Transcript of HISPANIC CONFEDERATES - Latin American...

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Page 2: HISPANIC CONFEDERATES - Latin American Studieslatinamericanstudies.org/.../hispanic-confederates.pdfSecond American Revolution. For too many years the Confederate soldier was portrayed

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Copyright (:) 1997 by John O'Oonnell-Rosales AII Rights Reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the author or his designees, except for brief passages in a review appearing in a newspaper or magazine.

Originally published C)Mobile, Alabama, 1997 t¡yrl ,,3 >, \ 'r-

Reprinted for ¿() 'Í ~ ,(. ~ Q Clearfield Company, Inc. by ?[J - • ~

Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore, Maryland

1998, 2000

Inlemational Standard Book Number: 0-8063-4802-X

Made in the United States ofAmerlca


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Page 3: HISPANIC CONFEDERATES - Latin American Studieslatinamericanstudies.org/.../hispanic-confederates.pdfSecond American Revolution. For too many years the Confederate soldier was portrayed



To: My Mother and Mr. Bello; 1 love you both.

To:� Prof. AIalazu Ugoji - Cbalnnall or the Division of Social Sciences at Bishop State. CommUDity CoUege, Mobile, Alabama - for aU you've done, 1 thank you!

To:� Prof. David Tbomas, 01 the Division of Social Sciences·at Bishop State Comm. CoUege for YOUT encouragemeilt'in tbis and otIaer p..ojects.

To:� Dr Gregory Waselkov - Director, Cl!ftter For Arcbaeological Studies, at the University 01 Soutb AJabama, Mobile, A~abama - for bearing witb extreme patience aU of my questious, cómments,·· theories and geoeral·llOnsense, god will bless you for yourkiDduess, be Jmows "bave.

To:� AlI 01 tbe Staff at Bisbop State, Mr. Parker (Library), Dr. Lisa Dewberry-Hammons, Dr. Harold Toliver aud Dr. Carol S. Kyser (CoÚDSelors), aud the woudeñul ladies-* tbe Admissions Dept., 1 tbaok you lor YOUT friendship aud kiDd words.

To:� Prol. William Nast, Prof. Malv8IUD C. Harris, Prof James J. Stroud and Prof. NOI1IÍII Gray - lor all your belp, advke and friendsbip.

To:� The Churcb oC Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and tbe Local History and Geneatoa Section oC tlle Mobile Public Library - for assisting me in tbis researcb.


Page 4: HISPANIC CONFEDERATES - Latin American Studieslatinamericanstudies.org/.../hispanic-confederates.pdfSecond American Revolution. For too many years the Confederate soldier was portrayed

Saos Oí Caoíederate Veterans� ARMY OF TENNESSEE ' • ALASAMA DMSION

Descendants oJConJederate Soldiers Deo Vindice

Recent scholarship on the War Between the States has taken many paths in recent years, but none have proved as vltal to the understanding of the Contederate military effort as the role the Southern racial, religious, and ethnlc mlnorities played In ~he

Second American Revolution. For too many years the Confederate soldier was portrayed only as white, predomlnately ScotCh-lrlsh, and Protestant. New studies 'a~e not so much chanqinq a myth as 'they are addlnQ the color and diversity whlCh has a1ways eXls~ed

in the South to its proper place in our history.

'This new study by John O'Donnell-Rosales, a member of the Adm1ra1 Raphael Semmes Camp No.!! of the Sons of Contederate Veterahs, opens a new chapter on the·ethnic diversity of the Confederate soldier. This study will introduce the student to the sizeable contribution of the Hispanic community to the Confederate military. Compatriot Rosales helps us see again that our beloved Southland has never been monolithic in its peopt'e or physical regi6ns. It is hoped that others will gain trom this work the understanding that our 'Confederate heritage belongs not to one race, religion, or ethnic Qroup, but is a shared experience of the whole people of the South.

David L. Toifel Commander Alabama Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Mobile, Alabama


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My,name is JobD O'Donnell-Rosales.1ama Cuban exile.Thehistory ofmy family didnotbegin in1he United Stata when, flceiDgtbD CommuDist regimc ofCuba, we aTived hare in 1971.You see, we and othen liad boea here bcforc·as conquemrs, cxp1oreIs, cokmists, milsionaries, and soldiers in war. The proximity of Cuba 811d Maxicoto tbelJnitcld States and bake tbat to the Freach, then Spanisb, sett1emalts in thc GulfCoastamdthcAtlatic eoait ofFlorida D81c:oommen::e, immigration, and ínter­marriage COIDID\qIIacc. Whole ,regimcntS oínúIitia wcre sfatioocd in wbat became the Gulf states. When Spain cededFlorida to' tbe youug Unitfd Siau:s in 1819, an era carne to ID. end tbough Hispanic intluence oontimled firstas 8penisb, tben MexiCBD, influence iD tbe SoudJwest and Texas up until tbe Maxican War of 1846-184&. Thcmajuityofibe settlers st8)'ed on ro become, with· the descendants of thc Ftateh. the &mous CreolOaoftoday.

The Iinks with Spem and her ronner s=olonies were not broken off. Sbips from the Spanish colonies ofCube, Puerto Rioo, and the new Central and South AmeriCll1 &tates didbrisk and steady business'wi1hNew OrieaDB, MobiIe, and PensacoIa.Tbisbusiness acroa fhe borderbetween the United States and·Mexico ted a l8rge number ofthese people10 settle in tite arca, thus sttengtbening the reten­

'. tion ofthc Spanish Ianguage and CInistian faith.

1beWarfor Sbutbem Indeptndenée saw thousaods·ofthese men and their descendants flock to thcl Conftderate case. Whole companies were íaiaed· ofSpanisbIHispani Ihen. Tbis history has been largeIy bgotteD. in tbis era ofpoJiticllcotTeefne&cJ. 1be vogue term forus JatcIy has been Latinos. I do not speak Latin ot come &cm Latimn. I aDt Hispmic, ofSpain by descendancy, and &peak Spanisb pmudIy. 1am··bftwm and pmud oftite racial adnUxture tbatnms in my veÍDS. I know thc history of01D'

peop1e andcan1aIkdawnarealrecist(Yes, ..1lIRare!lOmeinthe United States)because1know who I am as a man.1fiIIaica can1De oflmY l1ICC or religion. Wanm1be spectrum mm white to red, from yeUow to~or IDadmmlJre:oftJae.WebaYetbught~.everywarherein1he United·States butseem ro have beenfoqptenby"historypuWishing~ whenitcome8'totbeWarofSouthemIndependence. The time_ cOme 10 speakoftheselilent 1IIeI1'\\'bo, liketbe BIack CoafederMes, have been aImost forgoUal. History iatbe study ofi8cts, reganIess ofwhom1:beybotherorannoy. Weam only leam ftom the pul ifitisstudied.

1 Juwe heerd it saidby real racists tbat we C8DDOt assimiJate, that we arcn't part of Westem. civilimti.on (remember,Speittis in Europe),·and dtherstupidities.The purveyors ofbate and disunity 00

aII spectrums of1he colOr liDe .-e·fhe real eáemi~ oftbis country. Imustbonestly admit tIlat, altbough I lave the United States, 111M never telt Ameri.can, but instead I feeI Southem. llave the swamps of Louisi-. the B1ue Ridge ofVnginia, and tite teat10il ofAJabama.The South will onIy rise again when whitc, ~ red, ydIoW, andbroWn rea1i2c tbat ,.., bave ro live béie togetber. 1bis Jand is our sacred birthri.....• each ... UI my Confederate ancestor., Pvt.51"> group' a.-ÑAft~yUAI5 eamed it 1.*. their'bIóod and miL 'WIien Kelvin (C8rIift)RosalesofLoaisi~ beard tbe can 10 arms, he went. He Was wounded many times and smlender«i With thc Jast Contederate units stiIl áctive in 1une of1865.You see, my ftiends, my entry in 1971 into ibe UnitaI&ates was paid a long tinle.•witf¡'bis blood. The bravest sons of the South, of every color8Dd ttque, wentbraveIy10theirduty.lbeirmemories and sacrifices will be remembered u long as honest and 'trud1ful men waIk the Sou1hein soll.

Their spirits linger here; thus let the battle flap tIy. Let them once again catch the wind. It is the least \Ve can do for our va.tiaJ:tt déad. Deo Vmdice;� Jolm O'Donnell-Rosales, M.A� May,I997�


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The South Central Gulf States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and AlabarDa are famous for their French heritage and are not usually considered to be a part ofthe Hispanic world culturally or linguisti­cally. The three states all fen under Spanish rule in segments from 1762 through 1813. It was during this pe¡:iod that Spanish-speakíng immigrants were brought into the ~ principally from the Canary Islands but also from other parts ofSpain. These settlers inhabited the coastal plain and two pockets ofsettle­ments inland The coastal settlements were New Orleans and Sl Bernard Parish, Louisiana; St. Louis, Missouri; Biloxi, Mississippi; and Mobile, Alabama. The interior settlements were Natchitoches, Loui­siana; Natchez, Mississippi; and the Bruli sett1ements ofAscension,Assumption, and Iberville Parishes, all in Louisiana. These settlers, with notable exceptions, were generallyilliterate in Spanish during the Spanish Colonial Period with the situation worsening after the young United States took over the areas. The linguistic similaritiesbetween the Spanishand French and the Roman Catholic faith loo to intermar­riage and linguistic borrowing from the LouiSiana French and later English into the Spanish language. This borrowing has loo to the almost complete ~tinction ofColonial era Spanish as a viable language with only three small enclaves, all in Louisiana, where itmay be heard among those fifty years ofage and over as of 1997.

The Spanish Colonial "Provinces" ofFlorida andTexas, plus theTerritory ofArizona (Confeder­ate Territory ofArizona) that encompasses moaem-day Arizona/New Mexico, saw Spanish exploration early. Florida was the fmt state to have a permanent European settlement, with the city ofSt. Augustine being foundOO in 1565. This was followed by settlement at Saínt Elena, South Carolina, in 1566. There was continuous exploration and settlement up until the Mexican revolt against Spanish imperial rule.

The War for Southem Independence caught these settlers and many other businessmen, traders, and sailors in a decisive situation. Should they support their respective states and the newly founded Confederate Govemmentor (as many foreigners '~d exempt themselves from military obligations due to foreign nationality) sit out the war? The"answer was to fight for their new-found hornes. One then gets into the question ofslavery. The answer is simple: less than ten percent ofSouthemers owned slaves.The Spanish jmmigrants generally did not own slaves due topoverty and social position. The few who did were the businessmen of Mobile and New Orleans. The concept of slavery was abhorrent to many Hispanics in Central and South America where it had been outlawed in alI of those nations by the out­break ofwar. It was sti11 practiced in the Spanish overseas colonies ofCuba and Puerto Rico, but only until 1878. The Hispanic Confederate was not fighting for the right to keep ten percent of Southem whites as slave owners. The question, then, is why fight? The answer, 1believe, is that they fought to maintain their way of life and, afterwards, when the South was invaded, to protect their families and hornes. The concept ofconununity and familial obligations runs deep in the Spanish tradition. That one ofthe reasons so many ofthese menjoined the Confederate military was due to perceived sociologica1 responsibility is also a possibility that should be further researched. The last reason retums us to the subject ofsocial class.The best way to move upward socialIy is during a general war. A war meant that an absolute nobody could be come a hero, earn money, and rest on military laurels permitting access to upper echelon social contacts that were undreamt ofprior to the outbreak ofhostilities. Combined with the educational opportunities (such as having to learn English out ofdire necessity), the war gave these men a new outlook on the world and their perceived place in il It is true that many soldiers retumed to their original areas after the war, where their ~scendants stilllive, but these were not the same men who left home in 1861.They had new skills and had seen (litera11y by foot) parts ofthe United States that they would have never visited unless the war had occurred.


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1have taken the Jiberty 10 includc men ofthe Jewisb faith whose ancestors were expeUed fiom Spain in 1~92.1 do this ~ even.totbisday üirge numbcrs ofthese valiant people continue to speak a dia1ect ofSpa1)jsh written in ~ lotters known as Ladino..Thcy are alto map.mc. The ones who immigratedto the Soutlu:o~inNewOdeans. LolQajana; ~Oeorgia; Charleston, South Carolina; ¡gxlparta ofVugiDia.l.acbolats·1Q1bistorians \WUld l'UClII'ChtilorichJewisb heritage of many Confederate vetaaDs, notjust tbe Hispmic;aspecl but their totalcoaar.ibutioo lo the war effort.

. This pre1Uninary 8tUdy of1bc.HispaDic,~bution to·the Corlfedemte miJitary eft"ort will, 1 hope, open the way furresa81'Chcn, historiaDs, mdanthropologista lo oneday truIy present the forgoUen

.history oí tbe Hispmic,Cc:lnfederates of the SoudI.. There ¡5a weal1h of information contained in tbe fo1lowing pages. 1hopo itadds tb the rich history.ofournation.


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Interpreting the Listings

Readers should take note, before beginning the listing ofsoldiers, ofa problem most researchers encOlmter when dealing with the French and Spanish colonial records and subsequent nineteenth cen­tury records from Louisiana. This is the language dilemma. French and Spanish are freely employed in both dialectica1 and standardized fonns. This means that names were genera11y spelled as they sounded by using archaic letter fonns. This problem was compounded by the general illiteracy ofthe majority of the populace and, after the United States took power, by the anglicization ofRomance language names. Thus one fmds the letter B instead of V, as in Albarez (Alvarez), and the superimposition ofS where Z should be, as in Fernades (Fernandez) or Deas (Diaz). The dialectica1 forms ofSpanish spoken in the South Central Gulfstates have been studiedby myselfprior to this manuscripts publication.This dialeet can be divided into three surviving fonns that can now be found onIy in Louisiana. They are Adeseno, Bruli, and Isleno; the two former are virtually extinct with the third having about 500 speakers. There was in all ofthese forms a tendency to omit cOnsonant sounds when the name endOO with a vowel. This is a common practice in many languages but loo to some fantastic spellings when the Spanish names were written in French ór English.We thus fmdRosale forRosales andSois'~ forSuarez. Readers should try to fmd many variations of the name they are; looking for ifthe twentieth century equivalent is not irnmediately found.

The names appear as faithful to the original records as possible. I have taken the liberty to "fix" the given names when it was an obvious misspelling such as Menuel (Manuel). Readers should note that the letterJ was often written asX thusJimenez becomesXimenes. Please check as many variations ofthe name as possible. .

It is possible that a few mistakes and omissions may be found in this listing. I had a very difficult time compiling this work; regardless, any omissions or mistakes are mine. Ifany readers desire to receive further infonnation on any ofthe listed men or ífthey have any questions and/or comments, they may contaet the author at the following address:

John Q'Donnell-Rosales c/o Clearfield Company

200 E. Eager Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202


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"Hispanic Naval Personnel"

.ers Domingo, Manuel - Seaman CSS. Bradforden­�

lin Garcia, Anthony P. - Seaman.cSS. HWltsville� Ied Gorizalez, Celestin - 2nd Clerk Naval Storekeeper. Pensacola, Fla.� 'of Gonza1ez, Darúel - Lt. Confederate States Marine Corps. Savannah Station,�les. CSS Macon, CSS Sampson�~Z

Gonzales, Samue] - Múor Coofederate States Marine Corp, Naval�the Storekeeper, Pensacola, Fla..ect

no, Hemandez, FraDCis - Pilot CSS Atlanta, CSSMa~CSS Isondiga� ere (Savannah Squadron) .'� bis Sanchez, Ramon - Commanders Clerk CSS Jackson, Jackson Station (LA).�les Il1d oot

ix" Above names .courtesy ofMr. John EUis - Confederate Naval Historian.Ilat


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'1� Infantry, Cavalry & Other

Military Designated Personnel


Abadie, Amedo - Pvt. Co. G, 18th LA Inf. Abal, Jose Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA InC. Abeares, Narcisco - Pvt. Co. 5, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Abranno, Francisco - Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig, LA Mil. Abrigo, Jinio - Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsdale's Battn, TX Cavo Abrigos, A. - Pvt. Co. H, 4th TX Inf. Accosta, Joho -- Pvt. Co. D, 18th LA Inf. Acebo, J. Y. -- Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig, LA Mil. Acosta, Andrew - Sgt. Co. 1, 8th Fla. InC. Acosta, Antoine - Pvt. Co. E, 28th LA lnf. Acosta, Arcedio - Pvt. Co. 1, 8th Fla. InC. Acosta, Agustin - .Pvt. Co. H, 28th LA Inf. Acosta, D. - Pvt. Co. D, 20th TX inf. Acosta, Domingo - Pvt. Co. G, 3rd TX Inf. Acosta, E. J. - Pvt. 4th GA Cavo Acosta, Francisco - Pvt. Co. A, 17th TX Cav. Acosta, Hypolite - Cpl. Landrys Co., Donaldsonville Arty. Acosta, John - Pvt. Co. B, 1st LA Heavy Arty. Acosta, John - PVt. Co. A, 17th Cons. Dismted TX Cavo Acosta, Joseph - Pvt. Co. H, 16th TX InC. Acosta, Joseph E. - Pvt. Co. 1, 8th Fla. Inf. Acosta, Juan Felidana - Pvt. Co. A, 17th TX Cavo Acosta, Julien J. - 2nd Lt., Co. 1, 8th F1a. Inf. Acosta, Miguel - Cpl. Co. E, 28th LA Inf. Acosta, N. - Pvt. Co. 1, 18th LA lof. Acosta, Paul - Arsenal Dept. LA (Trans-Miss. Dept.) Acosta, Valentine - Pvt. Co. E, 28th LA IaC. Acostas, Ataoacio - Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsdale's Battn. TX Cavo Acosto, T. - Pvt. Co. C, 2nd State Troops TX InC. Adam, CeJestin - Pvt. Co. B, LaCourche Regt., LA Mil. Adam, Joachim - Pvt. Lafourche Regt., LA Mil. Adam, Manuel - Pvt. native Grds. LA Mil. Adam, Marcelin - Pvt. LaCourche Regt., LA Mil. Adam, Noel- Pvt. Lafourche Regt., LA Mil. Agapito, Aquilon - Pvt. Co. C, Benavides' REgi. TX Cavo� Agillard, P. - Pvt. Co. A, 2nd lA Cavo� Agiluar, Elijio - Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX InC.� Agostin, Ramon - 1st Sgt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro, Brig. LA Mil.� Agostine, F. M. - Pvt. Co. D, 3rd jr. Reserve NC� Agostine, Pascual P. - 2nd Lt. Co. C, 7th NC InC.� Agua, Vinceote - Pvt. Co. G, 1s LA Hvy Arty.� Aguas, Vincente - Pvt. Co. G, 21st AL InC� Aguear, L. -- Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.�


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A~uienna, Librado •• 1st ept. en. 1, ReR8vides' Regl. TX Cavo Aguilar, Antonio •• Pvt.· Co.3, 5th R~ Euro. Brig. LA MU. Aguilar,G.adakJpt" •• Pvt. Co. A, Benavides Regt. TX Cavo A..,ilar, .fesus •• Pvt. 1st eo. A, Ragsdale's Battn, TX Cavo Aguilar, Ubrado - Pvt. 1st Cn. 1, 33rd TX Cavo ~uilal', Pedro •• Pvt. Co. Z, Cazadores Espanoles Regt., LA Mil. Aguilar, Ramoa •• Pvt.14th T" Fiel" Batty A~"stin, Gregorlo •• Pvt. Co. A, ·5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Alabado, .fuan •• Pvt. eo. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Alaball, .lose •• Sgt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Alanis, Eduardo·· Pvt. 1st Cn. A, 31!d TX Inf. Alanis, Estaban •• Pvt. eo. B, Benavides Regl. TX Cavo AlaRis, George- ..·N. Co. F, 1st TX Cavo Alaniz, M.•• Pvt. Co.8, Und CORS. LA Inr. Alan~ DOBainge •• Pvt. MeNeea Coast Gnls, TX Local Def. Albarado, A. •• Pvt. Co. D, 18th LA Inf. Albarado, E. - Pvt. Co. A, 26th LA Inf. Albarado, S.•• Pvt. Co. A, Z6th LA Inf. Albares, Angustin .... N. Landry's Co., Donaldsonville Arty. LA Albal'ez, Airaeleto - Cpl. Co. 4, 5th R~, Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Albarez, Feliciano •• Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt~, -.Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Albarez, ~I ..- Pvt. Co. 8, l-5t Chasseurs apied LA Mil. Albarez, .fose •• 1Si U. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA MU. Albemasa, Mi~llel •• Pvt. eo. B, 1st LA Hvy Arty. Albero, Fran •• Rwf. Co. 9, 5tbRe,rt., Euro. B~. LA MU. Alt:ala, Franco - Pvf. en. 2, Caz. E.'ip. Regt., LA Mil. Alcata; Jobn A.•• Pvt. Co.B, 13th LA Inf. Atcala, Ramon -Pvt. en. ~ lIad LA Mil. Alealan, Tendo.... ,•• Pvt. Cn. C. 8th TX Inf. Aleantara, Estavw •• Pvt. Co. A, 5tb Kegt., Euro. Drig. LA Mil. Akantava, Antonio - Bu~h~r Co~ C, -Be.avides' R~. TX Cavo Aldama, Demas - Pvt. Cn. G, 3rd TX Inf. Alecanclro, Miguel - Pvt. en. A, 5th Regt., Ellro. Drig. Alegria, lAIcas lO. Pvt. Co.O, 8eRavides' Regi. TX Cavo Alergria, Ponciano - Pvt. en. B,Beoavides' Regt., TX Cavo Alfaro, Guadalupe~-Pvt. Cn.- C, 2nd State Troops TX 1m. Alfnnso, CarIAs •• Pvt. Cn. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA MU. Alleman, Luis •• PYt. Rhodes Co~ 3rd Rattn., TX Ca". Alleman, Menurl •• Pvt. Cn. E, 18th LA Inf. Almaido, Antonin •• Pví. Cn. 8, 5th Regl•• Euro. Brig. Almendares, Ambrosio -. Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inr. Almiral, Fraacisco - Pvt. en. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Almirral, Pedro •• Pvt. Cn. 4, 5tltR~ Eurn. Brig. Alonzo. Andre ••. N. eo. E, 18th RegtJYetlow Jacket Cons. LA Inf. Alonzo, Andl~t"· •• Pvt. Co. H, lnd LA Inf. Alonzo, Antoint" •• Pvt. Co. H. IHth LA Inf.


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Alol1zo, Peter -- Pvt. Co. K, 15th TX Inf. ~ Alonzo, T. M. -- Capto Co. O, 4t.h Regt., 1st Brig., 1st Div., LA Inf.

Alsina, Eusebio -- Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA MiJ. Alsina, .Juan -- Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Alvado, Antonio -­ Musician 1st LA Hvy Arty., Co I Alvado, Ramon -- Pvt. Co. B, 22nd LA Inf. Alvado, Raymond -- Pvt. Co. G, 1st LA Hvy Arty. Alvarado, Antoine -- Pvt. Co. K, 2nd LA Reserve Corps. Alvarado, Francis -- Pvt. Co. E, 26th LA Inf. Alvardo, J. -- Pvt. Co. 8, 1st Chasseurs a pied, LA Mil. Alvarez, A. T. -- Pvt. Co. B, 3rd Ala Inf. Alvarez, Alexander K. -- Sgt. Co. B, 3rd Ala. Inf. Alvarez, Aniceto -- Pvt. Co.5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Alval'ez, David Uler -- Pvt. Co. B,_ 2nd FL Cavo Alverez, F. -- Pvt. LeGal'deur .Jr's Co., Orleans Guard Batt., LA Lt Arty. Alvarez, F. A. -- Pvt.. Von Phul's Co. MO Lt. Arty. Alvarez, Ferdinand -- Pvt. Co. A, Boone's Regt. MO Mtd Inf. Alvarez. Ferdinand -- Pvt. Co. G, 9th MO Inf. Alval'ez, H. -- Pvt. Co. C, 2nd Baftn, Ala. Lt. A11y. Alvarez, Henry -- Pvt. Mobile City Troops, Ala. Mil. Alvarez, .J. R. -- Pvt. Co. B, 2nd Fla. Cavo Alvarez, .Joaquin -- Pvt. eo. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Alval'ez, .Joseph -- Pvt. Co. B, 2nd Fla. Cavo Alvarez, .Juaquin -- Pvt. Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Alvarez, Louis -- Pvt. 2nd TX Field Batty. Alvarez, M. R. -- Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Alvarez, P. -- Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Alvarez, Pedro -- Pvt. 15th TX Field Batty. Alvarez, T. V. -­ S~t. 5th Batty., AR Lt. Arty. Alvarez, Teodoro -- Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ra~sdale's Battn. TX Cavo Alvarez, Thomas V. -- Sgt. Co. C, 2nd Battn, Ala. Lt. Arty. Alvarez, W. H. -- Pvt. Co. G, 4th Ala. Res. Alvarez, Vicente -- Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Alvel·ez. Frank -- Pvt. Green's Co. LA Grds. Batty. Alverez, Nicolas -- Pvt. Co. 1, 16th TX Inf. Amado, Rios -- Pvt. CQ. K, 2nd TX Cavo Amador, Antonio -- Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Bl'ig. LA Mil. Amador, Enemencior -- Pvt.. Co. E, 36th TX Cavo Amador, J. -- Pvt. Co. C, Baird's Regt. TX Cavo Amadore, .Joseph -- Pvt. Co. A, 30th LA Inf. Amallo, Anast.acio -­ Bugler Co. O, Benavides' Regt. TX Cavo


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Amasio, Franco --Amedore, .Jesus --

Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inf.

, Amedore, .Juan -- Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inr.

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Amello, Peter •• Pvt. Co. K, 33rd TX Cavo� Anaya, J .•• Pvt. 14th TX Fleld BaUy.� Andana, Pablo •• Pvt. Co. D,28th LAlnf.� Andrada, Audreas •• N. Co. C, 8tb TX lnf.� Andre, Le8 •• Sgt. Co. E, Ragsdale's BaUn., TX Cavo� Andre, MaximilUon •• Pvt. Polnte COUpee Arty. LA� Amires, Marcelino - Pvt. Ce. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brl2. LA Mil.� Andrrw, Antonio - Pvt. Co. D,8th Fla. In'.� Andrew, Ignacio •• Pvt. Co. A, 3rdFla. Inf.� Andrew, Manuel·· Pvt. Co. C, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Andllval, Benino •• N. Co. G, 3rd TX Inf.� Ane.4tta, Manuel·· N. Co. H, 24th TX Cav.� An~ello, Cociene ... N. Co. 8, 1st LA U. Arty.� An~ello, Frank •• Lt. Co. C, ~osby's Rect. Viro Cavo� Angello, Thomas •• Pvt. Co. C, 28th LA Inf.� An~elo, Antonio - N. 8ulls Co., 1st R•. Mobtte Vol. Ala� Angelo, F.•• Pvt. Fire BaUn. LA Mil.� Angelo, James W••• Pvt. Co. C, 13th Tenn. Cavo� Angelo, Oliver •• Musiclan Co. 1, 3rd lllf. Viro Local Der.� Angelo, V. P••• M. Co. 1, 45th AR Cavo� Anglada, Pedro - N. Co. 18, 5th Regt., Euro. Blig. LA Mil.� Anglada, Simeon - N. Co~ 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Blig. LA Mil.�

o� Anquera, J. M. - Lí. Col. Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Anquera, .Iose •• Capto Co. 3, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Ania, Jesus - N. Co. B, Ragsdale's BaUR. TX Cavo Anocha, Benino - Pvt.. Co. C, Benivade's Regt. TX Cavo Antonio, Jaques •• Pvf. Co. 1, 18th LA Inf. Antonio, J. F. - Pvt. Co. 8, 3rd Pahnetto Balto. se Lt. Arty. Antonio, .Ioho - N. Co. B,4th Regl., 1st BriI., 1st Dlv. LA Mllitia Antonio, .Iohn •• Pvt. Co. A, Wlit'Jttslst TX State Troops Antonio, .Jose •• N. Co. 1, 10th LA Inf. Antonio, Juan - COI.,I. Co. A, 5tb Regt., Euro. Urlg. LA Mil. Antonio, Mariano - Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Antonio, Rizo •• Pvt. Hunt" Co. Ala Mil. Antonio, S. W.•• Pvt. Co. C, E.neld RiOes, 7th SC Inf. Battn. Anturiez, Joachi~·· Q M S•. Co. B, 32nd Ala. lor. Apolonio, Juan - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Rep., Eu.... Brig. LA Mil. Apolonlo, Nestor •• M. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Aporonlo, Nien •• Pvt. CO. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Apostol, Andres •• M. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Aquila, Dorotheo •• Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty~

Aquilar, .l. A. Pvt. Cn.. G, 12th KV Cavo Aqullar, Jesus •• N. Co. D, 8enavide's Regt. TX Cavo Aquino, Torbiode •• Pvt. Co. C, Benavide's Regt. TX Cavo


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Aquirre, .Juan •• Pvt. Co. f. 3rd TX Inf. Ara~on, .Juan •• Pvt.. Co. C, Baird's Regt. TX Cavo Arales, .luan •• Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ra~sdale's Baftn. TX Cavo Arambola, Faustin •• Pvt. Co. F, (Yagers) 1st TX Cavo Arambula, Fernando •• Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdale's Batto. LA Cavo Arambula, Lorenzo •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Arambula, Luis •• Pvt..Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Aramburo, John •• Pvt. Co. F, Orleans Fire Regt. LA Mil. Arango, MariJ Perez •• Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Aranter, .lose T~jera •• Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Arbanez, Vicente •• Pvt. Co. 2, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Archole, Gregorio •• Pvt. Co. 10, 5th Regt~, Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Arellano, Cristobal •• Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. Arena, Vincent •• Pvt. Co. F, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Areola, Lollis •• Pvt. Co. 1, Benavides Regt. TX Cavo Arero, .lose •• Pvt. Co. G, 37th TX Cavo Areuejo, Manuel·· Pvt. Co. 5, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Argo, Elonzo •• Pvt. Co. E, 29th TX Cavo Arguellar, Juan •• Pvt. Co. 2, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Arguelles, .Juan •• Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Srig. LA Mil. Arida, EIi •• Pvt. Co. C. 12th TX Cavo Ariola, Lewis·· Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo ArioJa, Thomas •• Pvt. Co. S, 2nd TX Cavo Ariolo, Andres •• Pvt. 2nd Co. F, 2nd TX Cavo Arlino, John •• Pvt. 1st Battn. Co. B, Fla. Cavo Arman, Ferdinan •• Pvt. Co. 1, 24th TX Cavo Arme, Mariano -- Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Srig. LA Mil. Arnau, M.•• Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Amnedo, A.•• Pvt. Co. A, 30th LA Inf. Aroeha, A.•• Pvt. Co. E, 33rd TX Cavo Arocha, B.•• Pvt. Co. E, 33rd TX Cavo Aroche, Periosino •• Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo Arocho, Alexandre •• Pvt. Trevinios Co. TX Cavo Aromi, Juan •• Dnlmmer Co. 3, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Arraola, Juan G.•• Pvt. Co. A, 17th TX Cons. Dismted Cavo Arredona, .loaki...... Pvt. Co. O, Benavides' Regt. TX Cavo Arredondo, Canuto •• Pvt. Co. S, Senavides' Regt. TX Cavo Arredondo, Juan •• Pvt.. Co. A, Benavides' Regt. TX Cav. Arroyo, A.•• Sgt. LeGardellr Jr's Co. OI'leans Grd. Batty. LA Lt. Art:y. Arroyo, Arthur •• Pvt. Co. S, Washington Arty. Baltn. LA Arroyo, Charles •• Pvt. Co. 5, Washington Arty. BaUn. LA Arroyo, Charles •• 1st Lt. Co. B, C.S. Zouave Baltn. LA Arroyo, F.•• Cpl. Co. B, O..leans Guards Regt. LA Mil. Arroyo, Felix ••.Pvt. Co. 5, Washington A11y. Baftn. LA



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Arroyo, Felix •• 1st Lt. Co. G,Orleans Guards Regt., LA Mil.� Arroyo, Franco •• M. Co. S,.5th Regí., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Anuaga, Juan •• M. Co. F, 3rd TX Inr.� Artlaga, Horeaclo •• Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inr.� Artigas, C••• 1st Sgt., 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Animas, .Joseph •• N. CG. a, Gray's Z8th Inr. LA� Assevedo, .Josepb ••.1M. Co. G, Thomas' ZIth lor. LA� Astredo, A.•• Prt. Co. A, Hutton's Co. Cresceot Arty. LA Arty.� Astredo, Antonio ... sga. Co. F, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil.� Astredo, I - Pvt. Co. E, Orlans Grds. Regl. LA Mil.� Allliva, Juan •• Pvt. eo. D, es Zouave BaUn. LA� Avalos, Gavino •• PYt. Co. H, 3n1 TX Inr.� Avalos. .Juan •• Pví. Co. C, Balrds Regl. TX Cavo� Avila, Juan - Pvt. Co. F, 3rd,TX Inr.� Avila, Luciano •• M. Co.C, 8th TX Inr.� Ayala, VID_io - Pvt. Co.2, SthRegt., Euro. B~. LA Mil.� Ayres, BUellos •• M. COa D, 46th Baftn.·Vlr. Cavo� Azcona, Mateo •• M. eo. 3, 5th Regt.,Earo. Brig., LA Mit� Azmenaga, Doml~ - Pvt'. eo. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brlg., LA Mil.�


Baca, Loreto •• M. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cav.� Baca, Proxloos - 4th Cpl. Co. 1, BeRavides' Regt. TX Cavo� Baca, Ylarls - N. 1st Co. 1, 33n1 TX Cavo� Bacas, Bemanlin - M. Co. E. 18th LA Inr.�

. Bacas, .Joseph - M. Co. E, 18th LA Inr. Bachelo, YpacJo •• M. Co. ',5th Reglo, Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Rachio, G. A. •• Pvt. Co.. F, Bénavides Regi. TX Cav. Bachino, Domingo •• M. Co. 5, Sth Rt#., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Rachino, .Juan - evt. Cn. 5, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig.LA Mil. Bacilia, Alvarado - Ru~r Co. 1, Renavldes' kep. TX Cav. Balboa,.J. F.••.PYt. Co. ·1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Raldas, .Jo.'ie M.•• CpI. TreYlno's·Co. TX Cavo Baldeas, Manuel ..• Pvt. Co.a, Ragsdales Battn TX Cavo Baldez; Francesa •• Pvt. CA. C, Benavldes'Regt. TX Cavo Raldez, .Jenls •• Pvt. Cn. C, 8"' TX Inf. Raldez, Juan •• M. eo. E, 8th TX Inr. Baldez, Mamtel:e. Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo


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Baldez, Santus -- Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inf. Baldor, .fose -- Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA Inf. Baldor, Pedro Y. -- Pvt. Co. 1, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Ballego, Trinidad -- Pvt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX Inf. Balsamo, Francesco -- Pvt. Co. E, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Baltar, Dal'io -- Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Baltar, .Jacinto-- Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Baltazar, Domingo -- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Balverde, Francisco -- Pvt. Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Bant.ista. Manuel R. -- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt.., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Bar1:\ias, Claudio -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Barau, Pedro -- Pvt Co. F, 10th LA Inf. Bal'ba, Fernando -- Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Barba, J. -- 1st Lt. Co. 1, 5th ~egt., Euro. BI;g. LA Mil. Ral'bera, Alberto -- Pvt. Co. G. 21st Ala. Inf. Barcelo, M. -- Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Barela, Alfollzo -- Pvt. Co. C, Hohhy's 8th TX Inf. Barela, Manuel -- Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Barela, Marselino -- Pvt. Co. C, Ragsdales Battn. TX Cavo Barela, Timoteo -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Barera, .J. -- Pvt. Co. K, 33rd TX Cavo Barera, .Juan G. -- Sgt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. Baron, George -- Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt. Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Barpra, .Jose de la -- Pvt. Co. D, 5th TX Cavo Barquez, Fernando -- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Barras, A. -- Pvt. Co. A, 30th LA Inf. Barras, .J. -- Pvt. Lafourche Regl. LA Mil. Barras, V. -- Pvt. Co. A, 30th LA 1nf. Rarrentine, Aquilla -- Pvt. Co. C, 40th GA Inf. Barrera, Antonio -- 3rd Lt., Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Barrera, Carlos -- Pvt. Co: F, 3rd TX Inf. Barrera, Inocencio -- Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Barrera, Jacinto -- Pvt. Thomas Co. TX Parto Rangers Barrera, .Jeslls -- Pvt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX Inf. Barrera, .Jose Maria -- Pvt. Co. A, Benavides' Regt. TX Cavo Barrera, .Jose Rios -.- Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX Inf. Barrera. Juan E. -- 1st Sgt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf. Barrera, M. -- Pvt. Co. K, 33rd TX Cavo Barrera, Melchor -- Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA lnf. Barrio, .lose -- Pvt. Geo~e's Co. Herberts Battn. AZ Cavo Barrios, A. -- Pvt. Co. H, Orleans Grds~ Batty. LA Mil. Barrios, Octave -- Sgt. Lafollrche Regt. LA Mil. Barrios, Prosper -- Pvt. Co. G, 18th LA lnf. Barro, Buenaventurd -- Pvt. Co. 6. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.



