History's Greatest Lie

History's Greatest Lie? The Crown.  '' I myself bearing witness in the house of the Knights Templa rs'' King John, May 15 th 1213. This was to be my first article for QW magazine,that remains to be seen so I'll post it here anyway, I was told it was in need of something for history , science and film reviews, at the moment the science article can wait because there's a pile of information that needs to be under a massive spotlight, but I will cover the other two with this article and it effects every man woman and child on the planet. I would wager 99% of people don't have the foggiest idea, though as a reader and researcher you may well have a better understanding than me, there are other articles written on the subject but this is my understanding and attempt to link some stuff together, but we have to g o back nearly 800 years a nd then come forward to the Wizard of Oz, sound odd?. The main perception of 'how things work' by the above 99% are we elect leaders, who run our countries, our schools educate our children, our police uphold the law and keep the peace via the 'legal system',(which will take us to the Wizard of Oz), the military is for our protection from invading armies and only fights in righteous wars, whatever they are, the banks are there to look after our money , and we all go to work to earn money for ourselves and our families and the taxes we pay from that help maintain the above , but we know different, if we go back 797 years, 2 months and at the time of writing 20 days. You are in the city of London in 1213 over a thousand years after Londinium was trashed by the Iceni tribe led by Boudicca in an attempt to rid Britain of the Roman invaders, and the King John Charter has b een signe d on today May 1 5 th . In 1185 the Knight Templars consecrated the Round church, the first part of the Templar's control base, the T emple Church, the second 'chancery' part will not be built for another 27 years in 1240, but both the Round and the Chan cery , are modelled on the Church of the Holy Se pulchre in Jerusalem. Today you would be standing between Fleet Street and Victoria embankment at the Thames, and T oday in 2010, as back in 1213, is where you will find the 'crown', this IS the 'crown',The T emple Church of the Knights T emplar , the grand wizards of deception, not the Monarch, not the Queen, not her fancy Jewels on her head, nor any of her predecessors. In fact recent evidence has uncovered proof that Edward iv was a bastard, and not the rightful heir, so not only are the British Monarchy not British as they would have the masses believe, they are not e ven th e rightful successors to the throne, but that's an other story for another issue. The temple church at Chancery Lane is the Crown, and for simplicity , from this point on we will just say the c rown and know what it's referring to, and it controls the ' legal systems', certainly of the commonwealth countries and almost the entire planet b y proxy , it controls the money , the gold and mineral wealth, the Armies, it controls you, y our puppet government, the media's, everything, but enough is enough, the time to stand is now, they know it and are

Transcript of History's Greatest Lie

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History's Greatest Lie?The Crown.

  '' I myself bearing witness in the house of the Knights Templars''

King John, May 15th


This was to be my first article for QW magazine,that remains to be

seen so I'll post it here anyway, I was told it was in need ofsomething for history, science and film reviews, at the moment the

science article can wait because there's a pile of information that

needs to be under a massive spotlight, but I will cover the other twowith this article and it effects every man woman and child on the


I would wager 99% of people don't have the foggiest idea, thoughas a reader and researcher you may well have a better

understanding than me, there are other articles written on the subjectbut this is my understanding and attempt to link some stuff together,

but we have to go back nearly 800 years and then come forward tothe Wizard of Oz, sound odd?.

The main perception of 'how things work' by the above 99% are we elect leaders, who run our

countries, our schools educate our children, our police uphold the law and keep the peace via the'legal system',(which will take us to the Wizard of Oz), the military is for our protection from

invading armies and only fights in righteous wars, whatever they are, the banks are there to lookafter our money, and we all go to work to earn money for ourselves and our families and the taxes

we pay from that help maintain the above, but we know different, if we go back 797 years, 2

months and at the time of writing 20 days.You are in the city of London in 1213 over a thousand years after Londinium was trashed by the

Iceni tribe led by Boudicca in an attempt to rid Britain of the Roman invaders, and the King JohnCharter has been signed on today May 15th.

