HIPAA Compliance and Security in a Mobile World

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Transcript of HIPAA Compliance and Security in a Mobile World

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“Healthcare organizations are the most vulnerable for breaches. I would rather have my identity stolen than my medical records. You can get a new social security number, but your health information is so personal and uniquely yours.”

Robert Herjavec Founder of a leading cyber security firm; investor, author and television personality (Shark Tank)

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Top 5 HIPAA breach fines since 2009:

①  New York Presbyterian Hospital & Columbia University: $4.8M

②  Cignet Health Center: $4.3M

③  Triple S Management: $3.5M

④  CVS Pharmacy: $2.3M

⑤  Concentra Health Services: $1.7M

Healthcare  requires    HIPAA-­‐compliant  messaging  

HIPAA violations are on the rise

Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has imposed more than $26 million fines for HIPAA privacy, security and breach notification violations to date.

And plans to collect $5 million in penalties in Q1’16.

OCR receives more than 30,000 reports about HIPAA privacy violation each year.

Source: hhs.gov, HealthcareITnews.com, healthcareinfosecurity.com

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HIPAA  exper;se  is  required  

•  The  OCR  rules  and  fines  are  complicated  requiring  a  deep  understanding  of  the  procedures  and  audits.    

•  This  is  especially  true  with  the  increasing  number  of  mobile  devices  proliferaAng  the  workforce.  

•  Security  is  a  hot  buDon  issue  inside  and  outside  the  industry.  

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Lua  secures  messaging  for  all  types  of  healthcare  organiza;ons  

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Your  Presenter  

Michelle  Caswell,  Senior  Director  Legal  &  Compliance  |    JD  •  More  than  15  years  healthcare  experience  •  Extensive  experience  in  HIPAA  Privacy,  Security  and  Breach  NoAficaAon  Rules  •  Experienced  Principal  Healthcare  Privacy/Security  Consultant,  conducAng  compliance  audits  and  risk  assessments;  draTing  policies  and  procedures;  training  staff  and  assisAng  with  remediaAon  efforts  

•  Former  HIPAA  InvesAgator  for  the  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  Office  for  Civil  Rights  

•  Licensed  aDorney  in  Georgia  and  Tennessee  •  Frequent  naAonal  speaker  on  healthcare  compliance  and  security  

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1.  HIPAA  Condensed  (Really,  Really  Condensed)  

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BoOom  Line  Up  Front  Before  HITECH/Omnibus:  •  “Paper  Tiger”    •  Healthcare  industry  largely  ignored  

•  Business  Associates  didn’t  know  or  care  or  both!  

•  InformaAon  Security  was  woefully  inadequate  


A6er  HITECH/Omnibus:  •  “Game-­‐changer”  •  Healthcare  industry  woefully  unprepared  

•  Largest  and  most  consequenAal  expansion  of  Federal  Privacy  rules  

•  Significant  new  burden  on  business  associates  

•  SubstanAally  increases  the  magnitude  of  HIPAA  risk  and  liability  


Today: Help you mitigate your newly created risks and liabilities as a CE and BA (includes Subcontractors)

Think HITECH = Hey It’s Time to End your Compliance Holiday

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HIPAA-­‐HITECH  En;;es  

Covered  En;ty  •  Health  care  providers  (that  conduct  e-­‐transacAons),  health  plans,  health  care  clearinghouses  

Business  Associate  •  EnAty  that  uses  or  discloses  PHI  on  behalf  of  a  CE  •  Create,  receive,  maintain  or  transmit  PHI  on  behalf  of  a  CE  

 Subcontractor  (or  Agent?)  Sub  Business  Associate  •  A  person  or  enAty  to  whom  a  BA  delegates  a  funcAon,  acAvity,  or  service,  other  than  in  the  capacity  of  a  member  of  the  workforce  of  such  BA.  

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Protected  Health  Informa;on  (PHI)  

•  Protected  Health  InformaAon  (PHI)  – Past,  Present,  Future  Mental  or  Physical  Health,  or  billing  related  thereto  

– Can  be  connected  to  individual  by  one  of  18  idenAfiers  

– All  forms:  Oral,  wriDen,  electronic,  etc.  – Excludes  employment  records  and  educaAon  records  

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So  What?  

“I  KEEP  six  honest  serving-­‐men    (They  taught  me  all  I  knew);  

Their  names  are  What  and  Why  and  When      And  How  and  Where  and  Who…”  

 -­‐  Rudyard  Kipling  

+   Must  be  handling  the  What…  Must  be  one  of  the  Who…  


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2.  The  Real  Problem  We’re  Trying  to  Solve  

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Who’s  to  Blame?  

Case  Examples  •  Access  •  AuthorizaAons  •  ConfidenAal  CommunicaAons  •  Disclosures  to  Avert  a  Serious  Threat  to  Health  or  Safety  •  Impermissible  Uses  and  Disclosures  •  Minimum  Necessary  •  Safeguards  


Common  Causes  •  TheT  of  Laptop,  Servers,  Backup  Tapes,  Mobile  Devices  •  Loss  of  Laptop,  Servers,  Backup  Tapes,  Mobile  Devices  •  Improper  Disposal    •  Misdirected    CommunicaAons  •  Post  to  Public  Websites  •  Missing  Firewalls  •  Successful  Phishing  


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Do  Risk  Analysis  And  Risk  Management!  

