HILFIELD PARK RESERVOIR WILDLIFE REPORT 2009 reports/Hilfield Park...Council, with management...


Transcript of HILFIELD PARK RESERVOIR WILDLIFE REPORT 2009 reports/Hilfield Park...Council, with management...

Page 1: HILFIELD PARK RESERVOIR WILDLIFE REPORT 2009 reports/Hilfield Park...Council, with management undertaken by the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust. The water surface covers about 46


Page 2: HILFIELD PARK RESERVOIR WILDLIFE REPORT 2009 reports/Hilfield Park...Council, with management undertaken by the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust. The water surface covers about 46
Page 3: HILFIELD PARK RESERVOIR WILDLIFE REPORT 2009 reports/Hilfield Park...Council, with management undertaken by the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust. The water surface covers about 46

Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009




Introduction 2

List of contributors 2

Review of 2009 Peter Delaloye 3

HMWT Hilfield Diary Rob Hopkins 4

Birds – systematic list Mark McManus and Peter Delaloye 5

Birds – year-by-year review Bob Cripps 25

Ringing report Peter Delaloye 31

Butterflies Steve Murray 36

Dragonflies Steve Murray 42

Mammals and amphibians Bob Cripps 45

Moths Rachel Terry 47

Hilfield Grassland Survey John Moss 51

Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 58

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009



Hilfield Park Reservoir is a Local Nature Reserve in the ownership of Veolia Water. It was established

as a nature reserve in 1969, after an agreement between the company and Hertfordshire County

Council, with management undertaken by the Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust.

The water surface covers about 46 hectares (115 acres) at top level and is surrounded by

32 hectares (80 acres) of land consisting of woodland, rough grassland and invading oak and

bramble scrub. The storage capacity of the reservoir is approximately 600 million gallons.

This is the twentieth annual report, continuing to encourage a wider interest in the site and the

recording of its wildlife.

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this report. Special thanks are due to

Stephen Murray, Bob Cripps, Mark McManus, Rachel Terry, John Moss, Rob Hopkins and Jack

Fearnside without whom it would not have been possible to prepare this report.

All future records of any aspect of natural history relating to the reserve would be gratefully


I would also like to take this opportunity to request that both authors and the report itself are

acknowledged fully, following part or complete use of this report as reference.

Peter Delaloye

HMWT Volunteer Warden


We are grateful to the following for submitting records. All records have been submitted to the

county recorder.

I. Bennell P. McManus

T. Blake M. McManus

D. Chandler J. Moss

R. Cripps M. Murphy

P. Delaloye S. Murray

E. Edwards P. Peretti

J. Fearnside C. Rossor

R. Goding M. Rossor

J. Hollingdale E. Stainthorpe

B. Hopkins R. Terry

E. Inzani J. Thompson

H. Inzani G. Wild

V. Inzani

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009



2009 was the year of the Painted Lady. To see in excess of 50 of these beautiful Butterflies on a 100

foot short stretch of brambles was indeed an amazing sight.

About ten pairs of Common Terns bred on the two rafts, raising several young successfully. Blue

and Great Tits were quite successful in the nest boxes with the highest number of young ringed

for several years.

The summer Constant Effort Site Ringing Programme was completed successfully. The overall

numbers of birds ringed increased this year, however, no new species were ringed.

Birding highlights included some firsts this year with Marsh Tit and Red-breasted Merganser new

to the reserve. Species which have not been recorded for a number of years include Bittern and

Avocet. There were also records of Smew, Osprey and Firecrest.

The Lesser Emperor Dragonfly was with us once again in June and July.

For the first time we had a botanical survey of the grassland and found 22 grassland indicator

species. Our thanks go to John Moss for organising this.

Rachel Terry continued the moth study and found 61 species new to the reserve bringing the

reserve total of species to 355.

Peter Delaloye

HMWT Volunteer Warden

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust


March 4 Cleaned and relaunched tern rafts.

May Cut path around reserve.

August 12 Cut path around reserve.

October 10 Removed scrub from in front of viewing platform.

Removed reed guards from established reed bed by boathouse.

November 26 Green Team scrub clearance in front of viewing platform.

Rob Hopkins

HMWT Nature Reserves Officer (South)

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009



MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor

One pair bred with seven cygnets noted on May 30th. Unfortunately all the cygnets died with the

last one being seen on July 6th. Possible reasons put forward for this were that the pair nested too

early or maybe there was not enough waterweed for them to feed on.

Maximum monthly counts (adults + juveniles):

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

4+22 4+23 4+13 4 6 5 6 6 4 7+1 6 7

GREY LAG GOOSE Answer answer

Three birds were present on March 21st. In April two flew in at 12.40 on the 5th and two were

present on the 12th. In May one was present on the 3rd, one on the 4th, two on the 5th, five on

the 11th and three on the 12th. One was then seen on June 3rd and finally four birds were noted

on October 31st.


One was present from June 8th until the months end and then noted on July 12th and 26th.

GREATER CANADA GOOSE Branta canadensis

Two broods this year, the first noted on May 9th and the second on May 14th. July’s count includes

two juveniles.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

32 100 22 9 – 123 115 38 57 49 33 70

BRENT GOOSE Branta bernicla

A single bird was present for one hour on January 18th.

EGYPTIAN GOOSE Alopochen aegyptiacus

One dropped in for a few minutes on January 16th and two birds were present on February 14th

and 15th.

SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna

Three records this year. Singles were seen on January 3rd and 8th and a pair were present at the

reservoir on April 19th.

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


WIGEON Anas penelope

In spring three birds were still present on March 22nd and the first returning birds in autumn were

two seen on September 1st.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

135 75 20 – – – – – 30 83 94 121

GADWALL Anas strepera

Breeding proved again this year with a brood of 13 noted on July 13th and still present on the 28th

with several well-grown juveniles noted on July 15th.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

167 22 17 19 12 5 20 25 23 94 62 130

TEAL Anas crecca

In January present on seven dates with seven on the 1st and nine on the 24th, in February three on

the 7th and 8th, two on the 9th and one on the 14th, in March four on the 17th, 11 on the 22nd

and two on the 27th that stayed until April 13th and the last spring record was of a pair on April

22nd. In September present on seven dates with 10 on the 10th being the first returning birds, in

October five were present on the 11th and 15 on the 14th and then 17 on the 15th and then eight

were seen on the 18th and four on the 31st. Only November record was of eight on the 5th and in

December two pair on the 13th, 11 on the 14th and 15 on the 18th, three on the 20th and six on

the 26th.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

9 3 11 2 – – – – 10 17 8 15

MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos

A total of seven broods this year. Four broods were noted in April and a fifth on May 23rd and

the sixth on May 24th. A total of 33 young birds were still surviving on May 28th and the seventh

brood was noted on June 7th consisting of 10 chicks.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

6 8 8 16 20 24 29 12 12 15 11 13

PINTAIL Anas acuta

A female and a juvenile were seen on October 31st.

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


SHOVELER Anas clypeata

Three were present on April 12th, a male was seen displaying on the 19th, a pair was present on

May 10th and a female was seen on June 30th.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

13 10 12 11 2 1 – 4 40 94 35 6

POCHARD Aythya farina

A female was present on April 5th and two males were present on May 12th and 31st.

Monthly maximum counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

86 54 4 1 2 56 101 200 1 10 24 51

TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula

No breeding records this year.

Monthly maximum counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

86 63 69 60 9 26 93 193 48 70 109 200


One on February 14th, 15th and 16th.


One on December 13th and 20th.

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


GOLDENEYE Bucephala clangula

In January a male was present on the 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th. In February a female was present

on the 22nd and 2 females were then present on March 4th. Two females on October 15th were

the first returning birds and in November a male and two females were present on 15 dates. In

December two males and two females were noted on the 5th and 6th and a male was present on

the 13th and a female on the 26th.

Monthly maximum counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

1 1 2 – – – – – – 2 3 4

SMEW Mergellus albellus

A male was present for 90 minutes on December 27th, the first at the reservoir since 2001.

SMEW Mergus albellus

A pair was present on March 8th, the second year running this species has been seen at the



On April 13th a male took off at 10.43, returned at 10.54 before flying off again at 14.15.

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


GOOSANDER Mergus merganser

Three records this year, a male was present on January 3rd, a male was present for 30 minutes on

February 15th and on December 20th a male circled the reservoir but did not land.

RUDDY DUCK Oxyura jamaicensis

A brood of four was noted on July 25th with two juveniles still present on August 23rd but down

to one by the end of August. Incredibly a half grown duckling was seen on December 21st. As the

table shows 30 birds were present on November 8th but this was down to 11 on the 28th the day

after a cull but was up to 20 by December 13th.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

50 56 18 13 2 1 1 16 20 21 30 20

LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis

A total of 10 broods this year. First brood of two on June 10th, brood of three on the 14th, brood

of two on the 24th and brood of three on the 30th. In July a brood on the 2nd, a brood of three

on the 6th and broods of one and two chicks on the 23rd. Two broods in August with the last one

emerging on the 30th.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

25 15 20 12 7 7 14 24 36 30 20 29

GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus

Ten broods this year. A brood of three was noted on June 6th with a second brood later in the

month, there were then four more broods in July and four in August with the last brood first being

seen on the 29th. The October count includes adults and juveniles.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

11 13 14 16 15 24 33 43 43 31 23 23

CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo

Recorded in every month of the year. Two adults were seen displaying on March 29th. The April

count includes seven birds flying over.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

7 8 5 10 4 2 6 8 10 8 12 10

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


BITTERN Botaurus stellaris

One was seen flying into the southeast reed bed at 10.10am on December 27th. This species was

last seen at the reservoir in 2003.