In 1185 the Knight Templars consecrated the Round church, the first part of the Templar's control

base, the Temple Church, the second 'chancery' part will not be built for another 27 years in 1240,but both the Round and the Chancery, are modelled on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in

Jerusalem.Today you would be standing between Fleet Street and Victoria embankment at the Thames, and

Today in 2010, as back in 1213, is where you will find the 'crown', this IS the 'crown',The TempleChurch of the Knights Templar, the grand wizards of deception, not the Monarch, not the Queen,not her fancy Jewels on her head, nor any of her predecessors.

In fact recent evidence has uncovered proof that Edward iv was a bastard, and not the rightful heir,so not only are the British Monarchy not British as they would have the masses believe, they are

not even the rightful successors to the throne, but that's another

story for another issue.The temple church at Chancery Lane is the Crown, and for simplicity,

from this point on we will just say the crown and know what it'sreferring to, and it controls the 'legal systems', certainly of the

commonwealth countries and almost the entire planet by proxy, it

controls the money, the gold and mineral wealth, the Armies, itcontrols you, your puppet government, the media's, everything, but

enough is enough, the time to stand is now, they know it and are

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terrified, OF YOU, and so they should be, because you have the power to stop this insanity, and

that's exactly what it is.To cut the potential boredom factor, a brief description of the crown is this, it comprises the four

inns of court at Temple Bar, the Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincolns Inn and Greys Inn, these

are elite secret societies (elite being the euphamism of the millennia, but people understand theconnection so we'll continue to use it) and a law unto themselves.

Canada and Britain is controlled by the legal and financial system of the Inner Temple, America iscontrolled by the Middle Temple's legal and banking system, and by proxy beyond via the Crown's

many tentacles such as the Crown Agents , founded in 1833 to run the admin of the crown's

empire, and serve as bankers to governments, colonial authorities and heads of state, to run supplyroutes for arms, drugs, people and viruses.

These routes have been described by MI5 and MI6 whistleblowers as the snake lines, these fewshould give an idea as to the crown agents influence.

Barclays Bank,British Telecom,Unilever, Securicor, Aga Khan Foundation, International Busines

leader forum,The latter used to be the Prince of Wales Business Leader Forum, and is huge,and it's no

coincidence charlie boy is the current head of another of the crown's tentacles, The Club of the

Isles, part of the Windsor/ black nobility network, a vast and powerful, if not all ecompassing groupof companies, here's a few I wrote down a while back so they will have changed or more likely

merged here and there, N.M Rothschilds Bank,Barclays Bank,Lloyds Bank,HSBC Bank,NationalWestminster Bank, Barings Bank, Hambros Bank, Lloyds Insurance Market, Schroders Bank,

British Petroleum, Shell and Royal Dutch Petroleum, S.G Warburg, Lazard Brothers, J.P.Morganand CO, HSBS (heroin stained bank of china), General Electric, Glaxo Smithkline, Reuters,

Holdings, Lohnro, General Electric, need I go on.

When you look at the above you'll get the picture, in doing research you'll bewalking the Yellow Brick road, the money, and it seems apparent that the crown

owns everything via the Inner and Middle churches for the system that is Rome.You would have to be a grand wizard to show that the Vatican hasn't had it's ring

kissed over the millennia by tyrants and dictators, and to agree to reduce paedophilia

to an 'acceptable level' would make anyone question it's belief systemThe Vatican city has an age of consent of 14, previously 12 , for what reason?, being

the tamest of questions, the only inhabitants of the Vatican have sworn to celebacy, this is whatanyone would find if they look,, christian, catholic, muslim, jew, it's irrelevant.