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Bascos. "uJio •• Pvt. COa B, Raglda'e's Battn TX Cavo Basqu~ Jose - N. Co. 1, Benavldes Regt. TX Cavo Rasq.e, Juan •• Pvt. COa G. 10th LA Inf. Rasques, Cerraioo •• Pvt. COa A, 3rd C\'agers) Battn. TX Cavo Basques, .Jose •• Pvt. COa A, 2nd LA IlIIf. Rasques, Juan -Pvt. 1st COa C, 3rd TX Inf. Basquez, FerdlnlHld •• Pvt. 2nd Rf#-, 2nd Brig., 1st Dlv., LA Mil. Basquez, Thomas •• Pvt. COa 1, 3rd TX Inf. Baslan, Alejo •• epi. Th~mas' COa TX Pan. Rangers Basse, Oso - Cpl. Co. F, 33rd TX Cavo Batalla, mego •• Pvt. 5th Co., Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Battillo, C~e - Pvt. COa A, 1st BIIttn, Ala. Lt. Arty. Rattistella, Antonio •• N. COa 3, 5th Regt., Euro, Brig. LA Mil. BauJo, LorenJ;l) •• M. COa 6,~th Regt.,Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Bautista, Juan - N.Co. 8, 5th Regt.,Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Bautista, Miguel - M. COa 8, 5th Regt.,Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Bauxes, DOIIIinao •• Pvt. COa 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Drig. LA Mil. Baya, ElelltmB - N. Co. G, 10th Fla. 1m. Baya, Fraoels - Znd Lt. COa H, 2nd Fla. Inf. Baya, Jeseph -'Cpl. COa B, 2nd:Ji1Ia. Cavo Baya, Joseph F. -M. Co. D,8th Fla. lof. Baya, Tayo - Pvt. Co. B, 2nd 'Inf. BattR. F'a. Baya, WnUalft - Lt. Col. COa D, 8th Fla. Inr. Rela.. E. •• Pvt. 1st Cm' A, Rag.w.lales' "tn. TX Cav.� Rela, Ermenecie •• Pvt. Co.D,·Reaavteds Regl. TX Cavo� Bela, Jesos •• M. 1st COa C, J3nI TX Cavo� Bela. LeocanIio '•• Pvt. COa D, 3rd TX Inf.� Bela, Ninesio - epi. COa D, Ragsdlles' Battn. TX Cavo� Beta, P8IItinio - Pvf. Co. B, lnd TX Cavo� BeIa, Sehent - Pvt. eo. G,8ena"kIes' Regt. TX Cavo� Bela, Victorino ,- PYt. 1st Co. H, J3rdTX Cavo� Bdasc~ Franco'~ Pvt. Co. ',,5th Rep., Euro. BrIg. LA Mil.� Bell~ Valery - Pvt. Co. B; 18th LA InI.� ReUory, PednJ--Pvt. COa G, Iltb,LA Inf.� Beltran, Andres •• Pvt. COa 'O, 30th LA Inr.� Reltran, AnlsetD ... Pvt. COa C, 8th TX lof.� Beltrao, Jesus •• Pvf. 1st Co. C. Ragsdale's Battn. 11' Cavo� Beltran, Jose •• PYt. 1si Co. C, 3nt TX Iltr.� Reltmn, Manuel - Pvt. 1st Co. C, 1t~81es Battn. TX Cavo� Beltran, R. - Pvt. LeGardeur Jrs C&. OrIeans Grds. Batty. LA Lt. AJiy.� Reltran. Stephen •• Pvf. 4th TX Field Batty.� Ren, Maouel - N. COa 5, 5th Regt~, EIlrO. Brig. LA Mil.� Renavldes, Milano •• M. lsf Cn. H, 33"' TX Cavo� Benavides. Crisa.Dbal •• Capto 15t COa H, 33rd TX Cavo�


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Renavides, D.•• Pvt. COA 1, Borders Regt. TX Cavo Renavides, David •• Pvt. Weisigers COA Giddings' BaUn. TX Cavo Renavides, John •• Pvt. Mullany's COA Mohile Fire BaUn. Ala. Benavides, Lorenzo· Pvt. 1st COA H, 33rd TX Cavo Renavides, Luis •• Pvt. 1st. COA H, 33rd TX Cavo Benavides, Pablo •• Pvt. COA C, 8th TX Inf. Renavides, Pedro •• Pvt. COA O, 30th LA Inf. Renavides, Pedro •• Pvt. COA F, 3rd TX Inf. Renavides, Refugio •• Capto 1st COA 1, 33rd TX Cavo Renavides, Santos •• Col. 1st COA H, 33rd TX Cavo Renet, Casinero •• Pvt. Co. D, 8th Fla. Inf. Bl"nitez, A. -- Pvt. COA 1, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Reras, Felipe •• Pvt. 4th TX Field RaUy. Berenguer, J... Corpl. 1st, Co., 5th Regt., Euro. B.·ig. LA Mil. Rerientes, L.•• Pvt. COA C, 8th TX Inf. Rermudez, B.•• Pvt. COA E, Orleans Grds Regt. LA Mil. Bermudez, Edward •• 3rd Lí. COA E, Orleans Grds Regt., LA Mil. Bermudez, J .•• Pvt. COA A, Orleans Grds Regt., LA Mil. Bernadez~ Daniel·· Pvt. COA D, C.S. Zouave BaUn. LA Bernal, .lose •• 3rd Lt. COA 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Bernal, .Jose •• Pvt. COA 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Bernal, J. V.•• Pvt. Cattles' Co., Nashville BaUn Tenn. Inf. Bernal, Leandro •• 1st Sgt. COA F, 3rd TX Inf. Bernal, Refugio •• Sgt. Rhodes Co., 3rd Battn. (Yagers) TX Cavo Bernales, Culogis .,;. Pvt. COA C, 3rd TX Inf. Bernardine, Hector •• Pvt. COA H, (Strawbridge's) 1st LA Inf. Bernardo, Antonio •• Pvt. COA D, 30th LA Inf. Bernaza, G.•• Pvt. COA 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Berral, .Iesus •• Pvt. Co. D, Ra~sdale's Battn TX Cavo Betanenr. Fairstino •• Pvt. COA 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Betaneur, Manuel·· Pvt. COA 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Bettran, Andres •• Pvt. COA 7, 5th Regí., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Bey. G.•• Pvt. COA G, Orleans Fire Regt. LA Mil. Bey, N.•• Pvt. COA A, Orleans Fire Regt. LA Mil.� Rey, Peter •• Pvt. COA H, 25th LA Inf.� Beya, Vineent ••, Pvt. COA F, Caz. Esp. Regl. LA Mil.� Bianel, Leopoldo •• Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Bins, .Juan •• Pvt. COA 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Ritaneo, Manuel·· Pvt. Co. C (Strawhridge's) 1st LA Mil.� Blanco, Manuel·· Pvt. COA 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Blanco, Sant.o •• Pvt. COA B, ~nd TX Cavo� Blaseo, Eugenio J .•,. Capto COA IIE, 13th LA Inf.·� Blaseo, Osear •• Pvt. COA D, 13th LA Inf.� Bo, Antonio .Juan •• Pvt COA 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.�


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Boadas, James - Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt.,Euro, Brig. LA Mil.� Boca, Miguel J. M.•• Pvt. Co. 1, Renavldes' Regt. TX Cavo� Boca, N.ro Lcmglno •• M. Co. F, 3rd TX lof.� Rocas, .J••• Pvt. Co. B, 18th Cons. LA Inf.� Ronestabile, Antonio •• M. Co. G, 21st Ala..Inf.� Bonet, .Juan •• Pvt. Co. 9. 5th Regt., Euro. Rrig. LA Mil.� Ronet, Vicente •• M. Co. 9, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Ronifacio, Martin •• Pvt. Cn. A, 5th Regl., Euro, Brig. LA Mil.� Borego, Secundino •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf.� Bomagera, F.•• Cpl. Co. 1, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil.� Bosch, .Jose •• M. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Bosne, Pablo •• Pvt. Co. 2, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil.� Bosque, A. •• Pvt. 1st Natl\'e Grds, LA MU.� Bosque, Lorenzo •• M. Co. lJ, ·18th LA Inf.� Bosque, Lorenzo -'M. 2nd Co. C, 1st Tenn. Hvy. Arty.� Bosque, "Ibeophlle - Pvt.Jst NaUve Grds, LA Mil.� Bosques, Saturnino - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Botario, John - Pvt. 1st LA Inf.� Botello, Antonio -Pvi. 1st Co. U, 33rd TX Cavo� Botello, Concepcion •• PYt. 1st Co. U, 33rd TX Cavo� Botel~ Gavillo - "'t. 1st Co. U, 33rd TX Cav.� 8otell~ Marco •..¡ N. l,st·Co. H, 33rd TX Cav.� Boteno, M.tllde - Pvf. 1st Co. H, 33n1 TX Cavo� Botello. Victor Sr.•• M. hit Co. H. 33rd TX Cavo� Botello, Vidor Jf ••• PvL 1st Co. H, 3Jrd TX Cav.� 8otello, VivblRft ··-,M. hit Co. H, 33n1 TX Cav.� Botero, Joseph •• M. 2nd TX Ji1eld Batty.� Bny, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. G, 2Jst Ala. Inf.� 8ragel, Antonio ... Pvf. Co. 2, Caz. Esp.Regt. LA Mil.� BraJe, AntoRio - Pvt Co. 9. 5th Regl., Euro. R~. LA Mil.� Brand, Maoaet-- Pvt. Co H,:lst LA c•.� Brito, Gabino •• B~ler, 1st Co.• A, Ragsclale's Battn. TX Cavo� 8ronat, Manelino - epI. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Boa, Fraacis - Pvt. Co. 1, 7th LA lnf.� Bua, Francisco - M. Co•. D, 3rd Paimetto Battn. se Lt. Arty.� Ruela, R••• PYt. Co. l, Caz. Esp.' Regt. LA Mit� Buero, Angelo •• Pvt. Co. 1, Jst Regt. Charleston GreI. SC� Bult, Pedro - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regi., Euro. 'Brig.LA Mil.� Bunol, Jacinto •• Pvt. Ca. 9, 5th Regt.,; Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� RUDol, Pedro - N. Co. 9, 5th 'Regt., Euro. Rrig. LA Mil.� Burges,F. Feraandez-- PYf. Avis' Co. l19th Viro Mil..� Burguera, Antonio •• Pvt. Cn.' 4, 5th Regt. Euro~ Drig. LA Mil.� Burles.., Ramon - M. Co. ~ 7th Ma. Inf.� Busas, .Jacinto •• N. Co. 6, Sfh Regl. Euro. 8ri~. 'LA MU.�


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Bustamente, Foribio •• Cpl. Co. C, Benavides' Regt. TX Cavo� Bustamente, G. D.•• Pvt. 40th Miss. Inf.� Bustamente, Lucas •• Pvt. Rhodes Co., 3rd (Vagers) Batfn. TX Cavo� RlIstamente, Viario •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf.�


Caballer, .Iose Tones •• Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Caballero, Fernando .- Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. 8rig. LA Mil.� Cabello, Emilio •• Pvt. Co. A, Ragsdale's Battn. TX Cavo� Cabezas, Edward •• Pvt. Co. B, 3rd Regt.,2nd Brig., 1st Div., LA Mil.� Cabiso, Antonio •• 1st Sgt. Co. E, 1st Fla. Cavo� Cabraro. Ma~ado •• Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inf.� Cabron, Fran •• Pvt. Co. H, 17th TX Inf.� Cacais, Santiago •• Pvt. Co. 8, 2nd TX Cavo� Cachot, Antonio .- Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Cachot, Bernardo •• Pvt. eo. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Cachot, .lose •• Pvt Co. 2, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Cacias, Santos •• Pvt. Co. C, Benavides, Regt. TX. Cav.� Cadenas, Sylvio •• Pvt. Co. A, Ragsdales Battn TX Cavo� Cadiz, Edward •• Pvt. Co. F, (Nelligans) 1st LA Inf.� Cadiz, .l .•• Pvt. Co. 1, 18th LA Inf.� Caenasso, Rartolo •• Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. 8rig. LA Mil.� Cainniro, Juan .lose •• Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Calderon, Anselino •• Pvt. Co. A, Ragsdales Batín. TX Cavo� Calderon, Agustin •• Pvt. Co. C, 2nd MO Cav.� Calderon, C.•• Pvt. Teel's Co. TX State Troops� Calderon, Lewis •• Pvt. Rhodes Co., 3rd Vagers 8attn., TX Cavo� Calderon, N.•• Pvt. Teel's Co. TX State Troops� Caldue, Vicente •• Pvt. Co.4, 5th Regt., Euro. 8rig. LA Mil.� Calvet, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Calvillo, F.•• Pvt. Co. 8, 2nd TX Cavo� Cavillo, Francisco •• Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf.� Campa,.l.·. Pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala.lnf.� Campana, .Ioseph •• Pvt. Borges Co. (Garnet Rangers), LA Mil.� Campo, Donnian .- 2nd Lt., 5th Regt., Euro. 8rig~ LA Mil.� Campo; .Julian •• Pvt. Co.. B, Ragsdales 8attn., TX Cavo� Campora. Pedro •• Pvt. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. 8rig. LA Mil.� Campos, Antonio ··Pvt. Co. n, 9th TX Cavo�


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Campos, Emile •• Pvt. Co. G, Beauregard BaUn. LA Mil. Campos, J••• PYt. Co., (1, 10th LA Inr. Campos, Joseph E. - Sgt. Co. F, 8th Fla. Inr. Campos, J.unan •• 1st Sgt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Campos, Justo - ,N. Cn. D, 17th TX Inr. C8.JRPs, Antonio - Pvt. Brander's Co., Viro Lt. Arty. Ca..ps, Damlan •• lnd Lt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Camps, Franco •• Pvt. Cn. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA MIt. Camps, J. Jr •• Pvt. 1st Natt"e Grds Regt., LA Mil. Camps, James T.•. M. Co. 1, 22nd Viro Inr. Camps, Manuel·· Pvt. 1st Nathi~ Grds Reglo, LA Mil. Camulgy. Vicente •• Sgt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Rrig. LA Mil. Canacho, CHAdelario - N. Rhodes Co., 3rd (Yagers) Battn. TX Cavo Canavara. Antonio _. PYt. Co., D, ,,8th TX Inr. Candida, Jose Antonio •• N. Co. F, 10th LA Inr. Candido, Juan •• ~. Co. B, 38th Regt.,LA Inr. Canet. Antonio •• Pvt. Co. 9~ 5th Regt., Euro. BriI. LA Mil. Canet, F.•• PYt. Ca. 1, ,5th Regt., Euro. Brlg. LA Mil. Cano, Andres - M. 1st Co. C; 3rd TX Inr. Cano, Encamacion - Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33m TX Cavo Cano. Jose Maria - Pvt. Rhodes' Co., 3rd (Ya.rs) BattA. TX Cavo Cano, P.•• -No Co. U, 4th TX Inf. Canova, Anderas. B••• 2nd Lt. Co., O, 1st Fla. CIW. Canova, Andrew _. ,Pvt., Co. B, 3rd Fla.rnr. Canova, Antonio ,A. - N. Ce. A" 3n1 Fla. Inr. Canev,a, AIltonlo L. - Pvt. Co. B" lnI'Fla. lof. Canova, Azadore •• Musidan Co. E, 6thFla. lnf. Canova, B.•• Pft. Co.l, lDtbFla. Inr. CanelVa" S....olo •• PYt. Co. D, 1st FIa. Cavo Canova, Bartolo C.•• M. Co. F,2nd Fla. Inr. CaDO'Va, George P.•• Pvt. Co. G, 2nd Fla. Inf. Canova, 1. ... M. Cn. C, 4th Fra. Inr. Canova, Isadore - Mu.~dan ()th Fla. Inf. Canova, Pau. 8.•• 2nd Lt. Co. G, 1st Fla. ·,Inf. Reserve Canova, Ramon •• lit Sgt. Co. F, 2nd F1a. Inf. Canta, D. - N. Co~ G, 8tb TX Inf. Canta, M.•• N. Cn. G, 8th TX 1nr. Canta, Ociana - M. Co. C, Renavides' Regt. TX Cavo� Cante, AgustU! •• M. Co. f, 3rd' TX Inf.� Cante, Nardsso •• N. Thomas' Co., TX Pal1tS8R Rangers� Cantitrice, Pedro - M. Co. 55, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Canto, Franco - Pvt. Co. 9, 5tb Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Canto, Ylario - Pvt. Rhodes' Ca., 3rd (Yagers) Batín. TX Cavo� Caatua, Jose - M. Co. G. 2nd TX Cav.�


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I Cantum, Aciano •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Cantum, VictOl'iano .- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Capeans. Miguel·· Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Capella, B.•- Pvt. Cn. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Capella, Franco •• Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Re"., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Capella, Guillermo •• Pvt 1st Co., 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Cal)ella, Martas •• Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Capella, Miguel •• Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Capella, Severena •• Pvt. Co. O, 8th Fla. Inf. Capelo, Rafal"1 _. Pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala. Inf. Capo, H.•• Pvt. Co. 1, 15th TX Cavo Capo, J.•• Pvt. Co. H, 2nd Fla. Cavo Capo, .lose •• Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA MiJ. Capo, Joseph •• Pvt. Co. B, 3rd FI~. Inf. Capo. Lewis .- 1st Sgt. Co. O, 8th na. Inf. Capo, Rafael .- Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Capo, William SI'.•- Pvt. Co. D, 8th Fla. 'nf. Capo, William .fr. _. Pvt. Co. D, 8th Fla. Inf. Capo. Y. -- Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Caraseo, C. G. -- Pvt. Co. C, 18th LA Inf. Carasco, Felix -- Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdales Battn. TX Cavo Carasco, Frinquilino -- Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdales Battn. TX Cavo Carasen, Hilah'e .- Pvt. Co. C, 18th LA Inf. Caraseo• .luan .- Pvt. Co. H. Manns Regt. TX Cavo CarhaJal. A. -- Pvt. Co. E. Wallers Regt. TX Cavo Carhajal. A. Gonzales -- Pvt Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Cal'hoJal, F. Garcia -- Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regí., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Carbajal, Francisco -- Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inf. Carhajal, Vineente -- Pvt. Co. 3. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Carbo, Antonio -- Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Carbo, .fOSl" -- Cpl. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Carbo, Lorenzo _. 2nd Lt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA MiJ. Cardona, Angel -- Pvt Co. 3, 5th Regl., Euro. Bri~. LA Mil. Cardona, Antonio -- Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Cardona, John .- Pvt. Co. B, 12th Battn. Viro Lt. Arty. Cardona, M. _. Musician Co. D, 25th Viro Inf. Cardona, Miguis -- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Cardoza, Abraham J. _. Pvt. Co. E, 4th Viro Cavo Cardoza, Charles E. -- Pvt. Co. D, 1st Viro Arty. Cardoza, Edward S. -- Pvt. Smiths Co. Viro Arty. Cardoza. Julian -- Pvt. Co. D, 1st Viro 'nf. Cardoza,C. P. -- Pvt. Co. C, 2nd Viro State Res. Cardoza, E. S. -- Pvt. 1st Co. G, 3rd Inf. Local Der. Viro Cardoza. M. C. -- 1st S~. Co. K. (Farinholts) 1st Viro Reserve



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Cario, Antomo •• N. Co. D, 11th Vol.lnf. Battn. TX Carion, .Joaquln •• Pvt. Co. C, Benavides Regt. TX Cavo Carlos, F••• Pvt. Co. A, WaGls Leglon TX Caro, A.•• M. Co. H, Chalmette Regl., LA Mil. Carreras, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Drig. LA. Mil. Carreras, Bartolome - Pvt. eo. 2, 5th Regt., Euro.Drig. LA Mil. Carreras, G.- ·Pvt.Co. 1, 19th FIa. Inf. Carreras, Gaspar •• 'Pvt. Cft. A, 2nd Fla. Inr. Carreras, Juan - Pvt. Co.6,' 5th Regt., Euro. Drig. LA Mil. Carreras, Pedro - 1st Sgt. 5th Co., Caz. Esp. Regt. Carreras, StephBII •• Pvt. Co. B, 3rd Fla. Inf. Carreros, Juan - M. Co. 2, 5th. Regi., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Carretero, Alejo - Pvt. Co. 5~ 5th Regt., Euro. Rrlg. LA Mil. Canillo, A. P. - Cpl. Co. 3, lst Chasseurs a pied LA Mil. Carrillo, Antonio •• Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TIC Cavo Carrillo, B.•• CpI. eo. 3, 1st Chasseurs a pied LA Mil. Carrillo, Joileph •• Pvt. Co. R, 2nd TIC Cavo CaI'Ve<Jo, Antonio •• Pvt. Cn. H, 25th Viro Inf. Casals, Joaquin •• CpI. Co. 7, 5th Rtgt'., Euro. Rrig. LA Mil. Casandra, G.•• Pvt. Co. e, 8th TX Inf. Casanova, .'uan Gomfla - M. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Casanova, Juan Antonio - .M. Co. H, 8th TX Inf. Casaras, Cecelia •• Pvt. Co. D, 36th TX Cavo Casas, Estanleta" - ~t. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX lnr. Casas, Miguel - M. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Casiano, Slmon - Pvt. eo. B, Renavldes Regt. TX Cavo Cassanova, J. - CpI. LeGracleor Jr's Co. Orleans Grds Batty., LA Lt. Arty. Cassanova, .J.8. - N. Rarftt's Co., MO Lt. Arty. Cassanov8s, A••• M. Co. 3, 1st Chasseurs a pled LA MU. Casserino, Frank •• N. en. e, 1st (NelHgans) LA Inf. Cassiano, Ignado J.•• Pvt. eo. A, 33rd TX Cavo Cassiano, Slmon - Pvt.lst Ce. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Cassiris, Antonio •• M. Co. A, 3rd (Yagers Battn.) TX Cavo Cassiris, Francisco - M. CO. A, 3rd (Vagers Rattn.) TX Cavo Castaneda, Carlos -Pvt. Rhodes Co. 3rd (Yagers Battn.) TX Cavo Castaneda, .Juan - P\1. Rhodes Co., 3rd (YagersBattn.) TX Cavo Castane<lo, A. ··2nd Lt. Co. K, 3rd "Regl., 2nd lIr1g., 1st Div., LA Mil. Castanédo, A. - Pvt. Co. E, OrIeans Grds. Regt. LA Mil. Castanedo, A.•• N. eo. F. 30th LA Inf. Castanedo, Desklerio •• M. Rhodes Co., 3rd (Yagen Baftn.) TX Cavo CastaDedo, .J. - Cpl. Co. E. 22nd 'Cons. LA Inf. . Castanedo, .J. A••• 2nd Lt. Co. E, Orleans Grds. Regt. LA Mil. Castanedn, T. - M. Trevinlos Cn., TX Cavo Castanera, EuseMo •• Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Rrlg. LA Mil.


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Castanio, Manuel·· Pvt. Co. G, 10th LA Inf. Castano, Severo •• Pvt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX Inf. Castanol, Juan •• Pvt. Co. C, Benavides' Regt. TXCav. Castera, L. .- 3rd Lt. Co. 2, 1st Chasseurs a pied LA Mil. Castile, Coronaeion •• Pvt. Co. H, 19th LA Inf. Castille, Francisco -- Pvt. Co. B, 18t.h LA Irlf. Castillo, Alearío .- Cpl. Co. B, Ragsdales Battn. TX Cavo Castillo, C. A. -- 1st Lt. Co. H, Orleans Grds Regt. LA Mil. Cast.illo. Charles A. -- QMaster, LA Legion Brigade Castillo, Cristobal -- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Castillo, David -- Pvt. Co. B, 8th Fla. Inf. Castillo, J. C. -- Pvt: Co. K, 1st (Johnsons), Miss. Inf. Cast.iIIo, James W. -- Sgt. Co. F, 4th KV Mtd. Inf. Castillo, John -- Pvt. Co. H, 1\:1iIes Legion LA Castillo, John -- Pvt. 15th TX Field Batty: Castillo, Jose -- Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX Inf. Castillo, M. _. Pvt. 2nd Co. A, 1st MO Inf. Castillo, Michael •• Pvt. Moody's Co., Madison Lt. Arty., LA Arty. Castillo, Nicomedes •• Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Partisan Rangers Castillo, Ozemi -- Pvt. Co. K, 7th LA Cavo Castillo, Patrick -- Pvt. Co. 1, 9th GA Inf. Castillo, Precilano •• Pvt. -1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Castillo. Refugio .- Pvt.. Co. D, 3rd TX Inf. Castillo, Serapio -- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Castillo, W. --Cpl. Co. A, Brewer's Cavo Ala. Castillo, William -- Pvt. Co. A, 1st Ala. Arty. Castillo, William -- Pvt. Co. E, 38th Miss. Cavo Castio, F.•- Pvt. Teel's Co. TX State Troops Castio, .lose Maria -. Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inf. Castion, Sevara -- Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX inf. Castro. A. A. -- Pvt. Co. D, 1st Ala. Cavo Castro, Amedio -- Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty. Castro, C. -- Pvt. Co. F, 2nd TX Inf. Castro, F. -- Cpl. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Castro, Jacob •• Pvt. Co. B, 18th TX Cavo Castro, JesusP. -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Castro, Jesus T.•- 2nd Lt., 1st Co. C, Ragesdales Battn., TX Cavo Castro, J. F.•• 1st Lt. Co. H, Bairds Regt. TX Cavo Castro, Joseph T.•• 2nd Lt. Co. F, Benavides' Regt. TX Cavo Castro, M.•• Cpl. 1st Co., Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Castro, Michel _. Pvt. Co. K, 18th Cons. Inf. Regt. LA Castro, Miguel -- Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. Castm, Narcissus •• Pvt. Co. A, 16th LA Inf. Cast.ro, Seraphin -- Pvt.. Co. C, 1st Regt., Mobile Vol., Ala.


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Castro, Y. oo. Pvt. Trevinies Co. TX Cavo Cataneo, Leonardo - Pvt. Cn. F, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Cavallero. G.•1. S.... Pvt. Co. A, 3n1 Ala. Vol. Regl. Cavasas, Lucas oo. Pvt. 1st Cn. C, 3rd TX lnr. Cavassos, Antonio oo. Pvf. 4th TX Field Balty. Cavazos, Nepanuftllo .~ ~. RhOOes Co., 3rd (Yagers BaUn), TX Cavo Cavlllo, Pandlo oo. N.Cn.B, 2nd TX Cav. Cayetano, Juan - M. 1st Co., Caz. Esp. Rect. LA Mil. Cayetano, Rodripes .. Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Cazales, Lewis - Pvt. Co. D, 21st Ala. Inf. Cebelio, AntOBio oo. PvL Cn.F, 3rd TX Cavo Celestln, Charles D. oo. Sgt. Co. D, 2nd TX Inr. Cenas, Augustus oo. Pvt. Co. E, 6th LA Inr. ' Cenas, R. oo. M. Co. A. 18th ~ Inr. Cendon, Manuel oo. Pvt Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Cendra, ~stin - Pvt. Co. 10, 5th ReIt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Cerberge, Antonio oo. Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Cerdo, Pedro oo. Pvt. Co. 10, 5th "Regt., Euro. 8ri~. LA Mil. Cerilo, Serapio oo. Pvt. Co. B, 8th LA Inf. Cevallos, Pedro oo. Capto Co. F, 3rd TX lof. Charo, Nicolas - Cpl.' 1st €o. U, 33rd TX Cavo Chavana. AllEiDO oo. Pvf. Co. C, Ben..ides Regt. TX,Cav. Chavalia, .lose M. oo. M. Co. 1, Benavides Regi. TX Cavo Chaves, Remardino oo. Pvt. Co. 1, Ren.vides Regt. TX Cavo Chaves, Erasmo .J.• oo. lnd Lt. Co. U, 8th TX lor. Chaves, Francisco' _. M. Co. C, 8th TX Inr. Chaves, .Jesus - Pvt. Cn.' A, Ragsdales Baltn. TX Cavo Chaves, Manin oo. Pvt. Co. F, 3n1 TX Inf. Chavez, E• .J. oo. Znd Lt. Co. E, Benavides Regl. TX Cavo Chavez, Irineo ..·M. 1st Co. C, Ragsdale Dattn. TX Cav. Chavez, MariltllO - Pvt. 1st Co. C, Rapdale NaUn. TX Cavo Chavez, Pedro - Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty. Chavire, Manuel·· M. 8th TX F1e1d Ratty. Cherino, Jose M. - M. Cn. A, 17th TX Olv. Chelino, Louis ... Pvt. Co. A. 1st Cav. Battn. TX State Troops Cheysan, Fernando •• Pvt.Hupes Co., TX Lt. Arty. Chivano. Stephen ... M. Co. A, 11th TX Inf. Cimbre; Rosario oo. Pvt. Ce. G, 21st Ala. Inf. Cobelo, Migllf'l oo. Pvt. Co. 9, Sthltegt., Euro. Brig., LA mil. Cobina, A. oo. Pvt. Co. G, 8th Ala. Inf. Cobina, Simeon oo. M. Co. S, Stb Regl., Euro. B~. LA Mil. Colas, Rarael - Pvt. 1st Natlve Grds, LA Mil. ColI, Antonio oo. M. Co. 4. 5th RefEl., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. CoII, .Jayme - Pvt. Co. 7, Sth R~., Euro. Blig., LA MU.


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Col!, Manuel·· Pvt. Co. G, Orleans Grds. Regt. LA Mil. ColI, Moses •• Pvt. Co. A, 13th LA Inf. Colomines, Vincente •• Pvt. Co. 1, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Colon, E••• Sgt. Co. A, 7th LA (nf. Colona, A.•• Pvt. Co. G, 8th Ala. Inf. Comas, P.•• Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. 8rig. LA Mil. Comas, S.•• Pvt Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. 8rig. LA Mil. Conde, Frederick •• Pvt. Co. E, 31'd TX (nf. Constantino, Juan •• Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regí., Euro. 8rig., LA Mil. Constantino, John •• Pvt. Co. H, 10th LA (nf. Contrarus, 8ecelio •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX (nf. Cordero, John •• 1st Lt. Co. A, 1st Se (nf. Corona, Anastacio •• Pvt. 1st Co. (, 33rd TX Cav. Corona, Bario •• Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Corona, Paz •• Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Coronado, Reyes •• Pvt. Co. 8, 8enavides' Regt. TX Cav. Corre, .lean •• Pvt. Co. H, 21st Ala. Inf. Cortes, Ferinand •• Pvt. 9th MO lnf. Cortes, John •• Pvt. 30th Tenn. (nf. Cortes, Joseph •• Pvt. Co. C, Crescent Regt. LA (nf. Cortes, Paul •• Pvt. Co. B, C.S. Zourve Battn. LA C0I1es, Rene E.•• 2nd Lt; Tobin's Co., Tenn. Lt. Arty. Cortez, Antonio •• Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Cortez. C. W.•• Pvt. Co. E. 13th Viro Cavo Cortez. Eluardo •• Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inf. Cortez, Emile •• Pvt. Lafourche Regt. LA Mil. C0I1ez, Felix •• Pvt. Co. E, 3rd Miss. Inf. Cortez, Jesus •• Pvt. Teels Co., TX State Troops C0I1ez. Joseph •• Pvt. Co. 1, 10th LA Inf. C0I1ez, Julian •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Cortez, Julio •• Pvt. Rhodes Co., 3rd (Yagers Battn) TX Cavo Cortez, LOllis G.•• Pvt. Co. G, 7th LA Inf. C0I1ina, R~lmon •• Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt. Euro. 8rig. LA Mil. COI1.inas, J .•• Pvt. Co. 8, 1st 8attn., LA Inf. 8attn (State Guards) Cortinas, John N.•• 2nd Lt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. Cortinas, .lose •• Pvt. eo. 8, 2nd TX Cavo Cortisso, Selos •• Pvt. Estills Co., Local Der. SC Inf. Costa, A.•• Pvt. Co. B, 18th LA Inf. Costa, 8artolome •• Pvt. Co. H, 21st Ala. lnf. Costa, E. J .•• Pvt. .Iones Co., 16th Regt. SC Mil. Costa, J .•• Pvt. Co. D, Charleston Grd, SC 1st Regt. Costa, .lose •• Pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala. Inf. Costa, Joseph A.•• Sgt. Co. G, 6th TX Inf. Costa, Juan •• Pvt. Co. 10, 5th Regt.• Euro. 8rig. LA Mil.


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Costa, Martin .~ Pvt.RussellsCo., 5th Inf. GA StateGrds Costa, Samuel •• N. Cn. E, 41st Vlr. Inf. Cnstantlno, Grann •• Pvt. Co. C, Zlst Ala. Inf. Costelo, Luis - Cpl. Co. 10, 5th a., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Cnvas, Rafael •• Pvt. Co. D, 95th Ala. Mil. Coyre, Manuel - Pvf. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brlg., LA Mil. Cragllt, Jose - Pvt. Co. 5, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Craxell, Vicente - epi. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Crespillo, JURO - Pvf. Cn. D, 30tb LA Inf. Cruz, Apolonlo •• Pvt. Co. D, 13th LA lnf. Cruz, Hilinlo •• Pvt. l11d TX Fleld Ratty. Cruz, Jose Maria - Pvt. 2nd TX Fiel.. Batty. Cmz, Peter·· Pvt. Co. 8, Baylor's Regt. TX Cavo Cmz, Tomas •• Pvt. Co. H, 12th KY Cavo Cmz, Tomas •• Pvt. Co. C, Cáters Battn, TX Cavo Cnlz, Tomas •• Pvf. Trevlnlos Co. TX Cavo Cmz, Vicente·· Pvt. 2nd TX Field Batty. Cuebas, Marcial - Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brlg. LA MU. Cuellar, Cmobls - ~t. Co. F, 1st (Yagers) TX Cavo Cuellar, Concepcion •• Pvt; Ce. F, 1st (Yagen) TX Cavo Cuellar, Milesio - Pvf. Co. F, 1st (Yagen) TX Cavo Cuellar, Ramon - Pvf. Cn. F, 1st (Yagen) TX Cavo ClIellar. Santia~o •• RlIkler 1st Co. H,33rd TX Cavo Cueto, lsidOl'e •• Pvt Cn. C, 4th .Regl., 1st Brig., 1st Dlv., LA Mil.� Cueto, M.- .CpI. en.. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brlg. LA Mil.� C~nboa, JuaR de Soaza - Pvt. Co. D, 30tb LA Inf.� Curi, Pablo •• Pvt. Co. 4; 5th Regt., Euro. Drlg.,. LA lnf.� Curra, Pedro - Pvt. Rhodes Co., 3rd (Vagen Battn.) TX Cavo� Curtes, Meses M. - Pvt. en. A, 1st lnf. (KJngs) State Troops Miss.� Curvillo, A. ··N. Co. F, 5th TX Inf.� Cutino, Rartolo •• Pvt. Co. B, 63rd CA lnf.�


Da Costa, B. A••• S2t. Co. G, 11th se Inf.� Da Costa, F. J.•• Pvt.. Lau.hlins Co. lIisla Regló LA Mil.� Da Costa, Jobo B. ··Pvt. Co. E, 9th Fla. Inr.� Da Costa. RaYRlon4.. N. Co. 1, 7th Faa. Inf.� Da Costa, WiltiatR H.•• Cpl. Co. B, 20th GA lof.�


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D'Alvarade, .Justo -- Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Damaso, Vidal -- Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. D'Angelo, Antonio -- Pvt. Co. H, 10th LA Inf. Da Silva, .Juan -- Pvt Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Da Silva, Manuel Franco -- Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Dea, Antonio -- Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Allos, Valentin -- Pvt. Co. C, Benavides Regt. TX Cavo De Airen, Jose -- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. De Angulo, .Joachin S. -- Pvt. Co. C, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Armas, Alfredo -- Pvt. Co. E, Orleans Grds. Regl. LA Mil. De Armas, C. -- Pvt. LeGardeurs Co., Orleans Grds. Batty., LA Mil. De Armas, F. -- Pvt. Co. E. Orleans Grds. Regl., LA Mil. De Armas, Michel -- Pvt. Co. G, Orleans Grds Regt. LA Mil. Deas, Florentino .- Pvt. 1st Co: C. 3rd TX Inf. Deas, Francisco -- Pvt. Co. K, 7th Fla. Inf. De Aubrey, Max -- Pvt. 10th LA Inf. De Audl'ade, Antonio -- Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Bard, Herrera -- Pvt. Co. G, 1st TX Inf. De Ben, Antonio -- Pvt. Co. Z, 5th Re~., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. De Ben, Jose Maria -- Pvt. Co. Z, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. De Ben, Manuel .- Pvt. Co. Z, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. De Bolle, Manuel -- 2nd Lí. Co. D, 8th LA Inf. De Carpio, Paul -- Pvt. Co. C, 5th TX Cav. De Casa, Philip -- Pvt. 1st BaUn., Ala. Arty. De Cassares, E. G. -- Pvt. Burrpwes Co. Brit. Grd. BaUo., LA Mil. De Castro. G. O. -. Pvt. Co. 1, Orleans Grd Regt. LA Mil. De Castro, ,J••- Pvt. Co. A, 1st Regt. Mobile Vol. Ala. De Castro, J. O. -- Pvt. Co. A, 7th LA Inf. De Castro, Manuel -- Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. De Cordova, H. M. -- Pvt. Co. D, Hardemans Regí., TX Cavo De Cordova, .Ioshua R. -- Pvt. Co. H, 10th TX Inf. De Costa, A.•• Pvt. Co. H. Orleans Grds. Regt., LA Mil. De Egano, Domin~o •• Cpl. Co. 4. 5th Regt., Euro. B.·ig. LA Mil. Defel'ias, .Iose •• Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA Inf. De F.·eitas, Franco -- Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. Defrentes. Manuel··, Pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala. Inf. De Fuentes, C. L.•• 2nd Cpl. Co. D, 22nd LA Inf. De Fuentes, Fernando •• Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. De Fuent.es, .J. -- S~t. Co. B, Orleans Grds Regt., LA Mil. De Caldo. Francisco •• Pvt. 2nd Co., Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. De La Barrera, .Jose •• Pvt. Co. H, 3rd TX Inf. De La Cros, Espirito •• Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. De La Cros, Felipe _. Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. De La Cros, .Juan .- Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.