GREY HERON Ardea cinerea

In January one on the 1st and 15th. In February one on the 1st, 7th and 14th. In March two on the

15th and 24th while in April one on the 12th and 19th. In May two on the 13th and 30th and one

on the 31st. In June one on the 14th and 4 on the 28th and a good record of seven on the 30th. In

July four on the 1st and one on the 28th. In August one on the 1st, three on the 7th, four on the

8th and one on the 9th. In September three on the 20th and two on the 26th. In October two on

the 2nd and 8th, one on the 11th and 25th and two on the 31st. In November three on the 7th

and one on the 8th and 15th. In December two on the 5th and two on the 20th.

Maximum monthly counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

1 1 2 --- 2 7 4 4 3 2 3 2

RED KITE Milvus milvus

Six records this year. In March one on the 15th and 22nd, in April one over reservoir on the 4th,

one east of the reserve on the 8th and over north bank on the 26th. The last record of the year was

of one over the castle heath on September 20th.

SPARROWHAWK Accipiter nisus

Seen throughout the year. A pair bred with an adult seen carrying prey into the north pines on July

14th, a juvenile male ringed on August 23rd and two possible juveniles noted along the north bank

on October 18th. An adult was seen chasing a Ring-necked Parakeet on March 18th and one was

seen chasing a Green Woodpecker on August 23rd. Highest count was of three birds on August

9th and 22nd.

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009



No breeding this year. There were no reports for January and a single bird on February 3rd was the

first sighting of the year and birds were then seen regularly throughout the month and the rest of

the year with three on February 21st and four on the 27th. In March four on the 1st and then four

on the 7th seen displaying over the southeast woods and then four again on the 29th. In April five

on the 14th, three on the 18th and 24th and eight seen soaring over the Shenley area on the 26th.

In May three on the 3rd, four on the 9th and three again on the 23rd and 31st. No more than

two together seen in June and one was seen carrying a rabbit on the 11th. In July singles seen on

several dates and in August 3 adults and a juvenile were seen on the 8th and 9th. In September

five on the 10th and 20th and seven on the 24th. Five birds were seen on October 1st with three

on the 8th and 10th, four on the 12th and 13th and three on the 31st. Single sightings were then

noted throughout November and December.

OSPREY Pandion haliaetus

On September 1st one flew in from the north and then off NNW at 13.15 being in view for just six


KESTREL Falco tinnunculus

Recorded throughout the year. At least two chicks were noted on March 31st. Five birds were seen

on the dam on August 28th. One was seen plucking a juvenile Blue Tit on May 24th.

HOBBY Falco subbuteo

Birds were seen on 31 days this year, two more than last year. First record of the year was of three

on May 10th, one was then seen on the 12th and 23rd, two on the 24th and one chasing a Swift

over the dam on the 30th. Seen on four dates in June with two on the 2nd, a single on four dates

in July with one on the dam on the 29th. Recorded on 10 dates in August with two on the 3rd,

four adults on the 16th, two on the 17th, a juvenile on the 30th and an adult and juvenile on the

31st. Recorded on eight dates in September with three on the 6th and two on the 8th, 12th and

13th. The last record of the year was of a single bird on September 18th.

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PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus

Recorded on six days this year. In February one flew over north on the 7th, a juvenile was on the

SE pylon on the 16th and an adult with prey was on the SE pylon on the 26th. An adult flew in

from the north and headed off south on May 9th and one was on the dam before flying off being

mobbed by two Hobbies on June 2nd and in August one, possibly a juvenile, was beyond the ENE



Two on the north bank on March 22nd. Outside of the reservoir two were on Pages Farm on April


PHEASANT Phasianus colchicus

Resident with proof of breeding again this year with one large young bird being seen with two

adults on July 26th. The only other records received were of two birds on April 12th and 19th, five

birds on May 25th, three males seen on August 3rd, one on October 4th with five on the 11th and

one on November 15th and six birds present on 21st.

WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus

In January four were noted on the 3rd with one by the boathouse, two by the east fountain and

one by the hide and then one was noted on the north bank on the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th,

and two on the 18th on the north bank and in NE bay. One was by the boathouse on February 1st

and the last first winter record was of one on the north bank on March 4th. The first returning bird

was by the hide on October 25th and in November two were by the hide on the 7th, one in the

main reed bed on the 8th and one at north end of dam on the 28th. In December one was by the

hide on the 19th, 20th and 22nd.

MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus

Three broods this year. A brood of four noted on June 22nd and another brood of four on the 27th

and a brood of three noted on July 29th.

Monthly maximum counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

9 3 3 7 3 5 5 10 14 20 4+ 7

COOT Fulica atra

A total of 11 broods this year, seven hatched in May and four in June. A bird with a colour ring KJ

was noted on May 8th and 15th.

Monthly maximum counts:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

334 300 111 72 80 121 250 247 254 212 214 182

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AVOCET Recurvirostra avosetta

One was present for the morning of March 1st. This species was last seen at the reservoir in 2004.

RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula

A juvenile was on the dam on August 6th and another bird of unspecified age was seen flying from

the dam on October 18th.

LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius

The first record of the year was of a single bird on March 29th with two then present on the 30th.

There were no records in April. In May singles on the 5th, 7th and 28th, in June one on the 1st,

two on the 27th and one again on the 29th, in July one from the 4th until the 7th and two adults

and a juvenile present on the 16th.

GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis apricaria

Eleven flew over heading south on January 4th.

LAPWING Vanellus vanellus

Four were on the frozen reservoir on January 6th, 36 flew over on the 13th, 14 on the 14th and

30 on the 18th, in February 51 flew over on the 1st and 64 on the 8th, in March 10 flew over on

the 1st, three on the 8th and five on the 15th, in May three on the 2nd, two on the 9th. Four were

on the dam on July 2nd, ten on the 4th, 14 on the 5th and two on the 25th, three flew over on

October 28th and finally eight flew west on November 8th.

DUNLIN Calidris alpina

A welcome return after no confirmed sightings last year with a single seen on July 16th and three

juveniles on the dam for 30 minutes on August 10th.

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


COMMON SNIPE Gallinago gallinago

Four records this year. One was in the east bay on January 31st and one was by the hide on

February 3rd. In the second winter period one was by the hide on October 13th and four were seen

on December 19th with one feeding along the ENE bank and three seen flying into the main reed


WOODCOCK Scolopax rusticola

In January one was in the north pines on the 1st and 17th with one in ESE woods also on the 17th

and one was in open grassland behind the SE bay on the 24th. In February one was in the ESE

woods on the 3rd and 7th, one was seen flying west along the dam on the 21st and one was seen

on the 23rd. The last first winter period record was of two birds on March 21st with one flushed

from the NE bay and one at the edge of the east bay. In November one was in the north pines on

the 28th and again in December on the 12th and 18th and one was at the edge of the SE woods

on December 26th.

REDSHANK Tringa tetanus

Eight records as follows, in March two on the 20th, one on the 21st, 22nd, 24th, two on the 27th

with one of the birds having an ankle ring and one on the 29th. In June one on the 14th and two

on the 18th.

GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia

One was seen circling the reservoir on July 22nd.

GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus

One was on the dam on June 22nd and one flew over on August 7th.

COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos

Recorded on 41 days this year. The first of the year was a single bird present on April 18th with one

also seen on April 25th. Regularly seen throughout May with three on the 7th, five on the 8th and

four on the 13th. A single bird was seen on June 20th. Regularly seen throughout July with five on

the 4th, two on the 16th and 21st and four on the 24th. In August one on the 1st, five on the 3rd

and 6th and three on the 7th and one seen later in the month. The last bird of the year was seen

on September 30th.

KITTIWAKE Rissa tridactyla

An adult was present for just three minutes on March 25th.

MEDITERRANEAN GULL Ichthyaetus melanocephalus

Recorded on 21 days this year, just one day less than last year. In January an adult on the 2nd, in

February one on the 15th, 20th, 21st and 27th with at least two birds involved. One on March

1st was the last first winter period record. A juvenile was present on August 7th and 12th, in

September a juv/1st winter on the 12th and 17th with a juv/1st winter and a 2nd winter present

on the 27th. In October an adult on the 8th, a 1st winter on the 10th and 16th, an adult and a 1st

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winter on the 17th and an adult on the 21st and 31st. In November a single adult on the 14th and

two on the 22nd. In December an adult on the 23rd and 28th.