Another vital and global tentacle is the City Livery Companies, again part of the Windsor/Black

Nobility network, they are the front for merchant groups such asEngineers, Butchers, Fishmongers, Goldsmiths, and Airline Pilots and

Navigators, the latter being controlled by Prince Philip.Research leading to a book by the late author Peter Jones, titled ' the

Obedience of Australia,' exposes the names within these companies, andPhilip's little role will give you an idea who is behind our restriction totravel, the chemtrail phenomena, now admitted as being 'Geo-

engineering', and with links to Easy Jet being funded by the WarburgBank, being part of the Rothschild's empire and unequivocally shown to

have funded the Nazi war machine, of course Hitler new better than to

bomb his bankers in Switzerland, and Philip along with his whole familywere supporters of the nazi's, funny how Buckingham Palace was never

bombed either.Coincidence of course, that members of Philip's family were high

ranknig SS, Philip's sister Sophie even named her child Karl Adolf after

Hitler, chuck in the name Prescott Bush and the rabbit hole deepens but we don't have time to gothere, suffice it to say the last trial for treason in the UK was involved with the retrieval of

documentation linking the House of Windsor with the Nazi's.

Dame of Malta

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'The Cambridge Five' being Burgess, Blunt, Maclean, Philby and rumours of Nathaniel Meyer

Victor Rothschild being the fifth traitor, the current Treason allegations in the UK being pursued byAlbert Burgess, Britains bravest policeman and myself among others, I'm told it's on the desk

of....ironically...the 'crown prosecution Service'.

America is and has never been free, nor any country in thecommon wealth, we're led to believe we're free via Hollywood

and the mainstream news network and brain numbing TV, thedefinition of words like 'state' and 'Capitol' as in hill,

Washington DC, binded together nicely with the symbolic

tributes to paganism at the three independent city 'states' ofLondon ( financial ), Washington ( military ) and the Vatican

( spiritual ), show us that American 'states' are merely crowncolonies.

The Declaration of independance signatories were temple bar attourneys , (esq) who have pledged

allegience to the crown, the grand wizards of deception, the Knights Templar and Knights of Malta

working for the Roman/Jesuit empire.The 'Club of Rome' was founded mainly to bring down America's middle classes and industry,

headed by alleged paedophile and Bilderberg chair, CEO of Coca Cola Ettienne D'avignion, whowith Facebook are promoting the 'chip', but I digress again, as King John said as we jump back to

May 15th 1213 and the signing of the King John Charter .

' I myself bearing witness in the house of the Knights Templar'.

John, by the grace of God king of England, lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy,

"By this charter attested by our golden seal we wish it to be known to you all that...we offer andfreely yield to God and to SS Peter and Paul...and to the Holy Roman Church our mother, and to

our lord Pope Innocent III and his Catholic successors, the whole kingdom of England and the

whole kingdom of Ireland with all their rights and appurtenences for the remission of our sins andthe sins of our whole family.... And now, receiving back these kingdoms from God and the Roman

Church, and holding them as a feudatory vassal...we have pledged and sworn our fealty hencefort toour lord aforesaid, Pope Innocent III...and we bind in perpetuity our successors and legitimate heirs

that without question they must similarly render fealty and acknowledge homage to the Supreme

Pontiff holding office at the time......in lieu of all service and payment which we should render for them [the fiefs], the Roman Church

is to receive annually...one thousand marks sterling...."

John was a cowardly shite to say the least,it runs in theinbred families to this day, the psychopath gene is keptstrong.

Two years down the line we get Runnymede...yey.The signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, although Pope

Inocent 3 nullified it, it gives us article 61, the right to

Lawful Rebellion, which is not just our right but our dutyand it is this method when employed en masse that will destroy completely the illusions of control

bombarded on us daily, and take back our power and our freedoms from the crown as is rightfullyand Lawfully (not legally) the case.

But it will require an indefatigable pursuit of the aforementioned freedoms under a barrage of

obstacles , walls and disinformation , built to prevent the return of sovereignty both as individualsand as nations, thrown at us from the crown, their grand wizards and Zionist sponsored disinfo

from the likes of Alex Jones and the masonic run WAC NYC to name but two.

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The Illuminati families, the true power elite have orchestrated revolutions and rebellions throughout

history, and they are desperately trying to win this one, they are placing their minions and puppetsto lead the waking ignorant, to anger, arouse and stir the masses as they have many times before.

