlh. afur tiOC.) *''‘"'^31*8 t?"'■ r i- i,£

WASHEK, porlaW. a.wlne m.thln., rl " and mlic.llanaoua. Phon. C1I1U4. 1

— and^a^“w7br Cj.*P^na tOM. Saa tl

Me l~ l[Ta lltO.OO NOUOE oil h.at.r u. kI on..i' aen. 2U.«0. I nllM « . l ef Waahlni

M.~ir northwwt eomtr.IlAliAINS laler*: U.«l ilrclrlc rari

c lM aJ' ~ b

il:----------- Sl-AllK d.luia oil htal.r. I 'j cubic IIn. llnUi.lB Cocltrator rc(fl*cralor wllh 49 lh. m.In lalli. (rnicr. Dtluia «l«lrl' ranit. ModI: Ou.rnicr •irl* htl?rr''u l.d ^ ‘r^wJihI aut. JH twl'n^lubl M.ld''c(’'Vor

B -l? h ^ ^ ^ .^ l£ '

[ '" lil 'j ''* ' 1 BENDDC.nd iTi ■ DIALAMATIO ‘

B ^ i a r ............. ........»)» .»


■ —. F o r H e r Christm as "tad riflCJlJp

. Jarocaa. K IR B Y

Victtom a « n . r Bralna UY Wllh rowar Floor PelUbcr

. . - Praa DamonatxalloB la roar homa. *•***"• * Phona »ja, Todar

**• “ **'“ •* KIRBY CO. O P TWIN PALU


baaa i s j i . ...... U so d A p p l ia n c c a _ i : -

W ^ e r » - lUiillo* - OU HeaUn


All (T.A.O.) . . .Tested - Approved - Quaranteed

Only 15.00 Down


I A U CTIO N SALE-------

/JCErTTT------- Rood J-rlaca baOrrom aalta; on. mapl.-**'*• hou». d.«k: ona M.hotan^ br>a». davki

***— I'l'allfi, ‘i^nM''aBd'^at1*fI.7«l‘ u t tmania, Uka nowj alaclrle portakl.

________atwlr* m.chlna: on. planal raiUaiVh. in t . waahtn* machlnaaj oil h«Utii bor'a

------——. kkrtl.: a ^ UhUa i ^ t j a UWja I otb-

r s n ^ M A G IC V A L L E Y ^ . . A U C n O N ----------

Phon. 203IJ JOI Shnhaaa BoaU


v.l c*ard»l’.i,*» ,W aeUkVnllaa. iTil _ l i l t dova wlU basdla. Pbesa 2141 S S a S r I IM L ....................

• " r - • •

FOR S A L I SPECIAL SERVICESItt, aaw. IM. WrtiUbToH 8,.M-ail .tBOa- Vp lit. aaw. aa.. ;

trouaUlB Feat BEPTIC Uak aad tatpooi alaaalas.

Odd alaaa cbI maTTH&UU r«a^.i.d----------------- ad. E.tnoB Uaitm. Faaiorr. t l l• ta. dallrafwL a.ane. looUi. Pboa. tl.W^ T T E = K A P lo a M U i i e :Q.J, I.nd lllawilha. S ' l t . , J . ™ P 'A N O S.

and ^ MAKEi-ALL BIZESv'afi.r itOO. Parsi.nu

iE '- . j . i . ' : ' ' " "

S ^ L S t . C L A U D E B R O W N „ . „ . u . . M U S IC 4 F U R N IT U Il

lla I. • Craad. TWIN FALLB

'Mnlu, i -T. R. J. Ebal.;i.H ..’t.-. ; r-5; A U TO S FOR SALEor Ilai.r- i>4* P6KD.~ £aB ka aa«B at IH 1

._________mrwl. Twin Falla.___________porlabl. irpa-

.— . 18SI MERCURY. tor imiatdimillpsiral Cas- I Sport 4.door lUdaa. Daaullfal___________ __ "tltlnal (InbL Diulpjid with 11.CI<IB.. <».d e h.alw and ot.rOrl.t. A local 00*t. IH aoulh of cr Mncury-------------------------■i«n compi.u KEN SELP MOTOR CC

t l i trd A»^ I’hon. IIH.W Twia

labr bunr. .Jau* Mrr°r.