LITTLE GULL Hydrocoloeus minutus

Ten birds, consisting of nine adults and a single 1st winter, on April 6th was the only record of the


BLACK-HEADED GULL Chroicocephalus ridibundus

Counts received were as follows, 5000 in roost on February 2nd, 60 present on April 13th, seven

on May 25th and 31st. In June four were present on the 6th and 20 on the 29th. In July 87 were

present on the 10th, rising to 120 on the 22nd and then 500 roosting on the 28th. On August

15th 1000 were in the roost, with 5000 counted on September 18th and 8000 on October 18th.

The first juvenile was noted on June 27th. A white adult was seen on three dates in January, eight

dates February, two dates in March the last date being the 13th. Then in August a white bird was

seen on the 2nd and on four other dates in the month, five dates in September then three dates

in November and on December 22nd. A leucistic adult was seen on January 6th and February 18th

and 22nd. A white adult with black primary tips was present from October 4th until the 25th and

this bird was joined by another white adult with brown primary tips on October 21st.

COMMON GULL Larus canus

Records received were of single adults on June 8th and July 30th and two adults on August 7th and

a juvenile on August 16th. Roost counts received were of 500 on February 7th, 100 on September

18th, 80 on September 26th and 500 on October 18th.


The following counts were received, 300 plus were roosting on March 20th, 32 were present on

April 26th, 32 again on May 24th, 41 on June 29th, 54 on July 31st, 200 plus on August 31st and

421 on September 9th.

HERRING GULL Larus argentatus

On February 24th 279 were in the roost with 397 on March 13th. In April five on the 24th, in May

seven on the 3rd and 24th, in June seven on the 20th and 29th, in July seven on the 1st and 13th.

In August 128 were counted on the 19th, in September 173 on the 18th and in October 277 on

the 25th. A bird of the race argentatus was present on October 10th.

YELLOW-LEGGED GULL Larus michahellis

An adult was present on January 17th and March 7th. The next record was of a 3rd year bird on

August 12th and also in August a juvenile on the 14th and a juvenile and 3rd year bird on the 16th.

A juvenile was again present on September 6th and single adults were present on October 4th and


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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009



Four records this year. Nine on January 24th with four adults and five 1st winters, a juvenile in the

roost on August 13th, a 1st winter on December 29th and six on December 30th consisting of

three adults, two juveniles and a 1st winter.

SANDWICH TERN Thalasseus sandvicensis

One on April 25th was present from 15.09 until 15.13 when it headed of south. This species was

last seen at the reservoir in 2005.

COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo

One on April 5th was the first of the year followed by two on the 14th and 25 on the 25th. In

May the highest count was of 18 birds on the 25th. A total of 10 broods this year with the first

two broods noted on June 6th and the last hatched on July 22nd. One pair was noted to have

an infertile egg while another pair had three chicks with one of them noted on its back dying. In

August 11 came in at dusk on the 27th, 20 at dusk on the 30th and nine again at dusk on the

31st. The last record received was of nine at dusk on September 6th.

ARCTIC TERN Sterna paradisaea

Two records this year, a single bird on April 15th and two on May 8th.

BLACK TERN Chlidonias niger

Six were present on May 13th.

FERAL PIGEON Columba livia

Regularly seen flying over the reserve.

STOCK DOVE Columba oenas

Records received were as follows, three over on January 1st with 6 seen on the 11th, four on

February 14th and in March four on the 7th, three on the 23rd and 46 seen flying over on the 24th

and a single on the 29th. Two were seen on April 12th, one on May 31st and in July two on the

12th and 28th. In October two on the 4th and one on the 11th.

WOOD PIGEON Columba palumbus

The only counts received were of 150 on February 7th and 40 on August 1st. Breeding was noted

on the north bank.

RING-NECKED PARAKEET Psittacula krameri

An increase in records once again with sightings on 36 days this year with birds seen on 19 days

last year. In January two on the 1st, one on 4th, two on 6th and one on 17th, in February two

in castle grounds on 15th, two on west bank on 18th, 1 near castle on 21st and one on 24th, in

March one on 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th and one eating poplar catkins on the 24th. In April six in north

bank conifers on the 5th, and singles seen on the 12th, 14th and 26th, in May one on the 9th,

four on 15th and one on 25th. There was then a break in records with no more being seen until

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August when one flew over on the 9th. In September two on the 13th and 22nd, eight on 23rd

and two on 27th. In October two on 4th and 13th, one on 17th, nine on 18th and two on 28th. In

November four on 15th and two on 28th and in December one on 5th and two on the 18th, 20th

and 22nd.

MONK PARAKEET Myiopsitta monachus

Three records this year. In April one was heard near the northeast owl box on the 11th and three

were seen on the north bank on the 12th. A single bird was then noted on May 21st. The only

other record for Hilfield was of one on June 3rd 2005.

CUCKOO Cuculus canorus

One was in the north pines on April 29th and one was in an Oak tree near the pond on May 23rd.

BARN OWL Tyto alba

One was seen in the boathouse on January 20th. There was a run of records in February with one

on the north bank on the 7th and two seen on the 8th, one on the south bank and one on the east

north east bank and then one seen again on east north east bank on the 14th, 15th and 20th. One

was in the same area again on March 6th.

LITTLE OWL Athene noctua

In March a single bird was seen on 14th, 15th, 18th and 20th with a pair on the 21st, 22nd and

25th. A single bird was seen again on April 1st and 3rd. Later in the year one was heard calling

close to the dam steps on October 16th and then one was heard on December 7th along the castle


TAWNY OWL Strix aluco

In January one was present at TQ1496 on the 17th, 24th and 31st. In February one was in box

TQ19N on the 3rd and two eggs were noted on the 10th but with no bird and there was just one

egg on the 14th but again no bird was seen. In April a male and female were heard calling in the

NE woods on the 11th and 13th. In July one was in the SE woods on the 19th and one was in the

NE woods on the 27th and finally one was heard hooting on September 13th.


The first record of the year was of 40 birds on April 25th and then 150 were present on May 15th,

250 on the 26th and 500 on the 27th. In June 200 were present on the 5th and 6th with 100 on

the 25th. One was seen on August 22nd.

KINGFISHER Alcedo atthis

Recorded on 12 dates this year. Two were seen together by the hide on June 13th. In July singles on

the 5th and 28th. In August single birds on the 7th and 9th, in September on the 6th and 27th, in

October on the 16th and 27th, in November on the 8th and in December on the 12th and 24th.

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Resident, recorded throughout the year. Occasional juveniles seen on the dam wall.


Resident, recorded throughout the year. A first year bird caught on October 4th.

SKYLARK Alauda arvensis

Apart from single birds from the aerodrome in spring, there were the following records: eight on

October 4th, five on the 13th and 19 low over the water on the 23rd. Finally there were 44 north,

low over the water on December 22nd.

SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia

The first birds of the year were two on March 14th and then 26 on the 31st. In May 20 were

counted on the 4th In the autumn there were circa 25 on September 16th, the last record of the


SWALLOW Hirundo rustica

Two birds on March 24th and twelve on the 29th were the first records of the year. There were

circa 40 on April 27th and circa 100 on May 5th. In July there were 10 on the 30th and in August

seven on the 20th. Fifteen on September 16th was the last record.

HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbica

Twenty-five birds on April 10th were the first of the year and then there were 40 on the 27th. In

May there were twenty on the 4th. Fifty were present on June 5th. Eighty on August 1st were the

last birds recorded in 2009.

MEADOW PIPIT Anthus pratensis

In January there were 11 on the 6th and 10 on the 10th. In February there was a single bird on the

8th. There were four records in March, the highest being nine on the 29th.

No birds were recorded then until 12 on September 23rd then circa 30 on the 27th when 15

were caught and then 11 on the 30th. In October there were circa 12 on the 4th when four were

caught. In December there were three on the 18th and one on the 19th.

ROCK PIPIT Anthus petrosus

One on September 20th and one feeding on the dam on October 22nd.

YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava

Four records this year with single birds on April 5th,11th and 19th and a juvenile on the dam on

September 13th.

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GREY WAGTAIL Motacilla cinerea

Seen regularly with one or two birds recorded in every month except April and August. An adult

with two juveniles was recorded on June 16th and 17th.

PIED WAGTAIL Motacilla alba yarrellii

Resident. One was seen nest building on March 29th and then feeding young on April 22nd. Four

fledged juveniles were seen on May 7th. Six were counted on May 28th and 23 on July 12th.

WHITE WAGTAIL Motacilla alba alba

Single on April 5th.Then singles on September 9th, 10th,11th, 12th, 23rd, 26th and 30th and two

birds on 5th, 6th, 7th and 13th.

WREN Troglodytes troglodytes

Resident. Eighteen juveniles were caught between June 13th and August 23rd.

DUNNOCK Prunella modularis

Resident. Thirty juveniles were caught between June13th and August 23rd.

ROBIN Erithacus rubecula

Resident. Good breeding success. Forty juveniles caught between May 24th and August 23rd.