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Dl" La Cros, Macarie •• Sgt. Co. A, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De La Cros, R01IIaldo •• P\1. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De La Cnrz, Genaro - Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. Dl" La Curz, ManiR •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. De La Garda, S. •• Pvt. eo. G, 8th TX InI. Dl" La Garza. JURO •• Pvt. Co. E~ 3th TX Inf. Dl" La Garza. R••• Pvt. Co. A, WaIRr's R~., TX Cavo D... La Grana. Rosmdo •• Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Eure. Brig. LA Mil. De La Pena. Pablo •• Pvt. Cn. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. O... La Rosa, BenselaM •• Pvf. Co. e, 8th TX Inr. De La Rosa, Franco - Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De La Rosa, TIbarico •• Pvt. Cn.7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De La Serda, Pedro •• Pvt. Co. E, BenavidesRegt.. TX Cavo Dl" La Vqa, S. J .•• Pvt CA. 1" Sth Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Dl" La Venta, .'ose - Cpl. Cn. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De La Zenla, N••• 2nd Lt. Renavides Regl. TX Cavo De La ZenIa, NelRedo •• Cpl. Co. H, 8th TX Inf. Del Campo, Franco - Cpl. CO. 3, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Del Castillo, A~ •• Sgt. Goma's Cn., 22nd LA Inf. Del Castillo, G. - 1st Lt. Co. 7, 1st Chasseurs a pied, LA Mil. DetComl, Ed •• Pvt. Cn. 8, 5th Regl., Euro. Brlg. LA Mil. Del Coml, Gabriel - Ist-Lt. CA. 8. 5111 'Reglo, Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Leon, Antonm - Pvt. Co. G., 10th'LA Inf. Oro lA-on. Antonio - Pvf. Co. E,Bmavkle5 R~, TX Cavo O... Leon. Antonio •• Pvt. eo. H, 8ttI TX Inf. Dl" Leftn. Genada - 2nd Sgt. Co. I,Benavides Regt., TX Cavo Dl" Leon. H. H.•• 3rdLt~ Eason's Co., 16th SC Mil. Regt. De- Leon• .tesus - Pvf. 8th TX Fletd Batty. De Leon, S••• Pvt. Wei8i~ers Cn., Glddin~ 8attn., TX Cavo De Lema. Sylvester •• Pvt. CO. A, Walters R~., TX Cav. Deleza. CleMellte -Pvt. 1st Co. 1. 33rd TX Cavo Delgado, Alex •• N. CreeRlesfs Co., Orfeans Lt. Dorse, LA Cavo Del~ado, Alexander •• N. Cn'. B, Crescent Regt., LA Inf. Del~ado, Clernente •• Pvt. 1st CO. H, 33rd TX Cavo DefKado, J. M. - Prt. TrevhJlos Co., TX Cavo Delgado, Leandrn- Pvt. Co. E, SfhTX Inf. Delgado, Marcetlo - ~. Co. E~' 8th TX Inf. Del~ado, Pedro - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cav. Delgado, Rarael •• Pvt. Co.· D, 30th Regt., LA Inf. Delgado, S.•• Pvf. CC). G"Conf. Gnls. Regl., LA Mil. Del~ado, Severo •• Pvt. Co. O, 25th TX Cavo Delgado, Sisero - P\'t. CO. E, 8th TX Inf. Dl" Ljano, Amonio ... Pvt.' Co. 3, 5th R~., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Del Nodal, Esteban - 2nd Lt., .Jackson Rtne Battn., LA Mil.


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Delos, Antonio -- Ist S~t. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil. Delos, John -- Pvt. 2nd Re~., 2nd Rrig., 1st Div., LA Mil. De Los Reyes, .luan -- Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf. De Los Santos, .lose -- Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Los Santos, Juan -- Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Míl. De Los Santos, Martin -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. De Los Santos, Seperino -- Pvt. Co A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Del Río, Natalis -- Cpl. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Del Toro, Ignacio -- Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. De Lucas, Bruno -- Cpl. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Del Valle, E. -- Pvt. Trevinios Co., TX Cavo Del Valle, Pedro -- Pvt Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Martin, R. -- Pvt. Dearings Cavo Co., 1st Local TI'. Augusta CA De Maza. Abraham R. -- Cpl. Co. D, 2nd TX Inf. Demelo, .Juan -- Pvt. Co. 8. 5th Regt., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil. De Meza, .Ioseph -- Pvt. Co. 3, Washington Arty. BaUn. LA De Monesterío, Ceferino -- Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Moya, Diego -- Pvt. Co. D. 30th LA Inf. De Moya, F. -- Pvt. 7th Co.• lst Chasseurs a pied, LA Mil. De Omelas• .l. A. -- Pvt. Co. B, 22nd Cons. LA Inf. De Oyes, Leonardo -- Pvt. 2nd Co. F, 2nd TX Cavo De Ozez, Ped.·o -- Pvt. Co-. 1, Benavides Regt., TX Cavo De Padua, .Juan -- Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Romero, L. -- Pvt. Co. 0, 30th LA Inf. De Rosa, .lose Y~nacio -- Pvt. Co. C, 21st Ala. Inf. De Rosa, Manuel -- Pvt Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Salles, P. -- Pvt. 1st Native Grds. Regt. LA Mil. De Santos, Joaquín S. -- Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Santos, S. o. -- Pvt. Co. A., 7th LA Inf. De Silva, Bernardo -- Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regi., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Soto, Joseph -- Pvt. Co. B, 28th <Grays) LA Inf. De Soto, .lule -- Pvt. Co. C, 12th LA Inf. De Soto, Marcell S. -- Pvt. Co. A, 11th LA Inf. De Soto, Saustin O. -- Pvt. Co. A, 11th LA Inf. Deu, Eduardo -- 2nd Lt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. De Undido, B.·aulip -- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Oe Urrilo, J. A. -- Sgt. Co. 4, 5th Regí., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. De Yturri, Manuel -- Cpl. Co. K, 6th TX Inf. De Zevallos, Hector -- Pvt. Co. E, 7th LA Inf. Dias, Abraham -- Pvt. Co. B, 2nd CA Cavo Días, Benjamin -- Pvt. Co. E, 17th LA Inf. Días, Clement -- Pvt. Co. C, 25th TX Cav. Dias, Clement -- Pvt. Co. H, 9th <Nichols') TX Inf. D¡as, David -- Pvt. Co. A, 8th Tenn. Inf.


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Dias, Desiderio •• Pvt. Ce.. 1, Renamles Regt. TX Cav. Dias, E. - Pvt. Co. G, 5th BattD. FI.. Cavo Dias, George _. M. COa C, 9th Fla. Inr. Dias, G. K. -- Pvt. COa F, ZZnd TX Inr. Dias, Henry •• M. COa G, 20d se Arty. Dias, J. - Pvt. Co. C, 3Znd GA lof. Dias, J. - Pvf. COa B, 9tb LA Inr. Dias••J..es - M. Co. C, 1st Fla. Cavo Dias, .lesse - M. Cn. G, 15th Tenn. Cavo Dias, .lesus •• PYf. 1st COa A, Ragsdales Battn., TX Cavo Olas, .lohn .- N. Co. G, 17th; GA Inr. Dias, John - Pvt. Cn. K, 8th Miss. Inr. Oías, .JoOO •• Pvf. Cn. G, 2nd SC Ar1y.. Dias, Mi~uel - Pvt. Co. G, RenaYldes R'~., TX Cav. Dias, Mipel - Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inr. Dias, Pedro - N. Ce. F, 3rdTX Inf. Dia$, Reuben H. - Pvt. Co. E, 57th Ala. lor. Olas, Thomas S. - Pvt. COa E, 4th Ala. lor. Dias, Victoriano -- Pvt. COa O, Benavides Regt., TX Cavo Dias, VidriaDO •• Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdale's Batto. TX Cavo Dias, Zachariah .- Pvt. Pritchards Co., Wash. Arty., GA Lt. Arty. Diaz, Cayetano .- Cpl. Co. ~, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA MU. Diaz, O••• M. Old COa F, 6th AR lor. Diaz, .J. -- Pvt. ]st Native Grds, LA Militia Diaz, J. A. Femandez •• Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Dlaz, .J. Alvarez .--Cpl. COa 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Olaz, .'ose - Pvt. COa O, 30th LA Inr. Dlaz, .'ose Antomo -- M. Co. ]~, 5th R.~ Euro. Rrig. LA Mil. Dlaz, Juan C.,. --M. Co. 4, 5th Regt•• Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Oiaz, Manuel .- M. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Diaz, Maouel -Sgt. Co. 3, 5th Regt~ Euro. BIig. LA Mil. Dlaz, Ramon·· Pvt. COa 5, Ca2. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. 'Discam~ Fernando - M. COa " 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Dobo, M. - M. Co. 1,5th Regt., Euro. &rig. LA MM. Domioges, Juan - M. COa 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Domlogo, Alpbnnse .- M. Ca. H, 2nd LA Res. Corps. Domingo, Franeis .;.Pvt. Ce. F, 11th LA laf. Domiago, J. - Capi.LA Defenders Domingo, Jobn _. Pvf. Co. O, 95th Ala.. Mil. Domingo, Jese - Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Domingo, Lormzo - Pvt. YOUIlgS eo., Vil'; Cavo Domingue, Don Louls. - Pvt. COa E, 18th (Cons.) LA inf. Domlnpes, M. J. _. M. Co. U, 18th LA IRf. Domlngues, Peter A. - M. COa H. 19th LA Inf.


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Domingues, Sixto -- Pvl. Thomas Co., TX Par1isan Rangers� Dominquez, Antonio -- Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Dominquez, Antonio P. -- Pvl. Co. A, 26th LA Jnf.� Dominquez, R. -- Pvt 8th Co., 1st Chasseurs a pied, LA Mil.� Dominquez, Eduardo -- Pvt. Co. C, 2nd LA Cavo� Dominquez, Hipolito -- Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regi., Euro. Rrig. LA Mil.� Dnminquez, Joseph -- Pvt. Co. D, Conf. Grds Regt., LA Mil.� ()ominquez, Santiago -- Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Dominquez, William Jean -- Pvt. Co. A, 26th LA Jnr.� Duarte, .lose Garda -- Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Duarte, .Joseph -- Pvt. Co. B, ]8th C;A Jnr.� Duran, Antonio -- Pvt. Trevinios Co., TX Cavo� Duran, Rartolo -- Sgt. Co. H, Bairds Regt., TX Cavo� Duran, Lorenzo M. -- Pvt. Co. C,,2nd GA Res.� Duran Mateo -- Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Duran, Polinario -- Pvt. ]st Co. C, Ragsdales Rattn., TX Cavo� Duran, P.oecentt" -- Pvt. Cn. A, Renavides Regí., LA Mil.�


E'Rarbo, Antonio --Pvt. Co. H, 19th LA Jnf.� Edalgo, .Joseph -- Pvto Co. E, 28th <Grays) LA Jnf.� Edalgo, Francisco -- Pvt. Co. A, 30th GA Jnf.� Elenismo, Pedro -- Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil.� Enfanto, T. -- Pvt. Co. G, 8th TX Jnf.� Ernesto, J. -- Pvt. Co. R, 4th (Oswalds) TX Jnf.� Escalanta, .Juan G. -- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Escalara, J. -- Pvt. Weisiger's Co., Giddings BaUn., TX Cavo� Escalera, Jose Maria -- Pvt. 1st Co. J, 33rd TX Cavo� Escamilla, Amalio -- Pvt. Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Escamilla, Anesto -- Pvt. ]st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Escamillo, Angel -- Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo� Escamilla, Crispin -- Pvt. Co. 10, 5th Re,;.., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Escamilla. Estanislado -- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Escamilla. Inez -- S~t. 1st Co. H, 33..d TX Cavo� Escamilla. Pablo -- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Escamillo, Emilio -- Pvt. eo. C, 8th TX Jnf.� Escandell, .lose -- Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Escano, Amires -- Cpl. Co. A., 5t.h Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.�


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Eshandio, Domingo •• PVt Co. 3,Sfh Reglo, Euro. Blig. LA Mil.� Eslava, A. - Pvt. Co. "G, 3rd Ala. Mil. Vol.� Eslava, C. H.•• N. Co. B, 2nd Regí. Vol. Ala. Mil.·� Eslava, Charles H.•• Pvt. Co. B, Murphy's Battn., Ala. Cavo� Eslava, Jerome - lnd Lt. Moblle Clty Troops, Ala.� Eslava, o. D•• Pvf. Co. E, 36th Ala. 111I.� Esparsa, Bernardo ... Pvt. Co. E, 8th TI( Inr.� Espana. Francisco •• Pvf. 1st Co. A, Ragsdales 8attB., TX Cavo� Esparsa, Frandsco - Pvt. Co. D, 8enavldes Regt., TX Cav.� Esparsa, .'esus •• Pvt. Co. E. 8th TX Inf.� Espero, Manuel •• Pvt. Co. 6, Stlt Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Espinosa, Elrlcus - Pvf. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX Inr.� Espmosa, MaRluoJ •• Pvt. Co. D~ 30th LA Inr.� Espinosa, ValNtino •• Pvt. CO., G, 3nt TX Inf.� Espiooza. CarnUdo •• Pvt. Ch. 3, Sth Regí., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Espinoza, JOSf' Maria •• Pvf. Co. D, 33n1 TX Cavo� Espinoza. Line •• N. Co. C. 8th TX lof.� Estapa, Leen •• Cpl. Thomas' Có., TX Pal1lsan Rangers� Estavis, Fnmcis ..- Cpl. Co. G, 28th (Tbomas') LA Inr.� Estepa, Antonio -CpI. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Estoplnal, Albert ... Sgt. Co. G, Z2nd (Cons.) LA Inr.�


Fabiano. Mariano - S~. Co~ A. 5th R~.• Euro. Rrig., LA Mil.� Fabio, S. G.•• Capto Co. 1, Caz. Esp. Regl., LA Mil.� Faleo, Antonio - Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig.LA Mil.� Falco, Rarael - Pvt. Cn. 6, 5th R.-., Euro. 8~·. LA Mil.� Fana, D. - N. Co. F. 8th MO Inr.� Farls, JOSf' - Pvt. Co. 8. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Farias, Juan •• Pvt.~o. 8, Ragsdale5 Battn., TX Cavo� Fatjo, Domlnp •• Capt. Cn. S, 5th Regt., Euro.8rig.LA Mil.� Fatjó, Thomas - M. Co. S, 5th Regl., Euro. BriI. LA Mil.� Ff'cundo, Manuel Machado •• PYt.'Co. 10, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Federico, A.•• Pvt. Co. 1, Sth Regl., Euro. Drig. LA MU.� Federico, F. - Pvt. Cn. 1, '5tll Regt., Euro. Drlg. LA Mil.� Federovo, Antonio •• N. Co. E, 8th TX Inf.� Federovo, Frandseo •• ·Pvt. eo. E, 8th TX Inf.� Federovo, Genn~io •• Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inf.�


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Ferera, H. -- Pvt. Sigwalds Co., 16th Mil.. SC� Fernandes, .Ioseph •• Pvt. Co. A, 54th Viro Mil.� Fernandes, P. - Pvt. Co. H, Crescent Regt. LA Inr.� Fernandez, A.•• Pvt. Co. C, 2nd Fla. Inr.� Fernandez. A. R.•- Pvt. Co. H, Orleans Grds. Regt., LA Mil.� Fernandez, Anselmo •• Sgt. Co. D, 30th LA Inr.� Fernandez, Antonio Sr.•• Pvt. Co. S, Sth Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez. Antonio .Ir.•• Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, Augustin •• Pvt. Co.2. Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil.� Fernandez. Benito •• Pvt. Co. 6. Sth Regt., Euro. B.·ig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, Denis •• 2nd Lt. Co. A. Orleans Grds Regt. LA Mil.� Fernandez, E. A.•• Capto Fernandez's Mtd. Co. (Supply Force) Fla.� Fernandez, Emile •• Pvt. Knaps Co., Fausse River Grds, LA Mil.� Fernandez, F.•• Capto Co. A, 1st Regt., 2nd Brig., 1st Div., LA Mil.� Fernandez, F. T.•- Pvt. Co. E, CS Zouave Battn. LA� Fernandez, Faustino •• Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, Felipe •• Pvt. Co. S, Sth Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, Francisco •• Pvt. Co. E, 13th LA Inr.� Fernandez, Henry G.•• 1st Lt. Co. G, 11th Miss. Inr.� Fernandez, J. Angel·· Pvt. Co. S, Sth Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Fernandez, Joaquin •• Cpl. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, John •• Pvt. Stiles Co., 1st (Olmst.eads) GA Inr.� Fernandez, John •• Pvt. Co. A. 2nd LA Inr.� Femandez, .John •• Jst Lt. Co. S, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Fernandez, John •• Pvt. Co. 1, 6th Viro Inr.� Fernandez• .lose •• Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Re,;., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, .lose •• Pvt Co. 2, Sth Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, .luan •• Pvt. Co. G, 10th LA Inr.� Femandez, .Juan .- 2nd Lt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, Juan •• Pvt. Co. 4~ Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, .luan •• Pvt. Co. D, 3rd TX Inr.� Fernandez, .luan •• Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX inr.� Fernandez, L.•• Pvt. 1st Native Grds, LA Mil.� Fernandez, Macsimiano •• Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, Manuel·· Pvt. Co. A, Sth Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Fernandez, Manuel .:- Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA Inr.� Fernandez, Manuel·· Pvt 1st Co., Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil.� Fernandez,. Manuel Alvarez •• Pvt. Co. 4, Sth Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, Manuel Amanico •• Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Fernandez, N. B.•• Pvt. Co. 1, 13th LA Inr.� Fernandez, O.•• Pvt. 1st Native Gros, LA Mil.� Fernandez, O. V.•• Pvt. eo. O, Miles ~ion LA� Fernandez, P.•• Pvt.. Jst Native Grds, LA Mil.� Fernandez. P. C. •• Cpl. Jst Native Grds, LA Mil.�


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Fernandez, Paco ... Pvt. en. G, 11th Miss. Inf. Femandez, Raphael - ""t. Cn.", 8th TX Inf. Femando, a.leRdo ... M. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro.· Urig. LA mil .

. Femandez, S. - Cannoneer 6th Co. BaUn., Washington Arty. BaUn., LA Femandez, SalvaRIor Oo.' M. Co. 5, 5th Repo, Euro. Brig. LA MII:­Femandez, Slmplldo ··M. Co. A, 5th Regl., Euro. Urig. lA Mil. Femandez, Seves - PVt. 5th TX Field Batty. Femandez, V. -- Cpl. Co. 1, 5th lIegt., Euro. 8rig., LA Mil. Femandez, Vicente - M. Co. 6, 5tfI Regt.,Euro. Brlg. LA Mil. FemalKtez, Vlctor -- N. Cn. C, 2nd aep., Znd ·Blig., 1st Dlv., LA Mil. Femandez, Vlneent - M. Co. H,28th (ThOlDas) LA Inr. Femandez, Y. Henla Manuel - M. Co. 9, 5th Reglo, Euro. 8rig. LA Mil. Femand&,. P. -.. Musldan eo. E, J4t11 LA Inr; Frmando. S. CO. -- Pvf. Cn. ~, Isf (K"s) Inr. Miss. State Troops FeJTf'i.... F. - M. Ftcktin~s Co. 8rooks Lt. Arty., SC Arty. Ferreira, Franco - Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Re,ct.. Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Ferreira, Frank C. -- Pvt. Co. K, 2nd se Inr. . Ferreira, JosephV. - epi. ·Cn.S, 3rd Fla. Inf. Ferreiro, Antonio -- epi. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Ferrer, A. M. _oo' M. Co. G. 41th GA Inr. Ferrer, Aodres - M. Co. 2, 5tb Re,;., ·Euro. Srig. LA Mil. Ferrer, C. - epi. 1st eo.,-Caz. Esp. ReaL LA Mil. Ferrer. Cayetano - Sgt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Earo. Brig. LA Mil. Ferrer, F. - N. ·Co. l. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Ferrer, Gabrif'1 - Pn. Cn. 6. f;tb Regt., Ewo.Brig., LA Mil. Ferrer, James H..... Cpl. Co. S, (Villepigues) 36th GA Inf. Ferrer, Jayme - M. Co.·7, 5th R.., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Ferrer, JepthaW.- M. Co. B, 57th Ala. 1m. Ferrer, .lose - M. Co. 8, Slh Reglo, Euro. Brigo, LA Mil. Ferrer, .lose Ferrer Y. - Sgt. Caz•. Esp. aeat-, LA Mil. Ferrer, Juan -- N. Co. 9, 5th Regí.,. Euro.Brig. LA MU. Ferrer, JlIaR Salv..dor -- N. Co.!, 5th Rect., Euro. Brig. LA MiJ. Ferrer, Leon -- N. Co. D, 30tft LA 11If. Ferrer, Miguel -- M. eo. 9, 5th Reglo, Euro. B~o, LA Mil. Ferrer, PecInt -- 'Sgt. Cn. 5, Caz. Esp. Regl. LA Mil. FelTer, Ped~ Fen:er Y. - M. 5th Co., Caz. Esp. Regl. LA Mil. Ferrer, T. J. - M. Co. ., !'tII R.... Euro~ Drig. LA Mil. Fem, SalvalMr -- epi. eo. 1, 18th LA- Inf. Fellga. Alexancler -.. Sgt. Co. 1, IOtb LA Inr. Figurle, &naaoel -- N. Co. E, 16th LA Inf. FleJjas, J. -- M. Co. 1,5tb Regl., El1rD. Brig., LA Mil. Fleitas, F. S. -- Pvt. (J.reenlears Co., OrIeaRs Lt Horse LA Cavo Fleitas, .J. B. -- Capt. Co. B, C S Zouave Battn., LA Fleitas••J. B. -- Capto Waul's Legion, TX


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Fleitas, W. A.•• Cpl. Pointe Coupee Arty., LA Fleitas, William •• Pvt. Ca. E, 20th Miss. Inf. Florentino, Jose •• Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Flores, Adiano •• Pvt. Co. E, Benavides Regt. TX Cavo� Flores, Adolf •• Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Flores, Angelino •• Pvt. Co. 1, 8th LA Inf.� Flores, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. G, 28th (Thomas) LA Inf.� Flores, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. A, Benavides Regl., TX Cavo� Flores, B. A.•• Pvt. Benton's Co., TX Vol.� Flores, Benjamin •• Pvt. Co. E, 1st LA Reserve� Flores, Carlos •• Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf.� Flores, Casimero •• Pvt. 1st Co.l, 33rd TX Cavo� Flores, Corasmer •• S~. Co. H, 19th LA Inf.� Flores, Domingo •• Cpl. Co..C, 8th TX Inf.� Flores. Domingo •• S~t. Co. C, Benavides Regt. TX Cavo� Flores, F.•• Pvt. Co. D, 3rd LA Inf.� Flores. Felipe •• Pvt. Co. D, 1st (McCulloch's) TX Cavo� Flores, Felipe •• Pvt. Co. H, 36th TX Cavo� Flores, Felix •• Pvt. Co. H, 36th TX Cavo� Flores, Francis B.•• Pvt. Co. G, Beauregard BaUn., LA Mil.� Flores, Georgio •• Pvt. Co. E, Madison's Regt. TX Cav.� Flores, H.•• Sgt. Co. B, 1st Battn. State Grds., LA Inf.� Flores, H. D.•• Pvt. Co. D, 4th TX Inf.� Flores, Hosea -- Pvt. Co. G, 11th BaUn., LA Inf.� Flores, Ignacio •• Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf.� Flores, .l. P.•• Pvt. Co. A, 11th TX Inf.� Flores•.J. P.•• Pvt. Co. G, 12th TX Inr.� FIOI'es, .James E.•• Pvt. Co. B, c.'escent Regt. (Cons) LA Inf.� Flores~ .Iesus •• Pvt. Co. D, 4th TX Cavo Flores. John -. Pvt. Co. G, 1st TX Hvy. Arty. FIOI'es•.John .- Pvt. .Iones' Co., TX Lt. Arty. Flores, .Jose A.•• Pvt. 2nd Co. F, 2nd TX Cavo Flores, Joseph A.•• Pvt. Co. A, 11th TX Inf. Flores, .Ioseph E.•• Pvt. Co. A. 11th BaUn., LA Inf. Flores• .luan •• Pvt. Co. 1, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Flores, .Juan -. Pd. Trevino's Squad, TX Parto Mted. Vol. Cavo Flores, .hllian •• Cpl. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Flores, L. -. Drum Major (Pattons), 21st LA Inf. Flores, L. B.•• Pvt. Co. D, Crescent Regt. LA Inf. Flores, M.•• Pvt. Co. D, Timmon's Regt. TX Inf. Flores, Manuel·· Pvt Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig.,· LA Mil. Flores, Manuel·· Cpl. Co. E, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo Flores, Manuel·· Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf. Flores, Marcos •• Musidan Co. F, Waul's Legion TX


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Flores, MarcllS ... Pvt. Co. D,9th (Nlcbols) TX Inf. Flores, Merock •• Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn., LA Inf. Flores, Patricio •• Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Flores, Pedro •• N. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo Flores, Pedro •• Pvt. Trevinlo's Co.. TX Cavo Flores. Pedro •• M. Co. G. 3rd TX Inf. Florl"S, R.•• Pvt. COa C, 8th TX Inf. Flores, Richard •• Pvt. Co. H, 19th LA Inf. Flores, Sal\!.adore - Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo Flores, Vlctor - Pvt. Co. F, 9th LA Inf. Flores, W. H. ~. Pvt. Co. D, 2nd LA Cavo Florez, Domingo - Pvt. Co. C, Btoavides' Regt. TX Cavo Florla, DominIO"· Pvt. COa 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Flods, Sylvester •• Pvt. Co. 8, 28th (Grays) LA lof. Floris, Vlctor •• Pvt. Co. H, 7th TX Cavo Florit, .Juan •• Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. BIig. LA Mil. Florres, Peter •• Pvt. Co. K, 15th TX Inf. Folivar. Angel.· epi. Co. 5, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Fonseca, Jobo - Pvt. Lalourche Regt., LA Mil. Fonlo Francisco •• Pvt. Co. G, Zlst Ala. Inf. Fonlo S. J••• 1st Lt. Co. 2, 5th Regl., Euro. Brlg. LA Mil. Foo. Rosendo •• Pvt. Co. Z; Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Forell. Manuel - Pvt. C•• 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Fomarls. A••• 2nd Lt. Co. 1, 5fh Rexf., Euro. Brtg., LA Mil. Fomes, Antonio •• Pvt. COa 1, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Foro, Franco - Pvt. Co. 2, Caz. Esp. Regl., LA MiJ. Forrara" Manuel •• Pvt. Co. D, 4th Regt., 1st Brig., 1st Div., LA Mil. Fraetas, Canazio - 2nd Lt. Co. E, 3rdVlr. Inf. Francesco, Juan •• Pvt. Co. F, 6th TX Inf. Fran.:esce, Toretta •• Pvt.5th LA Inf. Francisco, A. - Cpl. Fanis' Batty., CIark Arty., MO Lt. Arty. Francisce, A••• M. Motley's Co., Viro Lt. Arty. Francisco, Alexander •• Pvt. Whlte's Co., 1st Cbiekasaw Inf. Unlt· Francisco, Andrew - Pvt. Co. e, 3rd Battn., MO Inf. Francisco, ARtonIo - Pvt. Coa 8, 5th Regl., Euro.Brig. LA Mil. Francisco, AgultU$ •• Pvf. Co. 8, 45th Batta., Vlr, Inf. Francisco, Bryant F. - Pvt. Co. D, 37th Vlr, Inf. Frandsce, C. C. - Pvt. COa B, 3rd Battn.. Vir. Valley Reserves Francisco. Charles, L.•• 1st U. CO. 1, 14th Viro Cavo Francisco, Cumelios F.•• Pvt. 5th KV Mted. Inf. Francisco, ComeHus •• Pvt. 2nd Co.· E, Zlst BattR., Viro Inf. Fnmelsco, Camelius ~.•• Pvt. Co. E, 64th Vlr. Mted. Inf. Francisco, Daniel B.•• Pvt. Co. K, 19th Tenn. Inf. Francisco, David.•• Pvt. Co. H, 6th BattR., Viro Reserve


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Francisco, Dominia •• Pvt. Co. D, 1st Viro State Resel"Ve Fnmcisco, Elisha E.•• Sgt. Co. F, 22nd Viro Cal. Francisco, Frank •• Pvt. Co. K, 6th LA Inf. Francisco, G. M.•• Pvt. Co. 1, 14th Viro Cavo Francisco, H. C.•• M. Farris' Batty., Clark Arty., MO Lt. Arty. Francisco, H. C.•• Pvt. Co. A, 36th Tenn. Inf. Francisco, Henry •• Pvt. Co. B, 6th MO Inf. Francisco, Henry L. •• Pvt. Co. G, 23rd Viro Inf. Francisco, .J. J .•• S';. Co. D, 10th AR Mil. Francisco, James •• Pvt. Co. C, 34th AR Inf. Francisco, James .J.•• Pvt. Co. E, 6th MO Inf. Francisco, .James M.•• Pvt. Co. D., 2nd TX Cavo Francisco, .John·· Pvt. Co. H, Cobb's Le~ión GA Francisco, .John •• Pvt. Walsh's Co., MO Lt. Arty. FI'ancisco, .John L.•• Pvt. Có. K, 37th Tenn. Inf. FI'ancisco, Joseph •• Pvt. Co. K, 6th LA Inf. Francisco, Joseph H.•• Pvt. Wright's Co., Viro Hvy. Arty. Ff"dncisco, L.•• Pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala. Inf. Francisco, Lewis •• Pvt. Co. C, 63rd Tenn. Inf. Francisco, Lewis •• Pvt. Co. B, 11th Battn. Reserves Viro Francisco, M.•• 2nd Lt. Hert's Co., Ala. Mil. Francisco, M.•• M. Co. A, (Wheats) 1st TX Inf. State Troops Francisco, Marion •• Pvt. Parkers Co. Viro Lt. Arty. Francisco, Patrick •• Pvt. Co. B, 45th Battn., Viro Inr. Francisco, Robert L.•• Capto Co. E, 4th Viro Inf. Francisco, Samuel •• Pvt. Co. C, 45th Battn., Viro Inf. Francisco, Thomas •• Pvt. Co. C, 34th AR Inf. Francisco, William •• Cpl. Co. G, 18th AR Inf. Francisco, William B.•• Pvt. Co. K, 37th Tenn. Inf. Francisco, William F.•• Cpl. eo. D, 37th Vir, Inf. Franco, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Fransisco, Agustin •• Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Frallsisco, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Fransisco, Flaro •• Sgt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Fransisco, Nicolas •• Cpl. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Fransisco, Visent~ •• Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Franzisko, .lose •• Musician Co. F, 2nd TX Irlf. Fl"eitas, Franco •• Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Re';., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Freitas, .lose •• Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Frietas, .lack •• Pvt. Co. D,4th Regt., 1st Brig., 1st Div., LA Mil. Frietass, Frank •• Pvt. Co. D, 2nd TX Inf. Fnach, Manuel·· Capto Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Fuentes, C.•• Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regí., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Fuentes, Hernandez •• M. Co. G, 3rd TX Inf.


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Fuentes, Homer oO. Sgt. 1st Natlve Grds, LA Mil. Fuentes, Luis oO. M. eo. C, 3rd TX Inr. Fuentes, Mal1lo - M. Co.R, 8tll TX Inf. Fuentes, Paul Cpl. Co. D, 12nd·Coos. LA lof.Oo.

Fllrrels, Manuel oO. Pvt. 1st C.... Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil.


Gaeta, Emilio - CpI. Co. 3, 5~h Regt., Euro. Brlg., LA Mil. Gaetan, CIlarles ··Pvt. 1st Natlvf' Grds. LA Mil. Gaete, Jacinto Oo. epi. eo. 10, 5th R~., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Galindo, CJem~nte Oo. Pvt. Co; E, Bf'navldes Regt., LA Mil. Gallanl, Andres oO. Pvt. eo. 10, 5th Regi., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Gallard, Juan - M. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. &rig. LA Mil. Gallard, Vicente ~ Pvt. Co. 18, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Gallardo, Manuel -Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdales RaUn., TX Cal'. Gambo, Ja.es oO. M .. Co.- D, 23rd SC Inr. Gambo, Nasario·· Pvt. Co. 1, BenavldesR., LA MiJ. Gamboa, Bertolo oO. Pvt. 1st eo. 1, 33ft1 TX Cal'. Gamboa,Jaclnto - P\tt. Co. B, Beonavltfes Regt., TX Cal'. GamlMta, Pntdencio oO. Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Gamboa, Ramon oO. Sgt. 1st eo. L, 33rd TX Cavo Gamboa, Serhines Oo. P\1. ,1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Garca. E. Oo. Pvt. Co. G. 3rd LA Inr. Gareia, A. oO·Pvt. Co. 8. 1st Chasseurs a pied, LA Mil. Gareia. A. Oo. M. Co. G, 8th TX Inr. Gareia, Á. ··Pv'. 24th Bartn., TX Inr. Garda, A. E. Oo. Pvt. Co. F,3Oth LA Inr. Garcia, A. M. Oo. Pvt. Gomez's Co., 22nd LA Inr. Gareia, Amando Oo. Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Gareia, Aneselto ... Pvt. 1st Co. H. 33rd TX Cal'. Gareia, Anicito - Pvt. Co. A, Renavides Regt., TX Cal'. Gareia, Antonio oO. Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Garcla, Antonio oO. Pvt. Co. U, 3rd TX lor. Gareis, Antonio oO. Prt. Co. E, 8th TX Inr. Gareia, B. Oo. M. Co. A, 3rd 'GA Battn. State Grds Garela, Balentin oO. Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inr. Gareia, Renino oO. M. Cn. E, 8th TX Inr. Gareia, Bernabel - Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdale Battn., TX Cavo


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Garcia, Bernardo --Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Cavo Garda. Berna.·do -- Cpl. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Gardo, Braulio -- Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsdales Battn., TX Cavo Garcia, C. -- Pvt. Co. D. C.·escent Regt., LA Inf. Garda, C. -- 3.·d Lt. Co. A, 1st Regt., 2nd Brig., 1st Dlv., LA Mil. Garda, Carlos -- Pvt. Co. 0, 3rd TX Inf. Garcia. Cesario -- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Inf. Garcia, D. J. -- 1st Sgt. Co. 2, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Ga.·cia, E. -- Pvt. Co. 3, 8th TX Il1f. Garda, Eduarclo -- Cpl. Co. 1, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. (;arcia, Emanuel -- Pvt. Sabine Reserves LA Mil. Garcia, Emanllel -- Pvt. Co. O, 22nd TX Cav. Garcia, Estevan -- Pvt. Thomas' Co. TX Parto Rangers Garcia, Eugenio -- Sgt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Garda, Felidano -- Pvt. 1st too A, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Garcia, Felipe -- Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Garda, Fernando -- Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX Inf. Garda, Francisco -- Pvt. Cox's Co., Mann's BaUn., TX Cavo Garda, Francisco -- Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsdales Battn., TX Cavo Garcia. Francisco de la H. -- Cpl. Co. 5, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Garda, Francois -- Pvt. Co. F, 4th Regt., 2nd Brlg., 1st Div., LA Mil. Garda, Gabriel -- Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Garcia, George -- 1st Sgt. Co. 1, Benavides Regt., TX Cavo Garda, Guadalllpe -- 5th S~. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo Garcia, Guadalllpe -- Pvt. Co. B, BaylOl"'s Regt., TX Cavo Garcia. Guigllno -- 3rd Sgt. Co. 1, 8enavides Regt., TX Cav. Garcia, Henrique -- Pvt.. Co. D, Miles Legion LA. Garda, Heraldo -- Pvt. 14th TX Fieid Batty. Garda. Hilario -- Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty. Carda, Incarnadon -- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Garda, J. -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Garcia, J. B. -- Pvt. 1st Native Grds, LA Mil. Garcia, J. E. -- Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. Garcia, Jas M. -- 1st Lt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Ga.·da, Jeronimo -- Pvt. Co. E, 2nd TX Inf. Garda, Jesus -- Pyt. Co. A, 33rd TX Cavo Garcia, Jesus -- Pvt. Trevino's Squad, TX Cavo Garda, .Iesus -- Pvt. Co. H. 8th TX Inf. Garcia, .'ohn -- Pvt. Teel's Co., TX State Troops Garcia• .lose -- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. 8rig. LA Mil. Garcia, .'ose Maria -- Pvt. Thomas' Co.., TXPart. Rangers Garda, .'ose Maria -- 1st Lt., 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Garcia, Joseph -- Pvt. Co. K. 8th LA Inf. Garcia•.JlIan -- Pvt. 1st Co. C. 3rd TX Inf.


