Hindujagruti.org-AntiHindu Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill

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  • 7/29/2019 Hindujagruti.org-AntiHindu Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill




    Anti-Hindu Prevention of Communal andTargeted Violence Bill

    About t he campaign

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    Protest the anti-Hindu 'Prevention of Communal andTargeted Violence Bill, 2011'

    Introduction - What is thisbill and why to protest ?

    Apparent ly 'Prevent ion of Communal and

    Targeted Violence (Access to Just ice and

    Reparations) Bill, 2011' is brought to curb

    the riots taking place between majority and

    minority communit ies. Af ter the alleged

    post -godhra riots in Gujarat, the so called

    secularists are going pillar to post to bring this enactment. So called social activists like Teesta

    Sett lewad, Asgar Ali ENgineer are the people involved in pushing this draft bill.

    O Hindus, please awake and send your suggestions to theNational Advisory Council at [email protected]. You can alsouse opinion section in this campaign to send yourcomments/opinions to NAC. Click here to send commentsdirectly and fulfill your duty towards Hindu Dharma and Nation.

    Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Accessto Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011

    English Version Hindi Version

    The draconian provisions of the new Law

    1. Protect ion to religious or linguistic minority and Scheduled Castes and t ribes - It is

    directed to punish the offenses done or anticipated against a group which essentially

    comprises of a religious or linguistic minority and Scheduled Castes and t ribes (Sec 1 (e)).

    Nobody else is given protection. If in certain area, hindu populat ion is minority and attack is

    targeted against t hem or where the minorities themselves start o rganized at tacks and riots,

    http://nac.nic.in/pdf/pctvb_amended.pdfhttp://nac.nic.in/pdf/pctvb_hindi.pdfhttp://www.hindujagruti.org/activities/campaigns/religious/communal-violence-bill/opinion.phphttp://www.hindujagruti.org/activities/campaigns/religious/communal-violence-bill/#notehttp://nac.nic.in/pdf/pctvb_hindi.pdfhttp://nac.nic.in/pdf/pctvb_amended.pdfhttp://www.hindujagruti.org/activities/campaigns/religious/communal-violence-bill/opinion.phphttp://www.hindujagruti.org/activities/campaigns/religious/communal-violence-bill/opinion.phpmailto:[email protected]://www.hindujagruti.org/activities/campaigns/religious/communal-violence-bill/#note
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    this law wont help to Hindus. Such is the viciousness of the draft bill.Crimes committed by

    the minorit ies will be prosecuted by the regular criminal procedure.

    2. Curbing freedom of expression by terming it as Hate propaganda - Even publishing,

    communicating or disseminating of opposition may be termed as Hate Propaganda u/s 8 and is

    may extend to 3 years and/or f ine. Again, it is targeted against the Hindu literature and and not

    anti-hindu literature.

    Section 18 makes anything said or expressed against the minorities may be taken up as

    of fence under this Act. The Govt . is to keep a constant vigil on t his as to who is crit icizing

    minorities, even fair criticizing may invite action by state else the public servant will be

    prosecutes - Sec. 18 - This provision may be misused widely even in the t ime of peace, for it is a

    cont inuing process.

    3. Offenses to be non-bailable and cognizable - The of fenses under the act are summarily

    non-bailable and cognizable even if t hey are not so under I.P.C. by virtue of (Sec. 11 and 58)

    4. Government machinery will be made a slave to the minorit ies - Under this Bill, public

    servants will be under constant supervision and torture- derelict ion of duty and it casts

    vicarious liability on them(Sec. 12 to 16). As also the vict im can at any point of t ime gets a right

    to know the stage of proceedings and can complain to the National authority against the Govt .


    5. Obeying orders is not a def ense - Apart f rom the vicarious liability, the order obeying police

    etc. can not say that they obeyed the orders. Even if one obeys an order of his senior, he also

    is a accused. In the t imes of riot s or at tacks, cont rolling the same will be too much dif f icult

    because of this. (Sec. 16)

    6. Creation of a post - Defender for Justice and Reparations. - (Sec. 56) It appears that his

    sole activity will be to press fo r the rights of minorities.