STONECHAT Saxicola torquata

A single bird on October 3rd.

BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros

One female on May 16th.

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WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe

Nineteen records this year with one on March 22nd and singles on five dates in April. In the

autumn 1-3 birds were recorded on five dates in August and seven dates in September. A male was

ringed on September 27th. One last bird was recorded on October 10th.

BLACKBIRD Turdus merula

Resident. No significant counts. Eight juveniles caught between May 15th and August 23rd.

FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris

Recorded from January 4th to March 23rd and from October13th to December 30th. Never more

than single figures except on January 4th when 14 were recorded.

SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos

Resident. Eighteen were seen on October 18th including 10 in one bush. Five juveniles caught

between May 15th and August 23rd.

REDWING Turdus iliacus

Recorded in February, October and December only. The maximum was 133 over on October 13th.

MISTLE THRUSH Turdus viscivorus

One seen on January 11th, then none until May 9th and then seen regularly until October 8th.

Maxima noted were five on September 30th and October 8th. Three on June 6th were possibly a

family party.

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SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

A singing male was found on April 10th with two further males in May and a female in July. Six

first-year birds were caught between August 2nd and August 23rd. There was no definite proof of

breeding this year.

REED WARBLER Acrocephalus scipaceus

One on April 12th in the main reed bed was the first bird to arrive. Fifty-one juveniles were ringed

between June 28th and August 3rd. The last record was one by the boathouse on October 18th.


The first for the year, a singing male, was on April 19th. There were two more records in April, two

in May, none in June and July and two in August. No Lesser Whitethroats were caught this year and

there was no proof of breeding, though the few records were from all round the reserve.

WHITETHROAT Sylvia communis

One on April 26th was the first for the year. Twenty-nine juveniles were ringed between May 24th

and August 23rd.


Recorded from May 2nd to July 26th. At least five males were singing on June 5th. Only one

juvenile was ringed, on August 9th.

BLACKCAP Sylvia atricapilla

First bird of the year was seen on April 12th. The last record of the year was on October 13th. Fifty-

four juveniles were caught between May 24th and August 23rd.

CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita

Recorded from March 13th to October 4th. Ten were present on March 21st and April 5th. An

adult was feeding young on May 24th. Sixteen juveniles were ringed between May 24th and

August 23rd.

WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus

In April three were present on the 3rd and singles were recorded on the 12th and 15th. One was

heard on June 7th singing by the boathouse. Eight were trapped during August.

GOLDCREST Regulus regulus

A poor year. Birds were caught in August, October, November and December. Only one juvenile

was caught in the May to August period.

FIRECREST Regulus ignicapillus

A singing male was located on March 14th. A first-year female was trapped on November 8th near

the north pines.

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LONG-TAILED TIT Aegithalos caudatus

A poor year, only ten new birds were caught through the whole year. Eight juveniles caught during

CES ringing.

MARSH TIT Poecile palustris

Two records on July 26th and 27th when one was calling in the south east woods.

COAL TIT Periparus ater

Nine records this year. Two on January 4th then a singing male on March 7th. Then two on June

28th and October 18th and single birds on August 4th, October 4th, November 8th and 15th and

on December 24th.

BLUE TIT Cyanistes caeruleus

Resident, breeds in good numbers around the reserve; 229 nestlings were ringed from the


GREAT TIT Parus major

Resident. Breeds in good numbers around the reserve; 101 nestlings were ringed from the


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NUTHATCH Sitta europaea

Sixteen records across all months except June, September and November. Two on January 6th, a

male on February 22nd and a female on March 15th.

TREECREEPER Certhia familiaris

Nine records this year including two birds seen on March 15th. Juveniles were caught on July 26th

and August 16th.

JAY Garrulus glandarius

Resident that is no doubt under recorded. Small parties often heard.

MAGPIE Pica pica

Resident. Nine birds were noted on October 19th.

JACKDAW Corvus monedula

Nine records with high counts of 20 on September 20th, and on October 6th.

CARRION CROW Corvus corone

Resident, breeding locally. Two to four regularly seen around the dam.

STARLING Sturnus vulgaris

Only four records. Fifteen on March 23rd, 200 on October 21st and November 7th and 8th were

seen going to roost in the main reed bed.

CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs

Resident. Under recorded. Twenty were coming to seed provided under the limes near the main

gates on October 14th, where they were regularly seen. Four juveniles were trapped in the May to

August period.

GREENFINCH Carduelis chloris

Resident. Not a common bird at Hilfield. The only record received was of one on July 30th.

GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis

Resident. Eleven records. 20 on September 7th and 14th.

SISKIN Carduelis spinus

Recorded on nine days this year, between January and April, and October and December, with a

maximum of seven on December 24th.

LINNET Carduelis cannabina

Twenty dropped onto the dam on September 27th and a single bird was present on October 13th.

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LESSER REDPOLL Carduelis caberet

Seven records, all single figures, on February 21st, April 5th and then October through December

with a maximum of six on December 18th.

BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Resident. Regularly seen in the north bank scrub and along the southern edge of the reservoir. Two

juveniles were seen during May to August period.

REED BUNTING Emberiza shoeniclus

Resident. One or two on five dates. Four (three females and one male) on April 5th.Two juveniles

caught in May to August period.


BAR-HEADED GOOSE Anser indicus

In June one was present on the 4th, 7th, 8th and 11th.

BAHAMA PINTAIL Anas bahamensis

A female was seen feeding along the dam on July 11th.

Mark McManus and Peter Delaloye

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Year 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 Last seen

Mute Swan Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Bewick’s Swan Y Y Y Y

Whooper Swan Y Y Y

White-fr. Goose Y Y Y

Greylag Goose Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Canada Goose Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Brent Goose Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Egyptian Goose Y Y Y Y

Shelduck Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mandarin Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Wigeon Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Gadwall Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Teal Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mallard Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Pintail Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Garganey Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Blue-winged Teal Y

Shoveler Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Red-crested Pochard Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Pochard Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Ring-necked Duck Y

Ferruginous Duck 1961

Tufted Duck Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Scaup Y Y Y

Eider 1963

Long-tailed Duck 1985

Common Scoter Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Velvet Scoter 1976

Goldeneye Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Smew Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Red-br. Merganser Y Y Y

Goosander Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Ruddy Duck Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

White-headed Duck Y Y Y

Red-legged Partridge Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Grey Partridge 1960

Pheasant Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Red-throated Diver 1965

Black-throated Diver 1967

Great Northern Diver Y Y Y

Little Grebe Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

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Year 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 Last seen

Great Crested Grebe Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Red-necked Grebe Y Y Y

Slavonian Grebe Y Y Y

Black-necked Grebe Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Leach’s Petrel 1983

Cormorant Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Shag Y Y

Bittern Y Y Y Y Y Y

Little Egret Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Grey Heron Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Honey Buzzard Y Y

Red Kite Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Marsh Harrier Y Y

Sparrowhawk Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Buzzard Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Osprey Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Kestrel Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Merlin 1979

Hobby Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Peregrine Y Y Y Y Y

Water Rail Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Spotted Crake 1967

Moorhen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Coot Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Oystercatcher Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Avocet Y Y

Little Ringed Plover Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Ringed Plover Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Golden Plover Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Grey Plover Y Y

Lapwing Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Knot Y

Sanderling Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Little Stint Y Y

Curlew Sandpiper Y

Dunlin Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Ruff Y

Jack Snipe Y

Snipe Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Woodcock Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Black-tailed Godwit 1987

Bar-tailed Godwit Y Y

Whimbrel Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Curlew Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

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Year 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 Last seen

Spotted Redshank Y

Redshank Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Greenshank Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Green Sandpiper Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Wood Sandpiper Y

Spotted Sandpiper 1956

Common Sandpiper Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Turnstone Y Y Y Y

Grey Phalarope Y Y

Long-tailed Skua 1988

Mediterranean Gull Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Laughing Gull Y

Little Gull Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Sabine’s Gull 1988

Black-headed Gull Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Common Gull Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Lesser Black-b. Gull Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Herring Gull Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Yellow-legged Gull Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Glaucous Gull 1980

Great Black-b. Gull Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Kittiwake Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Sandwich Tern Y Y Y Y Y Y

Common Tern Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Arctic Tern Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Little Tern Y Y Y

Black Tern Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

White-w. Black Tern 1970

Little Auk Y

Feral Pigeon Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Stock Dove Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Wood Pigeon Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Collared Dove Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Turtle Dove Y Y

Ring-n. Parakeet Y Y Y Y Y

Cuckoo Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Barn Owl Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Little Owl Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Tawny Owl Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Short-eared Owl Y Y

Swift Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Alpine Swift 1990

Kingfisher Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Hoopoe 1973

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Year 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 Last seen

Green Woodpecker Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Great Sp. Woodp. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Lesser Sp. Woodp. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Woodlark 1955

Skylark Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Sand Martin Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Swallow Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Red-rump. Swallow Y

House Martin Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Tree Pipit Y Y

Meadow Pipit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Rock Pipit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Water Pipit 1992




Grey Wagtail Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Pied/White Wagtail Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Waxwing Y

Wren Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Dunnock Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Robin Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Black Redstart Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Redstart Y Y Y Y

Whinchat Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Stonechat Y Y Y Y Y Y