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Garda, Juan •• Pvt. Co••• 8th LA 'nr. Garda, Juan •• Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brlg. LA Mil. Gareia, Juan •• N. l'hOntas' Co., TX Part~ Rangers Garda, Julian •• Pvt.'Co. F,3rd TX Inf. Gareia, Leonardo - Sgt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Oav. Ga~ia, Ubrau •• M. Co. D, Ragsclales BaUn. TX Cavo Gareia, Lino •• Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Garela, Lucas - PVt. Ist.Co~ H~ 33rd TX Cavo Garda, Luis •• S". Co. E, Benavides Regt. TX Cavo Gareia. Luis •• Cpl. Co. H, 3th TX Inr. C;areia, M.•• N. Trevhdo's Co., TX Cavo Gareia, M.•• Pvf. Cn. E. '8th TX Inf. Gareia, M. E.•• Pvt. Co. F.38th LA Inf. Gareia, Manuel·· Pvt. Cn. C, 1st lNelligan's) LA Inf. Garda, Manuel - '-'t. Co. D~ 13th LA Inr. Gareia, Manuel·· Pvf. Co. F, Orleans eros Regl. LA Mil. Gareia, Manuel·· Pvt. 2nd Cn., Caz. Esp. R•• LA MU. Gareia, Manuel·· Pvt. Cn. 'P, 3nf Miss. Inr. Gareia. Manuel .- P\lt. Co. D, 3rd TX I.f. Garei.. Manuel •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX 1m. Garcla, Marcello •• Cpl. 1st Co.l, 33rd TX Cayo Gareta, Mariano - P\tt. Cfl. E, -Den.vides Kegt. TX Cavo Garda, Mariano •• Pn.' Co. H, 8th TX Inf. Gareia, Melcber - Pvt. Cn. 1, 8eft81'ldes Regt., TX Cav. Gareia, Michael - N. P...aloo58's Cavo TX Gareia, Michel - S-'. 8th Co.. Ch&sseurs a pIed, LA Mil. Gareia, Miguel - M. Co. C, 8th TX Iftf.� Gareia, Neponaeceno,.· Sgt.Gn. C, 8th TX Inf.� Gareia. P. -- Pvf. Ce. 2. Caz. Esp. Regt.• LA Mil.� Gareia, Patricio - N. 2nd Co.,'Caz. Esp. R~ LA MU.� Gareia. Pedro - M. Sth R~., Euro. Brlg. LA Mil.� Gareia. PielTf' -- Pvt. 'J,st Native Grds LA Mil. Gareia. Prajedis -- Pvf. co. E, 8enaYldes"Regt., TX Cavo� Garda. Presiden .- Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX InI.� Gareia, Rarael .- Pvt. Co. D, BeDavitles Regt., TX Cavo� Gareia, Ramire -- .€pi. Ce.B, 8th LA 1m.� Gareia, Ramon -. Pvt. 1st Co. H. 33rd TX Cavo� Gareia, Raphael .- Pvt. 8th TX Field BaUy.� Gareta, Raymond -. Pvt. Cn. B, 4th Pla. IRf.� Garda, Ra,mnRd -- Sgt. Cn. E, 1st (Strawbrldge's) LA-Inl.� Gama, R. N.... Pvt. Massenburg's Batty., Jaekson Arty., GA Lt. Arty.� Garcia, Robert .- Pvt., Co. 1, 25th TX Cavo� Gareia, Santiago - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Gareia, Sesarlo~. Pvt. Co. A, BetUWifles' Regt., TX Cavo�


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Garcia, T.•• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX (nf. Garcia, Teodoro •• Cpl. Rhodes' Co., 3rd (Yagers) Battn., TX Cavo Garda, Teodoro ··Pvt. 8th TX Field Ratty. Garda, Trinidad .- Pvt. Co. D. Renavides Regt., TX Cavo Garcia, Trinidad •• Bugle.· 1st Co. A, Ragsdales Battn., TX Cavo Garcia, Valerio •• 1st Lt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Garda, Vicente •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX (nf. Garda, Vicente •• Pvt. Co. C, Benavides' Re,;., TX Cavo Garcia, W.•• Pvt. Co. G, 8th TX Inf. Garda. Viario •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Garcia, Ynoceuti •• Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX (nf. Garcia y Borras, .lose •• Sgt. 8th Co., 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Garcia y Medina. Emilio •• Pvt. .Iackson Rifle Rattn., LA Mil. Garnidena, .l... Pvt. Co. 1, 3rd TX (nf. Ga"rastago, Juan •• Sgt. 6th Co., 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Ga,·sa, Juan •• Pvt. Co. A, 11th TX Inf. Garsa, William •• Pvt. Co. G, 8th TX (nf. Garsinova, Francisco •• Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty. Garsinova, Gregorio •• Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty. Garza, Andres •• Pvt. Thomas' Co. TX Partisan Rangers Garza, Bisente •• Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Garza. Candelario •• Pvt. -1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Garza, David •• Pvt. Co. D. 17th TX Inf. Garza. Estanislado·. Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cav. Garza, Esteban •• Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo Garza, Eugenio •• 2nd Lt. Co. (, 33rd TX Cavo Garza, F.•• Pvt. 24th RaUn. Sto Troops, TX (nf. Garza, Felix _. Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Pa.i. Rangers Garza, Francisco •• Pvt. Co. O. Benavides Regí., TX Cavo Garza. Francisco •• Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX (nf. Garza, Geronimo •• Pvt. Co. A, Wauls Legion TX Garza, IIdefonzo •• Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Garza, J .•• Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo Garza, J .•• Pvt. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo Garza, .fesus •• Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo Garza, Jesus •• Pvt. Co..A, 33rd TX Cavo Garza, Jesus •• Pvt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX (nf. Garza, Jesus •• Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Cavo Garza, .lose •• Pvt. cO. E, 33rd TX Cavo Garza, .lose Maria -. Pvt. Thomas's Co., TX Parto Rangers Garza, .Joseph R. - 1st Lt. Co. H, 17th TX Cons. Dismted Cavo Garza, Joseph R.•• 1st Lt. (:0. K, 6th TX Inf. Garza, .luan •• Pvt. Co. 1, Benavides Regt., TX Cavo Garza, Laza,oa •• Musidan Co. C, 8th TX Inf.

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Garza, Lazan» •• Pvt. Co. C,BeDav'kl~:'~n,eWlh¡~ .¡ttHUna

Garza, Leandro - Pvf. Co. E, 8th TX Inf.·' ) ,'¡q. ,tI'::' ,:;,t

Garza, Ludano •• 2nd Lt.Thomas' Co., TX' Parto Rimgers Garza, Madatenr •• 'Pvf. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Garza, Mamlel •• Pvf. 14th TX flekl Ratty. Garz~ Manllel •• PYt. CO. F, 3rd TX Inf. Garza, Marcos - Pvt. Co. F~ 3r.d TX Inf. Garza, Mlehael •• Pvt. Co. G, 2nd TX Cavo Garza, Miguel - Cpl. 1st Co. A, R.sdales Battn., TX Cavo Garza, Nepomocino •• N. 1st Co. H, 3lrd TX Cavo Gal'28, Pablo •• N. Co. D, Benavldes Regt., TX Cav. Ga~ Pablo - 1st Sgt., 1st Co. A, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Garza, Perfecto .- M. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cat. Garza, P"cio - PVt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Garza, R.·- M. Trevinlo's Có., TX Cavo Garza, Rafael -- Pvt. Co. A. 1st (Vagers) TX Cavo Garza. Rafael .- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Garza, Rafael -- Pvt. Co. F. 3rd TX Inf. Garza, Rafael 8. - PVt. Co. 1, 3rd" TX Inf. Garza. Rafael dr la -- N. Co. A, Waller's Regt., TX Cavo Garza. Ramon -- Pvt. Co. 8, 8th TX Cavo Garza, S. -- N. Co. C, Caters Battn., TX Cav. Garza. Saveranl,. -- Pvt. Co.', 8th TX Inf. Garza. SiRlon -- Pvt. Co. K. 6th TX lnf. Garza. Steph1in -- Pvt. Co. F, Benavldés' Regl., TX Cavo Garza. Tt'lespt'ro --' Pvt. Trevlnio's Co., TXPart. Rangers/Cav. Garza, Tomas -- Pvt. Co. f, 8enavldes'Régt., TX Cavo Garza, Victoriano - Pvt. Co. D, 3rd TX In'~ Garza, Weneeslaus - Pvt. Co. K, 36th TX' Cavo Gayardo, Josepb - Pvt. Co.K, 3rd, Regt., 1st Brlg., 1st Dlv., LA Mil. Gauard.., Julian - Pvt. Bexar Clty Reserve, TX MU. Gerraro, Cladlo - Cpl. Co. B, ltagsdales' Bettn., TX Cav. GU, Luis - Cpl. 1st CC>. H, 33rd TX Cavo Gil. Wllllmn 'L. -- Sgt. Co. K, Ogden's LA Cavo Glmenez, Francisco -- Cpl. Co. 4, 5th Rext., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Glavinia. Lllc.s -- Pvt. Co. 7, 5thRegt., Euro. Blig., LA Mil. Gomas. PeRcian .- Pvt. Co. C, 2nd TIC Cavo Gomas, .'obn -- Pvt. Co. G, 8th TX inf. Gomas, Lefl -- Pvt. Cn. E, 21st Viro Inr. Gomes. -'Mm --M. Co. K, 8th LA Inf. Gomes, .Juan .'ose -- Pvt. Co. A, Renavides' Regt., TX Cavo Comes" M. -- N. Co. E, 2nd Battn•• Sto TrooI'S, Miss. Inf. Gomes, Magurtsco -- Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inf. Gomes, Mariano -- Cpl. 1st Co. C. 3rd TX Inf.


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Gomes, Salome •• Pvt. Thoma ' Co., TX Parto Rangers� Gomez, Andre -- Pvt. eo. F, 13th LA Inf.� Gomez, Atanacio .- Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Yagers) TX Cavo� Gomez, B. G.•- Pvt. Co. A, Columbus GA Arsenal 8attn. Inf.� Gomez, Oominque •• Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. LA� Gomez, Enocencia _. Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf.� Gomez, F. -- Pvt. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo� Gomez, F.•• Pvt. Co. A, Is Sto Troops, TX Inf.� Gomez, Francisco -- Cill)t. Co. A I C, 22nd LA Inf.� Gomez, J. F.•• Pvt. Co. 3, Chasseurs a pied, LA Militia� Gomez, Jame. _. Pvt. Co. 5, Washington Arty. 8attn. LA� Gomez, John _. Pvt. Parsons' Co., Fla. Mil.� Gomez, .lose Mnria -- Pvt. Co. D, 3rd TX Inf.� Gumez• .lunn -- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Gomez, Juan .- Pvt. Cn. 8, 5thRe~t., Eul"O. 8rig. LA Mil.� Gomez, Juan Jose _. Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cav.� Gomez, Jules -- Pvt. 1st Native Grds, LA Mil.� Gomez, Luis -- Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf.� Gomez, Manuel _. pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala. Inf.� Gomez, Manuel·· Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regl., Eu.'o. Brig. LA Mil.� Gomez, Nicholas •• Pvt. Co. D, 8th Fla. Inf.� Gomez, P. A.•• 1st Lt. Co. C, 22nd LA Inf.� Gomez, Phillip L. -- 1st Sgt. Co. D, 8th Fla. Inf.� Gomez, Snhino •. Sgt. 2nd Co., Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil.� Gomez, Tomas _. Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Gondelfo, Manuel -. Pvt. 1st Co., Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil.� GongOlTa, E. -- Pvt. Co. C•. 8th TX Inf.� Gonsales, John -- Pvt. Co. O, 18th LA Inf.� Gonsales, Silver -- Pvt. Cn. K. 61st Viro Inf.� Gonsalez, .Joseph -- Pvt. Cn. (;., 28th (Thomas') LA Inf.� Gnnsalll"s -- TI'inidad -- Pvt. Co. R, 33rd TX Cavo� Gonzall"s, A. -- Pvt. Co. K, 18th LA Inf.� Gonzales, A. -- Cpl. Guyols Co. Orleans Arty., LA A11y.� Gonzales, A.•. Cpl. Cn. C, Orleans Grds. Regt., LA Mil.� Gonzales, A. -- Pvt. Co. A, 10th Miss. Jnf.� Gonzales, A. -- Pvt. 2nd Co. C, 3rd TX Inf.� Gonzales, Alhea'to .- Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Gonzales, Ant.onio •• Pvt. Co. G, 12th TX Inf.� Gonzales, Amotha -- Pvt. Co. E, 9t.h Miss. 1nf.� Gonzales, Anda"es -- Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf.� Gonzales, Anthony -- Pvt. Co. B, 8th LA Inf.� Gonzales, Antoine -- Pvt~ Co. 8, Lafourche Regt., LA Mil.� Gonzales, Antoine .- Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Thomas') LA Mil.� Gonzales. Antonio _. Pvt. Cn. G, 10th LA Inf.�


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Gonzales, Apokmio •• Pvt. IstCo. H, 33rd TX Cavo C~zales, Armand •• Pvt. 1st Natlve Grds, LA Mil. Gonzales, AtanaeiO •• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inr. Gomales, Au~ustine •• Pvt. Co. D, 8th Fla. Inf. Gonzales, B.•• Pvt. Trevinlo's Co., TX Cavo Gonzales, s.lentio •• Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsclales Baftn., TX Cavo Gonzales, ....ito ··Pvt. Cn. F, 3rd TX Inr. Gonzales, B_ura •• N. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cav. GORzales, Dicente •• Pvt. Cn. E, Benavldes Regt., TX Cav. Gonzates, Ronllaclo •• Pvt. 8th TX FIeId'Ratty. Gonzales, Carlos - ))yt. 1st Co. C, lrd TX Inf. Gonzales, Dario - 2nd Lt. 1st Co. H, 33n1 TX Cavo Gonzales, Decldero •• Sgt. '1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Gonzales, Demas •• 8ugler. Co. H, 8th TX Inr. Gonzales, Destre - Pvt. Co. H, 28th (Thornas') LA Inf. Gonzalts, Domln~o •• Pvt. Co. R, Itapdale's Battn., TX Cav. Gonzales, Emanuel •• Pvt. Co. D, 2~th TXCav. Gonzales, Eugenio - Cpt Co. 1, 8enavldes' R~., TX Cavo Gonzaltas, Eulalia •• N. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf~

Gonzales, F. - Pvt. Co. C, 2nd LA Cavo Gonzales, F. - Pvt. LeG.rdears Ce. Orleans GnI Ratty., LA Lt. Arty. C,onzales, F. X.•• Pvf. C..;H, CtNtfmette Regl., LA Mil. G6RZales, Fellpt" - Pvf. Co. C, Benavkles Regl., TX Cavo Génzales, Firman •• ht. Co. C, 8th TX lof. Gonzales, FlORRce •• Cpl. Co. E, 2fith LA Inf. Gonzales, Flonille •• 1st S~. 1st Natlve Grds, LA Mil. Gonzales, Frands •• Pvt.Ce. E, 28th '(Thomas) LA Inf. Gonzales, Francisco - Pvt. Isí Co. C, 3n1 TX 'nf. GORzales, Francisco •• ht. Ca. C, 8th TX Inf. Gonzales, G. - PYt. Chalmette Regt., LA Mil. Gonzates, Gabriel·· Pvt. 1-5t Co., Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Gonzales, Gaudalupe - Pvt. Ce. H, 8th TX Inf. Ganzales, Comes •• Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX 'nf. Gonzales, GustáVe ... Pvt. 1st Natlve Grds, LA Mil. Gonzales, 1. - Pvt. Ca. C, 18th (Cons) LA Inf. Gonzales,J. A... - 2nd Lt. Co. A, ~deDs Cavo LA C,onzales, .J. T. - Pvt. 3n1 Co., 1st Chasseul"S a Pied, LA Mllitia Gonzales, .James G •• Pvf. New Co. 'K, 1st f1a.lnf. GORZales, JesllS - Pvf. Ca. A, Renavides' Regt., TX Cavo Gonzales. Jesus ··M. Co. B, Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cavo Gonzales, .fesllS ~. Pvt. Co. H, 3rd'TX Inf.' Gonzales, John ··Pvf. Co. H, 28th (Grays) LA Inf. Goozales.John ··Pvt. Co. O, 17th TX Inf. GORza.es; .Joseph - S~. Co. A, 12th Ala.....r.


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Gonzales, Joseph _. Capto Co. A, O~dens Cavo LA GOllzales, Juan -- Pvt. Co. 3, 1st Chasseurs a pied LA Mil. Gonzales, .Juan .- Pvt. Co. D, 3rd TX Inr. Gonzales, Julian -- Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cavo Gonzales, Lirado -- Pvt. 8th TX Inf. Gonzales, Luis _. Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Gonzales, M.•- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Gonzales, M. -- Pvt. Co. A, 4th Regl., 1st Brig, 1st Div., LA Militia Gonzales, M. C.•- Pvt. Co. D, 22nd (Consl.) LA Inf. Gonzales. Manuel .- Pvt. Trevinio's Squad, TX Parto Mted. Rangers Gonzales, Manuel -- Cpl. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX lnf. Gonzales, Manuel -- Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inf. Gonzales, Manuel F. Pvt. Old Co. K, 1st Fla. Inf. Gonzales, Mariano _. Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Gonzales, Martin -- 2nd Lt. '1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Gonzales, Mi~uel -- Cpl. Trevinio's Squad, TX Parto Mted Rangers Gonzales, M(mico -- Pvt. 1st Co. B, 33rd TX Cavo Gonzales, N. -- Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. LA Gonzales, Poncho -- Pvt. Co. H, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo Gonzales, Pascual -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Gonzales, Paul -- Pvt. 1st Native Grds, LA Mil. Gonzales, Polonio •• Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Gonzales, Rafael·· Pvt. Rhodes' Co., 3rd (Yagers) Battn., TX Cavo Gonzales, Ramone •• Pvt. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. B.·ig. LA Mil. Gonzales, Raphel •• Pvt. Co. H, 24th TX Cav. Gonzales, Refolio -- Pvt. Co. A, 3rd (Yagers) Battn., TX Cavo Gonzales, Ricardo •• Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX Inf. Gonzales, Ricardo •• Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Gonzales, S. _. Pvt. Bridges Batty., LA Lt. Arty. Gonzales, S.•• Pvt. 22nd LA Inf. Gonzales. S.•• Pvt. 1st Co. B, Manigault's Battn., SC Arty. Gonzales, T. -- 2nd Lt. 9th (Nichols') TX Inf. Gonzales, Thomas .- Capto Hughes' Co., TX Lt. Arty. Gonzales, V.•• Pvt. Co. H, Chalmette Regt., LA Mil. Gonzales, Ventura •• Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Parto Rangers Gonzaleos, Vi.cente~ -- Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf. Gonzales, Vi.ceollte •• Pvt. Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo Gonzales, William •• Pvt. Co. H, 1st (Stl°awbridge') LA Inf. Gonzalez, Bernardo •• Pvt. Co. 2, 5th ReW:., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Gonzalez, C.•- Capto New Co. H, 1st Fla. Inf. Gonzalez, Frdnco •• Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Gonzalez, Hipolite -- ,Pvt. Co. 2, Caz. Esp. Regl., LA Mil. Gonzalez, J ..- Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Gonzalez, John B.•• Pvt. Co. B, 62nd Ala. Inf.


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Gonzalez, .lose - 2nd u. Co. 3, 5th Regt.,· Euor. Brig., LA Mil. Gonzales, .lose -- Pvt. Co. 6, S.tb.Regt., Euro.Brlg., LA Mil. Gonzalez, .Juan •• M. Cn. 2, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA MiJ. Gonzalez, M. - Cpl. Co. 1, 5th Regl., Euro. Drig., LA Mil. Gonzalez, Tomas -. Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Rect., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Gomndona, Eugenio _. Pvt. Co. 3, 5th R~., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Gorondona, Manallas - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. GOIialre, Manuel - Pvt. Co. E, ~navide.~ Regt., TX Cav. Gortari, Bias - Cpl. Co. N, 8d1 TX Inf. Gortari, Felix •• 1st U. Cn. C, Benavides' R~, TX Cavo Gortari, Felix C.lstU. Co. C, 8tll TX Inf. Gortari, Nieves .- PYt. Co. H, 8t~ TX Inf. Gouralez. Buenaventura •• Prt. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Govante;, Jose Gonzales •• Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Goynochea, .luan 8. - Pvt. Có. 2, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Gram, Carlos •• Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Bfi&., LA Mil. Granzells, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. 10, Regt., Euro. Bri~LA Mil. Gras, Nlcolas _. Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Gro, A. - Pvt. conr. Grd.~. Regt~ LA Mil. Griego, Julio •• M. 1st eo. C, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Griego, N. - Pvt. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo Grima, Felix - M. Co. E; Orleans Grds. Regt., LA Mil. Grima. Paul -- N. Co. 1. WashingtonArty. Bat~ LA Mil. Gllairdo, .'ose - M. Teel's Co., TX Sto Troops Guerrera, Antonio - Prt. Co. A, Mama's Regt., TX Cavo Guerrera. Manuel- Pvt. eo. C, 8th TX Inf. C;uerrero, A~eI - Mmddan Trninio's Squad, TXPart. Mted. Rangers Guerrero. Concepcion -. M. 1st eo. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Guerrero, F~ipe .- Pvt. Co. B. 2nd TX Cavo Guerrero, Francisco - Pvt. 5th Co., 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Guerrero, Librado .- Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Guerrero, Miguel -. M. Cn. K. 7th Fla. Inr. GIII~ura, A~ustin .- M. Co. H, Baird's Regt., TX Cavo Guiardo, M.•• Cpl. 1st Co. A. Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cavo Guillermo, Francisco -. M. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Gulllenno, Jllan ~ Prt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Guinard, Jayme •• M. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Guinard,. ~ud - Pvt. en. 3, 5th Rep., Euro......, LA Mil. Guitar, Antonio - M. Co. 7, 5th Reg!o, Euro. BrIg., LA Mil. Guitar.Frandsco - Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Guitar, John •• M. Ce. e, Robertson's R., MO Sto Grds Gultar~ jose .- M. Cf). 7, 5th Regt., Eum. Brig. LA Mil. Guiteras, Juan ··'Pvt. Co. R, Baylor's Regt., TX Cavo Gllmes. .Jose - M. Co. 3, 5th R~.• Euro. Brig., LA Mil.


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Gusman, A. L.•• Capt. Co. A, 8th LA Inf. Gusman, A. V.•• Cpl. Co. E, 5th LA Inf. Gusman, Alejandro •• Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Gusman, Bartholomew •• Sgt. Co. F, 3rd Miss. Inf. Gusman, Benigno •• Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Gnsman, .John C.•• 1st Sgt. .Jones' Co., 22nd LA inf. Gusman, .Jose Maria Garcia •• Pvt. Rhodes' Co. (Yagers) 3rd TX Cavo Gusman, Juan •• Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Gnsman, Leon P.•• Cpl. Co. A, 8th LA Inf. Gnsman, Panl •• Pvt. Co. E, 5th LA Inf. Gnsman, Panl •• 1st Lt. Co. F, 10th LA Inf. Gustias, Domingo .- Pvt. Co. B, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Gustillo, F.•• Pvt. Teel's Co., TX St Troops Gutier Alexandro -- Pvt. 2nd Co., Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Gutieres, Faustino •• Pvt. 1st' Co. A, Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cavo Guttierez, Thomas J. _. Pvt. Co. H, 43rd Ala. Inf. Gutierrez, Antonio - Pvt. Co. E, Benavldes' Regt.., TX Cavo Gutierrez, Sernano _. Pvt. Renavides' Regt., TX Cav. Guitierrez, H.•• Pvt. Co. 2, 5th R~., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Guitierrez, J. Fernandez •• Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Guiterrez, Juan •• Pvt. Co. G, 10th LA Inf. Guturies, Orofre •• Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Guturies, Pedro .- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Guturies. Querino •• Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Guzman, A~ustin _. Pvt. Co. 1, 2nd Ala. Cavo Guzman, .lose Maria Gomez -- Pvt. Rhodes' Co. (Yagers) 3rd TX Cavo Guzman, Martin J .•• Pvt. Co. A, 61st Ala. Inf. Ouzman, Maximo •• Pvt. Rhodes' Co. (Yagers) 3rd TX Cavo Guzman. Victor •• Pvt. Rhodes' Co. (Yager's) 3rd TX Cavo


Hamsen, Valentin _. 2nd Lt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Hechar, Manuel -. Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Helizo, Antonio .- 1st Lt. Co. A. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Henee, Juan T.•• Pvt. Co. 6, 5th ReW., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Henriquez, A. D.•• Pvt. Co. E. Creseent Regt., LA Inf.� Henriquez. Andreas •• Pvt. Co. G, 3..d TX Inf.� Henriquez, D. T. _. Pvt. Burrowes' Co., Brit.ish Grd Battn., LA Mil.�


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Henriquez, Felipe •• Pvt. Co. G, 3rd TX Inf. Henriquez. Geo~e •• Musician Co. C, 6th TX lof. Henriquez, J.•• N. eo. A, 18th LA lal. Henriquez,.J. D. A.•• Pvt Co. O, Orleans Gnls Regl., LA Mil. Herera, Amado·· Pvt.'Benavides' Regl., TX Cavo Herera, M••• Pvt. Co. H, 2nd TX Inf. Heres, Bemardo - 3rd Lt. Co. 4, 5th Reglo, Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Hemandes, Anicetn •• Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Hemandes, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. E, Benavides' Regl., TX Cavo Hemandes, Benito - Pvt. COa B, 33rd TX cavo Heman4es, Joserah •• Pvt. Cn. 1, 8th lila. 'lnf. Hemandes, Mariano •• M. Trevinio's Squad, TX Part. Mted. Vol. Hemandes, Nicolas •• M. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Hemandes, Sostines •• M. I~t Co. H,33rd TX caVo Hemandes, Vft'Dando •• Mas. Al Arms, Symon.~' Co. SC Sea Fencibles Hemandez, A. J.•• Pvt. Co. A, 3nd Aa. Inf. Hemandez, Alejos - epi. Cn. C, 8th TX 'nf. Hemandez, Alonlo •• Sgt. Co. D, 10th na. Inf. Hemandez, Amos - Musidan eo. E, 6th TX Cavo Hemandez, An~1 - M. Co. C, .8th TX 1m. Hemandez, AntoRio - Pvt. 7th Co., 5tb Reglo, Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Hemaft~ Antonio •• Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Fla. lnf. Henlanda, Antonio •• Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regle, Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Hemandez, Antonio •• M. eo. H, 8th TX InI. Hemandez, R. - M_dan 27th §C Inf. Hemandez, Ballbazar •• Pvt. eo. E.28th (lbomas') LA Inf. Hemandez, Bartolo •• M. Co. H, 8th TX Inf. Remandez, Benito •• Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX ,Inf. Hemandez, BeDjamin - Musidan Co. B,25th se Inf. Hemandez, 8Icente •• Pvt. 1st Ce. C, Ra,:sdales' Battn., TX Cavo Hernandez. Bruno -Pvt. 1st COa -1, 33rd TX Cav. Hernandez. C. - M. Co. D. 1st FIa Inf. Reserve Hemanda, C. - N. Floyd's Ce., GA Cav. HemaROO. C. P.•• S~. Co. l. ~dens LA Cavo Hemandez, C. P. COI·pl. Co. A. Miles f4i0n LA Hernandez, Carlos_·· N. 1st Cft. C, 3rd TXlnf. Hemandez. Cas.liimeto - M. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inr. Hemande2. Christopher - M. COa B, 5th GA Cavo Hemandez, Cres.cendo - epI. COa D, Renavides' Regl., TX Cavo Hemandez, D. - Pvt. Co. B, Columbus GA Arsenal Rattn (Inf.) Hemandez, D. -- M. Cn. H, Chelmette- Regt., LA -MII.­Hemandez,·D. - Pvt. eo. 1, 4th R'" 1st Brig., 1st Div., LA Mil. Hemanclez, Diego - Pvt. Co. F, 63rd GA Inf. Hemandez, Doroteo - Pvt. 1st COa A, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo


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Hernandez, E.•• Pvt. Co. H, 2nd Fla. Cav.� Hernandez, E.•• Pvt. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo� Hernandez, Eduardo •• Cpl. Co. R, Renavides' Regt~, TX Cavo� Hernandez, Edward •• Sgt. Co. R, 3rd Fla. (nr.� Hernandez, Edward •• Pvt. Co. R. Renavides' Regt., TX Cavo� Hernandez, Edwardo •• Pvt. Co. A, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo� Hernandez, F. R.•• Pvt. Co. E, Orleans Grds, LA Mil.� Hernandez. Feliciano •• Pvt. Co. D, 3rd TX Inr.� Hernandez, Felipe •• Pvt. Co. G, 3rd TX )nr.� Hernandez. Fernando •• Sgt. Co. D, 33rd TX Cavo� Hernandez, Fernando •• Sgt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdales' Regt., TX Cavo� Hernandez. Francis •• Pvt. Co. 1, 10th Fla. Inr.� Hernand~z. Francis T.•• Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Fla. Inr.� Hernandez, Francisco •• Pvt. C~. F, 3rd TX )nr.� Hernandez, G.•• Pvt. Co. n, 1st LA Hvy Arty.� Hernandez, G.•• Pvt. Chalmette Regt., LA Mil.� Hernandez, Gervacio •• Pvt. Co. D, Benavides' Regt., LA Mil.� Hernandez, Gilhert •• Pvt. Co. G, 26th LA Inr.� Hernandez, Gustavo •• Pvt. Co. G, 16th LA Inr.� Hernandez, H.•• Pvt. Co. K, 3rd LA Inr.� Hernandez, 1. D.•• Pvt. LA Beauves, LA Mil.� Hernandez. I~nacio •• Pvt: Co. R, Ragsdales' Regt., TX Cavo� Hernandez, J. R.•• Pvt. Co. K,2nd LA Reserve Corps.� Hernandez• .J. H.•• Pvt. Rhett's Co., SC Mil.� Hernandez, .l. M.•• 1st Lt. LA Derenders� Hernandez, .Iesus •• Cpl. eo. F, 3rd TX Cavo� Hernandez, .Jesus •• Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX Inr.� Hernandez, .John •• Pvt. Landrys Co. Donaldsonville Arty., LA�

,1 Hernandez, .Iohn •• Musician Co. F, 3rd Fla. )nr.� Hernandez, .lose •• Pvt. Co. F. 3rd TX (nr.� Hernandez, .lose •• Pvt. Co. F, Renavides' Regt., TX Cavo� Hemandez, .lose A.•• Pvt. Co. l. 8th LA )ur.� Hernandez• .lose M.•• Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inr.� Hernandez, .lose Maria •• Pvt. Co. R, 2nd TX Cavo� Hernandez, .lose Maria •• Pvt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX )nr.� Hernandez. Jose Maria •• Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inr.� Hernandez, Joseph •• Pvt. Co. K, 2nd LA Reserve Corps� Hernandez, Joseph •• Pvt. Co. A, 8th Battn., LA Hvy Arty.� Hernandez, Joseph S.•• 2nd Lt. Co. A, 26th GA Inr.� Hernandez, Joseph V.•• Pvt. Co. B. 3rd Fla. Inr.� Hernandez, L. •• Pvt. Co. K, 3rd LA )nr.� Hernandez. Lanterio •• Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo� Hernandez, M. E.•• Pvt. Co. A, Orleans Grds Regt. LA Mil.� Hernandez. Manuel·· Sgt. New Co. A. 1st Fla. Inr.�


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Hemandez, Manuel •• ·Pvt. Cn. G, 18th (Thomas') LA Inr.� Hemandez, Manuel - Pvt. Co. H, Chalmette Rep. LA Mil.� Hemandez, Marco S.•• Pvt. Co. F, 3n1 TX Inr.� flernandez, Mariano - M. 1st Cn.A, 3rd TX Inf.� Hemandez, Mauridn ··Pvt. Cn. B, 2nd TX Cal'.� Hemandez, Metiton •• Pvt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX Inf.� Hemandez, Miguel·· Pvt. Co. B, Reoavides' Regt., TX Cal'.� Hemandez, Nfcanor - Muslclan Ca. C, 8th TI( Inf.� Hemandez, Ntcanor •• Cpl. Co. C, Benavides' Regt., TX Cal'.� Hemandez, P.•• Pvt. Ca. H, Zad LA Cal'.� Hemandez, P. M.•• Pvt. Cn. K, 3rd (Hamsons) LA Cal'.� Hemandez, Pabln •• Pvt. 1st CO..A, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cal'.� Hemandez, Pedro'·· Pvt. 15t Cn. C, 3rd TX Inf.� Hernandez, Peta- M.•• M. c.o. 1, 8th LA Inf.� Hemandft, Pllillip •• Pvt. Co. E, 28th (ThOlllas') LA Inr.� Hernandez, Pierre·· PVt. Co. F, 18th LA Inf.� Hemandez, Pnlinano - M. Co. O; Ragsdalr's Battn., TX Cal'.� Hernandez, R. - M. Co. F, 54th, CA Inf.� Hemandez, Randolph - 2nd Lt. New Co. A, 1st Fla. Inf.� Hemandez, S.•• Pvt. Co. G, 3rd LA Inf.� Hemandez, S. - M.Cn. E, 33rd TX Cal'.� Hemandez, SUyrst~ - PYt. ) st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf.� Hemandez, Snstenes •• Pvt. Co. A, Benavides' Regí., TX Cal'.� Hemandez, Thomas •• Pvt. Cn. B, 63rd GA Inf.� Hemandez, Unin •• Pvt. Cn. F, 18th LA Inf.� Hemandez, V.•• M. Cn. E, 1st Regt. Mnbile Vol. Ala.� Hemandez, V. - Pvt. Cn; G, 3rd LA Inr.� Hemandez, V.•• Pvt. Co. E, 22nd (Cons) LA Inf.� Hemandez, V••• M. 1st Co. A, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cal'.� Hemandez, Valentin •• Pvt Co. F,7th LA Cal'.� Hemandez, Vicente - PYt. Co. F, 7th LA Cavo� Hemandez, W.•• Pvt. Maxwells Regt., CA bt. Aliy.� Hemandez, W.•• Sgt. Cn. IJ, 1st (Olmstead's) GA Inf.� Hemandez, YllMeDcio •• Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Cavo� Hemandies, .Job.. •• Pvt. Co. G, 1st (Butlers) SC lor.� Hemandize, 1)••• Pvt~ Cn.C, 1st (Symons') GA Reserve� Hemandz, J. D.•• M. Zmdves' Regt., LA Mil.� Hero, Sebastian •• Cpl. Cn. lO, 5th R~., Eu.... Brig., LA Mil.� Herrera, Amada •• Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf.� Herrera, Ben •• Pvt. CO. E, Benavide' R~ TX Cal'.� Herrera, Benito •• Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf.� Herrera, Elijin •• Cpl..1st Cn. 1, 33rd TX Cal'.� Herrera, Esteban •• M. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cal'.� Herrera, J.•• S..,. Cn. 2, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.�


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Herrera, .l.•• Pvt. Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Herrera, Jesus •• Pvt~ 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo� Herrera, .Jose Maria •• Pvt. Co. 1, 2nd TX Cavo� Herrera, .Juan •• Pvt. Co. B, Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cav•.� Herrera, .Juan Jose •• Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf.� Herrera, Natividad •• Cpl. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Inf.� Herrera, Pedro •• Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo� Herrera, Predencio •• Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Herrero, Francisco •• Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo� Herrero, .Jose •• Pvt. Co. 2, Sth Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Herrero, Severin •• Lt. Co. G, 10th LA Inf.� Hevia, E. J .•• Pvt. Co. A, Irish R~t., LA Mil.� Hevia, .lose Garcia •• Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Hidal~o. Estt"ve •• Pvt. Landry's Co., Donaldsonville Arty., LA� Hidalgo, Frank •• Sgt. Co. H. 23th (Thomas) LA Inf.� Hidalgo, Juan •• Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf.� Hidalgo, M.•• Pvt. Co. S, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Horosco, S~mtia~o •• Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Yagers) TX Cavo� Hoya, Francisco •• Sgt. Co. G, 12th TX Inf.� Hoya, T.•• Pvt. Co. G, 12th TX Inf.� Huisa, .'uan •• Pvt. Co. R, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo� Huisa, Vicente •• Pvt. Co. -B, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo�

Ihanes• .l. M.•• Pvt. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo� Ihara, Maria •• Pvt. Co. D. 30th LA Inf.� Ibara. P.•• Pvt. Co. R. 3rd (Wingtield's) LA Cavo� Iharho. L. F.•• Cpl. Co. B, Maddox's Regt., LA Reserve Corps.� Ibura, John M.•• Pvt. Co. C, 1st LA Hvy. Arty.� Idalgo, A.•• Pvt. Co. A, Crescent Regt., LA Inf.� Iglesias, Franco •• Pvt Co. 10, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Ignacio, .'o8chin •• Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� I~naci(). Manuel - Pvt. Co. C, 2nd MO Cavo� Infante. J. - Pvt. Co. C, Cater's Battn., TX Cavo�


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Jaral, Frdllk - Pvt. 5th Co" 5th- Re~t., Eunt. Bri~. LA Mil.� Jard, Jose - N. en. 1, Charlestoo Grd. SC� .lardiD, W. - Pvt. Cn, K, StHt Ata. Part. Rao~ers

.Jeiradn, Dementio - Pvt. Cn. G, 3rd TX lof,� Jimenes, Benitn - N, Cn. C, 8th TX Int'.� .Jimet1e'I., An.el - Pvt. 1M' eo. 1, 33rd TX lof.� Jimenez, F. - Pvt. Cn. 1, Sth Re~t., Eúro. Bri~., LA Mil.� JfNlChim, H. - Pvt. Cn. B, 4th'R~;Eurn. Un"., LA Mil.� Joachim, Joho - Pvt.Co. 8, Sth Re.:t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Joachim , Manuel - Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA Inf.� Jne, Juan - Pvt. Co, n, JOtb LA In'.� JOrwt)lJ. Flurentioo - N. Cn. A, 5th Re,;t., Euro. Bri~. LA Mil.� JnR, Victor - Pvt. Co. A, Sth Re~t., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Juan, Alfred - Pvt. Co. E, 1st LA Hvy. Al1y.� Juan, Francisco - Pvt. Cn. A, 5th Re~., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.� Juan P. - N. Bmwo's Cn., Viro Hotse Al1y.� .Iuares, Antonio - Pvt. lstCn. 1, 33rd TX Cavo� Juares, C. _. Pvt. Teel's Co., TX St. Tmops� Juares, Toriho - Pvt~ Cn.ol, 33rd TX Cavo� JlIares, YldefooJio - S.,. h1 Cn. 1, 33'rd TX Cavo� JlIlIre'I.. Juan - Pvt. Co.lO, 5th Re~., Eun). 'Bri~. LA Mil.� .Iuare~, Juun - Pvt. 8th TX Fteld Ratty.� Jllar:iurdo, Anic:ete - Pvt. Cn. A, Ra"Sdale's Battn.• TX Cavo� JuUnt. Antonio - Pvt. Cn. Jo, Sth Re,;t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Jllvinall. Ren - Pvt. eo. C. 7th TX Cavo�


No nanles with the letter K foond in aoy lists.�


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! La Flor, Antonio -- PVJ.'~'\;,~~~~.¡,TX Inf.

Lamas, T. J. -- Pvt. Co. F,t~iAJ'J~C~y~, ,Landy, Juan -- Pvt. Co. 9,.íSttt~~.'ir~Uro. Bri~., LA Mil.

