History of Computer

Lecturer : M. Hammad waseem ([email protected]) 1 Introduction & History of Computer

Transcript of History of Computer

Lecturer : M. Hammad waseem([email protected])


Introduction & History of Computer



The Word Computer comes from the word “compute” which means to calculate.

SOME DEFINITIONS: An electronic machine that accepts input, processes data,

stores data, and produces output. Computer is an electronic device that is used to solve

different kind of problems according to the set of instruction given to it.

An electronic device for storing and processing data according to instructions given to it.

An electronic device that get some instruction (data) from user, process on it (according to set of instruction/rules) and produce results (information).

Data can be numbers, text, images, graphics, and sound, etc.

Computer program is a set of instructions. Without it computer is useless.



ABACUS (3000 B.C.)Abacus is a simple counting device, may have

been invented in Babylonia (now Iraq) about 5000 years ago.

This device allows users to make computations using Sliding beads on rods in a wooden rack. Beads are moved around according to some programming rules.


John Napier


In 1617, the Scottish mathematician john Napier created a logarithm table for arithmetic calculation.

He also developed a calculating device using rods known as Napier bones.(widely used by accountant and bookkeepers).

He also developed a calculating device known as slide rule using the concept of Napier’s idea of logarithms.

The slide rule could be used to perform simple calculation and also be used to calculate square root, logs, sine, cosine and tangents.

Slide rule was used till the middle of 1970s.

BLAISE PASCAL (1623 - 1662)


In 1642, the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal invented a calculating device that would come to be called the "Adding Machine".

Originally called a "numerical wheel calculator" or the "Pascaline", Pascal's invention utilized a train of 8 moveable dials to add sums of up to 8 figures long.

Pascaline could perform the addition and subtraction operation directly but the multiplication and division operation were performed by repeating addition & subtraction.

CHARLES BABBAGE(1791 - 1871)


Born in 1791, Charles Babbage was an English mathematician and professor.

In 1822, he developed a model of automatic mechanical calculating machine called Difference Engine.

It could perform accurate calculation and also could produce a printed output(result). Babbage's continued to work on difference engine for 10 years.

In 1833 he stopped working on the difference engine and began to design a new machine called Analytical Engine.

It was an automatic mechanical digital computer for general purpose use.

It was the first automatic programmable computer.


Difference Engine

Herman Hollerith


In 1890 Herman Hollerith developed the first electro-mechanical punch card tabular. This machine could read information punched into cards.

These cards were maintained in the form of stack. The solution to different problems could be stored on different stacks of cards and accessed when ever required.

Punch card



Developed the idea of the Central Processing Unit (CPU).Store programs in the computer memoryPrograms coded as numbersBoth data and programs stored in the CPU -

faster processing of informationSuggested that binary be use to store

programs in a computerZero would turn the circuit offOne would turn the circuit on

Help develop many of the early computers, including ENIAC and UNIVAC



In 1946 John. P Eckert and John W. Mauchly and their team produced the first general purpose electronic digital computer named as ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator & Calculator).

It consumed 140 kilowatt of power and could perform 5000 addition per second.

In 1951 John. P Eckert and John W. Mauchly developed the UNIVAC (universal automatic computer). It was the first computer developed for the commercial use.

It was used for both scientific and commercial applications.