Wheatear Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Ring Ouzel 1993

Blackbird Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Fieldfare Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Song Thrush Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Redwing Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mistle Thrush Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Cetti’s Warbler Y

Grassh. Warbler Y Y Y

Aquatic Warbler 1960

Sedge Warbler Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Reed Warbler Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Lesser Whitethroat Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Whitethroat Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Garden Warbler Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Blackcap Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Wood Warbler Y

Chiffchaff Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Willow Warbler Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

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Year 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 Last seen

Goldcrest Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Firecrest Y Y Y Y

Spotted Flycatcher Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Pied Flycatcher Y

Bearded Tit 1974

Long-tailed Tit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Marsh Tit Y 1973

Willow Tit Y

Coal Tit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Blue Tit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Great Tit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Nuthatch Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Treecreeper Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Golden Oriole 1984

Red-backed Shrike 1965

Great Grey Shrike 1970

Jay Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Magpie Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Jackdaw Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Rook Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Carrion Crow Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Starling Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

House Sparrow Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Tree Sparrow 1987

Chaffinch Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Brambling Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Serin 1973

Greenfinch Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Goldfinch Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Siskin Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Linnet Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Lesser Redpoll Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Crossbill Y Y Y Y

Bullfinch Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Hawfinch 1982

Snow Bunting 1978

Yellowhammer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Cirl Bunting 1959

Little Bunting 1960

Reed Bunting Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Corn Bunting 1984

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Year 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 Last seen


Black Swan Y

Snow Goose Y

Pink-footed Goose 1993

Barnacle Goose Y Y Y

Bar-headed Goose Y Y Y Y

Argentine Bluebill Y Y

Ruddy Shelduck Y Y

Bahama Pintail Y

Marbled Teal Y

Grey-headed Gull Y Y

Monk Parakeet Y Y

Grey Cockatiel Y Y Y

Cockatiel Y

Parakeet Sp. Y Y

Double-barred Finch Y

Bob Cripps

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009



Annual summary 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

New birds ringed 846 837 951 794 1066

No. of species 37 30 36 32 35

No. of pulli 172 272 276 254 330

No. of retraps 443 260 457 331 417

The Constant Effort Site programme was completed successfully.

There was no new species ringed in 2009. The number of species caught was about average for


Pulli ringed in 2009 were again restricted to Blue and Great Tits with 229 and 101 respectively.

However, this was one of the highest totals ever of ringed pulli at Hilfield.

Ringing totals as an indication of population changes between 1998 and 2008

Species 1998 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Song Thrush 4 5 4 11 12 19 8 25

Sedge Warbler 34 19 34 16 7 5 1 9

Reed Warbler 91 9 85 107 85 50 59 85

Lesser Whitethroat 11 4 6 5 10 6 2 0

Whitethroat 26 8 34 25 33 12 9 38

Garden Warbler 14 6 10 6 6 12 6 4

Blackcap 88 40 62 78 51 60 54 79

Chiffchaff 52 87 43 62 21 43 28 34

Willow Warbler 19 12 8 19 12 7 4 8

Goldcrest 11 12 19 5 7 25 17 7

Long Tailed Tit 28 13 54 6 32 47 60 10

Reed Bunting 18 5 9 11 8 10 4 5

Overall Total 396 220 368 351 284 296 252 304

Song Thrush Definitely increasing at Hilfield, probably helped by the arrival of wintering birds

in the autumn.

Sedge Warbler Would appear to be a spring and autumn visitor only.

Reed Warbler They would appear to be increasing in line with the increase in phragmites

Lesser Whitethroat None caught and few recorded this year.

Whitethroat Fluctuates, but now on an up with one of our highest totals for this species.

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Garden Warbler Fluctuates but may be decreasing.

Blackcap Highest ringing total in seven years. Vies with Reed Warbler for position as

commonest warbler.

Chiffchaff Fluctuates but probably steady.

Willow Warbler Numbers were considerably less than in 1998. Possibly no longer breeding.

Goldcrest Numbers have appeared to drop this year.

Long-tailed Tit It was a very poor year for catching new birds – probably a poor breeding

season. However retraps suggest a fair adult survival.

Bullfinch Still holding its own at Hilfield.

Reed Bunting Hanging on but not increasing in what should be a good habitat.

Large areas of grass previously mowed annually have not been mowed for several years and the Oak

and bramble scrub continues to invade large areas of unmowed grass. This is becoming quite rank

and we appear to be losing quite a few meadow flowers such as Lady’s Smock and Ragged Robin.

Ringing totals

2009 1994-2009

Species Adults Pulli Adults Pulli

Mute Swan 23

Wigeon 16

Teal 3

Mallard 48

Ruddy Duck 3

Sparrowhawk 1 6

Kestrel 3 40

Water Rail 3 28

Moorhen 2 69

Coot 104

Dunlin 1

Common Sandpiper 1 13

Common Tern 39

Stock Dove 10

Woodpigeon 1 10

Cuckoo 1

Little Owl 1 14

Tawny Owl 1 2

Swift 158

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2009 1994-2009

Species Adults Pulli Adults Pulli

Kingfisher 47

Green Woodpecker 13

Great Sp. Woodpecker 4 18

Sand Martin 6

Swallow 6

House Martin 21

Meadow Pipit 19 92

Grey Wagtail 6

Pied Wagtail 1 3 4

Wren 21 438 16

Dunnock 38 330

Robin 49 411

Wheatear 1 3

Black Redstart 1

Redstart 1

Stonechat 1

Blackbird 27 242

Song Thrush 25 125

Redwing 9

Grasshopper Warbler 1

Cetti’s Warbler 1

Sedge Warbler 9 311

Reed Warbler 85 1146 6

Lesser Whitethroat 82

Whitethroat 38 187

Garden Warbler 4 112

Blackcap 79 754

Chiffchaff 34 624

Willow Warbler 8 191

Goldcrest 7 188

Firecrest 1 2

Spotted Flycatcher 1

Pied Flycatcher 1

Long-tailed Tit 10 510

Coal Tit 2 37 9

Blue Tit 130 229 1246 1761

Great Tit 101 101 929 710

Treecreeper 2 34

Nuthatch 2 3

Jay 2 53

Magpie 1 13

Carrion Crow 1

Starling 54

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2009 1994-2009

Species Adults Pulli Adults Pulli

Chaffinch 15 64

Brambling 1

Greenfinch 1 12

Goldfinch 1 59

Siskin 35

Linnet 4

Lesser Redpoll 9

Bullfinch 7 73

Reed Bunting 5 217 5

Total 736 254 9226 2616

Controls and recoveries

The recoveries and controls are arranged by species, with ringing details on the first line and

recovery data on the second.

‘Controlled’ indicates that a bird has been deliberately re-caught and a ‘sight record’ is where the

ring number has been read in the field.

The following codes have been used:

Age when ringed:

1. pullus (nestling or chick)

3. Hatched during calendar year of ringing, 3J. In juvenile plumage

5. Hatched during previous calendar year

4. Hatched before calendar year of ringing, but exact year unknown

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6. Hatched before previous calendar year, but exact year unknown

Sex M = Male, F = Female

Canada Goose 5229289 29.06.2004 R. Thames, Hurst Park, Gt London

SSI-orange Sight record 07.10.2009 Hilfield Park Res, Herts

Pochard DA262687 27.10.2006 Sainte-Philbert-Dee-Grand-Lieu

Blue nasal saddle-A4D Male France

Sight record 26.05.2009 Hilfield Park Res, Herts

Robin V081494 3J 20.05.2007 Hilfield Park Res, Herts

Controlled 6 29.01.2009 Minet, Hayes, Greater London

620 days 18 km. Dir 196 deg

Reed Warbler V324034 3 09.09.2007 Northolt, Greater London

Controlled 3 15.08.2008 Hilfield Park Res, Herts

315 days 12 km. Dir 6 deg

Peter Delaloye

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SMALL SKIPPER Thymelicus sylvestris

This grassland species was noted from 27th June to August 1st and was described as common

during July.

LARGE SKIPPER Ochlodes venata

The first two of the season were seen on May 30th and subsequently numbers were somewhat

higher than in the previous year, with a best count of 15 on June 27th. The final sighting of a very

worn and faded specimen was on July 26th, so a very fresh and pristine individual found on August

1st could perhaps be a rare example of a second brood.

CLOUDED YELLOW Colias croceus

One in strong flight over the south bank grassland on August 8th was the only record for the year.

BRIMSTONE Gonepteryx rhamni

Spring and early summer sightings occurred on 13 dates between April 4th and June 14th, with

a best count of three on May 2nd. A single ovipositing female was seen on just one occasion.

Evidence of the new generation of the year was again disappointing, with just a female on August

6th and a male on the 16th.

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LARGE WHITE Pieris brassicae

A good year for this species with records on 15 dates from April 18th to August 22nd. Counts of

between one and four suddenly rocketed to 32 on July 18th and 12 were seen on two dates later

in the month.

SMALL WHITE Pieris rapae

One-two were noted on 12 dates between April 15th and September 24th. Higher counts

comprised at least ten on July 18th and four on September 12th.