La Rosa, F. -- Pvt. Co. J, Ca~r~~}.~gt., LA Mil.

La Rosa, J. - Pvt. Co. G, J1s1,JI\W M~'fOf1 . Lazara, Mariano - Pvt. Cti. ~~!IM It_jat.'f Euro. BriJ;., LA Mil.

Lazaro, M. - Pvt. Co. D, Seige. !f,r4ill,~attn., LA

Leoll, Bernardino - Pvt. Co. J{'ieíi;(~~eW' Regt., TX Cavo

Leon, Juan de Dios - Cpl. Co. a,J~lavides' Regt., TX Cavo

Leon, Martin -- Pvt. 1st Co. CZ,'J'Jid~r~,.;lnf. Leon, Pahlo -- Pvt. Cn. F, 3rd T" JiJf)'¡ .

Levante, y J;nacio -- Pvt. Co. 'A, 5tll1Ji~,gt... Euro. BriJ;., LA Mil.

Levi, Tomaso .- Pvt. Co. F, Caz;,,&pt.1Re~t., .LA Mil.

Leyva, Lazarn -. Pvt. Cn. C, 8th TX In':

Líal, Fernando - Pvt. Co. F, 1st '(Yagers) TX Cavo

Líal, J. Pedro -- Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Y~~rs) TX Cavo

Linas, A. - Pvt. eo. 1, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.

Lino, Manuel - Pvt. 1st Native Grds. LA Mil.

Liscero, Florencio - 2nd Lt., Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo

Liado, Jaime -- Pvt. CO. 9, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.

LIado, Joachin -. Pvt. 2nd Co., Caz. Esp. Reglo, LA Mil.

Liado, Jose - Capto CO. J, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil.

Liado, Juan -- Pvt. Co. 2, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil.

Liado, Pahlo - Pvt. CO. 2, Ca;,.. Esp. ReJ.,.... LA Mil.

Liamhias, Antonio - Pvt. Co. R, 3rd Fla. Inl:

LJambias, John - Pvt. Co. B, 3rd Fla. Inf.

ulambias, Joseph - Pvt. Co. H, 2nd Fla. Inf.

L¡lambias, M. G. - 1st S~t. Co. H, 2nd Fla. Int:

Üaurado, Ranu)I) - Pvt. Co. JO, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.

Lleno, Thomas - Pvt. Co. B, Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cavo

L'oret, Asencio -- Pvt. Co. JO, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil.

L'u~ai, Luis - Pvt. Cn. 6, 5th Reglo, Euro. Brig., LA Mil.

L.)a, Antonio - Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inl:

Lobel, Manllel -- p~t. Cn. A, 8th LA Inf.

Lohrano, Frank -- Pvt. eo. 1, Washington Arty. Battn., LA

L(,mbas, Agustin - Pvt. CO. G, 18th LA Inf.

LQngoria, Cedro -- Pvt. Co. D, Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cavo

L(~ng()ria, Francisco - Pvt. Co. D. Ragsdale's Hattn., TX C~lV. Ldngoria, Policarpin - Pvt. eo. C, 5th TX Cavo

L()ngorio, Cipio - Pvt. 2nd Co. F, 2nd TX Cavo

L(~ngnri(), Enlnpia - Pvt. Cn. J, Benavides' Reglo, TX Cavo

L(~ngori(), Fontorio -- Pvt. Co. 1, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo

L(_n~orio, Nasarin -- Pvt. Thomas' Cn., TX Part. Rangers


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Lon~orio, Pedro - Pvt. TreviRio's Sqd., TX Mted. Parto Vol. Lo0MOvia, Fr"odsco - Pvt. Ce. D, 1st (Meeulloch's) TX Cavo Loper, Jose Maria - Pvt. Cn. 7, 5th ReJ:t., Euro. Uri,;., LA Mil. Lopes, Atphoose - Pvt. 1st Native GnIs., LA Mil. Lopes, Andres - Pvt. Co H, 3rd TX lof. Lopes. Gre~ory - Pvt. Co. A, 11th TX lof. LOpe5, H. - Pvt. Co. 1, 1st ReMt. French Uri~., LA Mil. Lope6, Leonito - Pvt. Co. B,2nd TX Cavo Lopes, Manuel - Pvt. Co. E, Benavides' ReJ:t., TX Cavo Lopes, Manuel - Pvt. Co.H, 3rd TX lof. Lopes, Viviano - Pvt. to. B, Beoavides' Regt., TX Cavo Lope1.. A. - Sll~eon 2nd Ala. M,n. Vol. Lope'I., A. - N. Co. E, 18th (COIlS) LA lof.' Lope1., A. - Pvt. Co. F, 12th TX Cavo Lopez, A. E. - N. Gordonls'Cn., 1st (Olmstead's) GA lnf. Lope'I., A. N. - Pvt. G()rdon's Co. 1st (Olms(ead's) GA lnf. Lopez, AndRas - N. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. Lopez, Andrew - Pvt. Co. A,3rd F1a. Inf. Lopez, Andrew - N. Co. 1), 8th Fla. lof. Lopez, Andrew M. Jr. - Sf,tt. Co. n, 8th 'la. Inf. Lope-I., A~el - ~. Co. 2, Ca1.. Esp. Regl., LA Mil. Lopez, Amonio - S~. Cn-. K, 63rd GA lof. Lopez, Antonio - Pvt. 'Co. G, 10th LA lof. Lope'I., Antonio - Pvt~ eo. B, 8th TX Cavo Lope-I., Antonio - Cpl. Trevinios Co., TX Cavo l.ope'I., Au~usthJe - Pvt. Co. D.8th Fra. lof. Lope1., Beo - Pvt. Co. H; 7th TX Cavo Lopez. Bri~ido - N. 1st eo. A, Ra~sdale's Battn., TX Cavo Lopez, Cark)s - Pvt. Co. 7. 5th Re~t., Euro. Drir;. LA Mil. Lope1., Carteoo - Pvt. en. U, Raa;sdale's BaUo., TX Cavo Lopez, Charles P. - Pvt. ch. B, Lewis Regt.~ LA MU. Lopez, Clemeote .:.. Pvt. eo. 1, 8th LA lof. Lopez, D. - Pvt. Co. K. 7th LA Cavo Lope'I., D. - Cpl. 1st Co., 3rd Regl." Euro. Uri,;., LA Mil. Lopez, Dannaocnurt - Pvt. Co. K,3rd (Harrisoo's) LA Cavo Lopez, Donacio -.Pvt. Co. D, 3rd TX Inf. Lopez, E. M. - N. Co. K, 1st Faooio's GAReserve Lopez. Eduardo - Pvt. Co. lO, 5th Rer;t., Euro. 'Brig. LA Mil. Lopez, Elivodais - N. Co. K, 3¡'d (Harrisoo's) LA Cavo lope1., Emaouel - Cpl. Co. B, 3rd Fla. lot'. Lopez, F. D. - Pvt. Co. D, 18th (Cons) LA -Inf. Lopez. Felix - Pvt. CC). A. 35th (Likens') TX Cavo Lope1., Felix - Pvt. Co. 0, 2nd TX lof. Lope'I., Francisco - Pvt. Co. A. 8th Battn.• LA Hvy Arty. Lopez, FralKisco - Pvf. Cn. D, 3rd TX Int: Lope1., Frank - N. Co. F, 25th LA Inf.


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Lopez. Gustave -- Pvt. eo. e, 10th LA InI'. Lopez, Gustavo -- Pvt. 1st Cu. C, 34th Tenn. Inf. Lopez, H. C. -- Pvt. Cn. C, 1st LA Cavo Lopez, Heraldn -- S~t. Thnmas' Co., TX Parto Ran~ers Lnpez, 1~llatin - S~t. Co. n, 8th Fla. Inf. Lnpez, Isaac - Pvt. Cn. E, 6th TX Inf. Lopez, J. - Pvt. Co. ti, Chalmette Re~t. LA Mil. Lnpez, J. - Pvt. Weisi~er's Co., Giddin~s' Rattll., TX Cavo Lopez, J. H. - Pvt. 1st Co. A, Mani~ault's Rattn., SC Arty. Lopez, Juho - Pvt. Co. H, 9th LA fnt'. Lopez, John -- Pvt. Co. A, 12th LA Inf. Lopez, .Jnhn - Pvt. 2nd CO. A, 1st Tenn. Hvy. Arty. Lnpez, Jnhll R. -- Pvt. Relser's Co., Ala. Mil. Reserve Lnpez, John H. -- Ca,pt. Cn. R, 63rd GA Inf. LnJ)ez, Jnhn P. -- Pvt. Cn. n, 8th Fla. Inf. Lnpez. Jose -- Pvt. Cn. 10, 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri~. LA Mil. Lopez. Jnseph -- Pvt. Cn. A, 3rd Fla. Inf. Lopez, .Juan - Pvt. Cn. 4, 5th Re~t.. Euro. Rri~., LA Mil. Lopez, .Jllan -- Pvt. 8th TX Field Ratty. Lopez, Jllan Manuel -- Pvt. 1st Cn. A, 3rd TX Int: LnJ)ez. Jllliall -- Cpl. 1st Co. C, Ra~sdale's Raftn., TX Cavo Lnpez, Lallrence - Pvt. Cn. H, 28th (Thomas') LA Inf. LOI)ez. Lazaru - Pvt. Cn. G, 2nd TX Cavo Lopez. M. -- Pvt. Co. G, Timmons' Re~t., TX Inf. Lopez, M. E. -- Pvt. Co. A. Mani~allltsl Rattn., SC Arty. Lopez, Manllel - Pvt. Cn. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~. LA Mil. Lopez, Manuel - Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf. Lopez, Michael -- Pvt. Cn. C, 9th (Nichols') TX Int'. Lopez. Mi~uel - Pvt. Co. A, Waul's Le~ion TX Lopez. Pauline A. - Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Fla. Inf. Lopez, Pedro - Pvt. Cn. B, Ra~sdale's Ratto., TX Cavo Lopez, Peter -- Pvt. Co. G. 12th TX Inf. Lopez, Prudencio -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. LOI)ez, Santia~o -- Pvt. Co. F, Waul's Le~ion TX Lopez. Sélvior -- Pvt. Cn. G, 12th TX Inf. Lnpez, Sylva -- Cpl. Co. 1, 1st Re~t., French Rri~., LA Mil. Lopez. Victotine -- Pvt. Co. K, 3rd (Harrison's) LA Cavo Lopez. Viviano -- Pvt. 1st eo. l. 33rd TX Cavo Lopez, Y. -- Cpl. Co. l. 5th Re~t.. Euro. Rri~. LA Mil. Lora110. S. -- Pvt. Trevinio's Cn. TX Cavo Lorenzn•.1. -- Pvt. 1st Native Grds, LA Mil. Lorenzo. Lnrelln -- Pvt. Cn. R, 1st LA Cavo Lnrenzo. M. -- Pvt. Ce). G, 21st Ala. In(. Inrenzn, Nick -- Pvt. Co. F, Renavides' Re~t .• TX Cavo Lorenzn, P. -- Pvt. en. K, Chalmet1e Re~t., LA Mil. Lores. Manuel -- Pvt. Cn. l. 10th LA Int'.


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Lorio, Andre - Pvl eo. E, 18tb LA laf. Lorio, OSCHr - Pvt. Ca. 1, 2nd LA Cavo Lorio, R. - Pvt. CC). C, 1st TX Inf. Losano, Crisofon» - N. Co. E, 8th TX Inf. Losanto~ Nasario- Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ila~sdales' Battn., TX Cavo Losa~u, Pedn) - Pvt. 1st en. A, Ra~sdales' Batin., TX Cav. L()soyo~ Leorn) - Pvt.Co. A,33rd TX Cavo Lucas, Bartolo - Pvt Co. D, 8th Fla. 1nf. Lurendo, Frdocis - Pvt. Co. O, 95th Ala. Mil. Luceria",., M. Gan:ia - Pvt. eo. 2, Sth ReAt., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Lucen), F. M. - Pvt. Co. n, Benavidesl R~., TX Cavo Lucero, Frduciscn ~ Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX lof. Luis, Francisco - Pvt. Cn.S, 5th Re~., Eun). Brig. LA Mil. Luis, Frank - 1st S~. Co. S, ,5th Re~l, Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Luis, .John - N. Co. E, 1st Choctaw Mted. Rifles Luis, Tomas - Pvt. 8tb eo., 5th R~rt., Eum. Bri~., LA Mil. lAma, Gwadalll~ - Pvt. Co. D, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo Luna, Juse - Pvt. Co. 1, Beaavides' Re~t., TX Cav. LlUla, Martin - Pvt. Co. B, Coos. Crescent R~ LA Mil. Luvia, A. - Pvt. Co. 1,3n1 (Harrison's) LA Cavo Luvia, Octave - N. Co. 1, 3rd (Harrisoo's) LA Cavo Lux, Pedro - Capto Co. 1, 5th ReJ$.,Euro. B~., LA Mil. L1I7.. Friclnlin - Pvt. Binsrordls CC). Viro Vol.

Maas, Felix - Pvt. Co. C, 2nd LA Inf.� Macena, Fraak - Pvt. Co. A, 2ad FIa. Cayo� Machado, Gtlil)ermn ..;. Pvt. Co. S, 5th "Ilegt., Euro. Brif.t., LA Mil.� Machado, Jua.., - ht. Co. 8, 5th Re~, Euro. B"-., LA Mil.� Machado, Pe~ro·~ N. en. 2, 5th ReJ$., Euro. Dríg., LA Mil.� Machero, Ynes - Pvt. Cel.I, 8th TX tof.� Macias,Jose - Pvt. Ce. G, 3rd TX Illf.� Macias, Pablo - Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX InI.� Macias.. Salome - Pvt. Co. F. 3rd TX luf.� Maciel, Jnse - Pvt. Co. D~ 30th LA· lof.� Maciel, Mamlel - Pvt.. Cn. n, 30th LA Inf.� Muderd, AaAJA - N. Co. 6, 4th LA lnr.� Maderd, W~ger W. - Pvt. P~ramls Cn., Viro Lt. Arty.� Maderd, WiIJ.iam E. - Pvt. Pe~raD1ls Co., Viro Lt. Arty.� MadAuer. A.Honio - 2nd, Lt. Co. 4. Sth ReJ;t., Euro. B~., LA Mil.�


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Ml:I~i, Jayme -- Cl:II)L Co. 5/6, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Malia, Pascual -. Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~. LA Mil. Manchino, Fnrtuna -- Pvt. eo. J, 10th LA Inf. Manent, Anthony -- Pvt. Cn. S, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Manent, OOD1in~o - Pvt. Cn. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Manent, Francisco - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Manent, Joseph - Sgt. Co. E, Crescent Regt., LA InI'. Manent, Manuel - Pvt. Cn. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Manju, Anthony - Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Mans, Au~ustin - Cpl. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Mansola, Antonio - Pvt. Co. G, 12th TX Inf. Mansola, Lorenzo - Pvt. Co. A, 17th TX Cavo Mansola, Mariano - Pvt. CO. B, Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cavo Mantes, Juan - Pvt. Henavides' R~~t., TX Cavo Mantez, Pahlo - Pvt. Co. C, Renavides' Regt., TX Cavo Manuel, Saltillo -- Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty. Ml:lrcadal, A. - Pvt. LeGardeur .frs. Co., Orleans Grd. Hatty. LA Lt. Arty. Marcadal, F. -- Pvt. 1,eGardeur Jrs. Co., Orleans Grd. Batty., LA Lt. Arty. Marcadal, .Juan -- S~t. Co 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Rri~., LA Mil. Marcadal, M. -- S~t. Co. 7, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Ml:lrcial, .fose Tejera - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Marcial, Manuel Tejera -- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Marconi, Rafael - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Marcos, Anselmo - Pvt. 4th TX Field Batty. Me,reos, Claro - Pvt. CO. B, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Marcos, Juan M. -- Pvt. Co. R, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Mureno, Luis - Pvt. 1st Cn. e, Ragsdales' Rattn., TX Cavo Mare~o, Manuel - Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Mares, FrcUlcisco - 1st Sgt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Mari, Joseph -- Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil. Maria, H. - Pvt. CO. F, 2nd TX Inf. Maria, Jose - Pvt. Co. G, 10th LA Inf. Maria, .Iose - Pvt. Cn. 1, Caz. Esp. Regt. LA Mil. Maria, Jose - Pvt. Co. 1, Granhury's Cons. Brig., TX Maria, .'ose - Pvt. Wheat's Co. A, 1st TX Sto Troops Mariadal, Antonio - 2nd Lt. 7th CO., 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Mariano, .Jnseph - Pvt. Co. J, 5th Fla. 1nI'. Mariano, Joseph C. -- CI)1. Co. K,16th TX Cavo Mariano, Macedonia - Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Mariano, Vicente -- Pvt. Cn. A, 5th Regl., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil. Marin, .'nse - Pvt. 4th TX Fielcl Ratty. Maristany, .'nse -- Pvt. Co.. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Martlues, Nicolas - Pvt. Cn. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Marquez, Anthony -- Pvt. Co. 5. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Manluez, Antonio - Pvt. 1st Cn. C, 3rd TX Inf. Manluez, F. - Pvt. LeGarrlenr Jrs' Cn., Orleans Grd. Batty., LA Lt. Arty.


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Marquez. Henry - S~. Co. B. Conr. St Zoua"e Battn., LA Mar.~utrA, J. ~ Pvt. Co. A, Dreux's Cav., LA Marqllez. Joseph - Pvt Co. l. 18th LA Inf. Marquez, L. - Pvt. Co. 4, 1st Chasseurs a pied LA Mil. Marqll~., Louis - Pvt. Co. D, 13th LA Inf. Marquez, Mateo - Py(. Co. 1, CM.. Esp. Re~•• LA Mil. Marrero, J«.. - N. Cn. 6, SthReJ"rt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Marrem, P. - 2nd Lt. Gomez's Co. A, 2200 LA Inf. Marsal, Marcelino - Pvt. Co. S, 5th ReXL, Euro. Bri=., LA Mil. Marti, AlejanlClo - N. Co. 16, 5th Re~t., Eum. Brig., LA Mil. Marti, Pedro - N. Co. 2, 5th Re~t., Euro. Br~., LA Mil. Martin, Alon~o C. - 3rd Lt. Co., A. 50th GA Inf. Martin, Amable - Pvt. Co. D. UHh Teno. lof. Martin. Antonio - Pvt. Co. F, lstReJ:t. Ala. Mil. Martin. DomiuJto - Pvt. CO. A, 5th R~t•• Euro. BriJ:., LA Mil. Martin, Ferdinand - 1st St.,rt. Larti~ues Co. Bienville Grds., LA Mil. Martin. FertlHl1do - N. Ca. S. 5th Rext., Eun•. Brig., LA Mil. Martin, Ft'1ulCisco - Pvt. Cn. 7, 5th Relott.. Euro. Drig., LA Mil. Martin, I~aci() -SJ=t. 1st (;o. C. R~les' BattD., TX Cavo Martill, LecN) - Pvt. LaI1'i~ues Co. Bienville' Grds., LA Mil. Martin, Leonidas M. - 1st Lt. Co. K,6th TX Cavo Martin, Leqllilian - N. Co. E, 17th TX Cavo MartiR, Orlalldt) -.2ud Lt. Co. B, 1st (Yagers) TX Cavo Martin, P. A. - CpI. Cn. 1, 5th ReAl, Euro. Brix~ LA Mil. Martin, Sehastian - Pvt. Cn. A, 6th TX Inf. Martin, Valentin - Pvt. Cn. M, 15th LA Inf. Martin. Víctor - Pvt. Co. C, 8th LA lnf. Martines. Antoine - 'Pvt. Lafollrche Rext, LA Mil. Martines. Benito - N. Cn. E. 8th TX lnf. Martines, Carlos - epi. 1st Co. e, RaJtSdaIes Battn., TX Cavo Martines, Casimem - Pvt. Co. B. Ra~sdllles Battn. TX Cav. Martines. F. B. - Pvt. eo. A, 1st R~, lrd Dríg., 1st LA Mil. Martines, Felix - Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Rea=t, Eun). ~., LA Mil. Martines. Fl1IIICiscf) - Pvt. Cn. A, Renavides' Re~,' TX Cav. Martines, John - N. Co. E. 5th Ala. Cavo Martines, J ••~ M....- N. Co. B. Ra~sdales Battn., TX Cavo Martines, R. - 20d Lt. Co. C, Caterls Battn., TX Cavo Martines. R••bert -Pvt. Cn. D, 16th LA 1nI'. Martines, Sinfnriallo - Pvt. Cn. A. Rellavides' ReJ$., TX Cavo Martines, Si.~to - Pvt.Co. A, Benavides' Regl. TX Cavo Martinette, Francist'O -- Pvt. ht en. E,41st Vir~ 'Inr~

Martinez, Adrian - Pvt. Co. C, 9th LA Inf. Martinez, Adrian - Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil. Martinez, AII~eI,E. - Pvt. Cn. 7, 5th R~, Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Martinez, Anselmo - Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX 1m. Martinez. Alltonio -- S~t. Co.8. 5th Re"., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.


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Martinez, Antonio - Pvt. Rhodes Co. 3rd (Yagers) TX Cavo� Martinez, Antonio - Cpl. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Martinez, Antonio - Pvt. Co. G, 3rd TX Inf.� Martine1., Antonio -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf.� Martinez, Rernard - Cpl. Co. E, 28th (Thomas') LA Inf.� Marthle7., C. S. - Pvt. Cn. H, 2nd LA Cavo� Martine1., Carlos -- Pvt Co. 1, Ca1.. Esp. Reglo, LA Mil.� Martinez, Carlos -- Pvt. Cn. H, Raird's Regt., TX Cavo� Martine1., Carlos .- Pvt. Renavides' Reglo, TX Cavo� Martine1., Casimero •• Pvt. Cn. E, Madison's Re~t. TX Cavo� Martine1., Clemente - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Martinez, Domin~o -. Pvt. Cn. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Martinez, E. .- Pvt. Hall's Cn., Orleans Fire Re~t., LA Mil.� Martinez, E. H. - Pvt. Co. D, ~7th LA Inf.� Martinez, Erinen - Pvt. Co. D, 3rd TX In".� Martinez, Ernesto - Pvt. Co. A, 9th Battn., LA In".� Martinez, Esperidion - Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cavo� Martinez, F. P. - Pvt. Co. E, Orleans Grds Regt., LA 'nf.� Martinez, Frdncisco - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Martinez, Francisco -Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ra~sdale's BaUn., TX Cavo� Martinez, Francisco - Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX In".� Martinez, Franco - Pvt eo. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Martinez, G. - Pvt. Co. A, Crescent Re~t., LA Inf.� Martinez, Hipolito -- Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Martine1., .J. -- Pvt. Trevinin's Co., TX Cavo� Martinez, .J. A. - Pvt. Cn. 1, 5th Re~., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Martinel, Jesus - Pvt. Co. B, 2nnd TX Cavo� Martine1., John - Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Re';., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil.� Martine1., John - Pvt. Arsenal Dept. LA� Martine1., .Iose - Pvt. en. (i, 10th LA Inf.� Martinel, .Inse - Pvt. Co. D, Benavides' Regt., TX CAvo� Martinez, Jose - Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty.� Martinel, .lose Maria - Pvt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX Inf.� Martinel, .Iose Pedrn - Pvt. Co. 5, Cal. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil.� Martinez, Josiah - Pvt. 2nd LA Cavo� Martinez, Josiah - Vvt. Co. C, 9th Rattn., LA Inf.� Martinez, Josiah - Pvt. Co. A, Miles' Legion LA� Martinez, Juan - Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo� Martinez, Lauriano -- Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsdale's Battn., TX Cavo� Martinez, M. - Pvt. Co. A, Miles Le~ion, LA� Martinez, Manuel - N. Co. 3, 5thRe~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Martinez, Manuel -- Sgt. Co. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Martinez, Monseis - Pvt. Co. D, Renavides' Re~t., TX Cavo� Martinez, Prndencia - Pvt. Co. K, 24th TX Cavo� Martinez, R. - 2nd Lt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Martine1., R. -- Pvt. Co. E, 2nd 1'10 In".�


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Martinez, R. - 1st Ll. Caten BaUo., TX Cavo Martinez, Rafael -- Pvt. Ce).H. 8th TX luf. Martinez, S. P. - Pvl. LeGardeurs Co. Orleaos Grd Battn.• LA Inf. Martinez, Sititn - Pvt. 1st en. H, 3lrd TX Cavo Martinez, SUfdnn - Pvt. Cn. 1, Benavides' Re¡,rt.• TX Cavo Martia1e7.. Teodon) - Pvt. Kbolles en., lrd (Y.~ers) Batto.• TX Cavo Martiuez, Valentin - Pvt. Cn. R, Benavides' Regl., TX Cavo Martinez. Vicente - btLt. lstC... A, Raf.:sdales l Batto., TX CAvo Martinez, YgUaldo - Pvt. 1st en. C, RaAsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Martini, Manuel - Pvt. Co. G, 1st LA Nvy. Arty. MartillO, JC)Seph - Pvt. Co. A, 15t (Strawbrid"es) LA Inf. MartillO, N. - Pvt. Co. H, Chalmette 'ReJ:t., LA Mil Martori, Fabiallo - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Re",., Euro. B""., LA Mil. Marty, Mi"uel - 1st SJCt. Co.A, Conf. St Zouave Balto., LA Martynlus, .lose - Prt. Co. G, 12th TX Inf. Maru~. Dunencio - Pvt. Cn. C, 8th TX lof. Mas, Loren7A) - ~t. Ca. 9,5th Re~t., Euro. Bri"., LA Mil. Masca, SaJondhln - Pvt. eo. C. Renavides' Reto:t., TX Cavo Mascan.. Antonin - Pvt. 5tb Co., 5th Re';., Euro. Brig. Mascan.. G. - Pvl. Co. 1, 5th R~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Mas(''8m, Juan - Pvt. Co. 4. 5th ReRt., Ellro. Bri"., LA Mil. Mascan), Ma"in - Pvt. Co. S. 5th Reto:t., Euro. ~.,LA Mil. Mascaro, Pedro - Pvt. Ca. S, 5th "Re';., Eun). Br~. LA Mil. Masdeo, .lose Garcia - Cpl. C(). 1, 5tb Re,p., Eun). Bri"., LA Mil. Masedo, Ru~io Pereira -Pvt. Cn. 4, 5th Regt., Eun). Brif.:., LA Mil. Mata, Deciderio - Pvt. Cn. A. Benavides' R~., TX Cavo Mata, Pedm - Pvt. IstCo. C, 3rd TX Inf. Matam, Leon - Pvt. eo. A. 5th Re~t. Euro. BriK., LA Mil. Mateo. DORlinAO- Pvt. Cn. A, 5th ReAl. Euro. Bng., LA Mil. Matin, A.fita - Pvt. Co. l. Benavides l ReKt., TX Cavo Maulloas, ealisto - N. eo. 8, 5tbRegt. Euro. Brig., LA Cavo Mauricio, Eluterio - Pvt. eo. B, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo Mauricio, MiXuel - Cpl. Co. D, 30th LA Inf. Mayaos, Di~u - Pvt. e•. 3, 5th Re~. Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Ma7.a, JoJuI< - Pvt. Co. E. 1st Miss. Cavo Ma~.a. Mateo. - N. Co. 3. 5th Regl. Eu"•• BriJ:., LA Mil. Meciodo, Lancedo - Pvt. Co. C. Btmavides' Regt., LA Mil. Medina~ Bel~iamillll M. - Pvt. Co. 1,5th Viro Cavo Medina, G.E. - N. Cn. -E, Conf. Grds. Re~t.. LA Mil. Medina, Juan - Pvt. Cn. S, 5th R~t. Eilro. Bri~., LA Mil. MediDa, Lucio - Pvt. 1st eo. H, 33rd TX Calvo Medrdno, Banolo - Pvt. 1st Co.C. 3rd TX .or. Medna..o. Jttan - Pvl. Trevinio's Sqtlad.TX 'Part.Mted. Rangers Mel"arejo, Crístoval - S~. Co. C, lrd TX InI. Mendes, C. -Pvt. Co. 1, Caz. E.4tp. Re~ .• LAMí•. Mendes, L.... Pvt. Cn.C. 22nd LA In".


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Mendes, Samuel L. - Pvt. Co. D, 11th LA Inf. Mendez, A. L. -- Pvt. Co. A, Dreallxs Cav., LA Mendez, Antonio - Pvt. Co. C, Baird's Re~t., TX Cavo Mendez, Antonio - Pvt. CO. C, Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Mendez, Antonio - Pvt. CO. C, 8th TX Inf. Mendez, F. A. - Musician Maxwell's Re~t., GA Lt. Arty. Mendez, T. - Pvt. CO. B. Orleans Grds. Re~t., LA Mil. Mendiola, Aniseto - Pvt. Cn. B, 33rd TX Cavo Mendiola, Juan -- Pvt. 1st CO. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Mendiola, Jnlian -- Pvt. CO. H, 33rd TX Cavo Mendiola, Pilar - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Mendiola, Ramon - Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Mendiola. Santia~o - Pvt. 1st CO. H, 33rd TX Cavo Mendiola, Valentin - Pvt. 1st Cp. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Mendola, Antonio - S~t. Co. 7. 5th Re~t. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Mendnsa, Florencio -- Pvt. CO. A, Benavides· Re~t., TX Cavo Mendosa, Matilda -- Pvt. 1st CO. A, 3rd TX In". Mendoza, Antoine - Pvt. Cn. C, 2nd LA Cavo Mendoza, E. - Pvt. Co. A, 7th LA Cavo Mendn7..a, F..... Pvt. Co. E, 1st Re~t. Mobile Vol., Ala. Mendoza, Florencin .- Pvt. Co. D, Ra~sdales· Battn., TX Cavo Mendoza, Hosea - Pvt. Cn. B, Waul1s Le~ion TX Mendo7..a, John - Pvt CO. C, 2nd LA Cavo Mendo7..a, Lucien - Pvt. 1st LA Field Batty. Mendo7.a, Manuel - Pvt. Co. G, 3rd TX Inf. Mends, Antonio - Pvt. Co. D, 1st TX Hvy. Arty. Menendez, A. - Pvt. CO. 2,5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Menende'J:, Carlos - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Menendez, F. - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig. LA Mil. Menendez, Felipe - Pvt. CO. 3, 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Menendez, J. M. - S~t. CO. 1, Caz. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil. Menendez, .Iose - Pvt. Cn. S, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Menendez, Martin - S~t. CO. 7, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Mercadal, A. - Pvt. Co. K, Orleans Grds. Re~t., LA Mil. Mercadal, Antonio -- 2nd JJt. Cn 7. 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Mercadal, .Jaime - P.l't. CO. 9. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil. Mercado, Jmm - Cpl. Co. B, 33rd TX Cavo Mere(lner, Fernando - Pvt. Cn. 2, 5th Re~t. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Merelo, Manuel - Pvt. Co. 10, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Mesa, Andres - Pvt Co. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Mesa, Antonio - Pvt. Cn. n, 30th LA Inf. Mesa, Jose M. - Pvt. CO. n, Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Mesa, Jose Maria - Pvt. 1st CO. C, Ragsdales· Battl1., TX Cavo Mesa, Manuel - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Mesado, Pedro - Pvt. CO. 2, 5th Re~t. Euro. Brig., LA Mil. MeS(luida, Mateo - Pvt. CO. 7, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil



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Mestella, J. F. - Pvt. Co. C, 33rd TX Ca\'. Meste$, Lazaro - Pvt. IstCo. 1, 33rd TX Ca\'. Mi"lJel, Bal:'ney - Pvt. Co. D. 4th Re~t., 1st Brig., 1st Di\'., LA Mil. Mi~lIel, J. - 1>\'1. Co. 7, 3rd Regt. French Brig., LA Mil. Mi~uel, 'P-cltrick - Pvt. Co. D, Rena\'id~' ReJlt., TX Ca\'. Mijares, B. Alvllrez - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th ReJ,-L, Euro. Bríg., LA Mil. Mirclnda, F. - Pvt. Co. 5, 5tb Re~., Eun~. Bri~., LA Mil. MiraRda, Henry G. - Pvt. Cn. G, 6th LA Inf. Mirclnda, L. - P\'t. ~o. H. 21st Ala. ·Inf. Miranda, Nicolas - Pvt. Cn. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig.• LA Mil. Miranda, Thoauls - P\'!. Picketts Co. Fla. Ca\'. Minmda. WiUiam - N. eo., B, 3rd FIa. Inf. Molano, Jose Maria - Pvt. Tlmmas' Co., TX Part. RRangers Molano, Juan - Pvt. Thoruas' <;0., TX Part. Ra~ers

Molina, Antonio - N. C&. R; Bena\'ides' Re..."., TX Ca\'. Molina, Antonio - Pvt. 1st Cn. C, Ra~dales' BaUn., TX Ca\'. Molina, Eutimio - N. 1st Co.... 33rd TX Ca\'. Molina, Juan - N. Co. 1, Benavides' Re¡,rt., TX Cavo Mnlina, M. - 1ml Lt. Co. D, 1st &tUn., GA Mil. Molina, Manuel - s,.... Whaton's .Co., Chatham Aty., GA Molina, Mi~eI - Pvl. Co. 6, 5th Regl., Euro. Bril:., LA Mil. Molina, R. - Pvt. Co. H, 63rd GA fnf. Molinari, Pahlo - Pvt. Co. 18, 5th Regl.• Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Molines, Gre~orio - N. Cn. A, 5th.Re_., Eum. lri"., LA Mil. Molino, Antonio - N. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Molino, Cayatana - Pvt. en. 1, 8th TX luf. Molino, F. - N. Trevinio's Cf)., TX Cavo Mnlje, Felidlll10 - N. eo. 10, 5th Ret,...., Euro•. Brig., LA Mil. Mon3steria, Cereri~.o - 2nd Lt. Ca7.. Esp. Relli., LA Mil. Monasterio, Jo.~ GfN17.a1e'1. ~ Pvt. 3rd Ca, 5th lleKt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Mondeiro, Joachin - N. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Bri~.. LA Mil. Mondra~on, F. - Znd Lt. Co. R, BeR8vides' Regt., TX Cavo Mondragon. Francis(.~ - Pvt. Co. H,8th TX Inf. Mondrdgon, Frclncis - P\'t. C~). H,3rd TX Inf. Mondragon, Franco - Znd Lt. Co. H, ~rdls Regt., TX Cavo Monillo, P. - S~t. eo. A, Znd LA Resene Corps. Monios, Antonio - N. Co. H, 1st se Arty. Mon.ial1t5, Benito .... Pvt. eo. H, 8th TX, hlf. MOROSO, Trinidad - Pvf. 8th TX Field Ralty. Monserrclt, Juan - CpI. Co. 6, SthRegt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Montalbo, AlltOllio - Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf.· MOlltalbo, Bias - Pvt..en. H, 8th TX Inf. Montal.bo, Elisio - N. 1st en. C, RaJ;sdale.,' Batto., TX Cavo Montallia, M. - fvt. Trevinin's en., TX Cavo Mtm'eim, Aristides - Surgeon 26th Viro Inf. Monteiro, E. H. - P\'t. Viro Mted. Grd., 4th COIl"ressional Dis.


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MnnleneJ,:rn, Henry -- Pvt. Rrnwn's Cn. Viro Horse Arty. Montero, Fnmcis -- Pvt. L~mdry's Co., f)onaldsonville Arty., LA Montero, .Juan - Pvt. 4th Co., 5th Re~t., Euro. Rri~., LA Mil. Montero, W. Cpl. Co. H, 5th Viro Cavo Montes, Anachacio - Pvt. Co. R, 2nd TX Cavo Montes, Charles De Oca - Pvt. Co. K, 8th Fla. Inr. Montes, Cresencio - Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX In". Montes, Felipe - Pvt. Co. R, Ra~sdales' Rattn., TX Cavo Montes, J. A. - Pvt. 1st Co., 5th Re~t., Euro. Rri~., LA Mil. Montes, Jose M. - Pvt. Co. A, 17th TX Cons. Dismted Cavo Montes, Joseph - Pvt. Co. R, 2nd TX Cavo Montes, Juan - Cpl. Co. E, Renavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Montes, .Iuan - Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX In". Montes, Nicacio - Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX In'" Montez, J. H. - Pvt. Co. F, Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Montez, Pahlo - Cpl. Co. C, 8th TX In'" Montotto, .Jose -- Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ra~sdales Rattn., TX Cavo Montoya, Anastal"io - Pvt. Co. G, 3rd TX In". Mura, Emeclia - Pvt. Co. A, 11th TX In'" Murd, Hosa M. - Pvt. Co. AAA, 11th TX In". Mora, .J. - Pvt. Co. F, 18th LA Cons. In". Re~t.

Mora, .Iim - Pvt. Co. A, -11th TX In". Mord, .Iose - Pvt. Co. n, 30th LA In". Mora, Jose - Pvt. Co. G, 17th TX Dismted Cavo Mora, Joseph - Pvt. Co. F, 8th Fla. In". Mora, Joseph - Pvt. Co. A, 11th TX In". Mura, Juan - Pvt. Co. H, Baierd's ReJ;t., TX Cavo Mora, Juan - N. 1st Co. C, Ra~sdale's Battn., TX Cavo Mora, Rohert - Pvt. Co. A, 11th TX Inr. Mord, Thomas - Pvt. Co. 1,3rd (Harrison's) LA Cavo Morales, Antonio - Pvt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX Inr. Mordles, Felice - Pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala. In". Morales, Frdncisco -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX In". Mordles, Julian - Pvt. Co. 1, 2nd Viro Inf. Morales, Olivario - Pvt. 8th TX Field Bally. Moralles, P. -Pvt. eo. H, 13th LA Inr. Morano, N. - Pvt. Co. G, 8th TX In". Moreira, Alexander -- Pvt. Co. S, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri,;., LA Mil. Morelas, Santa Am. - Pvt. Co. H, Rorder's Re~t., TX Cavo Moreno, Antonio - Pvt. CO. H, 3rd TX In". Moreno, Bartolo - 1st S~t., 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Morei1o, Carlos -- Pvt. 4th TX Fielel Ratty. Mnreno, Celestinn - 2nd Lt. Cn. G, 60th NC In". Morenn, Damacio.- Pvt. 1st Cn. 1. 33rd TX Cavo Moreno, F. - 2nd Lt. Co. A, Orleans Grds Re~t., LA Mil. Moreno, F. A. - Major 17th Ala. Inr.