The internet is bursting with world war 3 this and that, ww3 has been raging since ww2 ended

when the top nazi scientists and criminally insane bypassed the Knight of Malta founded Haguecourts to found NASA and the U.S intelligence establishments, America was founded ...to fall,

Problem,Reaction, Solution.This is an information war, a war for your mind and spirituality, which slowly but surely with

fabian stealth are being removed, along with our liberties and freedoms by the already in place

puppet governments, military industrialists and Mainstream corporate medias.Trying to keep it simple, the 'legal' systems in place are

controlled by the crown temple, so the courts, judiciary,police, governments and their agencies/employees, the whole

shindig operates by deceiving, they use a language we all

'understand' because it sounds like English .It is called 'legelese', the language of the law society, it binds

with your consent, the human being...you....flesh and blood,

with your fictional person...created for you at birth via yourbirth certificate, and consent is all it is.

Your fictional person is your MR, MRS, MISS, your name in full caps as in all your bills, licenses,passports etc, and different versions of, MR JOHN SMITH, MR J Smith, MR SMITH, MR Smith ,

JOHN SMITH and will always put to you as such, both verbally by any of the above or in writing.When a copper or magistrate says ''do you understand?''...and you say '' yes''...in legalese it means

you 'stand under' them, you gave them consent and didn't even realise, sneaky heh? And it's just one

word.Looking at Blacks Law dictionary, which you can get online for free, you'll see how feckin devious

they are, and there are many sites to get good solid information from such as www.tpuc.org andwww.fmotl.com and obviosly www.lawfulrebellion.org .

You'll find a book to explain it all simply and clearly ''Freedom is more than just a seven leter

word'' by Veronica: Chapman, under ten quid from Amazon.Other greats are the Anti-Terrorist, Winston Shrout, the great Rob Menard to name just a few who I

have learnt from, but learning never ends as we know only too well and I'm a humble beginnercompared to many.

So you now know you have a person, this person is controlled with your consent, by Statutes and

Acts, looking in the books mentioned you'll see that a statute is ' a legislative rule of society giventhe force of law by consent of the governed' ….are you a member of any society? Did you join?..

the force of law with consent? well you do consent but only in ignorance, as we all did, no shamein ignorance, it's stupidity that is harder to forgive, after knowing these in your face lies and

treasonous acts and people doing nothing, I used to find hard to accept, now I just accept it, it'show it is, some people can and will never see it, some see it and don't care, some see it but thinkthere's nothing they can do, some just think it's conspiracy bullshit but the interesting ones for me

are the peeps you can actually see switch off, you can see it in their eyes, not even a glimpse ofcognitive dissonance because the mind blocks it immediately.

Talking of seeing we get back on the road to Oz, because this crown we talk of operates within the

'see' of Rome, see what I did there?.....clever huh......ok...sorry, the see of Rome is how far Romecan see, it's boundaries, jurisdiction, it's kingdom, you'll get it trust me, but this not to be confused

with the' Law of the Sea' which is also very relevant and known as 'admiralty Law' , basically thislegelese deception is completely under Admiralty Law, and your person 'understands' it, all the

lingo comes from it, when you're born you pass through your mothers 'berth canal' , your given a

'berth certificate' the spelling is out by one letter but it's still English/Legelese trickery, and this is just the first of many 'applications' you'll submit to.

When you want a license for something you ...'submit' an application, and back it comes in full

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caps, you've handed ' owner....ship' over to the state, your only the registered keeper, of your car,

even your children, your getting it now I can see, but fear not, these are all called 'adhesioncontracts', meaning you consented unkowingly and are easily reconciled but you need to get some

knowledge under your belt, in the meantime just say no, no contract, it'll all fall into place don't

worry.If you break a statute and you 'understand' /' consent', you'll end up in court where you enter the

'dock', where they'll need you to acknowledge your person before you can be dealt with, nothingcan come off or go onto a ship while in dock until it's papers are checked. It's now recorded on

camera that not entering the dock, not consenting and standing in Common Law Jurisdiction, birth

certificate in hand, wipes the floor with their statutes and admiralty law.A court is in fact a ship, a company operating for profit, nothing whatsoever to do with justice it's

all about money, only a Court deJure is about Justice and these days are few and far between.A Court De Facto, your common garden Magistrate court is purely about getting you to consent to

your 'person' and give them your money, an illusion as John Harris' amazing work explains.

