Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe · Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe...

Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe 1326-1922 Last updated: October 16, 2017 Bogdan G. Popescu 1 1 Department of Political Science. University of Chicago. Email: [email protected]

Transcript of Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe · Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe...

Page 1: Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe · Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe 1326-1922 Last updated: October 16, 2017 Bogdan G. Popescu1 1Department of Political

Historical Atlas of Central and EasternEurope

1326-1922Last updated: October 16, 2017

Bogdan G. Popescu1

1Department of Political Science. University of Chicago. Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe · Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe 1326-1922 Last updated: October 16, 2017 Bogdan G. Popescu1 1Department of Political

Figure 1: The Ottoman Empire in the Fourteenth Century


Page 3: Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe · Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe 1326-1922 Last updated: October 16, 2017 Bogdan G. Popescu1 1Department of Political

Figure 2: Central and Eastern Europe in the Fifteenth Century


Page 4: Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe · Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe 1326-1922 Last updated: October 16, 2017 Bogdan G. Popescu1 1Department of Political

Figure 3: Central and Eastern Europe in the Sixteenth Century


Page 5: Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe · Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe 1326-1922 Last updated: October 16, 2017 Bogdan G. Popescu1 1Department of Political

Figure 4: Central and Eastern Europe in the Seventeenth Century


Page 6: Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe · Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe 1326-1922 Last updated: October 16, 2017 Bogdan G. Popescu1 1Department of Political

Figure 5: Central and Eastern Europe in the Eighteenth Century


Page 7: Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe · Historical Atlas of Central and Eastern Europe 1326-1922 Last updated: October 16, 2017 Bogdan G. Popescu1 1Department of Political

Figure 6: Central and Eastern Europe in the Nineteenth Century

Figure 7: Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century


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American Geographical Society of New York (191-); Balta (1989, 1992); Barnes (2015); Bayerle(1973); Béranger (1990); Birken (1979, 1981); Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. GeographicalSection. (1918); Cvijć (1918); Davies (1879); Delilbaşı & Arıkan (2001); Domanovszky (1940); Fodor& Dávid. (2000); Géza (1999); Gopčević (1889); Halasi-Kun (1964); İnalcık et al. (2013); Johnston(1879, 189-); Káldy-Nagy & Mikesy (1960); Káldy-Nagy (1961); Káldy-Nagy (1971); Kiel (1993a,b,1989); Kiepert (185-, 1869, 1876, 1880, 1881, 1895); İnalcık (1954); Lajos (1943, 1996); Langhans(1910); Laut (1991); Levasseur (1864); Liechtenstern & Amon (1795); Ljušić & Rajić (2003); Ljušićet al. (2006); Magocsi (2002); Unknown Author (1890); Pitcher (1972); Regan & Kaniški (2003);Andree (1912); Sarınay et al. (2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009a,b); Spaho & Aličić (2007); Sršan &Hafizović (2001); S, tefănescu et al. (1996a,b); Stojaković (1987); United States. Central IntelligenceAgency (1992); Ward et al. (1912)


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