j ' S —'ATJl* **W FORD Cil.tcKB I factor, m t*

^n«i .ourca If 'S l " S S i s - S : ,= —i 1*0 HUDSON I fordar. Radio, hi

IorndrlT., auloei.llc c la t^In. Inlrtlor. branto

IJJ* MZitcvsir hri^. n*4ic»4

ettrdrlra _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _»4» FORD 8op« Dtlgia farter-

■■ I - Wil MERCURY Club eea{«____I l»«l 8wpar D.lBia fordor ___—

n a v y g u j j j p p j f o r d s

' ,BUHL »

:00 P. X. ^ _ _ —, P .j t . I IOM DESOTO

1 Caaledi 1-deer aadia, naiKlMd radlA haolar a»4 tlploa tnnuali

5 I .C 0 .

ln l Am t . * '- --------------- 1 KEN SELP MOTOR----------------- Flioiia 114».W TwIb

’LIANCES - ■■■■_hlihchalt. 4i( I------------------------------------------


li” : EQUIPM ENT CO.«B»bl» priMd.

UBod Cars

llur. Mei/tr'lo.l nrn. ir mali^ h*»W ------- ------ ;----------:

..........• 1117 DODGE 4.doer aadaa. S

r"< h fn ^ I“n ](|7 CHCVRC^ET I -^ r .^ V a r j j

'h^Mh? mul 1><2 STUDEDAKER Commaadar 4. ant.. Modern wlih ot.rdrl.. and cllma'4Mallon N f racendlUonad

4u‘^ lh '* r f CHEVROLET aadaB. Oaamsood lira .,

^ J»4« STDDJTBAJtEB l . I » pickup Located ei Tiwk U » . W«i

10 PhBaa 1I4» Pbeae

’111V” ' — ~ ~

Cualom Woor. Rad'lo. h^ler —I I OTCTdrl... 4 naw. Flrwlono. tlraa ------ }}.»M actual talta. Lika aaw___*


, « » - ?»«»*• "«»•* . T*‘" >

llWcr T O P S„ r homa. ^


~ 1112 ciiEVBOurr^Camx.

fl p l2 a /1 ? a S r ^ ' * /lA L E l i u IIUICK Bp«U] 4-doer. Ab »- ------------ -------tlsu l car In a baaulKul GiCCa— ____BRallle {inbh: Olc htatar.-

. radio. Yea eas ha>a LUa elrTAtora 8 « Oalck foe «ll7 ------- »:U Heaten OLDSMODILE DalB«a « o o r_ _ with hrdramallc. la two.<1<Y *rtan. t'ullr aqolppail. A I

flaa car pticad tiSBU Oaljr—SiIKO nUICK Sapw 4-Joor Rlrerl.

jj” '" ' 'lartJaf A 1 bSV” a “ «r*_4:

IN JIM NASH Ruiaa».a M sxaIn a medium bliM. lUdla. ba

'* (ii'frdri.a. Oeod Ufa. A-------------- f.mllr car. Popnlar for lU o— omr. Wonh aMf». PrkadLE - ------------------------ *

III* FORD Coataa V.« indoor


dii!* **'’*■ ®** “ ■ ® * -m f . dlrl H it BTUDWAna Dahaa «. W.i 5-pI.« wIlb.oTndrlTa. r»dlo a»dTia

S !.,"S ;; m t o a a?«!fo‘a.“^ fceiaa*. Prtrll*

I U m iha Oaablo eot «t _ u*«l Car SoFlu ___


'nil''’’ m i ? *®besa 2141 or^ —

----------------- - - P A G E TWENTYtSBV

------------- 1 a u to s tor SALg

3 8

nCES ■ . .iea""i7"p*I5». A


S $ S i | — :— SEE u s _ _ S s f S NOW

J i r e 4

--------- -1 SAVEIS n o f l G an a t Reduced Price

““ “ “ W ILLS MOTOR CO.Yesr NA8U Daalar ‘

Uh I Car D.pt-Tr«k U aa W« ** Slsn

H T U R B rbM* 8i«.j' xwia rB .

