History Of Computer By Sai Nat Tib

The History Of Computer It is the computer that the artefact is complex amazing talent further. The days will be higher with technology development move quickly when compared with the past. Computer was a contrivance that history be studied. Human life from the original without saving. Until a commercial development. Sharing factor of wave B (Babylonian) are recording information on clay tablets for the calculation. Calculated in the first generation devices, which currently include abacus also available.

Transcript of History Of Computer By Sai Nat Tib

The History Of ComputerIt is the computer that the artefact is complex amazing talent further. The days will be higher with technology development move quickly when compared with the past. Computer was a contrivance that history be studied. Human life from the original without saving. Until a commercial development. Sharing factor of

wave B (Babylonian) are recording information on clay tablets for the calculation. Calculated in the first generation devices, which currently include

abacus also available. 

• Year 2185 until the French mathematician Blaise Pascal has built a name for the calculation engine in pascaline Year 2215 Gottfried Von Leibniz mathematician of concern, it has developed a machine that can create pascaline by deliberate and removing the roots but no one size that is accurate? In Year 2336 British mathematician Chales Babbage Discovery has created the confidence for the French Alliance, an a function of the difference engine. trigonometry. Based on mathematical principles. And thought to create an oblique Call Lee Curtis, (analytical engine) with a similar computer in the main current. Is hailed as the father of computers and computer pioneer founded in Currently. 

• year 2439 Herman Hollerith reconsider hole card readers and cards. Year in and speak around 2480 Howard Aiken create automatic calculating machine to connect both the electrical and mechanical technology with a hole of Hollerith cards with the help of engineering students and the degree of success in the IBM Year 2487. MARK I called using the phone's internal operation is controlled automatic by electromagnetic relays and a mechanical arthmetic counters so MARK I is electromechanical computers.

• and later Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry to build the ABC (Atanasoft-Berry Computer) with valve (vacuum tubes) and in Year 2483 Dr.John W. Mauchy and J. Presper Eckert Jr. more on the development of basic design principles of Dr. Atanasoff to create the first electronic computer ENIAC name but not a computer program to store type. has been developed is based on principles EDVAC complete stored program has been developed and is developing a EDSAC and UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) at last. If the age classification of the computer (Computer generations) by sharing the technology with the technology of storage then it will be enough to consider.

• Early use of technology valve is  A hole card. The second generation of transistor technology is a tape. Nature of the order (Sequential Processing). Third-generation technology of the IC (integrated circuit, IC) is a magnetic disk characteristics are multiple programs running simultaneously (Multiprogramming) and online (on-line). Four generations of integrated circuit technology large (Large-scale integration, LSI) of temporary electrical work from this technology is Microprocessor said that "Computer on a chip" in this generation. 

From past to present. Computers have been developed in computer science has made rapid development altering. Down over the years. Said that the world of computer science is always movement and less flexible much like if a little error. Sometimes a parent may be issue that enormous immensity. It also represents a world that is not Control. Or less be able to "immediately work with the program. Machine is operating according to program manually. While the men can not control.