Hive Info Deck


Transcript of Hive Info Deck

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Introduction to Hive

Hive is a cloud-based, software as a service platform that was specifically designed to meet the growing need within people operations to deliver an ‘always-on’, dynamic and transformational approach to employee engagement surveys. We built Hive with the goal of eradicating all of the hassle associated to running employee surveys.

Less admin. More impact!

Hive is the first product to spin out of Visualsoft’s Innovation Lab, an intrapreneurial function within Visualsoft tasked with ideating, launching and scaling new SaaS businesses.

> eCommerce software provider

> 200+ employees in Teesside, Manchester, London and Newcastle.

> 1,200+ customers, processing £500,000,000 in retail revenue per year.

> Numerous people strategy accreditations & awards:

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Demise of Annual Surveying

There is a growing realisation that the annual employee survey is no longer sufficient in modern business.

Some of the most prevalent problems with the annual survey are:

● Slow / unresponsive.● Question fatigue leads to lower levels of


● The volume of data is unwieldy; more so is

prioritisation and planning of any follow up

initiatives required.

● Annual surveys are slow and unresponsive; at

worst resulting in an 11 month wait before

opportunity to explore or uncover a potential


● There are frequency pressure’s and timing


More and more organisations are now turning to a

more responsive and agile approach to measuring

and understanding their workforce.

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How Hive Works

Hive’s cloud-based web application collects timely, anonymous feedback from our workforce on an ongoing basis through the use of online micro-surveys that can be accessed via a PC, tablet or smartphone.

At a frequency of your choice, Hive invites employees to partake in a micro-survey by contacting them via email and/or SMS.

In order to take part in the micro-survey, employees simply need to click on a link within their email or SMS prompt.

Importantly, there are no logins for employees.

Hive have removed them because it helps to validate anonymity and helps to increase response rates.

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How Hive Works

Hive’s micro-survey’s are fully responsive (the design pops into shape depending on the device being used) and are designed with a focus on the experience of the employee.

Each micro-survey consists of three parts:

One (or more) questions - Customers can choose to use Hive’s playlist of employee engagement questions OR can customise questions and have full control over what to ask.

An optional suggestion box - for employees to raise concerns, ask questions or shout about ideas. This can be switched on and off as required.

An optional peer-to-peer recognition feature. Hive-fives are like virtual pats on the back and they can be customised to reinforce your organisational values.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely is it that you’d refer a friend or family member to work here?

Greenvale AwardsHousing & Care 21 Awards are a great way let someone know that they dd a great job.

Suggestion BoxTell us about an idea you want to share or feedback on anything at all.

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How Hive Works

All of the data is stored within Hive and can be accessed by permission granted users (usually the HR team, managers and/or senior leadership team) in real-time via a reporting suite.

Easy to use filters provide the opportunity to drill down into the performance of specific business units or locations and help you to understand what drives positive and negative scores in your organisation.

Quantitative and qualitative information is displayed side by side, making it even easier to draw real actionable insight to help improve engagement and culture.

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Hive is For Your Whole Organisation


Build an amazing workplace. Hive helps you to drive momentum for positive change. Get actionable insight to drive engagement without the hassle usually associated with surveying your workforce. Less admin. Even more impact.

Internal Communications Professionals

Laser guided comms. Hive helps you to evaluate and direct your communication initiatives by giving you responsive, easy and effective access to qualitative and quantitative information on an ongoing basis.

Senior Leadership

Analytics for your most important asset. Get a helicopter view of your workforce or go ‘back to the floor’ and get right under the skin of what your people are thinking and feeling.


Be an even better manager. Hive empowers you with information that helps you to lead, manage and your team even more effectively. Deal with snags before they become issues.


Happier, more engaged. Hive makes it easier than ever before for employees to have a permanent voice - one of the key drivers of engagement.

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Key Feature : Anonymous Messenger

Hive’s anonymous messenger is a critical part of adopting a dynamic approach to engagement and is a great way to demonstrate to employees that they’re being listened to.

The anonymous messenger feature provides Super-Admins and Managers the ability to engage in two-way dialogue with survey respondents.

You can respond to a comment left by an employee and Hive will connect you to the right person whilst maintaining employee anonymity the whole time.

The employee is then notified by Hive that they have a message; allowing the employee to respond in turn.

This is powerful stuff:

You can also respond to people who don’t leave comments (and just leave scores).

● validate and explore ideas;● have opportunity to deal with

serious issues (whistleblowing)● request more information; and● turn any potential moans into

constructive feedback conversations

The anonymous messenger is something I just couldn’t live without. Responding to people, exploring ideas, getting under the skin of comments - good or bad - is just invaluable.

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Key Feature : Hive-Fives

Recognition is a proven driver of engagement. Hive helps organisations to nurture a culture of recognition via a peer-to-peer recognition feature called Hive-fives.

By customising the feature, we can incorporate and reinforce your values. The example Hive-five (right) is for being Accessible.

Employees are notified by Hive when they receive a Hive-five (below). The data is also visualised in Hive’s reporting suite so that an organisation can see their values being ‘lived’.

Hive-fivesHive-fives are a great way let someone know that they did a great job.


1) Select a co-worker. 2) Choose what you’d like to recognise them for - one of your core values or simply a generic Hive-five. 3) Send them a message and let them know they did a great job.

“What I love about using custom Hive-fives is that they’ve lifted our organisational values right off of the posters and embedded them into our culture in a really effective way”

Neil Robbins, Managing Director - Silverbean

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Key Feature : Translation Capability

Hive is translated into over 100 languages.

To accomplish this, every employee has a language marker in the database. When an employee interacts with Hive (i.e. when they receive an email from Hive, when they take part in a micro-survey or engage in the anonymous messenger) they’ll do so using their language.

Hive translates questions and forms into their language. The employee can respond in their language. Hive then translates their feedback into English so that all comments, feedback and insight in the reporting suite is handled in English.

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Engagement Training & Expert Support

Hive can support your organisation by providing training, knowledge, workshops and expertise.

Hive’s approach to ‘consultancy’ is different.

We deliver it with the aim of enabling our customers to develop a legacy of skills, knowledge and expertise in-house. By removing a dependency on consultancy and by arming customers with the training, knowledge and support needed; Hive believes that customers can be even more effective at delivering an ‘always-on’ approach to engagement in-house.

Delivered by Hive’s Employee Engagement Coach, Lisette Nicholson; Hive’s training and facilitation workshops can be tailored specifically for the needs and requirements of your organisation.

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Hive-Five’s from Our Customers

We’re very proud to be able to boast about our net promoter score of 8.6 out of 10.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely is it that you’d recommend Hive to a friend or counterpart?


Thanks! :)

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