Spring numbers were consistently better than average, with five-six on five dates between April

18th and May 9th. There were a further four records of one-four from June 7th to September 12th.

As ever though a lot of small Pierids in flight went unidentified.

ORANGE TIP Anthocharis cardamines

Numbers rose from one on April 15th to 22 on May 2nd, a marginal improvement on the previous

year. The final sighting was of one on May 31st.

PURPLE HAIRSTREAK Quercusia quercus

An abundant species of the Oak canopy, recorded between June 27th and July 26th. An evening

survey of much of the northern half of the reserve on July 16th resulted in a count of 72 between

19:08 and 20:06.

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Only two records were received, as usual from the Elms near the east fountain. At least 12 on June

27th and 20 on the 28th is a considerable improvement on the previous two years.

SMALL COPPER Lycaena phlaeas

A very good year for this species, with records on 35 dates between May 2nd and October 31st.

Monthly maxima were encouraging, as shown below. May 24th, 22. June 7th, two. July 18th, 17.

August 6th, seven. September 27th, 24. October 4th, seven.

BROWN ARGUS Aricia agestis

The spring brood records of one-two on eight dates between May 23rd and June 28th was a big

improvement on the previous year. Sightings of the second brood were limited to singles on three

August dates and also October 18th, an extremely late date.

COMMON BLUE Polyommatus icarus

With records on 24 dates between May 23rd and September 5th, the flight season was over a

month shorter than that of the previous year. Monthly maxima were May 24th, 32. June 20th, five.

July 18th, four. August 6th, 22. September 5th, four.

HOLLY BLUE Celastrina argiolus

Singles were seen on four dates between April 19th and May 30th. A female was observed

ovipositing on Alder Buckthorn on May 9th. There was no evidence of a second brood this year.

RED ADMIRAL Vanessa atalanta

One early specimen was seen on February 21st, but there was then a four month gap until the next

sighting. From June 20th to November one-three were noted on 12 dates, with a peak of six on

July 5th.

PAINTED LADY Cynthia cardui

2009 will long be remembered for the extra-ordinary scale of the late spring influx of this migratory

species, though the first three basking on concrete rubble on May 23rd gave little indication as

to what was to follow. The next day as early as 08:30 it was clear that exceptional numbers were

moving through the reserve. During two 20 minute counts, from 11:51 and 15:25, 37 and 48

respectively were seen flying north-west across the reservoir. The migration was just as strong at

17:00, by which time about a dozen had been observed ovipositing on Creeping Thistle.

On the 25th even greater numbers were streaming through, with a sample timed count of 74 in 20

minutes, again heading north-west, plus at least 50 nectaring or ovipositing around the reserve.

On the 26th a strong and cool north-north-east wind could not suppress the invasion, and a further

42 were observed battling across the water during a seven minute watch. On the 28th and 29th

numbers seem undiminished, now on a more northerly heading. Numbers slumped in June, with

a best count of just five on the 20th. The first freshly emerged home bred specimen was found on

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July 12th and numbers around the reserve rose to 12 on the 25th and 21 on August 1st.

On August 8th a huge southbound migration took place, an event reportedly little observed

elsewhere, and 112 were counted crossing the water during a 20 minute midday watch. Thereafter

up to four were seen on 16 dates, with the final sighting on October 23rd.


Yet another very poor year for this species. There were just two spring records, of one on April 5th

and three on the 19th. Summer brood sightings were limited to one on five dates between June

20th and July 4th.

PEACOCK Inachis io

Emergence from hibernation began on February 21st and numbers rose to impressive levels with

best counts of 42 on April 19th and over 30 on May 2nd. Fresh summer brood specimens were

noted from July 11th and soon built up to an exceptional 70 on the 18th. Numbers remained high

throughout the rest of July but after August 1st the species all but disappeared with just three

records of singles in September, the last being on the 24th.

COMMA Polygonia c-album

Recorded on an exceptional 30 dates between February 21st and September 27th. Numbers were

also generally very good and monthly maxima were February 21st, one. March 15th, ten. April

15th and 19th, four. May 2nd, 9th and 24th, one. June 27th, nine. July 18th, 12. August 6th, one.

September 12th, six.

SPECKLED WOOD Pararge aegeria

Recorded between April 15th and October 18th, with some higher than usual monthly maxima.

April 26th, 11. May 2nd, nine. June 6th and 20th, two. July 18th, four. August 29th, ten.

September 12th, 12. October 11th and 18th, one.

MARBLED WHITE Melanargia galathea

The first two on June 20th were, as ever, found near the boathouse at the north-west corner of

the reserve. Numbers in this area gradually climbed to a peak of 33 on July 5th. On this date an

incredible 84 at least were along the east-north-east bank and an additional 50 or so along the

south bank. The final individual was seen on August 2nd.

GATEKEEPER Pyronia tithonus

This species was noted from 4th July to August 22nd and described as abundant from mid-July to

August 1st.

MEADOW BROWN Maniola jurtina

Numbers climbed from one on June 14th to 139 on the 27th. The final record was of one on

August 23rd.

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RINGLET Aphantopus hyperantus

This elegant species strengthened its position very significantly, in population size and the number

of locations in which it could be found. The first record was of one along the castle grounds fence

on June 20th, rising to seven there on July 5th. On the same date nine were around the north bank

scrub, three behind the north-east bay, nine on the extensive east-north-east grassland, five behind

the east bay and four near the south-east bay. On July 11th a further eight were found along

the upper path of the south bank. The flight season appeared to be over by July 18th, until an

unexpected last sighting of one on August 2nd.

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Year 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Last seen

Small Skipper Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Essex Skipper Y Y Y

Large Skipper Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Clouded Yellow Y Y Y Y Y Y

Brimstone Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Large White Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Small White Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Green-veined White Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Orange Tip Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Purple Hairstreak Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

White-letter Hairstreak Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Small Copper Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Brown Argus Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Common Blue Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Holly Blue Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Red Admiral Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Painted Lady Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Small Tortoiseshell Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Peacock Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Comma Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Dark Green Fritillary Y

Speckled Wood Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Wall Brown 1993

Marbled White Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Gatekeeper Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Meadow Brown Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Small Heath Y Y Y

Ringlet Y Y Y Y

Key: Y = recorded in that year

Stephen Murray

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BANDED DEMOISELLE Calopteryx splendens

An exact repeat of the previous year, the only record concerned a single male at the south-west

corner of the reservoir, though nearly two months earlier on August 19th.

LARGE RED DAMSELFLY Pyrrhosoma nymphula

Following the first two on May 9th, the mini-ponds supported relatively good numbers for such

a tiny site. Mating and ovipositing pairs were seen whenever the weather was suitable, and the

highest count comprised 11 ovipositing pairs on May 31st. The final record was of two males on

June 27th.

RED-EYED DAMSELFLY Erythromma najas

Recorded from May 24th to August 31st, but numbers were inexplicably low throughout the

season. Most sightings involved just singles or at best two, with the exceptions of one mating pair

and four males on May 30th and six males on August 16th.

SMALL RED-EYED DAMSELFLY Erythromma viridulum

This miniscule relative of the previous species suffered an even worse decline with only three

records of single males on August 9th, 16th and 17th. These sightings were at the north-west and

south-west corners of the reservoir and probably involved just two individuals.

COMMON BLUE DAMSELFLY Enallagma cyathigerum

The first nine immatures were found on May 9th and by the end of the month thousands, still

largely immature, were around the reservoir margins. Throughout June and July bright blue mature

specimens were in great abundance all around the reservoir before numbers gradually dwindled to

the final individual on October 26th.


There was reasonable observer effort this year, but records comprised only singles seen on six dates

between May 30th and August 31st.


As ever the most abundant Hawker, this species was recorded between August 6th and October

11th, and was described as ‘common’ from the end of August to late September.


Records of one-two on ten dates between July 5th and September 12th represents a further

increase on the previous two years. However, there were no observations of breeding behaviour.

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BROWN HAWKER Aeshna grandis

Unlike the previous two years there were no double-figure counts, with the highest numbers being

six on July 12th and August 8th. Sightings on 14 dates between June 27th and September 5th was

encouraging, and single ovipositing females were seen on three August dates.


This majestic species was seen on 13 dates between May 30th and August 16th, with best counts

of four on May 31st and June 27th. Unusually there were no observations of ovipositing females.


A very welcome return of this rare migrant, with sightings of a single male at one location on June

14th, 27th, 29th, July 1st and 4th.

BROAD-BODIED CHASER Libellula depressa

Records on seven dates between May 23rd and June 29th represented a major improvement on

the previous two years. Two of the sightings related to basking females well away from breeding

habitat, but the rest occurred at tiny pools created by leaking water pipes. A territorial male was

present on five dates and an ovipositing female was seen on one occasion. Sadly their efforts were

all in vain as the pools dried to rock hard mud when repairs were made.

BLACK-TAILED SKIMMER Orthetrum cancellatum

The first record concerned a cluster of three mature males on May 30th. As the first two recently

emerged immatures were only seen a week later it seems likely that the former were migrants.