    7. Creation of National Authority for Communal Harmony, Justice and Reparation

    1. It shall have separate investigat ion agency with a Director General of Police GP. (Sec. 29)

    2. It 's advisories and recommendations will be binding on the State and Central Govt . (Sec.

    32 (a) and (d) read with Sec. 29)

    3. It can interfere in the Court proceeding ( SEc. 32 j and k)

    4. It will have the status of a Civil Court.

    8. The public servants like District Magistrate or Police Superintendent made directly

    answerable to the National Authority. (Sec. 72,29, 69, 71, 4138,39)

    9. Presumption of guilt and burden of proof on the accused (Hindus) - The accused will

    have to prove innocence ( Sec. 74) This changes the ent ire legal proceeding against the hindu

    accused people.

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    10. More than one third of public prosecutors will be from the religious or linguistic

    minority. ( Sec. 78)

    11. Provision for funds - There will be funds diverted f rom the Consolidated Funds of India in

    addit ion to the f ines collected under this act which will be disbursed to the alleged victims.

    12. Apart from punishment the convict will have to pay to the vict im - Whatever is given tothe victims are in turn subrogated from the the persons allegedly responsible for the loss of

    property, life or liberty (Sec 110)

    13. Protection of action taken in good faith -All the persons act ing under this Act will have

    blanket 'prot ection of action taken in good faith'. ( Sec. 130)

    14. This act is in addition to any other laws that are in force at present (Sec. 138)

    Members of drafting and advisory committee ( Many ofthe members known for Anti-Hindu acts in the Name ofSecularism )

    Time Frame: August 1, 2010 - February 28, 2011

    Drafting Committee Members

    1. Gopal Subramanium

    2. Maja Daruwala

    3. Najmi Waziri

    4. P.I.Jose

    5. Prasad Sirivella

    6. Teesta Setalvad

    7. Usha Ramanathan (upto 20 Feb 2011)

    8. Vrinda Grover (upto 20 Feb 2011)

    Conveners of Drafting Committee

    1. Farah Naqvi, Convener, NAC Working Group

    2. Harsh Mander, Member, NAC Working Group

    Advisory Group Members

    1. Abusaleh Sharif f

    2. Asgar Ali Engineer

    3. Gagan Sethi

    4. H.S Phoolka

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    5. John Dayal

    6. Justice Hosbet Suresh

    7. Kamal Faruqui

    8. Manzoor Alam

    9. Maulana Niaz Farooqui

    10. Ram Puniyani

    11. Rooprekha Verma

    12. Samar Singh

    13. Saumya Uma

    14. Shabnam Hashmi

    15. Sister Mary Scaria16. Sukhdeo Thorat

    17. Syed Shahabuddin

    18. Uma Chakravarty

    19. Upendra Baxi

    1. Aruna Roy, NAC Working Group Member

    2. Professor Jadhav, NAC Working Group Member

    3. Anu Aga, NAC Working Group Member

    Joint Conveners of Advisory Group

    1. Farah Naqvi, Convener, NAC Working Group

    2. Harsh Mander, Member, NAC Working Group

    Online signature Drive

    To protest the bill and prevent if f rom passing in the Assembly, please part icipate in thisonline signature campaign and send your protest let ters to the National Advisory Council

    Thank you for signing and supporting the noblecause !

  • 7/29/2019 Hindujagruti.org-AntiHindu Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill


    'Rajesh Tant i' - Thank you for prot est 'Jyot i Tant i' - Thank you for prot est 'Harsha Tanti & Chaitanya Tant i.' - Thank you for protest

    Note - To prevent illegal usage of email address, we need to conf irm the validity of emailaddress. We have sent you an email, please click on the link in the email to conf irm yoursignature. Only then prot est e-lett er will be submitted. If you have already entered theprotest , it will not be added again. Currently, your e-let ter is await ing confirmation of


    Note : Please check your SPAM folder too as sometimes verification email lands inSPAM folder.

    > Visit latest defamations

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  • 7/29/2019 Hindujagruti.org-AntiHindu Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill


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    More News Click here