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Moreno, John - Pvt. Cn. 5, 5th ReKf., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Moreno, Jose Maria - 1st S~., 1st COI H, 33rd TX Cavo Moreno, SeJ:undn - Pvt. 1st COI 1, 33rd TX Cavo . Moreno, Ylario - Pvt. h1 Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Moreno, YReS - Pvf. Ce). 1, 27th LA Inf. Moret, Pedro - Pvt. Co. 6. 5th Re~., Euro. BriJ;., LA MiL Mu__uia. EpilaJlio - Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Part. Ran~ers

MuoJ,'Úia, FrdJICtsco - Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Part. Raogers Mun~uia, Jasinto - Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Part. Rangers MUI,","a, .J~"s - Pvt. Thom3.f¡' Co., TX Parto Rangers Mun~uia. Nepomencel'N) - Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Pan. Ran~ers

MUI~uia. ,Pedn) - Pvt. Thomas'Co., TX Parto RlIIiI.-ers MUlIJ{Uia, Ramon - N. 'rhüllu,s' Co., TX Parto Ran~rs

Munis. S. - N. Ce':. K. 5th ~O Cavo Mimos. Florencin - PVt. 1st Co. C. 3rd TX lof. Muno.~. Jose Maria - Pvt. Co, H, Jrd TX InI. Munos, Jose Maria - Pvt. Co, C, 8th TX IRf. Munos. Juan - N. en. F, 3rd TX Inr. Muoos, Pi'ano - Pvt. Co, C,1th Tx Inf. Munoz, Joseph'- N. Co, 2, 5th R•., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Munw~, Luis - Pvt. McNeeI Coast Grds. TX Loc. Def; Troops


Naba, Manuel - Pvt. Cn. S, CWI.. Esp. ReJ:t., LA Mil.� Naibard. Rodriqlle'~ - S~ COI F. Renavides' ReJ:l, TX Cavo� Narciro. GlteJTerO - Pvt. Co. l. Benavides' R~., TX Cavo� Nardio, Antonio - Pvt. COI lO, 5th Re,;t., Euro. BliX., LA Mil.� Natan, Francisco - N. Co, 6, 5th Regl, Euro. BriJ:., LA Mil.� Navarrd. Encamacictn -Pvt. en/h, 35th (BrowRS) TX Cavo� Navaro, Loui5 - Rvt. Mallory's Co:, Viro Loe. ner.� Navarn. Peter - N. Co, R, 7th AR Inf.� Navarro, AIe.iandn) - N. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Navam), A.I - Capt. Co, R, 8th TX Inf.� Navarro, Cefso - ~... Ch. R, 8th TX luf.� Navarro, CresenCio - Pvt. Co, R, 36th TX·Cav.� Navam). E. - 1st Lt..Co. K, 6thn5th Cons. TX Inf.� Navarro, Juan - N. 1st Co, 1, 33rd TX Cavo� Navarro, Maurh:io - Pvt. Co, C, Benavides' ReJ:t., TX Cavo� Navarm, S. E. - Capt. Bemlvides' Re.,., TX Cavo� Navarro, Santia~o - Pvt. Co. G. 10th LA Inl".�


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Navarro, Sexto -- Capto CO. H, 8th TX In': Navarro, Sexton -- Pvt. CO. B, 2nd TX Cavo Navarro, Valentin -- Pvt. CO. C, Renavides l Re~t., TX Cavo Navarro, Valentine -- Cpl. Co. C, 8th TX In". Navarro, Valentino - Pvt. Co. G, 3rd TX In". Navas, M. - Pvt. CO. 1, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Ne~roto. Domin~o - Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Re~t., Euro. Drig., LA Mn. Neira, Pedro Fernandez - Cpl. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Nicolan, .Iose - Pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala. Inf. Nicolas, Antonio -- Pvt. Co. 1, 3rd Re~t., 2nd Bri~., 1st Div., LA Mil. N¡colas, G. - Pvt. Co. G, 21 st Ala. 1nf. Nicolas, Juan - Pvt. CO. 3, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Nicolas, L. - Pvt. CO. A, Orleans Fire Reglo, LA Mil. Nicolas, W. C. -- Capto CO. A, 3rd TX Inl: Nieto, Andrew - Pvt. 1st Co. A,' 1st MD Cavo Nieto, lIario - Pvt. Co. n, 35th (Browns) TX Cavo Noda, Joseph - Pvt. CO. 1, 10th Fla. Inf. Nodal, Eduardo Del - 3rd Lt. 8th Co., 1st Chasseurs a pied, LA Mil. Nodal, P. - Pvt. 1st Co., 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Noel, Evaristo - Pvt. Cn. H,30th LA In". Noel, Marcial - Pvt. Co. A, 28th (Thomas l

) LA Inf. Norie~a. Manuel - Pvt. Uo. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Nunes, L. - Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty., LA Nunes, M. - Pvt. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo Nune1.. Alexander - Pvt. Co. A, 50th GA In". Nune1.. Cleolas - Pvt. Co. H, 3rd TX Inf. Nune1., Coleman M. -- Pvt. Co. K, 26th GA Inf. NlIne1., David G. - Pvt. Co. A, 50th GA Inl: Nune1.. F. - Pvt Reauregard Rattn., LA Mil. Nune1., Felix - 2nd Lt., Co. R, 18th Cons. LA Inf. Nune1., Geor~e - Pvt. Co. R, 54th GA In". Nune1.. Jasper V. - Pvt. CO. G, 1st (Symons ') GA Res. Nune1., Jose Maria - Cpl. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Nunez, L. - Pvt. CO. D, 22nd LA Inf. NlIne1., L. - Cpl. Co. K, Orleans Re~t., LA Mil. Nunez, Manuel -Cpl., Co. 8, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA MiJ. Nunez, Mauricio - Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Nunez, Moses Israel - Pvt. Parker's Co., Viro Lt. Arty. NlInez. Phillip H. - S~t. CO. H, 48th GA Inf. NlInez, Rohert F. - Capt. CO. R, 7th Fla. In". Nllne1., Willen P. - Pvt. Cn. K, 26th GA InI'.


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Ohad, Nicolas - Pvt. Co. 10, 5th 'ReKt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. OchandiaRo, 'H"ario - N. Co. B. Conf. St Zouave 8attn., LA Ochoa, ConM!lio - N. Thomas' Co. TX Part. Rangers Ochoa, Francisco - Pvt. 1st eo. H,33rd TX Cavo OCMa, HUllcanclan - N. Co. 1, Renavides' 'Rext., TX Cav. Ochoa, Jacinto"';' Pvt. Co. 1, Btmavides' R~, TX Cavo Ochoa, Na'or - N. Tbomas' Cn., tx Part. '1langers Ochoa, Nicolas - Pvt. Thomas' Co. TX Pan. Raoxers Ochoa, PacifICo - Pvt. Thomas' eo., TX Parto Rangen Ojca, Antonio - Pvt. Co. S, Caz. E...p. Re~t., LA M1l. Ojea, Hilario - Pvt. Co. S, C~z. Esp.' Re~., LA Mil. Olbera, Antonio - Pvt. Cn. 1, '33rd TX Cavo Olber.., Jose Maria -- N. Cel. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Olevari, Trinidad - Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inf. Olevari, Pablo - Cpl. Co. H, 8th TX lnf. Ol~in. Esmeri~ildo - Cpl. eo. C, Benavides' Re~., TX Cavo Oliden, Pedro de - Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Re~., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Oliva, Antonio - N. Co. H, 3rd TX Inf. Oliva, Ca..,.. - Pvt. Co. 1\" Sth Re~t., Eum. Brig., LA Mil. Olivares. Agapito - Pvt. Thomas' eo., TX Part. Rangers Olivares, Rafael - B~ler 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cav. OIivari, Paul., - Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cav. Olmas, Vincente - N. Co. 1, 2nd TX Cavo Ofuez, Pedro - N. Co. D, 38th LA Inf. Orato, Esteftil - Pvt. Co. 7, 5th 'Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Orfila, Franeisco - epi. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., ~A Mil. Orftla, Jayme Pcms - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th 'Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. OrfUa, JUan - ~t. Co. S, 5th 'Re~, Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Orosco, S. - Pvt. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo Orosco, Y. - Pvt. Treviniols Co., TX Cavo Orte~a. Narciso - N. Co. 1, 'Benavides' Regl., TX Cavo OrteJl9. Alcide J. - N. Co. K. 28th (Thf)mas') LA blf. Ort~o, Arist¡de -~ Pvt. Co. 1, 2nd LA Res. Corps. Orte~o, Dorcino - Pvt. eo. K, 3rd (Harrison's) LA Cavo Ort~n, 'Edlllond - Pvt. Co. H, Miles Le~ion LA Orte~o, Emilio - Pvt. Co. K. 16th LA Inf. Orte~o, Joachim - S~. Co. 1,2nd LA Res. Corps. Ort~o, JDtm B. -- Pvi. Co. 1, 2nd LA Res. Corps. Orte~o, .Joseph S. - Pvt. Co. H, Miles Le~ion LA Orte~o, J. P. - Pvt. Co. K, 3rd (Harrison's) LA Cavo Ortez, Antonio ~ Pvt. Co. B, Waulls Legion TX Ortez, B. - J»vt. Trevinio's Co. TX Cav. Ortez, Jesus - Pvt. Co. D, BelJavides· Re~., TX Cavo


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rtez, Joachin A. - Pvt c. 9th Battn., GA Arty. Ortez, Juan -- Pvt. Cn B Be. vides' Re~t., TX Cavo Ortez, Luz -- Pvt. Cn D, Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Ortiz, Manico Pvt D 8enavides' Regt., TX Cavo Ortez, Manuel _ P.v o. 7, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Ortez, Marti t d. C, Renavieds' Re~t., TX Cavo Ortez, MiJ,tuel • Co. F, 16th TX Inf. Ortez. redre . Co. D, Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Orti A Rv en. A. 2nd Battn.• LA Hvy. Arty. Ortis Alldre ... Pvt. Co. G, 28th (Grays) LA Inf. Ortis ntonio - Pvt. Cn. l. 8th TX InI'. Ortis. John -- Pvt. Cn. D, 4th LA Inf. Ortis. Juan Antonio -- Pvt.. Cn. 1, 8th TX Inf. Ortis, Juan .Jnse -- Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Ortis, Jules -- Pvt. Cn. D, 4th LA Inf. Ortis, M. -- Pvt. CO. n. Benavides l

Re~t., TX Cavo Ortis, Phillipe -- Pvt. Co. A, Mann's Battn., TX Cavo Ortis, Selsn -- Pvt. Co. A, Mann's Battn., TX Cavo Ortis, Sennr - Pvt. Co. 1, 11th LA Int'. Ortis, Serpano - Pvt. Cn. D, 3rd TX Inf. Ortis, Zaul -- Pvt. Co. K, 20th LA Int'. Ortiz, Esmeq~ildo -- Cpl. Rhodes' Co., 3rd (Yagers) TX Cavo Ortiz, Estanislaus -- Pvt. 1st Cn. A, 3rd TX Inf. Ortiz..Jesus - Pvt. 1st CO. A, RaJ,tsdales Battn., TX Cavo Ortiz, .'ose -- Pvt. Cn. 2, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Ortiz..'uan -- Pvt. 1st Co. C. Ra~sdales Bat.tn., TX Cavo Ortiz, Luz -- Pvt. 1st Cn. A, Ra~sdares Battn., TX Cavo Ortiz, Monicn - S~t.. 1st Co. A, Ra~sdales Battn., TX Cavo Ortiz, Pedro -- Pvt. 1st Co. A. Ra~sdales Battn., TX Cavo Ortiz. Rafael -- Pvt. 1st Cn. C. Ra~sdales Battn., TX CAvo Ortiz. Víctor -- Cpl. Rhodes Cn., 3rd (Ya~ers) TX Cavo Osuna. Victor -- Cpl. Rhodes Co. 3rd (Ya~ers) TX Cavo Osuna. Hilario - S~t. CO. F, 3rd TX Inf. Osvaldn. Adolfo --Pvt. Cn. D, Ala. State Arty. Otera, .hlalluin -Pvt. Co. 1, Caz. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil. Oteri, Manuel - Pvt. Cn. 2, Caz. Esp. Re~t.. LA Mil. Otero, B. -- Capto Otero's Titterton's Grds., LA Mil. Otero, .Jose --Cpl. Co. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Oyo, John -- Pvt. Co. F, 16th TX InI'. Oyos, Francis -- Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo 01.a~a, .Juan - Pvt. Co. A, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.


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Pahlo, Jose .... Pvt. C't. 5, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� PablA Jose -PvfS. Co. G, 12 TX Inf.� Pablo, Pedro - Pvf. Co. 4, 5th ReJCf., Euro. Bri"., LA Mil.� Pahk), Saha.vian - Pvt.eo. S. 5th R••, Eun). BrtJC., LA Mil.� Pacetty, Bartolo - Pvt. Co. D, 8th FIa. lof.� Pacetty, Venancio - Pvt. »avis Co., 1st (OIl11steads) GA lor.� Pacheco, Alvino - Pvt. Cn. B, RaJesdales'Battn., TX Cavo� Pachecu, Fabian - N. en. H,_h TX Inf.� Pacheoo, Felipe -Pvf.Rhodes' Co., 3rd <y_ers), TX Cavo� Pacheco, Francisco - Pvt. Cn.B, _.dales' Battn., TX Cavo� Pacheco, Luciano - Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX 'of.� Pachoo, Jose Frdnc:iKo - Pvt. Co. 8. 5th R~, Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Padilla. Antonio - 2nd Lt. C. S. AmI' (Mexican Vol.) TX� Padron, Adolr.. - Pvt. Cn. 6,5th Re,.,rt.• Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Padron, David - Pvf. Co. R, 17th TX Inf.� "P-ddrol1, Felix - Pvt. Co.B, 8th LA Inf.� Padron, Henry ,... 1st S_o St. Martin1s Co., Vir Mted. Rmeman� Pa~a'18. Sabastian - Pvt. Co. F, C87.. Esp. ReJCt., LA Mil.� Pajeo, Jose - N. Co. 2, 5th Re~., Eun). Brit:., LA Mil.� Palacio, Necleto - N. 8th TX Fteld Batty.� Palacios, Francisco - N. Co. G, 16tb TX 1m.� Pak!, Jose - Cpl. eo. F, 10th LA lor.� Panatierra, J. - N. Bas..· Co., 1st R~., Mobile Vol., Ala.� Pancho, Oyos - N. Co. B.lnd TX Cavo�

. PandaJfo. Antonio - Pvt. Mobile City Tmops, Ala. Pardillia, B. - N. Co. G, lrd LA Inf. Pardo, A. J. - Pvt LeGardeur JI". Co., OrIeans Grds 118tty., LA Lt. Arty. Pardo, James - N. Co. C. 1st (Strawbridps) LAlnf. Pardo~ Joseph - 2116 'Lt. Co. C, 15th LA 'of. Paredes, Estevan - Pvf. Cn, 5, 5th ReJo", Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Pa~es,Je5U8 - Pvt. lstCo, n,33rd TX Cavo Paredes, Manuel -J Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd Tx Cavo Paris, AIl8stacin - Pvt. Cn. 1, 8th TX Inf. Paris. Ben18rdn - CpI. Co. 3, 5th ,R." Euro. Bri"" LA Mil. Parpada.. A....onio - Pvt. Cn.2, Ca7.. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil. Parrd. F. P. -Pvf. Co. B. 22nd LA Inf. Parrd.Fernando - Pvt. C{). 9. 5th Re"l, Euro.-Brig., LA MU. Parra,·Fnancisco de Perez -:;. Pw. Cn. 5, 5th Re~, Eun). Brig., LA Mil. Parrd,JOIKhitl - 1st S~t. Co. 7, 5th Re~t., Eum. Brig., LA Mil. Parnl, Juan - 2nd Lt. Co. S, 5th Regl., Euro. BriJ;., LA Mil. "P-..rra, Michael-~t. en. F, 1St" LA Inl'. Parras. Die~o - Pvt. eo. 7. 5th R~t.. Euro. ·Rri~.• LA Mil.


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Partella, .Joachin - Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Parti~as, Antonio - 1st Lt. Co. 7, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Pascual, Antonio - Pvt. 15th TX Field Batty. Pascual, Cristohal - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Re,,;t., Euro. Bri,,;., LA Mil. Pascual, Mariano - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Pascual, Pedro - Corpl. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Pascual, Salvador - Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA Inf. Pasqual, Juan - Pvt. co. 3, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Pastlual, S. - Pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala. In': Patriota, Pablo - Pvt. co. 3, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Pattila, Jose G. - Pvt. Co. G, 34tb Ala. Inf. Payro, L. - Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Re~t., Euro., Bri~., LA Mil. Pazo, F. - Cpl./Q M~.ster Co. J, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Padrasso, Faustino -- Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Pedro, Jean - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th LA 'Inf. Pedro, Joal'hin - Pvt. Co. 1, 10th LA Inf. Pedro, Samuel M. -- 2nd Lt. Morris' Co., Fer,,;uson's Battn., Vir Cavo Pelayo, Mariano - Pvt. Co. 9. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri,,;., LA Mil. Pellon, Pablo -- Pvt. CO. F, 8th Fla. Inf. Pelloquin, Paul - Pvt. Co. D, Miles' LeJ,tion LA Peloquin, Antonio - Pvt. eo. D. Miles LeJ,tion LA Peloquin, Cesar - Pvt. 2nd Co. A, Ra~sdales' Battn., TX Cavo Peloquin, Octavio - Pvt. CO. n, Miles Le~ion LA Pena, A. - Cpl. Co. 3, 1st Chasseurs a pied, LA Mil. Pena, Cenobio - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Pena, LOllis - Pvt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX Inf. Pena, Modesto - Pvt. Co. 1, 2nd TX Inf. Pena,,;as, Anselmo - Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Penal, Francisco - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Penal, Joseph - Pvt. Co. K, 9th (Youn~s) TX Cavo Penaloza. Joseph M. - Capt. CO. C, 8th TX Inf. Pereira, Andres - Pvt. Co. E. 28th (Thomas') LA Inf. Perein., Antonio - Pvt. CO. 8, 5th Re~., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Pereira•.Iose - Pvt Co. 8, 5th ReJ:t., Euro. BriJ,t.• LA Mil. Pereira. Manuel - Pvt. CO. 8, 5th ReJ:t., Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil. Pereira. Manuel S01.a -:.- Pvt. CO. 8. 5th Re",'Í.• Euro. Brig.• LA Mil. Peres, A. - Pvt. Teel's Co.• TX St. Troops Peres. B. - Pvt. Teel's Co., TX Sto Troops Peres. C. - Pvt. CO. 4. 3nd Regt., French Brig. LA Mil. Peres, Francisco - Pvt. 2nd TX Field Batty. Peres, J. M. - Pvt. Trevinio's CO. TX Cavo Peres, J. P. - Pvt. Co. 4, 4th Re~t., French Brig., LA Mil. Peres, Jesus - Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Parto Rangers Peres, Jesus - Pvt. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo Peres, Joseph - Pvt. CO. 7, 1st Regt., French Brig., LA Mil. Peres, Robert - Pvt. Co. C, Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo



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Peres, S. - Pvt. Bassl CO., 1st Rext., Mobile VoL, Ala. Pereyeo, Juan - Pvt. Cn. 3, Sth 1le"L, Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Pere'I., A. - Pvt. 1st Native Grds, LA Mil Perez, A. - Pvt. eo. E, 33rd TX Cavo Perez, A.- Pvt. Co. e, 8th TX lof. Penr,.. Alleja.fj - Cpl Co. R, 2nd TX Cavo Perez, An.u~ Pvt. Cn. 7, Stb ReAt., Euro. B~., LA Mil. Perez, Antonio - Cpl. Co. H, 3rd TXlof. Perez, A~ustin - CpL COa 3, 5th Re~, Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Perez, R. - Pvt. Cn. 7, 1st ehasRUn a pied, LA Mil. Perez, B. - Pvt. Cn. 1, 3rd R~, FrenchBrig., LA Mil. Perez, Benito - 1st Sr=t. Cn. F, 3..d TX Inf. Pere7~ Cayetano - Cpl. Cn. 6,Sth R~t., Euro. Uri,::., LA Mil. Perez, Cebulo - Pvt. Cn. H, 8th TX lof. Perez, Cerhola - Pvt Co. D,'Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Perez, Desiderin - Pvt. Cn. R,2nd TX Cavo Perez,Eu.:eniu - Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. Perez, Guillermo - 'vt.Co. 4, 5th Re~.,Eum. BriK., LA Mil. Perez, I,::nacio - N. Cn. D, Benavidesl RegL, TX Cavo Perez, J. - Pvt. Coa 6, 4th ReJ:t. Freneh Bri~., LA Mil. Perez, J. M. - N. LartiKlies Co., Bienville Grds., LA Mil. Perez, J. Mazio -.. Pvt. co.e, BenavidesIRegt., LA Mil. Perez, Joachin - Pvt. COa 9, 5th ReJ:t" Eum. BriK., LA Mil. Perez, Johnson - Pvt. LartiRues Co., Bienvilte Grds., LA Mil. PereZa JORlas - Pvt. COa E. Benavides' ReJ,,'t., TX Cavo Perez, .Iose Maria- Pvt. en. H, 8th TX Iuf. Perez, .Juan - 3rd SJ;. Trevinio's Cn., TX Cavo Perez, L. - S~. Co. 2, 5th Re~., Euro. Ur~.,LA Mil. Perez, M. - Pvt. en. 1, 5th Re,::t., Euro. BriJ:oo LA Mil. Perez, Malello - Pva. COa E, 8th TX Inl'. Perez, Manuel - Pvt. COa 9, Sth R~., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Perez, Martin- Pvt. COa 6,Sth Re~t., Euro. B~., LA Mil. Perez, Norbertn - Pvt. CO. C. 8th TX Inf. Perez, Novuto - Pvt. Cn. C, Benavides' Re~, TX caVo Perez, Octave - SJ$. Larti~es Co., Bienville Grds, LA Mil. Pere7.. Pedro- h.f. Cn. 6, 5th ReKt., Eun). Brig., LA Mil. Perez, RORIIIn - Aut. Sur~eon 3rd R~. Freneh Ung, LA Mil. Pere7., Sedro- Pvf. 1st Native Grds, LA Mil. Perez, Theodore - Pvf. lst COa A, 3rd, TX Itlf. Pere7.. Tomas - Pvt. Cn. H, 8th TX Inf. Perez,Valentin - Pvt.-Co. 4, S'hRe~t, Euro; Brig., LA Mil. Pere,.. Vineeot - Pvt..Co. R, 22ndLA Inf. Perez. V,::nacio - N. 1st COa A. Ra~sdalesl Battn., TX Cavo Perido, Clovin - Pvt. Cn. e, BenaVides' Re~., TX Cavo PeriHos, Jo~ Manuel - Pvf. COa 1, Caz. Esp. Re~., LA Mil. Pessana. Antonio - Pvt.Cn. S, Cw,.. Esp. Re~, LA Mil.


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Pessica, Ferdinando - Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA Inf. Pidal, Jose R. - Pvt. Co. 4. 5th ReJ;t., Euro. BriJ;., LA Mil. Piere, .1. Pere1. -Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Re~t.~ Euro. BriJ;.~ LA Mil. Pierra. Adolph - S~i. Co. C, 2Rth(Thomas') LA Int: Pierra. Ramon - Pvt. Co. 2~ 5th Re~t. Euro. BriJ;.• LA Mil. Piloto, Jose Pere1. - Pvi. Co. 2, 5th Re~i.. Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Pinta, Henry - Pvt. 1st Native Grds. LA Mil. Pinto, Anthony - 1st S~i. Hunt's Co. Ala. Mil. Pinto. Au~ustin - Pvi. Co. 6, 5th Regt.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Pinto. Cristoval - Pvt. Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Pinto. Joachin - Pvt. Co. 6. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Piro, Antonio - Pv'" Co. 2, 5th Re,.,"., Euro. BriJ;., LA Mil. Piro, Pedro - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th ReJ;t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Planas~ Jose - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. BriJ;., LA Mil. Planas, Manuel - Pvt. Co. 6, 5th 'ReJ;i., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Planella, J. - 1st SJ;t. Co. 1, Caz. Esp. ReJ;t., LA Mil. Planellas, Vicente - 1st Lt. Caz. Esp. ReJ;t., LA Mil. Polanco, Manuel - Pvt. Co. H. 8th TX Inf: Polo, Bonifacio Munez - Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Ponee. Anthony - Pvt. Co. B, 3rd Fla. Inf. Ponee, Antonio - Pvt. Co. H, 1st (Olmstead's) GA Inl: Ponce, Bartolo D. - Sgt. eo. B, 3rd Fla. Inf. Ponee. Isadore - Pvt. Cn. R, 3rd Fla. Inf. Ponce. Jacoh - Pvt. Co. 1, 6th KY Cavo (Teamster) Ponce, James - Pvt. Co. R, 3rd Fla. Inf. Ponee. James B. - S~t. Co. D. 8th Fla. Inf. Ponce, .John - Pvt. Co. A. 3rd Fla. Inf: Ponce, Nicolas - Sgt. Co. D, 12th TX Cavo Ponce, Paul - Pvt. Co. D, 14th LA Inf. Ponee, Thomas - Pvt. Co. R, 3rd Fla. 1nI". Ponce, Tolomy - Pvt. Co. 1, 10th Fla. Inf. Ponce, William G. -Cpl. Co. 1, 10th Fla. 1nI". Pnn.iuan, M. - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Pons, A. - Pvt. Co. 1, Orleans. Grds Regt.~ LA Mil. Pons, Antonio - Pvi. Co. E, 3rd Viro Inf. Pons, Antonio - Pvt. <;0. 9, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Pons. Bartholomew -- Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Miss. Inf. Pons, Benito - Pvt. CO. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~.~ LA Mil. Pons. E. - Pvt. Co. G, NC 1st .fr. Reserves Pons, Estanislao -- Cpl. Co. 2. Caz. Esp. Re~t.. LA Mil. Pons, H. - Pvt. Co. 6, 3rd Regt. French Brig., LA Mil. Pons, J ..Gomila -- Pvt. Co~ 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig.• LA Mil. Pons• .James - Pvt. CO. E, 7th LA Inf.� Pons, .John 1\1. - Capto Co. 1, 8th Fla. Inl:� Pons, .Iose -. Pvt. Co~ 3, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� POl1s. Joseph F. - Capto Cn. n. 1st Fla. Cavo�


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POII,4). Juan - Pvt. Co.4. 5th Re~.• Euro. ~., LA Mil. PODS, Jules -Pvt. Cn. E. 1st (Strawhri~ls) LA Inl'. POAS. JuIes - M. Cn. F,Z1st (Keonedyls) LA l.f. Poos. M. - Pvt. Cn. 1, 5th ReJ;t., Eun). Brig., LA Mil. POIIS, P. A. - Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Miss. lof. Petos, Pablo - .s~. eo.z, Caz. Esp. Rel$., LA Mil. Pons. Pedro - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Re~, Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Poos, Peter - Pvt. Cn. 5, Stb Regl.• Euro. Bri~ LA Mil. Poos, Richard - Pvt.Co•. D, 14tbLA Inf. Pcmselio, Emilio - N. Cn. S, Ca~_ Esp. Re~., LA Mil Porta, Cesar - Pva. CI). A. 18th LA Inl'. Porta,· Frcmk - Pvt. Co. S. 5th Re~t., EUnJ. Bri~.• LA Mil. Pou. Andre", J. - 1st Lt. Co. C. 1st Ala. lof. Pou.B. F. - Pvt. Co. n, 20th,SC 'nf. Pou. R. B. - Pvt. Co. D, ZOth SC 101'. Pou, William - Pvt. Co. K. Z8th TX Cavo Prc.das, V. - SJ..'1. Co. A, Orleans Grds Re,;t., LA Mil. Praderd. Louis - Pvt. Cn. G, 21st Ala. Inf. Prado, Locarin - Pvt. Co. A, 11th TX Inf. Prats. B. - Pvt. Co. 2. St.. Re¡;.. Euro. ,Bri"., LA Mil. Prats, Gabriel - Pvt. Ce). 4, 5th Re,.,'1., Euro. Bri,;.. LA Mil. Prdls. Jayme - Pvt. Cn. 4,StbRe~., Euro. Bng... LA Mil. Prats. Jobo - PYt. eo. 2. 5th.Re.ct.• Euro. Brig., LA Mil. ~ts. Leoo - Pvt. en. n. Orleaos Grds. Regt.. LA Mil. Prats, Vicente - Pvt. eo. S. 5th ReKL, Euro. 8rig•• LA Mil. Pretus. E. - _. eo. 2. 5th Re.... Euro. Brig.• LA Mil. Pretus. Mafias - Pvt. Co. S, 5th Regt.• Euro. 8rig., LA Mil. Pretus, Pedro - Pvt. Co. 7. Stll ReAte. Euro. Brig.• LA Mil. Pretus. Vicente - N .. Co. 7, 5th Regt.. Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil. Prieto. FrancN:c) - S~t. eo. 18. Stb Re... Euro. Brig.• LA Mi•. Primo, A. - Pvt. Co. A. 2nd Re,.,'f. Vol. Ala. Mil. Primo. A. P. - Pvt. Co. R. 7th LA Cavo Primo. D. - Pvt. Cn. E. 7th LA Cavo Primo, M. - Cpl. Co. E. 2nd Re~. Vol. Ala. Mil. Primo. M. M. - Pvt. Co. A. 3rd Ala. lof. Primo. Numa - P.Yt. Co. B. 7th LA Cavo Primo. S. - Pvt. Co. K. 18th LA lof. Provansana, Mario - Pvt. Duohams Cn.• Miltoo Lt. Arty., Fla. Pui~, Beotura - Pvt. Co. Z. 5th Re,;t.• Euro. Brig., LA Mil. PtIÍ~. Frdncisco - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regi., Eun). Bri~., LA Mil. Pui~, Jaime - S~t. eo. 9, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Puig, Jose - Pvt. en. 2. 5th Re)Ct., Euro. BriJ;., LA Mil. Pu~, Juan - epI. Co. 9, 5th Regl., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Pui~, MatKin - Qtpt. Co.S.5th R~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Puilt, MiAl.el..... Pvt. Co. S, 5th. R~, Euro. BriMo, LA Mil. PuiJ;. Valeotin ~ CpI. Ce. 9,5th Re,.,rt., Euro. BriJ;., LA Mil.


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Pui,;nau, Silvestre - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Re):t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Pui~server, Pedro -- Cpl. Co. 5, Caz. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil.� Pui~ y Oriol, Gaspar - Cpl. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Pujol, A. - Pvt. Co. E, 22nd (Cons) LA Inf.� Pujol, Antonio - Pvt. Co. 9. 5th Re):t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Pujol, Dionesio - Pv1. Co. 6, 5th Re~1., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Pujol, Jayme - Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA Inf.� Pujol, .Ioachin - Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Pujos, Antonio - Pvt. Co. G, 10th LA In....� Pujos, Victor -- S~t. Co. F. 30th LA Inf.� Pulido. Canuto - Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX InI'.�


Quadras, Geronino -- Pv1. Co. 2, 5th Re):t., Euro. Bri):., LA Mil.� Quilacio, Julian - Pvt. Co. A. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri):., LA Mil.� Quintan, Antonio - Pvt. 1st Native Grds., LA Mil.� Quintana, Andres - Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Bri):., LA Mil.� Quintana, .Iose - Capt. Co. 4, 5th Re~., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Quintero. Camilo - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Re~1., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Quintero. Frcll1 - Jrd Cpl. Co. D, Renavides' Re~t., TX Cavo� Quintero, Francisco - Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ra~sdales' Rattn.• TX Cavo� Quintero. Gahriel - Pvt. 1st Co. C, Jrd TX Inf'� Quintero, Jesus -- Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ra~sdales' Rattn., TX Cavo� Quintero, John A. - Cpl. eo. A, 3rd TX Inf.� Quintero, Thomas - S~t. 1st Co. A, Ra~sdlaes' Battn., TX Cavo� Quintes, Fernandez - Pv1. Co. G, Jrd TX Inf.� Quito, A~ustine - Pvt. Co. R, Ra~sdales' Rattn., TX Cavo�


Rahell, Jose - Cpl. Co. 5, .5th Re~1., Euro. Bri):., LA Mil. Rahell. M. - Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Re):t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Rafael, .Joatluin - Pvt. Co. A, 1st TX S1. Troops (Wheats) Rafael. Jose -- Pvt. Wheats eo. A, 1st TX S1. Troops Rafael. Capella - Pvt. Co. G, 21st Ala. Inf.


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Ramas, Henry - Pvt. Leedc¡' Grds ReJtt.• 16th se Mil Re~.

