History of the Olympic Games

History of the Olympic Games


History of the Olympic Games. Read the words after me and then translate the words. Olympia; 2. Olympiad; 3. the Olympics; 4. Greece; 5. Greek; 6. Zeus; 7. a temple; 8. BC — before Christ; 9. AD — anno Domini; 10. to compete; 11. a competitor ; 12. an athlete; 13. wrestling; 14. to allow; - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of History of the Olympic Games

Page 1: History of the Olympic Games

History of the Olympic Games

Page 2: History of the Olympic Games

Read the words after me and then translate the words.

1.Olympia; 2. Olympiad; 3. the Olympics;

4. Greece; 5. Greek; 6. Zeus; 7. a temple;

8. BC — before Christ; 9. AD — anno Domini; 10. to compete; 11. a competitor ;

12. an athlete; 13. wrestling; 14. to allow;

15. the pentathlon; 16. Roman emperor Theodosius; 17. Pierre de Coubertin; 18. the Athens Games; 19. International Olympic Committee; 20. Lausanne, Switzerland

Page 3: History of the Olympic Games

Answer the questions:

1.What is the text about?

2.Did you learn any new facts about the Olympic movement?

3.What was interesting to know?

4.The text can be easily divided into 2 parts, can’t it?

5.Which parts?

Page 4: History of the Olympic Games

Choose the right answer:

1.The original Greek games took place

•every fifth year

•every fourth year

•every sixth year

2. The Olympic Games were renewed in

• 1986

• 1868

• 1896

Page 5: History of the Olympic Games

3. The Games were a way of saluting

• the gods

• the athletes

• the countries

4. The Games were officially ended by

• Julius Caesar

• Theodosius

• Flavius

Page 6: History of the Olympic Games

5. The first modern Olympic Games were held in

• Lausanne

• Paris

• Athens

6. The winner of the 2004 Summer Olympic Games is

• Russia

• France

• The USA

Page 7: History of the Olympic Games

Express the same in English

(the text can help you):Первые Олимпийские игрыВ начале христианской эрыИгры были возобновленыСпособ чествовать своих боговСпособ прославить спортивные талантыНа которой основывается современное олимпийское движение

Page 8: History of the Olympic Games

В честь ЗевсаСостязание в бегеСильные воинственные спартанцыБорьба, пятиборье, гонки на колесницахВернуть Олимпийские игры к жизниПоддержали его идеюСамое подходящее место для

проведения первых Олимпийских игрОлимпиады проводятся под

руководством Международного олимпийского комитета

Page 9: History of the Olympic Games

Find and use the words in your sentences

Page 10: History of the Olympic Games

Divide into 3 groups and you have 5 minutes to prepare a story about:

First group “History of the ancient Olympic Games”

Page 11: History of the Olympic Games

Second group “History of the modern Olympic Games”

Page 12: History of the Olympic Games

Third group “Sports competitions in the ancient Olympic Games and in the modern Olympic Games”

Page 13: History of the Olympic Games

Now let’s read some interesting things about the Olympic Games:Women were not allowed to watch the competitions of the Olympic Games. By the way, if women broke the rule and came to the stadium, they were physically punished.

Page 14: History of the Olympic Games

In ancient Greece winners received olive

wreaths. Winners’ images often appeared on coins or on statues. In honor of the champions the walls of their native towns were broken and they entered the town through the holes.

People explained it

this way: “We aren’t

afraid of enemies

because the best

athletes live here.”

Page 15: History of the Olympic Games

Since 1896 the Olympic Games have

been world’s number one sport event, a symbol of hope, peace and friendly co-operation between nations. Pierre de Coubertin said, “There is no star nobler than the Sun; there are no games nobler than the Olympics”.

Page 16: History of the Olympic Games

The prize was a red apple. Now there are

3 prizes for each event – a gold medal, a silver medal and a bronze medal.

Page 17: History of the Olympic Games

The Olympic flag has 5 coloured rings.

The colors are blue, yellow, black, green and red on white, because every country in the world has one of these colors on its flag.

Page 18: History of the Olympic Games

The beginning of the Olympic Games is

impossible without lighting a fire. The torch is carried hand-to-hand by relays of runners from the original site of the Games at Olympia to the stadium of the host city.

Page 19: History of the Olympic Games

Everybody knows the motto of the Olympics: “Citius, altius, fortius”. It means

Page 20: History of the Olympic Games

The country of the Games chooses a

mascot. For example, Bear Misha in Moscow in 1980, a cartoon dog Cobi in Barcelona in 1992, etc.

Page 21: History of the Olympic Games

At our lesson today we have discussed the history of the Olympic Games. I’m sure you know that the next Winter Olympic Games will be held in our country. I would like you to find information about the future Olympics in Sochi on the Internet and speak about it at the next lesson.

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Page 30: History of the Olympic Games
Page 31: History of the Olympic Games
Page 32: History of the Olympic Games
Page 33: History of the Olympic Games
Page 34: History of the Olympic Games
Page 35: History of the Olympic Games
Page 36: History of the Olympic Games
Page 37: History of the Olympic Games

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