Maximum numbers occurred during late June but were significantly lower than in recent years. The

final record was of one on August 29th.

COMMON DARTER Sympetrum striolatum

Recorded in modest numbers from August 2nd to November 7th, with ovipositing pairs seen on

several dates.

RED-VEINED DARTER Sympetrum fonscolombii

Another good year for this scarce migrant, which has become something of a Hilfield speciality.

Two to probably three males were seen on May 25th, one to two on May 28th and one on the


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Year 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Last seen

Banded Demoiselle Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Emerald Damselfly Y

Large Red Damselfly Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Red-eyed Damselfly Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Small Red-eyed Damselfly Y Y Y Y Y

Azure Damselfly Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Common Blue Damselfly Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Blue-Tailed Damselfly Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Migrant Hawker Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Southern Hawker Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Brown Hawker Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Emperor Dragonfly Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Lesser Emperor Dragonfly Y Y Y

Hairy Dragonfly 1999?

Four-spotted Chaser Y Y Y Y

Broad-bodied Chaser Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Black-tailed Skimmer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Common Darter Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Ruddy Darter Y Y Y

Yellow-winged Darter 1995

Red-veined Darter Y Y Y


Y = recorded in that year.

Stephen Murray

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Small bat species

A small bat was recorded flying around the garages on the March 17th and 20th. These sightings

have previously been assigned to the Common Pipistrelle. However, in the year 2010, a bat survey

was carried out and three types of Pipistrelle were recorded along with six other species, therefore

previous records assigned to the Common Pipistrelle should now be withdrawn.

Northern Mole Talpa europaea

A dead adult and one dead young were found on the south bank on the June 10th. Another was

found dead on top of the snow on December 18th.

Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus

Local resident.

Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis

Local resident.

Brown Rat Rattus norvegicus

One record from the east bay on September 9th.

Red Fox Vulpes vulpes

Records for 25 days throughout the year, with young recorded on June 28th .

Muntjac Muntiacus reevesi

Thirty-three records this year with maxima of two seen on several dates, along with an adult and

juvenile in the south-east bay on September 20th.

Deer species

A fawn was seen on the June 24th but was believed not to be that of a Muntjac.


Smooth Newt Triturus vulgaris

Two Smooth Newts were found in the mini-ponds on the south bank on the July 4th.

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Newt species

A rather late record of a dead newt found on top of the steps on the December 24th.

Grass Snake Natrix natrix

The only record this year was on the 11th May on top of the steps.

Terrapin species

Two records of a singleton on August 19th when it was basking on the dam wall and the 23rd.

Bob Cripps

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This third year of moth trapping at Hilfield Park Reservoir, recorded a total of 202 species, of which

61 were new to the site. This brings the species list to 355 in total. As space is at a premium in this

issue of the Hilfield report, only these additional species are listed.

Of the larger moths recorded in 2009, again, none rank higher than ‘Local’ nationally. These

include species such as Scorched Wing Plagodis dolabraria, Rufous Minor Oligia versicolor, Crescent

Celaena leucostigma and Southern Wainscot Mythimna straminea. These last two being wetland


This year also added a few migrant species to the list, with examples of Diamond-back Moth

Plutella xylostella, Rush Veneer Nomophila noctuella, Dark Swordgrass Agrotis ipsilon, White-point

Mythimna albipuncta and Silver Y Autographa gamma all recorded.

Ten species were added to the list by recording larval mines on their foodplants. The pRDB3 species

Caloptilia falconipennella was recorded in numbers as leaf mines on the Alder trees on the path

near the public viewing platform. The species was first recorded in Hertfordshire in 2000 but has

been spreading ever since.

Rachel Terry

The attractive ‘micro’ moth Acleris literana, a pretty pale green and black moth which breeds on lichens on oak: this one was trapped in the reed-bed! It is a rare moth in Hertfordshire.

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Code Taxon Vernacular Qty. Date Method Stage

50 Stigmella aurella Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

67 Stigmella plagicolella Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

68 Stigmella salicis Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

73 Stigmella trimaculella Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

75 Stigmella floslactella Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

84 Stigmella ruficapitella Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

89 Stigmella basiguttella Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

152 Adela rufimitrella 9 15-May-09 Daytime observation


289 Caloptilia falconipennella Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

332 Phyllonorycter corylifoliella

Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

360 Phyllonorycter kleemannella

Present 18-Sep-09 Leaf mine Mine

385 Anthophila fabriciana 5 15-May-09 Daytime observation


424 Yponomeuta evonymella Bird-cherry Ermine

1 13-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


652 Alabonia geoffrella 1 15-May-09 Daytime observation


886 Mompha ochraceella 1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


994 Clepsis consimilana 1 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1002 Lozotaenia forsterana 2 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1032 Aleimma loeflingiana 32 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1048 Acleris variegana Garden Rose Tortrix

1 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1061 Acleris literana 1 18-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1136 Epinotia immundana 1 15-May-09 Daytime observation


1138 Epinotia nisella 1 18-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1139 Epinotia tenerana Nut Bud Moth

1 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1200 Eucosma hohenwartiana 2 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1201 Eucosma cana 1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


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Code Taxon Vernacular Qty. Date Method Stage

1398 Nomophila noctuella Rush Veneer 2 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1504 Platyptilia pallidactyla 1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1646 Watsonalla binaria Oak Hook-tip 1 13-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1652 Thyatira batis Peach Blossom

4 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1828 Eupithecia satyrata Satyr Pug 1 18-Sep-09 Daytime observation


1837 Eupithecia subfuscata Grey Pug 1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1893 Macaria liturata Tawny-barred Angle

1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1904 Plagodis dolabraria Scorched Wing

1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1935 Erannis defoliaria Mottled Umber

1 15-May-09 Daytime observation


1962 Hylaea fasciaria Barred Red 1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


1980 Smerinthus ocellata Eyed Hawk-moth

1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2006 Pheosia gnoma Lesser Swallow Prominent

1 13-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2091 Agrotis ipsilon Dark Sword-grass

1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2098 Axylia putris Flame 13 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2194 Mythimna albipuncta White-point 1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2197 Mythimna straminea Southern Wainscot

1 13-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2231 Aporophyla lutulenta Deep-brown Dart

4 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2232 Aporophyla nigra Black Rustic 7 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2248 Dryobotodes eremita Brindled Green

4 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2269 Atethmia centrago Centre-barred Sallow

1 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2270 Omphaloscelis lunosa Lunar Underwing

21 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2272 Xanthia aurago Barred Sallow 1 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2274 Xanthia icteritia Sallow 6 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


Code Taxon Vernacular Qty. Date Method Stage

2278 Acronicta megacephala Poplar Grey 1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2289 Acronicta rumicis Knot Grass 1 13-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2293 Cryphia domestica Marbled Beauty

2 13-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2330 Apamea remissa Dusky Brocade

7 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2334 Apamea sordens Rustic Shoulder-knot

2 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2338 Oligia versicolor Rufous Minor 1 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2364 Gortyna flavago Frosted Orange

4 18-Sep-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2368 Celaena leucostigma Crescent 1 13-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2410 Protodeltote pygarga Marbled White Spot

6 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2441 Autographa gamma Silver Y 1 13-Aug-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2462 Callistege mi Mother Shipton

1 15-May-09 Daytime observation


2489 Zanclognatha tarsipennalis

Fan-foot 4 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


2492 Herminia grisealis Small Fan-foot

2 25-Jun-09 MV Trap(s) (left overnight)


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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009



Grid Ref: TQ153959 Area: 79ha Wildlife site survey: 09.07.09

Surveyors: John Moss, Jean Williamson, Sophia Vader.

Location/aspect: Reservoir surrounded by open grassland and woodland, NE of Bushey.

Geology/soils: London clay

In July three volunteer Wildlife Site surveyors visited Hilfield to measure the quality of its grassland

against standard criteria for assessing the value of old grassland in Hertfordshire. The key to this

is the presence of certain indicator plant species considered to be indicative of old grassland. They

recorded 93 species, including 22 general grassland indicator species, comfortably exceeding

the required minimum of 12. Hilfield was subsequently confirmed by the Wildlife Site Project’s

Ratification Committee to be a Wildlife Site of County Importance. The surveyor’s report follows.

Site description. The reservoir was created in 1957. The OS Timeline map, based on 1834 OS

maps, shows the site as parkland with scattered trees, bisected by a watercourse flowing NW to

the River Colne, overlooked by Hilfield Lodge. The 1945 OS map shows the same boundaries, with

the only change the presence of a small lake, possibly ornamental. This suggests the remaining

grassland is old and possibly unimproved. It is therefore of considerable importance. Much has

been planted with trees, including non-native conifers and others around the margins, with more

recent plantations of mixed deciduous natives along the N and E sides.

Accordingly, around 90% of the earlier grassland has been lost. Nonetheless, there are large areas

of unimproved or semi-improved grassland around the pumping station, along the dam’s steep

bank, the NE end and upper areas of the E side. Possibly the most significant is the large area at

the S end, with scattered young Oaks, sloping to a marshy area around the lake. There appear to

be springs around the E and SE perimeter, possibly sources of the watercourse which once flowed

through the site, making the ground damp.