Ramas, Seratin - Cpl. Cet. A, 5th Re~.• Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil.� Ramires. Fnll1k - Pvt. Co. B, 9th 'Battn.. LA Inf.� Ramires, Jenaru - Pvt. 1st Cn. l. 33rd TX Cavo� Ramires, Juan - Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Part.. Ran~ers

Ramires, Ro_no - Pvt. eo. G, 3rd TX lof.� Ramirez. Antonio - Pvt. Co. C. 8th TX Inf.� Ramirez. Antonio - Pvt. Cn. H. 3rd TX Inf.� RanJirez, EIII~ - Cpl bt Co. e, 3rd TX Inf.� Ramirez, Genaro - N. Co. B, Benavides' Regl., TX Cavo� Ramirez. Leonides - Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf.� Ramire'l., Matias - SJ.tt. Landry's Co., DOIlaldsoa'fille Arty. LA� Ramirez, Mi~ - ~t. Co. 3, Sth ReAt-, Eun). Brig., LA Mil.� Ramirez, Peter - N. Co. 5, 5th Re~, Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Ralttitez. Pierre - 1st S~. Landry's Co., DonaJdsonville Arty., LA� Ramirez, Ynacin - Pvt. Co. 1, Caz. E~p. Re~. LA 'Mil.� Ramon. Gen7.a - Pvt. Co. l. UenavHles' R~, TX Cavo� Ramcm. Henald.. - M,..~idan Co. e, 8th TX InI:� Ramon. Herdldo - N. Cn. C, Benavide.~~ ReJ:t., TX Cavo� Ramon. Jose Torro - Pvt. Co. D. 30th LA Inf.� Ramon. Juan - Pvt. Co. 4, Sfh ReKt., Euro. Urig.• LA Mil.� Ramon, Martin - SRt. 1st· Cf). 1, 33rd TX Cavo� Ramon, ZeferiBo - Pvt. Co..F, 3rd TX hlf.� Ramos, A. - Pvt. 1st Native Grds. LA� Ramos, A. - Pvt. 15th TX Field Batty.� Ramos. Antonio - Musician Co. F. 3rd TX Inf.� Ramos. C. - N. Co. A, 30th LA Inf.� Ramos. D. - Pvt. CCL F,. 1st CharB10ft Balto., se lof.� Ramos, Emanuel - Pvt. Co. L, 44th Miss. Inf.� RanlOs. H. - Pvt. Cnanlp's R-., TX Oav.� Ramos, J. - Pvt. Co. C,.'Bepavides' Reglo, TX Cavo� RaDIOS, Juan - Pvt. Co. C. 8th TX lof.� RaRlOs, Loeiano - Pvt. 4th TX J'ield Batty.� RaItIOS. M-douel - Pvt. Co. F. 3rd TX Inf.� Ramos, Narcissius - N. Co. U, RaASdales' 'Batto., TX Cavo� Ramos, Pasftual - PYt. eo. C. 8th TX IRf.� Ramos. Pedro - Pvt. b1 Co. 1, 33td TX Cavo� Ramos. T. - Pvt. Cn. A. 30th LA Inf.� Ramos. ThItDlH8 - Pvt.- en. B, ~sdaJes' Battn•• TX Cav.� Ranten.,Victor - Pvt. en. F, 18th (Cons) LA'Iflf.� Rapaoie, Matias - N. Co. 10. 5th Re",., Eum. -~.,-LA ·Mil.� Rayes. Pedro - Pvt. Co.. G, 8th TX Inf.� Reller, ElIlt~io - Ru~ler ht en. e, Ra~sdlaes Batto., RX Cavo� Relles. Andres - ~. en. R, Renavidt!s' Re~., TX Cavo� ReHes.. Juanlelc)H - N. Cf). E, ftenavides' Regt., TX Cavo� Relles, Polillario - Pvt. Co. C. 8th TX Inf.�




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Relles, Richard -- Pvt. Co. E, Madison's Regt., TX Cavo Remendo, Jose - Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rendon, Andre - Sgt. Co. B, 2nd LA Inf. Rendon, Dionicio - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Rendon, J. - Pvt. Co. G, 19th GA Inr. Rendon, Theofilo - Musician Co. 1, 8th TX lor. Rendon, Ygnacio - Pvt. Co. A, 3rd (Yagers) TX Cavo Renteria, Juan Bautista - Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Repete, Antonio - Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Revera, M. - Pvt. Co. G, 3rd LA lof. Reyes, F. - 2nd Lt. 1st Native Grds., LA Mil. Reyes, Frdncisco - Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Reyes, Frducisco - Pvt. Co. C, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo Reyes, .Juan -- Pvt. Teel's Co., TX Sto Troops Reyes. Juan - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Reyes, Lewis -- Pvt. Trevinio's Sqd. Parto Mted. Vo!., TX Cavo Reyes, Manuel - Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty. Reyes, Miguel - Pvt. Co. 8. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Reyes, Peter - Pvt. Co. 1, 2nd TX Cavo Reyes, Prejedes - Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdales Batto., TX Cav. Reyes, Refugio - Pvt. Co. C, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo Reyes, Refugio - Pvt. Co.. C, 8th TX Inf. Reyes, S. - Pvt. Co. K, Cresceot Regt., LA lof. Reyes, Thomas C. - Cpl. Co. K, 1st (Olmstead's) GA lof. Reyes, Victor - Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty. Reynaldos, Enrique -Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Reynaldos, Jose - Pvt. Co. 3; 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Riancho, Frdncisco - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rias, Francisco - Pvt. 4th TX Field Ratty. Rihas y Castanos, Jose - Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rihera, J. - Sgt. Co. 1, Caz. Esp. Re';', LA Mil. Riherd, .Juan - Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Rihera, Mauricis - Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ragsdales' Ratto., TX Cavo Ribero, Antonio - Pvt. eo. 2. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rihero. D. - Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Int'. Rihero. Manuel - Pvt., Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rihero, Thumas -- 2nd Lt. Co. F, 28th Batto., GA Siege Arty. Riheron, A. -- Pvt. Co. G, 21 st Ala. Inf. Rihes, Bernardo - Pvt. Co. 7, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rihot, Francisco - Surgeoll Caz. Esp. Regl., LA Mil. Ricardo, Benjamin -- Pvt. Cn. L, Crescent Regt.; LA lnf. Riera, A. - Pvt. Co. D, 15th Ala. Cavo Riera, Alhert - Pvt. Co. R, 3rd Batto., Fla. Cavo Rierd. Anthooy - Pvi. Co. B, 3rd Hatin., Fla. Cavo Riera, Ramon - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Riojas, Jesus - Pvt. Co. 1, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo



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Riola, A.tonin - Pvt.Co. G, 10th LA Jnr. Rios, C. - N. Co. C~ 4tb TX Cavo Rios. Denlas - N. Cn. F, 3rd TX Inf. Rios, VenniA - Pvt. Cn. H, 3rd TX Inr. Ripoll, Franco - Cpl. Co. S, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rit._er, Franco - N. Co. 2, 5th ReJ;t., Eum. Brig., LA Mil. Rivas, Andrew - Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo Rivas, Au~ustine - Pvt. 1st Co~ A, 3rd TX Inf. Rivas, EdW'drds - N. Co. H,8th TX Inf. Riv&fi, Frank - ~. Cn. A, 9th Rattn., LA In': Rivas, Fral1k - N. Co. 5, 5tb Re~., Eun). Rrig., LA Mil. Rivas, Frederit.'o - N. Cit. B. 2nd TX Cavo Rivas, Hilaire -2nd Lt. Co. B, 8th LA 1m. Rivas. Idalecif) - Pvt.Cn. F, ~videsl R", TX Cavo Rivas, John W. - Pvt. Co. A.(McLenlOrels) Tenn. Cavo Rivas, Jose - CpL 1st Co. C, Ra~dalesl Batto., TX Cavo Rivas, Juan Manuel - Pvt. 1st Cn. A, 3n1 TX Inf. Rivas, Manuel- S~t. C&. D. 38th LA Inf. Rivas, S. S. - Pvt. Greenls Cn., LA Grd. Arty. Datty. Rivas, Serclfin - Capt. Co. G, 10th LA IRf. Rivas y Chinco, J. - Sgt. ,Co. 1. 5th Regl., Eruo. Drig., LA Mil. Rivas y Riws, J. - SRt. en. 1, 5th Re~, Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Riv~io. Jose - N. Co. 3, 5th 'R~, Euro. Bri..-=., LA Mil. Rivera, John J. - Capt. Co. 'E, 6th LA luf. Rivera, Tito P. - N. Cn. B, 1st (McCuIJocbls) TX Cavo Rivero. J. - N. LeGardeurJrs. Cn., Orlesns Grds. Batty., LA Rivero, M. - N. Co. A~ 2200 Tenn. Inf. Rivem, M. - Pvt. Coopwoods SpyCo., TX Cavo Robes, M. Garcill -N. Co. 2. 5th R~., Eurn. Bri~., LA Mil. Robes., M. G. - Pvt. Cn. G, "ire Battn.• LA Mil. Rohira. A. - N. Co. A, 7th'1Iattn., LA lar. Robird, Antollift - 1st Lt. Cn. 4, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rohira, ,..idore - Pvt. Co. 5, 1st ChaSNeurs a piect, LA Mil. Rnbird. J. - Pvt. Jackson RifteBattn., LA Mil. Roblero, Fusta - Pvt. Co. 1, Benavides' ReJ.,rt., TX Cavo RohIes, Dolores -:J'Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ra..-=sdates' Battn., TX Cavo Robles, John G. - N. eo. C, 9th FIa. Inf. Robles.. Juan - N. Cn. B, Re.-videsl

Re~., TX Cavo Robles, Mic"'el F. - Pvt. Co. K, 4th FIa. Inf. Rohles, Pundano - Pvt. 1st eo. A, RllJ,"ales' RaUn., TX Cavo Roca, Agustin - Pvt.'Co. 3, 5th Regt, Euro. -Brig., LA -Mil. Roca, t'e*rico - Pvt.: Cn. 3, Sth Regt., Euro. Brlg., LA Mil. Roca, John - ,Pvt. Co. 5. 5th Re..-=t., Euro. Brig.• LA Mil. Roca. Juan - Pff. Co.. 6, 5th Regt., Eurro. Bri~., LA Mil. Roca. L. - ht Lt. Cn. 3, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Roca. Mateo - N. ·Cn. J, 5th' Re~t.. Eum. Bri~., LA Mil.


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Rnca, P. - Pvt. Cn. E, 4th Re~t., 2nd Bri~., 1st Div., LA Mil. Rncca, Franciscn -- Pvt. Cn. G, 12th Miss. Int:� Rnderi~o, G. -- Pvt. Pulaski Lancers Co., Borlands Re~t., AR Mil.� Rnderi~ues, M. - Pvt. Cn. A, 3rd (Ya~ers) Battn., TX Cavo Ruderi~ues, Rnsalle - Pvt. Co. n, 3rd LA In".� Rodire~res, Antonin - Pvt. Cn. D, 35th (Brown's) TX Cavo� Rndicus, Jnse M. - Pvt. Cn. D, 18th TX Cavo Rndri~ues, Remnnd - Pvt. LA Reserve Corps. Rndri~es, E. - Pvt. Co. G, Renavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Rodri~es, Jose M. - Cpl. Cn. E, Renavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Rodri~es, Mariano - S~t. Co. E, Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Rodri~es, Rafal - Pvt. Co. A, Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Rodri~ez, F. - Pvt. Ritter's Co., GA Lt. Arty. Rodri~nez, Theo - Pvt. Co. H, 2nd LA Cavo Rodri~uas, E. - Pvt. 24th Battn.,'St Troops, TX Inf. Rodi~ue, David - Pvt. Co. E, 18th LA Inf. Rndri~ue, Dupreville -- Pvt. Cn. H, 30th LA Inf. Rodri~ue, Ed~ar - Pvt. Cn. G, 30th LA Inf. Rndri~ue, Faustin - Pvt. Co. G, 30th LA Inf. Rodri~ue, Hnnorat - S~t. Cn. G, 30th LA In': Rndri~ue, Lnuis - Pvt. Co. D, 26th LA In". Rodri~ue, M. - Pvt. Cn. F, 2nd Re~t., 2nd Bri~., 1st Div., LA Mil. Rndri~ue, Ohtime -- Pvt. Cn. G, 30th LA Inf. Rndri~lIe, T. V. - Pvt. Cn. F, 18th (Cons) LA Int'. Rndri~ue, Ursin - Pvt. eo. E, 18th LA InI'. Rndri~ues, A. B. - Pvt. 15th TX Field Batty. Rodri~ues, Antnnio - Musician Co. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Rri,;., LA Mil. Rodri~ues, Checacin - Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo Rndri~ues, D. - Pvt. Co. K, Cllalmette Re~t., LA Mil. Rndri~ues, Damacio - Pvt. Co. R, Ra~sdales' Battn., TX Cavo Rndri~ues, Eu~ene - Pvt. Cn. F, Sto James Re,;t., LA Mil. Rodri~ues, Felix - Pvt. Cn. A, 3rd Miss. Inl'. Rodri~ues, FrdllCisco - Pvt. Co. B, Ra~sdales' Battn., TX Cavo Rodri~ues, Fnmk - Ru~ler Co. A, 26th TX Cavo Rodri~ues, J. - Pvt. Continental Cadets. LA Mil. Rodri~ues, Jnse - Pvt.,Ouryls Co., Herhert's Battn., Ariz. Cavo Rodri~ues, Jose - Pvt. Co. 10, 5th Re,;t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Rodri~ues, .Jnseph - Pvt. Co. E, 10th Battn., LA Inf. Rndri~ues. Juan - Pvt. 1st Cn. C, 3rd TX Inf. Rodri~ues, Manuel - Pvt. Cn. C, 8th TX In". Rndri~ues. Mi~uel - Pvt. eo. B, 2nd TX Cavo Rodri~ues. N. - Pvt. Cn. "Q. Chisum's Re~t., TX Dismted Cavo Rodri~ues, Narcissn -- CI)1. Cn. R, 18th TX Cavo Rodri~ues. Oscar -- Lt. Castellanos' Batty., LA Arty. Rodri~ues. Philip - Cpl. Cn. E, 8th Ala. Inl'. Rodri~ues, R. - Pvt. Cn. H. Pelican Re~t.. LA hif.


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Rodriques, Rafael - Pvt. Co. D, 3rd TX lof. Rodri~lIes, Revarcl - Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX Inf. Rodri~lIes, Ri~ardo - Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX 11If'. Rodri~ues, Ventura - Pvt. Cn. D, -Ragsdales' Battn., TX Cavo Rodri~ues, Victoriano - Pvt. Co. A, 5th Rect., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rodrl,.:ues, ZeJlOiR - epi. eo. K, 26th LA Inf. Rodri~uez, Adam - Pvt. Landrys Co.,Donaldsonville Arty. LA Rodri~ue7., Aleano - N. Co. C, 8th TX ·Inf. Rodri~ue7., Anastacio - N. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Rodri~uez, AIKireas - Pvt. Co. C, 8thTX Inf. R()dri~lIes, AntOllio - Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Rodri~ez, AUMUste - Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA Iof'. R.Klri~Dez, ReDite - Pvt. 8th TX Field DattY. Rodri~lIez, Bernardo - 3rd ~t.8tb Co., 5th Regl., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. R(Klri~lIe'l., Cayetanio - Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX 1m. R(Klri~lIez, Cesaario - Pvt. Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo R,Klri"uez, Esperion - Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX In". R(Klri~ue1., EspiDO'I" - .Pvt. Co. C, Bellavides'Regt., TX Cavo Rodri~uez, Evaristo - N. 1st eo. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Rodri~ez, Francisco - Pvt. eo. G, 3rd TX lnf. Rodri~lIez. Francisco - Pvf. Co. 2, Ca7.. Esp. Regl., LA Mil. R()dri~Ie7.; Gua_tupe - N. 1st Cn. C, 3rd TX Inf. Rodri~ue7.. Gumecintlo - epi. eo. H,8th TX 1Rf'. R(Klri~uez, Isidro - N. Cn. F, Jl"d TX Inf'. Rodri~uez, Jesus - Pvt. 1st Cn. 1, 33rd TX Ca\'. RodriAue7., JeSllS .... 1st 8J=t. TreviniO's eo., TX Cavo RodriMUez, Jesus - Pvt. 1st Co. e, 3rd TX Inf. R'odri~ue7., JelWs - Pvt. Cn. F; 3rd TX Inr. RodrigUti, Jesus - MusiciaoCo. U, 3rd TX Inf. RodriKuez, Jesus - Cpl. Cn.'C. 8th TX Inf. Rodri~lte7., Jnse - hí. en. R, 2nd TX Cavo Rodri~ue7., Jose M. - epi. Cn. e, 8th TX Inf. Rodn".e7., Jose Maria - 1st S~. en. F. 3rd TX Inf. Rodritlue7., Joseph - N. C•• B, 7th LA lof. Rndri.,.e7.. JWIII - SJtt. Rhndes Co., 3rd (Ya~rs) Battw., TX Cavo RodJ;~, Juan .. Pvt. Cn. C, 8th TX lof. Rodri~ue7... Juan Ante)jne - N. Co. D, 30th LA Inf. RodrÍf.,Yllez. M..ud - PVf. Co. 6, .5th R•., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Rodri"uez. Mariano - N. CO~ R, 8th TX Inf. Rodri~ue'I., Martiniano - Pvt. Co. F. 3rd TX 'nf. R(Klri~.e7., Mateo - Pvf. Co. '1, Caz. Esp. Re~., LA Mil. Rodri~ue7., P. - Pvt. Treviniols Cn. TX Cavo Rodri"lIeZ, P~dn) - Pvt. Ilit Co. C, 3rd TX lof. Rodríguez, Raf.1 - N. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Rodri~uez, Ramon - Pvt. Cn. 6, 5th Rt!J$., Euro. Bri,;., LA Mil. Rodri~uez, Raymcmd - Pvf. CA. G. 8th LA 'lnr.


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Rodri~uez. S. - Pvt. Teells Co., TX Sto Troops Rodriguez, Salvador - Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Inf. Rodriguez, Thomas - Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA Inf. Rodriguez. Thomas A. -- Capt.Benavidesl

Re~t., TX Cavo Rodri~uez, Tomas - 2nd Lt. Co. n, 8th TX lor. Rodri~uez, Timoteo -- Pvt. Cn. B, Renavides l Regt., TX Cavo Rodri~uez, William - Pvt. Co. R, 63rd GA lof. Rodri~uez. Ysahel -- Pvt. Co. n. 8th TX Inf. Rodrigus, Frdnk - Pvt. Co. E. 1st TX Hvy. Arty. Rodri~lIs, Rn~ue - Pvt. 1st Cn. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Rodritlue. D. L. - Pvt. Co. K. 27th LA Inf. Rodriques, Andrew -- Pvt. Co. D, 1st LA Hvy. Arty. RodritlUes, J. - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rodriques, J. A. - CI)1. Cn. C, O~den's Cavo LA Rodriques, .John - Pvt. Lat'ourcheRegt., LA Mil. Rodritluez, J. - Pvt. Treviniols Cn., TX cavo Rndritlllez, Juan - Pvt. Cn. C, Benavides l

Re~t., TX Cavo Rodritluez, P. - Pvt. Cn. A. Crescent Regt., LA Mil. RodritlUez, Pnldencio - S~t. Co. 3, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Rndritlllez, R. - Pvt. Co, A, Crescent Regt., LA Mil. Rodriqllez, S. - Pvt. Trevioin1s Co., TX Cavo Rodriquez, Tomas - Pvt. -en. D, Benavidesl Regt., TX Cavo Ro~ero, John - Pvt. CO. A, 2nd Battn. Fla. lnf. Rngero, Manuel H. - 2nd Lt. Cn. F, 9th' Fla. Inf. Ro~et. Avelino - Cpl. Co. 9. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Ro~et. Joachin - Pvt. eo. 5. Caz. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil. Roi~, J. - Pvt. Co. l. 5th Re~t., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil. Roi,;. J()se Rivas - Pvt Co. 3, 5th Re,;t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Roi~•.Juan - Pvt. Cn. 4. 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Ro.i~'s, Joseph - Pvt. Co. 5. 5th Re~., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil. Roma, Nichnlas - Pvt. Cn. C. 3rd (Yagers) Rattn., TX Cavo Roma~nsa. L. F. - Pvt. Co. F. UUh (Coos) LA lnf. Roma~uera. Frdnk - Pvt. Co. 5, 5th ReJ.,rt., Euro. Bri,;., LA Mil. Romaguerd•.1. - Pvt. CO. 5, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Roma~uerd, S. - Pvt. CO. 2. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Romano. Anthony - Pvt. Cn. 2. 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Romano, AUJ.,'1Istus B. - Pvt. CO. F,38th NC Int: Ramano, Jose - Pvt. CO. 10, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Ramano, Rovusto - Pvt. Cn. B, Fordls Cavo TX Romero, Aladin - Pvt. Co. C, 10th INf. Rattn. LA Romero, Alexander - Pvt. Co. A, 18th (Cons) LA loi'. Romero, C. - S~t. CO. H, 7th LA lof. Romero, Cleveland - Pvt. Co. A, 18th (Cons) LA Inf. Romero, DUI)lexis - Pvt. Cn. A, 18th (Cons) LA lnf. Romero. E. L. - Pvt. Co. A, 18th (Coos) LA Inf. Romero, F. - Pvt. Cn. C. 10th Inl'. Batto. LA


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Romero. Ferdinand - Pvt. Co. A, 18th' (Cons) LA Inr.� ROIllem, FililM! - Pvt. Co. B, R_dales'Battn., TX Cav.� Romero. Francisco - Pvt. Co. B. Ra~sdales' Battn., TXCItV.� Romero. Girdrd - Pvt. Co.· C. 10th Inf. Batto.. LA Inr.� Romero. Jose - Pvt. Co. 9. SthRe~t.. Eun). Br~.• LA Mil.� Romero. Joseph - Pvt. eo. A. 18th (Coos) LA Inf. .� Romero. Joseph D. - Pvt. Co. C. 10th lof. Baltn. LA� Romero. Leon - Pvt. Cn. C, 18th InI. Batto. LA� Romen). Lewis - Pvt. C(~. A. "GraolMlryls Cuns Brig. TX� Rumen), Louis- Pvt. Co.I_, 7th LA Cavo .� Romero. Louis - Pv" Co. H. '* TX lof.� Romero, O. - Pvt. Co. C~ 18tb J.nf. Batt11. LA� Romero,p. - Pvt. 3rd R~t., 20d B~., 1st Div., LA Mit.� Romero, Pedro - Pvt. Co. 6.,5th R~t., Euro. ~., LA MU.� Romero, S. - Pvt. Co. E, 10th hlf. Battn., LA� Romero, V. - Pvt. Cn. C, 10th Inf. Batto. LA� Rom~el. Preseotario - Pvt. Co. 1, Benavides" Re,.rt., TX Cavo� Ronquitlo. Anselme - Cpl. Co. G. 28th (Thomas) LA lor.� Roque. FrdllCisco - Pvt. Co. 4. 5th R~.• Euro. B~., LA Mil.� Rosa. Antonio - N. Co. F.1Oth LA Inf.� Rosa. Antonio - Pvt. eo. 4. 5th Re~t.. Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Rosa. Ramoo De La - Pvt~ 1st eo. C. 3rd TX lof.� Rosada. Jose - Pvt. Co. 6. 5th Re~.• Euro. Brig., LA Mit� Rosales. Bidal - Pvt. 1st Cn. C. RaMSdales' Battn., TX Cavo� Rosales. Kelvin (Carlin) - Pvt. LA State Militia Reserves� Rosales. Pedro - Pvt. Co. C. 8th TX Inf.� Rosales. Pierre - Pvt. Cn. B. Maddoxls Re~.• LA Reserve Corps� Rosalles, Vidal - Pvt. Co. E, Madison's Re~., TX Cavo� Rosello. Jo.lie - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil.� Rosello, Mi~uel - Pvt. Co.9, 5th ReJ,tt., Euro. BriJ,t., LA Mil.� Rosetto, Pedm - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Re~.• Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Ruhio. Adriano - Pvt. Co. C, 8th TX Int:� Rubio. Francisco - Pvt. Co. B, 2nd TX Cavo� Ruhio, FranciSt."O - N. eu, F, Be_vides1 Regl. TX Cavo� Rubio. Juan - N. Ce. E, 8th TX Int:� Ruhio, Manu.el - SJ,tt. Co.3, 5th R~, Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Ruhio, MiJ,tuel - Pvt. Cn. H. Miles' ~ion LA� Rubio. Salama - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX CAvo� Ruhira, P. - Pv" Co.•• 5th R~t., Eun).ftriJ,t.• LA Mil.� Ruis, Alfred - Pvt. INt (Symons l

) GA Inf.� Ruis. Calvin - Pvt. eC). C, SOlh GA Inf.� Ruis. Carpia - Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf.� Ruis, É~ene - Pvi. Co. B. 2nd TX Cav.� Rui~ Grdviel - N. Co. B, Ra..~ales' Battn.• TX Cavo� Ruis. James ~t - Pvt. Co.C. SOtb GA Inr.� Ruis, Malakiah - Pv" Co. B. 50th GA Inf.�


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Ruis, Mannin~ - Pvt. Co. D, 50th GA Inf. Ruis, R. R. -- Pvt. Cn. B, 1st Lncal Troops (Agusta) GA Inf. Ruis, William - Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Symons') GA Reserve Ruiz, A. - Pvt. Co. H, Orleans Fire ReJ,:t., LA Mil. Ruiz. A. J. -- Pvt. Co. A. 30th LA Inf.� Ruiz, AI~jn -- Pvt. Cn. H, 8th TX Inf.� Ruiz, Alex M. - Capt. 1st Co. A, 3rd TX Inf.� Ruiz, Antonin - Pvt. Co. F. 10th LA Inf.� Ruiz. Arl11and - 2nd Lt. Cn. A, 30th LA Inf.� Ruiz, Emile - Capt. Cn. l. 4th Re~t., 1st Drig., 1st Div.• LA Mil.� Ruiz. Eugene - Pvt. en. F. Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo� Ruiz, Faustn - 1st S~t. Cn. D. 30th LAlnf.� Ruiz, Fausto - S~t. Cn. F, Cont'. States Znuave Battn., LA� Ruiz. Franciscn - Cpl. Rhndes' Cn.• ~rd (Ya~ers) Raltn., TX Cavo� Ruiz. Frank - Sgt. Cn. D, 21st (Patton's) LA Inf.� Ruiz, Inez - Pvt. Cn. G, 2Hth (Thnmas') LA Int'. Ruiz, .Iose Maria - Pvt. 1st Co. A. 3rd TX Int'. Ruiz. Manuel - Pvt. Co. H. 28th (Thnl11as ') LA Inf. Ruiz. Marcelino - Pvt. Co. C. 8th TX Inf. Ruiz. Paul - Pvt. Cn. D. 21st (pattons l) LA lnf. Ruiz. Paul - Pvt. Co. H. Chall11ette Re",., LA Mil. Ruiz. Pedro - Pvt. 1st Co. A. 3rd TX Inf. Ruiz, R. - Pvt. Cn. H. Orleans Fire ReJ,:l., LA Mil. Ruiz, T. A. - Pvt. eo. A, 30th LA In': Ruize, .ressus - Pvt. Cn. F. 2nd TX Cavo


S~lha •. Maten -- Pvt. Co. 8. 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Sa~arra. Ral110n - Pvt. Cn. 5. Caz. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil.� Sais. Guadalupe - Pvt. 1sJ Co. C, 3rd TX Inf.� Sais•.Iose -- Pvt. Cn. 1. 8th TX Int'.� Sais. M. - Pvt. Co. A. 1st (Ya~ers) TX Cavo� Sais, Manuel - DnlDlmer Cn. E. 8th TX Inf.� Sais, Martin - Pvt. Co. A. 3rd (Yagers) Battn.• TX Cavo� Saiz. Ahhino - Pvt. Thol11as Co., TX Part. Ran~ers

Saiz, Guadalupe - Pvt. Co. B, TX Res. Corps� Sala, Puehlo - Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Re~t., Eurn. BriJ,:., LA Mil.� Sala, Ramon - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Salasar, Crecencio - Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Int'.� Salasar. Petacio - Pvt. Cn. E. 8th TX Inf.�


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Salasar, Santiaxn - Pvt. Cn. E, 8th TX lof.� Salatan. Casimiro - N. 2nd TX Field Batty.� Sabl7.ar, Die~ - Pvt. Co. A, 5th R~., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Sab:l7.ar, Fernando'- Pvt. Rhodes' en., 3rd (Ya~rs) Battn., TX Cavo� Sal~.ar, Griserio - Pvt. Rhodes' eo., 3rd (Ya.,rs) BaUn., TX Cavo� Sala7.ar, Jose - Pvt. 1Mt Co. C, Ra~sdales' Battn., TXCav.� Sala7.ar, Juan - Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ra~es' Battn., TX Cavo� Sala7.ar, Mar~arito - Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Ya~ers) TX Cavo� Salazar, NarciSSf. - Pvt. eo. D, Benavides' R••, TX Cav~

Sala7.ar, Natividad- Pvt. CH. F, 3rd TX Inf.� Salcido, Mariano - Pvt. CH. E,Madison's Re_., TX Cavo� Saldania, Antoh. - Pvt.Pointe Cmtpee Ariy., LA� Saldiva, Vicente - Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX Inf.� Salina, Rafael - Pvt. Co. », B.enavides'R~, TX Cavo� Salinas, Anflres - 1st ~t. Tholl1as' Cn., TXPBrt. Ranxers� Salinas, Cark.s - Pvt. Co. D, Benavides' ReJ,,~, TX Cavo� Salinas, Celestino - Pvt. 1st en. C, 3rd TX Inf.� Salinas, F. E. - S~t. Co. A, J..1rd se 'Inr.� Salinas, Francisco - Pvt. Thomas' Co. TX Part. RaftKers� Salinas, Jaeoho - 2nd Lt. 1st eo. 1,33rd TX Cavo .� Salinas, Jose - Pvt. Cn. B. Baylur's Re~., TX Cavo� Salinas. M. - Pvt. Cn. B, tkmaviides' ReJ$., TX Cavo� Salinas. Manuel - Pvt. 1st Co. e, Ra,csdales' Rattn., TX Cavo� Salin3.4j, Martin - Pvt. 1st Co. C. 3rd TX Inf.� Salinas, Munico -Pvf. eo. H, 33rd TX Cavo� SaliDas. P.hlo - Pvt. 2nd TX Fietd Batty.� Salinas, Rafael - Pvt. ,eo. ». Ra~clales'Battn., TX Cavo� Salinas, Ramon - CpI. Thoma~ Cn~, TX Part. 'R"n~s

Salinas. Vicente - Cpl. eo. F, 3rd TX Inf.� Salinas. Ynes - Pvt. ht Cn. C. Ra~sdales' Battn., TX Cavo� Salisair, Thomas - N. CO.C, 36th TX Cavo� Salisar. Narciso - Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ra~ales' Battn., TX Cavo� Sol.MIle. Bacilio - Pvt. 1st eo. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Salor. Jose - 3rd Lt. Co. lO, 5th ReXt., Eum. Brig., LA Mil.� Salvador, F. - Pvt. Co. A, 12th Ala. InI.� Salvador, Ga.4jpard - Pvt. 1st NBtive Grds, LA Mil� Salvador, J. Ferro -Pvt. C1). 1, 5th R~t., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil.� Salvador, Juan - Pvt. Co. 3, 5thRe~, Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Salvador, Manuel - S-. Co~ A, 5th Re~t~, Euro. BriJ:., LA Mil.� Salvador, Pedro - Pvt. Co. A, 5th R~., Euro. BriJ:., LA Mil.� SamlMlla, Antbony - Pvt.Co:5, Washin~on Any. Batt&, LA� SamlMlla. Frclnci.~,) -.Pvt. Cn. S, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Samora. Gre~i() - N. Cn. C, 8th TX Inf.� Sanceda, AlbillO - Pvt. Co. G, 3rd TX 1nf.� Sanceda, Juan - 2nd Lt. Cn. C, 8th TX Inf.� Sancedo, Severiano - Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX Inl.�


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Sancedn, Umecindn -- S~t. Cn. C, 8th TX 'nf. Sancher, Rri~idn - Pvt. Co. l. Renavides' Regt., TX Cavo� Sancher, Oionino - epI. CO. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Sanches. Antonio - Pvt. 1st CO. H, 33rd TX Cavo� Sanches. Carlos - Pvt. CO. 1, Caz. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil.� Sanches. Cimon - Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX 'nf.� Sanches, Clemente - Pvt. 1st Co. H. 33rd TX 'nf. Sanches, O. - Pvt. Teels Co., TX State Troops Sanches, Demetris - Pvt. Trevinio's Sqd. TX Parto Mted. Vol. Sanches, Felix - Pvt. Trevinio's Sqd. TX Parto Mted Vol. Sanches, Francisco - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Sanches, Geor~e - Pvt. Co. A, 9th Fla, lnf. Sanches, 'jinio - Pvt. 1st Co. R, 33rd TX Cavo Sanches. Jnhn - MIIsician Cn. n, 2nd Rattn., Fla. 'nf. Sanches. Justo - Pvt. 1st Cn. C, RáJ;sdales' Rattn., TX Cavo Sanches, Lenn - Pvt. 1st Co. n, 33rd TX Cavo Sanches, M. - Pvt. CO. H, 18th (Cnns) LA InI'. Sanches, M. - Pvt. Whiteheads' Co., 1st TX State Tronps Sanches, Mariano - Pvt. 1st Cn. C, 3rd TX Inf. Sanches, State - Pvt. Co. G. Charlestnn Grds. 1st SC Re~t.

Sanches. U. -- Pvt. CO. K, 5th LA Inf. Sanchez. A. - Pvt. Cn. l. O~dens LA Cavo Sanchez, A. - Pvt. Rancroft J r's Cn., 16th Re~t.. SC Mil. Sanchez, A. - Pvt. Co. A, Miles Le~ion LA Sanchez, Anthnny - Pvt. Co. B. 9th Battn., LA Inf. Sanchez. Antoine - 2nd Lt. Landry's Co., Donaldsonville Arty. LA Sanchez, Antonin - Pvt. Cn. 7, 5th ReJ.:t., Euro. Rri~., LA Mil. Sanehez, Antnnin - Pvt. Cn. n, 6th Rattn., TX Cavo Sanchez, Antnnin - Pvt. 8th TX Field Ratty. Sanchez, B. - Cpl. Ritters Co.• GA Lt. Arty. Sanchez, R. - Cpl. 3rd Ratty. MD Arty. Sanchez, Rernardio S. - 1st Lt. ClaJ.:horn's CO., 1st (Olmsteads) GA Inf. Sanchez, Bernardo - Pvt. Co. R, 28th (Thomas) LA Inf. Sanchez, Cayetano - Pvt. Co. 5, Caz. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil. Sanchez. Daniel -- MIIsician Cn. F, 3rd Fla. Inf. Sanchez, Desiderca - P\r.t. Co. '. 8th TX 1nI'. Sanchez, E. - Pvt. Co. H, 2nd Fla. 1nI'. Sanchez, E. - Pvt. 2nd LA Cavo Sanchez, E. - Pvt. Cn. F. 4th LA InI'. Sanchez, E. - Pvt. Orleans Fire Re~t.. LA Mil. Sanchez, E. - Pvt. Cn. l. Orleans Grds Re,;t., LA Mil. Sanchez, Eu~ene - Pvt. Cn..K. 8th LA 'nl: Sanchez, F. - Pvt. Co. D, 22nd (Cnns) LA Inl: Sanchez. F. - Pvt. Cn. H, Orleans Grds Re~t., LA Mil. Sanchez, F. N. -- S~t. Cn. G, 3rd LA Inf. Sanehez, F. P. -- Pvt. CO. H, 1st Fla. lnf. Reserve


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Sanche1., Francis R. -Pvt. Co. F, 1OthFla. In': Sanche1., Fr.mcisco - Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Re~t., Euro. BriR~, LA Mil. Sanche1., Francisco - Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. . Sanche1., FralldscoP. - Pvt. Co. C, 2nd Battn., Ala. Lt. Arty. Sanche7., hank - N. Co. H, 2nd LA Cavo Sanchez, Frank X. - N. Co. G, IstFla. Cavo Sanche'l., G. H. - CpLNew Co. K, 1st FIa. lor. Sanche1., G. W. - Cpl.New Ce.; K, 1st Fla. IlIf. Sanche1., HellI"Y C. - Pvt. Co. F, 10th F1a. InI. Sanchez, Herman -Pvt. Co. 1, 8th LA Inf. Sanclwz, .J. - N. Cn. 1, O~dens Cavo LA Sanchez, J. - Pvt. en. ·K, 3rd LA Inf. Sanche'/., J. - Pvt. Cn. A, Miles Le"ion, LA Sanche'l., J. P. - N. Cn. A, 1,5t FIa. Inf. Reserve Sanchez, James - Pvt. Cn. A, h1 LA Cavo Sanc:hez, Janles P. - Pvt. Cn. 8, lrd FIa. Inf. Sanche1., Jesus -Pvt.lst Cn. A, Jrd TX Inf. Sanc:he1., Johll - N. DulTive .lrs.Co., 22nd LA Inf'. Sanc:hez, John - Pvt. 18th LA Inf. Sanche1., Jnhll Y. - Pvt. Co. F, 10 th F1a. IAf. Sanchez, Jnse - N. en. K, 2,. TX Inf. Sanche7., Jose ~ Pvt. Co. i,Sfh 1lef;tt., Euro. 8rig., LA Mil. Sanchez, Joseph - Pvt. Cit. E, 4th LA Inf. Sanche7., Juan - Pvt. Co. G, 2nd TX IlIf. Sanche7., Juan Estehan - Pvt. Ca. F, 3rd TX lof. Sanche7.. Jl1lio -N. en. n, 8th TX Inf. Sanchez, M. - Pvt. Co. I~ 18th LA lof. 8allCbez. M. - SJet. Cn. E,2!nd LA Inf. Santhe7.. M..... Pvt. Grosse Tete Flym~ Arty., 6th Field Baltn. LA Lt. Arty. Sanchez, Manuel - Pvt. Cn. H, 2nd Fla. Inf. Sanche1., Manuel - Pvt. Cn. B, 7th LA Inf. Sanchez, Marcos - Pvt. Cn. 2, 5th 'Re~.• Eum. Bri~., LA Mil. Sanchez, Mario.. - PVt. en.H. 6th TX Inf. Sanchez. Martin - Pvt. Cn. 8, Maddoxs Re~., LA Reserve Corps. Sanche1., Massaline - Pvt.Co. H, 17th TX Cavo Sanche1., N. -:' Pvt.. 2nd LA Caov. Sanche'/.,Nestnr - N. en. e, 8th TX Inf. Sanchez~ Pudro - Pvt. en. r, 1st .cYa~ers) TX Cav; Sanchez, Placides - Pvt. Co.G, 2nd TX Inf. Sanchez, R. - Pvt. en. 1, O~dens ·Cav. LA Sanchez, Rafael - N. Cn. U, 3rd (WinJtfieldls)LACav. Sanchez, Ricardo - N. CC). 7, 5th Regl., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. SIIIICheZ, Romall - Pvt.· Cn. F, 10th FIa. Illf. Sanchez, Rutioo.- Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX lof. Sanche1., S. J. -- S~. Co. B. 2l1dFla. Inf. Sanchez, Stephen - Pvt. CC). H.17th TX Cav.


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Sanchez, W. J. - Pvt. 1st Fla. Mil. Sanchez. William -- Capto Co. C, 18th (Cons) LA Int Sanchis. Manuel -- Pvt. Co. H, 4th TX Cavo Sancho. Francisco --Pvt. Caz. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil. Sancho, Thomas -- Pvt. Co. B. Ra~sdales' Battn., TX Cavo Sancius. Manuel -- Pvt. CO. A, 11th TX InI". Sandaval. Tomas - Pvt. Trevinio's Slld.• TX Part. Mted. Ran~ers

Sandoval. Carlos - Cpl. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo Sandoval. Gre~ario - Pvt. 1st CO. C, 3rd TX Inf. Sandoval, I~nacio - Pvt. CO. F, 3rd TX Inl". Sandoval. Jesus - Pvt. Co. C. Renavides' Re~t., LA Mil. Sandoval, Jesus - S~t. 1st CO. C, Ra~sdales' Battn., TX Cavo Sandoval, Pilar - Pvt. 1st CO. A, Ra~sdales' Battn., TX Cavo Sandz, Ferdinando - Pvt. CO. F, 28t~ (Thomas l

) LA Int'. San Mi~uel, Alejandro - Pvt. 1st CO. 1, 33rd TX Inf. San Mi~uel, Bias - Pvt. CO. D, Benavides l

Re~t., TX Cavo San Mi~uel, nomin~o - N. 1st CO. H, 33rd TX Cavo San Mi~uel, Felipe - Pvt. CO. R, 33rd TX Cavo San Mi~uel, Geor~e - Pvt. 1st CO. A,3rd TX Inf. San Mi~uel, Jacinto - Pvt. 17th TX Field Batty. San Mi~uel, Nahor - Pvt. 1st CO. H, 33rd TX Cavo Sans. Die~o - Pvt. CO. 5, -5th Re~t., Euro. Rri~., LA Mil. Sans. H. - Pvt. CO. C. 13th TX Vol. Inf. Santa. Jose M. - Pvt. CO. l. Renavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Santa Auna. Francisco - Pvt. Thomas' Co., TX Parto Ran~ers

Santana. Charles - Pvt. Cn. A. Miles' Le~ion LA Santana••Jmlll - Pvt. Cn. R. 33rd TX Cavo Santia~o, Aneseto - Pvt. Cn. A. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Santia~o, Carpio - Cpl. CO. A. 5th Re~.• Euro. Bri,;., LA Mil. Santia~o, n. - Pvt. Co. 7, 1st Chasseurs a pied, LA Mil. Santos, A. F. - 1st Lt. Co. R. 12th Viro Inr. Santos, C. - Pvt. CO. G. 17th TX Int'. Santos, Charles - Pvt. CO. A, 54th Viro Mil. Santos, Joe - Pvt. Cn. E, 2nd LA Cavo Santos, John - Pvt. Cn. E, 2nd LA Cavo Santos, Leonard - Pvt. 1st Native Grds., LA Mil. Santos. M. - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Re,;t., Euro. Bri¡;., LA Mil. Santos, Nantann - Pvt. Co. H. Bairds' Re~t., TX Cavo Santos, R. W. - Pvt. Cn, R, 54th Viro Mil. Santos, T. - Pvt. CO. E. Orleans Grds Re~t., LA Mil. Santos. V. - Pvt. Co. E. 2nd I..A Cavo Santos. Zeterino - Pvt. 1st Cn. C. 3rd TX Int'. Sar, Pahlo - Pvt. CO. G. 4th Re~t., 1st Bri~., 1st Div., LA Mil. Sarate. Vicente -- Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inr. Sarda. Pedro - Pvt. CO. 4. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Sardio Luis - Pvt. Cn. 7. 5th Re~t.• Euro. Rri~.• LA Mil.