Simla'cinm ■-■ ifl now o t

^ I TSVIN FA LLS •ullfni blue MOTOR CO.ocl!i OB.-.WB: OPPERIKO


■I T hertockU llmltwJ, 10 b u rn t

OAR L lRO ia A FEW ACCESBOUESI■AMora . f S ' S . ' i S - " "

. , Elacula Ckcka

Dlra.il.Bar Bl«uk ■

" l ib E iS l i v U X r s iu .a .a .t ■»« Claansaa al Reek Doltea Pi

<AU CkH.l»a WrtppW) clatci. apot. LOOKI

--------- t i » i A t Much u fiO% O tflladJa, baatar,-----------UU PntST COME.>nBST SX B mf«4er..t<H Wa Boat a>tka ream for oor

»a____ | l « aaoaaaoflM m wa era (M at r»z ____ ________ thanco lo (aki cara of IhaKm* 6b----------»"* maa tU l jou alaioat fatfat.

ORDS t = : = ± =


?^52iiaa’I rt T h e r e U aa rra lar a** ---------- 8»at*'

3R ffO . . . . Aod YouH TblnkTwIb Falla

I ' 80 Too W b tt t 6 u B*8.V?h

----------------- 1 L O W 'F R IC E S

L S \7a>n A<klii( for

‘ CO. o u r Pine, RMonmUoned

, QUALITY- O K - .

Used Cars.,'!---------“ « • Buy from UB B « f «

i.B. Railo. C hrlttm uRacoadlUoaadMLT — « 7 t And 8AVKI

. Varr cltBB ’ ' '

~ ^ ' E s a ^ G r - m w i > >. . . CHEVROLET

ri>'Sni1Sr: m iU l .A « .W . . rtoM” !^ _ _ IU 6 \ •


pickup IIM c«. Wnt TT

Pbeae» » . . I IR---------------r J

I s _ •

. hMl«r B»d U» . Uraa and “ ..aw---- t l t t l A

>R CO. 3

Twin FaUa S P E C.I A L S

= = ■“ ’ 2 3 ^ a S ; \ * S ' k » ^ “‘ '1H4 d n v w u e r l paataa«* aeoi IMfl F O ^ M taa *

l l t l CUZVSOLR Aanaadaa. r iO N 1141 CemBaaaw H

wltb IIU roNTUO Btr*B«U»«r i.4aer.' I*OTar' lioS! IMt OOOOE Tewa Sedaa wltb a tai _____ lr«4J dlUosad BWtor.. Ab «m. i>. 1*«> aiEVROLl; »4aar. 'h t 'a u r . - ^ - >MT XAlSES.Man..U.ieo4.«»«

t l t i BTODEBAKEB K tarn 'lit

a ^ 1 T «« Qat4 Car Dollan Bt? Ma i . A W lr AT

t w i n f a l l s M O T O E G O .

iBxa 4.doer. — .■ ■ 1 ' ■ ■ 'TRUCKS l l TRAIUR3

I won't Ual or tn d . 2 aUlaa aaat, 1)4 aaatb u Only l u w beilr. Pboaa I41.B4.

Uraa, nvif <»*"»»” ****,

IS la il iflKVWLIT 1 tcaaj^»l«

Page 28: H/j I ’ - -c F IN A Lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · flla oa.«pr«p*ymeDttasli fortew* Xldarlai of-thiAi.ittinHaeft. tMSp; ¥1 ^^ewond«r1£*!]

t o r s d a y . d e c b i b e b ^ B


i f t s e l e c r t o n s J

, t i s W O S s h o p p e W

ift robesih e r h o p p y C h r is lm o l m o n « !

'o r y d a y I h e r o o t lo r . . . v n 'l l i R

' w a r m r o b o to w e a r Ih e u ■

m o rn in g s . W id e l e l e c l i o n i B

iw sly les in q u i l l e d co»m A

c o n o ri c h e n ille s , In im a it K

' o r o lo g a n i (g ll le n g lh i , K

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A *2.98 CTTw gift *K*1I appradoM iilHA of oil. . . flotttriAQ rf«r

^ ^ H i n rtolfy f K » v » i l) ta :8 v ^ ^ C

novtlty bvttoAi gglm

rayon taffeta

■ s k i r t s E

■ «3.98 iFM XrtM w ilytM tovblfarK !?