• "We  conAnue  to  see  a  lack  of  comprehensive  and  enterprise-­‐wide  risk  analysis  and  risk  management  that  leads  to  major  breaches  and  other  compliance  problems,”  

• “These  enforcements  send  out  an  important  message  about  compliance  issues  and  the  need  for  covered  en;;es  and  business  associates  to  take  their  obliga;ons  seriously.”  

• “When  the  OCR  invesAgates  a  breach,  we  not  only  look  at  what  was  done  to  correct  and  remedy  a  breach  but  what  led  to  the  incident  to  determine  if  noncompliance  played  a  part.  Comprehensive  enterprise  risk  analysis  followed  by  ...  ;mely  risk  management  prac;ces  is  the  cornerstone  of  any  good  compliance  program."  

Jocelyn  Samuels  Director  –  HHS’  Office  for  

Civil  Rights    

-­‐-­‐  OCR/NIST  Conference  |  September  23,  2014  

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New  Audit  Protocol  Coming  in  April  

•  OCR  will  release  its  proposed  new  protocol  in  April  2016  for  public  feedback  before  finalizing  the  final  protocol    

•  Updated  to  reflect  changes  included  in  the  HIPAA  Omnibus  Rule  

•  200  remote  desk  audits  •  10-­‐25  ‘full  scale’  onsite  audits  •  CEs  to  idenAfy  their  BAs  to  create  a  ‘larger  pool  of  BAs  from  whom  to  select  auditees.’  

Deven  McGraw,  OCR's  Deputy  Director  of  Health  InformaAon  Privacy  -­‐  HIMSS  2016  Conference  in  Las  Vegas  

"We  are  planning  to  revise  the  enAre  protocol  even  though  for  the  desk  audits  we  are  only  going  to  be  audiAng  for  selected  provisions,"  McGraw  says.    


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3.  One  Area  of  Risk    -­‐  Tex;ng  

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Providers  Won’t  Give  Up  Tex;ng  •  Nothing  prohibits  you  from  texAng  

with  paAents,  not  even  HIPAA  •  However,  consider  some  liabiliAes  

with  texAng  between  your  organizaAon  and  paAents  or  texAng  between  health  providers)  

•  Security  Risks  •  Unauthorized  access  to  ePHI  •  Lost/stolen  device  •  Unencrypted  texts  

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Tex;ng  Cont’d  •  Legal  Risks  

•  If  PHI  is  included  in  texts  between  provider/paAent;  provider/provider;  insurance/member  –  the  messages  may  be  subject  to  HIPAA  

•  Could  become  part  of  paAent’s  designated  record  set  and/or  legal  health  record  

•  As  such,  provider  may  need  to  save  texts  for  the  legally  required  Ame  –  allowing  paAent  to  access  and  amend  the  text  messages  

•  If  provider  thinks  to  delete  these  messages  for  security  purpose,  there  may  be  a  violaAon  of  law  regarding  retenAon  requirements  


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Tex;ng  Cont’d    If,  aTer  weighing  the  associated  risks,  you  determine  texAng  is  right  for  you,  here  are  some  suggesAons  for  policies  and  procedures:    •  Have  paAents  sign  a  consent  form  allowing  for  communicaAon  between  

provider  and  paAent.  Keep  consent  form  in  paAent  chart  •  Include  only  non-­‐urgent  informaAon  (i.e.  appointment  reminders,  prescripAon  

refills)  •  If  you  have  a  paAent  portal,  send  a  text  “you  have  a  message  from  Dr.  Smith.  

Please  log  in  to  your  account  to  see  the  message”  •  Ensure  the  phone  number  being  used  is  the  right  number  •  If  related  to  paAent  treatment,  incorporate  into  medical  record    

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Tex;ng  Cont’d  •  Have  a  mobile  device  management  

plan  •  EncrypAon  of  mobile  devices  •  Password  protected  •  Whether  it’s  BYOD  or  company-­‐

provided  mobile  device  •  Text  messages  can  be  audited/

monitored  •  UAlize  secure  mobile  messaging,  like  


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Policy  defines  an  organizaAon’s  values  &  expected  behaviors;  establishes  “good  faith”  intent  

People  must  include  talented  privacy  &  security  &  technical  staff,  engaged  and  supporAve  management  and  

trained/aware  colleagues  following  PnPs.    

Procedures  or  processes  –  documented  -­‐  provide  the  acAons  required  to  deliver  on  organizaAon’s  values.  

Safeguards  includes  the  various  families  of  administraAve,  physical  or  technical  security  controls  (e.g.  encryp?on,  firewalls,  an?-­‐malware,  intrusion  detec?on,  incident  management  tools,  etc.)  

Balanced  Compliance  Program  

Clearwater  Compliance  Compass™  

Policy   Procedures  

People   Safeguards  

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Ques;ons  and  Answers  •  Feel  free  to  submit  quesAons  into  the  box  on  your  right.  

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