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Sarrdsqueta. Jose - Pvt. Co. S. Sth Re~t., Eum. Bri~., LA Mil. Sarsa. Evaristo - Pvt. eo. 3, 5th Re~.• Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Saso. Luis - Pvt. en. 7. 5tb Re,;t.• Enn.. BriJ,t.• LA Mil. Sbisa. Renmnlo - Pvt. Co. 9. 5th Re....... Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil. Shiza. B. - Pvt.Cn. l. Orleans Grds. R•• LA Mil. Sebasti, Evaristo - N. Ca. 4. Sth R~.• Euro. Brig.• LA Mil. Se~ner. Antonio - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th' R~t., Euro. Brig., LA MU. Se~urd, A. - Pvt. 1st Native ('.rels•• LA Mil. Se~lIrd. Juan - PYt. Co. C, 8th TXCav. Se~urn. Teodoro - Pvt. Rhodes' Co., 3rd (Yagers) BaUn.. TX Cavo Se~um, Tomas - Pvt. 1st eo. A, 3rd TX 1I1f. Seiz. Anfonis - N. Co. B. Ra.:sdales' Battn.• TX Cavo Seiz. BasiHa - Pvf. Co. B. Ra~sdades' Hattn.• TX Cavo Selles. Antonio - Pvt. Co. 8. 5tl.t Re~.• Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil. Selles. F. - S~. eo. E. 22nd (Coos) LA Inf. Selles. Mi~ueI - Pvt. Co. 6. 5th R~•• Euro. Bri..:., LA Mil. Selvera. Manuel - Pvt. Co. H. 8th TX Inf. Senat. Ant4)nio - N. Co. 6. Sth R~t.• Euro. B~.• LA Mil. Serda. Eu~eni() - PYt. 1st Co. H. 33rd TX Cavo Serda. Pedro - Pvt. Cn. n. 30th LA Inf. Serinano. R. B. -Pv" Co. l. 5th Re~., Euro. 8ri..:.• LA Mil. Sen18. Antonio - Pvt. RMd~' eo., 3rd (Ya~ers) Battn.• TX Cavo Serna. Bias - Pvt. Ca. B. 33rd TX. Cavo Serna. 1~I"cio F. - N. en. B. 1st (McCutlnch's) TX Cavo Sernix. Andrea - Pvt. Cn. S. 5th Re~. Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil. Serpas. A. - Pvt. Cn. K. Chalmette Re~t.. LA Mil. Serpas. Francis - Pvf. Co.. '. Chatmette Regt.. LA Mil. Serpas, J. - N. Co. K. ChalDlette ReJ:t.• LA Mil. Serpas. JohA - Pvt. Co. G. ·2Ith (Ttiomas) LA Inf. Serpas. ·Rapbael - CpI. Cn. G. 28th (Thomas) LA Inf. Serrd. Adolph - N. Arri"fm's Cn. A. Mobite City Tmops Ala. Serra. Al1Si~uet - N. Cn. G. 2Znd (Coos) LA Inf. Sem. Charles P. -,Pvi. NewCo. G, 1st Fla. Inf. Servantez. Casdnia - Pvt. Cn. l. 8th TX Inf. Servia. Valentin - N. Co. 4. 5th Re,.,"., ·Euro. Brix.• LA Mil. Sevilla. Valentin - I?vt. Co. A. 5th Re~t.. Euro. Brig.• LA Mil. Sierra. Bieente - Pvt. Cn. B. Baylor's Re~, TX Cav. Sierrod. G. - Pvt. en. 2. 5th Re~.• Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil. Sierrd. Jose - Pvt. Cn. 2. Caz. Esp. 'Re~.• LA Mil. Sierra, Joseph E. - ·Pvt. Cn. D. 3rd Battn.• Fla. Cavo Sierra. Juan - M. en. R. 2nd n· Cavo Sierrod. Juan - Pvt.. en.. H. 8th TX luf. Sierrd. M. - S~t. Co. 2~ 5th R~t.. Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil. Silba. Manllel - Pvt. Ch. 18. 5th K~.• Euro. Bri,=., LA Mil. Silbeird. Fr.tncisco - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Re~t.• Eun). D..i~.• LA Mil. Silva. Atexander W. - Pvt. en. C. 1st (Olmstead's) GA Inf.


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Silva, E. A. - Pvt. 1st Co. E, 6th Viro Cavo Silva, Emiliane - Sgt. Major Co. F, Jef1' Davis Legion, Miss. Cavo Silva, Emiliano A. - Sgt. Co. C, 1st (Olmstead's) GA Inf. Silva, F. - Pvt. Co. D, Charleston Grd. 1st SC Re~t.

Silva, Francisco - Pvt. Co. 8, Sth Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Silva, Francisco .Ir. - Pvt. Co. 8, Sth Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Silva, Frank - Pvt. Co. D, 30th LA In". Silva•.1. B. -- Pvt. Co. F, 2nd Re~t. Vol., Ala. Mil. Silva, .Iames S. - Pvt. Co. C, 1st (Olmstead's) GA In". Silva, .Iose - Pvt. Co. G. 21st Ala. In". Silva•.Iose Maria - Pvt. Cn. A, Con'" St Zouave Battn., LA Silva, Juan - Pvt. Co. 8, Sth Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Silva. Manuel Sr. - Pvt. Co. 8, Sth Re~t., Euro. Rri~.

Silva, Manuel .Ir. - Pvt. Co. 8, Sth "J.{egt., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Silva, Manuel - Pvt. Cn. 3, Sth Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Silveird y Caldeira, I~nacio - Pvt. Co. 8, Sth Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. SimOl), Antonio - Pvt. Co. 7, Sth Re~t. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Simon. Ferdinand - Pvt. Co. A. Comal Reserve TX Simon, Geronil11o - Pvt. Cn. 8, Sth Regt., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Simon, Gimenez - Pvt. Co. C, 1st (Strdwhridge's) LA Inl'. Simon, Jose - Pvt. Co. 4, Sth Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Sintes, Francisco - Pvt. eo. 9, Sth ReAt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Sintes, Gahriel - Pvt. eo. 9, Sth ReAt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Sintes. Mi~uel - Pvt. Co 9, Sth Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Sintes, Pedro Fridy - S~t. Co. 2, Sth Regl., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Sires, James A. - Pvt. Cn. D, 166th Viro Mil. Sires, S. W. - Pvt. Co. 1, 27th SC Inf. Sisa, Lnrenzo -. Pvt. eo. 9. Sth Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Sisa. Pahln - Pvt. Co. 2. Sth Rej.,wt .• Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Sisa, Salvador - Pvt. Co. 2, Sth Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Sisneros, Santos - Pvt. ISth TX Field Ratty. Sit~es, Marcos - S~t. Co. S, Sth Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Slado. Ramon - Pvt. Cn. 9, Sth Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Soires, Au~ustiu -- Pvt. Cn. D, 27th LA lnl'. Soirez, Hypholitte -- Pvt. Co. H, 28th (Thomas') LA In". Soiris, J. - Pvt. Co. H, 18th LA Int'. Solano, Joseph M. - Pvt. en. R, 3rd Fla. Inf. Solayre, Antonio - Pvt. Co. G, 2nd Fla. Inl'. Soler, Gayetann - Pvt. Cn. S, Sth Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Soler, Mi~uel - Pvt. Cn. 7, Sth Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Solez, Jesus - epI. Co. 8, Sth Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.. Solis, Adolphe -- S~t. CO. (;, 28th (Thomas ') LA In': Solis, Alfred - Pvt. Larti~ues Co., Bienville Grds, LA Mil. Solis, Benjamin - Pvt. eo. G, 1st (Fields) Tenn. lnf. Solis, Ce'erino - Pvt. Co. A, Benavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Snlis, Isidnre - Pvt. Larti~ues Cn., Bienville Grds, LA mil.


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Solis. Jesus - S~t. Trevinio's S«rd.• TXPart. Mted Rangers Solis, John - Pvt.. 19th R•.• Ala. Cavo Solis, Jose MilRuel - Pvt. Trevinio's Sqd., TX Part. Mted. Ran~ers

Solis. Juan - Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Solis. L. - Pvt. Cn. K. Cltalmette ReRt.. LA MiJ. Solis, L. M. - Pvt. Larti~ueJ Cn.• Bienville Gnls., LA MIl. Solis, Lucien - P"f. Larti~ues Cn.• Bienvifle Grds., LA Mil. Solis, R. - Pvt. Co. G. 4th Rexf., 1stRri~ .• 1st Div., LA Mil. Solis. Richard - Pvt. Co.R, 3rd RaUR., Fla. Cavo Solis, Santia~o - Pvt. Trevinio's Sqd.• TX Parto Mted. Ran~ers

Solis, Ysedre - Pvt. Trevinio's Sqd., TX Parto Mted. Ran~ers

Sosa. Guilermo - Cpl. Co. D, Renavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Sosa, John D. - Cpl. Co. D. Renavides' Rer..Fl., TX Cavo Sosa, M. - Pvt. Co. S, 5th R~~. Euro. BriJ:.• LA Mil. Soto, Antonio - Pvt. Co. C, Benavides' Re~., TX Cavo Soto. Antonio - Pvt. 2nd TX Field Batty. Soto, John A. - Cpl. Co. A, 3rd Ala. Inf. Soto, Juan J. - Pvt. Ce. B, RaJesdales' 8aftn., TX Cav~

Soto, Jauy. Manuel - Pvt. Co. C, BenHvides' Re~, TX Cavo Soto, Juan Manuel - Pvt. Co. C~ 8th TX Illf. Soto, tillO - Pvt. lst Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Soto. M. Garcia - Capto Rec:TUitiDR Off'leer TX Soto. Martin - Pvt. eo. C. 8enavides' R~., TX Cavo� Soto, Vicente - N. Co. G, Jrd TX lof.� Soto, Ysiden) - Pvt.(;o. C, Btnavid~¡ ReJ$., TX Cavo� Sut~). Ysidrn - Pvt. Cn. C, 8th TX Inf.� Snt~ SauRos - Pvt. Ca. 9, 5th Re~t. Eun). BriJ:., LA Mil.� ScMlSa, JoseplJ - Pvt. Co. D, Miles LeJ:iotl LA� Spav.as. Guadalllpe - Pvt. C... B. RaJ:sda~s' Battn., TX Cavo� SlIares. AlIbrey - Pvt. Co. D, 3rd Ala. Cavo� Suares, B. M. - CpI. Co. A, 1st CharlestonB8ttI1., se Inf.� SlIares, F. - PYt. Barlow's Co., Ala. Cavo� Suares, Frank - Pvt. CG. A, MohHe City Troops, Ala.� Soares, Tbomas - Pvt. Co. A, Mobile City Troops, Ala.� Suarez, Andre - Pvt. Landrys Co. Dorialdsville Arty. LA� SlIarez, Antf~ine ~ Pvt. Cn. H, 8th LA lnf..� Suarel., F. - 3rd Lt. Cn. 1, 5th Re~, Euro. Bri".• LA Mil.� Suarez, FraucÍKo - PYt. eo. 5,Sth Jte~., Euro. Bng.• LA Mil.� SlIarez, John - Pvt. Laadrys C(). Donuld.nille Arty. LA� Suarez, Manllel - Pv'. Co. J., 5th ReJ:t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Suarez, Rafael - Pvt. LMndry's Co. Uonaldsville- Arty. LA� SlIarez, Rafael - Pv.t•. Co. F, 3rd FhI. Int:� Suarez, Vicente - Pvt. Cn. J, 5th R~ Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� SlIlado, Peter -. Pvt. 24th Battn... TX Státe Tmnps� SlIna~a, AIe.ialldn) - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo� SlIni~~ Antonio -Pvt.Co. K, 6th TX Inf.�


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Swares, E. - Pvt. 25th TX Cavo� Swarez, Isahel - Pvt. Renavides' Re,;t., TX Cavo� Sylva, C. - Pvt. Rrid~es' Ratty., LA Lt. Arty.� Sylva, Charles - Pvt. Co. E, 3rd (Palmetto) Battn., SC Lt. Arty.� Sylva, G. - Pvt. Landry's Co. Donaldsonville Arty., LA� Sylva, Gaetano - Pvt. Co. A, 18th LA Inf.� Sylva, James M. - Pvt. Co. E, 47th Viro Int'.� Sylva, .Joseph - Pvt. Larti~ues' Co., Bienville Grds., LA Mil.� Sylva, Joseph - Pvt. Co. F, 1st Fla. Cavo�


Tacon•.Juan - Pvt. Co. G. 10th LA Inf. Taconi. Fnll1co - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Re~t., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil. Taconi, .lose -- Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Talamante, Eula.iio - Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ra,;sdale's Battn., TX Cavo Talamente, Ucehio -- Cpl. 1st Co. A, Ra~sdales' Battn., TX Cavo Talamentes, .Iose Maria -- Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. Tamez, Leonardo -- Pvt. 1st Co. C, Ragsdales' BattD., TX Cavo Taquino, Thomas - Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty., LA Tarango, Julio - Pvt. Cn. C, Renavides' Regi., TX Cavo Tarraro, Bernardn - Pvt. Cn. 4, 5th ReJ,tt. Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Tartavull, Antonio - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regi., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Tavares, Renjamin - Pvt. Halls Co., Orleans Fire Regt., LA Mil. Tavares, W. - Pvt. Co. K, Conf. Grds. Regt., LA Mil. Tehuche, Hernando - Pvt. Co. K, 12th TX Int'. Teclas. Rartolome - Pvt Co. 2. 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Tejada, Emeterio - Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Inf. Tejada, Rafael - Pvt. Trevinio's Cn., TX Cavo Tejada, Severiano - Pvt. Trevinio's Co., TX Cavo Tejida. G. - Pvt. Co. H, 8th TX In". Tejida, Ignacio - Pvt. eo. R, 33rd TX Cavo Texada, .Ierome - Pvt. Co. A, 1st La Cavo To, Rosemlo-- Pví. Co. 4. 5th Regt., Eeuro. Rrig., LA Mil. Tohar, n. -- Pvt. Co. D, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo Tohar, Henrilluez - Pvt. Co. D, Renavides' Regt., TX Cavo Tohar, Sahas -- Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. Toledo, Pahlo - Pvt. 1st Co. H, Baird's Regl. TX Cavo Tomas, Charles - Pvt. Co. A, 11th KY Cavo Tomas, Edward C. -Pvt. 40th Viro Inf. Tomas, Franco - Pvt. Co. 8, 5th Regi., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Tomas, .loseph - Pvt. Co. H, 11th (Holmans) Tenn. Cavo


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Tores, A. - Pvt. Cn. G, SI James Re';., LA Mil. Tores, Jose - Vvt. Co. A, 11tb TX Inf. Toro, Franco - Pvt. Co. 4. 5th, Re,;t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Torrens. A. M. - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Re~ Euro. Bng., LA Mil. Torrens. T. K. - P\'t. Co. A,2nd NC Arty. Toltres. A,..:et C. - Pvt. Co. D. 1st (McCuHoeh's) TX Cavo Torres. Antonio - Pvt. Co. " Benavides' R•., TX Cavo Torre.li. AntOlJio - Pvt.Co.9.5th Re~.• Eun).BriJ:.• LA Mil. Torres. Epemenio - Pvt. 1st en. C. 3rd TX 1m. Torres. Frdncisco - Pvt. Co..F. 3rd TX 'nf. Torres, G. - Pvt. Co. 8. bt Chasseurs a pied LA Mil. Torres. J. B. - .N. IstC'O.• IstLAHeavy Arty. Torres. Jaeillto - S~t. 1st Co. C. 3rd TX InI'. TnITes.,Jose - Cpl. Co. 9,5tb Re~t•• Euro. B~., LA Mil. Torres•.Joseph - Pvt. Co. l. '8th LA Inf. Torres. Julius ~ Pvt. Mark's Co.• 22nd LA Inf. Torres. Manana - Pvt. Co.•• Benavides' Re,..rt:•• TX Cavo Torres. Merriday - N. Co. '. 8th LA Inf. Torres. Modesto - Pri. Cn. B~ 33rd TX Cavo Tor~,'R. - Pvt. Co. 2, 5th ReRt., Euro. Brig., La Mil. Torres, Sfteriano - Pfi. Cn. E. MadiSon's Regt., TX Cavo Torres. Trinidad - N. 1st Co. l. 33rd TX Cavo Torres. Trinidad - Pvt. 8th TX Field Batty. Torress. Justaw - N. 1st Native Grds." LA Mil. Torre7.. Sebero - N.1st. Co. C. R..~dales' Battn.• TX Cavo Traisurrd. Manuel - Pvt. Cit. 7. 5th Re~.• Euro. Kri.:., LA Mil. Trasantas. Ramon - N. Co. 9. 5th R~., Eum.Brig.• ·LA Mn. Travino. Fraue:isco - Pvt. en. G. 3rd TX lor. Travilx). Rafael - Pvt. Co. G. 3rd TX Inf. Tr~). Catarino - Pvt. 1st Co. C. Ra~sda'es' Baftn.• TX Cavo Tr~jn. Cristoval - Pvt. 1st Cn. C. 3rd TX 'of. Tre,jo. Tirdo"'!" N. 1st Co. C. Ragsdales' Battn.. TX Cavo Trescllsas. James - Pvt. Co. 5~ 5th Re~.• Euro. B~., LA Mil. Treviuia. uK'elun - ~t. Cn. B. 2nd TX Cavo Trevinio. Clemento - N. Cn. E. 8th TX Inf. Trevinio. Loren;r.fl - Capto Trevinio's Cn.• TX Cavo Trevino. Anastacio ,;", Pvt. Thomas' Co.• TX Parto RanJ:ers Trevino, Andreas - Pvt. Co. D, 3rd TX 'nf. Trevino, Bonifacio - Pvt. Rhodes' Co., 3rd (Yagers) BaUn.• TX Cavo Trevillo, Cesario - Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo TrevitlO. Denl"dSio - Pvt. 1st en. -c. 3rd- TX IlIf. TreviJlO. ElI.jenio - Pyt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo TrevÍllo. Jose - Pvt. 1st Cn. H~ 33rd TX Cavo Trevino. Juan ~ N. Cn. D. 30tb LA Inf. Trevino, Justo - Capto Trevink)'s Sqd., TX Pan. Mied. Vol. Trevino. L. - Ca,.. Cater's Rattn.• TX Cav~


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Trevino, Lnn~inio - Pvt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Trevino, Manuel -- Pvt. 1st Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Trevino, Martin - Pvt. Trevinio's Sqd., TX Parto Mted. Vol. Trevino, Pedro - 2nd Lt. 1st Co. 1, 33rd TX Cavo Trevino, Polonario - Pvt. 1si Co. H, 33rd TX Cavo Trevino, Sesario - Pvt. CO. A, Renavides' Re~t., TX Cavo Trevino, Y~nacis - Pvt. Trevinio's Stld. TX Part. Mted. Vol. Trevino, Ydalecio -- 2nd Lt. Rhodes Co., 3rd (Ya~ers) Battn., TX Cavo Triay, Guillermo - Cpl. CO. 7, 5th Re,,;t., Euro. Bri,;., LA Mil. Triay, H. - Pvt. Co. 1, 1st GA Inf. Triay, J. - Pvt. Co. E, Orleans Grds Re~t., LA Mil. Triay, John - Pvt. Co. D, 1st (Olmst~ad's) GA Inf. Triay, Jose - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri,,;., LA Mil. Triay, Loren~o - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th ~e~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Triay, Peter - Pvt. Co. D, 8th Fla. Int'. Triay, Rat'ael - Pvt. CO. 5, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Triay, Victorino - Pvt. CO. n, 8th Fla. Int'. Trijo, Cahllino -- Pvt. CO. E, Madison's Re~t., TX Cavo Trujillo, Jesus - Pvt. 1st CO. A, 3rd TX Inf. Truot, Sehastian - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Re~t. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Truxillio, John - Pvt. Co. B, 1st LA Hvy. Arty. Truxillo, A. - 2nd Lt. Co. F, Jet1' Davis Re~t., LA Inf. Truxillo, Andre -- Pvt. Co. C, 26th LA Int'. Truxillo, Antoine -- Pvt. Cn. H, 28th (Thomas') LA Inf. Truxillo, Denis - Cnrpl. Cn. H, 28th (Thomas') LA Int'. Truxillo, E. H. - S~t. 28th (Grayls) LA Inf.� Truxillo, Florentinn - Pvt. Cn. H, 28th (Thomas ') LA In':� Truxillo, Lucien - Cpl. Cn. H, 2nd LA Cavo� Truxillo, Manuel - Pvt. Co. H, 2nd LA Cavo� Truxillo, Phillip - S~t. Co. H, 28th (Thomas') LA In':� Truxillo, Sosthene - Pvt. Co. H, 2nd LA Cavo� Tumi, .Juan - Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Re~t. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Turla, Manuel - S~t. Co. R, 8th LA Inf.� Tuscand, Santie~o -- Pvt. Co. A, 1st Battll. St. Troops, TX Cavo�


Uhenl, F. -- Pvt. Co. 1, Ca~. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil.� U~arte, B. -- Pvt. Cn. S, 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� lJ~uet, .Iayme - Pvt. Cn. 3, 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Urhessa, .Inse R. -- Pvt. CO. 4, 5th Re~t., Euro. Rri~., LA Mil.�


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Valdes, Antonio - PvL Trevinio's Sqd.• TX Parto Mied. Raogers Valdes, C. L. - Pvt. Cn. A.lst Battn., Ala. Cadets Valdes.J. D. - Pvt. Co. 1, 5U. ReMi., Euro. Brig., LA Mit. Valdez, Ambm.llIia - Pvt. Co. D, .(McCulJoch's) 1st TX 'Cavo Valdez, D. - Pvt. Teel's Co.• TX Sto TrlH)pS Valdez. Emiterio -Pvt. Ben8vides R~ TX cavo Valdez. Eugenio - Pvt. Co. G. 3rd TX Inf. Vatdez, IglUlcio - Pvt. Co. C. 8th TX Inf. Vadez, Jose M. - Pvt. 2nd Co..F. 2nd TX Cavo Valdez, Jose Maria - N. Co.D. 1st (McCülh)Ch's) TX Cavo Valdez. Jose MariH - Pet. Co. H. 8th TX Inf. Valde'!.. Nicauor - Pvt. Cn. B. 33rd TX Cavo Valencia. A. Pon.~ - Capto Co~ 3, 5th Re~., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Valencia. JaYOle POll5 - Cnrpl. 3rd Co., 5th Re,.,rt., Euro. Brig. Valent. Juan - Pvt. Co. 3. 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Valentino, Gabriel - Cpl. Co. R, 7th GA Inf. Valenzuela, IncarnackJD - N. en. G, 3rd TX Inf. Valincio, Fiorencio - Pvt. Oury's Ce., Herbert's Battn., Am. Cavo Vallie, Joseph _. Pvt. Co. S. 5th ReJ.,rt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Valls, A. R. - N. Co. H, 7th LA Inf. Vall~ Bartolome - Pvt. Cn. 2. 5th ReJ.,rt., Euro. Drig., LA Mil. VaDs, G. - N. Co. 1, 5th Re~., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Valores, Joseph - Pvt. Co. D. 95th Ala. Mil. Valverde. John - Pvt. Ca. E, 1st (Ya~ers) TX Cavo Varga. Alexander - Pvt. Co. l. 3rd TX lof. Var~. Alex - Pvt. Ith TX Field Batty. Var~a. Joho - Pvt. C,).H. 3n1 TX lof. Var~. Joseph H. - S~t. 8th TX Meld Batty. Var~a. Paul - Pvt. Clt. D, 5th TXCav. Va~as. BeRito - Cpl. 1st Cn. A. R~sdales' Battn.• TX Cavo Var~a.4), Felipe - ~. eo. e.8th TX Inf. Var~a.4). Florencio - Pvt. 1st Cn. A. RaWKIales ' Battn., TX Cavo Var~as. Manuel Ooy Pvt. Co. 8. 5th ReKl, Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Vasqlle. Charles A. F. - Pvt. Paris' Cn. Viro Arty. Vasclue'!.. Cristobal - Pvt. Co H. 8th TX Inf. VasqRe'!., Jose - Pvt. Co. C, 8thTX Il1f. Vasquez. Juan - Pvt. Co. F. 3rd TX Inf. Vasqllez, PamRHo - Pvl Cn. F; 3rd TX lof. Vasquez, Policarpio ~ N. Cn. F, 3rd TX Inf. Vasquez, Zacarias - Pvt. Co. F, 3n1 TX Inf. Ve~s, H. C. -Pvt. Co. H. 28th (Grays) LA Inf. Ve~as. Joon .... Pvt.Co. 5. 5th Re';'. Euro. Br~., LA Mil. Ve~as, P. A. - Pvt. Co. H. 28th (Grays) LA' Inr.


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V e~as, Salvador - Pvt. Co. 6, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Vela, Cristiano - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Re,;t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Vela, nomin~o -- Pvt. 1st Cn. H, 33rd TX cavo V cia. J ose -- S~t. en. 5. Caz. Esp. Re~t., LA Mil. Vela. Juan -- Pvt. Cn. A, 3rd (Ya~ers) Baftn., TX Cavo Veland. Antonio - Pvt. Cn. G, Chalmette Re~t., LA Mil. Vclasco, F. - S~t. Cn. 1, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Velasen, Faustinn - Pvt. Cn. lO, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. VelaS(IUeS, .lose Maria - Pvt. 1st Co. C, 3rd TX Inf. VelaS(IUeZ, Antonio - Pvt. Cn. F, 3rd TX Inf. VelaS(IUeZ, P. -- Pvt. en. 7, 1st Chasseur's a pied LA Mil. Velazcn, Tnmas -- Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. VeUarial, Recente - Pvt. Cn. 1, 8th TX Inf. Vellarreal, Cesilin - Pvt. Cn. A, Renavides' Regt., TX Cavo V ellastri~o, Tomas - Pvt. Cn. A, Beílavides' Regt., TX Cavo Veria), elemento - Pvt. Co. E, 8th TX In': Verjal. Eclcto - Pvt. Cn. E, 8th TX Inf. Verva, An~elo - Pvt. Co. H, 16th TX Inr. Viade, Juan - Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Re~t., Eurn. Brig., LA Mil. Viade, R. - Cpl. Cn. 1, Caz. Esp. Re~t.? LA Mil. Viade. Tomas -- Cpl. Cn. 2, Caz. Esp. Regt., LA Mil. Vicens. Guillermn - Pvt. eo. 2, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Vicente•.1. H. - S~t. Co. G, 1st (Hutler's) SC Inf. Vi~tori, Martin - Pvt. Cn. lO, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Vidal, .Jutdn - Pvt. Cn. 2, 5th Re~t.,Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Vidal, .Juan M. -- Pvt. Cn. 4. 5th Re~t., Eurn. Bri~., LA Mil. Vida), S. -- Pvt. Cn. 2, 5th Re~t., Euro. Rrig., LA Mil. Vidanani, Atanacin - 2nd Lt. Co.. 1, Benavides' Regt., TX Cavo Vi~il, A. Gonzalez - Capt. Jackson Ritle Balln., LA Mil. Vila, .Joel -- Pvt. 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. Vila••Jose -- Pvt. Cn. 7, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil. ViJa, M. -- Pvt. en. 1. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil. Vila, Santia~n - Pvt. Co. 3, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Villa, Eduardo - 1st Lt. 6th Co., 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA MiJ.� Villa, George - Pvt. Cn. H, 22nd (Cons) LA Inf.� Villa, .J. -- Pvt. Cn. 3, 3rd~ Regt. French Brig., LA Mil.� Villa, J. - Pvt. Co. E, 22nd (Cons) LA Inr.� Villa. J. L. - Pvt. Co. H, Chalmette Regt., LA Mil.� Villa, .Jose - S~t. Cn. 6, 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Villa, Joseph - Pvt. Co. 1, 1st LA Hvy. Arty.� Villa, V. - Pvt. Raas' Cn. 1st Regt., Mohile Vol. Ala.� Villannes, Jose -- Pvt Co. A. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Villanueva, Antonin - Pvt. Cn. n, 30th LA Inr.� Villanueva. Canndelarin -- Pvt. Cn. F, 3rd TX Inr.� Villanueva. Flario --Pvt. Co. A, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Villanueva. Santia~n -- Pvt. Cn. F, 3rd TX Inf.�


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Villar. Jose - Cpl. COa 3. 5*h Re~t.. EUro. Bri~.• LA Mil.� Villareal. Antonio - Pvt. COa F. 3rd TX Inr.� Villareal. Indelacio - Pvt.lst COa H, 33rd TX Cavo� Villareal. Martin - Pvt. Co. F. 3rd TXtot".� Villareal. Ventura - Pvt. Co. A, 3rd TX lof.� Villa y Alvare"~. J. - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil.� Villa y Colllmbo, J. - Pvt. Co. 1, 5th Regt., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Ville~as, Fernando - Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Ville~as. Jose - Pvt. Co. 3. 5th Re~t., Euro. Brig., LA Mil.� Ville~as. R. - Pvt. 1st Co. A, Ra~sdale's Battn., TX CAvo� Villero, Federico - Pvt. Co.-4. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Vilirial. Nacecio - Pvt. COa l. 8th TX Inf.� Viosca. J. - Capt. COa H. Orleans Grds. Re~t., LA Mil.� Vinsca. Jn*luin - P\'t. Cn. S,. 5th Re~.• Euro. BriJ:., LA Mil.� Viosca. Ramon - N. Cn. 2, 5th Rea=f., Euro. B~.• LA Mil.� Vives. Damian .... Pvt. Co. 2. 5th ReJ..'t.• Euro.. Bri~., LA Mil.� Vives. Eduard - h1 Lt. COa H. 28th (Thonlas l

) LA Inl".� Vives. (;enminlo - Pvt. COa 2. 5th Re~t.• Euro. Bri~.• LA Mil.� Vives. Joseph - Pvt. COa l. 2nd LA Cavo� Vives. Juan M. - Pvt. Cn. 2. Ca7_ Esp. R~.• LA Mil.�


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Xavier. Bell.i~mlin - ~. Ma.ior 1st Native Grds. LA Mil.� Xamenes, Antunin - Pvt. Co. D. 8thF1a. Inf.� Ximanies. Ralph F. -Pvt. Cn. D, 8th Fla. Inf.� XiRlenes. BealHesladn - Pvt. Cn.F, 3rd TX -Inf.� Ximenes. l. - Pvt. 2nd Field Batty.• LA Lt. Arty.� Ximet1es. J. - Pvt. Trevinin's Co.• TX Cavo� XiOlenes, Jesus :- Pvt. Cn. F. 3rd TX Inf.� Ximenes, J()~ - Cpl. Cn. 9. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Ximenes. Mnnico .... Pvt. Co. F, 3rd TX Int:�


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Ximenes, Rafael -- Pvt. Rhodes' Co., 3rdTX lof.� Ximenes, Ramon - S~t. Cn. G, 10th LA Inl'.� Ximenes. Wennseslan - Cpl. Cn. F, 3rd TX 1nI'.� Ximenez. Franciscn - Pvt. Cn. D, 30th LA Int'.� Ximenez. Mariana - Pvt. Cn. D, Ra~sdales Battn., TX Cavo�


Yhanes, An~el G. - Pvt. Co. R. 63rd GA Int'.� Yhanes. Francisco - Pvt. Co. 3: 5th Re"., Euro. Rri,;., LA Mil.� Yharho, Hosa - Pvt. Co. A. 11th TX Inf.� Yharho, J. F. -- Pvt. Co. A, 2nd LA Inf.� Yharhn, Jnhn - Pvt. Cn. A, 11th TX Inf.� Yharho, Jnse - Pvt. 4th TX Field Rally.� Yharho, Navele - Pvt. Co. A, 11th TXlnf.� Yharho, Patricio -- Pvt. Cn. A, 11th TX Int:� Yharho, Richard - Pvt. Cn. A, 11th TX 101'.� Yharho, Vital - Pv" Cn. A, 11th TX INf.� Yharho, Votal - Pv" Co. G, 37th TX Int".� Yharra, .1. - Pv" Cn. 7. 1st Chasseurs a pied LA Mil.� Yharra•.Jose Maria - Pv" Co. n. 30th LA Int'.� Yeharhn. Cevern -- Pvt. Cn. R,2nd LA Cavo� Y~lecias. Antnnio - Pvt. 1st Cn. A. 3rd TX Int'.� Y~lesias. Francisco - Pvt. Co. 3. 5th Re~t., Euro. Rri,;., LA Mil.� Y~nasio, Cesar -- Pvt. Co. 4, 5th Re~t., Eurn. Bri~., LA Mil.� Ylanio, Zais -- Pvt. Cn. l. Renavides' Re~l., TX Cavo� Ymacio, Gre~orin -- Pv" Cn. A. 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Yniestra, A. T. - Pvt. Cn. D, 2nd Re~t Vo)., Ala. Mil.� Yniestrd, Gre~ory - S~t. New Cn. A, 1st Fla. Int'.� Ynnjnsa, Jeslls - Pvt. Cn. 1, 8th TX Inf.� Ynnjosa, .Juan Jnse -.ro Pvt. Co. 1, 8th TX 1nI'.� Ynnjosa, Martin - Pv" Cn. l. 8th TX Int'.� Ynsua. Luis - Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Re~t. Euro. Bri~., LA Mil.� Yr~uiann. J. - Cpl. Co. 1, 5th Re~t.. Euro. Bri,;., LA Mil.� Yturri, Manuel - Capto Cn. F, 3rd TX Inf.� Yucas, M. - Pvt. Baas' Cn., IstRe~t., Mnhile Vol. Ala.� Yvarro, Matias -- Pvt. c.o. B, Ra~sdale's Rattn., TX Cavo� Y7.ana~a, .J. M. -- Pvt. Red River Sharpshooters LA�


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Page 97: HISPANIC CONFEDERATES - Latin American Studieslatinamericanstudies.org/.../hispanic-confederates.pdfSecond American Revolution. For too many years the Confederate soldier was portrayed


Zacarias, S. -- Pvt. Cn. ei, (Charlestno Grds) 1st Re",., SC� Zamonl, Antonio - Pvt. Cn.< F, 3rd TX Inf.� Zamont, Decideno - Pvt. Co. G, 3rd TX lo':� Zamont, Eltameriadn - Pvt. Rhndes' Co., 3rd (YaJ:ers) Batto., TX Cavo� Zamora, Frcmcisco - Pvt. Rhüdes' Co., 3rd (YaJ:ers) Battn., TX Cavo� Zamora, John - Pvt. 1st Native Grds, LA Mil.� Zarl.a, .1. Fernandez - epI. Co. 1, 5th Re~t., Euro. Bri,;., LA Mil.� Zavala, Ricardo -Pvt. Co. K, 26th TX Cavo� Zerda, Ramon - Pvt. Trevioio's Co., TX Cav.� Ziberna, Antonio - Pvt. Co. E, 19th Viro lof.� Zotello, Antonio - Pvt. 1st Co. H,33rd TX Cavo� ZUlliJ:a, SantiaJ:o - Pvt. 1st Cn. C, 3rd TX lof.� Zuroi~a, Alejaodro - Pvt. Co. A, Bellavides' Regt., TX Cavo�


Page 98: HISPANIC CONFEDERATES - Latin American Studieslatinamericanstudies.org/.../hispanic-confederates.pdfSecond American Revolution. For too many years the Confederate soldier was portrayed

Bibliograpby of Primary and Secondary Sources�

Armistead, Samuel G. (1992) The Spanish Tradition in Louisiana. Newark., Del: Juan de la Cuesta, Hispanic Monographs.

Bergeron, Aurthur W. (1991) "Confederate Mobile." University Press 01Mississippi.

Booth, Andrew B. (1920) Records 01Louisiana Conlederate Soldiers andLouisiana Conlederate commands (Vols. 1-3). New Orleans, LA

Gibson, Charles (1966) Spain in America. NY: Harper & Rowe.

Hewett, Janet B. (1995) The Roster olConlederate Soldiers 1861-1865 (Vols. 1-26). Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot Publishing Co.

Johnson, Gen. Joseph E. (1874) Na"ative olMilitary OperationsDuring the Civil War. NewYork, NY

Lipski, John M. (1990) "The language ofthe Islenos-Vestigal Spanish in Louisiana." LSUPress. Baton Rouge, LA

Mac Curdy, Rayrnond R. "Un Romance Tradicianal Recognido en Luisiana: Las Senas del Marido", RHM, 13, 164-166.

Mac Curdy, Rayrnond R. (1950) "The Spanish Dialect in St. Bernard Parish, LA." University 01New Mexico Press. Albuquerque, NM

Mobile Public Library, Local History and Genealogy, Mobile, AL 1) "Confederate Soldiers" - Microfilm (aH Vol.) 2) "Mobile companies in the Civil War" - Compendium 3) US War Department. (1880-1901) War olthe Rebellion. "Official Records

ofUmon and Confederate Armíes. (128 parts in 70 v~ls.) US Government Printing Office.

4) Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan Collections

Rietti, 1. C. (1895) Military Annals ofMississippi - Military Organizations which entered the Conlederate Service. Jackson, MS


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