^ J g r^ e f n e H i lo T T T B iW iW ^ K ip m to yevr belldey w e r4 * f i^ ^ fc t

Coy buttoo Irina, iw i i j ' ■ ' plM tyo(hinnm teilu l i R j

your tiny woiitllntit o lo n .W u « ir ^ B a

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iry o o ro v fd o o ro n tian*t in a rlof of brillioni ■ _

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d fa it to yovr hMcL


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; AI DEPOSIT WILL W JM i Ij HOLD ANY I ITEM UNTILI CHRISTMASfl___________________________________________________

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Imporl'cd Cope*skin Glove Iwilh qII'WOoI linins 1


Fleece Uned ^ .Cope-skin'With .

tum-back cuff* 1

. — ^ — —


* 3E xquljito ly ' f in s

d u lle r f in ish . Dc e s f sb o d e j.

s i f t i d B o j . • . . g o o d v a lu e i '

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——Myon-faill(^ -----: JV5™,lliclc hqhdbogi wilh o b ii- » ' r - • • p lo ln o r p l s o l .d m y o n fo l

^ o ro go in g p l o c . P o u d i n , vonill

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o. lu ic lou l oll-nylon lo tin t t lp i•R ich n y lo n satin with nyhn en d e re d s h e e r . In*sljcs 3 2 fo 42

^ W h i t c o n ly

b . Iv x v rJ o u t p g f t/c o a tt in aclon P e r fe c t fo b rip b le n d . . .

. w ifh nylon lau, p e rm a n e n t p leo ls!

«. Ia<e-loYlih aclon In ilze* 32-4L u x u rio u s w ith d e e p c o tto n loce o n d a p p liq u e .

I W h ite a n d b la c k .

^ Royal Purple \ v NYLONS ^

3^ 8 0

P o l,. 9Sc polr

qu isitely fin e k n i t , . . m ode In side o u t i ller f in ish . D o in ty F re n c h scorns, 'f o s h io n 's shodes.

od v a lu e i

very good fosfef

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'oud!M,vonllIo», im portont ,n d io m o V d t l a l M , b ^ a u l 'M ly ! Aout. In your choice o f ^

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T U iw low coHon ehtnill* w5lb ^ 19 front t!« b»h, * » p Jurn-iwa:

i end him .'U lhyf, blut, ntlon or ^1 o q u o .«K > 20 . $5 .95 ^ ^

I 4^4-. “ | .

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« C o H o m ' f "

i 2 .98\ H on«r*«*^ P«r><i«1 dre«e» „; \ fof yow>9 lodiMl Fancy'(J detoib ond frill*. viriih c|r Holidcy o J o o . 3 . 4 . 5, 6. 6X: . ^ j 2

) f Open 'Til 9 P.M, | \ j Fri., Sat., Mon. and '

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I A W '(i € i i

/ / H----------H o noysuck i6 'T 3r««s-------Tots'

For B aby Hol«

Z 9 8 ~" « " y . f ™ l« 'H r i r -S m d„y 0 ,1 , ee

.»iih loo, 00

I 9 P.M. freen. and Tues. PARKING


t h i i r s d a y ,

- . ( f 'O - O - '

» c .

^arm gift ia cozy warm rob

knit wool'

W v f u r t r i m m ^

t ^ heltnef I *2.49P e r fe d fo r g ifh , fo r yoor ovfdo<

’- 4 . . . »nug w ool h ilm iit in a rlof ocolor*. P e r t fu r frim oil around,

b icycle d ip to ho ld fatf to you:

r — Tots’- H ^ ^ i ---- HcniHoliday D r e s s e s

1.98 ^Gilo cottoni wifli lob cf t>Uf* iltom ond bow i for littlo a.mrtl(

__ _ "twinUa to « U Aiiortad ity l« 3o r f d » J o r » .S J z o i l ,2 ,>