Money brings us to banks,..... two sides of a river that control the flow of a current....currency, andcontrol is what they do, by the trillions, when will we say no more? £69 billion of your money was

spent on two wars last year by the UK Corporation, both of which we consented to by the age old

tactic of False flag attacks, then build a wall of tears with the bought, payed for and hencecontrolled media of the time, and install minions to watch and lead if necessary, any rebellious

peasants, 'useless eaters' as philip saxo coberg gotha calls us, which is what we see in theaforementioned Alex Jones and WAC NYC et al, not to mention the mainstream media, though I

predict the two will soon merge , they have the same masters, sponsors and the like.The city of London is one of the three independent city states of the inbred bloodline elite and

controls the finances via the crown for the families behind the jesuit old world order, there's nothing

new about it, the other two being Washington ( Military) and the Vatican ( spiritual) contradiction interms being a euphamism as it's satanic to the hilt, is it a coincidence that the penis of osiris sits

at all three of these cities, and outside at least 10 of these families residences? Of course it is.The families in question are not the names the likes of Jones , Rudkowski blurt out willy nilly, they

are the Saturnalian brotherhood, the real 13 bloodlines but we can't go into that here, they control

the Jesuit General, the black pope who pulls the strings of the paedophile loving Ratzinger, who viahis grand wizards the knights templar, their crown temple in Chancery and your consent, own your

person, also known as your Strawman, but by taking control of him/her, your strawman, byremoving your consent, reclaiming your sovereignty and power we can end this insanity and hold

the psychopathic traitors accountable, or at least get on the yellow brick road ….strawman? Yellow

brick road? ...we're off to see the wizard.There are plenty of ways to understand this film and they

need to be taken on board, ship talk again, sorry, but thereis a significant esoteric meaning to this film, who's maker

was a theosophist, it was also used by the disgustingTavistock institute and other mk ultra, monarch,mindcontrol programming groups along with other well known

films, especially disney films, but for this writing I need tostick with the relevant meanings, nothing is kept from us.

It is always hidden in plain sight and has been for I don't

know how long, but as this film is from the 1930's , takenfrom a book dating back to 1900, and even the likes of

Charlie Chaplain tried to tell us something was seriously wrong, we can hardly say we weren'twarned.

Dorothy's first encounter on the road to Oz was the strawman, you've met already , he's your person,

and he identified his strawman persona for Dorothy, “Some people without brains do an awful lot oftalking. Of course, I am not bright about doing things, ”and in his classic song, “If I only had a

Brain,” the Scarecrow/Straw Man sings, “I’d unravel every riddle for every ‘individuadle’ in

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trouble or in pain.”

In light of what we've learnt we can translate it as; Once one discovers that his strawman exists, allpolitical and legal mysteries, complexities and conditions are resolved or understood and we take

legal title (control) to our ‘Strawman’, we become the ‘authorized representative’ of the ‘Strawman’

to accept and discharge ALL commercial affairs, and do they hate that....so I love it.The second encounter on the yellow brick road was the TIN man, also identified as tax payer

indentification number, the Tin Man was a hollow man of metal, a vessel, a vehicle, newly createdcommercial code words for the straw

man. Just like the Scarecrow, the tin

man had no brain and no heart, bothwere “artificial persons.”

One of the definitions of tin iscounterfeit, the tin man also represented

the mechanical and heartless aspect of

commerce and commercial law.The heartless Tin Man also carried an

ax, in the words of the Tin Man,

expressing relief after Dorothy hadoiled his rusty points and parts said,

“ I’ve held that axe up for ages.”The symbol for fascism is the “fasces,” a bundle of rods with an axe bound up in the middle and

its blade projecting, the fasces is found on the reverse side of the American Mercury-head Dime inRoman deity ‘Mercury’ was the God of Commerce, it can also be found on the wall behind, and on

each side of, the speaker’s podium in the US Senate ,each gilded fasces is approximately six feet in

height, and at the base of the US Senate are two crossed fasces.