The survey’s purpose was to identify grassland indicator species and took the form of a transect

around the lake (see the attached map). Trees and shrubs were ignored, because most are non-

native or planted. Certain areas were subjected to closer scrutiny. Of 93 grassland species identified,

22 are general grassland indicators, including 18 neutral grassland indicators. See attached list.

There are almost certainly more. On a subsequent birding visit I noted probable Marsh Bedstraw

and Horsetail beside a path along the lake, off the transect route.

The most immediately rewarding area is around the pumping station, where Ladies Bedstraw,

Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Germander Speedwell, Meadow Buttercup, Black Knapweed, Ox-eye Daisy,

Meadow Vetchling, Agrimony, Lesser Hawkbit, Common Sorrel, Red Clover and others are present.

Some of these, particularly Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Meadow Buttercup, Meadow Vetchling, Black

Knapweed, Sorrel, Clovers and Agrimony were found along much of the transect route, suggesting

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


a consistency of herb species. Unfortunately they are being squeezed out in ranker areas,

particularly by Tufted Hair-grass and False Oat. Greater Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Lesser Stitchwort, Marsh

Thistle, and Meadow-sweet are frequent or occasional throughout the route, while small areas of

Bugle and Pignut were found.

Marginal vegetation on the lakeside was not examined, partly because much is not readily

accessible and partly to avoid the S end during the breeding season. However there are large stands

of Common Reed and Bullrush and a huge specimen of Great Soft Rush, a large non-native. A

systematic survey of marginal and emergent vegetation could be rewarding.

Surrounding areas. Airfield to the N with rank grassland on the margins. Rank grassland, similar

to that on the Reserve, to the E and roads to the S and W.

Fauna. Bird records are well documented. There is evidence of Moles and Rabbits and probably a

proliferation of small mammals and their predators. Many butterflies were seen, including Small

Copper (1), Large and Small/Green Veined Whites (many), Gatekeeper (15+), Small/Essex Skipper

(23+), Marbled White (20+), Ringlet (3), Meadow Brown (11), Comma (1), Peacock (1). There are

three exceptionally large Wych Elms on the SE margin, where White-letter Hairstreak has been

recorded. Purple Hairstreak may be present, given the age of some Oaks.

The age and continuity of the site, taken with the size and nature of some of the trees and the

open water, suggest it could also be a significant bat habitat. A bat survey might therefore be

productive, as could a study of invertebrates.

Management. Management of a site like this is not easy. However, around 80% of the original

land has been lost to the reservoir and perhaps a further 10% to woodland, making the remaining

grassland precious. Regular, but not excessive mowing of the area round the pumping station

seems to have achieved a balance between the need for neatness and maintenance of a very

diverse plant community, probably reflecting the site as a whole. Similarly, mowing and grazing by

rabbits and geese seems to be keeping ranker vegetation at bay on the dam. Diversity in mown

rides and paths is reasonable.

Elsewhere, plantation woodland and expansion of scrub, particularly bramble, into grassy rides and

glades and an explosion of Tufted Hair-grass, Thistle, False Oat and other ranker species in open

areas threatens seriously to reduce grassland quality and hence diversity. If encroaching scrub along

rides and glades could be pushed back and discreet areas of grassland, particularly at the S end,

could be mowed and raked, or ideally grazed, on a rotational basis, diversity might be stimulated.

John Moss

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


Grassland indicators (revised)

English name Latin name Ancient


Fen Calc Acid Neut Wet Gen



Agrimony Agrimonia


x x x O

Barley, Meadow Hordeum


x x R

Bedstraw, Lady’s Galium verum x x x LO

Bent, Common Agrostis capillaris x x x F

Bent, Creeping Agrostis stolonifera F

Bindweed, Field Convolvulus



Bindweed, Hedge Calystegia sepium F



Lotus corniculatus x x x F



Lotus pedunculatus x x x A

Bitter-cress, Hairy Cardamine hirsuta R

Bittersweet Solanum



Bramble Rubus fruticosus LA

Brome, Meadow Bromus


x x x R

Bugle Ajuga reptans x x x R

Bulrush Typha latifolia LD

Burdock, Greater Arctium lappa R



Ranunculus repens A



Ranunculus acris x x F

Cat’s-ear, Common Hypochoeris



Catstail, Smaller Phleum bertolonii O

Chervil, Rough Chaerophyllum





Potentilla reptans A

Clover, Red (Native


Trifolium pratense

pratense (Native)

x x x LO

Clover, White Trifolium repens LF

Cocksfoot Dactylis glomerata O

Couch, Bearded Elymus caninus R

Couch, Common Elytrigia repens R

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


Grassland indicators (revised)

English name Latin name Ancient


Fen Calc Acid Neut Wet Gen



Cranesbill, Dove’s-


Geranium molle O

Daisy Bellis perennis R

Daisy, Oxeye Leucanthemum


x x x LO

Dandelion family Taraxacum

officinale agg


Dock, Broad-leaved Rumex obtusifolius R

Dock, Clustered Rumex



Fern, Male Dryopteris filix-mas R

Fescue, Red


Festuca rubra (agg) LF

Figwort, Water Scrophularia


36 R



Myosotis arvensis O

Foxtail, Meadow Alopecurus



Goat’s-rue Galego officinalis R

Grass, Sweet




x x O

Ground Ivy Glechoma



Groundsel Senecio vulgaris R

Hair-grass, Tufted Deschampsia



Hawkbit, Lesser Leontodon saxatilis x x x x LF



Hieracium pilosella R



Galeopsis tetrahit R

Hogweed Heracleum



Horehound, Black Ballota nigra R

Ivy Hedera helix R

Knapweed, Black/


Centaurea nigra x x x LA

Madder, Field Sherardia arvensis R



Poa annua R

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


Grassland indicators (revised)

English name Latin name Ancient


Fen Calc Acid Neut Wet Gen





Poa trivialis F

Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria x x x LO

Medick, Black Medicago lupulina LF

Mint, Water Mentha aquatica LF






Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris R

Nettle, Stinging Urtica dioica LO

Oat-grass, False Arrhenatherum



Oxtongue, Bristly Picris echioides R

Parsley, Stone Sison amomum LF

Pignut Conopodium


x x x x R

Plantain, Ribwort Plantago lanceolata F

Ragwort, Hoary Senecio erucifolius O

Redshank Persicaria maculosa R

Reed, Common Phragmites


x LD

Rush, Hard Juncus inflexus O

Rush, Great Soft Juncus pallidas 69 R

Rush, Soft Juncus effusus O

Rush, Toad Juncus bufonius R



Lolium perenne O

Sedge, Hairy Carex hirta LF

Selfheal Prunella vulgaris F

Sorrel, Common Rumex acetosa x x O

Sow-thistle, Prickly Sonchus asper R





x x x R

Stitchwort, Lesser Stellaria graminea x x x F



Glyceria fluitans LF

Sweet-grass, Reed Glyceria maxima R

Tare, Hairy Vicia hirsuta 81 R

Tare, Smooth Vicia tetrasperma R

Teasel Dipsacus fullonum R

Thistle, Creeping Cirsium arvense LA

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


Grassland indicators (revised)

English name Latin name Ancient


Fen Calc Acid Neut Wet Gen



Thistle, Marsh Cirsium palustre x x x LA

Thistle, Spear Cirsium vulgare R

Vetch, Common Vicia sativa, R

Vetch, Tufted Vicia cracca x x x O

Vetchling, Meadow Lathyrus pratensis x x F

Willowherb, Great Epilobium hirsutum LF

Willowherb, Hoary Epilobium





Stachys sylvatica R






Yarrow Achillea millefolium F

Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus A

Total number of indicators 2 4 9 4 18 4 22

Total grassland species (richness): 95

Minimum size of site 1 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

Species threshold 10 5 8 5 8 5 12

Other Grassland Criteria

Grassland sites which do not meet the above criteria but which have two or more of the

following features and are >0.5ha:

Ridge and furrow

Large anthills

Veteran trees x

Flood meadow/pools/standing water x

Other archeaological features

Ancient hedgerows

Total no. features

Species-rich semi-imp ADJACENT to WS:

Grassland sites >0.5ha which do not meet any of the above criteria but are adjacent to another

habitat of Wildlife Site quality and have at least 12 species of native grasses typical of permanent

grassland or at least 50 species of vascular plant characteristic of this habitat.

Grassland species threshold 50

Grasses threshold 12

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Hilfield Park Reservoir Wildlife Report 2009


The Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust is a charity dedicated to protecting wildlife and wild

places for everyone for the future. We have 21,000 members and are one of 47 local Wildlife Trusts

across the UK.

We safeguard and manage 43 nature reserves. Our vision is for an environment rich in wildlife for

everyone. Our mission is to rebuild biodiversity and engage people with their environment.

Our aim is to be the most active and influential wildlife champion in the counties.

Elstree Aerodrome

Main entrance

Hilfield Castle

Flying club

Boat house


Hilfield Park Reservoir

Hilfield Lane




Bio Products Laboratory



