HIMALI Field Experience in Jumla

Sharing First Field Experience Jumla,


This is a presentation of the High Mountain Agribusiness and Livelihood Improvement project team's field experience in Jumla, Nepal.

Transcript of HIMALI Field Experience in Jumla

  • 1. Sharing First Field ExperienceJumla,

2. Challenges encountered the District Finding Accommodation : There is not so difficulties and challenges to get accommodation in district , but in field geographical , rainy season, fooding and lodging Problems occurred and disturbed in Field only, which are the described below in fact. 1. Unsafe lodging and fooding uses to stay night in field. 2. Expensive fooding and unavailable of Snack in field, I mean scarcity of Hotel in the Field . 3. We are provided daily allowance for fooding not for lodging when we Move to field night stay, so there is difficulty and risk to live in hotel join to chargeable lodge. 3. Challenges . Communication with Government Institution There is easy to communicate with Government Institution working in district , we have always get good response and helpful behavior from all government officials such as organize Meeting, take important data , information and any other helps and tasks. 4. Challenges . Working With DPC and DAES It is stress-free to work with both person we got lots of help and smooth response from DPC and DAES, for location identification, social mapping and to prepare for field planning and returning I think we should stay always in Close relation and under kind contact of both person in the district to provide the SMS in district. DPC and DAES both may the Guiding person and Source of the lead information for Field visit to find the location and link with the people and Concern government agencies. 5. Establishing office and LRP meeting There was problem to establish the office in district for Social Mobilization team for the House and Location for joint station with DPC and DAES/AEC for HIMALI. DPC office may more effective for office station than others in the context of Coordination with all government institution. Separate Office ,on direct supervision of DPC joint with DAES may Quiet in districts. LRPs meeting with SM team is also viable in district we realize that there should be a system for one formal Staff meeting with DPC, DAES , DCCI, LRPs and other Support government institution need to organize by SM team per month in our Office ,So that Field experience ,meeting with Communities ,interest of Communities , and level of the progress of Monitoring system being shared and may instinctive any other solution and ideas for problems and new entrepreneurs such as except recognized by HIMALI. 6. First Meeting with Clients: Meeting with First Clint in Talium VDC ward Challenges no 4 in Dalit Basti Local resource person of Meeting with First Clints DADO Jumla. 7. Challenges . When we organize first meeting in the talium Vdc in Masses we got good response and interest after our briefing about HIMALI. But at first Communities could not belief us about our grant System, they asked if your grant like a PAF program we are Sorry to join with your Project as a Entrepreneur For funding. They says to us PAF has already invest the amount to our group and provide us some IG activities, after one year they threat our groups to return the amount with interest too and PAF appear in our Community with police man to terrify all the people who received the Budget form PAF program. Sanigoun VDC ward no 9 says so. 8. Process we followed in District making easy to work DLSO ,DADO,DFO,WDO DCCI,DAES, AEC ,District cooperative division and Small Cottage& industries office DDC, VDCs, and other Entrepreneurs of district level who are already exist and raise in district in agribusiness and innovative, village level farmer group are absolutely hence, path and points to work in district and communities for HIMALI. 9. Strategies to work for Social Mobilization activitieswe have followed by Prepare Work plan coordinating with DPC ,DAES DCCI and other related Government and Private institution Prepare the inventory of project and agribusiness interest group in District . Prepare and Approval of national /intl Team leader . Prepare Field work plan in close coordination with DPC/DAES and fill MAL, verify with DPC informing to DAES. Pre approval of NTL , drive to field and organize the meeting with farmer group ,Entrepreneur and other interested ,DAG with Project Promotion ,Communication and operate project orientation to interested Communities and group. Return to district and visit to DPC and shearing the experiences , progress and feedback. Visit other government and private institution Prepare the field progress report 10. Progress in two months in District Complete Office Establishment with Furniture Agreement of Hall for office with DCCI. Field visit in nearly 20 vdcs out of 30 VDCs in the period of two month. Visit, meeting and inform about HIMALI in the field and district with more than 500 people Visit and meeting around with 40 groups farmer , entrepreneur, Proponent, forest group toll group etcs. Prepare the inventory of interest group and DAG around 450 unit/Group. 11. Progress on. Two Business plan received till our returning date 26 September 2013,and other 2 BPs are on touch process forward by DAES. List of Received business plan. 1- Malika falful tatha Jadibuti udhyog, Malika bota 2 jumla - By Muga Rawat. 2- Mahadev Falful tatha jadibuti udhyog Malika bota 2 jumla -By Jaye Bdr Rawat And 15 business plans are on Contact to receive in District. Assist to Subproject Verification to DPC DAES and DCCI/AEC in 4 events Verified four approval sub project in in district. 1- Cheremalika Bakhra palan 2- Himali jadibuti : Jatamashi processing 3- Ghase odar Leason forest ( NTF plant production and processing) 4- GSM Kesher kheti 12. Ghase odar Kabuliati Ban samuha Malika thata with DPC DAES DCCI DFO Staff . 13. Business plan presentation meeting on Malikathata VDC 14. Picture says itself 15. On the way to field of malikathata with DPC ,DEAS and other Team Jumla 16. Fooding Potato on the way to field on Shanigoun VDC 17. Sub project verification to GSM keshar kheti Chandannath VDC Jumla with DPC DAES and DCCI president 18. One day BP Presentation workshop in Gajryangkot VDC with DPC DAES , Regional director of surkhet LSO Dr surendra Yadav and Participants 19. District SM team Office in Jumla 20. Jatamashi Processing at Jumla 21. Best Wishes to all HIMALI TEAM and Participants for Happy Vijaya Dashain and Tihar 2070. Thank you! Rajendra Prasad Giri SMC Mrs Purna kumari Budha SM Jumla 22. Happy Dashain 2070