The third character that Dorothy met was the Cowardly Lion, or “King of Beasts” and as the most

feared of all animals in the jungle, was lacking in ‘courage.’ The Lion is symbolic of the oncefearless people, who have since lost their courage by fabian stealth and controlled media

indoctrination, but always have and still do hold the true power.There are lots of talkers and typers out there,mousepad revolutionaries, just listen to Alex Jones,

and others who get arrested at protests etc, end up in court , why did they consent, 'understand' thesystem? for ratings is why , and because of this type of fearmongery and enforcing of the illusion,

are scared of the corporate system and local revenue collectors ,Police and judges in their so called

courtrooms of justice , ships we now know them as, and have been dealing with your Strawmanstrictly under the laws of Commerce, admiralty law, they are just like the Tin Man, heartless!

So we see one of the hidden in plain sight meanings of three of the films characters, what of theWizard himself and Toto the dog who was the first to pull the curtain and reveal the fraudulent Oz,

( for ounces gold ) we followed the road to Oz, followed the money.

Toto is from the latin totus and means totally, altogether, so in toto we can reveal the con behind thecurtain, and the wizard himself?, well he tells us aswell, remember

nothing is hidden, the Wizard was represented by the travelingmystic, Professor Marvel, Dorothy encountered when she ran away

with Toto, he boasted that he was “Acclaimed By The Crowned

Heads of Europe , Past, Present and Future,” and the good professorlectured Dorothy of the priests of Isis and Osiris and the days of the

pharaohs, sound familiar?, that yellow brick road leads to Romemethinks.

But we're forgetting the witch, remember how she covered the landwith poppies? Opium, drugging the travellers except the strawmanand the tin man, the fictional persons were not effected, when they

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cried for help the witch covered them with a blanket of snow, cocaine, drugs have always been and

still are the favourite choice of the black nobility for controlling the masses, East India TradingCompany should ring some bells, not to mention the contemporary club of the Isles, and the Golden

Dawn who keep the drugs flowing into society via the military conquests of the middle east through

the 'snake lines', remember last year when the nice new rifle scopes for the forces in Afghanistanwere issued with knight templar crusades quotation references on them, and lest we forget

Blackwater, now Xe, mercenary thugs with knight templar call signs.Also important is that the Witch was in a round medieval tower, symboloic of the Round Temple

in Chancery and the Templar practice of witchcraft, dressed in black to symbolise Saturn, also icon

of the knights Templar, also Bifrons aka Baphomet is their idol, the goat of Mendes, but that'senough into the esoteric and symbolic meanings of the film, although there are a lot more but

I hope I've made a point clearly enough for others to at least start getting the bit between their teeth,all the information is in front of our eyes, even before the internet, the Zionist controlled music and

film industries have been telling us for decades as this film shows, and that's without the

theosophical interpretations.More dangerous perhaps than the Janus types of Prison Planet et al is the Zeitgeist , Venus Project

movement, now proven beyond question to be linked to the UN and Bloodline Elite's, still others

are yet to see this, even some 'awake and enlightened We Are Change Chapters link up with thesesnakes in the grass....offer a starving animal poisoned food and it'll eat it, regardless of the

consequences.We are under attack from an enemy within, and peaceful, Lawful rebellion I believe is the way to

stop it and take back our power, freedom and control, to end the illusion of money and the currentgenocide programs and crusades, and that's exactly what they are.

I''ve followed the yellow brick road, seen the wizard for the cowardly little shite he is, his so called

warrior knights of Malta and Templar are protectors of paedophilia, satanic worship, genocide,theft, deception, human trafficking, drug trafficking, virus trafficking and all from the shadows but

under your nose,COWARDS AND TRAITORS, have you had enough? I have and it's them whoare scared, not I, History's Greatest Lie? ….I believe you would struggle to find a bigger one.

Don't walk along the path, walk where none have trod and leave a trail.